WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) -12 Hunting Snake शिकारी साँप

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) -12 Hunting Snake शिकारी साँप

About The Author-Judith Wright

Author of this poem Judith Wright was a critic, short story writer and prolific Australian poet. She came from an old and pastoral family as the eldest child of Philip Wright and his first wife Ethel in Armidale, New South Wales in 1915. She lost her mother in 1927.

Her grandmother took responsibility for her education. The seed of a future poet was sown in her when she took admitted to New England Girls’ School where she found consolation from poetry.

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She took admitted to Sydney University in the year 1934. She studied Philosophy, History, Psychology and English, without taking a degree.

Judith Wright composed several collections of poetry, including ‘The Moving Image’, ‘Woman to Man’, ‘The Gateway’, ‘The Two Fires’, ‘Birds’, ‘The Other Half’, ‘Magpies’, ‘Shadow’, ‘Hunting Snake’. She was a worshipper of nature. Through poetry, she strove to focus on the Australian environment.

She had shown the relationship between nature and mankind. She began to publish poems in the late 1930s in literary journals. With ‘The Moving Image’ she made her debut. Most of her poems were composed in the mountains of Southern Queensland. She also composed some love poems for her husband.

Her poems were immensely inspired by the various regions namely New England, New South Wales, the subtropical rainforests of Tamborine Mountain and the plains of the southern highland near Braidwood in which she lived.

‘Birds’ is the title of an expanded edition of her collection published by the National Library of Australia in 2003. Her poems have been translated into Italian, Japanese and Russian languages. Wright had immense popularity for her campaigning in support of the conservation of ‘The Great Barrier Reef’ and ‘Fraser Island’.

She also supported the ‘Aboriginal land rights movement. Judith Wright, one of the stalwarts of Australian literature, breathed her last in Canberra on 25th June 2000 at the age of 85.

(पाठ) -12 शिकारी साँप कवि परिचय

जुडिथ राइट एक समालोचक, लघुकथा लेखिका और कई पुस्तकों की रचयिता एक अस्ट्रेलियाई कवियत्री थीं। 1915 ई० में आर्मीडेल के न्यू साउथवेल्स में फिलिप राइट और उनकी प्रथम पत्नी एथेल के ज्येष्ठ संतान के रूप में इनका जन्म एक प्राचीन तथा पशुपालक परिवार में हुआ था।

1927 ई० में ही इन्हें मातृ-वियोग का सामना करना पड़ा। इनकी शिक्षा-दीक्षा की जिम्मेदारी इनकी दादी माँ ने लिया। उनमें भावी कवि का अंकुरण उसी समय हुआ जब वह न्यू 139 इंगलैंड गर्ल्स स्कूल में दाखिला ली थीं और जहाँ उन्हें कविता से सांत्वना प्राप्त हुई थी। 1934 ई० में वह सिडनी विश्वविद्यालय में भर्ती हुई। किसी प्रकार का डिग्री न लिये ही दर्शन, इतिहास, मनोविज्ञान तथा अंग्रेजी की शिक्षा प्राप्त की थी।

उन्होंने बहुत-सी कविताओं की रचना की थीं, जिनमें से ‘The Moving Image’, ‘Woman to Man’, ‘Hunting Snake’, ‘The Gateway’, ‘Magpies’, ‘The Two Fires’, ‘Birds’, ‘Shadow’ और ‘The Other Half’ आदि उल्लेखनीय हैं।

वे प्रकृति की पुजारिन थी । कविताओं के माध्यम से वे अस्ट्रेलियाई पर्यावरण पर बल देने की प्रयास की थी, प्रकृति तथा मानवता के बीच का संबंध दिखायी थी । बीसवीं सदी के पूर्वाद्ध के अन्तिम भाग से ही वह अपनी कविताओं का प्रकाशन आरंभ की थी।

उनकी प्रथम प्रकाशित कविता The Moving Image ‘ है । राइट की अधिकांश कविताओं की रचना दक्षिण क्वीन्सलैंड के पर्वतीय अंचल में हुआ था । उन्होंने अपने पति के प्रति कुछ स्नेही कविताओं की भी रचना की थी।

उनकी कविताएँ जिन-जिन स्थानों से प्रभावित हुई थी, वे हैं – न्यू इंगलैंड, न्यू साउथ वेल्स, टैमबोरिन का उष्णकटिबंधीय वर्षा वन तथा बेडउड के निकट दक्षिण का उच्च पर्वतीय स्थान का समतल भूमि जहाँ वह निवास करती थी।

2003 ई० में अस्ट्रेलिया की नेशनल लाइब्रेरी ने ‘Birds’ शीर्षक से राइट की कविताओं का एक वर्धित संस्करण प्रकाशित किया। उनकी कविताओं का अनुवाद इटालियन, जापानी और रसियन भाषाओं में भी किया गया है।

‘The Great Barrier Reef’ और ‘Fraser Island’ के संरक्षण के प्रति अभियान चलाकर राइट बहुत ही लोकप्रिय हुई थीं । वे आदिवासी लोगों के लिए जमीन के अधिकार के आन्दोलन का समर्थन की थी जुडिथ राइट अस्ट्रेलियाई साहित्य का एक बहुत ही बलिष्ठ व्यक्तित्व हैं। 2000 ई० के 25 जून को 85 वर्ष की आयु में उनका देहांत कैनबेरा में हो गया ।

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) – Lesson -12 Hunting Snake Introduction

One of the notable contributors to Australian literature was Judith Wright. She was a prolific writer. She was an environmentalist and a social activist. According to her, a poet should be concerned with national and social problems. She had a deep love for nature that has been reflected in her poems.

In the prescribed poem, ‘Hunting Snake’ we find that the poet and her companions encountered a big snake while strolling. The snake was black in colour. They were tremendously frightened to find it. It was awfully splendid.

They followed the movement of the snake which went through the grassland to look for its prey. Finally, it disappeared from the sight of the poet and her companions. They breathed a great sigh of relief after the disappearance of the great snake.

(पाठ) -12 शिकारी साँप भूमिका

जिन सब उल्लेखनीय व्यक्तित्वों ने अस्ट्रेलियाई साहित्य की समृद्धि में योगदान किया है, जुडिथ राइट उनमें से एक हैं । वे बहुमुखी प्रतिभासंपन्न लेखिका के साथ ही एक पर्यावरण-विशारद तथा सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता थीं।

उनके अनुसार, एक कवि के लिए राष्ट्रीय और सामाजिक समस्याओं के प्रति सचेतन होना आवश्यक है। प्रकृति के प्रति जो उनकी गहन आस्था थी वह उनकी कविताओं में उन्मोचित हुई है।

प्रस्तुत कविता ‘Hunting Snake’ में कवियत्री और उनके साथी पैदल चलते समय अकस्मात एक बहुत बड़े साँप के सम्मुखीन होते हैं। साँप काले रंग का था, जिसे देखकर वे सभी भयभीत हो गये थे ।

वह देखने में बहुत ही सुन्दर था। वे लोग साँप की गतिविधि को देख रहे थे जो उस घास के मैदान मैं अपने शिकार की खोज में गया था। अन्ततः कवियत्री और उनके साथियों के आँख से वह ओझल हो गया । विशाल आकृति के उस साँप के अदृश्य होते ही वे लोग राहत की एक लंबी श्वाँस लिया ।

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) – Lesson -12 Hunting Snake Summary

The poet, Judith Wright and her pals went out strolling in the pleasant autumn weather. On their way suddenly they came across a great snake which was black in colour. Its head was down and it was flickering its tongue on the path. The snake was a lethal predator.

It has been presented so deadly that the poet and her companion ‘lost breath’ to see it pass by them. Not only his awful feature but also his dazzling beauty is highlighted in this spectacular poem. It had a vicious aim and so it searched through the grass for its prey.

The sun glazed its diamond-shaped scales presenting its stunning natural beauty and turning them terror-stricken. At last, it departed into the grassland.

The poet and her companions realised the deadly nature of the snake they faced and breathed a great sigh of relief. They carried on walking after looking at each other.

(पाठ) -12 शिकारी साँप सारांश

शरद् ऋतु की एक मनोरम मौसम में कवि, जुडिथ राइट और उनके साथी पैदल ही टहलने के लिए निकल पड़े थे । रास्ते में वे लोग एक बड़े साँप को देखा जिसका रंग काला था।

उसका सिर झुका हुआ था और सड़क पर अपनी जीभ को हिलाते हुए वह चल रहा था। वह साँप एक भयंकर शिकारी था। वह इतना भयानक दिख रहा था कि उसे अपने नजदीक से जाते हुए देखकर कवि और उनके बहुत ही भयभीत हुए और उनके श्वाँस रुद्ध हो गये थे।

सिर्फ उसकी भयानक विशेषताएँ ही नहीं, विमोहित करनेवाले उसके सौंदर्य को भी बहुत ही सुन्दरता के साथ इस कविता में उन्मोचित किया गया है।

अपनी तीक्ष्ण आँखों से देखता हुआ वह साँप उस घास के मैदान में शिकार की तलाश में था। सूर्य उसके हीरे जैसी आकार के सोपानों को शोभित कर रहा था जो उसके मनमोहक प्राकृतिक सौंदर्य को उजागर करता था, साथ ही लोगों को भयभीत भी करता था।

अन्ततः वह घास के मैदान में चला गया। कवि और उनके साथियों ने समझा कि वे जिस साँप को देखे थे उसकी प्रकृति बहुत ही भयानक था। वे लोग राहत की एक लंबी साँस लिये और एक-दूसरे को निहारते हुए पुनः आगे बढ़ गये

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) – Lesson -12 Hunting Snake Text

Sun-warmed in the late season’s grace under the autumn’s gentlest sky we walked and froze half-through a pace. The great black snake went reeling by.

Head down, tongue flickering on the trail He quested through the parting grass. Sun glazed his curves of diamond scale And we lost breath to see him pass.

What track he followed, what small food Fled living from his fierce intent, we scarcely thought; still as we stood our eyes went with him as he went.

Cold, dark and splendid he was gone Into the grass that hid his prey. We took a deeper breath of the day. Looked at each other, and went on.

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) – Lesson -12 Hunting Snake Word-Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Sun-Warmed : सूर्य की उष्णता लिया था ।
  2. Season : ऋतु ।
  3. Autumn: शरद ऋतु ।
  4. Glazed : चमकीला।
  5. Curves: वक्र रेखा
  6. Scale : पलड़ा ।
  7. Scarcely : बहुत ही कम ।
  8. Cold : ठण्डा ।
  9. Dark : अंधेरा ।
  10. Splendid: सुन्दर
  11. Breath: साँस ।

(पाठ) -12 शिकारी साँप हिन्दी अनुवाद

शरद् ऋतु की विदा घड़ी और उष्ण सूर्यलोक में,
शान्त और स्वच्छ आकाश के नीचे ।
हमलोग बढ़े चले जाते हैं अर्ध ठंढी राहों से, निकट से ही एक बहुत बड़ा काला साँप चला गया । सिर था उसका झुका हुआ, जीभ लकलक करता था, घास के मैदान में शिकार खोजे फिरता है। सूर्यलोक में झलमल करता हीरे जैसी निशानें उसको, श्वाँसरुद्ध हो गये हमारे उसको जाते देखकर जिस पथ से जाता है वह छोटे जीवों को खाने को, और वे जीव उसके हिंस्र लक्ष्य से भागे-भागे फिरते हैं।

थोड़ा ही सोचा हमने, फिर भी जब तक खड़ा रहा, उसका अनुसरण करता हमारी आँखें आगे बढ़ते जाते हैं। शीतल, अंधकार में वह वहाँ गया,
जहाँ उसका शिकार छिपा था घासों में।
हमलोगों ने छोड़ा अपनी गहरी श्वाँसे
एक-दूसरे को निहारते हुए और वहाँ से चले गये।

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) -12 Hunting Snake Word Nest (शब्द नीड)

  1. Reeling: moving in curves (टेढ़ा-मेढ़ा चलना)
  2. Flickering: sudden forward and backward movement (अकस्मात आगे-पीछे करना)
  3. Trail: path (पथ, रास्ता)
  4. Quested: searched (खोजा, तलाश किया)
  5. Intent: aim (लक्ष्य)

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) -12 Hunting Snake Textual Questions (पाठ्याधारित प्रश्न) Exercise (अभ्यास) – 1

Tick The Correct Answer From The Given Alternatives:

Question 1. The poet was sun-warmed under the gentlest sky of

  1. Summer
  2. Winter
  3. Autumn
  4. Spring

Answer: 3. Autumn

Question 2. The colour of the snake was

  1. Black
  2. Grey
  3. Green
  4. Yellow

Answer: 1. Black

Question 3. The tongue of the snake was

  1. Still
  2. Flickering
  3. Dangling
  4. Hanging

Answer: 2. Flickering

Question 4. The shape of the snake’s scale was like

  1. Star
  2. kite
  3. Diamond
  4. pyramid

Answer: 3. Diamond

Question 5. According to the poet, the intent of the snake was

  1. Malicious
  2. Greedy
  3. Timid
  4. Fierce

Answer: 4. Fierce

Question 6. The snake finally disappeared into the

  1. Sand
  2. Grass
  3. Rock
  4. Stream

Answer: 2. Grass

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) -12 Hunting Snake Exercise (अभ्यास) – 2

Answer The Following Questions Within Twenty-Five Words:

Question 1. How did the snake appear as it was moving through the grass?
Answer: The snake’s head was down. Its tongue was flickering. He was looking for its prey. His diamond scales are glazed in sunlight. He was cold, dark and splendid.

Question 2. What did the poet and her companions do when the snake was gone?
Answer: The poet and her companions took a deeper breath when the snake was gone. They were free from any tension and fear now. They looked at each other and went on.

Grammar in use:

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) – 12 Hunting Snake Exercise (अभ्यास) – 3

Rewrite The Following Sentences As Directed:

Question 1. How happy we are here! (change into an assertive sentence)
Answer: We are very happy here.

Question 2. Everybody knows the name, Tagore. (change into an interrogative sentence)
Answer: Who does not know the name, Tagore?

Question 3. The painting is very beautiful. (change into an exclamatory sentence)
Answer: How beautiful the painting is!

Question 4. Can we ever forget our childhood days? (change into an assertive sentence)
Answer: We can never forget our childhood days.

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) – 12 Hunting Snake Exercise (अभ्यास) – 4

Rewrite The Following Sentences As Directed:

Question 1. We are proud of our heritage. (use the noun form of ‘proud’)
Answer: Our heritage is our pride.

Question 2. We should have sympathy for the poor. (use the adjective form of ‘sympathy’)
Answer: We should be sympathetic to the poor.

Question 3. His success was due to his labour. (use the verb form of ‘labour’).
Answer: He laboured to achieve success.

Question 4. The song of the nightingale is very sweet. (use the adverb form of ‘sweet’)
Answer: The nightingale sings very sweetly.


Class 9 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) – 12 Hunting Snake Exercise (अभ्यास)- 5

Question Write a newspaper report within 100 words on a boat capsize.

Use the following hints: place-date- number of people in the boat-cause-casualties – rescue operations – steps taken by the Government.


A boat capsize-15 died and 25 missings 23rd June 2013: 15 persons died when a boat was capsized in a stormy river named the Damodar yesterday evening.

25 persons are still missing. Local men say that about 60 people were travelling. A rescue team came. They rescued 20 people. They were seriously wounded and ill.

They were taken to a local hospital. Two of them are about to die. The government officers declare Rs.1,00,000.00 for each dead man and Rs. 50,000.00 for each injured man.

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) – 12 Hunting Snake Exercise (अभ्यास) – 6

Question Write A Summary Of The Following Passage Within 100 Words:

Where and how should children learn values? We know that they need to learn them because values form the beliefs and attitudes that will determine how they live their lives and function in society.

To function effectively in society, children need to be taught how to be honest, kind, courteous and considerate. Any society that does not teach children these values would soon fall apart.

Similarly, one would expect a nation to be made up of citizens who know how to respect other people and their property. These citizens should also understand the value of humility and self-control. They should appreciate the courage and be willing to care for those weaker than themselves.

Any nation whose citizens do not practice these values would soon become a nation not worth living in. Teaching these values to children cannot be delayed.

This is because, unlike young animals, whose instincts are often highly developed at birth, human babies are totally dependent. Human beings have emotional needs, desires, thoughts and feelings which determine action.

This is precisely why they must learn values, not just survival skills as do animals. These values will help control the natural responses that result from satisfying purely selfish needs and desires.

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) – 12 Hunting Snake Summary

Children must learn value. A sense of value makes them honest, kind and courteous etc. Thus they will know how to respect other people and their property. So the value of education should not be delayed.

It should be linked with our natural instincts. Human babies are totally dependent. They need emotional support. Their desires, thoughts and feelings determine their actions. So they need value education.

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) – 12 Hunting Snake Additional Textual Question & Answers

Tick The Correct Answer From The Given Alternatives:

Question 1. In the poem ‘he’ refers to

  1. The pet dog of the poet
  2. Cat of the poet
  3. A lion
  4. A snake

Answer: 4. A Snake

Question 2. The poet personifies the autumn day as

  1. Cruel
  2. Soft
  3. Having a lot of grace
  4. Loving another

Answer: 3. Having a lot of grace

Question 3. In the poem the word ‘trail’ means

  1. Alley
  2. Path
  3. Grass
  4. Sand

Answer: 2. Path

Question 4. The poet and her companion were much

  1. Delighted
  2. Excited
  3. Frightened
  4. Wonder-struck

Answer: 4. Wonder-Struck

Question 5. The snake finally disappeared into the

  1. Sand
  2. Grass
  3. Rock
  4. Stream

Answer: 2. Grass

Question 6. “And we lost breath to see him pass”-here ‘we lost’ means

  1. We died
  2. We breathed quickly
  3. Our breath was arrested
  4. We could not find our breath

Answer: 3. Our breath was arrested

Question 7. The snake was

  1. Standing
  2. Sleeping
  3. Slithering
  4. Hibernating

Answer: 3. Slithering

Question 8. The grass was

  1. Living
  2. Green and vivid
  3. Deeper
  4. Parting

Answer: 4. Parting

Question 9. When the poet and her companions saw the snake, it was

  1. Daytime
  2. Dawn
  3. Dusk
  4. Night

Answer: 1. Daytime

Question 10. The poet and her companion froze because of

  1. Cold water
  2. Cold autumn morning
  3. Fear
  4. Tension

Answer: 3. Fear

Question 11. The snake was moving along

  1. A metalled road
  2. A grassy land
  3. Busy land
  4. An unmetalled road

Answer: 2. A grassy land

Question 12. Seeing the snake the poet and her companion

  1. Fled away
  2. Left the place very slowly
  3. Started walking speedily
  4. Stood motionless

Answer: 4. Stood motionless

Question 13. The snake was in search of its

  1. Prey
  2. Prey
  3. Young ones
  4. Food

Answer: 1. Prey

Question 14. When the poet saw the snake it was

  1. Dark
  2. Morning
  3. Daytime
  4. Dusk

Answer: 2. Daytime

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) – 12 Hunting Snake Answer The Following Questions Within Fifteen Words

Question 1. Quote a sentence from the above text suggesting the movement of the snake.
Answer: A sentence suggesting the movement of the snake is- ‘The great black snake went reeling by.”

Question 2. How do we know that the poet is not alone?
Answer: That the poet is not alone is known from the use of the word ‘we’ several times in the poem.

Question 3. Which hunting features of the snake are mentioned in the poem?
Answer: The hunting features of the snake mentioned in the poem are ‘tongue flickering’, ‘fierce intent’, etc.

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) – 12 Hunting Snake Answer The Following Questions Within Twenty-Five Words

Question 1. Describe the movement of the snake.
Answer: The snake moves in curves with its head down and tongue flickering. It reels by through the grass trail.

Question 2. What were the initial reaction of the poet and her friend seeing the snake?
Answer: Seeing the snake the poet and her friend became frozen with fear and awe. Holding their breath, they silently watched the snake’s movement.

Question 3. “Cold, dark and splendid”- Why does the poet use splendid’?
Answer: The poet uses ‘splendid’ to describe the snake and its movement because it is not only an expression of awe and wonder but also of grandeur

WBBSE Solutions For Class 10 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) – 2 Fable (नीति कथा)

Lesson (पाठ) – 2 Fable (नीति कथा)

About The Poet-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Ralph Waldo Emerson was born on 25th May 1803 in Boston in USA. He was the second son of Ruth Haskins and William Empson’s five sons.

He was a versatile literary figure of America. He was a great essayist poet and lecturer. He was a lecturer at Harvard University. His collection of Essays includes ‘Essays First Series’ and ‘Essays Second Series’.

His notable poems include The Rhodora, Uriel, The Snowstorm, Concord Hymn and Brahma. Emerson breathed his last on April 27, 1882, at Concord in America.

(पाठ) – 2 (नीति कथा) हिन्दी अनुवाद

Ralph Waldo Emerson का जन्म 25 मई 1803 को संयुक्त राष्ट्र अमेरिका के बॉस्टन शहर में हुआ था। वे Ruth Haskins और William Empson के पाँच पुत्रों में से दूसरे पुत्र थे।

वे अमेरिका के बहुमुखी प्रतिभा के धनीद साहित्यकार थे। वे महान निबन्धकार, कवि और व्याख्याता थे। वे Harvard University के व्याख्याता थे। उनके निबन्ध संग्रह ‘Essays First Series’ और Essays Second Series हैं।

उनकी उल्लेखनीय कविताएँ The Rhodora, Uriel, The Snow storm, Concord Hymn और Brahma हैं। Emerson अमेरिका के Concord शहर में 27 April, 1882 को चल बसे ।

Bliss Class 10 Solutions

Lesson – 2 Fable Introduction Of The Poem

The Present ‘Fable’ has been taken from ‘Early Poem of Ralph Waldo Emerson’. It pre- sents a conversation between the squirrel and the mountain. This poem propagates the message that there is a co-existence of all kinds of objects in nature.

(पाठ) – 2 (नीति कथा) हिन्दी अनुवाद

प्रस्तुत कविता ‘Fable’ ‘Early Peoms of Ralph Waldo Emerson’ से ली गई है। यह गिलहरी और पर्वत के बीच वार्त्तालाप प्रस्तुत करती है। यह कविता संदेश देती है कि प्रकृति में सभी वस्तुओं का सह-अस्तित्व है।

Lesson – 2 Fable Summary

In the poem ‘fable’ a dispute takes place between the mountain and the squirrel. The mountain criticizes the squirrel for his miniature size and priggish nature.

At this, the squirrel, first admits that the mountain is undoubtedly huge. But every being of the earth along with weather has its respective existence.

He points out that countless moments make up a year and likewise numerous small and big things form a sphere. The squirrel is not ashamed of this littleness and enjoys in own place and position.

He happily declares that if he is not as high as the mountain, the mountain also can’t be as small and playful as he is. The humble squirrel is grateful to the mountain that he has made a nice path for the squirrel.

He further tells the mountain that skills and talents differ. In this world, all exist with their own mission to fulfil. Finally, the squirrel says straight that as he cannot carry the forest on his back so the mountain cannot crack a nut.

(पाठ) – 2 (नीति कथा) हिन्दी अनुवाद

Fable कविता में पर्वत और गिलहरी के बीच एक विवाद छिड़ जाता है। गिलहरी के छोटे आकार एवं आत्माभिमानी स्वभाव के लिए पर्वत उसकी आलोचना करता है। इस पर गिलहरी सबसे पहले तो स्वीकार करता है कि पर्वत निःसंदेह विशाल है।

किन्तु मौसम के साथ-साथ पृथ्वी पर सबका अपना निजी अस्तित्व है। गिलहरी संकेत करता है कि जिस तरह असंख्य क्षण एक वर्ष का निर्माण करते हैं वैसे ही अनगिनत छोटी एवं बड़ी वस्तुओं से पृथ्वी की सृष्टि होती हैं।

गिलहरी अपनी छोटी आकृति पर लज्जित नहीं है एवं अपने स्थान व स्थिति का आनन्द लेता है। वह सहर्ष स्पष्ट रूप से कहता है कि यदि वह पर्वत के समान ऊंचा नहीं है तो पर्वत भी उसके जैसा छोटा और चंचल नहीं हो सकता है।

विनम गिलहरी पर्वत के प्रति आभारी है कि उसने गिलहरी के लिए एक सुन्दर रास्ता बनाया है। वह पर्वत से आगे कहता है कि कौशल एवं प्रतिभा भिन्न-भिन्न होती हैं। इस संसार में सभी अपने विशिष्ट प्रतिभा के साथ अस्तित्व में हैं।

अंततः गिलहरी स्पष्ट शब्दों में कहती है कि जिस तरह वह अपनी पीठ पर जंगल नहीं ढो सकता है उसी तरह पर्वत भी अखरोट / बादाम इत्यादि नहीं तोड़ सकता है।

Bliss Class 10 Solutions

Lesson – 2 Fable Read The Following Poem:

The mountain and the squirrel
Had a quarrel:
And the former called the latter ‘Little Prig’.
Bun replied,
You are doubtless very big;
But all sorts of things and weather
Must be taken in together,
To make up a year
And a sphere.

(पाठ) – 2 (नीति कथा) Word-Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Fable (Noun) – A short tale used to teach a moral, often with animals as characters.
  2. Mountain (Noun) – A short tale (Usually about animals) that teaches a lesson about human behaviour. नीतिकथा, दंतकथा, पौराणिकता । It is a symbol of vastness.पर्वत, पहाड़ ।
  3. Had (Verb)- Became involved लिप्त शामिल ।
  4. Squirrel (Noun)- A small animal with a bushy tail that lives on trees. It is a symbol of smallness. गिलहरी |
  5. Quarrel (Noun)- Feud, verbal Dispute, Altercation, Difference of opinion झगड़ा, विवाद ।
  6. Former (Adj.)- The first of two Persons or things mentioned दो में से पहला ।
  7. Called (Verb)- Addressed, Named सम्बोधित किया।
  8. Little (Adj.)- Small, Small in size छोटा ।
  9. Prig (Noun)- A person who considers himself/herself morally correct जो स्वंय को नीतिपरायण मानता है।
  10. Bun (Noun)- A small roll made of bread रोटी से बना हुआ छोटा रोल।Hair gathered into a round coil Here, Squirrel गिलहरी।
  11. Replied (Verb)- Answered, Told in reply उत्तर दिया।
  12. Doubtless (Adv.)- Undoubtedly निःसंदेह |
  13. Very (Adv.)- To a great extent बहुत ।
  14. Big (Adj.)- Large, Vast,बड़ा विशाल The squirrel accepts the vastness and height of the mountain. The mountain is proud of his hugeness. The squirrel is polite and humble.
    – गिलहरी पर्वत की विशालता एवं ऊँचाई को स्वीकार करता है। पर्वत को अपनी विशालता पर गर्व है। गिलहरी विनम्र है।
  15. But (Conj.)- Still, Yet तो भी, लेकिन
  16. All (Adj.)- The whole quantity or extent of a particular group or thing.Every सब
  17. Sorts (Noun)- Kinds, Types प्रकार, किस्म All sorts of things सभी प्रकार की वस्तुएँ
  18. Things (Noun)- Matters, Articles वस्तुएँ
  19. Weather (Noun)- Climatic condition – मौसम
  20. Taken in (Ph. V.)- to be thought about, to be contemplated – विचार करना होगा।
  21. Together (Adv.)- Collectively सम्मिलित रूप से / सामूहिक रूप से समग्र रूप से
  22. Makeup (Ph. V.)- Form बनाना ।
  23. Year (Noun)- A collection of twelve months or 365 days, A year is made up of numerous moments. बर्ष, एक वर्ष असंख्य क्षणों से बनता है।
  24. Sphere (Noun)- Globe पृथ्वी
  25. Note – Here it refers to the universe which has the shape of a sphere यहाँ संपूर्ण जगत् की ओर संकेत किया जा रहा है जो गोलाकार है।
  26. A sphere is made up of countless small and big things. पृथ्वी भी असंख्य छोटी एवं बड़ी वस्तुओं से निर्मित होता है।

(पाठ) – 2 (नीति कथा) हिन्दी अनुवाद

पर्वत और गिलहरी
आपस में झगड़ पड़े :
और पहले ने दूसरे को ‘छोटा दंभी’ कहा
गिलहरी ने भी उत्तर दिया;
संदेह नहीं कि तुम बड़े हो
किन्तु सभी प्रकार की वस्तुएँ और मौसम
अवश्य ही एक साथ लेना होगा
एक वर्ष बनाने के लिए
और एक ग्रह

Bliss Class 10 Solutions

Lesson – 2 Fable Read The Following Poem

And I think it is no disgrace
To occupy my place.
If I’m not so large as you,
You are not so small as I,
And not half so spry.
I’ll not deny you make
A very pretty squirrel track;
Talents differ: all is well and wisely put;
If I cannot carry forests on my back,
Neither can you crack a nut.’

(पाठ) – 2 (नीति कथा) Word-Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Think (Verb)- Look upon विचार करना
  2. Disgrace (Noun)- Humiliation, Disrespect, cause of shame अपमान
  3. Note- The squirrel does not feel ashamed of his little power. गिलहरी अपनी सामान्य शक्ति पर लज्जित नहीं है। It is his self esteem. यह उसका आत्मसम्मान है।
  4. Occupy (Verb) – Posses, Hold, Capture अधिकार रखना
  5. Place (Noun)- Position on the earth, Here, Size स्थान, आकृति
  6. To occupy my place- The squirrel is proud of his existance on the earth. गिलहरी को पृथ्वी पर अपने अस्तित्व पर गर्व है ।
  7. Large (Adv.)- Huge, Vast, Enormous विशाल
  8. You (Pronoun) I (Pronoun) – Here the word ‘you’ refers to the mountain. Here the word ‘I’ refers to the squirrel.
  9. As (Adv.)-Likewise के जैसा
  10. Spry (Adj.) – Active and lively चंचल एवं सक्रिय
  11. Small (Adj.)-Little, Tiny छोटा
  12. Note-The mountain is huge but cannot locomote (move) from place to place. This is his lack of capacity. The squirrel is small but free to move about. This is his advantage. A tiny squirrel can’t be as huge as a mountain. Similarly, a high and mighty mountain cannot be as – tiny and active as the squirrel.
  13. पर्वत विशाल है किन्तु वह एक स्थान से अन्य स्थान पर नहीं जा सकता है। यह उसकी सीमाबद्धता हैं। गिलहरी छोटी हैं परन्तु वह विचरण कर सकती है। यह उसकी सुविधा (क्षमता) है। एक नन्हीं सी गिलहरी पर्वत के समान विशाल नहीं हो सकती है। बिल्कुल उसी प्रकार ऊँचा पर्वत भी गिलहरी के समान छोटा एवं चंचल नहीं हो सकता है।
  14. Deny (Verb)-Refuse अस्वीकार करना
  15. Pretty (Adj.)- Good Looking, Beautiful सुन्दर
  16. Track (Noun)- A narrow road or Path पथ, रास्ता
  17. Talents (Noun)- Natural abilities/aptitude/skill स्वाभाविक प्रतिभा / सामर्थ्य |
  18. Differ (Noun)- Vary, be dissimilar भिन्न होना ।
  19. Talents differ- This is the key sentence of the poem. According to the squirrel, everyone on the earth has his/her proficiency and skill.
  20. Everyone is talented in his/her own way. But talents differ from man to man and creature to creature. If we accept this, we find life worth living.
  21. यह इस कविता की मूल पंक्ति है। गिलहरी के अनुसार पृथ्वी पर प्रत्येक के पास उसकी अपनी प्रतिभा एवं दक्षता होती है। हर कोई अपने विशिष्ट ढंग से प्रतिभावान होता हैं । किन्तु प्रतिभा अलग-अलग मनुष्य एवं अलग-अलग जीव में भिन्न-भिन्न होती हैं। यदि हम यह स्वीकार करते हैं, तो हम जीवन को जीने योग्य पाते हैं।
  22. Well (Adv.)- Properly Nicely सटीक रूप से
  23. Wisely (Adv.)- Thoughtfully/Sensibly/Prudently बुद्धिमतापूर्वक / सोच-विचार कर
  24. Put (Verb)- Arranged/Placed व्यवस्थित किया गया / रखा गया
  25. Carry (Verb)- Bear/Haul/Tote ढोना
  26. Forests (Noun)- goods, Jungle, a large area of trees जंगल
  27. Back (Noun)- The rear part of the body पीठ
  28. Neither (Conj.)- A word suggesting negation एक नकारात्मक शब्द
  29. Crack (Verb)- Break/Smashm तोड़ना
  30. Nut (Noun)- A fruit with hard shell अखरोट / बादाम कठोर कवच वाला फल

(पाठ) – 2 (नीति कथा) हिन्दी अनुवाद

और इसमें मैं अपमान नहीं समझता
मेरे स्थान पर अधिकार जमाने के लिए,
यद्यपि मैं उतना विशाल नहीं जितना कि तुम,
और न ही मुझसे आधे फुर्तीले हो ।
मैं इंकार नहीं करता कि तुम बना लेते हो
बहुत ही सुन्दर एक मार्ग गिलहरी का;
भिन्न हैं प्रतिभाएँ, सब ठीक है और रखा भी गया है बुद्धिमानी से ;
मैं जंगलों को नहीं ढो सकता अपनी पीठ पर तो तुम भी तोड़ नहीं सकते अखरोट ।

Bliss Class 10 Solutions

Lesson – 2 Fable Comprehension Exercises

1. Choose The Correct Alternative To Complete The Following Sentences: (निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करने के लिए सही विकल्प चुनें

Question 1. The quarrel was between the mountain and the (झगड़ा/ विवाद / लड़ाई हुई थी पर्वत और )

  1. Rabbit (खरगोश के बीच)
  2. Rat (चूहे के बीच)
  3. Cat (बिल्ली के बीच )
  4. Squirrel (गिलहरी के बीच)

Answer: 4. Squirrel (गिलहरी के बीच)

Question 2. Bun has no doubt that the mountain is (गिलहरी को कोई संदेह नहीं है कि पर्वत हैं)

  1. Small (छोटा)
  2. Big (बड़ा)
  3. Noble (कुलीन / महान
  4. Kind (दयालु)

Answer: 2. Big (बड़ा)

Question 3. Unlike the mountain, a squirrel can crack a (पर्वत के असदृश्य गिलहरी तोड़ सकता है – अथवा, पर्वत नहीं कर सकता, किन्तु गिलहरी तोड़ सकता है – )

  1. Nut (अखरोट / बादाम)
  2. Joke (परिहास / मजाक करना)
  3. Stone (पत्थर)
  4. Lock (ताला)

Answer: 1. Nut (अखरोट / बादाम)

Bliss Class 10 Solutions

2. State Whether The Following Statements Are True Or False. Provide Sentences/ Phrases/Words In Support Of Your Answer: बताएँ निम्नलिखित वाक्य सही हैं या गलत। अपने उत्तर के समर्थन में वाक्य / वाक्यांश / शब्द लिखें

Question 1. The mountain called the squirrel “Lillte Bun” (पर्वत नें गिलहरी को ” Little Bun” कहा)
Supporting statements: “And the former called the Latter little prig”.
Answer: False

Question 2. The squirrel is more spry than the mountain. (गिलहरी पर्वत से अधिक चंचल है)
Supporting Statements: ‘You are not so small as I And not half so spry’.
Answer: True

Question 3. The mountain can carry forests on its back. (पर्वत अपनी पीठ पर जंगल को वहन कर सकता है)
Supporting Statement: ‘If I cannot carry forests on my back,
Answer: True

6. Answer The Following Questions (निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर दें) :-

Question 1. Who had a quarrel with the squarrel ? (गिलहरी के साथ किसने झगड़ा किया?)
Answer: The mountain had a quarrel with the squarrel (पर्वत ने गिलहरी के साथ झगड़ा किया।)

Question 2. What is not a disgrace to the squirrel ? (गिलहरी के लिए कौन-सी बात अपमानजनक नहीं है?)
Answer: To have his own palce in the sphere is not a disgrace to the squirrel. (पृथ्वी पर अपना अस्तित्व रखना गिलहरी के लिए अपनमानजक नहीं है।)

Question 3. What is it that the squirrel doesn’t deny ? (गिलहरी किस बात से इन्कार नहीं करता?)
Answer: The squirrle does not deny that the mountain makes a very nice track for him. (गिलहरी इन्कार नहीं करता है कि पर्वत उसके लिए एक बहुत सुन्दर रास्ता बनाता है ।)

Wb Class 10 English Solutions

Grammar In Use

7. Replace The Underlined Words With Suitable Phrasal Verbs From The List Given Below. Change The Form Of Verbs Where Ncessary. There Is One Extra Phrasal Verb In The List: (निम्नलिखित तालिका में दिए गए उपयुक्त Phrasal Verbs का प्रयोग कर रेखांकित शब्दों को प्रतिस्थापित करो।)

अथवा, निम्नलिखित रेखांकित शब्दों के बदले नीचे दी गई तालिका में से उपयुक्त Phrasal Verb का प्रयोग करें। आवश्यकतानुसार Verb के रूप परिवर्तित करें। तालिका में एक अतिरिक्त Phrasal verb दिया हुआ है।

Question 1. Rabi met his friend in the park. (रवि पार्क में अपने मित्र से मिला।)
Answer: Came Across.

Question 2. Tanushree cannot tolerate cruel behaviour to animals. (तनुश्री जानवरों के प्रति क्रूर व्यवहार सहन नहीं कर सकती है।)
Answer: Put up with it.

Question 3. His proposal was rejected. (उसका प्रस्ताव ठुकरा दिया गया।)
Answer: Turned down.

8. Change The Voice Of The Following Sentences (निम्नलिखित वाक्यों के वाच्य परिवर्तन करें) :-

Question 1. Lock the door.
Answer: Let the door be locked.

Question 2. Ashim knows the solution to this problem.
Answer: The solution to this problem is known to Ashim.

Question 3. I had written a letter.
Answer: A letter had been written by me.

Lesson – 2 Fable Writing Activities

9. Write a letter to your friend advising her/him to visit the public library in her/his locality as frequently as possible.



Jumuria Burdwan-713373
1st January 2016

My dear Vinayak,

I have just received my uncle’s letter after a long silence. Having gone through the contents of his letter, I am surprised to know that you are not at all interested in visiting the public library in your locality.

Perhaps you think that your textbooks are sufficient enough for your learning. But it is not true. I would like to suggest that you should be a member of the public library.

Visiting a public library has lots of benefits. It helps to be equipped with different kinds of knowledge and your knowledge increases by reading them.

It also helps your development as a social being. A regular visit to the library really develops your reading habit and promotes your hunger for knowledge

More when we meet
With love and best wishes,

Yours ever,

10. Write A Paragraph (Within 100 Words) On The Benefits Of Early Morning Exercises Using The Following Points.

good for health fresh air – keeps one active throughout the day


Benefits of Early Morning Exercises

Healthy living is considered to be a boon. It depends on some things. Early morning exercises are one of them. In the early morning nature remains smokeless and fresh.

A light breeze blows. We can take in fresh oxygen. Some free-hand exercises will be greatly fruitful. This will make our muscles flexible and keep the limbs fit. Our energy level gets a boost.

We can perform our activities with healthy minds and fit bodies. This proves helpful to avoid mistakes. Early morning exercises are greatly beneficial to students. They can do meditation which will increase their level of concentration.

Wb Class 10 English Solutions

Lesson – 2 Fable Additional Textual Questions & Answers

1. Choose The Correct Alternative To Complete The Following Sentences: (सही विकल्प चुनकर निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करें )

Question 1. Once the mountain and the squirrel had a (एक बार पर्वत और गिलहरी के बीच हुआ)

  1. Quarrel
  2. Quel
  3. Fight
  4. Competition

Answer: 1. Quarrel

Question 2. The squirrel had a quarrel with –

  1. The Forest
  2. The Mountain
  3. The sun
  4. The nut

Answer: 2. The mountain.

Question 3. “And the former called the latter………farmer’ संकेत करता है की ओर)

  1. The Mountain
  2. The poet
  3. The squirrel
  4. The tree

Answer: 1. The mountain.

Wb Class 10 English Solutions

Question 4. In the expression “And the former called the latter “Little prig” the word ‘Latter’ refers to – (इस वाक्य में ‘Latter’ शब्द संकेत करता है

  1. The Mountain
  2. The crow
  3. The squirrel
  4. The rabbit

Answer: The squirrel.

Question 5. Who gave the name “Little prig” to the squirrel ( at ‘Little Prig’कहकर पुकारा)

  1. The Mountain
  2. The crow
  3. The rabbit
  4. The hill

Answer: 1. The mountain.

Question 6. ‘Little prig’ was the name given to ‘Little Prig’ (……. ‘Little Prig’ )

  1. Squirrel
  2. Nut
  3. Insect
  4. Mountain

Answer: 1. Squirrel.

Question 7. Most part of the poem contains the speech of ……. का कथन / बात है ।)

  1. The Mountain
  2. The poet
  3. The squirrel
  4. The tree

Answer: 3. The squirrel.

Wb Class 10 English Solutions

Question 8. “Bun replied.” – Here ‘Bun’ refers a- की ओर)

  1. Tuft of hair
  2. Squirrel
  3. Small cake
  4. Mountain

Answer: 2. Squirrel.

Question 9. The Mountain

  1. Insulted the squirrel
  2. Chased the squirrel
  3. Shook the forest
  4. Welcomed the squirrel

Answer: 1. Insulted the squirrel.

Question 10. Bun admits that the mountain is-

  1. Small
  2. Wise
  3. Powerless
  4. Big

Answer: 4. Big.

Question 11. In the phrase “Little Prig” The adjective ‘Little’ means- विशेषण ‘Little’ का अर्थ है ……….)

  1. Short in weight
  2. Short in Power
  3. Short in size
  4. Short in reflex

Answer: 3. Short in size.

Wb Class 10 English Solutions

Question 12. In the phrase “Little prig” the noun ‘prig’ means – (‘Little prig ‘Little Prig’ ‘prig’ का अर्थ है)

  1. An apparently morally correct person
  2. An apparently morally corrupt person
  3. A morally correct person
  4. A morally corrupt person

Answer: 1. An apparently morally correct person.

Question 13. To occupy his place by the squirrel is not a करना……. नहीं है)

  1. Fact
  2. Joke
  3. Disgrace
  4. Respect

Answer: 3. Disgrace.

Question 14. In the expression “But all sorts of things and weather…….” the ‘things’ are – (इस वाक्यांश में ‘things’ हैं ….)

  1. Both living and non-living things
  2. Non-living things
  3. Living things
  4. Neither living nor non-living things
  5. Answer: 1. Both living and non-living things.

Question 15. The squirrel compares his place to the part of  के अंश के साथ करता है ।)

  1. Week
  2. The Mountain
  3. Year
  4. Month

Answer: 3. Year.

Question 16. All sorts of things and weather form (सभी प्रकार की वस्तुएँ एवं मौसम बनाती हैं)

  1. A month
  2. A year
  3. A year and a sphere
  4. A sphere

Answer: 3. A year and a sphere.

Question 17. According to the squirrel, it is not a disgrace to occupy his – ( ग्रहण / धारण करना अपमानजनक नहीं है ।)अपना)

  1. Place
  2. Den
  3. Nest
  4. Hole

Answer: 1. Place.

Class 10 English Text Book Wbbse

Question 18. According to the squirrel all sorts of things and weather must be taken together to make up a – (गिलहरी के अनुसार सभी प्रकार की वस्तुएँ एवं मौसम समग्र रूप से गठन करते)

  1. World
  2. Sphere
  3. Universe
  4. Globe

Answer: 2. Sphere.

Question 19. The squirrel thinks if he occupies his place, it is a matter of no- करता है कि पृथ्वी पर उसका अस्तित्व की बात नहीं है ।)

  1. Dishonour
  2. Choice
  3. Happiness
  4. Honour

Answer: 1. Dishonour.

Question 20. For his existence in the world, the squirrel is गिलहरी को …… है ।)

  1. Proud
  2. Shameless
  3. Ashamed
  4. Helpless

Answer: 1. Proud.

Question 21. In the expression “And I think it no disgrace……….” Here ‘I’ refers to करता है – )

  1. The rabbit
  2. The Mountain
  3. The crows
  4. The squirrel

Answer: 4. The squirrel.

Question 22. The mountain is not so small as…

  1. Bun
  2. A tiger
  3. A monkey
  4. A nut

Answer: 1. Bun.

Question 23. The mountain is –

  1. Not spry
  2. Spry
  3. Not different
  4. Weak

Answer: 1. Not spry.

Question 24. According to the squirrel what differs are-

  1. Mentalities
  2. Talents
  3. Attitudes
  4. Powers

Answer: 2. Talents.

Question 25. The expression “Talents differ” The squirrel गिलहरी………)

  1. Justifies his less power
  2. Justifies his difference from the mountain
  3. Justifies short size
  4. Justifies the supremacy of the mountain over him

Answer: 2. Justifies his difference from the mountain.

Class 10 English Text Book Wbbse

Question 26. According to the squirrel all is well and wisely – (गिलहरी के अनुसार सब कुछ सही तरीके से एवं बुद्धिमत्तापूर्वक………)

  1. Put
  2. Allotted
  3. Set
  4. Ordered

Answer: 1. Put.

Question 27. The squirrel-(freight)

  1. Can move around the mountain
  2. Cannot move around the mountain
  3. Can push the mountain
  4. Can pull the mountain

Answer: 1. Can move around the mountain.

Question 28. In the expression “Neither can you crack a nut” the word ‘You’ refers to -वाक्यांश में शब्द ‘You’ संकेत करता है की ओर)

  1. The hill
  2. The Mountain
  3. The rabbit
  4. The squirrel

Answer: 2. The mountain.

Question 29. The mountain can carry forests on its

  1. Hand
  2. Leg
  3. Back
  4. Head

Answer: Back.

Question 30. …………all is well and wisely put”. – Here ‘all’ refers to (‘all’करता है…. की ओर)

  1. All the living beings
  2. All the big beings
  3. All the beings
  4. None of these

Answer: 3. All the beings.

Question 31. Who cannot crack a nut ? (कौन अखरोट / बादाम नहीं तोड़ सकता है ? )

  1. Cat
  2. Squirrel
  3. Human beings
  4. Mountain

Answer: 4. Mountain.

Question 32. On his back, the squirrel

  1. Can carry the mountain
  2. Cannot carry forests
  3. Cannot crack a nut
  4. Can carry Forests

Answer: 2. Cannot carry forests.

Class 10 English Text Book Wbbse

2. State Whether The Following Statements Are True Or False. Provide Sentences/ Phrases/Words In Support Of Your Answer:

Question 1. The mountain and the squirrel had a friendly conversation.
Supporting statement: The mountain and the squirrel had a quarrel.
Answer: False

Question 2. The mountain was not at all big.
Supporting statements: You are doubtless very big.”
Answer: False

Question 3. The mountain called the squirrel “Little Prig”
Supporting statement: And the farmer called the latter little Prig.”
Answer: True

Question 4. The mountain called the squirrel “Smal Bun”
Supporting statements: And, the farmer called the latter “Little Prig”
Answer: False

Question 5. All sorts of things and weather must be taken in separately.
Supporting statement: All sorts of things and weather must be taken in together.
Answer: False

Question 6. The mountain must not consider all sorts of things.
Supporting statement: But all sorts of taken in together.
Answer: False

Question 7. The name of the mountain was Bun.
Supporting statement: “Bun (the squirrel replied)
Answer: False

Question 8. It is not disgraceful for the squirrel to have his own place on the earth.
Supporting statement:.…… I think it is no disgrace to occupy my place.
Answer: True

Class 10 English Text Book Wbbse

Question 9. The mountain called the squirrel ‘prig’.
Supporting statement: The farmer called the latter ‘Little Prig’
Answer: True

Question 10. It requires all sorts of weather to make a year.
Supporting statement: ‘But all sorts of things to make up a year.”
Answer: True

Question 11. The squirrel and not the mountain is doubtless very big.
Supporting statement: Bun replied/”You are (The mountain is)/ doubtless very big.\
Answer: False

Question 12. The credit for the squirrel track goes to the forest.
Supporting statement: ‘I’ll not deny you make / A very pretty squirrel track”
Answer: False

Question 13. The mountain can be as small as a squirrel.
Supporting statement: You are not so small as I.
Answer: False

Question 14. All sorts of weather must be taken in together to make up a sphere.
Supporting statement: “But all sorts of things and weather/must be taken in together To make up a year / And a sphere.”
Answer: False

Question 15. Talents in this world are dissimilar.
Supporting statement: ‘Talents differ”
Answer: True

Question 16. The squirrel is not proud to occupy his place.
Supporting statement: “And I think it no disgrace / To occupy my place.”
Answer: False

Class 10 English Text Book Wbbse

Question 17. The squirrel is not energetic and mobile like the mountain.
Supporting statement: “And not half so spry.
Answer: False

Question 18. The squirrel is not as small as the mountain.
Supporting statement : (Squirrel says), “You are not so small as I.”
Answer: False

Question 19. The mountain can crack a nut with ease.
Supporting statement: Neither can you crack a nut.”
Answer: False

Question 20. What the squirrel does can’t be done by the mountain.
Supporting statement: “If I cannot carry forests on my back/Neitther can you crack a nut.
Answer: True

Question 21. The squirrel is bigger than the mountain.
Supporting statement: I’m not as large as you.
Answer: False

3. Very Short Answer The Question (अति लघुउत्तरीय प्रश्न) :

Question 1. From where is the poem ‘Fable’ taken ? (‘Fable’ कविता कहाँ से ली गई है ? )
Answer: The poem ‘Fable’ is taken from “Early Poems” by Ralph Waldo Emerson. (‘Fable’ कविता Ralph Waldo Emerson द्वारा रचित ‘Early Poems’ से ली गई है।)

Question 2. What is a fable ? (नीतिकथा किसे कहते हैं? )
Answer: A fable is a short story that teaches a moral lesson. Generally there are animal characters in such stories. ( नीतिकथा एक संक्षिप्त कहानी होती है, जो नैतिक शिक्षा देती है। सामान्यतः ऐसी कथाओं में मुख्य पात्र जानवर होते हैं।)\

Question 3. Who wrote the poem ‘Fable’ ? (‘Fable’ कविता की रचना किसने की ? )
Answer: Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote the poem, ‘Fable’. (Ralph Waldo Emerson ने ‘Fable’ कविता की रचना की ।)

Question 4. Who are the two characters in the poem ‘Fable’ ? (‘Fable’ कविता में दो मुख्य पात्र कौन-कौन हैं?)
Answer: The mountain and the squirrel are the two characters in the poem ‘Fable’. ‘Fable’ कविता में पर्वत और गिलहरी दो पात्र हैं ।)

Question 5. Who gave the name “Little prig” to the squirrel ? (किसने गिलहरी को ‘Little Prig’ नाम दिया? Or, किसने गिलहरी का नामकरण ‘Little Prig’ किया ? )
Answer: The mountain gave the name ‘Little Prig’ to the squirrel. (पर्वत ने गिलहरी का नामकरण ‘Little Prig’ किया।)

Question 6. Between whom did the quarrel take palce ? (झगड़ा किनके बीच हुआ?)
Answer: The quarrel took place between the mountain and the squirrel. (पर्वत और गिलहरी के बीच झगड़ा हुआ।)

Question 7. What did the mountain call the squirrel ? (पर्वत ने गिलहरी को क्या कह कर सम्बोधित किया ? )
Answer: The mountain called the squirrel ‘Little Prig’. (पर्वत ने गिलहरी को ‘Little Prig’ कहकर सम्बोधित किया।)

Class 10 English Text Book Wbbse

Question 8. What was the quarrel about ? (झगड़ा किस विषय को लेकर था ? )
Answer: The quarrel was about the supremacy of the mountain over the squirrel. (झगड़ा गिलहरी की तुलना में पर्वत की श्रेष्ठता के विषय में था ।)

Question 9. ‘Little Prig” – Who said this and to whom? (किसने, किससे यह कहा ? )
Answer: The mountain said this to the squirrel. (पर्वत ने गिलहरी से यह कहा।)

Question 10. What is view of the squirrel about talent ? (प्रतिभा के बारे में गिलहरी का क्या विचार है? )
Answer: According to the squirrel talent differs from person to person. (गिलहरी के अनुसार प्रतिभा भिन्न-भिन्न व्यक्तियों में भिन्न-भिन्न होती है।)

Question 11. Who first started the quarrel ? (किसने झगड़ा पहले शुरू किया ? )
Answer: The mountain first started the quarrel (पर्वत ने झगड़ा पहले शुरू किया।)

Question 12. ‘Bun replied’. – Who was ‘Bun’ ? (Bun कौन था ? )
Answer: The squirrel was ‘Bun’ (गिलहरी Bun था।)

Question 13. What is the opinion of Bun about the mountain ? (पर्वत के बार बारे में Bun का विचार क्या है ? )
Answer: The opinion of Bun about the mountain is that the mountain is undoubtedly very big. (पर्वत के बारे में Bun का विचार है कि पर्वत निःसंदेह बहुत विशाल है।)

Question 14. What, according to the squirrel, must be taken in together ? (गिलहरी के अनुसार किनकी समग्र रूप से विवचेना की जानी चाहिए ? )
Answer: According to the squirrel all sorts of things and weather must be taken in together. ( गिलहरी के अनुसार सभी प्रकार की वस्तुएँ एवं मौसम की समग्र रूप से विवेचना की जानी चाहिए।)

Question 15. “But all sorts of things. ..”What does the phrase ‘all sorts of things’ mean here ? (इस वाक्यांश का यहाँ क्या अर्थ है ?)
Answer: Here, the phrase ‘all sorts of things’ means every being, living and non-living big and small. (यहाँ इस वाक्यांश का तात्पर्य सब कुछ सजीव एवं निर्जीव, बड़े एवं छोटे से है।)

Question16. How is a year as well as sphere made up ? (एक वर्ष एवं पृथ्वी का सृजन कैसे होता है ? अथवा एक वर्ष एवं पृथ्वी कैसे बनते हैं? )
Answer: A year as a well as sphere is made up of all sorts of things and weather. (एक वर्ष एवं पृथ्वी सभी प्रकार की वस्तुएं एवं मौसम से बनते हैं।

Question 17. Which figure of speech has the poet used to describe the activity of the moun- tain and the squirrel ? (पर्वत एवं गिलहरी के क्रियाकलापों का वर्णन करने के लिए कवि किस अलंकार का प्रयोग करते हैं।)
Answer: The poet has used personification to describe the activity of the mountain and the squirrel. (पर्वत एवं गिलहरी का वर्णन करने के लिए कवि ने Personification (मानवीकरण) का प्रयोग किया है।)

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Question 18. Who is more spry in the poem “Fable” ? (Fable कविता में कौन अधिक फुर्तीला/ चंचल है?)
Answer: Squarrel is more spry in the peom “Fable”. (Fable कविता में गिलहरी अधिक चचंल / फुर्तीला है।)

Question 19. “To occupy my place” – Who is the speaker? What does ‘my place’ refer to? (वक्ता कौन है ? ‘My place’ क्या संकेत करता है ? )
Answer: Here ‘Bun’ is the speaker. Here ‘my place’ refers to the place occupied by Bun in this world. (यहाँ ‘Bun’ वक्ता है। यहाँ ‘My place’ इस संसार में ‘Bun’ के द्वारा अधिकृत अस्तित्व की ओर संकेत करता है ।)

Question 20. What is not a disgrace to the squirrel ? (गिलहरी के लिए क्या अपमानजनक नहीं है ? )
Answer: It is not a disgrace to occupy his place, however little it may be for squirrel. ( अपना अस्तित्व भले ही छोटा हो, ग्रहण करना गिलहरी के लिए अपमानजनक नहीं है।)

Question 21. What is the squirrel’s claim ? (गिलहरी का दावा क्या है? )
Answer: The squirrel claims that the big mountain cannot be as small and lively as he. (गिलहरी का दावा है कि विशाल पर्वत उतना छोटा और फुर्तीला नहीं हो सकता है जितना गिलहरी है।)

Question 22. In which aspect do the mountain and the squirrel differ ? (किस मामले में पर्वत और गिलहरी मित्र हैं?)
Answer: The mountain and the squirrel differ in talents. (पर्वत और गिलहरी प्रतिभा के मामले में भिन्न हैं ।)

Question 23. What does a year and a sphere consist of ? (वर्ष एवं पृथ्वी किनसे बनते हैं? अथवा, वर्ष एवं पृथ्वी क्या समाहित करते हैं ?)
Answer: A year and a sphere consist of all sorts of things and weather. (वर्ष एवं पृथ्वी सभी प्रका की वस्तुएँ एवं मौसम से बनते हैं।)

Question 24. Why is not the mountain spry? (पर्वत फुर्तीला / चंचल क्यों नहीं है ? )
Answer: The mountain always stands still in the same place. That’s why he is not spry. (чd हमेशा एक ही स्थान पर स्थिर रहता है। यही कारण है कि वह चंचल/ फुर्तीला नहीं है।

Question 25. What does the squirrel say about all the things of the world ? (गिलहरी संसार की सभी वस्तुओं के बारे में क्या कहता है ?)
Answer: According to the squirrel all the things of the world are well and wisely put. (गिलहरी अनुसार संसार की सभी वस्तुएँ भली-भाँति एवं बुद्धिमत्तापूर्वक व्यवस्थित हैं।)

Question 26. Where is the track for the squirrel made ? (गिलहरी के लिए मार्ग कहाँ बना हुआ है ? )
Answer: The track for the squirrel is made in the forests of the mountain. (पर्वत के जंगलों में गिलहरी के लिए मार्ग बना हुआ है।)\

Question 27. What is not denied by the squirrel ? (गिलहरी किस बात से इन्कार नहीं करता है ? )
Answer: The squirrel does not deny the fact that the mountain makes a very pretty squirrel track. (गिलहरी इस बात (तथ्य) से इन्कार नहीं करता है कि पर्वत एक बहुत सुन्दर गिलहरी के लिए मार्ग बनाता है।)

Question 28. How is the track made for the squirrel ? (गिलहरी के लिए बनाया हुआ मार्ग कैसा है ? )
Answer: The track for the squirrel is made in the forests of the mountain. (पर्वत के जंगलों में गिलहरी के लिए मार्ग बना हुआ है।)

Question 29. What is the opinion of the squirrel about talent ? (प्रतिभा के बारे में गिलहरी का विचार क्या है ? )
Answer: According to the squirrel there, are different talents which are well and wisely kept in the world. (गिलहरी के अनुसार, संसार में भिन्न-भिन्न प्रतिभाएँ हैं जो भली-भाँति एवं बुद्धिमत्तापूर्वक व्यवस्थित हैं ।)

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Question 30. “Talents differ” – What do you mean by talents. (‘Talents’ से आप क्या समझते हैं? )
Answer: Here, talents means natural abilities. (यहाँ ‘ Talents’ का अर्थ है प्राकृतिक / नैसर्गिक योग्यता ।)

Question 31. Who can crack a nut ? (कौन अखरोट/बादाम तोड़ सकता है? )
Answer: The squirrel can crack a nut (गिलहरी अखरोट / बादाम तोड़ सकता है।)

Question 32. What according to the squirrel can he not do? (गिलहरी के अनुसार वह क्या नहीं कर सकता है?)
Answer: According to the squirrel he cannot carry Forests on his back. (गिलहरी के अनुसार वह अपनी पीठ पर जंगल (वहन नहीं कर सकता है) नहीं ढो सकता है।

Question 33. What is the limitation of the mountain ? (पर्वत की अक्षमता / असमर्थता क्या है?)
Answer: The limitation of the mountation is that he cannot move from place to place. (da अक्षमता है कि वह स्थानान्तरण नहीं कर सकता है।)

Question 34. What is the moral lesson of the poem ‘Fable’ ? (‘Fable’ कविता की नैतिक शिक्षा क्या है ?)
Answer: The poem ‘Fable’ tells us that every object and creature on earth has its own talents to justify its existance. (Fable’, कविता हमें शिक्षा देती है कि पृथ्वी पर की प्रत्येक वस्तु एवं जन्तु के पास अपनी प्रतिभा होती है।

or, ‘Fable’ कविता हमें शिक्षा देती है कि अपने अस्तित्व को सार्थक सिद्ध करने के लिए पृथ्वी पर के प्रत्येक वस्तु एवं – जन्तु के पास अपनी प्रतिभा होती है।


Lesson – 2 Fable Additional Textual Grammar Change Of Voice

Question 1. The former called the latter “Little Prig”.
Answer: The latter was called ‘Little Prig’ by the former.

Question 2. All sorts of things and weather must be taken in together to make up a year and a sphere.
Answer: One must take in together all sorts of things and weather to make up a year and a sphere.

Question 3. You make a very pretty squirrel track.
Answer: A very pretty squirrel track is made by you.

Question 4. I cannot carry forests on my back.
Answer: Forests cannot be carried on my back.

Question 5. You cannot crack a nut.
Answer: A nut cannot be cracked by you.

Question 6. The squirrel can crack a nut.
Answer: A nut can be cracked by a squirrel.

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Question 7. The mountain carries forests on his back.
Answer: Forests are carried on his back by the mountain.

Question 8. All is well and wisely put.
Answer: Nature puts all well and wisely.

Question 9. But (we) must take all sorts of things and weather in together.
Answer: But all sorts of things and weather must be taken in together (by us)


Lesson – 2 Fable  Change Of Degree

Question 1. I’m not as large as you. [Make it comparative]
Answer: You are larger than I am.

Question 2. You are not so small as I. [Make it comparative]
Answer: I am smaller than you.

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Lesson – 2 Fable Change Into Indirect Speech

Question 1. Bun replied, “You are doubtless very big”.
Answer: Bun replied that he was doubtless very big.

Question 2. Bun said, “And I think it no disgrace to occupy my place.
Answer: Bun replied that he thought it no disgrace to occupy his place.

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Lesson – 2 Fable Change Of Narration

Question 1. The squirrel said to the mountain, “you are doubtless very big, But all sorts of things and weather must be taken in together/To make up a year/ and a sphere.”
Answer: The squirrel told the mountain that he was doubtless very big but all sorts of things and weather must be taken in together to make up a year and sphere.

Question 2. Burn replied, “you are doubtless very big.”
Answer: Burn replied that he was doubtless very big.

Question 3. Burn replied, “And I think it no disgrace to occupy my place.”
Answer: Burn replied that he thought it no disgrace to occupy his place.

Question 4. The squirrel said, “Talents differ, all is well and wisely put.
Answer: The squirrel said that talents differ and all is well and wisely put.

Question 5. The squirrel said, “I will deny you make a very pretty squirrel track.”
Answer: The squirrel said that he would not deny he make a very pretty squirrel track.

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Lesson – 2 Fable Joining Of Sentence

1. There was a quarrel.
The mountain and the squirrel got engaged in it.
Simple: The mountain and the squirrel got engaged in a quarrel.
Compound: There was a quarrel and the mountain and the squirrel got engaged in it.
Complex: There was a quarrel in which the mountain and the squirrel got engaged.

2. You are very big. There is no doubt about it.
Simple: You are undoubtedly very big.
Compound: You are very big and there is no doubt about it.
Complex: There is no doubt that you are very big.

3. I am not as large as you.
You are not so small as I am.
Simple: In spite of my not being so large as you, you are not so small as I am.
Compound: I am not so large as you and you are not so small as I.
Complex: If I am not so large as you, you are not so small as I am.

4. I shall not deny it. You make a very pretty squirrel track.
Compound: You make a very pretty squirrel track and I shall not deny it.
Complex: I shall not deny that you make a pretty squirrel track.

5. I occupy my place. There is no disgrace in it.
Simple: Occupying my place is no disgrace.
Compound: I occupy my place and there is no disgrace in it.
Complex: There is no disgrace in that I occupy my place.

6. All is well. All is wisely put.
Simple: Besides being well all is wisely put.
Compound: All is well and wisely put.

Lesson – 2 Fable Transformation Of Sentence

Question 1. Talents differ. (use the noun and adjective forms of differ’)
Answer: There is a difference in talents. Talents are different.

Question 2. All is well and wisely put. (use the noun form of ‘wisely’)
Answer: All is well and put with wisdom.

Question 3. You are doubtless very big. (Turn into a negative sentence)
Answer: You are no doubt very big.

Question 4. I am not as large as you. (Change the degree)
Answer: You are larger than I:

Question 5. You make a very pretty squirrel track. (Turn into a complex sentence)
Answer: You make a squirrel track which is very pretty.


WBBSE Solutions For Class 10 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) – 1 Father’s Help (पिता की सहायता )

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Lesson (पाठ) – 1 Father’s Help (पिता की सहायता )

About The Author-R.K. Narayan

Rasipuram Krishnaswami Narayan was born in the year 1906. He was an Indian Novelist and a short story writer. He wrote all these in English.

He published his first novel ‘Swami and Friends in 1935. In this novel, Narayan created for the first time, the imaginary small town of Malgudi and peopled it with ordinary men and women.

In this fictional world, he unfolds the drama of these ordinary little nobodies in a realistic manner. The underlying suffering and tragic-comic tone of his works touch the readers.

Some of Narayan’s more popular works are “The Guide’, ‘the Man Eater of Malgudi’, ‘The Talkative Man’, Lawley Road’, ‘My Days’, ‘And Dateless Diary. He was awarded the Sahitya Academy in 1960.

Besides short stories and novels R.K. Narayan also wrote travel literature, memories, essays, and adapted versions of the great Indian epics, “The Mahabharata’ and ‘The Ramayana.’ The above piece has been taken from the collection of short stories, ‘Malgudi Days’ He died in 2001.

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(पाठ) – 1 (पिता की सहायता )  हिन्दी अनुवाद

रासिपुरम कृष्णस्वामी नारायण का जन्म 1906 ई० में हुआ था। वे एक उपन्यासकार तथा लघु कथाकार थे। वे अंग्रेजी भाषा में ही लिखा करते थे। उनका प्रथम उपन्यास, Swami And Friends का प्रकाशन 1935 ई० में हुआ।

इस उपन्यास में ही इन्होंने सर्वप्रथम मालगुड़ी नाम के एक काल्पनिक शहर का सृजन किया और सामान्य नर-नारी को यहाँ की आबादी व्यक्त किया। इस उपन्यास में ही इन्होंने उन अज्ञात काल्पनिक लोगों को वास्तविक रूप दिया।

उनकी लेखनी में अति गंभीर वेदनादायक भावनायें भी हास्य रस मिश्रित अभिव्यक्ति पाठकों का हृदय स्पर्श किया है। नारायण की लोकप्रिय रचनाओं में The Guide, The Man Eater of Malgudi, The Talkactive Man, Lawley Road, My Days एवं Dateless Diary आदि विशेष रूप से उल्लेखनीय हैं।

आर० के० नारायण ने उपन्यास तथा लघुकथाओं के अलावा भी भ्रमण कथा, स्मृति कथा एवं निबंध की रचना किया है, साथ ही रामायण एवं महभारत जैसी भारतीय महाकाव्यों का अनुवाद भी किया है। प्रस्तुत कहानी उनकी लोकप्रिय लघुकथा Malgudi Days से उद्धृत है। 2001 ई० में इनका देहांत हुआ।


Lesson – 1 Father’s Help Introduction Of The Text

‘Father’s Help’ is a simple and funny story. It is taken from ‘Malgudi Days’, written by R. K. Narayan. Here, the writer presents the character of a young boy named Swaminathan.

He is uninterested in going to school. But his clever father makes him turn up at school, ultimately.

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(पाठ) – 1 (पिता की सहायता ) हिन्दी अनुवाद

‘Father’s Help’एक सरल एवं मजेदार कहानी है। यह R. K. Narayan के द्वारा लिखित Malgudi Days से गई है । यहाँ लेखक स्वामीनाथन नाम के एक लड़के का चरित्र प्रस्तुत करते हैं। उसे विद्यालय जाने में बिल्कुल रुचि नहीं है। किन्तु उसके चतुर पिता अंततः उसे विद्यालय जाने पर बाध्य करते हैं ।


Lesson – 1 Father’s Help Summary

The idea of going to school has not always been a happy one for children. Swami, a schoolboy despises school and makes some pleas so that he may be away from school.

On Monday morning he pretends to have a bad headache and he managed his mother to permit him to stay at home without going to school. But his father insisted on his going to school even if he was late for school.

Then Swami pleaded that their teacher Samuel would inflict severe punishment on him for his being late at school. He told his father that Samuel was a very violent and cruel teacher.

The Headmaster was also afraid of him. At this Swami’s father decided to step in and help his son when he makes excuses for not wanting to go to school.

He then wrote a letter of complaint against Samuel to the Headmaster. He sent this letter through his son. He asked Swaminathan to enter the class after submitting the letter to the Headmaster who might take a serious step against Samuel.

Swaminathan was in a fix as he was going to punish an innocent and kind-hearted teacher for his false statements to his father. He then made up his mind not to submit the letter before entering his class.

He resolved that he would submit it after school was over and in the meantime, he would be able to create a situation in favor of the contents of the letter to his father.

But he failed to create such a situation. However, he tried to submit the letter after school was over but in vain as the Headmaster was on leave for a week. But his father did not believe.

He took the letter back from his son and tore it up. He also forbade his son to go to him for help if Samuel scolded him again.

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(पाठ) – 1 (पिता की सहायता ) हिन्दी अनुवाद

लड़कों के लिए विद्यालय जाना सब समय आनन्ददायक नहीं होता है। विद्यालय नहीं जाने के लिए वे कई प्रकार के बहाना बनाया करते हैं। विद्यालय का ही एक छात्र, स्वामीनाथन विद्यालय जाना पसंद नहीं करता है और उसे विद्यालय जाना न पड़े इसलिए वह कई बहाने बनाया करता है।

एक सोमवार की सुबह वह भारी सिर दर्द का बहाना बनाता है और विद्यालय न जाकर घर पर ही रहने की अनुमति अपनी माँ से प्राप्त कर लेता है। किन्तु उसके पिता विलंब होने पर विद्यालय जाने के लिए उस पर दबाव डालते हैं, जिद्द करते हैं।

तब स्वामी कहता है कि बिलंब से विद्यालय जाने पर उसके शिक्षक, सैम्युएल उसे भारी दंड देंगे। उसने अपने पिता से कहा कि सैम्युएल बहुत ही कठोर एवं निर्दयी शिक्षक हैं। प्रधानाध्यापक महोदय भी उनसे डरते हैं।

ऐसे में स्वामी के पिता आवश्यक पदक्षेप ग्रहण करने का निर्णय किया और अपने पुत्र को सहायता करना चाहा जब वह विद्यालय नहीं जाने का बहाना बना रहा था।

उन्होंने प्रधानाध्यापक महादेय के प्रति सैम्युएल के खिलाफ एक अभियोग- पत्र लिखा। उन्होनें वह पत्र स्वामी के मार्फत ही भेजा और स्वामी से कहा कि वह इस पत्र को अपने कक्षा में प्रवेश करने के पूर्व ही प्रधानाध्यापक महोदय को दे दे ताकि प्रधानाध्यापक महोदय सैम्युएल के प्रति आवश्यक पदक्षेप ग्रहण कर सकें।

स्वामीनाथन मुश्किल में पड़ गया कि एक निरपराध दयालु शिक्षक उसी के द्वारा व्यक्त तथ्यों के आधार पर दंड भोगनेवाले हैं। तब उसने तय किया कि पत्र को वह पहले नहीं देगा।

छुट्टी होने के बाद वह उस पत्र को प्रधानाध्यापक को देगा और इस बीच वह पत्र की सच्चाई के समर्थन में कुछ परिस्थिति तैयार करेगा। किन्तु वह इस प्रकार की परिस्थिति बनाने में व्यर्थ हुआ।

जो भी हो, प्रधानाध्यापक महोदय को उसने वह पत्र देने का प्रयास किया किन्तु इसमें भी वह विफल रहा क्योंकि प्रधानाध्यापक महादेय उस समय एक सप्ताह की छुट्टी में थे। परन्तु, उसके पिता उसकी बातों पर विश्वास नहीं किये।

वे पत्र वापस ले लिये और फाड़कर फेंकते हुए स्वामी से भविष्य में और कोई सहायता लेने के लिए उनके निकट आने से निषेध किया।

Bliss Class 10 Solutions

(पाठ) – 1 (पिता की सहायता ) Word-Notes (शब्दार्थ) Unit – 1


  1. (Lying in bed:………………………is afraid of him)
  2. Lying (Participle): Spreading one’s body on bed in a restful posture. Lie (v)लेटा हुआ।; Lie + ing = Lying
  3. Swami (Noun): The protogonist of the story कहानी का मुख्य पात्र ।
  4. Realized (verb. Past): Understood, समझा Felt, महसूस किया।
  5. Shudder (Noun): Shaking of body from fear भय के कारण शारीरिक कम्पन ।
  6. It was Monday morning: For Swami the weeklong slow sufferings of the school on Monday. He is unwilling to go to school. So a Monday means a sad day for him. सोमवार को स्वामी के लिए विद्यालय की सप्ताहव्यापी धीमी पीड़ा की शुरूआत होती है। वह विद्यालय जाने के लिए अनिच्छुक रहता है। इसलिए उसके लिए सोमवार का अर्थ ही होता है उदास दिन ।
  7. Looked (verb. Past): Appeared/seemed प्रतीत हुआ।
  8. As though (Conj): As if मानो ।
  9. A minute ago (Adv. Phrase): A minute before एक क्षण / मिनट पहले।
  10. Already (Adv): By that time पहले ही।
  11. Hoped (verb. Past): Expected आशा किया।
  12. Wailed (verb. Past): Complained, शिकायत किया Screamed, चिल्लाया
  13. Headache (Noun): Pain in head सिरदर्द ।
  14. Generously (Adv.): Kindly / Liberally उदारतापूर्वक
  15. Suggested (Verb. Past): Recommended / Proposed सुझाव दिया।
  16. Ought to (Modal verb): Should, चाहिये ।
  17. Prayer (Noun): Invocation प्रार्थना ।
  18. Have you no school today? : Are you not going to school today ? क्या आज तुम स्कूल नहीं जा रहे हो ?
  19. Replied (verb. past): Answered, उत्तर दिया
  20. Nonsense (Noun): Absurd talk, बकवास ।
  21. Dress up (verb): Put on your school uniform ; अपने विद्यालय की पोशाक पहनो ।
  22. Loaf (verb): Move about in an idle manner निरूद्देश्य भटकना
  23. Less (Adv.): कम
  24. Strict (Adj.): Stern, Firm
  25. Tactics (Noun): Policy/ApproachyStrategy युक्ति/ पाल / कौशल।
  26. You’ll have to: You must go to school तुम्हें विद्यालय अवश्य जाना होगा।
  27. Note: Swami’s father is a tough/strict man. स्वामी के पिता एक सख्त व्यक्ति हैं।
  28. Fault (Noun): Mistake /Flaw/Lapse भूल/ त्रुटी/ गलती / दोष ।
  29. It is your own fault: यह तुम्हारी अपनी गलती है।

Note: Swami is responsible for his headache. He ought to take a rest at home on Sunday. But he wanders here and there all day long. He gets tired and on Monday he develops a headache so he himself is to blame.

स्वामी अपने सिरदर्द के लिए स्वयं जिम्मेवार है। उसे रविवार को घर में विश्राम करना चाहिये। किन्तु वह दिन भर इधर-उधर भटकता रहता है। वह थक जाता है एवं सोमवार को उसे सिरदर्द होता है। इसलिये वह स्वयं दोषी है।

  1. Scold (verb): Rebuke / Chide डाँटना / फटकारना ।
  2. Will he ?: Will he scold ? क्या वे डाँटेंगे ?
  3. Let us see: Let us see what I can do for you. देखा जाये मैं तुम्हारे लिए क्या कर सकता हूँ ।
  4. Always (Adv): All the time हमेशा।
  5. Angry (Adj): Bad-tempered / Resentful क्रोधित / नाराज ।
  6. Especially (Adv): Most particularly / Specially विशेष रूप से / खास कर |
  7. Afraid (Adv): Fearful भयभीत ।
  8. Even the headmaster is afraid of him: प्रधानाध्यापक भी उनसे / सैम्युअल से भयभीत रहते हैं ।

Note: Just to justify his case Swami exaggerates. He will not go late to school for fear of Samuel. By way of justifying his stand, he presents Samuel as more than he really is.

सिर्फ अपनी बात की पुष्टि करने के लिए स्वामी अतिशयोक्ति करता है। वह सैम्युअल के डर से विद्यालय देर से नहीं जाएगा। अपने बात की पुष्टि करते समय वह सैम्युअल को, जो वे नहीं हैं, उससे अधिक प्रदर्शित कर देता है।


(पाठ) – 1 (पिता की सहायता ) हिन्दी अनुवाद

बिस्तर पर लेटा हुआ स्वामी डर से कांपते हुए अनुभव किया कि यह सोमवार की सुबह थी। ऐसा प्रतीत हुआ कि कुछ क्षण पहले ही तो शुक्रवार था। इतने में ही सोमवार आ गया। उसने उम्मीद किया था कि उसे विद्यालय नहीं जाना पड़ेगा। सुबह 9 बजे स्वामी रोकर कहने लगा कि “मेरे सिर में बहुत दर्द है । ”

आत्मीयतापूर्वक परामर्श दिया कि स्वामी घर पर ठहर जाए। ममतामयी माँ ने निर्णय किया कि स्वामी का घर पर रहना ही उचित होगा। सुबह 9 : 30 बजे, जब उसे विद्यालय के प्रार्थना कक्ष में होना चाहिए था, तब स्वामी अपनी माँ के कमरे में बेंच पर लेटा हुआ था।

पिताजी ने उससे पूछा, “क्या आज तुम्हारा स्कूल नहीं है?”

“सिर में दर्द है”, स्वामी ने उत्तर दिया।
“बेवकूफ ! पोशाक पहनो और विद्यालय जाओ।”
“सिर में दर्द है !”

” रविवार को घूमना-फिरना कम करो तो सोमवार को तुम्हें सिर में किसी प्रकार का दर्द नहीं रहेगा। ” स्वामी को मालूम था कि उसके पिता कितने सख्त हैं।

अतः उसने अपनी युक्ति बदलते हुए कहा कि “इतनी देर से जाने पर मैं कक्षा में प्रवेश नहीं कर पाऊँगा।” “तुम्हें अवश्य ही जाना होगा। यह तुम्हारी अपनी त्रुटि है।”

“यदि मैं इतने विलंब से जाऊँगा तो शिक्षक महोदय क्या सोचेंगे?’
“उनसे कहना कि तुम्हारे सिर में दर्द था, इसीलिए आने में विलंब हुआ।”
“यदि मैं ऐसा कहूँगा तो वे मुझे डांटेंगे ।”

“वे डाँटेंगे ? देखा जाय । उनका नाम क्या है?”
“सैम्युएल ।”
“क्या वे छात्रों को हमेशा डाँटा करते हैं?”

” वे बहुत ही क्रोधी व्यक्ति हैं। विशेष कर जो छात्र विलंब से कक्षा में प्रवेश करते हैंउन पर वे बहुत गुस्सा करते हैं। मैं
सैम्युएल की कक्षा में देर से नहीं जाना चाहता हूँ ।”
“यदि वे इतना ही क्रोधी हैं तो इस विषय में अपने प्रधानाध्यापक को क्यों नहीं बताते ?”
” वे लोग (विद्यार्थीगण ) बताते हैं कि प्रधानाध्यापक महोदय भी उनसे डरते हैं।”

Wb Class 10 English Solutions

Lesson – 1 Father’s Help Comprehension Exercises

1. Choose The Correct Alternative To Complete The Following Sentences:

Question 1. With a shudder Swami realized that it was (भय से काँपते हुए स्वामी ने समझा-)

  1. Friday
  2. Thursday
  3. Wednesday
  4. Monday

Answer: 4. Monday

Question 2. When Swami ought to have been in the school prayer hall, he was lying on the (जब स्वामी को विद्यालय के प्रार्थना कक्ष में होना चाहिये था, वह लेटा हुआ था,……. पर)

  1. Bench
  2. Table
  3. Bed
  4. Desk

Answer: 3. Bed

Question 3. According to Swami, Samuel is especially angry with boys who are ((स्वामी के अनुसार सैम्युएल उन लड़कों पर विशेष रूप से नाराज होते हैं जो होते हैं -)

  1. Absent
  2. Late
  3. Inattentive
  4. Undisciplined

Answer: 2. Late

2. Fill In The Chart With Information From The Text: (पाठ की सूचना के आधार पर निम्नलिखित तालिका को भरें )

Time when Swami complained of
a headache
(वह समय जब स्वामी ने सिरदर्द की शिकायत की)
 nine o’clock in the morning
Person who ordered Swami to dress up and go to school (जिस व्यक्ति ने स्वामी को पोशाक पहनने एवं विद्यालय जाने को कहा) Swami’s father
name of the teacher mentioned by Swami (स्वामी के द्वारा उल्लेख किये गये शिक्षक का नाम) Samuel


3. State whether the following statements are True or False. Provide sentences/ phrases/words in support of your Answer:

Question 1. Swami said that he had a headache.  (स्वामी ने कहा कि उसे सिरदर्द था ।)
Supporting statement: At nine o’clock Swami wailed, “I have a headache.”
Answer: True

Question  2. Swami was lying in his father’s room. (स्वामी अपने पिता के कक्ष में लेटा हुआ था ।)
Supporting statement: Swami was lying on the bench in his mother’s room.
Answer: False

Question 3. According to Swami, the headmaster was not afraid of Samuel.
(स्वामी के अनुसार, प्रधानाध्यापक सैम्युएल से भयभीत नहीं थे ।) 
Supporting statement: They say the headmaster was afraid of him.
Answer: False

(पाठ) – 1 (पिता की सहायता ) Word Notes (शब्दार्थ) Unit-2

(Swami hoped………………………… with sorrow)

  1. Hoped (Verb. Past ): Expected, आशा किया।
  2. Be made to see: Realize समझेंगे।
  3. Avoid (verb): Fight shy of/Evade
  4. Behavior (Noun ): Conduct / Dealings व्यवहार ।
  5. Unexpected (Adj): Undesirable, अप्रत्याशित ।
  6. Turn (Noun): Change of action / परिवर्तन ।

Note: Swami’s father took a completely different stand Swami couldn’t imagine that his father would deal with the matter so seriously.

स्वामी के पिता ने बिल्कुल भिन्न दृष्टिकोण अपनाया। स्वामी कल्पना भी नहीं कर पाया कि उसके पिता इस मामले को इतनी गम्भीरता से निपटाएँगे ।

  1. Proposed (verb Past): Suggested, प्रस्ताव रखा।
  2. With Swami: Through Swami स्वामी के माध्यम से।
  3. Amount (Noun): Quantily परिमाण ।
  4. Protest (Noun): Objection प्रतिवाद ।
  5. Change his mind (Phrase): Alter his decision, फैसला बदलना ।
  6. Leave for (Phrasal verb): Set out for रवाना होना।
  7. Composed (verb. Past): Wrote लिखा।
  8. Envelope (Noun): Covering for a letter लिफाफा / खाम
  9. Sealed (verb. Past): Closed securely बंद किया।
  10. Apprehensively (Adv.): Worriedly / Fearfully डरते हुए।
  11. Plenty (Noun): Abundance प्रचुरता ।
  12. Worst (Adjective): Most bad सबसे खराब ।
  13. Conscience (Noun): Moral sense/sense of right and wrong जमीर/विवेक ।
  14. Bothered (verb Past): Vexed / Troubled / Pestered परेशान किया।
  15. At all (Adv. Ph): Altogether
  16. Sure (Adj): Certain निश्चित ।
  17. Description (Noun): Account, वर्णन ।
  18. Accurate (Adj): Correct/Perfect, सटीक / यथार्थ ।
  19. Mixed up (Ph.V.): Jumble / Confuse उलझा देना / असमंजस में पड़ना ।
  20. Real (Adj): Exact वास्तविक ।
  21. Imagined: Fanciful / Imaginary काल्पनिक ।
  22. Make up his mind (Phrase): Decide/Resolve फैसला किया।
  23. After all (Adv.ph.): आखिरकार ।
  24. Personally (Adv.): व्यक्तिगत रूप से।
  25. Friendly (Adj): Amicable/Co-Operative
  26. Special (Adj): Especial/Particular/Exceptional/fast/
  27. Regard (Noun): Favour/Affection/attention/Loving case//
  28. Dizzy (Adj): Unsteady / Undecided / Giddy मतिशून्य / संभ्रमित ।
  29. Confusion (Noun): Perplexity/Bewilderment fifth
  30. Decide (Verb): Determine, फैसला करना ।
  31. Deserved (Verb. Past): was merited for योग्य थे।
  32. Allegation (Noun): Accusation/Complaint अभियोग ।
  33. Grieved (verb. Past): Felt sorry for दु:खी हुआ।
  34. Recall (verb): Call up / Remember याद करना / स्मरण करना ।
  35. Dark (Adj): Black / काला ।
  36. Thin (Adj): Not thick / पतला
  37. Moustache (Noun): मूंछ
  38. Unshaven (Adj): Not shaved दाढ़ी नहीं बनाया हुआ ।
  39. Sorrow (Noun): Grief/sadness/

Wb Class 10 English Solutions

(पाठ) – 1 (पिता की सहायता ) हिन्दी अनुवाद

स्वामी को उम्मीद थी कि उसके पिता विचार करेंगे कि उस दिन वह विद्यालय क्यों नहीं जाना चाहता था। किन्तु पिता के आचरण में अप्रत्याशित परिवर्तन हुआ। उन्होंने स्वामी के मार्फत ही प्रधानाध्यापक को एक पत्र भेजने का निर्णय लिया। स्वामी का कोई भी प्रतिवाद उनके मन में परिवर्तन नहीं ला सका।

इसी बीच स्वामी विद्यालय जाने के लिए तैयार हो गया था। पिता ने एक लंबा पत्र लिखा था। उन्होंने उसे एक लिफाफे में रखा एवं उसे बंद कर दिया।
“पिताजी, आपने क्या लिखा है?” स्वामी संदेहातीत मन से प्रश्न किया।

“तुम्हारे खिलाफ कुछ भी नहीं। इसे तुम अपने प्रधानाध्यापक महोदय को देना और फिर अपनी कक्षा में जाना।”
“क्या आपने हमारे शिक्षक सैम्युएल के संबंध में कुछ लिखा है?”

“हाँ, बहुत कुछ।”
“पिताजी, उन्होंने क्या किया है?”
“पत्र में सब कुछ है। इसे तुम अपने प्रधानाध्यापक को दे देना।”

अपने आपको इस धरती का सबसे बुरा लड़का सोचते-सोचते स्वामी विद्यालय गया। उसका विवेक उसे झिंझोड़ रहा था। वह अभी भी पूरी तरह निश्चित नहीं था कि सैम्यूएल से संबंधित उसका वर्णन सही था या नहीं। उसने अनुभव किया कि उसने वास्तविक एवं काल्पनिक तथ्यों का मिलावट किया था।

सम्युएल के संबंध में मन में कुछ तय करने के लिए वह सड़क के किनारे खड़ा हो गया। सामान्यतः सैम्युएल कोई बुरे व्यक्ति नहीं थे। व्यक्तिगत रूप से वे अन्य शिक्षकों की तुलना में कुछ अधिक ही मिलनसार व्यक्ति थे।

स्वामी ने और भी अनुभव किया कि उनके प्रति वह विशेष श्रद्धा रखता था । स्वामी मानिसक रूप से दुबिधा महसूस कर रहा था। वह तय नहीं कर पाया कि सैम्युएल के प्रति पत्र में वर्णित आ आवश्यक थे या नहीं।

वह जितना ही सोचा उतना ही उनके लिए स्वामी ने दुःख का अनुभव किया। सैम्युएल का काला मुँह, पतली मूँछ एवं दाढ़ी सहित गाल के साथ ही पीले रंग की कोट की बातें सोचकर स्वामीनाथन का मन दुःखी हो उठा।

Wb Class 10 English Solutions

Lesson – 1 Father’s Help Comprehension Exercises

4. Choose The Correct Alternative To Complete The Following Sentences:

Question 1. Father decided to send the headmaster a………( पिताजी ने प्रधानाध्यापक को.. भेजने का निर्णय किया ।)

  1. Telegram
  2. Notice
  3. Letter
  4. Report

Answer: 3. Letter

Question 2. While going to school Swami was bothered by (विद्यालय जाते समय स्वामी………से परेशान था ।)

  1. Conscience
  2. Headache
  3. Toothache
  4. Fever

Answer: 1. Conscience

Question 3. The colour of Samuel’s coat was (सैम्युएल के कोट का रंग था………..)

  1. Black
  2. Blue
  3. White
  4. Yellow

Answer: 4. Yellow

5. Complete The Following Sentences With Information From The Text:

1. Father’s behavior took an unexpected turn. (पिताजी के व्यवहार में………)

2. Swami went to school feeling that he was the worst boy on earth.
(स्वामी विद्यालय गया….. ……….. महसूस करते हुए ।

3. Swami stopped on the roadside to make up his mind about Samuel.
(स्वामी सड़क के किनारे रुक गया……..)

6. Answer The Following Questions:

Question 1. Where did Father put the letter?
Answer: Father put the letter in an envelope.

Question 2. What did Swami fail to decide about Samuel ? (स्वामी सैम्युएल के बारे में क्या निर्णय नहीं कर पाया ? )
Answer: Swami failed to decide if Samuel really deserved the allegation made against him in the letter by his father.

Question 3. How did Samuel look ? (सैम्युएल कैसे दिखते थे ? )
Answer: Samuel had dark face and an unshaven cheek. He used to wear yellow coat. (सैम्युएल का चेहरा काला था एवं उनके गाल (बिना हजामत किए हुए) दाढ़ी सहित था । वे पीला कोट पहना करते थे । )

Wb Class 10 English Solutions

(पाठ) – 1 (पिता की सहायता )  Word-Notes (शब्दार्थ) Unit-3

(As he entered……………..he said)

  1. Entered (verb. past): Got into प्रवेश किया।
  2. Idea (Noun): Notion / Plan धारणा / विचार ।
  3. Occurred (verb. Past): Came into mind मन में आया।
  4. Deliver (verb): Hand over, सौंपना/ देना/पहुँचाना।
  5. At the end (Adv ph): At the close; अंत में।
  6. Chance (Noun): Opportunity / Privilege अवसर ।
  7. Justify (verb): Defend / support उचित सिद्ध करना ।
  8. Entrance (Noun): Entry way, प्रवेश द्वार ।
  9. Arithmetic (Noun): अंकगणित ।
  10. Severely (Avd.): Harshly – (Harshly)/ Bitterly/violently an
  11. Miss (verb): Lose, खो देना / चूक जाना ।
  12. Impressed (Adj): moved / Influenced प्रभावित किया।
  13. Poor (Adj): Unfortunate / बेचारा ।
  14. Seat (Noun): Place for sitting on बैठने की जगह ।
  15. Sad (Adj): Sorrowful/Pensive/34
  16. Inspect (verb): Look over/Examine जाँच करना ।
  17. Appeared (verb. past): Seemed / Looked प्रतीत हुआ।
  18. Gentle (Adj): Amiable/kind/Loving
  19. Home work (Noun): Hometask – गृहकार्य
  20. Rang (v.past): Mode a sound of the bell बजा ।
  21. Picked up (v.past): Collected / Gathered उठाया।
  22. Locked (Adj): Fastened with a lock ताला बन्द ।
  23. Leave (Noun): छुट्टी।
  24. Ran away (Phrasal verb): Fled, भाग गया।
  25. Snatched (verb. past): Took away forcefully. छीन लिया / झपट लिया।
  26. Tore up (Phrasal v): Pulled apart to pieces टुकड़ा टुकड़ा कर दिया।
  27. Deserve (verb): Be good enough for योग्य होना


Class 10 English Text Book Wbbse

(पाठ) – 1 (पिता की सहायता ) हिन्दी अनुवाद

विद्यालय के मुख्य द्वार पर पहुँचते ही उसे एक विचार सूझा। पत्र को वह छुट्टी के बाद प्रधानाध्यापक महोदय को देगा। एक मौका है, इस बीच पत्र की यथार्थता प्रमाण करने जैसी वह कुछ कर सकता है।

अपनी कक्षा के दरवाजे पर स्वामी खड़ा था। सैम्युएल अंकगणित पढ़ा रहे थे। उन्होंने स्वामी की ओर देखा। स्वामी को उम्मीद थी कि सैम्युएल उसे बुरी तरह फटकारेंगे।

सैम्युएल बोले, “तुम्हारे आने में आधा घंटा विलंब हुआ है।”
स्वामी बोला, “सर, मेरे सिर में दर्द था । ”
“तो, फिर आये क्यों?”
सैम्युएल की ओर से यह एक अप्रत्याशित प्रश्न था ।

स्वामी बोला, “मेरे पिताजी का कहना है कि, विद्यालय में अनुपस्थित होना मेरे लिए उचित नहीं है, सर ।”
सैम्युएल प्रसन्न दिखाई दिये। “तुम्हारे पिताजी ने ठीक ही कहा है। हमें उन जैसे और भी अनेक माता-पिता (अभिभावक ) चाहिए। ”
“ओह बेचारा !” स्वामी सोचने लगा “आप नहीं जानते हैं कि मेरे पिताजी ने आपके प्रति क्या किया है?”

“ठीक है, तुम अपने स्थान पर जाकर बैठो।”
स्वामी दुःखी मन से बैठ गया। उसने सैम्युएल जैसा सज्जन व्यक्ति कभी नहीं देखा था।
शिक्षक महोदय, गृह-कार्य की जांच कर रहे थे। स्वामी सोच रहा था कि यही एक समय है जब सैम्युएल को क्रुद्ध किया जा सकता है। किन्तु आज वह बहुत ही शान्त दिख रहे है।

“स्वामीनाथन, तुम्हारा घर का काम (गृह-कार्य) कहाँ है?” “सर मैं अपना घर का काम नहीं कर पाया”, स्वामी ने कहा । “क्यों-सिर में दर्द ?” सैम्युएल में पूछा।
“हाँ, सर ।’
“ठीक है, बैठो’, सैम्युएल बोले ।

शाम 4.30 बजे जब छुट्टी की घंटी बजी तब स्वामी ने अपनी किताब-कापियाँ उठायी और प्रधानाध्यापक महोदय के कमरे की ओर दौड़ा। कमरे में ताला लगा देखा। चपरासी ने उसे बताया कि प्रधानाध्यापक महोदय एक सप्ताह की छुट्टी पर हैं। पत्र लिये हुए घर में प्रवेश करते ही पिताजी ने उससे कहा कि, “मैं जानता था तुम इसे जमा नहीं करोगे।’ स्वामी बोला, “प्रधानाध्यापक महोदय तो छुट्टी पर हैं।”

पिता ने स्वामी से वह पत्र छीन लिया और उसे फाड़ डाला।
“सैम्युएल यदि पुनः फटकारें भी तो तुम कभी मुझसें सहायता मांगने के लिए मत आना, तुम सैम्युएल के ही योग्य हो, उन्होंने कहा ।

Class 10 English Text Book Wbbse

Lesson – 1 Father’s Help Comprehension Exercises

7. Choose The Correct Alternative To Complete The Following Sentences:

Question 1. When Swami entered the class, Samuel was teaching (जब स्वामी ने कक्षा में प्रवेश किया, तो सैम्युएल पढ़ा रहे थे……….)

  1. History
  2. Arithmetic
  3. Science
  4. Geography

Answer: 2. Arithmetic

Question 2. Swami was late to school by (स्वामी को विद्यालय आने में देर हुई ………..)

  1. Half an hour
  2. An hour
  3. Two hours
  4. Three hours

Answer: 1. Half an hour

Question 3. The headmaster was on a leave for one (प्रधानाध्यापक छुट्टी पर थे एक के लिए)

  1. Day
  2. Month
  3. Year
  4. Week

Answer: 4. Week

8. Complete The Following Sentences With Information From The Text:

1. As Swami entered the school gate, an idea occurred to him.
( ज्योंही स्वामी ने विद्यालय प्रवेश किया उसके मन में एक विचार आया)

2. Swami stood at the entrance to his class.
(स्वामी खरा था अपनी कक्षा के प्रवेश द्वार पर)

3. Father snatched the letter away from Swami and tore it up.
(पिताजी ने स्वामी से पत्र छीना एवं इसे फाड़ दिया ।)

9. Fill In The Chart With Information From The Text:

Class 10 English Text Book Wbbse

Cause Effect
He had a headache  (उसे सरदर्द था ।) Swami did not do his homework. (स्वामी ने अपना गृहकार्य नहीं किया ।)
Swami never met anyone as good as Samuel. (स्वामी सैम्युएल के जितने अच्छे अन्य किसी से नहीं मिला था ।) Swami satdown feeling sad. (स्वामी उदास बैठा था ।)
Headmaster had gone on a week’s leave. (प्रधानाध्यापक एक सप्ताह की छुट्टी पर गये थे ।) Swami could not deliver the letter. (स्वामी पत्र नहीं दे पाया।)


Grammar In Use

10. Choose The Correct Alternative To Complete The Following Sentences:

Question 1. Rina (take/takes/took) the bus to school every day.
Answer: Takes

Question 2. Last Monday, while we (was watching/have been watching/were watching) the television, the electricity went off.
Answer: we’re watching

Question 3. By this time tomorrow they (will have left/will have left/will have left).
Answer: Will have left.


11. Fill In The Blanks With Appropriate Articles And Prepositions :

Question Arifa, the younger_____the two girls, has cracked IIT, while____ older one is____engineer a multinational company.
Answer: of, the, an, in.

Class 10 English Text Book Wbbse

Lesson – 1 Father’s Help Writing Activities

12. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper (within 100 words) about the problems faced by commuters due to the reckless driving of vehicles.

The Editor
The Telegraph.

Subject: Reckless driving of vehicles


I shall be highly obliged if you allow me some space in your popular daily to ventilate my grave concern about the danger caused by reckless driving.

Nowadays traveling by buses and minibusses has become a matter of great concern. The drivers of public vehicles very often indulge in reckless driving. Overtak- ing has become a passion with them. They care a hang about the traffic rules.

There are traffic police on road but they utterly fail to control the ill-spirited drivers. This suggests that there is an unholy alliance between the traffic police and the erring drivers.

As a result of all these the number of road accidents has increased alarmingly. Under this circumstance, I would like to draw the attention of competent authorities, so that they take stringent steps to put a stop to this menace.

Lower Chelidanga
Feb 04, 2016

Yours faithfully
Rahul Gupta

Wbbse English Solution Class 10

Lesson – 1 Father’s Help Additional Textual Questions& Answers: Unit-1

1. Choose The Correct Alternative To Complete The Following Sentences: (निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करने के लिए सही विकल्प चुनें।)

Question 1. The person who forced swami to go to school was :- (जिस व्यक्ति ने स्वामी को विद्यालय जाने को बाध्य किया….. थे ।)

  1. His father
  2. Samuel
  3. His mother
  4. He himself

Answer: 1. His father

Question 2. Swami was suffering from :-(स्वामी………से पीड़ित था ।)

  1. Stomach pain
  2. Fever
  3. Cold
  4. Headache

Answer: 4. Headache

Question 3. Swami wailed that he had a headache at- (स्वामी ने शोक व्यक्त किया कि उसे सिरदर्द था………बजे ।)

  1. 9:30
  2. 9:00
  3. 8:00
  4. 8:30

Answer: 2. 9:00

Question 4. It seemed to swami that only a moment ago it was – (स्वामी को ऐसा प्रतीत हुआ मानो एक क्षण पहले ही तो …….. था । )

  1. Sunday
  2. Saturday
  3. Friday
  4. Wednesday

Answer: 3. Friday

Question 5. That swami might stay at home was suggested by :- (स्वामी घर में ठहर सकता था यह सुझाव के द्वारा दिया गया था ।)

  1. Mother
  2. Father
  3. Uncle
  4. Aunt

Answer: 1. Mother

Question 6. Swami found his father’s behaviour – (स्वामी ने अपने पिता के व्यवहार को पाया।)

  1. As much as normal
  2. Funny
  3. Painful
  4. Beyond expectation

Answer: 4. Beyond expectation

Question 7. Swaminathan gave the excuse of headache: – (स्वामीनाथन ने सिरदर्द का बहाना किया…………बार) ।

  1. Once
  2. Never
  3. Thrice
  4. Twice

Answer: 3. Thrice.

Question 8. Immediately after he woke up, swami:-

  1. Claimed that he had a headache
  2. Realized that it was Monday
  3. Met his father
  4. Was scolded by his father

Answer: 2. Realised that it was Monday

Question 9. Swami’s mother-

  1. Was angry
  2. Was very strict
  3. Asked him to go to school
  4. Asked him to stay back home

Answer: 4. Asked him to stay back home

Question 10. On hearing that swami had a headache his father was – (स्वामी को सिरदर्द था यह सुनकर उस के पिता 1)

  1. Sad
  2. Worried
  3. Angry
  4. Indifferent

Answer: 3. Angry

Question 11. After hearing that swami could not go to school so late his father- (स्वामी इतनी देर से विद्यालय नहीं जा सकता था यह सुनकर उसके पिताजी …….) ।

  1. Decided to meet his teacher
  2. Appeared to be worried
  3. Still insisted he goes to school
  4. Stopped insisting he goes to school

Answer: 3. Still insisted him to go to school (फिर भी उसके विद्यालय जाने पर जोर दिया)।

Question 12. What swami emphasized about samuel was his – (सैम्युअल के बारे में स्वामी ने जिस बात पर जोर दिया वह बात थी..)।

  1. Love
  2. Hatred
  3. Indifference
  4. Anger

Answer: 4. Anger

Question 13. The story was written by- (कहानी लिखी गयी है के द्वारा )

  1. R. K. Narayan
  2. O. Henry
  3. K. M. Munshi
  4. M. K. Narayanan

Answer: 2. R. K. Narayan.

Wbbse English Solution Class 10

Question 14. The name of the story is –

  1. Teacher’s help
  2. Mother’s help
  3. Father’s help
  4. Sister’s help

Answer: 3. Father’s help.

Question 15. At 9:30 am, swami should have been in the

  1. Market
  2. School
  3. House
  4. Playground

Answer: 3. School.

Question 16. Swaminathan-

  1. Liked to lie in bed
  2. Liked to go to school
  3. Did not like to lie in bed at all
  4. Did not like to go to school

Answer: 2. Did not like to go to school.

Question 17. Swami remembered – it was Monday. ….. सोमवार था ।)

  1. With a shudder
  2. With a cry
  3. With joy
  4. With sorrow

Answer: 1. With a shudder.

Question 18. While lying in bed swami thought that only a moment ago it was-(हुए स्वामी ने एक क्षण पहले विचार किया कि था । )

  1. Sunday
  2. Monday
  3. Friday
  4. Saturday

Answer: 3. Friday.

Question 19. Swaminathan complained of headache at (स्वामीनाथन ने सर दर्द की शिकायत की….. बजे)

  1. 9 Am
  2. 9 Pm
  3. 10 Am
  4. 9:30 Am

Answer: 1. 9 Am.

Question 20. Swami hoped he didn’t have to go to

  1. Hospital
  2. The doctor
  3. Police station
  4. To school

Answer: 4. To school.

Question 21. Swaminathan first complained of headaches to his

  1. Headmaster
  2. Father
  3. Teacher
  4. Mother

Answer: 4. Mother

Question 22. Swaminathan’s mother was –

  1. Strict
  2. Unkind
  3. Generous
  4. Quarrelsome

Answer: 3. Generous.

Wbbse English Solution Class 10

Question 23. At nine o’clock swami –

  1. Wailed
  2. Laughed
  3. Snifled
  4. Smiled

Answer: 1. Wailed.

Question 24. That swami might stay at home was suggested by his – था; यह सुझाव उसकी …….. के द्वारा दिया गया ।)

  1. Teacher
  2. Father
  3. Private tutor
  4. Mother

Answer: 4. Mother.

Question 25. The students joined the prayer at swami’s school at (at face विद्यार्थीगण प्रार्थना में सम्मिलित होते थेबजे)

  1. 10.00 a.m.
  2. 9.00 am.
  3. 10.30 a.m.
  4. 9.30 a.m.

Answer: 4. 9.30 a.m.

Question 26. Swami was lying at 9.30 in – (स्वामी 9.30 बजे लेटा हुआ था………)

  1. Servant’s room
  2. Mother’s room
  3. The drawing room
  4. Father’s room

Answer: 3. Mother’s room.

Question 27. Swaminathan last went to school on (स्वामीनाथन अंतिम बार (पिछली बार ) विद्यालय गया था ……….. को)

  1. Saturday
  2. Sunday
  3. Monday
  4. Friday

Answer: 4. Friday.

Question 28. Swaminathan’s father advised swami to loaf about less on ने स्वामी को को कम घूमने-फिरने की सलाह दी )

  1. Fridays
  2. Mondays
  3. Sundays
  4. Tuesdays

Answer: 3. Sundays.

Question 29. Father commented it was (पिताजी ने मंतव्य (टिप्पणी) किया कि यह….. था । )

  1. Nonsense
  2. Reasonable
  3. Possible
  4. Expected

Answer: 1. Nonsense.

Question 30. Swami knew that his father was very-

  1. Strict
  2. Indulgent
  3. Clever
  4. Angry

Answer: 1. Strict.

Question 31. Samuel was – (सैम्युएल थे…….)

  1. A student
  2. A teacher
  3. A principal
  4. A headmaster

Answer: 2. A teacher.

Question 32. Swami’s father said swami must-चाहिए।)

  1. Study at home
  2. Stay at home
  3. Have to go to school
  4. Loaf about.

Answer: 3. Have to go to school.

Question 33. Here ‘loaf about’ signifies-(‘loaf about’……….)

  1. Wasting time
  2. Buy a loaf of bread
  3. Going to bed
  4. A ruffian

Answer: 1. Wasting time.

Wbbse English Solution Class 10

Question 34. Swami told his father that if he was late in the class his teacher would— ने अपने पिता से कहा कि यदि वह अपनी कक्षा में विलम्ब से जाएगा तो उसके शिक्षक उसे .. करेंगे।)

  1. Scold him
  2. Drive him out
  3. Make him stand on the bench
  4. Beat him

Answer: 1. Scold him.

Question 35. According to the swami, even the headmaster feared – भी………… से डरते थे ।)

  1. Students
  2. Samuel
  3. Swami’s father
  4. None of them

Answer: 2. Samuel

Question 36. Swami’s father wanted to know from swami the name of – से…… का नाम जानना चाहा ।)

  1. The teacher
  2. The peon
  3. The Secretary
  4. The headmaster

Answer: 1. The teacher.

Question 37. Father ordered swami to go to school because it was – विद्यालय जाने की आज्ञा दी क्योंकि यह थी

  1. Mother’s fault
  2. Swami’s fault
  3. Father’s fault
  4. Teacher’s fault

Answer: 2. Swami’s fault.

Question 38. According to swami samuel was especially angry with those students who were – (स्वामी के अनुसार सैम्युएल उन विद्यार्थियों पर विशेष रूप से क्रोधित होते थे जो ………. थे ।)

  1. Unhealthy
  2. Attentive
  3. Late-comers
  4. Inattentive

Answer: 3. Late-comers.

Question 39. In Swami’s words, the ‘very angry man’ refers to -(and pret it aft व्यक्ति’ संकेत करता है ……….. की ओर )

  1. The teacher
  2. His father
  3. The headmaster
  4. Samuel

Answer: 4. Samuel.

2. State Wheather The Following Statements Are True Or False. Provide Sentences/ Phrases/Words In Support Of Your Answer:

Question 1. Swami was confident that samuel would behave well with him. (स्वामी को विश्वास था कि सैम्युअल उसके साथ अच्छा व्यवहार करेंगे।)
Supporting statement: “He will scold me if I say so.”
Answer: False

Question 2. Mother ordered swami to go to school. माँ ने स्वामी को विद्यालय जाने की आज्ञा दी ।)
Supporting statement: Mother generously suggested that Swami might stay at home.
Answer: False

Question 3. Swami was lying in his father’s room. (स्वामी अपने पित्ता के कमरे में लेटा हुआ था । )
Supporting statement: Swami was lying on the bench in Mother’s room.
Answer: False

Question 4. According to swami’s father, swami was himself to be blamed for being late.(स्वामी के पिता के अनुसार, देर होने के लिए स्वामी स्वयं जिम्मेवार था । )
Supporting statement: It is your fault.
Answer: True

Question 5. Swami was delighted to realize that it was Monday morning. (करके प्रसन्न था कि यह सोमवार की सुबह थी । )
Supporting statements: “Swami realized with a shudder that it was Monday morning.”
Answer: False

Question 6. Swami was disappointed that he would have to go to school. (उसे विद्यालय जाना पड़ेगा।)
Supporting statement: Swami hoped he didn’t have to go to school.
Answer: False

Question 7. On Monday morning, Swaminathan was lying on a bench. (at y स्वामीनाथन बेंच पर लेटा हुआ था ।)
Supporting statement: “Lying in bed, Swami………….it was Monday morning.
Answer: False

Question 8. Swami’s mother did not allow Swami to stay at home. पर ठहरने की अनुमति नहीं दी।)
Supporting statement: Mother generously suggested that Swami might stay at home.
Answer: False

Question 9. At 9.30 Swami should have been in the school prayer hall. (9:30 को विद्यालय के प्रार्थना कक्ष में होना चाहिए था । )
Supporting statement: At 9.30 he ought to have been in the school prayer hall.
Answer: True

Question 10. Swami told his father that he had a toothace. (स्वामी ने अपने पिता जी से कहा कि उसे दाँत में दर्द है ।)
Supporting statement: “Father asked him……………… Headache, Swami replied”
Answer: False

Question 11. Mother was soft-hearted. (माँ कोमल हृदय की थी।)
Supporting statement: Mother generously suggested that Swami might stay at home.
Answer: True

Question 12. Swami’s father rebuked Swami and ordered him to be ready to leave for school. (स्वामी के पिता जी ने स्वामी को डाँटा और विद्यालय जाने की आज्ञा दिया ।)
Supporting statement: “Nonsense! Dress up and go. ”
Answer: True

Question 13. Father said, “Sensible boy ! Dress up and go.” (पिताजी ने कहा, “समझदार लड़के ! पोशाक पहनो और जाओ ।)
Supporting statement: “Nonsense! Dress up and go. ”
Answer: False

Question 14. Swami’s father told Swami to loaf about less on Mondays. (स्वामी के पिता जी ने स्वामी को सोमवार को कम घूमने-फिरने को कहा )
Supporting statement: “Loaf about less on Sundays.”
Answer: False

Question 15. Father changed his mind on Swami’s insistence. (स्वामी की जिद पर पिताजी ने अपना विचार बदल लिया ।)
Supporting statement: No amount of protest from Swami would make him change his mind.
Answer: False

Question 16. Swami’s first tactics came of no use – (स्वामी की पहली युक्ति विफल हो गई ।)
Supporting statement: “So he changed his tactics.”
Answer: True

Question 17. Swarni knew how lenient his father could be. (स्वामी जानता था कि उसके पिता कितने दयालु हो सकते थे ।)
Supporting statement: “Swamis knew how strict his father could be.”
Answer: False

Question 18. Swami would be late to school for his own fault. (स्वामी को अपनी गलती के कारणस्कूल जाने में विलम्ब हुई ।)
Supporting statement: “It is your own fault.”
Answer: True

Question 19. According to Swami Samuel was a very gentle man. (स्वामी के अनुसार सैम्युएल बहुत ही विनम्र थे ।)
Supporting statement: “He is a very angry man.”
Answer: False

Question 20. He is especially angry with the boys who do not come in time. (वे विशेष कर उन लड़कों पर क्रुद्ध होते हैं जो समय पर नहीं आते हैं।)
Supporting statement: He is especially angry with boys who come in late.
Answer: True

Question 21. Swami didn’t want to go late to Samuel’s class. (स्वामी सैम्युएल की कक्षा में विलम्ब
से नहीं जाना चाहता था । )
Supporting statement: “I wouldn’t like to go late to Samuel’s class.”
Answer: True

Question 22. Samuel was afraid of headmaster. (सैम्युएल प्रधानाध्यापक से डरते थे ।)
Supporting statement: They say that even the headmaster is afraid of him.
Answer: False

3. Complete The Following Sentences With Information From The Text. (निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करें 

Question 1. With a shudder from bed Swami realized that (विस्तर पर स्वामीनाथन ने काँपते हुए अनुभव किया कि)
Answer: It was Monday morning. (यह सोमवार की सुबह थी ।)

Question 2. It seemed to Swami as if – (स्वामी को प्रतीत हुआ कि मानो – )
Answer: It was Friday a moment ago. (एक पल पहले शुक्रवार था ।)

Question 3. Swami hoped – (स्वामी ने आशा किया – )
Answer: that he didn’t have to go to school. (कि उसे विद्यालय नहीं जाना पड़ेगा।)

Question 4. Swaminathan wailed by saying. (स्वामीनाथन ने विलाप करते हुए कहा )
Answer: “I have an headache”. (“मेरे सिर में दर्द है। “)

Question 5. It was mother’s generous suggestions (माँ का उदारतापूर्ण सुझाव था )
Answer: that Swami might stay at home. (कि स्वामी घर पर ही ठहर जाए।)

Question 6. Swami was lying on the bench – (स्वामी बेंच पर लेटा था )
Answer: in Mother’s room. (माँ के कमरे में।)

Wbbse English Solution Class 10

Question 7. Swami would be without a headache on Monday – (स्वामी को सोमवार को सर दर्द नहीं होता)
Answer: If he loafed about less on Sundays. (यदि वह रविवार को कम घूमता-फिरता ।)

Question 8. The questions of Swami’s father to Swami was (स्वामी से स्वामी के पिता का प्रश्न था)
Answer: “Have you no school today.” (“क्या आज तुम्हारा स्कूल नहीं है ? ” )

Question 9. Father advised Swami to tell his teacher (पिताजी ने स्वामी को सलाह दिया कि वह अपने शिक्षक को बताए
Answer: that he had a headache and so he was late. (कि उसे सर दर्द था इसलिए उसे विलम्ब हुआ ।)

Question 10. The headmaster is afraid of Samuel because (प्रधानाध्यापक सैम्युएल से डरते हैं क्योंकि)
Answer: he is very angry. (वे बहुत क्रोधी हैं।)

Question 11. According to swami, he had (स्वामी के अनुसार उसे था ।)
Answer: a headache (सिरदर्द) । )

Question 12. Swami came to school because his father (स्वामी विद्यालय आया क्योंकि उसके पित्ता ने)
Answer: Forced him (उसे बाध्य किया।)

Question 13. Mother suggested that(माँ ने सुझाव दिया कि ………… )
Answer: Swami might stay at home. (स्वामी घर में ठहर सकता था ।)

Question 14. Father asked swami if (पिताजी ने स्वामी से पूछा कि ……….)
Answer: He had no school that day. (क्या उस दिन उसे विद्यालय नहीं जाना था।)

Question 15. By nature samuel was(सैम्युअल स्वभाव से ……. थे ।)
Answer: Very angry (बहुत क्रोधी)।

Question 16. Swami knew that his father (स्वामी जानता था कि उसके पिता)
Answer: was a strict man (एक सख्त व्यक्ति थे ।)

Question 17. Swami’s father asked him whether samuel (स्वामी के पिता ने उससे पूछा कि क्या सैम्यूअल -)
Answer: always scolded the students (हमेशा विद्यार्थियों को डाँटते थे।)

Question 18. He is especially angry …… boys who come………. late. He is a very angry man.
Answer: with, in, a.

Question 19. It looked as though only………… moment ago it was Friday. Already Monday was here, he hoped he didn’t have………… go……. school.
Answer: a, to, too.

Question 20. Lying…………. bed, swami realized, shuddering that it was Monday morning.
Answer: on, with, a.

3. Answer The Following Questions.

Question 1. What is the full name of the writer ? (लेखक का पूरा नाम क्या है? )
Answer: The full name of the writer is Rasipuram Krishnaswamy Narayan. (लेखक का पूरा नाम राशिपुरम कृष्णास्वामी नारायण है ।)

Question 2. Where has the story been taken from? (कहानी कहाँ से उद्धत है ?)
Answer: The story has been taken from ‘Malgudi Days’. (कहानी ‘मालगुडी डेज’ से उद्धत है।)

Question 3. Where was Swaminathan lying ? (स्वामीनाथन कहाँ लेटा हुआ था ? )
Answer: Swaminathan was lying in bed. (स्वामीनाथन बिस्तर पर लेटा हुआ था।)

Question 4. What did Swami realize lying in bed ? (बिस्तर पर लेटे हुए स्वामी ने क्या अनुभव किया?)
Answer: Lying in bed Swami realized that it was Monday Morning. (बिस्तर पर लेटे हुए स्वामी ने अनुभव किया कि यह सोमवार की सुबह थी ।)

Question 5. What did it seem to him while he was lying in bed ? (जब वह बिस्तर पर लेटा हुआ था तो उसे क्या प्रतीत हुआ ?)
Answer: While he was lying in bed, it seemed to Swami that a moment ago it was Friday. (जब वह बिस्तर पर पड़ा हुआ था तो उसे प्रतीत हुआ कि एक क्षण पहले तो शुक्रवार था ।)

Question 6. What did Swami hope ? (स्वामी ने क्या आशा किया ? )
Answer: Swami hoped that he did not have to go to shcool that day.(स्वामी ने आशा किया कि उसे उस दिन विद्यालय नहीं जाना पड़ेगा।)

Question 7. When did Swaminathan give a wail ? (स्वामीनाथन कब रो पड़ा ? )
Answer: Swaminathan gave a wail at 9 O’Clock in the morning. (सुबह 9 बजे स्वामीनाथन रो पड़ा ।)

Question 8. To whom did Swaminathan first complain of his headache ? (स्वामीनाथन ने सर्वप्रथम किसे अपने सरदर्द का दुःखड़ा सुनाचा?)
Answer: Swaminathan first complained of his headache to his mother. (स्वामीनाथन ने सर्वप्रथम अपनी माँ को अपने सरदर्द का दुःखड़ा सुनाया।)

Wbbse English Solution Class 10

Question 9. What did mother do when Swami complained of headache ? (जब स्वामी ने सरदर्द का दुःखड़ा सुनाया तो उसकी माँ ने क्या किया?)
Answer: Hearing of Swami’s headache, Mother suggested generously that he might stay back home. स्वामी के सरदर्द के बारे में सुनकर माँ ने उदारतापूर्वक सुझाव दिया कि वह घर पर ठहर सकता था।)

Question 10. What sort of a woman was Swaminathan’s mother? (स्वामीनाथन की माँ किस प्रकार की महिला थी ? )
Answer: Swaminathan’s mother was a generous woman by nature. (स्वामीनाथन की माँ स्वभाव से एक उदार महिलां थी ।)

Question 11. What did Swami do when it was time to be in the school prayer hall ? (विद्यालय के प्रार्थना में होने के समय स्वामी ने क्या किया ?)
Answer: At 9.30 Swami was lying on a bench in Mother’s room when it was time to be in the
school prayer hall. (सुबह 9.30 बजे स्वामी अपनी माँ के कमरे में एक बेन्च पर लेटा था जब उसे विद्यालय के प्रार्थना में होने का समय था ।

Question 12. What sort of a man was Swaminathan’s father ? (स्वामीनाथन के पिता कैसे व्यक्ति थे ? )
Answer: Swaminathan’s father was very strict. (स्वामीनाथन के पिता बहुत सख्त व्यक्ति थे ।)

Question 13. What did father ask Swami ? (पिताजी ने स्वामी से क्या पूछा ? )
Answer: Father asked Swami if he had no school that day. ( पिताजी ने स्वामी से पूछा कि क्या आज उसका स्कूल नही था।)

Question 14. What was the order of Swami’s father ? (स्वामी के पिताजी की क्या आज्ञा थी ? )
Answer: Swami’s father ordered Swami to dress up and go to school. (स्वामी के पिताजी ने स्वामी को पोशाक पहनने एवं विद्यालय जाने की आज्ञा दी।)

Question 15. How would Swami be without a headache on Monday according to his father? ( उसके पिता के अनुसार स्वामी सोमवार को सरदर्द से कैसे बच सकता था ? )
Answer: Swami’s father thought that Swami could be without a headache on Monday if he only loafed about less on Sundays. (स्वामी के पिताजी ने विचार किया कि स्वामी सोमवार को सरदर्द से बच सकता था यदि वह रविवार को घूमना-फिरना कम करे ।)

Question 16. Who changed his tactics ? (किसने अपनी युक्ति बदली ? )
Answer: Swaminathan changed his tactics. (स्वामीनाथन ने अपनी युक्ति बदली ।)

Question 17. What was father’s suggestion ? (पिताजी का सुझाव क्या था ? )
Answer: Father suggested that he should go to school and tell his teacher that he was late for his headache. ( पिताजी ने सुझाव दिया कि वह विद्यालय जाए एवं अपने शिक्षक को बताए कि उसके सरदर्द के कारण उसे विलम्ब हुआ।)

Question 18. When did Swami change his tactics ? (स्वामी ने अपनी युक्ति (चालबाजी) कब बदला?)
Answer: Swami changed his tactics when his father told him to dress up and go to school. स्वामी ने अपनी युक्ति / चालबाजी तब बदली जब उसके पिताजी ने उसे पोशाक पहनने एवं विद्यालय जाने को कहा।)

Question 19. What would the teacher do if Swami was late for school ? (यदि स्वामी को विद्यालय के लिए विलम्ब हो जाता तो शिक्षक क्या करते ? )
Answer: The teacher would scold Swami if he was late for school. (शिक्षक स्वामी को डाँटते यदि वह विद्यालय के लिए विलम्ब होता ।)

Question 20. What did father want to know about Swami’s teacher? (पिताजी ने स्वामी के शिक्षक के बारे में क्या जानना चाहा ? )
Answer: Father wanted to know from Swami if his teacher, Samuel, always scolded the students. (पिताजी ने स्वामी से जानना चाहा कि क्या उसके शिक्षक, सैम्युएल, विद्यार्थियों को हमेशा डाँटा करते थे।)

Question 21. How did Swami represent Samuel before his father? (स्वामी ने अपने पिताजी के सामने सैम्युएल को कैसे चित्रित किया?)
Answer: Swami represented Samuel as an angry teacher before his father. (स्वामी ने अपने पिताजी के सामने सैम्युएल को एक क्रोधी शिक्षक के रूप में चित्रित किया।)

Question 22. Which teacher was afraid of Samuel?
Answer: The headmaster was afraid of Samuel.(प्रधानाध्यापक सैम्युएल से भयभीत थे।)

Question 23. Whom was Samuel especially angry with? (सैम्युएल किनसे विशेष रूप से नाराज होते थे?)
Answer: Samuel was especially angry with the boy who would come late to school. (सैम्युए उस लड़के से विशेष रूप से नाराज होते थे जो विद्यालय देर से आते थे।)

Class 10 English Text Book Wbbse

Lesson – 1 Father’s Help Unit-2

1. Choose The Correct Alternative To Complete The Following Sentences: निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करने के लिए सही विकल्प चुनें।

Question 1. As a man samuel was (एक मनुष्य के रूप में सैम्युअल थे । )

  1. Vindictive
  2. Cruel
  3. Friendly
  4. Quarrel-some

Answer: 3. Friendly.

Question 2. Swami was bothered by:-के द्वारा ।

  1. Bad weather
  2. His father
  3. Samuel
  4. His conscience

Answer: 4. His conscience.

Question 3. While going to school swami felt –

  1. Delighted
  2. Morose
  3. Guilty
  4. Angry

Answer: 2. Morose

Question 4. Samuel used to wear –

  1. Yellow shirt
  2. Yellow coat
  3. Yellow kurta
  4. Dark colored coat

Answer: 2. Yellow coal

Question 5. Swami had to deliver: –

  1. Paper
  2. Letter
  3. Book
  4. Dairy

Answer: 2. Letter

Question 6. Swami asked his father about the letter स्वामी ने अपने पिताजी से पत्र के बारे में …. पूर्वक पूछा ।

  1. Cautiously
  2. Casually
  3. With fear in mind
  4. Smartly

Answer: 3. With fear in mind

Question 7. Swami’s father wrote in the letter plenty of things about बहुत सी बातें लिखी के बारे में।

  1. Swami
  2. Himself
  3. Headmaster
  4. Samuel

Answer: 4. Samuel

Question 8. Swami stopped on the roadside (स्वामी सड़क के किनारे खड़ा हो गया। ….)

  1. To make his mind up
  2. To take rest a while
  3. To avoid reaching school on time
  4. To waste time

Answer: 1. To make his mind up

Question 9. Swami went to – …… गया।

  1. School
  2. Cinema hall
  3. House
  4. Toilet

Answer: 1. School

Question 10. While talking about samuel swami felt that he had mixed up the art art में बात करते समय स्वामी ने महसूस किया कि उसनेको मिश्रित कर दिया था।

  1. Blue and white
  2. Emotion and truth
  3. The real and the imagined
  4. None of the above

Answer: 3. The real and the imagined

Question 11. Swami is the name of

  1. A student
  2. Girl
  3. A boy
  4. An imaginary character

Answer: 4. An imaginary character

Question 12. Swami stopped on the स्वामी का नाम है।

  1. Roadside
  2. By the riverside
  3. By the window
  4. None of the above

Answer: 1. Roadside

Question 13. Father decided to send a letter to the fun. ….. के पास पत्र भेजने का फैसला किया।

  1. Class teacher
  2. Games teacher
  3. Headmaster
  4. Samuel

Answer: 3. Headmaster

Question 14. Samuel was quiet:

  1. Rough
  2. Rude
  3. Friendly
  4. Always angry

Answer: 3. Friendly

Question 15. Father put the letter in a / an – पिताजी ने पत्र को में डाल दिया।

  1. Bag
  2. Envelope
  3. Inside a book
  4. Inside an exercise book

Answer: 2. Envelope

Question 16. Swami felt he was the………. Boy on earth-

  1. Worst
  2. Good
  3. Best
  4. Naughty

Answer: 1. Worst

Question 17. Swami’s father wrote a letter to (स्वामी के पिताजी ने पत्र लिखा …….. को ।)

  1. The staff of the school
  2. The president of the school
  3. Samuel
  4. The headmaster

Answer: 4. The headmaster.

Question 18. The letter that Swami’s father had composed was लिखा वह था । )

  1. Slip-like
  2. Short
  3. Long
  4. None of these

Answer: 3. Long.

Question 19. The letter was-

  1. Enveloped and sealed
  2. Unenveloped and unsealed
  3. Enveloped but unsealed
  4. Unenveloped but sealed

Answer: 3. Enveloped and sealed.

Question 20. Father’s behavior took………..

  1. An unexpected turn
  2. An imaginary turn
  3. An expected turn
  4. A dangerous turn

Answer: 3. An unexpected turn.

Question 21. Personally, among teachers, Samuel was not – रूप से नहीं थे ।)

  1. Friendly
  2. Noble
  3. Punctual
  4. Violent

Answer: 1. Friendly.

Question 22. Swami suspected that his father has written something objectionable about- (स्वामी को शंका हुई कि उसके पिताजी ने के बारे में कुछ आपत्तिजनक लिखा था ।)

  1. All the teachers
  2. Samuel
  3. Him
  4. The headmasters

Answer: 2. Samuel.

Question 23. While going to school, Swami felt he was the अनुभव हुआ कि वह था । )

  1. Worst boy
  2. Most talented boy
  3. Best boy
  4. Cleverest boy

Answer: 1. Worst boy.

Question 24. Samuel wore a yellow –

  1. Uniform
  2. Coat
  3. Shirt
  4. Apron

Answer: 2. Coat.

Question 25. Swami asked father about the content of the letter with: के बारे में पूछा……. के साथ ।)

  1. Apprehension
  2. Joy
  3. Timidity
  4. Courage

Answer: 1. Apprehension.

Question 26. Swami felt that Samuel had a special – (स्वामी ने महसूस किया कि सैम्युएल के मन में ……..)

  1. Weakness towards him
  2. Grudge against him
  3. Regard for him
  4. Indifference to him

Answer: 3. Regard for him.

Question 27. To make up his mind for Samuel, Swami stopped on the – निर्णय करने के लिए स्वामी रूका

  1. School gate side
  2. Riverside
  3. Bankside
  4. Roadside

Answer: 4. Roadside.

Question 28. Swami’s description of Samuel was a

  1. Exact
  2. Absurd
  3. Inaccurate
  4. Accurate

Answer: 3. Inaccurate.

Question 29. Personally Samuel was (व्यक्तिगत रूप से सैम्युएल

  1. Friendly
  2. Helpful
  3. Jealous
  4. Inimical

Answer: 1. Friendly.

Question 30. That day Samuel seemed very.

  1. Hopeless
  2. Gentle
  3. Absent-minded
  4. Angry

Answer: 2. Gentle.

Question 31. Swami’s head was dizzy with –

  1. Concern
  2. Confusion
  3. Headache
  4. Fear

Answer: 2. Confusion.

Question 32. Samuel’s mustache was-(at)

  1. Thin
  2. Medium
  3. Very thick
  4. Thick

Answer: 4. Thick.

Question 33. Swami was unsure if Samuel deserve it.

  1. The phrase
  2. The award
  3. The hatred
  4. The allegation.

Answer: 4. The allegation.

Question 34. Samuel’s face was-

  1. Fair
  2. Awesome
  3. Pretty
  4. Dark.

Answer: 4. Dark.

Question 35. Recalling Samuel’s dark, thin face Swami. ( याद कर के स्वामी……….)

  1. Felt Ashamed
  2. Was drowned in sorrow
  3. Felt victorious
  4. Was overjoyed

Answer: 2. Was drowned in sorrow.


2. Complete The Following Sentences With Information From The Text: (पाठ्यांश की सूचना के आधार पर निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करें)

Question 1. Swami was not sure about his description of samuel because(स्वामी सैम्युअल के वर्णन के बारे में आश्वस्त नहीं था क्योंकि………)
Answer: He had mixed up the real and the imagined. (उसने वास्तविकता एवं कल्पना को मिश्रित कर दिया था।)

Question 2. The boy for whom samuel had a special regard was लिए सैम्युअल के मन में विशेष स्थान था
Answer: Swami (स्वामी) ।

Question 3. Swami’s conscience made him feel that. …. (जिस लड़के के स्वामी के विवेक ने उसे महसूस)
Answer: His description of samuel had not been accurate. (सैम्युअल के बारे में उसका वर्णन सही नहीं था ।)

Question 4. Swami mixed up the real and imagined in(स्वामी ने वास्तकवता एवं कल्पना को मिश्रित कर दिया था में । ) (सैम्युअल के वर्णन) ।
Answer: His description of Samuel

Question 5. Swami was hopeful that……………(स्वामी को आशा थी कि ……….)
Answer: With this, his father would be made to see why he must avoid school for the day.

Question 6. Father wrote a … (पित्ताजी ने ……..)
Answer: Letter (पत्र) ।

Question 7. Swami felt samuel was ……… (स्वामी ने महसूस कि सैम्युअल ……….)
Answer: Not such a bad man after all. (आखिरकार उतने बुरे व्यक्ति भी नहीं थे।)

Question 8. Swami was disturbed by…………….
Answer: His conscience (अपने विवेक से) ।

Question 9. Swami was too confused to decide if—— (स्वामी यह फैसला कर पाने में बहुत भ्रमित था कि क्या ………..)
Answer: Samuel really deserved the allegations made against him in the letter. (सैम्युअल पत्र में अपने विरुद्ध लगाये गये आरोपों के योग्य थे ।)

Question 10. Apprehensively Swami asked his father (स्वामी ने डरते हुए अपने पिता से पूछा
Answer: “What have you written”. (‘आप ने क्या लिखा है।)

Question 11. Stopping on the roadside Swami wanted to (सड़क के किनारे खड़ा होकर स्वामी चाहता था कि ……….)
Answer: make up his mind about Samuel. (सैम्युअल के बारे में फैसला करना ।)

Question 12. Swami went……….. school feeling that he was………….. worst boy…………earth.
Answer: to, the, on.

Question 13. The more he thought …. Samuel, ….. him………… more swami grieved
Answer: of, the, of.

Question 14. Swami protested but he (स्वामी ने विरोध किया किन्तु वह – )
Answer: Could not change his father’s mind (अपने पिता के मन को परिवर्तित नहीं कर सका।)

Question 15. Putting the letter in an envelope (पत्र को एक लिफाफे में रखकर -)
Answer: Father sealed it and gave it to Swami. (पिताजी ने इसे बन्द कर दिया एवं इसे स्वामी को दे दिया।)

Question 16. Swami’s father proposed to (स्वामी के पिताजी ने चाहा – )
Answer: Send a letter with Swami to the headmaster. (प्रधानाध्यापक महोदय को स्वामी के माध्यम से एक पत्र भेजना।)

Question 17. Swami was ready to leave ( स्वामी तैयार था रवाना होने को -)
Answer: For school – (विद्यालय के लिए।)

Question 18. While going to school, Swami’s conscience(विद्यालय जाते समय स्वामी की आत्मचेतना……….1)
Answer: Bothered him. (ने उसे परेशान किया।)

Question 19. To make up his mind about samuel, Swami stopped. (सैम्युएल के बारे में फैसला करने के लिए स्वामी ठहरा)
Answer: On the roadside. (सड़क के किनारे)

Question 20. Samuel was, according to Swami, was not after all – (स्वामी के अनुसार, सैम्युएल अंततः नहीं थे)
Answer: a bad man. (एक बुरे व्यक्ति)

Question 21. Swami grieved for Samuel (स्वामी को सैम्युएल के लिए उतनी अधिक तकलीफ हुई)
Answer: the more he thought about him. (जितना अधिक उसने उनके बारे में सोचा।)

Question 22. Swami was reluctant to go (स्वामी अनिच्छुक था – )
Answer: late to Samuel’s class. (सैम्युएल की कक्षा में देर से जाने को ।)

3. State Whether The Following Statements Are True Or False. Provide Sentences/ Phrases/Words In Support Of Your Answer:

Question 1. Swami has felt that he is a very good boy. (स्वामी ने महसूस किया कि वह एक बहुत अच्छा लड़का है।)
Supporting statement: Swami went to school feeling that he was the worst boy on earth.
Answer: False

Question 2. Personally samuel was not much more amiable than the other teachers (व्यक्तिगत रूप से स्वामी अन्य शिक्षकों की तुलना में अधिक मित्रवत् नहीं थे।)
Supporting statement: Personally, he was much more friendly than the other teachers.
Answer: False

Question 3. It was for samuel that swami did not want to go to school late. (सैम्युअल के कारण स्वामी देर से विद्यालय नहीं जाना चाहता था ।)
Supporting statement: By the time swami was ready to leave for school, Father had composed a long letter to the headmaster.
Answer: True

Question 4. Swami was very happy on his way to school. (विद्यालय जाते समय स्वामी बहुत प्रसन्न था ।)
Supporting statement: Swami went to school feeling that he was the worst boy on earth.
Answer: False

Question 5. Swami felt that his view about samuel was a product of his imagination. (स्वामी ने महसूस किया कि सैम्युअल के बारे में उसके विचार उसकी कल्पना मात्र थी।)
Supporting statement: He felt he had mixed up the real and the imagined.
Answer: True

Question 6. Swami was not without a little fear while making queries about his father’s letter.
Answer: True

Question 7. Swami was in two minds about Samuel.
Answer: True

Question 8. Swami’s father proposed to go with Swami to the head master. (स्वामी के पिताजी , ने स्वामी के साथ प्रधानाध्यापक के पास जाने का विचार किया ।)
Supporting statements: “He proposed to send a letter with Swami to the headmaster.”
Answer: False

Question 9. Swami thought he would be able to change his father’s mind. (स्वामी ने विचार किया कि वह अपने पिता के मन/विचार को बदल देगा ।)
Supporting statement: “No amount of protest from Swami would make him change his mind.”
Answer: False

Question 10. Father’s behaviour astonished Swami. (पिताजी के व्यवहार ने स्वामी को आश्चर्यचकितकर दिया।)
Supporting statement: But the father’s behavior took an unexpected turn.
Answer: True

Question 11. Swami’s father sent an open letter to the headmaster. (स्वामी के पिताजी ने प्रधानाध्यापक को एक खुला पत्र भेजा )
Supporting statement: “He put it in an envelope and sealed it.”
Answer: False

Question 12. Samuel was afraid of headmaster. (सैम्युएल प्रधानाध्यापक से डरते थे ।)
Supporting statement: They say that even the headmaster is afraid of him.
Answer: False

Question 13. Swami was sure his description of Samuel had been exact. (स्वामी आश्वस्त था कि सैम्युएल के बारे में किया हुआ उसका वर्णन सटीक था ।)
Supporting statement: “He wasn’t at all sure if his description of Samuel had been accurate.
Answer: False

Question 14. Swami was sorry for Samuel. (स्वामी सैम्युएल के लिए दुःखी था ।)
Supporting statement: Swami grieved for him.
Answer: True

Question 15. Swami read the letter on his way to school. (स्वामी ने विद्यालय जाने के रास्ते में पत्रपढ़ा।)
Supporting statement: He put it in an envelope and sealed it.
Answer: False

Question 16. Swami was confident to decribing Samuel as an angry teacher. (स्वामी ने आत्मविश्वास के साथ सैम्युएल को एक क्रोधी शिक्षक के रूप में वर्णन किया ।)
Supporting statement: “He wasn’t at all sure if his description of Samuel had been accurate.
Answer: False

Question 17. Swami felt Samuel had no regard for him. (स्वामी ने महसूस किया कि सैम्युएल के मन में उसकी कोई परवाह नहीं थी ।)
Supporting statement: Swami also felt Samuel had a special regard for him.
Answer: False

Question 18. According to Swami, Samuel was a friendly sort of a man. (स्वामी के अनुसार सैम्युएल एक मित्रवत व्यक्ति थे।)
Supporting statement: “Personally he was much more Friendly”
Answer: False

Question 19. Samuel was a fair, clean-shaven person. (सैम्युएल एक गोरे एवं अच्छी तरह हजामत किये हुए व्यक्ति थे ।)
Supporting statement: Samuel’s dark face, his thin mustache, and his unshaven cheek.
Answer: False

Question 20. Father wrote about Swami in the letter. (पिताजी ने पत्र में स्वामी के बारे में लिखा ।)
Supporting statement: Nothing for you.
Answer: False

Question 21. Samuel had special affection towards Swami. (सैम्युएल के मन में स्वामी के लिए विशेष स्नेह था ।)
Supporting statement: “Samuel had a special regard for him.
Answer: True

Question 22. Swami’s head was dizzy with headache. (सरदर्द से स्वामी का सिर चकरा रहा था।
Supporting statement: “Swami’s head was dizzy with confusion.
Answer: True

4. Answer The Following Questions :

Question 1. What did Swami hope ? (स्वामीनाथन ने क्या आशा की ? )
Answer: Swami hoped that he would be able to convince his father why it was necessary for him to avoid going to school that day. स्वामीनाथन ने आशा किया कि वह अपने पिता को मना लेगा कि उस दिन विद्यालय नहीं जाना उसके लिए क्यों आवश्यक था।

Question 2. What did Swami’s father propose ? (स्वामी के पिताजी ने क्या प्रस्ताव रखा ?)
Answer: Swami’s father proposed to send a letter with Swami. स्वामी के पिताजी ने स्वामी के साथ (के माध्यम से) एक पत्र भेजने का प्रस्ताव रखा।

Question 3. How did father behave ? (पिताजी ने कैसा व्यवहार किया ? )
Answer: To Swami’s surprise father’s behaviour took an unexpected turn. (पिताजी के व्यवहार में अप्रत्याशित परिवतर्न से स्वामी आश्चर्यचकित हो गया।)

Question 4. What did father ask Swami to do with the letter ? (पिताजी ने स्वामी को पत्र का क्या करने को कहा?)
Answer: Father asked Swami to give the letter to the headmaster first and then go to his class.
(पिताजी ने स्वामी को सर्वप्रथम प्रधानाध्यापक महोदय को पत्र देने तत्पश्चात् अपनी कक्षा में जाने हो कहा ।

Question 5. Who was thought to be alleged in the letter written by Swami’s father ? (स्वामी के पिता के द्वारा लिखे गये पत्र में किस पर आरोप लगाया गया था ।)
Answer: Samuel, Swami’s teacher, was thought to be alleged in his father’s letter. (उसके पिता के पत्र में स्वामी के शिक्षक, सैम्युएल पर आरोप लगाया गया था।)

Question 6. To whom did Swami’s father propose to send the letter ? (स्वामी के पिताजी ने किसे पत्र भेजने का प्रस्ताव रखा? )
Answer: Swami’s father proposed to send the letter to the headmaster of Swami’s school. (स्वामी के पिता ने स्वामी के विद्यालय के प्रधानाध्यापक को पत्र देने का प्रस्ताव रखा।)

Question 7. When did father finish composing the letter ? (पिताजी ने पत्र लिखना कब समाप्त किया?)
Answer: By the time Swami was supposed to leave for school, father had finished composing the letter to the headmaster. (स्वामी के विद्यालय के लिए रवाना होने के समय तक पिताजी ने प्रधानाध्यापक को पत्र लिखना समाप्त कर चुके थे ।)

Question 8. What did Swami’s father write in the letter ? (स्वामी के पिताजी ने पत्र में क्या लिखा ? )
Answer: Swami’s father wrote in the letter about Swami’s teacher, Samuel. (स्वामी के पिताजी ने पत्र में स्वामी के शिक्षक, सैम्युयल के बारे में लिखा )

Question 9. What did Swami feel when he went to shcool ? (स्वामी ने क्या महसूस किया जब वह विद्यालय गया ? )
Answer: Swami felt sad when he went to school.(स्वामी ने उदास महसूस किया जब वह विद्यालय गया ।)

Question 10. How was the size of the letter composed by Swami’s father ? (स्वामी के पिता के द्वारा लिखे गये पत्र का आकार कैसा था ? )
Answer: The size of the letter composed by Swami’s father was long. (स्वामी के पिता के द्वारा लिखे गये पत्र का आकार लम्बा था।)

Question 11. Whom did swami’s father tell Swami to deliver the letter to ? (स्वामी के पिता ने स्वामी को पत्र किसे देने को कहा ? )
Answer: Swami’s father told Swami to deliver the letter to the headmaster. (स्वामी के पिता ने स्वामी को पत्र प्रधानाध्यापक को देने को कहा।)

Question 12. What did Swami ask his father and how? (स्वामी ने अपने पिता से क्या एवं कैसे पूछा? )
Answer: Swami asked his father apprehensively what he had written in the letter. (स्वामी ने अपने पिता से डरते हुए पूछा कि उन्होंने पत्र में क्या लिखा था ।)

Question 13. What wrong, according to himself, did Swami do regarding Samuel ? (स्वामी के अनुसार उसने सैम्युएल के सम्बन्ध में क्या गलती की ?)
Answer: Swami had cooked up a story about Samuel by mixing up the real and the imagined. (स्वामी ने वास्तविकता एवं कल्पना को मिश्रित कर सैम्युएल के बारे में एक कहानी गढ़ ली।)

Question 14. What bothered Swami when he went to school ? (जब स्वामी विद्यालय गया तो उसे क्या चिंता खाये जा रही थी ? )
Answer: Consience bothered Swami when he went to school. (जब स्वामी विद्यालय गया तो उसका अंतःकरण उसे कष्ट दे रहा था।)

Question 15. Why did Swami’s father put the letter ? (स्वामी के पिता ने पत्र कहाँ रखा ? )
Answer: Swami’s father put the letter in an envelope. (स्वामी के पिता ने पत्र को एक लिफाफे में रखा।)

Question 16. Why did swami stop on the way for ? (स्वामी रास्ते में क्यों रूका ? )
Answer: Swami stopped on the way to make up his mind about Samuel. सैम्युएल के बारे में निर्णय करने के लिए स्वामी रास्ते में रूका।)

Question 17. What did father tell Swami about the content of the letter ? (पिताजी ने पत्र के विषय- वस्तु के बारे में स्वामी को क्या बताया ? )
Answer: Instead of telling what he had written, father said everything was there in the letter. (उन्होंने जो पत्र में लिखा था यह बताने की बजाय पिताजी ने कहा कि पत्र में सब लिखा था।)

Question 18. What did Swami feel about himself ? (स्वामी ने स्वयं के बारे में क्या महसूस किया ? )
Answer: Swami felt himself the worst boy in the world while he went to school.(स्वामी ने स्वयं को संसार का सबसे बुरा लड़का माना जब वह विद्यालय गया ।)

Question 19. Who had a special regard for Swaminathan in the school ? (विद्यालय में किनके मन में स्वामीनाथन के लिए विशेष स्नेह था?)
Answer: Samuel had a special regard for Swaminathan in the class. (वर्ग में स्वामीनाथन के लिए सैम्युएल के मन में विशेष स्नेह था ।)

Question 20. What sort of a man was Samuel according to Swami?
Answer: According to Swami, Samuel was not such a bad man.

Question 21. How was swami’s relationship with Samuel?
Answer: Samuel was more friendly than the other teachers to swami.

Question 22. When did Swami feel sorry for Samuel?
Answer: Swami felt sorry for Samuel when he recalled his appearance.

Question 23. What would Samuel put on?
Answer: Samuel would put on a yellow coat.

Question 24. Whose head was dizzy with confusion?
Answer: Swami’s head was dizzy with confusion.

Question 25. What filled Swaminathan with sorrow?
Answer: To recall Samuel’s dark face his thin mustache unshaven check and his yellow coat filled Swaminathan with sorrow.


Lesson – 1 Father’s Help Unit-3

1. Choose The Correct Alternative To Complete The Following Sentences: (निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करने के लिए सही विकल्प चुनें।)

Question 1. Swami was late for school by स्वामी विद्यालय के लिए….. देर था।

  1. An hour
  2. Thirty minutes
  3. No means
  4. More than hour

Answer: 2. Thirty minutes

Question 2. As per the text parents should- पाठ के अनुसार माता-पिता को

  1. Compel their wards to do homework
  2. Not send their wards to school if the home task is not done
  3. Never scold their wards
  4. Insist on regularity in attendance

Answer: 4. Insist on regularity in attendance.

Question 3. Samuel was impressed with……. से प्रभावित हुए।

  1. Swami’s mother
  2. Swami’s brother
  3. Swami’s father
  4. Swami’s teacher

Answer: 3. Swami’s father.

Question 4. Swami believed that samuel got most angry सैम्युअल सबसे अधिक नाराज होते थे जब होना चाहिये।

  1. Teaching arithmetic
  2. Talking with swami
  3. Inspecting examination papers
  4. Inspecting home lessons

Answer: 4. Inspecting home lessons.

Question 5. That he should not miss school was heard by swami नहीं चूकना चाहिये यह स्वामी द्वारा कब सुना गया।

  1. He was at the field
  2. He was loafing on a Sunday
  3. He faced Samuel
  4. He was at home

Answer: 4. He was at home

Question 6. For not having done his home-work, swaminathan made an excuse of: – गृह कार्य नहीं करने का स्वामीनाथन के … का बहाना बनाया।

  1. Fever
  2. Headache
  3. Cousin’s marriage
  4. Stomach pain

Answer: 2. Headache

Question 7. Swami thought Samuel a: –

  1. Cruel man
  2. Vagabond
  3. Rich man
  4. Poor man

Answer: 4. Poor man

Question 8. The school bell rang fast

  1. 3:30
  2. 4:00
  3. 4:30
  4. 4:20

Answer: 3. 4:30

Question 9. Samuel gets angry most while he :- सैम्युअल…………. सर्वाधिक क्रोधित होते है जब वह

  1. Teaches the class
  2. Conducts the prayer
  3. Checks the homework

Answer: 4. Checks the homework

Question 10. Swami could not do the homework as at tight artisan…..i

  1. He had toothache
  2. He had a headache
  3. He had a fever
  4. His mother suddenly fell ill

Answer: 2. He had a headache

Question 11. Swami went to the headmaster’s room to deliver the letter at के कमरे में……… बजे पत्र देने गया ।

  1. 4:00 P.m.
  2. 4:30 P.m.
  3. 3:30 P.m.
  4. 11:30 P.m.

Answer: 2. 4:30 P.m.

Question 12. That day Samuel appeared very –

  1. Rough
  2. Gentle
  3. Angry
  4. Jolly

Answer: 2. Gentle

Question 13. When swami stood before his classroom, his teacher was teaching जब स्वामी अपनी कक्षा के सामने खड़ा था, उसके शिक्षक ….. पढ़ा रहे थे।

  1. English
  2. History
  3. Geography
  4. Mathematics

Answer: 4. Mathematics

Question 14. Swami showed an excuse to this teacher that he had a pain in his – स्वामी ने अपने शिक्षक के सामने बहाना किया कि उसे में दर्द था ।

  1. Knee
  2. Tooth
  3. Head
  4. Ear

Answer: 3. Head

Question 15. When samuel told swami to take his seat, swami to take his seat, swami was felling जब सैम्युअल ने स्वामी को उसके स्थान पर बैठने को कहा तो स्वामी महसूस कर रहा था ।

  1. Unhappy
  2. Cheerful
  3. Angry
  4. Tired

Answer: 1. Unhappy

Question 16. Swami decided to deliver the letter to the headmaster (an महोदय को पत्र देने का निर्णय किया….)

  1. During the prayer
  2. During the tiffin
  3. After school hours
  4. After Samuel’s period

Answer: 3. After school hours.

Question 17. Swaminathan hoped Samuel would

  1. Beat him
  2. Chase him
  3. Rebuke him
  4. Look at him sternly

Answer: 3. Rebuke him.

Question 18. When swami entered the class, samuel was teaching-किया, सैम्युएल पढ़ा रहे थे – )

  1. Geography
  2. Science
  3. History
  4. Arithmetic

Answer: 4. Arithmetic.

Question 19. Samuel might do something to justify – (सैम्युएल कुछ कर सकते थे ……… को)

  1. The letter
  2. His father’s attitude
  3. Swami’s expulsion
  4. Swami’s punishment

Answer: 1. The letter.

Question 20. An idea occurred to swami when he entered the जब उसने प्रवेश किया में ।)

  1. Classroom
  2. Headmaster’s room
  3. School gate
  4. School ground

Answer: 3. School gate.

Question 21. When swami told samuel that his father wanted him not to miss school, he looked – (जब स्वामी ने सैम्युएल को कहा कि उसके पिता नहीं चाहते थे कि वह विद्यालय जाने से चूके तो वे दिखे……..1)

  1. Ashamed
  2. Angry
  3. Mortified
  4. Impressed

Answer: 4. Impressed.

Question 22. Swaminathan told Samuel that he had

  1. A headache
  2. A backache
  3. A toothache
  4. A stomachache

Answer: 1. A headache.

Question 23. Swami was late to school by- (स्वामी को विद्यालय जाने में विलम्ब हुआ था .)

  1. Three hours
  2. Two hours
  3. Half an hour
  4. An hours

Answer: 3. Half an hour.

Question 24. Swami’s father told him –

  1. Not to miss school
  2. To be regular at school
  3. Not to attend mathematics class
  4. To bunk school sometimes

Answer: 1. Not to miss school.

Question 25. The teacher was inspecting the –

  1. Homework
  2. School uniform
  3. Exam copies
  4. Classroom

Answer: 1. Homework.

Question 26. Swami’s school broke up at (स्वामी के विद्यालय में छुट्टी हुई बजे ।)

  1. 5.30 pm
  2. 4 Pm
  3. 4.30 pm
  4. 3.30 pm

Answer: 3. 4.30 pm

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Question 27. According to swami, while examining home lessons, samuel got most-( के अनुसार गृह कार्य जाँचते समय सैम्युएल सर्वाधिक होते थे ।)

  1. Cool
  2. Impressed
  3. Angry
  4. Patient

Answer: 3. Angry.

Question 28. The headmaster was on a leave for one-

  1. Week
  2. Year
  3. Month
  4. Day

Answer: 1. Week.

Question 29. Samuel said that he wanted –

  1. More father’s like him
  2. More girls like him
  3. More boys like him
  4. More parents like him.

Answer: 4. More parents like him

Question 30. The headmaster’s room was

  1. Locked
  2. Filled with visitors
  3. Being cleaned
  4. Open

Answer: 1. Locked.

Question 31. Swami came to know that the headmaster had gone on a week’s leave from – (स्वामी ने ……… से जाना कि प्रधानाध्यापक एक सप्ताह की छुट्टी पर गये थे ।)

  1. The night guard
  2. Other students
  3. Samuel
  4. The peon

Answer: 4. The peon.

Question 32. Swaminathan went to school with his homework. गृहकार्य के साथ।)

  1. Half-done
  2. Undone
  3. Done
  4. Lost

Answer: 2. Undone.

Question 33. “Oh, you poor man !” – Here poor man meAnswer: ( poor man..

  1. A wretched man
  2. An unfortunate man
  3. An unintelligent man
  4. A beggar

Answer: 2. An unfortunate man.

34. That swami could not deliver the letter was known to

  1. Samuel
  2. His father
  3. His mother
  4. The headmaster

Answer: 2. His father.

Question 35. Swaminathan’s father snatched away from swami –

  1. The letter
  2. His water bottle
  3. His school bag
  4. His pen

Answer: 1. The letter.

Question 36. Swami picked up his books and ran

  1. Ran to his mother
  2. To the playground
  3. Ran straight to his home
  4. To the headmaster’s room

Answer: 4. To the headmaster’s room.

Question 37. Swami’s father told swami not to come to him again if – (aft को कहा कि वह दोबारा उनके पास नहीं आए यदि ……..)

  1. Samuel appeared gentle
  2. The headmaster comes back
  3. Swami has a headache
  4. Samuel scolds again

Answer: 4. Samuel scolds again.

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Question 38. According to swami’s father, swami deserved –

  1. His Samuel
  2. Punishment
  3. Samuel
  4. Scolding from Samuel

Answer: 1. His Samuel.

Question 39. Father finally –

  1. Talked to Samuel
  2. Wrote the letter again
  3. Tore up the letter
  4. Went to the headmaster himself

Answer: 3. Tore up the letter.

2. State Whether The Following Statements Are True Or False. Provide Sentences/ Phrases/Words In Support Of Your Answer:

Question 1. Swami was in time in his school. (स्वामी अपने विद्यालय में सही समय पर पहुँच गया ।)
Supporting statement: “you are half an hour late,” Samuel said.
Answer: False

Question 2. Samuel praised swami’s parents.
Supporting statement: “Your father is quite right. We want more parents like him.”
Answer: True

Question 3. Samuel was never angry checking the homework of his students. (अपने विद्यार्थियों का गृहकार्य जाँचते समय सैम्युअल कभी क्रोधित नहीं होते थे।)(सैम्युअल ने स्वामी के माता-पिता की प्रशंसा की।)
Supporting statement: To Swami’s thinking, this was the time when Samuel got most angry.
Answer: False

Question 4. Swaminathan informed the teacher that he had done his homework (स्वामीनाथन ने शिक्षक को बताया कि उसने गृहकार्य कर लिया था । )
Supporting statement: “I have not done my homework, sir”, Swami said.
Answer: False

Question 5. Swaminathan’s father kept the letter in his custody.(स्वामीनाथन के पिता ने पत्र को अपने सरंक्षण में रखा।)
Supporting statement: Father snatched the letter away from Swami and tore it up.
Answer: True

Question 6. Swami thought that he would deliver the letter at the end of samuel’s class. (स्वामी ने सोचा कि वह सैम्युअल की कक्षा के अंत में पत्र दे देगा।)
Supporting statement: He would deliver the letter to the headmaster at the end of the day.
Answer: False

Question 7. Samuel wanted more parents like that of swami’s (सैम्युअल स्वामी के पिता की तरह और भी माता-पिता चाहते थे।)
Supporting statement: We want more parents like him.
Answer: True

Question 8. Swami decided to deliver the letter at the start of the class. (शुरूआत में ही पत्र देने का फैसला किया।)
Supporting statements: “He would deliver the letter to the headmaster at the end of day.”
Answer: False

Question 9. Samuel was teaching English in class. (सैम्युएल वर्ग में अंग्रेजी पढ़ा रहे थे ।)
Supporting statement: “Samuel was teaching arithmetic.”
Answer: False

Question 10. As he entered his classroom an idea occurred to him. (3 प्रवेश किया, उसके मन में एक विचार आया।)
Supporting statement: “As he entered the school gate, an idea occurred to him”.
Answer: False

Question 11. To justify the letter Swami might do something.
Supporting statement: To justify the letter Samuel might do something.

Question 12. Swami entered the class on time.
Supporting statement: “You are half an hour late.”
Answer: False

Question 13. Swami expected that Samuel would scold him.उसे डाँटेंगे।)
Supporting statement: Swami hoped Samuel would scold him severely.
Answer: True

Question 14. Samuel wanted parents like Swami’s father. चाहते थे ।)
Supporting statement: “We want more parents like him.”
Answer: False

Question 15. Samuel’s question was not an unexpected one.
Supporting statement: “This was an unexpected question from Samuel.
Answer: False

Question 16. Samuel held Swami’s father in high आदर / सम्मान दिया । )
Supporting statement: “Your father is quite right. We want more parents like him.”
Answer: True

Question 17. Samuel used to get angry the most while inspecting home work. जाँचते समय बहुत क्रुद्ध होते थे ।)
Supporting statement: “This was the time when Samuel got most angry.”
Answer: True

Question 18. Swaminathan found the headmaster’s room open. (कक्ष खुला पाया ।)
Supporting statement: “He found the room locked.”
Answer: False

Question 19. The teacher was checking homework.
Supporting statement: The teacher was inspecting home lessons.
Answer: True

Question 20. Swaminathan had done his homework well. (स्वामीनाथन ने अपना कार्य अच्छी तरह कर लिया था ।)
Supporting statement: “I have not done my homework, Sir”.
Answer: False

Question 21. The bell for the last period rang at 4 pm. (अंतिम पीरियड की घंटी 4 बजे बजी ।)
Supporting statement: 4.30 pm.
Answer: False

Question 22. Swaminathan’s father tore the letter up in anger.
Supporting statement: “father snatched the letter away from Swami and tore it up.”
Answer: True

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3. Complete The Following Sentences With Information From The Text: पाठ्यांश की सूचना के आधार पर निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करें:-

Question 1. Swami was late to school by- (स्वामी को विद्यालय के लिए देर हुई थी – )
Answer: Half an hour.

Question 2. “Then why did you come at all? The speaker is – (“तब तुम आए ही क्यों ? ” वक्ता हैं -)
Answer: Samuel

Question 3. Standing at the entrance to his class swami saw samuel (अपनी कक्षा के प्रवेश द्वार पर खड़े होकर स्वामी ने देखा कि सैम्युअल)
Answer: Was teaching arithmetic. (अंकगणित पढ़ा रहे थे।)

Question 4. Swami said he had not done his homework. because – (स्वामी ने कहा कि उसने अपना गृहकार्य नहीं किया था क्योंकि – )
Answer: he had a headache (उसे सिरदर्द था)।

Question 5. Samuel was teaching- (सैम्युअल ……….. पढ़ा रहे थे ।)
Answer: arithmetic (अंकगणित)।

Question 6. An idea occurred to swami, – (स्वामी के मन में विचार आया – )
Answer: As he entered the school gate. ( ज्योंहि उसने विद्यालय के फाटक से प्रवेश किया।)

Question 7. The teacher was examining. (शिक्षक जाँच कर रहे थे । )
Answer: Homework (गृहकार्य ) ।

Question 8. The teacher was inspecting the ( शिक्षक
Answer: Homework (गृहकार्य ) ।

Question 9. The peon told swami that the headmaster had- (चपरासी ने स्वामी को बताया कि प्रधानाध्यापक महोदय – )
Answer: gone on a week’s leave. (एक सप्ताह की छुट्टी पर गये थे ।)

Question 10. The father ……….. from swami and tore it up. (पिताजी ने स्वामी से एवं इसे फाड़ दिया।)
Answer: Snatched the letter away (पत्र छीन लिया)।

Question 11. The unexpected question from samuel was – (सैम्युअल की ओर से पूछा गया अप्रत्याशित प्रश्न था – ). जाँच रहे थे ।)
Answer: “Then why did you come at all”. (‘तब तुम आए ही क्यों?” )

Question 12. As he entered the gate…….. idea occurred to him. He would deliver the letter to the headmaster…..the end ……the day.
Answer: an, at, of.

Question 13. There was chance Samuel might do something – (यह सम्भावना थी कि सैम्युएल कुछ कर सकते थे – )
Answer: during the course of the day to justify the letter. (दिनभर में पत्र को समायोजित करने के लिए)

Question 14. Swami expected that (स्वामी ने आशा किया कि – )
Answer: Samuel would scold him severly. (सैम्युएल उसे बहुत डाँटेगे।)

Question 15. To his class Swami stood (अपनी कक्षा के सामने स्वामी खरा था – )
Answer: at the entrance. (प्रवेशद्वार पर ।)

Question 16. Swami told Samuel that his (Swami’s) father said – ( स्वामी ने सैम्युएल को बताया कि उसके पिताजी ने कहा कि -)
Answer: Swami should not miss

Question 17. Samuel did not know that (सैम्युएल नहीं जानता था कि – )
Answer: Swami’s father had done to school. (स्वामी को विद्यालय जाने से नहीं चूकना चाहिए।)him. (स्वामी के पिता ने उनका क्या किया था।)

Question 18. Samuel was inspecting – (सैम्युएल जाँच रहे थे – )
Answer: Home lesson- (गृह कार्य )

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Question 19. Swami had never met (स्वामी कभी नहीं मिला था – )
Answer: Anyone as good as Samuel

Question 20. On that day Samuel looked (उस दिन सैम्युएल प्रतीत हुए -)
Answer: very gentle. (बहुत भद्र (विनम्र) (सैम्युल के जैसे अच्छे किसी व्यक्ति से।)

Question 21. Swami picked up his books when (स्वामी ने अपनी पुस्तकें उठायी)
Answer: for the last period at 4.30 (जब 4.30 बजे अंतिम पीरियड की घंटी बजी।)

Question 22. The peon told Swami (चपरासी ने स्वामी को बताया – )
Answer: the headmaster was on leave. (कि प्रधानाध्यापक महोदय छुट्टी पर थे ।)

Question 23. Samuel wanted – (सैम्युएल …….. चाहते थे ।)
Answer: more parents like Swami’s father- (स्वामी के पिता के जैसे और अधिक अभिभावक )

Question 24. Taking away the letter father- (पिताजी ने पत्र लेकर)
Answer: tore it up. (फाड़ दिया।)

4. Answer The Following Questions :

Question 1. When did an idea occur to Swami ? (स्वामी के मन में कब एक विचार आया? )
Answer: An idea occured to Swami when he entered the school gate.(स्वामी के मन में एक विचार तब आया, जब उसने विद्यालय में प्रवेश किया।)

Question 2. When did Swami decide to deliver the letter to the headmaster ? (स्वामी ने प्रधानाध्यापक को कब पत्र देने का निर्णय लिया?
Answer: Swami decided to deliver the letter to the headmaster at the end of the last period. (स्वामी ने अंतिम पीरियड की समाप्ति पर प्रधानाध्यापक को पत्र देने का निर्णय लिया।)

Question 3. What subject did Samuel teach in school ? (सैम्युएल विद्यालय में कौन-सा विषय पढ़ाते थे ? )
Answer: Samuel taught arithmatic in school. (सैम्युएल विद्यालय में अंकगणित पढ़ाते थे।)

Question 4. Standing before the class, what did Swami hope ? (वर्गकक्ष के सामने खड़े होकर स्वामी ने क्या आशा किया।)
Answer: Swami hoped that he would be severely rebuked by the teacher, Samuel. (स्वामी ने आशा किया कि उसे उसके शिक्षक, सैम्युएल के द्वारा बहुत डाँटा जाएगा।)

Question 5. What did Samuel say looking at Swami ? (स्वामी को देखकर सैम्युएल ने क्या कहा ? )
Answer: Looking at Swami, Samuel said he was half an hour late. (स्वामी को देखकर सैम्युएल ने कहा कि वह आधा घंटा विलम्ब था ।)

Question 6. What did Swaminathan hope for ? (स्वामीनाथन ने क्या आशा किया?)
Answer: Swaminathan hoped that Samuel would scold him severely.स्वामीनाथन ने आशा किया कि सैम्युएल उसे बहुत डाँटेंगे।)

Question 7. What reason did Swami give for being late ? (स्वामी ने विलम्ब होने का क्या कारण बताया ? )
Answer: Swami showed headache as the reason for being late. (स्वामी ने विलम्ब होने का कारण सर दर्द बताया।)

Question 8. How did Swami sit down in his class ? (स्वामी अपनी कक्षा में कैसे बैठा था ? )
Answer: Swami sat down his class feeling sad. (स्वामी अपनी कक्षा में उदास बैठा था।)

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Question 9. What did the teacher want ? (शिक्षक क्या चाहते थे?)
Answer: The teacher, Samuel, told Swami that he wanted more parents like his father. (शिक्षक, सैम्युएल ने स्वामी को कहा कि वे उसके पिता के जैसे और अभिभावक चाहते थे।)

Question 10. Who wished Swami not to miss school ? (कौन चाहते थे कि स्वामी विद्यालय जाने से ना चूके ?)
Answer: Swami’s father wished Swami not to miss school. (स्वामी के पिताजी चाहते थे कि वह विद्यालय जाने से ना चूके।)

Question 11. When would Samuel get angry the most ? (सैम्युएल कब सर्वाधिक क्रोधित होते थे ? )
Answer: Samuel would get angry the most at the time of checking home lessons. (सैम्युएल गृह कार्य की जाँच करते समय सर्वाधिक क्रोधित होते थे ।)

Question 12. How did Samuel appear on Monday ? (सैम्युएल सोमवार को कैसा प्रतीक होते थे ? )
Answer: On Monday Samuel appeared very gentle. (सैम्युएल सोमवार को बहुत विनम्र प्रतीत हुए थे ।)

Question 13. Why had not Swaminathan done his home work ? (स्वामीनाथन ने अपना गृह कार्य क्यों नहीं किया था ? )
Answer: Swaminathan had not done his home work because he had a headache. (स्वामीनाथन ने अपना गृह कार्य नहीं किया था क्योंकि उसके सर में दर्द था ।)

Question 14. What did Swami do when the bell rang for the last period ? (जब अंतिम पीरियड की घंटी बजी तो स्वामी ने क्या किया?)
Answer: When the bell rang for the last period Swami picked up his books and ran to the headmaster’s room.(जब अंतिम पीरियड की घंटी बजी तो स्वामी ने अपनी पुस्तकें उठाई और प्रधानाध्यापक के कक्ष की ओर दौड़ पड़ा।)

Question 15. In what condition did Swami find the headmaster’s room ? (स्वामी ने प्रधानाध्यापक के कक्ष को किस अवस्था में पाया ।
Answer: Swami found the headmaster’s room locked. (स्वामी ने प्रधानाध्यापक के कक्ष को ताला लगा हुआ पाया।)

Question 16. When was the last period over ? (अंतिम पीरियड कब समाप्त हुई ?)
Answer: The last period was over at 4.30 p.m.. (अंतिम पीरियड 4.30 बजे समाप्त हुआ।)

Question 17. What did the peon tell Swami ? (चपरासी ने स्वामी को क्या बताया ?)
Answer: The peon told Swami that the headmaster had gone on a week’s leave. (चपरासी ने स्वामी को कहा कि प्रधानाध्यापक एक सप्ताह की छुट्टी पर गए हैं।)

Question 18. How did Swami enter home in the afternoon ? (अपराह्न काल में स्वामी ने घर में कैसे प्रवेश किया ? )
Answer: In the afternoon, Swami entered home with the letter. (अपराह्न काल में स्वामी ने पत्र के साथ घर में प्रवेश किया।)

Question 19. Who snatched away the letter from swami?
Answer: Swami’s father snatched away the letter from Swami.

Question 20. What did father do with the letter?
Answer: Father snatched the letter away from Swami and tore it up.

Lesson – 1 Father’s Help Additional Textual Grammar Change Of Voice

Question 1. Mother generously suggested that Swami might stay at home.
Answer: It was generously suggested by their mother that Swami might stay at home.

Question 2. Have you written anything about our teacher Samuel?
Answer: Has anything been written about our teacher Samuel by you?

Question 3. Samuel was teaching arithmetic.
Answer: Arithmatic was being taught by Samuel.

Question 4. Give it to your headmaster.
Answer: Let it be given to your headmaster.

Question 5. Does he always scold the students?
Answer: Are the students always scolded by him?

Question 6. Swami picked up his books.
Answer: His books were picked by Swami.

Question 7. He found the room locked.
Answer: The room was found locked by him.

Question 8. Father snatched the letter away from swami.
Answer: The letter was snatched away from swami by their father.

Lesson – 1 Father’s Help Change Of Narration

Question 1. Mother generously said, “May Swami stay at home”.
Answer: Mother generously suggested that Swami might stay at home.

Question 2. Father asked him, “Have you no school today?”
Answer: Father asked him if he had no school that day.

Question 3. He said, “What is his name?”
Answer: He asked what his name was.

Question 4. Swami said, “What has he done, father?”
Answer: Swami asked their father what he had done.

Question 5. “I have not done my homework, Sir,” Swami said.
Answer: Swami said that he had not done his homework.

Question 6. Swami said, “I cannot go so late to the class.”
Answer: Swami said that he could not go so late to the class.

Question 7. “You are half an hour late,” Samuel said.
Answer: Samuel said that he was half an hour late.

Question 8. Father said, “Does he always scold the students?”
Answer: Father asked if he always scolded the students.

Question 9. “All right, Sit down”, Samuel said.
Answer: Samuel accepted it and told him to sit down.

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Question10. Father said, “I knew you wouldn’t deliver it.”
Answer: Father said that he had known wouldn’t deliver it.

Question 11. Father said to the swami, “Have you no school today?”
Answer: Father asked swami if he had no school today.

Question 12. Father said, “Why were you so late? Give me the reason.”
Answer: Father asked swami why he had been so late and told him to give him the reason.

Question 13. “What have you written, Father ?” Swami asked apprehensively.
Answer: Swami asked his father apprehensively what he had written.

Question 14. You are half an hour late, ‘Samuel said.
Answer: Samuel told him that he was half an hour late.

Lesson – 1 Father’s Help Transformation Of Sentence

Question 1. He hoped he didn’t have to go to school. (Use ‘hoped’ as a Noun)
Answer: It was his hope that he didn’t have to go to school.

Question 2. Samuel appeared very gentle. (Use Adverb of ‘appeared’)
Answer: Samuel was apparently very gentle.

Question 3. He could not decide. (Use Noun form of deciding)
Answer: He could not come to a decision.

Question 4. As soon as he entered home. (Use the Noun form of ‘entered’)
Answer: As soon as he made his entrance into the home.

Question 5. The headmaster is not leaving. (Turn into a Negative sentence)
Answer: The headmaster is not on duty.

Question 6. He had never met as good as Samuel. (Change the degree)
Answer: He had never met anyone better than Samuel.

Question 7. You are half an hour late. (Turn into a compound sentence)
Answer: You are late and it is for half an hour.

Question 8. He was the worthy boy on earth. (Change the degree)
Answer: No other boy on earth was as bad as he.

Question 9. Give it to your headmaster. (Turn into an assertive sentence)
Answer: You are told to give it to your headmaster.

Wbbse Class 10 English Solution

Question 10. He is a very angry man. (Turn into an Exclamatory sentence)
Answer: What an angry man he is!

Question 11. He was the worst boy on earth (turn into positive degree)
Answer: No other boy on earth was as bad as he.

Choose The Correct Alternative To Complete The Following Sentences:

Question Swami went to school…………….. (feeling/felt/was feeling) that he was the worst boy on earth. His conscience……………….. (brother/bothered/had bothered) him. He was not all sure if his description of Samuel…………….. (was/had been/has been) accurate.
Answer: feeling, bothered, had been.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 English Bliss Reading Comprehension

Reading Comprehension-1


Read The Following Passage And Answer The Questions Given Below:

Lucknow, May 26: At least 22 passengers were killed when a speeding express crashed into waiting goods train from behind near Gorakhpur today, with preliminary accounts suggesting signaling error as the cause.

The Hisar-Gorakhpur Express was running at 80 mph when it rammed into the goods train barely 45km from its destination, causing the engine and six coaches next to it to derail.

The two drivers of the superfast train were among the dead in the accident that occurred around 10.35 am when the train was passing Chaurib station in Uttar Pradesh. The station master of Chaurib, responsible for the signaling lapse, is absconding as is the driver of the stationary goods train.

Read and Learn More WBBSE Solutions for Class 9 English Bliss

“My condolences to families of those who lost their lives in the Gorakhdham Express tragedy. Prayers with the injured,” the Prime Minister tweeted.

At the accident site, officials said the casualties could go up as many of the 100 injured passengers are in critical condition. Most of those who died were in the three unreserved coaches including one reduced to a mass of mangled metal the official said.

Bharat Lal, the Sant Kabirnagar District Magistrate who was at the spot and oversaw rescue operations, said at least 20 passengers had died.

Most of the injured have been admitted to hospitals in Gorakhpur and Basti, over 30km away. Some of the passengers alleged delays in rescue and relief. Railway Board Chairman Arunendra Kumar denied the allegations.

The Railways announced a compensation of Rs 1 lakh for the families of the dead. (adapted from The Telegraph, 27 May 2014)


Word Notes (शब्दार्थ)


  1. Crashed: संघर्ष हुआ था।
  2. Preliminary: प्राथमिक ।
  3. Error: भूल ।
  4. Rammed: जोर से धक्का देते हुए टकराना ।
  5. Destination: गन्तव्य (दूरी) ।
  6. Derail: पटरी से उतरना
  7. Responsible: जिम्मेवार |
  8. Lapse: भूल-चूक ।
  9. Absconding: पलायन करना, फरार ।
  10. Condolences: शोक-ज्ञापन ।
  11. Tragedy: दुखद घटना।
  12. Prayers: प्रार्थना |
  13. Site: घटनास्थल ।
  14. Critical: जटिल ।
  15. Casualties: नुकसान
  16. Unreserved: अनारक्षित।
  17. Reduced: घट जाना, टूट जाना |
  18. Mangled: टुकड़ा टुकड़ा हो जाना।
  19. Rescue: उद्धार ।
  20. Admitted: दाखिल हुआ था, भर्ती ।
  21. Alleged: आरोप लगाना
  22. Delay: विलंब, देरी ।
  23. Denied: अस्वीकार करना।
  24. Allegation: दोषारोप |
  25. Announced: घोषणा किया था।
  26. Compensation: क्षतिपूर्ति, भरपाई ।

हिन्दी अनुवाद


लखनऊ, 26 मई : गोरखपुर के निकट आज एक तेज गति से आती हुई एक्सप्रेस गाड़ी वहाँ एक पहले से खड़ा मालगाड़ी को पीछे से धक्का मारा, जिसके फलस्वरूप 22 यात्रियों की मृत्यु हो गई ।

प्राथमिक रूप से सिगनल व्यवस्था की त्रुटि ही इस घटना के कारण के रूप में विवेचित है 180 कि०मी० प्रति घंटा की रफ्तार से आनेवाली हिसार-गोरखपुर एक्सप्रेस ट्रेन अपनी गन्तव्य स्थल से मात्र 45 कि०मी० दूर उस मालगाड़ी से टकराई और इसके फलस्वरूप इंजिन और उससे संलग्न 6 कमरे पटरी से उतर गये

। सुबह 10 बजकर 35 मि० के करीब तीव्र गति की यह गाड़ी जब उत्तर प्रदेश का चौरीब स्टेशन पार कर रहा था तभी यह दुर्घटना घटी और इस गाड़ी के दोनों ही ड्राइवरों की जानें गई । चौरीब स्टेशन के स्टेशन मास्टर और वहाँ प्रतीक्षारत मालगाड़ी का ड्राइवर दोनों ही फरार हैं ।

147 प्रधानमंत्री ट्वीटर में अपनी प्रतिक्रिया व्यक्त करते हुए कहा है, “गोरखधाम एक्सप्रेस के इस दुखद दुर्घटना में जिनकी प्राणें गई हैं उनके प्रति हार्दिक शोक प्रकट करता हूँ और उनके परिवार के प्रति गहरी समवेदना ज्ञापन करता हूँ ।

जो जख्मी हुए हैं उनके प्रति मार्चना करता हूँ।” सरकारी अधिकारियों का कहना है कि मृतकों की संख्या बढ़ सकती है क्योंकि जख्मी 100 लोगों की अवस्था आशंकाजनक है। मृतकों में अधिकांश ही तीन अनारक्षित कमरे के यात्री थे जिनमें से एक कमरा पूरी तरह खंड-बिखंड हो गया है ।

संत कबीरनगर जिला के मजिस्ट्रेट भारत लाल, जो घटना स्थल पर थे और उद्धार कार्य को देख रहे थे, ने कहा कि कम-से-कम 20 लोगों की जानें गई हैं। अधिकांश जख्मी व्यक्तियों को गोरखपुर और बस्ती के अस्पतालों में भर्ती किया गया है ।

कुछ यात्रियों ने उद्धार कार्य और राहत कार्य में हुई विलंबता का दोषारोप किया है। रेलवे बोर्ड के अध्यक्ष अरुणेन्द्र कुमार ने इस दोषारोप को अस्वीकार किया है। रेलवे प्रशासन मृतकों के प्रति परिवार को एक-एक लाख रु० क्षतिपूर्ति देने की घोषणा किया है ।

Tick The Correct Answer From The Given Alternatives:

(टेलीग्राफ, 27 मई, 2014 से उद्धृत)

Question 1. The accident between a speeding express and a goods train occurred near

  1. Allahabad
  2. Bairelli
  3. Gorakhpur
  4. Kanpur

Answer: 3. Gorakhpur

Question 2. The Hisar-Gorakhpur Gorakhdham Express was running at

  1. 80 km/hr
  2. 90 km/hr
  3. 70km/hr
  4. 100 km/hr

Answer: 1. 80km/hr

Question 3. The train accident occurred around

  1. 10.35 am
  2. 11.35 am
  3. 10.30 am
  4. 10.25 am

Answer: 2. 10.35 am

Question 4. For the families of the dead, the railway authorities announced a compensation of rupees

  1. 2 lakhs
  2. 3 lakhs
  3. 41akhs
  4. 1 lakh.

Answer: 4. 1 lakh.

Write ‘T’ For True And ‘F’ For False In The Given Boxes. Provide Supporting Statements For Your Answers.

Question 1. The Express train was nearly 55km away from its destination when the accident took place.
Answer: False

Supporting statement: When it rammed into the goods train barely 45 km from its destination…..

Question 2. The person responsible for the signaling lapse was the station master.
Answer: True

Supporting statement: The station master of Chaurib is responsible for the signaling lapse…

Question 3. Most of the people who died in the train accident were passengers of three reserved coaches.
Answer: False

Supporting statement: Most of those who died were in the three unreserved coaches

Answer the following questions:

Question 1. How did the train accident occur?
Answer: The speeding Hisar-Gorakhpur Express rammed into a waiting goods train while passing Chaurib station in Uttar Pradesh. The engine and six coaches next to it of the Express derailed.

Question 2. Suggest a suitable title for the report.
Answer: 22 were killed in a terrible train accident in Uttar Pradesh.

Question 3. Find words in the passage that mean the following:

  1. Primary
  2. Save
  3. Declared


  1. Primary – preliminary.
  2. Save – rescue.
  3. Declared – announced.

Reading Comprehension – 2


Read the following passage and answer the questions given below:

Mr. and Mrs. Johnson were very happy. They lived in a little house near the town. They did not have much money, but they were not poor.

They loved each other very much. There was only one thing about which they did not agree. Mr. Johnson liked to buy old books. Whenever he passed a shop that sold old books, he went in and bought some. He came home with one or two more books nearly every day.

There were bookshelves on the walls of all the rooms in their little house. Now the shelves were full. There were books on the floor and on the tables and on the chairs.

For a long time, Mrs. Johnson said nothing. She loved her husband, and she knew he liked to buy these old books. But one day she was tired of dusting them, so she said, ‘Why don’t you sell some of these books? You will never read them all.

‘No, I don’t want to sell them,’ her husband said. ‘I like to see them on the shelves. The books look beautiful when the firelight shines on the old leather.

Mrs. Johnson did not say any more. But every day there were more and more books until one day she became very angry. ‘Don’t bring another book into this house,’ she cried, ‘or I shall go away and leave you.’

Mr. Johnson was very sorry about this, so for three or four days he walked quickly past every shop selling old books and did not look inside.

Then one day he was walking down High Street, past the best bookshop in town, when it started to rain. He hadn’t any umbrella, so he went into the shop to get out of the rain and there on the counter was a small, brown, leather book with gold letters on the cover.

It was just the kind of book he liked best. He picked it up and read the name, ‘The River Amazon’.

‘How much?’ he asked the shopkeeper.
‘Five shillings.’

So Mrs. Johnson bought it, and as soon the rain stopped he returned home, forgetting about his wife’s threat. When Mrs. Johnson saw another book coming into the house she was very angry. ‘I told you I won’t have another book in the house,’ she said.

She took the leather book from his hand and threw it out of the window. Mr. Johnson looked out into the garden and saw the beautiful book lying on the wet grass.


Word-Notes (शब्दार्थ)


  1. Poor: गरीब, दरिद्र ।
  2. Agree: सहमत होना ।
  3. Whenever: जब कभी ।
  4. Nearly: प्रायः, निकट ।
  5. Shelves: टाँड़ ।
  6. Floor: फर्श ।
  7. Dusting: धूल- कचड़ा झाड़ना ।
  8. Firelight: आग की चिनगारी ।
  9. Leather: चमड़ा |
  10. Sorry: दुःखी ।
  11. Quickly: शीघ्र ।
  12. Gold Letters: स्वर्ण अक्षर ।
  13. Picked: उठा लेना।
  14. Forgetting: भूल जाना ।
  15. Threat: डर दिखाना, धमकाना ।
  16. Angry: क्रोधी
  17. Grass: घास ।

हिन्दी अनुवाद


मि० और मिसेज जॉनसन बहुत ही खुशहाल थे। वे शहर के निकट एक छोटे से मकान में रहते थे । उनके पास यद्यपि कोई ज्यादा धन-दौलत नहीं था, तथापि वे गरीब भी नहीं थे ।

ये दोनों एक-दूसरे से बहुत ही प्यार करते थे, सिर्फ एक विषय में ही उन दोनों में मतान्तर था । मि० जॉनसन को पुरानी किताबें खरीदना पसंद था। वे जब कभी भी ऐसे किसी किताब की दुकान के सामने से गुजरते जहाँ पुरानी किताबों की बिक्री होती हो, उसमें प्रवेश कर जाते थे और कई किताबें खरीद लेते थे ।

अक्सर ही वे एक या दो किताबें लेकर घर लौटते थे। उनके उस छोटे मकान के सभी घरों के दिवाल में ही किताबों की ताखा (टाँड़) थे । वे सभी भर गये थे । उसके बाद फर्श पर, टेबुल पर और कुर्सियों पर किताबें रखे जाते थे ।

इसके लिए मिसेज जॉनसन ने कभी कुछ नहीं कहा। उन्हें अपने पति से प्रेम था और वह जानती थी कि उनके पति को पुरानी किताबें खरीदना पसंद है। किन्तु एक दिन वह इसके धूल- कचरे को झाड़ते-झाड़ते थक गई और कहा, “तुम कुछ किताबों को बेच क्यों नहीं देते ?

सभी किताबें तो तुम पढ़ोगे नहीं।” मि० जॉनसन ने उत्तर दिया, “नहीं, मैं इन्हें बेचना नहीं चाहता । मैं इन्हें टाँड़ के ऊपर ही देखना चाहता हूँ । जब आग की लपटें पुरानी चमड़े पर जाकर चमकती है, उस समय ये किताबें बहुत सुन्दर दिखते हैं।

“इसके बाद मिसेज जॉनसन कुछ नहीं बोली। किन्तु उसके बाद भी प्रतिदिन और भी पुस्तकें आते रहा, और अन्त में एक दिन वह बहुत ही गुस्से में आ गई । वह चिल्लाकर बोली, “घर में अब एक भी किताब मत लाना, अन्यथा मैं तुम्हें छोड़कर चली जाऊँगी।”

मि० जॉनसन यह सुनकर बहुत ही दुःखी हुए, और इसीलिए इसके बाद के तीन-चार दिनों तक वे सभी पुरानी किताब की दुकानों के सामने से शीघ्र ही निकल जाया करते थे, उसकी ओर झांकते भी नहीं थे।

इसके बाद एक दिन हाई स्ट्रीट से होकर पैदल ही शहर के सबसे अच्छी दुकान के सामने से गुजर रहे थे कि बारिश होने लगी । उनके पास छाता भी नहीं था, अत: बारिश से बचने के लिए दुकान में प्रवेश कर गये और वहाँ काउंटर पर बादामी चमड़े में लिपटा एक छोटा किताब पड़ा था जिसके मलाट पर सुनहरे अक्षर में नाम लिखा हुआ था।

उन्हें इस प्रकार की किताबें बहुत ही प्रिय था । वे इसे उठा लिया और नाम पढ़ा, “आमेजन नदी” । दुकानदार से पूछा, “कीमत कितनी ?” “पाँच शिलिंग ।”
और वे अपनी पत्नी की सतर्कवाणी को भूलकर किताब खरीद ही लिया और बारिश रुकते ही घर वापस आ गये |

मिसेज जॉनजन जब घर में पुनः एक किताब आते देखी तो बहुत ही क्रोधित हुई । वह बोली, “मैंने तुमसे कहा था कि, मैं घर में और एक भी किताब आने नहीं दूँगी।

” वह उस किताब को उनके हाथ से लेकर बाहर फेंक दी । मि० जॉनसन बगान की ओर देखा और पाया कि भींगे घास के ऊपर वह किताब पड़ा हुआ है।

Tick The Correct Answer From The Given Alternatives:

Question 1. Mr. And Mrs. Johnson Lived In A Little House Near The

  1. Village
  2. Town
  3. Valley
  4. Hills

Answer: 2. Town

Question 2. Mr. Johnson Liked To Buy Old

  1. Furniture
  2. Watches
  3. Stamps
  4. Books

Answer: 4. Books

Question 3. The Price Of The Book ‘The River Amazon’ Was

  1. Five Shillings
  2. Two Shillings
  3. Six Shillings
  4. Eight Shillings

Answer: 1. Five Shillings

Question 4. Mr. Johnson Saw The Beautiful Book Lying On The Wet

  1. Pavement
  2. Lawn
  3. Grass
  4. Floor

Answer: 3. Grass

Complete The Following Sentences With Information From The Text:

Question 1. Whenever Mr. Johnson passed a shop that sold books, he……
Answer: Whenever Mr. Johnson passed a shop that sold books, went in and bought some.

Question 2. Old books look beautiful when……
Answer: Old books look beautiful when the firelight shines on the old leather.

Question 3. On the counter of the best bookshop, there was a small
Answer: On the counter of the best book shop there was a small, brown, leather book with gold letters on the cover.

Question 4. Mrs. Johnson took the leather book from her husband’s hand and……
Answer: Mrs. Johnson took the leather book from her husband’s hand and threw it out of the window.

Fill In The Chart With Information From The Text:

Cause  Effect 
The bookshelves in Mr. johnson’s House were full
Mrs. Johnson wanted some books to be sold.
Mr. Johnson did not have an umbrella when it started raining



Cause  Effect
The books shelves in Mr. johnson’s House were full  The books were kept on the floor, On the tables, and on the chairs.
She was tired of dusting them.  Mrs. Johnson wanted some books to be sold.
Mr. Johnson did not have an umbrella when it started raining To save himself from the rain, he went into the bookshop


Fill In The Blanks With Suitable Words From The Passage:

Question 1. The majority of the members did not___________to the proposal in the meeting.
Answer: The majority of the members did not agree to the proposal in the meeting

Question 2. The moon___________ brightly in the cloudless sky.
Answer: The moon shines brightly in the cloudless sky.

Question 3. Pollution is a___________ to human civilization.
Answer: Pollution is a threat to human civilization.


Reading Comprehension-3


Read the following passage and answer the questions given below:

Swami Vivekananda, the great soul loved and revered in East and West was born on Monday, January 12, 1863. It was the day when special worship is offered to the Ganga by millions of devotees.

His mother, Bhuvaneswari Devi, named him Vireswara. The family, however, gave him the name of Narendranath Datta, calling him, for short, Narendra, or more endearingly, Naren.

The Datta family of Calcutta, into which Narendranath had been born, was well known for its affluence, philanthropy, scholarship, and independent spirit.

The grandfather, Durgacharan, after the birth of his first son, had renounced the world in search of God.

The father, Viswanath, an attorney-at-law of the High Court of Calcutta, was versed in English and Persian literature and often entertained himself and his friends by reciting from the Bible and the poetry of Hafiz, both of which, he believed, contained truths unmatched by human thinking elsewhere.

He derived a large income from his law practice and, unlike his father, thoroughly enjoyed the worldly life. An expert in cookery, he prepared rare dishes and liked to share them with his friends.

Travel was another of his hobbies. Narendra grew up to be a sweet, sunny-tempered, but very restless boy. Two nurses were necessary to keep his exuberant energy under control, and he was a great tease to his sisters.

Naren felt a child’s love for birds and animals, and this characteristic reappeared during the last days of his life. Among, his boyhood pets were a family cow, a monkey, a goat, a peacock, and several pigeons and guinea pigs.

The coachman of the family, with his turban, whip, and bright-colored livery was his boyhood ideal of a magnificent person, and he often expressed the ambition to be like him when he grew up. (adapted from Swami Vivekananda-A Biography by Swami Nikhilananda)


Word-Notes (शब्दार्थ)


  1. Soul: आत्मा, अंत:करण
  2. Revered: श्रद्धा करना, आदर करना
  3. Worship: पूजा |
  4. Millions: लाखों ।
  5. Devotees: भक्त |
  6. Endearingly: सम्मानपूर्वक हार्दिक रूप से
  7. Affluence: माचुर्य, पर्याप्त
  8. Philanthropy: जनहितकारी |
  9. Scholarship: विद्वता ।
  10. Independent: स्वाधीन, मुक्त |
  11. Renounced: त्याग।
  12. Attorney- At-Law : अधिवक्ता ।
  13. Versed: निपुण
  14. Literature: साहित्य
  15. Entertained: मनोरंजक
  16. Reciting: व्याख्या करना ।
  17. Believed: विश्वास करना
  18. Unmatched: बेमेल
  19. Elsewhere: कहीं भी ।
  20. Derived: उद्धृत होना ।
  21. Thoroughly: संपूर्णत: पूरी तरह ।
  22. Cookery: रसोइया ।
  23. Rare: दुष्प्राप्य अपूर्व
  24. Sunny- Tempered: खुशमिजाज
  25. Restless: अस्थिर, चंचल
  26. Exuberant: अत्यधिक
  27. Tease: परेशान करना ।
  28. Characteristics: विशेषता, स्वभाव
  29. Reappeared: पुन: आविर्भाव, पुनर्जन्म ।
  30. Coachman: गाडी का ड्राइवर, कोचवान ।
  31. Turban: पगड़ी |
  32. Whip: चाबुक
  33. Livery: पोशाक, वर्दी |
  34. Boyhood: बचपन, लड़कपन |
  35. Ideal: आदर्श
  36. Magnificient: भव्य
  37. Ambition: उच्चाकांक्षा ।
  38. Biography: जीवनी ।

हिन्दी अनुवाद


स्वामी विवेकानन्द, एक महान आत्मा, जो प्राच्य एवं पाश्चात्य में समान रूप से समादृत हैं, का जन्म 1863 ई० के 12 जनवरी सोमवार को हुआ था। इस विशेष दिन में लाखों भक्त माँ गंगा की पूजा किया करते हैं।

उनकी माँ भुवनेश्वरी देवी ने उनका नाम वीरेश्वर रखा था। जो भी हो, उनका पारिवारिक नाम नरेन्द्रनाथ दत्त था। जिसे और भी छोटा करके नरेन्द्र या स्नेह से नरेन संबोधित किया जाता था ।

कलकत्ता के दत्त परिवार में जहाँ नरेन्द्रनाथ का जन्म हुआ, वे वित्तवान, लोक हितकारी, विद्वान एवं मुक्त मनोभाव के लिये जाने जाते थे। दादा, दुर्गाचरण, अपने प्रथम संतान के जन्म लेने के बाद ईश्वर की खोज में इस संसार से विदा हुए थे।

पिता, विश्वनाथ कलकत्ता उच्च न्यायालय के अधिवक्ता थे, अंग्रेजी तथा फ्रांसीसी भाषा के ज्ञानी थे तथा अक्सर ही बाइविल तथा हाफिज की कविता पढ़कर अपना और अपने मित्रों का मनोरंजन किया करते थे।

उनका विश्वास था कि, इन दोनों में ऐसी कुछ सच्चाई है जो कहीं भी मानव भावना के साथ सामंजस्य नहीं रखता है । वकालती से उन्हें पर्याप्त आमदनी होता था और अपने पिता की भांति न रहकर भौतिक सुख का उपभोग करते थे।

रसोई बनाने में निपुण थे, इसीलिए वे अपूर्व व्यंजन बनाते थे और अपने मित्रों के साथ भाग- बँटवारा करके खाते थे । भ्रमण करना भी उनका एक शौक था ।
नरेन्द्र एक मधुर तथा खुश मिजाज का लड़का था किन्तु बहुत ही चंचल था ।

उसकी अत्यधिक चंचलता को नियंत्रण में रखने के लिए दो नर्सों की आवश्यकता होती थी और वह अपनी बहनों को भी बहुत तंग किया करता था । बचपन में नरेन पशु-पक्षियों के प्रति बहुत ही स्नेही था

और यह उसके जीवन के अन्तिम समय में भी वापस आ गया था । बचपन में उसके पालतू जीवों में एक था पारिवारिक गाय, एक बन्दर एक बकरी, एक मयूर कई कबूतरे और गिनीपिग पगड़ी पहने, लगाम हाथ में लिए, सफेद रंग की परिधान पहने घर का कोचवान

उसके बचपन का एक आदर्श व्यक्ति था और बड़ा होकर अक्सर वह उसके जैसा होने की आकांक्षा व्यक्त करता था । (स्वामी निखिलानन्द रचित स्वामी विवेकानन्द के जीवनी से उद्धृत)

Question Fill In The Chart With Information From The Passage:

  1. Date of Birth of Swami Vivekananda:
  2. His mother’s name:
  3. The name given to him by his mother:
  4. His father’s profession:
  5. Naren’s boyhood pets were:
  6. His hobbies:


  1. Date of Birth of Swami Vivekananda: 12th January 1863
  2. His mother’s name: is Bhubaneshwar Debi
  3. The name was given to him by his mother: Vireswara
  4. His father’s profession: attorney-at-law of the High Court of Calcutta.
  5. Naren’s boyhood pets were: a family cow, a monkey, a goat, a peacock, several pigeons, and guinea pigs.
  6. His hobbies: keeping pets, and teasing sisters.

Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false in the given boxes. Provide supporting statements for your answer.

Question 1. Narendranath Dutta was born into an affluent family.
Answer: True.

Supporting statement: The Datta family of Calcutta, into ‘which Narendranath had been born, was well known for its affluence…..

Question 2. Naren’s father renounced worldly life.
Answer: False.

Supporting statement: The grandfather, Durgacharan, after the birth of his first son, had renounced the world in search of God.

Question 3. The boyhood ideal of Narendranath was the gardener of the house.
Answer: False.

Supporting statement: The coachman of the family, with his turban, whip, and bright-colored very was his boyhood ideal of a magnificent person…..

Answer The Following Questions:

Question 1. What was the Datta family well-known for?
Answer: The Dutta family was well-known for its affluence, philanthropy, scholarship, and independent spirit.

Question 2. Why were two nurses necessary to look after little Naren?
Answer: Two nurses were necessary to look after little Naren to keep his exuberant energy under control.

Question 3. Find words in the passage that mean the following:

  1. Respected
  2. The practice of helping the poor and needy
  3. Uniform


  1. Respected: revered.
  2. The practice of helping the poor and needy: philanthropy
  3. Uniform: livery.

Reading Comprehension – 4


Read the following passage and answer the questions given below:

Kolkata: On reaching Hatkhola, off Shobabazar, a drive down Hara Chandra Mullick Street leads the visitor to a narrow lane, cramped even for two persons to walk together.

The white-washed walls abound with paintings of freedom fighters, Swami Vivekanand, Sister Nivedita, and scenes from the ‘Ramkrishna Kathamrita’.

Where this old-world north Kolkata alley ends is the entrance to Hatkhola Byayam Samiti. At 106 it is the city’s oldest gymnasium. Established by freedom fighters in 1910, it is still going strong.

Manohar Aich and many other legends would regularly work out there with ‘kusti’ and ‘mugur’ at the feet of mammoth-sized wall paintings of Lord Hanuman, the resident deity of the family.

The Mitra family of Hatkhola donated the plot of land to freedom fighters Upendranath Bandyopadhyay and Pushpala Chakraborty who were associated with Anushilan Samity.

Bandyopadhyay was also a co-accused with Barin Ghosh and Aurobindo Ghosh in the Alipore Bomb case. Bodybuilding and exercise were part of the regimen that the revolutionaries of the family followed. With the sympathy of the Mitras, the sanity naturally teemed with freedom fighters at that time.

Write the correct alternative to complete the following sentences:

Question 1. The lane leading to the Hatkhola Byayam Samity is –

  1. Very dirty
  2. Broad enough
  3. Reeking of bad smell
  4. Very narrow

Answer: 4. Very narrow.

Question 2. The walls along the lane are

  1. Paintings of freedom fighters
  2. Political slogans
  3. Broad enough
  4. Very narrow

Answer: 1. Paintings of freedom fighters.

Question 3. The entrance to hatkhola byayam samity is –

  1. Hara chandra mullick street
  2. At the end of a north Kolkata alley
  3. Near shovabazar
  4. On Vivekananda road

Answer: 2. At the end of a north Kolkata alley.

Question 4. The family was established in-

  1. 1926
  2. 1906
  3. 1910
  4. 1920

Answer: 3. 1910

Question 5. At present hatkhola byayam samity –

  1. Has been shut down
  2. Is still patronized by body-builders
  3. Has been shifted to a new address
  4. Is in a dilapidated condition

Answer: 2. Is still patronized by body-builders.

Question 6. The wall paintings of lord hanuman-

  1. Are extremely large in size
  2. Look dull and unattractive
  3. Are very small in size
  4. Are gaudy and colorful

Answer: 3. Are extremely large in size.

Each of the following sentences is either ‘True’ or ‘False’. Write ‘True’ for ‘True’ and ‘False’ for ‘False’ on the right-hand side.

Also, pick out suitable lines from the text in support of your answer :

Question 1. The Hatkhola Byayam Samity is said to be the city’s oldest gymnasium.
Answer: True.

Supporting Sentence: ……….. established by freedom fighters in 1910.

Question 2. A group of stage actors thronged at the Hatkhola Byayam Samity.
Answer: False

Supporting Sentence: Manohar Aich and many other legends worked out there.

Question 3. The age of most of the members ranges between 20 and 70.
Answer: False

Supporting Sentence: Not mentioned in the paragraph.

Answer The Following Questions:

Question 1. Who donated the plot of land?
Answer: The Mitra family of Hatkhola donated the plot of land.

Question 2. Name the two revolutionaries connected with the Alipore Bomb Case.
Answer: Upendranath Bandhopadhyay and Aurobindo Ghosh were the two revolutionaries connected with the Alipore Bomb case.

Question 3. How many members does the family have at present?
Answer: Not mentioned in the paragraph.

Question 4. Tick the most appropriate title for the passage:

  1. Gymnasium and freedom fighters
  2. Hatkhola Byayam Samity – the city’s oldest gymnasium
  3. The old world of North Kolkata

Answer: Hatkhola Byayam Samity – the city’s oldest gymnasium.


Reading Comprehension 5


Read The Following Passage And Answer The Questions Given Below:

I must have been eight or nine when my father gave me a small diary and I began my first tentative forays as a writer, or Wordsmith, as I have sometimes described my calling.

Many of those early diary entries were lists of books read, gramophone records collected, and films seen and enjoyed but even this indulgence was a discipline of sorts and was to stand me in a good state in later years.

It made me neat and meticulous and helped me form the 155 habit of keeping notes and filing away facts, not perhaps essential attributes for a writer, but useful ones.

Young writers with natural talent are often handicapped by untidy working habits. A friend of mine wrote quite brilliantly but always contrived to lose his manuscripts; he now breeds Angora rabbits.

While at boarding school in the hill station of Simla, the then summer capital of British India, I discovered Dickens in the school library and, captivated by David Copperfield, decided I was going to be a writer like David; who was Charles Dickens.

At the age of thirteen, I did, in fact, write a short novel, an account of school life eulogies of my friends mostly.

Choose The Right Answer:-

Question 1. The narrator got a diary from his father at the age of –

  1. Five or six
  2. Seven or eight
  3. Nine or ten
  4. Eight or nine

Answer: 4. Eight or nine

Question 2. The narrator described his calling as –

  1. A poet
  2. A goldsmith
  3. A wordsmith
  4. A painter

Answer: 3. A wordsmith

Question 3. Young writers with natural talent are often handicapped by-

  1. Irregularity
  2. Untidy working habits
  3. Bad handwriting
  4. Less reading habit

Answer: 2. Untidy working habits

Question 4. The habit of diary writing an early age made the narrator –

  1. Meticulous
  2. Regular
  3. Systematic
  4. Keen.

Answer: 1. Meticulous

Question 5. The book that captivated the narrator was written by-

  1. H.g. Wells
  2. Jonathan swift
  3. Charles Dickens
  4. Victor Hugo.

Answer: 3. Charles dickens

Question 6. The first novel written by the narrator was about his –

  1. School life
  2. School life and friends
  3. Simla boarding school
  4. Life.

Answer: 1. School life

Each of the following statements is either ‘True’ or ‘False’. Write ‘T’ for ‘True’ and ‘F’ for ‘False’ in the boxes on the right-hand side.

Also, pick out suitable lines or phrases from the passage in support of your answers:

Question 1. The narrator began his first tentative forays as a potter.
Answer: False.

Supporting statement: I began my first tentative forays as a writer or wordsmith…….

Question 2. The narrator discovered Dickens at home.
Answer: False.
Supporting statement: I discovered Dickens in the school library and was captivated by David Copperfield,……

Question 3. The narrator developed a habit of losing notes.
Answer: False.
Supporting statement: It made me neat……… the habit of keeping notes and filing away facts.

Answer The Following Questions:

Question 1. What were the entries in the narrator’s early diary?
Answer: The entries in the narrator’s early diary were lists of books read, gramophone records collected, and films are seen and enjoyed.

Question 2. What happens to young writers with talent?
Answer: Young writers with natural talent are often handicapped by untidy working habits.

Question 3. When and why did the writer decide to be a writer?
Answer: While at boarding school in the hill station of Simla, the writer discovered Dickens in the school library, and captivated by David Copperfield, he decided he was going to be a writer.

Question 4. Give a suitable title to the above passage.
Answer: An account of the writer’s school life.


Reading Comprehension-6


Read the following passage and answer the questions given below:

Global warming is the process when the earth heats up and the temperature rises. This happens when there is an increase in the production of gases like carbon dioxide, water vapor, nitrous oxide, and methane, which are known as greenhouse gases.

These greenhouse gases trap heat and light from the sun in the earth’s atmosphere, and this, in turn, increases the temperature and causes global warming.

Since the beginning of the 20th century, the average temperature of the earth has risen by 0.8 degree Celsius. Around the world, climate change is causing long-term changes to the environment.

The sea levels are rising and Arctic sea ice is melting. More intense hurricanes are approaching our coastlines, and more glaciers are retreating from the mountain valleys they once filled.

Warmer temperatures have more intense rainfall in some areas. This can cause flooding.

Higher temperature causes droughts in some areas of the world, causing a decline in crop productivity, which may lead to food shortage. Heat waves have become common, and more living species are becoming endangered.


Tick The Right Answer:-

Question 1. Is not a greenhouse gas.

  1. Oxygen
  2. Carbon dioxide
  3. Nitrous oxide
  4. Hydrogen.

Answer: 4. Hydrogen

Question 2. The average temperature of the earth has risen since the beginning of

  1. 20Th century
  2. 17Th century
  3. 15Th century
  4. 12Th century.

Answer: 1. 20th-century

Question 3. The temperature of the earth

  1. Remains same
  2. Is rising
  3. Is decreasing
  4. Is going below the freezing point.

Answer: 1. Is rising

Question 4. Hurricanes affect

  1. Hill area
  2. Urban area
  3. Coastal area
  4. Rural area.

Answer: 3. Coastal area

Question 5. Have led to intense rainfall in some areas.

  1. Cooler temperatures
  2. Warmer temperatures
  3. Moderate temperatures
  4. Temperature below the freezing point.

Answer: 2. Warmer temperatures

Question 6. Heat waves have become

  1. Uncommon
  2. Common
  3. Rare
  4. Very Frequent

Answer: 2. Common

Each of the following sentences is either ‘True’ or ‘False’. Write ‘T’ for ‘True’ and ‘F’ for ‘False’ on the right-hand side. Also, pick out a suitable line from the text in support of your answer:

Question 1. Global warming is the process when the earth cools up and the temperature sets.
Answer: False.

Supporting Sentence: Global warming is the process when the earth heats up and the temperature rises.

Question 2. Around the world, climate change is not causing long-term changes to the environment.
Answer: False.

Supporting Sentence: Around the world, climate change is causing long-term changes to the environment.

Question 3. Heat waves have become common, and more living species are becoming endangered.
Answer: True.

Supporting Sentence: Heat waves have become common, and more living species are becoming endangered.

Answer the following questions:

Question 1. What is global warming?
Answer: Global warming is the process when the earth heats up and the temperature rises. This happens when there is an increase in the production of gases like carbon dioxide, water vapor, nitrous oxide, and methane, which are known as greenhouse gases.

Question 2. What are the changes in sea levels and in Arctic Sea ice due to global warming?
Answer: Around the world, climate change is causing long-term changes to the environment. The sea levels are rising and Arctic sea ice is melting.

More intense hurricanes are approaching our coastlines and more glaciers are retreating from the mountain valleys they once filled.

Question 3. How can higher temperatures cause floods?
Answer: Higher temperatures cause droughts in some areas of the world, causing a decline in crop productivity, which may lead to a food shortage. Heat waves have become common, and more living species are becoming endangered.

Question 4. How do these poisonous gases cause global warming?
Answer: These greenhouse gases trap heat and light from the sun in the earth’s atmosphere, and this, in turn, increases the temperature and causes global warming.


Reading Comprehension -7


Read the following passage and answer the questions given below:

China Pal is one of the four women artists of Kumartuli which has a century tradition of crafting Durga idols. All of them-China and Lakshmi, both in their fifties, 30 years-old Soma and 40 plus Naka had to struggle to enter an all-male bastion.

China’s father, the famous Hemanta Pal, did not like it one bit when out of his six kids only his youngest daughter bothered to come to his workshop.

Gradually, she started dabbling with clay and before her father realized it, she was assisting him. When Pal suddenly fell ill and passed away in 1994, it was his little girl who would emerge as the savior of a business he had built over many years.

Tick The Right Answer

Question 1. Number Of Women Artists In Kumartuli-

  1. Ten
  2. Five
  3. Six
  4. Four

Answer: Four

Question 2. Age Of Soma Is-

  1. 25
  2. 30
  3. 40
  4. 50

Answer: 30

Question 3. China Is Hemanta’s Daughter.

  1. Eldest
  2. Youngest
  3. Fourth
  4. Fifth

Answer: 2. Youngest

Question 4. Haru Did Not Want His Wife Lakshmi In The Trade Because He Thought-

  1. She Would Care Little In The Household Affairs.
  2. It Wasn’t Appropriate For A Woman To Come Out And Work Alongside Men.
  3. Lakshmi Did Not Have The Skill.
  4. The Talents Should Not Be Exposed.

Answer: 2. It Wasn’t Appropriate For A Woman To Come Out And Work Alongside Men.

Question 5. Soma Is Lakshmi’s –

  1. Daughter
  2. Niece
  3. Sister
  4. Friend

Answer: 1. Daughter

Question 6. Mala Pal Has Been In Trade For-

  1. 12 Years
  2. 15 Years
  3. 16 Years
  4. 14 Years.

Answer: 4. 14 Years

Each of the following statements is either ‘True’ or ‘False’. Write ‘T’ for ‘True’ and ‘F’ for ‘False’ in the boxes on the right-hand side.

Also, Pick Out a Suitable Line(S) Or Phrase From The Passage In Support Of Your Answers:

Question 1. No one of Hemanta Pal’s children came forward to run his business after his death.
Answer: False.

Supporting statement: When Pal suddenly fell ill and passed away in 1994, it was his little girl who would emerge as the savior of a business he had built over many years.

Question 2. Haru Pal underestimated his wife in the art of making idols.
Answer: True.

Supporting statement: Noted artist Haru Pal didn’t want his wife Lakshmi in the trade because he thought it wasn’t appropriate for a woman to come out and work alongside men.

Question 3. This year Mala Pal’s idols are being sent abroad.
Answer: True.

Supporting statement: This year her idols are going to Germany, USA, and Dubai.

Answer The Following Questions:

Question 1. What was disliked by Hemanta Pal?
Answer: Hemanta Pal did not like it one bit when out of his six kids only his youngest daughter bothered to come to his workshop.

Question 2. How was Haru surprised?
Answer: Haru Pal was surprised to see how his wife excelled at idol-making despite a lack of training.

Question 3. Describe the structure of the idols made by Mala Pal.
Answer: Mala Pal, with her pantheon of miniature idols, is a class apart. This year her idols are going to Germany, USA, and Dubai. Less than a foot high, the idols are perfect in features and proportions and have won her many awards over the 14 years she’s been in the trade.

Question 4. Tick the most appropriate title for the passage.

  1. Power of women
  2. The women behind the Goddess
  3. Women competing with men

Answer:  3. Women competing with men


Reading Comprehension – 8


Read the following passage and answer the questions given below :

At the Bose Institute in Calcutta, the great experimenter himself was our guide. Throughout the afternoon we followed him from marvel to marvel.

We watched the growth of a plant being traced out automatically by a needle on a sheet of smoked glass; we saw its sudden shuddering reaction to an electric shock. We watched a plant feeding; in the process, it was exhaling minute quantities of oxygen.

Each time the accumulation of exhaled oxygen reached a certain amount, a little bell like the bell that warns you when you are nearly at the end of your line of type waiting, automatically rang.

When the sun shone on the plant, the bell rang often and regularly. Shaded, the plant stopped feeding; that bell rang only at long intervals or not at all.

A drop of stimulant added to the water in which the plant was standing set the bell wildly, tinkling gas as though some record-breaking typists were at the machine.

Near it – for the plant was feeding out of doors – stood a large tree. Sir J. C. Bose told us that it had been brought to the garden from a distance.

Transplanting is generally fatal to a full-grown tree; it dies of shock. So would most men if their arms and legs were amputated without anesthesia. Bose administrated chloroform.

The operations were completely successful. Waking, the anesthetized tree took root in its new place and flourished.

Tick The Right Answer

Question 1. Throughout an afternoon we followed him from –

  1. Moon to marvel
  2. Marvel to marvel
  3. Marvel to moon
  4. Magic to marvel

Answer: 2. Marvel to marvel

Question 2. We watched the growth of a plant being traced out –

  1. Artificially
  2. Automatically
  3. Abruptly
  4. Aptly

Answer: 3. Automatically

Question 3. We saw its sudden shuddering reaction to –

  1. Electronic shock
  2. Magnetic shock
  3. Electric shock
  4. Electroshock

Answer: 3. Electric shock

Question 4. Each time the accumulation of exhaled oxygen reached

  1. A sufficient amount
  2. Percent amount
  3. Certain amount
  4. Some amount

Answer: 3. Certain amount

Question 5. Shaded, the plant stopped-

  1. Eating
  2. Breeding
  3. Feeding
  4. Fasting

Answer: 3. Feeding

Question 6. So would most men if their arms and legs were amputated without –

  1. An anesthesia
  2. An aesthetic
  3. An aromatic
  4. An affirmative

Answer: 4. An anesthesia

Each of the following statements is either ‘True’ or ‘False’. Write‘T’ for ‘True’ and ‘F’ for ‘False’ in the boxes on the right-hand side.

Also pick out a suitable line(s) or phrase from the passage in support of your answers :

Question 1. We watched the growth of a plant in the morning.
Answer: False

Supporting statement: Throughout an afternoon we followed him from marvel to marvel.

Question 2. When the sun shone on the plant the bell rang frequently.
Answer: True

Supporting statement: When the sun shone on the plant, the bell rang often and regularly.

Question 3. Transplanting is generally deadly to a full-grown tree.
Answer: True

Supporting statement: Transplanting is generally fatal to a full-grown tree.

Answer The Following Questions

Question 1. What did the writer observe at the Bose Institute in Calcutta?
Answer: The writer observed the growth of the plant being traced out automatically by a needle, guided by Sir J. C. Bose of Bose Institute.

Question 2. What happened to the plant in the sunshine?
Answer: When the sun shone on the plant, the bell rang often and regularly.

Question 3. What would happen to most men if their arms and legs were amputated without anesthesia?
Answer: Most men would die if their arms and legs were amputated without anesthesia.

Question 4. When did the little bell ring and how?
Answer: When the sun shone on the plant, the bell rang often and regularly.


Reading Comprehension – 9


Read The Following Passage And Answer The Questions Given Below:

Agnes Boiazhin was born in Skopje, Yugoslavia to Albanian parents. She was attracted to the life of a missionary in India at a very early age.

At eighteen, taking the name of Teresa she entered the missionary Order of the Loreto Sisters and, on January 20, 1931, she reached Calcutta, the then-largest city in the British Empire after London.

For sixteen years she taught Geography in one of the most prestigious convents in Calcutta. One day in 1946, during a train journey to Darjeeling, a town on the slopes of the Himalayas, she heard a voice.

God was asking her to leave the comfort of her convent and to go and live among the poorest of the poor in the vast city beyond. Having first permission from the Pope,

she changed into a plain white cotton sari and found a new order whose vocation was to relieve the misery of the most neglected of mem Missionaries of Charity was born, a congregation with several thousand foundations throughout India and all other continents.

In June 1952, Mother Teresa stumbled upon an old woman lying in the middle o a p of water. The woman was hardly breathing. Her toes had been gnawed to the bone by Mother Teresa scooped her into her arms and took her to the Medical College Hospital, but an attendant immediately turned them out.

Mother Teresa took the dying woman in her arms. On the way to another hospital, the body of the woman stiffened in her arms. The next day she rushed to the municipal building and told one of the Mayor’s deputies,

“It is a disgrace that people in this city are forced to die in the streets. Give me a house where we can help the dying to appear before God in dignity.”

One week later the municipality placed at her disposal a former resthouse for Hindu pilgrims next to the Kali Temple. Thus “Nirmal Hriday”, a house for the dying, was established.

Tick The Right Answer

Question 1. Agnes Bojaxhin was born in –

  1. Yugoslavia
  2. Albania
  3. Calcutta
  4. Britain

Answer:  1. Yugoslavia.

Question 2. Agnes took the name Teresa at-

  1. At a very early age
  2. At the age of sixteen
  3. At the age of eighteen
  4. At the age of thirty-five

Answer: 4. At a very early age

Question 3. Mother Teresa came to Calcutta in –

  1. 1946
  2. 1985
  3. 1931
  4. 1952

Answer: 3. 1931

Question 4. Mother Teresa taught Geography in –

  1. Delhi
  2. Calcutta
  3. London
  4. Darjeeling

Answer: 2. Calcutta

Question 6. The Missionaries of Charity was founded in –

  1. 1952
  2. 1950
  3. 1948
  4. 1956

Answer: 2. 1950

Question 7. Mother Teresa stumbled upon an old woman lying –

  1. In a pool of blood
  2. On the footpath
  3. In a pool of water
  4. In a heap of garbage.

Answer: In a pool of water

Each of the following statements is either ‘True’ or ‘False’. Write ‘T’ for ‘True’ and ‘F’ for ‘False’ in the boxes on the right-hand side.

Also pick out a suitable line or phrase from the passage in support of your answers :

Question 1. Agnes was born to Albanian parents.
Answer: True.

Supporting sentence: Agnes Bojazhin was born in Skopje, Yugoslavia to Albanian parents.

Question 2. Mother Teresa had obtained the permission of the King before she founded a new religious order.
Answer: False.

Supporting sentence: Having first obtained permission from the Pope, she changed into a plain white cotton sari and founded a new religious order

Question 3. ‘Nirmal Hriday’ was established next to a Siva Temple.
Answer: False.

Supporting sentence: Hindu pilgrims next to the Kali Temple. Thus “Nirmal Hriday”, a house for the dying, was established.

Answer The Following Questions:

Question 1. When did Mother Teresa hear the voice of God? What did the voice ask her to do?
Answer: During a train journey to Darjeeling she heard the voice of God. God asked her to leave the comfort of her convent and to go and live among the poorest of the poor in the vast city beyond.

Question 2. What was the vocation of the new religious order founded by Mother Teresa?
Answer: The vocation of the new religious order founded by Mother Teresa was to relieve the misery of the most neglected of men.

Question 3. What happened to the dying old woman who was turned out of the hospital?
Answer: The dying old woman who was turned out of the hospital was hardly breathing. Her toes had been gnawed to the bone by rats.

Mother Teresa scooped her into her arms and took her to the Medical College Hospital, but an attendant immediately turned them out. Mother Teresa took the dying woman in her arms. On the way to another hospital, the body of the woman stiffened in her arms.

Question 4. Give a suitable title to the above passage.
Answer: The establishment of “Nirmal Hriday” by Mother Teresa.


Reading Comprehension – 10


Read The Following Passage And Answer The Questions Given Below:

Kolkata: This Durga Puja, the English Bard will test his mettle in the home of another legendary Bard. At two crowd-pullers, Ahiritola Sarbojanin Durgotsab in north Kolkata and Ballygunge Cultural Durgotsab Samity in the south, strains of Rabindra sangeet will be replaced by dialogues from Shakespeare’s plays.

In the first-ever cultural tie-up of its kind, British Council has partnered with the two puja organizers to showcase a video installation titled ‘Complete Walk’ that will present the entire repertoire of 37 Shakespeare Plays, condensed into short films of 10 minutes each. They will be screened on 10ft x 6ft LED panels at both venues.

Earlier this year, the films were screened along the bank of the Thames in London. The project by Glove Theatre was conceived to make Shakespeare’s work accessible on the occasion of his 400th death anniversary.

“By partnering with the two puja organizers, we are also connecting the cultures of north and south Kolkata through a shared appreciation of Shakespeare, who is perhaps as much of an icon of Bengali literature as Rabindranath Tagore,” said British Council director (East India) Debanjan Chakrabarti.

Yadavendra Sen, who played a crucial role in convincing the two puja committees to embrace the idea, felt it was a return to the Tagore era when the theatre was part of the festival, particularly in the homes of wealthy landlords.

“Shakespeare’s plays have a universal appeal and are viewed by royals as well as commoners. And there can’t be a better stage than Durga Puja where the audience count is in millions,” he reasoned.

Tick The Right Answer:-

Question 1. The legendary Bard whose home was Kolkata was none other than

  1. William Shakespeare
  2. Satyendra Nath Dutta
  3. Rabindranath Tagore
  4. Sukanta Bhattacharya

Answer: 1. Rabindranath Tagore

Question 2. The institution that has partnered with the two Puja Organisers, is

  1. Globe Theatre
  2. British Council
  3. Moscow Art Theatre
  4. London Council

Answer: British Council

Question 3. Each Shakespeare play has been condensed into a short film of

  1. 10 Minutes
  2. 15 Minutes
  3. 20 Minutes
  4. 30 Minutes

Answer: 1. 10 Minutes

Question 4. The films were first screened in

  1. Paris
  2. Kolkata
  3. Delhi
  4. London

Answer: 4. London

Question 5. The project was conceived by

  1. Globe Theatre
  2. British Council
  3. London Art Gallery
  4. Theatre Workshop

Answer: 1. Globe Theatre

Question 6. The total number of plays showcased is

  1. 17
  2. 27
  3. 37
  4. 47

Answer: 3. 37

Each Of The Following Statements Is Either ‘True’ Or ‘False’. Write ‘T’ For ‘True’ And ‘F’ For ‘False’ In The Boxes On The Right-Hand Side.

Also, Pick Out a Suitable Line(S) Or Phrase From The Passage In Support Of Your Answers:

Question 1. The video installation ‘Complete Walk’ was conceived to attract the crowd during Durga Puja.
Answer: True.

Supporting sentence(s): At two crowd-pullers, Ahiritola Sarbojanin Durgotsab in north Kolkata and Ballygunge Cultural Durgotsab Samity in the south, strains of Rabindra sangeet will be replaced by dialogues from Shakespeare’s plays.

Question 2. The theatre was never a part of the festival.
Answer: False.

Supporting sentence(s): The Tagore era was when the theatre was part of the festival, particularly in the homes of wealthy landlords.

Question 3. Shakespeare’s plays were enjoyed and appreciated only by the royals.
Supporting sentence(s): Shakespeare’s plays have a universal appeal and are viewed by royals as well as commoners.

Answer The Following Questions:

Question 1. Name the two puja organizers that are part of the unique cultural tie-up.
Answer: The two puja organizers are Ahiritola Sarbojanin Durgotsab in north Kolkata and Ballygunge Cultural Durgotsab Samity in the south which is part of the unique cultural tie-up.

Question 2. What do you know about ‘Complete Walk’?
Answer: I know about ‘Complete Walk’ that it will present the entire repertoire of 37 Shakespeare plays, condensed into short films of 10 minutes each. They will be screened on 10ft x 6ft LED panels at both venues.

Question 3. What did British Council director (East India) Debanjan Chakrabarti says regarding the tie-up?
Answer: Regarding the tie-up of its kind, British Council director (East India) Debanjan Chakrabarti said that British Council has partnered with the two puja organizers.

Question 4. Give a suitable title to the above text.
Answer: Rabindra sangeet was replaced by Shakespeare’s plays during Durgotsab.


Reading Comprehension-11


Read The Following Passage And Answer The Questions Given Below:

India celebrated the 500th Test with a 197-run win over New Zealand on Monday at Kanpur, with Ravi Ashwin claiming six second-inning wickets to hasten victory in the series’ opening match.

Set an improbable victory target of 434, New Zealand was bowled out for 236 in the middle session on the last day. Ashwin (6-132) completed his 19th five-wicket haul in the 37th Tests, and his fifth 10- wickets haul in the format.

And with the second Test finishing in a 178-run victory on its fourth day, India returned to the top of the global ranking wresting the position from Pakistan. It turned out to be a cinch.

To date, New Zealand hasn’t won Test Series in India. Needing 376 to win the Eden Gardens Test to get even with New Zealand today was 55 for no loss at lunch and 135 for three at tea.

They simply collapsed subsequently, failing even to get past 200 though their innings consumed 81.1 overs.

Tick The Right Answer:-

Question 1. India won the 500th Test match against

  1. England
  2. New Zealand
  3. Scotland
  4. Finland

Answer: 2. New Zealand

Question 2. Ashwin played upto this time –

  1. 137 Tests
  2. 37 Tests
  3. 132 Tests
  4. 236 Tests

Answer: 2. 37 Tests

Question 3. The series opening match was played at –

  1. Kolkata
  2. Kanpur
  3. Kamapur
  4. Kantapur

Answer: 3. Kanpur

Question 4. Ravi Ashwin claimed in the 2nd innings

  1. Five wickets
  2. Six wickets
  3. Seven wickets
  4. Ten wickets

Answer: 2. Six wickets

Question 5. Having gone to chase 434 the New Zealanders were bowled out for –

  1. 243
  2. 236
  3. 226
  4. 216

Answer: 2. 236

Question 6. India wrested the top position from

  1. Pakistan
  2. Afghanistan
  3. Baluchistan
  4. New Zealand.

Answer: Pakistan

Each Of The Following Statements Is Either ‘True’ Or ‘False’. Write ‘T’ For ‘True’ And ‘F’ For ‘False’ In The Boxes On The Right-Hand Side.

Also, Pick Out a Suitable Line(S) Or Phrase From The Passage In Support Of Your Answers:

Question 1. New Zealand needs 386 runs to win the Eden Gardens Match.
Answer: False.

Supporting Statement: Needing 376 to win the Eden Gardens Test to get even with New Zealand today were 55 for no loss at lunch and 135 for three at tea.

Question 2. India won the first Test Match of the series by 197 runs.
Answer: True.

Supporting Statement: India celebrated the 500th Test with a 197-run win over New Zealand on Monday at Kanpur, with Ravi Ashwin claiming a six-second inning wicket to hasten victory in the series opening match.

Question 3. To date, New Zealand has lost all the Test series in India.
Answer: True.

Supporting Statement: To date, New Zealand hasn’t won the Test series in India.

Answer The Following Questions:

Question 1. Who collapsed subsequently in Eden Gardens Test Match?
Answer: New Zealand collapsed subsequently in Eden Gardens Test Match.

Question 2. How many wickets did New Zealand lose at tea?
Answer: New Zealand lost three wickets at tea.

Question 3. Who bowled 81.1 overs?
Answer: India bowled 81.1 overs.

Question 4. Suggest a suitable title for the passage.
Answer: India celebrated the 500th Test with a 197-run win over New Zealand.


Reading Comprehension-12


Read The Following Passage And Answer The Questions Given Below:

Chennai, Feb. 6: Celestial configurations have been taken care of but a terrestrial shadow has crept up on VK Sasikala’s coronation schedule. Although Governor Vidyasagar Rao accepted the resignation of O Panneerselvam and his ministry, he had asked them to continue till alternative arrangements were made.

Like Jayalalithaa, Sasikala is a great believer in astrology and numerology. Sasikala’s astrologers had asked her to assume charge as Chief Minister by Thursday when Tamil Nadu celebrate Thai Poosam in honor of Lord Muruga.

Not leaving anything to chance, the state administration is getting the University Centenary Auditorium opposite the memorials to MGR and Jayalalithaa on Marina Beach ready.

“We are prepared to hold the swearing-in on Tuesday evening between 4.30p.m and 6. p.m., which is an auspicious time,” said an official.

“The original plan was to take charge immediately after the Pongal holidays on January 14. But the jallikattu protests spoiled here

There was no way a change of guard could happen in that charged atmosphere. But the way Pannerselvam moved and defused the crisis deftly set alarm bells ringing within the family that he might become a permanent fixture.

Hence the MLAs were asked to assemble on Sunday. OPS were cajoled into quitting and Sasikala got elected,” a source said.


Tick The Right Answer:-

Question 1. was asked to assume the charge as Chief Minister the astrologers.

  1. Jayalalithaa
  2. VK Sasikala
  3. Vidyasagar Rao
  4. O Panneerselvam

Answer: 2. VK Sasikala.

Question 2. The state administration assembled in the memoir of Jayalalithaa at

  1. Goa Sea Beach
  2. Marina Beach
  3. Chennai Port
  4. Rann of Kutch

Answer: 2. Marina Beach.

Question 3. The day mentioned for the preparation to hold the swearing of the administrative personnel was

  1. Monday
  2. Thursday
  3. Friday
  4. Tuesday

Answer: 4. Tuesday

Question 4. The famous festive occasion of the Tamils is

  1. Jallikattu
  2. Lord Muruga
  3. Thai Poosam
  4. Astrological Fair

Answer: 3. Thai Poosam.

Question 5. The original plan was to take charge after

  1. Lord Muruga days
  2. Thais Poosam days
  3. Pongal holidays
  4. none of these

Answer: 3. Pongal holidays.

Question 6. The name of the Governor of Tamil Nadu is

  1. VK Sasikala
  2. O Panneerselvam
  3. Vidyasagar Rao
  4. None of these

Answer: 3. Vidyasagar Rao.

Each Of The Following Statements Is Either ‘True’ Or ‘False’. Write ‘T’ For ‘True’ And ‘F’ For ‘False’ In The Boxes On The Right-Hand Side.

Also, Pick Out a Suitable Line(S) Or Phrase From The Passage In Support Of Your Answers:

Question 1. Celestial configurations have been taken care of before Sasikala’s new formal placement at Tamil Nadu state.
Answer: True.

Supporting sentence: Celestial configurations have been taken care of but a terrestrial shadow has crept up on VK Sasikala’s coronation schedule.

Question 2. Like the governor Mr. Rao, Jayalalithaa was a great believer in astrology.
Answer: False.

Supporting sentence: Like Jayalalitha, Sasikala is a great believer in astrology and numerology.

Question 3. Mr. O Panneerselvam defused the crisis deftly and hence he might become a permanent fixture.
Answer: True.

Supporting sentence: But the way Panneerselvam moved and defused the crisis deftly set alarm bells ringing within the family that he might become a permanent fixture.

Answer The Following Questions:

Question 1. When was Sasikala to be elected and who said this?
Answer: Sasikala got elected by OPS, and was cajoled into quitting when the MLAs were asked to assemble on Sundays.

Question 2. Where did the state administration assemble? What was their purpose?
Answer: The state administration assembled in the University Centenary Auditorium opposite the memorials to MGR and Jayalalithaa on Marina Beach.

Question 3. Name the two important persons who believed in numerology. On which day the present leader was to take charge as chief minister of Tamil Nadu?
Answer: Jayalalitha and Sasikala are two important persons who believed in numerology. On Sunday the present leader was to take charge as Chief Minister.

Question 4. Which day is the Pongal holiday celebrated in Tamil Nadu?
Answer: The Pongal holiday is celebrated in Tamil Nadu on January 14.


Reading Comprehension – 13


Read The Following Passage And Answer The Questions Given Below:

Character is destiny. Character is that on which the destiny of a nation is built. One cannot have a great nation with men of small character.

We must have young men and women who look upon others on the living image of themselves as our shastras have so often declared.

But whether in public life or student life, we cannot reach great heights if we are lacking in character. We can not climb the mountain when the ground at our feet is crumbling.

When the very basis of our structure is shaky, how can we reach the heights we have set before ourselves? We must all have humility. Here is a country that we are all interested in building up; for whatever service we take up, we should not care for what we receive.

We should know how much we can put into that service. That should be the principle that should animate our young men and women. Our is a great country. We have had for centuries a great history. The whole of the East reflects our culture

Tick The Correct Option:

Question 1. A great nation requires –

  1. Feeble characters
  2. Week characters
  3. Strong characters
  4. Loose characters

Answer: 2. Strong characters.

Question 2. We can reach the summit of a mountain if the ground at our feet is-

  1. Crumbling
  2. Shaking
  3. Hard
  4. Soft

Answer: 3. Hard.

Question 3. Our shastras have so often declared –

  1. Chastity
  2. Charity
  3. Brotherhood
  4. Motherhood

Answer: 1. Chastity.

Question 4. The whole of the east reflects –

  1. Our Glory
  2. Our sin
  3. Our women
  4. Our people

Answer: 1. Our glory.

Question 5. India has the origin of a-

  1. Long past history
  2. Recent History
  3. A periodic history
  4. A nomadic history

Answer: 1. Long past history.

Question 6. We must all have –

  1. Soul
  2. Character
  3. Goodwill
  4. Humility

Answer: 3. Humility.

Each of the following sentences is either ‘True’ or ‘False’. Write ‘T’ for ‘True’ and ‘F’ for ‘False’ on the right-hand side.

Also, Pick Out a Suitable Line From The Text In Support Of Your Answer:

Question 1. Character is not that on which the luck of a nation is built.
Answer: False.

Supporting Sentence: Character is that on which the destiny of a nation is built.

Question 2. We can reach the top of a mountain with the trembling ground.
Answer: False.

Supporting Sentence: We can not climb the mountain when the ground at our feet is

Question 3. We should all have humility.
Answer: True.

Supporting Sentence: We must all have humility.

Answer the following questions:

Question 1. What after the author are conditional to build up a great nation?
Answer: The author emphasized that with strong character, we can build a great nation.

Question 2. What is worth exemplifying among us according to the author?
Answer: According to the author we should know how much we can put into that service, that should be the true principle.

Question 3. What cannot happen if we are lacking in character?
Answer: Whether in public life or student life, we cannot reach great heights, if we are lacking in character.

Question 4. When can we not the mountain?
Answer: We can not climb the mountain when the ground at our feet is crumbling.


Reading Comprehension – 14


Read The Following Passage And Answer The Questions Given Below:

A wonder in the kingdom, the Great Banyan Tree of the Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose Botanic Garden at Shibpur in Howrah occupies a unique position in the Guinness Book of World Records.

It is now regarded as the widest tree in the world in terms of the area of canopy. The present crown of the tree has a circumference of 450 meters and the highest branch rises to 24.5 meters.

The tree was first noticed in 1786, three years before the Royal Botanic Garden, Calcutta came into existence. The Great Banyan Tree has captured the fancy of many artists across the world, who have both sketched and sculptured it.

The government has released postage stamps on the tree. The Great Banyan Tree also holds the distinction of being the emblem of the Botanical Survey of India.

The garden authority is now busy recovering its lost glory. “There were only two living beings which were as old as the city of Kolkata.

One was the giant turtle of the Alipore zoo, which died a few years ago after living for 304 years. Now the only surviving witness of the city’s history spanning over 300 years is the Great Banyan,” said H.S. Debnath, the Joint Director of the garden.

Write The Correct Alternatives To Complete The Following Sentences:

Question 1. Name of the Joint Director of the garden

  1. Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose
  2. Rabindranath Tagore
  3. H. S. Debnath
  4. Bankim Chandra Basu

Answer: 3. H.S. Debnath.

Question 2. The year when the tree was first noticed

  1. 1783
  2. 1785
  3. 1787
  4. 1786

Answer: 4. 1786.

Question 3. Location of the garden

  1. Naihati
  2. Rishra
  3. Baidyabati
  4. Shibpur

Answer: 4. Shibpur.

Question 4. Circumference of the tree’s crown

  1. 420 Metres
  2. 450 Metres
  3. 470 Metres
  4. 300 Metres

Answer: 2. 450 Metres.

Question 5. Two living beings as old as the city of Kolkata by H.S. Debnath

  1. Giant Turtle and Great Mango Tree.
  2. Giant Turtle and Great Apple Tree.
  3. Giant Turtle and Great Banyan Tree.
  4. Giant Turtle and Great Banana Tree.

Answer: 2. Giant Turtle and Great Banyan Tree.

Question 6. The only living evidence of the city’s history

  1. Great Banyan Tree
  2. Great Mango Tree
  3. Great Banana Tree
  4. Great Orange Tree

Answer: 2. Great Banyan Tree.

Each of the following sentences is either ‘True’ or ‘False’. Write ‘T’ for ‘True’ and ‘F’ for ‘False’ on the right-hand side.

Also, pick out a suitable line from the text in support of your answer:

Question 1. The Government has proposed to release a postage stamp on the Great Banyan Tree.
Answer: False

Supporting Sentence: The Government has released postage stamps on the tree.

Question 2. The present crown of the tree has a circumference of 540 meters.
Answer: False.

Supporting Sentence: The present crown of the tree has a circumference of 450 meters.

Question 3. There were only two living beings that were as old as the city of Kolkata.
Answer: False.

Supporting Sentence: There were only two living beings that were as old as the city of Kolkata.

Answer The Following Questions:

Question 1. What is now regarded as the widest tree in the world in terms of the area of the canopy?
Answer: The Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose Botanic garden at Shibpur in Howrah is now regarded as the widest tree in the world.

Question 2. What is the length of the highest branch?
Answer: The length of the highest branch is 24.5 meters.

Question 3. What much the age of the turtle was when it died?
Answer: The turtle was 304 years old when it died.

Question 4. Who is H. S. Debnath ?
Answer: H. S. Debnath is a Joint Director of the garden.


Reading Comprehension – 15


Read The Following Passage And Answer The Questions Given Below:

When Abraham was eleven years old, his mother died. How sad he felt! She was so good, so brave and so dear! Her little son never forgot her.

Many years later he said, “All that I am or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother”. Abraham’s father was proud of his clever little son because he had written a letter to the teacher inviting him to their place.

Old Mr. Lincoln said that this was the first letter written by his family.

At the age of fourteen Abraham was sent to a good school. He learned a good deal but he had to leave school soon and his education remained incomplete.

Still, he continued to read what books he could get so his education did not end with leaving school. Once, when he was at school, his schoolmates put burning charcoal on the back of a crocodile and began to enjoy the fun.

Abraham could not bear the sight. He stopped them from this cruel joke. Kindness to animals ever remained one of the principles of his life.

Choose The Correct Answer To Complete The Following Sentences:-

Question 1. Abraham’s mother died when he was –

  1. 11 years old
  2. 12 years old
  3. A child
  4. Young

Answer: 1. 11 Years old.

Question 2. Abraham’s father was proud of his clever –

  1. Son
  2. Little son
  3. Ward
  4. Little daughter

Answer: 2. Little son.

Question 3. At the age of fourteen, Abraham was sent to a good –

  1. College
  2. School
  3. City
  4. Village

Answer: 2. School

Question 4. Classmates put burning charcoal on the back of a –

  1. Squirrel
  2. Rabbit
  3. Crocodile
  4. Little cat

Answer: 3. Crocodile.

Question 5. The opposite of cruel is –

  1. Polite
  2. Nice
  3. Good
  4. Kind

Answer: 4. Kind.

Question 6. The opposite of ‘angel’ is –

  1. God
  2. Devil
  3. Goodness
  4. Idol

Answer: 2. Devil.

Each Of The Following Sentences Is Either ‘True’ Or ‘False’. Write ‘T’ For ‘True’ And ‘F’ For ‘False’ In The Right Hand Side.

Also, Pick Out a Suitable Line From The Text In Support Of Your Answer:

Question 1. When Abraham was twelve years old, his mother died.
Answer: False.

Supporting Sentence: When Abraham was eleven years old, his mother died.

Question 2. Old Mr. Lincoln said that this was the last letter written by his family.
Answer: False.

Supporting Sentence: Old Mr. Lincoln said that this was the first letter written by his family.

Question 3. Kindness to animals ever remained one of the principles of his life.
Answer: True.

Supporting Sentence: Kindness to animals ever remained one of the principles of his life.

Answer The Following Questions:

Question 1. Why was Abraham’s father proud?
Answer: Abraham’s father was proud as his son wrote a letter to invite his teacher to his home.

Question 2. What was the cruel joke referred to in the passage?
Answer: Once Abraham’s schoolmates put burning charcoal on the back of a crocodile.

Question 3. Whatever remained one of the principles of Abraham’s life?
Answer: Kindness to animals ever remained one of the principles of Abraham’s life.

Question 4. Why did Abraham’s education remain incomplete?
Answer: Abraham’s education remained incomplete as he had to leave school.

Reading Comprehension – 16


Read The Following Passage And Answer The Questions Given Below:

Japan captured Burma (Myanmar) in the second world war. A great Indian leader suddenly came to Rangoon (Yangon) with a pledge to liberate India from the bondage of British rule.

He wanted to build up an army with the Indians living permanently in Burma. People came to hear the leader with surging enthusiasm and liberally contributed to his fund for building up the Liberation army.

Md. Habib was one of the richest men in Rangoon. He was noted for patriotism and contributions to the cause of the country. He came to hear the Indian leader, heard his long speech with rapt attention but left, to the great surprise of everybody, without contributing a single paise.

The next day he came again and gave all his wealth to the leader for his noble mission of India’s freedom from British bondage. Later, this rich nobleman said, ‘I went to hear the leader on the first day with only one thousand rupees.

But when I saw him, I felt that I must give all I have to this god, the savior of the country.’

Put A Tick Against The Correct Answer :

Question 1. A great Indian came to Rangoon –

  1. To fight with the British
  2. To attack Rangoon
  3. To promise to free India

Answer: 4. To promise to free India.

Question 2. The great Indian wanted to build up an army

  1. With the Japanese
  2. With the Indians living in Burma
  3. With the Burmese people living permanently

Answer: 3. With the Indians living in Burma.

Question 3. People came to hear the leader and also –

  1. To see him
  2. To join his army
  3. To help him financially

Answer: 3. To help him financially.

Question 4. Md. Habib left the meeting because

  1. He did not like the meeting
  2. He had not enough money with him to give the leader
  3. He did not like to contribute anything.

Answer: 2. He had not enough money with him to give the leader.

Question 5. Md. Habib gave all of his wealth to the leader as-

  1. He took the leader to be the fit man to liberate the country
  2. He took the lead as the most loveable person
  3. He took the lead as a god.

Answer: 1. He took the leader to be the fit man to liberate the country.

Question 6. The opposite of the word ‘great’ is-

  1. Nicely
  2. Mean
  3. Hard

Answer: 2. Mean

Each Of The Following Sentences Is Either ‘True’ Or ‘False’. Write ‘T’ For ‘True’ And ‘F’ For ‘False’ In The Right Hand Side.

Also, Pick Out a Suitable Line From The Text In Support Of Your Answer:

Question 1. Burma (Myanmar) had captured Japan in the second world war.
Answer: False.

Supporting Sentence: Japan captured Burma (Myanmar) in the second world war.

Question 2. Md. Habib was the richest man in Rangoon.
Answer: False.

Supporting Sentence: Md. Habib was one of the richest men in Rangoon.

Question 3. Md. Habib was noted for patriotism and contributions to the cause of the country
Answer: True.

Supporting Sentence: Md. Habib was noted for patriotism and contributions to the cause of the country.

Answer the following questions:

Question 1. Guess who the Indian leader was and why he came to Rangoon.
Answer: The Indian leader was Subhash Chandra Bose. He came to Rangoon to liberate India from the British Raj.

Question 2. Why did Md. Habib give all his wealth to the leader?
Answer: Md. Habib gave all his wealth to the leader for he took the lead to be fit to free the motherland.

Question 3. What did Habib think about the Indian leader?
Answer: Md. Habib thought that the leader was the savior of the country.

Question 4. What was Md? Habib noted?
Answer: Md. Habib was noted for his patriotism and contribution to the cause of the country.

Reading Comprehension-17


Read The Following Passage And Answer The Questions Given Below:

Kolkata, Alipurduar; May 8: A Dhumchi Forest official was injured yesterday evening when a wild tusker locally known as Baya Ganesh (as it only has a left eye) attacked him.

According to a forest source, around 7 p.m. yesterday a group of six foresters was returning from the forest on bicycles when Baya Ganesh attacked them.

Dhumchi Forest comes under the Madarihat range of Wildlife-iii division and is around 60 km from here. First, the tusker pushed Gagan Phishing who fell to the ground.

The elephant then struck Ratan Dey, a forest guard, and then tried to trample him. After another staff who was watching the animal from a distance fired a round in the air, hearing the sound, the elephant left the place after damaging two bicycles.

The officials were taken to Madarihat Health Centre. Gagan was released after first aid but Ratan was admitted to Bipara State General Hospital as he had suffered injuries on the left hand and waist.

The jumbo has also trampled two persons who had gone to the forest to collect firewood. V.K. Sood, the chief conservator of forests wildlife north said:

“I have asked the DFO wildlife iii to track the elephant and monitor its behavior and submit a report to me”. (Source: The Telegraph)

Choose The Correct Alternatives:

Question 1. The mentioned text is a-

  1. Story
  2. Report
  3. Biography
  4. None of these

Answer: 2. Report.

Question 2. The incident of the given report took place in-

  1. Alinagar
  2. Bonagaon
  3. Alipurduar
  4. Alipur

Answer: 3. Alipurduar.

Question 3. Dumchi forest comes under-

  1. Chalsa range of wildife-iii
  2. Madhavpur range
  3. Padamabati range
  4. Madarihat range of wildlife-iii division

Answer: 4. Madarihat range of wildlife-iii division.

Question 4. The chief conservator of forest wildlife north is-

  1. V.k. Sood
  2. Sonu sood
  3. Ratan dey
  4. Gagan

Answer: 1. V.k. Sood.

Question 5. At first, the tusker pushed-

  1. Ratan
  2. Gagan ray
  3. Gagan chasing
  4. V.k. Sood

Answer: 3. Gagan ghising.

Question 6. The source of the given text is-

  1. The Hindu
  2. The economic times
  3. The times of India
  4. The Telegraph

Answer: 4. The Telegraph.

Each Of The Following Sentences Is Either ‘True’ Or ‘False’. Write ‘T’ For ‘True’ And ‘F’ For ‘False’ In The Right Hand Side.

Also, Pick Out a Suitable Line From The Text In Support Of Your Answer:

Question 1. Dhamchi Forest comes under the Golghata range.
Answer: False.

Supporting Sentence: Dhumchi Forest comes under the Madarihat range of wildlife-iii division.

Question 2. The elephant struck a forest guard and then tried to trample him.
Answer: True.

Supporting Sentence: The elephant struck Ratan Dey, a forest guard, and then tried to trample him.

Question 3. Baya Ganesh attacked a group of six foresters who were returning from the forest on bicycles.
Answer: True.

Supporting Sentence: A group of six foresters was returning on bicycles when Baya Ganesh attacked them.

Answer The Following Questions:

Question 1. What was the local name of the tusker?
Answer: The local name of the wild tusker was Baya Ganesh.

Question 2. Where were the officials taken?
Answer: The officials were taken to Madarihat Health Centre.

Question 3. Who was V.K. Sood? What did he say?
Answer: V.K. Sood was the chief conservator of forest wildlife north. He said that he had asked the DFO wildlife-iii to track the elephant, monitor its behavior and submit a report.

Question 4. What was the conception of V. K. Sood?
Answer: The conception of V. K. Sood was – “I have asked the DFO Wildlife-iii to track the elephant and monitor its behavior and submit a report to me”.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) – 11  A Shipwrecked Sailor  एक विनष्ट जहाज का नाविक

Lesson (पाठ) – 11  A Shipwrecked Sailor  एक विनष्ट जहाज का नाविक


About The Author-Daniel Defoe

The author of this lesson, Daniel Defoe is a novelist who has often conferred the title of ‘The discover of modern novel’. English novelist, pamphleteer, and journalist Daniel are known for his novels Robinson Crusoe’ and ‘Moll Flanders. He is known to have used at least 198 pen names.

He was born in London in the year 1660. Defoe was the son of a London butcher named James Foe and retained his family name until he was forty years of age.

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At the age of forty, he added the aristocratic prefix ‘De’ to his surname with which everyone is familiar. His entire life span was through ups and downs. He was sent to Rev. James Fisher’s boarding school to have his early education in Pixham Lane in Dorking, Surrey.

Defoe put his steps in the world of business as a general merchant, dealing at different times in hosiery, general woolen goods, and wine.

He was an ambitious person and for this, he had been able to purchase both a country estate and a ship. In 1684, Defoe married Mary Tuffley, the daughter of a London merchant, receiving a dowry of £3,700. He was a prolific and versatile writer.

His first notable publication was ‘An Essay Upon Projects’, a series of proposals for social and economic improvement, published in 1697.

He wrote several pamphlets and many of them were published in his own journal, ‘The Review’. In December 1702 he published one pamphlet ‘The Shortest Way with the Dissenters and it caused him to be fined and imprisoned.

His best-known political tract is ‘The True-born Englishman’ (1701). He also started writing fictional works in the later part of his life.

These are ‘Robinson Crusoe’ (1719); ‘Duncan Campbell’, ‘Memoirs Cavalier’, and ‘Captain Singleton – all these books were brought out in 1720; ‘Moll Flanders’, ‘A Journal of the Plague Year and ‘Colonel Jacque’ appeared in 1722; then ‘Roxana’ (1724) and ‘A New Voyage Round The World’ (1725). All of his novels contain flaws due to the rapid speed of publication.

In 1726 Defoe published ‘The Complete English Tradesman’, an example of his political works. Daniel breathed his last on 24th April 1731. He was buried in Bunhill Fields, on. In 1870 a monument was erected there in his memory.


(पाठ)- 11 एक विनष्ट जहाज का नाविक लेखक परिचय

डैनियल डिफो एक ऐसे उपन्यासकार हैं जिन्हें आधुनिक उपन्यास का आविष्कारक उपाधि से विभूषित किया जाता है। एक अंग्रेज उपन्यासकार, पुस्तकों के रचनाकार और संवाददाता, डेनियल डिफो अपनी उपन्यास ‘ Robinson Crusoe’ एवं ‘Moll Flanders’ के लिए विख्यात हैं।

वे करीबन 198 छद्मनामों का प्रयोग किये हैं । इनका जन्म 1660 ई० में लंदन में हुआ था। ये लंदन के एक कसाई, जेम्स फो के पुत्र थे और चालीस वर्षों तक अपने पारिवारिक नाम का ही

प्रयोग किये थे । चालीस वर्ष की आयु में ये अपनी पदवी के पूर्व De’ योग किये और हम सभी इसी नाम से परिचित हुए। उनका सारा जीवन उत्थान और पतन से भरा है। डकिंग, सरे के पिक्सहाम लेन में जेम्स फिशर के बोर्डिंग स्कूल में इन्हें प्राथमिक शिक्षा के लिए भेजा गया था।

डिफो एक सामान्य व्यवसायी के रूप में ही व्यावसायिक दुनिया में प्रवेश किये थे तथा भिन्न-भिन्न समय में होसियारी वस्तु, सामान्य ऊनी वस्तु तथा शराब की कारोबार किया करते थे।

वे एक उच्चाकांक्षी व्यक्ति थे और इसीलिए वे देश में एक भू-संपत्ति और एक जहाज की खरीद किये थे। 1684 ई० में 3,700 पौंड दहेज लेकर लन्दन के एक व्यवसायी की पुत्री, टॉफले के साथ ये विवाह किये थे।

वे एक अति ऊर्जावान एवं बहुमुखी प्रतिभा के अधिकारी थे। 1697 ई० में डिफो की प्रथम उल्लेखनीय पुस्तक ‘An Essay Upon Projects’ प्रकाशित हुआ था जहाँ सामाजिक एवं आर्थिक उन्नति के लिए एकप्रस्थ प्रस्ताव रखा गया था।

वे कई पुस्तकों की रचना किये थे जिनमें से अधिकांश उनकी ‘The Review’ नाम की पत्रिका में प्रकाशित हुआ था। 1702 ई० में ये ‘The Shortest way with the Dissenters ‘ नाम की पुस्तक का प्रकाशन किये थे और इसके कारण इन्हें जुर्माने के साथ कारावास भी भोगना पड़ा था। उनकी बहुत ही चर्चित राजनीतिक पुस्तक है ‘The Trueborn Englishman’ (1701)

अपने जीवन के दूसरे भाग में उन्होंने कुछ काल्पनिक पुस्तकों की भी रचना किये थे। ये हैं ‘Robinson Crusoe’ (1719) ‘Duncan Campbell ; ‘Memoirs of a Cavalier’ और ‘Captain Singleton’ और ये सभी 1720 ई० में प्रकाशित हुई।

1722 ई० में ‘Moll Flanders’, ‘A Journal of the Plague Year’ एवं ‘Colonel Jacque’ का प्रकाशन हुआ और उसके बाद ‘Roxan’ (1728) एवं ‘ A New Voyage Round the World’ (1725) ।

डिफो ने 1726 ई० में ‘The Complete English Tradesman’ नाम की पुस्तक प्रकाशित किये जो उन्हें राजनैतिक लेखक का रूप प्रदान किया। डैनियल डिपो का देहांत 24 अप्रैल, 1731 ई० में हुई और उनके समाधि स्थल पर एक स्मारक स्तंभ का निर्माण किया गया है।

Lesson-11  A Shipwrecked Sailor Introduction

Daniel Defore was one of the great literary figures who excelled in novel writing in the Augustan period was Daniel Defoe. He enchanted his readers with his energy in writing. His distinctive style of story-telling arrests the attention of literature lovers.

He was a prolific and multitalented author. He penned several popular novels. One of them is ‘Robinson first published on 25th April 1719. Robinson Crusoe’ is based on the experiences of Alexander Selkirk who spent five years in solitude on the island of Juan Fernandez the coast of Chile.

The island where Selkirk lived was named Mas a Tierra (Closar to Land) at that time and in 1966 it was renamed ‘Robinson Crusoe Island.’

The story ‘A Shipwrecked Sailor’ has been adapted from a part of the novel ‘Robinson Crusoe’. In this story, the author has narrated the tale of a Shipwrecked sailor who was enforced to cope with the environment of a desolate island where his fate threw him after being shipwrecked.

(पाठ)- 11 एक विनष्ट जहाज का नाविक भूमिका

अगस्टन अवधि के दौरान उपन्यास लिखने में विशिष्टता पाने वाले साहित्यिक व्यक्तित्वों में से डैनियल डिफो एक थे । कहानीकार के रूप में उनकी दक्षता ने पाठकों को मंत्रमुग्ध किया है। कहानी प्रस्तुत करने की उनकी एक पृथक शैली से साहित्य-प्रेमियों का ध्यान आकर्षित होता है। वे अति ऊर्जावान और बहुमुखी प्रतिभा के अधिकारी थे । वे कई

लोकप्रिय उपन्यासों की रचना किये जिनमें से एक है ‘Robinson Crusoe’ जिसका प्रथम प्रकाशन 25 अप्रैल, 1719 ई० में हुआ था। यह पुस्तक अलेक्जेंडर सिलकिर्क जिसने जुआन फर्नानडेज नाम का चिली तट के एक निर्जन द्वीप में पाँच वर्ष व्यतीत किया था, के तजुर्बे पर आधारित है। जिस द्वीप पर सिलकिर्क ने निवास किया था उसका नाम उस समय Mass a Tierra (भूमि संलग्न) था जिसे 1966 ई० में बदल कर ‘Robinson Crusoe Island’ रखा गया है ।

प्रस्तुत कहानी ‘ A Shipwrecked Sailor’ उनकी उपन्यास ‘Robinson Crusoe’ से ही उद्धृत है । इस कहानी में लेखक ने एक नष्ट हुए जहाज के नाविक का चित्रांकन किया है जो एक निर्जन द्वीप के वातावरण में अपना समय बिताने के लिए विवश था और जहाँ भाग्य ने उसे जहाज नष्ट होने के बाद ले आया था।


Lesson-11  A Shipwrecked Sailor Summary

Robinson Crusoe, a sailor, reached the shore of a bleak island on 30th September 1659 after the Shipwrecked. As there was no ray of hope for living there he named it ‘The Island of Despair’.

To survive there he collected some wood, cable, a knife, a gun, and a hammock from the wreck. Finding no way of getting out of this dismal island, he thought he had to spend the rest of his life there. He put up a tent with some canvas on a little plain on the side of a hill.

To prevent the tent from wild beasts he used stakes and ropes to make a fence around it. To count the days of his existence in the barren place he started marking a large pot with a knife. By June 1660 he gathered food and managed to get a shelter. On 15th July he discovered a brook with wonderful meadows by its bank when he went out for an inspection of this island.

He also found there a valley of fruits where he found a great number of melons, grape, cocoa, orange, and lemon trees. He was tempted to shift his present residence to that valley of fruits. He dropped the plan in the expectation of getting rescued by some passing vessel.

To get light after the fall of darkness, he prepared a lamp with a little tallow. He also kept a journal to record his day-to-day affairs. In this way, he spent one long year full of suffering on this hopeless and desolate island.


(पाठ)- 11 एक विनष्ट जहाज का नाविक सारांश

राबिनसन क्रूसो नाम का एक नाविक 30 सितम्बर, 1659 ई० को अपने जहाज के नष्ट हो जाने के बाद एक निर्जन द्वीप के तट पर पहुँचा था । वहाँ जीने के लिए कोई किरण नहीं रहने के कारण उसने उसका नामकरण किया था ‘निराशा का द्वीप’ । वहाँ रहने के लिए उसने जहाज के एक टूटे हुए भाग से कुछ लकड़ी, रस्सी, धागा, कांटी, एक चाकू, एक बन्दूक तथा एक झूलन खटिया संग्रह किया ।

इस निराशा के द्वीप से निकल आने का कोई पथ न पाकर उसने समझ रखा था कि उसे शेष जीवन वहीं व्यतीत करना पड़ेगा। एक पहाड़ के किनारे समतल भाग में उसने कुछ त्रिपाल से एक तंबू का निर्माण किया । जंगली जानवरों से तंबू की रक्षा के लिए रस्सी और खंभे से उसे चारों ओर से घेर दिया।

इस निर्जन स्थान पर अपने बिताये हुए दिनों का हिसाब रखने के लिए चाकू से एक बड़े खंभे पर निशान लगाया करता था। 1660 ई० के जून महीने तक उसने एक सुरक्षित वासस्थान तथा खाद्यान्न की व्यवस्था कर पाया था । 15 जुलाई को जब उसने इसी द्वीप का विस्तृत पर्यवेक्षण करने गया तब उसने वहाँ एक छोटी नदी और उसके तट पर एक चौरस मैदान देखा।

साथ ही वहाँ उसने फलों की एक घाटी पाया जहाँ तरबुज जैसा फल, अंगूर, कोको, नारंगी तथा नींबू के कई पेड़ थे। फलों की

127 घाटी में ही अपना वासस्थान स्थानान्तर करने के लिए प्रलुब्ध हुआ । किन्तु किसी यातायात करनेवाली जहाज से उद्धार की आशा में उसने इस परियोजना को त्याग दिया। अन्धकार में रोशनी पाने के लिए उसने चर्बी से जलनेवाली एक प्रदीप का निर्माण किया था। अपने दिन भर के कार्यों को दर्ज करने के लिए एक डायरी रखा करता था। इसी प्रकार एक निर्जन, निराशा का द्वीप में वेदनादायक एक पूरा वर्ष उसने व्यतीत किया था ।


Lesson-11  A Shipwrecked Sailor Text

On September 30, 1659, I, miserable Robinson Crusoe, being shipwrecked during a violent storm, came on shore on this dismal island. I call it the Island of Despair.

I was almost dead and the rest of my ship’s company was drowned. I had neither food, house nor clothes. I feared I would be devoured by wild beasts. When night came, I slept in a tree for fear of wild creatures. It rained all night.


(पाठ)- 11 एक विनष्ट जहाज का नाविक Word Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Miserable : दुर्दशाग्रस्त |
  2. Shipwrecked: जहाज का डूबना, नष्ट होना ।
  3. Iolent: महावह
  4. Storm: आँधी-तूफान |
  5. Island: द्वीप
  6. Despair: निराशा
  7. Drowned: डूब गया था।
  8. Devoured: खा गया, निगल गया।
  9. Wild: जंगली ।
  10. Beasts: जंतु, जानवर।


(पाठ)- 11 एक विनष्ट जहाज का नाविक हिन्दी अनुवाद

1659 ई० के 30 सितम्बर को एक प्रलयकारी आँधी-तूफान में जहाज डूब जाने के फलस्वरूप, मैं, अभागा रबिनसन क्रूसो, एक निर्जन द्वीप के तट पर आ गया। मैं तो प्रायः मर ही गया था और मेरे अन्य साथी तो डूब ही गये। मेरे पास न तो था खाना, ना ही रहने का स्थान और ना ही पहनने के कपड़े। मैं डर गया कि जंगली जानवर संभवतः मुझे मार ही डालेंगे। जब रात हुई तो जंगली जानवरों के डर से मैं एक पेड़ पर सो गया। सारी रात वारिश होती रही।


Lesson-11  A Shipwrecked Sailor Text

The rain continued through the next day with gusts of wind. Only a wreck of my ship was to be seen at low water. I swam to the wreck to rescue and secure for my survival some food and other provisions. I was able to collect some wood, cable, string, a knife, nails, and a gun.

I also collected a hammock and some canvas with which I made a tent. I got some ink and paper. I also found some money, but they were useless to me on this barren island. I was some hundred leagues out of the ordinary course of the trade of mankind. I was convinced I had to spend the rest of my life alone on this wild, desolate island.


(पाठ)- 11 एक विनष्ट जहाज का नाविक Word Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Continued: चलता रहा, लगातार
  2. Gusts: हवा का झोंका
  3. Wreck: टूटा हुआ भाग ।
  4. Rescue : उद्धार करना, निकालना।
  5. Secure: निश्चित, सुरक्षित।
  6. Survival: टिका रहना ।
  7. Provision: प्रावधान, भविष्य के लिए व्यवस्था |
  8. Collect: संग्रह करना
  9. String: रस्सी ।
  10. Nail: कांटी। Tent तंबू |
  11. League: दूरी की नाप ।
  12. Convinced : विश्वास किया था।
  13. Desolate: निर्जन, सुनसान ।


(पाठ)- 11 एक विनष्ट जहाज का नाविक हिन्दी अनुवाद

दूसरा दिन भी तेज हवा के झोंके के साथ वारिश में व्यतीत हो गया। जल, जहाँ अथाह नहीं था, वहाँ मैने अपने जहाज का टूटा हुआ भाग देखा। मैं तैरता हुआ जहाज के उस टूटे हुए भाग तक अपनी सुरक्षित आश्रय के लिए कुछ खाद्य सामग्रियों के साथ अन्य आवश्यक वस्तुओं का संग्रह करने के लिए गया। मैंने कुछ काठ (लकड़ी), रस्सी, तार, एक चाकू, कांटी और एक बंदूक संग्रह किया। मैं वहाँ जाल से निर्मित एक बिस्तर और कुछ मोटा कपड़ा पाया जिससे एक तंबू का निर्माण किया ।

मुझे कुछ स्याही और कागज भी मिला था। मुझे कुछ रुपये-पैसे भी मिले थे किन्तु उस अनुपजाऊ द्वीप में वह किसी काम में नहीं आया। मैं मनुष्य के स्वाभाविक जीवन-यापन से कई कोसों दूर था। मुझे विश्वास होने लगा था कि इस जंगल और निर्जन द्वीप में अकेले ही शेष जीवन व्यतीत करना पड़ेगा।


Lesson-11  A Shipwrecked Sailor Text

I searched long for a place of safe habitation. I found a little plain on the side of a rising hill. On the rocky wall of the hill, there was a hollow place worn in, like the entrance to a cave. On the flat of the green, just before this hollow, I resolved to pitch my tent.


(पाठ)- 11 एक विनष्ट जहाज का नाविक Word Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Searched : खोजा था, तलाश किया था।
  2. Safe : सुरक्षित
  3. Habitation: निवास
  4. Plain : समतल भूमि ।
  5. Rising : उदीयमान |
  6. Hill : पहाड़ |
  7. Rocky : चट्टान |
  8. Hollow: खोखला ।
  9. Cave : गुफा
  10. Flat : चौरस ।
  11. Pitch : लगाया हुआ ।


(पाठ)- 11 एक विनष्ट जहाज का नाविक हिन्दी अनुवाद

मैं बहुत देर से एक सुरक्षित निवास स्थल की तलाश में था। मैं एक उदियमान पहाड़ के किनारे समतल भूमि का एक टुकड़ा देखा। पथरीली पहाड़ के ढलाई पर एक खाली स्थान था जो गुफा की मुँह की भांति अति प्राचीन दिख रहा था। हरी-भरी चौरस भूमि के उस खाली स्थान के सामने ही मैंने अपनी तम्बू लगाने का फैसला किया।


Lesson-11  A Shipwrecked Sailor Text

  1. I cut the wood I collected, into stakes. I drove them into the ground in a semi-circle around my tent. The stakes stood six inches apart from each other.
  2. I put the cables I had rescued from the ship around the stakes in the manner of a fence. I used a short ladder to go over the fence.
  3. Once in, I withdrew the ladder after me so that I was completely fortified against the world outside. Into this tent, I brought all my stores and provisions.


(पाठ)- 11 एक विनष्ट जहाज का नाविक Word-Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Wood : लकड़ी |
  2. Stakes: खूँटी, खंभा ।
  3. Semi-Circle : अर्धवृत्त ।
  4. Fence : बेड़ा, घेरा ।
  5. Ladder: सीढ़ी।
  6. Completely : पूरी तरह
  7. Stores: असबाव, भंडार ।


(पाठ)- 11 एक विनष्ट जहाज का नाविक हिन्दी अनुवाद

जिन लकड़ियों का मैने संग्रह किया था उन्हें काट कर खंभा बनाया। उसे मैं अपनी तम्बू के चारों तरफ अर्धवृत्ताकार रूप में लगा दिया। खंभों को 6 इंच के अन्तर पर गाड़ दिया। जहाज से जो रस्सियाँ मिली थी उससे एक घेरा जैसे बना दिया। घेरे से निकलने के लिए एक छोटा सीढ़ी का व्यवहार किया। एक बार सामने से सीढ़ी को हटा लिया यह जानने के लिए मैं बाहरी दुनिया से पूरी तरह सुरक्षित हो गया हूँ। मैं तंबू के भीतर अपने सभी सामानों को भविष्य के लिए रख लिया ।


Lesson-11  A Shipwrecked Sailor Text

After I had been on the island for ten or twelve days, it occurred to me that I would lose the measure of time. This was because I had neither watched nor calendar.

To prevent this, I cut with my knife upon a large post on the date of my landing; I put a notch on my knife every day. After a long spell of rain, I saw some fair weather around 7th November.

I spent the next couple of days making small wooden boxes to keep my provisions dry from the rain.


(पाठ)- 11 एक विनष्ट जहाज का नाविक Word-Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Occurred : घटित |
  2. Measure: परिमाप मात्रा
  3. Calender: दिनपंजिका ।
  4. Notch: दाग |
  5. Long : लंबा
  6. Couple: एकजोड़ा, युगल ।
  7. Spell: समय, काल ।


(पाठ)- 11 एक विनष्ट जहाज का नाविक हिन्दी अनुवाद

इस द्वीप में दस-बारह दिन व्यतीत करने के बाद मुझे याद आया कि समय का हिसाब-किताब रखना ही मैं भूल जाऊँगा । इसका कारण यह था कि मेरे पास घड़ी अथवा कैलेन्डर कुछ भी नहीं था।

इसका निवारण करने के लिए, मैं चाकू से एक बड़े खंभे पर इस द्वीप में आने की तारीख लिखा और प्रतिदिन व्यतीत होने के प्रति खंभे पर चाकू से निशान लगाता गया ।

लंबी अवधि से वारिश होने के बाद 7 नवम्बर को मौसम कुछ साफ दिखाई दिया। उसके बाद के कई दिनों तक मैं अपनी वस्तुओं को वारिश से बचाने और उसे सुखाये रखने के लिए छोटे-छोटे बक्से बनाने में व्यतीत किया।


Lesson-11  A Shipwrecked Sailor Text

Among the things I rescued from the ship, there was a small bag of corn meant for poultry feed. Most of it had been devoured by rats. I saw nothing but husks and dust in the bag.

I emptied the contents outside my wall. This was a little time before the great rains. A month later I discovered green stalks shooting out of the ground. I was astonished to discover it was perfect green barley. By the June of 1660, I had gained the security of food and shelter.

In this same month, I developed a high fever and lay weak and thirsty. I recovered around the 30th and gradually felt stronger than the day before.


(पाठ)- 11 एक विनष्ट जहाज का नाविक Word-Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Corn : अनाज |
  2. Poultry: पालतू पक्षी |
  3. Husk : भूसा
  4. Content: वस्तु ।
  5. Astonished: विस्मित ।
  6. Discovered : आविष्कार किया था।
  7. Gradually: धीरे-धीरे
  8. Stalks : डंठल ।


(पाठ)- 11 एक विनष्ट जहाज का नाविक हिन्दी अनुवाद

जहाज से जिन वस्तुओं का संग्रह मैंने किया था उनमें पक्षियों के खाने की अनाज से भरा एक थाली भी था। उसका अधिकांश भाग चूहों ने खा लिया था। थाली में सिर्फ भूसा तथा धूल-कण को छोड़ कर कुछ नहीं देख पाया। दिवाल के बाहर मैंने उसे साफ कर खाली किया था। वह समय वर्षा ऋतु के आगमन के पहले का था। एक माह बाद मैंने वहाँ देखा कि जमीन से हरी-हरी पौधे निकले हैं।

मैं यह देखकर आश्चर्यचकित हुआ कि ये पौधे बिल्कुल बार्ली के पौधे थे । 1660 ई० के जून महीने तक मैं खाद्यान्न और निवास-स्थल के बारे में पूरी तरह निश्चित हो गया। ठीक इसी महीने में मैं तेज बुखार से पीड़ित हुआ तथा काफी कमजोर होकर बिस्तर पर लेटा रहा। 30 तारीख तक स्वस्थ हुआ और शारीरिक शक्ति वापस पाने लगा ।


Lesson-11  A Shipwrecked Sailor Text

On the 15th of July, I took a more particular survey of the island. Around two miles up, I found a brook with pleasant meadows by its bank, plain, smooth, and covered by grass. In a woody part, I found melons in great abundance and grape trees.

The grapes were ripe and rich. Further, into the land, I found a great number of cocoa, orange, and lemon trees. I carried a great parcel of fruit homeward and the journey took me three days.


(पाठ)- 11 एक विनष्ट जहाज का नाविक Word Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Particular : विशेष |
  2. Survey: परीक्षा-निरीक्षा, जांच-पड़ताल
  3. Pleasant : सुन्दर, मनोरम |
  4. Meadow : बांगर, चारागाह |
  5. Woody: झाड़ियों से भरपूर |
  6. Abundance : पर्याप्त
  7. Parcel : पैकेट में भरकर कुछ भेजने की व्यवस्था करना |
  8. Homeward : घर की ओर ।


(पाठ)- 11 एक विनष्ट जहाज का नाविक हिन्दी अनुवाद छै

15 जुलाई को मैं द्वीप का पुनः एक बार विस्तृत परीक्षण निरीक्षण किया। प्रायः दो मील की दूरी पर मैं एक छोटी नदी देखा, जिसके तट पर एक चौरस और समतल मैदान था। एक झाड़ी की ओर नजर पड़ा जहाँ पर्याप्त मात्रा में तरबुज और अंगूर के पेड़ थे। अंगूरे पके और मीठे थे।

कुछ और अन्दर जाकर देखा जहाँ कोको, नारंगी तथा नींबू के कई पेड़ थे। फलों का एक बहुत बड़ा थैला घर की ओर लाने लगा और घर वापस आने में मुझे तीन दिन का समय लगा ।


Lesson-11  A Shipwrecked Sailor Text

I was tempted to transfer my habitation to this valley of fruits. I did not, because I still hoped to be rescued by some passing ship on the sea. I did not want to enclose myself in hills and woods. I stayed in view of the sea. Ten months had passed since I had set foot on this island.


(पाठ)- 11 एक विनष्ट जहाज का नाविक Word-Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Tempted : आकृष्ट करना, प्रलुब्ध करना
  2. Transfer: एक स्थान से दूसरे स्थान पर जाना
  3. Valley: घाटी।
  4. Rescued : उद्धार किया था।
  5. Enclose: जकड़ लेना ।


(पाठ)- 11 एक विनष्ट जहाज का नाविक हिन्दी अनुवाद

फलों से भरी घाटी में मैं अपने निवास स्थल को स्थानान्तरित करने के लिए बहुत ही आकर्षित हुआ। किन्तु किया नहीं इस आशा में कि समुद्र में यातायात करनेवाली कोई जहाज मुझे यहाँ से निकाल कर ले जायेगा। मैं अपने आपको पहाड़ तथा जंगल में कैदी बनाकर रखना नहीं चाहता था। मैं बैठा हुआ सागर की ओर ही देखता रहा । इस द्वीप में जिस । में बैठा हुआ दिन से पाँव रखा है उस दिन से दस महीने बीत गये ।


Lesson-11  A Shipwrecked Sailor Text

Previously I had no lamp after dark. I collected a little tallow and a small clay dish. To this, I “added a wick. I had thus made myself a lamp.

I now began to seriously consider the circumstance I was reduced to. I decided to describe my state of affairs in writing. I began to keep a journal of every day’s employment. I could not include all particulars because gradually I ran out of ink.

I found by the notches cast on the post, it was September 30th again. I had spent three hundred and sixty-five days on this island.


(पाठ)- 11 एक विनष्ट जहाज का नाविक Word Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Previously : पहले ।
  2. Clay Dish : मिट्टी की थाली ।
  3. Wick : वर्तिका, पलीता ।
  4. Lamp: वत्ती ।
  5. Seriously : गंभीरता से ।
  6. Circumstance: अवस्था, परिस्थिति।
  7. Journal: दिन पंजिका
  8. Employment : कार्य, रोजगार |
  9. Ran Out: खत्म हो गया था।
  10. Post: खूँटी, खंभा
  11. Spent: समय व्यतीत किया था।


(पाठ)- 11 एक विनष्ट जहाज का नाविक हिन्दी अनुवाद

अन्धकार को दूर करने के लिए मेरे पास कोई प्रदीप नहीं था। मैं एक छोटा मोमबत्ती और एक छोटी मिट्टी की थाली की व्यवस्था किया। इसके साथ मैं एक वर्तिका जोड़ दिया। इस तरह स्वयं ही एक प्रदीप का निर्माण किया ।

अब मैं गंभीरता से यही सोच रहा हूँ कि मैंने किस प्रकार परिस्थिति को संभाला है। मैने तय किया कि इन सभी घटनाओं को लिपिबद्ध करके रखूंगा। मैं अपने प्रतिदिन के कार्यों का रोजनामचा रखना आरंभ किया। सभी विवरणों को मैं नहीं लिख पाया क्योंकि मेरे पास की स्याही धीरे-धीरे खत्म हो रही थी।

खंभे पर लगे निशान को देखकर मैंने समझा कि 30 सितम्बर पुनः आ गया है। उसी द्वीप में मैं 365 दिन व्यतीत कर दिया।


(पाठ)- 11 एक विनष्ट जहाज का नाविक Word Nest (शब्द नीड़)

  1. Dismal: desolate (निर्जन, सुनसान, वेदनादायक )
  2. Devoured: ate all of something quickly (कोई भी चीज पूरी तरह शीघ्र ही खा लेना)
  3. Hammock: a kind of hanging bed generally imade of net (सामान्यत: जाल से निर्मित एक झूलता हुआ विछावन)
  4. Fortified: secured (सुरक्षित)
  5. Notch: mark (दाग, निशान)
  6. Tallow: animal fat used to make candles (मोमबत्ती बनाने के लिए जीवों का चर्बी)


(पाठ)- 11 एक विनष्ट जहाज का नाविक Textual Questions (पाठ्याधारित प्रश्न) Exercise (अभ्यास) – 1

Tick The Correct Answer From The Given Alternatives:

Question 1. Robinson Crusoe was shipwrecked in

  1. 1659
  2. 1559
  3. 1359
  4. 1959

Answer: 1659

Question 2. Robinson Crusoe used canvas to make a

  1. Bed
  2. Sail
  3. Tent
  4. Curtain

Answer: 3. Tent

Question 3. The distance between the stakes Robinson Crusoe drove into the ground was

  1. Five Inches
  2. Seven Inches
  3. Four Inches
  4. Six Inches

Answer: 4. Six Inches

Question 4. Crusoe saw some fair weather in the month of

  1. December
  2. November
  3. September
  4. October

Answer: 2. November

Question 5. The journey homeward with the fruit parcel took Crusoe

  1. Five Days
  2. Ten Days
  3. Three Days
  4. Four Days

Answer: 3. Three Days


(पाठ)- 11 एक विनष्ट जहाज का नाविक Exercise (अभ्यास) – 2

Answer The Following Questions Within Fifteen Words

Question 1. What name did Crusoe give to the dismal island?
Answer: Crusoe named the dismal island ‘the Island of Despair’ in which he got shelter after his shipwreck.

Question 2. Where did he pitch the tent?
Answer: He pitched his tent on the flat of green just before a hollow of a rising hill.

Question 3. How did Crusoe go over the fence?
Answer: Crusoe took the help of a short ladder in order to go over the fence.

Question 4. Why did he keep a journal?
Answer: He kept a journal to write down his everyday undertakings employment.


(पाठ)- 11 एक विनष्ट जहाज का नाविक Exercise (अभ्यास) – 3

Answer The Following Questions Within Twenty-Five Words:

Question 1. What were the items Robinson Crusoe collected from the wrecked ship?
Answer: From the wrecked ship Robinson Crusoe collected some wood, cable, string, nails, a knife, a gun, a hammock, canvas, some ink, paper, and some money.

Question 2. How did Crusoe keep track of the number of days he spent on the island?
Answer: To keep track of the number of days spent on the island Crusoe cut a notch every day upon a large post on the date of his landing with his knife.

Question 3. In what way did Crusoe make himself a lamp?
Answer: Collecting a little tallow, a small clay dish, and adding a wick to this, Crusoe prepared a lamp for his use at night in the tent.

Grammar in use:


(पाठ)- 11 एक विनष्ट जहाज का नाविक Exercise (अभ्यास) – 4

Underline The Adverbs And State Their Kinds :

Question 1. It is too hot today.
Answer: It is too hot today. [too-> adverb of quantity; today -> adverb of time]

Question 2. The girl seldom visits my house.
Answer: The girl seldom visits my house. [seldom-> adverb of frequency]

Question 3. He searched everywhere for the book.
Answer: He searched everywhere for the book. [everywhere -> adverb of place]

Question 4. The boy runs fast.
Answer: The boy runs fast. [fast-> adverb of manner]


(पाठ)- 11 एक विनष्ट जहाज का नाविक Exercise (अभ्यास) – 5

Underline The Clauses In The Following Sentences And State What Kind Of Clauses They Are:

Question 1. She asked me what my name was.
Answer: She asked me what my name was. [Nominal Clause]

Question 2. He is a friend who has always helped me.
Answer: He is a friend who has always helped me. [Adjective (Relative) Clause]

Question 3. Please enter the room when you are asked to.
Answer: Please enter the room when you are asked to. [Adverbial Clause]

Question 4. That he will win is known to us.
Answer: That he will win is known to us. [Nominal Clause]


(पाठ)- 11 एक विनष्ट जहाज का नाविक Exercise (अभ्यास) – 6

Identify The Following Sentences As Simple, Complex, And Compound:

Question 1. They predicted that it would rain.
Answer: Complex Sentence.

Question 2. The weather was fine, the children went out to play.
Answer: Simple Sentence.

Question 3. Ravi woke up early but he could not reach school on time.
Answer: Compound Sentence.

Question 4. After finishing his work, my father returned home. X3
Answer: Simple Sentence.


(पाठ)- 11 एक विनष्ट जहाज का नाविक Exercise (अभ्यास) – 7

Do as directed:

Question 1. Tatar hoped to do well in the examination. (change into a complex sentence)
Answer: Tatar hoped that he would do well in the examination.

Question 2. The Headmistress arrived and the meeting began. (change into a complex sentence)
Answer: When the headmistress arrived, the meeting began.

Question 3. Ayesha was surprised when she heard the news. (change into a simple sentence)
Answer: Ayesha was surprised to hear the news. Hearing the news, Ayesha was surprised.

Question 4. You must work hard to be successful in life. (change into a compound sentence).
Answer: You must work hard else you will be unsuccessful in life. You must work hard or, you will not succeed in life.



(पाठ)- 11 एक विनष्ट जहाज का नाविक Exercise (अभ्यास) – 8

Question You had been ill for three days. Write a letter to the Headmaster/Headmistress of your school seeking a leave of absence for those days.


The Headmaster,
Navin Vidyamandir,
Howrah Sir,

Subject: Leave of absence

I, being a student of Class-IX, Sec.- C, Roll no. 34 of your school, beg to bring to your kind notice that I absented myself from school from 16th to 18th August 2014 on account of my fever accompanied by a headache.

I shall, therefore, be grateful to you if you compassionately grant me a leave of absence for the above-mentioned days. A xerox of a medical certificate has been annexed herewith.
Thank you,

August 19, 2014
As stated above.

Yours obediently,
Preeti Mitral


(पाठ)- 11 एक विनष्ट जहाज का नाविक Exercise (अभ्यास) – 9

Question You want to visit a tourist spot during the Puja vacation. Write a letter within 100 words to the manager of a hotel enquiring about the availability of rooms, the cost involved and sites to be seen.


15 September 2014
The Manager,
Delux Hotel,
Hill curt Road, Siliguri
West Bengal

I write you this letter intending to reserve two rooms for 5 nights. With my parents, I shall arrive at your hotel during the puja vacation, most probably on 23rd October 2014, and stay up until 27 October 2014.

But before making the reservation I hold some queries to be answered and replied to through email ([email protected]) at an early date. The queries are given below:

  1. Are two rooms available during the puja vacation, especially within the tentative dates of our arrival?
  2. How much are the charges for two rooms for 5 nights?
  3. Is VAT included in the price?
  4. Is there any rebate for the puja vacation?
  5. Mention the sites to be visited.
  6. I am looking forward to your reply.

Thanking you,
Station Road,

Yours faithfully,
Prayag Majhi
Belur Howrah.

Lesson-11  A Shipwrecked Sailor Additional Textual Question & Answers

Tick The Correct Answer From The Given Alternatives:

Question 1. The island was called by Crusoe a land of

  1. Hope
  2. Frustration
  3. Monotony
  4. Anguish

Answer: 2. Monotony

Question 2. The narrator drove the stakes into the ground in a

  1. Circle
  2. Semi-circle
  3. Square
  4. Rectangle

Answer: 2. Semi-circle

Question 3. The island was

  1. Quite habitable
  2. Moderately habitable
  3. Uninhabitable
  4. Very thinly populated

Answer: 3. Uninhabitable

Question 4. Crusoe developed a high fever in the month of

  1. June
  2. October
  3. September
  4. November

Answer: 1. June

Question 5. The narrator was able to collect

  1. Some food
  2. Some cable
  3. Some string
  4. All three

Answer: 4. All three

Question 6. To prepare a lamp, robinson crusoe used

  1. Oil
  2. Kerosine
  3. Candlestick
  4. Animal fat

Answer: 4. Animal fat

Question 7. Crusoe still hoped to get rescued by some

  1. Tribals
  2. Sailors
  3. Policemen
  4. Officers

Answer: 2. Sailors

Question 8. On the side of a rising hill, he found a little –

  1. Cottage
  2. Cave
  3. Plain
  4. Island

Answer: 3. Plain

Question 9. Crusoe marked the date of his landing upon a post with –

  1. A knife
  2. A sword
  3. A pen knife
  4. Any sharp tool

Answer: 1. A knife

Question 10. After 7th November he spent some days making –

  1. Hats
  2. Paper baskets
  3. Wooden boxes
  4. Flower vase

Answer: 3. Wooden boxes

Question 11. Most of the corn was eaten by –

  1. Insects
  2. Rats
  3. Ants
  4. Crusoe himself

Answer: 2. Rats

Question 11. The narrator started making small wooden boxes to keep the provisions

  1. Healthy
  2. Wholesome
  3. Wet
  4. Dry

Answer: 4. Dry

Question 12. Crusoe pitched his tent

  1. Beside the tree
  2. Behind a hollow
  3. On the top of a hill
  4. On the flat green

Answer: 4. On the flat green

Question 13. Crusoe cut the wood he collected

  1. Into stakes
  2. Into a fence
  3. Into a plow
  4. Into a bundle

Answer: 1. Into stakes

Question 14. Crusoe used a short ladder

  1. To climb upon a tree
  2. To climb on trees
  3. To climb on his roof
  4. To go over the fence

Answer: 4. To go over the fence

Question 15. Crusoe kept all his stores and provisions

  1. In the tent
  2. In a cave
  3. On a big rock
  4. On the tree

Answer: 1. In the tent

Question 16. Crusoe marked the date of his landing upon a post with

  1. A knife
  2. In a cave
  3. A pen-knife
  4. On the tree

Answer: 1. A knife

Question 17. The narrator saw some fair weather in the month of

  1. December
  2. November
  3. October
  4. September

Answer: 2. November


Lesson-11  A Shipwrecked Sailor Answer The Following Questions Within Fifteen Words

Question 1. Where did Robinson keep his stores and provisions?
Answer: Robinson kept his stores and provisions in small wooden boxes.

Question 2. What did the narrator put around the stakes to make a strong fence?
Answer: The narrator put cables around the stakes to make a strong fence.

Question 3. What did the shape of the fence look like?
Answer: The shape of the fence looked like a semi-circle.

Question 4. Why did Crusoe swim to the wreck?
Answer: Crusoe swam to the wreck to rescue some food and other provisions for survival.

Question 5. What did Crusoe collect from the valley?
Answer: From the valley Crusoe collected different kinds of fruits, like melons, grapes,
oranges, etc.

Question 6. What did Crusoe see in his bag?
Answer: In his bag, Crusoe saw only husks and dust.


Lesson-11  A Shipwrecked Sailor Answer The Following Questions Within Twenty-Five Words

Question 1. How did the author use the stakes he made to fence his tent?
Answer: The author drove the stakes into the ground in a semi-circle around his tent for fencing.

Question 2. Describe how Crusoe, after being shipwrecked, found himself on a dismal island.
Answer: With the shipwreck, the rest of the people of Crusoe’s ship company drowned. He himself was almost dead. But somehow he came to the shore of a dismal island.

Question 3. What happened to him on the first night?
Answer: He had no knowledge about that unknown island. So when night fell, he slept on a tree for fear of wild creatures. It also rained all night.

Question 4. Why did Crusoe want to stay in view of the sea?
Answer: Crusoe wanted to stay in view of the sea because he still hoped to be rescued by some passing ship on the sea.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 English Bliss Letter Writing

Letter Writing


Question 1. Write a letter to the editor of an English daily on the basis of the following points:

Points: Condition of Govt run hospitals deplorable-insufficient beds – sanitation poor-not cleared regularly-doctors and nurses come and go-Patients unit- tended-cry for help – appeals not considered-your request.

The Editor,
The Times of India,
Kolkata – 01.

          Subject: On the deplorable condition of Govt. hospitals.

Through the column of your esteemed daily, I venture to express my views on the deplorable condition of hospitals run by the Government.

Some of these hospitals have insufficient beds. Patients have to lie down on the floor when they are admitted. Even the bathrooms are very dirty and emit a foul smell.

Though there are persons appointed for the task, the bathrooms are not cleaned regularly. Patients remain unattended, even when there are nurses and doctors available. These helpless people cry for help but their appeals remain unheeded.

Therefore, I request you to publish my letter in your newspaper daily so that the related authorities take necessary steps against these pathetic conditions.

Thanking You,
Date: 12/05/18

Yours Faithfully,
Bikash Shaw


Question 2. Write an application to the Headmaster of your school requesting him to grant you sick leave for a week.

The Headmaster,
Khana High School,

      Subject: Grating sick leave for a week.

I beg most respectfully to state that I have been suffering from a fever for the last few days. It is, therefore, quite impossible for me to attend classes for a week.

The physician has advised me to take complete rest for a week. Therefore, I shall be highly obliged if you kindly grant me sick leave for a week with effect from 10th to 17th July 2014.

Thanking you

19th July 2014

Yours obediently,
Deepak Yadav


Question 3. You borrowed a valuable book from your school library. You have lost the book. Write an apology for the loss to the librarian. (100 words):

Dated: 10.05.21014

The Librarian,
ABC School, Kolkata.

       Subject: Lost of Book.

I regret to bring to your kind notice the fact that I have lost the book entitled Vidyasagar Arithmetic by Sagir Ahamed. I lost the book yesterday while I was returning home by public bus. I was so engrossed in reading the book that I forgot to put the book in my bag and hurriedly got down from the bus.

I am really ashamed of my carelessness. My parents too have rebuked me for my carelessness and they have wanted to know the price of the lost book. Kindly let me know whether I shall pay the price of the lost book or buy the same book from the library. I do once again implore your good self to pardon me for the lapse on my part.

Thanking you.

Yours obediently,
A. Choudhary
Class-X, Sec-A, Roll-3

Question 4. Write a letter to your friend about your experience on a rainy day.


Belur, Howrah
Date: 29.04.14

Dear Mahesh,

I write this letter to you to describe a pleasant rainy day which has been experienced by me. One day I was going to school. It was very hot outside and it was unbearable. Soon I saw a patch of dark cloud in the North. In no time, the sky was overcast. Soon the rain started.

I ran to a nearby shop for safety from the rain. People were also running here and there for safety. The rain continued for an hour. All the roads and lowlands were filled with water. Traffic had been jammed. After the rain, the people come out of their houses.

I also ran to school but I had already become late due to the rain. Then, the headmaster declared the day a rainy day. We returned home happily. More when we meet. Best wishes to you and regard to your parents.

Mahesh Shaw
C/O-Rahul Shaw
PO: Nandanpur

Yours ever,

Question 5. Write a letter to your friend telling him/her about of short trip you made recently with your parents/friends to an interesting place in West Bengal.

[In your letter include the following points.[ place-selection of place-mode of transport-duration of stay-numbers accompanying-sight seen – your feelings.]

 B.P Road,
Jagatdal 24 Pgs (N)
22nd April 2014,

Dear Sahid,

For a long time, I could not hear from you. I expect that you will be enjoying good health with your study. I have come back from Darjeeling where I had been with my parents to see the natural sight. In this letter, I feel it suitable to give you a short description of that interesting trip.

Just at the outset of the summer vacation, my father got three berths reserved in the Darjeeling Mail. I reached New Jalpaiguri the next day. From there we went to Darjeeling by bus. We put up at the hotel and stayed there for 4 days. Darjeeling is really a charming place.

There we could notice beautiful houses constructed at different levels along the hills. The weather was fine. We saw the observatory. The mountaineering institute and the zoo. It was an enjoyable tour. The memory of the tour is still fresh in my mind. Reply to me by the return of the post.

Best wishes to you and regards to your parents.

Yours loving friend

Question 6. Suppose you have broken your leg and cannot go to school. Write a letter to your friend telling him/her about how you are feeling. Do not write more than 80 words.

Dear Ramesh,

I hope this finds you in good health along with your parents. As you know I met with an accident last Sunday when I slipped down the stairs and got my left leg broken.

In a plastered condition, I am strictly confined to bed, completely immobile. I can not say how long it will take to recover. The biggest pain, I am subjected to is that I am feeling completely bored and secluded without you and my friends and any work. Please come if you are at loose end this evening. More when you come.

Affectionately yours

Question 7. Suppose you are the Secretary of a club. Write a letter (in not more than 120 words) to a well-known singer, requesting him/her to perform at a function organized by your club to raise funds for the benefit of the flood victims of West Bengal. You may use the following points:

  1. Name of the club
  2. Name of the singer
  3. Date, venue, and time of the function
  4. Reason for the function
  5. Request for prompt reply and confirmation.


Smt. Indrani Roy
15/1, Southern Avenue

You must be aware that vast areas of North Bengal have recently suffered terrible losses from the recent flood. Properties and crops worth crores of rupees have been destroyed and thousands rendered homeless and destitute.

At this hour of their great need, we have planned to raise funds for the benefit of the flood victims by organizing a musical function to be held at Rabindra Sadan on 16th Sept. next at 6 p.m. We shall be grateful if you kindly lend us a helping hand by performing at it.

Your presence will certainly be a great attraction for the success of the program. We are confident of getting your patronage and would be glad if you kindly let us know your consent early. Thanking you, Madam.

Sept. 1, 2007

Yours faithfully,
Ajit Roy
Jagriti Sangha
6. S.P. Mukherjee Road

Question 8. A blood donation camp has been arranged by your local club to help poor patients on Republic Day. Being the secretary of the club, write a letter in about 120 words to the Health Officer of your area for the necessary permission. You can use the following points:

  1. Place of the proposed camp with full address,
  2. Time of blood donation,
  3. Local people are very eager to take part in this good cause,
  4. The collected blood going to help the poor patients totally.


The Health Officer, Champdani.

Subject:- Permission for arranging a blood donation camp

This is to inform you that our club, Yuva Manch, wants to arrange a blood donation camp on our club premises. Our club is at Bhadreswar near Tetultala.

We have decided to choose 26 January for the purpose. The program will start at 9 am. The good news is that the local people have appreciated this decision. They are very eager to take part in this good cause.

Our club is large enough for the purpose. The doctors and nurses of Janseva Hospital are ready to help us. The collected blood will help poor patients who cannot afford to buy blood from the blood bank. I will be highly obliged to you if you are very kind to grant us permission to go on.
Thanking you.

Date:- 05/01/13

Yours faithfully,
Raman Lal Nayak
Secretary of the club.

Question 9. Write a letter to your friend about an educational excursion.


My dear Arpan,

I, along with the students of our school, went on an educational tour to Puri during the last puja vacation. We went there by train and some of our teachers accompanied us.

We put up at the Puri Hotel there. On the first day of our stay there, we spent the evening on the beach looking out at the roaring sea in front. The next day we went to visit the holy temple of Jagannath Dev which is one of the greatest pilgrimages of the Hindus.

Sree Chaitanyadev spent the last days of his life here. One day we went on a conducted tour to visit the interesting places around Puri like Udaigiri and Khandagiri, Konark, and Bhubaneshwar. The art and architecture of these places completely captured our minds.

During our stay at Puri, we had a pleasant bath in the sea every day. We also enjoyed the spectacular sight of sunrise and sunset there. The beauty of the deep and blue Bay of Bengal was really unique.  We came back after four days. Thus, we had a happy time there. The memory of this visit is still very vivid in my mind.

So much for the present. With love and good wishes,

Arpan Ganguli
18/G. P. Sinha Rd.,
P.O. Bankura,
Pin. 722 101.

Truly yours,

Question 10. Write a letter to a friend about how you will spend the coming winter vacation.

Hooghly, 02.10.02

My dear Sanjay,
I am already in receipt of your sweet note. You wanted to know how I will spend the coming short winter vacation. During this time, I won’t go out on any trips. I intend to make the best use of the time because it is going to be the only vacation before the important Madhyamik Examination.

I will concentrate wholeheartedly on my studies. I will devote much time to Geography and Mathematics in which I am very weak. On 25th December I may go out for a picnic.

This is how I intend to spend the time. But what about your plans and programs during the vacation? Please inform me at your earliest.

I am O.K. and hope you are also so. Please take my love and convey my regards to your parents.

Sincerely yours,

Sanjay Mukherjee
Paschim Para,
P.O. Rahara,
Discrict: North 24-Parganas.

Question 11. Write a letter to your younger brother about the benefits of reading newspapers.


Dear Akash,

In his last couple of letters, father has informed me that you are not interested in reading the newspaper regularly. This is not good.

Mere bookish knowledge will not do. You have to improve your general knowledge. The newspaper is a useful and important medium for acquiring this kind of knowledge.

Newspaper reading has many other benefits. It will help you to establish contact with the world outside and form your opinion about political, social, and economic matters.

The knowledge of a student who does not read the newspaper daily is poor and inadequate. You must, therefore, form the habit of reading the newspaper regularly without further delay. So much for the present. Hope, this finds you in the best of health and spirits.

With best regards to parents and love to you,

Sincerely yours,

Stamp Jyotirmoy Hazra
P-49/C, P. M. Sarani
Garfa, Kolkata-700 078.

Questions 12. Suppose you lost your bicycle. Write a letter to the O. C. of your local Police Station, reporting the loss. Refer to the following points:

  1. Date and time of the loss
  2. Name of the place where you lost the bi-cycle
  3. Trade mark or name of your cycle
  4. The number and condition of the cycle.


The Officer-in-Charge,
Siliguri Police Station,
Siliguri, Darjeeling.

           Subject: Lost of Bi-cycle.

I beg to state that I lost my bicycle on the 3rd of this month at about five in the evening. I lost it at the market near the Tenzing Norge Bus Stand in the city.

This was a new Hercules cycle bought only one month ago. Its number is 215634. I am, needless to say, terribly unhappy having lost the bi-cycle.m I would, therefore, earnestly request you to kindly investigate into the matter and inform me if the bi-cycle is found.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
Phanibhusan Sen

41, Railway Colony,
Siliguri, Darjeeling,
October 7. 2012.


Question 13. You live in a certain locality of your town. There is no street light. Write a letter to the Chairman of the Municipality requesting him to make an immediate arrangement for street lights in your locality.

The Chairman,
Berhampore Municipality,
Berhampore, Murshidabad

Subject: Arrangement of street-lights

I beg to state that we are the residents of ward no. 7 under your municipality. We are in urgent need of streetlights in absence of which we have been facing many problems.

The people of the locality cannot walk freely in the darkness of night. The anti-social elements also take advantage of the situation.

Under such circumstances, the residents of our area will be greatly benefited if streetlights are arranged at your end without further delay. I shall, therefore, remain ever grateful for this act of kindness.

Thanking you,

December 2, 2012.

Yours faithfully,
Subhojit Sarkar

Question 14. Write a letter to your friend about your plans for spending the recess after your Examination.

Rohan Gupta
April 7, 2014.

Dear Rejendra,

I received your sweet note just now. You want to know how I will spend the long period of time after the coming Examination. I have already decided to spend the time very fruitfully.

You must have heard that the Higher Secondary syllabus for science is very hard. I, therefore, intend to study some portion of the science subjects in advance.

It will help me understand them better in my future course of study. Besides this, I shall read Rabindranath who is my favorite writer. I will also take physical exercises regularly to regain my lost health.

This is how I intend to utilize the valuable time. Let me know in your next letter how you want to spend the time.
With love and good wishes,

Yours ever,

Rajendra Singh
60, A. P. Devi Road,
P.O. Titagarh, Kol – 119

Question 15. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper (within 100 words) about the problems faced by common people due to the uncontrolled use of loudspeakers and soundboxes during different programs and festivals.

The Editor
The Telegraph
Kolkata – 700001

          Subject: Thoughtless use of loudspeakers


I shall be highly obliged if you allow me some space in your popular daily to ventilate my voice against the thoughtless use of loudspeakers.

Nowadays, the indiscriminate use of microphones during any social, political, or religious occasion has become a trend.

This is causing great inconveniences in general life. Microphones are blared for hours together by some unscrupulous persons. The students, particularly the examinees, are the worst sufferers. They can hardly concentrate on their studies.

This becomes torture to the old and the sick persons. The rampant blaring of loudspeakers can cause many problems like irritation, deafness, heart problems, sleeplessness, etc. Low-quality songs even affect young minds.

I, therefore, request the competent authority to take drastic steps against the offenders of the rules in the larger interest of the people.


Yours faithfully,
Rajiv Kumar


Question 16. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about the miserable condition of the hospitals you usually see around.

The Editor,
The Times of India,
Kolkata – 01.

           Subject: On the deplorable condition of Government hospitals.

Through the column of your esteemed daily, I venture to express my views on the deplorable condition of hospitals run by the Government.

Some of these hospitals have insufficient beds. Patients have to lie down on the floor when they are admitted. Even the bathrooms are very dirty and emit a foul smell.

Though there are persons appointed for the task, the bathrooms are not cleaned regularly. Patients remain unattended, even when there are nurses and doctors available. These helpless people cry for help but their appeals remain unheeded.

Therefore, I request you to publish my letter in your newspaper daily so that the related authorities may take necessary steps against these pathetic conditions.

Thanking You,
Date: 12/05/14

Yours Faithfully,
Bikash Shaw.


Question 17. Write a letter to the Editor of an English daily expressing your grave concern about the sky-rocketing of prices of essential commodities.

The Editor,
The Statesman,
Calcutta – 700 001

I would like to express my views against the ever-increasing prices of essential commodities through the columns of your widely circulated daily.

The recent price rise is now a headache to most people and it has now become impossible for us to make both ends meet. It has hit hard the low and middle-class people.

The fixed-salaried people are the worst sufferers. Not to speak of meat or fish, even the prices of vegetables are also increasing. Even the white-colored water in the name of milk sells at Rs. 5 a liter.

The prices of rice, clothes, medicine, and other essential commodities are also increasing by leaps and bounds. All these have made the life of the common people miserable. It is high time that the Government should take necessary steps to control the prices of necessary articles.

Asansol 09/05/2017

Yours faithfully,
Sachin Singh

Question 18. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper complaining about the anti-social elements in your locality.

The Editor,
The Statesman,
Calcutta-700 001

Through the columns of your esteemed daily, I venture to express my views about the problem of anti-social elements in our locality.

For the last several years some anti-social elements are in operation in this area. They rob the passers-by of their valuables at the point of daggers.

Sometimes they wander with revolvers and bombs and raid shops, houses, and banks. In a nutshell, unrest and violence are spreading in every walk of life and the people of the area are in a panic.

I, therefore, request you to write an editorial note on the unbearable condition of the people caused by the anti-social elements of this locality.

Sripur, Asansol

Yours faithfully,
Udit Raj Kushwaha


Question 19. Write to the editor of a newspaper pointing out the evils of the dowry system.

The Editor,
The Telegraph, Calcutta-700 001

May I have a little space in your esteemed daily to ventilate our grievances against dowry – the greatest curse of our society?

Dowry reduces the sacred institution of marriage to a business deal. It turns the brides into chattels. The parents of the brides are put under inhuman pressure for the handsome dowry.

In many cases, young brides are murdered or pushed to suicide by the husband and his relatives so that he can marry again and endanger the life of another innocent girl.

That is why the birth of a daughter is looked upon as an unwelcome evil by poor parents. It is high time that steps should be taken against this curse of our social life.

The only way to root it out is to generate public opinion against it and, at the same time, to pass strict laws to punish the offenders.

I hope that the right-thinking people will come forward to raise their voices against this social crime.

Sripur, Asansol
Date: – 06/06/17

Yours truly,
Vinayak Kushwaha


Question 20. Write a letter to the Editor of ‘The Statesman’, 4, Chowringhee Square, Kolkata -700001 about the irregular clearance of garbage in your locality in 120 words.

The Editor
The Statesman
4, Chowringhee Square
Kolkata-700 001

Sub: Irregular clearance of garbage

Through your esteemed daily, I would like to draw attention to the irregular clearance of garbage in Oria Para, Howrah which has made the lives of the people living here unbearable.

The environment of the locality has become unhygienic. The garbage bins and the pavements are overflowing with heaps of waste. The uncollected garbage is left to rot and the air is filled with a foul smell. This is also creating health hazards.

The locality has become a breeding ground of mosquitoes and flies that spread diseases like cholera and malaria. Some residents suffering from such diseases have already been hospitalized. I would, therefore, on behalf of the residents of the locality, request the authorities to arrange for regular disposal of garbage.

16, Oria Para
Horwah 711310
23rd Sept. 2016

Yours sincerely
Komal Singh

Question 21. Write a letter to your friend about your plans for spending the recess after your Madhyamik Examination.

Dear Devraj,
I received your sweet note just now. You want to know how I will spend a long period of time after the coming Madhyamik Examination. I have already decided to spend the time very fruitfully.

You must have heard that the Higher Secondary syllabus for science is very hard. I, therefore, intend to study some portion of the science subjects in advance.

It will surely help me understand them better in my future course of study. Besides this, I shall read Rabindranath who is my favorite writer. I will also take physical exercises regularly to regain my lost health. This is how I intend to utilize the valuable time. Let me know in your next letter how you want to spend the time.

With love and good wishes,

Yours ever,



Question 22. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper (within 100 words) about the problems faced by commuters due to reckless driving of public vehicles.

The Editor,
The Statesman,
Kolkata-700 001,

I shall be very thankful if you kindly allow me a little space in the columns of your esteemed daily to draw the kind attention of the Government to the reckless driving of vehicles in Kolkata.

Reckless driving of buses, cars, lorries, and taxis has become a phenomenon in and around the city. In most cases, it is found that the drivers care little about the traffic rules.

They often cross the speed limit. Incidents of overtaking other vehicles are very common in the streets here. The traffic police also neglect their duties in this regard.

As a result, accidents occur every now and then. The life of people has become very unsafe and uncertain.
So, it is high time that the Government should take strong and stern steps to stop the reckless driving of vehicles and thus ensure the safety of the passengers and the pedestrians as well.

Thanking You,

Yours faithfully,
Udit Raj Kushwaha


Question 23. A friend of yours stays in Bombay. He has heard much about the new method of learning English in Bengal. Write a letter within 120 words all about the merits of this new system with particular reference to the texts prescribed in your syllabus.

Howrah, 05.07.2017.

My dear Vinayak,
In your last letter, you wanted to know about the new method of learning English in our state. In this new system, enough emphasis has been given to reading skills, writing skills, and grammar and vocabulary.

In the Learning English text which is the only text for the subject, more stress has been given to increasing the student’s knowledge of a language than literature.

The text deals with subjects of varied interests and problems in our life and the world around us. The question-and-answer method of learning is encouraged here.

The role of the teacher is passive while that of the learner is more active. The students are to participate in the discussion actively.

Much emphasis is laid on homework and writing with the help of given hints and information. Instead of traditional grammar, functional grammar has been emphasized. This is, in brief, all about the merits of the new method of learning English here. More when we meet. With love,

Ever yours,
Udit Raj

Question 24. Write a letter to your younger brother who stays with your uncle telling him how he should overcome his shortcomings in English. Your experience may come to his help.

9th August, 2017

My dear Dipu,
I have already received your letter. You have wanted to know how you can overcome your shortcomings in English. Well, to learn the language well, you will have to do three things, viz. reading, writing, and speaking.

You must read different story books, magazines, etc. in English and write down important words, phrases and even sentences. You are to make sentences with them regularly.

This will surely enrich and enhance your stock of words greatly. You should use ‘Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary’. Another thing that is very important is writing.

You should write on your own every day and have your writing checked either by your parents or teachers. You should try to remove the mistakes. And last but not least, conversing with others about anything is also essential.

If you can follow all these, you will certainly improve your English.

So much for the present. With sincere love to you and due regards to your aunt and uncle.

Sincerely yours,


Question 25. Write a letter to your father about your progress in your studies.

R. K. Mission Ashram
South 24-Parganas,
15th March 2017

My dear Father,
Your affectionate note has reached me in time. You are much anxious about my poor performance in the last Annual exam and have wanted to know about the present progress of my studies.

I am now getting on well in all the subjects except in Geography and Mathematics. I am very weak in both these subjects, particularly in the latter.

I am, however, always aware of my weaknesses and working very hard from the very beginning of the new academic session. The teachers here are lending me a helping hand to remove my problems in them.

You need not bother much about my difficulties.

I am quite well. With best regards to you, mother, and sincere love to my brothers.

Affectionately yours,

Question 26. Write a letter to your younger brother about the benefits of reading newspapers.

Murshidabad 07.01.2017

Dear Devraj,
In his last couple of letters, father has informed me that you are not interested in reading the newspaper regularly. This is not good. Mere bookish knowledge will not do.

You have to improve your general knowledge. The newspaper is a useful and important medium of acquiring this kind of knowledge.

Newspaper reading has many other benefits. It will help you to establish contact with the world outside and form your opinion about political, social, and economic matters.

The knowledge of a student who does not read the newspaper daily is poor and inadequate. You must, therefore, form the habit of reading the newspaper regularly without further delay.

So much for the present. Hope, this finds you in the best of health and spirits. With best regards to parents and love to you,

Sincerely yours,

Question 27. Write a letter to your younger brother who is not serious about his studies.

South 24-Parganas,

My dear Sudhir,
From your father’s last letter, I have come to learn that you are not serious about your studies and have fared very bad in the second Terminal Examination.

I am extremely hurt by this news because I have always pinned high hopes on you. You have, no doubt, much talent, but you are not making the best use of it. This is unfortunate.

You should bear in mind that mere talent will not do. It is hard labor which is the passport to success. If you idle away your time and neglect your studies now, you will have to repent in the future.

There, you must take your studies very seriously from now on. No more for the present. Hope, this finds you quite well. With regards to father and mother and love to you,

Yours sincerely,

Question 28. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about the necessity of the Literacy Campaign in our country.

The Editor,
The Telegraph, Kolkata-700 001.

I shall be much obliged if you kindly allow me to ventilate through the columns of your esteemed daily, the necessity of a Literacy Campaign in our country.

Illiteracy is a social evil. A vast section of people in our country is still illiterate. They can neither read nor write. Without literacy democracy in our country has become quite meaningless.

It is education which only can create consciousness of rights and duties among the people. The government has a great role to educate the people by taking different steps in this regard.

The students can also play a very vital role in making people literate. Each of them can make at least one person read and write. So, the Literacy Campaign is a crying need of the day and it should be started in right earnest without further delay.
Thanking you,

3/2K, Srinath Mukherjee Rd,
Kolkata-700 030,
2nd Sept. 2002.

Yours faithfully
Anirban Pal