Class 9 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) – 8 His First Flight उसका प्रथम उड़ान
About The Author-Liam O’ Flaherty
The author of this text, Liam O’ Flaherty (also known as Liam O’ Flaithearta) was born in 1896 in the small village of Gort nag Capall, on one of the Aran Islands in Galway. In 1908, at the age of twelve, he went to Rockwell College and then went to study at Holy Cross and University College, Dublin.
He did not attend the above-mentioned school for long. According to ‘Sunday Times’, he also attended Belvedere College and Blackrock College. He had intended to join the priesthood, but in 1917 he left school and joined Irish Guards under the name ‘Bill Ganly’.
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He was injured on the western front and some believed that shell shock may have been responsible for his mental illness which became apparent when he suffered the first of two mental breakdowns in 1933.
After the war, O’Flaherty left Ireland and moved to the United States where he lived in Hollywood for a short time. He also traveled throughout the U.S. and Europe and the letters he wrote during his wanderings were later published. Many of his works of fiction have a common theme of nature and Ireland.
Some of his best stories were written in Irish. In 1923, O’Flaherty published his first novel, The Neighbour’s Wife’, thought to be one of his best. In 1935 his novel ‘The Informer (for which he has been awarded the 1925 James Tait Black Memorial prize for fiction) was made into an epoch-making film by John Ford, a cousin of O’Flaherty.
Over the next couple of years, he published other novels and short stories while struggling with mental illness and breakdowns. And such a great personality breathed his last on 7th September 1984 in Dublin at the age of 88. He is remembered today as a writer and a strong voice in Irish culture.
(पाठ) -8 उसका प्रथम उड़ान लेखक परिचय
कहानी के लेखक, लियम ओ ‘फ्लेहर्टी का जन्म गालवे के अरान द्वीपों में से एक गर्ट ना जिकपाल के एक छोटा-सा गाँव में 1896 ई० में हुआ था। 1908 ई० में अपनी 12 वर्ष की उम्र में वे रॉकवेल कॉलेज में दाखिला लिये और उसके बाद डबलिन के हॉली क्रॉस एण्ड यूनिवर्सिटी कॉलेज में पढ़ने गये। उक्त उल्लेखित शिक्षालय में भी वे अधिक दिनों तक नहीं पढ़ पाये ।
‘द सनडे टाइम्स’ के अनुसार, उनकी शिक्षा बेलभीदियर कॉलेज एवं ब्लैकरॉक कॉलेज में भी हुई थी। लियम अपने पेशेवर जीवन में पुरोहित (याजक) बनना चाहा था किन्तु 1917 ई० में वे विद्यालय की शिक्षा छोड़कर ‘बिल गैलनी’ नाम का एक आइरिश सेनावाहिनी में भर्ती हुए। वे युद्ध में घायल हुए और कुछ लोगों का कहना है कि बम के टुकड़े की चोट से वे मानसिक रोग से ग्रस्त हो गये जो 1933 ई० में सर्वप्रथम ज्ञात हुआ ।
युद्ध के बाद ओ ‘फ्लेहर्टी आयरलैंड त्याग कर अमेरिका चले गये जहाँ वे कुछ दिनों के लिए हालीउड में निवास किये। वे अमेरिका और इंगलैंड के विभिन्न देशों का भ्रमण किया और इसी दौरान उनकी तजुर्बे से भरी पत्रों का प्रकाशन हुआ था। उनके द्वारा रचित अधिकांश कल्प-कहानियों का विषय-वस्तु प्रकृति और आयरलैंड था। कुछ प्रसिद्ध लघुकथाएँ आइरिश भाषा में लिखी गई थी।
उनके प्रथम उपन्यास ‘द नेवर्स वाईफ’ का प्रथम प्रकाशन 1923 ई० में हुआ था। उनके इस उपन्यास को उत्कृष्टता की स्वीकृति मिली थी। 1935 ई० में फ्लेहर्टी की ‘द इन्फार्मर’ उपन्यास की कथा पर आधारित एक चलचित्र का उनके चचेरे भाई, जॉनफोर्ड द्वारा निर्देशन किया जाना एक युगान्तकारी घटना के रूप में प्रसिद्ध हुई।
इसके बाद कई वर्षों तक वे मानसिक रूप से अस्वस्थ होते हुए भी अन्य कई लघु कथाएँ तथा उपन्यासों का प्रकाशन किये । ऐसे एक महान व्यक्ति का 7 सितम्बर, 1984 ई० को 88 वर्ष की आयु में डावलिन में देहांत हो गया। आइरिश संस्कृति के एक शक्तिशाली और कर्मठ लेखक के रूप में उन्हें आज भी याद किया जाता है ।
Class 9 English Bliss Lesson- 8 His First Flight Introduction
One of the most significant Irish novelists and short story writers was Liam O’Flaherty. He joined the Irish Guards under the name ‘Bill Ganly’ in World War I. After coming back from the war front this socialist gradually became passionate about writing novels and short stories. ‘The Informer’, ‘Return of the Brute’. ‘House of Gold’. ‘The Neighbour’s Wife’, ‘The Black Soul’, and ‘His First Flight’ are some of the memorable creations of the author.
‘His First Flight’ is ranked among the best short stories written by Liam O’Flaherty. It is a magnificent story of the need for courage and self-confidence. The story is a true parable about overcoming fears in life. The hungry young seagull in the story being left alone on the rock without food by his parents looked down desperately at the vast expanse of sea that stretched down beneath his ledge.
He had tried his level best several times to run forward to the brink of the ledge and flap his wings but he became afraid. He felt that he was going to starve to death on his ledge. The sight of his mother tearing a piece of fish maddened him. He cried but she just screamed back mockingly.
Suddenly he felt the joy of seeing his mother approaching him with food. Maddened by hunger, he dived at the fish. But his mother flew upward and he started falling. After having a monstrous terror, he realized that he was flying. He was born to fly and he made his first flight.
Liam O’Flaherty was a keen observer of sea life and he believed that man has a lot to learn from nature. He has given a humane touch to the seagull’s flight so as to remind the readers of the possible nervousness before doing something new.
(पाठ) -8 उसका प्रथम उड़ान भूमिका
लियम ओ ‘फ्लेहर्टी एक बहुत ही उल्लेखनीय आइरिश उपन्यासकार तथा लघु कथाकार थे। प्रथम विश्वयुद्ध के दौरान वे ‘बिल गैलनी’ नाम की एक आइरिश सेनावाहिनी में भर्ती हुए। रणक्षेत्र से वापस लौटने के बाद यह समाजवादी व्यक्तित्व क्रमागत उपन्यास तथा लघु कथाएँ लिखने के प्रति आकृष्ठ हुआ।
इनकी कुछ यादगार रचनाओं में से ‘द इन्फार्मर’ ‘रिटर्न ऑफ द ब्रूट’, ‘हाउस ऑफ गोल्ड’, ‘द नेगवर्स वाईफ’, ‘द ब्लैक साउल’ तथा ‘हिज फर्स्ट फ्लाइट’ आदि उल्लेखनीय हैं।
लियम ओ ‘फ्लेहर्टी द्वारा रचित ‘हिज फर्स्ट फ्लाइट’ (उसका प्रथम उड़ान) को लघु कथाओं में एक उत्कृष्ट रचना माना जाता है। साहसिकता तथा आत्म-विश्वास की आवश्यकता पर लिखी गई यह एक भव्य कहानी है। जीवन में भय को जय करने के लिए यह एक नैतिकता का रुपक है।
कहानी में माता-पिता द्वारा पर्वत पर खाद्याभाव की अवस्था में एक भूखे शीगल को छोड़ जाने का वर्णन किया गया है जो अपने संकीर्ण टाँड़ (चट्टान) के नीचे दूर-दूर तक विस्तृत समुद्र को बहुत ही निराशा से देख रहा था। वह चट्टान के एक दिशा से अन्य दिशा तक दौड़ लगाने का बार-बार प्रयास करता है, किन्तु डर जाता है।
उसे अनुभव हुआ कि इस टाँड़ (संकीर्ण चट्टान) पर उसे भूखा ही मरना पड़ेगा। माँ द्वारा मछली के टुकड़े को चबाने का दृश्य उसे उत्तेजित कर दिया। वह चिल्ला उठा किन्तु उसकी माँ तुरंत ही एक मुस्कान बिखेड़ कर मुँह फेर ली।
अकस्मात वह खुशी से उछल पड़ा जब देखा कि खाना लेकर उसकी माँ उसके ओर आ रही है। भूख से व्याकुल दौड़ता हुआ वह मछली की ओर लपका। किन्तु उसकी माँ ऊपर से उड़ गई और वह नीचे गिरने लगा। आतंकित होते हुए भी वह पल भर में ही अनुभव किया कि वह तैर रहा है। उसका जन्म तो उड़ान भरने के लिए ही हुआ है और यह था उसका प्रथम उड़ान ।
लियम सामुद्रिक जीवन के एक गहन पर्यवेक्षक थे और उनका विश्वास था कि प्रकृति से मनुष्य को बहुत कुछ सीखना चाहिए। वे शींगल के एक चमत्कारी उड़ान के मद्देनजर इस कहानी की रचना इसलिए किया कि एक आशंकित और मानसिक दृष्टि से कमजोर पाठक को यह आवश्यक ऊर्जा प्रदान कर सके
Class 9 English Bliss Lesson- 8 His First Flight Summary
This is the story of the first flight of a young seagull. He was alone on his ledge. His two brothers and his sister had already flown away the day before whose wings were far shorter than his. But he did not have the courage to fly like them. He had watched his parents flying with other family members and perfecting them in the art of flying.
He felt hungry and his parents were worried about him. He searched for food but all in vain. Once he found a piece of fish that lay at his feet. His brothers and sister were flying and eating. He too loved to tear food that way. He tried to attract his mother. He kept calling her plaintively.
At last, she picked up a piece of fish and flew to him. He leaned out eagerly. But when she was just opposite him, she halted, her legs hanging and wings motionless. The piece of fish was within his reach. He waited for a moment and then maddened by hunger, he dived at the fish.
He fell downwards. His mother flew upwards. He started flying up and down. He could feel the tips of his wings cutting through the air. He began to flap his wings and soared higher and higher. He uttered a joyous scream. His parents also responded with screams of joy. He was then flying above the surface of the sea. Around him, all his family members were screaming and praising him. Their beaks were offering him scraps of dogfish. Thus he made his first flight.
(पाठ) -8 उसका प्रथम उड़ान सारांश
यह कहानी एक युवा शीगल के प्रथम उड़ान से संबंधित है। वह एक संकीर्ण चट्टान (टाँड़) पर अकेला था। गतकाल ही उसके दो भाई और बहन उड़कर चले गये थे जिनकी परें (पाँखें) उससे भी अधिक छोटे आकार के थे।
किन्तु अपने भाई-बहनों जैसी उड़ने की साहसिकता इस शीगल में नहीं था। वह अपने माता-पिता को परिवार के अन्य सदस्यों के साथ उड़ते देख रहा था और उनके उड़ने की दक्षता को परख रहा था।
वह भूख का अनुभव किया और उसके माता-पिता भी उसके प्रति चिंतित हुए। उसने खाद्य की खोज किया किन्तु अपनी प्रयास में व्यर्थ रहा।
एक बार वह अपने पैर के उपर मछली का एक टुकड़ा पड़ा हुआ पाया। उसके भाई और बहन खाना खाते-खाते उड़ रहे थे। इसी प्रकार वह भी खाने की इच्छा रखता था । वह अत्यन्त विनयी भाव से अपनी माँ का ध्यान आकृष्ट करने की प्रयास किया । अन्त में मछली की एक टुकड़ा लिए उसकी माँ उसके ओर दौड़ी। सआग्रह वह उस ओर लपका। किन्तु जब उसकी माँ ठीक उसके सामने थी, वह रुक गयी और उसकी परें अचल हो गई ।
93 मछली का टुकड़ा उसके पहुँच के करीब ही था । पल भर उसने इन्तजार किया और उसके बाद भूख से व्याकुल हो वह मछली की ओर कूद पड़ा। वह नीचे लुढ़क गया। उसकी माँ उसके उपर से उड़ गई ।
वह उपर-नीचे दोदुल्यमान अवस्था में पड़ा रहा । उसने अनुभव किया कि उसके पाँख का अग्र भाग वायु को काटते हुए आगे बढ़ने में सक्षम हो रहा था । वह अपनी परों को फड़फड़ाने लगा। वह खुशी से चिल्लाने लगा और उसके माता-पिता भी उसके खुशी में शामिल हुए ।
अब वह समुद्र के ऊपरी दिशा की ओर उड़ रहा था। उसके चारों ओर विखड़े उसके परिवार के अन्य सदस्य उसकी ओर देख रहे थे और प्रशंसा कर रहे थे। उनके तीक्ष्ण होंठ उसे मछली का टुकड़ा देना चाह रहे थे। इसी प्रकार उसने अपना प्रथम उड़ान सीखा ।
Lesson- 8 His First Flight Text
The young seagull was alone on his ledge. His two brothers and his sister had already flown away the day before. He had been afraid to fly with them. When he had run forward to the brink of the ledge he became afraid. The great expanse of the sea stretched down beneath, and it was miles down.
He felt certain that his wings would never support him. So he bent his head and ran away back to the little hole where he slept at night. His father and mother had come around calling to him shrilly. But for the life of him, he could not move. That was twenty-four hours ago. Since then nobody had come near him.
The day before, he had watched his parents flying about with his brothers and sister. They were teaching them the art of flight and how to dive for fish. He had seen his older brother catch his first herring, while his parents circled around proudly.
Class 9 English Bliss Lesson- 8 His First Flight Word Notes (शब्दार्थ)
- Sea-Gull : सिगाल |
- Alone : अकेला।
- Already : इतने में ।
- Afraid : भयभीत ।
- Forward : आगे बढ़ना ।
- Expanse : विस्तृत ।
- Stretched : फैलाना, प्रसारित करना ।
- Beneath : नीचे
- Certain: निश्चित ।
- Wings : पंख ।
- Support: समर्थन करना, सहायता करना
- Bent: उतारना, नीचे आना ।
- Hole: गड्ढा ।
- Shrilly : तीक्ष्ण रूप से ।
- Art: कला, दक्षता ।
- Flight: उड़ान, उड़ना ।
- Dive: जम्प मारना ।
- Herring: एक समुद्री मछली ।
- Circled : चक्राकार, गोलाकार |
- Proudly : सगौरव ।
(पाठ) -8 उसका प्रथम उड़ान हिन्दी अनुवाद
छोटा सीगल अपने पत्थर की टाँड़ पर अकेला ही था। उसके दोनों भाई और उसकी बहन एक दिन पहले ही उड़ गये थे । वह उनके साथ उड़ने से डर रहा था। जब वह टॉड के किनारे बढ़ कर आया, तो वह डर गया। समुद्र अपनी विशाल विस्तृति लिए हुए फैली हुई थी प्राय: कई मील नीचे।
वह निश्चित था कि उसकी दोनों पाँखें उसका भार वहन नहीं कर सकेगा । इसीलिए उसने अपना सिर झुकाया और दौड़ता हुआ उसी छोटे गड्ढे में चला गया जहाँ उसने रात बिताया था । उसके मम्मी-पप्पा उसे तीक्ष्ण स्वर में बुलाते हुए चारों ओर घूम रहे थें। किन्तु वह अपनी जान के चलते आगे नहीं बढ़ा ।
यह सब प्राय: 24 घंटे पहले की घटना है। तब से और कोई भी नजदीक नहीं आया । गतकाल, उसने देखा था कि उसके माता-पिता उसके भाई-बहन के साथ उड़ रहे थे। वे उन्हें उड़ने की तरीका तथा किस प्रकार मछली की शिकार किया जाता है, सिखा रहे थे। उसने देखा था कि उसका बड़ा भाई अपने जीवन का पहला हेरिंग पकड़ा था उसके माता- पिता सगौरव चक्राकार उड़ रहे थे।
Class 9 English Bliss Lesson- 8 His First Flight Text
The sun was now ascending the sky, blazing warmly on his ledge that faced the south. He felt the heat because he had not eaten since the previous nightfall. Now there was not a single scrap of food left in the straw nest. His little grey body trotted back and forth on the ledge.
He was trying to find some means of reaching his parents without having to fly. But on each side of him, the ledge ended in a sheer fall, with the sea beneath. He could surely reach them without flying if he could only move northwards along the cliff. But then on what could he walk? There was no ledge, and he was not fly.
He stepped slowly out to the brink of the ledge. He stood on one leg with the other leg hidden under his wing. Closing one eye and then the other, he pretended to be falling asleep. Still, his parents took no notice of him. He saw his two brothers and his sister lying on the plateau.
They were dozing, with their heads sunk into their wings. His father was preening the feathers on his white back. Only his mother was looking at him. She was standing on a little high hump on the plateau, eating a piece of fish. The sight of the food maddened him.
Lesson- 8 His First Flight Word Notes (शब्दार्थ)-2
- Ascending : ऊपर उठना
- Blazing: जल उठना ।
- Warmly: उष्णता से ।
- Previous : विगत ।
- Scrap : छोटा टुकड़ा ।
- Straw : भूसा, पुआल ।
- Trotted : दौड़ना, कदम बढ़ाना ।
- Forth: आगे बढ़ना ।
- Sheer : सपूर्ण रूप से ।
- Cliff: खड़ी चट्टान ।
- Stepped: पाँव फैलाना ।
- Hidden: छिपा हुआ ।
- Pretended: बहाना बनाया था
- Plateau: पठार, समतल भूमि समेत पहाड़ ।
- Dozing : झपकना
- Feathers : पंख, पर |
- Hump : छोटा ऊँचा स्थान, टीला |
- Sight: दृश्य |
- Maddend : पागल बना देना, उत्तेजित कर देना।
(पाठ) -8 उसका प्रथम उड़ान हिन्दी अनुवाद
सूर्य क्रमागत आकाश के उपर की ओर उठ रहा था, दक्षिणमुखी इस टाँड़ के ऊपर जलते जलते जैसे गर्मी छिड़का रहा था। वह गर्मी का अनुभव कर रहा था क्योंकि उसने शाम से उसने कुछ खाया नहीं था। फूस की घोंसले में अब खाने का एक दाना भी नहीं बचा था। उसका छोटा धूसर शरीर टाँड़ के उपर आगे-पीछे चलने लगा ।
वह एक ऐसे उपाय की तलाश में था जिससे न उड़कर भी वह अपने मम्मी-पप्पा के निकट पहुँच सके । किन्तु टाँड़ की दोनों किनारे एक गहरी खाई में खत्म हुआ है जहाँ नीचे समुद्र था। यदि वह खड़ी चट्टान के सहारे उत्तर की ओर जा सके तो वह न उड़कर भी अपने मम्मी-पप्पा के निकट पहुँच सकता है, किन्तु वह चलेगा किस पर ? वहाँ कोई चट्टान भी नहीं है और वह कोई मक्खी भी नहीं है।
वह धीरे-धीरे टाँड़ के किनारे की ओर कदम बढ़ाया। वह एक पाँव पर खड़े होकर दूसरे पाँव को नीचे छिपाये हुए था। पहले एक और बाद में दूसरे आँख को बन्द कर वह सो जाने जैसी बहाना बनाया।
फिर भी उसके माता-पिता उसे देख नहीं पा रहे थे। पठार पर वह अपने दोनों भाई और अपनी बहन को सोते हुए देख पाया। वे अपने सिर को पाँख के भीतर छिपाये झपकी ले रहे थे। उसके पिता अपने सफेद पीठ पर परों को समेटे हुए था। सिर्फ उसकी माँ उसे देख रही थीं। उसकी माँ पठार के ऊपर एक छोटी जगह पर खड़ी थी और मछली की एक टुकड़ा खा रही थी। खाने का दृश्य उसे पागल कर दिया।
Lesson- 8 His First Flight Text
“Ge, ga, ga,” he cried, begging her to bring him some food. “Gaw-cool-ah,” she screamed back. He kept calling, and after a minute or so, he uttered a joyful scream. His mother had picked up a piece of fish and was flying across to him with it. But when she was just opposite him, she halted, her wings motionless.
The piece of fish in her beak was almost within reach of his beak. He waited a moment in surprise, wondering why she did not come nearer. And then, maddened by hunger, he dived at the fish.
With a loud scream, he fell outwards and downwards into space. Then terror seized him and his heart stood still. But it only lasted a moment. The next moment he felt his wings spread outwards. The wind rushed against his breast feathers, then under the stomach and against his wings.
He could feel the tips of his wings cutting through the air. He was not falling headlong now. He was soaring gradually downwards and outwards. He was no longer afraid. Then he flapped his wings once and he soared upwards. He uttered a joyous scream and flapped them again.
He soared higher. His mother flew past him, her wings making a loud noise. He answered her with another scream. Then his father flew over him, screaming. Then he saw his two brothers and his sister flying around him.
Lesson- 8 His First Flight Word-Notes (शब्दार्थ)
- Begging: भिक्षा करना, विनती करना।
- Screamed : चिल्लाना ।
- Uttered: कहने लगा ।
- Halted: रुकना ।
- Motionless : गतिहीन ।
- Beak: ओठ
- Wondering: आश्चर्यचकित होना
- Hunger: भूख ।
- Outwards: बाहरी दिशा ।
- Downwards: नीचे की ओर
- Terror: आतंक
- Seized :पकड़ा जाना ।
- Lasted : स्थायी होना ।
- Rushed: दौड़ते हुए आना ।
- Breast : छाती
- Stomach : पेट |
- Headlong: सिर आगे बढ़ाते हुए |
- Soaning: उड़ते-उड़ते ऊपर जाना।
- Gradually : धीरे-धीरे
- Afraid: भयभीत |
- Flapped : पंख फड़फड़ा रहा था ।
- Joyous: आनन्दित होकर ।
- Noise: भारी आवाज ।
(पाठ) -8 उसका प्रथम उड़ान हिन्दी अनुवाद
‘गि, गा, गा’, वह चिल्लाते हुए अपनी माँ से उसके लिए खाना लेकर आने की विनती किया। माँ भी चिल्ला कर ही ‘उत्तर दी ‘ग ऊल-आ’ । वह बुलाता ही रहा तथा एक-दो मिनट में ही वह खुशी से चिल्ला उठा।
उसकी माँ मछली की एक टुकड़ा बढ़ाती है जो उसकी ओर उड़ता हुआ आ रहा है। किन्तु जब वह ठीक दूसरी ओर था, उसकी माँ रुकी और उसकी दोनों पँखें स्थिर हो गई। माँ के होठ की मछली का टुकड़ा प्रायः उसके होंठ के करीब था। अवाक हो वह पल भर प्रतीक्षा किया फिर विस्मित हुआ यह देखकर कि माँ उसके निकट क्यों नहीं आ रही है ।
इसके बाद भूख से व्याकुल हो वह मछली के टुकड़े की ओर कूद पड़ा। एक कर्कश आवाज के साथ वह बाहरी दिशा में शून्य में गिर पड़ा और नीचे लुढ़कता ही गया। वह आतंकित हो गया और उसके दिल की धड़कन जैसे रुक सी गई। किन्तु यह पल भर के लिए ही था।
उसके बाद वह अपनी दोनों परों (पाँखों) को बाहर फैला दिया। वायु उसके सीने की परों पर चला आया, उसके बाद उसके पेट एवं पाँखों पर । उसने अनुभव किया कि उसकी पाँखों का किनारा वायु को काटते हुए निकल रहा है। अब और वह उल्टे सिर लुढ़क नहीं रहा था। धीरे-धीरे उड़ते-उड़ते वह नीचे की ओर उतर रहा था। उसे अब भय नहीं था। उसके बाद एक बार वह अपनी परों को फड़फड़ाने लगा और ऊपर उठने लगा । खुशी से चिल्ला उठा और पुनः परों को फड़फड़ाने लगा। वह और भी
उपर उठने लगा । उसकी माँ उसे पीछे छोड़कर उड़ गई, उसकी परों से और भी जोरों का शब्द हो रहा था। उत्तर देने के लिए उसने एक बार पुन: चिल्लाया। उसके बाद उसके पिता चिल्लाते हुए उसके सिर के उपर उड़ने लगा। इसके बाद उसने देखा कि उसके दोनों भाई और उसकी बहन उसके अगल-बगल में उड़ रहे हैं।
Lesson- 8 His First Flight Text
He saw a vast green sea beneath him, and he turned his beak sideways and crowed amusedly. His parents and his brothers and sister had landed on this green floor in front of him. They were beckoning to him, calling shrilly. He dropped his legs to stand on the green sea.
His feet sank into the sea, and then his belly touched it and he sank no further. He was floating on it. And around him family was screaming, praising him. He had made his first flight.
Lesson- 8 His First Flight Word Notes (शब्दार्थ)
- Vast: दूर तक फैला हुआ।
- Beneath : नीचे।
- Sideways : बगल में ।
- Crowed : मुर्गी जैसा पुकार ।
- Amusedly : रिझाते हुए / मजाक में ।
- Landed : जमीन पर उतर आना ।
- Sank : डूब गया |
- Belly : पेट।
- Floating : भास्यमान |
- Praising : प्रशंसा करना।
- Flight : उड़ान, शून्य में भास्यमान ।
(पाठ) -8 उसका प्रथम उड़ान हिन्दी अनुवाद
वह अपने नीचे की ओर एक हरियाली लिए समुद्र का विस्तार फैले हुए देखा और होंठ को बगल की ओर घुमा कर एक मजेदार आवाज में बुलाने लगा। उसके मम्मी-पप्पा और उसके भाई-बहन उसके सामने की इस हरी जगह पर उतर गये थे। अपनी तीखी स्वर से चिल्लाते हुए और इशारे से वे उसे बुलाने लगे। वह हरित समुद्र के उपर ढहरने के लिए दोनों पाँव उतार दिया ।
उसके दोनों पाँव समुद्र में डूब गये, उसके बाद उसका पेट समुद्र को स्पर्श किया और फिर वह नहीं डूबा। इसके बाद वह भास्यमान रहा और उसके अगल-बगल में उसके परिवार के सदस्य चिल्ला-चिल्ला कर उसकी प्रशंसा करने लगे । यह उसका प्रथम उड़ान था ।
Class 9 English Bliss Lesson- 8 His First Flight Word Nest (शब्द नीड़)
- Ledge : A Flat Rock Surface Sticking Out From A Cliff (एक सपाट पत्थर की धरातल जो एक खड़े पहाड़ से युक्त है) ।
- Brink: Edge (किनारा, दिशा)
- Herring :A Kind Of Sea Fish (एक प्रकार की समुद्री मछली)
- Preening: Smoothening Feathers (पंख को ढीला करना)
- Hump: A Raised Portion Of Land (जमीन का एक उभड़ा हुआ भाग)
- Soaring: Rising Upward While Flying (उड़ते-उड़ते ऊपर चढ़ना)
- Beckoning: Calling By Using Signals ( इशारे से बुलाना)
Class 9 English Bliss Lesson- 8 His First Flight Textual Questions (पाठ्याधारित प्रश्न) Exercise (अभ्यास) – 1
Tick the correct answer from the given alternatives:
Question 1. At night the seagull slept in a little
- Nest
- Hole
- Turret
- Burrow
Answer: 2Hole
Question 2. The ledge faced the
- North
- South
- East
- West
Answer: 2. South
Question 3. The color of the seagull’s body was
- Red
- Black
- Blue
- Grey
Answer: 4. Gray
Question 4. The two brothers and sisters of the seagull were lying on the
- Plain
- Plateau
- Valley
- Hill
Answer: 2. Plateau
Question 5. The mother seagull had picked up a piece of
- Meat
- Insect
- Fish
- Straw
Answer: 3. Fish
Class 9 English Bliss Lesson- 8 His First Flight Exercise (अभ्यास) – 2
Answer The Following Questions Within Fifteen Words:
Question 1. What was the first catch of the seagull’s older brother?
Answer: A herring was the first catch of the seagull’s older brother.
Question 2. Why did the seagull feel the heat?
Answer: The seagull felt the heat because he had not eaten since the previous nightfall.
Question 3. Why did the seagull dive at the fish?
Answer: The seagull dived at the fish because he was maddened by hunger as he had not eaten anything for a long.
Question 4. What happened when the seagull soared upwards?
Answer: When the seagull soared upwards, his parents, brothers, and sisters started flying around him.
Class 9 English Bliss Lesson- 8 His First Flight Exercise (अभ्यास) – 3
Answer The Following Questions Within Twenty-Five Words:
Question 1. Why was the seagull afraid when he ran forward to the brink of the ledge?
Answer: When the seagull ran forward to the brink of the ledge, he could see the great expanse of the sea stretched down many miles. He was afraid to fly there as he felt his wings would never support him.
Question 2. What were the seagull’s two brothers and sister doing on the plateau?
Answer: The seagull’s two brothers and sister were lying on the plateau. They were dozing. with their heads sunk into their wings.
Question 3. What happened after the seagull’s feet sank into the sea?
Answer: After the seagull’s feet sank into the sea, his belly touched the sea. Then he sank no further and could float on the sea.
Grammar in use:
Read the following sets of sentences:
Set 1:
- He uttered a joyful scream. (Adjective)
- He screamed with joy. (Noun)
- He screamed joyfully. (Adverb)
Set 2:
- He pretended to be falling asleep, (Verb)
- He made a pretension of falling asleep. (Noun)
- He made a pretentious posture of falling asleep. (Adjective)
In Set 1, the adjective ‘joyful’ is changed to its noun form ‘joy’ and to its adverb form ‘joyfully’. In Set 2, the verb ‘pretend’ has been transformed to its noun form ‘pretension’ and to its adjective form ‘pretentious’. We can transform a sentence by interchanging parts of speech without changing its meaning.
Class 9 English Bliss Lesson- 8 His First Flight Exercise (अभ्यास) – 4
Change The Parts Of Speech Of The Given Words In The Chart:
Noun | Verb | Adjective | Adverb |
Beauty | |||
Dangerously | |||
Care | |||
Strongly |
Noun | Verb | Adjective | Adverb |
Beauty | Beautify | Beautiful | Beautifully |
Danger | Endager | Dangerous | Dangerously |
Carefulness | Care | Careful | Carefully |
Strength | Strengthen | Strong | Strongly |
Class 9 English Bliss Lesson- 8 His First Flight Exercise (अभ्यास) – 5
Rewrite The Sentences Changing The Form Of The Underlined Words As Directed:
Question 1. He is known for his honesty. (Change into the adjective form)
Answer: It is known that he is honest.
Question 2. She spoke with kindness. (Change into adverb form)
Answer: She spoke kindly.
Question 3. The sun shone brightly. (Change into noun form)
Answer: The sun shone with brightness.
Question 4. She gave a wise judgment. (Change into verb form)
Answer: She judged wisely.
Class 9 English Bliss Lesson- 8 His First Flight Exercise (अभ्यास) – 6
Question 1. Write a paragraph within 100 words on the water cycle, using the following flow- chart: water evaporates from water bodies-rises as vapor-gets heavier-condenses, forms clouds – falls to earth as rain.
Answer: Water cycle: The water cycle is a cycle of processes by which water circulates between the earth’s oceans, atmosphere, and land. At first, the water from all the water bodies is evaporated by the heat of the sun.
Then it is risen up as vapor. There the vapor is mixed with dust and is become heavier. Next, it is cooled or condensed. Now the clouds are formed. Then it is cooled further and droplets are formed. These droplets are fallen on earth as rain.
Class 9 English Bliss Lesson- 8 His First Flight Exercise (अभ्यास) – 7
Question 1. Write a summary of the following passage within 100 words:
Communication is part of our everyday life. We greet one another, smile or frown, depending on our moods. Animals too, communicate. Just like us, interaction among animals can be both verbal and non-verbal. Singing is one way in which birds can interact with one another.
Male blackbirds often use their melodious songs to catch the attention of other blackbirds. These songs are usually rich in notes, encoding various kinds of messages. Songs are also used to keep off other birds from their territory, usually a place where they dwell.
Large mammals in the oceans sing too, according to adventurous sailors. Enormous whales groan and grunt while smaller dolphins and porpoises whistle and click.
These sounds are surprisingly received by other mates as far as several hundred kilometers away. Besides singing, body language also forms a large part of animals’ communication modes.
Dominant hyenas exhibit their power by raising the fur hackles on their necks and shoulders, while the submissive ones normally surrender to the powerful parties by crouching their head low and curling their lips a little, revealing their teeth in a friendly smile.
Insects such as wasps armed with poisonous bites or stings usually have brightly painted bodies to remind other predators of their power.
Answer: Like humans, animals also communicate in verbal and non-verbal ways. Singing is an interactive medium used by birds to seek others’ attention, send messages to others, and keep other birds away from their own territory.
Among the sea animals whales, dolphins, and porpoises make different sounds that are heard by other members of the species from very far.
Among the land animals, powerful ones show their power, and weak ones show their submission through their body language. Insects also have special features to show their power.
Class 9 English Bliss Lesson- 8 His First Flight Additional Textual Question & Answers
Tick The Correct Answer From The Given Alternatives:
Question 1. Mother was standing on a
- Hump
- Hill
- Hedge
- Sea
Answer: 1. Hump
Question 2. The young seagull did not fly because
- He was weak
- He feared taking venture
- His wings had not supported him
- He was busy eating something
Answer: 2. He feared taking venture
Question 3. Here ‘this green floor’ refers to
- Greenfield
- Green surface of the sea
- Sea-Beach bordered by green trees
- Green plateau beside the sea
Answer: 2. Green surface of the sea
Question 4. The young seagull was soaring gradually
- Inwards and outwards
- Upwards and down words
- Downwards and outwards
- Upwards and outwards
Answer: 3. Downwards and outwards
Question 5. The sight of the food made the young seagull
- Angry
- Wild
- Mad
- Modest
Answer: 3. Mad
Question 6. Herring is one kind of
- Sea bird
- Sea plant
- Seaweed
- Sea fish
Answer: 4. Sea fish
Question 7. The youngest seagull felt his wings
- Spread Inwards
- Spread outwards
- Spread Downwards
- flooded
Answer: 2. Spread outwards
Question 8. The wind at first rushed against the
- seagull’s
- Beak
- Breast feathers
- Tail
Answer: 3. Breast feathers
Question 9. The young seagull saw the vast green sea while he was
- Flying
- Sitting on the bank
- Sitting on the plateau
- lying on the plateau
Answer: 1. Flying
Question 10. His mother’s wings made a noise while flying past him. The sound of the noise was
- Feeble
- Loud
- Melodious
- Whistling
Answer: 2. Loud
Question 11. On the ledge the young seagull was
- With His Mother
- With His Brother
- Lonely
- With Other Birds
Answer: 3. Lonely
Question 12. His two brothers and sister had flown away
- Yesterday
- One Hour Ago
- Two Days Before
- From The Previous Night
Answer: 4. From The Previous Night
Question 13. The young seagull saw the green sea while he was
- Flying
- Sitting on the bank
- Sitting on the plateau
- Lying on the plateau
Answer: 1. Flying
Question 14. The young seagull’s older brother caught his fish
- Herring
- Gold Fish
- Quill Fish
- Salmon
Answer: 1. Herring
Question 15. The seagull’s father was
- Dozing
- Breeding
- Lying
- Standing
Answer: 2. Breeding
Class 9 English Bliss Lesson- 8 His First Flight Answer The Following Questions Within Fifteen Words
Question 1. Describe the sea in a sentence.
Answer: The sea was vast and green with a smooth surface.
Question 2. Who was beckoning to the young seagull?
Answer: The young seagull’s parents and his brothers and sister were beckoning him.
Question 3. What did the young seagull do when his parents called him?
Answer: When his parents called him, the young seagull gave a joyful scream.
Question 4. How was the first success of the young seagull’s older brother appreciated?
Answer: His parents appreciated it by circling around him proudly.
Class 9 English Bliss Lesson- 8 His First Flight Answer The Following Questions Within Twenty-Five Words
Question 1. What did the frightened seagull do, being unable to fly?
Answer: Being unable to fly, the frightened seagull bent his head and ran away back to the little hole where he slept at night.
Question 2. Why was the baby seagull forced to dive?
Answer: The baby seagull was forced to dive finding a piece of fish in his mother’s beak at a small distance. He was mad with hunger.
Question 3. “…he fell outwards and downwards into space.”- Explain the phrase ‘outwards
and downwards’.
Answer: The phrase ‘outwards and downwards’ means that the young seagull dived out of the ledge to move forward, but he fell downwards.
Question 4. How did the baby seagull manage to soar?
Answer: The baby seagull gave a dive out of extreme hunger. But while falling downward he spread his wings and gradually learned to soar.