WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) -7 Tom Loses A Tooth टॉम का एक दाँत खो गया

 Class 9 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) -7 Tom Loses A Tooth टॉम का एक दाँत खो गया

About The Author-Mark Twain

Samuel Langhorne Clemens, humorist, narrator, and social observer, As one of the towering figures of American literature is better known by his pseudonym, Mark Twain around the world. He was born prematurely in Florida, Missouri on November 30, 1835.

He was the son of John Marshall Clemens and Jane. His father was an attorney and judge. He was the sixth of seven children.

When he was four, his family moved to Hannibal, Missouri, a port town on the Mississippi river that inspired the fictional town of St. Petersburg in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.

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Due to poor health, Samuel had to be confined in the house in childhood. However, by age nine, he seemed to come around from his ailments.

Then he took admitted to a private school in Hannibal. His father died of pneumonia when he was only 12. After his father’s sad demise, he could not continue his studies.

At 13 he gave up his studies and became a printer’s apprentice. He bagged fame for the first time with the comic masterpiece The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras Country, first brought out in 1865 in the New York Saturday Press.

In Hartford, he penned down some of his notable works: The Gilded Age (1873) a satirical novel written with Charles Dudley Warner about materialism and corruption in the 1870s;

The Adventures of Torn Sawyer (1876) and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884), are masterpieces of humor, characterization, and realism.

The Prince and the Pauper (1882) was a novel for children. He also produced travel books: A Tramp Abroad (1880) and A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court (1889).

Mark Twain bade adieu to this materialistic world to become the denizen of the perpetual abode of the Almighty at the age of 74.

 Class 9 English Bliss (पाठ) -7 टॉम का एक दाँत खो गया लेखक परिचय

हास्यकौतुक प्रिय, कथाकार और एक सामाजिक पर्यवेक्षक सैमुअल लांगहर्न क्लिमेंस अमेरिकी साहित्य के एक प्रसिद्ध व्यक्तित्व में से एक थे और मार्क ट्वेन के छद्मनाम से विश्व विख्यात थे। इनका जन्म 30 नवम्बर, 1935 ई० में अपरिपक्व अवस्था में हुआ था। ये जॉन मार्शल क्लिमेंस एवं जेन के पुत्र थे ।

अपने सात भाई-बहनों में ये षष्ठ थे। इनके पिता एक एटर्नी एवं न्यायाधीश थे। जब ये चार वर्ष के थे तब इनका परिवार मिसौरी के हैनीबाल में स्थानांतरित हुआ ।

मिसीसिपी नदी के तट पर अवस्थित मिसौरी एक बन्दरगाह है जो The Adventures of Tom Sawyer एवं The adventures of Huckleberry Finn उपन्यासों में सेंट पिटर्सवर्ग के काल्पनिक शहर को अनुप्राणित किया था । बचपन में शारीरिक अस्वस्थता के कारण सैमुअल को घर के भीतर ही बन्दी बनकर रहना पड़ता था । जो

77 भी हो, जब इनकी उम्र नौ वर्ष की हुई तो ये प्रायः स्वस्थ हो चुके थे। इसके बाद ये हैनीबाल के एक गैर-सरकारी स्कूल भर्ती हुए। जब इनकी उम्र मात्र 13 वर्ष की थी तब इनके पिता का देहांत न्यूमोनिया से पीड़ित होने के कारण हो गया।

पिता की मृत्यु के बाद इनकी पढ़ाई-लिखाई और संभव न हो सकी। अतएव, पढ़ना-लिखना छोड़कर एक प्रशिक्षु मुद्रक के रूप में परिणत हुए ।

अपनी हास्यकौतुक रचना ‘द सेलीब्रेटेड जम्पिंग फ्राग आफ कैलेवर्स कंट्री’ के माध्यम से उन्हें सर्वप्रथम ख्याति मिला । इसका प्रकाशन 1865 ई० में न्यूयार्क सैटरडे प्रेस से हुआ।

हार्टफोर्ड में ये अपनी बहुत-सी पुस्तकों की रचना की। इनमें से ‘द गिल्डेड ऐज (1873 ई०) है जो चार्ल्स डूडल के साथ लिखा गया एक व्यंग्यात्म उपन्यांस है जहाँ 1870 के दौरान का वस्तुवाद तथा भ्रष्टाचार का जिक्र किया गया है।

‘द एडवेंचर ऑफ टॉम सावर’ (1876) ई० और ‘द एडवेंचर ऑफ हक्लवेरी फिन’ (1884 ई०) है एक कौतुक, चरित्रांकन और वास्तवता की एक उत्कर्ष रचना। इसके अतिरिक्त है बच्चों का उपन्यास ‘द प्रिंस एण्ड पॉपर’ (1882 ई०) ।

उन्होंने ‘ए ट्रैम्म एब्रोड’ (1880 ई०) और ‘ए कनेक्टीकट यांकी इन किंग आर्थस् कोर्ट’ (1889 ई०) जैसी यात्रा वृतांत की भी रचना किया है। 74 वर्ष की आयु में मार्क ट्वेन इस पृथ्वी से चल बसे ।

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-7 Tom Loses A Tooth Introduction

Mark Twain, a pseudonym of Samuel Langhorne Clemens, enriched American literature with his memorable works. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is one of the greatest creations of Mark Twain and it was published in 1876. The story. Tom Loses a Tooth is an extract from his novel The Adventures of Tom Sawyer which is acclaimed as a masterpiece.

The story is based on the theme of a boy’s reluctance to attend school and shaming him to be sick to evade going to school. This story emanates a boy named Tom who had the least interest to attend school. He strove every possible way to befool his aunt, Polly to avoid going to school.

He wanted to stay at home. To fulfill his utmost desire he invented several pranks to make others fool but in the end, he got entrapped in his own trap.

Class 9 English Bliss

(पाठ) -7 टॉम का एक दाँत खो गया भूमिका

सैमुअल लोहर्न क्लिमेंस, जो मार्क ट्वेन के छद्मनाम से परिचित थे, अपनी अविस्मरणीय रचनाओं के माध्यम से अमेरिकी साहित्य को समृद्ध किये हैं। मार्क ट्वेन की कई उत्कृष्ट रचनाओं में The Adventures of Tom Sawyer का प्रकाशन 1976 ई० में हुआ था।

उनकी इसी लोकप्रिय उपन्यास से प्रस्तुत कहानी Tom Loses a Tooth लिया गया है। कहानी की विषय-वस्तु एक लड़के की स्कूल जाने की अनिच्छा तथा बीमारी का बहाना बनाकर स्कूल जाने में टाल-मटोल करने से है। इस कहानी में दिखाया गया है कि टॉम नाम का एक लड़का जिसे स्कूल जाने की बिल्कुल इच्छा नहीं है, वह अपनी चाची को बेवकूफ बनाने का हर संभव प्रयास किया करता था ताकि स्कूल जाने से बचे।

वह घर में ही रहना चाहता था। अपनी इच्छा को अन्तिम रूप देने के लिए वह बहुत कुछ मजेदार मनगढंत कहानी का आविष्कार किया करता था ताकि दूसरों को बेवकूफ बनाया जा सके। अंत में वह अपनी ही बिछाए हुए जाल में फँस जाता है।


Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-7 Tom Loses A Tooth Summary

Tom was a young lad who did not desire to go to school at all. Monday mornings always inflicted pain upon him because the first day of the week enforced him to go to compulsory purgatory i.e. school. In the expectation of avoiding punishment, he tried hard to skip school.

To refrain from going to school he started looking for several ways. He pretended to be sick because only sickness would permit him to stay at home. So he searched his entire body to find some ailment. The symptoms of stomach problems were discovered by him. But the symptoms vanished very soon. He became very thoughtful to locate any other ailment.

He discovered that one of his upper front teeth was loose. This found failed to provide him felicity because he browsed his memory and recollected a doctor stating that a certain ailment could lay up a patient for three days but make him lose a finger. He surveyed his toes in fear of losing a finger. He began howling He asked for help from his brother, Sid. Being frightened Sid called his aunt Polly.

She very easily detected Tom’s prank. She asked him to cease groaning and as a docile child, he stopped moaning at once. Tom felt foolish. Tom’s loose tooth was pulled out by their aunt with the help of silk thread creating a gap in his upper row of teeth.


(पाठ) -7 टॉम का एक दाँत खो गया सारांश

टॉम एक अल्पायु बालक है जो स्कूल बिल्कुल ही जाना नहीं चाहता है। सोमवार का प्रातः काल उसके लिए वेदनादायक होकर आता था क्योंकि सप्ताह का प्रथम दिन उसे स्कूल जाने के लिए बाध्य करता था।

सजा को टालने की आशा से वह स्कूल न जाने का भरसक प्रयास किया करता था। स्कूल न जाना पड़े इसके लिए वह विभिन्न प्रकार के उपायों को ढूढ़ने के प्रयत्न में रहता था। वह बीमार हो जाना चाहता था ताकि एकमात्र बीमारी ही उसे घर में रहने दे सकता था ।

इसीलिए वह अपने समूचे शरीर में बीमारी के लक्षणों का तलाश करना आरंभ करता है। उसे पेट के दर्द का कुछ लक्षण दिखाई दिया किन्तु वे शीघ्र ही मिट गई। अन्य किसी और रोग की तलाश में वह चिन्तामग्न हो गया ।

उसने आविष्कार किया कि उसके दाँतों की उपरी पंक्ति में से एक दाँत हिल रहा है। किन्तु यह भी उसे आनन्दित नहीं कर पाया क्योंकि उसे एक डाक्टर की उक्ति याद आयी अर्थात अकस्मात अस्वस्थता किसी रोगी को तीन दिन के लिए बिस्तर पर लिटा दे सकता है और उसे अपनी एक ऊँगली खोनी पड़ सकती है। ऊँगली खोने की भय से वह अपने पाँव की

ऊँगलियों का भलीभांति पर्यवेक्षण करता है। उसने चिल्लाना आरंभ किया। अपने भाई, सीड से मदद चाहा। भयभीत हो सीड ने अपनी चाची, पॉलि को बुलाया। चाची अति सहज ही टॉम की चालाकी समझ गई ।

चाची पलि उससे रोना बन्द करने को बोली और वह भी लाचार शिशु की भांति उसी वक्त रोना बन्द किया। टॉम अपनी बेवकूफी को समझ गया। रेशम की धागे से चाची ने टॉम के हिलते हुए दाँत को उखाड़ दी और इसके फलस्वरूप उसकी दाँत के उपरी पंक्ति में एक गड्ढा हो गया ।

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-7 Tom Loses A Tooth Text

Tom always found Monday mornings to be miserable. Monday began another week’s slow suffering in school.

Tom lay thinking. Presently, he wished that he was sick: then he could stay home from school. He investigated his body with the hope of finding some ailment. He thought that he had found symptoms of stomach trouble. He began to grow hopeful. However, the symptoms soon grew feeble and wholly went away.

Tom thought further. Suddenly he discovered something. One of his upper front teeth was loose. He felt lucky. He was about to groan when it occurred to him that if Aunt Polly was to know she would surely pull it out and that would hurt. Tom thought he would hold the tooth in reserve for the present.

He remembered hearing from a doctor that a certain ailment could lay up a patient for three days and make him lose a finger. He eagerly drew his sore toe from under the sheet and held it up for inspection. He did not know the necessary symptoms. However, it seemed like a good chance. Tom fell to groaning. But his brother Sid slept on.

Tom groaned louder. He fancied that he began to feel pain in the toe. No response came from Sid. Tom then started a succession of groans. However, Sid snored on.

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-7 Tom Loses A Tooth Word-Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Miserable : दुःखी, अभागा
  2. Suffering: कष्ट, वेदना
  3. Lay : लेटे रहना ।
  4. Presently: अभी, फिलहाल ।
  5. Investigated: अनुसंधान करना, छानबीन करना
  6. Ailment : बीमारी| Symptoms लक्षण।
  7. Stomach : पेट, पाकस्थली ।
  8. Trouble: समस्या ।
  9. Hopeful: आशान्वित |
  10. However : जो भी हो।
  11. Feeble : दुर्बल।
  12. Further : इसके आगे ।
  13. Discovered : आविष्कार किया था।
  14. Upper : ऊपर
  15. Occured : घटना, उदय होना ।
  16. Hurt : चोट पहुँचाना।
  17. Reserve : भविष्य के लिए सुरक्षित रखना।
  18. Eagerly : आग्रह के साथ ।
  19. Sore : घाव ।
  20. Sheet: चादर
  21. Inspection : निरीक्षण
  22. Groaning: विलाप करना अनुगमन |
  23. Snored: खर्राटे लेना, सोते समय नाक से आवाज निकलना ।
  24. Succession : टॉम को हमेशा ही सोमवार की सुबह बहुत ही कष्टदायक प्रतीत होता है। स्कूल के लिए सोमवार एक और पीड़ादायक सप्ताह के प्रथम दिन रूप में आरंभ होता है।


(पाठ) -7 टॉम का एक दाँत खो गया हिन्दी अनुवाद

टॉम लेटे-लेटे ही सोच रहा था। अभी वह बीमार होना चाहता है ताकि स्कूल न जाकर घर में ही रहे। उसने अपने शरीर को भलीभांति देखा ताकि किसी बीमारी का लक्षण पा सके।

उसने सोच रखा था कि पेट की समस्या का कोई लक्षण पायेगा । वह इस मामले में बहुत ही आशान्वित हुआ। जो भी हो, पल भर में लक्षणें मलिन होने लगी और पूरी तरह मिट गयी ।

टॉम और कुछ सोचने लगा । अकस्मात उसने कुछ आविष्कार किया। उसके दाँतों की उपरी पंक्ति का एक दाँत हिल रहा था। उसने अपने आपको भाग्यवान समझा ।

वह एक कष्टदायक चिल्लाहट करने जायगा तभी उसके ध्यान में आया कि यदि पलि चाची को मालूम हो गया तो वह निश्चित रूप से इसे उखाड़ फेकेंगी और इससे उसे बहुत दर्द होगा। टॉम ने सोचा, दाँत की विषय को अभी रहने दें। उसे एक डाक्टर से सुनी हुई एक घटना की याद आया कि एक बीमारी एक रोगी को तीन दिनों के लिए बिस्तर पर लिटाये रखा था और इसके लिए एक ऊँगली भी गँवानी पड़ी थी।

उसने सआग्रह चादर के नीचे से अपनी ऊँगली को निकाला और उसकी जाँच के लिए उसे उठाया रखा। वह इसके प्रति आवश्यक लक्षणों को नहीं जानता था। जो भी हो, यह एक अच्छा बहाना उसे प्रतीत हुआ। टॉम कराहना आरंभ किया, किन्तु उसका भाई सीड सोये हुए था।

टॉम और भी जोर से कराहने लगा। उसने बहाना बनाया कि वह अपने पाँव की ऊँगली से दर्द का अनुभव कर रहा है। सीड के ओर से कोई प्रतिक्रिया नहीं हुई। टॉम पुनः कराहना आरंभ किया तथापि सीड खर्राटे लेता रहा।

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-7 Tom Loses A Tooth Text

Tom became excited. He said, “Sid, Sid!” and shook him. This course worked well. Sid yawned, then raising himself on his elbow, stared at Tom. Tom went on groaning. Sid said,
“Tom! Say, Tom !”
No response.
“Here, Tom! Tom! What’s the matter, Tom?”
Sid shook him and looked into his face anxiously.
Tom moaned out: “Oh, don’t, Sid. Don’t shake me.”
“Why, what’s the matter, Tom? I must call auntie.”
“No, never mind. It’ll be over by and by, maybe. Don’t call anybody.”
“But I must! Don’t groan so, Tom, it’s awful. How long have you been this way?” “Hours. Ouch! Oh, don’t stir so, Sid. You’ll kill me.”
“Tom, why didn’t you wake me sooner? Oh, Tom, you aren’t dying, are you? Don’t Tom, oh don’t.”
“I forgive everybody, Sid. Tell them so.”
Sid had rushed to call help.


Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-7 Tom Loses A Tooth Word Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Excited : उत्तेजित ।
  2. Shook : झकझोरना
  3. Yawned: जम्हाई लिया था।
  4. Raising:  उठाना ।
  5. Elbow : कनुई ।
  6. Stared : देखा था।
  7. Anxiously : चिंतित होकर ।
  8. Awful:  भद्दा ।
  9. Stir : हिलना
  10. Wake:  जाग जाना।
  11. Forgive : क्षमा करना ।
  12. Rushed: दौड़ पड़ना ।


(पाठ) -7 टॉम का एक दाँत खो गया हिन्दी अनुवाद

टॉम उत्तेजित हो गया। सीड को उसने हिलाते हुए कहा, “सीड, सीड!” इसने अच्छा कार्य किया। सीड जम्हाई
लिया और उसके बाद घुटने पर बल देते हुए उठा तथा टॉम की ओर देखा। टॉम कराहे जा रहा था।
सीड बोला, “टॉम ! बोलो टॉम !”
कोई उत्तर नहीं मिला।
“ऐ, टॉम! टॉम! क्या बात है टॉम ?”

सीड ने उसे हिलाया डुलाया और उसके मुँह की ओर चिंतित होकर देखा ।
टॉम प्राय: रोते हुए बोला, “ओह सीड ऐसा मत करो। मुझे मत हिलाओ ।”
“क्यों टॉम, क्या बात है ? चाची को बुलाना चाहिए ।”
“नहीं, जाने दो। हो सकता है कुछ देर में यह ठीक हो जाय। किसी को मत बुलाओ ।”

“किन्तु मुझे तो बुलाना ही होगा । इतना मत चिल्लाओ टॉम, यह अच्छा नहीं लगता है। कब से तुम ऐसे हो ?”
“कई घंटे हो गये। आह ! इतना मत हिलाओ मुझे। लगाता है तुम तो मुझे मार ही डालोगे ।”
“टॉम, तुमने मुझे पहले ही क्यों नहीं जगाया ? ओह, टॉम तुम तो मर नहीं रहे हो, है न? ऐसा नहीं होता है, नहीं होता है टॉम ।”
“सीड, मैने सबों को क्षमा किया। सबों से कह देना ।”
सीड सहायता के लिए दौड़ता हुआ बाहर चला गया।

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-7 Tom Loses A Tooth Text

Tom’s imagination was working perfectly by now and his groans had gathered a genuine tone

Meanwhile, Sid flew downstairs and said: “Oh, aunty Polly, come! Tom’s dying!” “Dying?” “Yes. Don’t wait, come quick.”
“What rubbish! I don’t believe it.”

She flew upstairs with Sid and Mary, Tom’s cousin. Her face grew pale and her lips trembled. When she reached the bedside, she gasped out: “Tom! Tom, what’s the matter with you?”

“Oh, auntie, I’m-”
“What is the matter with you child?”
“Oh, auntie, my toe is paining.”

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-7 Tom Loses A Tooth Word-Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Imagination : कल्पना ।
  2. Pale: फीका, धुंधला ।
  3. Trembled : कांपते रहना।
  4. Gasped: हॉफना, श्वाँस ले-लेकर बातें करना ।
  5. Gathered : एकत्रित होना ।
  6. Genuine : वास्तविक ।
  7. Neanwhile:  इतने में, तभी ।
  8. Downstairs : निचली मंजिला ।
  9. Rubbish: फिजूल की बातें
  10. Upstairs: ऊपरी मंजिल, सीढ़ी से उठना।
  11. Cousin : चचेरा भाई या बहन ।
  12. Lips: ओंठ ।


(पाठ) -7 टॉम का एक दाँत खो गया हिन्दी अनुवाद

टॉम का बहाना अभी तक बिल्कुल ठीक-ठाक ही था और उसका चिल्लाना भी प्राकृतिक ही प्रतीत होता था।
इतने में, सीड प्रायः दौड़ता हुआ नीचे जाकर बोला, “ओ, पलि चाची, आओ! टॉम मर रहा है।”
“मर रहा है ?”
“हाँ! विलंब मत करो, शीघ्र आओ ।”
“क्या फिजुल की बातें करता है। मैं विश्वास नहीं करती।”

वह सीड एवं टॉम की चचेरी बहन, मेरी के साथ दौड़ती हुई उपर गई। उनका मुँह मलिन हो गया तथा ओंठ काँपने
लगे। चारपाई के नजदीक आकर हाँफते-हाँफते बोली,
“टॉम, टॉम तुम्हें क्या हुआ है ?”
“बेटा तुम्हें क्या हुआ है ?”
“ओह चाची, मेरे ऊँगली में बहुत दर्द हो रहा है ।”

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-7 Tom Loses A Tooth Text

The old lady sank into a chair. She laughed a little, then cried a little.
Then she said:

“Tom, what a shock you did give me! Now shut up the nonsense and get out of this.” The groans ceased. The toe pain vanished. Tom felt a little foolish and said,

“Aunt Polly, how my toothaches! The pain is more than that in my toe.”
“Your tooth, indeed! What’s the matter with your tooth ?”

“One of them is loose and it aches awfully.”
“There, there, now don’t begin that groaning again. Open your mouth. Your tooth is loose but you’re not going to die for that. Mary, get me a silk thread.”

Tom said: “Oh, please auntie, don’t pull it out. It doesn’t hurt anymore. Please, auntie, I don’t want to stay home from school,”

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-7 Tom Loses A Tooth Word Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Sank: डूब जाना |
  2. Shock: मानसिक सदमा ।
  3. Nonsense: अर्थहीन, निरर्थक ।
  4. Ceased: रुकना, बन्द हो जाना ।
  5. Vanished: अदृश्य होना, अगोचर
  6. Aches : कष्टदायक ।
  7. Awfully: भयानक रूप से।
  8. Thread : धागा।


(पाठ) -7 टॉम का एक दाँत खो गया हिन्दी अनुवाद

बूढ़ी महिला धम्म से कुर्सी पर बैठ गई । वह थोड़ी मुस्कुरायी, फिर कुछ रोयी।

इसके बाद वह बोली, “टॉम, तुम तो एक प्रकार की चोट ही मुझे पहुँचा रहे थे। अब यह सब फिजुल की बातें बन्द करो और यहाँ से निकलो।” कराहना बन्द हुआ।

ऊँगली की चोट अब नहीं रही। टॉम को थोड़ा बेवकूफ जैसा दिख रहा था और उसने कहा, “पलि चाची, मेरे दाँत में बहुत दर्द हो रहा है।” यह दर्द ऊँगली की दर्द से भी अधिक है।” ‘ओ, तुम्हारा दाँत ! तुम्हारे दाँत में क्या हुआ है ?”

“एक दाँत हिल रहा है और बहुत दुखता है ।”
“समझी, अब पुनः चिल्लाना नहीं । मुँह खोलो। तुम्हारा दाँत ही हिल रहा है ना, किन्तु इससे तुम मर नहीं जाओगे । मेरी, मुझे एक रेशम की धागा लाकर दो तो ।” टॉम ने कहा, ओ चाची, कृपया इसे उखाड़ना नहीं। अब यह नहीं दुखता है, चाची, दया करो, मैं स्कूल छोड़ घर में रहना नहीं चाहता हूँ ।

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-7 Tom Loses A Tooth Text

“So all this was because you wanted to stay home from school and go fishing? Tom, Tom, I love you so much and you try to break my heart in every way with your naughtiness!”.

By this time the dental instrument was ready. The old lady fastened one end of the silk thread to Tom’s tooth and the other end to the bedpost. She pulled and the tooth hung dangling by the bedpost. Tom now had a gap in his upper row of teeth. This enabled him to smile in a new and admirable way.

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-7 Tom Loses A Tooth Word Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Naughtiness: दुष्टता ।
  2. Dental: दन्त संबंधित |
  3. Instrument: यत्रांश |
  4. Fastened: बांध कर रखना, रोकना |
  5. Hung : लटका हुआ ।
  6. Row: पंक्ति, कतार
  7. Enabled: सक्षम
  8. Smile: हँसना
  9. Admirable: प्रशंसनीय, लाजबाव ।


(पाठ) -7 टॉम का एक दाँत खो गया हिन्दी अनुवाद

“तो यह सब तुमने इसलिए किया ताकि तुम स्कूल न जाकर घर में रहो और मछली पकड़ने के लिए जाओ? टॉम, टॉम! मैं तुम्हें इतना प्यार करती हूँ और तुम हो कि विभिन्न प्रकार का शैतानी कर मेरे दिल को चोट पहुँचाते हो ।”

इसी बीच दाँत निकालने की औजारें प्रस्तुत हो गई । बूढ़ी महिला रेशम की धागे का एक किनारा टॉम के दाँत से और दूसरा किनारा चारपाई के लंबी काठ से बांधी।

वह उसे खींची और दाँत चारपाई के काठ के निकट झूलने लगा। अब टॉम की दाँत के उपरी पंक्ति में एक गड्ढा बन गया । यह उसे एक नई तथा चमकीला हँसी हँसने में सहायक बन गया ।


Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-7 Tom Loses A Tooth Word Nest (शब्द नीड़)

  1. Groan-to make a long deep sound when in pain (दर्द होने से जो एक लंबी कराहना (आर्तनाद) होती है) ।
  2. Moaned- cried out in a prolonged tone (लगातार एक स्वर में रोते रहना)
  3. Dangling- hanging or swinging freely (मुक्त रूप से झूलना या घूमना) ।


Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-7 Tom Loses A Tooth Textual Questions (पाठ्याधारित प्रश्न) Exercise (अभ्यास)-1

Tick The Correct Answer From The Given Alternatives:

Question 1. Tom felt miserable on the mornings of

  1. Sunday
  2. Monday
  3. Thursday
  4. Saturday

Answer: Monday

Question 2. If Aunt Polly was to know that Tom had a loose tooth, she would

  1. Call A Doctor
  2. Bring Him Some Medicines
  3. Surely Pull It Out
  4. Tell Him To Rest

Answer: 3. Surely Pull It Out

Question 3. Tom drew his sore toe from under the

  1. Sheet
  2. Blanket
  3. Pillow
  4. Mosquito-Net

Answer: 1. Sheet

Question 4. Sid flew down the stairs to call

  1. The Doctor
  2. Mary
  3. The Nurse
  4. Aunt Polly

Answer: 4. Aunt Polly

QuestionThe thread that Mary got aunt Polly was made of

  1. Cotton
  2. Jute
  3. Silk
  4. Wool

Answer: 3. Silk

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-7 Tom Loses A Tooth Exercise (अभ्यास) – 2

Answer The Following Questions Within Fifteen Words:

Question 1. Which one of Tom’s teeth had come loose?
Answer: One of Tom’s upper front teeth had come loose.

Question 2. How are Sid and Mary related to Tom?
Answer: Sid is Tom’s brother and Mary is Tom’s cousin.

Question 3. Why did Tom ask Sid not to stir him?
Answer: Tom asked Sid not to stir him because it could kill him.

Question 4. Why did Tom pretend his toe was paining?
Answer: Tom pretended his toe was painting because he wanted to stay at home evading school.

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-7 Tom Loses A Tooth Exercise (अभ्यास) – 3

Answer The Following Questions Within Twenty-Five Words:

Question 1. What did Tom remember hearing from a doctor?
Answer: Tom remembered hearing from a doctor that a certain ailment could lay up a patient for three days and this would make him lose a finger.

Question 2. How did Aunt Polly react to the news that Tom was dying?
Answer: Aunt Polly heard the news that Tom was in a dying stage but she did not believe it and expressed her disgust at it.

Question 3. How was Tom’s loose tooth taken out?
Answer: Aunt Polly fixed one end of the silk thread to Tom’s tooth and the other end to the bedpost. The tooth was taken out and it hung dangling by the bedpost.

Grammar in use:

Read the following sets of sentences:

Set 1:

  1. Tom is dying.
  2.  Tom groaned louder.

Set 2 :

  1. Is Tom dying?
  2. Did Tom groan louder?

In Set 1, both sentences are Assertive sentences.
In Set 2 both sentences are Interrogative sentences.

Assertive sentences are transformed into Interrogative sentences by placing the auxiliary verb before the subject and the main verb immediately after the subject.

Assertive sentences that do not have an auxiliary verb are transformed into Interrogative sentences by providing an auxiliary according to the sense of the sentences.

Now, read the following sets of sentences:

Set 3:

  1. Tom, what a shock you gave me!
  2. Tom said, please auntie, don’t pull it out.

Set 4 :

  1. Tom, you gave me a great shock.
  2. Tom requested his auntie not to pull it out.

In the sentences of Set 3, the first sentence is Exclamatory and the second sentence is Imperative. In Set 4, both sentences are Assertive.

Exclamatory sentences are transformed into Assertive sentences by decreasing the emotional content of the sentences and removing the Exclamatory mark to give the sentences the form of a statement.

Set 5:

  1. He wished that he was sick.
  2. Tom, you will not die.

Set 6:

  1. He wished that he was not well.
  2. Tom, you will remain alive.

In set 5, the first sentence is an Affirmative sentence and the second sentence is a Negative sentence.

In set 6, the first sentence is Negative and the second sentence is Affirmative sentence.

Affirmative sentences are transformed into Negative sentences with certain modifications, like using words such as ‘not’, ‘no’, ‘never’ etc., without effecting any change in meaning.

Negative sentences are transformed into Affirmative sentences with certain modifications, by removing words such as ‘not’, ‘no’, ‘never’ etc., without effecting any change in meaning.

Do as directed:


Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-7 Tom Loses A Tooth Exercise (अभ्यास) – 4

Question 1. Rafique was running fast. (change into an interrogative sentence)
Answer: Was Rafique running fast?

Question 2. The boy would never forget the exciting incident. (change into an affirmative sentence)
Answer: The boy would always remember the exciting incident.

Question 3. We had a wonderful time last evening. (change into an exclamatory sentence)
Answer: What a time we had last evening.

Question 4. He loves to play football. (change into an interrogative sentence)
Answer: Does he love to play football?

Question 5. Rina tried all her plans. (change into a negative sentence)
Answer: Rina left on plans untried.

Question 6. Shut the door, Robin. (change into an assertive sentence)
Answer: Robin should shut the door.

Read the following sentences:

Set 7:

  1. A certain ailment could lay a patient in bed for three days.
  2. This year in the month of June the monsoon has set in.
  3. Cannot put up with such rude behavior.

Set 8:

  1. A certain ailment could confine a patient to bed for three days.
  2. This year in the month of June the monsoon has begun.
  3. I cannot tolerate such rude behavior.

In set 7, the underlined verbs of each sentence combine with prepositions or adverbs, or in some cases, both. Such combinations are called Phrasal Verbs.

In set 8, we see that the underlined verbs substitute the phrasal verbs mentioned in set 7.


Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-7 Tom Loses A Tooth Exercise (अभ्यास) – 5

Replace the underlined words with suitable phrasal verbs from the list given below. Change the form of verbs where necessary. There is one extra phrasal verb in the list:

Question 1. The enemy surrendered without a fight.
Answer: Gave in.

Question2. The child was cured in a month.
Answer: Come around.

Question 3. The police investigated the case.
Answer: Looked into it.

Question 4. Puja could understand what her sister said.
Answer: Make out.

Question 5. The old man could not remember his childhood experiences.
Answer: Call up.

List of phrasal verbs: look into, make out, look for, come round, give in, call up


Write a report within 100 words for an English daily using the given information:

  1. Incident: Severe cyclone(80km/hr)
  2. Date: 11 June 2013
  3. Time: 6-45 P.M.
  4. Place: Coastal areas of West Bengal
  5. Cause: Depression in the Bay of Bengal
  6. Result: 60 people died, many were homeless, and train services disrupted
  7. Relief: The state government provided immediate relief

Cyclone Hits Coastal West Bengal 1
– By a Staff Reporter (2)

Kolkata, June 12, 2013: (3) A severe cyclone with a speed of 80 km. per hour hit the coastal areas of West Bengal yesterday evening at about 6-45 p.rn. Caused by a deep depression in the Bay of Bengal, the cyclone ripped through the state resulting in huge damage to life and property.

60 persons have died and thousands have been rendered homeless. Train services have been disrupted leaving a number of people stranded. The state government has taken immediate steps to provide relief to the victims. More than 5000 people have been evacuated to temporary relief shelters. The Chief Minister has reviewed the situation and assured the people of all help.

Note that in writing a newspaper report the following points must be kept in mind:

There must be a heading.
Write: ‘By a Staff Reporter’ either at the top right-hand corner below the heading or at the right-hand corner below the report.
The place and date must be mentioned.

In newspaper reporting:

The past and present forms of verbs are generally used According to the sense of the sentences, the use of voice and tense may vary

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-7 Tom Loses A Tooth Exercise (अभ्यास) – 6

Write a newspaper report on a road accident within 100 words. Use the following hints:

brake failure of a bus – collided with a truck-5 injured including a child and a woman – injured sent to hospital – released with first aid – traffic disrupted – police intervened – normalcy restored

Brake Failure Bus Collides With A Truck

By a Staff Reporter
Kolkata, October 13, 2014: Yesterday at around 10:30 am an accident took place at Chittaranjan Avenue and M. G. Road junction when a Howrah-bound bus, route no 78/1, suddenly collided with a truck. The report says the brake failure of the bus was the cause of this mishap.

Fortunately, this accident did not claim life but left five commuters injured including a child and a woman. According to passengers, the ill-fated bus was moving at a great speed but near the C. R. Avenue and M.G. Road junction, the driver lost control over the brake and the bus banged behind a truck.

Local people rushed to the spot. The injured passengers were rushed to the nearest hospital immediately where they were released after first aid.

Due to the collision traffic got disrupted. Cops reached the spot quickly and intervened in the heated situation and normalcy was restored within an hour.


Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-7 Tom Loses A Tooth Additional Textual Questions & Answers

Tick The Correct Answer From The Given Alternatives:

Question 1. Still was Tom’s

  1. Companion
  2. Brother
  3. Servant
  4. Classmate

Answer: 3. Brother

Question 2. The suffering in school that began on Monday for Tom is described as

  1. Painful
  2. Slow
  3. Arduous
  4. Boring

Answer: 3. Slow

Question 3. Sid shook Tom and looked at his face

  1. Anxiously
  2. Happily
  3. Doubtfully
  4. Hastily

Answer: 1. Anxiously

Question 4. Sid rushed to call

  1. Everybody
  2. Help
  3. Doctor
  4. Aunt Polly

Answer: 2. Help

Question 5. The dental instrument refers to

  1. The upper row of teeth
  2. The bed-post
  3. The silk thread
  4. The knife

Answer: 3. The silk thread

Question 6. Tom investigated his body with the hope of finding

  1. An injury
  2. A cut
  3. A pain
  4. An illness

Answer: 4. An illness

Question 7. One of Tom’s upper teeth was

  1. Loose
  2. Aching
  3. Broken
  4. Missing

Answer: 1. Loose

Question 8. Tom heard a doctor say that a certain ailment could lay up a patient for

  1. Two Days
  2. Three Days
  3. Four Days
  4. Five Days

Answer: 2. Three Days

Question 9. Aunt Polly told Mary to get

  1. A knife
  2. A silk thread
  3. forceps
  4. A nylon thread

Answer: 2. A silk thread

Question 10. The name of the story from which the extract has been taken is

  1. Tom Loses a Leg’
  2. Tom Loses a finger’
  3. Tom Loses a Tooth’
  4. Tom Loses an eye’

Answer: 3. Tom Loses a Tooth’

Question 11. Tom wished he was

  1. Happy
  2. Sad
  3. Rich
  4. Un Well

Answer: 3. Unwell

Question 12. Tom’s tooth was taken out

  1. Clinically
  2. Forcibly
  3. Carefully
  4. Tactfully

Answer: 2. Forcibly

Question 13. Monday began another week’s slow suffering in

  1. School
  2. College
  3. Hostel
  4. University

Answer: 1. School

Question 14. He thought he had found the symptoms of

  1. Headache
  2. Stomach Trouble
  3. Toothache

Answer: 2. Stomach trouble

Question 15. Tom heard about the ailment of the finger from

  1. Aunt Polly
  2. A doctor
  3. A friend
  4. His teacher

Answer: 3. A friend

Question 15. Tom’s imagination was working

1. Perfectly
2. Imperfectly
3. Defectly
4. Lightly

Answer: 1. Perfectly

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-7 Tom Loses A Tooth Answer The Following Questions Within Fifteen Words

Question 1. Why did Tom wish to be sick?
Answer: Tom wished to be sick so that he could stay home, avoiding school.

Question 2. What did he hold up for inspection?
Answer: He held up his sore toe for inspection.

Question 3. Who slept on when Tom started to groan?
Answer: When Tom started to groan, Sid snored on.

Question 4. What for did Tom investigate his body?
Answer: Tom investigated his body to find some ailment.

Question 5. What kind of symptoms did he find in himself first?
Answer: At first, Tom found the symptoms of stomach trouble in himself.

Question 6. What did Sid do when Tom started to groan?
Answer: When Tom started to groan, Sid snored on.

Question 7. Did the Aunt come alone upstairs?
Answer: No, Sid and Mary also came with her.

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-7 Tom Loses A Tooth Answer The Following Questions Within Twenty-Five Words

Question 1. Why did Tom feel lucky?
Answer: On Monday, to avoid school, Tom started to find some ailment. He found that one of his upper front teeth was loose. So, he felt lucky.

Question 2. When did Tom’s groans gather a genuine tone?
Answer: Tom wanted to draw attention of Sid with his groaning. Walking up Sid became anxious and rushed to call help. Then Tom’s groans gathered a genuine tone.

Question 3. When did Tom feel a little foolish?
Answer: Aunt Polly came upstairs. She found that Tom’s groaning was false and she rebuked Tom. Then Tom felt a little foolish.

Question 4. “This course worked well”.- How did this course work?
Answer: Sid did not wake up despite Tom’s repeated groans. So, Tom shook him and called him. Finally, Sid woke up. This is the course that worked well for Tom.

Question 5. Why was a gap created in Tom’s upper row of teeth? How did it help him?
Answer: A gap was created in Tom’s upper row teeth as his Aunt had pulled out a tooth with a silk thread. The gap helped him to smile in a new and admirable way.

Question 6. How did we know that Tom did not like to go to school?
Answer: Tom did not like to go to school as, on Monday morning, he was searching for some illness to stay at home.

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