WBBSE Solutions For Class 10 Geography And Environment Chapter 1 MCQs

Class 10 Geography West Bengal Board Geography And Environment  Chapter 1 Control And Co-Ordination In Living Organisms MCQs

Question 1. When the intensity of the stimulus is the cause of movement, it is termed as_________________

  1. (1) Tropism
  2. (2) Tactism
  3. (3) Nastism
  4. (4) None of the above

Answer. (3) Nastism

Question 2. Earthworm moves with the help of_______________

  1. (1) Setae
  2. (2) Pseudopodia
  3. (3) Tube feet
  4. (4) Cilia

Answer. (1) Setae

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WBBSE Solutions for Class 10 Life Science And Environment

Question 3. Balancing organ of fishr are_______________

  1. (1) Lateral line
  2. (2) Swim bladder
  3. (3) Gills
  4. (4) Fins

Answer. (2) Swim bladder

Question 4. The locomotory organ of amoeba are______________

  1. (1) Setae
  2. (2) Pseudopodia
  3. (3) Tube feet
  4. (4) Cilia

Answer. (2) Pseudopodia

Class 10 Geography West Bengal Board

Question 5. Tactic movement is found in________________

  1. (1) Chlamydomonas
  2. (2) Earthworm
  3. (3) Cockroach
  4. (4) Fish

Answer. (1) Chlamydomonas

Question 6. of stimulus is the cause of tropic movement.

  1. (1) Intensity
  2. (2) Source
  3. (3) Direction
  4. (4) None of the above

Answer. (c) Direction

Question 7. Locomotion in plants is termed as_________________

  1. (1) Tropism
  2. (2) Tactism
  3. (3) Nastism
  4. (4) None of the above

Answer. (2) Tactism

WBBSE Class 10 Geography

Question 8. What is the other name of thigmotropism?

  1. (1) Phototropism
  2. (2) Heliotropism
  3. (3) Hydrotropism
  4. (4) Haptotropism

Answer. (4) Hapto tropism

Question 9. Number of joints in our body are________________

  1. (1) twenty four
  2. (2) twenty three
  3. (3) twenty one
  4. (4) twenty two

Answer. (4) twenty two

Question 10. Movable joints allow

  1. (1) free movement in various directions
  2. (2) no movement
  3. (3) a limited degree of movement
  4. (4) none of the above

Answer. (1) free movement in various directions


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