WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 English Bliss Letter Writing

Letter Writing


Question 1. Write a letter to the editor of an English daily on the basis of the following points:

Points: Condition of Govt run hospitals deplorable-insufficient beds – sanitation poor-not cleared regularly-doctors and nurses come and go-Patients unit- tended-cry for help – appeals not considered-your request.

The Editor,
The Times of India,
Kolkata – 01.

          Subject: On the deplorable condition of Govt. hospitals.

Through the column of your esteemed daily, I venture to express my views on the deplorable condition of hospitals run by the Government.

Some of these hospitals have insufficient beds. Patients have to lie down on the floor when they are admitted. Even the bathrooms are very dirty and emit a foul smell.

Though there are persons appointed for the task, the bathrooms are not cleaned regularly. Patients remain unattended, even when there are nurses and doctors available. These helpless people cry for help but their appeals remain unheeded.

Therefore, I request you to publish my letter in your newspaper daily so that the related authorities take necessary steps against these pathetic conditions.

Thanking You,
Date: 12/05/18

Yours Faithfully,
Bikash Shaw


Question 2. Write an application to the Headmaster of your school requesting him to grant you sick leave for a week.

The Headmaster,
Khana High School,

      Subject: Grating sick leave for a week.

I beg most respectfully to state that I have been suffering from a fever for the last few days. It is, therefore, quite impossible for me to attend classes for a week.

The physician has advised me to take complete rest for a week. Therefore, I shall be highly obliged if you kindly grant me sick leave for a week with effect from 10th to 17th July 2014.

Thanking you

19th July 2014

Yours obediently,
Deepak Yadav


Question 3. You borrowed a valuable book from your school library. You have lost the book. Write an apology for the loss to the librarian. (100 words):

Dated: 10.05.21014

The Librarian,
ABC School, Kolkata.

       Subject: Lost of Book.

I regret to bring to your kind notice the fact that I have lost the book entitled Vidyasagar Arithmetic by Sagir Ahamed. I lost the book yesterday while I was returning home by public bus. I was so engrossed in reading the book that I forgot to put the book in my bag and hurriedly got down from the bus.

I am really ashamed of my carelessness. My parents too have rebuked me for my carelessness and they have wanted to know the price of the lost book. Kindly let me know whether I shall pay the price of the lost book or buy the same book from the library. I do once again implore your good self to pardon me for the lapse on my part.

Thanking you.

Yours obediently,
A. Choudhary
Class-X, Sec-A, Roll-3

Question 4. Write a letter to your friend about your experience on a rainy day.


Belur, Howrah
Date: 29.04.14

Dear Mahesh,

I write this letter to you to describe a pleasant rainy day which has been experienced by me. One day I was going to school. It was very hot outside and it was unbearable. Soon I saw a patch of dark cloud in the North. In no time, the sky was overcast. Soon the rain started.

I ran to a nearby shop for safety from the rain. People were also running here and there for safety. The rain continued for an hour. All the roads and lowlands were filled with water. Traffic had been jammed. After the rain, the people come out of their houses.

I also ran to school but I had already become late due to the rain. Then, the headmaster declared the day a rainy day. We returned home happily. More when we meet. Best wishes to you and regard to your parents.

Mahesh Shaw
C/O-Rahul Shaw
PO: Nandanpur

Yours ever,

Question 5. Write a letter to your friend telling him/her about of short trip you made recently with your parents/friends to an interesting place in West Bengal.

[In your letter include the following points.[ place-selection of place-mode of transport-duration of stay-numbers accompanying-sight seen – your feelings.]

 B.P Road,
Jagatdal 24 Pgs (N)
22nd April 2014,

Dear Sahid,

For a long time, I could not hear from you. I expect that you will be enjoying good health with your study. I have come back from Darjeeling where I had been with my parents to see the natural sight. In this letter, I feel it suitable to give you a short description of that interesting trip.

Just at the outset of the summer vacation, my father got three berths reserved in the Darjeeling Mail. I reached New Jalpaiguri the next day. From there we went to Darjeeling by bus. We put up at the hotel and stayed there for 4 days. Darjeeling is really a charming place.

There we could notice beautiful houses constructed at different levels along the hills. The weather was fine. We saw the observatory. The mountaineering institute and the zoo. It was an enjoyable tour. The memory of the tour is still fresh in my mind. Reply to me by the return of the post.

Best wishes to you and regards to your parents.

Yours loving friend

Question 6. Suppose you have broken your leg and cannot go to school. Write a letter to your friend telling him/her about how you are feeling. Do not write more than 80 words.

Dear Ramesh,

I hope this finds you in good health along with your parents. As you know I met with an accident last Sunday when I slipped down the stairs and got my left leg broken.

In a plastered condition, I am strictly confined to bed, completely immobile. I can not say how long it will take to recover. The biggest pain, I am subjected to is that I am feeling completely bored and secluded without you and my friends and any work. Please come if you are at loose end this evening. More when you come.

Affectionately yours

Question 7. Suppose you are the Secretary of a club. Write a letter (in not more than 120 words) to a well-known singer, requesting him/her to perform at a function organized by your club to raise funds for the benefit of the flood victims of West Bengal. You may use the following points:

  1. Name of the club
  2. Name of the singer
  3. Date, venue, and time of the function
  4. Reason for the function
  5. Request for prompt reply and confirmation.


Smt. Indrani Roy
15/1, Southern Avenue

You must be aware that vast areas of North Bengal have recently suffered terrible losses from the recent flood. Properties and crops worth crores of rupees have been destroyed and thousands rendered homeless and destitute.

At this hour of their great need, we have planned to raise funds for the benefit of the flood victims by organizing a musical function to be held at Rabindra Sadan on 16th Sept. next at 6 p.m. We shall be grateful if you kindly lend us a helping hand by performing at it.

Your presence will certainly be a great attraction for the success of the program. We are confident of getting your patronage and would be glad if you kindly let us know your consent early. Thanking you, Madam.

Sept. 1, 2007

Yours faithfully,
Ajit Roy
Jagriti Sangha
6. S.P. Mukherjee Road

Question 8. A blood donation camp has been arranged by your local club to help poor patients on Republic Day. Being the secretary of the club, write a letter in about 120 words to the Health Officer of your area for the necessary permission. You can use the following points:

  1. Place of the proposed camp with full address,
  2. Time of blood donation,
  3. Local people are very eager to take part in this good cause,
  4. The collected blood going to help the poor patients totally.


The Health Officer, Champdani.

Subject:- Permission for arranging a blood donation camp

This is to inform you that our club, Yuva Manch, wants to arrange a blood donation camp on our club premises. Our club is at Bhadreswar near Tetultala.

We have decided to choose 26 January for the purpose. The program will start at 9 am. The good news is that the local people have appreciated this decision. They are very eager to take part in this good cause.

Our club is large enough for the purpose. The doctors and nurses of Janseva Hospital are ready to help us. The collected blood will help poor patients who cannot afford to buy blood from the blood bank. I will be highly obliged to you if you are very kind to grant us permission to go on.
Thanking you.

Date:- 05/01/13

Yours faithfully,
Raman Lal Nayak
Secretary of the club.

Question 9. Write a letter to your friend about an educational excursion.


My dear Arpan,

I, along with the students of our school, went on an educational tour to Puri during the last puja vacation. We went there by train and some of our teachers accompanied us.

We put up at the Puri Hotel there. On the first day of our stay there, we spent the evening on the beach looking out at the roaring sea in front. The next day we went to visit the holy temple of Jagannath Dev which is one of the greatest pilgrimages of the Hindus.

Sree Chaitanyadev spent the last days of his life here. One day we went on a conducted tour to visit the interesting places around Puri like Udaigiri and Khandagiri, Konark, and Bhubaneshwar. The art and architecture of these places completely captured our minds.

During our stay at Puri, we had a pleasant bath in the sea every day. We also enjoyed the spectacular sight of sunrise and sunset there. The beauty of the deep and blue Bay of Bengal was really unique.  We came back after four days. Thus, we had a happy time there. The memory of this visit is still very vivid in my mind.

So much for the present. With love and good wishes,

Arpan Ganguli
18/G. P. Sinha Rd.,
P.O. Bankura,
Pin. 722 101.

Truly yours,

Question 10. Write a letter to a friend about how you will spend the coming winter vacation.

Hooghly, 02.10.02

My dear Sanjay,
I am already in receipt of your sweet note. You wanted to know how I will spend the coming short winter vacation. During this time, I won’t go out on any trips. I intend to make the best use of the time because it is going to be the only vacation before the important Madhyamik Examination.

I will concentrate wholeheartedly on my studies. I will devote much time to Geography and Mathematics in which I am very weak. On 25th December I may go out for a picnic.

This is how I intend to spend the time. But what about your plans and programs during the vacation? Please inform me at your earliest.

I am O.K. and hope you are also so. Please take my love and convey my regards to your parents.

Sincerely yours,

Sanjay Mukherjee
Paschim Para,
P.O. Rahara,
Discrict: North 24-Parganas.

Question 11. Write a letter to your younger brother about the benefits of reading newspapers.


Dear Akash,

In his last couple of letters, father has informed me that you are not interested in reading the newspaper regularly. This is not good.

Mere bookish knowledge will not do. You have to improve your general knowledge. The newspaper is a useful and important medium for acquiring this kind of knowledge.

Newspaper reading has many other benefits. It will help you to establish contact with the world outside and form your opinion about political, social, and economic matters.

The knowledge of a student who does not read the newspaper daily is poor and inadequate. You must, therefore, form the habit of reading the newspaper regularly without further delay. So much for the present. Hope, this finds you in the best of health and spirits.

With best regards to parents and love to you,

Sincerely yours,

Stamp Jyotirmoy Hazra
P-49/C, P. M. Sarani
Garfa, Kolkata-700 078.

Questions 12. Suppose you lost your bicycle. Write a letter to the O. C. of your local Police Station, reporting the loss. Refer to the following points:

  1. Date and time of the loss
  2. Name of the place where you lost the bi-cycle
  3. Trade mark or name of your cycle
  4. The number and condition of the cycle.


The Officer-in-Charge,
Siliguri Police Station,
Siliguri, Darjeeling.

           Subject: Lost of Bi-cycle.

I beg to state that I lost my bicycle on the 3rd of this month at about five in the evening. I lost it at the market near the Tenzing Norge Bus Stand in the city.

This was a new Hercules cycle bought only one month ago. Its number is 215634. I am, needless to say, terribly unhappy having lost the bi-cycle.m I would, therefore, earnestly request you to kindly investigate into the matter and inform me if the bi-cycle is found.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
Phanibhusan Sen

41, Railway Colony,
Siliguri, Darjeeling,
October 7. 2012.


Question 13. You live in a certain locality of your town. There is no street light. Write a letter to the Chairman of the Municipality requesting him to make an immediate arrangement for street lights in your locality.

The Chairman,
Berhampore Municipality,
Berhampore, Murshidabad

Subject: Arrangement of street-lights

I beg to state that we are the residents of ward no. 7 under your municipality. We are in urgent need of streetlights in absence of which we have been facing many problems.

The people of the locality cannot walk freely in the darkness of night. The anti-social elements also take advantage of the situation.

Under such circumstances, the residents of our area will be greatly benefited if streetlights are arranged at your end without further delay. I shall, therefore, remain ever grateful for this act of kindness.

Thanking you,

December 2, 2012.

Yours faithfully,
Subhojit Sarkar

Question 14. Write a letter to your friend about your plans for spending the recess after your Examination.

Rohan Gupta
April 7, 2014.

Dear Rejendra,

I received your sweet note just now. You want to know how I will spend the long period of time after the coming Examination. I have already decided to spend the time very fruitfully.

You must have heard that the Higher Secondary syllabus for science is very hard. I, therefore, intend to study some portion of the science subjects in advance.

It will help me understand them better in my future course of study. Besides this, I shall read Rabindranath who is my favorite writer. I will also take physical exercises regularly to regain my lost health.

This is how I intend to utilize the valuable time. Let me know in your next letter how you want to spend the time.
With love and good wishes,

Yours ever,

Rajendra Singh
60, A. P. Devi Road,
P.O. Titagarh, Kol – 119

Question 15. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper (within 100 words) about the problems faced by common people due to the uncontrolled use of loudspeakers and soundboxes during different programs and festivals.

The Editor
The Telegraph
Kolkata – 700001

          Subject: Thoughtless use of loudspeakers


I shall be highly obliged if you allow me some space in your popular daily to ventilate my voice against the thoughtless use of loudspeakers.

Nowadays, the indiscriminate use of microphones during any social, political, or religious occasion has become a trend.

This is causing great inconveniences in general life. Microphones are blared for hours together by some unscrupulous persons. The students, particularly the examinees, are the worst sufferers. They can hardly concentrate on their studies.

This becomes torture to the old and the sick persons. The rampant blaring of loudspeakers can cause many problems like irritation, deafness, heart problems, sleeplessness, etc. Low-quality songs even affect young minds.

I, therefore, request the competent authority to take drastic steps against the offenders of the rules in the larger interest of the people.


Yours faithfully,
Rajiv Kumar


Question 16. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about the miserable condition of the hospitals you usually see around.

The Editor,
The Times of India,
Kolkata – 01.

           Subject: On the deplorable condition of Government hospitals.

Through the column of your esteemed daily, I venture to express my views on the deplorable condition of hospitals run by the Government.

Some of these hospitals have insufficient beds. Patients have to lie down on the floor when they are admitted. Even the bathrooms are very dirty and emit a foul smell.

Though there are persons appointed for the task, the bathrooms are not cleaned regularly. Patients remain unattended, even when there are nurses and doctors available. These helpless people cry for help but their appeals remain unheeded.

Therefore, I request you to publish my letter in your newspaper daily so that the related authorities may take necessary steps against these pathetic conditions.

Thanking You,
Date: 12/05/14

Yours Faithfully,
Bikash Shaw.


Question 17. Write a letter to the Editor of an English daily expressing your grave concern about the sky-rocketing of prices of essential commodities.

The Editor,
The Statesman,
Calcutta – 700 001

I would like to express my views against the ever-increasing prices of essential commodities through the columns of your widely circulated daily.

The recent price rise is now a headache to most people and it has now become impossible for us to make both ends meet. It has hit hard the low and middle-class people.

The fixed-salaried people are the worst sufferers. Not to speak of meat or fish, even the prices of vegetables are also increasing. Even the white-colored water in the name of milk sells at Rs. 5 a liter.

The prices of rice, clothes, medicine, and other essential commodities are also increasing by leaps and bounds. All these have made the life of the common people miserable. It is high time that the Government should take necessary steps to control the prices of necessary articles.

Asansol 09/05/2017

Yours faithfully,
Sachin Singh

Question 18. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper complaining about the anti-social elements in your locality.

The Editor,
The Statesman,
Calcutta-700 001

Through the columns of your esteemed daily, I venture to express my views about the problem of anti-social elements in our locality.

For the last several years some anti-social elements are in operation in this area. They rob the passers-by of their valuables at the point of daggers.

Sometimes they wander with revolvers and bombs and raid shops, houses, and banks. In a nutshell, unrest and violence are spreading in every walk of life and the people of the area are in a panic.

I, therefore, request you to write an editorial note on the unbearable condition of the people caused by the anti-social elements of this locality.

Sripur, Asansol

Yours faithfully,
Udit Raj Kushwaha


Question 19. Write to the editor of a newspaper pointing out the evils of the dowry system.

The Editor,
The Telegraph, Calcutta-700 001

May I have a little space in your esteemed daily to ventilate our grievances against dowry – the greatest curse of our society?

Dowry reduces the sacred institution of marriage to a business deal. It turns the brides into chattels. The parents of the brides are put under inhuman pressure for the handsome dowry.

In many cases, young brides are murdered or pushed to suicide by the husband and his relatives so that he can marry again and endanger the life of another innocent girl.

That is why the birth of a daughter is looked upon as an unwelcome evil by poor parents. It is high time that steps should be taken against this curse of our social life.

The only way to root it out is to generate public opinion against it and, at the same time, to pass strict laws to punish the offenders.

I hope that the right-thinking people will come forward to raise their voices against this social crime.

Sripur, Asansol
Date: – 06/06/17

Yours truly,
Vinayak Kushwaha


Question 20. Write a letter to the Editor of ‘The Statesman’, 4, Chowringhee Square, Kolkata -700001 about the irregular clearance of garbage in your locality in 120 words.

The Editor
The Statesman
4, Chowringhee Square
Kolkata-700 001

Sub: Irregular clearance of garbage

Through your esteemed daily, I would like to draw attention to the irregular clearance of garbage in Oria Para, Howrah which has made the lives of the people living here unbearable.

The environment of the locality has become unhygienic. The garbage bins and the pavements are overflowing with heaps of waste. The uncollected garbage is left to rot and the air is filled with a foul smell. This is also creating health hazards.

The locality has become a breeding ground of mosquitoes and flies that spread diseases like cholera and malaria. Some residents suffering from such diseases have already been hospitalized. I would, therefore, on behalf of the residents of the locality, request the authorities to arrange for regular disposal of garbage.

16, Oria Para
Horwah 711310
23rd Sept. 2016

Yours sincerely
Komal Singh

Question 21. Write a letter to your friend about your plans for spending the recess after your Madhyamik Examination.

Dear Devraj,
I received your sweet note just now. You want to know how I will spend a long period of time after the coming Madhyamik Examination. I have already decided to spend the time very fruitfully.

You must have heard that the Higher Secondary syllabus for science is very hard. I, therefore, intend to study some portion of the science subjects in advance.

It will surely help me understand them better in my future course of study. Besides this, I shall read Rabindranath who is my favorite writer. I will also take physical exercises regularly to regain my lost health. This is how I intend to utilize the valuable time. Let me know in your next letter how you want to spend the time.

With love and good wishes,

Yours ever,



Question 22. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper (within 100 words) about the problems faced by commuters due to reckless driving of public vehicles.

The Editor,
The Statesman,
Kolkata-700 001,

I shall be very thankful if you kindly allow me a little space in the columns of your esteemed daily to draw the kind attention of the Government to the reckless driving of vehicles in Kolkata.

Reckless driving of buses, cars, lorries, and taxis has become a phenomenon in and around the city. In most cases, it is found that the drivers care little about the traffic rules.

They often cross the speed limit. Incidents of overtaking other vehicles are very common in the streets here. The traffic police also neglect their duties in this regard.

As a result, accidents occur every now and then. The life of people has become very unsafe and uncertain.
So, it is high time that the Government should take strong and stern steps to stop the reckless driving of vehicles and thus ensure the safety of the passengers and the pedestrians as well.

Thanking You,

Yours faithfully,
Udit Raj Kushwaha


Question 23. A friend of yours stays in Bombay. He has heard much about the new method of learning English in Bengal. Write a letter within 120 words all about the merits of this new system with particular reference to the texts prescribed in your syllabus.

Howrah, 05.07.2017.

My dear Vinayak,
In your last letter, you wanted to know about the new method of learning English in our state. In this new system, enough emphasis has been given to reading skills, writing skills, and grammar and vocabulary.

In the Learning English text which is the only text for the subject, more stress has been given to increasing the student’s knowledge of a language than literature.

The text deals with subjects of varied interests and problems in our life and the world around us. The question-and-answer method of learning is encouraged here.

The role of the teacher is passive while that of the learner is more active. The students are to participate in the discussion actively.

Much emphasis is laid on homework and writing with the help of given hints and information. Instead of traditional grammar, functional grammar has been emphasized. This is, in brief, all about the merits of the new method of learning English here. More when we meet. With love,

Ever yours,
Udit Raj

Question 24. Write a letter to your younger brother who stays with your uncle telling him how he should overcome his shortcomings in English. Your experience may come to his help.

9th August, 2017

My dear Dipu,
I have already received your letter. You have wanted to know how you can overcome your shortcomings in English. Well, to learn the language well, you will have to do three things, viz. reading, writing, and speaking.

You must read different story books, magazines, etc. in English and write down important words, phrases and even sentences. You are to make sentences with them regularly.

This will surely enrich and enhance your stock of words greatly. You should use ‘Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary’. Another thing that is very important is writing.

You should write on your own every day and have your writing checked either by your parents or teachers. You should try to remove the mistakes. And last but not least, conversing with others about anything is also essential.

If you can follow all these, you will certainly improve your English.

So much for the present. With sincere love to you and due regards to your aunt and uncle.

Sincerely yours,


Question 25. Write a letter to your father about your progress in your studies.

R. K. Mission Ashram
South 24-Parganas,
15th March 2017

My dear Father,
Your affectionate note has reached me in time. You are much anxious about my poor performance in the last Annual exam and have wanted to know about the present progress of my studies.

I am now getting on well in all the subjects except in Geography and Mathematics. I am very weak in both these subjects, particularly in the latter.

I am, however, always aware of my weaknesses and working very hard from the very beginning of the new academic session. The teachers here are lending me a helping hand to remove my problems in them.

You need not bother much about my difficulties.

I am quite well. With best regards to you, mother, and sincere love to my brothers.

Affectionately yours,

Question 26. Write a letter to your younger brother about the benefits of reading newspapers.

Murshidabad 07.01.2017

Dear Devraj,
In his last couple of letters, father has informed me that you are not interested in reading the newspaper regularly. This is not good. Mere bookish knowledge will not do.

You have to improve your general knowledge. The newspaper is a useful and important medium of acquiring this kind of knowledge.

Newspaper reading has many other benefits. It will help you to establish contact with the world outside and form your opinion about political, social, and economic matters.

The knowledge of a student who does not read the newspaper daily is poor and inadequate. You must, therefore, form the habit of reading the newspaper regularly without further delay.

So much for the present. Hope, this finds you in the best of health and spirits. With best regards to parents and love to you,

Sincerely yours,

Question 27. Write a letter to your younger brother who is not serious about his studies.

South 24-Parganas,

My dear Sudhir,
From your father’s last letter, I have come to learn that you are not serious about your studies and have fared very bad in the second Terminal Examination.

I am extremely hurt by this news because I have always pinned high hopes on you. You have, no doubt, much talent, but you are not making the best use of it. This is unfortunate.

You should bear in mind that mere talent will not do. It is hard labor which is the passport to success. If you idle away your time and neglect your studies now, you will have to repent in the future.

There, you must take your studies very seriously from now on. No more for the present. Hope, this finds you quite well. With regards to father and mother and love to you,

Yours sincerely,

Question 28. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about the necessity of the Literacy Campaign in our country.

The Editor,
The Telegraph, Kolkata-700 001.

I shall be much obliged if you kindly allow me to ventilate through the columns of your esteemed daily, the necessity of a Literacy Campaign in our country.

Illiteracy is a social evil. A vast section of people in our country is still illiterate. They can neither read nor write. Without literacy democracy in our country has become quite meaningless.

It is education which only can create consciousness of rights and duties among the people. The government has a great role to educate the people by taking different steps in this regard.

The students can also play a very vital role in making people literate. Each of them can make at least one person read and write. So, the Literacy Campaign is a crying need of the day and it should be started in right earnest without further delay.
Thanking you,

3/2K, Srinath Mukherjee Rd,
Kolkata-700 030,
2nd Sept. 2002.

Yours faithfully
Anirban Pal

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