WBBSE For Class 9 Physical Science And Environment Solution MCQS

Solution MCQs

Multiple Choice Type :

Question 1. The ratio of the components of a solution is
(1) Fixed
(2) May vary
(3) May vary to any extent
(4) May vary within a limit

Answer: (4) May vary within a limit

Question 2. Aerated cold drinks contain CO2, sugar, and water. Her solution is of
(1)  Sugar
(2)  CO2
(3)  Water
(4)  Sugar and CO2

Answer: (4) Sugar and CO2 etc

Question 3. Which one is the true solution?
(1) Solution of common salt
(2) Solution of chalk
(3) Milk
(4) Butter

Answer: (1) Solution of common salt

Question 4. The particle size of a colloid is
(1) 10-8cm
(2) 10-4 cm
(3) 10-3cm
(4) 10-5 cm−10-7

Answer: (4) 10-5 cm−10-7

Question 5. Which one of the following will not diffuse?
a) Suspension
(2) True solution
(3) Colloids
(4) None

Answer: (1) Suspension

Question 6. When liquid is dispersed in a solid, the production is called
(1) Gel
(2) Sol
(3) Emulsion
(4) Foam

Answer: (1) Gel

Question 7. Which of the following in an aqueous solution can enter into the intermolecular space of water?
(1) Urea
(2) Protein
(3) DNA
(4) Starch

Answer: (1) Urea

Question 8. Solubility of which one of the following increases with an increase in temperature 7
(1) O2
(2) NH3
(3) KNO3
(4) SO2

Answer: (3) KNO3

Question 9. Which one of the following solutions is unstable?
(1) Saturated
(2) Unsaturated
(3) Supersaturated
(4) Colloidal

Answer: (3) Supersaturated

Question 10. Which one of the following solvents is used to remove nail polish?
(1) Ethyl  alcohol
(2) Methyl alcohol
(3) Acetone
(4) Turpentine oil

Answer: (3) Acetone

Question 11. Solution is a
(1) Mixture
(2) Element
(3) Compound
(4) None of these

Answer: (1) Mixture

Question 12. The solvent of sulphur is
(1) Water
(2) Ethyl alcohol
(3) Carbon disulphide
(4) Benzene

Answer: (3) Carbon disulphide

Question 13. If a saturated solution is heated
(1) Solution becomes unsaturated
(2) Solution becomes super saturated
(3) Solution remains saturated
(4) All of the above

Answer: (2) Solution becomes super saturated

Question 14. If more solvent is added to a saturated solution 
(1) Solution becomes super saturated
(2) Solution becomes unsaturated
(3) Solution remains saturated
(4) All of the above

Answer: (2) Solution becomes unsaturated

Question 15. The solubility of which substance decreases with an increase in temperature?
(1) KNO3
(2) CaSO4
(3) NaCl
(4) None of these

Answer: (2) CaSO4

Question 16. When temperature rises, the solubility of gas in liquid 
(1) Decreases
(2) Increases
(3) Unaltered
(4) None of these

Answer: (1) Decreases

Question 17. If the size of the particles is between 10-5 cm to 10-7 cm then the solution will be 
(1) True solution
(2) Suspension
(3) Colloid
(4) None of these

Answer: (3) Colloid

Question 18. The number of water molecules present in washing soda is 
(1)  5
(2)  6
(3) 10
(4)  7

Answer: (3) 10

Question 19. A deliquescent substance is
(1) Magnesium chloride
(2) Washing soda
(3) Glauber’s salt
(4) Blue vitriol

Answer: (1) Magnesium chloride

Question 20. Fog is
(1) A solution of liquid in gas
(2) A solution of gas in gas
(3) A solution of solid in gas
(4) A solution of liquid in liquid

Answer: (1) A solution of liquid in gas

Question 21. Smoke is
(1) A solution of gas in gas
(4) A solution of carbon in gas
(3) A solution of liquid in liquid
(4) A solution of solid in solid

Answer: (4) A solution of carbon in gas

Question 22. Solubility is almost unchanged with rise in temperature in case of 
(1) NaCl
(2) CaSO4
(3) NaSO4  , 10 H2O
(4) KNO3

Answer: (1) NaCl

Question 23. Phosphorus pentoxide is a
(1) Efflorescent substance
(2) Deliquescent Substance
(3) Drying agent
(4) None of these

Answer: (3) Drying agent

Question 24. Is soluble in chloroform.
(1) Sugar
(2) Common salt
(3) Oil
(4) Blue vitriol

Answer: (3) Oil

Question 25. lodine is soluble in
(1) Water
(2) Alcohol
(3) Acetone
(4) None of these

Answer: (2) Alcohol

Question 26. The unit of concentration of the solution is 
(1) g/L
(2) g/m2
(3) g/m
(4) g/cm

Answer: (1) g/L

Question 27. If an excess amount of solute is dissolved in a saturated solution then the solution is Called
(1) Unsaturated solution
(2) Supersaturated solution
(3) Colloid
(4) Emulsion

Answer: (2) Supersaturated solution

Question 28. A solution is 
(1) Solvent dissolved in solute
(2) A heterogeneous mixture
(3) A homogeneous mixture
(4) Only a liquid in liquid

Answer: (3) A homogeneous mixture

Question 29. Depending on “which phase dissolved in which phase”, how many types of solutions do we consider?
(1) 1
(2) 3
(3) 6
(4) 9
Answer: (3) 6

Question 30. A true solution has the feature
(1) Particle size less than 1 mm
(2) Separation by filtration
(3) Solute particles are large groups of particles
(4) Separation by a semipermeable membrane

Answer: (1) Particle size less than 1 mm

Question 31. A colloidal solution is associated with the feature
(1) Solute particles are large groups of insoluble particles
(2) Particle size is 1 to 100 nm
(3) Separation by filtration
(4) None of these

Answer: (2) Particle size is 1 to 100 nm

Question 32. A suspension is associated with the feature
(1) Solutes are atoms or ions
(2) Particle size is 1 to 100 nm
(3) Particle size is less than 100 nm
(4) Separation by filtration

Answer: (4) Separation by filtration

Question 33. Mist or fog are examples of a colloid where A is dispersed in B. A and B are
(1) gas-liquid
(2) liquid – gas
(3) liquid-liquid
(4) solid-liquid

Answer: (2) liquid – gas

Question 34. Which of the following is not a colloidal solution?
(1) Icecream
(2) Milk
(3) Smoke
(4) NaCl in water

Answer: (4) NaCl in water

Question 35. Which of the following is not a technical name for colloids?
(1) Foam
(2) Sol
(3) Gel
(4) Olium

Answer: (4) Olium

Question 36. An alloy is a colloid having dispersed and medium as
(1) Liquid in solid
(2) Solid in liquid
(3) Liquid in liquid
(4) Solid in solid

Answer: (4) Solid in solid

Question 37. Soap or detergent is an example of
(1) Emulsifier
(2) Sol
(3) Aerosol
(4) Solid foam

Answer: (1) Emulsifier


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