Transport In Plants Multiple Choice Question and Answers

Transport In Plants Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1. Which of the following facilitates the opening of the stomatal aperture?

  1. Decrease in turgidity of guard cells
  2. Radial orientation of cellulose microfibrils in the cell wall of guard cells
  3. Longitudinal orientation of cellulose microfibrils in the cell wall of guard cells
  4. Contraction of an outer wall of guard cells

Answer: 2. Radial orientation of cellulose microfibrils in the cell wall of guard cells

Question 2. The water potential of pure water is

  1. Less than zero
  2. More than zero but less than one
  3. More than one
  4. Zero

Answer: 4. Zero

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Question 3. Water vapor comes out from the plant leaf through the stomatal opening. Through the same stomatal opening, carbon dioxide diffuses into the plant during photosynthesis. Reason out the above statements using the following option.

  1. Both processes can happen together because the diffusion coefficient of water and C02 different
  2. The above processes happen only during nighttime
  3. One process occurs during day time and the other at night
  4. Both processes cannot happen simultaneously

Answer: 1. Both processes can happen together because the diffusion coefficient of water and CO2 different

Question 4. Root pressure develops due to—

  1. Increase in transpiration
  2. Active absorption
  3. Low Osmotic potential in soil
  4. Passive absorption

Answer: 2. Active absorption

Question 5. A column of water within xylem vessels of tall trees does not break under its weight because of—

  1. Positive root pressure
  2. Dissolved sugars in water
  3. Tensile Strength Of Water
  4. Lignification of xylem vessels

Answer: 3. Tensile Strength Of Water

Question 6. The osmotic expansion of a cell kept in water is chiefly regulated by

  1. Mitochondria
  2. Vacuoles
  3. Plastid
  4. Ribosomes

Answer: 2. Vacuoles

Question 7. In which of the following, expenditure of energy is required?

  1. Osmosis
  2. Diffusion
  3. Active transport
  4. Passive transport

Answer: 3. Active transport

Question 8. In a plant cell, the diffusion pressure deficit is zero when it is

  1. Plasmolyzed
  2. Turgid
  3. Flaccid
  4. Incipient

Answer: 2. Turgid

Question 9. Guttation occurs through

  1. Roots
  2. Hydathode
  3. Trichome
  4. Stomata

Answer: 2. Hydathode

Question 10. Choose the wrong statement.

  1. Cells swell in hypertonic solutions and shrink in hypotonic solutions
  2. Water potential is the kinetic energy of water which helps in the movement of water
  3. The absorption of water by seeds and dry woods takes place by a special type of diffusion called imbibition
  4. Solute potential or ψs is always negative
  5. Less than 1% of the water reaching the leaves is used in photosynthesis and plant growth

Answer: 1. Cells swell in hypertonic solutions and shrink in hypotonic solutions

Question 11. Which of these is/are not a property of facilitated Which of these is/are not a property of transport?

  1. Requires special membrane proteins
  2. Highly selective
  3. Uphill transport

Choose the correct option.

  1. [1] and [2]
  2. [3] and [4]
  3. [2] and [3]
  4. [2] and [4]

Answer: 2. [3] and [4]

Question 12. When water moves out of the plant cell and the cell membrane of a plant shrinks away from its cell, then this condition is known as

  1. Plasmolysis
  2. Exosmosis
  3. Hydrolysis
  4. Endosmosis

Answer: 1. Plasmolysis

Question 13. A special type of diffusion when water is absorbed by solids is called

  1. Osmosis
  2. Plasmolysis
  3. Both A And B
  4. Imbibition

Answer: 4. Imbibition

Question 14. A layer of cells impervious to water because of a band suberised matrix is called the

  1. Endodermis
  2. Casparian strip
  3. Plasmodesmata
  4. None of these

Answer: 2. Casparian strip

Question 15. Study the following table showing the components of water potential of four cells of an actively transpiring plan Identify the four cells as root hair, cortical cell, endodermal cell (lacking Casparian strips), and pericycle respectively in the young root (assuming symplastic water flow through them).

Biology class 11 chapter 11 Transport In Plants Solute potential

  1. B, D, C, A
  2. D, A, C, B
  3. A, D, C, B
  4. A, C, B, D

Answer: 3. A, D, C, B

Question 16. Flaccid cell means

  1. Cell turgidity
  2. Plasmolysed cell
  3. The Cell in which water flows in and out of the cell is in equilibrium
  4. The Cell kept in a hypotonic solution

Answer: 2. Plasmolysed cell

Question 17. Cell A and cell B are adjacent plant cells. In cell A, ψs = -20 bars and ψs = 8 bars. In cell B, ψs = -12 bars and = 2 bars. Then.

  1. Water moves from cell B to cell A
  2. An equal amount of water is simultaneously exchanged between cell A and cell B
  3. Water moves from cell A to cell B
  4. There is no movement of water between cell A and cell B

Answer: 1. Water moves from cell B to cell A

Question 18. Cell A has an osmotic potential of -18 bars and a pressure potential of 8 bars, whereas, cell B has an osmotic potential of -14 bars and a pressure potential of 2 bars. The direction of flow of water will be—

  1. From cell B to cell A
  2. From cell A to cell B
  3. No flow of water
  4. In both directions

Answer: 2. From cell A to cell B

Question 19. The property of semi-permeability belongs to—

  1. Cell wall
  2. Plasma membrane
  3. Mitochondria only
  4. None of these

Answer: 2. Mitochondria only

Question 20. Translocation of photosynthetic end products in sieve tubes is

  1. 305 mm/h
  2. 3-5 cm/h
  3. 1-15 cm/h
  4. 60-100 cm/h

Answer: 4. 60-100 cm/h

Question 21. Transpiration is measured by—

  1. Potometer
  2. Parameter
  3. Auxanometer
  4. Respirometer

Answer: 1. Potometer

Question 22. Which of the following theories gives the latest explanation for the closure of stomata?

  1. ABA theory
  2. Munch theory
  3. Starch glucose theory
  4. Active K+ transport theory

Answer: 4. Active K+ transport theory

Question 23. By which mechanism, the salt-resistant plants can get rid of excess Na+ ions to the outer side, through the roots?

  1. H+—ATPase uniport system
  2. Na+—ATPase uniport system
  3. H+—Clsymport system
  4. Na+— H+ antiport system

Answer: 4. Na+— H+ antiport system

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