Class 9 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) -12 Hunting Snake शिकारी साँप
About The Author-Judith Wright
Author of this poem Judith Wright was a critic, short story writer and prolific Australian poet. She came from an old and pastoral family as the eldest child of Philip Wright and his first wife Ethel in Armidale, New South Wales in 1915. She lost her mother in 1927.
Her grandmother took responsibility for her education. The seed of a future poet was sown in her when she took admitted to New England Girls’ School where she found consolation from poetry.
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She took admitted to Sydney University in the year 1934. She studied Philosophy, History, Psychology and English, without taking a degree.
Judith Wright composed several collections of poetry, including ‘The Moving Image’, ‘Woman to Man’, ‘The Gateway’, ‘The Two Fires’, ‘Birds’, ‘The Other Half’, ‘Magpies’, ‘Shadow’, ‘Hunting Snake’. She was a worshipper of nature. Through poetry, she strove to focus on the Australian environment.
She had shown the relationship between nature and mankind. She began to publish poems in the late 1930s in literary journals. With ‘The Moving Image’ she made her debut. Most of her poems were composed in the mountains of Southern Queensland. She also composed some love poems for her husband.
Her poems were immensely inspired by the various regions namely New England, New South Wales, the subtropical rainforests of Tamborine Mountain and the plains of the southern highland near Braidwood in which she lived.
‘Birds’ is the title of an expanded edition of her collection published by the National Library of Australia in 2003. Her poems have been translated into Italian, Japanese and Russian languages. Wright had immense popularity for her campaigning in support of the conservation of ‘The Great Barrier Reef’ and ‘Fraser Island’.
She also supported the ‘Aboriginal land rights movement. Judith Wright, one of the stalwarts of Australian literature, breathed her last in Canberra on 25th June 2000 at the age of 85.
(पाठ) -12 शिकारी साँप कवि परिचय
जुडिथ राइट एक समालोचक, लघुकथा लेखिका और कई पुस्तकों की रचयिता एक अस्ट्रेलियाई कवियत्री थीं। 1915 ई० में आर्मीडेल के न्यू साउथवेल्स में फिलिप राइट और उनकी प्रथम पत्नी एथेल के ज्येष्ठ संतान के रूप में इनका जन्म एक प्राचीन तथा पशुपालक परिवार में हुआ था।
1927 ई० में ही इन्हें मातृ-वियोग का सामना करना पड़ा। इनकी शिक्षा-दीक्षा की जिम्मेदारी इनकी दादी माँ ने लिया। उनमें भावी कवि का अंकुरण उसी समय हुआ जब वह न्यू 139 इंगलैंड गर्ल्स स्कूल में दाखिला ली थीं और जहाँ उन्हें कविता से सांत्वना प्राप्त हुई थी। 1934 ई० में वह सिडनी विश्वविद्यालय में भर्ती हुई। किसी प्रकार का डिग्री न लिये ही दर्शन, इतिहास, मनोविज्ञान तथा अंग्रेजी की शिक्षा प्राप्त की थी।
उन्होंने बहुत-सी कविताओं की रचना की थीं, जिनमें से ‘The Moving Image’, ‘Woman to Man’, ‘Hunting Snake’, ‘The Gateway’, ‘Magpies’, ‘The Two Fires’, ‘Birds’, ‘Shadow’ और ‘The Other Half’ आदि उल्लेखनीय हैं।
वे प्रकृति की पुजारिन थी । कविताओं के माध्यम से वे अस्ट्रेलियाई पर्यावरण पर बल देने की प्रयास की थी, प्रकृति तथा मानवता के बीच का संबंध दिखायी थी । बीसवीं सदी के पूर्वाद्ध के अन्तिम भाग से ही वह अपनी कविताओं का प्रकाशन आरंभ की थी।
उनकी प्रथम प्रकाशित कविता The Moving Image ‘ है । राइट की अधिकांश कविताओं की रचना दक्षिण क्वीन्सलैंड के पर्वतीय अंचल में हुआ था । उन्होंने अपने पति के प्रति कुछ स्नेही कविताओं की भी रचना की थी।
उनकी कविताएँ जिन-जिन स्थानों से प्रभावित हुई थी, वे हैं – न्यू इंगलैंड, न्यू साउथ वेल्स, टैमबोरिन का उष्णकटिबंधीय वर्षा वन तथा बेडउड के निकट दक्षिण का उच्च पर्वतीय स्थान का समतल भूमि जहाँ वह निवास करती थी।
2003 ई० में अस्ट्रेलिया की नेशनल लाइब्रेरी ने ‘Birds’ शीर्षक से राइट की कविताओं का एक वर्धित संस्करण प्रकाशित किया। उनकी कविताओं का अनुवाद इटालियन, जापानी और रसियन भाषाओं में भी किया गया है।
‘The Great Barrier Reef’ और ‘Fraser Island’ के संरक्षण के प्रति अभियान चलाकर राइट बहुत ही लोकप्रिय हुई थीं । वे आदिवासी लोगों के लिए जमीन के अधिकार के आन्दोलन का समर्थन की थी जुडिथ राइट अस्ट्रेलियाई साहित्य का एक बहुत ही बलिष्ठ व्यक्तित्व हैं। 2000 ई० के 25 जून को 85 वर्ष की आयु में उनका देहांत कैनबेरा में हो गया ।
Class 9 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) – Lesson -12 Hunting Snake Introduction
One of the notable contributors to Australian literature was Judith Wright. She was a prolific writer. She was an environmentalist and a social activist. According to her, a poet should be concerned with national and social problems. She had a deep love for nature that has been reflected in her poems.
In the prescribed poem, ‘Hunting Snake’ we find that the poet and her companions encountered a big snake while strolling. The snake was black in colour. They were tremendously frightened to find it. It was awfully splendid.
They followed the movement of the snake which went through the grassland to look for its prey. Finally, it disappeared from the sight of the poet and her companions. They breathed a great sigh of relief after the disappearance of the great snake.
(पाठ) -12 शिकारी साँप भूमिका
जिन सब उल्लेखनीय व्यक्तित्वों ने अस्ट्रेलियाई साहित्य की समृद्धि में योगदान किया है, जुडिथ राइट उनमें से एक हैं । वे बहुमुखी प्रतिभासंपन्न लेखिका के साथ ही एक पर्यावरण-विशारद तथा सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता थीं।
उनके अनुसार, एक कवि के लिए राष्ट्रीय और सामाजिक समस्याओं के प्रति सचेतन होना आवश्यक है। प्रकृति के प्रति जो उनकी गहन आस्था थी वह उनकी कविताओं में उन्मोचित हुई है।
प्रस्तुत कविता ‘Hunting Snake’ में कवियत्री और उनके साथी पैदल चलते समय अकस्मात एक बहुत बड़े साँप के सम्मुखीन होते हैं। साँप काले रंग का था, जिसे देखकर वे सभी भयभीत हो गये थे ।
वह देखने में बहुत ही सुन्दर था। वे लोग साँप की गतिविधि को देख रहे थे जो उस घास के मैदान मैं अपने शिकार की खोज में गया था। अन्ततः कवियत्री और उनके साथियों के आँख से वह ओझल हो गया । विशाल आकृति के उस साँप के अदृश्य होते ही वे लोग राहत की एक लंबी श्वाँस लिया ।
Class 9 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) – Lesson -12 Hunting Snake Summary
The poet, Judith Wright and her pals went out strolling in the pleasant autumn weather. On their way suddenly they came across a great snake which was black in colour. Its head was down and it was flickering its tongue on the path. The snake was a lethal predator.
It has been presented so deadly that the poet and her companion ‘lost breath’ to see it pass by them. Not only his awful feature but also his dazzling beauty is highlighted in this spectacular poem. It had a vicious aim and so it searched through the grass for its prey.
The sun glazed its diamond-shaped scales presenting its stunning natural beauty and turning them terror-stricken. At last, it departed into the grassland.
The poet and her companions realised the deadly nature of the snake they faced and breathed a great sigh of relief. They carried on walking after looking at each other.
(पाठ) -12 शिकारी साँप सारांश
शरद् ऋतु की एक मनोरम मौसम में कवि, जुडिथ राइट और उनके साथी पैदल ही टहलने के लिए निकल पड़े थे । रास्ते में वे लोग एक बड़े साँप को देखा जिसका रंग काला था।
उसका सिर झुका हुआ था और सड़क पर अपनी जीभ को हिलाते हुए वह चल रहा था। वह साँप एक भयंकर शिकारी था। वह इतना भयानक दिख रहा था कि उसे अपने नजदीक से जाते हुए देखकर कवि और उनके बहुत ही भयभीत हुए और उनके श्वाँस रुद्ध हो गये थे।
सिर्फ उसकी भयानक विशेषताएँ ही नहीं, विमोहित करनेवाले उसके सौंदर्य को भी बहुत ही सुन्दरता के साथ इस कविता में उन्मोचित किया गया है।
अपनी तीक्ष्ण आँखों से देखता हुआ वह साँप उस घास के मैदान में शिकार की तलाश में था। सूर्य उसके हीरे जैसी आकार के सोपानों को शोभित कर रहा था जो उसके मनमोहक प्राकृतिक सौंदर्य को उजागर करता था, साथ ही लोगों को भयभीत भी करता था।
अन्ततः वह घास के मैदान में चला गया। कवि और उनके साथियों ने समझा कि वे जिस साँप को देखे थे उसकी प्रकृति बहुत ही भयानक था। वे लोग राहत की एक लंबी साँस लिये और एक-दूसरे को निहारते हुए पुनः आगे बढ़ गये
Class 9 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) – Lesson -12 Hunting Snake Text
Sun-warmed in the late season’s grace under the autumn’s gentlest sky we walked and froze half-through a pace. The great black snake went reeling by.
Head down, tongue flickering on the trail He quested through the parting grass. Sun glazed his curves of diamond scale And we lost breath to see him pass.
What track he followed, what small food Fled living from his fierce intent, we scarcely thought; still as we stood our eyes went with him as he went.
Cold, dark and splendid he was gone Into the grass that hid his prey. We took a deeper breath of the day. Looked at each other, and went on.
Class 9 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) – Lesson -12 Hunting Snake Word-Notes (शब्दार्थ)
- Sun-Warmed : सूर्य की उष्णता लिया था ।
- Season : ऋतु ।
- Autumn: शरद ऋतु ।
- Glazed : चमकीला।
- Curves: वक्र रेखा
- Scale : पलड़ा ।
- Scarcely : बहुत ही कम ।
- Cold : ठण्डा ।
- Dark : अंधेरा ।
- Splendid: सुन्दर
- Breath: साँस ।
(पाठ) -12 शिकारी साँप हिन्दी अनुवाद
शरद् ऋतु की विदा घड़ी और उष्ण सूर्यलोक में,
शान्त और स्वच्छ आकाश के नीचे ।
हमलोग बढ़े चले जाते हैं अर्ध ठंढी राहों से, निकट से ही एक बहुत बड़ा काला साँप चला गया । सिर था उसका झुका हुआ, जीभ लकलक करता था, घास के मैदान में शिकार खोजे फिरता है। सूर्यलोक में झलमल करता हीरे जैसी निशानें उसको, श्वाँसरुद्ध हो गये हमारे उसको जाते देखकर जिस पथ से जाता है वह छोटे जीवों को खाने को, और वे जीव उसके हिंस्र लक्ष्य से भागे-भागे फिरते हैं।
थोड़ा ही सोचा हमने, फिर भी जब तक खड़ा रहा, उसका अनुसरण करता हमारी आँखें आगे बढ़ते जाते हैं। शीतल, अंधकार में वह वहाँ गया,
जहाँ उसका शिकार छिपा था घासों में।
हमलोगों ने छोड़ा अपनी गहरी श्वाँसे
एक-दूसरे को निहारते हुए और वहाँ से चले गये।
Class 9 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) -12 Hunting Snake Word Nest (शब्द नीड)
- Reeling: moving in curves (टेढ़ा-मेढ़ा चलना)
- Flickering: sudden forward and backward movement (अकस्मात आगे-पीछे करना)
- Trail: path (पथ, रास्ता)
- Quested: searched (खोजा, तलाश किया)
- Intent: aim (लक्ष्य)
Class 9 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) -12 Hunting Snake Textual Questions (पाठ्याधारित प्रश्न) Exercise (अभ्यास) – 1
Tick The Correct Answer From The Given Alternatives:
Question 1. The poet was sun-warmed under the gentlest sky of
- Summer
- Winter
- Autumn
- Spring
Answer: 3. Autumn
Question 2. The colour of the snake was
- Black
- Grey
- Green
- Yellow
Answer: 1. Black
Question 3. The tongue of the snake was
- Still
- Flickering
- Dangling
- Hanging
Answer: 2. Flickering
Question 4. The shape of the snake’s scale was like
- Star
- kite
- Diamond
- pyramid
Answer: 3. Diamond
Question 5. According to the poet, the intent of the snake was
- Malicious
- Greedy
- Timid
- Fierce
Answer: 4. Fierce
Question 6. The snake finally disappeared into the
- Sand
- Grass
- Rock
- Stream
Answer: 2. Grass
Class 9 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) -12 Hunting Snake Exercise (अभ्यास) – 2
Answer The Following Questions Within Twenty-Five Words:
Question 1. How did the snake appear as it was moving through the grass?
Answer: The snake’s head was down. Its tongue was flickering. He was looking for its prey. His diamond scales are glazed in sunlight. He was cold, dark and splendid.
Question 2. What did the poet and her companions do when the snake was gone?
Answer: The poet and her companions took a deeper breath when the snake was gone. They were free from any tension and fear now. They looked at each other and went on.
Grammar in use:
Class 9 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) – 12 Hunting Snake Exercise (अभ्यास) – 3
Rewrite The Following Sentences As Directed:
Question 1. How happy we are here! (change into an assertive sentence)
Answer: We are very happy here.
Question 2. Everybody knows the name, Tagore. (change into an interrogative sentence)
Answer: Who does not know the name, Tagore?
Question 3. The painting is very beautiful. (change into an exclamatory sentence)
Answer: How beautiful the painting is!
Question 4. Can we ever forget our childhood days? (change into an assertive sentence)
Answer: We can never forget our childhood days.
Class 9 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) – 12 Hunting Snake Exercise (अभ्यास) – 4
Rewrite The Following Sentences As Directed:
Question 1. We are proud of our heritage. (use the noun form of ‘proud’)
Answer: Our heritage is our pride.
Question 2. We should have sympathy for the poor. (use the adjective form of ‘sympathy’)
Answer: We should be sympathetic to the poor.
Question 3. His success was due to his labour. (use the verb form of ‘labour’).
Answer: He laboured to achieve success.
Question 4. The song of the nightingale is very sweet. (use the adverb form of ‘sweet’)
Answer: The nightingale sings very sweetly.
Class 9 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) – 12 Hunting Snake Exercise (अभ्यास)- 5
Question Write a newspaper report within 100 words on a boat capsize.
Use the following hints: place-date- number of people in the boat-cause-casualties – rescue operations – steps taken by the Government.
A boat capsize-15 died and 25 missings 23rd June 2013: 15 persons died when a boat was capsized in a stormy river named the Damodar yesterday evening.
25 persons are still missing. Local men say that about 60 people were travelling. A rescue team came. They rescued 20 people. They were seriously wounded and ill.
They were taken to a local hospital. Two of them are about to die. The government officers declare Rs.1,00,000.00 for each dead man and Rs. 50,000.00 for each injured man.
Class 9 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) – 12 Hunting Snake Exercise (अभ्यास) – 6
Question Write A Summary Of The Following Passage Within 100 Words:
Where and how should children learn values? We know that they need to learn them because values form the beliefs and attitudes that will determine how they live their lives and function in society.
To function effectively in society, children need to be taught how to be honest, kind, courteous and considerate. Any society that does not teach children these values would soon fall apart.
Similarly, one would expect a nation to be made up of citizens who know how to respect other people and their property. These citizens should also understand the value of humility and self-control. They should appreciate the courage and be willing to care for those weaker than themselves.
Any nation whose citizens do not practice these values would soon become a nation not worth living in. Teaching these values to children cannot be delayed.
This is because, unlike young animals, whose instincts are often highly developed at birth, human babies are totally dependent. Human beings have emotional needs, desires, thoughts and feelings which determine action.
This is precisely why they must learn values, not just survival skills as do animals. These values will help control the natural responses that result from satisfying purely selfish needs and desires.
Class 9 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) – 12 Hunting Snake Summary
Children must learn value. A sense of value makes them honest, kind and courteous etc. Thus they will know how to respect other people and their property. So the value of education should not be delayed.
It should be linked with our natural instincts. Human babies are totally dependent. They need emotional support. Their desires, thoughts and feelings determine their actions. So they need value education.
Class 9 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) – 12 Hunting Snake Additional Textual Question & Answers
Tick The Correct Answer From The Given Alternatives:
Question 1. In the poem ‘he’ refers to
- The pet dog of the poet
- Cat of the poet
- A lion
- A snake
Answer: 4. A Snake
Question 2. The poet personifies the autumn day as
- Cruel
- Soft
- Having a lot of grace
- Loving another
Answer: 3. Having a lot of grace
Question 3. In the poem the word ‘trail’ means
- Alley
- Path
- Grass
- Sand
Answer: 2. Path
Question 4. The poet and her companion were much
- Delighted
- Excited
- Frightened
- Wonder-struck
Answer: 4. Wonder-Struck
Question 5. The snake finally disappeared into the
- Sand
- Grass
- Rock
- Stream
Answer: 2. Grass
Question 6. “And we lost breath to see him pass”-here ‘we lost’ means
- We died
- We breathed quickly
- Our breath was arrested
- We could not find our breath
Answer: 3. Our breath was arrested
Question 7. The snake was
- Standing
- Sleeping
- Slithering
- Hibernating
Answer: 3. Slithering
Question 8. The grass was
- Living
- Green and vivid
- Deeper
- Parting
Answer: 4. Parting
Question 9. When the poet and her companions saw the snake, it was
- Daytime
- Dawn
- Dusk
- Night
Answer: 1. Daytime
Question 10. The poet and her companion froze because of
- Cold water
- Cold autumn morning
- Fear
- Tension
Answer: 3. Fear
Question 11. The snake was moving along
- A metalled road
- A grassy land
- Busy land
- An unmetalled road
Answer: 2. A grassy land
Question 12. Seeing the snake the poet and her companion
- Fled away
- Left the place very slowly
- Started walking speedily
- Stood motionless
Answer: 4. Stood motionless
Question 13. The snake was in search of its
- Prey
- Prey
- Young ones
- Food
Answer: 1. Prey
Question 14. When the poet saw the snake it was
- Dark
- Morning
- Daytime
- Dusk
Answer: 2. Daytime
Class 9 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) – 12 Hunting Snake Answer The Following Questions Within Fifteen Words
Question 1. Quote a sentence from the above text suggesting the movement of the snake.
Answer: A sentence suggesting the movement of the snake is- ‘The great black snake went reeling by.”
Question 2. How do we know that the poet is not alone?
Answer: That the poet is not alone is known from the use of the word ‘we’ several times in the poem.
Question 3. Which hunting features of the snake are mentioned in the poem?
Answer: The hunting features of the snake mentioned in the poem are ‘tongue flickering’, ‘fierce intent’, etc.
Class 9 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) – 12 Hunting Snake Answer The Following Questions Within Twenty-Five Words
Question 1. Describe the movement of the snake.
Answer: The snake moves in curves with its head down and tongue flickering. It reels by through the grass trail.
Question 2. What were the initial reaction of the poet and her friend seeing the snake?
Answer: Seeing the snake the poet and her friend became frozen with fear and awe. Holding their breath, they silently watched the snake’s movement.
Question 3. “Cold, dark and splendid”- Why does the poet use splendid’?
Answer: The poet uses ‘splendid’ to describe the snake and its movement because it is not only an expression of awe and wonder but also of grandeur