NEET Biology Class 9 Chapter 2 Tissues Short Question And Answers

Tissues Short Answer Questions

Directions: Give an answer in 2-3 sentences.

Question 1. Fill in the following table relating to muscle tissue.

NEET Biology class 9 Tissues muscle tissue

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  1. Single
  2. No
  3. Many
  4. Yes
  5. Single
  6. Yes

Question 2. Where are the intercalary meristem located?

Intercalary meristem is located in between the regions of permanent tissues, usually at the base of node, base of internode or at the base of the leaf.

Question 3. What are the main function of nervous tissue?

The cells of nervous tissue are highly specialized for being stimulated. They transmit the stimulus from one place to another.

Question 4. Select the examples of

1. Complex permanent tissue,
Answer: Complex permanent tissue – Phloem

2. Simple permanent tissues,
Answer: Simple permanent tissue – Sclerenchyma, Chlorenchyma

3. Connective tissue,
Answer: Connective tissue – Blood, bone, cartilage

4. Muscular tissue
Answer: Muscular tissue – Muscle

5. Nervous tissue, from the given
Answer: Nervous tissue – Neuron

Blood, Phloem, Muscle, Bones, Sclerenchyma, Neuron, Cartilage, Chlorenchyma

Question 5. Give different components of phloem tissue.

Sieve tubes, Companion cells, Phloem parenchyma and Phloem fires.

Question 6. Which animal epithelial tissue is called pavement epithelium? Where is it located?

Simple squamous epithelium: It lines the blood vessels, coelom, urinary tubules and alveoli of lungs.

Question 7. Name two components of blood and give functions of blood plasma.

  • Blood has two components-Plasma and Blood cells.
  • Blood plasma serves the function of transport of nutrients, carbon dioxide, waste products, hormones and metabolites intermediates. It also regulates water balance, pH and body temperature.

Question 8. What is lymph? Give its components.

Lymph is a colorless flown tissue that acts as a middle man for transport of materials between blood and tissue cells.

It consists of two parts:

  • Plasma
  • White blood corpuscles.

Question 9. Name the tissues that show the following features:

1. Cells are living; cells show thickening; provide mechanical support to plants
Answer: Collenchyma

2. Cells are dead; cells show thickening; provides mechanical support to plants; made up of one type of cells
Answer: Sclerenchyma

3. Cell are living; cells contain green coloured chloroplasts; possess intercellular spaces.
Answer: Chlorenchyma

Question 10. Distinguish between the following:

1. Cartilage and bone on the basis of matrix.
Answer: Matrix of cartilage may or may not have calcium salts whereas calcium salts, mainly calcium phosphates, are always present in the matrix of bone.

2. Blood and lymph on the basis of components.
Answer: Blood consists of plasma, erythrocytes, leucocytes and platelets whereas lymph consists of plasma and leucocytes.

3. Simple tissues and complex tissues on the basis of constitution of cells.
Answer: Simple tissue is made up of similar cells whereas complex tissue is made up of two or more than two types of cells.

Question 11. Answer the following:

1. Which skeletal tissue does show unidirectional growth?
Answer: Cartilage

2. Which animal tissue is responsible for movement of body parts and locomotion?
Answer: Muscular tissue

3. Which animal tissue is protective in function?
Answer: Epithelial tissue.

Question 12. Give three features of cardiac muscles.

Cells/Fibres: They are small, cylindrical, uninucleate striated with short lateral branches.

Intercalated Discs: In the area of union between the two adjacent cardiac muscle fires, zig-zag junctions called intercalated discs develop. The intercalated discs function as impulse boosters.

Rhythmic Contractions: The muscles are involuntary and nonfatigued which continue to contract and relax tirelessly throughout life.

Question 13. Differentiate between voluntary and involuntary muscles.

Give one example of each type.

NEET Biology class 9 Tissues Differences between voluntaru muscles and involuntary muscles

Question 14. Give four differences between the Bone and Cartilage.

NEET Biology class 9 Tissues difference between bone and cartilage.

Question 15. Name the functions of cartilage.

  1. It provides support and flexibility to body parts.
  2. It smoothens the surface at joints.

Question 16. Difference between xylem and phloem.

NEET Biology class 9 Tissues xylem and pholem

Question 17. Name the tissues for the following:

  1. Stores fat in the animal body
  2. Adipose tissue
  3. Divides and redivides to grow in plants
  4. Meristematic tissue

Question 18. Why does epidermal tissue have no intercellular space?

The epidermal (layer) tissue forms a protective outer covering for the plants and it protects the internal parts of the plant. It aids in the protection against loss of water, mechanical injury and invasion by parasitic fungi.

For this protective role to play the continuation of cells is necessary, hence it does not have intercellular space.

Question 19. Give the difference between ligament and tendon.

NEET Biology class 9 Tissues Ligament Tendon

Question 20. Give the difference between striated muscles and unstriated muscles.

NEET Biology class 9 Tissues Striated Muscles Unstriated Muscles

Question 21. Name different types of meristematic tissue and draw a diagram to show their location.

The 3 different types of meristematic tissue are:

  1. Apical meristem – Function; growth in length.
  2. Lateral meristem – Function; growth in thickness.
  3. Intercalary meristem – Function; growth in internodes

NEET Biology class 9 Tissues Intercalary meristem - Function

Question 22. State the difference between Bone and Blood.

NEET Biology class 9 Tissues bone blood

Question 23. Name three types of muscle tissues and give the function of each.

Three types of muscle tissues are:

  1. Striated Muscle
  2. Smooth Muscle
  3. Cardiac muscle.

1. Striated muscle: These muscles show alternate light and dark bands or striations. They are involuntarily present in skeletal tissues, help in the movement of body and bones.

2. Smooth muscle: These are involuntary muscles, that control the movement of food in the alimentary canal, contraction and relaxation of blood vessels. Present in iris, uterus etc.

3. Cardiac muscles: These muscles are present in heart, help in the rhythmic contraction and relaxation throughout the life.

Question 24. Explain the structure, function and location of nervous tissue.

Structure: Nervous tissue consists of cells called nerve cells joined end to end cytoplasm, from this cells body long thin hair-like parts arise called dendrites. One of this part is long, branched and is called axon.

Location: Nervous tissues are present in brain, spinal cord and nerves.

Function: Nervous tissue receives the stimuli and transmit the stimulus rapidly from one place to another within the body. The nerve impulse allows us to move our muscles and respond to any stimuli.

Question 25. What is the function and location of stratified squamous epithelium?
Answer: Stratified squamous epithelium is present in the skin. The layers of cells are arranged to prevent wear and tear.

Question 26. State the differences between simple tissues of plants.

The simple tissues of plants are:

  1. Parenchyma
  2. Collenchyma
  3. Sclerenchyma

NEET Biology class 9 Tissues simple tissues of plants

Question 27. What is the utility of tissues in multicellular organisms?

  • Division of Labour: Tissues bring about the division of labor in multicellular organisms. It increases efficiency.
  • Higher Organisation: Tissues become organized to form organs and organ systems.
  • Individual Cells: Work-load of individual cells is decreased.

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