WBBSE For Class 9 Life Science Chapter 2 Levels Of Organization Of Life MCQS

Chapter 2 Levels Of Organization Of Life MCQs

Question 1. The biomolecules are —
(1) Unique to life
(2) Organic in nature
(3) The product of biological activity
(4) All of these

Answer: (4) All of these.

Question 2. The most abundant inorganic compound in living organism is —
(1) Sodium chloride
(2) Water
(3) Phosphoric acid
(4) Calcium Carbonate

Answer: (2) Water.

Question 3. Goitre results due to the deficiency of —
(1) Iron
(2) Zinc
(3) Iodine
(4) Sodium

Answer: (3) Iodine.

Question 4, Which of the following are derived lipids ?
(1) Stery! ester
(2) Steroids
(3) Neutral fats
(4) Waxes

Answer: (2) Steroids.

Question 5. The sugar present is nucleotide is always —
(1) Deoxyribose
(2) Ribose
(3) Both a and b ”
(4) A pentose sugar

Answer: (4) A pentose sugar.

Question 6. How many types of nitrogenous bases are found in the nucleic acid ?
(1) 2
(2) 4
(3) 5
(4) 6

Answer: (1) 2.

Question 7. Monosacchrides are —
(1) Simple sugar –
(2) Compound sugar
(3) Derived sugar
(4) None

Answer: (1) Simple sugar.

Question 8. Macromolecule is —
(1) Glucose
(2) Nucleic acid
(3) Amino acid
(4) All

Answer: (2) Nucleic acid.

Question 9. An enzyme activator mineral element is —
(1) Mg
(2) Ca
(3) Mn
(4) All

Answer: (4) All.

Question 10. A substance used as heat insulator is —
(1) Corbohydrate
(2) Protein
(3) Lipid
(4) Starch

Answer: (3) Lipid.

Chapter 2 Levels Of Organization Of Life CELL

Question 1. Branch of biology dealing with the study of cells is —
(1) Histology
(2) Cytology
(3) Morphology
(4) Ecology

Answer: (2) Cytology

Question 2. Which structure of animal cell is characterised by selective permeability?
(1) Cell wall
(2) Ribosome
(3) Chromosome
(4) Cell membrane

Answer: (4) Cell membrane

Question 3. Cell membrane is mainly composed of —
(1) Protein and sugar
(2) Protein and lipid t
(3) Starch and lipid
(4) Sugar and minerals

Answer: (2) Protein and lipid

Question 4. Golgi body originates from —
(1) Cell membrane
(2) Endoplasmic reticulum
(3) Cytoplasm
(4) Nuclear membrane

Answer: (2) Endoplasmic reticulum

Question 5. Protein factory of the cell is —
(1) Centrosome
(2) Chromosome
(3) Ribosome
(4) Lysosome

Answer: (3) Ribosome

Question 6. In which one of the following, DNA is absent?
(1) Mitochondria
(2) Chloro plast
(3) Peroxisome
(4) Nucleus

Answer: (3) Peroxisome

Question 7. Suicidal bag of the cell is —
(1) Centrosome
(2) Peroxisome
(3) Lysosome
(4) Chromosome

Answer: (3) Lysosome

Question 8. Which of the following is Lysosome of plant cell?
(1) Sphaerosome
(2) Peroxisome
(3) Glyoxysome
(4) Microsome

Answer: (1) Sphaero some

Question 9. The chief constituent of cell wall is —
(1) Lipid
(2) Salt
(3) Carbohydrate
(4) Protein

Answer: (3) Carbohydrate

Question 10. True nucleus is not found in —
(1) Protozoa
(2) Bacteria
(3) Funge
(4) Algae

Answer: (2) Bacteria

Question 11. Covering membrane of vacuole is — e
(1) Cell wall
(2) Cell membrane
(3) Tonoplant
(4) Chloroplast

Answer: (3) Tonoplast

Question 12. Beside nucleus, DNA is also found in —
(1) Endoplasmic reticulum
(2) Chloroplast
(3) Ribosome
(4) Golgibody

Answer: (2) Chloroplast.

Question 13. Largest cell is —
(1) Ramie fibre
(2) Acetabularia
(3) Egg of ostrich
(4) Neuron

Answer: (3) Egg of ostrich

Question 14. Quantasome remains within —
(1) Chloroplast
(2) Leucoplast
(3) Chromoplast
(4) Tonoplast

Answer: (1) Chloroplast

Question 15. “Power house of the cell” is —
(1) Golgi body
(2) Chloroplast
(3) Mitochondria
(4) Nucleus

Answer: (3) Mitochondria.

Question 16. Who defined protoplasm as a physical basis of life?
(1) Schwann
(2) Watson
(3) Huxley
(4) Dujardin

Answer: (4) Dujardin

Question 17. Dictyosomes are —
(1) Type of ribosomes
(2) Type of flagellalid organelle
(3) Respiratory particle
(4) Golgi bodies

Answer: (4) Golgi bodies

Question 18. The organelle found between cell wall of two cells is called —
(1) Microsome
(2) Middle lamella
(3) Lysosome
(4) Desmosome

Answer: (2) Middle lamella :

Question 19. “Fluid mosaic model” of cell membrane is given by —
(1) Robert Borown
(2) Singer & Nicholson
(3) Schleiden & Schwann
(4) Schimpher

Answer: (2) Singer & Nicholson

Question 20. Hydrolytic enzymes are present in —
(1) Mitochondria
(2) Golgi bodies
(3) Lysosome
(4) Plastids

Answer: (3) Lysosome

Question 21. Which one of the following is the seat of all metabolic activites of the
(1) Cytoplasm
(2) Nucleus
(3) Mitochondria
(4) Endoplasmic reticulum

Answer: (1) Cytoplasm

Question 22. The “cell theory” is also known as —
(1) Cell biology
(2) Cytology
(3) Cell doctrine
(4) All of these

Answer: (3) Cell doctrine

Question 23. The cell theory was proposed by —
(1) Singer and Nicholson
(2) Schleiden and Schwann
(3) Singer and Schwann
(4) Schleiden and Nicholson

Answer: (2) Scheliden and Schwann’

Question 24. The term “Plastid” was coined by — .
(1) Haeckel
(2) Strasburger
(3) Virchon
(4) Flemming

Answer: (1) Haeckel

Question 25. Protoplasmic strands between adjacent plant cells are —
(1) Ectodesmata
(2) Desmosome
(3) Proto plasmic fibrils
(4) Plasmodesmata

Answer: (4) Plasmodesmata

Question 26. Cristae occurs in —
(1) Golgi bodies
(2) Nucleus
(3) Mitochondria
(4) ER

Answer: (3) Mitochondria

Question 27. Endoplasmic reticulum remains attached to —
(1) Mitochondria
(2) Golgibodies
(3) Nuclear envelope
(4) Chloroplasts

Answer: (3) Nuclear envelope

Question 28. Robert Brown discovered —
(1) Cell wall
(2) Nucleolus
(3) Mitochondria
(4) Nucleus

Answer: (4) Nucleus

Question 29. Which organelle is present only is plants?
(1) Glyoxysome
(2) Ribosome
(3) Lysosome
(4) Peroxysome

Answer: (1) Glyoxysome

Question 30. Leucoplast can be —
(1) Amyloplast
(2) Elaioplast
(3) Aleuroneplast
(4) Any of these

Answer: (4) Any of these

Question 31. Cell theory is the not applicable for —
(1) Bacteria
(2) Fungi
(3) Algael
(4) Virus

Answer: (4) Virus

Question 32. Which one of these cell organelles lacks membrane?
(1) Mesosome
(2) Ribosome
(3) Mitochondria
(4) Liposome

Answer: (2) Ribosome

33. Plant cell normally lacks —
(1) Ribosome
(2) Golgi bodies
(3) Centriole
(4) Cell membrane

Answer: (3) Centriole

34. Which one of the following structure is an organelle within an organelle?
(1) Ribosome
(2) Peroxisome
(3) ER
(4) Mesosome

Answer: (2) Peroxisome

35. What is mitoplast?
(1) Membraneless mitochondria
(2) Another name of mitochondria
(3) Mitochondria without outer membrane
(4) Mitochondria without inner membrane

Answer: (3) Mitochondria without outer membrane

36. The animal cells are interconnected by —
(1) Plasmodesmata
(2) Cell wall
(3) Desmosome
(4) Plasma membrane

Answer: (3) Desmosome

37. Prokaryotic cell does not have —
(1) Nucleolus
(2) Membrane bound organelles
(3) Centrioles
(4) All of these.

Answer: (4) All of these.

Chapter 2 Levels Of Organization Of Life Tissue MCQs

Question 1. Basement membrane is associated with —
(1) Epithelial tissue
(2) Connective tissue
(3) Muscular tissue
(4) Nervous tissue

Answer: (1) Epithelial tissue

Question 2. Nucleus is absent in —
(1) Neutrophil
(2) Eosinophil
(3) Basophil
(4) Erythrocytes

Answer: (2) Eosinophil

Question 3. Intercalated disc is present in —
(1) Striated muscle
(2) Smoooth musele
(3) Cardiac muscle
(4) None of them.

Answer: (3) Cardiac muscle.

Question 4. The outermost covering of neurone is —
(1) Axalemma
(2) Neuro lemma
(3) Myelin sheath
(4) None of them

Answer: (2) Neuro lemma

Question 5. Scale like tissue is represented by —
(1) Squamores epitheliuan
(2) Columnar epithelium
(3) Cuboidal epithelium
(4) Ciliated epithelium

Answer: (2) Columnar epithelium

Question 6. Columnar epithelium is found in —
(1) Stomach
(2) Small intestine
(3) Large intestine
(4) Sweat gland

Answer: (2) Small intestine

Question 7. Lymphoid tissues are found in —
(1) Thymus gland
(2) Sweat gland
(3) Liver gland
(4) Stomach

Answer: (1) Thymus gland

Question 8. The tissue forms padding under the skin is —
(1) Areolar tissue
(2) Adipose tissue
(3) Bone
(4) Cartilage

Answer: (2) Adipose tissue

Question 9. Tendon is an example of —
(1) Cartilage
(2) Fibrous connective tissue
(3) Muscular tissue
(4) Adipose tissue

Answer: (2) Fibrous connective tissue

Question 10. Connective tissue which joins muscle to bones is —
(1) Ligament
(2) Tendon
(3) Cartilage
(4) All

Answer: (2) Tendon

Question 11. The tissue concerned with the perception and response of animals is —
(1) Muscular tissue
(2) Nerve tissue
(3) Connective tissue
(4) Epithelial tissue

Answer: (2) Nerve tissue

Question 12. The tissue present at the joining between two long bones is —
(1) Tendon
(2) Ligaments
(3) Epithelial
(4) Nerve tissue

Answer: (2) Ligaments

Question 13. A part of the body to perform some specified function is —
(1) Cell
(2) Tissue
(3) Organs
(4) System

Answer: (3) OrgAnswer:

Question 14. Tissue is formed by —
(1) Similar cells with same metabolic activity
(2) Similar cells with different metabolic activity
(3) Dissimilar cells with same function
(4) Similar cells with similar origin

Answer: (4) Similar cells with similar origin

Question 15. “Pavement epithelium” refers to —
(1) Columnar epithelium
(2) Squamous epithelium
(3) Cuboidal epithelium
(4) Pseudo stratified epithelium

Answer: (2) Squamous epithelium.

Question 16. Ciliated epithelium in our body is found in —
(1) Vagina
(2) Trachea
(3) Bile duct
(4) Loop of Henley

Answer: (2) Trachea.

Question 17. Who first used the lerm tissue ?
(1) Myer
(2) Mapighi
(3) Xavier
(4) Linneus

Answer: (3) Xavier.

Question 18. Sensory epithelium is modified into —
(1) Squamous epithelium
(2) Columnar cells
(3) Giliated cells
(4) Stratified cells

Answer: (2) Columnar cells.

Question 19. Tearing of ligament is called —
(1) Sprain
(2) Dislocation
(3) Fracture
(4) Break

Answer: (1) Sprain.

Question 20. Which of the following stores histamine and serotonin?
(1) Macrophages
(2) Mast cells
(3) Fibroblasts
(4) Plasma cells

Answer: (2) Mast cells.

Question 21. Haversian system is a feature of —
(1) Reptilean bone
(2) Mammalian bone
(3) Avian bone
(4) All animals

Answer: (2) Mammalian bone

Question 22. Cells forming cartilage are called —
(1) Osteoblast
(2) Fibroblast
(3) Chondrocytes
(4) Epiblasts

Answer: (3) Chondrocytes

Question 23. Mast cells are found in —
(1) Connective tissue
(2) Muscles
(3) Epithelial tissue
(4) Nerve cell

Answer: (1) Connective tissue

Question 24. Adipose tissue is rich in—
(1) Mast cells
(2) Fat cells
(3) Lymphocytes
(4) Monocytes

Answer: (2) Fat cells

Question 25. Most abundant protein in the muscle is —
(1) Actin
(2) Myosin
(3) Myoglobin
(4) Tropomyocin

Answer: (2) Myosin

Question 26. The nerve cells do not have —
(1) Microtubules
(2) Mitochondria
(3) Nucleus
(4) Centrosome

Answer: (4) Centrosome

Question 27. Nodes of Ranvier are found in —
(1) Cyton
(2) Dendron
(3) Axon
(4) Dendrites

Answer: (3) Axon

Question 28. Main property of nervous tissue is —
(1) Contraction
(2) Irritability
(3) Excitability
(4) both b and c

Answer: (4) Both b and c

Question 29. Areolar conncetive tissue joins —
(1) Bone with bones
(2) Fat body with muscle
(3) Integument with muscte
(4) Bone with muscle

Answer: (3) Integument with muscle

Question 30. Which one of the following is not a connective tissue —
(1) Bone
(2) Cartilage
(3) Blood
(4) Muscle

Answer: (4) Muscle

Question 31. Bone marrow is absent in —
(1) Reptilia
(2) Amphibia
(3) Mammalia
(4) Birds

Answer: (4) Birds

Question 32. The science which deals with the study of tissue is called —
(1) anatomy
(2) histology
(3) histogen
(4) tissue system

Answer: (2) histology

Question 33. Apical, Intercalary and lateral meristems are differentialed on the basis of —
(1) development
(2) origin
(3) function
(4) position

Answer: (2) origin

Question 34. Intercalary meristem is found in —
(1) Root
(2) Stem tip
(3) Petiole and internodes
(4) Latex

Answer: (3) Petiole and internodes

Question 35. The simple tissue having thinnest wall in plant is —
(1) Parenchyma
(2) Collenchyma
(3) Aerenchyma
(4) Sclerenchyma

Answer: (1) Parenchyma.

Question 36. The xylem of stem is —
(1) Exarch
(2) Endarch
(3) Mesarch
(4) None of them

Answer: (2) Endarch.

Question 37. Vascular bundle in the dicot stem is —
(1) open collateral
(2) closed collateral
(3) open bicollateral
(4) closed bicollateral

Answer: (1) open collateral.

Question 38. The living element of xylem is —
(1) xylem parenchyma
(2) xylem fibre
(3) tracheid
(4) trachea

Answer: (1) xylem parenchyma

Question 39. The photosynthetic parenchyma is —
(1) Chlorenchyma
(2) Idioblast
(3) Aerenchyma
(4) Sclerenchyma

Answer: (1) Chlorenchyma

Question 40. Meristematic tissue originates from —
(1) Pro-meristem
(2) Apical meristem
(3) Lateral meristem
(4) Cambium

Answer: (1) Pro-meristem

Question 41. Example of lateral meristem is —
(1) Cork cambium
(2) Interfascicular cambium
(3) Fascicular cambiun
(4) All of these

Answer: (4) All of these

Question 42. The tissue which consists of dead cells with thickened lignified wall is—
(1) Parenchyma
(2) Collenchyma
(3) Sclerenchyma
(4) None of these

Answer: (3) Sclerenchyma

Question 43. The dead element of phloem tissue is —
(1) Phloem fibre
(2) Phloem parenchyma
(3) Seive tube
(4) Companion cells

Answer: (1) Phloem fibre

Question 44. The category of plant tissue that have lost their ability to multiply is—
(1) Parenchyma
(2) Collenchyma
(3) Sclerenchyma
(4) All of these

Answer: (4) All of these

Question 45. Air cavity containing parenchyma is called —
(1) Chlorenchyma
(2) Aerenchyma
(3) Prosenchyma
(4) Mesenchyma

Answer: (2) Aerenchyma

Question 46. Palisade is a type of —
(1) Parenchyma
(2) Chlorenchyma
(3) Photosynthetic tissue
(4) All of the above

Answer: (4) All of the above

Question 47. Science which deals with the study of tissue is called —
(1) Anatomy
(2) Histology
(3) Tissue System
(4) Histogen

Answer: (2) Histology

Question 48. The cells which can perpetuate themselves are —
(1) Perpetual cells
(2) Permanent cells
(3) Meristematic cell
(4) Old, inactive cell

Answer: (3) Meristematic cell

Question 49. Asimple tissue is always —
(1) Living
(2) Thin walled
(3) Homogenous
(4) Storage

Answer: (3) Homogenous

Question 50. Primary growth in plants occures due to the activity of —
(1) Apical meristem
(2) Intercalary meristem
(3) Cambium
(4) Both a and b

Answer: (4) both a and b

Question 51. A Cambium is always —
(1) Primary in origin
(2) Secondary in origein
(3) Lateral in position
(4) Present in vascular bundle

Answer: (3) Lateral in position

Question 52. Identify the totally dead plant tissue —
(1) Phloem
(2) Xylem
(3) Sclerenchyma
(4) Both b and c

Answer: (3) Sclerenchyma

Question 53. Water conducting elements in angiosperm are —
(1) Vessels
(2) Tracheids
(3) Tracheae
(4) All of these

Answer: (4) All of these

Question 54. The only living component of xylem tissue is —
(1) tracheae
(2) xylem parenchyma
(3) xylem fibre
(4) tracheids

Answer: (2) xylem parenchyma

Question 55. The only dead cell of phloem tissue is —
(1) Phloem fibre
(2) Phloem parenchyma
(3) Seive tube
(4) Companian cell

Answer: (1) Phloem fibre

Question 56. Chlorophyll:containing parenchyma is called —
(1) Sclerenchyma
(2) Collenchyma
(3) Chlorenchyma
(4) Arenchyma

Answer: (3) Chlorenchyma

Question 57. The conducting tissue in plants are —
(1) xylem
(2) phloem
(3) meristematic tissue
(4) both a and b

Answer: (4) both a and b

Question 58. The cells having capacity to divide are—
(1) meristematic cell
(2) xylem
(3) phloem
(4) all

Answer: (1) meristematic cell

Question 59. Parenchyma with large air sacs are called —
(1) Chlorenchyma
(2) Aerenchyma
(3) Collenchyma
(4) Sclerenchyma

Answer: (2) Aerenchyma

Question 60. Cell wall thickened at corner in—
(1) Collenchyma
(2) Parenchyma
(3) Sclerenchyma
(4) None of these

Answer: (1) Collenchyma

Question 61. Stone cells are—
(1) Xylem
(2) Phloem
(3) Sclereids
(4) Fibres

Answer: (3) Sclereids

Question 62. Meristematic tissue develop from —
(1) Permanent tissue
(2) Cambium
(3) Promeristem
(4) Phloem

Answer: (3) Promeristem

Question 63. Most efficient conducting element of xylem is —
(1) Tracheids
(2) Vessels
(3) Xylem fibre
(4) All of these

Answer: (2) Vessels

Chapter 2 Levels Of Organization Of Life Major Organs Of Human Body MCQs

Question 1. Alimentary system is concerned with —
(1) circulation
(2) digestion
(3) respiration
(4) excretion

Answer: (2) digestion

Question 2. The ‘U’ shaped Duodenum is the part of —
(1) first part of the small intestine
(2) middle part of the small intestine
(3) last part of the small intestine
(4) large intestine.

Answer: (1) first part of the small intestine

Question 3. Lungs are the parts of ——
(1) alimentary system
(2) excretory system
(3) respiratory system
(4) circulatory system

Answer: (3) respiratory system

Question 4. Stomach consists of —
(1) two
(2) three
(3) four
(4) five parts

Answer: (1) two

Question 5. Kidney is a part of —
(1) respiratory system
(2) excretory system
(3) circulatory system
(4) alimentary system

Answer: (2) excretory system

Question 6. The pumping organ of blood is —
(1) kidney
(2) lungs
(3) heart
(4) stomach

Answer: (3) heart

Question 7. One of the functions of the alimentary system is —
(1) respiration
(2) digestion
(3) excretion
(4) circulation

Answer: (2) digestion

Question 8. Human heart is composed of — chambers.
(1) one
(2) two
(3) three
(4) four

Answer: (4) four


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