WBBSE For Class 9 History And Environment Chapter 7 The League Of Nations And The United Nations Organisation MCQS

Chapter 7 The League Of Nations And The United Nations Organisation MCQs

Question 1. The League of Nations was formed after
(1) First World War
(2) Second World War
(3) First Balkan War
(4) Second Balkan War

Answer: (1) First World War

Question 2. President Wilson belonged to
(1) France
(2) U.S.A
(3) Germany
(4) Italy

Answer: (2) U.S.A

Question 3. Which of the following personalities was active in the establishment of the League of Nations?
(1) Woodrow Wilson
(2) Lloyd George
(3) Clemenceau
(4) Orlando

Answer: (1) Woodrow Wilson

Question 4. The country which did not join the League of Nations was
(1) Germany
(2) Britain
(3) America
(4) Spain

Answer: (3) America

Question 5. The session of the League of Nations was held in a year.
(1) Once
(2) Twice
(3) Thrice
(4) Weekly

Answer: (1) Once

Question 6. The executive body of the League of Nations was called
(1) Security Council
(2) Secretariat
(3) Executive Board
(4) Board of Directors

Answer: (1) Security Council

Question 7. The U.N.O. was founded on
(1) 24 October 1945
(2) 29 October 1946
(3) 24 October 1947
(4) 25 October 1946

Answer: (1) 24 October 1945

Question 8. The number of judges in the International Court of Justice is
(1) 15
(2) 16
(3) 17
(4) 18

Answer: (1) 15

Question 9. The highest officer of the Secretariat of the League of Nations was called
(1) Secretary General
(2) General Secretary
(3) Chairman
(4) Collector

Answer: (1) Secretary General

Question 10. The temporary members of the Security Council are elected for
(1) 2 years
(2) 3 years
(3) 4 years
(4) 5 years

Answer: (1) 2 years.

Question 11. The full form of ILO is
(1) Internal Labour Organisation
(2) International Labour Organisation
(3) International Lawyers’ Organisation
(4) Internal Labour Office

Answer: (2) International Labour Organisation

Question 12. U.N.O was established after
(1) Russo-Japanese war
(2) First World War
(3) Second World War
(4) The Battle of Waterloo

Answer: (3) Second World War

Question 13. Atlantic Charter was declared by
(1) Roosevelt and Churchill
(2) Churchill and Stalin
(3) Jawaharlal Nehru and Stalin
(4) None of the above

Answer: (1) Roosevelt and Churchill

Question 14. The UN Charter was ratified in 1945 by
(1) 25 nations
(2) 51 nations
(3) 33 nations
(4) 37 nations

Answer: (2) 51 nations

Question 15. Where and when was the UN Charter finalised and became effective?
(1) San Francisco, 24 October, 1945
(2) Paris, 5 March 1944
(3) Yalta, 2 February 1945
(4) None of these

Answer: (1) San Francisco, 24 October 1945

Question 16. Trygve Lie, the first Secretary General of U.N.O, was from
(1) U.S.A
(2) Korea
(3) Norway
(4) France

Answer: (3) Norway

Question 17. The term of office of a judge of the International Court of Justice is
(1) 6 years
(2) 7 years
(3) 8 years
(4) 9 years

Answer: (4) 9 years

Question 18. The number of principal organs of the United Nations is
(1) 6
(2) 5
(3) 4
(4) 3

Answer: (1) 6

Question 19. The headquarters of the International Court of Justice are at
(1) Rome
(2) Vienna
(3) Hague
(4) None of these

Answer: (3) Hague

Question 20. The following is not associated with the UN
(1) ILO
(2) WHO
(3) ASEAN (Associations for South East Asian Nations)
(4) All of the above

Answer: (3) ASEAN (Associations for South East Asian Nations)

Question 21. Which of the following is not a chief organ of the U.N.O?
(1) International Labour Organisation
(2) Security Council
(3) International Court of Justice
(4) General Assembly

Answer: (1) International Labour Organisation

Question 22. The League of Nations was established to
(1) Solve the problems of the vanquished nations.
(2) Maintain peace and order in the world in future.
(3) Bring back peace temporarily.
(4) Solve the internal problems of the victorious powers.

Answer: (2) Maintain peace and order in the world in future.

Question 23. The number of permanent members of the League of Nations remained only four because
(1) The U.S.A. resigned its membership of the League.
(2) The U.S.A. did not accept the membership of the League.
(3) Germany was not accepted as a member of the League.
(4) Italy resigned its membership of the League.

Answer: (2) The U.S.A. did not accept the membership of the League.

Question 24. The International Court of Justice is
(1) The judicial organ of the U.N.O.
(2) The chief executive body of the U.N.O.
(3) General body of the labour organisation.
(4) The executive body of the League of Nations.

Answer: (1) The judicial organ of the U.N.O.

Question 25. The League of Nations was a part of the
(1) Treaty of Berlin.
(2) Treaty of San Stephano.
(3) Treaty of London.
(4) Treaty of Versailles.

Answer: (4) Treaty of Versailles.

Question 26. The heart and brain of the U.N.O. is
(1) The UNESCO.
(2) Trusteeship Council.
(3) The Security Council.
(4) The General Assembly.

Answer: (3) The Security Council.

Question 27. The League of Nations was established by the
(1) US Senate approval.
(2) Provisions included in the Treaty of Versailles.
(3) Efforts of the German representative at the Paris Peace Conference.
(4) Communist Youth Movement.

Answer: (2) provisions included in the Treaty of Versailles.

Question 28. The heads of state who worked to establish the League of Nations were
(1) Churchill, Stalin and Roosevelt.
(2) Clemenceau, Lloyd George and Wilson.
(3) Engels, Karl Marx and Stalin.
(4) Archduke Francis, Bismarck and Tsar Nicholas.

Answer: (2) Clemenceau, Lloyd George and Wilson.

Question 29. A major weakness of the League of Nations was that
(1) It was controlled by Third World countries.
(2) Neither Britain nor Germany were members.
(3) It was unable to apply military force.
(4) The League was dominated by the U.S.A. and the USSR.

Answer: (1) It was unable to apply military force.

Question 30. A major blow to the prestige of the League of Nations was
(1) Japan’s invasion of Manchuria.
(2) The murder of Archduke Francis Ferdinand.
(3) German attack on France.
(4) German entry into a bilateral military alliance.

Answer: (1) Japan’s invasion of Manchuria.

Question 31. Which nation was a member of the League of Nations during its entire existence?
(1) Japan
(2) Germany
(3) France
(4) Russia

Answer: (3) France

Question 32. Which of the following is not associated with the organisation of the Leagu?
(1) A Secretariat.
(2) A World Bank.
(3) A court of international justice.
(4) An assembly.

Answer: (2) A World Bank.

Question 33. The main purpose of the League of Nations was to
(1) To ask for more reparation from Germany.
(2) To promote international cooperation.
(3) To provide security to the newly independent nations.
(4) Bring together the victorious nations.

Answer: (2) To promote international cooperation.

Question 34. Germany joined the League of Nations in
(1) In 1925.
(2) After the Second World War.
(3) Since its formation – Germany was an original member of the League.
(4) Germany never joined the League of Nations.

Answer: (1) In 1925.

Question 35. Of the following statements that best summarises the insertion of the. Treaty of Versailles is
(1) All nations that participated in World War I must be treated fairly by the treaty.
(2) The treaty must punish all the losers of war.
(3) The input of all nations participating in the First World War must be taken into account by the treaty.
(4) The treaty must be signed by all the victorious powers of World War I.

Answer: (2) The treaty must punish all the losers of war.

Question 36. Territorial expansion to provide living space for a ‘master race’ was used to justify actions taken by
(1) China before the Second World War.
(2) France immediately after the First World War.
(3) The Soviet Union in the late 1940s.
(4) Germany in the late 1930s.

Answer: (4) Germany in the late 1930s.

Question 37. Among President Wilson’s Fourteen Points was the proposal to
(1) Disarm all magic powers.
(2) Create an alliance with Germany.
(3) Form a League of Nations.
(4) Make Great Britain repay her war debts.

Answer: (3) Form a League of Nations.

Question 38. The main purpose of President Wilson’s Fourteen Points at the end of World War I was to
(1) Assist the leaders of Europe to gain additional territory at Germany’s expense.
(2) Gain reparations from Germany to help pay for the cost of war.
(3) Assure peace in future by not treating Germany as a vanquished nation.
(4) Divide Germany into several parts so that she would not be a threat in the future.

Answer: (3) Assure peace in future by not treating Germany as a vanquished nation.

Question 39. After the end of the First World War, a peace conference was convened in
(1) Germany
(2) Poland
(3) Russia
(4) Paris

Answer: (4) Paris

Question 40. The first session of the League of Nations was
(1) 1920
(2) 1921
(3) 1922
(4) 1923

Answer: (1) 1920

Question 41. Wilson made the Covenant of the League of Nations as an integral part of the Treaty of
(1) San Stephano
(2) Sevres
(3) Versailles
(4) Toplitz

Answer: (3) Versailles

Question 42. The Second World War began in
(1) 1937
(2) 1938
(3) 1939
(4) 1940

Answer: (3) 1939

Question 43. The Headquarters of the League of Nations was at
(1) Versailles
(2) Geneva
(3) Berlin
(3) Rome

Answer: (2) Geneva

Question 44. The U.N.O was founded in
(1) 1945
(2) 1946
(3) 1947
(4) 1938

Answer: (1) 1945

Question 45. The U.N.O was established in
(1) New York, U.S.A
(2) London, Britain
(3) Paris, France
(4) Rome, Italy

Answer: (1) New York, U.S.A

Question 46. The International Court of Justice was established in
(1) Hague
(2) London
(3) New York
(4) Rome

Answer: (1) Hague

Question 47. The Headquarter of UNICEF is in
(1) New York
(2) London
(3) Paris
(4) Berlin

Answer: (1) New York

Question 48. The General Assembly appoints the Secretary-General for years.
(1) 4
(2) 5
(3) 6
(4) 7

Answer: (2) 5

Question 49. The UN Secretary-General heads of the U.N.O.
(1) General Assembly
(2) Security Council
(3) Economic & Social Council
(4) Secretariat

Answer: (4) Secretariat

Question 50. The General Assembly of the United Nations meets in a regular session in a year.
(1) Once
(2) Twice
(3) Once in two years
(4) Occasionally

Answer: (1) Once

Question 51. is not a permanent member of the UN Security Council.
(1) U.S.A
(2) U.K
(3) France
(4) Spain

Answer: (4) Spain

Question 52. is not the main organ of the U.N.O.
(1) General Assembly
(2) Security Council
(3) Trusteeship Council

Answer: (4) UNESCO

Question 53. The Secretariat of the League consisted of the Secretary-General who was appointed by the
(1) League Assembly
(2) League Council
(3) Permanent Court of International Justice
(4) International Labour Organisation

Answer: (2) League Council

Question 54. World Disarmament Conference was convened in
(1) 1929-30
(2) 1932-33
(3) 1933-34
(4) 1934-35

Answer: (2) 1932-33

Question 55. At the Yalta Conference Russia was represented by
(1) Lenin
(2) Trotsky
(3) Stalin
(4) Karl Marx

Answer: (3) Stalin

Question 56. The U.N. Charter was amended during the Korean War.
(1) 1949
(2) 1950
(3) 1951
(4) 1952

Answer: (2) 1950

Question 57. This is the heart and perhaps the brain of the U.N.O.
(1) Security Council
(2) General Assembly
(3) Economic and Social Council
(4) World Health Organisation

Answer: (1) Security Council

Question 58. An autonomous body under the League of Nations was the
(1) International Labour Organisation
(2) League Assembly
(3) League Council
(4) Secretariat

Answer: (1) International Labour Organisation

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