WBBSE For Class 9 Life Science Chapter 2 Levels Of Organization Of Life MCQS

Chapter 2 Levels Of Organization Of Life MCQs

Question 1. The biomolecules are —
(1) Unique to life
(2) Organic in nature
(3) The product of biological activity
(4) All of these

Answer: (4) All of these.

Question 2. The most abundant inorganic compound in living organism is —
(1) Sodium chloride
(2) Water
(3) Phosphoric acid
(4) Calcium Carbonate

Answer: (2) Water.

Question 3. Goitre results due to the deficiency of —
(1) Iron
(2) Zinc
(3) Iodine
(4) Sodium

Answer: (3) Iodine.

Question 4, Which of the following are derived lipids ?
(1) Stery! ester
(2) Steroids
(3) Neutral fats
(4) Waxes

Answer: (2) Steroids.

Question 5. The sugar present is nucleotide is always —
(1) Deoxyribose
(2) Ribose
(3) Both a and b ”
(4) A pentose sugar

Answer: (4) A pentose sugar.

Question 6. How many types of nitrogenous bases are found in the nucleic acid ?
(1) 2
(2) 4
(3) 5
(4) 6

Answer: (1) 2.

Question 7. Monosacchrides are —
(1) Simple sugar –
(2) Compound sugar
(3) Derived sugar
(4) None

Answer: (1) Simple sugar.

Question 8. Macromolecule is —
(1) Glucose
(2) Nucleic acid
(3) Amino acid
(4) All

Answer: (2) Nucleic acid.

Question 9. An enzyme activator mineral element is —
(1) Mg
(2) Ca
(3) Mn
(4) All

Answer: (4) All.

Question 10. A substance used as heat insulator is —
(1) Corbohydrate
(2) Protein
(3) Lipid
(4) Starch

Answer: (3) Lipid.

Chapter 2 Levels Of Organization Of Life CELL

Question 1. Branch of biology dealing with the study of cells is —
(1) Histology
(2) Cytology
(3) Morphology
(4) Ecology

Answer: (2) Cytology

Question 2. Which structure of animal cell is characterised by selective permeability?
(1) Cell wall
(2) Ribosome
(3) Chromosome
(4) Cell membrane

Answer: (4) Cell membrane

Question 3. Cell membrane is mainly composed of —
(1) Protein and sugar
(2) Protein and lipid t
(3) Starch and lipid
(4) Sugar and minerals

Answer: (2) Protein and lipid

Question 4. Golgi body originates from —
(1) Cell membrane
(2) Endoplasmic reticulum
(3) Cytoplasm
(4) Nuclear membrane

Answer: (2) Endoplasmic reticulum

Question 5. Protein factory of the cell is —
(1) Centrosome
(2) Chromosome
(3) Ribosome
(4) Lysosome

Answer: (3) Ribosome

Question 6. In which one of the following, DNA is absent?
(1) Mitochondria
(2) Chloro plast
(3) Peroxisome
(4) Nucleus

Answer: (3) Peroxisome

Question 7. Suicidal bag of the cell is —
(1) Centrosome
(2) Peroxisome
(3) Lysosome
(4) Chromosome

Answer: (3) Lysosome

Question 8. Which of the following is Lysosome of plant cell?
(1) Sphaerosome
(2) Peroxisome
(3) Glyoxysome
(4) Microsome

Answer: (1) Sphaero some

Question 9. The chief constituent of cell wall is —
(1) Lipid
(2) Salt
(3) Carbohydrate
(4) Protein

Answer: (3) Carbohydrate

Question 10. True nucleus is not found in —
(1) Protozoa
(2) Bacteria
(3) Funge
(4) Algae

Answer: (2) Bacteria

Question 11. Covering membrane of vacuole is — e
(1) Cell wall
(2) Cell membrane
(3) Tonoplant
(4) Chloroplast

Answer: (3) Tonoplast

Question 12. Beside nucleus, DNA is also found in —
(1) Endoplasmic reticulum
(2) Chloroplast
(3) Ribosome
(4) Golgibody

Answer: (2) Chloroplast.

Question 13. Largest cell is —
(1) Ramie fibre
(2) Acetabularia
(3) Egg of ostrich
(4) Neuron

Answer: (3) Egg of ostrich

Question 14. Quantasome remains within —
(1) Chloroplast
(2) Leucoplast
(3) Chromoplast
(4) Tonoplast

Answer: (1) Chloroplast

Question 15. “Power house of the cell” is —
(1) Golgi body
(2) Chloroplast
(3) Mitochondria
(4) Nucleus

Answer: (3) Mitochondria.

Question 16. Who defined protoplasm as a physical basis of life?
(1) Schwann
(2) Watson
(3) Huxley
(4) Dujardin

Answer: (4) Dujardin

Question 17. Dictyosomes are —
(1) Type of ribosomes
(2) Type of flagellalid organelle
(3) Respiratory particle
(4) Golgi bodies

Answer: (4) Golgi bodies

Question 18. The organelle found between cell wall of two cells is called —
(1) Microsome
(2) Middle lamella
(3) Lysosome
(4) Desmosome

Answer: (2) Middle lamella :

Question 19. “Fluid mosaic model” of cell membrane is given by —
(1) Robert Borown
(2) Singer & Nicholson
(3) Schleiden & Schwann
(4) Schimpher

Answer: (2) Singer & Nicholson

Question 20. Hydrolytic enzymes are present in —
(1) Mitochondria
(2) Golgi bodies
(3) Lysosome
(4) Plastids

Answer: (3) Lysosome

Question 21. Which one of the following is the seat of all metabolic activites of the
(1) Cytoplasm
(2) Nucleus
(3) Mitochondria
(4) Endoplasmic reticulum

Answer: (1) Cytoplasm

Question 22. The “cell theory” is also known as —
(1) Cell biology
(2) Cytology
(3) Cell doctrine
(4) All of these

Answer: (3) Cell doctrine

Question 23. The cell theory was proposed by —
(1) Singer and Nicholson
(2) Schleiden and Schwann
(3) Singer and Schwann
(4) Schleiden and Nicholson

Answer: (2) Scheliden and Schwann’

Question 24. The term “Plastid” was coined by — .
(1) Haeckel
(2) Strasburger
(3) Virchon
(4) Flemming

Answer: (1) Haeckel

Question 25. Protoplasmic strands between adjacent plant cells are —
(1) Ectodesmata
(2) Desmosome
(3) Proto plasmic fibrils
(4) Plasmodesmata

Answer: (4) Plasmodesmata

Question 26. Cristae occurs in —
(1) Golgi bodies
(2) Nucleus
(3) Mitochondria
(4) ER

Answer: (3) Mitochondria

Question 27. Endoplasmic reticulum remains attached to —
(1) Mitochondria
(2) Golgibodies
(3) Nuclear envelope
(4) Chloroplasts

Answer: (3) Nuclear envelope

Question 28. Robert Brown discovered —
(1) Cell wall
(2) Nucleolus
(3) Mitochondria
(4) Nucleus

Answer: (4) Nucleus

Question 29. Which organelle is present only is plants?
(1) Glyoxysome
(2) Ribosome
(3) Lysosome
(4) Peroxysome

Answer: (1) Glyoxysome

Question 30. Leucoplast can be —
(1) Amyloplast
(2) Elaioplast
(3) Aleuroneplast
(4) Any of these

Answer: (4) Any of these

Question 31. Cell theory is the not applicable for —
(1) Bacteria
(2) Fungi
(3) Algael
(4) Virus

Answer: (4) Virus

Question 32. Which one of these cell organelles lacks membrane?
(1) Mesosome
(2) Ribosome
(3) Mitochondria
(4) Liposome

Answer: (2) Ribosome

33. Plant cell normally lacks —
(1) Ribosome
(2) Golgi bodies
(3) Centriole
(4) Cell membrane

Answer: (3) Centriole

34. Which one of the following structure is an organelle within an organelle?
(1) Ribosome
(2) Peroxisome
(3) ER
(4) Mesosome

Answer: (2) Peroxisome

35. What is mitoplast?
(1) Membraneless mitochondria
(2) Another name of mitochondria
(3) Mitochondria without outer membrane
(4) Mitochondria without inner membrane

Answer: (3) Mitochondria without outer membrane

36. The animal cells are interconnected by —
(1) Plasmodesmata
(2) Cell wall
(3) Desmosome
(4) Plasma membrane

Answer: (3) Desmosome

37. Prokaryotic cell does not have —
(1) Nucleolus
(2) Membrane bound organelles
(3) Centrioles
(4) All of these.

Answer: (4) All of these.

Chapter 2 Levels Of Organization Of Life Tissue MCQs

Question 1. Basement membrane is associated with —
(1) Epithelial tissue
(2) Connective tissue
(3) Muscular tissue
(4) Nervous tissue

Answer: (1) Epithelial tissue

Question 2. Nucleus is absent in —
(1) Neutrophil
(2) Eosinophil
(3) Basophil
(4) Erythrocytes

Answer: (2) Eosinophil

Question 3. Intercalated disc is present in —
(1) Striated muscle
(2) Smoooth musele
(3) Cardiac muscle
(4) None of them.

Answer: (3) Cardiac muscle.

Question 4. The outermost covering of neurone is —
(1) Axalemma
(2) Neuro lemma
(3) Myelin sheath
(4) None of them

Answer: (2) Neuro lemma

Question 5. Scale like tissue is represented by —
(1) Squamores epitheliuan
(2) Columnar epithelium
(3) Cuboidal epithelium
(4) Ciliated epithelium

Answer: (2) Columnar epithelium

Question 6. Columnar epithelium is found in —
(1) Stomach
(2) Small intestine
(3) Large intestine
(4) Sweat gland

Answer: (2) Small intestine

Question 7. Lymphoid tissues are found in —
(1) Thymus gland
(2) Sweat gland
(3) Liver gland
(4) Stomach

Answer: (1) Thymus gland

Question 8. The tissue forms padding under the skin is —
(1) Areolar tissue
(2) Adipose tissue
(3) Bone
(4) Cartilage

Answer: (2) Adipose tissue

Question 9. Tendon is an example of —
(1) Cartilage
(2) Fibrous connective tissue
(3) Muscular tissue
(4) Adipose tissue

Answer: (2) Fibrous connective tissue

Question 10. Connective tissue which joins muscle to bones is —
(1) Ligament
(2) Tendon
(3) Cartilage
(4) All

Answer: (2) Tendon

Question 11. The tissue concerned with the perception and response of animals is —
(1) Muscular tissue
(2) Nerve tissue
(3) Connective tissue
(4) Epithelial tissue

Answer: (2) Nerve tissue

Question 12. The tissue present at the joining between two long bones is —
(1) Tendon
(2) Ligaments
(3) Epithelial
(4) Nerve tissue

Answer: (2) Ligaments

Question 13. A part of the body to perform some specified function is —
(1) Cell
(2) Tissue
(3) Organs
(4) System

Answer: (3) OrgAnswer:

Question 14. Tissue is formed by —
(1) Similar cells with same metabolic activity
(2) Similar cells with different metabolic activity
(3) Dissimilar cells with same function
(4) Similar cells with similar origin

Answer: (4) Similar cells with similar origin

Question 15. “Pavement epithelium” refers to —
(1) Columnar epithelium
(2) Squamous epithelium
(3) Cuboidal epithelium
(4) Pseudo stratified epithelium

Answer: (2) Squamous epithelium.

Question 16. Ciliated epithelium in our body is found in —
(1) Vagina
(2) Trachea
(3) Bile duct
(4) Loop of Henley

Answer: (2) Trachea.

Question 17. Who first used the lerm tissue ?
(1) Myer
(2) Mapighi
(3) Xavier
(4) Linneus

Answer: (3) Xavier.

Question 18. Sensory epithelium is modified into —
(1) Squamous epithelium
(2) Columnar cells
(3) Giliated cells
(4) Stratified cells

Answer: (2) Columnar cells.

Question 19. Tearing of ligament is called —
(1) Sprain
(2) Dislocation
(3) Fracture
(4) Break

Answer: (1) Sprain.

Question 20. Which of the following stores histamine and serotonin?
(1) Macrophages
(2) Mast cells
(3) Fibroblasts
(4) Plasma cells

Answer: (2) Mast cells.

Question 21. Haversian system is a feature of —
(1) Reptilean bone
(2) Mammalian bone
(3) Avian bone
(4) All animals

Answer: (2) Mammalian bone

Question 22. Cells forming cartilage are called —
(1) Osteoblast
(2) Fibroblast
(3) Chondrocytes
(4) Epiblasts

Answer: (3) Chondrocytes

Question 23. Mast cells are found in —
(1) Connective tissue
(2) Muscles
(3) Epithelial tissue
(4) Nerve cell

Answer: (1) Connective tissue

Question 24. Adipose tissue is rich in—
(1) Mast cells
(2) Fat cells
(3) Lymphocytes
(4) Monocytes

Answer: (2) Fat cells

Question 25. Most abundant protein in the muscle is —
(1) Actin
(2) Myosin
(3) Myoglobin
(4) Tropomyocin

Answer: (2) Myosin

Question 26. The nerve cells do not have —
(1) Microtubules
(2) Mitochondria
(3) Nucleus
(4) Centrosome

Answer: (4) Centrosome

Question 27. Nodes of Ranvier are found in —
(1) Cyton
(2) Dendron
(3) Axon
(4) Dendrites

Answer: (3) Axon

Question 28. Main property of nervous tissue is —
(1) Contraction
(2) Irritability
(3) Excitability
(4) both b and c

Answer: (4) Both b and c

Question 29. Areolar conncetive tissue joins —
(1) Bone with bones
(2) Fat body with muscle
(3) Integument with muscte
(4) Bone with muscle

Answer: (3) Integument with muscle

Question 30. Which one of the following is not a connective tissue —
(1) Bone
(2) Cartilage
(3) Blood
(4) Muscle

Answer: (4) Muscle

Question 31. Bone marrow is absent in —
(1) Reptilia
(2) Amphibia
(3) Mammalia
(4) Birds

Answer: (4) Birds

Question 32. The science which deals with the study of tissue is called —
(1) anatomy
(2) histology
(3) histogen
(4) tissue system

Answer: (2) histology

Question 33. Apical, Intercalary and lateral meristems are differentialed on the basis of —
(1) development
(2) origin
(3) function
(4) position

Answer: (2) origin

Question 34. Intercalary meristem is found in —
(1) Root
(2) Stem tip
(3) Petiole and internodes
(4) Latex

Answer: (3) Petiole and internodes

Question 35. The simple tissue having thinnest wall in plant is —
(1) Parenchyma
(2) Collenchyma
(3) Aerenchyma
(4) Sclerenchyma

Answer: (1) Parenchyma.

Question 36. The xylem of stem is —
(1) Exarch
(2) Endarch
(3) Mesarch
(4) None of them

Answer: (2) Endarch.

Question 37. Vascular bundle in the dicot stem is —
(1) open collateral
(2) closed collateral
(3) open bicollateral
(4) closed bicollateral

Answer: (1) open collateral.

Question 38. The living element of xylem is —
(1) xylem parenchyma
(2) xylem fibre
(3) tracheid
(4) trachea

Answer: (1) xylem parenchyma

Question 39. The photosynthetic parenchyma is —
(1) Chlorenchyma
(2) Idioblast
(3) Aerenchyma
(4) Sclerenchyma

Answer: (1) Chlorenchyma

Question 40. Meristematic tissue originates from —
(1) Pro-meristem
(2) Apical meristem
(3) Lateral meristem
(4) Cambium

Answer: (1) Pro-meristem

Question 41. Example of lateral meristem is —
(1) Cork cambium
(2) Interfascicular cambium
(3) Fascicular cambiun
(4) All of these

Answer: (4) All of these

Question 42. The tissue which consists of dead cells with thickened lignified wall is—
(1) Parenchyma
(2) Collenchyma
(3) Sclerenchyma
(4) None of these

Answer: (3) Sclerenchyma

Question 43. The dead element of phloem tissue is —
(1) Phloem fibre
(2) Phloem parenchyma
(3) Seive tube
(4) Companion cells

Answer: (1) Phloem fibre

Question 44. The category of plant tissue that have lost their ability to multiply is—
(1) Parenchyma
(2) Collenchyma
(3) Sclerenchyma
(4) All of these

Answer: (4) All of these

Question 45. Air cavity containing parenchyma is called —
(1) Chlorenchyma
(2) Aerenchyma
(3) Prosenchyma
(4) Mesenchyma

Answer: (2) Aerenchyma

Question 46. Palisade is a type of —
(1) Parenchyma
(2) Chlorenchyma
(3) Photosynthetic tissue
(4) All of the above

Answer: (4) All of the above

Question 47. Science which deals with the study of tissue is called —
(1) Anatomy
(2) Histology
(3) Tissue System
(4) Histogen

Answer: (2) Histology

Question 48. The cells which can perpetuate themselves are —
(1) Perpetual cells
(2) Permanent cells
(3) Meristematic cell
(4) Old, inactive cell

Answer: (3) Meristematic cell

Question 49. Asimple tissue is always —
(1) Living
(2) Thin walled
(3) Homogenous
(4) Storage

Answer: (3) Homogenous

Question 50. Primary growth in plants occures due to the activity of —
(1) Apical meristem
(2) Intercalary meristem
(3) Cambium
(4) Both a and b

Answer: (4) both a and b

Question 51. A Cambium is always —
(1) Primary in origin
(2) Secondary in origein
(3) Lateral in position
(4) Present in vascular bundle

Answer: (3) Lateral in position

Question 52. Identify the totally dead plant tissue —
(1) Phloem
(2) Xylem
(3) Sclerenchyma
(4) Both b and c

Answer: (3) Sclerenchyma

Question 53. Water conducting elements in angiosperm are —
(1) Vessels
(2) Tracheids
(3) Tracheae
(4) All of these

Answer: (4) All of these

Question 54. The only living component of xylem tissue is —
(1) tracheae
(2) xylem parenchyma
(3) xylem fibre
(4) tracheids

Answer: (2) xylem parenchyma

Question 55. The only dead cell of phloem tissue is —
(1) Phloem fibre
(2) Phloem parenchyma
(3) Seive tube
(4) Companian cell

Answer: (1) Phloem fibre

Question 56. Chlorophyll:containing parenchyma is called —
(1) Sclerenchyma
(2) Collenchyma
(3) Chlorenchyma
(4) Arenchyma

Answer: (3) Chlorenchyma

Question 57. The conducting tissue in plants are —
(1) xylem
(2) phloem
(3) meristematic tissue
(4) both a and b

Answer: (4) both a and b

Question 58. The cells having capacity to divide are—
(1) meristematic cell
(2) xylem
(3) phloem
(4) all

Answer: (1) meristematic cell

Question 59. Parenchyma with large air sacs are called —
(1) Chlorenchyma
(2) Aerenchyma
(3) Collenchyma
(4) Sclerenchyma

Answer: (2) Aerenchyma

Question 60. Cell wall thickened at corner in—
(1) Collenchyma
(2) Parenchyma
(3) Sclerenchyma
(4) None of these

Answer: (1) Collenchyma

Question 61. Stone cells are—
(1) Xylem
(2) Phloem
(3) Sclereids
(4) Fibres

Answer: (3) Sclereids

Question 62. Meristematic tissue develop from —
(1) Permanent tissue
(2) Cambium
(3) Promeristem
(4) Phloem

Answer: (3) Promeristem

Question 63. Most efficient conducting element of xylem is —
(1) Tracheids
(2) Vessels
(3) Xylem fibre
(4) All of these

Answer: (2) Vessels

Chapter 2 Levels Of Organization Of Life Major Organs Of Human Body MCQs

Question 1. Alimentary system is concerned with —
(1) circulation
(2) digestion
(3) respiration
(4) excretion

Answer: (2) digestion

Question 2. The ‘U’ shaped Duodenum is the part of —
(1) first part of the small intestine
(2) middle part of the small intestine
(3) last part of the small intestine
(4) large intestine.

Answer: (1) first part of the small intestine

Question 3. Lungs are the parts of ——
(1) alimentary system
(2) excretory system
(3) respiratory system
(4) circulatory system

Answer: (3) respiratory system

Question 4. Stomach consists of —
(1) two
(2) three
(3) four
(4) five parts

Answer: (1) two

Question 5. Kidney is a part of —
(1) respiratory system
(2) excretory system
(3) circulatory system
(4) alimentary system

Answer: (2) excretory system

Question 6. The pumping organ of blood is —
(1) kidney
(2) lungs
(3) heart
(4) stomach

Answer: (3) heart

Question 7. One of the functions of the alimentary system is —
(1) respiration
(2) digestion
(3) excretion
(4) circulation

Answer: (2) digestion

Question 8. Human heart is composed of — chambers.
(1) one
(2) two
(3) three
(4) four

Answer: (4) four


WBBSE For Class 9 History And Environment Chapter 6 The Second World War And Its AfterMath MCQS

Chapter 6 The Second World War And Its Aftermath MCQs

Question 1. The main cause of World War II was the
(1) Balkan War
(2) Russo-German War
(3) World War I
(4) Anglo-French War

Answer: (3) World War I

Question 2. Chamberlain took an assurance from Hitler that Germany would be satisfied by
(1) Occupation of Rhineland
(2) Occupation of Poland
(3) Cession to her of Sudetenland
(4) Cession to her of Baltic states

Answer: (2) Occupation of Poland

Question 3. A secret additional pact to divide Poland was made between
(1) Russia and Germany
(2) Germany and Italy
(3) Italy and France
(4) England and France

Answer: (1) Russia and Germany

Question 4. To plan global military strategy, top Allied leaders held a series of conferences such as the one at
(1) Versailles
(2) Paris
(3) Tehran
(4) Berlin

Answer: (3) Tehran

Question 5. After the end of the Second World War, the two major world powers were
(1) Britain and France
(2) U.S.A and Britain
(3) Russia and France
(4) U.S.A and Russia

Answer: (4) U.S.A and Russia

Question 6. At the Munich Conference in 1938, a region of this nation was given to Adolf Hitler by the British and the French
(1) Czechoslovakia
(2) Poland
(3) Holland
(4) Austria

Answer: (1) Czechoslovakia

Question 7. Which Allied army fought its way to Berlin and reached the city first?
(1) England
(2) France
(3) Soviet Russia
(4) U.S.A

Answer: (3) Soviet Russia

Question 8. What was the last major attempt at a peaceful resolution with Germany before the outbreak of World War IT?
(1) Potsdam Conference
(2) The Washington Conference
(3) The Munich Conference
(4) Yalta Conference

Answer: (3) The Munich Conference

Question 9. The main Axis Powers of World War II consisted of
(1) Germany, Finland, Japan
(2) Germany, Italy, Japan
(3) Germany, Russia, Italy
(4) Germany, Italy, Belgium

Answer: (4) Germany, Italy, Japan

Question 10. The term ‘D-Day’ refers to
(1) Allied invasion of the coast of Normandy
(2) Allied invasion of Italy
(3) Allied invasion of Germany
(4) Allied invasion of Poland

Answer: (1) Allied invasion of the coast of Normandy

Question 11. When did Hitler become the Chancellor of Germany?
(1) 1793
(2) 1795
(3) 1796
(4) 1801

Answer: (2) 1795

Question 12. World War II broke out on
(1) 1 September 1938
(2) 3 September 1939
(3) 9 August 1937
(4) 5 December 1933

Answer: (2) 3 September 1939

Question 13. What agreement did Hitler defy when the invasion of the USSR began?
(1) Hitler-Stalin agreement
(2) Molotov-Ribbentrop
(3) Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
(4) Treaty of Versailles

Answer: (2) Molotov-Ribbentrop

Question 14. What day was the invasion of Normandy or D-Day?
(1) 6 June 1943
(2) 6 June 1944
(3) 12 May 1940
(4) 3 September 1946

Answer: (2) 6 June 1944

Question 15. What caused the United States to enter the war on the side of the Allies?
(1) Germany’s invasion of France
(2) Germany’s invasion of Poland
(3) Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbour
(4) Russia‘s entry into the War

Answer: (3) Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbour

Question 16. The real cause of the American entry into the Second World War was
(1) Japanese air attack on Pearl Harbour.
(2) Hitler’s invasion of Russia,
(3) Hitler’s invasion of Poland.
(4) None of the above

Answer: (1) Japanese air attack on Pearl Harbour.

Question 17. In the Munich Agreement, it was agreed that
(1) The German army should occupy Sudetenland.
(2) The German army should occupy the whole of Czechoslovakia.
(3) Germany should occupy Poland.
(4) None of the above

Answer: (1) The German army should occupy Sudetenland.

Question 18. The first instance of the Anglo-French appeasement of Hitler was the Anschluss which means
(1) The union of Austria with Poland.
(2) The union of Austria with Germany.
(3) The union of Italy with Austria.
(4) None of the above

Answer: (2) The union of Austria with Germany.

Question 19. The immediate cause of the Second World War was
(1) Hitler’s goodbye to the League of Nations.
(2) the imposition of the Treaty of Versailles.
(3) Hitler’s assault upon Poland.
(4) None of the above

Answer: (1) Hitler’s assault upon Poland.

Question 20. The Second World War came to an end with the
(1) Surrender of Italy.
(2) Surrender of Japan.
(3) Surrender of Germany.
(4) None of the above

Answer: (2) Surrender of Japan.

Question 21. Which event is generally considered to be the first belligerent act of World War II?
(1) Germany’s attack on Russia.
(2) Germany’s attack on Britain.
(3) Germany’s attack on Poland.
(4) None of the above

Answer: (3) Germany’s attack on Poland.

Question 22. Which two countries were the first to declare war on Germany?
(1) Italy and Greece.
(2) Britain and France.
(3) Norway and Denmark.
(4) None of the above

Answer: (2) Britain and France.

Question 23. What were the first two Western European countries that Germany invaded?
(1) France and Belgium.
(2) Norway and Denmark.
(3) Switzerland and Denmark.
(4) None of the above

Answer: (2) Norway and Denmark.

Question 24. What happened at Dunkirk in May 1940?
(1) British forces retreated across the English Channel.
(2) American forces invaded France. 4
(3) The French army lost a major battle.
(4) None of the above

Answer: (1) British forces retreated across the English Channel.

Question 25. What was Hitler’s primary justification for the invasion of Russia?
(1) Hitler believed that a war on two fronts would be to his advantage.
(2) Stalin was preparing to attack Germany.
(3) Germany needed more space for its population.
(4) None of the above

Answer: (3) Germany needed more space for its population.

Question 26. Which country was the site of most of the Nazi extermination camps?
(1) Hungary.
(2) Poland.
(3) Czechoslovakia.
(4) None of the above

Answer: (2) Poland.

Question 27. The Battle of Stalingrad was
(1) One of the deadliest battles in history.
(2) Primarily a tank battle.
(3) An easy victory for Germany.
(4) None of the above

Answer: (1) One of the deadliest battles in history.

Question 28. Who met at Casablanca?
(1) Truman, Roosevelt and Stalin.
(2) Roosevelt and Churchill.
(3) Stalin, Hitler and Churchill.
(4) None of the above

Answer: (2) Roosevelt and Churchill.

Question 29. At which conference did the Allies set the terms for the Japanese surrender?
(1) The Yalta Conference.
(2) The Tehran Conference.
(3) The Potsdam Conference.
(4) None of the above

Answer: (3) The Potsdam Conference.

Question 30. On June 21, 1940, the French Government was compelled to sign a treaty of surrender
(1) In a railway coach at Champagne.
(2) On a warship in the Atlantic Ocean.
(3) In the Dumbarton Oaks Conference.
(4) None of the above

Answer: (1) in a railway coach at Champagne.

Question 31. The Treaty of Versailles was imposed on
(1) Italy
(2) France
(3) Germany
(4) None of the above

Answer: (3) Germany

Question 32. Japan attacked Manchuria in
(1) 1930
(2) 1931
(3) 1932
(4) None of the above

Answer: (2) 1931

Question 33. In 1935 Mussolini attacked
(1) Abyssinia
(2) Danzig
(3) Rhineland
(4) None of the above

Answer: (1) Abyssinia

Question 34. Haile Selassie was the emperor of
(1) Ethiopia
(2) Poland
(3) Syria
(4) None of the above

Answer: (1) Ethiopia

Question 35. After the Second World War was converted into a communist dictatorship.
(1) England
(2) Poland
(3) Czechoslovakia
(4) None of the above

Answer: (3) Czechoslovakia

Question 36. General Eisenhower was appointed the Supreme Commander of the Allied invasion in
(1) Asia
(2) Europe
(3) Africa
(4) None of the above

Answer: (2) Europe

Question 37. The Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact was signed in
(1) 1938
(2) 1939
(3) 1990
(4) None of the above

Answer: (2) 1939

Question 38. The dictator of Italy who installed a fascist regime was
(1) Adolf Hitler
(2) Benito’ Mussolini
(3) Joseph
(4) None of the above

Answer: (2) Benito Mussolini

Question 39. The title Adolf Hitler took in 1934 that meant leader, was
(1) Fuhrer
(2) Dictator
(3) Minister
(4) None of the above

Answer: (1) Fuhrer

Question 40. Hitler invaded Poland in 1939.
(1) 1 September
(2) 4 September
(3) 15 October
(4) None of the above

Answer: (1) 1 September

Question 41. Pearl Harbour was attacked by Japan in
(1) 1941
(2) 1942
(3) 1943
(4) None of the above

Answer: (1) 1941

Question 42. In 1941 Pearl Harbour was attacked by
(1) Belgium
(2) U.S.A
(3) Japan
(4) None of the above

Answer: (3) Japan es

Question 43. suffered a setback at Stalingrad.
(1) Belgium
(2) Austria
(3) Germany
(4) None of the above

Answer: (3) Germany

Question 44. dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
(1) U.S.A
(2) Britain
(3) Austria
(4) None of the above

Answer: (1) U.S.A

Question 45. U.S.A. entered into the Second World War in
(1) 1939
(2) 1941
(3) 1943
(4) None of the above

Answer: (2) 1941

Question 46. Admiral Hideki Tojo was the Prime Minister of
(1) Britain.
(2) U.S.A
(3) Japan
(1) None of the above

Answer: (3) Japan

Question 47. The Japanese launched a surprise attack on the rural base at ’ Pearl Harbour.
(1) British
(2) German
(3) U.S.A
(4) None of the above

Answer: (3) U.S.A

Question 48. Perhaps the largest leap in technology during World War II was the_____ bomb.
(1) Buncing
(2) Atom
(3) Cluster
(4) None of the above

Answer: (2) Atom

Question 49. Japan was worried about the navy in Hawaii.
(1) French
(2) U.S.
(3) British
(4) None of the above

Answer: (2) U.S.

Question 50. On the ‘D-Day’ Anglo American force landed at the coast.
(1) Lyons
(2) Normandy
(3) Marseilles
(4) None of the above

Answer: (2) Normandy

Question 51. Francisco Franco was the Fascist dictator of
(1) Italy
(2) Germany
(3) Spain
(4) None of the above

Answer: (3) Spain

Question 52. The provinces of Alsace and Lorraine were taken away from
(1) France
(2) England
(3) Germany
(4) None of the above

Answer: (3) Germany

Question 53. had built a strong underground line of fortresses and gave it the name Maginot Line.
(1) Britain
(2) Japan
(3) France
(4) None of the above

Answer: (4) None of the above

Question 54. Atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagaeskt in
(1) 1939
(2) 1941
(3) 1945
(4) None of the above

Answer: (3) 1945

WBBSE For Class 9 History And Environment Chapter 4 Europe In The 19th Century : Conflict 0f Nationalist And Monarchial Ideas MCQS

Chapter 4 Europe In The 19th Century: Conflict 0f Nationalist And Monarchial Ideas MCQs

Question 1. Before the —- Revolution goods were produced by hand.
(1) Russian
(2) Industrial
(3) French
(4) American

Answer: (2) Industrial

Question 2. The Bank of France established by —— helped the process of industrialisation in France.
(1) Louis Napoleon
(2) Napoleon Bonaparte
(3) Karl Marx
(4) Charles X

Answer: (2) Napoleon Bonaparte

Question 3. The Continental System was devised by —- to deprive England of her Continental markets.
(1) Lenin
(2) Napoleon
(3) Mussolini
(4) Cavour

Answer: (2) Napoleon

Question 4. —– was known as the ‘workshop of the world 
(1) France
(2) USA
(3) England
(4) Germany

Answer: (2) England

Question 5. ——was the chief centre of the cotton industry.
(1) Lancashire
(2) Norfolk
(3) Birmingham
(4) Boston

Answer: (1) Lancashire

Question 6. The real beginning of the Industrial Revolution in Germany was only after her unification in
(1) 1868
(2) 1869
(3) 1870
(4) 1874

Answer: (3) 1870

Question 7. Kaiser William II was the emperor of 
(1) England
(2) Austria
(3) Italy
(4) Germany

Answer: (4) Germany

Question 8. After the opening of the Suez Canal in the  distance between China and Europe reduced considerably.
(1) 1865
(2) 1868
(3) 1869
(4) 1870

Answer: (3) 1869

Question 9. —– invented the telephone system.
(1) Samuel Morse
(2) Graham Bell
(3) Cyrus W. Field
(4) Marconi

Answer: (2) Graham Bell

Question 10. —– devised the system of using steam power to work machines.
(1) James Watt
(2) Samuel Crompton
(3) Richard Arkwright
(4) Jumes Hargreaves

Answer: (1) James Watt

Question 11. The founder of International Working Men’s Association was 
(1) Stalin
(2) Lenin
(3) Karl Marx
(4) Louis Blanc

Answer: (3) Karl Marx

Question 12. The famous Communist Manifesto was first published in 
(1) 1830
(2) 1848
(3) 1849
(4) 1850

Answer: (2) 1848

Question 13. The —– is regarded as the ‘Bible of Socialism’.
(1) Das Capital
(2) Communist Manifesto
(3) Mein Kamph
(4) Utopia

Answer: (1) Das Capital

Question 14. The dismemberment of —- by the foreign powers is commonly known as ‘the cutting of the Chinese melon’.
(1) Japan
(2) Africa
(3) China
(4) Indo-China

Answer: (3) China

Question 15. —– was an important cause of the First World War.
(1) Communism
(2) Communalism
(3) Imperialism
(4) Colonialism

Answer: (3) Imperialism

Question 16. The First World War ended in
(1) 1918
(2) 1919
(3) 1920
(4) 1921

Answer: (1) 1918

Question 17. The ‘Grand Consolidated National Union’ was formed under the leadership of
(1) Robert Owen
(2) Wilfred Owen
(3) Karl Marx
(4) Frederich Engels

Answer: (1) Robert Owen

Question 18. The Treaty of Nanking was signed between Britain and 
(1) Japan
(2) Russia
(3) China
(4) France

Answer:(3) China

Question 19. The Treaty of Tienstion was signed in
(1) 1860
(2) 1861
(3) 1862
(4) 1863

Answer: (2)1861

Question 20. Ethiopia was formally annexed to Italy in 
(1) 1900
(2) 1919
(3) 1936
(4) 1946

Answer: (3)1936

Question 1. The Nawab of Bengal during the Battle of Plassey was 
(1) Mir Jafar
(2) Mir Kasim
(3) Siraj-ud-daula
(4) Alivardi Khan

Answer: (3) Siraj-ud-daula

Question 22. The Entente Cordiale was signed in 
(1) 1904
(2) 1906
(3) 1908
(4) 1910

Answer: (1) 1904

Question 23. The first Balkan War came to an end with the signing of the Treaty of
(1) London
(2) Peking
(3) Shimonoseki
(4) Nanking

Answer: (1) London

Question 24. —- is called the ‘Dark Continent’.
(1) America
(2) Africa
(3) Austrialia
(4) Asia

Answer: (2) Africa

Question 25. The English General in the Battle of Plassey was 
(1) Arthur Wellesley
(2) Vansittart
(3) Robert Clive
(4) Lord Cornwallis

Answer: (3) Robert Clive

Question 26. The direct cause of the First World War was
(1) Serajevo murder
(2) Morocco crisis
(3) Agadir crisis
(4) Balkan crisis

Answer: (1) Serajevo murder

Question 27. The —- established their colony in Angola.
(1) Portuguese
(2) British
(3) French
(4) Dutch

Answer: (1) Portuguese

Question 28. —- wanted to abolish private ownership of property.
(1) Harry Truman
(2) Louis XVIII
(3) Proudhon
(4) George Marshall

Answer: (3) Proudhon

Question 29. Russia imposed the Treaty of San Stephano on
(1) France
(2) Turkey
(3) China
(4) Japan

Answer: (2) Turkey

Question 30. The year of the ‘Peterloo Massacre’ was 
(1) 1800
(2) 1812
(3) 1819
(4) 1820

Answer: (3) 1819

Question 31. The members of the Triple Alliance were
(1) England, France, Britain
(2) England, France, Russia
(3) Germany, Austria, Italy
(4) Germany, Austria, France

Answer: (3) Germany, Austria, Italy

Question 32. The members of the Triple Entente were 
(1) England, France, Germany
(2) England, France, Spain
(3) England, France, Russia
(4) England, France, Italy

Answer: (3) England, France, Russia

Question 33. Archduke Francis Ferdinand was the heir to the
(1) Serbian throne
(2) Austrian throne
(3) Spanish throne
(4) German throne

Answer: (2) Austrian throne

Question 34. Narvilo Princep was a member of the 
(1) Triple Alliance
(2) ‘Black Hand’ terrorist organisation
(3) International Working Men’s Association
(4) Communist Party

Answer: (2) ‘Black Hand’ terrorist organisation

Question 35. Invention first appeared in the
(1) cotton industry
(2) jute industry
(3) tea industry
(4) silk industry

Answer: (1) cotton industry

Question 36. James Davy invented the
(1) Spinning Jenny
(2) Safety Lamp
(3) Water Frame
(4) Flying Shuttle

Answer: (2) Safety Lamp

Question 37. Socialism is a political, economic and philosophical doctrine opposed to
(1) Capitalism
(2) Communism
(3) Nationalism
(4) Communalism

Answer: (1) Capitalism

Question 38. David Livingstone, the famous European explorer’ had been to
(1) Africa
(2) Asia
(3) America
(4) Antarctica

Answer: (1) Africa

Question 39. Ethiopia is a country in
(1) Asia
(2) America
(3) Europe
(4) Africa

Answer: (4) Africa

Question 40. Industrial Revolution led to the growth of 
(1) Communalism
(2) Communism
(3) Imperialism
(4) Terrorism

Answer: (3) Imperialism

Question 41. Serfdom was abolished in Russia in 
(1) 1815
(2) 1823
(3) 1851
(4) 1861

Answer: (4) 1861

Question 42. Flying Shuttle was discovered by 
(1) John Kay
(2) Crompton
(3) James Watt
(4) Hargreaves

Answer: (1) John Kay

Question 43. In which country did the ‘Luddite Riot’ break out?
(1) Russia
(2) England
(3) Greece
(4) France

Answer: (2) England

Question 44. ‘March of the planeteers started from 
(1) Manchester
(2) Paris
(3) Peking
(4) Berlin

Answer: (1) Manchester

Question 45. The Fourth Anglo-Mysore war was fought in 
(1) 1899
(2) 1799
(3) 1699
(4) 1599

Answer: (1) 1899

Question 46. Which country started the digging of the Suez Canal through Egypt?
(1) Turkey
(2) England
(3) Russia
(4) France

Answer: (4) France

Question 47. The Open Door Policy was issued by
(1) Sir John Hay
(2) Clement Attlee
(3) Kingsford
(4) Mac Arthur

Answer: (1) Sir John Hay

Question 48. Who was the author of ‘Imperialism, the highest stage of Capitalism’?
(1) Louis Blanc
(2) V. I. Lenin
(3) Karl Marx
(4) Engels

Answer: (2) V. I. Lenin

Question 49. The monopoly of East India Company’s ade with India was abolished by the Charter Act of
(1) 1853
(2) 1833
(3) 1813
(4) 1823

Answer: (3) 1813

Question 50. The “Three Emperors’ League” was a compromise made in
(1) 1873
(2) 1815
(3) 1833
(4) 1820
Answer: (1) 1873

Question 51. The word ‘Socialism’ was first introduced by
(1) Charles Fourier
(2) Saint Simon
(3) Robert Owen
(4) Arnold Toynbee

Answer: (3) Robert Owen

Question 52. The First Opium War was fought between England and
(1) China
(2) France
(3) Russia
(4) Italy

Answer: (1) China

Question 53. The book ‘New View of Society’ was written by
(1) Hobson
(2) Charles Fourier
(3) Robert
(4) Louis Blanc

Answer: (3) Robert

Question 54. The book ‘Das Capital’ was published in 
(1) 1857
(2) 1867
(3) 1877
(4) 1897

Answer: (2) 1867

Question 55. In which year was the ‘Open Door Policy’ issued?
(1) 1869
(2) 1867
(3) 1899
(4) 1889

Answer: (3) 1899

Question 56. Bismarck was the Chancellor of 
(1) France
(2) Germany
(3) Britain
(4) Italy

Answer: (4) Italy

Question 57. The book ‘Organisation of Labour’ was composed by 
(1) Arnold Toynbee
(2) Louis Blanc
(3) Hobson
(4) Karl Marx

Answer: (2) Louis Blanc

Question 58. The country which established dominance over the Shangtung region was
(1) Germany
(2) Russia
(3) France
(3) England

Answer: (1) Germany

Question 59. The condition which is essential for industrialisation is 
(1) sufficient capital.
(2) sufficient rainfall.
(3) strict government policy.
(4) common lands.

Answer: (1) sufficient capital.

Question 60. The countries which rushed to establish colonies in Africa were 
(1) Russia, Netherlands, Hungary.
(2) Great Britain, Germany, France.
(3) Japan, Burma, Ceylon.
(4) Burma, Switzerland, Netherlands.

Answer: (2) Great Britain, Germany, France.

Question 61. The Industrial Revolution started late in France due to 
(1) July Revolution of 1830.
(2) February Revolution of 1848.
(3) Aristocratic Revolt in France.
(4) French Revolution of 1789.

Answer: (1) July Revolution of 1830.

Question 62. One of the first men to improve the condition of the workers in industries was
(1) Robert Owen.
(2) Karl Marx.
(3) Friedrich Engels.
(4) Charles Fourier.

Answer: (1) Robert Owen.

Question 63. The Industrial Revolution signalled
(1) The end of the ancient period.
(2) The end of the medieval period.
(3) The end of the an age as also the birth of a new age.
(4) The end of the an age as also the birth of modern age.

Answer: (4) The end of the an age as also the birth of modern age.

Question 64. The course of European history in eighteenth and nineteenth centuries was altered by
(1) The Industrial Revolution and the agricultural revolution.
(2) The Industrial Revolution and the Russian revolution.
(3) The Industrial Revolution and the French revolution.
(4) The French revolution and the Russian revolution.

Answer: (3) The Industrial Revolution and the French revolution.

WBBSE For Class 9 Physical Science And Environment Chapter 6 Heat MCQS

Chapter 6 Heat MCQs

Question 1. Calorimetry relates to the measurement of
(1) Heat
(2) Temperature
(3) Mechanical energy
(4) None of these

Answer: (1) Heat

Question 2. The quantity of heat in a body depends on its
(1) Temperature
(2) Mass
(3) Material
(4) All of them

Answer: (4) All of them

Question 3. The quantity of heat is given by
(2) mst

Answer: (2) mst

Question 4. Work done W and heat produced H are related to each other (where J is the mechanical equivalent of heat
(1) WH = J
(2) H = JW
(3) W = JH
(4) WJH = 1

Answer: (3) W = JH

Question 5. The value of the mechanical equivalent of heat (in erg/calorie) is
(1) 4.2 x \(10^{-7}\)
(2) 4.2 x \(10^{7}\)
(3) \(\frac{1}{4.2}\)x \(10^{7}\)
(4) 4.2

Answer: (2) 4.2 x \(10^{7}\)

Question 6. The latent heat of the fusion of ice is
(1) 80 cal \(g^{-1}\)
(2) 3.36 x 105 cal \(g^{-1}\)
(3) 80 joule \(g^{-1}\)
(4) 3.36 cal \(g^{-1}\)

Answer: (1) 80 cal \(g^{-1}\)

Question 7. Saturated vapour obeys
(1) Boyle’s law
(2) Charles’ law
(3) Pressure law
(4) None of these laws

Answer: (1) Boyle’s law

Question 8. Dews are formed at a temperature
(1) Greater than dew point
(2) Less than dew point
(3) Equal to dew point
(4) Independent of dew point

Answer: (4) Independent of dew point

Question 9. The volume of water is minimal at a temperature
(1) − 4°C
(2) 4°C
(3) o°C
(4) 1°C

Answer: (3) 0°C

Question 10. The thermal capacity of a body of mass m and specific heat s is
(4) ms

Answer: (4) ms

Question 11. What is the unit of heat in the SI system?
(1) Calorie
(2) Joule
(3) Erg
(4) Newton

Answer: (2) Joule

Question 12. Who designed the absolute scale of temperature?
(1) Newton
(2) Lord Kelvin
(3) Celsius
(4) Boyle

Answer: (2) Lord Kelvin

Question 13. Which substance has the highest specific heat?
(1) Water
(2) Iron
(3) Gold
(4) Ice

Answer: (1) Water

Question 14. The fundamental interval of the Celsius scale is divided into divisions.
(1) 100
(2) 180
(3) 120
(4) 102

Answer: (1) 100

Question 15. The fundamental interval of the Fahrenheit scale is divided into divisions.
(1) 180
(2) 100
(3) 32
(4) 212

Answer: (1) 180

Question 16. If C and F represent two particular temperatures of Celsius and Fahrenheit scales respectively, they are related is

Answer: (2)\(\frac{C}{5}\)=\(\frac{F-32}{9}\)

Question 17. The instrument measures the temperature of a body
(1) Hydrometer
(2) Thermometer
(3) Voltameter
(4) Ammeter

Answer: (2) Thermometer

Question 18. How many calories of heat would be produced by converting 42 joules of work completely into heat?
(1) 100 calories
(2) 10 calories
(3) 1000 calories
(4) 90 calories

Answer: (2) 10 calories

Question 19. The normal body temperature of a man is 
(1) 98.4°C
(2) 98.4°F
(3) 98.4 K
(4) 100°F

Answer: (2) 98.4°F

Question 20. Which substance has the highest specific heat?
(1) Ethanol
(2) Water
(3) Acetone
(4) Ether

Answer: (2) Water

Question 21. If the specific heat of copper is 0.09, what will be the water equivalent of a block of copper of mass 50 g?
(1) 45g
(2) 4.5 g
(3) 450 g
(4) 44g

Answer: (2) 4.5 g

Question 22. What is the melting point of ice in Fahrenheit scale?
(1) 0°F
(2) 32°F
(3) 180°F
(4) 20°F

Answer: (2) 32°F

Question 23. What is the specific heat of water in the SI system?
(1) 42 joule
(2) 4200 joule/kg
(3) 4200 joule/kg K
(4) 42,000 joule/kg

Answer: (3) 4200 joule/kg K

Question 24. The dimension of heat is
(2)\(\mathrm{ML}^{2} \mathrm{~T}^{-2}\)
(3)\(\mathrm{ML}^{-1} \mathrm{~T}^{-2}\)
(4) \(\mathrm{ML}^{-1} \mathrm{~T}^{-1}\)

Answer: (2) \(\mathrm{ML}^{2} \mathrm{~T}^{-2}\)

Question 25. Generally, the body temperature of a man is measured on a scale.
(1) Celsius
(2) Fahrenheit
(3) Kelvin
(4) Reumer

Answer: (2) Fahrenheit

Question 26. Heat reaches the earth from the sun by the process of 
(1) Conduction
(2) Convection
(3) Radiation
(4) None of these

Answer: (3) Radiation

Question 27. The value of the mechanical equivalent of heat in the CGS system is
(1) 4.18 x \(10^{7}\)erg/calorie
(2) 4.8 erg/calorie
(3) 5.18 x \(10^{7}\)erg/calorie
(4) 5.18 erg/calorie

Answer: (1) 4.18 x \(10^{7}\)erg/calorie

Question 28. How much work is to be done to produce 50 calories of heat?
(1) 210 joule
(2) 200 joule
(3) 20(1)joule
(4) 310 joule

Answer: (1) 210 joule

Question 29. The water equivalent of a body is equal to
(1) Mass of the body x specific heat
(2) Mass of the body/specific heat
(3) Mass of the body + specific heat
(4) Mass of the body − specific heat

Answer: (1) Mass of the body x specific heat

Question 30. Mercury remains in a liquid state for a range of temperature 
(1) − 39°C to 357°C
(2) − 57°C to 457°C
(3) − 10°C to 257°C
(4) −12°C to 122°C

Answer: (1) −39°C to 357°C

Question 31. — 40°C is equal to
(1) − 50°F
(2) − 40°F
(3) − 60°F
(4) − 80°F
Answer: (2) − 40°F

Question 32. 1°F is equal to
(1)\(\frac{5}{9}^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\)
(2)\(\frac{9}{5}^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\)
(3)\(\frac{8}{5}^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\)
(4)\(\frac{7}{5}^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\)

Answer: (1)\(\frac{5}{9}^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\)

Question 33. (1)calorie is equal to
(1) 4.18 Joule
(2) 5.18 Joule
(3) 3.18 Joule
(4) 4.18 Joule

Answer: (1) 4.18 Joule

Question 34. If the temperature in the Kelvin scale is T K and the temperature on the Celsius scale is t°C, then they are related as
(1) T K = (273 + t °C)
(2) T K = (273 −t °C)
(3) T K = (273 t °C)
(4) TK = 0°C

Answer: (1) T K = (273 + t °C)

Question 35. Vapour cools when it
(1) Is kept under high pressure
(2) Suddenly expands
(3) Is confined in a closed vessel
(4) It is heated

Answer: (2) Suddenly expands

Question 36. The calorimeter is made of
(1) Glass
(2) Iron
(3) Aluminium
(4) Copper

Answer: (1) Glass

Question 37. When ice is kept under higher pressure its melting point
(1) Increases
(2) Decreases
(3) Remains unchanged
(4) Fluctuates

Answer: (2) Decreases

Question 38. When the temperature of a room equals the dew point, then the relative humidity of the room becomes
(1) 50%
(2) Zero
(3) 100%
(4) 20%

Answer: (3) 100%

Question 39. The saturated vapour pressure of water at 100°C is
(1) 78 cm
(2) 72 cm
(3) 76 cm
(4) 60 cm

Answer: (3) 76 cm

Question 40. A large chunk of ice melts at its bottom not at its upper surface because
(1) The bottom region exists at the surrounding temperature
(2) Impurities are present at the bottom
(3) The weight of the ice exerts the surrounding pressure
(4) Impurities are present at the upper surface

Answer: (3) The Weight of the ice exerts the surrounding pressure

Question 41. Water boils when its saturated pressure
(1) Becomes high
(2) Equals the surrounding pressure
(3) Becomes very low
(4) Is zero

Answer: (2) Equals the surrounding pressure

Question 42. Cooking at high altitudes is more difficult because of
(1) High pressure
(2) High pressure and high boiling point
(3) Low pressure
(4) Low pressure and high boiling point

Answer: (3) Low pressure

Question 43. At the same temperature, 1g iron melts more ice than 1g lead, because
(1) The density of iron is greater than that of lead
(2) The specific heat of iron is more than that of lead
(3) The latent heat of melting iron is more than that of lead
(4) Iron is heavier than lead

Answer: (2) Specific heat of iron is more than that of lead

Question 44. A piece of ice at 0°C is dropped in water at 0°C. The piece of ice
(1) Will melt
(2) Part of the ice will melt
(3) Ice will not melt
(4) 1% of the ice will not

Answer: (1) Will melt

Question 45. 50 g ice at 0°C is mixed in 50 g water at 20°C. The final temperature of the mixture will be
(1) −10°C
(2) −30°C
(3) 0°C
(4) 10°C

Answer: (4) 10°C

Question 46. Which of the following has two specific nests 2
(1) Solid
(2) Gas
(3) Liquid
(4) Solid, liquid and gas

Answer: (3) Liquid

Question 47. Two blocks of lead of masses M and 2M are at the same temperature; heat contained by the heavier block is
(1) Half of that of M
(2) Equal to that of M
(3) Twice that of M
(4) Four times that of M

Answer: (3) Twice that of M

Question 48. Which pair among the following denote the same physical quantity?
(1) Kelvin and Joule
(2) Kelvin and Calorie
(3) Newton and Calorie
(4) Joule and Calorie

Answer: (4) Joule and Calorie

Question 49. The specific heat of a metallic body depends on
(1) Heat supplied to the body
(2) Increase in the temperature of the body
(3) Mass of the body
(4) Material of the body

Answer: (4) Material of the body

Question 50. The volume of some water is minimal at
(1) 100°C
(2) 0°C
(3) 4°C
(4) −4°C

Answer: (3) 4°C

Question 51. The volume of water in the temperature range from 0°C to 4°C
(1) Increases
(2) Decreases
(3) Remains the same
(4) May either increase or decrease

Answer: (2) Decreases

Question 52. The coefficient of expansion of water in the range 0°C to 4°C is
(1) Zero
(2) Negative
(3) Positive
(4) Infinity

Answer: (2) Negative

Question 53. Due to the special behaviour of water, lakes and ponds freeze
(1) First at the bottom
(2) First in the middle layer
(3) First at their surface
(4) Anywhere

Answer: (3) First at their surface

Question 54. The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a body depends on
(1) The mass only
(2) The temperature
(3) The specific heat only
(4) All three of them

Answer: (4) All three of them

Question 55. By definition (1)cal is equal to
(1) 1 J
(3) 4.186 J
(4) None

Answer: (3) 4.186 J

Question 56. For m = mass of calorimeter and s = specific heat or the calorimeter material, the water equivalent of the calorimeter is
(1) \(\frac{m}{s}\)
(3)\(\mathrm{m}^2 s\)

Answer: (2)\(\frac{m}{s}\)

Question 57. Water boils at a temperature T (when pressure is 1.5 atm)
(1) T = 100°C
(2) T < 100°C
(3) T > 100°C
(4) None

Answer: (3) T > 100°C

Question 58. The heat of vaporization of water at 100°C is
(1) 4.186 J
(2) 539 J/g
(3) 539 cal/g
(4) 80 cal/g

Answer: (3) 539 cal/g


WBBSE For Class 9 Physical Science And Environment Chapter 5 Energy In Action, Work, Power And Energy MCQS

Chapter 5 Energy In Action, Work, Power And Energy MCQs

Question 1. The rate of doing work is called
(1) Velocity
(2) Energy
(3) Power
(4) Force

Answer: (3) Power

Question 2. The unit of energy in SI system is
(1) Erg
(2) Watt
(3) Horse power
(4) Joule

Answer: (4) Joule

Question 3. One watt is equal to
(1) 1 erg/s
(2) 1 g.cm/s
(3) 1 kg.m/s
(4) 1 joule/s

Answer: (4) 1 joule/s

Question 4. One horsepower is equal to
(1) 500 W
(2) 1000 W
(3) 746 W
(4) 764 W

Answer: (3) 746 W

Question 5. Kilowatt is the unit of
(1) Energy
(2) Work done
(3) Power
(4) Force

Answer: (3) Power

Question 6. ln case of negative work, the angle between force and displacement is
(1) 0°
(2) 45°
(3) 90°
(4) 180°

Answer: (4) 180°

Question 7. In a tug-of-war, work done by the losing team is
(1) Positive
(2) Negative
(3) Zero
(4) None of these

Answer: (2) Negative

Question 8. The work done on an object does not depend upon the
(1) Displacement
(2) Initial velocity of the object
(3) Force applied
(4) Angle between force and displacement

Answer: (2) Initial velocity of the object

Question 9. Which one of the following is not a unit of energy?
(1) Kilowatt
(2) Joule
(3) Newton-metre
(4) Kilowatt-hour

Answer: (4) Kilowatt

Question 10. When an object falls freely under gravity, then its total energy
(1) Increases
(2) Decreases
(3) Remains constant
(4) First increases and then decreases

Answer: (3) Remains constant

Question 11. When a body moves in a circular path, everything remains unchanged except
(1) Acceleration
(2) Kinetic energy
(3) Speed
(4) Retardation

Answer: (2) Kinetic energy

Question 12. A body when raised from the floor to the top of a table, the work done depends on
(1) Weight of the body
(2) Time needed to raise it
(3) Velocity of the body
(4) Acceleration of the body

Answer: (1) Weight of the body

Question 13. A person while walking along a-road carrying a bag in hand, he does
(1) Not do work on the bag
(2) Work on the bag
(3) Work on the bag if the bag be light
(4) Work on the bag if the bag be heavy

Answer: (1) Not do work on the bag

Question 14. A mechanical system tends to attain the position of 
(1) Maximum kinetic energy
(2) Minimum kinetic energy
(3) Minimum potential energy
(4) Maximum potential energy

Answer: (3) Minimum potential energy

Question 15. A body of mass m when raised from.a depth h below the earth’s surface to a position h distance above the earth, the change of potential energy will be
(1) 2 mgh
(2) Zero
(3) mgh
(4) 3 mgh

Answer: (3) mgh

Question 16. Newton meter is the unit of
(1) Work in-SI
(2) Power in SI
(3) Power in SI
(4) Work in CGS

Answer: (1) Work in SI

Question 17. Two bodies of masses 1 g and 4 g move with equal kinetic energy. Ratio of the magnitude of their momenta is
(1) 4:1
(3) 1:2
(4) 1:16

Answer: (3) 1:2

Question 18. On application of an external force on a moving body, a body is retarded. Work done by the body is
(1) Negative
(2) Positive
(3) Zero
(4) Half

Answer: (1) Negative

Question 19. Due to winding of spring, a clock acquires
(1) Kinetic energy
(2) No energy
(3) Elastic potential energy
(4) Gravitational potential energy

Answer: (3) Elastic potential energy

Question 20. To obey the law of conservation of linear momentum during collision a condition is
(1) External force is 0
(2) Time of collision is negligible
(3) No internal force
(4) External force is maximum

Answer: (1) External force is 0

Question 21. A raindrop of radius R fell on ground from a height h. Work done by the gravitational force is proportional to
(1) \({R}^{}\)
(2) \(\sqrt{R}\)
(3) \({R}^{3}\)
(4) \({R}^{2}\)
Answer: (3) \({R}^{3}\)

Question 22. A body is moved from a point A to point B over a rough surface that possesses friction due to which x work is done. The pedy moves back from B to A on the same surface. Total work done will be
(1) Zero
(2) x
(3) 2x
(4) 3x

Answer: (3) 2x

Question 23. Which pair of physical quantities have same unit?
(1) Force and work
(2) Work and energy
(3) Power and force
(4) Work and power

Answer: (2) Work and energy

Question 24. Increase of kinetic energy equals
(1) Increase of mass
(2) Work done
(3) Increase of power
(4) Increase of velocity

Answer: (2) Work done

Question 25. Two bodies of different masses have equal kinetic energy. Momentum possessed by
(1) The body of less mass is larger
(2) The body of larger mass is larger
(3) Both the bodies are equal
(4) The body of larger velocity is larger

Answer: (2) The body of larger mass is larger

Question 26. Work is done when the point of application of force moves
(1) Perpendicular to the force
(2) In the direction of force
(3) In any direction
(4) In the direction perpendicular to force

Answer: (2) In the direction of force

Question 27. Water reserved in a dam possesses
(1) Kinetic energy
(2) Potential energy
(3) Both potential and kinetic energies
(4) No energy

Answer: (2) Potential energy

Question 28. A person performs 300 J work in 1.5 hr. Another person does 1500 J in 100 hr. The power of
(1) 1st person is greater
(2) 2nd person is greater
(3) Both the person are equal
(4) Both are zero

Answer: (1) 1st person is greater

Question 29. SI unit of energy is
(1) Joule
(2) Erg
(3) Dyne
(4) Newton

Answer: (1) Joule

Question 30. The potential energy of a boy is maximum when he is
(1) Sitting on the floor
(2) Standing on the floor
(3) Sleeping on the floor
(4) Sitting on a chair

Answer: (2) Standing on the floor

Question 31. Water stored in a dam possesses
(1) KE
(2) PE
(3) Electric energy
(4) No energy

Answer: (2) PE

Question 32. The kinetic energy of an object is K. If its mass is reduced to half, then its kinetic energy will be
(1) K
(2) 2K
(3) K/2
(4) K/4

Answer: (3) K/2

Question 33. The work done on an object does not depend upon the 
(1) Force applied
(2) Initial velocity
(3) Displacement
(4) Angle between force and displacement

Answer: (2) Initial velocity

Question 34. In case of negative work, the angle between force and displacement is
(1) 0°
(2) 45°
(3) 90°
(4) 180°

Answer: (4) 180°

Question 35. In a tug-of-war, work done by the losing team is
(1) Zero
(2) Positive
(3) Negative
(4) None of these

Answer: (3) Negative

Question 36. A stone is thrown vertically upwards. It comes to rest momentarily at the highest point. What happens to its kinetic energy?
(1) It is converted into elastic potential energy
(2) It is converted into gravitational potential energy
(3) It is converted into chemical energy
(4) It is completely destroyed

Answer: (2) It is converted into gravitational potential energy

Question 37. A force of 100 N acting on a body 1000 J work. The distance through which the body is displaced is
(1) 5m
(2) 10 cm
(3) 10m
(4) 55cm

Answer: (2) 10 m

Question 38. When electric current passes through an electric bulb, electric energy is converted into
(1) Heat energy only
(2) Light energy only
(3) Both heat and light energy
(4) Both light and chemical energy

Answer: (3) Both heat and light energy

Question 39. What type of energy a raised hammer possesses?
(1) Kinetic energy
(2) Potential energy
(3) Gravitational energy
(4) No energy

Answer: (2) Potential energy

Question 40. What is the absolute unit of work in SI system?
(1) 1 kg-m
(2) 1 joule
(3) 1 erg
(4) 1 dyne

Answer: (2) 1 joule

Question 41. What is the relation between power and force?
(1) Power = force x velocity
(2) Velocity = force x power
(3) Force = power x velocity
(4) Power = force/2

Answer: (1) Power = force x velocity

Question 42. What is the amount of work performed by a person on the weight w that he carries and moves horizontally through a distance d?
(1) No work is done
(2) Work done = w xd
(3) Work done = w ÷ d
(4) Work done \(=\frac{d}{w}\)

Answer: (1) No work is done

Question 43. The dimension of energy is
(1) \(\left[\mathrm{ML}^2 \mathrm{~T}^{-2}\right]\)
(2) \(\left[\mathrm{M}^2{L}^2 \mathrm{~T}^{3}\right]\)
(3) \(\left[\mathrm{ML}^2 \mathrm{~T}^{3}\right]\)
(4) \(\left[\mathrm{ML}^3 \mathrm{~T}^{2}\right]\)

Answer: (1) \(\left[\mathrm{ML}^2 \mathrm{~T}^{-2}\right]\)

Question 44. All energies are transformed ultimately into
(1) Heat energy
(2) Kinetic energy
(3) Sound energy
(4) Electric energy

Answer: (1) Heat energy

Question 45. Which one is a scalar quantity?
(1) Force
(2) Displacement
(3) Work
(4) Velocity

Answer: (3) Work

Question 46. If the velocity of a body is doubled then kinetic energy will be
(1) Same
(2) Doubled
(3) Four times
(4) Halved

Answer: (3) Four times

Question 47. Work done in unit time is known as
(1) Power
(2) Energy
(3) Force
(4) Velocity

Answer: (1) Power

Question 48. 1 kilowatt =
(1) \(\frac{2}{3}\) HP
(2) \(\frac{4}{3}\) HP
(3) \(\frac{7}{3}\) HP
(4) \(\frac{1}{3}\) HP

Answer: (2) \(\frac{4}{3}\) HP

Question 49. What is the unit of kinetic energy is SI system?
(1) Erg
(2) HP
(3) Joule
(4) Dyne

Answer: (3) Joule

Question 50. 1 mega-watt =
(1) \({10}^3\) watt
(2) \({10}^4\)watt
(3) \({10}^6\)watt
(4) \({10}^2\) watt

Answer: (3) \({10}^6\)watt

Question 51. Kilogram-metre is the unit of
(1) Energy
(2) Power
(3) Work
(4) Velocity

Answer: (3) Work

Question 52. The dimension of power is
(1) \(\left[\mathrm{ML}^2 \mathrm{~T}^{-3}\right]\)
(2) \(\left[\mathrm{M}^2{L}^2 \mathrm{~T}^{-2}\right]\)
(3) \(\left[\mathrm{ML}^3 \mathrm{~T}^{3}\right]\)
(4) \(\left[\mathrm{ML}^2 \mathrm{~T}^{3}\right]\)

Answer: (1) \(\left[\mathrm{ML}^2 \mathrm{~T}^{-3}\right]\)

Question 53. 1 watt =
(1) \({10}^5\) erg/sec
(2) \({10}^6\) erg/sec
(3) \({10}^7\) erg/sec
(4) \({10}^8\) erg/sec

Answer: \({10}^7\) erg/sec

Question 54. What is the practical unit of power in CGS system?
(1) Erg
(2) Watt
(3) Joule
(4) Newton

Answer: (2) Watt


WBBSE For Class 9 Physical Science And Environment Chapter 3 Matter: Structure And Properties MCQS

Chapter 3 Matter: Structure And Properties MCQs

Question 1. Atmospheric pressure is measured by 
(1) Hygrometer
(2) Pyrometer
(3) Barometer
(4) Spherometer

Answer: (3) Barometer

Question 2. Construction of a submarine is based on 
(1) Archimedes’ principle
(2) Bernoulli’s theorem
(3) Pascal’s law
(4) Boyle’s law

Answer: (1) Archimedes’ principle

Question 3. Why is the dam of water reservoir thick at the bottom?
(1) Quantity of water increases with depth
(2) Density of water increases with depth
(3) Pressure of water increases with depth
(4) Temperature of water increases with depth

Answer: (3) Pressure of water increases with depth

Question 4. A wooden block is taken to the bottom of a deep, calm lake and then released. It rises up with a
(1) Constant acceleration
(2) Decreasing acceleration
(3) Constant velocity
(4) Decreasing velocity

Answer: (3) Constant acceleration

Question 5. A capillary tube made of glass is dipped into mercury. Then
(1) Mercury rises in the capillary tube
(2) Mercury falls in the capillary tube
(3) Mercury rises and flows out of the capillary tube
(4) Mercury neither rises nor falls in the capillary tube.

Answer: (2) Mercury falls in the capillary tube

Question 6. If the diameter of a capillary tube be doubled then the height of the liquid that will rise is
(1) Twice
(2) Half
(3) Same as earlier
(4) None
Answer: (2) Half

Question 7. Two pieces of glass plates, one upon the other, with a little water in between them cannot be separated easily because of 
(1) Inertia
(2) Pressure
(3) Surface tension
(4) Viscosity

Answer: (3) Surface tension

Question 8. There is dip in the capillary tube when the angle of contact 6 is 
(1) θ= 90°
(2) θ= 0°
(3) θ> 90°
(4) θ< 90° but not zero

Answer: (4) θ< 90° but not zero

Question 9. The rise of liquid in a capillary tube has a meniscus. If the angle of contact be 90°, the shape of the meniscus is 
(1) Concave
(2) Convex
(3) Flat
(4) None

Answer: (3) Flat

Question 10. In Bernoulli’s theorem, which of the following is conserved?
(1) Mass
(2) Linear momentum
(3) Energy
(4) Angular momentum

Answer: (3) Energy

Question 11. The gale blows over a house. The force due to gale on the roof is 
(1) In the direction downward
(2) In direction upward
(3) Zero
(4) In the horizontal direction

Answer: (1) In direction upward

Question 12. To calculate the flow of a liquid, which of the following is used?
(1) Stoke’s law
(2) Bernoulli’s theorem
(3) Poisseuille’s law
(4) Conservation of pressure

Answer: (3) Poisseuilie’s law

Question 13. In old age arteries carrying blood in the human body become narrow resulting in an increase in the blood pressure. This follows from
(1) Pascal’s law
(2) Stoke’s law
(3) Bernoullis’ principle
(4) Archimedes’ principle

Answer: (3) Bernoullis’ principle

Question 14. On which of the following the terminal velocity of a solid ball in a viscous fluid’ is dependent?
(1) Area f cross-section
(2) Height of the liquid
(3)Density of both
(4) Density of the liquid

Answer: (2) Height of the liquid

Question 15. A body of weight mg is hanging on a strain, which extends its length by I. The work done in extending the string is
(1) mgl
(2) mgl/2
(3) 2mgl
(4) None of these

Answer: (2) mgl/2

Question 16. Scent sprayer is based on
(1) Charle’s law
(2) Archimedes’ principle
(3) Boyle’s law
(4) Bernoulli’s theorem

Answer: (4) Bernoulli’s theorem

Question 17. According to Hooke’s law of elasticity, if stress is increased the ratio of stress to strain
(1) Increases
(2) Decreases
(3) Becomes zero
(4) Remains constant

Answer: (4) Remains constant

Question 18. When a body remains immersed in water its weight
(1) Increases
(2) Remains same
(3) Decreases
(4) None of these

Answer: (2) Remains same

Question 19. When a body weights more than that of the liquid displaced by it, the mildly
(1) Floats
(2) Sinks
(3) Partly floats
(4) Partly sinks

Answer: (2) Sinks

Question 20. Artesian well works on the principle of
(1) Liquid finds its own level
(2) Buoyancy
(3) Newton’s Third law
(4) Conservation of linear momentum

Answer: (1) Liquid finds its own level

Question 21. Lower part of a ship sinks more when the ship enters from
(1) Sea-to-river water
(2) River water to sea water
(3) Both (1) and (2)
(4) None of these

Answer: (1) Sea-to-river water

Question 22. Lowermost layer of the atmosphere is
(1) Troposphere
(2) Stratosphere
(3) Ionosphere
(4) None of these

Answer: (1) Troposphere

Question 23. When the weight of a body is equal to the weight of the liquid displaced by it, the body
(1) Floats partly immersed
(2) Floats totally immersed
(3) Sinks completely
(4) Floats half immersed

Answer: (4) Floats totally immersed

Question 24. When the weight of a body is less than the weight of the liquid displaced by it the body
(1) Floats parties immersed
(2) Floats totally immersed
(3) Sinks completely
(4) Floats half immersed

Answer: (1) Floats partly immersed

Question 25. A boat floats in water because water exerts
(1) Downward pressure
(2) Lateral pressure
(3) Vertical downward thrust
(4) No pressure

Answer: (3) Vertical downward thrust

Question 26. The buoyancy of a liquid is its
(1) Lateral thrust
(2) Vertical downward thrust
(3) Vertical upward thrust
(4) Volume displaced by a solid

Answer: (2) Vertical downward thrust

Question 27. The immersed portion of a piece of ice in water is
(1) 8/9th of its volume
(2) 9/10th of its volume
(3) 1/11th of its volume
(4) 11/12th of its volume

Answer: (4) 11/12th of its volume

Question 28. It is easier to swing in sea water than in a pond because
(1) Sea water is never still
(2) Atmospheric pressure is highest at the sea level
(3) Density of seawater is higher than that of ordinary water.
(4) None of these reasons are correct.

Answer: (3) Density of seawater is higher than that of ordinary water.

Question 29. A sinker weights 45 g-wt in air and 25 g-wt in water, the upthrust on it is
(1) 25 g-wt
(2) 45 g-wt
(3) 20 g-wt
(4) None of these

Answer: (3) 20 g-wt

Question 30. S.1. unit of pressure is
(1) Pascal
(2) kg/\(m^{-2}\)
(3) Atmosphere
(4) None of these

Answer: (1) Pascal

Question 31. Upthrust depends upon
(1) Volume
(2) Density
(3) g
(4) All of these

Answer: (4) All of these

Question 32. If the density of the object placed in a liquid is equal to the density of the liquid, the object will
(1) Float wholly immersed
(2) Float half immersed
(3) Sink
(4) Float completely above the liquid

Answer: (2) Float wholly immersed

Question 33. Atmospheric pressure is measured by
(1) Hydrometer
(2) Barometer
(3) Sonometer
(4) Ammeter

Answer: (2) Barometer

Question 34. The relative density s of a substance is related to the density of the substance Ppand density of water at 4°C d. The exact relation between them is
(4)s\(=\frac{1}{\rho d}\)

Answer: (3)s\(=\frac{\rho}{d}\)

Question 35. SI unit of surface tension is
(1) Nm
(2) kgf\(m^{-1}\)
(3) m\(N^{-1}\)
(4) N\(m^{-1}\)

Answer: (4) N\(m^{-1}\)

Question 36. The terminal velocity of a spherical body depends on
(1) Radius of the body
(2) Density of the medium
(3) Viscosity of the medium
(4) All of these

Answer: (4) All of these

Question 37. Bernoulli’s theorem is based on the conservation of
(1) Mass
(2) Mass and energy
(3) Energy
(4) None of these

Answer: (3) Energy

Question 38. With increase of temperature, the elasticity of a material
(1) Increases
(2) Decreases
(3) Remains unchanged
(4) Nothing can be said

Answer: (2) Decreases

Question 39. The solids which break soon after crossing elastic limit are called
(1) Ductile
(2) Brittle
(3) Malleable
(4) Plastic

Answer: (2) Brittle

Question 40. Dimension of density is
(1) M\(L^{-2}\)
(2) M\(L^{-3}\)
(3) L\(T^{-3}\)
(4) M\(L^{-4}\)

Answer: (2) M\(L^{-3}\)

Question 41. S.1. unit of pressure is
(1) N
(2) N/\(m^{2}\)
(3) N.m
(4) N/m

Answer: (4) N/\(m^{2}\)

Question 42. A body floats in a liquid contained in a beaker. The whole system falls freel under gravity. The upward thrust on the body due to the liquid then is
(1) Zero
(2) Equal to the liquid displaced
(3) Equal to the weight of the body in air
(4) Equal to the weight of the immersed portion in the liquid

Answer: (1) Zero

Question 43. Clouds float in the atmosphere on account of their
(1) Low viscosity
(2) Low density
(3) Low temperature
(4) Creation of low pressure

Answer: (2) Low density

Question 44. After terminal velocity is reached, the acceleration of a body falling through a fluid is
(1) Equal to g
(2) Zero
(3) Less than g
(4) More than g

Answer: (2) Zero

Question 45. The property by virtue of which a fluid tries to prevent the relative motion between adjacent layers is called
(1) Elasticity
(2) Rigidity
(3) Viscosity
(4) Cohesion

Answer: (3) Viscosity

Question 46. The pressure energy per unit weight of a liquid is
(3)P\(. \rho\)

Answer: (1)\(\frac{p}{\rho}\)

Question 47. Which one of the following substances has the greatest velocity?
(1) Water
(2) Mercury
(3) Oxygen
(4) Hydrogen

Answer: (2) Mercury

Question 48. A drop of liquid is assumed to be spherical shaped because of
(1) Density
(2) Viscosity
(3) Gravitation
(4) Surface tension

Answer: (4) Surface tension

Question 49. The modulus of elasticity is dimensionally equivalent to
(1) Stress
(2) Strain
(3) Directly proportional to strain
(4) Inversely proportional to strain

Answer: (3) Directly proportional to strain


WBBSE For Class 9 Physical Science And Environment Chapter 2 Forces And Motion MCQS

Chapter 2 Forces And Motion MCQs

Question 1. Definition of force is obtained from Newton’s
(1) First law of motion
(2) Second law of motion
(3) Law of Gravitation
(4) Third law of motion

Answer: (1) First law of motion

Question 2. Measurment of force is obtained from Newton’s
(1) Law of gravitation
(2) 1st law of motion
(3) Third law of motion
(4) 2nd law of motion

Answer: (4) 2nd law of motion

Question 3. Momentum is the product of mass and
(1) Force
(2) Time
(3) Velocity
(4) Speed

Answer: (3) Velocity

Question 4. A ball rolling on floor stops because
(1) Floor exerts a frictional force
(2) Gravity
(3) Absence of unbalanced force
(4) None of these

Answer: (1) Floor exerts a frictional force

Question 5. A force 2F acts on a body creating acceleration a; the mass of the body is
(1) F/a
(2) 2F/a
(4) F/2a

Answer: (2) 2F/a

Question 6. A force acts on body at rest, distance moved by the body in time t is proportional to
(1) \(t^2\)
(2) t
(3) \(t^{-1}\)
(4) \(t^3\)

Answer: (1) \(t^2\)

Question 7. If a body is in acceleration then
(1) Its speed always increases
(2) Its velocity always increases
(3) Its velocity always decreases
(4) A force acts on it

Answer: (2) Its velocity always increases

Question 8. Due to action of an unbalanced force on a body, the acceleration of the body is proportional to
(1) The force acting on the body
(2) Velocity of the body
(3) Mass of the body
(4) Speed of the body

Answer: (1) The force acting on the body

Question 9. Newton’s third law of motion may be applied to a body
(1) Only at rest
(2) Only in motion
(3) Both at rest and in motion
(4) None of these

Answer: (3) Both at rest and in motion

Question 10. Two bodies X and Y have masses of 20 kg and 90 kg respectively. Which of the two have more inertia?
(1) Body x
(2) Body Y
(3) Both have equal inertia
(4) None of these

Answer: (1) Body x

Question 11. Velocity of a particle moving with uniform acceleration
(3) Remains unaltered
(4) None of these

Answer: (2) Increases

Question 12. A man moving around a square field, each side of which is 50 m in length, returns to the starting point. His displacement is
(1) 200 m
(2) 50 m
(3) 0m
(4) 100 m

Answer: (3) 0m

Question 13. A particle moving in a circular path with uniform speed has an acceleration
(1) Away from the center
(2) Towards the center
(3) Along the tangent at any point on a surface
(4) None of these

Answer: (2) Towards the center

Question 14. If a body covers equal distances in equal time intervals, then it is
(1) At rest
(2) Moving with uniform speed
(3) Moving with uniform velocity
(4) Moving with uniform acceleration

Answer: (2) Moving with uniform speed

Question 15. If a body moves with a constant speed, the distance-time graph is
(1) A straight line
(2) A circle
(3) A line like a staircase
(4) A polygon

Answer: (1) A straight line

Question 16. The area under the speed-time graph is
(1) Circle
(2) Parabola
(3) Distance
(4) None of these

Answer: (3) Distance

Question 17. The slope of a distance-time graph is
(1) Velocity
(2) Acceleration
(3) Displacement
(4) Speed

Answer: (4) Speed

Question 18. When a bus suddenly starts, the standing passengers lean backward in the. Bus, it is due to
(1) Newton’s first law
(2) Newton’s second law
(3) Newton’s third law
(4) None of these

Answer: (1) Newton’s first law

Question 19. The momentum of a body of given mass is proportional to its
(1) Volume
(2) Shape
(3) Speed
(4) Density

Answer: (3) Speed

Question 20. Which of the following has the largest inertia?
(1) A pin
(2) Your body
(3) An orange
(4) A brick

Answer: (2) Your body

Question 21. In absence of a force a body
(1) Can be at rest
(2) Moves with uniform speed
(3) Continues in its state of rest of motion
(4) (1) (2), (3), (4) all are correct

Answer:(4) (1) (2), (3), (4) all are correct

Question 22. Velocity is a
(1) Vector
(2) Scalar
(3) Both
(4) None

Answer: (1) Vector

Question 23. A body acted upon by a force must have
(1) Velocity
(2) Displacement
(3) Acceleration
(4) None of these

Answer: (3) Acceleration

Question 24. A body whose momentum is constant must have constant 
(1) Force
(2) Velocity
(3) Acceleration
(4) All of these

Answer: (2) Velocity

Question 25. The motion of a rocket is based on the principle of conservation of
(1) Mass
(2) Kinetic energy
(3) Linear momentum
(4) Angular momentum

Answer: (3) Linear momentum

Question 26. A force of 250 N acts on a body and the momentum acquired by it is 125 kg m/s. What is the time for which the force acts on the body?
(1) 0.2’s
(2) 0.5s
(3) 0.4s
(4) 0.25 s

Answer: (2) 0.5 s

Question 27. A scooter of mass 200 kg is moving with a uniform velocity of 18 km/h. The force required to stop the vehicle in 10 s is
(1) 720 N
(2) 360 N
(3)180 N
(4) 216 N

Answer: (2) 360 N

Question 28. A body is moving with a constant speed in a straight line path. A force is not required to
(1) Increase its speed
(2) Change the direction
(3) Decrease the momentum
(4) Keep it moving with uniform velocity

Answer: (4) Keep it moving with uniform velocity

Question 29. A cricket player catches a ball of mass 0.1 kg moving with a speed of 10 m/s in 0.1 s. Force exerted by him is
(1) 10 N
(2) 5N

Answer: (1) 10 N

Question 30. What force will change the velocity of a body of mass 1 kg from 20 m/s to 30 m/ sin 2s?
(1) 25 N
(2) 5N
(3) 10 N
(4) 2N

Answer: (2) 5N

Question 31. The rocket engine lifts a rocket from the earth because hot gases with high
(1) Push it against the earth
(2) Push is against the air
(3) React against the rocket and push it up
(4) Heat the air which lifts the rocket

Answer: (3) React against the rocket and push it up

Question 32. A man is at rest in the middle of a pond on perfectly smooth ice. He can get himself to the shore by making use of Newton’s
(1) First law
(2) Second law
(3) Third law
(4) All the laws

Answer: (3) Third law

Question 33. A body of mass 2 kg is moving with a velocity of 8 m/s on.A smooth surface. If it is to be brought to rest in 4 s, then force to be applied is
(1) 8N
(2) 4N

Answer: (2) 4N


WBBSE Class 10 Life Science Chapter 5 Environment And Its Resources MCQS

Chapter 5 Environment And Its Resources MCQs

Question 1.  All the living beings on land, water, and air on Earth constitute
(2) Lithosphere
(3) Atmosphere
(4) Hydrosphere

Answer: (1) Biosphere.

Question 2. The envelop of air surrounding the earth is called –
(2) Hydrosphere
(3) Atmosphere
(4) Biosphere

Answer: (3) Atmosphere.

Question 3. The greenhouse effect is due to –
(1) CO2
(2) CO
(4) NO2

Answer: (1) CO2.

Read and Learn More Class 10 Life Science MCQs

Question 4. Earth is protected from ultraviolet radiation using-
(2) Ozone layer
(3) Cloud
(4) Fog

Answer: (2) Ozone layer.

Question  5. Which one of the following bacteria fixes nitrogen in soil?
(1) Azotobactor
(2) Eschertia
(3) Trichoderma
(4) Solmonella

Answer: (1) Azotobactor.

WBBSE For Class 10 Life Science Chapter 5 Environment And Its Resources MCQS

Question 6. Which one of the following is the primary consumer?
(1) Grass
(2) Tiger
(3) Goat
(4) Vulture

Answer: (3) Goat.

Question 7. The total organic matter present in an ecosystem is called –
(1) Biome
(2) Litter
(3) Biomass
(4) Biotic community

Answer: (3) Biomass.

Question 8. What is the characteristic of energy flow in an ecosystem?
(1) Circular
(2) Unidirectional
(3) Multidirectional
(4) Introspective

Answer: (2) Unidirectional.

Question 9. Which one is not a producer in the ecosystem?
(1) Pea plant
(2) Grass
(3) Algae
(4) Agaricus

Answer: (4) Agaricus.

Question 10. In a pond ecosystem, phytoplankton acts as —
(2) Primary consumer
(3) Secondary consumer
(4) Decomposer

Answer: (1) Producer.

Question 11. The law of energy flow is formulated by
(1) Clarke
(2) Lindeman
(3) Odum
(4) Haeckel

Answer: (2) Lindeman.

Question 12. The first order consumer in the grassland ecosystem is –
(1) Toad
(2) Dragonfly
(3) Sparrow
(4) Snake

Answer: (2) Dragonfly.

Question 13. The orchid is —
(1) Parasite
(2) Saprophyte
(3) Epiphyte
(4) Commensal

Answer: (3) Epiphyte.

Question 14. The energy at every level is reduced by –
(1) 5%
(2) 10%
(3) 1%
(4) 50%

Answer: (2) 10%.

Question 15. An example of stenothermal animals is-
(1) Birds
(2) Tools
(3) Ants
(4) Fishes

Answer: (1) Birds.

Question 16. The size of the population increases due to –
(1) Low natality.
(2) High mortality
(3) Low natality and emigration
(4) Low mortality and immigration

Answer: (4) Low mortality and immigration.

Question 17. The term ecosystem was coined by –
(1) Tansley
(2) Elton
(3) Odum
(4) Lindemann

Answer: (1) Tansley.

Question 18. Cuscuta-reflex is an example of-
(1) Prediction
(2) Endoparasitism
(3) Ectoparasitism
(4) Brood parasitism

Answer: (3) Ectoparasitism.

Question 19. The free-floating plant specimens are called –
(1) Benthos
(2) Zooplankton
(3) Phytoplankton
(4) Nakton

Answer: (2) Zooplankton.

Question 20. Interconnected food chains are called –
(1) Food chain
(2) Food web
(3) Food pyramid
(4) Trophic level

Answer: (2) Food web.

Question 21. Which is the main source of energy in the ecosystem?
(1) Atomic energy
(2) Solar energy
(3) Electrical energy
(4) None of them

Answer: (2) Solar energy

Question 22. Among the following which is the primary consumer?
(1) Snake
(2) grasshopper
(3) toad
(4) Hawk

Answer: (2) grasshopper

Question 23. The word ‘ecosystem’ was first coined by.
(1) Tansley
(2) Odum
(3) Lamarck
(4) Lindemann

Answer: (1) Tansley

Question 24. The chief source of the evolution of 02 in the atmosphere is
(1) Photosynthesis
(2) Respiration
(3) Combustion
(4) Water

Answer: (1) Photosynthesis

Question 25. Which of the organisms can fix solar energy?
(1) Protozoa
(2) Fungi
(3) Green plant
(4) Parasitic plant

Answer: (3) Green plant

Question 26. Ecological pyramids are of-
(1) two types
(2) three types
(3) four types
(4) five types

Answer: (2) three types

Question 27. The amount of C02 present in the atmosphere is –
(1) 6.5%
(2) 0.34%
(3) 3.34%
(4) 0.03%

Answer: (4) 0.03%

Question 28. Among the following that can release oxygen in the ecosystem is
(1) Producer
(2) Consumer
(3) Decomposer
(4) All of them

Answer: (1) Producer

Question 29. The biosphere is also called –
(1) Lithosphere
(2) Hydrosphere
(3) Atmosphere
(4) Ecosphere

Answer: (4) Ecosphere

Question 30. Primary consumers were called
(1) Haeckel
(2) Elton
(3) Odum
(4) Tansley

Answer: (2) Elton

Question 31. The steps in the food chain are called –
(1) Pyramid
(2) Producers
(3) Trophic levels
(4) Consumers

Answer: (3) Trophic levels

Question 32.  The total energy which is present in the food is termed as –
(1) Net production
(2) Food production
(3) Gross production
(4) None of them

Answer: (3) Gross production

Question 33. The example of a parasitic food chain is –
(1)Decaying organic matter—> Earthworm —> Bacteria
(2)Green plants —> Man —> Entamoeba
(3)Green plants —> Grasshopper —> Toad —> Snake
(4)All of them

Answer: (2) Green plants—> Man—> Entamoeba

Question 34. The denitrifying bacteria is
(1) Nitrosomonas
(2) Azotobactor
(3) Micrococcus
(4) All of them

Answer: (3) Micrococcus

Question 35.  Aquatic animals which live at the bottom of the sea are called –
(1) Plankton
(2) Benthos
(3) Newton
(4) None of them

Answer: (b) Benthos

Question 36.  All the living beings of land, water, and air on earth constitute –
(1) biosphere
(2) lithosphere
(3) atmosphere
(4) hydrosphere

Answer: All the living beings of land, water, and air on Earth constitute the biosphere.

Question 37. The envelopes of air surrounding the earth are called –
(1) Lithosphere
(2) Hydrosphere
(3) Atmosphere
(4) Biosphere.

Answer: The envelops of air surrounding the earth is called the atmosphere

Question 38. The part of the earth which is covered by water is called –
(1) Hydrosphere
(2) Lithosphere
(3) biosphere
(4) atmosphere.

Answer: The part of the earth that is covered by water is called the hydrosphere.

Question 39. The metallic element present in the exhaust of automobiles is-
(1) mercury
(2) copper
(3) lead
(4) iron.

Answer: The metallic element present in the exhaust of automobiles is lead.

Question 40. The greenhouse effect is due to –
(1) CO2
(2) CO
(3) NO2
(4) SO2

Answer: The greenhouse effect is due to CO2

Question 41. The term biosphere is used for the zone of earth where life exists
(1)In the hydrosphere
(2)In the atmosphere
(3)On the lithosphere
(4)In the lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere.

Answer: The term biosphere is used for the zone of earth where life exists, in the lithosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere.

Question 42. Earth is protected from ultra violet radiation using-
(1) Rain
(2) Ozone layer
(3) cloud
(4) fog

Answer: Earth is protected from ultra violet radiation using an Ozone layer.

Question 43. Biosphere consists of –
(1) Atmosphere
(2) Hydrosphere
(3) Lithosphere
(4) All of them

Answer: The biosphere consists of all of them.

Question 44. Which of the following metabolic activities is not directly associated with the oxygen cycle?
(1) Respiration
(2) Excretion
(3) Photosynthesis.

Answer: Excretion is not directly associated with the oxygen cycle.

Question 45. The work of denitrifying bacteria is to –
(1) Get N2 from air
(2) Change N2 to NH3
(3) Return N2 to air
(4) Change Amino acid to NH3

Answer: The work of denitrifying bacteria is to return N2 to air.

Question 46. Which of the following bacteria fixes nitrogen in soil?
(1) Azotobacter
(2) Escheritia
(3) Trichoderma
(4) Salmonella.

Answer: Azotobacter bacteria fix nitrogen in soil.

Question 47. The process by which ammonia is transformed into nitrate is –
(1) Fixation
(2) Assimilation
(3) Nitrification
(4) Ammonification.

Answer: The process by which ammonia is transformed into nitrate is Nitrification.

Question 48. The world climate is threatened by an increase in the concentration of –
(1) Oxygen
(2) Carbon dioxide
(3) Nitrogen
(4) Water Vapours.

Answer: The world climate is threatened by an increase in the concentration of Carbon dioxide.

Question 49. Bio geochemical cycles are known as
(1) Cycles of matter
(2) Material cycles
(3) Sedimentary cycles
(4) Gaseous cycles.

Answer: Bio geochemical cycles are known as cycles of matter.

Question 50. Which bacterium is present in the root nodules of leguminous plants?
(1) Azotobacter
(2) Rhizobium
(3) Clostridium
(4) B. denitrificance.

Answer: Rhizobium is present in the root nodules of leguminous plants.

Question 51. CO is eliminated from the atmosphere through
(1) respiration
(2) combustion
(3) nutrition
(4) photosynthesis.

Answer: COis eliminated from the atmosphere through photosynthesis.

Question 52. What is the percentage of 02 in the atmosphere?
(1) 20.60%
(2) 77.17%
(3) 0.03%
(4) 0.80%

Answer: The percentage of 02 in the atmosphere is 20.60%.

Question 53. The percentage of Nitrogen in the atmosphere is
(1) 0.03
(2) 77.17
(3) 20.60
(4) 0.04

Answer: The percentage of Nitrogen in the atmosphere is 77.17.

Question 54. Bacillus vulgaris is capable of
(1) ammonification
(2) nitrification
(3) denitrification

Answer: Bacillus vulgaris is capable of ammonification.

Question 55. A denitrifying bacteria is
(1) Pseudomonas
(2) Thiobacillus
(3) Micrococus

Answer: A denitrifying bacteria is Thiobacillus.

Question 56. A nitrifying bacteria is
(1) Pseudomonas
(2) Thiobacillus
(3) Nitrobacter
(4) Rhizobium.

Answer: A nitrifying bacteria is Nitrobacter.

Question 57. Which of the following organisms does not take part in the oxygen cycle?
(1) Psudomonas
(2) Euglena
(3) Mushroom
(4) Blue green algae

Answer: Mushrooms do not take part in the oxygen cycle.

Question 58. To increase the nitrogen content of the soil is necessary
(1)watering the soil
(2)adding organic manure, animal wastes, and dead bodies to the soil
(3)adding lime to the soil
(4)cutting away all the plants.

Answer: To increase the nitrogen content of the soil adding organic manure, animal wastes, and dead bodies to the soil is necessary.

Question 59. Which of the following is the primary consumer?
(1) Grass
(2) tiger
(3) goat
(4) vulture.

Answer: Goat is the primary consumer.

Question 60. The total organic matter present in an ecosystem is called –
(1) Biome
(2) litter
(3) Biotic community
(4) biomass

Answer: The total organic matter present in an ecosystem is called biomass.

Question 61. Ecological pyramids were proposed by –
(2) Odum
(3) Elton
(4) Shelford

Answer: Ecological pyramids were proposed by Elton.

Question 62. What is the nature of the characteristic of energy flow in the ecosystem?
(1) Circular
(2) Unidirectional
(3) Multi-directional
(4) Introspective.

Answer: The nature of characteristics of energy flow in the ecosystem is always Unidirectional.

Question 63. Which one is not a producer in the ecosystem?
(1) Pea plant
(2) Grass
(3) Algae
(4) Agaricus.

Answer: Agaricus is not a producer in the ecosystem.

Question 64. All animals in a particular ecosystem collectively form –
(1) A fauna
(2) A flora
(3) Nothing of flora & fauna
(4) Both flora & fauna.

Answer: All animals in a particular ecosystem collectively form a fauna.

Question 65. The ultimate source of energy that flows through the living world is-
(1) Moon
(2) Sun
(3) Neither moon nor sun
(4) Both moon and sun.

Answer: The ultimate source of energy that flows through the living world is the Sun.

Question 66. Which one of the following organisms is the primary consumer?
(1) Toad
(2) Snake
(3) Grasshopper
(4) Peacock.

Answer: Grasshopper is the primary consumer.

Question 67. The base of the general food pyramid is occupied by –
(1) Autotroph
(2) Carnivore
(3) Decomposer
(4) Herbivore

Answer: The base of the general food pyramid is occupied by autotrophs.

Question 68. In a pond ecosystem, phytoplankton act as –
(1) Producers
(2) Primary consumers
(3) Secondary consumers
(4) Decomposers.

Answer: In a pond ecosystem, phytoplankton acts as producers.

Question 69. The law of energy flow was formulated by –
(1) Clarke
(2) Lindeman
(3) Odum
(4) Kendai

Answer: The law of energy flow was formulated by Linde Man.

Question 70. Name a first-order consumer in the ecosystem of grass covered field.
(1) Toad
(2) Dragonfly
(3) Sparrow
(4) Snake

Answer: Dragonfly is a first-order consumer in the ecosystem of grass-covered fields.

Question 71. Govt, of India, set up the Indian Board of Wildlife in –
(1) 1861
(2) 1952
(3) 1972
(4) 1976.

Answer: Govt, of India, set up the Indian Board of Wildlife in 1952

Question 72. Govt, of India, introduced the Wildlife Protection Act in –
(1) 1961
(2) 1972
(3) 1952
(4) 1956

Answer: Govt, of India, introduced the Wildlife Protection Act in 1972

Question 73. In India horned Rhinoceros are protected in –
(1) Jaldapara
(2) Sundarban
(3) Corbett National Park.

Answer: In India horned Rhinoceros are protected in Jaldapara.

Question 74. Cultivation of the same crop on the same soil year after year is called
(1) Silviculture
(2) Horticulture
(3) Monoculture
(4) Multiple Crop

Answer: The cultivation of the same crop on the same soil year after year is called monoculture.

Question 75. Corbett National Park is famous for the conservation of-
(1) Rhinoceros
(2) Tiger
(3) Lion
(4) Deer.

Answer: Corbett National Park is famous for the conservation of Tiger.

Question 76. Large-scale deforestation decreases –
(1) Drought
(2) Soil erosion
(3) Global Warming
(4) Rainfall

Answer: (4) Rainfall.

Question 77. Which one is used as food?
(1) Spirogyra
(2) Volvox
(3) Spirulina
(4) Chlamydomonas

Answer: (3) Spirulina.

Question 78. The practice of growing fruits, vegetables, and ornamental plants is called –
(1) Agriculture
(2) Pisciculture
(3) Apiculture
(4) Horticulture

Answer: (4) Horticulture.

Question 79. Which one is an edible fungus?
(1) Mucor
(2) Agaricus
(3) Yeast
(4) Penicillium

Answer: (2) Agaricus.

Question 80. The rearing and management of honey bees is called –
(1) Apiculture
(2) Sericulture
(3) Pisciculture
(4) Horticulture

Answer: (1) Apiculture.

Question 81. The growing of timber-yielding plants is-
(1) Agriculture
(2) Horticulture
(3) Sylviculture
(4) Sericulture

Answer: (3) Sylviculture.

Question 82. The water that is fit for drinking is –
(1) Salty water
(2) Potable water
(3) Rainwater
(4) Polluted water

Answer: (2) Potable water.

Question 83. Fisheries include –
(1) Fish
(2) Shellfish
(3) Prawn
(4) All of these

Answer: (4) All of these.

Question 84. ‘Sufu’ a food is produced from –
(1) Yeast
(2) Mucor
(3) Chlorella
(4) None of these

Answer: (2) Mucor.

Question 85. The seeds of ‘Chilgoza’ are obtained from –
(1) Cycas
(3) Mass
(4) Fern

Answer: (2) Pinus.

Chapter 5 Environment And Its Resources Very Short Type Questions And Answers

Question l. Name a nitrogen-fixing symbiotic microbe in soil.
Answer: The name of a nitrogen-fixing symbiotic microbe in the soil is Rhizobium leguminous sodium.

Question 2. Write the name of a free-living nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the soil.
Answer: The name of a free-living nitrogen-fixing bacteria in soil is Azotobacter.

Question 3. Which type of algae can absorb nitrogen directly from the atmosphere?
Answer: Blue-green algae (Ex: Nostoc and Anabena) can absorb nitrogen directly from the atmosphere.

Question 4. Name one de-nitrifying bacterium present in soil.
Answer: The name of one de-nitrifying bacterium present in soil is Thiobacillus denitrificance.

Question 5. Name one nitrifying bacteria.
Answer: The name of a nitrifying bacteria is Nitrobacter.

Question 6. Name one N2 – fixing blue-green algae.
Answer: The name of one N2-fixing blue-green algae is Nostoc.

Question 7. Name the gas which is essential for the plants but cannot be absorbed directly from the air.
Answer: Nitrogen gas (N).

Question 8. Name a gas that can be directly absorbed by the plants from the air but cannot be absorbed directly by the animals.
Answer: Carbon dioxide (CO).

Wbbse Class 10 Life Science Solutions

Question 9. In the nitrogen cycle which bacterium converts nitrite to nitrates.
Answer: Nitrobacter.

Question 10. Do all plants take up nitrogen directly from the air?
Answer: No.

Question 11. Which element is prevalent in a maximum amount in the atmosphere and can not be taken up by plants and animals directly?
Answer: Nitrogen.

Question 12. Which mineral substance absorbs CO2 from the air?
Answer: Lime stone/Calcite/Feldspar

Question 13. Due to which life process of plants the amount of carbon-di-oxide is decreased in the environment?
Answer: Photosynthesis.

Question 14. Mention one role of the living organisms in the carbon cycle to remove carbon from the atmosphere.
Answer: Photosynthesis.

Question 15. Mention the cycle of the gas that can be directly absorbed neither by plants nor by animals.
Answer: This is the cycle of Nitrogen gas.

Question 16. Mention one importance of the oxygen cycle.
Answer: It is essential for respiration and combustion.

Question 17. Which group of living organisms in an ecosystem is called a producer?
Answer: The autotroph group of living organisms in an ecosystem is called the producer.

Question 18. How many classes of ingredients participate in an ecosystem?
Answer: Two (Abiotic and biotic)

Question 19. What organisms are responsible for the decay of organic matter?
Answer: Decomposers (Saprophytic bacteria and fungus)

Question 20. Who are the producers in the ecosystem?
Answer: Green plants.

Question 21. What is the main source of energy in an ecosystem?
Answer: The sun.

Question 22. Name a sanctuary of West Bengal.
Answer: The name of a sanctuary in West Bengal is ‘Jaldapara.’

Wbbse Class 10 Life Science Solutions

Question 23. Give an example of a sanctuary in W.B. for rhinoceros conservation.
Answer: ‘Jaldapara’ is an example of a Sanctuary in W.B. for rhinoceros conservation.

Question 24. For the conservation of which animal, Sundarban Sanctuary is famous?
Answer: Sundarban Sanctuary is famous for the conservation of the ‘Royal Bengal Tiger.’

Question 25. Jaldapara Sanctuary is famous for the conservation of which animal?
Answer: Jaldapara Sanctuary is famous for the conservation of horned Rhinoceros.

Question 26. Name a sanctuary in West Bengal other than Sundarban.
Answer: ‘Jaldapara’ is a sanctuary in West Bengal other than Sundarban.

Question 27. Give one example of renewable natural resources.
Answer: Solar energy is an example of renewable natural resources.

Question 28. Where are tiger conservation projects situated in West Bengal?
Answer: Namkhana, Basirhat.

Question 29. Give two examples of conservation.
(1) Soil conservation
(2) Forest conservation.

Question 30. Write the names of two forests in India where the tiger is conserved.
(1) Sundarban – West Bengal and
(2) Bandipur – Karnataka.

Question 31. Where in West Bengal is the sanctuary for the tiger?
Answer: Sundarban.

Question 32. Mention any one measure to conserve a near-extinct plant or animal.
Answer: For the conservation of near to extinct plants or animals sanctuaries and National Parks should be established.

Question 33. Due to the insufficiency of rainfall in a particular area, there is a severe water crisis there. Write one of the many measures that you may take to face the situation.
Answer: To face the situation we should arrange hand pipes and deep tube wells.

Wbbse Class 10 Life Science Solutions

Question 34. What are the four main divisions of the environment?
(1) Lithosphere
(2) Hydrosphere
(3) Atmosphere
(4) Biosphere.

Question 35. Define biosphere.
Answer: The world of living organisms together with the physical world (ex – land, water, and air) is called the biosphere.

Question 36. What are livestock?
Answer: These are domesticated farm animals such as cows buffalo, and sheep, reared to get meat and milk.

Question 37. What is an ecosystem?
Answer: The structural and functional unit of ecology is called an ecosystem.

Question 38. Define Apiculture.
Answer: The rearing and management of honey bees to produce honey on a large scale.

Question 39. What are the roles of animal husbandry in human welfare?
Answer: In dairy products, Meat, Labour, Fibre, and making fertilizer.

Question 40. Define Afforestation.
Answer: The process of planting trees in an area of land to form a forest is called afforestation.

Question 41. Name two non-conventional energy sources.
(1) solar energy
(2) tidal energy

Question 42. What is the Red Data Book?
Answer: The book in which the names of globally extinct and endangered species are enlisted.

Question 43. What is potable water?
Answer: The water used for safe drinking is called potable water.

Question 44. What do you mean by watershed?
Answer: Rainwater is collected, stored, and used to meet the demand for fresh water.

Question 45. What is life?
Answer: The plants and animals in their natural habitat are called wildlife.

Question 46. Why is a forest called a biodiversity hot spot?
Answer: Because it gives shelter to many smaller to larger plants and animals.

Wbbse Class 10 Life Science Solutions

Question 47. Name two environment-friendly sources of energy.
(1) Wind energy,
(2) Water energy.

Question 48. Primary consumers are called “key industry animals”. Why?
Answer: Because they change the plant materials into animal material.

Question 49. Mention the names of two animals included in the list for preservation.
(1) one horned rhinoceros
(2) crocodiles.

Question 50. What is meant by ‘nitrogen fixation’?
Answer: The conversion of atmospheric nitrogen into nitrite and nitrate is called nitrogen fixation.

Question 51. Name two blue-green algae helpful in N2 fixation.
(1) Nostoc,
(2) Anabaena.

Question 52. What is meant by the bio-geo-chemical cycle?
Answer: The circulation of the essential chemical nutrients in a biosphere is called the biogeochemical cycle.

Question 53. What will happen primarily if all the green plants in an ecosystem are lost?
Answer: The ecosystem will not exist and finally this universe will be lifeless.

WBBSE For Class 9 History And Environment Chapter 2 Revolutionary Ideals : Napoleonic Empire And The Idea Of Nationalism MCQS

Chapter 2 Revolutionary Ideals: Napoleonic Empire And The Idea Of Nationalism MCQs

Question 1. Napoleon’s greatest enemy was
(1) Austria
(2) England
(3) Prussia
(4) Russia

Answer:  (2) England

Question 2. The ‘Child of the French Revolution was
(1) Charles IV
(2) Napoleon
(3) Arthur Wellesley
(4) Louis XVI

Answer:  (2) Napoleon

Question 3. Napoleon invaded Milan in
(1) 1795
(2) 1796
(3) 1797
(4) 1798

Answer:  (2) 1796

Question 4. The currency system in France was reformed by
(1) Louis XVI
(2) Louis XVIII
(3) Napoleon
(4) Calonne

Answer:  (3) Napoleon

Question 5. Conferring of the Legion of Honour on men of eminence was an important reform introduced by
(1) Montesquieu
(2) Voltaire
(3) Napoleon
(4) Charles II

Answer:  (3) Napoleon.

Question 6. The number of departments into which Napoleon divided France was
(1) 80
(2) 82
(3) 83
(4) 93

Answer:  (3) 83

Question 7. Napoleon, by the Concordat of 1801, solved the question of conflict between
(1) The First Estate and the Third Estate
(2) The French Government and the army
(3) The French Government and the clergy
(4) The French Government and the Pope

Answer:  (4) The French Government and the Pope

Question 8. The greatest achievement of Napoleon’s financial system was the foundation of the
(1) Heavy Industries
(2) Rationing system
(3) Bank of France
(4) Employment exchange

Answer:  (3) Bank of France

Question 9. After the Battle of Waterloo, Napoleon was sent to
(1) Elba
(2) Sparta
(3) St Helena
(4) Corsica

Answer:  (3) St Helena

Question 10. In the Battle of Waterloo, Napoleon was defeated by
(1) Nelson
(2) Talleyrand
(3) Alexander II
(4) Duke of Wellington

Answer:  (4) Duke of Wellington

Question 11. In 1804 the legal veil of republicanism was dropped and
(1) Dictatorship was established in France.
(2) Monarchy was established in France.
(3) Democracy was established in France.
(4) Kingship was established in France.

Answer:  (1) Dictatorship was established in France.

Question 12. The Code Napoleon incorporated the noble principles of the French Revolution such as 
(1) Banning of trade unions.
(2) Equality before the law.
(3) Abolition of private property.
(4) Censorship of the press.

Answer:  (2) Equality before the law.

Question 13. The Continental System imposed by Napoleon intended to 
(1) Bring Russia under control.
(2) Bring Austria under control.
(3) Bring England under control.
(4) Bring Spain under control.

Answer:  (3)Bring England under control.

Question 14. Napoleon’s Moscow expedition failed because of 
(1) Natural features and climatic conditions.
(2) Shortage of arms and weapons.
(3) Revolt by Napoleon’s soldiers.
(4) Lack of adequate preparation for war.

Answer:  (1) Natural features and climatic conditions.

Question 15. One of the causes of the downfall of the Napoleonic empire was 
(1) Military weakness
(2) Financial weakness
(3) Built on military force and not on the consent of the people
(4) Vast extent

Answer:  (3) Built on military force and not on the consent of the people

Question 16. Napoleon was influenced by contemporary philosophers like 
(1) Karl Marx
(2) Rousseau
(3) Engels
(4) Thomas Paine

Answer:  (2) Rousseau

Question 17. Napoleon denied, one of the major ideals of the French Revolution
(1) Fundamental rights
(2) Liberty
(3) Equality
(4) Fraternity

Answer:  (2) Liberty

Question 18. Declared a counter blockade against the Berlin Decree known as Orders-in-Council
(1) Italy
(2) Germany
(3) Russia
(4) England

Answer:  (4) England

Question 19. The ‘Spanish Ulcer’ ruined
(1) Arthur Wellesley
(2) Nelson
(3) Duke of Wellington
(4) Napoleon

Answer:  (4) Napoleon

Question 20. The Moscow Expedition of the soldiers failed.
(1) British
(2) Germans
(3) Italian
(4) French

Answer:  (4) French

Question 21. Introduced the doctrine of career open to talent.
(1) Louis XVI
(2) Louis XVIII
(3) Napoleon
(4) Pope

Answer:  (3) Napoleon


WBBSE For Class 9 Physical Science And Environment Chapter 7 Sound MCQS

Chapter 7 Sound MCQs

Question 1. Sound can not travel through
(1) Air
(2) Water
(3) Steel
(4) Vacuum

Answer: (4) Vacuum

Question 2. Which frequencies are not audible to the human ear?
(1) 30 Hz
(2) 3000 Hz
(3) 300 Hz
(4) 30,000 Hz

Answer: (4) 30,000 Hz

Question 3. The frequency of sound waves can be expressed in
(1) Hz
(2) dB
(3) m
(4) m/s

Answer: (1) Hz

Question 4. Frequency (n) and period (T) are related as
(2) n×T=1
(3) n=\(\mathrm{T}^2\)
(4) n\(\mathrm{T}^2\)=1

Answer: (2)

Question 5. The audible range of frequency in Hz is
(1) 20 to 20,000
(2) 2000 to 20,000
(3) 40 to 4000
(4) 200 to 2000

Answer: (1) 20 to 20,000

Question 6. Earthquake produces
(1) Audible sound
(2) Ultrasound
(3) Infrasonic sound
(4) None of these

Answer: (3) Infrasonic sound

Question 7. In SONAR, we use
(1) Radio waves
(2) Ultrasonic waves
(3) Infrasonic waves
(4) Audible sound waves

Answer: (2) Ultrasonic waves

Question 8. Due to the increase in the frequency of the sounding source, its pitch
(1) Increases
(2) Decreases
(3) Remains the same
(4) First increases and then decreases

Answer: (1) Increases

Question 9. Stethoscope works on the principle of
(1) Reflection of sound
(2) Refraction sound
(3) Reverberation of sound
(4) None of these

Answer: (1) Reflection of sound

Question 10. The relation between velocity (v) of sound, wavelength (λ), and frequency (n) is
(1) n\(=\frac{v}{\lambda}\)
(2) λ=vm
(3) n= λv
(4) n\(=\frac{v^2}{\lambda}\)

Answer: (1) n\(=\frac{v}{\lambda}\)

Question 11. The velocity of sound in dry air at 0°C is
(1) 233 m/s
(2) 330 m/s
(3) 332 m/s
(4) 200 m/s

Answer: (3) 332 m/s

Question 12. The minimum distance of the reflector creating an echo of a transient sound is
(1) 33m
(2) 16.6 m
(3) 33 cm
(4) 10m

Answer: (2) 16.6 m

Question 13. Propagation of sound requires
(1) No medium
(2) Material medium
(3) Only gaseous medium
(4) Aqueous medium

Answer: (2) Material medium

Question 14. Echo of sound is caused by
(1) Violent sound
(2) Flow of air
(3). Reflection of sound
d) Refraction of sound

Answer: (3) Reflection of sound

Question 15. The unit of intensity of sound is
(1) Hertz
(2) m/\(s^2\)
(3) Decibel
(4) Dyne

Answer: (3) Decibel

Question 16. Due to the propagation of a longitudinal wave through a medium, particles of the medium vibrate
(1) Along and perpendicular to the direction of the wave
(2) In all directions
(3) Along the direction of the wave
(4) Within a liquid

Answer: (3) Along the direction of the wave

Question 17. A transverse wave is produced in
(1) Gas only
(2) A liquid
(3) In gas, solid and liquid
(4) Solid only

Answer: (3) In gas, solid and liquid

Question 18. Distance traveled by a wave in one second is its
(1) Velocity
(2) Wavelength
(3) Period
(4) Frequency

Answer: (1) Velocity

Question 19. The correct formula is
(1) v\(=1 / T\)
(2) v=nλ
(3) \(=\frac{v}{\lambda}\)
(4) v=\(\mathrm{n}_2\).λ

Answer: (2) v=nλ

Question 20. The loudness of the sound depends on
(1) Wavelength of sound
(2) Volume of air around the source of sound
(3) Time of day
(4) Reflection of sound

Answer: (1) Wavelength of sound

Question 21. The human ear is sensitive normally between the frequencies
(1) 20-20,000 Hz
(2) 10-100 Hz
(3) 1-10 Hz
(4) Above 20,000

Answer: (1) 20-20,000 Hz

Question 22. For hearing echo the minimum time difference between the direct and the reflected sound should be
(1) 1/5 sec
(2) 1/10 sec
(3) 1 sec
(4) 2 sec

Answer: (2) 1/10 sec.

Question 23. For a sound of wavelength 10 cm and frequency 10 created in a medium, the velocity of a sound wave is
(1) 10 cm/sec
(2) 100 cm/sec
(3) 5 cm/sec
(4) 20 cm/sec

Answer: (2) 100 cm/sec

Question 24. The surface of a wall can reflect sound waves and not light waves because
(1) Sound has bigger wavelength
(2) The wall is large
(3) Sound has less velocity
(4) Sound has bigger velocity

Answer: (1) Sound has bigger wavelength

Question 25. Elastic transverse waves can propagate through
(1) Gaseous medium not through solid medium
(6) Neither gaseous nor solid medium
(3) Solid and gaseous medium
(4) Solid medium, not through gaseous medium

Answer: (4) Solid medium, not through gaseous medium

Question 26. Repeated reflection of sound produces
(1) Stationary wave
(2) Echo
(3) Reverberation
(4) Refraction

Answer: (2) Echo

Question 27. The velocity of a sound wave of wavelength 1 in a medium is v, The wavelength of the wave in the medium of the velocity is 4 v, is
(1) λ/2
(2) 2/λ
(3) 4/λ
(4) 2/λ

Answer: (3) 4/λ

Question 28. The difference in intensity between two sound waves is 1 Bel. It means that the ratio of their intensities is
(1) 5:1
(2) 105
(3) 1:4
(4) 100: 4

Answer: (3) 1:1

Question 29. Which of the following is not true?
(1) Sound waves do not propagate in straight lines
(2) Sound wave carries energy
(3) Sound waves travel faster in a vacuum than in air
(4) Sound waves propagate in straight lines

Answer: (3) Sound waves travel faster in vacuum than in air

Question 30. The pitch of a note depends on the
(1) Frequency
(2) Velocity of sound
(3) Wavelength of sound
(4) Amplitude of wave

Answer: (3) Wavelength of sound

Question 31. The velocity of sound is greatest in
(1) Mercury
(2) Water
(3) Steel
(4) Air

Answer: (3) Steel

Question 32. The sound of thunder is heard after 5.5 sec after the flash. If the velocity of sound in air is 330 m/sec, the distance of the thunder is
(1) 18.15 km
(2) 1.815 km
(3) 0.1815 km
(4) 181.5 km

Answer: (2) 1.815 km

Question 33. A person fires a pistol standing between two hills. He hears echoes at 1-sec intervals. If the velocity of sound in air is 340 m/sec, the distance between the mountains is
(1) 340 m
(2) 170 m
(3) 510 m
(4) 66 m

Answer: (2) 170 m

Question 34. The characteristic by which two sounds of the same frequency and loudness can be differentiated is
(1) Velocity of sound
(4) Quality
(3) Pitch
(4) Medium in which the sound travels

Answer: (3) Pitch

Question 35. When a wave travels from one medium to another, the parameter of the wave
remaining unchanged is
(1) Quality
(2) Velocity
(3) Frequency
(4) Wavelength

Answer: (1) Quality

Question 36. What should be the minimum frequency of a vibrating body producing sound?
(1) 2000 Hz
(2) 100 Hz
(3) 20 Hz
(4) 150 Hz

Answer: (3) 20 Hz

Question 37. How does the pitch of sound depend on frequency?
(1) Pitch increases with a decrease in frequency
(2) Pitch decreases with increase in frequency
(3) Pitch increases or decreases accordingly with an increase or decrease in frequent
(4) Pith remains constant

Answer: (3) Pitch increases or decreases accordingly with increase or decrease in frequency.

Question 38. The Unit Of Frequency is
(1) ohm
(2) mho
(3) Hz
(4) Torr

Answer: (3) Hz

Question 39. Migraine is caused by
(1) Sound pollution
(2) Air pollution
(3) Water pollution
(4) Land pollution

Answer: (1) Sound pollution

Question 40. When one end of a long iron pipe is struck, sounds are heard.
(1) Two
(2) Three
(3) Four
(4) One

Answer: (1) Two

Question 41. The relation between the velocity (v) of sound and its density (d) is 
(1)\(v \propto \frac{1}{d}\)
(2)\(v \propto \frac{1}{\sqrt{d}}\)
(4) V α T

Answer: (2)\(v \propto \frac{1}{\sqrt{d}}\)

Question 42. The relation between the velocity (v) of sound with the absolute temperature (T) is
(1) v α \(\sqrt{T}\)
(2) v α T
(3) v=T
(4) v= \(\sqrt{T}\)

Answer: (1) v α \(\sqrt{T}\)

Question 43. If the size of the sounding body is bigger then the intensity of the sound will be
(1) Increased
(2). Decreased
(3) Same
(4) Constant

Answer: (1) Increased

Question 44. The velocity of sound through iron is then the velocity of sound through air.
(1) 4 times
(2) 10 times
(3) 15 times
(4) 5 times

Answer: (3) 15 times

Question 45. The sensation due to sound lasts for about
(1) \(\frac{1}{20}\) second
(2) \(\frac{1}{10}\) t second
(3) \(\frac{1}{30}\) Secon
(4) \(\frac{1}{5}\) secon

Answer: (2) \(\frac{1}{10}\) second

Question 46. If the wave length is and the velocity of sound 1.7 m is 340 m/sec then what will be the wave frequency?
(1) 20 Hz
(2) 200 Hz
(3) 2000 Hz
(4) 2 Hz

Answer: (2) 200 Hz

Question 47. If the tones present in a note are of frequencies 100, 150, 200, 280, 300, 450, and 500, what is the fundamental tone?
(1) 100
(2) 280
(3) 500
(4) 450

Answer: (1) 100

Question 48. The sound of lightning is heard 6 sec after it is seen. If the velocity of sound is 330 m/sec at that time, what will be the distance of the cloud?
(1) 1980 m
(2) 2000
(3) 330 m
(4) 350 m

Answer: (1) 1980 m

Question 49. Wave motion transfers
(1) Matter
(2) Energy
(3) Momentum
(4) All of these

Answer: (2) Energy

Question 50. The distance between two successive compressions is
(1) λ/2
(2) λ/4
(3) λ
(4) 2 λ

Answer: (3) λ

Question 51. Sound waves can travel
(1) Only in solid
(2) Only in liquid
(3) Only in gas
(4) In all (Solid, Liquid, gas)

Answer: (4) In all (Solid, Liquid, gas)

Question 52. The speed of sound in air
(1) Decreases with increase in temperature
(2) Remains the same with an increase in temperature
(3) Remains the same with a decrease in temperature
(4) Increases with increase in temperature

Answer: (1) Decreases with an increase in temperature

Question 53. Sound wave is
(1) Transverse
(2) Longitudinal
(3) Both transverse and longitudinal
(4) None of these

Answer: (2) Longitudinal in nature

Question 54. The distance between a compression and the adjoining rarefaction is
(1) λ/4
(2) λ/2
(3) λ
(4) 2λ

Answer: (2) λ/2

Question 55. Which of the following waves is a mechanical wave?
(1) Lightwave
(2) Sound wave
(3) X-rays
(4) Ultra-violet ray

Answer: (2) Sound wave

Question 56. The speed of sound is maximum in
(1) Air
(2) Hydrogen
(3) Water
(4) Iron

Answer: (4) Iron

Question 57. In SONAR, we use
(1) Infrasonic
(2) Radiowaves
(3) Audible sound
(4) Ultrasonic

Answer: (4) Ultrasonic

Question 58. Infrasound can be heard by
(1) Bat
(2) Rhinoceros
(3) Dolphins
(4) Human beings

Answer:(2) Rhinoceros