WBBSE Class 10 Life Science Chapter 5 Environment And Its Resources MCQS

Chapter 5 Environment And Its Resources MCQs

Question 1.  All the living beings on land, water, and air on Earth constitute
(2) Lithosphere
(3) Atmosphere
(4) Hydrosphere

Answer: (1) Biosphere.

Question 2. The envelop of air surrounding the earth is called –
(2) Hydrosphere
(3) Atmosphere
(4) Biosphere

Answer: (3) Atmosphere.

Question 3. The greenhouse effect is due to –
(1) CO2
(2) CO
(4) NO2

Answer: (1) CO2.

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Question 4. Earth is protected from ultraviolet radiation using-
(2) Ozone layer
(3) Cloud
(4) Fog

Answer: (2) Ozone layer.

Question  5. Which one of the following bacteria fixes nitrogen in soil?
(1) Azotobactor
(2) Eschertia
(3) Trichoderma
(4) Solmonella

Answer: (1) Azotobactor.

WBBSE For Class 10 Life Science Chapter 5 Environment And Its Resources MCQS

Question 6. Which one of the following is the primary consumer?
(1) Grass
(2) Tiger
(3) Goat
(4) Vulture

Answer: (3) Goat.

Question 7. The total organic matter present in an ecosystem is called –
(1) Biome
(2) Litter
(3) Biomass
(4) Biotic community

Answer: (3) Biomass.

Question 8. What is the characteristic of energy flow in an ecosystem?
(1) Circular
(2) Unidirectional
(3) Multidirectional
(4) Introspective

Answer: (2) Unidirectional.

Question 9. Which one is not a producer in the ecosystem?
(1) Pea plant
(2) Grass
(3) Algae
(4) Agaricus

Answer: (4) Agaricus.

Question 10. In a pond ecosystem, phytoplankton acts as —
(2) Primary consumer
(3) Secondary consumer
(4) Decomposer

Answer: (1) Producer.

Question 11. The law of energy flow is formulated by
(1) Clarke
(2) Lindeman
(3) Odum
(4) Haeckel

Answer: (2) Lindeman.

Question 12. The first order consumer in the grassland ecosystem is –
(1) Toad
(2) Dragonfly
(3) Sparrow
(4) Snake

Answer: (2) Dragonfly.

Question 13. The orchid is —
(1) Parasite
(2) Saprophyte
(3) Epiphyte
(4) Commensal

Answer: (3) Epiphyte.

Question 14. The energy at every level is reduced by –
(1) 5%
(2) 10%
(3) 1%
(4) 50%

Answer: (2) 10%.

Question 15. An example of stenothermal animals is-
(1) Birds
(2) Tools
(3) Ants
(4) Fishes

Answer: (1) Birds.

Question 16. The size of the population increases due to –
(1) Low natality.
(2) High mortality
(3) Low natality and emigration
(4) Low mortality and immigration

Answer: (4) Low mortality and immigration.

Question 17. The term ecosystem was coined by –
(1) Tansley
(2) Elton
(3) Odum
(4) Lindemann

Answer: (1) Tansley.

Question 18. Cuscuta-reflex is an example of-
(1) Prediction
(2) Endoparasitism
(3) Ectoparasitism
(4) Brood parasitism

Answer: (3) Ectoparasitism.

Question 19. The free-floating plant specimens are called –
(1) Benthos
(2) Zooplankton
(3) Phytoplankton
(4) Nakton

Answer: (2) Zooplankton.

Question 20. Interconnected food chains are called –
(1) Food chain
(2) Food web
(3) Food pyramid
(4) Trophic level

Answer: (2) Food web.

Question 21. Which is the main source of energy in the ecosystem?
(1) Atomic energy
(2) Solar energy
(3) Electrical energy
(4) None of them

Answer: (2) Solar energy

Question 22. Among the following which is the primary consumer?
(1) Snake
(2) grasshopper
(3) toad
(4) Hawk

Answer: (2) grasshopper

Question 23. The word ‘ecosystem’ was first coined by.
(1) Tansley
(2) Odum
(3) Lamarck
(4) Lindemann

Answer: (1) Tansley

Question 24. The chief source of the evolution of 02 in the atmosphere is
(1) Photosynthesis
(2) Respiration
(3) Combustion
(4) Water

Answer: (1) Photosynthesis

Question 25. Which of the organisms can fix solar energy?
(1) Protozoa
(2) Fungi
(3) Green plant
(4) Parasitic plant

Answer: (3) Green plant

Question 26. Ecological pyramids are of-
(1) two types
(2) three types
(3) four types
(4) five types

Answer: (2) three types

Question 27. The amount of C02 present in the atmosphere is –
(1) 6.5%
(2) 0.34%
(3) 3.34%
(4) 0.03%

Answer: (4) 0.03%

Question 28. Among the following that can release oxygen in the ecosystem is
(1) Producer
(2) Consumer
(3) Decomposer
(4) All of them

Answer: (1) Producer

Question 29. The biosphere is also called –
(1) Lithosphere
(2) Hydrosphere
(3) Atmosphere
(4) Ecosphere

Answer: (4) Ecosphere

Question 30. Primary consumers were called
(1) Haeckel
(2) Elton
(3) Odum
(4) Tansley

Answer: (2) Elton

Question 31. The steps in the food chain are called –
(1) Pyramid
(2) Producers
(3) Trophic levels
(4) Consumers

Answer: (3) Trophic levels

Question 32.  The total energy which is present in the food is termed as –
(1) Net production
(2) Food production
(3) Gross production
(4) None of them

Answer: (3) Gross production

Question 33. The example of a parasitic food chain is –
(1)Decaying organic matter—> Earthworm —> Bacteria
(2)Green plants —> Man —> Entamoeba
(3)Green plants —> Grasshopper —> Toad —> Snake
(4)All of them

Answer: (2) Green plants—> Man—> Entamoeba

Question 34. The denitrifying bacteria is
(1) Nitrosomonas
(2) Azotobactor
(3) Micrococcus
(4) All of them

Answer: (3) Micrococcus

Question 35.  Aquatic animals which live at the bottom of the sea are called –
(1) Plankton
(2) Benthos
(3) Newton
(4) None of them

Answer: (b) Benthos

Question 36.  All the living beings of land, water, and air on earth constitute –
(1) biosphere
(2) lithosphere
(3) atmosphere
(4) hydrosphere

Answer: All the living beings of land, water, and air on Earth constitute the biosphere.

Question 37. The envelopes of air surrounding the earth are called –
(1) Lithosphere
(2) Hydrosphere
(3) Atmosphere
(4) Biosphere.

Answer: The envelops of air surrounding the earth is called the atmosphere

Question 38. The part of the earth which is covered by water is called –
(1) Hydrosphere
(2) Lithosphere
(3) biosphere
(4) atmosphere.

Answer: The part of the earth that is covered by water is called the hydrosphere.

Question 39. The metallic element present in the exhaust of automobiles is-
(1) mercury
(2) copper
(3) lead
(4) iron.

Answer: The metallic element present in the exhaust of automobiles is lead.

Question 40. The greenhouse effect is due to –
(1) CO2
(2) CO
(3) NO2
(4) SO2

Answer: The greenhouse effect is due to CO2

Question 41. The term biosphere is used for the zone of earth where life exists
(1)In the hydrosphere
(2)In the atmosphere
(3)On the lithosphere
(4)In the lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere.

Answer: The term biosphere is used for the zone of earth where life exists, in the lithosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere.

Question 42. Earth is protected from ultra violet radiation using-
(1) Rain
(2) Ozone layer
(3) cloud
(4) fog

Answer: Earth is protected from ultra violet radiation using an Ozone layer.

Question 43. Biosphere consists of –
(1) Atmosphere
(2) Hydrosphere
(3) Lithosphere
(4) All of them

Answer: The biosphere consists of all of them.

Question 44. Which of the following metabolic activities is not directly associated with the oxygen cycle?
(1) Respiration
(2) Excretion
(3) Photosynthesis.

Answer: Excretion is not directly associated with the oxygen cycle.

Question 45. The work of denitrifying bacteria is to –
(1) Get N2 from air
(2) Change N2 to NH3
(3) Return N2 to air
(4) Change Amino acid to NH3

Answer: The work of denitrifying bacteria is to return N2 to air.

Question 46. Which of the following bacteria fixes nitrogen in soil?
(1) Azotobacter
(2) Escheritia
(3) Trichoderma
(4) Salmonella.

Answer: Azotobacter bacteria fix nitrogen in soil.

Question 47. The process by which ammonia is transformed into nitrate is –
(1) Fixation
(2) Assimilation
(3) Nitrification
(4) Ammonification.

Answer: The process by which ammonia is transformed into nitrate is Nitrification.

Question 48. The world climate is threatened by an increase in the concentration of –
(1) Oxygen
(2) Carbon dioxide
(3) Nitrogen
(4) Water Vapours.

Answer: The world climate is threatened by an increase in the concentration of Carbon dioxide.

Question 49. Bio geochemical cycles are known as
(1) Cycles of matter
(2) Material cycles
(3) Sedimentary cycles
(4) Gaseous cycles.

Answer: Bio geochemical cycles are known as cycles of matter.

Question 50. Which bacterium is present in the root nodules of leguminous plants?
(1) Azotobacter
(2) Rhizobium
(3) Clostridium
(4) B. denitrificance.

Answer: Rhizobium is present in the root nodules of leguminous plants.

Question 51. CO is eliminated from the atmosphere through
(1) respiration
(2) combustion
(3) nutrition
(4) photosynthesis.

Answer: COis eliminated from the atmosphere through photosynthesis.

Question 52. What is the percentage of 02 in the atmosphere?
(1) 20.60%
(2) 77.17%
(3) 0.03%
(4) 0.80%

Answer: The percentage of 02 in the atmosphere is 20.60%.

Question 53. The percentage of Nitrogen in the atmosphere is
(1) 0.03
(2) 77.17
(3) 20.60
(4) 0.04

Answer: The percentage of Nitrogen in the atmosphere is 77.17.

Question 54. Bacillus vulgaris is capable of
(1) ammonification
(2) nitrification
(3) denitrification

Answer: Bacillus vulgaris is capable of ammonification.

Question 55. A denitrifying bacteria is
(1) Pseudomonas
(2) Thiobacillus
(3) Micrococus

Answer: A denitrifying bacteria is Thiobacillus.

Question 56. A nitrifying bacteria is
(1) Pseudomonas
(2) Thiobacillus
(3) Nitrobacter
(4) Rhizobium.

Answer: A nitrifying bacteria is Nitrobacter.

Question 57. Which of the following organisms does not take part in the oxygen cycle?
(1) Psudomonas
(2) Euglena
(3) Mushroom
(4) Blue green algae

Answer: Mushrooms do not take part in the oxygen cycle.

Question 58. To increase the nitrogen content of the soil is necessary
(1)watering the soil
(2)adding organic manure, animal wastes, and dead bodies to the soil
(3)adding lime to the soil
(4)cutting away all the plants.

Answer: To increase the nitrogen content of the soil adding organic manure, animal wastes, and dead bodies to the soil is necessary.

Question 59. Which of the following is the primary consumer?
(1) Grass
(2) tiger
(3) goat
(4) vulture.

Answer: Goat is the primary consumer.

Question 60. The total organic matter present in an ecosystem is called –
(1) Biome
(2) litter
(3) Biotic community
(4) biomass

Answer: The total organic matter present in an ecosystem is called biomass.

Question 61. Ecological pyramids were proposed by –
(2) Odum
(3) Elton
(4) Shelford

Answer: Ecological pyramids were proposed by Elton.

Question 62. What is the nature of the characteristic of energy flow in the ecosystem?
(1) Circular
(2) Unidirectional
(3) Multi-directional
(4) Introspective.

Answer: The nature of characteristics of energy flow in the ecosystem is always Unidirectional.

Question 63. Which one is not a producer in the ecosystem?
(1) Pea plant
(2) Grass
(3) Algae
(4) Agaricus.

Answer: Agaricus is not a producer in the ecosystem.

Question 64. All animals in a particular ecosystem collectively form –
(1) A fauna
(2) A flora
(3) Nothing of flora & fauna
(4) Both flora & fauna.

Answer: All animals in a particular ecosystem collectively form a fauna.

Question 65. The ultimate source of energy that flows through the living world is-
(1) Moon
(2) Sun
(3) Neither moon nor sun
(4) Both moon and sun.

Answer: The ultimate source of energy that flows through the living world is the Sun.

Question 66. Which one of the following organisms is the primary consumer?
(1) Toad
(2) Snake
(3) Grasshopper
(4) Peacock.

Answer: Grasshopper is the primary consumer.

Question 67. The base of the general food pyramid is occupied by –
(1) Autotroph
(2) Carnivore
(3) Decomposer
(4) Herbivore

Answer: The base of the general food pyramid is occupied by autotrophs.

Question 68. In a pond ecosystem, phytoplankton act as –
(1) Producers
(2) Primary consumers
(3) Secondary consumers
(4) Decomposers.

Answer: In a pond ecosystem, phytoplankton acts as producers.

Question 69. The law of energy flow was formulated by –
(1) Clarke
(2) Lindeman
(3) Odum
(4) Kendai

Answer: The law of energy flow was formulated by Linde Man.

Question 70. Name a first-order consumer in the ecosystem of grass covered field.
(1) Toad
(2) Dragonfly
(3) Sparrow
(4) Snake

Answer: Dragonfly is a first-order consumer in the ecosystem of grass-covered fields.

Question 71. Govt, of India, set up the Indian Board of Wildlife in –
(1) 1861
(2) 1952
(3) 1972
(4) 1976.

Answer: Govt, of India, set up the Indian Board of Wildlife in 1952

Question 72. Govt, of India, introduced the Wildlife Protection Act in –
(1) 1961
(2) 1972
(3) 1952
(4) 1956

Answer: Govt, of India, introduced the Wildlife Protection Act in 1972

Question 73. In India horned Rhinoceros are protected in –
(1) Jaldapara
(2) Sundarban
(3) Corbett National Park.

Answer: In India horned Rhinoceros are protected in Jaldapara.

Question 74. Cultivation of the same crop on the same soil year after year is called
(1) Silviculture
(2) Horticulture
(3) Monoculture
(4) Multiple Crop

Answer: The cultivation of the same crop on the same soil year after year is called monoculture.

Question 75. Corbett National Park is famous for the conservation of-
(1) Rhinoceros
(2) Tiger
(3) Lion
(4) Deer.

Answer: Corbett National Park is famous for the conservation of Tiger.

Question 76. Large-scale deforestation decreases –
(1) Drought
(2) Soil erosion
(3) Global Warming
(4) Rainfall

Answer: (4) Rainfall.

Question 77. Which one is used as food?
(1) Spirogyra
(2) Volvox
(3) Spirulina
(4) Chlamydomonas

Answer: (3) Spirulina.

Question 78. The practice of growing fruits, vegetables, and ornamental plants is called –
(1) Agriculture
(2) Pisciculture
(3) Apiculture
(4) Horticulture

Answer: (4) Horticulture.

Question 79. Which one is an edible fungus?
(1) Mucor
(2) Agaricus
(3) Yeast
(4) Penicillium

Answer: (2) Agaricus.

Question 80. The rearing and management of honey bees is called –
(1) Apiculture
(2) Sericulture
(3) Pisciculture
(4) Horticulture

Answer: (1) Apiculture.

Question 81. The growing of timber-yielding plants is-
(1) Agriculture
(2) Horticulture
(3) Sylviculture
(4) Sericulture

Answer: (3) Sylviculture.

Question 82. The water that is fit for drinking is –
(1) Salty water
(2) Potable water
(3) Rainwater
(4) Polluted water

Answer: (2) Potable water.

Question 83. Fisheries include –
(1) Fish
(2) Shellfish
(3) Prawn
(4) All of these

Answer: (4) All of these.

Question 84. ‘Sufu’ a food is produced from –
(1) Yeast
(2) Mucor
(3) Chlorella
(4) None of these

Answer: (2) Mucor.

Question 85. The seeds of ‘Chilgoza’ are obtained from –
(1) Cycas
(3) Mass
(4) Fern

Answer: (2) Pinus.

Chapter 5 Environment And Its Resources Very Short Type Questions And Answers

Question l. Name a nitrogen-fixing symbiotic microbe in soil.
Answer: The name of a nitrogen-fixing symbiotic microbe in the soil is Rhizobium leguminous sodium.

Question 2. Write the name of a free-living nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the soil.
Answer: The name of a free-living nitrogen-fixing bacteria in soil is Azotobacter.

Question 3. Which type of algae can absorb nitrogen directly from the atmosphere?
Answer: Blue-green algae (Ex: Nostoc and Anabena) can absorb nitrogen directly from the atmosphere.

Question 4. Name one de-nitrifying bacterium present in soil.
Answer: The name of one de-nitrifying bacterium present in soil is Thiobacillus denitrificance.

Question 5. Name one nitrifying bacteria.
Answer: The name of a nitrifying bacteria is Nitrobacter.

Question 6. Name one N2 – fixing blue-green algae.
Answer: The name of one N2-fixing blue-green algae is Nostoc.

Question 7. Name the gas which is essential for the plants but cannot be absorbed directly from the air.
Answer: Nitrogen gas (N).

Question 8. Name a gas that can be directly absorbed by the plants from the air but cannot be absorbed directly by the animals.
Answer: Carbon dioxide (CO).

Wbbse Class 10 Life Science Solutions

Question 9. In the nitrogen cycle which bacterium converts nitrite to nitrates.
Answer: Nitrobacter.

Question 10. Do all plants take up nitrogen directly from the air?
Answer: No.

Question 11. Which element is prevalent in a maximum amount in the atmosphere and can not be taken up by plants and animals directly?
Answer: Nitrogen.

Question 12. Which mineral substance absorbs CO2 from the air?
Answer: Lime stone/Calcite/Feldspar

Question 13. Due to which life process of plants the amount of carbon-di-oxide is decreased in the environment?
Answer: Photosynthesis.

Question 14. Mention one role of the living organisms in the carbon cycle to remove carbon from the atmosphere.
Answer: Photosynthesis.

Question 15. Mention the cycle of the gas that can be directly absorbed neither by plants nor by animals.
Answer: This is the cycle of Nitrogen gas.

Question 16. Mention one importance of the oxygen cycle.
Answer: It is essential for respiration and combustion.

Question 17. Which group of living organisms in an ecosystem is called a producer?
Answer: The autotroph group of living organisms in an ecosystem is called the producer.

Question 18. How many classes of ingredients participate in an ecosystem?
Answer: Two (Abiotic and biotic)

Question 19. What organisms are responsible for the decay of organic matter?
Answer: Decomposers (Saprophytic bacteria and fungus)

Question 20. Who are the producers in the ecosystem?
Answer: Green plants.

Question 21. What is the main source of energy in an ecosystem?
Answer: The sun.

Question 22. Name a sanctuary of West Bengal.
Answer: The name of a sanctuary in West Bengal is ‘Jaldapara.’

Wbbse Class 10 Life Science Solutions

Question 23. Give an example of a sanctuary in W.B. for rhinoceros conservation.
Answer: ‘Jaldapara’ is an example of a Sanctuary in W.B. for rhinoceros conservation.

Question 24. For the conservation of which animal, Sundarban Sanctuary is famous?
Answer: Sundarban Sanctuary is famous for the conservation of the ‘Royal Bengal Tiger.’

Question 25. Jaldapara Sanctuary is famous for the conservation of which animal?
Answer: Jaldapara Sanctuary is famous for the conservation of horned Rhinoceros.

Question 26. Name a sanctuary in West Bengal other than Sundarban.
Answer: ‘Jaldapara’ is a sanctuary in West Bengal other than Sundarban.

Question 27. Give one example of renewable natural resources.
Answer: Solar energy is an example of renewable natural resources.

Question 28. Where are tiger conservation projects situated in West Bengal?
Answer: Namkhana, Basirhat.

Question 29. Give two examples of conservation.
(1) Soil conservation
(2) Forest conservation.

Question 30. Write the names of two forests in India where the tiger is conserved.
(1) Sundarban – West Bengal and
(2) Bandipur – Karnataka.

Question 31. Where in West Bengal is the sanctuary for the tiger?
Answer: Sundarban.

Question 32. Mention any one measure to conserve a near-extinct plant or animal.
Answer: For the conservation of near to extinct plants or animals sanctuaries and National Parks should be established.

Question 33. Due to the insufficiency of rainfall in a particular area, there is a severe water crisis there. Write one of the many measures that you may take to face the situation.
Answer: To face the situation we should arrange hand pipes and deep tube wells.

Wbbse Class 10 Life Science Solutions

Question 34. What are the four main divisions of the environment?
(1) Lithosphere
(2) Hydrosphere
(3) Atmosphere
(4) Biosphere.

Question 35. Define biosphere.
Answer: The world of living organisms together with the physical world (ex – land, water, and air) is called the biosphere.

Question 36. What are livestock?
Answer: These are domesticated farm animals such as cows buffalo, and sheep, reared to get meat and milk.

Question 37. What is an ecosystem?
Answer: The structural and functional unit of ecology is called an ecosystem.

Question 38. Define Apiculture.
Answer: The rearing and management of honey bees to produce honey on a large scale.

Question 39. What are the roles of animal husbandry in human welfare?
Answer: In dairy products, Meat, Labour, Fibre, and making fertilizer.

Question 40. Define Afforestation.
Answer: The process of planting trees in an area of land to form a forest is called afforestation.

Question 41. Name two non-conventional energy sources.
(1) solar energy
(2) tidal energy

Question 42. What is the Red Data Book?
Answer: The book in which the names of globally extinct and endangered species are enlisted.

Question 43. What is potable water?
Answer: The water used for safe drinking is called potable water.

Question 44. What do you mean by watershed?
Answer: Rainwater is collected, stored, and used to meet the demand for fresh water.

Question 45. What is life?
Answer: The plants and animals in their natural habitat are called wildlife.

Question 46. Why is a forest called a biodiversity hot spot?
Answer: Because it gives shelter to many smaller to larger plants and animals.

Wbbse Class 10 Life Science Solutions

Question 47. Name two environment-friendly sources of energy.
(1) Wind energy,
(2) Water energy.

Question 48. Primary consumers are called “key industry animals”. Why?
Answer: Because they change the plant materials into animal material.

Question 49. Mention the names of two animals included in the list for preservation.
(1) one horned rhinoceros
(2) crocodiles.

Question 50. What is meant by ‘nitrogen fixation’?
Answer: The conversion of atmospheric nitrogen into nitrite and nitrate is called nitrogen fixation.

Question 51. Name two blue-green algae helpful in N2 fixation.
(1) Nostoc,
(2) Anabaena.

Question 52. What is meant by the bio-geo-chemical cycle?
Answer: The circulation of the essential chemical nutrients in a biosphere is called the biogeochemical cycle.

Question 53. What will happen primarily if all the green plants in an ecosystem are lost?
Answer: The ecosystem will not exist and finally this universe will be lifeless.

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