WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत

About The Author-Mulk Raj Anand

The author of this lesson, Mulk Raj Anand was a prominent Indian author of novels, short stories, and essays in English, who is known for his writings of the toiling masses of India. He was born in Peshawar in 1905 and was educated at the Universities of Punjab and London.

He received his Ph.D. in Philosophy in 1929. His first two novels ‘Untouchable’ (1935) and ‘Coolie’ (1936) brought him recognition. Some of his famous works are the well-known trilogy ‘The Village (1939), ‘Across the Black Waters’ (1940), and ‘The Sword and the Sickle (1942). When he returned to India in 1946, he was the best-known Indian writer in English abroad. In 1946 he founded the fine-arts magazine ‘Marg’.

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He also became a director of Kutub Publishers. From 1948 to 1966 Anand taught at Indian Universities. Mulk Raj Anand was fine-art chairman at Lalit Kala Akademi from 1965 to 1970. He kept in constant touch with literary figures from across the globe like E.M. Forster.

Mulk Raj Anand received the “International Peace Prize” from World Peace Council, the “Sahitya Academy Award”, “Padma Bhusan” and several other rewards during his long literary career. Mulk Raj Anand died on September 28, 2004.

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत लेखक परिचय

प्रस्तुत पाठ के लेखक, मुल्कराज आनंद एक प्रसिद्ध भारतीय लेखक है जिन्होंने अंग्रेजी भाषा में उपन्यास, लघुकथा तथा निबंधों की रचना किये हैं और मेहनतकश लोगों के प्रति अपनी रचनाओं के लिए जाने जाते हैं। इनका जन्म 1905 ई० में पेशावर में हुआ तथा इनकी शिक्षा-दीक्षा पंजाब और लंदन की विश्वविद्यालय में हुई। 1929 ई० में इन्हें दर्शनशास्त्र में पी०एच०डी० की डिग्री प्राप्त हुई ।

इनकी दो उपन्यासें ‘Untouchable’ (1935) एवं ‘Coolie’ (1936) इन्हें ख्याति दिलाया । उनकी कुछ प्रसिद्ध रचनाओं में ‘The Village’ (1939), ‘Across the Black Waters’ (1940) एवं ‘The Sword and the Sickle’ (1942) ये तीनों बहुत ही परिचित हैं। 1946 ई० में ये जब वापस भारत आये, तब वे विदेश में अंग्रेजी भाषा के लेखकों में एक भारतीय के रूप में बहुत ही प्रसिद्ध थे । 1946 ई० में ये Marg नाम का ललित कला की पत्रिका का प्रकाशन आरंभ किये।

ये कुतुब प्रकाशन का एक निर्देशक • भी रहे। 1948 से 1966 ई० तक ये भारतवर्ष के कई विश्वविद्यालयों में अध्यापन का कार्य भी किये हैं। 1965 से 1970 ई० तक मुल्कराज आनंद ललित कला अकादमी में ललित कला के अध्यक्ष भी रहे हैं। E.M. Forster जैसे विश्व के विभिन्न भागों के साहित्यकारों से उनका सदैव संपर्क बना रहता था।

मुल्कराज आनंद अपनी लंबी साहित्यिक जीवन में World Peace Council से अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय शान्ति पुरस्कार, साहित्य अकादमी पुरस्कार, पद्म भूषण तथा अन्य कई सम्मानीय पुरस्कार प्राप्त किये हैं। 28 सितम्बर, 2004 ई० में मुल्कराज आनंद का देहांत हुआ ।

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत Introduction

“The Price of Bananas” is based on a funny incident where a monkey took away the fancy cap of a businessman which he finally got back with the help of a fruit vendor. But underneath the lighter tone of the story, the author satirizes the unkind behavior of the businessman towards the poor fruit vendor.

While waiting for the train at Faizabad station, the narrator was amused by the lively monkeys who were coming up and down from the trees on the platform. Having boarded the train, the narrator found a monkey snatching away the loincloth of a pious man who was taking a bath.

He along with other passengers was surprised when the monkey returned the cloth from the tree. In the meantime, a businessman entered the compartment, dressed with a nice cap on his head. To their surprise, they found the same monkey taking away the cap of the businessman. Though he shouted, the monkey had no intention of returning the cap.

Suddenly a fruit vendor came to help the businessman. Taking a couple of bananas in one hand, he asked the monkey to return the cap. After a few minutes, the monkey responded to his request and released the cap. The passengers on the platform were all amused.

They praised the vendor. But when he asked two annas for his bananas, the businessman acted very cruelly and threw only an anna at him. The narrator along with the passengers was deeply hurt by the unkind behavior of the businessman. Thus the funny incident turned into a bitter sense of disgust to them.

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत भूमिका

“The Price of Bananas” (केले की कीमत) एक मजेदार घटना पर आधारित रचना है जहाँ एक बन्दर एक व्यवसायी की टोपी लेकर भाग जाता है जिसे वह एक गरीब फल विक्रेता की मदद से वापस पाता है। किन्तु कहानी की इस लघु शैली के नीचे लेखक ने उस गरीब फल विक्रेता के प्रति व्यवसायी के निष्ठुर व्यवहार का उपहास करते हैं। फैजाबाद स्टेशन पर ट्रेन की प्रतीक्षा करते समय, वाचक उन चंचल बन्दरों को देखकर बहुत ही खुश हुए थे जो प्लेटफार्म के उपर के पेड़ों पर उठ बैठ कर रहे थे।

ट्रेन में सवार हो वाचक ने एक बन्दर को एक स्नान करते धार्मिक प्रवृत्ति के व्यक्ति का लंगोटी लेकर भागते देखा । अन्य यात्रियों के साथ वे भी अवाक हुए जब देखा कि बन्दर ने वृक्ष के उपर से वह कपड़ा वापस कर दिया। इतने में सिर पर एक सुन्दर टोपी पहने एक व्यवसायी ट्रेन के कमरे में प्रवेश किया। वे लोग अवाक हो उसी बन्दर को व्यवसायी का टोपी लेकर भागते देखा। यद्यपि वे चिल्लाये किन्तु बन्दर को टोपी वापस करने का कोई इच्छा नहीं था ।

अकस्मात एक फल विक्रेता व्यवसायी की सहायता करने के लिए आगे आया। एक हाथ से एक जोड़ा केले दिखाते हुए उसने बन्दर से टोपी वापस करने का अनुरोध किया। कुछ ही मिनटों में उसका अनुरोध मानते हुए बन्दर ने टोपी छोड़ दिया । प्लेटफार्म के सभी यात्री बहुत खुश हुए। उन्होंने फल विक्रेता की प्रशंसा किया।

किन्तु जब उसने अपने केले की कीमत स्वरूप दो आने की मांग किया, तब व्यवसायी ने उसके साथ बहुत ही निष्ठुर आचरण किया और उसकी ओर सिर्फ एक आना फेंक दिया । व्यवसायी के इस आचरण से वाचक और उनके साथ के यात्रियों को बहुत ही सदमा पहुँचा। इस प्रकार एक मजेदार घटना उनके लिए बहुत ही अरुचिकर बन कर रह गया ।

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत Summary

On his journey from Faizabad to Lucknow, the narrator was amazed by the monkeys who were busy picking up food items from the neem and tamarind tees on the platform. As he took his seat in the compartment, he was surprised to find a monkey snatching away the loincloth of a pious person.

The incident caused a lot of excitement among the passengers. When the man requested the monkey to return his cloth, the generous monkey threw it down from the tree at him.

At this time a businessman heavily dressed, entered the compartment. To their surprise, a monkey leaped down from the top of the compartment and snatched away the cap of the businessman. The more the man shouted, the more the monkey became remoter.

Suddenly a fruit vendor came to the spot and promised to rescue the cap. He took out a couple of bananas in one hand and asked the monkey to return the cap. After a moment of hesitation, the monkey took the bananas with one hand and released the cap with the other.

All the passengers praised the fruit vendor. But when he asked a mere two annas for the price of his bananas, the businessman got very angry. As the train was about to leave the station he only threw an anna towards the vendor on the platform. The businessman then began to justify himself to the other passengers. But all of them felt sympathy for the fruit vendor and mocked the cruel behavior of the businessman.

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत सारांश

फैजाबाद से लखनऊ जाते समय लेखक ने उन बन्दरों को देख कर बहुत खुश हुए जो प्लेटफार्म के उपर नीम तथा इमली के पेड़ पर अपने खाद्य संग्रह में व्यस्त थे। जब वे ट्रेन की कमरे में बैठे तब एक बन्दर को एक धार्मिक प्रवृति के व्यक्ति का लंगोटी लेकर भागते देख अवाक हुए। यह घटना यात्रियों के लिए बहुत ही कौतुहल का कारण बना । जब उस व्यक्ति ने बन्दर से कपड़ा वापस देने का अनुरोध किया तब उसने उस कपड़े को उसकी ओर फेंक दिया ।

इसी समय सुन्दर पोशाक में एक व्यवसायी ट्रेन के कमरे में प्रवेश किया। सबों को आश्चर्यचकित करते हुए एक बन्दर डिब्बे के उपर से उतरा और व्यवसायी का टोपी लेकर भाग गया। व्यवसायी चिल्लाता रहा और बन्दर और भी दूर जाता रहा ।

अकस्मात एक फल विक्रेता वहाँ आया और टोपी वापस ला देने का वादा किया। एक हाथ में दो केले लेकर उसने बन्दर से टोपी वापस करने का अनुरोध किया। पल भर इधर-उधर करने के बाद बन्दर एक हाथ से केले लेकर दूसरे हाथ से टोपी वापस कर दिया।

सभी यात्री फल विक्रेता की प्रशंसा करने लगे। किन्तु जब उसने केले की कीमत के रूप में व्यवसायी से दो आने की मांग किया तब वह बहुत ही क्रोधित हुआ। गाड़ी जब प्लेटफार्म छोड़ रही थी तब उसने मात्र एक आना प्लेटफार्म पर फल विक्रेता की ओर फेंक दिया। उस समय व्यवसायी अन्य यात्रियों के निकट अपने आप को सही प्रमाणित करना चाह रहा था । किन्तु सबों ने गरीब फल विक्रेता के प्रति समवेदना ज्ञापन किया और व्यवसायी के निष्ठुर व्यवहार का उपहास किया।

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत Text

I was on my way from Faizabad railway station to Lucknow. I had arrived at the station half an hour in advance of the time for the train’s departure. I sat on a bench watching the monkeys frolicking in the trees and on the open platform.

The monkeys descended now and then to collect half-sucked mango stones and the remains of food from the platform. The younger monkeys sat on the boughs of neem and tamarind trees, ready to jump after any food that may be visible.

Just then the train was announced by the ringing of the station bell. I concentrated on securing a seat for myself on the train. I got a window seat overlooking the platform. Some other passengers joined me in the compartment. We were all sweating from the rising heat of the summer.

Several passengers were busy filling up their small earthen pitchers from
a water pump. I was struck by the genius of a monkey in snatching away the loincloth of a pious person who was taking a bath under the pump. A great deal of general amusement was caused by this incident.

The bather then requested the monkey to return his loin cloth. The monkey was generous and threw it down from the neem tree at the “man’s feet.

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत Word Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Arrived : पहुँचाया था।
  2. Advance : अग्रिम
  3. Departure: प्रस्थान
  4. Descended : उत्तर आना ।
  5. Collect : संग्रह करना |
  6. Half-Sucked : आधा चूसा हुआ
  7. I Remainders : अवशिष्ट ।
  8. Boughs : पेड़ की डाले ।
  9. Tamarind : इमली ।
  10. Visible : देखनेलायक, दृष्टिगोचर
  11. Announced: घोषणा किया जाना ।
  12. Concentrated: मनोयोग देना
  13. Securing: सुरक्षित
  14. Compartment : ट्रेन का कमरा ।
  15. Sweating: पसीने से तर हो जाना।
  16. Several : कई
  17. Filling : भरना ।
  18. Earthen: मिट्टी का बना हुआ।
  19. Pitchers : कलशी ।
  20. Genius: प्रतिभा ।
  21. Snatching : झपट लेना ।
  22. Loin: कमर, यहाँ आशय है पहनने की कपड़े से
  23. Pious : धर्मपरायण ।
  24. Bath : स्नान
  25. Amusement: मनोरंजन
  26. Incident: घटना
  27. Bather: जिसने स्नान कर लिया है।
  28. Generous: उदार ।

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत हिन्दी अनुवाद

मैं फैजाबाद रेलवे स्टेशन से लखनऊ वापस आ रहा था। गाड़ी छूटने के आधा घंटा पहले ही मैं स्टेशन पर पहुँच गया था। एक बेंच पर बैठ कर मैं प्लेटफार्म के ऊपर के पेड़ों पर बन्दरों का खेल देख रहा था। बन्दरें अब नीचे उतर आये। थे और प्लेटफार्म पर पड़े अर्ध-चुसे हुए आम की गुठलियाँ चाट रहे थे तथा खाद्य सामग्री की अवशिष्टांसों को उठा रहे थे। छोटी बन्दरें किसी खाद्य-पदार्थ को देखते ही झपट पड़ने की तैयारी में नीम तथा इमली के पेड़ों पर बैठे हुए थे ।

तभी स्टेशन की घंटी बजाकर गाड़ी के आने की घोषणा की गई। गाड़ी में मैं अपने लिए एक बैठने की जगह पाने के लिए ध्यान दिया। मुझे खिड़की के किनारे का एक सीट मिल गया जहाँ से प्लेटफार्म को देखा जा रहा था। कमरे में और भी कुछ यात्री सवार हुए। गर्मी की तेज तापमान में हमलोग सभी पसीने से भींगे हुए थे।

कई यात्री नलकूप से मिट्टी की छोटी कलशी भर रहे थे। मैं एक बन्दर की बुद्धि को देखकर अवाक हुआ जो नलकूप के नीचे बैठे स्नानरत एक धार्मिक प्रवृति के व्यक्ति का लंगोटा झपट लिया था। यह घटना हमलोगों में बहुत कौतुहल सृष्टि किया था। व्यक्ति ने बन्दर से अपनी लंगोटी वापस करने का अनुरोध किया। बन्दर बहुत ही दयालु था और नीम के पेड़ से उस व्यक्ति के पाँव के निकट कपड़ा फेंक दिया।

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत Text

While all this was going on, I noticed a gentleman come up to our compartment. He looked like a businessman. He was dressed in a white muslin dhoti, a delicate tunic, and an embroidered cap on his head. A porter was carrying his luggage which included a big steel trunk, several small baskets, and a brass jug.

The man was shouting at the porter to hurry up with the luggage. Suddenly a monkey leaped down from the top of our compartment and snatched away the fine embroidered cap of the businessman. The monkey then climbed up the neem tree. “What have you done, monkey !” The businessman shouted, in utter confusion.

His round and smug face was covered with perspiration. He ran towards the tree over the pump and stood threatening the monkey. However, the more he shouted at the monkey, the remoter the monkey became. It was the same monkey that had snatched the bather’s loin cloth.

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत Word Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. While : जब, जबकि
  2. Noticed: सूचित होना ।
  3. Gentleman : सज्जन व्यक्ति
  4. Businessman : व्यवसायी ।
  5. Dressed : आभूषित, अलंकृत।
  6. Delicate: सुन्दर, महीन |

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत हिन्दी अनुवाद

प्लेटफार्म के लोग व्यवसायी की इस दुर्गति से बहुत ही रोमांचित हुए। वे एक करुण एवं निराश अभिव्यक्ति लिए खड़े थे । इसी समय एक फल विक्रेता अपनी गाड़ी ठेलते हुए आया। उसने सेठ जी से कहा कि वह टोपी वापस ला देगा ।
 व्यवसायी व्यक्ति को कुछ राहत मिला। फलवाला दाहिने हाथ में दो केले रखकर बन्दर को दिखाने लगा और बायाँ हाथ टोपी के लिए आगे बढ़ाया। बन्दर असमंजस में पड़ गया ।
फलवाला बन्दर को प्रलोभित करने लगा, “आओ, आओ, नीचे आओ ।” उसने केले को उपर उठाया। सावधानी से बन्दर फलवाले के नजदीक एक डाल पर उतर आया।

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत Text

The whole platform became silent and waited, with bated breath, for the impossible to happen. The vendor cooed in a soft voice, Ao, ao, to the monkey. The monkey, looking at this side and accepted the bargain. It took over the bananas with its right hand and released the embroidered cap, slightly crumpled, with its left hand.

The spectators shouted in praise. The fruit vendor came and humbly offered Sethji his cap. “They are hungry,” he said, “so they disturb the passengers.” “Acha,” said the Sethji, and turned to go into the compartment. The vendor said, “Sethjl, please give me two annas for the bananas which I had to offer to the monkey.”

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत Word Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Silent: चुपचाप, निःशब्द ।
  2. Bated: घटाकर, कसकर रखना ।
  3. Cooed: कोयल की भांति आवाज करना, मधुर आवाज में बुलाना ।
  4. Accepted: ग्रहण किया था।
  5. Bargain: मोल-भाव करना ।
  6. Released: रिहा कर देना या मुक्त कर देना ।
  7. Crumpled: सिकुड़ना, पिसना |
  8. Spectators: दर्शक |
  9. Praise: प्रशंसा।
  10. Humbly : विनम्रता से ।

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत हिन्दी अनुवाद

समूचा प्लेटफार्म चुपचाप हो, श्वाँस रोके हुए इस असंभव घटना को संभव होते देखने की प्रतीक्षा में था। फलवाला मधुर स्वर में बन्दर से कहने लगा, “आओ, आओ।”
बन्दर इधर-उधर देखा और इस मोल-भाव को मान लिया । वह दाहिने हाथ से केले को उठा लिया और बाँये हाथ से कुछ सिकुड़ गये टोपी को छोड़ दिया ।
देखनेवाले प्रशंसा में चिल्ला उठे । फलवाला नम्रतापूर्वक सेठजी को टोपी वापस कर दिया । उसने कहा, “वे भूखे हैं, इसीलिए यात्रियों को तंग किया करते हैं। सेठ जी ‘अच्छा’ कहकर कमरे में जाने के लिए मुड़े। फलवाले ने कहा, “सेठजी, बन्दर को जो दो केले दिये गये हैं उसके लिए कृपया मुझे दो आने दें । “

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत Text

“Two annas! What impudence!” Sethji shouted each word in disgust at the grimy fruit vendor. “Please give him the money, Sethji”. the rest of the compartment said. “Acha, here are four annas for you, porter, and an anna for you, fruit vendor!” Sethji said. “But I carried two big pieces of luggage,” the porter wailed.
“Go! Go! Crook!” Sethji thundered at the protesting porter. The porter left. The fruit vendor persisted, “Sethji, be just, I saved your honorable cap… “The businessman threw an anna towards him on the platform.
The guard’s whistle blew. The train was about to depart. The vendor looked in through the compartment window.
“Sethji, do not rob the poor!”.
“Ja, ja! Take rest,” Sethji scowled at him.

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत Word-Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Impudence : निर्लज्जता, धृष्टता ।
  2. Disgust: विरक्ति, अरुचिकर
  3. Grimy: मलिन, मैला
  4. Crook : धोखेबाज |
  5. Thundered: बहुत ही गंभीर आवाज में कहा ।
  6. Protesting : प्रतिवाद करना
  7. Persisted: काम में लगे रहना
  8. Just : सत्यनिष्ठ, न्यायी
  9. Honourable: सम्मानीय ।
  10. Whistle: एक प्रकार की सीटी
  11. Depart : प्रस्थान कर जाना
  12. Rob : वंचित करना, लूट करना
  13. Scowled: आँख दिखाना ।

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत हिन्दी अनुवाद

“दो आना कैसा निर्लज्ज हो।” सेठजी उस फलवाले के प्रति बहुत ही अरुचि के साथ चिल्ला-चिल्ला कर प्रत्येक शब्द का उच्चारण कर रहे थे। कमरे के अन्य यात्रियों ने कहा, “सेठजी, अनुग्रहपूर्वक उसका पैसा उसे दे दीजिये ।” सेठजी ने कहा, “अच्छा, ऐ कुली, तुम्हारे लिए चार आना और इस फलवाले के लिए एक आना । “
कुली प्राय: कराहते हुए बोला, “किन्तु मैं तो दो बड़ा सामान उठा कर लाया हूँ ।”
सेठजी प्रतिवादी कुली के उपर वज्रपात होने जैसी आवाज में कहा, “या! या!, धोखेबाज !” कुली चला गया । फलवाला लगा रहा, “सेठजी, अन्याय मत कीजिये, मैने आपके सम्मानित टोपी को बचाया है ।” व्यवसायी ने प्लटफॉर्म पर उसकी ओर एक आना फेंक दिया ।
गार्ड की सीटी बज उठा। गाड़ी खुलने का समय हो गया था। फलवाला खिड़की से कमरे के भीतर देख रहा था। “सेठजी, गरीब को वंचित मत करो। “
“सेठजी ने उसकी ओर तीखी तेवर से देखा और कहा, “जाओ, जाओ, विश्राम करो।”

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत Text

The train had begun to move. The fruit vendor first ran along with it, then got on to the footstep and clung to the window, pleading. But Sethji had turned his head away.
He was looking out of the window at the goods train on the other side. The train had passed the whole length of the platform and the frustrated vendor finally dropped off.
Sethji turned round to all of us and began to justify himself, “If he did not want to help me to get my cap back, he should not have offered the monkey the bananas. I did not ask him to help.
I felt that all the other passengers had sympathy for the poor vendor. The whole amusing episode had ended in a bitter sense of grievance against the rich businessman who had been so hard on the generous-hearted fruit vendor.
I drew a cartoon of Sethji and showed my drawing to all the other passengers except him. Everyone laughed. The more we laughed, Sethji became the more uncomfortable.

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत Word Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Clung : चिपक जाना।
  2. Pleading: विनती करना ।
  3. Frustrated : हताश ।
  4. Justify: उचित प्रमाणित करना।
  5. Sympathy : सहानुभूति ।
  6. Bitter: तिक्त, बुरा।
  7. Grievance: क्षोभ
  8. Cartoon : व्यंग्य चित्र ।
  9. Uncomfortable : आरामदायक नहीं।

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत हिन्दी अनुवाद

इसके बाद गाड़ी चलने लगी। पहले तो फलवाला इसके साथ दौड़ा, बाद में पैदान पकड़ कर झूलता हुआ विनती करने  लगा। किन्तु सेठजी अपना मुँह दूसरी ओर घुमाये रखा। वे दूसरी ओर एक मालगाड़ी को देख रहे थे। गाड़ी प्लेटफार्म छोड़कर चली गई और लाचार फलवाला उतर गया ।
सेठजी हमारी ओर अपने को सही प्रमाण करना आरंभ किये। “जब मुझे सहायता करने की इच्छा नहीं था, तब तो उसे बन्दर को केले देना उचित नहीं हुआ। मैं तो उसे सहायता करने के लिए नहीं कहा था।”
मैं समझ गया कि अन्य सभी यात्री गरीब फलवाले के प्रति सहानुभूति अनुभव कर रहे थे। एक मजेदार घटना उस धनी व्यवसायी के प्रति विक्षोभ की एक तिक्तता के साथ समाप्त हुआ जो एक सरल फलवाले के साथ इतना कठोर हुए थे। मैं सेठजी का एक व्यंग्य चित्र अंकित किया और उसे उन्हें छोड़कर सबों को दिखाया। सभी हँसने लगे। हमलोग जितना हँसते थे, सेठजी उतना ही विरक्ति अनुभव करते थे ।

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत Word Nest (शब्द नीड़)

  1. Frolicking : playing around in a lively, happy way (खुशी एवं आनन्द के साथ खेलना)
  2. Perspiration : sweat (पसीना)
  3. Coaxed :  persuaded somebody earnestly. (हार्दिकता के साथ
  4. Crumpled: crushed (सिकुड़ जाना, पिस जाना)
  5. Anna: an old form of Indian currency (16 annas used to make a rupee) (भारतीय मुद्रा का एक पुराना रूप जहाँ 16 आना एक रुपया माना जाता था)
  6. Impudence: rudeness (कठोरता)
  7. Grimy: covered with dirt (गन्दगियों से ढँका)
  8. crook: a dishonest person (एक बेईमान व्यक्ति)
  9. Scowled: looked at somebody angrily (गुस्से में किसी के ओर देखना)

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत Textual Questions (पाठ्याधारित प्रश्न) Exercise (अभ्यास) – 1

Tick The Correct Answer From The Given Alternatives:
Question 1. The author was on his way from Faizabad railway station to
  1. Delhi
  2. Kolkata
  3. Lucknow
  4. Ahmedabad
Answer: 3. Lucknow
Question 2. From the water pump, the passengers were filling up their
  1. Water bottles
  2. Earthen pitchers
  3. Brass jugs
  4. Steel buckets
Answer: 2. Earthen pitchers
Question 3. The gentleman who came up to the author’s compartment looked like a
  1. Businessman
  2. Doctor
  3. Teacher
  4. Postman
Answer: 2. Businessman
Question 4. The price the vendor asked for the bananas was
  1. Two annas
  2. Four annas
  3. Six annas
  4. Eight annas
Answer: 2. Two annas
Question 5.  The author drew the cartoon of
  1. Fruit vendor
  2. Monkey
  3. Porter
  4. Sethji
Answer: 4. Sethji

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत Exercise (अभ्यास) – 2

Answer The Following Questions Within Fifteen Words:
Question 1. Where did the young monkeys sit?
Answer: The young monkeys sat on the boughs of neem and tamarind trees.
Question 2. What did the monkey do to the loin cloth of the pious person?
Answer: The monkey snatched away the loincloth of the pious person when he was bathing.
Question 3. What did Sethji’s luggage include?
Answer: Sethji’s luggage included a big steel trunk, several small baskets, and a brass jug.
Question 4. Why according to the fruit vendor, were the monkeys disturbing the passengers?

Answer: According to the fruit vendor, the monkeys were disturbing the passengers because they were hungry.

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत Exercise (अभ्यास) – 3

Answer The Following Question Within Twenty-Five Words:
Question 1. What was the businessman wearing?
Answer: The businessman was well-dressed. He was wearing a white muslin dhoti, a delicate tunic, and an embroidered cap on his head.
Question 2. What did the monkey do after accepting the fruit vendor’s bargain?
Answer: After accepting the fruit vendor’s bargain, the monkey took the bananas from his right hand the released the slightly crumpled embroidered cap of the businessman with the left hand.
Question 3. How did the whole amusing episode end?
Answer: The whole amusing episode ended in a bitter sense of grievance against the rich businessman as he had been very rude to the generous fruit vendor.

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत Exercise (अभ्यास) – 4

Fill In The Blanks With Appropriate Articles And Prepositions:

Question 1.  ________ sun rises in the east.
Answer: The sun rises in the east.
Question 2. The dog jumped________ the log.
Answer: The dog jumped over the log.
Question 3. I love to watch________ one-day match.
Answer: I love to watch a one-day match.
Question 4. ________ a pen, Tiya also has an eraser.
Answer: Besides a pen, Tiya also has an eraser.

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत Exercise (अभ्यास)  – 5

Change The Voice Of The Following Sentences:
Question 1. Mr. Khan is known to me.
Answer: I know Mr. Khan.
Question 2. Trina had composed a poem.
Answer: A poem had been composed by Trina.
Question 3. I will always remember you.
Answer: You will be always remembered by me.
Question 4. They have made him the President of the club.

Answer: He has been made the President of the club by them.

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत Exercise (अभ्यास)  – 6

Fill In The Blanks With The Appropriate Form Of The Given Verbs In Brackets :
Question 1. They ____ ____ their puja vacation in the hills, (spend)
Answer: They will spend their puja vacation in the hills.
Question 2. We ____ ____ in this city for over ten years, (live)
Answer: We are living in this city for over ten years.
Question 3. I ____ ____ just reading the book, (finish)
Answer: I have just finished reading the book.
Question 4. The project by June next year, (complete)
Answer: The project will have been completed by June next year.

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत Exercise (अभ्यास)  – 7

Change The Mode Of Narration In The Following Sentences:
Question 1. Rahul said,” Alas! Brazil has lost the match,”
Answer: Rahul exclaimed in grief that Brazil had lost the match.
Question 2. “Let us go for a walk,” said Shabnam to Chandni.
Answer: Shabnam proposed to Chandni that they should go for a walk.
Question 3. “Good morning, madam,” said the students to the teacher.
Answer: The students greeted the teacher good morning.
Question 4. My father said to me, “Do not pluck flowers.”
Answer: My father instructed me not to pluck flowers.

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत Exercise (अभ्यास)- 8

Question 1. Write a story in about 100 words using the given hints. Give a suitable title to the story:
Hints: two cats find a piece of bread-fight over it-monkey arrives – decides to settle the dispute monkey breaks the bread into two- uneven sizes – eats a portion from the larger share – dispute continues – monkey eats both pieces of bread.
Answer:  One day, two cats were searching for food. They noticed a piece of bread at the same time. Each wanted to have it. So fighting started. A clever monkey came to them and said, “Why are you fighting? You both are hungry. So each of you has half of this.” The cats agreed.

So he broke the bread into two and gave each cat a piece. But the pieces were uneven. To make them equal the monkey had a large bite from the larger portion. Then it became smaller than the other. He had another bite from the larger. Thus the dispute continued. Finally, the cats found the monkey ate both pieces of bread in order to make them equal.

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत Exercise (अभ्यास) – 9

Question 1. Using the following points write a paragraph in about 100 words on how your locality looks like at dawn:
your place of stay – early morning sky-description of the nature around-sounds that are heard-reasons for enjoyment-conclusion.
Answer: I live in a metropolitan city, Kolkata. The area where I live is Sovabazar. My house is near the river Ganges. The dawn at our place gives a wonderful view over the river. There is a tinge of red color on the river water. The color of the sky reflects there.

The houses, trees, and fields all gain their original color from the darkness. Boats are found floating on the water. A gentle breeze blows across us. Various sounds like the twittering of birds, the sounds of a few vehicles, and sounds from factories are heard. Many people come on the ghats to take bath. The scene of the river at dawn is really magnificent.

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत Additional Textual Question & Answers

Tick The Correct Answer From The Given Alternatives:
Question 1. A monkey snatched the loincloth of
  1. A vendor
  2. A pious person
  3. A businessman
  4. The narrator
Answer: 2. A pious person
Question 2. By the incident the pious man
  1. Was embarrassed
  2. Had a great deal of amusement
  3. Was angry
  4. Was generous
Answer: 1. Had a great deal of amusement
Question 3. ‘Mango stones’ means
  1. Stones for ornaments
  2. Gems having the shape of mangoes
  3. Hard cases of mango seeds
  4. Stones were thrown at mangoes
Answer: 3. Hard cases of mango seeds
Question 4. The station bell rang
  1. To make the narrator concentrate on securing a seat
  2. To make the passengers busy
  3. To declare the entry of the train
  4. To surprise all just then
Answer: 3. To declare the entry of the train
Question 5. To the sethji fruit vendor’s demand seemed to be
  1. Just
  2. Polite
  3. Rude
  4. Foolish
Answer: 2. Rude
Question 6. For the fruit vendor, all the passengers had
  1. Admiration
  2. Disgust
  3. Anger
  4. Sympathy
Answer: 4. Sympathy
Question 7. The fruit vendor ran up to the
  1. End of the platform
  2. Footsteps of the train
  3. Sethji
  4. Speaker
Answer: 1. End of the platform
Question 8. When the sethji was denied, the fruit vendor was
  1. Happy
  2. Frustrated
  3. Angry
  4. Sad
Answer: 2. Frustrated
Question 9. All the other passengers felt sympathy for the
  1. Sethji
  2. Speaker
  3. Fruit vendor
  4. Graud of the train
Answer: 3. Fruit vendor
Question 10. The rich businessman was
  1. Kind-hearted
  2. Generous
  3. Sympathetic
  4. Cruel
Answer: 3. Cruel.
Question 11. Which one of the following was not among the porter’s luggage?
  1. Buckets
  2. Steel trunk
  3. Baskets
  4. Brass jug
Answer: 1. Buckets
Question 12. The businessman shouted at the porter
  1. To go slow
  2. To go faster
  3. To run
  4. To go at a moderate pace
Answer: 2. To go faster
Question 13. The monkey snatch away the businessman’s
  1. Cap
  2. Luggage
  3. Tunic
  4. Basket
Answer: 1. Cap
Question 14. The vendor cooed in a
  1. Harsh voice
  2. Low voice
  3. Loud voice
  4. Soft voice
Answer: 4. Soft voice
Question 15. While coming down, the monkey was very
  1. Indifferent
  2. Angry
  3. Sad
  4. Cautious
Answer: 4. Cautious
Question 16. The monkey accepted
  1. The mango
  2. The sweets
  3. The grapes
  4. The bananas
Answer: 4. The bananas
Question 17. On the train, the author got a
  1. Window seat
  2. Middle seat
  3. Birth
  4. Broken seat
Answer: 1. Window seat
Question 18. The businessman gave the porter
  1. One anna
  2. Two annas
  3. Three annas
  4. Four annas
Answer: 4. Four annas

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत Answer The Following Questions Within Fifteen Words

Question 1. Where did the monkey go after taking away the cap?
Answer: After taking away the cap the monkey climbed up the neem tree.
Question 2. Why were the people on the platform amused?
Answer: The people of the platform were amused by the plight of the businessman.
Question 3. Why did the vendor ask for the money?
Answer: The vendor asked for the money for the bananas.
Question 4. Why did Sethji shout at the vendor?
Answer: Sethji shouted at the vendor as he asked for the price of his bananas.

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत Answer The Following Questions Within Twenty-Five Words

Question 1. Why did the monkeys descend now and then on the platform?
Answer: The monkey descended now and then to collect half-sucked mango stones and the remainders of foodstuff from the platform.
Question 2. How did the monkey behave with the pious man after his request?
Answer: The monkey was generous. He threw down the loincloth from the neem tree at the man’s feet responding to his appeal.
Question 3. Why did the passengers sweat?
Answer: Passengers sweated first in the train compartment because of the heat of the summer.
Question 4. What did the vendor do when the train started to move?
Answer: When the train started to move the fruit vendor first ran along with it. Then he got the footstep and clung to the window, pleading.
Question 5. What caused the businessman to perspire?
Answer: A monkey on the platform snatched away Sethji’s embroidered cap. He shouted and became confused. This incident caused Sethji to perspire.
Question 6. How did the businessman do injustice to the fruit seller?
Answer: The fruit seller helped Sethji to recover his cap from the monkey in exchange for a pair of bananas. When the fruit seller asked for the price of bananas, Sethji was reluctant. This was an injustice to the fruit seller.

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