WBBSE Solutions For Class 10 Maths Chapter 9 Quadratic surd Exercise 9.3

Chapter 9 Quadratic surd Exercise 9.3


Question 1:

1. If m + 1/m = √3, let us calculate the simplified value of (i) m2 + 1/m2 and  (ii) m3 + 1/m3.

Solution (1):  m2 + 1/m2 = (m + 1/m)2 – 2.m.1/m



= 1 

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Solution (2): m3 + 1/m3 = (m+1/m)3 -3.m.1/m(m+1/m)


= 3√3-3√3 

=0 Ans.


2. Let us show that√5+√3 / √5-√3 – √5 – √3 / √5+ √3 = 2√15.

Solution: √5+√3 / √5-√3 – √5 – √3 / √5+ √3 = 2√15

L.H.S.= √5+√3 / √5-√3 – √5-√3 / √5+√3.

= (√5+√3)²-(√5-√3)² / (√5-√3) (√5+√3)

= (5+3+2√15)-(5+3-2√15) / (√5)²-(√3)²

= 8+2√15-8+2√15 /5-3

=4√15 / 2

= 2√15 R.H.S.

Question 2.

1. √2 (2+ √3) / √3(√3+1)  – √2 (2-√3) /√3(√3-1)

Solution : √2 (2+ √3) / √3(√3+1)  – √2 (2-√3) /√3(√3-1)

= √2 / √3 [2+√3 / √3+1 – 2-√3 / √3-1]

= √2 (2√3 −2+3−√3)-(2√3+2−3−√3) / (√3)2-(1)2

= √2 / √3[2√3-2+3-√3-2√3-2+3+√3 / 3-1]

= √2 / √3 x 6-4/2

= √2 / √3 x 2/2

= √2 x √3 / √3.√3


2. 3√7 / √5+ √2 – 5√5 / √2 + √7 + 2√2 / √7 + √5

Solution: 3√7 / √5+ √2 – 5√5 / √2 + √7 + 2√2 / √7 + √5

= 3√/7(√5 – √2) / (√5+√2)(√5+√2) –  5√5(√7-√2) / (√7+√2)(√7-√2) + 2√5/(√7+√5)(√7-√5)

= (√5+√2) √5-√2) (√7 + √2) √7 – √2) + (√7+ √5 √7-√5)

= 3√7(√5-√2)/(5)2-(√2)2 – 5√5(√7-√2) / (√7)2-(√2)2 + 2√2 / (√7)2-(√5)2

= 3√7(√5-√2) /5-2 – 5√5(√7-√2)/7-2 + 2√2(√7-√5)/7-5

= 3√2(√5-√2)/3 – 5√5(√7-√2)/5 + 2√2(√7-√5)/2


= 0

3. 4√3 / 2 -√2 – 30/4√3 – √18 – √18/3-√12


WBBSE Solutions For Class 10 Maths Chapter 9 Quadratic surd 1

4. 3√2/√3+√6 – 4√3/√6+√2 + √6/√2+√3


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Question 3. If x = 2, y = 3 and z = 6 let us write by calculating the value of 3√x/√y+√z – 4√y/√z+√x + √z/√x+√y


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Question 4. If x = √7+√6 let us calculate the simplified values of

1. x – 1/x

Solution: x-1/x = (√7+√6)+(√7-√6)

= √7+√6 – √7 +√6



2. x + 1/x

Solution: x – 1/x

= (√7+√6) + (√7-√6)




3. x²+1/x²

Solution: x²+1/x²

=(x+1/x)² – 2.x.1/x

=(2√7)² – 2.1

= 28-2

= 26

4. x³ +1/x³

Solution: x³+1/x³

= (x+1/x)³ – 3.x.1/x(x+1/x)


=8 x 7√7 – 6√7

= 50√7

Question 5. x+√x2-1/x-√x2-1+ x-√x2-1/x+√x2-1 If the simplified value is 14, let us write by calculating what is the value of x.


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Question 6. If a= √5+1 / √5-1 and b= √5-1/√5+1, let us following expressions

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1. a²+ab+b/a²-ab+b²


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2. (a-b)³/(a+b)³

Solution: (a-b)³/(a+b)³

= (√5)³/(3)



3. 3a²+5ab+3b²/3a²-5ab+3b²

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4. a³+b³/a³-b³


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Question 7. If x = 2 + √3, y = 2-√3, let us calculate the simplified value of:

Solution : x = 2+√3

∴ 1/x = 1/2-√3

= 2-√3/(2+√3)(2-√3)




Again, y=2-√3

∴ 1/y = 1/2- √3





1. x-1/x

Solution: x-1/x

=(2+√3) – (2-√3)

= 2+√3-2+√3


2. y²+1/y²

Solution: y²+1/y²





= 16-2

= 14

3. x³-1/x³

Solution: x³-1/x³

= (x-1/x)³+3.x.1/x(x-1/x)





4. xy+1/xy

Solution: xy+1/xy




= 4-3

= 1

∴ xy +1/xy




5. 3x²-5xy+3y²

Solution: 3x²-5xy+3y²





=3 x 4 x3 +1



Question 8. If x = √7+√3/√7-√3 and xy=1, let us show that x²+xy+y²/x²-xy+y² = 12/11


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Chapter 9 Quadratic surd Exercise 9.3 Multiple Choice Question

Question 1. If x=2+√3, the value of x + 1/x

1. 2
2. 2√3
3. 4
4. 2-√3

Solution:  .. 1/x

=1/ 2+√3





.. x+1/x = 2+v3+2-√3


Answer. 3. 4

Question 2. If p + q = √13 and p-q= √5 then the value of pq is

1. 2
2. 18
3. 9
4. 8

Solution: We know,

pq = (p+q-p-q)/4 


= 13-5/4



Answer. 1. 2

Question 3. If a + b = √5 and a-b=√3, the value of (a2 + b2) is

1. 8
2. 4
3. 2
4. 1

Solution: a2+ b2= (a+b)2+(a-b)2/2

= (√5)2+(√3)2/2

= 5+3/2



Answer. 1. 8

Question 5. If we subtract √5 from √125, the value is

1. √80
2. √120
3. √100
4. none of these

Solution: √125-√5 

= √5x5x5

= √5x5x5-√5-√5


= √16×5

= 80

Answer. 1. √80

Question 6. The product of the bracketed terms (5 -√3), (√3 -1), (5+ √3), and (√3+1) is

1. 22
2. 44
3. 2
4. 11

Solution: (5-√3) (5+√3) (√3-1) (√3+1)

= {(5)2- (√3)2} {(√3)2- (1)}

=(23) x (3-1)

=22 x 2 

= 44

Answer. 2. 44

Chapter 9 Quadratic surd Exercise 9.3 True Or False


1. √75 and √147 are similar surds.

Solution: √75 & √5x5x3

=5√3 & √147

= √7x7x3 


Answer. True

2.√π is a quadratic surd. 

Answer. False


Chapter 9 Quadratic surd Exercise 9.3 Fill In The Blanks


1. 5√11 is an Irrational number (rational/irrational)

2. Conjugate surd of (√3-5) is   -√3-5.

3. If the product and sum of two quadratic surds is a rational number, then the surds are Irrational surd.


Chapter 9 Quadratic surd Exercise 9.3 Short Answers

Question 1. If x=3+2√2, let us write the value of x + 1/x

Solution: 1/x =1/3 +2√2

1x(3-2√2) / (3+2√2) (3-2√2)




Question 2. Let us write which one is greater between (√15+ √3) and (√10+ √8). 

Solution: Now, (√15+√3)2=(√15)2+(√3)2+2.√15.√3

= 15+ 3 + 2√45

= 18+ 2√45

& (√10 + √8)2 = (√10)2+(√8)2 +2. √10 √8 

= 10 +8 +2√80 

= 18+2√80

As 2√80 is greater than 2√45.

(√10+√8)2 > (√15+√3)2

(√10+√8) is greater than (√15+√3).


Question 3. Let us write two quardratic surds whose product is a rational number. 

Solution: (5+2√6) & (5-2√6).

Question 4. Let us write what should be subtracted from √72 to get √32.

Solution. Required number = √72-√32 = √6x6x2 – √4x4x2 

=6√2 -4√2 

= 2√2 Ans.


Question 5. Let us write the simplified value of (1/√2+1 + 1/√3+ √2 + 1/√4+ √3)

Solution: 1(√2-1)/(√2+1) (√2-1) + 1(√3-√2)/(√3 + √2) (√3-√2)+1(√4-√3)/(√4+ √3)(√4-√3)

=√2-1/2 -1 +  √3-√2/3-2 +  √4-√34-3


= √4-1


= 1.






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