WBBSE Solutions For Class 10 English Bliss Processing Writing

Processing Writing

Question 1. Use the following chart to write about the ‘Preparation of Ghee’.
[Milk-collected-factory-weight-tasted-cream separated-cream boiled at 100°C- cooled-bottled-packed-delivered]

Preparation Of Ghee

Ghee is a very popular, nutritious and traditional food item in India. It is processed in several stages. To prepare ghee, first of all, milk is collected from dairy farms and sent to the factory.

Then, it is weighed and tasted. Now, it is poured into a cream separator and the cream is separated from the milk. Next, the cream is boiled at 100°C for a fixed period of time.

Then, it is allowed to cool. After this, the preparation is poured into sterilized bottles. Finally, the bottles are sealed, labelled, packed in chests and delivered to market for sale.

Question 2. Describe the process of marking Orange Juice.

Chart: Harvesting and Delivering – sorting and removing rotten ones- cleaning – crushing to extract juice- mixing with water and syrup – filling in sterilized bottles – sealing and labelling – putting into boxes – despatching to shops.

Description: First, oranges are harvested from the orchard and sent to the factory. There the fresh oranges are sorted out and the rotten ones are removed.

Then the fresh ones are cleaned well in water and crushed in a big crushing machine to extract the juice. Before it is filled in the bottles are sterilised.

Then the bottles are properly sealed and labelled and put into boxes. At last, these are despatched to different shops for sale.

Tea Preparation

We start by boiling some amount of water in a kettle for some time. The boiled water is poured into a teapot.

Then two teaspoonfuls of tea leaves are put into the teapot. It is to be covered with the lid and kept for five minutes. Then sugar and milk are put into the cups.

The boiling liquor from the teapot is now poured into the cups through a sieve. After this, the hot mixture is stirred well with a teaspoon. Thus, the tea is made ready and it should be served hot on a tea tray.

Question 3. Use the following chart to write about the preparation of an omelette.

Cutting onion, chilli, and ginger into pieces-breaking an egg-mixing the onion, ginger, chilli and salt-stirring-pouring mustard oil or ghee in a frying pan, pouring the mixture and spreading all over-rolling -adding salt-serving.


Preparation Of An Omelette

To prepare an omelette which is our very favourite food, onion is first cut into small slices and chilli and ginger are mixed.

Then an egg is broken and it is mixed with the onion, chilli, ginger and the required amount of salt in a pot. The mixture is next stirred well so that the ingredients may get properly mixed.

After this, some mustard oil or ghee is poured into a frying pan in the oven. The mixture is fried well the resultant solid matter is rolled and a little bit of salt is added to it.

Now the omelette is ready to be served hot.

Question 4. Study the following chart below to describe how paper is made.

Hints: Wood or Bamboo cut up-ground into pulp-put into great tanks-mixed with lime- the boiled pulp is passed through another machine-wound into big rolls-cut into different sizes-double crown-double fullscale-demy-packed into reams.

Paper Making

Through the ages, paper is playing a great role in our life. The procedure of paper making is slightly hard by chainwise processing.

To make paper, at first, wood or bamboo is cut up into pieces which are ground into a pulp in a big machine after cleaning.

Next, the pulp is put into great tanks and mixed with lime in order to make the mixture soft and white. The pulp is then boiled and passed over a wire mesh which is kept moving by the rollers; thus we have the wet paper which is once again passed through another machine with a big roller.

It is heated and streamed. Thereafter the wet paper is passed and dried there. Afterwards, this paper is wound into big rolls and cut into different sizes such as a double crown, double full scape and demy. Finally, the cut paper is packed into reams.

Question 5. Chart: Seeds are collected and dried – those seeds are put into haulier for crushing – a little water is added for extracting oil- oil cakes are separated – oil is collected in containers and sealed – oil is ready for sale.

Preparation Of Mustard Oil

Mustard seeds are first collected from market and dried well for about two weeks. Then the seeds are taken to the oil mill for extracting oil from them.

There they are put into the haulier of a big crushing machine. A little water is added as it helps to extract oil. Oil cakes are separated from the oil.

Then the extracted oil is collected in tin containers of different sizes. Next, these are properly sealed and labelled. Thus, the edible oil is made ready for use.

It may be sent to the market for sale.

Question 6. Flour 1 cup +little oil/ghee+a little salt – add water-form dough-make small balls- roll out into thin round shapes-heat oil/ghee in pan-keep dry-serve hot.

Preparation Of Luchis

It is very difficult to find a Bengalee who does not like lunches. For the preparation of eight lunches, one cup of flour, a little amount of oil or ghee and salt are necessary.

First, these are mixed together well and some water is then added to the mixture in order to form a dough or an unbaked thick mixture.

Next eight small balls are made from the dough, and the balls are flattened on a board with a rolling pin to give them thin round shapes.

After this, some oil or ghee is heated in a hot pan or an oven. The disc-shaped thin doughs are then put into the pan one by one when the hot oil or ghee starts sizzling.

They are dipped well into the hot liquid. After deep frying the ‘lunches’ are taken out and served hot.

Question 7. Chart: Peeling and slicing cucumber – slicing onions – cutting tomatoes>chopping mint or coriander leaves – mincing chillies – squeezing out the Juice of a lemon – sprinkling salt and pepper – adding salad oil – tossing the salad.

Preparation Of Mixed Salad

The preparation of mixed salad involves various stages. First, a few cucumbers are properly peeled and sliced and they are kept in a pot.

Then a few onions are sliced and tomatoes are cut into small pieces. They are kept in the same pot. Next, mint or coriander leaves are chopped and green chillies are minced and both are put into the pot.

Then the juice is squeezed out of a lemon and it is added to the ingredients. Now, salt and pepper are sprinkled on them and some salad oil is added.

At last, the mixture is stirred well and the mixed salad is made ready to be served.

Question 8. Manuscripts collected from both students and teachers-Varied topics-science, literature, fiction, sports-Thoroughly screened, necessary additions, alterations, and omissions are made – Prepare a rough draft of the magazine,

i.e., different sections of the magazine according to age/language, etc. -Content page, appropriate heading to each section as well as a title to the magazine -Manuscripts along with a dummy sent to the printer – Proof corrections -Sent for final printing -Printed in the form of a book, distributed among the students, teachers and others.

Procedure For Bringing Out A School Magazine

Publication of the school magazine is a prolonged procedure. First, manuscripts are collected from the students as well as the teachers of a school.

Different articles on science, literature, sports, fiction, poems, etc. are thoroughly screened by the teachers entrusted with the task of editing the magazine. Necessary additions, alterations and omissions are made.

Then a rough draft of the magazine, i.e., different sections of the magazine according to age, language, etc. is prepared.

Next, the content page is prepared and an appropriate heading for each section as well as a title for the magazine is given.

The manuscripts along with a dummy are sent to the press for printing. A dummy is a model of the final printing of the magazine.

Then the proofs are read and necessary corrections are made to them. The proofs are next sent to the press for final printing.

When the magazine is printed in the form of a book, it is distributed among the students, teachers and others.

Question 9. Extraction of Ganga water purification by mixing alum reserved in big tanks- filtered in filter bed-supplied through pipes-taken into pressure house-testing done- further purified in filter houses-chlorine added

Supply Of Drinking Water To Kolkata

The supply of drinking water to Kolkata from Palta is a complicated process. At first, water is extracted from the Ganga near Palta.

Next, the water is purified by mixing alum with it. The purified water is reserved in big tanks and then filtered into the filter bed.

The water is further purified in filter houses by adding chlorine to it. In the next stage, testing is done to confirm that the water to be used for drinking purposes is pure and fit for use.

Thereupon, the water is taken into the pressure house from where the water is supplied to houses through pipes. This water is not only used for drinking but for other purposes as well.

Question 10. Letters written-dropped in postal boxes – collected by postmen – sorted in post offices – destination – air, sea, railways – despatched by mail van – different post offices – delivered by postmen to respective addresses.

How Postal System Works

Working in the postal system is a complicated process. First, letters are written and these are dropped in postal boxes.

The letters are then collected from the letter boxes by the postmen of different post offices. The collected letters are brought to the post offices where the sorting of letters is done.

The sorted letters are next despatched to different places by plane, ship and train. The letters are then sent to various post offices by mail van.

Now the postmen in post offices collect the letters and put them in bags. At last, they go out either by cycle or on foot to deliver letters to addresses in different places.

Question 11. Write a paragraph on the processing of guava jelly with the help of the following flowchart.

[Outlines: Collection ripe guavas —sorted and cleaned — cutting into small pieces — boiled, crushed — seeds separated — sugar syrups and preservative added — boiled again to make it thick — cooling and bottling in sterilised bottles — sealed and labelled — ready for sale.]


Processing Of Guava Jelly

At first, ripe guavas are collected from the garden. These are then sorted out and the rotten ones are removed. The guavas are now cleaned with water and cut into small pieces.

These are then boiled in water and crushed to form a pulp. The pulp is next passed through a sieve to remove the seeds.

Sugar, syrup and some preservatives are then added to the pulp and the mixture is boiled again till it becomes thick. It is next allowed to cool and we get guava jelly.

This is now poured into sterilized bottles which are sealed and labelled. They are now ready for sale.

Question 12. Study the following chart carefully and then write a paragraph in about 120 words on the processing of solid rubber from rubber plants.

Rubber Processing

  1. LATEX – milk – white liquid
  2. Latex collected from rubber plantation
  3. Collection sent to factory in containers
  4. Latex treated with chemicals to get rubber slabs
  5. Slabs cut into pieces, pressed with rollers
  6. Smoked and dried into sheets
  7. This sheet was treated in the smokehouse for longer preservation
  8. Sent to market for use

Start like this: Rubber is a very useful material.


Rubber is a very useful material. It is produced from the milky-white liquid called latex obtained from rubber plants. Latex is first collected from rubber plantations.

The collection is then sent to factories in containers. The thick latex is now mixed with chemicals. It is turned into rubber slabs.

The slabs are cut into pieces and pressed with rollers. Thus sheets of rubber are obtained. The rubber sheets are next sent to the smokehouse for treatment.

This treatment enables the rubber to be preserved for a long period of time. The treated rubber turns into dry sheets of rubber. It is then packed and sent to the market for sale.

Question 13. Study the following information about Gobar gas production. Enlarge it into a paragraph of about 100 words. Give the passage a title.


Production Of Gobar Gas

The basic raw materials needed for the production of Gobar gas are cow-dung and water. Cow dung is collected daily and is kept in a big container where it is mixed with water in 1: 1 proportion.

The mixture is kept in the container for 25-30 days and stirred with an agitator all along. The mixture is then heated and Gobar gas is produced.

The gas, which is the main product, is stored in a container. Sludge, the by-product, is left behind and removed.

Question 14. Read the following flowchart carefully. Elaborate on the points given in boxes and summarise them to describe the process of preparation of lemon squash.


Preparation Of Lemon Squash

For the preparation of lemon squash, a sufficient number of lemons are collected first and these are cleaned by scrubbing.

The rind (hard skin) of the lemon is then scraped off and the lemons are boiled in water and allowed to cool.

The juice is now squeezed out and after careful straining, it is mixed with citric acid and sugar in proper proportion.

The squash is now ready for consumption. It is next poured into clean, dry bottles and labelled properly. The bottles, packed in attractive cartons, are then sent to the market for sale.

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