WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 English Bliss Story Writing

Story Writing

Question 1. Write a story (within 100 words) using the given hints. Give a title to the story:
Hints: A soldier-prisoner of war for some years-war ends-returns home-sees a bird-seller on the way-buys all the birds and sets them free.


The Caged Birds And An English Soldier

Once a prolonged war between England and France broke out. In the course of the war, an English soldier was taken prisoner in France and was kept in a French prison for many years.

After the war had ended the English prisoner was released and returned to his native land. He was living there happily and peacefully. One day the English soldier noticed a bird seller selling birds.

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The soldier had now felt the pangs of imprisonment. He could identify himself with the birds in bondage and felt how much joy of liberty these poor creatures would enjoy if they were made free.

Then the English soldier bought all the birds from the bird seller and opened the gates of the cages. Now the birds flew away out of extreme joy. They must have felt as much joy as the English prisoner had lived out of bondage.

Moral: The wearer knows where the shoe pinches.

Question 2. Write a story (in about 100 words) with the help of the points given below and add a suitable title:
[An astrologer offended a king by making unpleasant forecasts-the king sentenced him to death the next moment he wanted to know how long the astrologer would live – the astrologer replied that he would die a week before the king’s death – he was let off]



The King And The Astrologer

Everyone on this earth loves himself/herself the best. Life is too precious for everyone. Once there was a king. He was discussing different matters with his courtiers.

All of a sudden an astrologer told the king he might lose his kingdom. The king was very offended. Then and there the king pronounced his death sentence. The astrologer was really stunned.

Before he was taken away by the executioners, the king asked him how long he would live. The astrologer wittily replied that he would die a week before the king’s death. Hearing this, the king remained silent for a moment and then ordered the guards to leave the astrologer. He was let off.

Moral: Everyone loves oneself the best.


Question 3. Write a story (within 100 words) using the given hints. Give a suitable title to the story:
Hints: A farmer’s sons quarrel among themselves – father worried -asks them to bring some sticks – sons break every single stick-cannot break the sticks when tied in a bundle -father explains the reasons.


The Farmer And His Quarrelling Sons

A farmer had four sons. They were always quarreling among themselves, so he was not happy. When he became old, one day he called his sons and asked them to break a bundle of sticks.

The farmer asked each of his sons to break the bundle. But none could do it, however hard they tried to do it. Then the farmer asked his sons to untie the bundle and break a stick each.

They could break it easily. Then the old man told his sons that as the sticks of the bundle were together, they could not break the bundle. But it was so easy to break the sticks individually. The sons realized what their father wanted to say.

Moral: United we stand, divided we fall.

Question 4. Write a story (within 100 words) using the given hints. Give a title to the story.
Hints: On a hot summer day a crow became thirsty – found water nowhere – saw a jar – flew to it could not reach the water-hit upon a plan -dropped pebbles into the jar – water came up drunk.


A Clever Crow

One day a crow felt very thirsty. It did not find any water nearby. It was really a hot day. Flying here and there finally it found a pitcher. Coming close to it, the crow saw some water inside but it was too low.

The crow became disheartened. But after thinking a lot an idea flashed into its mind. It started to collect pebbles. It then dropped them into the pitcher one by one.

After some time the crow found that the water level had risen enough to drink from it. The crow drank and its thirst was quenched. The crow became really satisfied and flew away.

Moral: Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

Question 5. Write a story (100 words) using the following hints. Give a title :
Two women quarreling over a baby – the baby brought before the judge – claims of both strong – ordered to cut the baby-hearing the order one woman fainted – the baby was given to her.


True Motherhood

The bondage of a mother with her child is heavenly. Mother never wishes to be separated from her child. But one day there were two women quarreling over a child. Each of them was claiming the child as her own.

Finding no way, the people brought the women to the judge. Hearing their claim, the judge himself became puzzled. He became quiet and thought deeply.

Then he ordered to cut the baby into two equal halves and give the women equally. Hearing this, one woman wailed loudly and begged the judge not to do this.

Then the judge ordered to hand over the baby to that woman as she was the real mother. A true mother cannot let her child die.

Moral: Truth can never be suppressed.

Question 6. Write a story with a little within 100 words using the given hints:
A cap seller fell tired-sat under a tree-cap seller wakes up-throw his cap on the ground- the cap seller gathered all the caps-left the place happily.


Monkeys And The Cap-Seller

On the way to the fair, a cap seller fell tired and sat under a tree. Soon he was fast asleep with bundles of caps lying behind him.

A few monkeys climbed down the tree and took away all the caps. Each one of them put the cap on his head just as the cap-seller woke up. He was shocked to see that his bundle had no cap.

On looking around, he found that all the monkeys were wearing his caps. He thought of a clever plan to get back all his caps. He took off his cap and threw it on the ground.

As he did so, the monkeys also threw their caps on the ground. The cap-seller quickly gathered all the caps and left for the fair happily.

Question 7. Write a story in 120 words after following the given points:
Robert Bruce – king of Scotland – want to free Scotland from the yoke of the English- fought bravely but was defeated by the enemy – takes shelter in a cave – eyes fall upon the spider -the spider takes nine attempts to reach cobwebs – Robert Bruce draw inspiration – gather force – fought bravely – king Bruce won – Scotland become free.



Robert Bruce And The Spider

Robert Bruce was a great king of Scotland. He wanted to free Scotland from the yoke of the English. He gave many battles to the English but each time he was badly defeated.

His life was in great danger. He took shelter in a cave. He saw a spider weaving a web over the mouth of the cave. King Bruce thought of giving up any further attempts.

Just then his eyes fell upon the spider. It tried to reach its cobweb on the ceiling. It moved up inch by inch but down it came each time. It made nine brave attempts but each time it failed.

The king thought that the foolish creature would try no more. But to his great surprise, it tried again. Inch by inch, with great care and courage, it went higher and higher till it reached its cobweb.

The king took it to heart. He drew inspiration from the spider. He gathered his forces again and led them to fight to the finish. King Bruce won and Scotland became free.

Question 8. Develop the following outline into a story. Give a title and a moral.
A farmer – returning from the field – saw a dying snake lying at the roadside – farmer took pity – brought it home – nursed – fed – farmer’s son tried to touch it out of love – snake rose to bite – farmer realized his mistake – the the the the killed the snake.


The Farmer And The Snake

Once a farmer was returning from his field. On his way, he saw a dying snake lying at the roadside. The farmer took pity on it and brought it home. He nursed and fed it to restore its health.

Out of love, the farmer’s son tried to touch it but the snake rose to bite him. The farmer saw this and realized his mistake. He repented on bringing the snake to his home. He killed the snake.

Moral: Black will take no other hue.

Question 9. Develop the following outline into a story. Give a title and a moral.
A crow lives on a tree-a snake lives in a hole at the foot-it eats up the crow’s young ones- the crow steals a necklace of the princess-drops it into the snake’s hole-the king’s men dig the hole and trace the necklace-snake killed.


The Crow And The Snake

Once there lived a crow in a tree beside a river. A snake also lived in a hole at the feet of the same tree. The snake gradually ate up all the young ones of the crow. Then the poor bird became very unhappy.

She hit upon a plan. The crow one day stole a necklace of a princess when she was bathing in the river keeping it on the bank. It flew up to the tree and dropped the precious necklace into the hole of the snake in the lower part of the tree.

The princess’s maids noticed this and informed the king’s men. They went up to the tree and found the hole there. Then the king’s men dug the hole and, to their surprise, noticed the necklace under a snake. Then the king’s men killed the snake with sticks and recovered the valuable necklace.

Moral: Tit for tat.

Question 10. Develop the following outline into a story. Give a title and a moral.
A woman’s only son is dead-she goes to Lord Buddha-begs him to bring back her son to life-Lord Buddha asks her to bring a handful of mustard seeds from a house where nobody has died-the woman finds no such house-Lord Buddha consoles her.


Lord Buddha And A Grief-Stricken Mother

Once a woman’s only son died. She was overwhelmed with grief and cried hard at the untimely death of her beloved son. The woman had heard about Lord Buddha and went to him to get back the life of her dead son.

She prayed to him, “O Lord, give life to my dead son.” Buddha took great pity on the unfortunate woman and wanted to console her. He then said to her, “Your son will get back his life if you can bring a handful of mustard seeds from a house where nobody has died.”

Then the woman went from door to door in search of the mustard seeds but found no such house anywhere. Then the woman came back to Buddha and told him that she had found no such house. Buddha now said to her, “So, you see, death is common to all and you should not weep.” The woman found great consolation.

Moral: Death is common to everybody.

Question 11. Write a story with the following points:
[A hungry cricket knocked at an ant’s door-ant allowed him to come in-cricket explained his plight to the ant-ant moved with pity-asked the cricket about the way he spent spring and shut the door.]


The Ant And The Cricket

It was winter and terribly cold. There was heavy snowfall all over the place. Cricket was very hungry. He had not saved any food in his happier times for such adverse days.

So he went out in search of food. But he could not find even a morsel of food to satisfy his hunger. At last, he went to an ant’s house and knocked at his door.

As the ant opened the door, the cricket said, “Hey friend, I am hungry and tired. Will you please give me some food?” The ant was moved with sympathy.

He asked, “Didn’t you save anything in the Spring?” The cricket replied, “Not at all. The weather was so good, I sang and played.” The ant became annoyed at hearing this.

He said to the cricket, “Oh you sang and played during the Spring. Now dance the Winter away.” Saying this, he shut the door behind him.

Moral: Those who live without work must learn to live without food.

Question 12. Write a story with the following points:
[A woman a pet mongoose goes to market one day leaving her baby at home- mongoose guards it with a big cobra-mongoose kills it-woman returns-sees blood-soaked mongoose thinks it has killed her baby-kills the mongoose-repents later.]


A Woman And Her Mongoose

A woman had a pet mongoose. It was very faithful. One day while going to the market, she said to the mongoose, “I will come in an hour. Please look after my baby.”

The mongoose nodded his head in agreement. The woman left. After some time a big cobra entered the house. The mongoose killed it after a fierce fight.

The woman came back and saw the mongoose lying at the entrance. She saw its blood-covered body and mouth. She thought that the mongoose had killed her baby.

She killed the mongoose instantly with a club lying nearby. Then she entered the house and saw her baby quietly sleeping on the bed. She also saw the cobra lying dead on the floor.

She cried out, “Alas! What have I done?” The woman could do nothing but shed tears of grief.

Moral: Do not act in haste.

Question 13. Write a story with the following points:
[A lion in a forest old-hits upon a plan-kills one animal each day for his food- rabbit’s turn comes late-rabbit tells about another lion-lion angry-sees his image in a well-jumps and dies.]

A Lion And A Rabbit

Once there lived a lion in a forest. He was old and naturally could not run hither and thither in search of prey. So he hit upon a plan. He called all the animals and said, “I shall not kill anyone else if one of you comes to me as my meal every day.”

All the animals agreed to this proposal. A jackal and a goat were killed in the first two days. Then it was a rabbit’s turn. The clever rabbit deliberately turned up late.

As he reached, the lion asked the reason for his being late. The rabbit said, “Sir, what can I do? A lion stopped me on the way, he was claiming to be the king of the forest and he wants to meet you.”

The furious lion at once 233 agreed to go. The clever rabbit took the lion to a well and showed him his reflection in the water of the well.

The angry lion jumped into the well to kill his rival and drowned. All the animals of the forest were very happy and showered lavish praises on the rabbit.

Moral: Intelligence always pays.

Question 14. Write a story with the following points:
[A man and a lion journeying together-talking-started verbal fight suddenly a statue of a man strangulating a lion-man tried to prove his superiority-the lion replied, “Statue is man-made, so man has shown his prowess and lion is shown defeated”-man could not reply anything]


A Man And A Lion

Once upon a time a man and a lion were journeying together. They were talking to idle away the time. However, one of them suddenly started to boast of his prowess and claimed to be superior in strength to the other.

Their heated conversation almost led to a fight. By that time, they came to a place where stood a beautiful statue. It showed a man strangulating a lion that looked helpless and about to die.

The man said, “Look there, Mr. Lion. Does not that prove my point?” The lion replied, “It’s your point of view. If we lions make statues, we can also show a man under the strong paws of a lion.” The man had no words in reply. So their heated argument stopped and they moved on.

Moral: Every coin has two faces.

Question 15. Write a story with the following points:
[A wolf meets a healthy dog-dog speaks highly of his good luck-good food and rest- guards his master’s house only at night-wolf nearly gets tempted-sees a mark round the dog’s neck-the mark of chain-wolf departs]


A Wolf And A Dog

Once a lean wolf came upon a healthy dog. The wolf said to the dog, “How are you so healthy ?” The dog spoke highly of his good fortune.

He said, “My master is a very good person. He always cares for me. He gives me enough food and rest. Only at night, I watch over his house.” Then the wolf said, “My friend, you are so lucky.

I risk my own life in search of food in the forest. Most of the days I have to go without food.” The dog said, “Come, and work with me.” On the way to the home of the dog’s master, the wolf noticed a mark on his neck.

He asked, “My dear doggy, what caused this mark on your neck?” The dog replied, “During the day, my master keeps me chained up but at night he lets me roam free.

” Then the wolf said, “Sorry friend, I’ll not go with you. I am hungry but free.” Saying this, he trotted away into the forest.

Moral: Freedom is better than comfort.

Question 16. Write a story with the following points:
[A shepherd boy looks after a flock of sheep in a field and cries “Wolf! Wolf!” -for fun- villagers rush there no wolf-one day a wolf really comes the boy shouts for help- none comes the wolf kills the boy at last]


The Wolf And The Shepherd Boy

Once there lived a shepherd boy in a village. He had many sheep to look after. Every day he went to graze his sheep in a field nearby. He was bored with his work.

So he decided to have some fun. One day he shouted, “Wolf! Help! Wolf!” The village people came running immediately to rescue him from the wolf.

The people were angry when they realized that they had been tricked and they left. The boy had a great laugh. One day a wolf really came and pounced upon his sheep.

The boy, who really needed it, called out for help. But the villagers did not come because they thought that he was doing it again for fun. The wolf killed the shepherd boy at last.

Moral: Nobody believes a liar.

Question 17. Write a story with the following points:
[A cap-seller going to market-sits down under a tree for rest-falls asleep-wakes up-finds no cap-looks up-monkeys on the tree wearing caps-tries but fails to recover caps-hits upon a plan-takes off his cap and throws-monkeys imitate-collects his caps]



A Cap-Seller And Monkeys

Once a cap seller was going to the market to sell his caps. Having walked a long distance and feeling tired, he sat under a tree to rest. Soon he fell asleep.

There were many monkeys on the tree. They were attracted by the colorful caps. They came down and climbed up the tree wearing the caps.

When the cap seller woke up, he found his caps missing. He looked up and saw the monkeys having great fun on the tree wearing his caps.

He tried desperately to recover them but in vain. Then he hit upon a plan. He took his cap from his head and threw it on the ground. As monkeys are imitative animals, they imitated his action immediately.

They threw their caps on the ground. The cap-seller collected them and went on his way to market.

Moral: Quick thinking saves the day.

Question 18. Write a story with the following points:
[The organs of the body think they are doing everything-the belly is only eating-to teach the belly a lesson, they went on a strike-soon they themselves become weak- they understand their mistake-call off the strike]


Importance Of Every Organ

One day the parts of the body held a meeting. There every organ blew its own trumpet. The Head said, “A man will survive as long as I work.” The Hands said, “We are indispensable for having food”.

The Legs said, “A man can not move without us.” The Eyes said that a man could not see without them, so they were important. According to the Ears, one could not hear without them.

So they were equally important. They concluded that the Belly only enjoyed food whereas they all had to work hard. This could not be continued any longer.

So they decided to stop working just to teach Belly a lesson. As a result the Belly also stopped working. It was no longer getting any food to eat.

After two or three days all the limbs and organs understood that unless the Belly ate food, they would not survive. So they called off the strike. The body started functioning normally again.

Moral: The worth of water is not valued till the well is dry.

Question 19. Write a story with the following points:
[Lion, old and weak-unable to hunt-pretends to be ill-animals visit-asked to come alone get killed a fox comes one day-finds footprints only entering-leaves the place]


Clever Vs Cleverer

There was a lion in a forest. He was very clever. When he became old, he was too weak to catch prey. So he thought of a plan. His plan was to kill animals without taking the trouble of hunting.

So he pretended to be ill. All the animals came to visit the ailing king. The lion requested them to come one by one. He said he would meet only one visitor every day. And every visitor should come alone to his cave.

Whenever an animal entered his cave, the lion killed him and ate him up. After a few days, a fox came to visit the king. But before entering the cave, the clever fox checked the footprints of other visitors carefully.

Footprints towards the cave were prominent. However, no footprint coming outside could be seen. The fox then clearly understood the play of the lion. He left the place immediately.

Moral: As is evil, so is the remedy.

Question 20. Write a story with the following points:
[One day Newton leaves his study-his pet dog Diamond asleep on the floor-jumps on the table-lighted candle overturns-research papers bum-Newton returns pats Diamond]


Newton And His Pet Dog

Newton had a pet dog called Diamond. One day the great scientist went out of his study for some urgent work leaving Diamond in the room.

The dog was then fast asleep on the floor. No sooner had Newton gone than the dog awoke. It jumped on the table and overturned the lighted candle.

On the table lay a heap of research papers. Those papers immediately caught fire. The papers were burnt to ashes. Soon after, Newton came back.

He saw his years of toil brought to naught. Newton did nothing but patted his Diamond on the head with his usual kindness. He realized that the dog did not know what mischief it had done.

Moral: Kindness is a great virtue.

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