WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 Maths Chapter 9 Percentage

Class 6 Math Solutions WBBSE Chapter 9 Percentage Exercise 9

Question 1. Let’s convert the following percentages into proper fractions:

1. 10%

= \(\frac{10}{100}=\frac{1}{10}\)

2. 70%

= \(\frac{70}{100}=\frac{7}{10}\)

3. 15%

= \(\frac{15}{100}=\frac{3}{20}\)

4. 257 %

= \(\frac{257}{100}\)

5. \(33 \frac{1}{3} \%\)

= \(\frac{100}{3} \times \frac{1}{100}=\frac{1}{3}\)

Question 2. Let’s convert the following percentages into proper fractions:

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1. 61%

= \(\frac{61}{100}=0.61\)

2. 3%

= \(\frac{3}{100}=0.03\)

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3. 105%

= \(\frac{105}{100}=1.05\)

4. 1.26%

= \(\frac{126}{100 \times 100}=0.0126\)

5. 0.07%

= \(\frac{7}{100} \times \frac{1}{100}\)

= \(\frac{7}{10000}=0.0007\)

Question 3. Let us express the following in percentages and arrange them in ascending order

1. \(\frac{1}{2}, \frac{1}{4}, \frac{3}{5}\)

⇒ \(\frac{1}{2}=\frac{1}{2} \times 100 \%=50 \%\)

⇒ \(\frac{1}{4}=\frac{1}{4} \times 100 \%=25 \%\)

⇒ \(\frac{3}{5}=\frac{3}{5} \times 100 \%=60 \%\)

Ascending order: 25%; 50% ; 60%

∴ \(\frac{1}{4}, \frac{1}{2}, \frac{3}{5}\)

2. \(\frac{2}{5} ; \frac{13}{25} ; \frac{7}{10}\)

⇒ \(\frac{2}{5}=\frac{2}{5} \times 100 \%\) = 40%

⇒ \(\frac{13}{25}=\frac{13}{25} \times 100 \%\) = 52%

⇒ \(\frac{7}{10}=\frac{7}{10} \times 100 \%\)= 70

Ascending order: 40% ; 52% ; 70%

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i.e., \(\frac{2}{5} ; \frac{13}{25} ; \frac{7}{10}\)

3. \(1 \frac{2}{5}, 1 \frac{1}{2}, 1 \frac{9}{10}\)

\(1 \frac{2}{5}\)

= \(\frac{7}{5}=\frac{7}{5} \times 100 \%\) =140%

⇒ 1 \(\frac{1}{2}\)

= \(\frac{3}{2}=\frac{3}{2} \times 100 \%\) =150%

⇒ 1 \(\frac{9}{10}\)

= \(\frac{19}{10}=\frac{19}{10} \times 100 \%\) =190%

Ascending order: 140% ; 150% ; 190%

i.e., \(\frac{7}{5} ; \frac{3}{2} ; \frac{19}{10}\)

i.e., \(1 \frac{2}{5}, 1 \frac{1}{2}, 1 \frac{9}{10}\)

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4. 0.02,0.15,0.6

0.02 = \(\frac{2}{100} \times 100 \%=2 \%\)

0.15 = \(\frac{15}{100} \times 100 \%=15 \%\)

0.6 = \(\frac{6}{10} \times 100 \%=60 \%\)

Ascending order: 2%; 15%; 60%

i.e., 0.02; 0.15; 0.6

Question 4. 1. If 3 out of 5 candies were taken, let’s find the percentage of candies taken.

3 out of 5 candies are taken.

∴ Percentage of candies taken = \(\frac{3}{5}\) x 20% = 60%.

2. If 6 out of 24 berries are rotten. Let’s find the percentage of berries that have rotten.

6 out of 24 berries are rotten.

∴ Percentage of rotten berries = \(\frac{6}{24}\) x 100% =25%.

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3. Today 7 students of our class are absent. There are 35 students in our class. Let us find the percentage of students present today in our class.

7 students out of 35 students are absent.

∴ 35 -7 = 28 students are present.

∴ Percentage of present students = \(\frac{28}{35}\) x100% = 80%.

4. A bamboo is of length 55 m. 11 m of it is under muddy water. Let’s find what percentage of the bamboo is above the muddy water.

Total length of bamboo = 55 m.

Under muddy water = 11 m.

Length of bamboo above muddy water = (55-11)m = 44m.

Percentage of the bamboo above the muddy water

= \(\frac{44}{55}\) 100% = 80 %

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Question 5. There are 2100 story books in our local library. If 30% more storybooks are bought, what will be the total number of storybooks in the library now also find out the additional number of storybooks bought.

Total number of story books in our library = 2100.

30% of 2100 story books = \(\frac{30}{100}\) x 2100 = 630.

∴ Total number of books now = 2100 + 630 = 2730.

Question 6. It’s raining heavily since morning. Hence only 20% of students were present in Alam’s school. Let’s find how many students were actually present in school if the total number of students in Alam’s school is 1230.

Total number of students in Alam’s school = 1230.

Number of students present today = 20% of 1230

= \(\frac{20}{100}\) X 1230 = 246.

Question 7. 10. Today I shall prepare orange juice, ‘sherbet’ (drink) myself. For preparing 300 ml of ‘sherbet’ I added 18% orange juice to it. Let’s find how many milliliters of orange juice I added to the ‘sherbet’.

Quantity of sherbet = 300 ml.

Orange juice added = 18% of 300ml

= \(\frac{18}{100}\) x 300 ml = 54 ml.

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Question 8. Shobhan used organic fertilizer this year in his land This increased the production of paddy by 25% than last year. If last year’s production of paddy is 12 quintals, let’s find the production of oaddv this year.

Last year production of paddy = 12 Quintals.

This year production increased by 25%

= \(\frac{25}{100}\) x 12 Quintals = 3 Quintals.

∴ Total production = (12 + 3) Quintals = 15 Quintals.

Question 9. In Rasulpur village, the population has increased by 12% than the previous year. Till last year, the population of the village was 775. Let’s find the present population of the village.

Till last year, the population of the village was 775.

The population increased by 12%

= 12/100 x 775 = 993

∴ Present population of the village = 775 + 93 = 868.

Question 10. 80 students appeared for the Madhyamik Examination this year from our school. If 65% of students have passed, let us find how many students have actually passed.

Number of students appeared for the Madhyamik Examination this year = 80.

Percentage of passed = 65%.

∴ Number of students passed = \(\frac{65}{100}\) x 80 = 52.

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Question 11. A certain alloy contains 70% popper and rest zinc. In 20 kg of such alloy let’s find how many kg of zinc is required.

Total weight of alloy = 20 kg.

Percentage of copper present = 70%

= \(\frac{70}{100}\) X 20 kg = 14 kg.

∴ Quantity of zinc required = 20 – 14 = 6 kg.

Question 12. Due to the rise in the price of sugar we decided to reduce the consumption of sugar by 4%. Presently, we consume 625 gm of sugar every day. Let’s find how many grams the consumption of sugar is reduced and also the amount of sugar consumed each day now.

At present we consume sugar every day = 625 gm.

Consumption of sugar reduced by 4% = \(\frac{4}{100}\) x 625 = 25gm

∴ Amount of sugar consumption today = 625gm – 252gm = 600gm

Question 13. Anilbabu pays 22% of his salary for house rent. If he pays Rs. 1870 per month for rent, let’s find his monthly salary.

Monthly rent

Monthly salary

When Rs. 22 is the rent, monthly salary = Rs. 100.

When Rs. 1 is the rent, monthly salary = Rs. \(\frac{100}{22}\)

When Rs. 1870 is the rent, monthly salary = Rs. \(\frac{100}{22}\) x 1870 = Rs. 8500.

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Question 14. Yasina Khatoon cultivates jute in 55% of her agricultural land. If she cultivates jute in 11 bighas of land, let’s find her total agricultural land.

If Yasina cultivated 55 bighas of land, she had 100 bighas of agricultural land.

Cultivated land

Total agricultural land

If 55 bighas of cultivated land, total agricultural land = 100 bighas.

If 11 bighas of cultivated land, total agricultural land = 100 bighas = \(\frac{100}{55}\) x 11 bighas = 20 bighas.

Question 15. Out of total monthly expenses of our family, Rs. 4750 is spent on food and 5900 for all other expenses. If expenses on food is increased by 10% and other expenses is decreased by 16%, then let’s calculate whether the total monthly expenses will increase or decrease.

Expenses for food = Rs. 4750

and other expenses = Rs. 5900

Expenses for food increased by 10%

= Rs. 4750 x \(\frac{10}{100}\)

= Rs. 475

Now expenses for food = Rs. 4750 + Rs. 475 = Rs. 5225

Expenses for other decreased by 16%

= Rs. 5900 x \(\frac{16}{100}\) = Rs. 944

Now other expenses = Rs. 5900 – Rs. 944 = Rs. 4956

Previously total expenses were = Rs. 4750 + Rs. 5900 = Rs. 10650

Presently total expenses are = Rs. (5225 + 4956) = Rs. 10181

Expenses Decrease in = Rs. (10650 -10181) = Rs. 469

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Question 16. The present population of the city is 26250. If the population increases at the rate of 4% every year, then let’s find what will the population of the city be next year. Also, let’s find what the population will be after two years.

The present population of a city = 26250.

Population increases by 4%

= \( x 26250 = 1050.

∴ The population of the city in 1st year = 26250 + 1050 = 27300.

Next year population again increased by 4%

= [latex]\frac{4}{100}\) x 27300 = 1092

∴ The population of the city in 2nd year = 27300 + 1092 = 28392.

WBBSE Class 6 Maths Solution for Question 17. During harvesting the price of paddy was Rs. 1080 per quintal. In monsoon the price increased by 15%, let’s find out how much more the farmer who sold 12 quintals of paddy earlier could have earned, had he sold the same amount during monsoon.

During harvesting, the price of paddy per quintal was Rs. 1080.

In monsoon, the price increased by 15%

= \(\) x Rs. 1080

= Rs. 162.

∴ During monsoon, he sold paddy at

= Rs. (1080 + 162) per quintal.

= Rs. 1242 per quintal

During monsoon, he will earn by selling 12 quintals

= Rs. 162×12

= Rs. 1944 more.

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