Anatomy Of Flowering Plants Multiple Choice Questions
Question 1. Identify the wrong statement in the context of Heartwood—
- It is highly durable
- It conducts water and minerals efficiently
- It comprises dead elements with highly lignified walls
- Organic compounds are deposited in it
Answer: 2. It conducts water and minerals efficiently
Question 2. The vascular cambium normally gives rise to—
- Primary phloem
- Secondary xylem
- Periderm
- Phelloderm
Answer: 2. Secondary xylem
Question 3. Which of the following is made up of dead cells?
- Collenchyma
- Phellem
- Phloem
- Xylem parenchyma
Answer: 2. Phellem
Question 4. The cortex is the region found between—
- Epidermis And Stele
- Pericycle And Endodermis
- Endodermis And Pith
- Endodermis And Vascular Bundle
Answer: 1. Epidermis And Stele
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Question 5. The balloon-shaped structures called tyloses—
- Originate in the lumen of vessels
- Characterised the sapwood
- Are extensions of xylem parenchyma cells into vessels
- Are linked to the ascent of sap through xylem vessels
Answer: 3. Are extensions of xylem parenchyma cells into vessels
Question 6. Read the different components from (a) to (d) in the list given below and tell the correct order of the components with reference to their arrangement from the outer side to the inner side in a woody dicot stem—
- Secondary cortex
- Wood
- Secondary phloem
- Phellem
The correct order is—
- 4,3,1,2
- 3,4,2,1
- 1,2,4,3
- 4,1,3,2
Answer: 4. 4,1,3,2
Question 7. Tracheids differ from other tracheary elements in—
- Having Casparian strips
- Being imperforate
- Lacking nucleus
- Being lignified
Answer: 2. Being imperforate
Question 8. You are given a fairly old piece of dicot stem and a dicot root. Which of the following anatomical structures will you use to distinguish between the two?
- Secondary xylem
- Secondary phloem
- Protoxylem
- Cortical cells
Answer: 3. Protoxylem
Question 9. Which of the following tissues provide maximum mechanical support to plant organs?
- Sclerenchyma
- Collenchyma
- Parenchyma
- Aerenchyma
Answer: 1. Sclerenchyma
Question 10. Which of the following parts of the dicot root is made up of cells with suberin deposition in tangential as well as radial walls?
- Epidermis
- Endodermis
- Cortex
- Pericycle
- Xylem
Answer: 1. Epidermis
Question 11. Which of the following characters are not applicable to the anatomy of the dicot stem choose the correct options given below.
- Collenchymatous hypodermis
- Polyarch xylem
- The presence of Casparian strips on the endodermis
- Open vascular bundle
The presence of medullary rays of these Select the correct answer using the codes given below—
- 1,4, and 5
- 2 and 3
- 2 and 5
- 1,2, and 3
- 3,4 and 5
Answer: 2. 2 and 3
Question 12. Which of these characteristics does/does not apply to the vascular bundle of the monocot stem?
- Conjoint
- Endarch protoxylem
- Open
- Phloem parenchyma is absent
Select the correct answer using the codes given below—
- 1 and 2
- 2 and 3
- 3 and 4
- only 3
- 1 and 4
Answer: 4. only 3
Question 13. When one wood is lighter in colour with a lower density, the other wood is darker with a higher density. They are—
- Springwood and autumnwood
- Heartwood and latewood
- Springwood and earlywood
- Sapwood and springwood
- Autumn wood and springwood
Answer: 1. Springwood and autumn wood
Question 14. The epidermal hairs present on the stem of the plant are called
- Trichomes
- Root hair
- Stomata
- Guard cells
Answer: 1. Trichomes
Question 15. Choose the incorrect statement
- Gymnosperms lack vessels in their xylem
- The cell wall of collenchyma is made up of cellulose, hemicellulose and pectin
- The first formed primary xylem elements are called protoxylem
- The cell wall of parenchyma is made up of pectin
- Gymnosperms have albuminous cells and sieve cells in their phloem
Answer: 4. The cell wall of parenchyma is made up of pectin
Question 16. In a dicotyledonous stem, which of the following is the sequence of tissues from inside to outside?
- Pith, phloem, cambium, protoxylem, metaxylem, pericycle, parenchyma, collenchyma, endodermis and epidermis
- Pith, cambium, phloem, protoxylem, metaxylem, pericycle, endodermis, parenchyma, collenchyma and epidermis
- Pith, phloem, protoxylem, metaxylem, cambium, pericycle, endodermis, parenchyma, collenchyma and epidermis
- Pith, protoxylem, metaxylem, cambium, phloem, pericycle, endodermis, parenchyma, collenchyma and epidermis
Answer: 4. Pith, protoxylem, metaxylem, cambium, phloem, pericycle, endodermis, parenchyma, collenchyma and epidermis
Question 17. A piece of wood having no vessels (trachea) must belong to
- Teak
- Mango
- Pine
- Palm
Answer: 3. Pine
Question 18. Which one of the following has bast fibres?
- Parenchyma
- Sclerenchyma
- Phloem
- Xylem
Answer: 3. Phloem
Question 19. The arrangement of vascular tissue in the androcentric vascular bundle is—
- Concentric
- Radial
- Collateral
- Bicollateral
Answer: 1. Concentric
Question 20. A simple, living permanent tissue which is absent in roots is—
- Collenchyma
- Chlorenchyma
- Aerenchyma
- Parenchyma
Answer: 2. Chlorenchyma
Question 21. A layer of cells impervious to water because of a band of suberised matrix is called the—
- Endodermis
- Caspairan strip
- Plasmodesmata
- None of these
Answer: 2. Caspairan strip
Question 22. Which is a living mechanical tissue?
- Phloem
- Parenchyma
- Collenchyma
- Sclerenchyma
Answer: 3. Collenchyma
Question 23. The age of a tree can be estimated by—
- Its height and girth
- Biomass
- Number of annual rings
- Diameter of its heartwood
Answer: 3. Number of annual rings
Question 24. Which one of the following characters is not found in the transverse section of the monocot stem?
- Sclerenchyma bundle sheath
- Lysigenous cavity
- Sclerenchymatous hypodermis
- Starch sheath
Answer: 4. Starch sheath
Question 25. Identify the correct pair of statements.
- The functions of sieve tubes are controlled by the nucleus of companion cells.
- Albuminous cells are present in angiosperms.
- In dicot root, the vascular cambium is completely secondary in origin.
- Cylindrical meristems contribute to the formation of the primary plant body.
Choose the correct answer
- 1 and 3
- 3 and 4
- 1 and 2
- 2 and 3
Answer: 1. 1 and 3
Question 26. Interfascicular cambium is a—
- Primary meristematic tissue
- Primordial meristem
- Type of protoderm
- Secondary meristematic tissue
Answer: 4. Secondary meristematic tissue
Question 27. Which of the following is calcium carbonate?
- Raffides
- Druces
- Cystolith
- All of these
Answer: 3. Cystolith
Question 28. In pteridophytes, phloem is without—
- Sieve cells
- Sieve tubes
- Companion cells
- Bast fibres
Answer: 3. Companion cells
Question 29. Hydrophytes are characterised by
- The presence of sclerenchyma
- The presence of aerenchyma
- The absence of aerenchyma
- The presence of root nodules
Answer: 2. The presence of aerenchyma
Question 30. Casparian strips are present in the
- Epiblema
- Cortex
- Pericycle
- Endodermis
Answer: 4. Endodermis
Question 31. Interfascicular cambium develops from—
- Medullary rays
- Xylem parenchyma
- Endodermis
- Price
Answer: 1. Medullary rays
Question 32. Which one of the following pairs is an example of lateral meristem?
- Phellogen and phelloderm
- Phellogen and fascicular cambium
- Procambium and phelloderm
- Interfascicular cambium and phellem
Answer: 2. Phellogen and fascicular cambium