Class 9 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) – 3 Autumn शरद ऋतु
About The Poet – John Clare
John Clare was an English poet, famous for his celebratory representation of the English countryside and his lamentation of its disruption. He was born in a peasant family in Northamptonshire of Helpston, England in 1793. Although he was the son of illiterate parents, Clare received some formal schooling.
The rustic countryside inspired his imaginative mind to produce most of his poetry. Clare’s poetic talent was nourished by his parents’ knowledge of folk ballads as well as by his own reading of the works of the eighteenth-century poet, James Thomson.
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Even though he was involved in manual labour like ploughing and thrashing, it could not prevent him from publishing his creations as he got patronage from the influential London publisher, John Taylor. His first popular publication was ‘Poems Descriptive of Rural life and Scenery (1820).
Following this ‘The Village Minstrel and Other Poems’, ‘The Shepherd’s Calendar’, ‘The Rural Muse’, ‘First Love’ and ‘Snow Storm’ was some other collections of poetry by John Clare.
After suffering from delusions, John Clare was admitted to Northampton General County Asylum where he spent the final twenty years of his life. In fact, Clare wrote numerous poems during his asylum years. He passed away there in 1864. John Clare is still established as a unique and leading nature poet in the realm of English literature. He is always known to be a peasant poet.
(पाठ) – 3 शरद ऋतु कवि परिचय
जॉन क्लेयर एक अंग्रेज कवि थे जो ग्रामीण इंगलैंड के आनन्दमय रूप और उसके पतन की आर्तनाद को कविता के माध्यम से उद्भाषित करने में माहिर थे।
इनका जन्म इंगलैंड के नर्दाम्पटनशायर के हेपस्टन अंचल में एक कृषक परिवार के घर सन् 1793 ई० में हुआ था। क्लेयर यद्यपि अपने निरक्षर माता-पिता के सन्तान थे, फिर भी थोड़ी-बहुत औपचारिक शिक्षा वे प्राप्त किये थे। उनकी अधिकांश कविताओं का सृजन ही हुआ है गाँव के प्राकृतिक अवस्थाओं की अनुप्रेरणा से ।
क्लेयर में कवि प्रतिभा का उद्भव हुआ था उनके माता-पिता के लोकगाथा तथा लोक-साहित्य के ज्ञान से एवं अठारहवीं सदी के कवि जेम्स थॉमसन की रचना पाठ के माध्यम से एक प्रभावशाली प्रकाशक जॉन टेलर की पृष्ठपोषकता के कारण, खेत की जुताई एवं धान झारने जैसी शरीरिक परिश्रम का कार्य भी उनकी रचनाओं को प्रकाशित करने में किसी प्रकार का बाधक नहीं हुआ।
उनका प्रथम लोकप्रिय प्रकाशित रचना है ‘पोयम्स डिसक्रिपटिव ऑफ रूरल लाइफ एण्ड सिनरी’ (1820)। उनकी अन्य प्रमुख कविता संकलनों में ‘द मिजेज मिनिस्ट्रल एण्ड अदर पोयम्स’, ‘द ‘शेफार्डस् कैलेण्डर’, ‘द रूरल म्युज’, ‘फर्स्ट लव’ तथा ‘स्नो स्टर्म’ आदि उल्लेखनीय है ।
जॉन क्लेयर भ्रामकता का शिकार होकर नर्दम्पटनशायर के प्रादेशिक मानसिक चिकित्सा केन्द्र में भर्ती हुए और वहाँ अपने जीवन के अन्तिम बीस वर्ष व्यतीत किये।
इस मानसिक चिकित्सा केन्द्र में रहते समय वे और भी कई कविताओं की रचना किये और यहीं 1864 ई० में उनका देहांत हुआ। जॉन क्लेयर अंग्रेजी साहित्य की दुनिया में अभी भी एक श्रेष्ठ एवं अग्रगण्य कवि के रूप में प्रतिष्ठित हैं। इन्हें ‘कृषक कवि’ के नाम से भी जाना जाता है।
Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-3 Autumn Introduction
The referred poem, ‘Autumn’ is a representative nature poem written by John Clare. It is a simple description of the season, autumn. It presents the soft and charming beauty of the countryside in autumn.
The season introduces the advent of winter. Nature this time has the look of emptiness. It is characterised by strong winds, falling leaves and bare branches.
The sudden blow of wind shakes the casement throughout the day. It removes the dry leaves from the mossy elm tree and scatters them everywhere.
The twig sways and the sparrow twitters. The smoke comes out of the cottage chimney. It coils upwards and surrounds the bare trees. The pigeons take shelter in their nests. The c*ck cries loudly.
The windmills spin in full motion on the open field. The feather falls from the raven’s breast. The acorns drop silently. The pigs watch and reach to grab them.
In fact, the poem is a collection of different images of autumn. The charm and beauty of autumn beauty are revealed through these scenarios.
(पाठ) – 3 शरद ऋतु भूमिका
प्रस्तुत कविता, Autumn (शरद ऋतु) एक प्रकृतिवादी कविता है। इसमें शरद ऋतु की एक सहज वर्णन किया गया है । यह कविता शरद ऋतु के ग्रामीण जीवन का एक मधुर सौंदर्य उपस्थित करता है। यह शरद ऋतु ही शीतकाल के आगमन की सूचना देता है। प्रकृति इस समय शुष्क एवं शून्य रहती है।
कविता में इसकी परिचय प्रचंड वायु, पेड़ से पत्तियों का गिरना तथा रिक्त डाल- टहनियों के उल्लेख से मिलती है। हवा का झोंका सारा दिन खिड़कियों को झकझोड़ता रहता है।
काईदार ओक वृक्ष की सूखी पत्तियाँ हवा के झोंके से झर जाती हैं, चारों तरफ बिखड़ जाती हैं। इसी समय पेड़ों की टहनियाँ झूला जैसे हिलती-डुलती हैं और गोरैया पक्षी की चिहचिहावट सुनायी देती है।
घरों की चिमनियों से धुँआ निकलती हैं। यह धुँआ चक्कर लगाता हुआ, वृक्षों से आलिगंन करता हुआ उपर उठता है। कबूतर अपनी खांचे में विश्राम करती है।
मुर्गे ऊँची आवाज में वान लगाते हैं। हवा मशीनें खुले मैदान में ही खड़े होकर तीव्र गति से घूमने लगती है । काले कौवे के सीने से पालक गिर पड़ता है।
ओक फलें निःशब्द झड़ने लगती हैं। सुअरें उसका अनुसरण करते हैं, उसे झपटने के लिए इन्तजार करते हैं। वस्तुतः यह कविता शरद ऋतु के विभिन्न दृश्यों का समाहार है। इन सब दृश्यों के वर्णन के माध्यम से शरद ऋतु का रूप माधुर्य प्रकट हुआ है।
Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-3 Autumn Summary
John Clare known as a peasant poem is overwhelmed by the beautiful sight of autumn. He enjoys the sudden blow of the wind shaking the casement intermittently throughout the day, removing the dry and worn-out leaves from the mossy elm tree to whirl and scatter them all over the window pane and narrow path.
The poet is fascinated to look at the trembling and swaying of the twig till night. He likes the twittering of the sparrow that perches on the jutted part of a cottage. It makes everyone convinced that spring just takes a rest in the abundance of the exuberant summer.
The poet stares at smoke emitting from the chimney of a cottage and coiling upwards to encircle the trees that stand exposed there. In the days of late autumn in dull November month, the poet observes the pigeons sheltered in their nests and c*ck crowing steadily, perching on the heap of dung. He also sees the windmill continuing its motion on the open and barren field.
The poet’s eyes follow the feather shedding from the raven’s breast to fall on the stump of the reaped cornfield covered with grass. He gazes at the acorns dropping silently and gently near the old crow’s nest. He notices the grunting swine waiting to rush sharply to reach that place where those acorns fall.
(पाठ) – 3 शरद ऋतु सारांश
कृषक कवि, जॉन क्लेयर शरद ऋतु के अपूर्व दृश्य से मुग्ध हैं। कवि को पसन्द है वायु की वह झोंका जो दिन भर खिड़कियों को झकझोड़ता रहता है, काई से आच्छादित ओक वृक्ष की शुष्क एवं जीर्ण पत्तियों को उड़ा ले जाती है और इधर-उधर विखरा देती है।
कवि की नजर निबंधित होता है वृक्ष के कंपमान डालियों पर जो सारी रात झूले की भांति हिलती-दुलती रहती है ।
कवि को पसंद है गोरैया पक्षी की मधुर चहचहाना। घर के कार्निश पर बैठ कर गोरैया पक्षी हमेशा किचिर-मिचिर करती रहती है। ऐसे में सभी यही समझते हैं कि प्राचुर्य से भरा बसन्त विश्राम करने के उद्देश्य से ग्रीष्म के सीने से लिपटे हुए हैं।
कवि नजर टिकाये रहता है घर के चिमनी के धुंये की ओर जो चक्कर लगाते हुए, खुले वृक्षों को घेरते हुए उपर उठता रहता है। शुष्क नवम्बर माह की शरद ऋतु में कवि पर्यवेक्षण करते हैं अपनी घोंसले में आश्रित कबूतरों को और गोबर की ढेर पर खड़ा मुर्गे को लगातार वान लगाता हुआ।
वे और भी देखते हैं कि किस प्रकार खुले आकाश के नीचे खड़ा हवा मशीन लगातार घूमता ही रहता है। कवि का दृष्टि आकर्षित होता है काले कौवे के सीने से गिरने वाला पालक पर जो गिरता है घास से भरी तत्काल फसल उगायी गई खेतों में।
बूढ़े कौवे के घोंसले के निकट निःशब्द टपटप कर गिरने वाले ओक फलों की ओर वे देख रहे हैं। जहाँ ओक फल गिर रहा है वहाँ शीघ्र ही दौड़कर पहुँचने के लिए गुरते हुए सूअरों को प्रतीक्षा करते हुए वे देखते हैं ।
Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-3 Autumn Text
I love the fitful gust that shakes The casement all day, And the mossy elm tree takes The faded leaves away. Twirling them by the window pane With thousand others down the lane. I love to see the shaking twig Dance till the shut of eve The sparrow on the cottage rig, Whose chirp would make believe That spring was just now flirting by In summer’s lap with flowers to lie.
I love to see the cottage smoke Curl upwards through the naked trees, The pigeons nestled around the cote On dull November days like these; The c*ck upon the dunghill crowing, The mill sails on the heath agoing.
The feather from the raven’s breast Falls on the stubble lea, The acorns near the old crow’s nest Fall pattering down the tree; The grunting pigs, that wait for all, Scramble and hurry where they fall.
(पाठ) – 3 शरद ऋतु Word-Notes (शब्दार्थ)
- Fitful : अनियमित ।
- Gust: हवा का झोंका, आँधी ।
- Casement: बड़ी खिड़की या दरवाजे की भांति खोला जाती हो ।
- Mossy : काई से ढका
- Elm-Tree : इंगलैंड का एक पेड़ ।
- Faded: विवर्ण ।
- Pane : खिड़की का काँच ।
- Lane : गली ।
- Twig: छोटी डाल |
- Shut: बन्द करना, समेटना
- Rig: रस्सी ।
- Chirp : पक्षियों का चूँ- चूँ करना
- Flirting :आनन्द करना ।
- Lap:गोद |
- Smoke:धुंआ
- Curl: लपेटना
- Naked : रिक्त, शून्य, नग्न |
- Pigeons : कबूतर ।
- Nestled : शांति से रहना ।
- Dung: जीव-जन्तुओं का मल ।
- Mill: चक्की, जाँता।
- Heath : घासों से भरा बंजर भूमि।
- Raven : काला कौवा ।
- Grunting : शुअर की गुड़गुड़ाहट ।
- Scramble : छीना-झपटी करना |
- Hurry : जल्दबाजी करना ।
(पाठ) – 3 शरद ऋतु हिन्दी अनुवाद
अनियमित हवा का झोंका मुझे लगता है अच्छा जो दिन भर लंबी खिड़कियों को है झकझोड़ता, काई से ढँकी एलम वृक्षों से सूखी पत्तियों को है उड़ा ले जाता, जंगले की कांच पर घुमाते -घुमाते हजारों पत्तियाँ गलियों में है गिराता । देखने में अच्छा लगता है मुझे कांपने वाली डालें
जो शेष शाम के पहले तक है नाचते रहता । घर की मेड़ पर बैठा पक्षी गोरैया, चहचहाहट हमें याद दिलाता है जिसकी जैसे बसन्त अभी-अभी आनंदित करके चला गया फूलों के साथ सोने के लिए ग्रीष्म की गोद में।
देखने में अच्छा लगता है मुझे कुटिया की धुंआ जो शून्य पेड़ के बीच से उपर उठता है काटता हुआ चक्कर अपनी घोंसलों में शांति से रहती हैं कबूतरें, इस प्रकार की शुष्क नवम्बर के दिनों में । गोबर के टीले पर बैठा मुर्गाबांग लगाता है। घासों से भरी खेतों में मशीने चलती रहती है। काले कौवे के सीने से एक पालक गिरती है घासों के जड़ में, एक बूढ़े कौवे के घोंसले से सटा पेड़ के नीचे टपटप गिरता है ओक फल; इन्तजार में गुरगुर करता हुआ सूअर उसे शीघ्र उठाने और छीना-छपटी करता ।
(पाठ) – 3 शरद ऋतु Word Nest (शब्द नीड़)
Twirling cote – spinning round and round (चक्राकार घूमना) ।
Cote- nest (घोंसला ।
Stubble- the short lower part of the stem of crops (फसलों के जड़ के नीचे का छोटा अंश) ।
Lea- grass-covered land (घासों से भरी भूमि) ।
Acorns small brown-nut of the oak tree (ओक वृक्ष का छोटा भूरे रंग का बादाम) ।
Pattering- making repeated, quick, light sounds (बारबार और शीघ्र हल्के शब्द का प्रयोग) |
Class 9 English Bliss (पाठ) – 3 शरद ऋतु Textual Questions (पाठ्याधारित प्रश्न) Exercise (अभ्यास) – 1
Tick The Correct Answer From The Given Alternatives:
Question 1. All through the day the fitful gust shakes the
- Window-Pane
- Curtains
- Casement
- Door
Answer: 3. Casement
Question 2. The poet loves to see the shaking twig dance till the
- Coming Of Dawn
- End Of Night
- End Of Afternoon
- Shut Of Eve
Answer: 4. Shut Off Eve
Question 3. The sparrow sat on the
- Cottage Rig
- House-Top
- Mossy Elm-Tree
- Casement
Answer: 1. Cottage rig
Question 4. The pigeons nestled round the
- Cage
- Cote
- Branch
- Heath
Answer: 2. cote
Question 5. The c*ck was crowing upon the
- Dung Hill
- Lea
- Tree Tops
- Mill-Sails
Answer: 1. Dunghill
Question 6. The grunting pigs
- Walk Slowly
- Scamper By
- Scramble And Hurry
- Dive And Swim
Answer: 3. Scramble and hurry
Class 9 English Bliss (पाठ) – 3 शरद ऋतु Exercise (अभ्यास) 2
Answer The Following Questions Within Twenty-Five Words:
Question 1. What happens to the leaves of the mossy elm tree in autumn?
Answer: The sudden blast of the wind drives away the worn-out leaves from the mossy elm tree in autumn twirling them by the window pane to scatter down the lane.
Question 2. What are the things the poet loves to see on November days?
Answer: On dull November days the poet loves to see the cottage smoke curling upwards through the trees, the pigeons nestled in their cote, the c*cks crowing upon the dunghill and the mills whirling over the heath.
Grammar in use:
Class 9 English Bliss (पाठ) – 3 शरद ऋतु Exercise (अभ्यास) – 3
State whether the following sentences are in Active or Passive Voice:
Question 1. Anil will visit his grandmother’s house.
Answer: Active Voice
Question 2. The President has left his office.
Answer: Active Voice
Question 3. The project will have been finished by the students.
Answer: Passive Voice
Question 4. Promita’s leave has been sanctioned by the school authority.
Answer: Passive Voice
Class 9 English Bliss (पाठ) – 3 शरद ऋतु Exercise (अभ्यास) – 4
Change The Voice Of The Following Sentences:
Question 1. The boy has read out the letter. [Active Voice]
Answer: The letter has been read out by the boy. [Passive voice]
Question 2. I shall have bought a cricket bat by tomorrow. [Active voice]
Answer: A cricket bat will have been bought by me by tomorrow. [Passive voice]
Question 3. Sohini’s friends had organised a picnic. [Active voice]
Answer: A picnic had been organised by Sohini’s friends. [Passive voice]
Question 4. The football team will put up a brave fight. [Active voice]
Answer: A brave fight will be put up by the football team. [Passive voice]
Class 9 English Bliss (पाठ) – 3 शरद ऋतु Exercise (अभ्यास) -5
Change The Following Sentences Into Indirect Speech:
Question 1. I said to him, “Will you share your tiffin with me?” [Direct speech]
Answer: I asked him if/whether he would share his tiffin with me. [Indirect speech]
Question 2. Anjan’s mother said, “Your father has left for Mumbai.” [Direct speech]
Answer: Anjan’s mother said that my father had left for Mumbai. [Indirect speech]
Question 3. The girls triumphantly said, “Hurrah! We have won the match.”[Direct speech]
Answer: The girls exclaimed with joy/triumph that they had won the match. [Indirect speech]
Question 4. He says, “Let you be successful in life.” [Direct speech]
Answer: He wishes that I may be successful in life. [Indirect speech]
Question 5. The captain informed, “The tournament was postponed last month.” [Direct speech]
Answer: The captain informed us that the tournament had been postponed the previous month. [Indirect speech]
Class 9 English Bliss (पाठ) – 3 शरद ऋतु Exercise (अभ्यास) – 6
Question. Use the following flow-chart to write a paragraph within 100 words on how to make paper:
cutting down bamboo-making pulp-adding chemicals-rolling into sheets – adding colour-drying ready for use.
Production Of Paper
We can hardly spend a day without using paper. Making paper is however very interesting. At first, the main ingredients like wood, rags, straws, bamboo, old paper scraps etc. are collected. Then, they are tom or cut into small pieces and cleaned well. Next, the pieces are dipped into water and mixed with lime to make them soft.
The mixture is, later, by machine to produce white pulp. Thereafter, it is passed over wire meshes followed by heated rollers to roll flat. In this way, paper sheets are produced and they are pressed, dried and made smooth. After that, they are cut into different sizes. Finally, the sheets are packed, labelled and sent to the market for sale.
Class 9 English Bliss (पाठ) – 3 शरद ऋतु Exercise (अभ्यास) – 7
Question Write a biography of Annie Besant within 170 words based on the hints given below:
Hints: born on the 1st of October 1847 in London-famous British writer-well known socialist, and activist for the rights of women – participated in Indian politics – joined the Indian National Congress and became the first woman President of the Indian National Congress in 1917- passed away on 20th of September 1933 in Madras, India.
Annie Besant: Annie Besant was one of those foreigners who were known as well-wishers of India. She was born on 1st October 1847 in London in a middle-class family. She was a famous British writer and an orator. She was also a prominent socialist and activist for the rights of women.
She fought for the cause of women’s rights and birth control all through her life. She came to India and participated in the Indian freedom movement and became the first woman president of the Indian National Congress in 1917.
She campaigned against British rule for democracy and the dominion status of India. This great soul passed away on 20th September 1933 in Madras, India, creating a big vacuum in the hearts of India
Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-3 Autumn Additional Textual Question & Answers
Tick The Correct Answer From The Given Alternatives:
Question 1. The poet loves to see
- The Shaking Twig
- The Bent Twig
- The Curved Twig
- The Upright Twig
Answer: 1. The Shaking Twig
Question 2. The twig continues to dance till
- The Noon
- The Morning
- The Afternoon
- Shut of Evening
Answer: 4. Shut Off the Evening
Question 3. The wind takes away the faded leaves from the
- Date Tree
- Palm-Tree
- Mango-Tree
- Elm-Tree
Answer: 4. Elm-Tree
Question 4. The leaves of the mossy elm tree are
- Torn
- Drenched
- Withered
- Tender
Answer: 3. Withered
Question 5. The fitful gust shakes the
- Window Pane
- Curtain
- The Huge Windows
Answer: 2. The Huge Windows
Question 6. The sparrow can be found sitting on
- The Cottage Rig
- The Branch Of The Tree
- The Huge Windows
- Curtain
Answer: 1. The Cottage Rig
Question 7. The above poem describes the season of
- Spring
- Summer
- Autumn
- Winter
Answer: 3. Autumn
Question 8. The smoke is coming from a
- Hut
- Chimney
- Building
- House
Answer: 1. Hut
Question 9. The poem ‘autumn’ describes the beauty of
- A City
- The Urban Life
- A Rural Festival
- A Countryside
Answer: 4. A Countryside
Question 10. “The mill sails on…” Here ‘mill’ refers to
- Jute Mill
- Rice Mill
- Sugar Mill
- Wind Mill
Answer: 4. Wind Mill
Question 11. In the expression ‘stubble lea’, the word ‘lea’ means
- The Land Covered With Snow
- The Land Covered With Flowers
- The Land Covered With Sand
- The Land Covered With Grass
Answer: 4. The land covered with grass
Question 12. The word ‘cote’ stands for
- Home
- Nest
- Sty
- Hole
Answer: 2. Nest
Question 13. The cottage smoke curls
- Downwards
- Sidewards
- Upwards
- Westwards
Answer: 3. Upwards
Question 14. The ‘Casement’ is
- A Curtain
- A Window That Opens Like A Door With Hinges On One Side
- A Door
- An Attic
Answer: 2. A window that opens like a door with hinges on one side
Question 15. The spring was preparing to lie in
- Winter’s Bed
- Summer’s Lap
- Summer’s Bed
- Autumn’s Lap
Answer: 2. Summer’s lap
Question 16. “Dance till the shut of eve”- Here ‘dance’ means
- Sway
- Run
- Fall
- Limp
Answer: 1. Sway
Question 17. The elm tree is
- Glossy
- Mossy
- Dusty
- Rusty
Answer: 2. Mossy
18. The leaves of the elm tree are
- Fresh
- Colourful
- Worn-Out
- Vibrant
Answer: 3. Worn-Out
19. The word ‘twirling’ means
- Touring
- Spring Round
- Twittering
- Towering
Answer: Spring Round
Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-3 Autumn Answer The Following Questions Within Fifteen Words
Question 1. What does the chirp of the sparrow make-believe?
Answer: The chirp of the sparrow makes us believe that spring was just now flirting by.
Question 2. How is the wind of Autumn?
Answer: The wind of Autumn blows in fitful gusts throughout the day.
Question 3. What do you mean by ‘casement’ in the poem ‘Autumn’?
Answer: A big window that opens on hinges like a door.
Question 4. Where is the c*ck found?
Answer: In the poem ‘Autumn’, c*ck is found crowing on the dunghill.
Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-3 Autumn Answer The Following Questions Within Twenty-Five Words
Question 1. How is the season Autumn represented in the poem ‘Autumn’ by the poet John Clare?
Answer: Autumn is a season of desolation and loneliness. John Clare presents the season of Autumn with playfulness and sportiveness in his poem.
Question 2. Why are November days dull?
Answer: November days are dull because the pigeons are taking shelter in their nest, probably seeking some warmth.
Question 3. Describe the activities of the ‘fitful gust’ in Autumn.
Answer: The ‘fitful gust’ shakes the casement throughout the day. It also takes away the faded leaves from the mossy elm tree.
Question 4. Who scrambles and hurries and why?
Answer: The grunting pigs scramble and hurry to collect the falling acorns near the old crow’s nest.