Chemical Kinetics Multiple Choice Questions

Chemical Kinetics Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1. Chemical kinetics deals with

  1. The feasibility of a reaction
  2. The rate of a reaction
  3. The spontaneity of a reaction
  4. None of these

Answer: 3. The spontaneity of a reaction

Question 2. If the rate of a reaction doubles as the concentration of a particular reactant x is doubled, then the order of the reaction
with respect to x is

  1. Two
  2. One
  3. Zero
  4. Can’t say

Answer: 2. One

Question 3. On which of the following does the rate of a reaction depend?

  1. Temperature
  2. Concentration of reactant
  3. Pressure
  4. All of these

Answer: 4. All of these

Question 4. For the reaction, 2A + B → 2C, doubling the concentration of B doubles the rate, and doubling the concentration of A also doubles the tire rate. The rate law is

  1. Rate = k[A]²[B]
  2. Rate = k[A][B]
  3. Rate = k[A]²[B][C]²
  4. Rate = k[A]²[B}²

Answer: 2. Rate = k[A][B]

Question 5. On increasing the temperature, the rate of a reaction

  1. Increases
  2. Decreases
  3. Is not affected
  4. May increase or decrease

Answer: 1. Increases

Question 6. The rate constant of a reaction is 1.8 x 10-3 min-1. What is the order of the reaction?

  1. Zero
  2. One
  3. Two
  4. None of these

Answer: 2. One

Question 7. The unit of the rate of a reaction is

  1. mol L-1 s-1
  2. mol L-1
  3. L mol-1 s-1
  4. L mol-1

Answer: 1. mol L-1 s-1

Question 8. The unit of the rate constant of a zero-order reaction is

  1. mol L-1 s-2
  2. L mol L-1 s-1
  3. mol L-1 s-1
  4. None of these

Answer: 3. mol L-1 s-1

Question 9. If the plot of In [A] versus time is a straight line for a reaction of A, the reaction is of the

  1. Second order
  2. Third order
  3. First order
  4. None of these

Answer: 3. First order

Question 10. If the plot of [A] versus time is a straight line for a reaction A → products, the reaction is of the

  1. Zero Order
  2. Second Order
  3. First Order
  4. None Of These

Answer: 1. Zero Order

Question 11. The half-life of a reaction of which order is directly proportional to the initial concentration of the reactant?

  1. First
  2. Second
  3. Zero
  4. None of the above

Answer: 3. Zero

Question 12. What does a catalyst do to the activation energy?

  1. Increases it
  2. May increase or decrease it
  3. Does not change it
  4. Decreases it

Answer: 4. Decreases it

Question 13. If we compare two reactions at the same temperature then which of the following is true for the one with higher activation energy than one with lower activation energy?

  1. It Has A Higher K And Higher Rate.
  2. It Has A Lower K And Lower Rate.
  3. It Has A Higher K And Lower Rate.
  4. It Has A Lower K And Higher Rate.

Answer: 2. It Has A Lower K And Lower Rate.

Question 14. The order of a reaction is experimentally determined. It is generally

  1. The Same As The Stoichiometry
  2. Either (1) Or (2)
  3. Different From The stoichiometry
  4. None Of The Above

Answer: 3. Different From The stoichiometry

Question 15. The constant k in a rate law expression

  1. Is Dimensionless
  2. Is Independent Of Temperature
  3. Is Called the Equilibrium Constant
  4. Is Independent Of Concentration Of The Reactant

Answer: 4. Is Independent Of Concentration Of The Reactant

Question 16. The reaction A + B → C is

  1. Unimolecular
  2. Bimolecular
  3. Trimolecular
  4. Can’t Say

Answer: 2. Bimolecular

Question 17. If the half-life of a first-order reaction is 40 min and we start with mol of a reactant, how much of it will be left after 60 min?

  1. 0.75 mol
  2. 0
  3. 0.25 mol
  4. 0.5 mol

Answer: 3. 0.25 mol

Question 18. Which of the following is true regarding the order of a reaction?

  1. It is calculated from the chemical equation.
  2. It is always a natural number.
  3. It can be a fraction.
  4. It cannot be a fraction.

Answer: 3. It can be a fraction.

Question 19. According to collision theory, a reaction can occur if

  1. The Molecules Collide With Proper Orientation
  2. The Molecules Have Sufficient Activation Energy
  3. New Stable Species Are Formed On Collision
  4. All Of The Above Are True

Answer: 4. All Of The Above Are True

Question 20. If we try to isolate an activated complex,

  1. It Breaks Down To Products
  2. It Breaks Down To Reactants
  3. Either (1) Or (2) Happens
  4. Both (1) And (2) Can Happen

Answer: 3. Either (1) Or (2) Happens

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