Red Algae General Characteristics Notes

Rhodophyceae (Red Algae)

Rhodophyceae Definition: Rhodophyceae (Greek: ~rhodo= red; phyton=plant) are a non-flagellate, bright red-coloured group of marine algae.

The Rhodophyceae or red algae are red due to the presence of a water-soluble red pigment,r-phycoerythrin. This pigment masks the green colour of chlorophyll a, giving the characteristic red appearance They also contain a blue pigment, r-phycocyanin.

Rhodophyceae Distribution: Most of the members of Rhodophyceae are marine. Generally, they are found in the warm regions of the sea. They are attached to the substratum (lithophytes), at the bottom of the sea (even below 600 metres). Several red algae are found in freshwater (for example Batrachospermum sp.,), and wet soil (i.e., Porphyridium sp.). Some of these members are also found as parasites or epiphytes.

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Rhodophyceae General Features

  1. The plant body may be unicellular (Porphyridium sp.) or multicellular. The multicellular form may be filamentous (Goniotrichum sp.), parenchymatous (Porphyra sp.)pseudoparenchymatous (Helminthodadia sp.), feathery (Polysiphonia sp.) or ribbon-like (Chondrus sp.). They may attain a size up to 2 metres as in Schizymenia sp
  2. The flagellated motile stages are totally absent
  3. The cell wall consists of the outer pectin and an inner cellulose layer. The mucilaginous material of the outer layer mainly consists of agar-agar and carrageenans. These constitute a major portion of the dry weight of the cell wall.
  4. In multicellular members of this group, the cell walls have pits, through which cytoplasmic connections are maintained. These cytoplasmic threads are called plasmodesmata.
  5. The members of Rhodophyceae show variation in the number of nuclei in a cell. In the members of the subclass Bangioideae, cells are uninucleate, but in the members of the subclass Florideae, most of the members are multinucleate. The number of nuclei is 3,000-4,000 in Griffithsia sp.
  6. The cells may have one chromatophore with a central pyrenoid (Bangioideae) or many discoid and parietal chromatophores with pyrenoids (Florideae).
  7. The photosynthetic pigments are chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, chlorophyll d, a and -carotenes, and xanthophylls. Along with these pigments, some phycobiliproteins are also present, such as r-phycoerythrin, r-phycocyanin and alpha phycocyanin.
  8. The reserve food is Floridian alpha phycocyanin. starch. Other than this, galactosides, floridiside and mannoglycerate are also present in the cytoplasm.
  9. Reproduction takes place by all three means vegetative, asexual and sexual. Vegetative reproduction takes place only in unicellular forms. Asexual reproduction takes place by monospores, neutral spores, carpospores, bispores, and tetraspores.
    Sexual reproduction is of advanced oogamous type. The male and female sex organs are called spermatangium and carpogonium respectively. The latter are flask-shaped with a long neck, called trichogyne. Non-motile, male gametes are produced within antheridia, called spermatia. The spermatia are carried away by the water current to the extended part of the carpogonium.
  10. The sporophytic plants may develop certain structures called tetrasporangia within which tetraspores (any of the spores produced in a group of four) are produced.
  11. The life cycle is haplobiontic or diplobiontic in nature.
  12. The alternation of generations varies from isomorphic to heteromorphic (where two generations are morphologically dissimilar).

Plant Kingdom Life cycle ofa red alga

Plant Kingdom Comparative study of Chlorophyceae, Phaeophyceae and Rhodophyceae

Similarities between algae and fungi

  1. Both are eukaryotic and unicellular or multicellular.
  2. Both are thallophytic, i.e., the body is not differentiated into roots, shoots and leaves.
  3. Both have cell walls.
  4. Both do not have vascular tissue.
  5. Both reproduce by vegetative, asexual or sexual means. The reproductive organs are unicellular. Asexual reproduction occurs by spores.

Plant Kingdom Differences between algae and fungi

Chlorophyceae – Definition, Distribution and Characteristics Notes

Chlorophyceae (Green algae)

Chlorophyceae Definition: The Chlorophyceae (Greek: chloros=green;phyton=plant) are unicellular or multicellular, green-coloured freshwater algae.

They contain pigments like chlorophyll a, b and carotenes. They include some of the most common species, as well as many members that are important both ecologically and scientifically.

Chlorophyceae Distribution: About 90% of Chlorophycean algae are generally found in fresh water and the rest are marine, terrestrial, etc. The freshwater members such as Volvox sp., Oedogonium sp., Spirogyra sp., etc., grow in ponds, pools and lakes. They are also found attached to the roots, branches of trees, hot springs, soil and even in snow.

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Some of the members of Chlorophyceae remain in symbiotic association with fungus, to form lichens. Some are epiphytic in nature, growing on trees (for example Trentepohlia sp.) or on animals (Cladophora sp.). Some are parasitic (for example Cephaleuros sp.), that grow on other plants.

Chlorophyceae General Features:

1. They show a wide range of variations in their thallus structures. They may be unicellular motile (for example Chlamydomonas sp.) to non-motile (for example Chlorella sp.), coenobium (for example Volvox sp.), palmelloid (for example, Tetraspora sp.) to dendroid (for example Ecballocystis sp.), colony forming (for example Volvox sp.) to free-living (for example Chlamydomonas sp.), filamentous branched (for example Cladophora sp.) and unbranched (for example Spirogyra sp.), heterotrichous (for example Coleochaete sp.), saponaceous (for example, Vaucheria sp.) and parenchymatous (for example Ulva sp.).

2. Flagella may be one to many, equal in size and inserted either apically or sub-apically. The flagella show a typical 9+2 arrangement when viewed under an electron microscope. Some algae like Chlorella sp. have no flagella at all. Some algae have 2-4 whiplash flagella at the anterior part, as in Chlamydomonas sp.

3. Usually, there is only a single nucleus (for example Chlamydomonas sp.) in each cell. In some algae like Vaucheria sp., Cladophora sp., etc., the thallus is multinucleated and coenocytic. Normally the number of nucleolus is one per nucleus, but some algae have several nucleoli.

4. The cell wall is mainly made up of cellulose, comprised of hydroxyproline glycosides or polysaccharides, like, xylans and mannans. In Chara sp., the cell wall is encrusted with calcium and magnesium carbonate. In Chlamydomonas sp., the cell wall is made of glycoproteins.

5. Semi-permeable cell membrane encircles the protoplast that contains many small vacuoles. The vacuoles push the protoplast towards the periphery to form a thin layer, called the primordial utricle.

6. The members of Chlorophyceae have chloroplasts with different shapes. For example, the chloroplast is cup-shaped (Chlamydomonas sp.), spiral (Spirogyra sp.), reticulate (Oedogonium sp.), star-shaped (Zygnema sp.), girdle-shaped (Ulothrix sp.). The pigments are located within the chloroplast.

Plant Kingdom Life cycle ofa green alga

7. Chloroplast generally contains pyrenoids (starch molecules coated with proteins). The main pigments are chlorophylls a and b, or and /3-carotenes and xanthophylls. Due to the presence of photosynthetic pigments, they are generally autotrophic.

8. The flagellated cells have a photosensory organ called an eye spot or stigma embedded in the chloroplast.

9. The reserve food of all chlorophycean members is starch.

10. They reproduce vegetatively (cell division, fragmentation, etc.), asexually (zoospores, aplanospore, akinete, etc.) and sexually (isogamy, anisogamy or oogamy).

11. The plant body is haploid and the zygote or oospore is the only diploid structure in their life cycle.

12. The life cycle is mainly haplontic (Volvox sp., Ulothix sp. and Chlamydomonas sp.). Some had diplontic (Caulerpa sp.) and haplo-diplobiontic (Ulva sp.) life cycles.

Algae – Definition, Characteristics, Types Notes


Algae Definition: The chlorophyll-containing, thallophytic, eukaryotic species of plants, that are mainly aquatic are called algae.

The term algae (in Latin, seaweed), was first introduced by Linnaeus in 1753. The algae is an important group of thallophyta (Greek: thallos-a sprout; phyton-a plant), the primitive and simplest group of the plant kingdom.


Algae Distribution:

  1. The algae are distributed all over the world. Most of the algae are either marine (for example Ulva sp.) or found in freshwater (for example Oedogonium sp.).
  2. Some species of algae are found on moist soil (for example Vaucheria sp.), on the snow fields of mountains (for example Chlamydomonas nivalis), as epiphyte or endophyte (for example Coleochaete nitellarum).
  3. Many algae are found in symbiotic association with a fungal component. These symbionts, together are called lichen.
  4. Some algae are found attached to a substratum while others are free-living on water. Some are found on the bark of the trees.

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Algae General features: The general features of algae are discussed below.

Algae Body structure: Algae are chlorophyllous, autotrophic plants. The plant body ranges from unicellular to large multicellular structures. Their body is not differentiated into roots, stems, and leaves.

Hence, their body is thallus-like or thalloid. The multicellular complex thalli lacks vascular tissue and also shows little tissue differentiation.

However, some algae may have stem-like stipe and leaf-like lamina. In some cases, the I algae grow root-like structures called holdfast, that help them to remain attached to the substratum.

Algae Shape and Size: There is a large amount of variation in the shape and size of the algae. They may be microscopic (1.5-3.00 pm) to macroscopic (about 60 m). An example of microscopic algae is Chlamydomonas sp.

While an example of macroscopic algae is Macrocystis sp. Some of them are spherical-shaped (for example Volvox sp.), while some are ribbon-shaped (for example Spirogyra sp.).

Plant Kingdom Spirogyra sp.

Algae Cell wall and mucilage covering: A mucilaginous covering may be present around the cellulose-containing cell wall. This mucilage layer protects the cell from dehydration in dry environmental conditions.

Algae Plastids and pigments: Plastids present in algae have different shapes and sizes. Thylakoids present in the chloroplasts form grana. The main photosynthetic pigment of algae is chlorophyll.

Besides this, pigments like chlorophyll b, c, carotene, xanthophylls, etc., are also present. Some species of algae may contain different pigments like fucoxanthin (brown), phycoerythrin (red), phycocyanin (blue), etc., which give them distinct colouration.

Algae Nutrition: Due to the abundance of chlorophyll, they are generally autotrophic. Parasitic algae, such as Cephaleuros sp., derive nutrition from their host.

Algae Stored food: Different types of carbohydrates, such as starch, mannitol, laminarin Floridian starch, etc., are found in algal cells as stored food.

Algae Locomotion: Some of the algae (like Chlorella, Euglena, etc.), have flagella and/or cilia and hence are motile. Many species produce motile gametes even though the adult plants are non-motile.

Algae Reproduction: Reproduction is of three types— vegetative, asexual and sexual.

  1. Vegetative reproduction: Most algae show this method of reproduction. It occurs by cell division (Gloeocapsa sp.), fragmentation (Spirogyra sp.), budding (Protosiphon sp.), etc.
  2. Asexual reproduction: Generally, reproduction takes place by different kinds of diploid or haploid spores like motile zoospores (Ulothrix sp.), non-motile aplanospores (Chlorella sp.), hypnospores (Chlamydomonas sp.) akinetes (Oedogonium sp.), tetraspores (Polysiphonia), etc. Asexual The sex organs are generally unicellular, when multicellular, all cells are fertile, i.e., able to develop I spores. In most cases, this reproductive structure is not enclosed by any protective coverings.

Plant Kingdom Sexual reproduction in Spirogyra sp

3. Sexual reproduction: Under favourable conditions, sexual reproduction takes place by the production of gametes. Depending on the gametes’ size and motility, sexual reproduction is either isogamous,i.e., both male and female gametes are similar in structure and motility (Spirogyra sp.), anisogamous, i.e., female gametes are larger than male gametes and both are motile (Chlamydomonas sp.) and oogamous, i.e., male gametes are small and motile while female gametes are large and non-motile (Chara sp.).

The gametes are produced inside gametangium. The male gametangium is called antheridium and the female gametangium is called oogonium. The zygote undergoes further development starting either by mitosis or by meiosis. However, this development continues through mitotic cell division. Embryo formation is absent.

Algae Life cycle: The sexually reproducing members of algae show mainly three patterns of life cycles—haplontic life cycle, diplontic life cycle and haplo-diplobiontic life cycle. These types of life cycles are discussed in detail later in this chapter.

Alternation of generations: The members show distinct alternation of gametophytic and sporophytic generations. The gametophytic phase (n) is longer while the sporophytic phase (2n) is shorter. The sporophytic phase is dependent on the gametophytic phase.

Some other features of algae

Algae do not have vascular tissue as they live in water and do not require any specialised tissue for conducting water. Moreover, all cells have chlorophyll and hence can synthesise their own food. Thus they do not need any specific tissue system for translocation of food.

Gametophyte and Sporophyte

The life cycles of all sexually reproducing plants follow a pattern of alternation between the gametophytic phase and sporophytic phase.

Gametophyte is the haploid phase of the life cycle, independent or dependent on the sporophytic phase. In most of the algae and bryophytes, this is the dominant phase.

In some algae and all the higher plants such as pteridophytes, gymnosperms and angiosperms, it is represented only by the gametes. The gametes unite to give rise to the sporophyte.

Sporophyte is the diploid phase of the life cycle. In most algae, it is represented by the zygote. In bryophytes, the sporophytic phase is dependent on the gametophytic phase. In pteridophytes, gymnosperms and angiosperms it is the dominant phase of the life cycle.

Some common examples of algae are— Chlamydomonas sp., Volvox sp., Oedogonium sp., Ulothrix sp., Chara sp., Ectocarpus sp., etc.

Commercial importance of algae: Since ancient times, human beings have used algae for various purposes.

Source of food: The algal species are popular food to mankind due to their high nutritive value and higher yield per unit area than the conventional crops. Some algae are commonly used as food. Some of them are Chlorella sp., Chondrus sp., Ulva sp., etc. Chlorella is also used as a source of minerals, vitamins, lipids and proteins.

Source of fodder: Many algae, like Fucus sp Laminaria sp., Sargassum sp., Rhodymenia sp., etc., are commonly used as fodder in different countries. The fat content of milk increases with the addition of seaweed in fodder. The iodine and carotene content in egg yolk as well as the egg-laying capacity of the poultry birds increases by feeding processed seaweeds as food.

Industrial use: Algae has been used to develop many products of commercial and pharmaceutical importance. These are agar-agar, carrageenan, diatomite, alginate, medicine, etc.

  1. Agar-agar: Agar-agar is commercially obtained from Gelidium nudifrons, G. pusillum, G. robustrum, Gracilaria verrucosa and also from different species of Gracilaria. It is a jelly-like, synthesised, non-nitrogenous, complex polysaccharide in nature. Agar-agar is used in food (as emulsifiers, gelling and thickening agents), pharmaceutical (as laxative), cosmetic industry and scientific laboratories (in culture medium).
  2. Carrageenan: It is obtained from the cell wall of Gigartina stellata, Chondrus crispus and Eucheuma. Carrageenan is a hydrocolloid (algal colloid) almost similar to agar-agar. The hydrocolloid consists of alpha-carrageenan and beta-carrageenan. Carrageenan acts as a blood coagulant. It is also used to stabilise emulsions. It is used as a component of deodorants, cosmetics, toothpaste, paints, etc. It is also used for maintaining transparency in alcohol.
  3. Alginates: Alginates are salts of alginic acid. It is extracted from the cell wall of some brown algae like Ascophyllum sp., Fucus sp., Macrocystis sp., Laminaria sp., etc. It is used as a thickening agent in the food industry, specifically in the preparation of sauce, soup, cream, etc. It is also used as an emulsifier in polish, and emulsion paints, etc., and a gelling agent in confectionaries, powders, etc. It is also used in the production of artificial fibres, plastics, rubbers, etc.
  4. Diatomite: After the death of diatom cells, the silicified cell walls accumulate at the bottom of water bodies. These deposits are called diatomaceous earth or diatomite. It is very suitable for use in industries as a bacteria filter, insulator, absorbent, etc.

As fertiliser in agricultural fields: Members of Cyanophyceae like Nostoc sp., Anabaena sp., etc., can fix atmospheric nitrogen, and form nitrogenous compounds. These are further absorbed by plants for their metabolic activities and increase yield.

Minerals like copper, cobalt chromium, boron, iron, zinc, vanadium and manganese are present in high amounts in seaweeds. Hence, these are used as stock feed as well as natural fertiliser. Algae like Tolypothrix spv Lyngbya sp. can prevent soil erosion.

Disposal of sewage: Industrial effluents and domestic drain water are called sewage. It is rich in sulphur, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. The anaerobic breakdown of sewage gives rise to a bad odour.

So aerobic breakdown is preferred, which is carried out by some bacteria. The oxygen required for this process is provided by algae. Unicellular algae like Chlorella sp. are used in this process.

Medicine preparation:

  1. Since marine algae such as Laminaria sp., Fucus sp., etc., contain high amounts of iodine, hence, can be used to prepare medicines to treat goitre.
  2. Agar-agar obtained from Gelidium sp., and Gracilaria sp., is used as a laxative, or base of various ointments.
  3. Certain antibiotics like chlorellin, are prepared from Chlorella sp. and other algal species.

Experimental use: Algae are used as experimental tools for different kinds of research works. For example, Chlorella has been used to study the path of carbon in photosynthesis and Acetabularia is used in genetic research. Halicystis sp. is used to study membrane permeability, etc.

Use in the ecosystem:

  1. At least half of the total carbon dioxide fixation on earth is carried out by algae.
  2. Aquatic algae are mainly responsible for the increased oxygen level in the aquatic ecosystems.
  3. Chlorella sp and Spirulina sp. are unicellular algae, rich in protein and used even by astronauts as sources of oxygen and food.

Algae Bloom

Generally during monsoon, the growth of algae on water bodies, such as ponds, lakes, etc., increases. Due to this, the concentration of dissolved oxygen decreases, causing the death of the organisms. This excess growth of algae is called an algal bloom. Microcystis sp., Oscillatoria sp., etc., are responsible for algal bloom.

Classification of algae:

According to the pigments present, algae can be classified under the following families—

Plant Kingdom Classification of algae

These groups have been discussed in detail, under separate heads.

Plant Kingdom Question And Answers

Class 11 Biology WBCHSE Plant Kingdom Some Important Questions And Answers

Question 1. Why plants belonging to class bryophyta are called amphibious plants?
Answer: As bryophyta lacks a typical root system, so they grow in water and their gametes are transferred by water. Though they lack well well-developed vascular system, water is conducted in their body through fine ducts. Although they require an aquatic medium for their life cycle, yet they can survive in moist places. Hence, they are called amphibious plants.

Plant Kingdom

Question 2. What do you understand by homospores and heterosporous plants?
Answer: The structurally and characteristically identical spores that develop inside the sporangia of the pteridophytes are called homospores and the plants producing such spores are called homosporous plants. example Lycopodium sp. The structurally and characteristically non-identical spores (male and female) that develop inside the respective sporangia of the pteridophytes are called heterospores and the plants producing such spores are called heterosporous. example Selaginella sp.

Biology Class 11 WBCHSE

Question 3. What is megasporangium and microsporangium?
Answer: Sporangium in heterosporous pteridophytes is variable in size. The larger sporangium containing megaspores is called megasporangium and the smaller sporangium containing microspores is called microsporangium.

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Question 4. what is ephedrine?
Answer: Ephedrine is an alkaloid obtained from Ephedra sp. which is used to prepare medicine of the same name. This is used to treat asthma and other respiratory disease. It helps to increase heart rate and blood pressure.

Question 5. What is polyembryony?
Answer: Polyembryony is the phenomenon where two or more embryos develop from a single fertilized egg. In Pinus sp., polyembryony has been reported.

Question 6. What is operculum?
Answer: The cap-like structure present above the capsule of mosses (for example Funaria sp., Pogonatum sp., etc.), is called an operculum. It helps in the dispersal of spores in Funaria sp.

Question 7. What is peristome?
Answer: Beneath the operculum of some mosses (for example Funaria sp.), teeth-like structures are seen to be arranged in 2 rows 32 in number which helps in the dispersal of spores. These are called peristomes.

Class 11 Biology WBCHSE Plant Kingdom Very Short Answer Type Question

Question 1. Name the branch of science that deals with the study of algae.
Answer: The branch of science that deals with the study of algae is called phycology.

Question 2. Which component is responsible for the color of red algae?
Answer: The pigment that imparts color to red algae is r-phycoerythrin.

Question 3. Name one red algae which is used as a vegetable.
Answer: Algae which is used as a vegetable is Porphyra

Question 4. What are the types of flagella found in the members of Phaeophyceae?
Answer: Two types of flagella present in Phaeophyceae, are whiplash and tinsel.

Biology Class 11 WBCHSE

Question 5. Which algal group stores mannitol as reserve food?
Answer: Mannitol is the stored food of the algal group Phaeophyceae.

Question 6. Which algae is used commercially to produce algin?
Answer: Laminaria is used commercially to produce algin.

Question 7. Which algae is used commercially to produce agar?
Answer: Gellidium is used commercially to produce agar

Question 8. Which algae is considered to be the ancestor of terrestrial plants?
Answer: Green algae is considered the ancestor of plants.

Question 9. Which alga reproduces sexually by conjugation?
Answer: Spirogyra reproduces by conjugation

Question 10. Write the divisions of the plant whose main body is gametophytic.
Answer: The main plant bodies of algae and moss are gametophytic.

Question 11. Write the scientific name of Peat moss.
Answer: The scientific name of Peat moss is Sphagnum

Biology Class 11 WBCHSE

Question 12. Which structure is formed after the germination of spores of moss?
Answer: Protonema is formed by germination of spores in moss.

Question 13. Which group of plants have multicellular sex organs surrounded by a jacket of sterile cells but lack a vascular system? Give an example.
Answer: Bryophytes have multicellular sex organs, surrounded by a jacket of sterile cells but lack a vascular tissue system. An example of Bryophyte is Pogonatum sp.

Question 14. Name the tree which is commonly called ’ Sago’s palm’.
Answer: Cycas reuolutais commonly called ‘Sago palm!

Question 15. Name the plant which is commonly called ’maiden J hair fern’.
Answer: Adiantum is commonly called as ‘maidenhair fern

Question 16. What are the common features found in leaves of ferns and Cycas?
Answer: A common feature in leaves of fern and Cycas is the circinate ptyxis.

Class 11 Biology WBCHSE

Question 17. Name the plant which produces the largest sperm in the plant world.
Answer: Cycas have the largest sperm in the plant world.

Question 18. Which part of the ovule of gymnosperms is haploid (n)?
Answer: The endosperm of gymnosperms is haploid (n).

Question 19. What is sorus?
Answer: Sorus (plural—sori) is the aggregation of sporangia produced on the fronds of fem.

Class 11 Biology WBCHSE

Question 20. Name the protective covering over the sporangium of the fern
Answer: Stomium is the covering of the sporangium of the fem.

Question 21. What is the hairy structure on the surface of young leaves and petioles of ferns called?
Answer: The hairy structure on the surface of young leaves and petiole of fem is called ramenta.

Question 22. How many generations are seen in the seeds of Pinusl
Answer: Three generations are seen in the seeds of Pinus.

Question 23. How many cotyledons are present in the seeds of Pinus?
Answer: The seed of Pinus is multicotyledonous.

Question 24. What is the genetic constituent of the endosperm of angiosperms?
Answer: The endosperm of angiosperms is triploid.

Question 25. Name one algae that shows a haplo-diplontic life cycle.
Answer: Ulva, a member of Chlorophyceae, shoots haplo-diplontic life cycle.

Question 26. Name the tallest angiospermous plant.
Answer: The tallest angiosperm is Eucalyptus regnans.

Class 11 Biology Solutions

Question 27. Name one parasitic red algae.
Answer: Harveylla is a parasitic red algae.

Question 28. Which plant is known as a vascular non-flowering plant?
Answer: Ferns are called vasculature,non-flowering plant

Question 29. Generally, which plant is called a walking fern’?
Answer: Adiantum is called the walking fern.

Question 30. What is the basis of the classification of algae?

Bases of classification of algae are—

  1. Types of pigments,
  2. Type of reserved food

Question 31. Food is stored as Floridian starch in Rhodophyceae. Mannitol is the reserve food material of which group of algae?
Answer: Mannitol is the reserve food material of Phaeophyceae

Question 32. The plant body in higher plants is well differentiated and well developed. Roots are the organs used for the purpose of absorption. What is the equivalent of the roots in the less developed lower plants?
Answer: Rhizoids are the equivalent of the roots in the less developed lower plants.

Class 11 Biology WBCHSE

Question 33. The fusion of two gametes which are dissimilar in size is termed as
Answer: Anisogamy

Question 34. Most algal genera show haplontic life cycle. Name an alga which is

  1. Haplo-diplontic
  2. Diplontic.


  1. Haplo-diplontic: Ulva sp.
  2. Diplontic: Fucus sp.

Question 35. Give an example of plants with—

  1. Haplontic life cycle,
  2. Diplontic life cycle,
  3. Haplo-diplontic life cycle


  1. Volvox (Haplontic),
  2. Fucus (Diplontic),
  3. Polysiphonia (Haplo-diplontic)

Plant Kingdom Multiple Choice Questions

Plant Kingdom Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1. An example of colonial alga is—

  1. Volvox
  2. Ulothrix
  3. Spirogyra
  4. Chlorella

Answer: 1. Volvox

Question 2. The life cycles of Ectocarpus and Fucus respectively are—

  1. Diplontic, Haplodiplontic
  2. Haplodiplontic, Diplontic
  3. Haplodiplontic, Haplontic
  4. Haplontic, Diplontic

Answer: 2. Haplodiplontic, Diplontic

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Question 3. Which of the following would appear as the pioneer organisms on bare rocks?

  1. Liverwort
  2. Mosses
  3. Green algae
  4. Lichens

Answer: 4. Lichens

Question 4. In bryophytes and pteridophytes, transport of male gametes requires—

  1. Insects
  2. Birds
  3. Water
  4. Wind

Answer: 3. Water

Question 5. Select the correct statement

  1. Salvinia, Ginkgo and Pinus all are gymnosperms
  2. Sequoia is one of the tallest trees
  3. The leaves of gymnosperms are not well adapted to extremes of climate
  4. Gymnosperms are both homes prosperous and heterosporous

Answer: 2. Sequoia is one of the tallest trees

Question 6. The ovule of an angiosperm is technically equivalent to—

  1. Megasporangium
  2. Megasporophyll
  3. Megaspore mother cells
  4. Megaspore

Answer: 1. Megasporangium

Question 7. Which one of the following statements is wrong—

  1. Algae increase the level of dissolved oxygen in the immediate environment
  2. Algin is obtained from red algae and carrageenan from brown algae
  3. Agar-agar is obtained from Gelidium and gracilaria
  4. Laminaria and Sargassum are used as food

Answer: 2. Algin is obtained from red algae and carrageenan from brown algae

Question 8. Conifers are adapted to tolerate extreme environmental conditions because of

  1. Broad hardy leaves
  2. Superficial stomata
  3. Thick cuticle
  4. The presence of vessels

Answer: 3. Thick cuticle

Question 9. Which one is a wrong statement?

  1. Brown algae have chlorophyll a and c, and fucoxanthin
  2. Archegonia are found in Bryophyta, Pteridophyta and Gymnosperms
  3. Mucor has biflagellate zoospores
  4. The haploid endosperm is a typical feature of Gymnosperms

Answer: 3. Mucor has biflagellate zoospores

Question 10. An alga which can be employed as food for human beings is

  1. Ulothrix
  2. Chlorella
  3. Spirogyra
  4. Polysiphonia

Answer: 2. Chlorella

Question 11. Which one of the following living organisms completely lacks a cell wall?

  1. Cyanobacteria
  2. Sea-fan (Gorgonia)
  3. Saccharomyces
  4. Blue-green algae

Answer: 2. Sea-fan (Gorgonia)

Question 12. Which one of the following shows isogamy with non-flagellated gametes?

  1. Sargassum
  2. Ectocarpus
  3. Ulothrix
  4. Spirogyra

Answer: 4. Spirogyra

Question 13. Which one of the following is wrong about Chara?

  1. Upper oogonium and lower round antheridium
  2. Globule and nucule present on the same plant
  3. Upper antheridium and lower oogonium
  4. Globule is the male reproductive structure

Answer: 3. Upper antheridium and lower oogonium

Question 14. Which of the following is responsible for peat formation?

  1. Marchantia
  2. Riccia
  3. Funaria
  4. Sphagnum

Answer: 4. Sphagnum

Question 15. Male gametophyte with least number of cells is present in—

  1. Pteris
  2. Funaria
  3. Lilium
  4. Pinus

Answer: 3. Lilium

Question 16. Choose the wrong statement

  1. Gymnosperms lack vessels in their xylem
  2. The cell wall of collenchyma is made up of cellulose, hemicellulose and pectin
  3. The first formed primary xylem elements are called protoxylem
  4. The cell wall of parenchyma is made up of pectin
  5. Gymnosperms have albuminous cells and sieve cells in their phloem

Answer: 2. The cell wall of collenchyma is made up of cellulose, hemicellulose and pectin

Question 17. Choose the correct statement—

  1. Bryophytes can live in soil but are dependent on water for sexual reproduction
  2. The sex organs in bryophytes are unicellular
  3. In bryophyte, the main plant body is a gametophyte which is differentiated into true root, stem and leaves
  4. A common example of liverwort is Polytrichum
  5. A common example of moss is Marchantia

Answer: 1. The sex organs in bryophytes are unicellular

Question 18. Which of the following groups of algae belongs to the class Rhodophyceae?

  1. Laminaria, Fucus, Porphyra, Volvox
  2. Gelidium, Porphyra, Dictyota, Fucus
  3. Gracilaria, Gelidium, Porphyra, Polysiphonia
  4. Volvox, Spirogyra, Ulothrix, Sargassum
  5. Sargassum, Laminaria, Fucus, Dictyota

Answer: 3. Gracilaria, Gelidium, Porphyra, Polysiphonia

Question 19. Match the following and choose the correct combination from the options given.

Plant Kingdom Multiple Choice Question 19

  1. 1-3, 2-2, 3-1
  2. 1-3, 2-1, 3-2
  3. 1-2, 2-3, 3-1
  4. 1-1, 2-2, 3-3
  5. 1-1, 2-2, 3-2

Answer: 2. 1-3, 2-1, 3-2

Question 20 Which of the following are heterosporous pteridophytes?

  1. Lycopodium
  2. Selaginella
  3. Equisetum
  4. Salvinia

Answer: 4. Salvinia

Question 21. Marchantia is considered as a heterothallic plant because it is

  1. Heterogametic
  2. Bisexual
  3. Monoecious
  4. Dioecious

Answer: 4. Dioecious

Question 22. Mosses and liverworts are members of—

  1. Gametophytes
  2. Chlorophytes
  3. Bryophytes
  4. Pteridophytes

Answer: 3. Bryophytes

Question 23. The life cycle of algae such as Spirogyra is—

  1. Haplontic
  2. Diplontic
  3. Haplo-diplontic
  4. Diplo-haplontic

Answer: 1. Haplontic

Question 24. Which one of the following is the first group of vascular plants?

  1. Thallophyta
  2. Bryophyta
  3. Pteridophyta
  4. Spermatophyta

Answer: 3. Pteridophyta

Question 25. The presence of pyrenoid is a characteristic feature of class

  1. Phaeophyceae
  2. Chlorophyceae
  3. Rhodophyceae
  4. Poaceae

Answer: 2. Chlorophyceae

Question 26. Food is stored in the form of mannitol in the class of algae—

  1. Rhodophyceae
  2. Phaeophyceae
  3. Chlorophyceae
  4. Poaceae

Answer: 2. Phaeophyceae

Question 27. Ectocarpus shows—

  1. Haplontic life cycle
  2. Diplontic life cycle
  3. Haplo-diplontic life cycle
  4. Diplontic-haplontic life cycle

Answer: 3. Haplo-diplontic life cycle

Question 28. Elaters are absent in—

  1. Funaria
  2. Marchantia
  3. Pellia
  4. Psilotum

Answer: 1. Funaria

Question 29. Besides paddy fields, cyanobacteria are also found inside the vegetative part of—

  1. Pinus
  2. Cycas
  3. Equisetum
  4. Psilotum

Answer: 2. Cycas

Question 30. Select the wrong statement—

  1. Isogametes are similar in structure, function behaviour
  2. Anisogametes differ in structure, function behaviour
  3. In monogamous, the female gamete is smaller and motile while the male gamete is larger and non-motile
  4. Chlamydomonas exhibits both isogamy and anisogamy and Fucus shows oogamy

Answer: 3. In oogamous, the female gamete is smaller and motile while the male gamete is larger and non-motile

Question 31. Isogamous condition with non-flagellated gametes found in

  1. Chlamydomonas
  2. Spirogyra
  3. Volvox
  4. Focus

Answer: 2. Spirogyra

Question 32. Monoecious plant of Chara shows the occurrence of—

  1. Antheridiophore and archegoniophore on the same plant
  2. Stamen and Carpel on the same plant
  3. Upper antheridium and lower oogonium on the same plant
  4. Upper oogonium and lower antheridium on the same plant

Answer: 4. Upper oogonium and lower antheridium on the same plant

Question 33. Fruits are not found in gymnosperms because—

  1. They are seedless
  2. They are not pollinated
  3. They have no ovary
  4. Fertilisation does not take place

Answer: 3. They have no ovary

Question 34. Vegetative reproduction in Funaria takes place by—

  1. Primary protonema
  2. Gemmule
  3. Secondary protonema
  4. All of the above

Answer: 4. All of the above

Question 35. Alginic acid is found in the cell wall of—

  1. Gigartina
  2. Laminaria
  3. Gelidium
  4. Scytonema

Answer: 2. Laminaria

Question 36. Pinus belongs to the class—

  1. Gnetopsida
  2. Cycadopsida
  3. Coniferopsida
  4. Sphenopsida

Answer: 3. Coniferopsida

Question 37. Which one of the following is an example of chlorophyllous thallophyte?

  1. Volvariella
  2. Spirogyra
  3. Nephrolepis
  4. Gnetum

Answer: 2. Spirogyra

Question 38. Algae, which form motile colonies, is—

  1. Volvox
  2. Nostoc
  3. Spirogyra
  4. Chlamydomonas

Answer: 1. Volvox

Question 39. Non-motile, greatly thickened, asexual spore in Chlamydomonas is

  1. Carpospores
  2. Aplanospores
  3. Akinetes
  4. Hypnospores

Answer: 4. Hypnospores

Question 40. Identify the wrong combination—

  1. Dryopteris — Rhizome
  2. Cycas — Coralloid roots
  3. Volvox — Colonial form
  4. Marchantia — Pseudoelaters

Answer: 4. Marchantia — Pseudoelaters

Animal Kingdom Question And Answers

Biology Class 11 WBCHSE Animal Kingdom Questions And Answers

Question 1. Classify animals on the basis of the occurrence of coelom.
Answer: On the basis of the occurrence of coelom, animals are of three types—

  1. Coelomate: animals having true coelom,
  2. Acoelomate: animals lacking coelom,
  3. Pseudocoelomate: animals having false or pseudocoelom.

Animal Kingdom

Question 2. Mention the types of animals on the basis of germ layers.
Answer: On the basis of germ layers, animals are of two types—diploblastic (ectoderm and endoderm present) and triploblastic (ectoderm, endoderm and mesoderm are present).

Question 3. How many types of symmetry are observed in animals?
Answer: Five types of symmetry are observed in animals.

These are—

  1. Bilateral symmetry,
  2. Radial symmetry,
  3. Spherical symmetry,
  4. Biradial symmetry and
  5. Asymmetrical symmetry.

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Question 4. What is memorization?
Answer: The method of division of the body into many identical segments is called metamerisation. Each segment formed is called a metamere.

Class 11 Biology Solutions

Question 5. What is haemocoel and spongocoel?
Answer: The body cavity filled with body fluid is called hemocoel and the central cavity in the body of the sponge is called spongocoel.

Question 6. What are the types of pores seen in the body of sponges?
Answer: Two types of pores are seen in the body of sponges—Ostia: Fine pores present in the body surface which help in the intake of water. Oscuium: A large pore present at the apex of the body through which water goes out.

Question 7. Which organism has myoneme microfilaments? What is their function?
Answer: Myoneme microfilaments are found in the protozoa Monocystis. These myoneme microfilaments help in locomotion.

Question 8. What are protostome and deuterostome?
Answer: The animals in which the mouth cavity develops first from the blastopore of the embryo are called protostomes. The animals in which the anal pore develops first from the blastopore of the embryo are called deuterostomes.

Question 9. Name some mesenchymal cells.
Answer: Some mesenchymal cells are—pinacocytes, amoebocytes, scleroblasts, etc.

Question 10. What are tunicates?
Answer: The body of organisms belonging to the subphylum Urochordata bear a translucent cover outside their bodies, which is called a tunic. So, these organisms are called tunicates.

Biology Class 11 WBCHSE Animal Kingdom Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1. What are the three types of body cavities found in animals?
Answer: Pseudocoelom, hemocoel, and coelom

Question 2. Which phylum shows metamerism?
Answer: Annelida

Question 3. Name two groups of animals that have in complete alimentary canal.
Answer: Cnidaria, Platyhelminthes

Question 4. Which animals are triploblastic?
Answer: From phylum Platyhelminthes to Chordata, all animals are triploblastic.

Question 5. Give one example of each—symmetry, radial and bilateral symmetry.
Answer: Amoeba, Hydra, fishes

Class 11 Biology Solutions

Question 6. Give one example of each of acoelomate, pseudocoelomate and haemocoelomate.
Answer: Liver fluke, roundworm, cockroach

Question 7. Give one example each of diploblastic and triploblastic animals.
Answer: Hydra, tapeworm

Question 8. Name the organs that carry out pulmonary and bronchial respiration.
Answer: Lungs, gills

Question 9. Name two cellular layers of the body of sponges.
Answer: Ectoderm and endoderm

Question 10. Which phylum of the animal kingdom shows the least level of body organization?
Answer: Protozoa (it is a sub-kingdom: Seven Phyla are included within this subkingdom).

Question 11. Name one sanguivorous annelid.
Answer: Leech

Class 11 Biology Solutions

Question 12. Which organs in echinoderms serve for respiration and locomotion?
Answer: Papulae and tube feet

Question 13. Which non-chordate shows the capability of flying?
Answer: Arthropoda

Question 14. Which poison is found in the cnidoblast cells of coelenterates?
Answer: Hypnotoxin

Question 15. What are the respiratory organs of fish?
Answer: Gills and lungs

Question 16. Name one fish that possesses both gills and lungs.
Answer: Lungfish

Question 17. What is meant by aestivation?
Answer: The characteristic of some animals is that body metabolism reduces to a basal level due to dry or hot weather. This is known as aestivation.

Question 18. Name one vertebrate which is a living fossil.
Answer: Coelacanth fishes

Question 19. Which larva is found in the phyla Annelida and Mollusca?
Answer: Trochophore larva

Question 20. Which type of mouth appendages are found in cockroaches, mosquitoes, and houseflies?
Answer: Bitting type of mouth appendages are found in cockroaches and houseflies. Sucking type of mouth appendages are found in mosquitoes.

Question 21. Name the anticoagulant present in the saliva of leech.
Answer: Hirudin

Class 11 Biology Solutions

Question 22. Name two viviparous fishes.
Answer: Shark and eagle ray

Question 23. Name one animal phylum whose members have an open circulatory system.
Answer: Mollusca

Question 24. Name the excretory organs of annelids and insects.
Answer: Nephridia and malpighian tubules

Question 25. Write the scientific name of the bath sponge.
Answer: Euspongia sp

Question 26. Which type of structural organization is observed in the phylum Cnidaria?
Answer: In this phylum, the tissue grade of organization is observed for the first time. They exist as true multicellular animals.

Question 27. In which phylum stomochord is found?
Answer: Hemichordata

Question 28. Name the cells that maintain water circulation in the body of poriferans.
Answer: Choanocyte

Question 29. Name three parasitic worms.
Answer: Hookworm, roundworm and tapeworm

Question 30. Name one animal of the phylum Mollusca that shows body segmentation.
Answer: Neopilina

Question 31. Name one jawless vertebrate animal.
Answer: Petromyzon

Question 32. Which is the sound-producing organ in birds?
Answer: Syrinx

Question 33. Which class of vertebrates are viviparous animals?
Answer: Mammalia

Question 34. Name two vertebrates that have cloacal aperture,
Answer: Toad and Pigeon

Question 35. Write one example for each of the poikilothermal and homeothermal animals.
Answer: Frog and cow

Biology Class 11 WBCHSE

Question 36. The water vascular system is the characteristic of which group of the following—

  1. Porifera
  2. Ctenophora
  3. Echinodermata
  4. Chordata

Answer: Echinodermata

Question 37. Identify the phylum in which adults exhibit radial symmetry and larvae exhibit bilateral symmetry.
Answer: Echinodermata

Question 38. Name one shell-less mollusk.
Answer: Doris

Question 39. Give one example of—

  1. A Reptile without a limb
  2. One oviparous mammal


  1. Snake (reptile),
  2. Platypus

Question 40. Give one example each of a social and a polymorphic animal.
Answer: Honey bee (social) and chameleon (polymorphic)

Question 41. Which is the first phylum that includes triploblastic animals?
Answer: Platyhelminthes

Question 42. In some animal groups, the body is found to be divided into compartments with at least some organ/organs repeated. Name the characteristic
Answer: Metamerism

Biology Class 11 WBCHSE

Question 43. Name an animal having a canal system and spicules. feature.
Answer: Scypha

Question 44. What is the role of radula in Mollusca?
Answer: Radula is used for cutting or scraping food.

Question 45. Provide appropriate technical terms—

  1. Free-floating form of Cnidaria
  2. Stinging organ of jellyfish


  1. Medusa
  2. Cnidoblast

Question 46. Give an example of a roundworm,
Answer: Ascaris

Question 47. Name the animal which exhibits the phenomenon of bioluminescence. Mention the phylum to which it belongs.
Answer: Firefly, Phylum Arthropoda

Question 48. Provide appropriate technical terms for lateral appendage in aquatic annelids.
Answer: Parapodia

Biology Class 11 WBCHSE

Question 49. How important is the presence of an air bladder in Pisces?
Answer: Air bladder provides buoyancy that helps them to float in water.

Question 50. What is the importance of pneumatic bones and air sacs in Aves?
Answer: Pneumatic bones make their body lighter which helps them to fly. Air sacs provide more area for the intake of air and respiration.

Question 51. Give one example each for an animal possessing placoid scales and cycloid scales.
Answer: Placoid scales—Scoliodon

Cycloid scales—Labeo

Question 52. Segmentation in the body is first observed in which of the following?

  1. Platyhelminthes
  2. Aschelminthes
  3. Echinodermata
  4. Arthropoda

Answer: Platyhelminthes

Animal Kingdom Multiple Choice Questions

Animal Kingdom Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1. An important characteristic that Hemichordates share with Chordates is

  1. Ventral tubular nerve cord
  2. Pharynx with gill slits
  3. Pharynx without gill slits
  4. Absence of notochord

Answer: 2. Pharynx with gill slits

Question 2. Which of the following represents the order of horses?

  1. Perissodactyla
  2. Caballus
  3. Ferus
  4. Equidae

Answer: 1. Perissodactyla

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Question 3. Which among these is the correct combination of aquatic mammals?

  1. Dolphins, Seals, Trygon
  2. Whales, Dolphins, Seals
  3. Trygon, Whales, Seals
  4. Seals, Dolphins, Sharks

Answer: 2. Whales, Dolphins, Seals

Question 4. In the case of poriferans, the spongocoel is lined with flagellated cells called

  1. Oscula
  2. Choanocytes
  3. Mesenchymal cells
  4. Ostia

Answer: 2. Choanocytes

Question 6. Which of the following characteristics is not shared by birds and mammals?

  1. Breathing using lungs
  2. Viviparity
  3. Warm-blooded nature
  4. Ossified endoskeleton

Answer: 2. Viviparity

Question 7. Which of the following features is not present in the phylum Arthropoda?

  1. Metameric segmentation
  2. Parapodia
  3. Jointed appendages
  4. Chitinous exoskeleton

Answer: 2. Parapodia

Question 8. Which of the following structures is homologous to the wing of a bird?

  1. Wing of a moth
  2. Hind limb of a rabbit
  3. Flipper of whale
  4. The dorsal fin of a shark

Answer: 3. Flipper of whale

Question 9. Match column I with column II for housefly classification and select the correct option using the codes given below:

Animal Kingdom Multiple Choice Question 9

  1. 1-3.2-1,3-4,4-2
  2. 1-3,2-2,3-4,4-1
  3. 1-4,2-3,3-2,4-1
  4. 1-4,2-2,3-1,4-3

Answer: 1. 1-3.2-1,3-4,4-2

Question 10. Choose the correct statement.

  1. All mammals are viviparous
  2. All cyclostomes do not possess jaws and paired fins
  3. All reptiles have a three-chambered heart
  4. All Pisces have gills covered by an operculum

Answer: 2. All cyclostomes do not possess jaws and paired fins

Question 11. The body having meshwork of cells, internal cavities lined with food-filtering flagellated cells, and indirect development are the characteristics of phylum—

  1. Protozoa
  2. Coelenterata
  3. Porifera
  4. Mollusca

Answer: 3. Porifera

Question 12. A jawless fish, that lays eggs in fresh water and whose ammocoetes larvae after metamorphosis return to the ocean is—

  1. Petromyzon
  2. Eptatretus
  3. Myxine
  4. Neomyxine

Answer: 1. Petromyzon

Question 13. Select the taxon mentioned that represents both marine and freshwater species—

  1. Echinoderms
  2. Ctenophora
  3. Cephalochordata
  4. Cnidaria

Answer: 4. Cnidaria

Question 14. Planaria possesses the high capacity of—

  1. Metamorphosis
  2. Regeneration
  3. Alternation of generation
  4. Bioluminescence

Answer: 2. Regeneration

Question 15. A marine cartilaginous fish that can produce electric current is—

  1. Pristis
  2. Torpedo
  3. Trygon
  4. Scoliodon

Answer: 2. Torpedo

Question 16. Which one is an example of a living fossil?

  1. Coral
  2. Ascidia
  3. Octopus
  4. King crab

Answer: 4. King crab

Question 17. Juvenile hormone in insect is released from—

  1. Protocerebrum
  2. Corpora cardiaca
  3. Corpora allata
  4. Thoracic gland

Answer: 3. Corpora allata

Question 18. The body of the rohu fish is covered by—

  1. Cycloid scale, but the tail is homocercal
  2. Placoid scale, but the tail is heterocercal
  3. Cycloid scale, but the tail is heterocercal
  4. Placoid scale, but the tail is homocercal

Answer: 1. Cycloid scale, but the tail is homocercal

Question 19. Which of the following statement(s) regarding coelenterates is/are wrong?

  1. Cnidocytes are present on the tentacles and on the body.
  2. Diploblastic with the cellular level of organization.
  3. Polyp forms are free swimming.
  4. Exhibits metagenesis.
  5. Polyps produce medusae sexually and medusae form polyps asexually

Choose the correct option

  1. 2 and 4
  2. 3 and 5
  3. 1,2 and 3
  4. only 3
  5. 2,3 and 5

Answer: 5. 2,3 and 5

Question 20. Choose the wrong statement.

  1. Teeth in Chondrichthyes are modified ctenoid scales
  2. Air bladder in fish regulates buoyancy
  3. In amphibians, the tympanum represents the ear
  4. Long bones in birds are pneumatic
  5. Reptiles are poikilotherms

Answer: 1. Teeth in Chondrichthyes are modified ctenoid scales

Question 21. The kind of coelom represented in the diagram given below is characteristic of—

Animal Kingdom roundworm

  1. Earthworm
  2. Cockroach
  3. Roundworm
  4. Tapeworm

Answer: 3. Roundworm

Question 22. The cellular organization of the body is present in

  1. Annelida
  2. Platyhelminthes
  3. Porifera
  4. Urochordata

Answer: 3. Porifera

Question 24. Oviparous mammal is—

  1. Equus
  2. Macropus
  3. Ornithorhynchus
  4. Pteropus

Answer: 3. Ornithorhynchus

Question 25. Which of the following animals has anucleated erythrocytes?

  1. Earthworm
  2. Sepia
  3. Frog
  4. Rat

Answer: 4. Rat

Question 26. The central hollow portion of the vertebra is called—

  1. Neural canal
  2. Central canal
  3. Auditory canal
  4. Vertebro-arterial canal

Answer: 1. Neural canal

Question 27. Pneumatic bones are present in

  1. Macropus
  2. Psittacula
  3. Chelone
  4. Balaenoptera

Answer: 2. Psittacula

Question 28. The life cycle of a parrot is about

  1. 15 years
  2. 50 year
  3. 25 years
  4. 140 years

Answer: 4. 140 years

Question 29. In the cycle of Ascaris lumbricoides rhabditiform larva undergoes 2nd and 3rd moultings in—

  1. Moultings in
  2. Heart
  3. Alveoli of lungs
  4. Small intestine

Answer: 3. Alveoli of lungs

Question 30. A molluscan with calcareous spicules is—

  1. Lepidoplenrus
  2. Doris
  3. Neopilina
  4. Chaetoderma

Answer: 4. Chaetoderma

Question 31. With reference to Phylum-Echinodermata, identify the classes that have Pedicillariae—

  1. Crinodea and Holothuroidea
  2. Holothuroidea and Echinoidea
  3. Asteroidea and Echinoidea
  4. Ophiuroidea and Holothuroidea

Answer: 3. Asteroidea and Echinoidea

Question 32. Assertion (A): Lancelets are jawless, primitive fish-like vertebrates.

Reason (R): In lancelets notochord, tubular nerve cord, and pharyngeal gills slits are present throughout their life.

  1. A is correct, but R is incorrect
  2. A is incorrect, but R is correct
  3. Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation for A
  4. Both A and R are correct and R is not the correct explanation for A

Answer: 4. Both A and R are correct and R is not the correct explanation to A

Question 33. Proteus anguinus is an example of—

  1. Circular rhythms
  2. Effect of light pigmentation
  3. Phototaxis
  4. Photokinesis

Answer: 2. Effect of light pigmentation

Question 34. Intra-abdominal tests are found in—

  1. Panthera and Equuas
  2. Macaco and Macropus
  3. Baleonoptera and Delphinus
  4. Canis and Felis

Answer: 3. Baleonoptera and Delphinus

Question 35. Radula is found in

  1. Pila sp
  2. Chiton sp
  3. Lamellidens sp
  4. Pinctada sp

Answer: 1. Pila sp

Question 36. Retrogressive metamorphosis occurs in—

  1. Hemichordata
  2. Cephalochordata
  3. Urochordata
  4. Vertebrata

Answer: 3. Urochordata

Question 37. Assertion (A): An open circulatory system is found in most arthropods.

Reason (R): Arthropods contain hemolymph which directly bathes internal tissues and organs.

  1. Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A
  2. Both A and R are correct, but R is not the correct explanation of A
  3. A is correct, but R is incorrect
  4. Both A and R are incorrect

Answer: 1. Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A

Question 38. The chordate features shared by the non-chordates are—

  1. Bilateral symmetry
  2. Triploblastic condition and bilateral symmetry
  3. Metamerism
  4. All of the above

Answer: 2. Triploblastic condition and bilateral symmetry

Question 40. In Polychaeta, the setae are—

  1. Numerous
  2. Singly arranged in bundles
  3. Radially arranged in bundles
  4. Fused

Answer: 1. Numerous

Question 41. Choanocytes are present in—

  1. Coelenterata
  2. Porifera
  3. Echinodermata
  4. Mollusca

Answer: 2. Porifera

Question 42. Veliger larva occurs in phylum—

  1. Mollusca
  2. Echinodermata
  3. Arthropoda
  4. Cnidaria

Answer: 1. Mollusca

Question 43. Ostia is present in—

  1. Coelenterate
  2. Platyhelminthes
  3. Annelids
  4. Sponges

Answer: 4. Sponges

Question 44. Pentaradial symmetry is found in—

  1. Echinodermata
  2. Annelida
  3. Porifera
  4. Arthropoda

Answer: 1. Echinodermata

Morphology Anatomy Of An Insect Cockroach Notes

Morphology Anatomy And Different Systems Of An Insect Cockroach

Cockroaches are one of those insects, which are found in almost every household. They are harmful as they can several diseases.

But cockroaches have a  cause significant biological role, besides their harmful effect.

This chapter will give an insight into the structure and physiology of the cockroach. We will also discuss its biological as well as harmful role. Let’s explore!

Nomenclature: Cockroach derived its name from the word ‘Cucaracha’, which is a Spanish term for ‘cockroach’.

Common species: All over the world, there exist 3500-4500 species of cockroaches. Out of them, about 30 species live in human habitats. Among these 30 species, 4 species are well-known pests.

Read and Learn More: WBCHSE Notes for Class 11 Biology

Some common species of cockroaches are—

  • German cockroach—Blattella germanica,
  • American cockroach —Periplaneta americana,
  • Asian cockroach  —Blattella a shinai,
  • Oriental cockroach—Blatta orientalis.
  • we will discuss the species Periplaneta americana.

Systematic position:

  1. Kingdom—Animalia
  2. Phylum—Arthropoda
  3. Subphylum—Hexapoda
  4. Class—Insecta
  5. Subclass—Pterygota
  6. Order—Blattodea
  7. Family—Blattidae
  8. Genus—Periplaneta
  9. Species—Americana

Characteristic features:

  1. Cockroaches are omnivorous, i.e., they feed on both animals and plants.
  2. They are nocturnal (remain active at night instead of day) and so they set out in search of food at night.
  3. They feed on dead organisms (both plants and animals), and other materials like paper, clothing, etc. Thus, they may be called ’scavengers’.
  4. They can run fast and are called cursorial. They have wings and hence fly as well.
  5. They cause damage to products used by humans and have been categorized as pests.
  6. They can survive without oxygen for about 45 minutes. They remain alive even after being drowned in water.
  7. In case of any danger, they release a foul smell from their body as a defense mechanism.
  8. They are unisexual and oviparous in nature.
  9. Young cockroaches are called nymphs which are wingless. Nymphs cannot reproduce. They transform into adults by molting or ecdysis.

Habitat: Cockroaches generally live in warm and humid places all over the world. They are quite common in kitchens, bathrooms, gutters, godowns, storerooms, hospitals sewage channels, and all damp places throughout the world.

Origin: Cockroaches appeared on this planet more than 300 million years ago. They probably originated in Southern Asia or Africa but currently, they are found all over the world.

External Morphology

The external morphology of a cockroach (Periplaneta americana) is described below.

Size, shape, and color:

  1. The body of the cockroach is dorsoventrally flattened, longitudinal and, symmetrical.
  2. The adult male cockroach, Periplaneta americana is about 34-53 mm long and an adult female cockroach is about 29-37 mm long.

Exoskeleton: The entire body is covered with a hard, brownish, chitinous structure called an exoskeleton.

  • The exoskeleton is made up of hard plate-like structures called sclerites. The sclerites present at the dorsal end are called tergites or terga while those at the ventral end are called sternites or sterna.
  • The lateral sclerites (sclerites present on the sides) are called pleurites or pleura. The sclerites are joined to each other by a thin and flexible membrane called an articular membrane or arthrodial membrane.
  • Sclerite provides rigidity to the body structure. These also serve as a surface for the attachment of body muscles. They also prevent water loss from the body.

Body segmentation: The whole body of the cockroach is segmented. However, it is divided into three distinct regions—head, thorax, and abdomen. Each of these parts is described as follows.

Biology Class 11 Chapter 7 Structural Organisation In Animals External structure of cockroach(male)

Head Position: The head is the triangular, most anterior part of the body. It lies at a right angle to the longitudinal body axis, bending downwards.

It is attached to the thorax by a narrow neck or cervical. The head is supported by a pair of dorsal and ventral sclerites called cervical sclerites.

The external structure of the head:

The head is surrounded by numerous sclerites, that form a structure known as vertex or head capsule, or epicranium.

The anterior part of the head capsule is made up of six segments. The segments have fused margins called sutures.

The dorsal part or vertex of the head is covered by a pair of epicranial plates, joined in front by an inverted Y-shaped epicranial or medial suture.

Lying between and below the arms of the epicranial suture is a broad, unpaired plate called frons.

Below the front, forming the lower part of the face is a broad rectangular plate called clypeus.

Biology Class 11 Chapter 7 Structural Organisation In Animals Hesd of cockroach

It is separated from the front by the front-clypeal suture. The two sides of the head are covered by two vertical plates called the cheek or genae, lying below the eyes. On each side, the gena is separated from the front by a front-genal suture.

The upper lip or labrum is movably attached to the lower border of the clypeus by labor-clypeal suture. The head can move in all directions as the neck is flexible.

The posterior end of the head capsule bears a cavity called the occipital foramen. It is surrounded by two plates or sclerites— occipital and post-occipital.

Different parts of the head

Mouth: It is located at the anterior end of the head.

Mouth parts: The different structures associated with the mouth are known as mouthparts.

The mouth parts of cockroaches are mainly used for biting and chewing. They consist of a labrum, a pair of mandibles, a pair of maxillae, a labium, and a hypopharynx. These structures are described in the following table.

Biology Class 11 Chapter 7 Structural Structure, Occurence, Number And Differrent Mouth Parts Of Cockroch

Biology Class 11 Chapter 7 Structural Organisation In Animals Mouth and parts of cockroach

Sense organs: Different sense organs are present in the head. They are—

  1. Compound eyes are a pair of large, black, bean-shaped organs, situated dorsolaterally, one on each side of the head.
  2. Antennae are a pair of long, segmented, thread-like structures that remain articulated in membranous depressions called antennal sockets, in front of each eye.
  3. They can be moved freely in all directions. Each antenna has three parts—a large basal scape followed by a short pedicel and a long, numerously jointed flagellum. They possess small sensory bristles that can sense touch and smell.
  4. Hence, the antennae act as receptor organs of touch and smell
  5. Fenestra or Ocellus is a pair of small, circular, whitish parts, present on the inner side of the antennal sockets. They represent the simple eye. They are sensitive to the intensity of light.


  1. Thorax Position: Thorax lies between the head and abdomen of a cockroach.
  2. Thorax Structure: This part is made up of thoracic segments, jointed legs and wings

Thoracic segment: It consists of three parts—

  1. Prothorax,
  2. Mesothorax, and
  3. Metathorax.

Each part of the thorax is surrounded by four sclerites.

  • There are altogether twelve sclerites, four of which surround each part of the thorax.
  • A set of four sclerites includes a dorsal tergum, a ventral sternum, and two lateral pleura.
  • The tergum of prothorax, known as pronotum, is the largest. It is a shield-shaped part that covers the neck and a part of the head.
  • The tergum of meso- and metathorax are mesonotum and metanotum, respectively.

Parts of tergum, sternum, and pleura Tergum that form the dorsal meso-and metanotum are divisible into—

  1. Prescutum,
  2. Scutum,
  3. Scutellum.

The sternum constitutes the ventral side and is divisible into—

  1. Presternum,
  2. Basisternum,
  3. Sternellum.

Pleura on each lateral side is divisible into—

  1. Episternum and
  2. Epimeron

Biology Class 11 Chapter 7 Structural Organisation In Animals Different Parts Of Thorax, Their Positon, Covering And Appendages

Biology Class 11 Chapter 7 Structural Organisation In Animals Structure of leg of cockroach

Jointed legs: A pair of jointed legs arise from the ventral side of each segment.

Hence, there are three pairs of jointed legs—prothoracic, mesothoracic, and metathoracic legs.

They are also known as prolegs mesolegs and metalegs respectively. Each jointed leg is made up of five segments called podomeres.

The first segment is the coxa, the second is the trochanter, the third is the femur, the fourth is the tibia and the fifth segment is the tarsus. These jointed legs are meant for walking, running, and climbing. Bristles on the legs are sensory in function.

Biology Class 11 Chapter 7 Structural Organisation In Animals Organisation In Animals Characteristics And Functions Of Different Parts Of Leg Of A Cockroach

Biology Class 11 Chapter 7 Structural Organisation In Animals Number, characteristics and functions of wings of cockroach

Wings: The cuticle (outermost, thick, hard, and non-living layer of the body) extends to form wings.

The wings are of two types—forewings or mesothoracic wings and hindwings or metathoracic wings.

Wings extend beyond the tip of the abdomen in males. In females, wings are shorter and extend only up to the abdomen.

Biology Class 11 Chapter 7 Structural Organisation In Animals Wings of cockroach


Abdomen Position: The abdomen is the posterior part of the cockroach, placed next to the metathorax.

Abdomen Structure: The dorsoventrally flattened abdomen is long and narrow in males but short and broad in females. The abdomen consists of ten segments in adults. In the case of the embryo, there are eleven segments.

Each segment of the abdomen is covered by sclerites. The terminal segments carry appendages, apertures, and stink glands.

Abdomen Sclerites: The thick, hard, jointed, dark brown, chitinous plate-like structures that form the exoskeleton of cockroaches are known as sclerites. The different parts of the sclerites are as follows—

Abdomen Terga: The dorsal portion of each sclerite is known as tergum (plural: terga). There are ten tergas in the abdomen of a cockroach. Sometimes, a tergum is divided into smaller units known as tergites.

In males, the 8th tergum and in females, both 8th and 9th terga are not visible as they remain overlapped by the 7th tergum.

Sterna: The ventral portion of each sclerite is known as the sternum (plural: sterna). There are nine sterna in the abdomen of a cockroach.

In adult males, all nine sterna are visible but in adult females, only the first seven sterna are visible. In females, the 7th sternum is boat-shaped. This sternum is known as hypogenium. The 8th and 9th sterna remain fused to form a chamber called gynatrium.

Together, the three (7th, 8th, and 9th) sterna form a pouch-like structure called brood or genital pouch.

The anterior part of the genital pouch contains female gonophores, spermathecal pores, and collateral glands.

[These structures have been discussed in detail under the topic ‘Female Reproductive System’.]

Abdomen Pleura: The lateral, soft, membranous sclerites are called pleurites. They help in the articulation of the terga and sterna.

Abdominal appendages

Anal cerci: The 10th segment bears a pair of jointed filamentous structures with sensory bristles. These structures are called anal cerci (Sing, anal cercus) and are found in both sexes.

Each anal circus bears fifteen segments. The sensory bristles present are sensitive to touch and auditory impulses.

Anal style: The thin, needle-like appendages associated with the 9th sternum of male cockroaches are known as anal style. They help in copulation. These are unsegmented in nature.

Gonapophysis: Small, irregular, hard, chitinous structures are present surrounding the genital aperture in cockroaches. These structures are called gonapophyses or external genitalia.

In male cockroaches, the gonapophyses are formed of three appendages called phallomeres.

They arise from the 9th segment and act as the copulatory organ. In female cockroaches, gonapophysis is formed of three pairs of appendages.

They originate from the 8th and 9th segments to form a structure called an ovipositor. The ovipositor helps in transferring the fertilized egg towards another chamber called the oothecal chamber.

Aperture: The abdomen possesses three apertures— anus, genital aperture or gonopore, and abdominal spiracles.

Anus: Anus is a slit-like opening supported by two triangular podical plates (also known as parrots). It is located between the 10th tergum and the 9th sternum. It helps to release the undigested food materials from the body.

Genital aperture: The genital aperture, genital pore, or gonopore of a female cockroach is located on the 8th sternum. It leads to the brood pouch. In male cockroaches, the genital aperture is located between the 9th and 10th sternum.

Abdominal spiracles: The lateral surface of the body bears ten paired openings, called stigmata or spiracles, to facilitate respiration. Among them, two pairs are located in the thorax. The remaining eight pairs are located on each side of the eight segments of the abdomen. These eight pairs are called abdominal spiracles.

Stink gland: This gland is present in the arthrodial membrane, between the 5th and 6th abdominal terga. This gland is responsible for the stinky smell of cockroaches.

Biology Class 11 Chapter 7 Structural Organisation In Animals Parts of abdomen of cockroach

Biology Class 11 Chapter 7 Structural Organisation In Animals Parts of abdomen of cockroach

Internal Morphology

The internal morphology of cockroaches is described below in detail.


The outermost layer of the body of a cockroach is called integument. It is chitinous in nature.

Biology Class 11 Chapter 7 Structural Organisation In Animals Longitudinal section of epidermis of cockroach

Parts of an integument: The structure of the integument of a cockroach is made up of three layers— the outermost cuticle, followed by the cellular epidermis or hypodermis, and the inner basement membrane.

Cuticle: The outermost layer of the body is called the cuticle. It forms the exoskeleton.

It is hard, thick, brownish, and resistant to water. It consists of dead cells, containing chitin. Chitin is chemically an acetate of glucosamine (acetylglucosamine).

Position: It is present in the outermost layer of the body, anterior and posterior parts of the esophagus, outer wall of the trachea, and ovarian duct.

Structure: The cuticle again has three layers, namely, epicuticle, exocuticle, and endocuticle. The exo- and endocuticle are together known as procuticle.

  • The epicuticle is the outermost layer of the cuticle. It is further made up of a lipoprotein cement layer on the surface, a wax layer in the middle, and a layer of polyphenol on the inner side,
  • The exocuticle is the middle layer of the cuticle. lt is chitinous in nature. It contains melanin pigment,
  • The endocuticle is the innermost layer of the cuticle. it is made up of chitin and is the thickest layer.


  • Epicuticle protects the underneath layers of soft tissue from dehydration,
  • The exocuticle gives rigidity and flexibility to the structure of the cuticle,
  • The endocuticle is lysed just before each molting or ecdysis so that the new procuticle can be formed.

Hypodermis or epidermis: The layer made up of columnar epithelial cells, that lie below the cuticle is called hypodermis or epidermis.

Hypodermis or epidermis Position: Epidermis lies beneath the cuticle.

Hypodermis or epidermis Structure: It is made up of a single layer of columnar epithelial cells. Some of the epithelial cells are modified into other cell types like trichogen cells, tormogen cells, dermal gland cells, and oenocytes.

Hypodermis or epidermis Function: The epithelial cells of the epidermis secrete the cuticle.

The main functions of the modified cells are—

  1. Trichogen cells give rise to movable bristles under the body,
  2. Tormogen cells form sockets in the integument layer for the attachment of bristles,
  3. Dermal gland cells secrete a waxy substance over the cuticle,
  4. Oenocytes help in wax secretion and molting.

Basement membrane: The thin, innermost layer of the body wall, lying below the hypodermis is called the basement membrane. It is composed of flattened cells. It is composed of mucopolysaccharides.

Epidermal gland: The integument of cockroaches contains two types of glands. These are—the cervical and abdominal glands.

Cervical gland: It secretes a protein called peripatetic which induces molting

Abdominal gland: This gland secretes a substance with a pungent smell that helps to keep away predators.

Epidermal coloration: Every time after molting, the body of the cockroach becomes soft and pale.

The exocuticle has melanin pigment. Under the effect of the hormone bursicon, cuticle hardens and dark brown pigmentation takes place.

Functions Of Integument


  1. The integument is a protective covering for the delicate internal organs.
  2. The cuticle is a waterproof layer that protects the body from harsh environments.
  3. A stinky, pungent substance is secreted from the abdominal gland which keeps away the predators and helps in protection.

Sense organ: Bristles on the body wall are formed due to the modification of the hypodermis. They are sensory in function.

Secretion: The hypodermis secretes the cuticle which hardens to form the exoskeleton. In some cases, hypodermis secretes pheromone.


  • The cavity enclosed by the peritoneum is called the coelom. Typical coelom of cockroaches can be seen at the embryonic stage.
  • The coelom is greatly reduced in adults and is called hemocoel. It is filled with hemolymph.
  • Coelom is divided into three cavities or sinuses by two membrane-like structures called diaphragms. These are—pericardial, perivisceral, and perineural sinus.


  1. The muscles of cockroaches are of two types—skeletal and visceral muscles.
  2. Skeletal muscles are present in mouth parts, thoracic legs, wings, and genital appendages.
  3. They help to move the body parts such as the legs, wings, etc.
  4. Visceral muscles are present in the lining of the heart and gut. They help in the circulation of hemolymph Through the Heart And the Digestion Of Food In The gut.

Digestive system Definition: The physiological system that is associated with the intake of food, its breakdown into simpler forms, absorption and elimination of the wastes generated, is known as the digestive system.

The digestive system of cockroaches comprises the alimentary canal and digestive glands.

Biology Class 11 Chapter 7 Structural Organisation In Animals Digestive system

Different parts of the digestive system re discussed below.

Biology Class 11 Chapter 7 Structural Organisation In Animals Digestive system of cockroach

Alimentary Canal Definition: The canal extending from the mouth up to the anus, which is responsible for intake, digestion, absorption, assimilation of food, and elimination of the wastes generated, is known as the alimentary canal.

The alimentary canal of a cockroach is complete in nature i.e., contains openings (mouth and anus) at both ends.

Its length is about 6.7 cm. The alimentary canal is divided into three regions—foregut, midgut, and hindgut.

Foregut: The foregut or stomodaeum is ectodermal in origin.

Different parts of the foregut are as follows—

Mouth: The mouth is the opening of the alimentary canal, present at the anterior region of the head. Its function is to receive food.

Mouth cavity: The cavity that lies next to the mouth is the mouth cavity. It is surrounded by mouthparts like the mandible and maxillae.

Cockroach uses these mouth parts, along with other such mouth parts to engulf the food and send it to mouth cavity J through the mouth.

The mouth cavity has two regions—

Anterior cibarium and posterior salivarium. From the posterior region of the mouth cavity, the salivary duct projects out.

Its function is to mix the food with saliva and pass it to the next region.

Pharynx: It is a small, tubular region present after the mouth cavity. Its function is to direct the food toward the esophagus.

Oesophagus: The narrow tubular passage, present after the pharynx is called the esophagus (food pipe), The opening between the pharynx and the trachea (windpipe) is guarded by sphincters. Its function is to direct the food to the crop.

Crop: A crop is a sac-like structure present next to the esophagus. It extends up to the 3rd or 4th abdominal segments.

Its main characteristics are—

  • It is pear-shaped,
  • It is the largest part of the foregut.
  • Its wall is thin,
  • The cuticular layer is visible in the inner wall. The function of the crop is to store food.

Gizzard: The crop is followed by another structure called gizzard or proventriculus.

Its characteristics are—

  • It is a thick muscular, triangular cavity,
  • It has two regions— the anterior part is called armarium and the posterior part is called the stomodeal valve,
  • The anterior (armarium) lining has—(a) 6 large criticized plates called teeth or denticles and
  • 6 cushion-like pads covered with long bristles,
  • The posterior part projects into the midgut as a funnel called the stomodeal valve.

The functions of the gizzard are—

  • It acts as a grinding mill and filtering apparatus. Denticles help in grinding the food particles,
  • The cushions act as filters. Also, they push the food particles to the next part of the alimentary canal, i.e., the midgut.
  • The stomodeal valve prevents the food from returning to the gizzard from the midgut.

Histological structure of alimentary canal

Foregut originates from the ectoderm. It is internally lined by the cuticle. The gizzard of the foregut has an outer thick layer of circular muscles.

Midgut originates from the endoderm. It is made up of tall columnar glandular cells. The midgut lacks a cuticle. The internal lining has folds (villi) and is covered by a very thin transparent layer called peritrophic membrane.

Hindgut has originated from the ectoderm. It is internally lined by the cuticle. The inner lining of the colon is wrinkled and that of the rectum has six thick longitudinal folds, the rectal papillae.

Biology Class 11 Chapter 7 Structural Organisation In Animals Longitudinal section of crop and gizzard

Midgut: Next to the foregut, lies the midgut. It acts like the stomach.

This region is made up of the following parts—

Hepatic caecae: A ring of 6-8 hollow tubules called hepatic or gastric caecae is present at the junction of the foregut and midgut. One end of each of these tubules is closed and the other end is open.

Its function is to release the digestive juice that is secreted by the epithelium of the inner wall.

Midgut segment: It is a narrow tube of uniform diameter present next to the hepatic caeca. It secretes digestive juice and helps in digestion and absorption.

Within the midgut, a thin, semi-permeable membrane is secreted by certain cells. This membrane lines the midgut segment as well as forms a covering around the food particles.

This membrane is called the peritrophic membrane. It protects the inner lining of the gut from any injury by the food particles.

Malpighian tubule: At the junction of midgut and hindgut, there are 60-150 yellowish thread-like structures called Malpighian tubules. One end of these tubules is open and the other end remains closed.

The closed end remains suspended in the body fluid, while the open end connects with the gut. They do not have any significant role in digestion but are the primary excretory organs of the body.

Hindgut: The Midgut finally opens into the hindgut or proctodaeum. The hindgut is broader than the midgut and is differentiated into the ileum, colon, and rectum.

Ileum: The short, tubular structure next to the midgut is the ileum. There are six triangular lobes within the ileum. The function of the ileum is to digest and absorb food.

Colon: The next tubular region of the hindgut after the ileum is the colon. It is broader and more coiled than the ileum. Its function is to absorb the food.

Rectum: The cavity that lies next to the colon is the rectum. It consists of rectal papillae.

Its functions are to—

  • Store faeces,
  • Perform osmoregulation.

Anus: The rectum opens out into a structure called the anus. The anal aperture is located below the 10th tergum.

  • There are certain muscles, called sphincter muscles, present near the anal aperture or opening.
  • The contraction and relaxation of these muscles regulate the opening and closure of the anal aperture.
  • The function of the anus is to eliminate the undigested substances out of the body.

Digestive Glands Definition: The exocrine glands that are associated with the digestive system and secrete enzymes that help in digestion are called digestive glands.

Digestive Glands Types: Cockroaches have three types of digestive glands—

  1. Salivary glands,
  2. Epithelium of midgut or mesenteron and
  3. Hepatic cancer.

Salivary glands: The exocrine glands which secrete saliva are known as salivary glands. A pair of salivary glands is located one on each side of the crop in the thoracic cavity.

Characteristic features of salivary glands are—

They remain associated with the alimentary canal,

Each gland comprises two glandular portions and a bag-like salivary reservoir or
receptacle, which stores saliva,

The salivary glands are made up of many segments or lobules. These are made up of two types of cells—

  1. Secretory granular cells and
  2. Cells constituting intercellular ducts and numerous microvilli,
  3. Salivary ducts arising from the two glandular portions, unite to form a common duct. The common duct opens at the base of the hypopharynx in the preoral cavity,
  4. Saliva is secreted from each acinus and released into the common duct through salivary ducts.

Biology Class 11 Chapter 7 Structural Organisation In Animals Salivary gland and its associated parts

Its functions are—

  1. Saliva moistens the food for easy passage through the alimentary canal.
  2. Salivary juice contains enzymes like amylase for the digestion of starch, cellulase for the digestion of cellulose, and chitinase for chitin digestion. The mucus of saliva makes the food slimy.

Midgut epithelium:

  1. It is the internal lining of the tubular midgut.
  2. The glandular epithelium is  made up of tall columnar endodermal cells,
  3. Other parts of the midgut are also covered by a peritrophic membrane which disintegrates and then regenerates sometimes.

Its functions are—

  1. Secretion of amylolytic, proteolytic, and lipolytic enzymes for digestion of carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids respectively,
  2. Helping in the absorption of the digested food.

Hepatic cancer:

  1. It lies at the anterior end of the midgut.
  2. It is comprised of 8 glandular, finger-like, tubular, blind processes,
  3. They secrete digestive juice and help in digestion.

Process of nutrition: The nutrition of cockroaches is holozoic in nature. Nutrition occurs in five stages. These are—

  1. Ingestion,
  2. Digestion,
  3. Absorption,
  4. Assimilation, and
  5. Egestion.

Biology Class 11 Chapter 7 Structural Steps of Digestion And Their Site Of Occurence

Ingestion: It is the process of intake of food and grinding it into smaller and simpler forms before digestion begins. The different mouth parts of cockroaches are modified to carry out different functions.

The food collected with the help of forelegs, labrum, and labium is passed to mandibles for biting and chewing.

The food materials are mixed with saliva during mastication. After chewing, the mouth swallows the food, with the help of the hypopharynx.


Digestion in the mouth: Enzymes like amylase, present within the salivary juice, hydrolyze complex carbohydrates present in the food. It converts the starch into glucose that can be easily digested.

Digestion in crop: Food, that is mixed with mucus, passes through the pharynx, and esophagus and reaches the crop. This movement is carried out by peristalsis. The food is then digested in the crop by digestive juices secreted by the hepatic caecae.

Digestion in gizzard: The gizzard grinds and crushes the food particles into finer ones. Later, it mixes the food with the digestive juices regurgitated from the midgut. This, in turn, speeds up the process of digestion.

Digestion in midgut: The midgut secretes the following enzymes—

  • Amylolytic enzymes like invertase, amylase convert carbohydrates into glucose,
  • Proteolytic enzymes like peptidases and trypsin that digest protein into amino acids,
  • Lipolytic enzymes that act upon lipids or fats and convert them into fatty acids and glycerol.

Digestion in hindgut: The cellulose of food is digested by the enzyme cellulase. It is secreted by the microorganisms present in the hindgut of cockroaches. Cellulose is converted to glucose by the enzymatic action of cellulase.


Absorption in midgut: The cells lining the midgut and hepatic caecae absorb the end products such as glucose, amino acids, fatty acids glycerol, etc., generated during digestion.

Absorption in hindgut: Primarily water absorption takes place in the hindgut. Maximum water absorption takes place by the rectal papillae.

Assimilation: The absorbed food is carried to different cells by the hemolymph. It is transported to different parts of the body for utilization by the cells.

The absorbed food is assimilated within protoplasm so that it can be used to provide energy for metabolic purposes. The excess food material is stored in the fat body as glycogen and fat.

Egestion: The undigested residue, left after assimilation of the food, is stored in the rectum.

The undigested food is almost solid due to maximum water absorption by the rectal papillae within the rectum. This is discharged out through the anus in the form of small dry pellets.

Circulatory system Definition: The organ system that is responsible for the transportation of substances throughout the body is known as the circulatory system.

A circulatory or vascular system of a cockroach is an open circulatory system. It means during circulation, blood directly flows into the body cavity instead of blood vessels.

The body cavity acts as a hemocoel and the organs and tissues are directly bathed by blood. The important parts of the circulatory system of cockroaches are— hemolymph, heart, and blood sinus.

Biology Class 11 Chapter 7 Structural Organisation In Animals Circulatory system

Haemolymph: The blood of cockroaches is colorless (like the lymph) and is known as hemolymph. It transports all the necessary substances to the various organs and tissues.

Components: The hemolymph is mainly composed of colorless plasma, with certain cells known as hemocytes. The components of hemolymph are mentioned in the given chart.

Biology Class 11 Chapter 7 Structural Organisation In Animals Components of haemolymph

Plasma: The colorless fluid portion of hemolymph is called plasma. It contains about 70% water and a large number of organic molecules (such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats like sterol, phospholipids, triglycerides, etc.) arid various  inorganic ions (salts of sodium and potassium, etc.),


Genital pouch brood pouch or gynatrium

Genital pouch brood pouch or gynatrium Definition: The genital or reproductive pouch is an accessory part in female cockroaches that comprises the female gonopore, openings of the collateral gland, spermatheca, and oothecal chamber.

Genital pouch brood pouch or gynatrium Position: This part is formed within the 7th sternum at the posterior end of the abdomen.

Genital pouch brood pouch or gynatrium Structure:

  1. The genital pouch is a large, boat-shaped sac-like structure,
  2. The sternum of the 7th abdominal segment forms the floor, while the sternum of 9th segment forms the roof. It is anteriorly surrounded by the sternum of the 8th segment,
  3. It is also known as the gym atrium.
  4. It is divided into the anterior genital chamber and a larger posterior oothecal chamber,
  5. The spermatheca, collateral gland, and genital pore open into a cavity called the genital atrium. Within this cavity, a fusion of sperm and ova takes place to produce a zygote,
  6. Within the oothecal chamber or vestibulum, the egg case or ootheca forms. The ootheca contains 16 fertilized ova.

Function: The genital pouch receives spermatophore and forms ootheca during copulation.

Gonapophyses Definition: The appendages at the terminal end of the body of a female cockroach that help in ootheca formation and copulation are known as gonapophyses or external genitalia.

Gonapophyses Position: They lie between the anal pore and the gonopore.

They remain concealed inside the genital pouch.

Gonapophyses Structure:

Gonapophyses are formed of three pairs of chitinous sclerites. Together these are called ovipositor valves,

The posterior gonapophysis is formed by the two pairs of sclerites, while the anterior gonapophysis is formed by the third pair of sclerites.

The mid-part of the 8th sternum forms a structure called sclerite spermathecal papilla that fuses at the spermathecal pore.

Gonapophyses Function: The ovipositor of gonapophyses conducts the fertilized eggs to the oothecal chamber and holds them till the ootheca is formed. It also helps in copulation.

Life cycle—copulation, fertilization, ootheca formation, and development

The copulation and fertilization process of cockroaches is described in this section.

Gonapophyses Copulation: During copulation, the following changes can be observed within cockroaches—

A female cockroach secretes a pheromone, that attracts the male cockroach.

The influence of pheromones on male cockroaches causes some behavioral changes, such as—

  1. It keeps its wings open and flaps them vigorously.
  2. It moves fast,
  3. It also moves its antenna fast,

The olfactory sensillae in the antenna of the male cockroach search for the female cockroach, till it finds one.

  • Female cockroach performs copulation once in their lives but keeps giving birth to young ones for the rest of it.
  • Once it finds a female cockroach, a male cockroach moves beneath the female cockroach.
  • The left phallomere of the male cockroach is inserted into the genital pouch of the female allowing the pseudopenis into the female gonopore. The rest of the phallomeres hold the cockroaches in position.
  • Now, the male and female cockroaches turn 180° and remain in this position for about 1 hour.
  • Copulation generally occurs at night. During this time, secretion of neurohormone and pheromone increases.
  • Copulation lasts for about an hour, after which the two cockroaches separate.
  • During the next 20 hours, the sperm from the spermatophores pass into the spermatheca within the female cockroach.

Fertilization: Their fertilization is internal, i.e. takes, place within the body.

  1. During copulation, sperm from the male cockroach are transferred into the female cockroach.
  2. During this transfer, all the sperms coagulate into a pear-shaped capsule-like structure. This capsule or mass is formed by the secretion of the genital pouch. This is called a spermatophore. A tough covering is formed over the spermatophore.
  3. The spermatophore is released through the ejaculatory duct and deposited on the spermathecal papillae.
  4. The conglobate gland now releases its secretion on the spermatophore to form its outermost covering which takes about 2 hours to harden.
  5. The sperms remain alive for about 20 hours within the spermatheca of the female cockroach. After the entry of sperms in the spermatheca, the covering of the spermatophore is broken and the sperms are released.
  6. During this time, one ova from each ovariole i.e., a total of 16 ova, is released into the vagina.
  7. The eggs pass through the female gonopore into the genital chamber.
  8. The eggs are fertilized in the genital chamber by the sperm released from the spermatheca.

Ootheca formation: The special structure that contains several fertilized ova within it is called ootheca.

The features of ootheca are—

  1. Each ootheca contains 16 fertilized eggs (ova) arranged in two rows, standing vertically.
  2. Ootheca are dark brown in color and 8 mm in length.
  3. The covering of the ootheca contains scleroprotein and water. It takes 20 minutes to form an oothe1ca.
  4. The ovipositor valve helps in ootheca formation.
  5. Each ootheca is oblong in shape and its lateral surface shows black grooves.
  6. After formation, it protrudes from the oothecal chamber and is finally released.
  7. Female cockroach releases ootheca in a dark, swampy, hot environment.

Biology Class 11 Chapter 7 Structural Organisation In Animals Ootheca of cockroach

Development: The stages of growth and Differentiation i.e., development Of An ootheca to an adult as follows—

  1. The embryonic development takes place in the ootheca and requires 5-13 weeks. This process is temperature-dependent.
  2. The young ones that come out of the ootheca resemble the adult in structure and feeding habits but are soft, smaller in size, white, or pale in color. They are also devoid of wings; and have under-developed gonads. These young ones are called nymphs.
  3. During the nymphal period, the cockroach feeds and grows. It sheds its old exoskeleton and develops a new cuticle by the process of molting, triggered by molting hormone or ecdysone.
  4. Nymphs undergo several rounds of molting and metamorphose into adults within 6-8 months. (11 molts are required in males while 12 molts are in females)

Biology Class 11 Chapter 7 Structural Organisation In Animals Nymph


The process by which changes occur within the body as an organism develops from a young stage into an adult stage is called metamorphosis. Types of Metamorphosis in cockroach—

Hemimetabolic or incomplete metamorphosis:

It is the mode of development that includes three distinct stages in the life cycle—egg, nymph and adult stages. The nymph resembles the adult but lacks wings and functional reproductive organs.

Paurometabolic metamorphosis: It is the gradual transformation of nymph to adult with hardly any significant change in the characteristics.

Interaction With Human

Cockroaches influence the daily lives of human beings in many ways. Most of them are harmful but some are useful. These effects are discussed as follows.

Harmful Effects

A pest: Cockroaches are noted as dangerous household pests. They feed on a variety of products, like meat, grease, starch-containing food, sweets, and other uncovered materials.

When cockroaches run over food, they leave filth and dirt over it. They secrete an oily liquid that has an offensive and sickening odour. This makes the food unhealthy.

Spreads diseases: Cockroaches are important potential vectors of several diseases.

They thrive in dirty places like drains, gutters, etc. So, they can easily transmit viruses, bacteria, fungi, and helminths.

They are responsible for diseases in humans like food poisoning, gastroenteritis, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, etc.

Causes allergy: They also induce some allergic reactions in humans.

Useful effects

As medicine: The powdered cockroach brain was used to fight disorders like vomiting, diarrhea, respiratory problems, pneumonia, and skin infections.

In the laboratory: Cockroach serves as a good laboratory animal for studying insects.

As food: Cockroaches are consumed as food by the people of Myanmar and South American countries; as a delicacy.

Control of cockroach

Cockroaches can be controlled by mechanical, chemical, and biological control methods. These methods are discussed under separate heads.

Mechanical control: Different mechanical control methods by which cockroaches can be controlled are as follows—

Prevention of entry: Sealing entry points like gaps under doors or around pipes where they hide can help prevent cockroaches from entering the home.

Protection of foodstuffs: Food should be stored in containers or in sealed plastic bags.

Proper sanitation: All waste food and spillages should be cleaned immediately. Food debris can attract several insects, including cockroaches, which may be harmful. Organic wastes should be disposed of in sealed bins.

Use of baits (Vegas roach trap): Traps are used to catch cockroaches. Here, a deep, smooth-surfaced jar with food inside is placed, against a wall. The jar should be placed such that its open mouth remains touching the wall. Cockroaches can crawl up the wall.

If any of them slip and fall, they may fall into the jar, placed below. This way cockroaches can be trapped. Vaseline is smeared on the inner surface of the jar to make it slippery so that the trapped cockroach cannot climb back out.

This inexpensive method is effective with the American cockroach. It is called the “Vegas roach trap” as it was popularised by a TV channel in Las Vegas.

Chemical control: Different chemical control methods by which cockroaches can be controlled are as follows—

Diatomaceous powder: Diatomaceous earth (DE) is obtained from deposits of fossilized sedimentary layers of tiny phytoplanktons called diatoms.

The diatomaceous powder is a non-toxic insecticide, harmless to humans but can eliminate cockroaches.

Hydramethylnon: Hydramethylnon is an organic compound that acts as a metabolic inhibitor. It is used primarily as bait for cockroaches. It is used in the form of gel.

Deltamethrin and pyrethrin: They are synthetic pyrethroids, neuro-toxic in nature. Deltamethrin can kill insects by direct contact. It can even kill the insects if they eat it.

Pyrethrin, in greater concentration, induces cockroaches to abandon their hiding places. This, in turn, kills the cockroaches.

Pandan: Pandan leaves contain a number of essential oils and chemicals like 2-acetyl-l-pyrroline that cockroaches find unpleasant. Hence, these leaves can be used to drive out cockroaches.

Biological control: Different biological control methods by which cockroaches can be controlled are as follows—

By wasps and bees: Wasps and bees are the predators of adult and nymphal cockroaches. The wasps paralyze the cockroach with their stings and drag it into the burrow.

The wasps now lay their eggs within the ootheca of the paralyzed cockroach.

The wasp larvae feed on the cockroach embryo within the ootheca. Ultimately, the cockroach dies.

By centipedes: The centipedes found in houses prey upon cockroaches. They can be used as the most effective control agents of cockroaches.

Haemocytes In Insects Notes


The nucleated cells present in the plasma of hemolymph are called hemocytes. Haemocytes are of seven types, among which a few are discussed.

Haemocyte Functions

Haemocyte Transportation: Plasma transports soluble substances and digested food to the tissues. It also transports nitrogenous waste products out of the body during excretion. It helps in transporting the secreted substances to the target organs.

Haemocyte Storage of water: Stores water in the body (as 70% of hemolymph is made up of water).

Haemocyte Killing of germs: The haemocytes kill germs and purify the blood.

Read and Learn More: WBCHSE Notes for Class 11 Biology

Haemocyte Heart: The main organ which is responsible for I circulation of blood throughout the body is called the heart.

  1. It is made up of connective tissue and muscular tissue.
  2. It lies within the pericardial sinuses.

Haemocyte Position: The heart is present along the mid-dorsal line of the thorax and abdomen, below the terga.

Haemocyte Structure:

  1. The heart is an elongated, muscular organ, comprising 13 segmentally arranged, funnel-shaped chambers.
  2. The cavity or lumen of the heart is lined by the sarcolemma of muscle cells.
  3. Each chamber of the heart has a pair of minute lateral openings called ostia. These are guarded by valves that allow the blood to flow into the heart from the pericardial sinus.
  4. These valves also prevent the flow of blood in the reverse direction. The first chamber of the heart leads into the anterior aorta.
  5. Each segment of the heart gives rise to a pair of arteries called excurrent segmental arteries.
  6. The anterior aorta and the segmental arteries finally open into the hemocoel.
  7. The wall of the heart is supported by a bundle of 12 pairs of triangular alary muscles attached to the dorsal membranous diaphragm.
  8. The pointed ends of these muscles remain inserted into the terga. They help in the contraction and relaxation of the heart.
  9. The chambers of the heart present between mesothorax and metathorax are called booster hearts. From these regions, hemolymph is transported to the wings of the cockroach.

Biology Class 11 Chapter 7 Structural Organisation In Animals Heart of cockroach

Function: It is a contractile organ that pumps the hemolymph in one direction i.e., from the anterior aorta to the body cavity.

Blood sinuses or lacunae: In cockroaches, the body cavity extends from the anterior to the posterior end of the body.

It is filled with hemolymph and is known as hemocoel (haem: blood, coel: cavity).

The hemocoel lacks the epithelium of a true coelom. It is divided into three chambers by two parallel membranes at the thorax and abdomen. These three chambers filled with blood or hemolymph are called blood sinuses.

Blood sinuses Structure: The three blood sinuses are formed by two horizontal muscular membranous septa or the diaphragms. These are—the dorsal diaphragm and ventral diaphragm.

Both the diaphragms are perforated so that the three sinuses remain connected with each other.

Blood sinuses Types: The three blood sinuses are as follows—

Blood sinuses Dorsal pericardial sinus: It lies above the dorsal diaphragm surrounding the heart, aorta, and alary muscles.

Blood sinuses Middle perivisceral sinus: It lies between the two diaphragms and contains the other visceral organs.

Blood sinuses Ventral sternal or perineural sinus: It lies below the ventral diaphragm and encloses the nerve cord. It also extends into the legs.

Blood sinuses Valves present in the heart of cockroach

Different valves found in the heart of the cockroach are—

Auricular valves: Valves present between the pericardial sinus and the heart chambers at the opening of the ostia are called auricular valves. Blood flows from the heart to the pericardial sinus through this valve.

Ventricular valves: Valves located between the heart chambers are called ventricular valves. Due to their action, hemolymph always flows from the heart to different organs.

Pulsatile vesicle: There is an accessory pulsatile vesicle at the base of each antenna. It pumps hemolymph from the head sinus into the antenna.

Pulsatile vesicle Mechanism of circulation:

  • When the alary muscles contract, the pericardial sinus expands in volume.
  • Hence, hemolymph flows through the perforations of the dorsal diaphragm into the pericardial sinus.
  • Again when alary muscles relax, haemolymph enters the heart from the pericardial sinus through the ostia.

After hemolymph enters the heart, two phases occur respectively. They are—

Systole phase:

  • During systole, the valves of the ostia close. This prevents the backflow of hemolymph into the pericardial sinus. Therefore, some of the hemolymph is pumped into segmental arteries, while most of it is poured into the head sinus through the anterior aorta.
  • From the head sinus, the hemolymph flows towards the thorax and abdomen, thereby filling the perineural sinus.
  • From the perineural sinus, the hemolymph flows into the perivisceral sinus through the pores of the ventral diaphragm.
  • The contraction of the alary muscles flattens the dorsal diaphragm and the pericardial sinus is enlarged.
  • This causes the hemolymph to again flow into the pericardial sinus from the underlying perivisceral sinus through the pores of the dorsal diaphragm.

Diastole phase:

  • During the diastole of the heart, relaxation of the Respiratory system of the alary muscles occurs.
  • This narrows the pericardial sinus. As a result, the hemolymph is forced into the heart through the ostia, passing through the auricular valve.

Diastasis: The next systole after the diastole follows after a short interval. This interval is called diastasis.

Biology Class 11 Chapter 7 Structural Organisation In Animals Circulation of cockroach

Respiratory System Definition: The physiological system involved in the exchange of CO2 and O2 between the tissues and the atmosphere, with the help of respiratory organs is known as the respiratory system.

The components of the respiratory system.

Biology Class 11 Chapter 7 Structural Organisation In Animals Respiratory system

Biology Class 11 Chapter 7 Structural Organisation In Animals Respiratory system in cockroach

Stigmata Or Spiracle Definition: The openings or pores that line the lateral surface of the body of cockroaches enabling gaseous exchange between the body and the atmosphere are called spiracles.

Stigmata Numbers and Stigmata types: There are ten pairs of spiracles. Two pairs of spiracles are in the thoracic region, known as eight pairs of spiracles are in the abdominal region, known as abdominal spiracles.

Biology Class 11 Chapter 7 Structural Organisation In Animals Spiracles and other associated parts of cockroch

Stigmata Position: The ten pairs of spiracles are present on the lateral surface of each segment, one on each side of the segment.

Biology Class 11 Chapter 7 Structural Organisation In Animals Spiracles of cockroach

Stigmata Structure:

  1. Each spiracle is a slit-like oval aperture, guarded by bristles on the inner margin. These bristles act as filtering apparatus by preventing dust particles from entering.
  2. The spiracles open and close by valves that are regulated by the sphincter muscles.
  3. Each of the spiracles of the mesothorax is guarded by two valves—anterior and posterior valves. Its anterior valve is firm but the posterior valve is movable.
  4. Spiracles of metathorax are guarded only by the anterior valve. Spiracles of the abdomen lack valves.
  5. Each spiracle is surrounded by a ring-shaped hard structure (sclerite) called peritreme.
  6. Some of the spiracles lead into an internal small chamber called atrium which leads into a tube-like structure called tracheal trunk.
  7. Thoracic spiracles directly open into the trachea, but abdominal spiracles open first into the atria and then into the trachea.
  8. Functions: The main function of spiracles (or stigmata) is an exchange of gases between the body and the atmosphere.
  9. The walls of spiracles are made up of chitinous bristles which act as filters.
  10. They prevent water and other substances from entering into the respiratory system.

Circum-oesophageal connective: It is a pair of commissures (a bundle of nerve fibers that join two parts of the nervous system) that connects supra-oesophageal ganglia with sub-oesophageal ganglia.

The supra-oesophageal ganglia, sub-oesophageal ganglia, and circumoesophageal connectives, together form a structure around the oesophagus. This structure is called the nerve ring.

Circum-oesophageal connective Position: It is present encircling the esophagus.

Circum-oesophageal connective Structure: It comprises comparatively thin and broad nerves. Among the nerves in a pair, one is short and the other is long. These are connected through transverse commissures.

Ventral nerve cord: It is the nerve cord that arises from the sub-oesophageal ganglion. It is formed of two ventral cords.

Circum-oesophageal connective Position: It lies mid-ventrally below the alimentary canal, extending up to the 7th abdominal segment.

Circum-oesophageal connective Structure: There are two ventral nerve cords that run very close and parallel to each other.

They pass along the thorax and abdomen. They are made up of nine segmental ganglia—three thoracic and six abdominal.

Thoracic ganglion: They are three in number. Each thoracic segment bears a large ganglion. They are named prothoracic, mesothoracic, and metathoracic ganglia.

Abdominal ganglion: There are six abdominal ganglia located in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 7th abdominal segments.

Each of the above-mentioned ganglion, except the 6th abdominal ganglion, is formed by the fusion of paired ganglia.

The last or 6th abdominal ganglion is the largest among them. Unlike others, it is formed by the fusion of several ganglia.

Biology Class 11 Chapter 7 Structural Some Important Nerve Originating From The Supra-Oesophageal Ganglion

Biology Class 11 Chapter 7 Structural Some Important Nerve Originating From The Sub-Oesophageal Ganglion

Peripheral nervous system: Nerves that originate from the central nervous system and are distributed to the organs located on the lateral part of the body, form the peripheral nervous system.

Three pairs of nerves originate from the supra-oesophageal ganglion—optic, antennary, and labrofrontal nerves. The first two innervate the eyes and antennae.

The third one is divided into two parts—the labral nerve which innervates the labrum and the frontal nerve which joins the sympathetic nervous system.

Three pairs of nerves arise from the sub-oesophageal ganglion—mandibular, maxillary, and labial nerves. As the names suggest, the nerves supply to the mandibles, maxillae, and labium, respectively.

Nerves originating from the three thoracic ganglia spread over the different muscles (wings and legs) of the respective segment.

Nerves originating from the first five abdominal ganglia spread over the heart, spiracles, and muscles of the dorsal and ventral body wall of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th abdominal segments.

Three pairs of nerves arise from the 6th abdominal ganglion, which spread over the body wall and other parts of the abdomen.

These parts include reproductive organs, copulatory appendages, anal cerci, and anal styles in males of the 7th, 8th, and 9th abdominal segments of the cockroach.

Autonomic nervous system or sympathetic or stomatogastric nervous system: The stomatogastric nervous system consists of nerves, ganglia, and their connectives, that spread to the alimentary canal, the heart, and other visceral organs.

This division of the nervous system regulates the functions of those organs; hence, it is also called the visceral nervous system.

It consists of four nerve ganglia and an intracerebral complex.

Ganglia: The four nerve ganglia that make up the autonomic nervous system are—the frontal ganglion, occipital or hypocerebral ganglion, visceral or ingluvial ganglion, and proventricular ganglion.

Functions of the esophagus, crop, and gizzard are controlled by these ganglia.

Retrocerebral complex:

  • It is a neuroendocrine complex.
  • It consists of a pair of corpora cardiaca, a pair of corpora allata, and connectives.

Biology Class 11 Chapter 7 Structural Organisation In Animals Stomatogstric nervous system

Sense organs Definition: Organs that are responsible for perceiving the major senses like touch, smell, hearing, sight, etc., are called sense organs.

In cockroaches, sense organs are compound eyes, antennae, ocelli, and sensillae.

Compound eye Definition: Compound eyes are a pair of large, black, bean-shaped sense organs, present on the head, that help in vision.

Compound eye Position: It is situated dorsolaterally on the head, one on each side.

Compound eye Structure:

  1. The external surface of the compound eye is covered with a convex transparent cuticle called a cornea.
  2. The compound eye has several polygonal facets or structures. Each of these polygonal structures denotes a single visual unit, called the ommatidium (plural: ommatidia).
  3. Each compound eye of a cockroach has about 2,000 ommatidia.
  4. Each ommatidium is made up of two parts—diopteric and receptive region.
  5. The dioptric region focuses on the light rays coming from an object, while the receptive region converts the image into an impulse.
  6. The dioptric region consists of one corneal lens, two corneagen cells, a crystalline cone, and four cone cells (also known as vitrellae).
  7. The corneal lens is a cuticular secretion of two epidermal cells, called corneagen cells, lying below. On the other hand, the crystalline cone is a conical secretion of the cone cells.
  8. The receptive part is made up of a spindle-shaped structure, secreted by eight elongated cells. These cells are called retinulae. The structure formed is called a rhabdome, which is made up of eight parts called rhabdomeres.
  9. The rhabdomeres contain the visual pigment called retinene.
  10. The retinulae continue as nerve fibers, that join to form the optic nerve.

Functions: Several images are formed in each ommatidium when light rays fall on it.

This kind of image is called a mosaic image. This type of vision, known as mosaic vision, is adapted for detecting movement more efficiently.

Other sense organs: Besides compound eyes, other sense organs in cockroaches include—

Antennae: Antennae are a pair of long, segmented, thread-like structures present on the head.

They arise from the membranous antennal sockets in front of each eye. They can be moved freely in all directions.

They possess small sensory bristles and act as organs of touch and smell. Each antenna has three parts—

Scape: It is the basal part of the antenna which articulates in the antennal socket.

Pedicel: It is the mid-region of the antennae.

Flagellum: It is a long, many-jointed structure that is located next to the pedicel. This part is covered with numerous bristles. The antennae act mainly as sense organs of touch and help to search for food.

Ocelli or fenestrae: A pair of small, circular, whitish degenerated structures on each side of the compound eye represent the simple eyes or ocelli.

They are located on the dorsal side of the head, near the base of the antennal.

They comprise of single corneal facet and are sensitive to light eye representing the simple eyes or ocelli.

They are located on the dorsal side of the head, near the base of the antennal. They comprise of single corneal facet and are sensitive to light.

Biology Class 11 Chapter 7 Structural Organisation In Animals Antenna of cockroach

Biology Class 11 Chapter 7 Structural Organisation In Animals Different Receptors Of Sense Organs

Receptors Within The Sense Organs

Groups of specialized cells that can detect any stimuli are called receptors. They are generally present within the sense organs.

They can be of different types. The following table describes some of these receptors—

Excretory system Definition: The excretory system is an organ system concerned with the removal of metabolic waste products from the body through specific organs.

Organelles: Malpighian tubules are the main excretory organs of cockroaches.

  • In addition, fat bodies, amoeboid cells, nephrocytes, cuticles, rectal glands, and uricose glands serve as accessory excretory organs.
  • In cockroaches other than the Periplaneto species, another accessory gland called the mushroom gland may be present that helps in excretion.

Malpighian Tubule Definition: The thin, unbranched, thread-like tubes, which are the main excretory organs of cockroaches are known as malpighian tubules.

Malpighian Tubule Position: Malpighian tubules are found at the junction of the midgut and hindgut.

Malpighian Tubule Number: There are 60-150 malpighian tubules arranged in 6-8 bundles. Each bundle consists of 15-20 tubules.

Malpighian Tubule Structure:

  • They are numerous, thin, long, filamentous, unbranched, thread-like yellow-colored tubules,
  • Each tubule is 16 mm long and 0.5 mm in diameter,
  • The proximal end of each tubule opens to the lumen of the gut and the distal blind end floats in the hemolymph of the hemocyte.
  • The tubules are lined by a single layer; of glandular ciliated epithelial cells.

Malpighian Tubule Types: On the basis of staining by silver nitrate, the tubules are classified into two types

Deeply stained malpighian tubules, lightly stained malpighian tubules.

Malpighian Tubule Functions:

  • Malpighian tubules reabsorb the nitrogenous metabolic waste products from the hemolymph of the hemocoel. These wastes are drained out of the body through the hindgut.
  • It also acts as an osmoregulatory organ.
  • Accessory excretory organs Besides Malpighian tubules, there are some accessory excretory organs.

They are as follows—

Amoeboid cell: In the nymphal (very young) stage, some amoeboid cells store excretory products within the cuticle. These cells get removed along with the cuticle during metamorphosis.

Cuticle: Nitrogenous wastes and metabolic salts are deposited in the cuticle of cockroaches. The waste products are shed off along with the cuticle during the process of molting.

Fat bodies: Numerous white lobule-like bodies are present below the body surface. These bodies comprise fat-storing cells. The fat cells of cockroaches are analogous to the liver of human beings.

Some fat cells collect excretory substances from the blood such as—urate, uric acid, etc. However, the way these stored substances are eliminated is not clear.

They contain two types of cells—

  1. Trophocyte cells (stores food),
  2. Urate cells (stores uric acid).

Mushroom gland: The mushroom gland is present in male cockroaches. In some species, it possesses long, blind tubules on its periphery known as uricase glands.

These glands synthesize uric acid. The mushroom gland is also known as utriculi majores. It stores uric acid and releases it during copulation over the spermatophore.

Nephrocytes or Pericardial cells: Large, aggregated cells, located along the heart, absorb excretory substances (uric acid, calcium salts, etc.,) from the hemolymph and store them in the cytoplasm.

These cells are called nephrocytes. They release these excretory substances in the gut.

Biology Class 11 Chapter 7 Structural Organisation In Animals Function of excretory of excretory of cockroach

Rectal gland: They are present in the papillae of the internal wall of the rectum. They help in osmoregulation by facilitating the reabsorption of water and minerals from the rectum.

Mechanism of excretion by malpighian tubules: The process of excretion by malpighian tubules is as follows—

  1. In the distal blind region of the tubule, nitrogenous waste is absorbed from the hemolymph by glandular cells. It should be noted that peristalsis within malpighian tubules (5-15 times at 20-25°C) helps in the reabsorption of excretory substances.
  2. Reabsorption takes place by diffusion. The excretory substances are salts of uric acid (potassium urate, sodium urate, etc.), and water. These substances react with water and CO2 to produce potassium bicarbonate and uric acid.
  3. Potassium bicarbonate and water are reabsorbed into the hemolymph through the proximal convoluted region of the tubule.
  4. Uric acid, which is left in the tubule, is released into the hindgut, by peristalsis.
  5. The colon and rectum again reabsorb water from uric acid, converting it into solid crystals. This is released by the anus from the body. Hence, the cockroach is a uricotelic animal.

Endocrine system Definition: The system formed by the glandular neurosecretory cells that produce secretions that control various physiological functions is known as the endocrine system.

The various components of the endocrine system are discussed under the following heads—

Neurohormones: The endocrine system comprises five types of bundles of cells. Out of these five, three bundles are located at the front and two, at the back.

These cells are known as neurosecretory cells. The secretions of these neurosecretory cells which control the various physiological functions are called neurohormones.

Types of glands: The different types of endocrine glands are discussed in the following table—

Biology Class 11 Chapter 7 Structural Organisation In Animals Different Endocrine Glands, Their Number Structure And Functions

Reproductive System Definition: The system that is involved with the production of offspring (reproduction) is known as the reproductive system.

The cockroaches show sexual dimorphism, i.e., males and females are separate.

The male and the female reproductive systems are discussed as follows—

Male reproductive system: The male reproductive system comprises a pair of testes, vasa deferentia, seminal vesicles, an ejaculatory duct, a utricular or mushroom gland, conglobate or phallic gland, and the external genitalia or male gonapophyses.

Testes Definition: The Testis (Plural: Testes) is the primary reproductive organ of males which produces the male gamete, sperm.

Testes Position: Each testis is located in the dorsolateral side of the abdominal cavity, which extends from the 4th – 6th abdominal segments.

Testes Structure:

  • Testes are paired, three-lobed structures, that are about 1 cm in length,
  • They are more prominent, well well-developed in the young ones,
  • Each lobe is made up of 30-40 small follicles that are arranged cylindrical along the vas deferens.

Testes Function: The primary function of testes is sperm production. Testes become non-functional in older cockroaches.

Biology Class 11 Chapter 7 Structural Organisation In Animals Female reproductive system in cockroach

Vas Deferens Definition: The ducts or tubes that originate from the testes of cockroach and extend towards the posterior end to fuse with the ejaculatory duct is called vas deferens.

Vas Deferens Position: Vas deferens arise from each testis. They run posteriorly and then curve anteriorly from the lateral sides of the abdominal cavity towards the center.

Vas Deferens Structure: Vas deferens are paired, thin, slender white ducts. They open into the ejaculatory duct.

Vas Deferens Function: They help in the transport of sperm from the testes to the next structure called the ejaculatory duct.

Seminal vesicle Definition: Seminal vesicles are sac-like accessory reproductive structures into which the vas deferens open and release the sperms.

Seminal vesicle Position: They are present at the junction of the vas deferens and the ejaculatory duct, in the 6th-7th abdominal segments.

Seminal vesicle Structure: They are opaque, whitish, bulbous, sac-like structures. Generally, there are two seminal vesicles in a cockroach.

Seminal vesicle Function: They store mature sperm temporarily.

Mushroom gland Definition: Mushroom gland is a large accessory reproductive gland arising from the outer wall of the seminal vesicle.

Mushroom gland Position: They are situated at the junction of the vas deferens and ejaculatory duct in the 6th-7th abdominal segments.

Mushroom gland Structure: Mushroom gland is made of numerous blind, slender, thread-like tubular structures. The arrangement of these tubules gives the gland a mushroom-like appearance.

One end of the gland is blind but the other end is open and it connects with the ejaculatory duct. The mass of glandular tubules exists in two forms—

Utriculi majores: It consists of long peripheral tubules.

Utriculi breviores: It is made of short central tubules.

Utriculi breviaries Function: The two parts of the mushroom gland act in two ways.

Utriculi majores form the inner layer of the wall of the spermatophore (bundle of sperms). Utriculi breviaries provide nourishment to the sperm.

Ejaculatory Duct Definition: The Ejaculatory duct is an elongated, wide duct that carries the sperms from the seminal vesicles to the genital pouch.

Ejaculatory Duct Position: It is a median duct that lies between the seminal vesicle and the male genital pore (gonopore) in the abdomen.

Ejaculatory Duct Structure: It is a long, wide, muscular tubule with glandular lining. It gradually enters the genital pouch and opens outside through the male genital pore. Only one ejaculatory duct is seen in the body of a cockroach.

Ejaculatory Duct Function: The ejaculatory duct facilitates the ejaculation of sperm, stored in the seminal vesicles, during mating.

Conglobate or phallic gland Definition: Conglobate gland is a male accessory reproductive gland that opens separately through an aperture that lies beside the male gonopore.

Conglobate or phallic gland Position: It lies below the ejaculatory duct slightly to the right of the nerve cord. It extends upto the genital pouch.

Conglobate or phallic gland Structure: The conglobate gland is an elongated, flat, club-shaped structure. Its one end is blunt but its other end narrows posteriorly into a tubular structure.

This tubular structure opens into the male genital pouch. The cockroach has only one conglobate gland.

Conglobate or phallic gland Function: It secretes a substance that forms the outermost layer of the spermatophore.

Genital pouch Definition: Genital or reproductive pouch is the cavity at the hind end of the abdomen of male cockroaches that comprises the anus, male genital pore, and gonapophyses.

Genital pouch Position: It is located on the ventral side of the 9th sternum and on the dorsal side of the 10th abdominal segment.

Genital pouch Structure: It is a pouch-like structure. The organs present within it are the dorsally placed anus, ventrally placed male gonopore, and gonapophysis. A cockroach possesses only one genital pouch.

Genital pouch Function: It ejects sperm outside the body.

Gonapophysis or phylloxera Definition: The chitinous, asymmetrical appendages that surround the male gonopore within the genital pouch are called the male gonapophysis.

Gonapophysis or phylloxera Position: Gonapophysis is present surrounding the male genital pore.

Gonapophysis or phylloxera Structure: Each of the three chitinous, sclerite-containing appendages is called phylloxera. The phallomeres together are called gonapophyses (sing. gonapophysis).

There are two phallomeres present laterally and one present ventrally.

Three gonapophyses are seen in cockroaches. These are—

Ventral phylloxera: It is located beneath the right phylloxera. It is also known as phallus or deugus. The ejaculatory duct opens at the base of
this flat, plate-like structure.

Right phallomere: The right phallomere is mid-dorsal in position. It bears two chitinous opposing plates, a hook, and a serrate lobe.

Left phylloxera: The left phylloxera has a broad base. It bears—

  • The titillation, which is a long, thin, hook-like part present towards the left of the pseudopenis,
  • Pseudopenis, which has a hammer-like head,
  • Accutobolus, which is the innermost part and contains the hook,
  • Asperate, which is the groove-like outer part of the accutobolus.

Left phylloxera Function: It acts as a copulatory organ and helps in copulation.

Female reproductive system: The female reproductive system comprises ovaries, oviducts, vagina, spermatheca, collateral gland, genital pouch or brood pouch, female gonopore, and gonapophyses.

Ovary Definition: Ovary is the primary female reproductive organ that produces the female gamete, egg.

Ovary Position: Each ovary is located on the lateral and posterior end of the abdominal cavity, which extends from the 2nd to 6th abdominal segments.

Ovary Structure: Ovaries are paired, yellow-colored organs. Each ovary is made up of 8 beaded, tube-like structures called ovarioles or ovarian tubules.

One end of these tubules is closed. Each ovariole is divided into many segments. These are—

Germarium: The anterior narrow part of the ovariole, containing immature germ cells.

Vitellarium: The posterior region of the ovariole which contains mature ova.

Terminal filament: The long, thread-like filaments That lie Within The fat Bodies.

Therminal Filaments Arise from all the ovarioles. all the terminal filaments fuse within the ovary to form a structure called the suspensory ligament. Ovary Fuses With Fat Bodies Through The Ligament.

Pedicel: The egg chamber continues posteriorly into a thin-walled hollow stalk which is called a pedicel.

It opens into the lateral oviduct. The secretion from the epithelium of the ovariole nourishes the ova.

Function: Ovaries produce ova.

Biology Class 11 Chapter 7 Structural Organisation In Animals Female reproductive system in cockroach

Oviduct Definition: The Oviduct is a part of the female reproductive system that is formed by the union of eight ovarioles at the posterior end of the ovary.

Oviduct Position: Each oviduct arises from the posterior part of each ovary. Therefore, a pair of oviducts are found in cockroaches.

Oviduct Structure: Each oviduct arising from each ovary is called a lateral oviduct. The two lateral oviducts fuse to form another wider, median duct called a common oviduct.

Oviduct Function: They transport the eggs to the vagina.

Vagina Definition: The posterior part of the common oviduct of a female cockroach that opens into the female genital pore is called the vagina.

Vagina Position: The vagina lies near the female gonopore I on the 8th sternum. A female cockroach bears only one vagina.

Vagina Structure: The vagina is a broad, short sac-like structure. It remains fused with the genital pouch. The slit-like opening of the vagina is called the female gonopore.

It opens into the genital chamber.

Vagina Function: It releases the mature eggs through the female gonopore into the genital chamber.

Spermatheca Definition: The sac-like structure that is joined with the genital pouch of a female cockroach and receives sperm during copulation is called spermatheca.

Spermatheca Position: They are located at the posterior part of the genital pouch.

Spermatheca Structure: Spermathecae are paired, club-shaped sac-like structures. Both the spermathecae are not of equal size.

They unite to form a small common duct. The duct opens within the genital chamber on a small spermathecal papilla.

Spermatheca Function: They receive spermatozoa during copulation and store it for fertilization.

Collateral Gland Definition: (Material glands are accessory reproductive glands that are present on both sides of the genital pouch in a female cockroach.

Collateral Gland Position: These glands lie behind and above the ovaries and open on the dorsal face of the female gonopore.

Structure: Collateral glands are paired, branched tubular structures. The left collateral gland is larger and more well-developed than the right gland. They unite to form a collateral duct that opens outside.

Function: The secretion of this gland forms a structure called ootheca.

Female gonopore Definition: The slit-like opening of the vagina is called female gonopore.

Female gonopore Position: It lies at the posterior part of the vagina in the 8th sternum inside the genital pouch.

Female gonopore Structure: It is a slit-like aperture of the vagina.

Female gonopore Function: It allows mature eggs to pass from the; vagina into the genital pouch.

Number Of Longitudinal Tracheal Trunks In Cockroach Notes

Longitudinal Tracheal Trunk

Longitudinal Tracheal Trunk Definition: The three pairs of air-filled longitudinal tubes present on each side of the abdominal cavity of a cockroach are called longitudinal tracheal trunks.

Longitudinal Tracheal Trunk Number and types: Three pairs of large longitudinal tracheal trunks are present on each side of the body- one pair dorsal, one pair ventral, and one pair lateral in position.

Therefore, a total of six longitudinal tracheal trunks are present in the body of a cockroach.

Longitudinal Tracheal Trunk Position: The dorsal and ventral pairs of longitudinal tracheal trunks are found in the median region of the abdomen. The lateral pair is present along the lateral part of the abdomen.

Longitudinal Tracheal Trunk Structure: The paired tracheal trunks are interconnected by many transverse commissures or commissural tracheae or transverse tracheal connective (a commissure is a bundle of nerve fibers that cross the midline at the point of their entry or origin). Each longitudinal trunk is divided into many branches called tracheoles.

Read and Learn More: WBCHSE Notes for Class 11 Biology

Longitudinal Tracheal Trunk Function: The longitudinal tracheal trunk transports air (that has entered through the spiracles) throughout the body.

Tracheae Definition: The air-filled, elastic, closed, membranous network of branching tubules that opens through the spiracles to the atmosphere, is called tracheae.

Tracheae Number: From the mesothoracic spiracles, 6 tracheae originate. The rest of the spiracles lead to 3 tracheae at each end, leading to 6 tracheae per segment.

Tracheae Structure:

  • The trachea are hollow tubes that are made up of epithelial tissue.
  • These tracheae arise from the longitudinal tracheal trunk and their transverse connectives.
  • They undergo repeated branching and form a diffused network of finer tracheae.
  • A type of cell known as tracheal end cell is found at the terminal of each trachea.
  • Several finer tubes arise from these cells. These are known as tracheoles.
  • The cytoplasmic appendages remain suspended in the cell sap.
  • Along the length of the trachea, some swollen regions known as air sacs can be seen.
  • These air-sacs act as the reservoirs of air.
  • Each tracheal tube is lined by a thin strip of cuticle that is arranged in a spiral form.
  • This chitinous spiral layer of cuticle is called taenidia or intima. It prevents the collapse of the tracheal walls when empty.
  • It also provides an elastic nature to the tracheal walls. Smaller tracheae lack taenidia.

Tracheae Function: The network of tracheae helps in the transport of gases to the different cells.

Tracheoles Definition: Tracheoles are finer branches of tracheae that transport air directly to the body cells.

Number, structure, position: Tracheoles are very large in number. They have very thin walls (diameter lp) and are devoid of taenidia. Their inner wall consists of the protein, trachein.

This thin wall enables the tracheoles to come in direct contact with the cells.

Tracheole Function: The opening of each tracheole within the tissues is immersed in the tissue fluid which supplies O2 to the cells and removes CO2 from the cells.

Tracheolar fluid is present inside the tracheoles. The level of the tracheolar fluid varies with the metabolic activity of the insect. It is more when the insect is inactive (or at rest).

On the other hand, this fluid gets completely reabsorbed into the tissues, and the space gets filled with air when the insect is more active.

Mechanism of breathing: In cockroaches, the mechanism of breathing includes two phases— inspiration and expiration.

The spiracles mediate inspiration and expiration as they facilitate the exchange of gases. Tergo-sternal muscle is a muscle located between the abdominal tergum and sternum of a cockroach. Contraction and relaxation of this muscle induces breathing.

The steps of inspiration and expiration are as follows—


  • Intake of atmospheric air or more specifically O2 into the tracheal system is called inspiration. It is a passive process (does not require expenditure of energy).
  • The 1st and 3rd pairs of spiracles remain open all the time but, the remaining 8 pairs open only during inspiration.
  • Relaxation of the tergo-sternal muscles expands the abdominal cavity. As a
    result, the pressure in the abdominal cavity decreases.
  • This causes atmospheric air to enter through the spiracles. This air then passes through the trachea and finally reaches the tracheoles which contain tracheolar fluid.
  • O2 diffuses into tissues through the tracheolar fluid and reaches the cells or tissues.


  • The process of elimination of CO2 produced during metabolism is known as expiration. Expiration is an active process (requires expenditure of energy).
  • Contraction of the tergo-sternal muscles decreases the volume of the abdominal cavity. As a result, the pressure inside the cavity increases.
  • This causes air from the tracheoles and tracheae to be released through six abdominal spiracles.
  • Opening and closing of spiracles are influenced by CO2 tension in hemolymph and O2 tension in the tracheae.

Discontinuous gas exchange cycles

  1. Cockroaches exhibit the phenomenon of discontinuous ventilation or discontinuous gas exchange cycles (DGC).
  2. In this process, the exchange of gases is interrupted for certain periods during which spiracles remain closed.
  3. This discontinuous gas exchange cycle has three phases—closed phase (spiracles close), flutter phase (spiracles open slightly but close rapidly), and open phase (spiracles open completely).
  4. In cockroaches, most of the CO2 is released through the cuticle by diffusion through the cuticle.
  5. However, only a small amount of CO2 is eliminated through the trachea and spiracles.

Control of breathing: Different factors controlling breathing mechanism in cockroaches are—

5 Role of the nervous system: Breathing in cockroaches is coordinated and regulated by nerve centers in the thoracic ganglia. The coordinating centers in the thoracic ganglia are stimulated by variations in O2 and CO2 content.

Role of metabolic rate: When the cockroach is active, i.e., metabolic rate is high, the osmotic pressure of tracheal fluid increases. Most of the fluid gets absorbed by the cells.

This results in a better supply of O2 into tissues. However, when the cockroach is at rest or during low metabolic activity, the osmotic pressure of tracheal fluid reduces and the fluid fills up the terminal part of the tracheoles. A smaller amount of tissue fluid is absorbed by the cells.

This results in a slow rate of diffusion of O2.

Thermal control: An increase in temperature increases the diameter of spiracles. This, in turn, allows more gaseous exchange.

A fall in the temperature of the brain to 8°C changes the breathing pattern of cockroaches from a continuous to a discontinuous type.

Chemical control: An increase in C07 concentration I increases the rate of breathing.

Nervous system Definition: The system of nerves and ganglia that coordinates and regulates various functions of the body in response to the environment, is called the nervous system.


Biology Class 11 Chapter 7 Structural Organisation In Animals Nervous system

The nervous system of cockroaches has three components namely, the central nervous system, the peripheral nervous system, and the autonomic nervous system.

Central nervous system: The part of the nervous system, mainly comprising the brain, that coordinates the functioning of the body is called the central nervous system.

The components of the central nervous system are the supra-oesophageal ganglion, sub-oesophageal ganglion, circum-oesophageai ganglion, and ventral nerve cord.

Supra-oesophageal ganglia: It is a bilobed structure that acts as the brain.

Position: It lies above the esophagus, almost in between the bases of the antennae, within the head.

Structure: Supra-oesophageal ganglia are formed by the fusion of three pairs of ganglia known as proto-, auto-, and tritocebrum. it is concerned mainly with sensory function.

Sub-oesophageal ganglia: It consists of a pair of ganglia that innervate the mouthparts.

Sub-oesophageal ganglia Position: It is located below the esophagus.

Sub-oesophageal ganglia Structure: It is formed by the fusion of the remaining three pairs of cephalic ganglia.

It is the main motor center, that is concerned with the motor functions. It innervates the muscles of mandibles, maxillae and labium and hypopharynx.

Biology Class 11 Chapter 7 Structural Organisation In Animals Nervous system of cockroach