WBBSE Solutions For Class 10 Maths Chapter 23 Trigonometric Ratios And Trigonometric Identities Exercise 23.1

Class 10 WBBSE Math Solution In English Chapter 23 Trigonometric Ratios And Trigonometric Identities Exercise 23.1

Application 3. 50 is an acute angle and if tan 5θ = tan (60° + θ), then let us determine the value of θ. 

We shall remember: Generally, 

1. sin 2 θ + 2 sineθ

2. sin α/sin ẞ =not  α/β

and 3. sina +- sinẞ not = sin (α +- β)

These rules are applicable also in the cases of cosine, tangent, etc….. of an angle. 

Solution: tan 5 θ = tan (60 + θ)

or, 5 θ = 60 + θ

or, 4 θ = 60°

.. θ = 60°/4

θ = 15°

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Application 5. It is a positive acute angle, and tan e = 8/15′ then let us determine the values of sine and cos θ and prove that sin20 + cos20 = 1. 

Solution: ABC is a right-angled triangle whose ABC = 90° and ACB = θ 

∴ tan θ = AB/BC = 8/15

Let, perpendicular AB = 8k units and base BC= 15k units [where k > 0]

AC² = AB² + BC²

= (8K)² + (15K)²

= 64K² + 225K²

= 289K²

∴ sin θ = AB/AC = 8k/17k 

= 8/17

cos  θ =  base / hypotenuse 17k

∴ sin² θ+ cos² B = (8/17)² + (15/17)²

= 64/289 + 225/289

= 1

∴sin2θ+ cos2θ = 1.

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Application 6. If tan = 4/3, then let us show that, sin + cos = 7/5 

Solution: tan θ = 4/3     ∴ perpendicular = 4k & base = 3k

∴ Hypotenuse = √(4k)² + (3k)²= √16k² +9k²

∴ sinθ + cosθ =  4k/5k + 3k/5k = 7k/5k = 7/5  proved.


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Application 7. In ΔABC, ∠B is the right angle and the length of its hypotenuse is √13 units. If the sum of the lengths of the other two sides is 5 units, then let us determine the value of sin C + sin A.

Solution: In the right-angled triangle ABC, AC is the hypotenuse.

AB is perpendicular with respect to ∠C and BC is perpendicular with respect to ∠A.

∴ sin C + sin A = AB/AC = BC/AC


= 5/√13

Alternative Proof: Let, AB = x unit, 

BC = (5 – x) unit.

According to Pythagoras’ theorem, in a right-angled triangle ABC,

x² + (5-x)² = (√13)

or, x²+25+x-10x= 13 

or, 2x²-10x+12= 0 

or, x²-5x+6=0 

or, x2-3x-2x+6=0 

or, x(x-3)-2(x-3)=0 

or, (x-3)(x-2)=0

Either, x-3=0        .. x = 3

Or, x-2=0             .. x = 2

If AB is 3 units, then BC (5 – 3) units = 2 units.

Hence, sin C = AB/AC= 3/√13

and sin A = BC/AC = 2/√13

∴ sin C+ sin A = 3/√13 + 2/√13 = 5/√13

Again, if AB 2 units, then BC= 3 units and then sin C + sin A = 5/√13


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1. I have drawn a right-angled triangle ABC whose hypotenuse AB = 10 cm, base BC = 8 cm, and perpendicular AC = 6 cm. Let us determine the values of sine and tangent /ABC.

Solution: Here base BC= 8 cm

& perpendicular AC = 6 cm.

∴ AB = √62 +82 

= √100 

= 10cm.

∴  sin ∠ABC = Perpendicular/hypotenuse

= 6/10 = 3/5

& tan ∠ABC = perpendicular/base

= 6cm/8 cm

= 6/8

= 3/4


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2. Soma has drawn a right-angled triangle ABC whose ABC= 90°, AB = 24 cm, and BC= 7 cm. By calculating, let us write the values of sin A, cos A, tan A, and cosec A. 

Solution: Here AC²= AB²+ BC²

= (24)² + (7)²

= 576 +49 = 625

∴ AC = √625 

= 25 cm.

sin A = BC/AC 7/25

cos A = BC/AC = 24/25;

tan A = BC/AC = 7/24

& cosec A = AC/BC = 25


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3. If in a right-angled triangle ABC, C = 90°, BC= 21 units, and AB = 29 units, then let us find the values of sin A, cos A, sin B and cos B.

Solution: Here AC² = AB² – BC²

= (29)²- (21)²

= 841-441= 400

∴ AC = √400 = 20 units.

sin A = BC/AC =  21/29

cos A = AC/BC = 20/29

sin B = AC/AB = 20/29

cos B = BC/AB = 21/29


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4. If cos θ = 7/5 then let us determine the values of all trigonometric ratios of the angle 0.

Solution: As cos θ = 7/25

∴ Base AB 7 unit 

Hypotenuse BC = 25 unit

AC² = BC²-AB² = (25)² – (7)²

= 625-49

= 576

= (24)²

∴ AC = 24 units

sin θ = P/H = AC/BC = 24/25               Here, let Perpendicular = P

cos θ = B/H = AB/BC = 7/25

tan θ = P/H = AC/AB = 24/7                     Base B Hyptenuse = H

cot θ = B/P = AB/AC = 7/24

Sec θ = H/B BC/AB = 25/7

cosec θ = H/P = BC/AC = 25/24

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5. If cos θ = 2, then let us determine the values of tan e and sec e and show that 1 + tan²θ = sec² θ.

Solution: Here cote = 2 = 2/1 Base/Perpendicular = 2/1

∴ AC²= AB² + BC²

= (1)² + (2)²

∴ AC = √5

∴ tan e = P/B =1/2

Sece H/B = √5/2

L.H.S. = 1+tan20

= 1+(1/2)²

= 1+1/4 

= 5/4 

= (√5/2)²

= sec² θ

= R.H.S.


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6. If cos θ 0.6, then let us show that (5sinθ – 3tanθ) = 0.

Solution: cos θ = 6/10 = 3/5 = B/H

∴ AB² = AC²-BC²

= (5)²- (3)²

=25 –

= 16

∴ AB = √16 

= 4

L.H.S = 5 sinθ – 3 tanθ

= 5 x 4/5 – 3 x 4/3 


=0  R.H.S.


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7. If cot A = 4/7.5
then let us determine the values of cos A and cosec A and show that 1+ cot² A = cosec² A.

Solution: cot A = 4/7.5 = B/P

∴ AB = 4, BC = 7.5

AC² = AB²+ BC²

=(4)² + (7.5)²

= 16+ 56.25 

= 72.25

∴ AC = 72.25

= 8.5 = H.

cos A = B/H = AB/AC = 4/8.5

cosec A = H/P = 8.5/15

L.H.S. 1+ cot2 A = 1 + 16/56.25


= 289/225

R.H.S. cosec² A = H/P = (72.25/7.5)²

= (17/15)²

= 289/225

∴ L.H.S = R.H.S.


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8. If sin C = 2/3, then let us write by calculating, the value of cos C x cosec C.

Solution: sin C = 2/3

sin C = P/H = AB/AC = 2/3

BC² = (AC)²- (AB)²

= (3)² – (2)²

= 9 – 4

= 5

∴ BC = √5

cos C x cosec C

= B/H x H/P

= √5/3 x 3/2

= √5/2 


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9. Let us write with reason whether the following statements are true or false 

1. The value of tan A is always greater than 1.

Solution. The statement is false

if the perpendicular is greater than the base then tan A will be greater than 1, but if the base is greater than the perpendicular then tan A is less than 1.

2. The value of cot A is always less than 1.

Solution. The statement is false.

3. For an angle 8, it may be possible that sin 0 = 4/3

Solution. The statement is false.

As sinθ = perpendicular/hypotenuse

i.e., sin θ = 4/3 here perpendicular of a triangle can not be greater than the hypotenuse.

4. For an angle a, it may be possible that, secα =

Solution. The statement is true.

As sec θ = hypotenuse/base

i.e., secθ= 12/5, here hypotenuse is always greater than the base.

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5. For an angle ẞ(Beta), it may be possible that, cosecẞ:

Solution. The statement is false.

As cosec θ = hypotenuse/perpendicular

i.e., cosec θ = 5/13, here hypotenuse is less than perpendicular.

6. For an angle 0, it may be possible that cos e = 3/5

Solution. The statement is true.

As cose = base/hypotenuse

i.e., cos e = 3/5′ here base is less than the hypotenuse.


10. I have understood, cosec 45° = 1/sin 45° = √2

= sec 45° = 1/cos 45°

= 1/ 1/√2 = √2

& cot 45° = 1/tan 45° = 1

I have understood, cosec 30° = 2,

sec 30° = 2/√3

and cot 30° = 1/tan 30°


Application 9. If the kite would be flown with a string of 120 m in length and the kite is at an angle of 30° with the horizontal line, then let us calculate the height of the kite from Rina’s position from the ground, 

Solution: AB is the height of the kite from the ground 

& AC is the length of string = 120 m. 

& angle of elevation (∠C) = 30°.

∴ sin30° = AB/AC     or, 1/2 = AB/120

∴ AB = 120/2 = 60 m.

∴ The kite is 60 m above the ground.


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Application 11. In a right-angled triangle ABC, ZB is a right angle. If AB = 5. cm and AC 10 cm, then let us determine the values of ∠BCA and ∠CAB. 

Solution: In a right-angled triangle ABC, ∠B is a right angle,

AB 5 cm. and AC = 10 cm.

In a right-angled triangle, ABC, sin ∠BCA = AB/BC 

= 5/10 

= 1/2 

= sin 30°

∴ ∠BCA = 30°

∴ ∠CAB = 90° – 30° = 60°

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Application 12. In a right-angled triangle ABC, ∠B is a right angle. If AB = 7 cm and AC=7√2 cm, then let us write by calculating, the values of ∠BCA and ∠CAB. 

Solution: cos∠CAB = AB/AC

= 7 cm/7√2 cm

= 1/√2

= cos 45°

∴ ∠CAB = 45°


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Application 14. Let us show that, tan²60° + 1 = sec²60°

Solution: L.H.S = tan² 60° + 1





= sec²60°

= R.H.S.
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Application 17. Let us prove that, tan²60°-2sin60° = 3-cot30° 

Solution: L.H.S. = tan²60 – 2sin²60

=(√3)-2. √3/2 

= 3 – √3


cot30° = 3-√3. 

∴ L.H.S = R.H.S.




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