Animal Kingdom Multiple Choice Questions

Animal Kingdom Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1. An important characteristic that Hemichordates share with Chordates is

  1. Ventral tubular nerve cord
  2. Pharynx with gill slits
  3. Pharynx without gill slits
  4. Absence of notochord

Answer: 2. Pharynx with gill slits

Question 2. Which of the following represents the order of horses?

  1. Perissodactyla
  2. Caballus
  3. Ferus
  4. Equidae

Answer: 1. Perissodactyla

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Question 3. Which among these is the correct combination of aquatic mammals?

  1. Dolphins, Seals, Trygon
  2. Whales, Dolphins, Seals
  3. Trygon, Whales, Seals
  4. Seals, Dolphins, Sharks

Answer: 2. Whales, Dolphins, Seals

Question 4. In the case of poriferans, the spongocoel is lined with flagellated cells called

  1. Oscula
  2. Choanocytes
  3. Mesenchymal cells
  4. Ostia

Answer: 2. Choanocytes

Question 6. Which of the following characteristics is not shared by birds and mammals?

  1. Breathing using lungs
  2. Viviparity
  3. Warm-blooded nature
  4. Ossified endoskeleton

Answer: 2. Viviparity

Question 7. Which of the following features is not present in the phylum Arthropoda?

  1. Metameric segmentation
  2. Parapodia
  3. Jointed appendages
  4. Chitinous exoskeleton

Answer: 2. Parapodia

Question 8. Which of the following structures is homologous to the wing of a bird?

  1. Wing of a moth
  2. Hind limb of a rabbit
  3. Flipper of whale
  4. The dorsal fin of a shark

Answer: 3. Flipper of whale

Question 9. Match column I with column II for housefly classification and select the correct option using the codes given below:

Animal Kingdom Multiple Choice Question 9

  1. 1-3.2-1,3-4,4-2
  2. 1-3,2-2,3-4,4-1
  3. 1-4,2-3,3-2,4-1
  4. 1-4,2-2,3-1,4-3

Answer: 1. 1-3.2-1,3-4,4-2

Question 10. Choose the correct statement.

  1. All mammals are viviparous
  2. All cyclostomes do not possess jaws and paired fins
  3. All reptiles have a three-chambered heart
  4. All Pisces have gills covered by an operculum

Answer: 2. All cyclostomes do not possess jaws and paired fins

Question 11. The body having meshwork of cells, internal cavities lined with food-filtering flagellated cells, and indirect development are the characteristics of phylum—

  1. Protozoa
  2. Coelenterata
  3. Porifera
  4. Mollusca

Answer: 3. Porifera

Question 12. A jawless fish, that lays eggs in fresh water and whose ammocoetes larvae after metamorphosis return to the ocean is—

  1. Petromyzon
  2. Eptatretus
  3. Myxine
  4. Neomyxine

Answer: 1. Petromyzon

Question 13. Select the taxon mentioned that represents both marine and freshwater species—

  1. Echinoderms
  2. Ctenophora
  3. Cephalochordata
  4. Cnidaria

Answer: 4. Cnidaria

Question 14. Planaria possesses the high capacity of—

  1. Metamorphosis
  2. Regeneration
  3. Alternation of generation
  4. Bioluminescence

Answer: 2. Regeneration

Question 15. A marine cartilaginous fish that can produce electric current is—

  1. Pristis
  2. Torpedo
  3. Trygon
  4. Scoliodon

Answer: 2. Torpedo

Question 16. Which one is an example of a living fossil?

  1. Coral
  2. Ascidia
  3. Octopus
  4. King crab

Answer: 4. King crab

Question 17. Juvenile hormone in insect is released from—

  1. Protocerebrum
  2. Corpora cardiaca
  3. Corpora allata
  4. Thoracic gland

Answer: 3. Corpora allata

Question 18. The body of the rohu fish is covered by—

  1. Cycloid scale, but the tail is homocercal
  2. Placoid scale, but the tail is heterocercal
  3. Cycloid scale, but the tail is heterocercal
  4. Placoid scale, but the tail is homocercal

Answer: 1. Cycloid scale, but the tail is homocercal

Question 19. Which of the following statement(s) regarding coelenterates is/are wrong?

  1. Cnidocytes are present on the tentacles and on the body.
  2. Diploblastic with the cellular level of organization.
  3. Polyp forms are free swimming.
  4. Exhibits metagenesis.
  5. Polyps produce medusae sexually and medusae form polyps asexually

Choose the correct option

  1. 2 and 4
  2. 3 and 5
  3. 1,2 and 3
  4. only 3
  5. 2,3 and 5

Answer: 5. 2,3 and 5

Question 20. Choose the wrong statement.

  1. Teeth in Chondrichthyes are modified ctenoid scales
  2. Air bladder in fish regulates buoyancy
  3. In amphibians, the tympanum represents the ear
  4. Long bones in birds are pneumatic
  5. Reptiles are poikilotherms

Answer: 1. Teeth in Chondrichthyes are modified ctenoid scales

Question 21. The kind of coelom represented in the diagram given below is characteristic of—

Animal Kingdom roundworm

  1. Earthworm
  2. Cockroach
  3. Roundworm
  4. Tapeworm

Answer: 3. Roundworm

Question 22. The cellular organization of the body is present in

  1. Annelida
  2. Platyhelminthes
  3. Porifera
  4. Urochordata

Answer: 3. Porifera

Question 24. Oviparous mammal is—

  1. Equus
  2. Macropus
  3. Ornithorhynchus
  4. Pteropus

Answer: 3. Ornithorhynchus

Question 25. Which of the following animals has anucleated erythrocytes?

  1. Earthworm
  2. Sepia
  3. Frog
  4. Rat

Answer: 4. Rat

Question 26. The central hollow portion of the vertebra is called—

  1. Neural canal
  2. Central canal
  3. Auditory canal
  4. Vertebro-arterial canal

Answer: 1. Neural canal

Question 27. Pneumatic bones are present in

  1. Macropus
  2. Psittacula
  3. Chelone
  4. Balaenoptera

Answer: 2. Psittacula

Question 28. The life cycle of a parrot is about

  1. 15 years
  2. 50 year
  3. 25 years
  4. 140 years

Answer: 4. 140 years

Question 29. In the cycle of Ascaris lumbricoides rhabditiform larva undergoes 2nd and 3rd moultings in—

  1. Moultings in
  2. Heart
  3. Alveoli of lungs
  4. Small intestine

Answer: 3. Alveoli of lungs

Question 30. A molluscan with calcareous spicules is—

  1. Lepidoplenrus
  2. Doris
  3. Neopilina
  4. Chaetoderma

Answer: 4. Chaetoderma

Question 31. With reference to Phylum-Echinodermata, identify the classes that have Pedicillariae—

  1. Crinodea and Holothuroidea
  2. Holothuroidea and Echinoidea
  3. Asteroidea and Echinoidea
  4. Ophiuroidea and Holothuroidea

Answer: 3. Asteroidea and Echinoidea

Question 32. Assertion (A): Lancelets are jawless, primitive fish-like vertebrates.

Reason (R): In lancelets notochord, tubular nerve cord, and pharyngeal gills slits are present throughout their life.

  1. A is correct, but R is incorrect
  2. A is incorrect, but R is correct
  3. Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation for A
  4. Both A and R are correct and R is not the correct explanation for A

Answer: 4. Both A and R are correct and R is not the correct explanation to A

Question 33. Proteus anguinus is an example of—

  1. Circular rhythms
  2. Effect of light pigmentation
  3. Phototaxis
  4. Photokinesis

Answer: 2. Effect of light pigmentation

Question 34. Intra-abdominal tests are found in—

  1. Panthera and Equuas
  2. Macaco and Macropus
  3. Baleonoptera and Delphinus
  4. Canis and Felis

Answer: 3. Baleonoptera and Delphinus

Question 35. Radula is found in

  1. Pila sp
  2. Chiton sp
  3. Lamellidens sp
  4. Pinctada sp

Answer: 1. Pila sp

Question 36. Retrogressive metamorphosis occurs in—

  1. Hemichordata
  2. Cephalochordata
  3. Urochordata
  4. Vertebrata

Answer: 3. Urochordata

Question 37. Assertion (A): An open circulatory system is found in most arthropods.

Reason (R): Arthropods contain hemolymph which directly bathes internal tissues and organs.

  1. Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A
  2. Both A and R are correct, but R is not the correct explanation of A
  3. A is correct, but R is incorrect
  4. Both A and R are incorrect

Answer: 1. Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A

Question 38. The chordate features shared by the non-chordates are—

  1. Bilateral symmetry
  2. Triploblastic condition and bilateral symmetry
  3. Metamerism
  4. All of the above

Answer: 2. Triploblastic condition and bilateral symmetry

Question 40. In Polychaeta, the setae are—

  1. Numerous
  2. Singly arranged in bundles
  3. Radially arranged in bundles
  4. Fused

Answer: 1. Numerous

Question 41. Choanocytes are present in—

  1. Coelenterata
  2. Porifera
  3. Echinodermata
  4. Mollusca

Answer: 2. Porifera

Question 42. Veliger larva occurs in phylum—

  1. Mollusca
  2. Echinodermata
  3. Arthropoda
  4. Cnidaria

Answer: 1. Mollusca

Question 43. Ostia is present in—

  1. Coelenterate
  2. Platyhelminthes
  3. Annelids
  4. Sponges

Answer: 4. Sponges

Question 44. Pentaradial symmetry is found in—

  1. Echinodermata
  2. Annelida
  3. Porifera
  4. Arthropoda

Answer: 1. Echinodermata

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