WBBSE For Class 10 Geography And Environment India – Soils Of India MCQS

Geography And Environment Class 10 India – Soils Of India MCQs

Question 1. The laterite soil is found in the region of:
1. Ganga plain
2. Western slope of western ghat
3. Sundarban
4. Desert region

Answer: 2. Western slope of western ghat

Question 2. A method followed in India to conserve soil is ______
1. Irrigation
2. Jhum cultivation
3. Strip cropping
4. Animal rearing

Answer: 3. Strip cropping

Question 3. ______ is the most suitable soil for agriculture.
1. Alluvial
2. Saline soil
3. Laterite
4. All of them

Answer: 1. Alluvial

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Question 4. ______ is derived from Lava.
1. Black soil
2. Laterite soil
3. Alluvial
4. Desert soil

Answer: 1. Black soil

Question 5. Laterite soil is ______ in character.
1. Acidic
2. Organic
3. Non-acidic
4. None

Answer: 1. Acidic

Class 10 Geography West Bengal Board

Question 6. New alluvial soil is good for the cultivation of
1. Cotton
2. Tea
3. Jute
4. Rubber

Answer: 3. Jute

Question 7. The black soil is good for the cultivation of
1. Cotton
2. Tea
3. Jute
4. Rubber

Answer: 1. Cotton

Question 8. Alluvial soil is formed by _____.
1. River
2. Snow
3. Wind
4. All of them

Answer: 1. River

Question 9. Black soil is good for _____.
1. Cotton
2. Wheat
3. Pulses
4. Jute

Answer: 1. Cotton

Question 10. Desert soil is found in _____.
1. Tamil Nadu
2. Gujarat
3. Orissa
4. Jammu & Kashmir

Answer: 2. Gujarat

Question 11. Mountain soil is good for growing
1. Wheat
2. Tea
3. Pulses
4. Jute

Answer: 2. Tea

Class 10 Geography West Bengal Board

Question 12. Overgrazing causes
1. Growth of new plants
2. Soil erosion
3. Deforestation
4. Afforestation

Answer: 2. Soil erosion

Question 13. Soil erosion leads to
1. Siltation of rivers
2. Formation of glaciers
3. Afforestation
4. Growth of new plants

Answer: 1. Siltation of rivers

Question 14. Soil conservation can be done by
1. Terrace Cultivation
2. Jnum Cultivation
3. Forest fires
4. Deforestation

Answer: 1. Terrace cultivation

Class 10 Geography Solution WBBSE

Question 15. Regur is the other name of:
1. Red soil
2. Black soil
3. Laterite soil
4. Alluvial soil

Answer: 2. Black soil

Question 16. The majority of the land in India is covered with
1. Red soil
2. Alluvial soil
3. Black soil
4. Laterite soil

Answer: 2. Alluvial soil

Question 17. The most fertile soil of India is the
1. Alluvium
2. Laterite
3. Sirozem
4. Black

Answer: 1. Alluvium

Question 18. ______ has water retaining capacity.
1. Black soil
2. Laterite soil
3. Red soil
4. None of these

Answer: 1. Black soil

Question 19. ______ soil is suitable for agriculture.
1. Alluvial
2. Saline
3. Both of these
4. None of these

Answer: 1. Alluvial

Class 10 Geography Solution WBBSE

Question 20. Desert soil is not _____.
1. Suitable for rice
2. Suitable for agriculture
3. Suitable for cotton
4. Suitable for jute

Answer: 2. Suitable for agriculture


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