WBBSE Solutions For Class 10 English Bliss Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार)

Class 10 English Bliss Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार)

About The Poet-Ted Hughes

Edward James Hughes widely known as Ted Hughes was a prolific writer. He was also a playwright and won high acclaim as a children’s writer.

He was born on 17th August 1930 in Mytholmroyd, England. His father, William Henry was a carpenter. He graduated from Pembroke College Cambridge.

His early fascination for animals found expression in his poems. His major works are: The Hawk in is the Rain, Lupercal, Wodwo, Crow, Gaudete, Cave Birds, Remians of Elmet, Moortown, The River, and Book for Childen.

Critics often ranked him as one of the best children poets of his generation. In 1984, he was made the poet Laureate of England. Ted Hughes breathed his last on October 28, 1998.

English Class 10 Wbbse

Class 10 English Bliss Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) हिन्दी अनुवाद

Ted Hughes के नाम से विख्यात Edward James Huges एक प्रतिभावान लेखक थे। वे एक नाटककार थे और उन्होंने बाल साहित्यकार के रूप में ख्याति प्राप्त किया।

उनका जन्म England के Mythalmroyd में 17 अगस्त 1930 को हुआ। उनके पिता, विलियम हेनरी, एक बढ़ई थे। उन्होंने Pembroke College, Cambridge से स्नातक किया। उनका पशुप्रेम उनकी कविताओं में परिलक्षित होता है। उनकी मुख्य रचनाएँ हैं।

The Hawk in the Rain, Lupercal, Wodwo, Crow, Gaudete, Cave Birds, Remains of Elmet, Moortown The River and Book for children. आलोचक उन्हें अपनी पीढ़ी के सर्वश्रेष्ठ बाल कवियों में से एक के रूप में मानते थे। 1984 में उन्हें England के राजकवि की उपाधि दी गई। Ted Hughes 28 October, 1998 को चल बसे।

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) Introduction Of The Poem

“My own true family” is a descriptive poem by Ted Hughes. The poem is a development. of a letter entitled “Children Plant Trees for Tomorrow” in which Hughes encouraged schools to involve pupils in growing projects.

The poem upholds the importance of the tree in our natural environment through a young child’s magical experience in an oakwood. It indicates that human beings and trees are part of a family called Nature.

English Class 10 Wbbse

Class 10 English BlissLesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) हिन्दी अनुवाद

‘मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार’ Ted Hughes’ के द्वारा रचित एक वर्णननात्मक कविता है। यह कविता “Children Plant Trees for Tommorrow” शीर्षक वाले एक पत्र का विकसित रूप है, जिसमें Hughes ने विद्यालयों को प्रोत्साहित किया था कि वे विद्यार्थियों को परियोजनाओं को विकसित करने के काम में शामिल करें।

इस कविता में ओक के वन में एक तरुण बालक के जादुई/चमत्कारिक अनुभव के माध्यम से हमारे कृ वातावरण में वृक्षों के महत्व का समर्थन समावेश किया गया है। यह संकेत करती है कि मनुष्य एवं वृक्ष प्रकृति नामक एक ही परिवार के अंश हैं।

English Class 10 Wbbse

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) Summary

In the poem the poet imagines himself to be a child. Once he crept into an Oakwood in search of a deer. There he encountered an old woman.

She was staggering with the help of a stick. She told the poet that her bag contained his secret. Then she cackled. The poet trembled in fear.

She cast a spell on the poet. As soon as the bag was opened, he awoke twice magically.
He dreamt that he was surrounded by oak trees and tied to a stake. He came to know from the trees that they were his true family.

They told the poet about their untimely death. They were chopped at random. The trees warned him and made him to promise to save them.

They asked him to swear to plant two oak trees if he would find one felled.
If he refused he would have to die.

After his dream, the poet left wood and returned to human society. But he was fully changed. He felt that he had the body of a human but his heart was a tree.

English Class 10 Wbbse

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) हिन्दी अनुवाद

इस कविता में कवि स्वयं को एक बालक के रूप में कल्पना करते हैं। एक बार वह एक हिरण की खोज में ओक के एक वन में चुपके से गया। वहाँ उसका सामना एक वृद्ध महिला से हुआ। वह एक छड़ी के सहारे लड़खड़ाती हुई चल रही थी।

उसने कवि को कहा कि उसके थैले में उसकी (कवि की) गोपनीय वस्तु/बात है। तब वह अट्टहास करने लगी। कवि भय काँप गया। उसने कवि को सम्मोहित कर दिया। ज्योंहि थैला खोला गया, कवि चमत्कारिक ढंग से दुबारा जागृत हुआ ।

उसने स्वप्न देखा कि वह ओक के वृक्षों से घिरा हुआ एवं एक खूँटे से बँधा हुआ था। पेड़ों से उसे जानकारी मिली कि वे उसके वास्तविक परिवार थे। उनलोगों ने कवि को अपने असमय मृत्यु के बारे में बताया। उन्हें बिना सोचे-समझे बेतहाशा काटा जा रहा था।

वृक्षों ने उन्हें चेतावनी दी एवं उनसे अपनी रक्षा करने का वचन लिया। उन्होंने कवि को शपथ लेने को कहा कि वे ओक के दो वृक्ष लगाएँ यदि वे एक भी वृक्ष कटा हुआ पाएँगे।

यदि वे इन्कार करते तो मारे जाते। स्वप्न के बाद कवि जंगल से खाना हुए एवं मानवों के समाज में वापस चले गये। परन्तु वे पूर्णतः परिवर्तित हो चुके थे। उन्होंने महसूस किया कि उनका शरीर तो मानव का था परन्तु उनका हृदय वृक्ष हो चुका था।

English Class 10 Wbbse

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) Stanza – 1

Read The Following Poem:

Once I crept in an oakwood – I was looking for a stag. I met an old woman there – all knobbly stick and rag. She said: ‘I have your secret here inside my little bag.’

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) हिन्दी अनुवाद

एक बार मैं एक ओक वृक्ष के जंगल में चुपके से गया- मुझे एक हिरण की तलाश थी। वहाँ मुझे एक बूढ़ी औरत मिली जो चिथड़े में अस्थिर रूप से चिपकी थी। उसने कहा : तुम्हारे सभी रहस्य, यहाँ, मेरे इस छोटे बैग में हैं पड़े हुए ।

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) Word-Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Once (Adv)- Once upon a time- एक समय / दिन की बात है।
  2. I (pron) Crept (V.P)- The poet – कवि ।
  3. An area where a number of oak trees grow ओक के वृक्षों का वन
  4. Oakwood (comp. n)- Moved slowly, Entered slowly- चुपके से प्रवेश किया।
  5. Looking for (Ph.v)- A wood made of oak trees.
  6. Stage (N)-A male dear हिरण |
  7. Searching for in search of की खोज में।

Note – कविता में हिरण को खोजने का उद्देश्य स्पष्ट नहीं हैं। संभवतः कवि हिरण की सुन्दरता से आकृष्ट हुए हों ।

Ted Hughes अपने पशु-प्रेम के लिए विख्यात हैं। उन्हें जानवरों को देखना एवं उनके स्वभाव का पर्यवेक्षण करना अच्छा लगता था। उन्हें उनका साथ भाता था एवं वे उनकी पशुता में भी मानवता का विश्लेषण करते थे।

  1. Met (V.P.)- Came Across, chanced to see – मिला।
  2. An old woman (Ph.)- एक वृद्ध महिला ।
  3. Note – वृद्ध महिला का परिचय स्पष्ट नहीं कि किन्तु यह स्पष्ट है कि वह ओक के वन में रहती है। सम्भवत: वह प्रकृति अथवा पृथ्वी का काल्पनिक मानवीय स्वरूप हो। उसकी वृद्ध अवस्था प्रकृति या पृथ्वी की प्रौढ़ता दर्शाती है।
  4. There (Adv)- In the oakwood- ओक के वन में।
  5. All (Adj)- Whole समस्त / सम्पूर्ण ।
  6. Knobbly (Adj)- Unsteadily – लड़खड़ाते हुए, दुर्बलतापूर्वक, अस्थिरतापूर्वक ।
  7. Stick (N)- A wooden rod- लाठी |
  8. Rag (N)- Worn out clothes – फटे वस्त्र ।
  9. She (Pron)- The old woman – वृद्ध महिला ।
  10. Said (V.P)- Told-कहा।
  11. Secret (N)- Hidden fact राज, गोपनीय बात ।
  12. Inside (Prep)-Within अंदर, in the inner part
  13. Little (Adj)-Small छोटा ।
  14. Bag (N)- थैली ।
  15. I have your secret here inside my little bag : तुम्हारे राजा गोपनीय बात मेरे छोटे थैले में हैं।

Note – कवि की गोपनीय बात क्या थी? इस प्रश्न का उत्तर कविता में नहीं है। कवि मानव जाति के प्रतीक हैं। सभ्यता के विकास के नाम पर मनुष्य प्रकृति का विनाश करने में लिप्त है। जंगल विनाश की कगार पर हैं।

Class 10 English Text Book Wbbse

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) हिन्दी अनुवाद

एक बार मैं चुपके से ओक वृक्ष के जंगल में गया। मैं एक हिरण की खोज में था। वहाँ एक वृद्ध महिला से मेरी भेंट हुई। वह जीर्ण-शीर्ण वस्त्र धारण किए हुए हाथों में एक छड़ी लेकर लड़खड़ाते हुए चल रही थी। उसने कहा तुम्हारी गोपनीयता मेरी छोटी थैली के अंदर है।

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) Stanza – 2

Then she began to cackle and I began to quake.
She opened up her little bag and I came twice awake –
Surrounded by a staring tribe and tied to a stake.

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) हिन्दी अनुवाद

फिर वह बड़बड़ाने लगी और मैं लगा काँपने ।
खोली वह अपना छोटी बैग और मुझमें आया पुनः होश,
जनजातियों द्वारा घिरा, एकटक निहारता हुआ, मैं खूँटे से बँधा पाया ।

Class 10 English Text Book Wbbse

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) Word-Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. She (Pron)-The old woman वृद्ध महिला ।
  2. Began (V.P.)- Started शुरू किया।
  3. Cackle (V)- Laugh in hash voice – कर्कश स्वर में हँसना, अट्टहास करना।
  4. To make a sound of hen or goose. मुर्गी या हंस की आवाज निकालना ।
  5. I (Pron)- The poet – कवि ।
  6. Quake (v)-Tremble in fear – भय से काँपना ।
  7. Twice (Adv)- For the second time – द्वितीय बार।
  8. Awake (Adj)-Gain consciousness Rise up from sleep – जागृत होना। चेतना प्राप्त करना ।

I came twice awake का अनुभव प्राप्त किया स्वप्न में । कवि ने स्वप्न अवस्था में ओक के वन में प्रवेश किया। जब वे अपने वास्तविक परिवार (वृक्ष) के साथ थे तो यह उनकी प्रथम जागृत अवस्था थी। परन्तु जागृत अवस्था में होने

पर भी वह वृक्षों की पीड़ा के प्रति अनभिज्ञ रहता है। बल्कि वह तो उन्हें और प्रताड़ित करता है। ऐसा जागरण तो निद्रा समान ही है। परन्तु जब कवि नींद में भी अपने स्वजनों (वृक्ष) को पहचान पाते हैं, तभी वे वास्तव में जागृत हैं।

बाद में कवि एक वृद्ध महिला से मिला, तब उस महिला ने उसके राज खोले। उसने कवि को पेड़ों के दुःख-दर्द का एहसास करवाया। कवि यह भी समझ पाये कि जंगलों के विनाश के कारण मानवता पर घोर संकट आने वाला है। इसलिए यह द्वितीय जगारण की अवस्था हो सकती है।

  1. Surrounded (Adj)- Circumscribed Enclosed घिरा हुआ।
    Staring (P. Adj)- Cluster, Group
  2. Staring Tribe- A group of uncivilized people जनजाति, दल । ऐसा प्रतीत हुआ कि ओक के वृक्ष कवि को एक टक देख रहे थे। वृक्षों ने उन्हें चारों ओर से घेर कर मानों बंदी बना लिया था।
  3. Note – Tribe शब्द से ओक वृक्ष की डाल की ओर संकेत किया गया है।
  4. Tied (V.P.P.)- Fastened / Bound बाँधा ।
  5. Stake (N)- Strong past / pillar मजबूत थम्भ ।
  6. Note- यहाँ Stake का तात्पर्य ओक के वृक्ष के मजबूत तने से है।

Note – जागृत होने पर कवि ने स्वयं को ओक के वृक्षों से घिरा हुआ एवं एक ओक वृक्ष से बंधा हुआ पाया।

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) हिन्दी अनुवाद

तब वह अट्टहास करने लगी और मैं भय से काँपने लगा / उसने अपनी छोटी थैली खोली और मैं दूसरी बार जागा । मैने स्वयं को टकटकी लगाकर देखने वाले जनजाति (ओक के वृक्ष) के द्वारा घिरा हुआ एवं एक मजबूत थम्भ से बँधा हुआ पाया।

Class 10 English Text Book Wbbse

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) Stanza – 3

They said: ‘We are the oak trees and your own true family.
We are chopped down, we are torn up, and you do not blink an eye.
unless you make a promise now – now you are going to die.’

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) हिन्दी अनुवाद

उन्होंने कहा हमलोग हैं ओक के वृक्ष और तुम्हारा सच्चा परिवार।
काटा जा रहा है हमें, नष्ट किया जा रहा है हमें और तुम हो कि देखते भी नहीं,
जब तक तुम कसम नहीं खाते, मरने के लिए तैयार रहो।

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) Word-Notes (शब्दार्थ)

They (pron)- The oak tees ओक वृक्ष ।

Class 10 English Text Book Wbbse

We are the oak trees -Here, the poet imagines the oak trees to have human voice यहाँ, कवि कल्पना करते हैं कि ओक के वृक्षों को मानवीय स्वर हैं।

Your own true family -Here, the poet personifies the oak trees. यहाँ, कवि ओक के वृक्षों का मानवीकरण करते हैं। वृक्ष मनुष्य के आत्मीय जनों में से हैं और यही वृक्षों की वास्तविक पहचान है।

पृथ्वी मनुष्यों एवं वृक्षों के मिलन से एक परिवार की सृष्टि होती है। परन्तु दुर्भाग्यवश मनुष्य यह सम्बन्ध भूल गया है। वे पेड़ों पर आघात करते हैं एवं उनकी हत्या करते हैं। ओक के वृक्ष जब कवि को पाते हैं तो वे उसे यह सम्बन्ध याद दिलाने के लिए बाँध देते हैं।

  1. We are chopped down- we are torn up ( हमें काटा जाता है)
  2. Torn up (Ph. v)- Broken to peices – क्षत-विक्षत करना -टुकड़े-टुकड़े करना ।
  3. Note- यहाँ वृक्ष अपनी पीड़ा/व्यथा/यंत्रणा व्यक्त करते हैं। यहाँ मानवों की क्रूरता भी इंगित की जा रही है।
  4. Blink- Close the eyes repeatedly for a moment पलक झपकाना।
  5. You don’t blink an eye – तुम एक नजर देखते भी नहीं,
  6. Note – मनुष्य जंगल के विनाश के प्रति पूर्णतः उदासीन हैं। उसे वृक्षों की पीड़ा की कोई परवाह नहीं है।
  7. Unless- If not यदि नहीं
  8. Make a promise- Take an oath – वचन देना ।
  9. Die- Expire (मरना)

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) हिन्दी अनुवाद

उनलोगों ने कहा : हमलोग Oak (ओक) के वृक्ष हैं और हम तुम्हारे वास्तविक स्वजन हैं। हमें काटा जाता है एवं छिन्न-भिन्न किया जाता है और तुम हमें एक नज़र देखते भी नहीं हो। यदि तुम अभी शपथ नहीं लेते हो तो तुम्हें मरना पड़ेगा।

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) Stanza – 4

‘Whenever you see an oak tree felled, swear now you will plant two.
Unless you swear the black oak bark will wrinkle over you
And root you among the oaks where you were born but never grew’.

Wbbse English Solution Class 10

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) हिन्दी अनुवाद

जब कभी तुम ओक के एक वृक्ष गिरते देखो, कसम खाओ कि दो वृक्ष लगाओगे । जब तक तुम खाते नहीं कसम, काले ओक के वृक्ष सिकुड़ेंगे तुम पर, और ओक वृक्षों के बीच जड़ हो जहाँ तुमलोग पैदा हुए लेकिन बढ़े नहीं ।

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) Word-Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Whenever (Adv)-At any time जब कभी
  2. You (Pron)- The poet/man – कवि / मानव
  3. See (V)- Witness – देखना ।
  4. Felled (V.P.P)-Cut down काटना ।
  5. Swear (V)- Make promise Take an oath शपथ लेना ।
  6. Now (Adv)- At this very moment – इसी क्षण।
  7. Plant (V)- Place a seed/put the root into the soil- बोना।
  8. Two (Adj)- Two oak trees.

Note – ओक के वृक्षों ने कवि को शपथ लेने को कहा कि एक ओक वृक्ष कटने पर वह दो ओक वृक्ष लगाएगा। क्योंकि वास्तव में यही एकमात्र तरीका है जिसके माध्यम से प्रकृति/पृथ्वी को हुई क्षति को कम किया जा सकता है।

  1. Bark (N)-The outer bark of a tree पेड़ की छाल ।
  2. Wrinkle (V)- Crease, fold, furrow, मोड़ देना, सिकोड़ना ।
  3. Note- यदि कवि वचन देने से इन्कार करता है तो ओक के वृक्ष उसे दंडित करेंगे।
  4. Root (V)- To fix by the root, plant firmly जड़बद्ध करना।
    Among- के मध्य ।

Where you were born but never grow – You came of but never developed जहाँ तुमने जन्म तो लिया किन्तु विकास नहीं कर पाये। ओक के वृक्षों की भाँति कवि का विकास नहीं होगा।

Wbbse English Solution Class 10

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) हिन्दी अनुवाद

जब कभी तुम किसी ओक के वृक्ष को कटा हुआ पाओगे/देखोगे तो तुम अभी वचन दो कि तुम उसी समय दो पौधे लगाओगे।

यदि तुम शपथ नहीं लोगे तो ओक वृक्ष के काले छाल तुम्हें जकड़ लेंगे और तुम्हें ओक के वृक्षों के मध्य ही जड़बद्ध कर देंगे। जहाँ तुम्हारा जन्म तो हुआ परन्तु तुम बढ़ न पाये।

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) Stanza – 5

This was my dream beneath the boughs, the dream that altered me. When I came out of the oakwood, back to human company, My walk was the walk of a human child, but my heart was a tree.

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) हिन्दी अनुवाद

टहनियों को मेरा यह स्वप्न था, बदल दिया जो स्वप्न मुझे।
मैं जब ओक-वृक्ष के जंगल से बाहर आया, वापस लोगों के साथ,
चाल मेरी थी मानव के बच्चे का लेकिन मेरा हृदय था पेड़ का ।

Wbbse English Solution Class 10

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) Word-Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Dream (N)- An imaginary thought, Fantasy Reverie – स्वप्न ।
  2. Beneath (Prep) – Under के नीचे।
  3. Boughs (N)- Braches (of the oak tree) टहनियाँ ।
  4. Altered (V)- Changed परिवर्तित कर दिया।
  5. The dream that attered me

स्वप्न ने कवि के मन को परिवर्तित कर दिया। इससे पूर्व कवि को मनुष्य एवं वृक्षों के सम्बन्ध का आभास नहीं था। परन्तु जब वह ओक के वृक्षों के घनिष्ठ सम्पर्क में आए तब वे इस सम्पर्क के बारे में जान पाए जिससे उनके जीवन में महान परिवर्तन आया।

  1. Came out (V)- Got out of – से बाहर निकला। Here, left रवाना हुए।
  2. When I came out of the oakwood जब मैं ओक के जंगल से बाहर निकला ।
  3. Note – कवि का जंगल से बाहर निकलना इस बात का स्पष्ट संकेत है कि ओक के वृक्षों से स्वाधीनता प्राप्त करने के पहले उन्हें वृक्षों के सामने शपथ लेना पड़ा।
  4. Back Return- वापस
  5. Back to human company- कवि मनुष्यों के समाज में वापस आ गए। अब तक वे ओक वृक्षों के बीच थे। ओक के वन से बाहर निकल कर वे मनुष्यों के समाज में वापस आ गए।
  6. Company- Association – साथ / संगति ।
  7. My walk was the walk of a human child- But my heart was a tree- मैं एक मानव शिशु की तरह चल रहा था। किन्तु मेरा हृदय तो वृक्ष बन गया था।

Note – ओक के वन में कवि के साथ हुए चमत्कारिक अनुभव ने कवि का हृदय परिवर्तन कर दिया था। उन्हें वृक्षों की मूल पीड़ा का आभास हुआ। वे मनुष्य एवं वृक्षों के दीर्घकालीन किन्तु विस्मृत सम्पर्क को समझ पाये और उनका हृदय वृक्षों के प्रति समर्पित हो गया।

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) हिन्दी अनुवाद

ओक वृक्ष के शाखाओं के नीचे यही मेरा स्वप्न था जिसने मुझे परिवर्तित कर दिया। जब मैं ओक के वृक्ष के वन से बाहर निकला, तो मैं मानवों के समाज में पहुँच गया। मैं चल तो रहा था एक मानव शिशु की भाँति, परन्तु मेरा हृदय तो एक वृक्ष हो चुका था।

Wbbse English Solution Class 10

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) Comprehension Exercises

1. Choose The Correct Alternative To Complete The Following Sentences: (निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करने के लिए सही विकल्प चुनें।)

Question 1. Creeping in an oakwood, the poet was looking for a (ओक वृक्ष के वन में चुपके से प्रवेश कर कवि खोज रहे थे ।)

  1. Goat
  2. Rhinoceros
  3. Stag
  4. Buffalo

Answer: 3. Stag.

Question 2. Whenever an oak trees is felled, the number of trees the poet must plant is – (जब कभी कोई ओक का वृक्ष काटा जाता है, तो कवि को अवश्य रोपने होंगे वृक्ष पौधे)

  1. Two
  2. Three
  3. Four
  4. Five

Answer: 1. Two.

Question 3. When the poet came out of the oakwood, his heart was that of a (जब कवि ओक के वन से बाहर आए, तो उनका हृदय का बन गया था ।)

  1. Stage
  2. Tree
  3. Human child
  4. Old woman

Answer: 2. Tree.

Wbbse Class 10 English Solution

2. State Wheather The Following Statements Are True Or False. Provide Sentences/ Phrases/Words In Support Of Your Answer:(बताओ कि निम्नलिखित वाक्य सही हैं या गलत। अपने उत्तर के समर्थन में वाक्य / वाक्यांश / शब्द लिखो )

Question 1. The old woman held the poet’s secrets in her little bag. (वृद्ध महिला ने अपने छोटे थैले में कवि की गोपनीयता रखी हुई थी
Supporting statements: I have your secret here inside my little bag.
Answer: True

Quetion 2. The tree tribe said that the poet is bothered to see the chopping down of oak trees (वृक्ष के समूह ने कहा कि कवि ओक के वृक्षों को काटते हुए देखकर परेशान होते हैं।)
Supporting statement: “We are chopped down we are torn up, we do not bunk an eye. ”
Answer: False

Question 3. The poet never came out of the oakwood. (कवि ओक के वन से कभी बाहर नहीं आए।)
Supporting statement: When I came out of oakwood.
Answer: False

3. Answer The Following Questions (निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर दो)

Question 1. When did the poet come twice awake ? ( कवि कब दुबारा जागृत हुए ?)
Answer: The poet came twice awake when the old woman he met in the oakwood let his secret out of her little bag.(जब ओक के वन में कवि से मिली महिला ने अपने छोटे थैले से उसकी गोपनीयता बाहर निकाली तो कवि दुबारा जागृत हुए।)

Question 2. What would happen to the poet if he failed to make the promise ? (यदि कवि वादा नहीं करते तो उनके साथ क्या होता?)
Answer: If the poet failed to make the promise, he would definitely be dead.(यदि कवि वादा नहीं करते तो वे निश्चित रूप से मारे जाते ।)

Question 3. What was it that altered the poet ? (किस चीज ने कवि को परिवर्तित कर दिया?)
Answer: It was the dream about deforestation and afforestation that altered the poet. (वनोन्मूलन एवं वनरोपण के स्वप्न ने कवि को परिवर्तित कर दिया।)

Wbbse Class 10 English Solution

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) Grammar In Use

4. Change The Following Into Indirect Speech.

Question 1. Rahul asked Dipa, “Will you go to school today ?” (राहुल ने दीपा से कहा, “क्या आज तुम स्कूल जाओगी ” ?)
Answer: Rahul asked Dipa if she (Dipa) would go to school that day. राहुल ने दीपा से पूछा कि क्या वह स्कूल जाएगी।)

Question 2. Rita siad to Ayesha, “please give me a glass of water”. (रीता ने आईसा से कहा, “कृप्या मुझे एक ग्लास पानी दो ।)
Answer: Ria requested Ayesha to give her a glass of water. रीता ने आईसा से उसे एक ग्लास पानी देने का अनुरोध किया।)

Question 3. The old man told the little girl, “may you be happy !” (वृद्ध व्यक्ति ने छोटी लड़की से कहाँ, “खुश रहो !’)
Answer: The old man wished that the little girl might be happy. वृद्ध व्यक्ति ने शुभकामना दिया कि छोटी लड़की खुश रहे।)

5. Do As Directed

Question 1. Ranjan said, “who does not know the name of Rabindranath ?” (Change into affirmative sentence). (रंजन ने कहा, “रवीन्द्रनाथ का नाम कौन नहीं जानता ? )
Answer: Rajan said, “Everybody knows the name of Rabindranath. (रंजन ने कहा कि हर कोई रवीन्द्रनाथ का नाम जानता है।)

Question 2. Sangeeta runs faster than any other girl in her class. (Rewrite using the positive degree of faster.) (संगीता अपने वर्ग की किसी भी अन्य की तुलना में ज्यादा तेज दौड़ती है।)
Answer: No other girl in her class runs so fast as Sangeeta. (उसके वर्ग की अन्य लड़की रीता के जितना तेज नहीं दौड़ती ।)

Question 3. Kaushiki blamed her friend for the trouble. (Rewrite using the noun form of ‘blamed’) (कौशिकी ने कष्ट के लिए अपने मित्र को दोषी ठहराया। )
Answer: Kaushiki put a blmae for the trouble on her friend. ( कौशिकी ने कष्ट का आरोप अने मित्र पर लगाया।)

Wbbse Class 10 English Solution

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) Writing Activities

7. Your school is going to host the inter-school District sports competition. Suppose you are the secretary of the Sports Club of your school.

Write a notice (Within 100 words) calling students to participate in the competition. Mention the time, date, and venue of the competition. Your notice should be counter-signed by the Headmistress / Headmaster of your school.


A B C High School
Inter School District sport competition

Date 10.1.2016

All the students are hereby informed that our school is going to host the Inter School District Sports Competition on 20.1.2016. The events will start at 10 A.M. and continue till 4 P.M.

There will be various events for the students of classes (V) to (X). A student can participate in a maximum of three events without any entry fee.

So, the willing students are requested to register their names with their respective class teachers on or before 18.1.2016. The presence of all the students is compulsory. They requested to maintain discipline during the sports.

For any further details, the undersigned may be contacted. Cooperation from all is highly solicited.

By Headmaster

Sd/- Secretary Sports Club
ABC School


Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) Additional Textual Questions & Answers

1. Choose The Correct Alternative To Complete The Following Sentences: (निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करने के लिए सही विकल्प चुनें।)

Question 1. ‘My own True family’ is written by- (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार लिखा गया है — के द्वारा)

  1. R.W. Emerson
  2. Ted Hughes
  3. William Cowper
  4. John Masefield.

Answer: 1. Ted Hughes.

Question 2. The woods into which the poet crept was made of (कवि ने जिस जंगल में प्रवेश

Wbbse Class 10 English Solution

  1. Oak trees
  2. Pine trees
  3. Deodar trees
  4. Sat trees

Answer: 1. Oak trees.

Question 3. The poet once entered an oak wood- (एकबार कवि ने एक ओक वन में प्रवेश किया।)

  1. Stealthily
  2. Quickly
  3. Secretly
  4. Slowly

Answer: 4. Slowly.

4. The poet met. –

  1. An old woman
  2. A young girl
  3. A woodcutter
  4. A shepherd

Answer: 1. An old woman.

Wbbse Class 10 English Solution

Question 5. The poet once crept in an oakwood to look for a (एक बार कवि ने ओक वन में चुपके से प्रवेश किया- खोजने के लिए)

  1. Male hare
  2. Male deer
  3. Female deer
  4. Female hare

Answer: 2. Male deer.

Question 6. The old woman had a stick which was – (वृद्ध महिला के पास एक छड़ी थी जो — थी ।)

  1. Long
  2. Knobbly
  3. Oily
  4. Small

Answer: 2. Knobbly.

Question 7. The old woman whom the poet met in the forest was – में मिले थे वह थी – )

  1. Fat
  2. Knobbly
  3. Thin
  4. Strong

Answer 2. Knobbly.

Wbbse Class 10 English Solution

Question 8. The Oak bark is (ओक वृक्ष का छाल होता है -)

  1. Green
  2. Gray
  3. White
  4. Black

Answer: 4. Black.

Question 9. ‘All Knobbly stick and rag’ – The above line describes a-

  1. Weak man
  2. Woman
  3. Girl
  4. Oaktree

Answer: 2. Woman.

Question 10. When the old woman began to cackle the poet began to
अट्टहास किया तो कवि ने वर्णन करती है।)

  1. Quake
  2. Cry
  3. Laugh
  4. Run

Answer: 1. Quake.

Question 11. The old whom woman the poet met in the forest had – करना शुरू किया। जंगल में मिला उस महिला के पास था – )

  1. Rag
  2. Stick
  3. None of the above
  4. Stick and rag.

Answer: 4. Stick and rag.

Question 12. The poet was tied to a –

  1. Pine tree
  2. Light post
  3. oka tree
  4. Post

Answer: 4. Post.

Question 13. “I have your secret here.” -the speaker is –

  1. An old woman
  2. Ted Hughes
  3. The narrator
  4. An oak tree

Answer: 1. An old woman.

Wb Class 10 English Solutions

Question 14. The poet was surrounded by a –

  1. Cave tribe
  2. Tree tribe
  3. Wild tribe
  4. Hill tribe

Answer: 2. Tree tribe.

Question 15. The old woman said that she had kept in her little bag the poet’s – (कहा कि उसके छोटे थैले में रखा हुआ के द्वारा)

  1. Gold ring
  2. Birth certificate
  3. Secret
  4. Horoscope

Answer: 3. Secret.

Question 16. The poet had a dream –

  1. Beside a lake
  2. In a park
  3. In a garden
  4. Under the branches

Answer: 4. Under the branches.

Question 17. ‘All knobbly stick and rag. Here ‘knobbly’ means-

  1. Compassionate
  2. Steady
  3. Unsteady
  4. Cruel

Answer: 3. Unsteady.

Question 18. When the oak trees are chopped down, the poet-

  1. Is up to his eyes
  2. Does not blink an eye
  3. Feels uneasiness in eyes
  4. Keeps his eyes open

Answer: 2. Do not blink an eye.

Question 19. The poet’s heart changed following a -के तदोपरांत परिवर्तित हो गया।)

  1. Walk
  2. Tour
  3. Lecture
  4. Dream

Answer: 4. Dream.

Wb Class 10 English Solutions

Question 20. When the old woman opened up her little bag the poet came twice – ( महिला ने अपना छोटा थैला खोला तो कवि दो बार हुए।)

  1. Alive
  2. Awake
  3. Ahead
  4. Asleep

Answer: 2. Awake.

Question 21. The oak trees want the poet to make a- करें)

  1. Short speech
  2. Promise
  3. Trip
  4. Hole

Answer: 2. Promise.

Question 23. Those who are chopped down are –

  1. Oak trees
  2. Bamboo trees
  3. Banyan trees
  4. Pine trees

Answer: 1. Oak trees.

Question 24. The poet was surrounded by a tribe of – के झुंड के द्वारा)

  1. Forest-dwellers
  2. Aborigines
  3. Oak trees
  4. Witches

Answer: 3. Oak trees.

Question 25. The ‘staring tribe’ refers to a group of – (‘Staring Tribe’ – at a करता है।)

  1. Monsters
  2. Women
  3. Men
  4. Oak-trees

Answer: 4. Oak trees.

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Question 26. If the poet does not keep his promise the oak-tress will निभाएँगे तो ओक के वृक्ष उन्हें )

  1. Help him
  2. Kill him
  3. Throw him
  4. Love him

Answer: 2. Kill him.

Question 27. In the expression “You do not blink an eye” the word ‘you’ refers to – वाक्यांश में ‘you’ शब्द संकेत करता है -)

  1. The old woman
  2. The poet
  3. The reader
  4. The leader of the tribe

Answer: 2. The poet.

Question 28. If the poet refuses to make a promise he will – (यदि कवि वादा करने से इन्कार करेंगे तो वे…….)

  1. Pass away
  2. Proper
  3. Faint
  4. Fail

Answer: Pass away.

29. ‘You do not blink an eye’ – This suggests that men are – (उपरोक्त वाक्यांश संकेत करता है कि मनुष्य – )

  1. Sick
  2. Blind
  3. Callous
  4. Happy

Answer: Callous.

30. The dream abou the oaks (ओक के वृक्ष के स्वप्न ने कर दिया ।)

  1. Surprised the poet
  2. Changed the poet
  3. Pleased the poet
  4. Annoyed the poet

Answer: Changed the poet.

2. Complete The Following Sentences With Information From The Poem. ( कविता की सूचना के आधार पर निम्नलिखत वाक्यों को पूरा करें।)

Question 1. Once the poet crept – (एक बार कवि ने चुपके से प्रवेश किया)
Answer: In an oakwood. (ओक वृक्षों के वन में।)

Question 2. The old woman had – (वृद्ध महिला के पास था -)
Answer: A knobby stick and a little bag. (एक गाँठदार छड़ी / लाठी और एक छोटा थैला ।)

Question 3. The poet was looking for – (कवि ढूंढ रहा था -)
Answer: a stage. (एक हिरण ।)

Question 4. The trees are the poet’s – (पेड़ है कवि का)
Answer: own family. ( अपना परिवार ।)

Question 5. In the oakwood the poet met (ओक के वन में कवि मिला – )
Answer: An old woman. (एक वृद्ध महिला से ।)

Question 6. When the trees are felled, the poet (जब पेड़ काटे जाते हैं तो कवि – )
Answer: is not bothered.

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Question 7. The old woman was – ( वृद्ध महिला)
Answer: Knobbly. (लड़खड़ा कर चल रही थी ।)

Question 8. The old woman had (वृद्ध महिल के पास था )
Answer: A stick. (एक लाठी)

Question 9. The old woman was wearing – ( वृद्ध महिला ने पहला हुआ था – )
Answer: arag. (जीर्ण-शीर्ण वस्त्र)

Question 10. The poet had a dream which (कवि ने एक स्वप्न देखा जिसने – )
Answer: Changed him. (उसे परिवर्तित कर दिया।)

Question 11. The old woman had the poet’s secret in – ( वृद्ध महिला के पास कवि की गोपनीय बातें थीं -)
Answer: her little bag. (उसके थैले में)

Question 12. The poet found himself surrounded by (कवि ने स्वयं को घिरा हुआ पाया -)
Answer: a staring tribe. (टकटकी लगाकर देखने वाले ओक वृक्षों (की जनजाति) के द्वारा)

Question 13. According to the oak trees, they are – (ओक के वृक्षों के अनुसार उन्हें -)
Answer: Chopped down and torn up. (काटा जाता है एवं टुकड़े-टुकड़े कर दिया जाता है।)

Question 14. As the poet came out of the woods, he again had ( जब कवि जंगल से बाहर निकले वे पुन:-)
Answer: The company of men. (मनुष्यों के समाज / संगति में आ गये।)

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Question 15. When the oak trees are chopped down and torn up the poet does- ज है एवं टुकड़े-टुकड़े कर दिया जाता है तो
(जब ओक के वृक्षों की नहीं उन पर ध्यान नहीं देता उनकी तर एक नजर देखता ही
Answer: not blink an eye.

3. State whether the following statements are True or False. Provide sentences/ Phrases/words in support of your answer:
(बताओ निम्नलिखित वाक्य सही हैं या गलत। अपने उत्तर के समर्थन पक्ष में वाक्य वाक्यांश शब्द लिखो।)

Question 1. The poet was in search of a rabbit (कवि एक खरगोश खोज रहा था।)
Supporting statements: ‘I was looking for a stag.
Answer: False

Question 2. In the oakwood the poet met a young woman. (ओक के वन में कवि एक युवा महिला से मिला।)
Supporting statement: ‘I met an old woman there’.
Answer: False

Question 3. The poet met an old woman in a pine wood (कवि वृद्ध महिला से पाईन के जंगल मिला।)
Supporting statement: “Once I crept in an oakwood………. an old woman there.”
Answer: False

Question 4. The poet remained unmoved to the cackle of the old woman. (कवि वृद्ध महिला के अट्टहास से विचलित नहीं हुआ।)
Supporting statement: Then she began to cackle and I began to quake.
Answer: False

Question 5. The old woman put on an expensive dress. (वृद्ध महिला एक कीमती वस्त्र पहने हुई थी।)
Supporting statement: ………. all knobby stick and rag.”
Answer: False

Question 6. The old woman in then oakwood cried. (ओक वन में वृद्ध महिला रोई रोई रही थी।)
Supporting statement: “The she began to cackel”.
Answer: False

Question 7. The old woman had a stake in her hand. (वृद्ध महिला के हाथ में एक खूँटा था।)
Supporting statement: “………all knobbly stick.”
Answer: True

Question 8. The tree tribe chained the poet. (वृक्षों के समूह ने कवि को जकड़ लिया।)
Supporting statement: ‘Surrounded by a staring tribe and tied me to a stake.
Answer: True

Question 9. The poet imagined himself to be a child. (कवि ने स्वयं की कल्पना एक बच्चे के रूप में किया ।)
Supporting statement: “My walk was the walk of a human child.”
Answer: True

Question 10. The woman began to speak as children did. (महिला ने बच्चों की भाँति बोलना शुरू किया ।)
Supporting statement: “Then she began to cackle.”
Answer: True

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Question 11. When the old woman opened up her little bag, the poet simply became awake for the first time. (जब वृद्ध महिला ने अपना छोटा थैला खोला, कवि पहली बार जागृत हुए।)
Supporting statement: “I came twice awake”.
Answer: False

Question 12. If an oak tree is cut down two saplings should be planted. (यदि ओक का एक वृक्ष काटा जाए तो दो पौधे रोपे जाने चाहिए।)
Supporting statement: Whenever you see an oak tree felled, swear now you will plant two.
Answer: False

Question 13. The old woman was strong and stout. (वृद्ध महिला शारीरिक रूप से मजबूत थी ।
Supporting statement: “All knobbly stick and rag.”
Answer: False

Question 14. Hearing the cackling round of the old .voman, the poet began to shake. (कवि वृद्ध महिला का अट्टहास सुनकर काँपने लगा ।)
Supporting statement: “………I began to quake.”
Answer: True

Question 15. The oak trees were of the true family of the old woman. (ओक के वृक्ष वृद्ध महिला के सच्चे परिवार थे।)
Supporting statement: We are……….. your own true family.
Answer: False

Question 16. The poet had a dream during a nap at his bedroom. (कवि ने अपने शयन कक्ष में झपकी लेते समय स्वप्न देखा ।)
Supporting statement: ‘This was my dream beneath the boughs’.
Answer: False

Question 17. The poet was threatened by the oak trees. (कवि को ओक के वृक्षों के द्वारा धमकाया गया ।)
Supporting statement: now you are going to die.
Answer: True

Question 18. The poet dreamt a dream in an oak wood.” (कवि ने ओक के वन में स्वप्न देखा ।)
Supporting statement: “This was my dream beneath the boughs”.
Answer: True

Question 19. The pine trees are chopped down. (पाईन के वृक्षों को काटा जाता है।)
Supporting statement: “We (the oak trees) are chopped down.
Answer: False

Question 20. The magical experience had no effect on the poet. ( इस चमत्कारिक / जादुई अनुभव का कवि पर कोई प्रभाव नहीं पड़ा ।)
Supporting statement: ‘The dream that altered me’.
Answer: False

4. Answer the following questions :

Question 1. Who wrote the poem ‘My Own True Family. (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार कविता किसने लिखा ?)
Answer: Ted Hughes wrote the poem ‘My Own True Family’.(Ted Hughes ने मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार कविता लिखा।)

Question 2. What is the full name of the poet ? (कवि का पूरा नाम क्या है ? )
Answer: The full name of the poet Edward James Hughes. (कवि का पूरा नाम एडवर्ड जेम्स हगेज है)

Question 3. Where did the poet once creep in ? (एक बार कवि चुपके से कहाँ गये ? )
Answer: Once the poet creep in an oakwood. (एक बार कवि ओक के वन में चुपके से गये।)

Question 4. What was poet of ‘My Own True Family’ looking for in the oakwood? (‘मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार’ कविता के कवि जंगल में क्या खोज रहे थे ? )
Answer: The poet of ‘My Own True Family’ was looking for a stage in the oakwood. (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार के कवि ओक के वन में हिरण खोज रहे थे।)

Question 5. Where has the poem been taken from ?(यह कविता कहाँ से ली गई है?)
Answer: The poem has been taken from the book, “Meet My Folks”(यह कविता “Meet My Folks” पुस्तक से ली गई है ।)

Question 6. Whom did the poet meet in the oakwood ? (ओक वृक्ष के वन में कवि किससे मिले?)
Answer: The poet meet an old woman in the oakwood. (कवि ओक वृक्ष के वन में एक वृद्ध महिला से मिले।)

Question 7. What did the old woman have in her little bag ? (वृद्ध महिला के छोटे थैले में क्या था ? )
Answer: The old woman had the poet’s secret in her little bag. (वृद्ध महिला के छोटे थैले में कवि की गोपनीय/रहस्यमय वस्तु थी ।)

Question 8. How did the poet go inside the oakwood ? (कवि ओक वृक्ष के वन में कैसे गये ? )
Answer: The poet crept into the oakwood. (कवि ओक वृक्ष के वन में चुपके से गये)

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Question 9. What did the old woman have ? (वृद्ध महिला के पास क्या था ? )
Answer: The old woman had a stick and a little bag.(वृद्ध महिला के पास छड़ी / लाठी एवं एक छोटा थैला था।)

Question 10. How did the oldwoman appear ? (वृद्ध महिला देखने में कैसी थी ? )
Answer: The old woman was in ragged cloths and she had a lumpy stick in hand. (वृद्ध महिला फटे-पुराने वस्त्रों में थी और उसने अपने हाथ में एक गाँउदार छड़ी लिये हुए थी ।)

Question 11. What was the first activity of the old woman ?(वृद्ध महिला ने सबसे पहले क्या किया? अथवा, वृद्ध महिला का सबसे पहला कार्य क्या था ? )
Answer: The first activity of the old woman was that she began to cackle.(वृद्ध महिला का सबसे पहला कार्य यह था कि वह अट्टहास करने लगी ।)

Question 12. How did the old woman behave with poet ? (वृद्ध महिला ने कवि के साथ कैसा व्यवहार किया?)
Answer: The woman put the poet under a spell. So, she behaved with the poet strangely. (वृद्ध महिला ने कवि को सम्मोहित कर लिया। इस प्रकार उसने कवि के साथ विचित्र ढंग से व्यवहार किया।)

Question 13. When did the poet begin to quake? (कवि कब काँपने लगे ? )
Answer: The poet began to quake when the old woman began to cackle.(जब वृद्ध महिला ने अट्टहास करना शुरू की, तब कवि काँपने लगे।)

Question 14. What did the old woman tell the poet ? (वृद्ध महिला ने कवि को क्या बताया ? )
Answer: The old woman told the poet that she had the poet’s secret in her little bag. (वृद्ध महिला ने कने को बताया कि उसके छोटे थैले में कवि की गोपनीय चीज है।)

Question 15. By whom was the poet surrounded ? (कवि किनके द्वारा घिर हुए थे ? )
Answer: The poet surrounded by a staring tribe. (कवि एकटक देखने वाले ओक वृक्षों से घिरे थे ।)

Question 16. What happened when the old woman opened up her little bag ? (जब वृद्ध महिला ने अपना थैला खोला तो क्या हुआ ?)
Answer: When the old woman opened up her little bag, the poet came twice awake. (जब वृद्ध महिला ने अपना थैला खोला, कवि दूसरी बार जागे ।)

Question 17. Who cackled and who quaked ? (किसने अट्टहास किया एवं कौन कंपित हुआ ? )
Answer: The old woman cackled and the poet quaked in fear. (वृद्ध महिला ने अट्टहास किया एवं कवि कंपित हुए।)

Question 18. What was the tribe of ? (झुंड / समूह किसका था ? )
Answer: The tribe was of oaktrees. (समूह ओक के वृक्षों का था।)

Question 19. To what did the poet find himself tied ? (कवि ने स्वयं को किससे बँधा हुआ पाया ?
Answer: The poet found himself tied to a stake. (कवि ने स्वयं को ओक के मजबूत तने से बँधा हुआ पाया।)

Question 20. What did the tree tribe say to the poet ? (ओक के वृक्षों के समूह ने कवि से क्या कहा ?
Answer: The tree tribe said to the poet tha they were the oak trees. They added that they were his own true family.(ओक के वृक्षों के समूह ने कवि से कहा कि वे ओक के वृक्ष थे। उनलोगों ने आगे बताया कि वे उनके अपने सच्चे परिवार थे।)

Question 21. What did the poet mean when he said, I came twice awake ? (जब कवि ने कहा ‘मैं दुबारा जागृत हुआ’ तो उसका क्या तात्पर्य था ? )
Answer: When the poet said ‘I came twcie awake he meant to say that he became consious of the company he had in the oak-wood.(कवि ने कहा, ‘मैं दुबारा जागृत हुआ’ तो उनके का तात्पर्य था कि वे ओक के वन के साहचर्य अवगत हुए।)

Question 22. What according to the trees, is the reaction of the poet when a tree in cut down (वृक्षों के अनुसार जब कोई पेड़ काटा जाता है तो कवि की प्रतिक्रिया क्या होती है ? )
Answer: According to the trees, the poet is not bothered, when a tree is cut down. (वृक्षों के अनुसार जब कोई पेड़ काटा है तो कवि को कोई परेशानी नहीं होती है।)

Question 23. Who are the own true family of the poet ? (कवि के अपने सच्चे परिवार कौन हैं? )
Answer: The oak trees are the own true family of the poet.(ओक के वृक्ष कवि के अपने सच्चे परिवार हैं।)

Question 24. What does not the poet try blinking an eye ? (कवि किसे एक नजर नहीं देखने की कोशिश करते हैं?)
Answer: The poet does not try blinking an eye that the oak trees are chopped down and torn up. (कवि एक नजर नहीं देखने की कोशिश करते हैं जब ओक के वृक्ष काटे जाते हैं एवं टुकड़े-टुकड़े किए जाते हैं ।)

Question 25. What did the tree tribe ask the poet to swear ? (वृक्षों के समूह ने कवि को क्या शपथ लेने को कहा?)
Answer: The tree tribe asked the poet to swear that whenever a tree was cut down, he would plant two trees.
(वृक्षों के समूह ने कवि से शपथ लेने को कहा कि जब कभी कोई एक पेड़ काटा जाए, तब वह दो पेड़ लगाएगा।)

Question 26. Who are torn up ? (किन्हें टुकड़े-टुकड़े / क्षत-विक्षत कर दिया जाता है ? )
Answer: The oak trees are torn up.(ओक के वृक्षों को टुकड़े-टुकड़े कर दिया जाता है।)

Question 27. When will the black oak bark wrinkle over the poet ? (ओक के वृक्षों की काली छाल कब कवि को मोड़कर /सिकोड़कर दण्डित करेगी ? )
Answer: The black oak bark will wrinkle over the poet if he does not swear to plant two oak trees when they are cut.(ओक के वृक्ष की काली छाल कवि को मोड़ सिकोड़कर दण्डित करेगी यदि वे दो पौधे लगाने का वादा नहीं करेंगे, जब कोई ओक का वृक्ष काटा जाएगा।)

Question 28. Where according to the tree-tribe, the poet born ? (वृक्षो के समूह के अनुसार कवि का जन्म कहाँ हुआ था ? )
Answer: According to the tree-tribe, the poet was born among the oaktrees. (वृक्षो के झुण्ड के अनुसार कवि का जन्म ओक के वृक्षों के मध्य हुआ था।)

Question 29. Where did the poet have his dream ? (कवि ने कहाँ स्वप्न देखा ? )
Answer: The poet had his dream beneath the bough.(कवि ने वृक्ष के डालियों के बीच स्वप्न देखा ।)

Question 30. What did the poet’s heart become ? (कवि का हृदय एक वृक्ष बन गया ।)
Answer: The poet’s heart became a tree. (कवि का हृदय एक वृक्ष बन गया ।)

Question 31. What was the effect of the dream on the poet ? (स्वप्न का कवि पर क्या प्रभाव पड़ा ? )
Answer: The dream, the poet had made him a changed person. (कवि ने जो स्वप्न देखा उसने उन्हें एक परिवर्तित व्यक्ति बना दिया ।)

Question 32. Where did the poet come back to? (कवि कहाँ वापस आए ? )
Answer: The poet came back to human company. (कवि मानवों के समाज में वापस आ गए।)

Question 33. Who changed the mind of the poet ? (कवि के मन को किसने परवर्तित कर दिया ? )
Answer: The tribe of oak-trees changed the mind of the poet.(ओक के वृक्षों के समूह ने कवि के मन को परिवर्तित कर दिया।)

Question 34. When did the poet get the company of human beings again? (कवि कब मानवों के (माज में वापस आए ?)
Answer: When did poem came out of the woods he again had the company of human beings. (जब कवि जंगल से बाहर निकले तो वे पुनः मानवों के समाज में वापस आए।)

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) Additional Textual Grammar Change Of Voice

Question 1. The dream altered me.
Answer: I was altered by the dream.

Question 2. The black oak bark will wrinkle over you.
Answer: You will be wrinkled over by the black oak bark.

Question 3. Swear now you will plant two.
Answer: It is to be sworn now that two will be planted by you.

Question 4. You do not blink an eye.
Answer: An eye is not blinked by you.

Question 5. We are torn up.
Answer: You tear us up.

Question 6. We are chopped down.
Answer: Men chop us down.

Question 7. She opened up her little bag.
Answer: Her little bag was opened by her.

Question 8. I met an old woman there.
Answer: An old woman met me there.

Question 9. I was looking for a stage.
Answer: A stage was being looked for me.

Question 10. And me tied to a stake.
Answer: And I was tied to a stake.

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) Change Of Narration

Question 1. The trees said, “We are chopped, we are torn up, you don’t blink an eye.”
Answer: The trees said that they were chopped and they were tom up. They forbade him to blink an eye.

Question 2. The poet said, “Once I crept in an oakwood I was looking for a stag.”
Answer: The poet said that once he had crept in an oakwood and had been looking for a stag.

Question 3. They said, “Unless you swear the black oak bark will wrinkle over you.”
Answer: They said that unless he swore the black oak would wrinkle over him.

Question 4. They said, “we are the oak trees and your own true family.”
Answer: They said that they were the oak trees and his own true family.

Question 5. She said, “I have your secret here inside my little bag.”
Answer: She said that she had his secret there inside her little bag.

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) Transformation Of Sentence

Question 1. Then she began to cackle and I began to quake. (Turn into a complex sentence)
Answer: Then as she began to cackle, I began to quake.

Question 2. My walk was the walk of a human child, but my heart was a tree. (Turn into a complex sentence)
Answer: Through my walk was the walk of a human child, my heart was a tree.

Question 3. I was surrounded by a staring tribe. (Turn into a complex sentence)
Answer: I was surrounded by a tribe that stared at me.

Question 4. Once I crept into an oakwood. I was looking for a stag. (Join into a simple sentence)
Answer: Once I crept into an oakwood to look for a stag.

Question 5. This was my dream beneath the boughs. (Turn into a complex sentence)
Answer: This was the dream that I dreamt beneath the boughs.

Question 6. I met an old woman there. (Turn into a complex sentence)
Answer: I met a woman there who was old.

Question 7. The opened up her little bag and I came twice awake. (Turn into a simple sentence)
Answer: With the opening up of her little bag, I came twice awake.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) – 1 Tales Of Bhola Grandpa भोला नाना की कहानी

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) – 1 Tales Of Bhola Grandpa भोला नाना की कहानी

About The Author-Manoj Das

The author of the text, Manoj Das is an internationally recognized writer. Perhaps, he is the foremost bilingual Oriya writer and a master of dramatic expression both in his English and Oriya short stories and novels. He has also written many poems, travelogues, and articles on history and culture.

He was born in a small coastal village, Shankari in the Balasore district of Odisha in 1934 and he has written columns in India’s most circulated dailies like ‘The Times of India’, ‘The Hindustan Times’, ‘The Hindu’ and ‘The Statesman’.

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Among his other important positions are the honorable Member of the General Council of ‘Sahitya Academi’ (New Delhi 1998-2002) and the Author – Consultant, Ministry of Education, Govt. of Singapore (1983- 85).

Manoj Das received recognition in the form of the ‘Sahitya Academi Award’ in 1972, ‘The Odhisa Sahitya Academi Award’ in 1965 and 1982, the Sarala Award’ in 1981, ‘The Vishuba Award’ in 1986, ‘The Sahitya Bharati Award’ in 1995, the Saraswati Samman’ in 2000 and ‘Padmashri in 2001.

He is settled as an ashramite of Shri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry since 1963. He is also an English professor at the ‘Shri Aurobindo International Center of Education, Puducherry. He is a philosopher and a thinker-writer whose works can be defined as a quest for finding the eternal truth in everyday circumstances. The great fantasy, humor, and represent different aspects of life are included in his works.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) – 1 Tales Of Bhola Grandpa

(पाठ) – 1 भोला नाना की कहानी लेखक परिचय

कहानी के लेखक, मनोज दास एक विश्व विख्यात लेखक है। संभवतः ये ही एक ऐसे द्विभाषी हैं जिन्होंने अंग्रेजी और उड़िया भाषा में लघुकथा तथा उपन्यास लेखक के रूप में ये अद्वितीय हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त भी ये कई कविताएँ, भ्रमण कहानी तथा इतिहास एवं संस्कृत से सम्बन्धित विषयों पर प्रबंध की रचना किये हैं।

इनका जन्म 1934 ई० में उड़ीसा के बालासोर जिला में समुद्री तट पर सांकारी नामक एक छोटे से गाँव में हुआ । ये भारत के विभिन्न बहु प्रचारित राष्ट्रीय पत्रिकाओं, जैसे- ‘टाइम्स ऑफ इण्डिया’, ‘दि हिन्दुस्तान टाइम्स’, ‘दि हिन्दू’ एवं ‘दि स्सेट्समैन’ आदि में नियमित अपनी लेखनी प्रस्तुत किये हैं।

इनका कुछ और भी महत्वपूर्ण पदमर्यादाएँ हैं, जिनमें उल्लेखनीय है साहित्य अकादमी के महापरिषद का सम्मानित सदस्य पद (1999-2002) तथा सिंगापुर सरकार के शिक्षा मंत्रालय के अन्तर्गत ‘ऑथर कन्सलटेंट’ का पद (1983-85)।

ये और भी जिन सम्मानों से विभूषित हुए, उनमें उल्लेखनीय है – साहित्य अकादमी पुरस्कार (1972), उड़ीसा साहित्य अकादमी पुरस्कार (1965 एवं 1982), सरला पुरस्कार (1981), विषुव पुरस्कार (1986), साहित्य भारती पुरस्कार (1995), सरस्वती सम्मान (2000), तथा पद्मश्री (2001)।

1963 ई० से ये पाण्डीचेरी के श्री अरविन्द आश्रम में एक आवासिक के रूप में रहना आरंभ किये और श्री अरविन्द अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा केन्द्र के अंग्रेजी विभाग में अध्यापक नियुक्त हुए ।

ये एक दार्शनिक एवं चिन्तनशील लेखक हैं जिनकी रचना हमें अपने जीवन में शाश्वत सत्य की खोज के रूप में विवेचित हो सकता है। इनकी रचनाओं की कल्पना तथा हास्यरस हमारे जीवन के विभिन्न दिशाओं उन्मोचित करता है।

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson – 1 Tales Of Bhola Grandpa Introduction

The present text, Tales of Bhola Grandpa’ is a series of a narrative description of the facts and experiences of Bhola Grandpa’s different phases of life.

The collection of facts begins with the protagonist’s residence, location, and condition. One of the incidents described at the very outset narrates Bhola Grandpa’s forgetful nature.

This forgetful nature makes him do unbelievable things like losing his grandson on his return journey from a festival. He has gripped his grandson’s fingers tightly lest they should be slipped out.

But forgetfulness involves other thoughts and has lost his grandson inadvertently. In his trance, he walks ahead with a tight grip over the supposed fingers of the grandson. He looks like he holds something.

When he is reminded of the fact he then only realizes that his grandson may be lost. He bursts into lamentation. Ultimately his grandson has been found in the comfortable shelter of a cow’s belly.

It is heard about Bhola Grandpa that he notices a group of pirates hiding a large box of treasures under one of the sand dunes on the seashore. Hearing this from him the narrator’s father with his friend venture to find out the hidden treasures throughout the night.

But at the very climax, Bhola Grandpa declares that there is no treasure. He confesses candidly that what he has seen all about the pirates is his reverie during his midday nap.

The most miraculous incident happens when Bhola’s Grandpa comes across a tiger chasing him on his way home from the weekly market. He instantly climbs up a nearby banyan tree to save him.

He stays upon the tree in fear and spends the night there. The next morning in his forgetfulness, he climbs down dreamily. In a calm and quiet manner, he passes the staring tiger that waits all night for its prey.

It is really incredible that nothing happens to him and he returns home sharply. In the end, it is mentioned that Bhola’s Grandpa passes away at the age of ninety-five. So, in these narrations of incidents, the reader may explore the simplicity and forgetfulness of Bhola Grandpa.

(पाठ) – 1 भोला नाना की कहानी लेखक परिचय भूमिका

‘टेल्स ऑफ भोला ग्राण्डपा’ भोला नाना के जीवन के विभिन्न अवस्थाओं की घटनायें और तजुर्बे का संग्रह है। इस की शुरुआत भोला नाना के निवास स्थान और वहाँ की परिस्थिति से होता है ।

घटनाओं में से एक उनके भुलक्कड़ स्वभाव की स्थिति का है। उनका यह स्वभाव बहुत कुछ अविश्वसनीय घटनाओं में मददगार है। जैसे एक उत्सव (मेला) से घर लौटते समय रास्ते में अपने नाती को खो बैठते हैं। लौटते समय अपने नाती के ऊँगली को जोर से पकड़े रहते हैं ताकि छिटक न जाये ।

भुलक्कड़ स्वभाव के कारण किसी अन्य चिन्ता में मग्न होकर अपने नाती की ऊँगली को छोड़ बैठते हैं और वह ओझल हो जाता है। किन्तु वे अपनी हाथ की मुट्ठी को कसकर पकड़े हुए सामने की ओर बढ़े चले जा रहे थे। उन्हें देखकर प्रतीत हुआ जैसे हाथ में कुछ पकड़े हुए हैं।

याद दिलाने पर उन्हें सब कछ स्मरण होता है और बात को जान कर अपने नाती के खो जाने की शोक में विलाप करने लगते हैं । अन्ततः उनके नाती को एक गाय की पेट के नीचे सुरक्षित एवं आरामदायक आश्रय से उद्धार किया जाता है।

ऐसा सुना जाता है कि, भोला नाना एक बार कुछ समुद्री डाकू को समुद्र तट पर बालू के नीचे कुछ गुप्तधन के एक बक्से को छुपाते हुए देखते हैं। यह सुनते ही कथाकार के पिता दल-बल लेकर सारी रात उस गुप्तधन को खोजना आरंभ करते हैं ।

किन्तु अन्तिम क्षण में भोला नाना कहते हैं कि वैसा कोई गुप्तधन नहीं है। वे चटपट स्वीकार करते हैं कि समुद्री डाकू से सम्बन्धित जो कुछ भी उन्होंने देखा है वह उनका दिवा स्वप्न है।सबसे ज्यादा अलौकिक घटना वह थी जब साप्ताहिक हाट से वापस आते समय भोला नाना को एक बाघ से सामना होता है । बाघ उन्हें देखते ही उनका पीछा करता है।

भोला नाना जी-जान दौड़ते हुए निकट के एक वरगद के पेड़ पर चढ़ बैठते हैं । डर से कांपते हुए पेड़ पर बैठे रहे और सारी रात वही पर बिताये। दूसरे दिन सुबह होते ही भुलक्कड़ मन से आँख मलते हुए पेड़ से नीचे उतरते हैं।

आस्ते आस्ते उस बाघ के बगल से जो उनकी ओर टकटकी लगाये हुए था और सारी रात उनकी शिकार के प्रतीक्षा में था, निकल आते हैं। यह सचमुच अविश्वसनीय है कि भोला नाना का कुछ भी नहीं हुआ। वे शीघ्र घर वापस आ गये।

कहानी के अन्त में उल्लेख किया गया है कि भोला नाना 95 वर्ष की उम्र में मरे। उनके मरने के बाद उनकी शोकाकुल पत्नी ने अपनी पूर्व धारणा के आधार पर बोली कि भोला नाना संभवत: नींद में श्वाँस लेना भी भूल गये थे।

अतएव, इन सबं घटनाओं के बीच पाठक भोला नाना की सरलता और उनके भुलक्कड़ स्वभाव को देख पाते हैं । ये घटनाएँ हास्य रस का माहौल बनाता है जो वस्तुतः कहानी के मूलभाव में सजीवता लाता है।

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson – 1 Tales Of Bhola Grandpa Summary

This story begins with a description of the location and condition of Bhola Grandpa’s residence where he lived with his wife. They lived together peacefully with a small gang of monkeys living on the Bokal tree by their cottage.

Bhola Grandpa’s forgetful nature is evident in the incident of losing his grandson at the time of returning from a festival.

On that occasion, he had gripped his grandson’s fingers tightly. But he could not feel it when the fingers slipped out of his tight grip. He was so involved in other thoughts that he could proceed on his journey with his grip which seemed to hold something.

When he was reminded of this fact, he burst into lamentation with the realization that his grandson might be lost. Ultimately his grandson was found.

It was heard that once Bhola’s Grandpa noticed a group of pirates hiding a large box of treasures under one of the sand dunes on the seashore.

He reported this to the narrator’s father with eagerness and they started their search operation for the hidden treasure throughout the night.

In the end, Bhola Grandpa remembered and confessed candidly that what he had seen about pirates was nothing but imagination, his daydream in his midday nap.

Again, he could easily forget all about the tiger which had chased him at the time of returning from the weekly market. Promptly he climbed up the banyan tree and spent the night there.

The next morning when other people reminded him of the tiger he could then only remember the facts of the previous night.

With the sight of the tiger, he fainted in fear and ultimately returned home sharply. So, when Bhola Grandpa passed away his bereaved wife, according to her concept of her husband’s forgetful nature, observed that he must have forgotten to take a breath at the last moment.

(पाठ) – 1 भोला नाना की कहानी लेखक परिचय सारांश

कहानी का आरंभ भोला नाना और उनकी पत्नी जहाँ रहते हैं, वहाँ की स्थिति एवं वातावरण के वर्णन से होता है । उनके साथ बन्दरों के एक छोटे समूह का शांतिपूर्ण सह- अवस्थान था जो भोला नाना के छोटी कुटिया के निकट स्थित बकूल के पेड़ पर रहते थे ।

भोला नाना के भुलक्कड़ स्वभाव का परिचय उस समय मिलता है जब वे एक बार किसी उत्सव (मेला) से वापस लौटते समय अपने नाती को खो बैठते हैं। उस वक्त वे अपने नाती की ऊँगली को कसकर पकड़े हुए थे।

किन्तु कब अनके हाथ से छिटक कर उनका नाती ओझल हो गया, इसका उन्हें अंदाज ही नहीं रहा। वे किसी अन्य सोच में इतना मग्न थे कि उन्हें आगे बढ़ते देख ऐसा प्रतीत होता था जैसे हाथ में कुछ पकड़े हुए हों। जब उनका ध्यान आकर्षित किया गया तब उन्हें अनुभव हुआ और वे जोर से रोने लगे यह जानकर कि उनका नाती ओझल हो गया है। अन्ततः उनके नाती को पाया गया ।

ऐसा भी सुना जाता है कि, एक बार भोला नाना ने कुछ समुद्री डाकुओं को समुद्र-तट पर बालू के नीचे गुप्तधन के एक बक्से को छिपाते हुए देखा था ।

प्रचंड उत्तेजित स्वर में कहानीकार के पिता को यह बात सुनाते ही कहानीकार के पिता ने अपने कुछ मित्रों के साथ सारी रात उक्त गुप्तधन की तलाश का अभियान चलाया। अन्त में भोला नाना को सब कुछ याद आते ही वे स्वीकार किये कि वे जो कुछ देखे थे वह उनका भ्रम था, दिन में देखा गया एक सपना था ।

फिर वे सहज ही भूल जाते थे उस घटना को जब वे साप्ताहिक हाट से वापस आ रहे थे तो एक बाघ कुछ ही दूरी के फासले से उनका पीछा किया था।

दौड़ कर वे एक निकट के वरगद के पेड़ पर चढ़ गये थे तथा सारी रात वहीं व्यतीत करना पड़ा था। दूसरे दिन सुबह अन्य व्यक्तियों के द्वारा बाघ के सम्बन्ध में चर्चा किये जाने पर उन्हें पिछली रात की घटना याद आता है ।

बाघ का दृश्य स्मरण होते ही वे बेहोश हो पड़ते और अन्ततः शीघ्र वापस घर चल आते हैं। अतएव, भोला नाना जब गुजर गये तो शोकमग्न उनकी पत्नी ने अपने पति के सम्बन्ध में यथार्थ ही बोली थी कि, भोला नाना अन्तिम क्षण में श्वाँस लेना ही भूल गये थे ।

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson – 1 Tales Of Bhola Grandpa Text

Bhola’s Grandpa and his wife lived at the western end of our village. A large bokal tree overshadowed their hut. In the Bokal tree lived a small troop of monkeys. Bhola’s Grandpa and his wife did not mind it. One moonlit night, we were returning from a festival.

The road was long and foggy. I was riding on the village chowkidar’s shoulders. Suddenly, Bhola’s Grandpa let out a loud wail. Everyone at our party was surprised.

We halted. Inquiry revealed that Bhola’s Grandpa had taken his grandson to the festival. He had tightly held on to the two fingers of the boy.

He did not realize when those fingers slipped out. Bhola Grandpa was continuing as before. Then someone asked Bhola’s Grandpa what he was gripping. He remembered his grandson and let out a loud wail.

My father chose two sharp-eyed men from our party to go back with Bhola Grandpa to the festival. The grandson was found before long. He had taken a cozy shelter under a cow’s belly.

Lesson – 1 Tales Of Bhola Grandpa Word-Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Overshadowed : उपर से छाया डालना ।
  2. Bokal: बकूल ।
  3. Troop : समूह |
  4. Moonlit: चांदनी ।
  5. Festival : उत्सव (मेला) |
  6. Foggy : कुहासाछन्न |
  7. Loud: ऊँची आवाज में |
  8. Wail : आर्तनाद करना
  9. Surprised : विस्मयकारी |
  10. Halted: चलते-चलते रुक जाना ।
  11. Enquiry: अनुसंधान
  12. Revealed: प्रकट किया था।
  13. Realize : उपलब्धि करना
  14. Slipped:  फिसल गया था।
  15. Gripping: पकड़ कर रखना ।
  16. Remembered: याद रखा था |
  17. Sharp: तीक्ष्ण
  18. Grandson : नाती।
  19. Cosy: आरामदायक |
  20. Shelter: आश्रय
  21. Belly: उदर (पेट)।

(पाठ) – 1 भोला नाना की कहानी लेखक परिचय हिन्दी अनुवाद

भोला नाना और उनकी पत्नी हमारे गाँव के पश्चिमी भाग में रहते थे। उनकी कुटिया के ऊपरी भाग को एक बड़े बकूल के पेड़ की डाली और पत्तियों से ढँक रखा था। बकूल के पेड़ पर बन्दरों का एक छोटा समूह रहता था। भोला नाना और उनकी पत्नी को इससे कोई असुविधा नहीं था ।

एक चाँदनी रात में, हमलोग एक उत्सव (मेला) से वापस आ रहे थे। पथ लंबी और कुहासाछन्न था। मैं गाँव के चौकीदार के कंधे पर बैठा आ रहा था। अकस्मात भोला नाना ऊँची आवाज में चिल्लाये ।

हमारे समूह के सभी लोग आश्चर्यचकित हुए । हमलोग रुके। अनुसंधान करने पर पता चला कि भोला नाना उत्सव में अपने नाती को साथ लेकर गये थे।

वे लड़के की दो ऊँगलियाँ सख्ती से पकड़ रखे थे। फिर भी वे समझ ही नहीं सके कि कब वह ऊँगली से फिसल गया है । भोला नाना पहले की भांति ही मुट्ठी बांधे आगे बढ़े चले जा रहे थे। बाद में किसी ने भोला नाना से जानना चाहा कि वे क्या पकड़े हुए हैं। तब उन्हें अपने नाती का ध्यान आया और वे चिल्लाने लगे ।

मेरे पिताजी हमारे समूह से दो तीक्ष्ण दृष्टि रखने वाले लोगों को साथ लेकर भोला नाना के साथ उत्सव में जाने के लिए वापस हुए। उत्सव स्थल के बहुत पहले ही नाती को सुरक्षित पाया गया । वह एक गाय के पेट के नीचे आरामदायक आश्रय में था

Class 9 English BlissLesson – 1 Tales Of Bhola Grandpa Text

I remember another funny incident about Bhola Grandpa related to my father. It had been a rainy afternoon. Bhola Grandpa, wild with excitement, told my father and his friends that he had seen a gang of pirates.

They were burying a large box under one of the sand dunes on the seashore by our village. At once father and his friends started looking for the hidden treasure.

The evening passed on tonight. Moonlight came in through the clouds. A pack of jackals was howling. It was past midnight. At this point in time, Bhola’s Grandpa confessed that there was no real treasure. It was all a dream which he had during his midday nap.

Once Bhola’s Grandpa had a great adventure in the Sunderbans. In those days Royal Bengal tigers freely roamed the dense jungles of the Sunderbans. People took care to move about only in groups, particularly after sundown.

(पाठ) – 1 भोला नाना की कहानी लेखक परिचय  Word Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Funny: मजा ।
  2. Incident: घटना |
  3. Related : संबंधित।
  4. Excitement: उत्तेजना
  5. Pirates: समुद्री डाकू I
  6. Burying : गाड़ना।
  7. Seashore: समुद्र तट
  8. Hidden: छुपाना
  9. Treasure: धन ।
  10. Jackals: लोमड़ी I
  11. Howling : गुर्राना (झौंकना) ।
  12. Confessed: स्वीकार करना
  13. Roamed : भटकना |
  14. Dense: घना
  15. Sundown : सूर्यास्त
  16. Dream: सपना ।
  17. Nap: क्षण भर की निद्रा ।

(पाठ) – 1 भोला नाना की कहानी लेखक परिचय हिन्दी अनुवाद pain

भोला नाना के सम्बन्ध में एक और मजेदार घटना हमें याद आ रहा है जो मेरे पिताजी से संबंधित है। वह था एक बरसात की शाम । भोला नाना उत्तेजित होकर मेरे पिताजी और उनके मित्रों से कहा था कि, वे समुद्री डाकुओं के एक समूह को देखा है।

वे गाँव के बगल में समुद्र तट पर बालू के ढेर के नीचे एक बड़ा बक्सा छुपा रहा था। तभी पिताजी और उनके मित्रों ने उस छुपाये हुए धन को खोजना आरंभ किये। शाम से रात हो गई। बादलों के बीच से चांदनी बिखर पड़ी।

लोमड़ियों का समूह गुर्रा (भौंक) रहा था। आधी रात गुजर गया। ठीक इसी वक्त, भोला नाना ने स्वीकार किया कि वहाँ दरअसल कोई धन नहीं है। यह था उनका दिन की निद्रा में देखा हुआ एक सपना ।

एक बार भोला नाना सुन्दरवन की यात्रा किये। उस समय सुन्दरवन के घने जंगल में रॉयल बंगाल बाघ इधर-उधर घूमता रहता ता, भटकता फिरता था। लोग सावधानी से झुंड बनाकर घूमते-फिरते थे, विशेषकर सूर्यास्त के बाद ।

Lesson – 1 Tales Of Bhola Grandpa  Text

One evening, Bhola’s Grandpa was returning from the weekly market. Suddenly, at a distance of about five yards behind him, he heard the growl of a Royal Bengal tiger. Bhola’s Grandpa turned and found the bright gaze of the tiger on his face.

Bhola Grandpa instantly climbed up a nearby banyan tree. The tiger roared and circled the tree about a hundred times. Then it settled down under a bush without taking its eyes off him.

With nightfall, the forest grew dark and silent. Bhola’s Grandpa could hear the tiger beating its tail on the dry leaves. Hours passed.

(पाठ) – 1 भोला नाना की कहानी लेखक परिचय Word-Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Weekly : साप्ताहिक |
  2. Distance: दूरी
  3. Yards:  गज
  4. Growl : गर्जन
  5. Gaze : दृष्टि
  6. Instantly : तत्काल ही ।
  7. Nearby : निकटस्थ
  8. Banyan: वरगद ।
  9. Roared: गरजना
  10. Settled: बैठ जाना।
  11. Bush : झाड़ी
  12. Nightfall:  संध्या
  13. Beating:  मारना ।

(पाठ) – 1 भोला नाना की कहानी लेखक परिचय हिन्दी अनुवाद inova

एक दिन शाम में, भोला नाना साप्ताहिक हाट से वापस आ रहे थे। अकस्मात ही अपने पीछे पाँच गज की दूरी से वे रॉयल बंगाल बाघ की गर्जन सुने ।

भोला नाना पीछे मुड़े और देखा कि बाघ की आग जैसी आँखें उनके मुँह पर पड़ा है। भोला नाना तभी निकट के एक वरगद के पेड़ पर चढ़ बैठे। बाघ गरजता हुआ पेड़ के चारों तरफ सौ चक्कर लगाया। उसके बाद उसने भोला नाना पर नजर टिकाये हुए एक झाड़ी के नीचे बैठ गया।

शाम होते ही जंगल अन्धकार और निस्तब्ध हो गया। भोला नाना सूखे पत्तों पर बाघ की पूँछ के पटकने की आवाज सुन पा रहे थे। इसी प्रकार घंटों बीत गये।

Lesson – 1 Tales Of Bhola Grandpa Text

Dawn broke with the cooing of doves. Bhola’s Grandpa came down. There was a group of men on a mound a little away. Bhola Grandpa climbed the mound and requested the first man he saw for some water to drink.

The man had seen the tiger waiting. He was much bewildered. “What is your secret that you simply walked past the hungry beast and it did nothing?” he asked Bhola Grandpa.

7 The tiger was stretching its limbs and yawning. Then, Bhola’s Grandpa remembered the tiger and looked at it. Bhola’s Grandpa almost lost his senses in fear.

He ran back home. Half a century later, Bhola Granpa left us forever one morning at the age of ninety-five. His eighty-year-old wife lamented much. She said with a sigh, “The old man must have forgotten to breathe.”

(पाठ) – 1 भोला नाना की कहानी लेखक परिचय  Word Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Dawn : प्रात: / ऊषा |
  2. Cooing : कू-कू करना ।
  3. Doves : कबूतर जैसा एक पक्षी ।
  4. Mound: छोटा पठार या टीला ।
  5. Secret: गुप्त
  6. Beast: जन्तु ।
  7. Stretching: बिखड़ा हुआ
  8. Limbs: पेशी/पाँव |
  9. Yawning : जम्हाई लेना।
  10. Senses: सचेतनता ।
  11. Century: सौ शतक
  12. Forever : हमेशा के लिए |
  13. Lamented: दुःख
  14. Leghel : (E).Ena पाना / विलाप करना |
  15. Sigh: लंबी निःश्वास।
  16. Breathe : श्वाँस लेना ।

(पाठ) – 1 भोला नाना की कहानी लेखक परिचय  हिन्दी अनुवाद

कबूतर जैसी एक पक्षी की आवाज से सुबह हुआ और भोला नाना नीचे उतर आये। कुछ दूरी पर एक छोटी टीला के ऊपर कुछ लोग बैठे थे । भोला नाना टीले पर आये और सर्वप्रथम जिस व्यक्ति को देखा, उससे वे थोड़ा पीने की पानी मांगा। वह व्यक्ति बाघ को इन्तजार करते देखा था। वह व्यक्ति आश्चर्यचकित हुआ।

उसने भोला नाना से पूछा कि, “आपमें क्या रहस्य है कि एक भूखे जन्तु के बगल से आप चले आये और उसने कुछ नहीं किया ।” बाघ अपनी पाँव फैला रखा था और जम्हाई ले रहा था।

इसके बाद भोला नाना को बाघ की बात याद आया और उसकी ओर देखा । भय से भोला नाना प्रायः अचेतन-सा हो पड़े थे। दौड़ते हुए वे घर वापस आये

प्रायः पचास वर्ष बाद, एक दिन सुबह पचानब्बै वर्ष की आयु में भोला नाना हमलोगों को छोड़कर हमेशा के लिए चल बसे । उनकी अस्सी वर्ष की पत्नी बहुत ही रोयी। वह एक दीर्घ निःश्वाँस लेते हुए बोली, “बुड्ढा निश्चय ही श्वाँस लेना भूल गया होगा ।”

(पाठ) – 1 भोला नाना की कहानी लेखक परिचय  Word Nest (शब्द नीड़)

Sand dunes small hills of sand formed by the wind : वायु से निर्मित बालू का छोटा-छोटा टीला; बालुका स्तूप) ।
Bewildered confused: (व्याकुल होना, विभान्त) ।

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson – 1 Tales Of Bhola Grandpa Textual Questions (पाठ्याधारित प्रश्न) Exercise (अभ्यास) – 1

Tick the correct answer from the given alternatives:

1. In the Bokal tree there lived-

  1. Crows
  2. Monkeys
  3. Tigers
  4. Sparrows

Answer: 2. monkeys

2. On the way back from the festival, Bhola Grandpa tightly held on to the two fingers of his –

  1. Son
  2. Cousin
  3. Grandson
  4. Nephew

Answer: 3. Grandson

3. A gang of pirates was burying a-

  1. Large Box
  2. Small Box
  3. Large Bag
  4. Small Bag

Answer: 2. Large box

4. Bhola’s Grandpa was returning from the –

  1. Yearly Market
  2. Monthly Market
  3. Daily Market
  4. Weekly Market

Answer: weekly market

5. Bhola’s Grandpa died at the age of –

  1. Eighty-Five
  2. Ninety-Five
  3. Fifty-Five
  4. Seventy-Five

Answer: Ninety-five

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson – 1 Tales Of Bhola Grandpa Exercise (अभ्यास) – 2

Answer the following questions within fifteen words:

Question 1. When did Bhola’s Grandpa let out a loud wail?
Answer: Remembering his grandson who unknowingly slipped out of his grip, Bhola Grandpa let out a loud wail.

Question 2. Where had the grandson found a cozy shelter?
Answer: The grandson had been found to take a cozy shelter under a cow’s belly.

Question 3. What request did Bhola Grandpa make to the first man he saw on the mound?
Answer: Bhlola’s Grandpa requested the first man he saw on the mound to give him water to drink.

Question 4. How old was Bhola Grandpa’s wife when he died?
Answer: When Bhola Grandpa died at the age of ninety-five, his wife was eight years old.

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson – 1 Tales Of Bhola Grandpa Exercise (अभ्यास) – 3

Answer The Following Questions Within Twenty-Five Words:

Question 1. Why was no real treasure found under the sand dunes?
Answer: No real treasure was found under the sand dunes as Bhola Grandpa confessed
candidly that during his midday nap, he saw in his reverie the pirates burying it.

Question 2. What did the tiger do after Bhola Grandpa had climbed up the banyan tree?
Answer: On noticing the tiger behind him, when Bhola Grandpa climbed up the banyan tree, the tiger followed him by roaring and circling the tree several times.

Question 3. What was the reason for Bhola Grandpa’s death according to his wife?
Answer: According to Bhola Grandpa’s wife, her husband died as he must have forgotten to breathe for his forgetful nature. She knew him quite well throughout her life.

Grammar in use:

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson – 1 Tales Of Bhola Grandpa Exercise (अभ्यास) – 4

Change The Mode Of Narration Of The Following Sentences:

Question 1. Bulbuli said to his friend, “Will you come tomorrow?”
Answer: Bulbuli asked her friend if/whether/ he/she would go the next day.

Question 2. Paulami says, “I am fine.”
Answer: Paulami says that she is fine.

Question 3. The teacher said to the students, “Keep quiet.”
Answer: The teacher ordered the students to keep quiet. of oorlo

Question 4. My mother said to me, “May your dreams come true.”
Answer: My mother prayed/wished that my dreams might come true grab art to news

Question 5. The students said, “Sir, please allow us to play in the field.” im bonus laud
Answer: The students requested their sir to allow them to play on the field.

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson – 1 Tales Of Bhola Grandpa Exercise (अभ्यास) – 5

In each of the sentences of the following passage, some articles and prepositions are used in an incorrect manner. Underline them and replace them with the appropriate ones:

Question 1. On a winter night, I was aboard a boat. It was a moonlit night full of stars. The boat was anchored up a great river. I was thrilled to see the beauty of nature.

Answer: On a winter night I was aboard a boat. It was a moonlit night full of stars. The boat was anchored to a great river. I was thrilled to see the beauty of nature.


Class 9 English Bliss Lesson – 1 Tales Of Bhola Grandpa  Exercise (अभ्यास) – 6

Write A Dialogue Within 100 Words On The Need To Ban The Use Of Animals Like Tigers And Lions As Circus Attractions:

Hints: wild animals decreasing – ill-treatment to animals in circuses – a criminal offense -laws against the such need to be humane to animals.


Rahul: Rakesh! nice to meet you.
Rakesh: Are you from a circus show?
Rahul: Well guessed. Have you been to the circus?
Rakesh: Yes, it’s really amazing. But one thing hurts me.
Rahul: Really, What’s that?
Rakesh: The caged tigers and the lions. Even they are made to jump through fire!
Rahul: Right you’re! It’s painful! They are fallen victim to ruthless torture, negligence, and malnutrition.
Rakesh: They show their tricks with life risk.
Rahul: There are laws to protect wild animals. But the corrupt circus owners manage everything.
Rakesh: The government should be more stringent and vigilant.
Rahul: I think so! And public voice should be raised against this nexus. Absolutely! Oh, I have to leave to attend a tuition class!
Rahul: Ok! See you!
Rakesh: Ok! Bye!

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson – 1 Tales Of Bhola Grandpa Exercise (अभ्यास) 7

Write A Story Within 100 Words Using The Given Hints.

Question Give a title to the story: Hints: returning from an educational excursion by bus-night journey-sudden breakdown – tires punctured-had to wait for two hours at a lonely place – tires fixed-back home.


A Horrible Bus Journey

The excursion of our school to Bishnupur was over, we started returning on the third afternoon. We had to cross a notorious jungle famous for dacoity, snatching, etc.

Being aware of the danger, the driver of our bus picked up speed. Suddenly, we were startled by a bursting sound midway in the dark jungle. Two tires of our bus were punctured. We got down and kept on shivering in fear and praying to God for about two hours.

Though they shuddered, our teachers guarded us. Time seemed unmoved. However, the tires were refixed and the bus sped on. Our suspense and tension got over. Anyway, we reached our homes safely at daybreak. The horror of the journey haunts me still.

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson – 1 Tales Of Bhola Grandpa Additional Textual Questions & Answers.

Tick The Correct Answer From The Given Alternatives:

Question 1. Bhola’s Grandpa lost his grandson while returning from

  1. Function
  2. Marriage Party
  3. Fair
  4. Festival

Answer: 4. Festival

Question 2. Bhola Grandpa faced a Royal Bengal tiger as close as-

  1. A Mile
  2. Three Feet
  3. Five Yards
  4. Five Miles

Answer: 4. five yards

Question 3. Finding the tiger too close to him, Bhola’s Grandpa

  1. Ran In Fear
  2. Climbed Up A Tree
  3. Became Extremely Nervous
  4. Sat down in frustration

Answer: 2. Climbed up a tree

Question 4. Bhola Grandpa’s wife was years old when Grandpa died

  1. Eighty-Five
  2. Eighty-One
  3. Eighty
  4. Eighty-Nine

Answer: 3. Eighty

Question 5. The storyteller was riding on

  1. A horse
  2. A motorcycle
  3. A donkey
  4. A village chowkidar’s shoulders

Answer: 4. A village chowkidar’s shoulders

Question 6. All of a sudden Bhola’s Grandpa let out

  1. A Healthy Laugh
  2. A Loud Wail
  3. A Shout
  4. A Cry

Answer: 1. A Loud Wail

Question 7. With nightfall, the forest gradually became

  1. Bright And Vibrant
  2. Dark And Silent
  3. Calm And Quiet
  4. Cool And Mysterious

Answer: 2. Dark And Silent

Question 8. Bhola’s Grandpa admitted that there was no real treasure

  1. In The Afternoon
  2. At Past Night
  3. In The Evening
  4. At Noon

Answer: 2. At Past Night

Question 9. Seeing the gang of pirates Bhola Grandpa became

  1. Cool
  2. Amused
  3. Angry
  4. Very Much Excited

Answer: 4. Very Much Excited

Question 10. The treasure was

  1. Hidden
  2. In The Wardrobe
  3. In The Bag
  4. Not Hidden

Answer: 1. Hidden

Question 11. Bhola Grandpa was

  1. Laughing
  2. Mourning
  3. Taunting
  4. Smiling

Answer: 3. Mourning

Question 12. How many people accompanied Grandpa in his search?

  1. One
  2. Four
  3. Three
  4. Two

Answer: 4. Two

Question 13. In earlier days people traveled in the Sundarbans after

  1. Alone
  2. In Groups
  3. With Weapons
  4. None Of These

Answer: 2. In groups

Question 14. The growl was of a

  1. Lion
  2. Dog
  3. Royal Bengal Tiger
  4. Fox

Answer: 2. Royal Bengal Tiger

Question 15. Bhola’s Grandpa requested the first man on the mound for

  1. Drinking Water
  2. Food
  3. Shelter
  4. Weapon To Kill Tiger

Answer: 1. Drinking water

Question 16. The night referred to as

  1. Dark
  2. Moonlit
  3. Semi-Dark
  4. Star-Studded

Answer: 2. Moonlit

Question 17. The road was

  1. Long
  2. Short And Foggy
  3. Long And Foggy
  4. Foggy

Answer: 4. Foggy

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson – 1 Tales Of Bhola Grandpa Answer The Following Questions Within Fifteen Words

Question 1. When did Bhola’s Grandpa let out a loud wail?
Answer: When Bhola’s Grandpa lost his grandson he let out a loud wail.

Question 2. Where did Bhola Grandpa live with his wife?
Answer: They lived in the western part of the narrator’s village.

Question 3. What overshadowed Bhola Grandpa’s hut?
Answer: A large bokal tree overshadowed Bhola Grandpa’s hut.

Question 4. Who buried the treasure in the sand dunes?
Answer: A gang of pirates buried the treasure in the sand dunes.

Question 5. Who roamed freely in the jungles of the Sunderbans?
Answer: Royal Bengal tigers roamed freely in the jungles of the Sunderbans.

Question 6. What did Bhola’s Grandpa do when he saw the tiger?
Answer: Bhola’s Grandpa saw the tiger, and he instantly climbed up a nearby banyan tree.

Question 7. At what age, Bhola Grandpa left us forever?
Answer: Bhola’s Grandpa left us forever at the age of ninety-five.

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson – 1 Tales Of Bhola Grandpa Answer The Following Questions Within Twenty-Five Words

Question 1. What did the people usually do to protect themselves from Royal Bengal tigers?
Answer: To protect themselves from Royal Bengal tigers, the people took care to move about only in groups, particularly after sundown.

Question 2. What did Bhola Grandpa dream in the midday nap?
Answer: In the midday nap Bhola Grandpa dreamt of a gang of pirates who were burying a large box under one of the sand dunes on the seashore by their village.

Question 3. “The old man must have forgotten to breathe”- What does Bhola Grandpa’s wife
mean to say here?
Answer: Bhola Grandpa’s wife means to say that Bhola Grandpa was so forgetful about everything that even in case of breathing he might be forgetful. So he died.

Question 4. What light does the tale of pirates throw on Bhola Grandpa’s nature?
Answer: Bhola’s Grandpa was a man of fanciful imagination. He could not remember whether he saw the pirates in a dream or in reality.

Question 5. What did Bhola’s Grandpa tell the narrator’s father on a rainy afternoon?
Answer: Bhola’s Grandpa told the narrator’s father that he had seen a group of pirates hiding a large box under a sand dune.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) – 2  All About A Dog एक कुत्ते की कहानी

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) – 2  All About A Dog एक कुत्ते की कहानी

About The Author-Alfred George Gardiner

Born in Chelmsford in 1865, Alfred George Gardiner was a British journalist and author. As a boy, he worked at the ‘Chelmsford Chronicle’ and the ‘Bournemouth Directory. He joined the ‘Northern Daily Telegraphy’ in 1887.

In 1899 he was appointed the Editor of the ‘Black burn Weekly Telegraph. From 1915 he contributed to ‘The Star’ under the pen-name ‘Alpha of the Plough’.

His essays are highly regarded for their uniformly elegant, graceful and humorous style. Gardiner’s uniqueness lay in his ability to teach the basic truths of life in an easy and amusing manner.

Read and Learn More WBBSE Solutions for Class 9 English Bliss

The Pillars of Society, ‘Pebbles on the Shore’, ‘Many Furrows’ and ‘’Leaves in the Wind’ are some of his well-known writings.

To the general people, Gardiner is known more as an author than a journalist. He excelled in ‘pen-portraits’ of eminent personages, which he gathered together between the covers of several books like

‘The War Lords, ‘Prophets, Priests and Kings’ and ‘Certain People of Importance.’ On March 3, 1946, this versatile writer died at his home, The Spinnery white leaf Princes Risborough’, Buckinghamshire.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) – 2 All About A Dog

Class 9 English Bliss (पाठ) – 2 एक कुत्ते की कहानी लेखक परिचय

1865 ई० में चेम्सफोर्ड में जन्मग्रहण करने वाले अल्फ्रेड जार्ज गार्डिनार एक ब्रिटिश संवाददाता और लेखक थे। बाल्यावस्था में ही वे ‘चेम्सफोर्ड क्रनिकल’ तथा ‘बोर्नमाउथ डायरेक्टरी’ में कार्य किये। उसके बाद 1887 ई० में ‘नादर्न ‘डेली टेलीग्राफ’ में नियुक्त हुए। 1899 ई० में ‘ब्लैक बर्न विकली टेलीग्राफ’ पत्रिका का सम्पादक के रूप में नियुक्त हुए।

1915 ई० से ये ‘अल्फा ऑफ दि प्लाऊ’ छद्मनाम से ‘दि स्टार’ में लिखना आरंभ किये। इनकी रचनाएँ सम्यक रूप से स्पष्ट रुचिमय तथा हास्यरस से भरपूर है। सहज एवं सुलेखनी के माध्यम से जीवन की गूढ़ सच्चाई को प्रकट करने की दक्षता में ही इनकी विशेषता निहित है ।

इनकी विख्यात रचनाओं में कुछ उल्लेखनीय हैं- ‘दि पिलर्स ऑफ सोसाइटी’, ‘पेबल्स ऑन द शोर’, ‘मेनी फारोज’ तथा ‘लिव्स इन द विन्ड’ आदि। आम लोगों में गार्डिनार एक संवाददाता से कहीं अधिक एक लेखक के रूप में परिचित हैं।

ये अपनी उत्कर्षता का परिचय दिये हैं विख्यात व्यक्तिवर्गों के चरित्र चित्रांकन में जिसे वे कुछ ग्रंथों में संग्रह करके रख गये हैं, जैसे- ‘द वार लर्डस्’, ‘प्रफेट्स प्रिस्ट्स एण्ड किंस’ तथा ‘सरटेन पिपुल ऑफ इम्परटान्स’ |

3 मार्च, 1946 ई० को इस बहुमुखी रचनाकार का देहांत उनके वासस्थान बाकिंमशायर के ‘द स्पिनरी ह्वाइट लिफ प्रिंसेस रिजवरो’ में हो गया ।

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-2 All About A Dog Introduction

The present essay, All About a Dog begins with the description of a bus journey on a chilly wintry night. The Journey got into trouble. A lady carrying her pet dog boarded the bus with companions.

The bus conductor taking their fare watched the dog. To carry a dog on a bus was against the accepted rule. So, he objected and ordered her to remove the dog from the bus.

The lady requested him to consider her matter and exempt her. the stubborn conductor stuck to his decision and ordered her to go to the top of the bus with the dog. At such inhuman behaviour and strange attitude of the conductor, the passengers became furious and burst into vehement protest.

They demanded t fares back when the bus stopped as he announced the bus would not move until the dog was removed. But the demand was turned down by the conductor.

When the agitation against the conductor was going on some passengers were found to get down from the bus to walk on to reach their destinations.

The policeman appeared there, but performed his duty casually and replied to the passenger’s inquiry demands perfunctorily. With other constables, he just watched the drama without paying any heed to the public demand.

The lady had to go to the top of the with her dog. Ignoring the trenchant criticism of the bus passengers, the bus conductor remained obstinate, nonchalant and triumphant.

After the lady yielded, the bus started moving on. But it stopped again soon. This time for the trouble of its engine. So, the driver and the conductor rushed to attend and they were engaged in mending it. In the meantime, taking the opportunity of this situation, the lady came down stealthily to enter the bus once again.

When the problem with the engine was recovered after its repair work, the bus was about to start. But virtually the conductor’s gaze fell on the dog again and there and then he pulled the bell rope to stop the bus. Strife and hot altercation started again.

Finally, the lady decided to go to the top of the bus with her dog and the conductor remained firm in his decision. At this time, as the bus began to move, it was getting almost empty.

Only the author remained yet as the last passenger. When the conductor came to him to justify his stance, the author told that all rules are not so important that they need to be followed rigidly.

The rules should be protected, following their spirit, not their application only. The author’s parting words seemed to convince the conductor who wished him modestly a good night in the end.

(पाठ) – 2 एक कुत्ते की कहानी भूमिका

प्रस्तुत निबंध “आल एबाउट ए डॉग’ का आरंभ कंपकपाती शरद्काल की एक रात में एक बस यात्रा के वर्णन से होता है । बस में कुछ समस्या उपस्थित हुआ। एक कुत्ते को लेकर एक महिला कुछ साथियों के साथ बस में सवार होती है ।

बस का कन्डक्टर उनसे किराया लेते समय कुत्ते को देखता है । आपत्ति करते हुए उसने कुत्ते को बस से उतार देने का आदेश देता है ।

महिला ने उससे आपनी असुविधा की बात का विचार करते हुए उसे छोड़ देने की आवेदन करती । किन्तु जिद्दी बस कन्डक्टर अपने निर्णय पर अटल रहते हुए उसे बस के छत पर जाने का निर्देश देता है। बस कन्डक्टर के इस अमानवीय तथा अद्भुत आचरण से क्षुब्ध होकर बस के सभी यात्री तीव्र प्रतिवाद करते हैं । कन्डक्टर है

ने घोषणा किया कि जब तक कुत्ते को नहीं हटाया जाता है, बस आगे नहीं बढ़ेगी। ऐसे में यात्रीगण अपना किराया वापस करने की मांग करते हैं । किन्तु उसने उसी समय उनकी मांग को अस्वीकार कर देता है ।

Class 9 English BlissLesson-2 All About A Dog Introduction

The present essay, All About a Dog begins with the description of a bus journey on a chilly wintry night. The Journey got into trouble. A lady carrying her pet dog boarded the bus with companions. The bus conductor taking their fare watched the dog.

To carry a dog on a bus was against the accepted rule. So, he objected and ordered her to remove the dog from the bus. The lady requested him to consider her matter and exempt her. the stubborn conductor stuck to his decision and ordered her to go to the top of the bus with the dog.

At such inhuman behaviour and strange attitude of the conductor, the passengers became furious and burst into vehement protest. They demanded t fares back when the bus stopped as he announced the bus would not move until the dog was removed. But the demand was turned down by the conductor.

When the agitation against the conductor was going on some passengers were found to get down from the bus to walk on to reach their destinations.

The policeman appeared there, but performed his duty casually and replied to the passenger’s inquiry demands perfunctorily. With other constables, he just watched the drama without paying any heed to the public demand. The lady had to go to the top of the with her dog.

Ignoring the trenchant criticism of the bus passengers, the bus conductor remained obstinate, nonchalant and triumphant.

After the lady yielded, the bus started moving on. But it stopped again soon. This time for the trouble of its engine. So, the driver and the conductor rushed to attend and they were engaged in mending it.

In the meantime, taking the opportunity of this situation, the lady came down stealthily to enter the bus once again. When the problem with the engine was recovered after its repair work, the bus was about to start.

But virtually the conductor’s gaze fell on the dog again and there and then he pulled the bell rope to stop the bus. Strife and hot altercation started again. Finally, the lady decided to go to the top of the bus with her dog and the conductor remained firm in his decision.

At this time, as the bus began to move, it was getting almost empty. Only the author remained yet as the last passenger. When the conductor came to him to justify his stance, the author told that all rules are not so important that they need to be followed rigidly.

The rules should be protected, following their spirit, not their application only. The author’s parting words seemed to convince the conductor who wished him modestly a good night in the end.

(पाठ) – 2 एक कुत्ते की कहानी भूमिका

प्रस्तुत निबंध “आल एबाउट ए डॉग’ का आरंभ कंपकपाती शरद्काल की एक रात में एक बस यात्रा के वर्णन से होता है । बस में कुछ समस्या उपस्थित हुआ। एक कुत्ते को लेकर एक महिला कुछ साथियों के साथ बस में सवार होती है । बस का कन्डक्टर उनसे किराया लेते समय कुत्ते को देखता है । आपत्ति करते हुए उसने कुत्ते को बस से उतार देने का आदेश देता है ।

महिला ने उससे आपनी असुविधा की बात का विचार करते हुए उसे छोड़ देने की आवेदन करती । किन्तु जिद्दी बस कन्डक्टर अपने निर्णय पर अटल रहते हुए उसे बस के छत पर जाने का निर्देश देता है। बस कन्डक्टर के इस अमानवीय तथा अद्भुत आचरण से क्षुब्ध होकर बस के सभी यात्री तीव्र प्रतिवाद करते हैं । कन्डक्टर है ।

ने घोषणा किया कि जब तक कुत्ते को नहीं हटाया जाता है, बस आगे नहीं बढ़ेगी। ऐसे में यात्रीगण अपना किराया वापस करने की मांग करते हैं । किन्तु उसने उसी समय उनकी मांग को अस्वीकार कर देता है ।

15 जब कन्डक्टर के खिलाफ विक्षोभ चल रहा था तब कुछ यात्री बस से उतर गये और अपने गन्तव्यस्थल की ओर पैदल ही चल पड़े। पुलिस आया, गैर-जिम्मेदारानापूर्ण अपनी कुछ भूमिका अदा किया, यात्रियों के प्रश्नों को उपेक्षा किया और चलता बना ।

उपस्थित अन्य कांसटेवल भी नाटक ही देखते रहे और लोगों की मांगे, असुविधाओं के प्रति कुछ भी सुनवाई नहीं किये ।

विवश होकर वह महिला कुत्ते को साथ लेकर बस के छत पर चली गई। यात्रियों के तीव्र समालोचना का उपेक्षा करते हुए बस कंडक्टर जिद्दी, लापरवाह और विजयी मनोभाव सा दिखता था ।

महिला को मान लेने पर बस आगे बढ़ना आरंभ किया। किन्तु शीघ्र ही वह पुनः रुक गया। इस समय समस्या इंजिन की थी। ड्राइवर तथा कांडक्टर उसे देखने के लिए नीचे उतर पड़े और मरम्मती के कार्य में व्यस्त हो गये।

मौके का फायदा उठाकर महिला चुपचाप छत से उतर कर बस में पुनः प्रवेश कर गई। इंजिन की मरम्मती के बाद बस चलना आरंभ किया, किन्तु दुर्भाग्यवश कंडक्टर की नजर पुनः उस कुत्ते पर पड़ा।

साथ ही साथ उसने घंटी बजाकर बस को रोक दिया। तर्क-वितर्क आरंभ हो गया। अंत में महिला बस के छत पर जाने की निर्णय ली क्योंकि कंडक्टर अपने जिद्द पर अड़ा हुआ था ।

इतने में चलता हुआ बस धीरे-धीरे खाली होना शुरू हुआ। अन्तिम यात्री के रूप में लेखक उस समय भी बस में मौजूद थे। लेखक के निकट आकर जब कंडक्टर अपने निर्णय की सफाई देने लगा तो लेखक ने उससे कहा कि कोई भी कानून इतना महत्वपूर्ण नहीं होता कि उसे कठोरता से अनुसरण की जाय।

कानून की रक्षा इसके मूलभाव के अनुसरण से की जाती है, सिर्फ इसके कठोर प्रयोग के माध्यम से नहीं। लेखक के जाते समय की बातें कंडक्टर के मन में गंभीरता से रेखापात किया था और अंत में उसने लेखक को शुभरात्रि कहकर संबोधित किया था ।

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-2 All About A Dog Summary

Every rule aims at increasing people’s convenience and removing their inconveniences. So, rules are framed for the comfort and convenience of the people. This is the spirit of a rule. While going to apply a rule, we must see to it that its application brings comfort and ease to people.

Sometimes it may so happen that a rule’s rigid application causes trouble to people. All rules are not so important that they need to be followed rigidly. The rule about carrying a dog inside a bus is such a rule. It is a discretion in the hands of the conductor to be exercised in an emergency.

If the situation does not demand its application, it can be ignored. It was a cold wintry night. The passengers were all eager to reach home early. The young lady carrying the little dog was suffering from a cold and cough.

The other passengers on the bus did not object to the lady’s carrying the dog in their midst. Rather they sympathised with the lady and her dog.

Considering all these aspects of the situation, the bus conductor could have easily ignored the rule cunningly and allowed the lady with her dog to sit among the other passengers. But he adamantly stuck to his rule and ordered the lady to go on top.

When the lady refused to do so, the conductor stopped the bus. He threatened that the bus would not move until the lady took the dog out.

The lady offered to give her name and address so that action might be taken against her. But the conductor would not be ‘satisfied with that. The passengers savagely criticized his misconduct. But he remained indifferent. As a result of his attitude, the passengers had to suffer a lot.

Some of them even left the bus and started on foot. Thus, this type of rigid application of the rule by the conductor not only caused immense trouble to all the passengers of the bus but also violated the true spirit of the rule.

(पाठ) – 2 एक कुत्ते की कहानी सारांश

कानून की रचना आम लोगों के सुख-सुविधा के दृष्टिकोण से किया जाता है। किसी भी कानून का उद्देश्य होता है लोगों की असुविधाओं को दूर कर सुविधाओं को बढ़ाना।

यही कानून का मूलभाव है। जब हमलोग किसी भी कानून का प्रयोग करते है तो हमें देखना चाहिए कि इसका प्रयोग लोगों को आराम तथा सुविधा प्रदान करता है या नहीं। कभी- कभी कानून का कठोर प्रयोग लोगों के असुविधा का कारण हो जाता है। कोई भी कठोरता से प्रयोग किये जाने के लिए महत्वपूर्ण नहीं है।

बस में कुत्ते का वहन किया जाना वैसा ही एक कानूनी अनुशासन है। खासकर एक विशेष अवस्था में इसका प्रयोग बस कंडक्टर के संपूर्ण व्यक्तिगत अधिकार में है। अवस्था यदि अनुमोदन नहीं करता है तो कानून के प्रयोग की उपेक्षा की जा सकती है। शरद्काल के प्रचंड ठंढी रात में सभी यात्री यथाशीघ्र घर वापस होना चाहते हैं।

कुत्ते को साथ में लिए हुए युवा महिला यात्री सर्दी-खाँसी से पीड़ित है। महिला को कुत्ते के साथ बस में चढ़ना किसी भी यात्री के लिए आपत्तिजनक नहीं था। बल्कि, महिला तथा कुत्ते के प्रति सबों की संवेदना ही था।

हालात के समस्त पहलुओं का विचार कर बस कंडक्टर अति सहज ही कानून के प्रयोग का उपेक्षा कर सकता था तथा कुत्ते के साथ महिला को अन्य सबों के साथ बस में बैठने दे सकता था।

किन्तु उसने कानून के प्रयोग का जिद्द पकड़ लिया तथा महिला को कुत्ते के साथ बस के छत पर जाने का आदेश दिया। जब महिला आदेश पालन को अस्वीकार की तो उसने बस को रोक दिया।

उसने यात्रियों को यह कहकर धमकाया कि जब तक महिला कुत्ते को नहीं हटाती है, तब तक बस आगे नहीं बढ़ेगा। जब महिला ने अपने खिलाफ व्यवस्था ग्रहण करने के लिए उसका नाम-ठिकाना लिख लेने को कंडक्टर से अनुरोध की तो कंडक्टर उस पर भी सहमत नहीं हुआ।

अन्य यात्रियों ने उसके इस रूढ़ आचरण का तीव्र समालोचना किये। किन्तु उसने चुपचाप अपने इस आचरण से यात्रियों के असुविधाओं को बढ़ाया। फलस्वरूप कुछ यात्री बस से उतरकर पैदल चलना आरंभ किये।

अतएव, कंडक्टर द्वारा अपनाया गया कानून के कठोर प्रयोग नीति यात्रियों के चरम असुविधा का कारण बन गया जो कानून के मूल उद्देश्य एवं लक्ष्य को ही नष्ट करता है ।

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-2 All About A Dog Text

I was travelling on a bus. It was a bitterly cold night, and even at the far end of the bus the east wind cut like a knife. The bus stopped and two women and a man got in together and filled the vacant places. The younger woman carried a little Pekinese dog.

The conductor came in and took their fares. Then his eye rested on the beady-eyed dog. I saw trouble coming up. This was the opportunity for which the conductor had been waiting, and he intended to make the most of it.

I had marked him as the type who had a general vague grievance about everything. He seemed to have a particular grievance against passengers who came and sat in his bus while he shivered at the door.

“You must take that dog out,” he said.
“I shall certainly do nothing of the kind. You can take my name and address,” said the woman. She had evidently expected the challenge and knew the reply.
“You must take the dog but that’s my order.”
“I won’t go on the top of the bus in such weather. It would kill me” said the woman. “Certainly not,” said her lady companion. “You’ve got a cough as it is.
“It’s nonsense,” said her male companion.

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-2 All About A Dog Word-Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Bitterly : तिक्तता / कष्टदायक
  2. Vacant : शून्य/रिक्त ।
  3. Fares: भाड़ा (किराया)
  4. Opportunity: सुयोग, अवसर ।
  5. Intended : चाहा था General सामान्य, आम
  6. Trouble: समस्या ।
  7. Vague : अस्पष्ट ।
  8. Grievance : क्षोभ, गुस्सा ।
  9. Particular : निर्दिष्ट ।
  10. Shivered: कांपना ।
  11. Certainly : निश्चित रूप से ।
  12. Evidently : प्रत्यक्षतः ।
  13. Reply : उत्तर |
  14. Cough : खाँसी ।
  15. Companion: साथी ।
  16. Nonsense : निर्बोध ।

(पाठ) – 2 एक कुत्ते की कहानी हिन्दी अनुवाद छै

मैं एक बस से जा रहा था। रात का समय था और कड़ाके की ठंड थी। बस के शेष भाग में भी पूरब की शीतल हवा चुभन दे रही थी । बस रूकी तथा दो महिला एवं एक पुरुष एक साथ चढ़कर खाली जगहों पर बैठे । अल्पायु महिला के साथ एक छोटा पेकिनीज कुत्ता था ।

कण्डक्टर आया और उससे किराया लिया। उसके बाद उसकी नजर कुत्ते पर पड़ा। मुझे प्रतीत हुआ कि कोई घटना घटनेवाली है। कन्डक्टर ऐसी ही एक मौके की प्रतीक्षा में था और उसका सद्व्यवहार करना चाहा था । उसे देखकर मुझे लगता था कि ऐसे लोगों को सबकुछ के ऊपर निरर्थक ही अभियोग रहता है ।

विशेषकर यात्रियों के प्रति उसका एक क्रोध प्रकट हो रहा था क्योंकि वे बस में बैठे थे और वह दरवाजे पर ठिठुरता हुआ खड़ा था।
उसने कहा, “आपको इस कुत्ते को बाहर निकालना होगा ।”

युवती बोली, “ऐसा मैं कुछ भी नहीं कर सकूँगी। आप मेरा नाम एवं ठिकाना लिखकर रख सकते हैं। वह निश्चय ही ऐसी परिस्थिति के लिए प्रस्तुत थी और उत्तर भी जानती थी ।

‘आपको इस कुत्ते को बाहर करना ही होगा – यह मेरा आदेश है ।”
महिला बोली, “इस मौसम में मैं बस के ऊपर नहीं जाऊँगी। इसमें मैं मर जाऊँगी।”
उसकी महिला सहेली बोली, “बिल्कुल नहीं, इसमें तो तुम्हें सर्दी हो जायगी ।”
उसके पुरुष साथी ने कहा, “यह मूर्खता है । ”

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-2 All About A Dog Text

The conductor pulled the bell, and the bus stopped. “This bus doesn’t go on until that dog is brought out. He stepped on to the pavement and waited. It was his moment of triumph. He had the law on his side. Everybody on the bus was on the side of the lady and her dog. They talked in raised voices :

“Call the police!”
“Let’s all report him!”
“Let’s make him give us our fares back.”
“Yes, that’s it; let’s make him give us our fares back!”

The little animal sat blinking at the dim lights, unconscious of the trouble he had caused. The conductor came to the door. Some passengers demanded, “Give us our fares back- you’ve engaged to carry us- you can’t leave us here all night!” “No fares back,” said the conductor.

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-2 All About A Dog Word-Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Pulled : खींचा था।
  2. Bell : घंटा ।
  3. Pavement: पैदल चलने का रास्ता
  4. Triumph : जय
  5. Raised : उत्तोलित |
  6. Shameful: लज्जाजनक |
  7. Blinking: टिमटिमाना ।
  8. Dim: अनुज्वल, मैला ।
  9. Unconscious : अचेतन ।
  10. Demanded : मांग किया था।
  11. Engaged: कार्य में नियुक्त


(पाठ) – 2 एक कुत्ते की कहानी हिन्दी अनुवाद छै

कंडक्टर ने घंटी बजाया और बस रुक गयी । “यह बस तब तक आगे नहीं बढ़ेगी जब तक कुत्ते को बाहर नहीं निकाला जाता है।” कहकर वह सड़क पर इंतजार करने लगा। यह था उसका विजयी मुहुर्त। उसके पास कानून था। बस के सभी यात्री महिला और कुत्ते के पक्ष में थे । वे सब जोरों से चिल्लाना आरंभ किये।

“अति निन्दनीय ।”
“पुलिस को बुलाया जाय।”
“हम सभी उनसे शिकायत करें ।”
“उसे हमारा किराया वापस देना होगा ।”
“हाँ, वैसा ही होगा, आइये हम सब लोग मिलकर हमारा किराया वापस करने के लिए उसे बाध्य करें।

कैसी समस्या आकर खड़ी हुई है इसे न समझकर वह छोटा जन्तु ने धुंधले प्रकाश की ओर टकटकी लगाये देख रहा था । कन्डक्टर दरवाजे पर आ गया। कुछ यात्रियों ने मांग किया- “हमारा किराया वापस करो तुम हमें ले जाने के लिए नियुक्त हो तुम हमें सारी रात यहाँ बैठाकर रख नहीं सकते।” कंडक्टर ने कहा, “कोई भी किराया वापस नहीं होगा ।”

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-2 All About A Dog Text

Two or three passengers got out and disappeared into the night. The conductor turned on the pavement and went to the driver to have a talk with him. Another bus, the last on the road, went by. It seemed indifferent to the shouts of the passengers to stop. A policeman strolled up and looked in at the door.

The passengers burst out with indignant protests and appeals. “Well, he’s got his rules, you know,” he said genially. Then he went away to stand a few yards down the street.

There he was joined by two more constables. Still, the little dog blinked at the lights and the conductor walked to and fro like a captain in the hour of victory. A woman passenger’s voice rose above the gale, threatening the bus conductor. But he was cold as the night and hard as the pavement.

She expressed her anger to the three policemen who stood up the street watching the drama. Then she came back, called her companion, and vanished. The bus was emptied.

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-2 All About A Dog Word-Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Disappeared : ओझल होना ।
  2. Indifferent:उदासीन
  3. Burst : भड़क उठना ।
  4. Protest: प्रतिवाद ।
  5. Appeal : आवेदन |
  6. To And Fro : इधर-उधर ।
  7. Victory: जय
  8. Threatening : भय दिखाना ।
  9. Expressed : प्रकट करना
  10. Anger : क्रोध ।
  11. Emptying: खाली हो जाना


(पाठ) – 2 एक कुत्ते की कहानी हिन्दी अनुवाद

दो-तीन यात्री उतर कर रात के अंधकार में विलीन हो गये। कंडक्टर भी बस से उतर कर ड्राइवर से बात करने के लिए गया । उस रूट की अंतिम बस चली गयी।

उसे रोकने के लिए यात्रियों ने चिल्लाया किन्तु व्यर्थ हुआ । एक पुलिस आकर दरवाजे से अन्दर झांका। अधैर्य हो यात्रीगण प्रतिवाद और आन्दोलन मुखड़ हुए। उसने दृढ़ता से कहा कि, ‘आपलोग तो जानते ही हैं कि कानून उसके पक्ष में है।” उसके बाद कुछ और दूर चल कर वे ठहर गये। उसके बाद दो और हवलदार उनके साथ आकर मिले।

छोटा कुत्ता अभी भी प्रकाश की ओर टकटकी लगाये देख रहा था तथा कंडक्टर विजयी सेनापति की भांति टहल रहा था । एक महिला यात्री आँधी-तूफान के गर्जन से भी अधिक जोर से चिल्लाकर कन्डक्टर को धमका रही थी ।

किन्तु वह रात की भांति ढंढा तथा सड़क की भांति कठोर था । महिला उन तीनों पुलिसों के प्रति आक्रोश प्रकट कर रही थी जो सड़क पर खड़े होकर नाटक देख रहे थे। उसके बाद वह वापस आयी, अपने साथियों को बुलायी और चली गई । बस खाली हो रहा था।

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-2 All About A Dog Text

“I’ll go to the top,” said the young lady with the dog, at last. “You’ll have pneumonia,’ the man said.
When she had disappeared up the stairs, the conductor came back and pulled the bell. The bus went on. He stood triumphant, while his conduct was criticized in his face by the passengers.

Then the bus developed engine trouble and the conductor went to the help of the driver. It was a long job. Meanwhile, the lady with the dog stole down the stairs and re-entered the bus.

When the engine was put right, the conductor came back and pulled the bell. Then his eye fell on the dog, and his hand went to the bell rope again. The driver looked round, the conductor pointed to the dog, and the bus stopped. The whole struggle began all over once again.

The conductor walked on the pavement, the little dog blinked at the lights, the lady again declared that she would not go to the top, and finally went.

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-2 All About A Dog Word-Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Pneumonia : फेफड़ा से संबंधित एक रोग ।
  2. Stairs : सीढ़ी।
  3. Triumphant: विजयी ।
  4. Conduct : व्यवहार |
  5. Criticized: समालोचित होना।
  6. Developed : उन्नत, विकसित ।
  7. Meanwhile : इतने में, इसी समय |
  8. Entered : प्रवेश किया था।
  9. Struggle: संघर्ष, लड़ाई ।
  10. Declared : घोषणा करना ।


(पाठ) – 2 एक कुत्ते की कहानी हिन्दी अनुवाद छै

अन्त में कुत्ते को साथ में रखनेवाली महिला बोली, “मैं उपर चली जाती हूँ ।” उसके साथ का व्यक्ति ने कहा, “तुम्हें निमोनिया हो जायगा ।”
जब वह सीढ़ी से उपर ओझल हो गई तो कन्डक्टर वापस आया, घंटी बजाया और बस चलने लगी। वह विजयी वीर की भांति खड़ा था, यद्यपि उसका व्यवहार उसके सामने ही यात्रियों द्वारा समालोचित हो रहा था।

इसके बाद बस में ईंजन की समस्या पैदा हुई जिसे ठीक करने के लिए कंडक्टर ड्राइवर की सहायता करने के लिए चला गया। यह लंबी अवधि तक चला। इसी बीच महिला अपने कुत्ते को लेकर चुपचाप सीढ़ी से उतर आयी और बस में प्रवेश कर गई। जब ईंजन ठीक हो गया तो कन्डक्टर वापस आकर घंटी बजाया।

उसके बाद उसका नजर कुत्ते पर गया और हाथ घंटी की रस्सी पर पुनः चला गया। ड्राइवर पीछे मुड़कर देखा, कन्डक्टर कुत्ते की ईशारा किया और बस रुक गई। झमेला फिर से आरंभ हुआ। कन्डक्टर रास्ते पर आकर टहलने लगा, छोटा कुत्ता प्रकाश की टकटकी लगाये रहा, महिला ने पुनः घोषणा की कि वह उपर नहीं जायगी किन्तु अन्त में गई ।

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-2 All About A Dog  Text

The bus was soon empty, and I was the last passenger left behind. “I’ve got my rules,” the conductor said to me. He had won his victory but felt that he would like to justify himself to somebody.
“Rules,” I said, “are necessary things. Some are hard and fast rules, like the rule of the road, which cannot be broken without danger to life ‘and limb. But some are only rules for your guidance, like that rule about the dogs. You can use your common sense here.

They are meant to be observed in the spirit, not in the letter, for the comfort of the passengers. You have kept the rule but broken its spirit. You should mind your rules with a little goodwill and a good temper.”
He took it very well, and when I got off the bus he said “Good night” quite amiably.

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-2 All About A Dog Word-Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Victory: जय ।
  2. Justify : न्यायसंगत प्रमाण करना ।
  3. Necessary: आवश्यक
  4. Limb: पेशी
  5. Guidance : संचालन, उपदेश |
  6. Spirit: तात्पर्य, मिजाज ।
  7. Comfort : आराम, सुविधा ।
  8. Observed: पालन करना |
  9. Will : इच्छा
  10. Temper : मिजाज |
  11. Amiably : दोस्ताना, मिलनसार ।


(पाठ) – 2 एक कुत्ते की कहानी हिन्दी अनुवाद

कुछ देर में ही संपूर्ण बस खाली हो गयी और मैं अन्तिम यात्री के रूप में पड़ा रहा। कन्डक्टर ने मुझसे कहा, “मैं अपने नियम का पालन किया है ।” उसे जीत मिली है, किन्तु अपने आपको किसी के निकट समर्थनीय प्रमाणित करने की सोच में है ।

मैने कहा, “कानून बहुत ही आवश्यक वस्तु है । कुछ हैं कठिन आवश्यक नियम, जैसे सड़क का नियम, जिसे शरीर पर आघात किये बगैर भंग नहीं किया जा सकता है।

किन्तु कुछ नियम ऐसे हैं जो तुमलोगों के संचालन के लिए हैं, जैसे कुत्ते से सम्बन्धित नियम । यहाँ तुम अपनी सामान्य बुद्धि का भी प्रयोग कर सकते थे। इसका पालन किया जाता है इसके तात्पर्य को समझने के लिए, यात्रियों के सुविधा के लिए, कानून की आक्षरिक भाषा से नहीं। तुम नियम का पालन किये हो, किन्तु उसके तात्पर्य को नष्ट किये हो ।

इस नियम का प्रयोग तुम्हें एक सदिच्छा तथा उचित मनोभाव के साथ करना चाहिए ।” उसने इसे भले मन से ही ग्रहण किया और जब मैं बस से उतरा तो अत्यन्त विनयी भाव से ही उसने मुझे ‘शुभरात्रि’ कहकर सम्बोधित किया।

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-2 All About A Dog Word-Nest (शब्द नीड़)


  1. Pekinese dog – a small dog with flat face and long, soft fur (एक छोटा कुत्ता जिसका मुँह चौड़ा और लंबा नर्म लोम) ।
  2. Beady eyed – small eyed (छोटी आँखवाला) ।
  3. Strolled – walked up (टहलना) ।
  4. Indignant – angry (et)
  5. Genially – pleasantly (3)
  6. Gale storm- (आँधी-तूफान) ।


Textual Questions (पाठ्याधारित प्रश्न) 3 Exercise (अभ्यास) – 1

Tick the correct answer from the given alternatives:

Question 1. The younger woman carried a little-

  1. Spaniel
  2. Bull Dog
  3. Pekinese Dog
  4. Spitz

Answer: Pekinese Dog

Question 2. The younger woman was suffering from-

  1. Stomach Pain
  2. Back Pain
  3. Fever
  4. Cough

Answer: Cough

Question 3. The bell was pulled by the-

  1. Conductor
  2. Driver
  3. Younger Woman
  4. Older Woman

Answer: Conductor

Question 4. The number of policemen to whom the woman expressed her anger was-

  1. Three
  2. Four
  3. Five
  4. Six

Answer: Three

Question 5. The problem the bus faced was the-

  1. Tyre
  2. Engine
  3. Brake
  4. Horn

Answer: Engine

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-2 All About A Dog Exercise (अभ्यास) 2

Answer The Following Questions Within Fifteen Words:

Question 1. How many people got on the bus with the younger woman?
Answer: A lady and a man got into the bus with the younger woman.

Question 2. What was the conductor’s order to the younger woman?
Answer: The conductor’s order to the younger woman was to take the dog out of the bus.

Question 3. Why did the conductor stand triumphant?
Answer: The conductor stood triumphant because he made the younger woman go to the top of the bus with her dog.

Question 4. What is that rule which cannot be broken without danger to life and limb?
Answer: The rule of the road cannot be broken without danger to life and limb.

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-2 All About A Dog Exercise (अभ्यास) – 3

Answer The Following Questions Within Twenty-Five Words:

Question 1. When did the author feel that trouble was coming up?
Answer: The author felt that trouble was coming up when the conductor noticed the dog with the younger woman after taking their fares.

Question 2. Mention two demands made by the passengers when the bus stopped.
Answer: When the bus stopped the passengers demanded to call the police to report the conductor. They also demanded to make the conductor give their fares back.

Question 3. How are rules of guidance to be observed?
Answer: The rules of guidance are to be observed in the spirit for the comfort of the passengers, but not in the letter. The rules are observed with goodwill and a good temper.

Grammar in use:
Read the following sets of sentences:

Set 1:

  1. You have kept the rule.
  2. The conductor had pulled the bell.
  3. The lady will carry a dog.
  4. The conductor will have returned the fare.

Set 2:

  1. The rule has been kept by you.
  2. The bell had been pulled by the conductor.
  3. A dog will be carried by the lady.
  4. The fare will have been returned by the conductor.
  5. In the first set of sentences, the form of the verb shows that the person denoted by the subject does something.
  6. In the second set of sentences, the form of the verb shows that something is done to the subject.

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-2 All About A Dog Exercise (अभ्यास) – 4

In the following sentences, underline the verb forms which show that the person denoted by the subject does something. Circle the verb forms which show that something is done to the subject:

  1. She has sung a song.
  2. A song has been sung by her.
  3. He will draw a picture.
  4. A picture will be drawn to him.

The verb forms that you have underlined are in active voice. The verb forms you have circled are in passive voice.

The active voice is the form of the verb which shows that the person denoted by the subject does something. The passive voice is the form of the verb which shows that something is done to the subject.

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-2 All About A Dog Exercise (अभ्यास) 5

Change The Voice Of The Following Sentences:

Question 1. Nila has bought a book.
Answer: A book has been bought by Nila.

Question 2. They will have seen the cricket match.
Answer: The cricket match would have been seen by them.

Question 3. Bhola had seen a tiger.
Answer: A tiger had been seen by Bhola.

Question 4. The nurse will attend to the patient.
Answer: The patient will be attended to by the nurse.

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-2 All About A Dog Exercise (अभ्यास) – 6

Change The Voice Of The Following Sentences:

Question 1. Do the sum.
Answer: Let the sum be done.

Question 2. The poem was written by her.
Answer: She wrote the poem.

Question 3. Open the door.
Answer: Let the door be opened.

Question 4. The man is known to me.
Answer: I know the man.

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-2 All About A Dog Exercise (अभ्यास) – 7

Change The Voice Of The Following Sentences:

Question 1. They agreed to my plan.
Answer: My plan was agreed to by them.

Question 2. My brother lost my favourite pen.
Answer: My favourite pen was lost by my brother.

Question 3. The man is writing a letter.
Answer: A letter is written by a man.

Question 4. Titli is looking for her watch.
Answer: Titli’s watch is being looked for by her.

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-2 All About A Dog Exercise (अभ्यास) – 8

Tick The Correct Alternative Given In The Brackets:

Question 1. It (rains/has been raining/been raining) since morning.
Answer: It has been raining since morning.

Question 2. Last Sunday I (went/ had been going/go) to the zoo.
Answer: Last Sunday I went to the zoo.

Question 3. I (will be/was / am) in class X next year.
Answer: I will be in class X next year.

Question 4. Rina (have reached/had reached/has reached) home just now.
Answer: Rina has reached home just now.


Read The Instruction Given Below And Also The Paragraph That Follows:

Use the following flow-chart and write a paragraph on the process of washing dirty clothes:


Take water in a bucket-detergent powder mixed-dip dirty clothes for thirty minutes- scrubbed-wash in fresh water-rinse and dry-press-ready to use again Process of washing dirty clothes that need to be washed and made ready for wear.

At first, water is taken in a bucket. Next, the detergent powder is mixed into the water. Then the dirty clothes are dipped into the mixture and kept for thirty minutes. After that, the clothes are scrubbed thoroughly one by one.

Later, the clothes are washed in fresh water. Then, they are rinsed and dried well. Now, they are folded and pressed. Finally, the clothes are ready to be used again.

The Above Paragraph Has The Following Features:

  1. A suitable title
  2. An introductory sentence
  3. Passive voice is used (e.g. ‘be washed’)
  4. Use of linkers (e.g. at first, then, next, after that, later, now, finally etc.)
  5. The stages of the flow-chart are carefully followed
  6. A concluding sentence
  7. Process writing requires the features given above.

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-2 All About A Dog Exercise (अभ्यास) – 9

Question Use the following flow chart to write a paragraph within 100 words on how to prepare orange juice: oranges bought from the market-sorted – rotten ones removed – cleaned-peeled-put in juicer-juice extracted – sugar and preservatives added – poured in bottles – sealed – ready to be sold.

Process of making orange juice Orange juice is a tasty and healthy drink. To prepare this, at first oranges are bought from the market. Then they are sorted. Then rotten ones are removed. After that, the good oranges are cleaned and peeled.

Next, they are put in a juicer and crushed to extract the juice. Then, sugar and preservatives are added to it. Now, it is poured into bottles and sealed. Finally, they are ready to be sold in the market.

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-2 All About A Dog Exercise (अभ्यास) – 10

Question Write a paragraph within 100 words on how you plan to take care of street dogs. Use the following hints: cruel actions towards street dogs – the necessity of looking after them – ways of taking care of the dog’s conclusion

Though killing and torturing humans is considered to be a crime, we don’t mind the torturing of street dogs. Most of street dogs live in a miserable state, suffering from disease, malnourishment and ill-treatment. People beat them, throw pebbles at them and irritate them in various ways.

We do not show any sympathy towards them. They have to be looked after and taken care of. Regular weekly camps should be planned to take place in several locations to provide care to them. The camps should consist of veterinarians and volunteers.

The dog’s infection and injuries have to be treated and they should be vaccinated against rabies. People have to be encouraged to bring sick and injured street dogs from their neighbourhoods.

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-2 All About A Dog Additional Textual Question & Answers

Tick The Correct Answer From The Given Alternatives:

Question 1. The vacant places in the bus were filled by

  1. Two women and a man
  2. Two men and a woman
  3. Two women and two men
  4. Two women, a man and a dog

Answer: 1. Two women and a man

Question 2. The lady with the dog got support from

  1. A Police Man
  2. All The Co-Passengers
  3. A Few Passengers
  4. The Conductor

Answer: 2. All the co-passengers

Question 3. The bus stopped for the second time because

  1. The Tyre Got Punctured
  2. The Engine Developed Trouble
  3. The Bank Failed
  4. The Passengers Wanted It To Stop

Answer: the engine developed trouble

Question 4. The bus faced trouble due to

  1. Mechanical Fault
  2. Manual Fault
  3. An Accident
  4. Automatic Fault

Answer: 1. Mechanical fault

Question 5. The lady with the dog came down the stairs

  1. Boldly
  2. Smartly
  3. Silently
  4. Loudly

Answer: silently

Question 6. Who had the law on his side?

  1. The Passengers
  2. The Dog
  3. The Conductor
  4. The Lady

Answer: 3. The conductor

Question 7. The people who spoke in raised voices were

  1. The Police
  2. The Lady And The Dog
  3. The Passengers
  4. The Driver And Conductor

Answer: the passengers

Question 8. The conductor shivered at the

  1. Roof
  2. Door
  3. Gate
  4. Window

Answer: 3. Gate

Question 9. The night was

  1. Hot
  2. Very Cold
  3. Moderate
  4. Very Hot

Answer: 2. Very Cold

Question 10. “The conductor as cold as….” –

  1. Without Heat
  2. Indifferent
  3. Frozen
  4. None Of These

Answer: 2. Indifferent

Question 11. The conductor had a general grievance against

  1. The Dog
  2. The Driver
  3. The Passengers

Answer: 3. The passengers

Question 12. The ‘long job’ refers to

  1. Development Of The Engine
  2. Selling Ticket To The Passengers
  3. Changing The Tyres
  4. Repairing The Engine

Answer: 3. Repairing The Engine

Question 13. “The whole struggle began…” – Here ‘struggle’ refers to

  1. The Dog-Related Struggle
  2. The Lady-Related Struggle
  3. The Police-Related Struggle
  4. A Passenger With A Dog Related Struggle

Answer: 1. The Dog-Related Struggle

Question 14. The hard and fast rules are

  1. Unchangeable
  2. Changeable
  3. Breakable
  4. Dangers To Life And Limb

Answer: 1. Unchangeable

Question 15. The conductor of the bus behaved with the narrator

  1. Roughly
  2. Quite Amicably
  3. Indifferent
  4. Haughtily

Answer: 2. Quite Amicably

Question 16. Some passengers claimed their

  1. Boots Back
  2. Fares Back
  3. Luggage Back

Answer: 2. Fares Back

Question 17. The conductor disagreed to give back their

  1. Belongings
  2. Amount Paid For Travel
  3. Rent

Answer: 2. Amount paid for travel

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-2 All About A Dog Answer The Following Questions Within Fifteen Words

Question 1. How did the animal react to the fuss caused by himself?
Answer: The little animal sat blinking at the dim lights, unconscious of the fuss caused by himself.

Question 2. What opportunity did the conductor seek?
Answer: The conductor sought the opportunity to show his power to the passengers.

Question 3. How did the policemen react to the protest of the passengers?
Answer: The policemen were mostly indifferent and were mere spectators from a distance.

Question 4. What kind of a night was it?
Answer: It was a bitterly cold night with piercing east winds.

Question 5. What happened when the conductor pulled the bell rope again?
Answer: When the conductor pulled the bell rope again the driver looked around, the conductor pointed to the dog and the bus stopped.

Question 6. Which rules should be applied to dogs?
Answer: Rules with a little goodwill and a good temper should be applied to dogs.

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-2 All About A Dog Answer The Following Questions Within Twenty-Five Words

Question 1. Why was the conductor angry particularly?
Answer: The conductor was particularly angry with passengers who came and sat in while he shivered at the door.

Question 2. What did the lady do taking advantage of the conductor’s absence?
Answer: Taking advantage of the conductor’s absence, the lady with the dog stole down the stairs and re-entered the bus.

Question 3. Why did the conductor stand triumph?
Answer: The conductor stood triumphant because, in the debate over the dog with the woman, he won and stopped the bus. He had the law on his side.

Question 4. Why was the conductor criticized by the passengers?
Answer: The conductor did not allow the woman to remain inside the bus with the little dog. He was arrogant about it. So, the passengers criticized him.

Question 5. “He took it very well”-Who is ‘he’ referred to here? What does ‘it’ refer to here?
Answer: Here ‘he’ refers to the bus conductor. ‘It’ refers to the moral lesson of the author about maintaining the rules of conducting the bus.

Question 6. How did the narrator foresee the coming-on of trouble?
Answer: The narrator foresaw the coming-on of trouble because the conductor’s attention was fixed on the little Pekinese dog.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) – 3 Autumn शरद ऋतु

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) – 3 Autumn शरद ऋतु

About The Poet – John Clare

John Clare was an English poet, famous for his celebratory representation of the English countryside and his lamentation of its disruption. He was born in a peasant family in Northamptonshire of Helpston, England in 1793. Although he was the son of illiterate parents, Clare received some formal schooling.

The rustic countryside inspired his imaginative mind to produce most of his poetry. Clare’s poetic talent was nourished by his parents’ knowledge of folk ballads as well as by his own reading of the works of the eighteenth-century poet, James Thomson.

Read and Learn More WBBSE Solutions for Class 9 English Bliss

Even though he was involved in manual labour like ploughing and thrashing, it could not prevent him from publishing his creations as he got patronage from the influential London publisher, John Taylor. His first popular publication was ‘Poems Descriptive of Rural life and Scenery (1820).

Following this ‘The Village Minstrel and Other Poems’, ‘The Shepherd’s Calendar’, ‘The Rural Muse’, ‘First Love’ and ‘Snow Storm’ was some other collections of poetry by John Clare.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) – 3 Autumn


After suffering from delusions, John Clare was admitted to Northampton General County Asylum where he spent the final twenty years of his life. In fact, Clare wrote numerous poems during his asylum years. He passed away there in 1864. John Clare is still established as a unique and leading nature poet in the realm of English literature. He is always known to be a peasant poet.


(पाठ) – 3 शरद ऋतु कवि परिचय

जॉन क्लेयर एक अंग्रेज कवि थे जो ग्रामीण इंगलैंड के आनन्दमय रूप और उसके पतन की आर्तनाद को कविता के माध्यम से उद्भाषित करने में माहिर थे।

इनका जन्म इंगलैंड के नर्दाम्पटनशायर के हेपस्टन अंचल में एक कृषक परिवार के घर सन् 1793 ई० में हुआ था। क्लेयर यद्यपि अपने निरक्षर माता-पिता के सन्तान थे, फिर भी थोड़ी-बहुत औपचारिक शिक्षा वे प्राप्त किये थे। उनकी अधिकांश कविताओं का सृजन ही हुआ है गाँव के प्राकृतिक अवस्थाओं की अनुप्रेरणा से ।

क्लेयर में कवि प्रतिभा का उद्भव हुआ था उनके माता-पिता के लोकगाथा तथा लोक-साहित्य के ज्ञान से एवं अठारहवीं सदी के कवि जेम्स थॉमसन की रचना पाठ के माध्यम से एक प्रभावशाली प्रकाशक जॉन टेलर की पृष्ठपोषकता के कारण, खेत की जुताई एवं धान झारने जैसी शरीरिक परिश्रम का कार्य भी उनकी रचनाओं को प्रकाशित करने में किसी प्रकार का बाधक नहीं हुआ।

उनका प्रथम लोकप्रिय प्रकाशित रचना है ‘पोयम्स डिसक्रिपटिव ऑफ रूरल लाइफ एण्ड सिनरी’ (1820)। उनकी अन्य प्रमुख कविता संकलनों में ‘द मिजेज मिनिस्ट्रल एण्ड अदर पोयम्स’, ‘द ‘शेफार्डस् कैलेण्डर’, ‘द रूरल म्युज’, ‘फर्स्ट लव’ तथा ‘स्नो स्टर्म’ आदि उल्लेखनीय है ।

जॉन क्लेयर भ्रामकता का शिकार होकर नर्दम्पटनशायर के प्रादेशिक मानसिक चिकित्सा केन्द्र में भर्ती हुए और वहाँ अपने जीवन के अन्तिम बीस वर्ष व्यतीत किये।
इस मानसिक चिकित्सा केन्द्र में रहते समय वे और भी कई कविताओं की रचना किये और यहीं 1864 ई० में उनका देहांत हुआ। जॉन क्लेयर अंग्रेजी साहित्य की दुनिया में अभी भी एक श्रेष्ठ एवं अग्रगण्य कवि के रूप में प्रतिष्ठित हैं। इन्हें ‘कृषक कवि’ के नाम से भी जाना जाता है।

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-3 Autumn Introduction

The referred poem, ‘Autumn’ is a representative nature poem written by John Clare. It is a simple description of the season, autumn. It presents the soft and charming beauty of the countryside in autumn.

The season introduces the advent of winter. Nature this time has the look of emptiness. It is characterised by strong winds, falling leaves and bare branches.

The sudden blow of wind shakes the casement throughout the day. It removes the dry leaves from the mossy elm tree and scatters them everywhere.

The twig sways and the sparrow twitters. The smoke comes out of the cottage chimney. It coils upwards and surrounds the bare trees. The pigeons take shelter in their nests. The c*ck cries loudly.

The windmills spin in full motion on the open field. The feather falls from the raven’s breast. The acorns drop silently. The pigs watch and reach to grab them.

In fact, the poem is a collection of different images of autumn. The charm and beauty of autumn beauty are revealed through these scenarios.

(पाठ) – 3 शरद ऋतु भूमिका

प्रस्तुत कविता, Autumn (शरद ऋतु) एक प्रकृतिवादी कविता है। इसमें शरद ऋतु की एक सहज वर्णन किया गया है । यह कविता शरद ऋतु के ग्रामीण जीवन का एक मधुर सौंदर्य उपस्थित करता है। यह शरद ऋतु ही शीतकाल के आगमन की सूचना देता है। प्रकृति इस समय शुष्क एवं शून्य रहती है।

कविता में इसकी परिचय प्रचंड वायु, पेड़ से पत्तियों का गिरना तथा रिक्त डाल- टहनियों के उल्लेख से मिलती है। हवा का झोंका सारा दिन खिड़कियों को झकझोड़ता रहता है।

काईदार ओक वृक्ष की सूखी पत्तियाँ हवा के झोंके से झर जाती हैं, चारों तरफ बिखड़ जाती हैं। इसी समय पेड़ों की टहनियाँ झूला जैसे हिलती-डुलती हैं और गोरैया पक्षी की चिहचिहावट सुनायी देती है।

घरों की चिमनियों से धुँआ निकलती हैं। यह धुँआ चक्कर लगाता हुआ, वृक्षों से आलिगंन करता हुआ उपर उठता है। कबूतर अपनी खांचे में विश्राम करती है।

मुर्गे ऊँची आवाज में वान लगाते हैं। हवा मशीनें खुले मैदान में ही खड़े होकर तीव्र गति से घूमने लगती है । काले कौवे के सीने से पालक गिर पड़ता है।

ओक फलें निःशब्द झड़ने लगती हैं। सुअरें उसका अनुसरण करते हैं, उसे झपटने के लिए इन्तजार करते हैं। वस्तुतः यह कविता शरद ऋतु के विभिन्न दृश्यों का समाहार है। इन सब दृश्यों के वर्णन के माध्यम से शरद ऋतु का रूप माधुर्य प्रकट हुआ है।

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-3 Autumn Summary

John Clare known as a peasant poem is overwhelmed by the beautiful sight of autumn. He enjoys the sudden blow of the wind shaking the casement intermittently throughout the day, removing the dry and worn-out leaves from the mossy elm tree to whirl and scatter them all over the window pane and narrow path.

The poet is fascinated to look at the trembling and swaying of the twig till night. He likes the twittering of the sparrow that perches on the jutted part of a cottage. It makes everyone convinced that spring just takes a rest in the abundance of the exuberant summer.

The poet stares at smoke emitting from the chimney of a cottage and coiling upwards to encircle the trees that stand exposed there. In the days of late autumn in dull November month, the poet observes the pigeons sheltered in their nests and c*ck crowing steadily, perching on the heap of dung. He also sees the windmill continuing its motion on the open and barren field.

The poet’s eyes follow the feather shedding from the raven’s breast to fall on the stump of the reaped cornfield covered with grass. He gazes at the acorns dropping silently and gently near the old crow’s nest. He notices the grunting swine waiting to rush sharply to reach that place where those acorns fall.


(पाठ) – 3 शरद ऋतु सारांश

कृषक कवि, जॉन क्लेयर शरद ऋतु के अपूर्व दृश्य से मुग्ध हैं। कवि को पसन्द है वायु की वह झोंका जो दिन भर खिड़कियों को झकझोड़ता रहता है, काई से आच्छादित ओक वृक्ष की शुष्क एवं जीर्ण पत्तियों को उड़ा ले जाती है और इधर-उधर विखरा देती है।

कवि की नजर निबंधित होता है वृक्ष के कंपमान डालियों पर जो सारी रात झूले की भांति हिलती-दुलती रहती है ।

कवि को पसंद है गोरैया पक्षी की मधुर चहचहाना। घर के कार्निश पर बैठ कर गोरैया पक्षी हमेशा किचिर-मिचिर करती रहती है। ऐसे में सभी यही समझते हैं कि प्राचुर्य से भरा बसन्त विश्राम करने के उद्देश्य से ग्रीष्म के सीने से लिपटे हुए हैं।

कवि नजर टिकाये रहता है घर के चिमनी के धुंये की ओर जो चक्कर लगाते हुए, खुले वृक्षों को घेरते हुए उपर उठता रहता है। शुष्क नवम्बर माह की शरद ऋतु में कवि पर्यवेक्षण करते हैं अपनी घोंसले में आश्रित कबूतरों को और गोबर की ढेर पर खड़ा मुर्गे को लगातार वान लगाता हुआ।

वे और भी देखते हैं कि किस प्रकार खुले आकाश के नीचे खड़ा हवा मशीन लगातार घूमता ही रहता है। कवि का दृष्टि आकर्षित होता है काले कौवे के सीने से गिरने वाला पालक पर जो गिरता है घास से भरी तत्काल फसल उगायी गई खेतों में।

बूढ़े कौवे के घोंसले के निकट निःशब्द टपटप कर गिरने वाले ओक फलों की ओर वे देख रहे हैं। जहाँ ओक फल गिर रहा है वहाँ शीघ्र ही दौड़कर पहुँचने के लिए गुरते हुए सूअरों को प्रतीक्षा करते हुए वे देखते हैं ।


Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-3 Autumn Text

I love the fitful gust that shakes The casement all day, And the mossy elm tree takes The faded leaves away. Twirling them by the window pane With thousand others down the lane. I love to see the shaking twig Dance till the shut of eve The sparrow on the cottage rig, Whose chirp would make believe That spring was just now flirting by In summer’s lap with flowers to lie.

I love to see the cottage smoke Curl upwards through the naked trees, The pigeons nestled around the cote On dull November days like these; The c*ck upon the dunghill crowing, The mill sails on the heath agoing.

The feather from the raven’s breast Falls on the stubble lea, The acorns near the old crow’s nest Fall pattering down the tree; The grunting pigs, that wait for all, Scramble and hurry where they fall.


(पाठ) – 3 शरद ऋतु Word-Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Fitful : अनियमित ।
  2. Gust: हवा का झोंका, आँधी ।
  3. Casement: बड़ी खिड़की या दरवाजे की भांति खोला जाती हो ।
  4. Mossy : काई से ढका
  5. Elm-Tree : इंगलैंड का एक पेड़ ।
  6. Faded: विवर्ण ।
  7. Pane : खिड़की का काँच ।
  8. Lane : गली ।
  9. Twig: छोटी डाल |
  10. Shut: बन्द करना, समेटना
  11. Rig: रस्सी ।
  12. Chirp : पक्षियों का चूँ- चूँ करना
  13. Flirting :आनन्द करना ।
  14. Lap:गोद |
  15. Smoke:धुंआ
  16. Curl: लपेटना
  17. Naked : रिक्त, शून्य, नग्न |
  18. Pigeons : कबूतर ।
  19. Nestled : शांति से रहना ।
  20. Dung: जीव-जन्तुओं का मल ।
  21. Mill: चक्की, जाँता।
  22. Heath : घासों से भरा बंजर भूमि।
  23. Raven : काला कौवा ।
  24. Grunting : शुअर की गुड़गुड़ाहट ।
  25. Scramble : छीना-झपटी करना |
  26. Hurry : जल्दबाजी करना ।


(पाठ) – 3 शरद ऋतु हिन्दी अनुवाद

अनियमित हवा का झोंका मुझे लगता है अच्छा जो दिन भर लंबी खिड़कियों को है झकझोड़ता, काई से ढँकी एलम वृक्षों से सूखी पत्तियों को है उड़ा ले जाता, जंगले की कांच पर घुमाते -घुमाते हजारों पत्तियाँ गलियों में है गिराता । देखने में अच्छा लगता है मुझे कांपने वाली डालें

जो शेष शाम के पहले तक है नाचते रहता । घर की मेड़ पर बैठा पक्षी गोरैया, चहचहाहट हमें याद दिलाता है जिसकी जैसे बसन्त अभी-अभी आनंदित करके चला गया फूलों के साथ सोने के लिए ग्रीष्म की गोद में।

देखने में अच्छा लगता है मुझे कुटिया की धुंआ जो शून्य पेड़ के बीच से उपर उठता है काटता हुआ चक्कर अपनी घोंसलों में शांति से रहती हैं कबूतरें, इस प्रकार की शुष्क नवम्बर के दिनों में । गोबर के टीले पर बैठा मुर्गाबांग लगाता है। घासों से भरी खेतों में मशीने चलती रहती है। काले कौवे के सीने से एक पालक गिरती है घासों के जड़ में, एक बूढ़े कौवे के घोंसले से सटा पेड़ के नीचे टपटप गिरता है ओक फल; इन्तजार में गुरगुर करता हुआ सूअर उसे शीघ्र उठाने और छीना-छपटी करता ।


(पाठ) – 3 शरद ऋतु Word Nest (शब्द नीड़)

Twirling cote – spinning round and round (चक्राकार घूमना) ।
Cote- nest (घोंसला ।
Stubble- the short lower part of the stem of crops (फसलों के जड़ के नीचे का छोटा अंश) ।
Lea- grass-covered land (घासों से भरी भूमि) ।
Acorns small brown-nut of the oak tree (ओक वृक्ष का छोटा भूरे रंग का बादाम) ।
Pattering- making repeated, quick, light sounds (बारबार और शीघ्र हल्के शब्द का प्रयोग) |


Class 9 English Bliss (पाठ) – 3 शरद ऋतु Textual Questions (पाठ्याधारित प्रश्न) Exercise (अभ्यास) – 1

Tick The Correct Answer From The Given Alternatives:

Question 1. All through the day the fitful gust shakes the

  1. Window-Pane
  2. Curtains
  3. Casement
  4. Door

Answer: 3. Casement

Question 2. The poet loves to see the shaking twig dance till the

  1. Coming Of Dawn
  2. End Of Night
  3. End Of Afternoon
  4. Shut Of Eve

Answer: 4. Shut Off Eve

Question 3. The sparrow sat on the

  1. Cottage Rig
  2. House-Top
  3. Mossy Elm-Tree
  4. Casement

Answer: 1. Cottage rig

Question 4. The pigeons nestled round the

  1. Cage
  2. Cote
  3. Branch
  4. Heath

Answer: 2. cote

Question 5. The c*ck was crowing upon the

  1. Dung Hill
  2. Lea
  3. Tree Tops
  4. Mill-Sails

Answer: 1. Dunghill

Question 6. The grunting pigs

  1. Walk Slowly
  2. Scamper By
  3. Scramble And Hurry
  4. Dive And Swim

Answer: 3. Scramble and hurry


Class 9 English Bliss (पाठ) – 3 शरद ऋतु Exercise (अभ्यास) 2

Answer The Following Questions Within Twenty-Five Words:

Question 1. What happens to the leaves of the mossy elm tree in autumn?
Answer: The sudden blast of the wind drives away the worn-out leaves from the mossy elm tree in autumn twirling them by the window pane to scatter down the lane.

Question 2. What are the things the poet loves to see on November days?
Answer: On dull November days the poet loves to see the cottage smoke curling upwards through the trees, the pigeons nestled in their cote, the c*cks crowing upon the dunghill and the mills whirling over the heath.

Grammar in use:


Class 9 English Bliss (पाठ) – 3 शरद ऋतु Exercise (अभ्यास) – 3

State whether the following sentences are in Active or Passive Voice:

Question 1. Anil will visit his grandmother’s house.
Answer: Active Voice

Question 2. The President has left his office.
Answer: Active Voice

Question 3. The project will have been finished by the students.
Answer: Passive Voice

Question 4. Promita’s leave has been sanctioned by the school authority.
Answer: Passive Voice


Class 9 English Bliss (पाठ) – 3 शरद ऋतु Exercise (अभ्यास) – 4

Change The Voice Of The Following Sentences:

Question 1. The boy has read out the letter. [Active Voice]
Answer: The letter has been read out by the boy. [Passive voice]

Question 2. I shall have bought a cricket bat by tomorrow. [Active voice]
Answer: A cricket bat will have been bought by me by tomorrow. [Passive voice]

Question 3. Sohini’s friends had organised a picnic. [Active voice]
Answer: A picnic had been organised by Sohini’s friends. [Passive voice]

Question 4. The football team will put up a brave fight. [Active voice]
Answer: A brave fight will be put up by the football team. [Passive voice]


Class 9 English Bliss (पाठ) – 3 शरद ऋतु Exercise (अभ्यास) -5

Change The Following Sentences Into Indirect Speech:

Question 1. I said to him, “Will you share your tiffin with me?” [Direct speech]
Answer: I asked him if/whether he would share his tiffin with me. [Indirect speech]

Question 2. Anjan’s mother said, “Your father has left for Mumbai.” [Direct speech]
Answer: Anjan’s mother said that my father had left for Mumbai. [Indirect speech]

Question 3. The girls triumphantly said, “Hurrah! We have won the match.”[Direct speech]
Answer: The girls exclaimed with joy/triumph that they had won the match. [Indirect speech]

Question 4. He says, “Let you be successful in life.” [Direct speech]
Answer: He wishes that I may be successful in life. [Indirect speech]

Question 5. The captain informed, “The tournament was postponed last month.” [Direct speech]
Answer: The captain informed us that the tournament had been postponed the previous month. [Indirect speech]


Class 9 English Bliss (पाठ) – 3 शरद ऋतु Exercise (अभ्यास) – 6

Question. Use the following flow-chart to write a paragraph within 100 words on how to make paper:
cutting down bamboo-making pulp-adding chemicals-rolling into sheets – adding colour-drying ready for use.

Production Of Paper

We can hardly spend a day without using paper. Making paper is however very interesting. At first, the main ingredients like wood, rags, straws, bamboo, old paper scraps etc. are collected. Then, they are tom or cut into small pieces and cleaned well. Next, the pieces are dipped into water and mixed with lime to make them soft.

The mixture is, later, by machine to produce white pulp. Thereafter, it is passed over wire meshes followed by heated rollers to roll flat. In this way, paper sheets are produced and they are pressed, dried and made smooth. After that, they are cut into different sizes. Finally, the sheets are packed, labelled and sent to the market for sale.

Class 9 English Bliss (पाठ) – 3 शरद ऋतु Exercise (अभ्यास) – 7

Question Write a biography of Annie Besant within 170 words based on the hints given below:

Hints: born on the 1st of October 1847 in London-famous British writer-well known socialist, and activist for the rights of women – participated in Indian politics – joined the Indian National Congress and became the first woman President of the Indian National Congress in 1917- passed away on 20th of September 1933 in Madras, India.

Annie Besant: Annie Besant was one of those foreigners who were known as well-wishers of India. She was born on 1st October 1847 in London in a middle-class family. She was a famous British writer and an orator. She was also a prominent socialist and activist for the rights of women.

She fought for the cause of women’s rights and birth control all through her life. She came to India and participated in the Indian freedom movement and became the first woman president of the Indian National Congress in 1917.

She campaigned against British rule for democracy and the dominion status of India. This great soul passed away on 20th September 1933 in Madras, India, creating a big vacuum in the hearts of India

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-3 Autumn Additional Textual Question & Answers

Tick The Correct Answer From The Given Alternatives:

Question 1. The poet loves to see

  1. The Shaking Twig
  2. The Bent Twig
  3. The Curved Twig
  4. The Upright Twig

Answer: 1. The Shaking Twig

Question 2. The twig continues to dance till

  1. The Noon
  2. The Morning
  3. The Afternoon
  4. Shut of Evening

Answer: 4. Shut Off the Evening

Question 3. The wind takes away the faded leaves from the

  1. Date Tree
  2. Palm-Tree
  3. Mango-Tree
  4. Elm-Tree

Answer: 4. Elm-Tree

Question 4. The leaves of the mossy elm tree are

  1. Torn
  2. Drenched
  3. Withered
  4. Tender

Answer: 3. Withered

Question 5. The fitful gust shakes the

  1. Window Pane
  2. Curtain
  3. The Huge Windows

Answer: 2. The Huge Windows

Question 6. The sparrow can be found sitting on

  1. The Cottage Rig
  2. The Branch Of The Tree
  3. The Huge Windows
  4. Curtain

Answer: 1. The Cottage Rig

Question 7. The above poem describes the season of

  1. Spring
  2. Summer
  3. Autumn
  4. Winter

Answer: 3. Autumn

Question 8. The smoke is coming from a

  1. Hut
  2. Chimney
  3. Building
  4. House

Answer: 1. Hut

Question 9. The poem ‘autumn’ describes the beauty of

  1. A City
  2. The Urban Life
  3. A Rural Festival
  4. A Countryside

Answer: 4. A Countryside

Question 10. “The mill sails on…” Here ‘mill’ refers to

  1. Jute Mill
  2. Rice Mill
  3. Sugar Mill
  4. Wind Mill

Answer: 4. Wind Mill

Question 11. In the expression ‘stubble lea’, the word ‘lea’ means

  1. The Land Covered With Snow
  2. The Land Covered With Flowers
  3. The Land Covered With Sand
  4. The Land Covered With Grass

Answer: 4. The land covered with grass

Question 12. The word ‘cote’ stands for

  1. Home
  2. Nest
  3. Sty
  4. Hole

Answer: 2. Nest

Question 13. The cottage smoke curls

  1. Downwards
  2. Sidewards
  3. Upwards
  4. Westwards

Answer: 3. Upwards

Question 14. The ‘Casement’ is

  1. A Curtain
  2. A Window That Opens Like A Door With Hinges On One Side
  3. A Door
  4. An Attic

Answer: 2. A window that opens like a door with hinges on one side

Question 15. The spring was preparing to lie in

  1. Winter’s Bed
  2. Summer’s Lap
  3. Summer’s Bed
  4. Autumn’s Lap

Answer: 2. Summer’s lap

Question 16. “Dance till the shut of eve”- Here ‘dance’ means

  1. Sway
  2. Run
  3. Fall
  4. Limp

Answer: 1. Sway

Question 17. The elm tree is

  1. Glossy
  2. Mossy
  3. Dusty
  4. Rusty

Answer: 2. Mossy

18. The leaves of the elm tree are

  1. Fresh
  2. Colourful
  3. Worn-Out
  4. Vibrant

Answer: 3. Worn-Out

19. The word ‘twirling’ means

  1. Touring
  2. Spring Round
  3. Twittering
  4. Towering

Answer: Spring Round

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-3 Autumn Answer The Following Questions Within Fifteen Words

Question 1. What does the chirp of the sparrow make-believe?
Answer: The chirp of the sparrow makes us believe that spring was just now flirting by.

Question 2. How is the wind of Autumn?
Answer: The wind of Autumn blows in fitful gusts throughout the day.

Question 3. What do you mean by ‘casement’ in the poem ‘Autumn’?
Answer: A big window that opens on hinges like a door.

Question 4. Where is the c*ck found?
Answer: In the poem ‘Autumn’, c*ck is found crowing on the dunghill.

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-3 Autumn Answer The Following Questions Within Twenty-Five Words

Question 1. How is the season Autumn represented in the poem ‘Autumn’ by the poet John Clare?
Answer: Autumn is a season of desolation and loneliness. John Clare presents the season of Autumn with playfulness and sportiveness in his poem.

Question 2. Why are November days dull?
Answer: November days are dull because the pigeons are taking shelter in their nest, probably seeking some warmth.

Question 3. Describe the activities of the ‘fitful gust’ in Autumn.
Answer: The ‘fitful gust’ shakes the casement throughout the day. It also takes away the faded leaves from the mossy elm tree.

Question 4. Who scrambles and hurries and why?
Answer: The grunting pigs scramble and hurry to collect the falling acorns near the old crow’s nest.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) -6 Mild The Mist Upon The Hill पर्वत के उपर कोमल कुहाँसा

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) -6 Mild The Mist Upon The Hill पर्वत के उपर कोमल कुहाँसा

About The Author-Emily Jane Bronte

The author of the present poem, Emily Jane Bronte was born at Thronton in Yorkshire in England on July 30, 1818. She was one of the six children born to Reverend Patrick Bronte and Maria Branwell Bronte. Her family moved to Haworth when she was two years old.

The village of Haworth was surrounded by moors. The environment of this place influenced her life and works. In 1824 Emily Bronte went to Cowan Bridge School but she could not continue for more than three months. In 1838 she started working at Law Hill School outside Halifax in Roe Head.

Read and Learn More WBBSE Solutions for Class 9 English Bliss

But she again gave it up in April 1839. In 1842 she went with her sister, Charlotte to Brussels to study foreign languages and school management.

But she returned to Haworth when her aunt died in 1843. During her life, she had no close friends and she enjoyed her solitude outdoors.

In 1845 Charlotte and Emily, along with their sister Anne published a collection of poems under the male names of Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell.

All the contemporary critics considered Emily the best writer of the Bronte sisters. Her only novel, ‘Wuthering Heights’ is one of the classics of English literature. Some of her poems were initially published in a slim volume entitled ‘Poems’ in 1846.

Later C. W. Hatfield published a hundred poems in an edition, The Complete Poems of Emily Jane Bronte (1941)’. Although Emily was much influenced by the writings of Sir Walter Scott, she retained her originality in writing.

Some of her famous poems are The Prisoner’, ‘Death’, ‘Remembrance’, ‘No Coward Soul is Mine, etc. Emily Bronte never received any literary awards. Emily Bronte died in Haworth, Yorkshire, England on December 19, 1848, the same year that her brother, Branwell, passed away.

(पाठ)-6 पर्वत के उपर कोमल कुहाँसा लेखिका परिचय

कविता की लेखिका, एमिली जेन बान्ते का जन्म इंगलैंड में यार्कशायर के थर्नटन में 30 जुलाई, 1818 ई० में हुआ था। पैट्रिक बन्ते एवं मारिया बैनवेल बन्ते दम्पति से जिन 6 संतानों का जन्म हुआ था उनमें से एक थी एमिली।

जब इनकी उम्र मात्र 2 वर्ष की थी तभी पूरा परिवार हावार्थ चला आया। हावार्थ गाँव के चारों ओर फैला हुआ था विस्तीर्ण बंजर भूमि था। इस स्थान का वातावरण उनके जीवन एवं क्रियाकलाप को प्रभावित किया था। एमिली बन्ते 1824 ई० में कावयान ब्रिज स्कूल में दाखिला ली थी किन्तु तीन महीने से अधिक रह नहीं पायी।

1828 ई० में रो हेडके हैलीफैक्स शहर के बाहर लॉ हिल स्कूल में काम करना आरंभ की। किन्तु 1839 ई० के अप्रैल माह में वह पुनः उस कार्य को छोड़ दी । 1842 ई० में वह अपनी बहन चार्लोट के साथ विदेशी भाषा सीखने तथा विद्यालय संचालन संबंधित विषय का अध्ययन

करने के लिए ब्रसेल्स गई। किन्तु 1843 ई० में इनकी चाची की देहांत होने के कारण हावार्थ वापस आ गयी। जीवन भर अपना कोई घनिष्ट साथी न रहने के कारण एक खुला वातावरण में अपनी निःसंगता का उपभोग इन्हें करना पड़ा ।

1845 ई० में चार्लोट एवं एमिली अपनी बहन एनी को लेकर करर, एलिस और आकटन बेल जैसे पुरुष छद्मनामों से एक कविता संकलन पुस्तक का प्रकाशन की। समकालीन सभी समालोचकों ने बन्ते की बहनों में एमिली को ही सर्वोत्तम माना । उनकी एकमात्र उपन्यास ‘वेदरिंग हाईट्स’ अंग्रेजी साहित्य की उत्कृष्ट रचनाओं में से एक है।

1946 ई० में ‘कविता’ शीर्षक से उनकी कई कविताओं का एक क्षुद्र खण्ड आनुष्ठानिक रूप से प्रकाशित हुआ था। बाद में सी० डब्ल्यू० हैटफिल्ड ने दो सौ कविताओं का एक संकलन ‘एमिली जेन ब्रन्ते की समग्र कविता (1941)’ के नाम से प्रकाशित किया। एमिली यद्यपि वाल्टर स्कॉट की रचनाओं से अत्यन्त प्रभावित थी तथापि अपनी रचनाओं में उसकी मौलिकता को कायम रखी थीं।

उनकी कुछ प्रमुख कविताओं में ‘बन्दी’, ‘मृत्यु’, ‘स्मृति’ एवं ‘मेरा हृदय कापुरुष नहीं’ आदि उल्लेखनीय हैं । एमिली बन्ते को कभी भी कोई साहित्यिक पुरस्कार प्राप्त नहीं हुआ। इंगलैंड में यार्कशायर के हावार्थ में 19 दिसम्बर, 1948 ई० में इनका देहांत हुआ और उसी वर्ष इनके भाई, बैनवेल का भी देहांत हुआ था ।


Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-6 Mild The Mist Upon The Hill Introduction

Emily Jane Bronte is an outstanding English poet and novelist of the nineteenth century. She is chiefly remembered for her only novel, Wuthering Heights. But she is also a unique writer of poetry. She has written a number of poems that deal with the theme of ‘mutability’.

Various happy moments that are gone forever appear in these poems. Bronte creates a mood of nostalgia through the setting of ‘the mist’ and ‘mountain’. He uses dictions like ‘The days of youth’, ‘Old hall door’, and ‘Other years’ only to look back in time. On the whole, there is little consolation for the sadness brought about by change. Her poetic personae struggle under the tyranny of happy memories.

‘Mild the Mist Upon the Hill’ presents an aspect of the natural world. Here a misty ‘damp’ evening brings back the thoughts of the past. It transports the poet to an earlier time when such a misty day occurred in the happier days of childhood. In this poem, the scents of fragrance after ‘A day of rain’ have a dream-like quality. But she brings in a note of changeability at the same time.

She compares the revival of ‘The days of youth’ to the ability of a grown-up person to appear like ‘A child once more.’ Happy memories cause pain for the loss of ‘Other years.

The season is summer. Mild mist is upon the hill. The cloudy evening creates a picture of the past. It appears that the present moment can hardly recompense the loss of happy days of the previous years.


(पाठ)-6 पर्वत के उपर कोमल कुहाँसा भूमिका

एमिली जेन बन्ते उन्नीसवीं सदी की एक विशिष्ट अंग्रेज कवि एवं उपन्यासकार थीं। वह अपनी एकमात्र उपन्यास ‘वेदरिंग हाईट्स’ के लिए यादगार हैं। साथ ही कविता रचना में भी वह अनुपम थीं।

‘परिवर्तनशीलता’ का आधार रखते हुए उन्होंने कुछ कविताओं की भी रचना की हैं। हमेशा के लिए खो जानेवाली विभिन्न खुशी के अवसर उनकी कविताओं में पाया जाता है । ‘कुहांसा’ एवं ‘पर्वत’ की प्रेक्षापट में बन्ते ने गृहासक्त की भावना का सृजन की हैं। सिर्फ बीते हुए पल को याद करने के दृष्टिकोण से ही वे ‘दी डेज ऑफ यूथ’, ‘ओल्ड हाल डोर’, ‘अदर ईयर्स’ आदि शब्दों का चयन की है ।

सर्वोपरि परिवर्तन के लिए दुःखद कारणों में किंचित सांत्वना अवशिष्ट रहता है। सुखद स्मृति की याद के साथ ही कठोरता के लिए भी उनकी काव्यिक सत्ता संघर्ष करती है ।

69 प्रस्तुत कविता ‘Mild the mist upon the Hill’ में भौतिक विश्व के प्रति एक दृष्टिकोण दिखाई देता है। यहाँ एक कुहाँसाछन्न शीतल संध्या अतीत की भावनाओं को वापस लाता है।

पूर्व की किसी एक समय का याद कर कवि भावावेग में खो जाती हैं, जहाँ इसी प्रकार की एक कुहाँसाछन्न दिन में शैशवकाल की और भी खुशियाँ उपस्थित हुई थी।

इस कविता में ‘वर्णनात्मक एक दिन’ के बाद ‘सुगंधित सौरभ’ के बीच एक स्वप्नमयी विशेषता उपस्थित है। किन्तु वे इसी के साथ परिवर्तनशीलता की एक सुरीला संगीत भी ले आती हैं। यौवन से भरपूर दिनों के पुनर्जागरण के एक व्यस्क व्यक्ति को पुनः एक शिशु की भांति हो जाने के साथ तुलना करती है।

Other years (अन्य वर्षे) खो जाने से ये सभी सुखद यादगारे वेदनादायक हो जाते हैं। ऋतु है ग्रीष्म । मुलायम कुहाँसे पर्वत के उपर गिरते हैं। मेघाछन्न संध्या पिछले दिनों की एक चित्र का सृजन करती है।

ऐसा प्रतीत होता है कि वर्तमान अवसर के बदले में अतीत की खो जानेवाली खुशियों के पल को पा सकना बिल्कुल ही संभव नहीं है।

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-6 Mild The Mist Upon The Hill Substance

The mist surrounds the mountains. It casts a pall of gloom all around the place. The poet is unhappy. Some gloomy thoughts haunt her mind.

It seems that the day has wept till the evening. There is no sorrow anymore. So she harks back to the days of childhood and youth. She used to lead a secure life in her youth under the care of her father. In her childhood, she would stand near the old hall door.

At present, she watches the blue mists upon the mountain on the distant horizon. The cloudy evening falls. The long green grass elicits a soggy smell. She dreamily recalls her former years and is filled with pleasure.

(पाठ)-6 पर्वत के उपर कोमल कुहाँसा सारांश

कुहाँशे से पहाड़ घिरा हुआ है। चारों ओर उदासी की एक वातावरण छायी हुई है। कवि को दुःख हो रहा है। कुछ विषादग्रस्त भावनायें उनके मन पर अधिकार जमाता है। ऐसा प्रतीत होता है कि शाम न होने तक दिन आंसू बहा रहा है। इसके अलावा और कोई दुःख वहाँ नहीं है। इसीलिए वे अपने यौवन तथा बाल्यावस्था के दिनों में लौट जाती हैं।

पिता की देखरेख में वे अपनी युवा अवस्था में एक सुरक्षित जीवन-यापन करते हैं। बाल्यावस्था में प्राचीन हॉल घर के दरवाजे के निकट खड़े रहती थी। अभी वह दूर-दूरान्तर तक पर्वत के उपर नील कुहाँसे को देखा करती हैं। उसके बाद घनी बादलों के साथ शाम का आगमन होता है। लंबी और हरी घासों से शीतल गंध निकलती है। एक स्वप्न जैसी अवस्था में वह अतीत के वर्षों को याद करती हैं और उसके आनन्द में मग्न हो जाती हैं।

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-6 Mild The Mist Upon The Hill Text

  1. Mild the mist upon the hill, Telling not of storms tomorrow; No; the day has wept its fill, Spent its store of silent sorrow.
  2. Oh, I’m gone back to the days of youth, I am a child once more;
  3. And ‘neath my father’s sheltering roof, And near the old hall door.
  4. I watch this cloudy evening fall, After a day of rain: Blue mists, sweet mists of summer pall The horizon’s mountain chain.
  5. The damp stands in the long, green grass As thick as morning’s tears; And dreamy scents of fragrance pass That breathe of other years.

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-6 Mild The Mist Upon The Hill Word Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Mild : हल्का |
  2. Mist: कुहाँसा
  3. Storms: आँधी
  4. Wept Spent : व्यतीत करना |
  5. Store: इकट्ठा करना
  6. Sorrow: रोया था, यहाँ पानी बरसने की बात कही गई है। दुःख ।
  7. Youth: युवा, यौवन
  8. Sheltering : आश्रय |
  9. Roof : छत, फर्श
  10. Cloudy: मेघाच्छन्न |
  11. Horizon: दिगन्त ।
  12. Mountain-Chain: पर्वतमाला ।
  13. Damp : गीला ।
  14. Dreamy : स्वप्न जैसा ।
  15. Scents : सुगंध
  16. Breathe: साँस लेना

(पाठ)-6 पर्वत के उपर कोमल कुहाँसा हिन्दी अनुवाद

पहाड़ के उपर हल्की कुहाँसा,
कल की आँधी की बात नहीं करती ;
नहीं, दिन तो बहुत ही रोया है,: अपनी निःशब्द जमा दुःखों को खर्च कर बैठा है।
ओह, मैं भी अपने बचपन के दिनों में वापस आ गया,
मैं फिर से एक शिशु बन गया;
और अपने पिता के छत के नीचे आश्रय में,
और पुरानी बड़े घर के दरवाजे के निकट ।
मैं वादलों से घिरी शाम होते देखता हूँ,
बारिश के एक दिन के बाद ;
ग्रीष्म के घन वादलों में, नीली मधुर कुहाँसा,
पर्वतमाला को हर तरफ से घेरे रखा है।
जमी हुई है भींगी भावना, लंबी हरियाली घासों पर,
सुबह की आंसू जैसी मोटी ;
और इधर-उधर कल्पित सुगंध फैल जाती है,
जो बीते दिनों की याद दिलाते हैं

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-6 Mild The Mist Upon The Hill Word Nest (शब्द नीड़)

Fill – make full (पूरा करना) ।
Neath- an abbreviated form of beneath
Pall- a thick cloud (घना बादल) ।
Fragrance- sweet smell (मधुर सुगंध) ।

(पाठ)-6 पर्वत के उपर कोमल कुहाँसा Textual Questions (पाठ्याधारित प्रश्न) Exercise (अभ्यास) – 1

Tick the correct answer from the given alternatives:

Question 1. The mist was upon the

  1. Grass
  2. Roof
  3. Hill
  4. Leaf

Answer: 2. hill

Question 2. The sorrow of the day is described as

  1. Silent
  2. Terrible
  3. Overwhelming
  4. Little

Answer: 1. silent

Question 3. The hall door mentioned in the poem is

  1. New
  2. Large
  3. Broken
  4. Old

Answer: 2. Old

Question 4. The poet watches the cloudy

  1. Moming
  2. Evening
  3. Afternoon
  4. Night

Answer: 2. Evening

Question 5. The color of the mist is

  1. Grey
  2. White
  3. Yellow
  4. Blue

Answer: 4. Blue

Question 6. The damp stands on the

  1. Wall
  2. Floor
  3. Bush
  4. Grass

Answer: 4. Grass

(पाठ)-6 पर्वत के उपर कोमल कुहाँसा (Exercise (अभ्यास) – 2

Answer The Following Questions Within Twenty-Five Words:

Question 1. Where does the poet see herself when she thinks of her childhood?
Answer: When the poet thinks of her childhood the poet sees herself under the roof of her father’s comfortable shelter and near the door of the old hall.

Question 2. What did the poet watch on the ‘cloudy evening’?
Answer: The poet watched the blue and sweet mists of the thick clouds of summer on the mountain chains at the horizon on a cloudy evening after a rainy day.

Grammar in use:

(पाठ)-6 पर्वत के उपर कोमल कुहाँसा  Exercise (अभ्यास) – 3

Identify the following sentences as simple, compound, and complex:

Question He is too short to climb the wall.
Answer: Simple sentence

Question 2. The sky was blue and the sun shone brightly.
Answer: Compound sentence

Question 3. The old man who lived in a village believed that the earth was flat.
Answer: Complex sentence

Question 4. Leaving a job midway is not a good practice.
Answer: Simple sentence

Question 5. Last week I met a friend who gave me a bag which is brown in color.
Answer: Complex sentence

(पाठ)-6 पर्वत के उपर कोमल कुहाँसा Exercise (अभ्यास) – 4

Do as directed:

Question 1. The question was so easy that everyone could answer it. (Change into a simple sentence)
Answer: The question was too easy to answer.

Question 2. A friend in need is a friend indeed. (Change into a complex sentence)
Answer: A friend who is with us in need, is a friend indeed.

Question 3. Pollution is one of the most severe threats to our beautiful planet. (Change into a compound sentence)
Answer: Pollution is a threat to our beautiful planet and it is one of the most severe ones.

Question 4. Do or die. (Change into a complex sentence)
Answer: If you do not do it, you will die.

Question 5. He was confused and stopped working. (Change into a simple sentence)
Answer: Being confused, he stopped working.


(पाठ)-6 पर्वत के उपर कोमल कुहाँसा  Exercise (अभ्यास) – 5

Question Write a letter within 100 words to the Headmaster/Headmistress of your school seeking leave of two days for the purpose of attending the marriage ceremony of your elder sister.


The Headmaster,
Sanatan Dharma Vidyapith
25, B. T. Road, Kolkata.

Subject: Leave of absence.
Srinivas Jain, a student of class IX B of your school, would like to inform you that I will not be able to come to school on the 25th and 26th of November 2014. My elder brother is going to be married on 25th November.

It is my earnest request to you to kindly allow me the above two days’ leave so that I can attend this auspicious occasion. I would be obliged if you kindly grant me permission.

Thanking you,
28/1, C. R. Avenue
Yours faithfully, Srinivas Jain
16 November 2014

(पाठ)-6 पर्वत के उपर कोमल कुहाँसा Exercise (अभ्यास) – 6

Question Suppose, you had bought a book from a bookstore. By mistake, you left it there instead of bringing it back with you.
Providing details of the book and its author, write a letter within 100 words to the owner of the store to find the book and keep it until you come to collect it.

The Proprietor
R. K. Pustak Bhandar
35, M. G. Road,

Sub: Requesting to keep a book left in the shop.
Dear sir,

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that I, Rajib Gupta, bought a book from your shop on the 10th of November, 2014. Mistakenly I forgot to bring the book with me. The book was ‘Nirmala’ by Munshi Premchand.
In the circumstances, I would like to request you to find the book and keep it until I come to you to collect it along with the original bill of the book.
I shall be obliged if you kindly do the needful.

Thanking you,
8, Vivekanand
12th November 2014
Yours faithfully, Rajib Gupta

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-6 Mild The Mist Upon The Hill Additional Textual Question & Answers

Tick The Correct Answer From The Given Alternatives :

Question 1. Mist does not tell anything of

  1. Today
  2. The Next Day
  3. The Previous Day
  4. The Day After Tomorrow

Answer: 4. The day after tomorrow

Question 2. The horizon is an imaginary meeting place of the sky and

  1. The Forest
  2. The Hill
  3. The Meadow
  4. The Earth Surface

Answer: 3. The Earth Surface

Question 3. In the second stanza of the poem, the poet recollects her

  1. Juvenile Activity
  2. Serious Activity
  3. Frivolous Activity
  4. Whimsical Activity

Answer: 1. Juvenile Activity

Question 4. The mist upon the hill reminds the poet of the

  1. Storm Of Tomorrow
  2. Store Of Today’S Sorrow
  3. Days Of Childhood
  4. Days Of Her Journey To Hill

Answer: 3. Days Of Childhood

Question 5. “No; the day has wept its fill” means

  1. Personification
  2. Metaphor
  3. Simile
  4. Hyperbole

Answer: 1. Personification

Question 6.”…the day has wept its fill” means

  1. It did not rain
  2. It rained a little
  3. It rained a lot
  4. The poet has wept the whole day

Answer: 3. It rained a lot

Question 7. In the poem, the poet feels

  1. Nostalgic
  2. Depressed
  3. Excited
  4. Sad

Answer: 1. Nostalgic

Question 8. The mild mist upon the hill revives the memory of the poetess of her

  1. Childhood Friends
  2. Childhood Days
  3. Childhood Activities
  4. Childhood Mischief

Answer: 2. Childhood Days

Question 9. The scents of fragrance are

  1. Old
  2. Thick
  3. Dreamy

Answer: 3. Dreamy

Question 10. ‘Morning’s tears’ here stands for

  1. Dew
  2. Raindrops
  3. Flood Water
  4. Water From Rivers

Answer: 1. Dew

Question 11.‘Morning tears’ refers to

  1. Mists
  2. Dewdrops
  3. Vapor
  4. Rain

Answer: 2. Dewdrops

Question 12. The poet goes back to the day of

  1. Infancy
  2. Young Days
  3. Old Days
  4. Childhood

Answer: 2. Childhood

Question 13. The horizon is surrounded by a chain of

  1. Clouds
  2. Mountains
  3. Mists
  4. Valley

Answer: 2. Mists

Question 14. The poet compares the incessant rains throughout the day with

  1. Talking
  2. Weeping
  3. Smiling
  4. Dancing

Answer: 2. Weeping

Question 15. The mist upon the hill was

  1. Dense
  2. Heavy
  3. Cloudy
  4. Misty

Answer: 3. Cloudy

Question 16. The poet wants to feel

  1. Free
  2. Secure
  3. Lonely
  4. None Of These

Answer:  2. Secure

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-6 Mild The Mist Upon The Hill Answer The Following Questions Within Fifteen Words

Question 1. How does the poet describe the dampness of the grass?
Answer: The dampness on the long, green grass is described by the poet as thick as
morning’s tears.

Question 2. What does the passing fragrance bring into the poet’s mind?
Answer: The passing fragrance brings into the poet’s mind the breath of the previous years.

Question 3. What are the meaning of the word pall’ and the antonym of the word?
Answer: The meaning of the word ‘pall’ is a thick cloud. The antonym of the word ‘neath’
is over.

Question 4. When does the poet go back to her days of youth?
Answer: The poet goes back to her days of youth when after a day’s rain, the hill becomes
covered by mists.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 English Bliss Process Writing

Class 9 English Bliss Process Writing

Question 1. Use the following chart to write about the ‘Preparation of Ghee’ [Milk-collected-factory-weight-tasted-cream separated-cream boiled at 100°C- cooled-bottled-packed-delivered]

Preparation Of Ghee

Ghee is a very popular, nutritious and traditional food item in India. It is processed in several stages. To prepare ghee, first of all, milk is collected from dairy farms and sent to the factory. Then, it is weighed and tasted.

Now, it is poured into a cream separator and the cream is separated from the milk. Next, the cream is boiled at 100°C for a fixed period of time.

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Then, it is allowed to cool. After this, the preparation is poured into sterilized bottles. Finally, the bottles are sealed, labelled, packed in chests and delivered to market for sale.

Question 2. Use the following chart to write about the preparation of the omelette. Cutting onion, chilli, and ginger into pieces-breaking an egg-mixing the onion, ginger, chilli and salt-stirring-pouring mustard oil or ghee in a frying pan, pouring the mixture and spreading all over-rolling-adding salt-serving

Preparation Of An Omelette

To prepare an omelette which is our very favourite food, onion is first cut into small slices and chilli and ginger are mixed. Then an egg is broken and it is mixed with the onion, chilli, ginger and the required amount of salt in a pot. The mixture is next stirred well so that the ingredients may get properly mixed.

After this, some mustard oil or ghee is poured into a frying pan in the oven. The mixture is fried well; the resultant solid matter is rolled and a little bit of salt is added to it. Now the omelette is ready to be served hot.

Question 3. Study the following chart below to describe how paper is made.

Hints: Wood or Bamboo cut up-ground into pulp-put into great tanks-mixed with lime the boiled pulp is passed through another machine-wound into big rolls-cut into different sizes-double crown-double full scape-demy-packed into reams.

Paper Making

Throughout the ages, paper is playing a great role in our life. The procedure of paper making is slightly hard by chainwise processing. To make paper, at first, wood or bamboo is cut up into pieces which are ground into a pulp in a big machine after cleaning.

Next, the pulp is put into great tanks and mixed with lime in order to make the mixture soft and white. The pulp is then boiled and passed over a wire mesh which is kept moving by the rollers; thus we have the wet paper which is once again passed through another machine with a big roller.

It is heated and streamed. Thereafter the wet paper is passed and dried there. Afterwards, this paper is wound into big rolls and cut into different sizes such as a double crown, double full scape and demy. Finally, the cut paper is packed into reams.

Question 4. Chart: Seeds are collected and dried – those seeds are put into a haulier for crushing – a little water is added for extracting oil-oil cakes are separated – oil is collected in containers and sealed – oil is ready for sale.

Preparation Of Mustard Oil

Mustard seeds are first collected from the market and dried well for about two weeks. Then the seeds are taken to the oil mill for extracting oil from them.

There they are put into the haulier of a big crushing machine. A little water is added as it helps to extract oil. Oil cakes
are separated from the oil. Then the extracted oil is collected in tin containers of different sizes. Next, these are properly sealed and labelled. Thus, the edible oil is made ready for use. It may be sent to the market for sale.

Question 5. Flour 1 cup +little oil/ghee+a little salt-add water-form dough-make small balls- roll out into thin round shapes-heat oil/ghee in a pan-deep dry-serve hot.

Preparation Of Luchis

It is very difficult to find a Bengalee who does not like lunches. For the preparation of eight lunches one cup of flour, a little amount of oil or ghee and salt are necessary.

First, these are mixed together well and some water is then added to the mixture in order to form a dough or an unhacked thick mixture.

Next eight small balls are made from the dough, and the balls are flattened on a board with a rolling pin to give them thin round shapes. After this, some oil or ghee is heated in a hot pan or an oven.

The disc-shaped thin doughs are then put into the pan one by one when the hot oil or ghee starts sizzling. They are dipped well into the hot liquid. After deep frying the ‘lunches’ are taken out and served hot.

Question 6. Chart: Peeling and slicing cucumber-slicing onions – cutting tomatoes chopping mint or coriander leaves – mincing chillies – squeezing out the juice of a lemon- sprinkling salt and pepper – adding salad oil – tossing the salad.

Preparation Of Mixed Salad

The preparation of mixed salad involves various stages. First, a few cucumbers are properly peeled and sliced and they are kept in a pot. Then a few onions are sliced and tomatoes are cut into small pieces.

They are kept in the same pot. Next mint or coriander leaves are chopped and green chillies are minced and both are put into the pot. Then the juice is squeezed out of a lemon and it is added to the ingredients.

Now, salt and pepper are sprinkled on them and some salad oil is added. At last, the mixture is stirred well and the mixed salad is made ready to be served.

Question 7. Manuscripts collected from both students and teachers-Varied topics-science, literature, fiction, and sports- Thoroughly screened, necessary additions, alterations, and omissions are made – Preparing a rough draft of the magazine, i.e., different sections of the magazine according to age/language, etc.

Content page, appropriate heading to each section as well as a title to the magazine -Manuscripts along with a dummy sent to the printer – Proof corrections -Sent for final printing -Printed in the form of a book, distributed among the students, teachers and others.

Procedure For Bringing Out A School Magazine

Publication of the school magazine is a prolonged procedure. First, manuscripts are collected from the students as well as the teachers of a school.

Different articles on science, literature, sports, fiction, poems, etc. are thoroughly screened by the teachers entrusted with the task of editing the magazine.

Necessary additions, alterations and omissions are made. Then a rough draft of the magazine, i.e., different sections of the magazine according to age, language, etc. is prepared.

Next, the content page is prepared and an appropriate heading for each section as well as a title of the magazine is given.

The manuscripts along with a dummy are sent to the press for printing. A dummy is a model of the final printing of the magazine. Then the proofs are read and necessary corrections are made to them.

The proofs are next sent to the press for final printing. When the magazine is printed in the form of a book, it is distributed among the students, teachers and others.

Question 8. Letters written -dropped in postal boxes – collected by postmen – sorted in post offices destination – air, sea, railways – despatched by mail van – different post offices-delivered by postmen to respective addresses.

How Postal System Works

Working in the postal system is a complicated process. First, letters are written and these are dropped in postal boxes. The letters are then collected from the letter boxes by postmen of different post offices.

The collected letters are brought to the post offices where the sorting of letters is done. The sorted letters are next despatched to different places by plane, ship and train.

The letters are then sent to various post offices by mail van. Now the postmen in post offices collect the letters and put them in bags.

At last, they go out either by cycle or on foot to deliver letters to the addressees in different places. 9. Study the following chart carefully and then write a paragraph in about 120 words on the processing of solid rubber from rubber plants.

Rubber Processing Latex


Rubber is a very useful material. It is produced from the milky-white liquid called latex obtained from rubber plants. Latex is first collected from rubber plantations.

The collection is then sent to factories in containers. The thick latex is now mixed with chemicals. It is turned into rubber slabs. The slabs are cut into pieces and pressed with rollers. Thus sheets of rubber are obtained. The rubber sheets are next sent to the smokehouse for treatment.

This treatment enables the rubber to be preserved for a long period of time. The treated rubber turns into dry sheets of rubber. It is then packed and sent to the market for sale.

Question 10. Seeking the D.I.’s permission- asking Employment Exchange for sending names of candidates – the list of candidates comes to the school – the candidates are asked to appear for an interview is held selection and a panel is made the – panel sent to the D.I. for approval – appointment letter sent.

The Appointment Of A School Teacher

For the appointment of a teacher, the school authorities first seek the permission of the D.I.(or the District Inspector of Schools) when the post of an assistant teacher is vacant.

After getting the D.I.’s consent, they ask the local Employment Exchange Office to send a list of candidates with their addresses and academic qualifications. When the list of candidates comes to the school, the candidates are asked to appear for an interview.

Then the selection is made and a panel is formed according to the marks obtained them in the interview. After this, the panel is sent to the D.I. for approval. Finally, the appointment letter is sent to the most successful candidate asking him to join the school.

Question 11. Study the following information about Gobar gas production. Enlarge it into a paragraph of about 100 words. Give the passage a title.


Production Of Gobar Gas

The basic raw materials needed for the production of Gobar gas are cow-dung and water. Cow dung is collected daily and is kept in a big container where it is mixed with water in 1: 1 proportion.

The mixture is kept in the container for 25-30 days and stirred with an agitator all along. The mixture is then heated and Gobar gas is produced.

The gas, which is the main product, is stored in a container. Sludge, the by-product, is left behind and removed.

Question 12. Study the following chart carefully and then write a paragraph in about 120 words on how plywood is made.


Plywood is made from waste polythene bags. These waste bags are collected from different places and placed in special containers. This polythene now undergoes different processes before we get ready plywood. The waste is first subjected to heat when it melts at a temperature of 1125° C.

The molten polyethene becomes jelly-like; this is now mixed with sawdust or paddy dust and is then pressed by rollers into moulds to give it different shapes. The moulds are cooled by water and taken out. Passing through the above pro- cesses the plywood is now ready for use for different purposes.

Question 13. Read the following flowchart carefully. Elaborate on the points given in boxes and summarise them to describe the process of preparation of lemon squash.

Preparation Of Lemon Squash

For the preparation of lemon squash, a sufficient number of lemons are collected first and these are cleaned by scrubbing. The rind (hard skin) of the lemon is then scraped off and the lemons are boiled in water and allowed to cool.

The juice is now squeezed out and after careful straining, it is mixed with citric acid and sugar in proper proportion. The squash is now ready for consumption.

It is next poured into clean, dry bottles and labelled properly. The bottles, packed in attractive cartons, are then sent to the market for sale.


WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) – 9 The North Ship उत्तर का जहाज

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) – 9 The North Ship उत्तर का जहाज

About The Poet-Philip Arther Larkin

Philip Larkin was born in Coventry, England on 9th August 1922. He attended St. John’s College, Oxford. His first book of poetry, ‘The North Ship’, was published in 1945. In 1946 Larkin came in close contact with the poetry of Thomas Hardy and became a great admirer of his works.

He learned from Hardy how to use commonplace details of our life in poetry. With the publication of his second volume of poetry,

‘The Less Deceived’, Larking became the eminent poet of his generation and a leading voice of ‘The Movement’. Like Hardy, Larkin focused on intense personal emotion and avoided sentimentality.

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In 1964, he confirmed his reputation as a major poet with the publication of ‘The Whitsun Weddings’ and again in 1974 with ‘High Windows’.

Acutely anti-social and a great lover and critic of American Jazz, Larkin never married and worked as a librarian in the city of Hull, where he died on 2nd December 1985.

(पाठ) – 9 उत्तर का जहाज कवि परिचय

फिलिप लर्किन का जन्म इंगलैंड के कवेन्ट्री में 9 अगस्त, 1922 ई० में हुआ था। उनकी शिक्षा-दीक्षा ऑक्सफोर्ड के सेंट जॉन कॉलेज में हुई। उनकी प्रथम कविता पुस्तक ‘द नार्थ शिप’ (उत्तर का जहाज) 1945 ई० में प्रकाशित हुई ।

लर्किन 1946 ई० में थॉमस हार्डी की कविताओं के घनिष्ट संपर्क में आये और उनकी कविता प्रतिभा से मंत्रमुग्ध हुए ।

उन्होंने हार्डी से ही सीखा कि किस प्रकार हम अपने जीवन की अति सामान्य घटनाओं को कविता में व्यवहार किया करते हैं। अपनी दूसरी कविता ग्रंथ ‘The Less Deceived’ के प्रकाशन के बाद वे अपने समय के विख्यात कवि और ‘The Movement’ के एक अग्रणी कंठध्वनि के रूप में गण्य हुए।

हार्डी की भांति ही लर्किन भी गहन व्यक्तिगत अनुभूति तथा भावावेग को वर्जन किये थे ।

1964 ई० में ‘The Whitsun Weddings’ प्रकाशन के जरिये एक महत्वपूर्ण कवि के बतौर वे अपना सम्मान तथा ख्याति को निश्चित किये।

यह और भी गहराई से निश्चित हुआ जब 1974 ई० में उनकी ‘High Windows ‘ का प्रकाशन हुआ। एक तीव्र असामाजिक, अमेरिका के Jazz के कठोर समालोचक और प्रेमी लर्किन अविवाहित थे तथा हॉल शहर में एक ग्रन्थागार के रूप में कार्यरत थे जहाँ 2 दिसंबर, 1985 ई० में उनका देहांत हुआ।

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-9 The North Ship उत्तर का जहाज Introduction


The author of this poem, Philip Larkin was an eminent writer in post-war England. As a poet, he earned national fame but always preferred to avoid the limelight.

He achieved acclaim for the strength of a small body of work. Larkin employed traditional tools of poetry such as rhyme, stanza, and meter to represent the uncomfortable experiences of common people in the modern age.

To support himself, he worked as a librarian for more than forty years and I wrote in his spare time. He authored two novels ‘Jill’ and ‘A Girl in Winter’.

His first book of poetry was ‘The North Ship’. He came to prominence in 1955 with the publication of his second collection of poems, ‘The Less Deceived’. His other collection of poems is ‘The Whitsun Weddings’ and ‘High Windows’.

The present poem describes the journey of three ships that head to different destinations. While two ships return, one presses forward and faces perils to continue its long journey. The ship is like a symbol of aspiration that overcomes all obstacles.


(पाठ) – 9 उत्तर का जहाज भूमिका

के एक विख्यात ले प्रस्तुत कविता का लेखक, फिलिप लर्किन युद्धोपरांत इंगलैड के एक विख्यात लेखक थे। राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर कवि के रूप में सम्मान पाने पर भी वे प्रसिद्धि को हमेशा उपेक्षा करना ही पसन्द किया करते थे।

अपनी क्षुद्र मात्रा में कर्मकांडों के बावजूद भी उन्हें उच्च प्रशंसा प्राप्त हुआ था। कविता की परंपरागत उपकरणें, जैसे छन्द, स्तवक तथा मिटर का प्रयोग कर लर्किन ने आधुनिक युग के आम लोगों के व्यग्र तजुर्बे को प्रस्तुत किया है।

लर्किन ने जीवन-निर्वाह के लिए चालीस वर्षो से अधिक समय तक एक ग्रन्थागार के रूप में कार्यरत रहे तथा अवकाश के समय में लिखते रहे।’Jil’ एवं ‘ A Girl in Winter’ ये दोनों लर्किन के उल्लेखनीय उपन्यास हैं।

उनकी प्रथम कविता का पुस्तक ‘The North Ship’ है। 1955 ई० में प्रकाशित उनकी दूसरी कविता संग्रह ‘The Less Deceived’ उन्हें प्रसिद्धि के शिखर पर पहुँचा दिया। उनकी अन्य कविताओं में ‘The Whitsun weddings’ एवं ‘High Windows’ आदि उल्लेखनीय हैं ।

प्रस्तुत कविता तीन जहाजों के यात्रा का वर्णन करता है जो अपने अलग-अलग गन्तवों की ओर आगे बढ़ते हैं। जिस समय दो जहाज वापस आते हैं, उसी समय एक जहाज सामने की ओर आगे बढ़ जाता है और बहुत दूर चले जाने के बाद एक खतरे के सम्मुख होता है। वह जहाज आकांक्षा का प्रतीक है जो समस्त विघ्न-बाधाओं को अतिक्रमण करता है।


Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-9 The North Ship उत्तर का जहाज Summary

The poem describes the journey of three ships that sailed in different directions. The first ship sailed to a rich country in the west.

The second ship went towards the east in an unfriendly natural condition. While the two returned, the third ship headed towards the north, went forward on a long journey, and faced challenges.


(पाठ) – 9 उत्तर का जहाज सारांश

यह कविता तीन जहाजों के यात्रा का वर्णन करता है जो भिन्न-भिन्न दिशाओं में समुद्री यात्रा कर रहे थे। प्रथम जहाज पश्चिम की दिशा में एक धनी देश की यात्रा करता है।

दूसरा जहाज पूर्व की ओर एक प्रतिकूल प्राकृतिक वातावरण में यात्रा किया। ये दोनों जहाज जब वापस आये, तब तीसरा जहाज उत्तर दिशा की ओर आगे बढ़ गया और बहुत दूर चले जाने के बाद वह एक कठिन परिस्थिति का सम्मुखीन हुआ ।


Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-9 The North Ship उत्तर का जहाज Text

  1. I saw three ships go sailing by: Over the sea, the lifting sea, And the wind rose in the morning sky, And one was rigged for a long journey.
  2. The first ship turned towards the west, Over the sea, the running sea, And by the wind was all possessed And carried to a rich country.
  3. The second turned towards the east, Over the sea, the quaking sea, And the wind hunted it like a beast To anchor in captivity.


Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-9 The North Ship उत्तर का जहाज Word Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Sailing : जलयात्रा |
  2. Lifting : फलना-फूलना
  3. Possessed : अधिकृत
  4. Carried : वहन किया गया ।
  5. Hunted : शिकार किया था।
  6. Beast: जंतु, जानवर
  7. Anchor : लंगर डालना ।

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-9 The North Ship उत्तर का जहाज हिन्दी अनुवाद

देखा था मैं तीन जहाजों को तैरते उफनते हुए समुद्र के उपर से, प्रातः कालीन आकाश में वायु बहती रही लंबी यात्रा के लिए और कोई प्रस्तुत हुआ प्रथम जहाज गया पश्चिम की दिशा में वेगमय समुद्र के उपर से, वायु से पूरी तरह चलमान होकर वह एक धनी देश की ओर चला गया।

दूसरा जहाज बढ़ा पूरब की ओर उथल-पुथल करता समुद्र के उपर से, जानवर जैसी वायु इसके उपर झपट पड़ा इसे कैद किया लंगर डालने के लिए ।


Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-9 The North Ship उत्तर का जहाज Text

  1. The third ship drove toward the north, Over the sea, the darkening sea, But no breath of wind came forth, And the decks shone frostily.
  2. The northern sky rose high and black Over the proud unfruitful sea, East and west the ships came back Happily or unhappily.
  3. But the third went wide and far Into an unforgiving sea Under a fire-spilling star, And it was rigged for a long journey.


Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-9 The North Ship उत्तर का जहाज Word Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Drove : चलना आरंभ किया था ।
  2. Toward: दिशा में |
  3. Darkening : अन्धकारमय ।
  4. Breath: साँस, दम ।
  5. Decks : जहाज की छत ।
  6. Forstily: कुहासा जैसा ।
  7. Unfruitful : फलदायक नहीं ।
  8. Wide: विस्तृत
  9. Unforgiving : निष्ठुर |
  10. Spilling: खूँटियों की पंक्ति ।

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-9 The North Ship उत्तर का जहाज हिन्दी अनुवाद

  1. तीसरा जहाज गया उत्तर दिशा की ओर अंधकाराछन्न समुद्र के उपर से, किन्तु कोई भी वायु आया नहीं आगे बढ़कर और जहाज की छत दिखता था तुषाराच्छन्न ।
  2. अकस्मात उत्तरी दिशा का वादल हो गया काला अभिमानी, उसड़ समुद्र के उपर, पूर्व और पश्चिम की जहाजें आ गये वापस खुशी-खुशी या दुःखी मन से ।
  3. किन्तु तीसरा आगे बढ़ा दूर विस्तृत समुद्र में निष्ठुर समुद्र के बीच से, आग बरसाती हुई सितारों के नीचे एक लंबी यात्रा के लिए वह निकला था।


Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-9 The North Ship उत्तर का जहाज Word Nest (शब्द नीड़)

  1. Rigged : To Equip A Boat Or A Ship For A Long Journey (लंबी यात्रा के लिए किसी नाव याजहाज को प्रस्तुत करना)
  2. Quaking: Stirring ( आन्दोलित) ।
  3. Captivity : Imprisonment कारावास) ।


Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-9 The North Ship उत्तर का जहाज Textual Questions (पाठ्याधारित प्रश्न ) Exercise (अभ्यास) 1


Tick The Correct Answer From The Given Alternatives:

Question 1. The Number Of Ships Sailing By Were

  1. Three
  2. Two
  3. Five
  4. four

Answer: 3. Three

Question 2. The wind carried the first ship to a

  1. Big Country
  2. Small Country
  3. Rich Country
  4. Distant Country

Answer: 3. Rich Country

Question 3. The Second Ship Turned Towards The

  1. West
  2. North
  3. South
  4. East

Answer: 4. East

Question 4. The Decks Of The Third Ship Shone

  1. Brightly
  2. Frostily
  3. Clearly
  4. Dimly

Answer: 2. Frostily

Question 5. The Northern Sky Rose Over The

  1. Unfruitful Sea
  2. Kind Sea
  3. Stormy Sea
  4. Calm Sea

Answer: 1. Unfruitful Sea

Question 6. The third ship was rigged for a

  1. Long Journey
  2. Short Journey
  3. Slow Journey
  4. Quick Journey

Answer: 2. Long Journey


Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-9 The North Ship उत्तर का जहाज Exercise (अभ्यास) – 2

Answer The Following Questions Within Twenty-Five Words:

Question 1. What did the wind do to the second ship?
Answer: The second ship sailed across the turbulent sea due to the strong wind that stirred the vessel wildly and hunted it like an imprisoned beast.

Question 2. Give any two points of difference between the journey of the third ship and the other two ships.

  1. While the first and the second ships came back from their journey happily or unhappily, the third ship sailed northward fighting obstacles in the sea.
  2. In contrast with the first and the second ships, the third one was rigged for a long journey.

Grammar in use:


Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-9 The North Ship उत्तर का जहाज Exercise (अभ्यास) – 3

Replace the underlined words with suitable phrasal verbs given in the list below. Change the form if necessary. There are two extra phrasal verbs:

Question 1. The child resembles his grandfather.
Answer: Takes after

Question 2. They published a magazine recently.
Answer: Brought out

Question 3. My mother taught me not to disrespect anyone.
Answer: look down upon

Question 4. We should abolish bad habits.
Answer: Give up

Question 5. A new university was built at Coochbehar.
Answer: set up

Phrasal verbs: bring out, set up, put up, run after, give up, look down upon, take after Do as directed:


Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-9 The North Ship उत्तर का जहाज Exercise (अभ्यास)- 4

Question 1. The man was so weak that he could not walk. (Rewrite using ‘too’)
Answer: The man was too weak to walk.

Question 2. Titir is one of the most intelligent girls in the class. (Rewrite using the positive degree of the underlined adjective)
Answer: Very few girls in the class are as intelligent as Titir.

Question 3. As soon as he reached home, it started raining heavily. (Change into a negative sentence)
Answer: No sooner had he reached home than it started raining heavily.

Question 4. Why cry over spilled milk? (Change into an assertive sentence)
Answer: There is no use crying over spilled milk.

Question 5. Blood is thicker than water. (Change into an interrogative sentence)
Answer: Is not blood thicker than water?

Question 6. He told a lie intentionally. (Rewrite using the noun form of ‘intentionally”)
Answer: He told a lie with an intention.

Question 7. Run fast or you will be late. (Change into a complex sentence)
Answer: If you do not run fast, you will be late.

Question 8. The reporter made the news public. (Rewrite using the verb form of ‘public’)
Answer: The reporter publicized the news.



Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-9 The North Ship उत्तर का जहाज Exercise (अभ्यास)-5

Question 1. Write a newspaper report within 100 words on the effect of a devastating flood in your district based on the following hints:

Midnapore district-month of July-heavy rainfall-‘rivers overflowing-trees uprooted, many villages flooded-loss of human and animal life-rescue operations-steps taken by the government.

Answer: A Devastating Flood In Midnapore By A Staff Reporter Midnapore, July 1: A large area of the Midnapore district has been seriously affected by a devastating flood in this month of July.

The flood was caused by heavy rainfall for the last few days. Several rivers like Shilabati, Rupnarayan, and Keleghai were overflowed by heavy downpours. Many villages under Sabang, Ghatal, Sultanpur, and other sub-divisions were completely flooded.

A huge number of trees were uprooted and thus communications came to a halt. Meanwhile, at least 38 people died and more than 5000 cattle were swept away by this flood.

The state government has sent cooked food, tarpaulin sheets, medical teams, and pouches of drinking water to the affected areas. About 60,000 people have been rescued and sent to the relief camp so far. The Chief Minister visited the affected areas and promised all sorts of help.


Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-9 The North Ship उत्तर का जहाज Exercise (अभ्यास) – 6

Question Imagine that you and your friend are sailors of two ships that have recently returned from their voyages. Write a dialogue within 100 words on the different experiences of your voyages.


Hari: Hello, Mohan. How are you?

Mohan: Very fine. Thanks and you?

Hari: I am also fine. Thank you very much. Where had you been so long?

Mohan: I had gone to South Africa with my ship ‘The Captain’.

Hari: What co-incidence! I was also with the ship ‘The Magnificent’. How was your voyage this time?

Mohan: Don’t remind me of it again. My ship was going to be wrecked by a tempest. I had a narrow escape this time. How was your voyage?

Hari: It was fine. We had reached our destination in time and after our business, we returned home safely. Thank God, you have come back nicely. How are the rest of your shipmates now?

Mohan: They are also in good health. Goodbye. Hope to meet you again soon.

Hari: Goodbye and Thank you.


Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-9 The North Ship उत्तर का जहाज Additional Textual Question & Answers

Tick The Correct Answer From The Given Alternatives:


Question 1. The first ship reached

  1. In confinement
  2. Prosperous destination
  3. Sea
  4. An anchor

Answer: 2. Prosperous destination

2. The wind hunted the ship that sailed towards

  1. East
  2. West
  3. North
  4. North-east

Answer: 1. East

3. The obstruction caused to the second ship was because of

  1. Heavy sea
  2. Windy sea
  3. Calm sea
  4. Frosty sea

Answer: 2. Windy sea

4. The first ship turned towards the

  1. East
  2. West
  3. North
  4. South

Answer: 2. West

5. The first ship was carried to a

  1. Poor-country
  2. Happy country
  3. Rich country
  4. Sad country

Answer: 3. Rich country

6. The second ship was anchored in

  1. Captivity
  2. Joy
  3. Anger
  4. Hatred

Answer: 1. Captivity

7. The northern sky rose high and

  1. Black
  2. Light
  3. White
  4. Bright

Answer: 1. Black

8. The sea was proud and

  1. Unfruitful
  2. Lifting
  3. Quaking
  4. Cruel

Answer: 1. Unfruitful

9. The first two ships came back

  1. Happily
  2. Unhappily
  3. Happily or unhappily
  4. Excited

Answer: 3. Happily or unhappily

10. The third ship went into

  1. A running sea
  2. A forgiving sea
  3. An unforgiving sea
  4. A cairn sea

Answer: 3. An unforgiving sea

11. The second ship dropped the anchor

  1. Out of own will
  2. Out of anger
  3. In captivity
  4. Out of tiredness

Answer: 3. In captivity

12. The ship which reached the destination smoothly was the

  1. First ship
  2. Second ship
  3. Third ship
  4. No ship

Answer: 1. First ship

13. A ‘fire-spelling star’ refers to

  1. The Moon
  2. The north star
  3. Any star
  4. The sun

Answer: 3. Any star


Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-9 The North Ship उत्तर का जहाज Answer The Following Questions Within Twenty-Five Words

Question 1. Describe the sea when the three ships were sailing.
Answer: When the three ships were sailing, the sea was turbulently described by the poet as a ‘lifting sea’ and then the wind was blowing strongly.

Question 2. Where were the ships going?
Answer: The three ships were going in three different directions-the first one towards the west, the second towards the east, and the third towards the north.

Question 3. What is meant by ‘running sea’?
Answer: Here ‘running sea’ means the sea favorable for the journey with the blowing of a favorable wind.

Question 4. Why did the ship sail towards the west? Give your own opinion.
Answer: The ship sailed west as the westward journey was safe and prosperous. With the help of a favorable wind, the ship reached a rich country.

Question 5. Which ship was rigged for a long journey? In which direction did it move?
Answer: The third ship was rigged for a long journey. It moved north.

Question 6. What was the first ship rigged for?
Answer: The first ship was rigged for a long journey toward the west. The ship reached a rich country.

Question 7. When did the wind rise and what happened then?
Answer: The wind rose in the morning sky. Then all three ships started their journey in different directions.

Question 8. Give an example of personification from the third stanza.
Answer: An example of personification in the third stanza is ‘the wind hunted it like a beast’.
Here the wind is personified as a beast.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 English Bliss Lesson 5 All Summer In A Day

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) – 5 All Summer In A Day

About The Author- Ray Bradbury

The author of the lesson Ray Douglas Bradbury was born on August 22 in 1920 in Waukegan, Illinois, USA. His mother’s name is Esther Bradbury and his His father’s name is Leonard Spaulding Bradbury.

As a child, he developed a passion for the books of L. Frank Baun and Edgar Allan Poe. He had deep interests in cinema, comic strips, and traveling circuses.

Bradbury’s father had often been out of work during the twenties and thirties. So the family moved between Illinois and Arizona. By the spring of 1934, the Bradbury family moved to California.

Read and Learn More WBBSE Solutions for Class 9 English Bliss

As a teenager, Ray Bradbury roller-skated all over Hollywood. He collected autographs and took photos with stars like Jean Harlow, Marlene Dietrich, and George Bums.

After he graduated from Los Angeles High School in 1938, he joined the Los Angeles Science Fiction League. He was befriended writers like Robert Heinlein and Leigh Brackett.

In 1940, with the help of Heinlein, he took up writing professionally for the literary magazine called ‘Script’. Bradbury’s poor eyesight kept him out of the Second World War.

During these years he established himself as a writer for the magazines like ‘Weird Tales’ and ‘Astounding Science Fiction’. ‘The Martian Chronicles’, his second book, (1950) was a remarkable science fiction.

Three years later Bradbury published the novel, ‘Fahrenheit 451’. In all Bradbury has written more than 50 books, including ‘The Illustrated Man’ (1951), ‘Dandelion Wine’, ‘Something Wicked This Way Comes’ and his 2009 story collection, ‘We’ll Always Have Paris’. He has worked often in television and film.

He was written teleplays for ‘Alfred Hitchcock Presents’ and the screenplay of ‘Moby Dick’. In 1964 he set up the Pandemonium Theatre Company.

He has also published many poetry collections and has even worked in architecture. He was awarded the ‘Medal’ for distinguished contribution to American Letters from the ‘National Book Foundation in 2000 and in 2004 the ‘National Medal of Arts’.

Bradbury also received ‘Prometheus Award’ (for Fahrenheit 451), ‘Emrny Award’ (for the screenplay, ‘The Halloween Tree’), ‘World Fantasy Award’ [for life Achievement (1977)] and many others. His wife, Marguerite Mclure passed away in 2003. He passed away on June 5, 2012, at the age of 91.

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-5 All Summer In A Day लेखक परिचय

लेखक, रे डगलास ब्राडबरी का जन्म अमेरिका के इलिनय शांत के उकेगेन शहर में 22 अगस्त, 1920 ई० में हुआ था । इनके माँ का नाम इस्थार ब्राडबरी तथा पिता का नाम लिऊनार्ड स्पलडिं ब्राडबरी था। बचपन में ही ये एल० फ्रैंकबाउम एवं ईगर एलेन पो की रचनाओं के प्रति तीव्र आकर्षित हुए थे।

सिनेमा, व्यंग्यचित्र एवं चलमान सर्कसों के प्रति इनका गंभीर अभिरुचि था । बीसवीं एवं तीसवीं दशक के बीच इनके पिता अक्सर कर्महीन हो जाया करते थे । अतः परिवार को इलिनय एवं अरिजोना का आना-जाना लगा रहता था।

1934 ई० के बसन्त ऋतु में ब्राडबरी परिवार कैलिफोर्निया चला आया । बाल्यावस्था में संपूर्ण हॉलीउठ का वे पाँव के नीचे चक्का लगाकार घूमने जैसा भ्रमण किये थे । जाँ हार्लो, मार्लिन डियोट्रिज एवं जॉर्ज बर्नस् जैसे प्रख्यात सितारों का ऑटोग्राफ संग्रह किये थे और उनके साथ फोटो भी खिंचवाये थे ।

1938 ई० में लॉस एंगेल्स हाई स्कूल से स्नातक करने के बाद ये लॉस एंगेल्स सायंस फिक्शन लीग में शामिल हुए। बार्ट हाइलेन एवं ला बैकेट जैसे लेखकों के साथ इनकी प्रगाढ़ मित्रता हुई ।

हाइनलेन की सहायता से 1940 ई० में वे एक साहित्यिक पत्रिका में एक पेशेवर लेखक के रूप में कार्य करना आरंभ किये। दृष्टिशक्ति कमजोर हो जाने के कारण ब्राडबरी द्वितीय विश्वयुद्ध से अलग हो गये थे।

उस दौरान वे ‘उईयार्ड टेल्स’ एवं ‘एसटाउनविंग सायंस फिक्शन’ नामक पत्रिकाओं में एक लेखक के रूप में अपने आपको प्रतिष्ठित किया। उनकी दूसरी रचना ‘द मर्शियन क्रानिकल्स’ (1950) एक उत्कृष्ट कल्पवैज्ञानिक संकलन है।

इसके तीन वर्ष बाद ब्राडबरी ने ‘फारेनहाइट 451’ प्रकाशित किया। बाडबरी ने 50 से भी अधिक पुस्तकों की रचना किये जिनमें ‘द इलेस्ट्रेटेड मैन’ (1951), डैनडेलियन वाईन, ‘समथिं विक्ड दिस वे कम्स’ और उनकी 2009 ई० की कहानी संग्रह ‘वि’ल अलवेज हैव पेरिस’ आदि उल्लेखनीय है ।

वे प्रायः दूरदर्शन एवं सिनेमा के लिए भी कार्य किया करते थे। वे बड़े पर्दा के लिए ‘मवि डिक’ की कहानी तथा दूरदर्शन के लिये ‘अल्फ्रेड हिचकक प्रेजेन्ट्स’ की कहानी भी लिखे थे। 1964 ई० में वे पैनडेमोनियम थियेटर कंपनी की स्थापना किये।

कई कविताओं का संकलन प्रकाशित करने के अलावा भी वे निर्माणी उद्योग में भी कार्य किये हैं । अमेरिकी साहित्य में उनके विशिष्ट अवदानों के लिए नेशनल बुक फाउन्डेशन ने 2000 ई० में उन्हें मेडल एवं 2004 ई० में ‘नेशनल मेडल आफ आर्टस’ से पुरस्कृत किया।

इसके अलाबा भी ब्राडबरी ‘प्रमिथिवस अवार्ड’ (फारेनहाइट 451 के लिए), ‘एमि अवार्ड’ (चलचित्र, द हैलोविन ट्री की कहानी लेखन के लिए), ‘वर्ल्ड फैनटेसी अवार्ड’ (उनके जीवनव्यापी कृतत्व के लिए) तथा और भी कई अवार्डों से भूषित हुए हैं। 2003 ई० में उनकी पत्नी मार्गुएरिट मैक्लुर की मृत्यु हुई और 2012 ई० में 5 जून को 91 वर्ष की आयु में उनका देहांत हुआ ।


Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-5 All Summer In A Day Introduction

One of the most celebrated writers of the 20th century was Ray Douglas Bradbury. Some of his best-known literary works are in the science fiction genre.

Some of his books were being dismissed by science fictionists for being scientifically unsound (for example, human beings breathing in the atmosphere on Mars).

Yet Bradbury tried to popularise science fiction throughout his life. According to Bradbury science fiction is ‘real’ but fantasy is ‘unreal’.

He was much influenced by the writings of Edgar Allan Poe, Edgar Rice Burroughs, H.G. Wells, Jules Verne, Robert Frost, Aldous Huxley, and many others. Many of his stories have been adapted for television and short films.

The story, ‘All summer in a Day’ was originally published in the Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction in March 1954. The story details the life of the schoolchildren on Venus.

Most of the children are sick of living with the ceaseless rain. They are pale not just physically but also emotionally. Without the sun their skin loses luster. It is a gloomy world.

Seldom does the sun appear. When it does, the children of the rocket men only have one hour to enjoy it.


Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-5 All Summer In A Day भूमिका

बीसवीं सदी के सुप्रसिद्ध कल्पविज्ञान लेखकों में से एक थे रे डगलास बाडबरी । उनकी अति परिचित साहित्यिक क्रियाकर्मों में से कुछ हैं कल्पविज्ञानी कार्य । वैज्ञानिक आधार के न होने के कारण उनकी कुछ पुस्तकों को कल्प-विज्ञान विशारदों ने खारिज कर दिया (उदाहरणस्वरूप, मंगल ग्रह के वातावरण में मानवों का साँस लेना), तथापि बाडबरी ने जीवन भर कल्प-विज्ञान को लोकप्रिय बनाने का प्रयास करते रहे।

ब्राडबरी के मतानुसार, कल्पविज्ञान है ‘वास्तव’ किन्तु उद्भट कल्पना है ‘अवास्तव’ ।वे एडगार ऐलन पो, एडगार राईस वारोज, एच०जी० वेल्स, जूले वर्न, राबर्ट फ्रास्ट, एलडस इक्सली और अन्य कई लेखकों के रचनाओं से प्रभावित थे। उनकी अधिकांश कहानियाँ दूरदर्शन तथा लघु सिनेमाओं के लिए ग्रहण किये गये हैं।

1954 ई0 के मार्च महीने में ‘All Summar in a Day’ कहानी को Fantasy and Science Fiction पत्रिका में विकृत रूप से प्रकाशित किया गया था। इस कहानी में शुक्र ग्रह पर स्कूल के शिशु शिक्षार्थियों के जीवन का विस्तृत रूप से वर्णन किया गया है।

लगातार बारिश के कारण अधिकांश बच्चों का रहना ही कठिन हो जाता है । शारीरिक रूप से ही नहीं, भावनात्मक दृष्टिकोण से भी उनमें मलिनता आ जाती है। सूर्य के न रहने के कारण उनके चमड़े की उजालापन खो जाता है।

यह एक उद्वेगजनक दुनिया है। सूर्य का आविर्भाव यहाँ कदाचित ही हुआ करता है। जब ऐसा होता है तो रॉकेट के मानव शिशुओं के लिए यह मात्र एक घंटे का उपभोग्य वस्तु होता है।


Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-5 All Summer In A Day Summary

In ‘All Summer in a Day’ a group of school children lives on the planet Venus with their families. They are nine years old. They are eagerly awaiting a momentous occasion.

After seven years of continuous rain, the scientists of Venus have told us that the sun will come out for a brief period of time. The children have only seen the sun once in their lives.

But they were only two years old at that time. They don’t remember how it looks or feels. To prepare for the day they have constantly read about the sun. They have even completed their classroom activities such as writing small stories, essays or poems about the sun.

No sooner does the rain stop than the sun comes out. All the children come out of their underground houses, begin to run round, and enjoy the sun. It is unlike anything they could imagine.

They exult, ‘Oh, it’s better than lamplights, isn’t it?’ They enjoy the warmth of the sun, running and shouting in circles. After laying out, playing, and running around the jungles of Venus, one of the girls wails because she is holding a single large raindrop in the center of her open palm.

All the other children stand for a moment and look at the sky. The rain clouds move in. The sun retreats behind a cloud of mist. The rain begins to fall harder.

All the children re-enter the underground houses with pale faces. They look out of the window at the rain-soaked world.

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-5 All Summer In A Day सारांश

All Summar in a Day (एक ही दिन का ग्रीष्म ऋतु) कहानी में विद्यालय के शिशु शिक्षार्थियों के एक समूह को उनके परिवार के साथ शुक्र ग्रह में निवास करते हुए दिखाया गया है।

उनका उम्र औसत 9 वर्ष का है । वे लोग अति आग्रह के साथ एक बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण समय की प्रतीक्षा में हैं । सात वर्षों से अविराम बारिश के बाद शुक्र ग्रह के वैज्ञानिकों का कहना था कि चन्द समय के लिए ही सूर्य को देखा जायगा ।

बच्चे अपने जीवन में मात्र एक बार ही सूर्य का दर्शन किये हैं। किन्तु उनको आयु उस समय मात्र दो वर्ष का था कैसा है वह देखने में और कैसी है उसको अनुभूति, यह उन्हें याद नहीं है ।

उस दिन के लिए प्रस्तुत रहने के उद्देश्य से वे लोग सूर्य के सम्बन्ध में सतत अध्ययन किये हैं। सूर्य से सम्बन्धित लेख, लघु कथा, निबंध एवं कविताओं का अध्ययन वे कक्षा के कार्यों के बीच ही संपन्न किये हैं।

जैसे ही बारिश रुकती है, सूर्योदय होता है। सभी बच्चे अपने- अपने भूगर्भस्थ घर से निकल पड़ते हैं, दौड़ना आरंभ करते हैं और सूर्याताप का उपयोग करते हैं। उन्होंने सोचा भी नहीं था कि ऐसा हो सकता है।

वे लोग आनन्दित होते हैं. “वाह ! यह तो दीपक की रोशनी से भी बढ़कर है।” चक्राकार दौड़ लगाता है और चिल्लाते हुए सूर्याताप का आनन्द लेता है। लेट जाना, खेलना और शुक्र ग्रह के जंगलों में दौड़ लगाने के बाद लड़कियों में से एक चिल्ला उठती है क्योंकि वह अपने खुले हाथ के तलवे पर बारिश की एक बूंद को रखे हुई है। अन्य बच्चे भी कुछ देर के लिए रुकते हैं और आकाश की ओर देखते हैं।

बारिश के बादल छा जाता हैं। कुहाँसा भरे आकाश के पीछे सूर्य छिप जाता है। बारिश और भी जोरों से होने लगती है। सभी बच्चे उदास हो भूगर्भस्थ घर में पुनः प्रवेश कर जाते हैं। खिड़की से बाहर के बारिश से भीगे पृथ्वी की ओर नजर टिकाये रहते हैं ।

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-5 All Summer In A Day Text

It had been raining for seven years. Thousands upon thousands of days filled from one end to the other with rain. The days were filled with the gush of water and endless showers.

Heavy storms caused tidal waves to come over the islands. A thousand forests crushed under the rain had grown up a thousand times to be crushed again.

This was the way of life forever on planet Venus. Here was located the schoolroom of the children belonging to men and women who came by rockets from Earth. They set up a civilization in this rainy world.

“Will it happen today, will it?”
“Look, look, see for yourself.”

The children in the schoolroom chattered and pressed to each other like so many roses. They peered out of the window to look at the hidden sun.


Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-5 All Summer In A Day Word Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Gush: तरल पदार्थ का गतिशील प्रवाह ।
  2. Showers: बारिश
  3. Stroms: आँधी
  4. Tidal Waves: ज्वार के समय का जल तरंग, जलोच्छास
  5. Crushed: पिसना
  6. Venus: शुक्र ग्रह
  7. Civilization: सभ्यता।
  8. Pressed: दबाना ।
  9. Peered: झांकना
  10. Hidden: छिपा हुआ ।


Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-5 All Summer In A Day हिन्दी अनुवाद

सात वर्षों से लगातार बारिश हो रही थी। हजार हजार दिनों तक एक स्थान से दूसरा स्थान पर बारिश की पानी भरा पड़ा था । वह समय सिर्फ जलों के प्रवाह एवं अविराम बारिश से परिपूर्ण था।

वायु के प्रबल झोके के फलस्वरूप द्वीपों पर ऊँची-ऊँची लहरें आकर गिरती थीं। करीबन एक हजार की संख्या में जंगली पेड़े टूट-फूट कर बह गये और उससे कई गुणा की संख्या में फिर से टूटने के लिए पनप गये । शुक्र ग्रह का जीवन ऐसा ही व्यतीत होता था ।

पृथ्वी से जो सब नारी- पुरुष ररॉकेट से यहाँ आये थे, उनके बच्चों के लिए यहाँ एक विद्यालय था। वे इस बारिश-प्रधान दुनिया में अपनी एक संस्कृति का निर्माण किये थे ।

“हमारी शिक्षिका कहाँ है ?”
” वह आ जायगी।”
“उन्हें शीघ्र आना चाहिए अन्यथा वह इसे देख नहीं पायगी ।
” वारिश उस समय और भी कम हो रहा था।

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-5 All Summer In A Day Text

The children were eager to see the sun. They had been on Venus all their lives. They had been only two years old when the sun last came out.

They had long since forgotten the color and the heat of how it really was. They played in the echoing tunnels of the underground city and sang of summer and the sun.

The rain stopped. It was as if a hurricane had lost its sound. There were no motions or tremors but peace. The world ground to a standstill.

The silence was so immense one would feel as if the ears had been stuffed. The children put their hands to their ears. They stood apart. The door slid back.

The smell of the silent, waiting world came to them. The sun came out. It was the color of flaming bronze and it was very large. The sky around it was blazing blue.

The jungle burned with sunlight. The children, released from their spell, rushed out, yelling, into the summertime.

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-5 All Summer In A Day Word-Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Eager: उत्सुक ।
  2. Echoing: प्रतिध्वनि होना ।
  3. Tunnel: सुरंग
  4. Underground: भूगर्म
  5. Hurricane: एक प्रकार का आँधी ।
  6. Motions: गति ।
  7. Tremor: कंपन
  8. Peace: शान्ति ।
  9. Grounded: भूगर्भस्थ होना ।
  10. Standstill: अचल, स्थिर ।
  11. Immense: पर्याप्त ।
  12. Stuffed: भर जाना।
  13. Apart: अलग होना
  14. Slid: खिसक जाना |
  15. Flaming: प्रज्वलित |
  16. Blazing: धधकता हुआ ।
  17. Released: मुक्त होना, रिहा होना।
  18. Spell: जादू- टोना, वशीकरण ।
  19. Rushed: दौड़ते हुए आना ।
  20. Yelling: जोर से चिल्लाना ।

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-5 All Summer In A Day हिन्दी अनुवाद


बच्चे सूर्य को देखने के लिए उत्सुक थे । वे अपने अभी तक का पूरा जीवन शुक्र ग्रह पर ही व्यतीत किये हैं । सूर्य जब अन्तिम बार देखा गया था तब उनकी उम्र मात्र 2 वर्ष की थी। बहुत दिन हो गया, ये भूल गये हैं कि इसका रंग कैसा था और इसकी उत्ताप कैसी थी। भूगर्भस्थ शहर के प्रतिध्वनिपूर्ण सुरंग में वे सूर्य और ग्रीष्म से संबंधित गीत गाते हैं । बारिश रुक गई थी।

प्रतीत होता था जैसे कोई आँधी अपनी आवाज खो बैठा है। कोई तेज झोंका या चक्रवात नहीं था, थी सिर्फ शांति । विश्व अचल हो गया है। निस्तब्धता इतनी अधिक थी कि किसी को प्रतीत हो सकता है कि उसकी दोनों कानें आवाजों/ शब्दों से पूर्ण थे। सभी बच्चे अपने कानों पर हाथ रखे हुए थे। वे अलग-अलग होकर खड़े थे। दरवाजा खिसक कर खुल गया । बाहर की निस्तब्ध जगत का गंध उनके निकट फैल गया ।

सूर्योदय हुआ ।
रंग था जलता हुआ काँसे की भांति और यह बहुत बड़ा था। इसके चारों दिशाओं के आकाश थे सफेद और नील । सूर्यलोक में जंगल जल रहा था। बच्चे अपनी तन्द्रा टूटते ही, चिल्लाते हुए दौड़ पड़े ग्रीष्मऋतु की ओर।

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-5 All Summer In A Day Text

“Now, don’t you go too far,” their teacher called after them. “You’ve only an hour, you
The children were running and turning up their faces to the sky to feel the warmth of the sun on their cheeks. They took off their jackets and let the sun warm their arms.
“Oh, it’s better than lamplights, isn’t it?”
“Much, much better.”
They stopped running and stood in the great jungle that covered Venus. The jungle grew and never stopped growing. The jungle had spent years without the sun. It was the color of rubber, ash, and ink.
The children lay out laughing on the jungle mattress. They ran among the trees. They slipped and fell. They pushed each other and played hide and seek. Most of all they squinted at the sun until tears ran down their faces. They breathed the fresh air and listened to the silence which held them in a blessed sea of no sound. They looked at everything and savored everything. Then, wildly, as animals escaped from their caves, they ran and ran, shouting, in circles. They ran for an hour and did not stop running.

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-5 All Summer In A Day Word Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Warm: उष्ण, गर्म |
  2. Cheeks: गाल ।
  3. Ash: राख ।
  4. Ink: स्याही
  5. Hide And Seek: लुका-छिपी का खेल |
  6. Blessed: धन्य, पवित्र ।
  7. Escaped: भाग जाना, पलायन
  8. Cave: गुफा
  9. Shouting: चिल्लाना ।
  10. Circles: गोलाकार, चक्राकार ।

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-5 All Summer In A Day हिन्दी अनुवाद

उनकी शिक्षिका पीछे से पुकार कर बोली, “अभी अधिक दूर मत जाना । तुम्हें तो मालूम ही है कि तुमलोगों के पास मात्र एक घंटा का समय है ।”
बच्चे दौड़ रहे थे और गालों पर धूप की उष्णता का अनुभव करने के लिए सूर्य की ओर मुँह किये हुए थे।

वे अपनी जाटों को खोल लिए थे और हाथों को धूप की गर्मी से सेंक रहे थे । “अरे, यह तो दीपक की रोशनी से भी अच्छा है, है न?”

“हाँ, बहुत ही अच्छा ।”

अपनी दौड़ को रोककर शुक्र को ढक कर रखने वाला घनी जंगलों में खड़े थे । यह जंगल बढ़ता ही रहा है और इसका बढ़ना कभी रुका नहीं। यह जंगल वर्षों सूर्य के बगैर ही व्यतीत किया है।

इसका रंग था रबड़, राख और काला । बच्चे जंगल को पास पर हँसते-हँसते लुढ़क रहे थे। वे पेड़ों के बीच से दौड़ते हुए जा रहे थे। वे फिसल कर गिरते भी थे । वे एक-दूसरे के साथ ठेला-ठेली और चोरी-छिपौ अल खेलते थे ।

वे सभी अध-खुली आँखों से सूर्य की ओर देखते थे जबतक न आँखों से पानी गिरे। वे हवा के झोंके में श्वाँस ले रहे थे और निस्तब्धता का उपभोग कर रहे थे जो उन्हें एक शब्दहीन पवित्र समुद्र में डुबोये जा रहा था।

वे चारों तरफ देखते हुए सब कुछ का उपभोग कर रहे थे। उसके बाद जिस प्रकार जानवरें अपनी गुफा से निकलकर बाहर आता है, उसी प्रकार वे भी चक्कर काटते हुए दौड़ रहे थे और चिल्ला रहे थे । वे एक घंटा तक दौड़ते रहे और एक बार भी रुके नहीं ।

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-5 All Summer In A Day Text

And then-
In the midst of their running, one of the girls wailed.
Everyone stopped.
The girl, standing in the open, held out her hand.
“Oh, look, look.” She said trembling.
The children gathered slowly to look at her opened palm.
In the center of it was a single large raindrop.
The girl began to cry, looking at it.
The children glanced quickly at the sky.
A few cold drops fell on their noses and their cheeks and their mouths. The sun faded behind a cloud of mist. A cool wind blew around them. They turned and slowly walked towards their underground houses. Their smiles had vanished.

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-5 All Summer In A Day Word Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Midst: बीच में ।
  2. Wailed: कांपना, विलाप करना ।
  3. Trembling: कांपता हुआ ।
  4. Palm: हथेली ।
  5. Glanced: एक पलक देखना |
  6. Mist: कुहासा ।
  7. Underground: भूगर्भ ।
  8. Vanished: अदृश्य होना, अगोचर होना ।


Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-5 All Summer In A Day हिन्दी अनुवाद

इस दौड़-धूप के बीच ही, एक लड़की रो पड़ी ।
सभी रुक गये ।
एक खुले स्थान पर खड़ी हो लड़की अपनी हाथ बढ़ायी ।
वह कांपते हुए बोली, “यह देखो, देखो ।”
बच्चे उसकी हथेली को देखने के लिए धीरे- धीरे इकट्ठे हुए।
उसकी हथेली पर बारिश की एक बड़ा बूंद था । लड़की इसे दिखाकर रोना आरंभ की।
बच्चे झटपट आकाश की ओर देखने लगे ।
कुछ ठंडी बूंदे उनके नाक, गाल और मुँह पर पड़ा कुहाँसे भरा बादलों में सूर्य धुंधला होने लगा। एक ठंडी वायु चारों ओर बहने लगी। वे पीछे मुड़कर मिट्टी के नीचे अपने घरों की ओर धीरे-धीरे बढ़ना आरंभ किये। उनकी हँसी ओझल हो गया था।

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-5 All Summer In A Day Text

A boom of thunder startled them.
They tumbled upon each other and ran.
“Oh, oh”.
Lighting struck all around them. The sky darkened into midnight in a flash.
The children stood at the doorway to the underground houses until it was raining hard. Then they closed the doors and heard the gigantic sound of the rain falling everywhere.
“Will it be seven more years before the sun comes out again?”
With pale faces they looked out of the window at the world that was raining now, raining and raining steadily.

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-5 All Summer In A Day Word-Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Boom: कर्कश आवाज ।
  2. Thunder: वज्रपात ।
  3. Startled: चमकना ।
  4. Tumbled: लुढ़कना ।
  5. Lighting: बिजली की चमक |
  6. Darkned: अन्धकार हो जाना ।
  7. Midnight: मध्यरात, अर्धरात्रि |
  8. Flash: चमक ।
  9. Doorway: दलवाजे की चौखट |
  10. Gigantic: दैत्याकार, विशालकाय ।
  11. Pale: फीका, धुंधला ।
  12. Steadily: क्रमशः, धारावाहिक ।

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-5 All Summer In A Day हिन्दी अनुवाद

वज्रपात होने की कर्कश आवाज उन्हें चमका दिया ।
वे एक-दूसरे के ऊपर लुढ़कते हुए दौड़ पड़े ।
“ओह ! ओह !”
चारों ओर बिजली चमकने लगी। क्षण भर में ही आकाश मध्यरात्रि जैसा अन्धकारमय हो गया ।
बच्चे अपने भूगर्भस्थ की घरों के दरवाजे पर खड़े रहे जब तक न बारिश तेज हुई। उसके बाद वे दरवाजा बन्द किये
और सर्वत्र बारिश होने की तेज आवाज को सुनने लगे ।
“क्या पुनः सूर्योदय होने में फिर से सात वर्ष लगेगा ?”
“हाँ ।”
मलिन मुँह लिए वे खिड़की से बाहर की दुनिया को देखते रहे जहाँ भारी बारिश हो रही थी ।


Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-5 All Summer In A Day Word Nest (शब्द नीड़)

  1. Chattered – talked quickly and continuously (शीघ्र एवं क्रमश: बातें करना) ।
  2. Slackened-slowed down (घटना) ।
  3. Squinted-looked at something with eyes partly shut (आधी आँख बन्द कर किसी वस्तु की ओर देखना) ।
  4. Savoured– enjoyed the full taste of something (किसी वस्तु के संपूर्ण स्वाद का आनन्द लेना) ।

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-5 All Summer In A Day Textual Questions (पाठ्याधारित प्रश्न) Exercise (अभ्यास) – 1

Tick The Correct Answer From The Given Alternatives:

Question 1. Men and women came from the Earth to Venus by

  1. Airplanes
  2. Helicopters
  3. Rockets
  4. Satellites

Answer: 3. Rockets

Question 2. The children learned that the sun was like an

  1. Lemon
  2. Apple
  3. Orange
  4. Guava

Answer: 1. lemon

Question 3. The children had long forgotten the color of the

  1. Earth
  2. Sun
  3. Venus
  4. Moon

Answer: 2. Sun

Question 4. When the children felt warm in the sun they took off their

  1. Jackets
  2. Sweaters
  3. Blazers
  4. Coats

Answer: Jackets

Question 5. The children came to know that the sun would come out after

  1. Two Years
  2. Six Years
  3. Seven Years
  4. Nine Years

Answer: 3. Seven Years

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-5 All Summer In A Day Exercise (अभ्यास)- 2

Answer The Following Questions Within Fifteen Words:

Question 1. How did the heavy storms affect the islands of Venus?
Answer: The heavy storms affected the islands of Venus with huge tidal waves.

Question 2. What did the children write about the sun?
Answer: The children wrote small stories, essays, or poems about the sun.

Question 3. Where did the children play?
Answer: The children played hide and seek in the jungle of Venus.

Question 4. How did the jungle in Venus look?
Answer: The jungle on Venus looked like the color of rubber, ash, and ink.


Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-5 All Summer In A Day Exercise (अभ्यास) – 3

Answer The Following Questions Within Twenty-Five Words:

Question 1. Why were the children eager to see the sun?
Answer: The children had forgotten the color and heat of the sun. They had read about the sun in class the day before. So they were eager to see it.

Question 2. What did the children do immediately after the rain stopped?
Answer: The children rushed out from their underground houses and started running. Taking off their jackets they enjoyed the warmth of the sun. They yelled in joy.

Question 3. Why do you think that the children were feeling unhappy when it started raining again?
Answer: The children felt unhappy because they would never play for any more than seven years in the rainy world. They would have to remain indoors. They would not enjoy the warmth of the sun with each other anymore.

Grammar In Use:

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-5 All Summer In A Day Exercise (अभ्यास)-4


Read the following sets of sentences:

Set 1:

  1. A cool wind blew around them.
  2. When the sun came out last seven years ago they were too young.
  3. They took off their jackets and let the sun warm their arms.

Set 2 :

  1. A wind that was cool blew around them.
  2. The sun came out last seven years ago and they were too young then.
  3. Taking off their jackets, they let the sun warm their arms.

In Set 1,

Sentence 1. Is a simple sentence;
sentence 2. Is a complex sentence;
sentence 3. Is a compound sentence.

In Set 2,

Sentence 1. Is A Complex Sentence;
Sentence 2. Is A Compound Sentence;
Sentence 3. Is A Simple Sentence.

Note that –

1. A simple sentence can be converted to a complex sentence by expanding a word or phrase into a subordinate clause (noun, adjective, or adverb clause).

2. A simple sentence can be converted to a compound sentence by expanding a word or a phrase into a main clause and the clauses are joined by coordinating conjunction.

3. A complex sentence can be converted to a simple sentence by contracting the subordinate clause (noun, adjective or adverb clause) into words or phrases.

4. A complex sentence can be converted to a compound sentence by replacing the subordinate clause with a main clause and adding a coordinating conjunction.

5. A compound sentence can be converted to a simple sentence or to a complex sentence by changing the sentence structure accordingly.

Do As Directed:

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-5 All Summer In A Day Exercise (अभ्यास) – 5


Question 1. I have a blue pen. (Change into a complex sentence)
Answer: I have a pen which is blue. / A pen that I have is blue.

Question 2. Seeing a snake, the boy shouted. (Change into a compound sentence)
Answer: The boy saw a snake and he shouted.

Question 3. I know a man who is very wise. (Change into a simple sentence)
Answer: I know a very wise man.

Question 4. The girl who is dancing on the stage is my sister. (Change into a compound sentence)
Answer: The girl is dancing on the stage and she is my sister.

Question 5. I met my friend and told her about an incident. (Change into a simple sentence)

  1. I met my friend to tell her about an incident.
  2. Or, After meeting my friend I told her about an incident.
  3. Or, Meeting my friend I told her about an incident.

Question 6. The sky was overcast but it didn’t rain. (Change into a complex sentence)
Answer: Although the sky was overcast, it didn’t rain.


Read The Following Letter Carefully:

Imagine that you are interested in enrolling yourself in a basic computer course that has been advertised in an English daily. Now write a letter to the Advertiser/Director of ABC Computer Education Centre asking him/her about some of the important aspects of the course like eligibility, duration, weekly routine and course fees.

The Director,(1)
ABC Computer Centre,
3 Chowringee Road,

Subject: Enquiry for Admission (2)

Sir/Madam, (3)
(4) In response to your advertisement in ‘The Statesman’, dated 29th August 2014, wish to get myself enrolled in your institution to pursue the Basic Computer Course. Please let me know the following as soon as possible:

Eligibility/minimum qualification required.
Course fees
Duration of the course
The probable weekly class routine.
I hope to receive an early reply from you.

Thanking you,

Barasat (7)
24 Parganas North
31st August 2014 (8)

Yours sincerely,(5)
Prabhat Thakur (6)

A formal letter enquiring about something related to the professional world is a Letter of inquiry.

It has generally eight main parts:

  1. To whom you are addressing the letter (The name, designation, and address of the addressee)
  2. The subject of the letter in brief
  3. Greeting/Salutation
  4. Body of the letter
  5. Subscription
  6. Signature/name of the person writing the letter
  7. The writer’s address
  8. Date of Writing

The name and address of the person to whom the letter is sent in written on the envelope.


Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-5 All Summer In A Day Exercise (अभ्यास) – 6

Question Write a letter within 100 words to the postmaster of your locality informing him about the loss of an important letter’ addressed to you and requesting him to help you get it.

The Postmaster,
Golabari Post office,
Golabari, Howrah

Subject: loss of an important letter.

It is really a matter of regret to bring to your kind notice that an important letter addressed to me is either lost or not being at all delivered at my residence. The postman is so careless that he often misplaces the letters. The recent loss of my letter has caused me a great deal of anxiety. If the important letter is not recovered and delivered to my address in time, it will really put the postal system in disgrace.

May I, therefore, request you to make an inquiry into the matter and take necessary action so that I can get back my letter in the future?

Khirod Mohan Road,
Golabari, Howrah
Date: 23.4.2014

Yours sincerely
Bikash Sinha

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-5 All Summer In A Day Additional Textual Question & Answer

Tick The Correct Answer From The Given Alternatives:

Question 1. The tidal waves come over the

  1. Forests
  2. Islands
  3. Cities
  4. Countries

Answer: 2. Islands

Question 2. To see the sun, the children were

  1. Inattentive
  2. Eager
  3. Spiteful
  4. Unwilling

Answer: 2. Eager

Question 3. The children of venus first saw the sun when they were of

  1. Nine years
  2. Eight years
  3. Seven years
  4. Two years

Answer: 4. Two years

Question 4. In venus, it had been raining for

  1. Six months
  2. Six years
  3. Seven years
  4. Seven months

Answer: seven years

Question 5. The children used to play in the echoing

  1. Rooms
  2. Halls
  3. Alleys
  4. Tunnels

Answer: 4. Tunnels

Question 6. The children sang of

  1. North wind and ship
  2. Monsoon and clouds
  3. Summer and sun
  4. Winter and moon

Answer: 3. Summer and sun

Question 7. The children mentioned in the text area

  1. Nine years old
  2. Six years old
  3. Seven years old
  4. Four years old

Answer: 1. Nine years old

Question 8. One of the children on venus thought that the sun is

  1. Square
  2. Leaf
  3. Bird
  4. Flower

Answer: 4. Flower

Question 9. The children ran for

  1. Five hours
  2. Two hours
  3. An hour
  4. Four hours

Answer: 3. An hour

Question 10. The word nearest in meaning to the word ‘savored’ is

  1. Understood
  2. Hated
  3. Digested
  4. Enjoyed the full taste of something

Answer: 4. Enjoyed the full taste of something

Question 11. “They….sang of summer and the sun” suggests that the children were

  1. Disinclined to welcome the sun
  2. Inclined to welcome the sun
  3. Scared of the sun
  4. Indifferent to sun

Answer: 2. Scared of the sun

Question 12. When the rain stopped, there was

  1. Stillness
  2. Square
  3. Bedlam
  4. Chaos

Answer: 4. Chaos

Question 13. The children ran among the

  1. Caves
  2. Flowers
  3. Trees
  4. Bushes

Answer: 3. Trees

Question 14. Venus was covered by the great

  1. Sky
  2. Storms
  3. Clouds
  4. Jungle

Answer: 4. Jungle

Question 15. The children ran for

  1. An hour
  2. Five hours
  3. Two hours
  4. One and a half hours

Answer: 1. An hour

Question 16. The children sang of

  1. Summer
  2. Venus
  3. Summer and the sun
  4. Sun

Answer: 3. Summer and the sun

Question 17. The children put their hands to their

  1. Faces
  2. Ears
  3. Eyes
  4. Noses

Answer: 3. Ears

Question 18. There were no motions or

  1. Quake
  2. Roar
  3. Rain
  4. Waves

Answer: 3. Quake

Question 19. The world grounded in a/an

  1. Area
  2. Stand still
  3. Planet
  4. Plan

Answer: 2. Standstill


Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-5 All Summer In A Day  Answer The Following Questions Within Fifteen Words

Question 1. Where did the children learn about the sun?
Answer: The children learned about the sun in the classroom on venus.

Question 2. What did the children sing at the time of playing in the tunnel?
Answer: At the time of playing in the tunnel, children sang of summer and the sun.

Question 3. What did the children write about the sun?
Answer: The children wrote small stories, essays, or poems about the sun.

Question 4. How did the children look at the sun?
Answer: The children squinted at the sun until tears ran down their faces.

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-5 All Summer In A Day Answer The Following Questions Within Twenty-Five Words

Question 1. What happened to the forests on the planet?
Answer: On the planet, with continuous rain, thousand of forests were crushed, and had grown up a thousand times to be crushed again.

Question 2. Briefly narrate the appearance of the sun.
Answer: Absolute silence was prevailing everywhere on venus. Then the sun appeared with its blaze and warmth.

Question 3. Why did the children put their hands to their ears?
Answer: When the rain stopped on Venus, absolute silence prevailed there. So to avoid the uneasy feeling, the children put their hands to their ears.

Question 4. How did the absence of the sun affect the jungle in Venus?
Answer: In Venus, the jungle lost its green due to the long absence of the sun. So, it developed the dull colour of rubber, ash and ink.

Question 5. What was compared to a hurricane?
Answer: The continuous sound of rain on venus was compared to a hurricane.

Question 6. How immense was the silence?
Answer: The silence was so immense that one would feel as if the ears had been stuffed. So the children put their hands to their ears.

Question 7. Why did the teacher tell the children not to go too far?
Answer: The teacher told the children not to go too far because the sun was there in the sky only for one hour.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) – 8 His First Flight उसका प्रथम उड़ान

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) – 8 His First Flight उसका प्रथम उड़ान

About The Author-Liam O’ Flaherty

The author of this text, Liam O’ Flaherty (also known as Liam O’ Flaithearta) was born in 1896 in the small village of Gort nag Capall, on one of the Aran Islands in Galway. In 1908, at the age of twelve, he went to Rockwell College and then went to study at Holy Cross and University College, Dublin.

He did not attend the above-mentioned school for long. According to ‘Sunday Times’, he also attended Belvedere College and Blackrock College. He had intended to join the priesthood, but in 1917 he left school and joined Irish Guards under the name ‘Bill Ganly’.

Read and Learn More WBBSE Solutions for Class 9 English Bliss

He was injured on the western front and some believed that shell shock may have been responsible for his mental illness which became apparent when he suffered the first of two mental breakdowns in 1933.

After the war, O’Flaherty left Ireland and moved to the United States where he lived in Hollywood for a short time. He also traveled throughout the U.S. and Europe and the letters he wrote during his wanderings were later published. Many of his works of fiction have a common theme of nature and Ireland.

Some of his best stories were written in Irish. In 1923, O’Flaherty published his first novel, The Neighbour’s Wife’, thought to be one of his best. In 1935 his novel ‘The Informer (for which he has been awarded the 1925 James Tait Black Memorial prize for fiction) was made into an epoch-making film by John Ford, a cousin of O’Flaherty.

Over the next couple of years, he published other novels and short stories while struggling with mental illness and breakdowns. And such a great personality breathed his last on 7th September 1984 in Dublin at the age of 88. He is remembered today as a writer and a strong voice in Irish culture.

(पाठ) -8 उसका प्रथम उड़ान लेखक परिचय

कहानी के लेखक, लियम ओ ‘फ्लेहर्टी का जन्म गालवे के अरान द्वीपों में से एक गर्ट ना जिकपाल के एक छोटा-सा गाँव में 1896 ई० में हुआ था। 1908 ई० में अपनी 12 वर्ष की उम्र में वे रॉकवेल कॉलेज में दाखिला लिये और उसके बाद डबलिन के हॉली क्रॉस एण्ड यूनिवर्सिटी कॉलेज में पढ़ने गये। उक्त उल्लेखित शिक्षालय में भी वे अधिक दिनों तक नहीं पढ़ पाये ।

‘द सनडे टाइम्स’ के अनुसार, उनकी शिक्षा बेलभीदियर कॉलेज एवं ब्लैकरॉक कॉलेज में भी हुई थी। लियम अपने पेशेवर जीवन में पुरोहित (याजक) बनना चाहा था किन्तु 1917 ई० में वे विद्यालय की शिक्षा छोड़कर ‘बिल गैलनी’ नाम का एक आइरिश सेनावाहिनी में भर्ती हुए। वे युद्ध में घायल हुए और कुछ लोगों का कहना है कि बम के टुकड़े की चोट से वे मानसिक रोग से ग्रस्त हो गये जो 1933 ई० में सर्वप्रथम ज्ञात हुआ ।

युद्ध के बाद ओ ‘फ्लेहर्टी आयरलैंड त्याग कर अमेरिका चले गये जहाँ वे कुछ दिनों के लिए हालीउड में निवास किये। वे अमेरिका और इंगलैंड के विभिन्न देशों का भ्रमण किया और इसी दौरान उनकी तजुर्बे से भरी पत्रों का प्रकाशन हुआ था। उनके द्वारा रचित अधिकांश कल्प-कहानियों का विषय-वस्तु प्रकृति और आयरलैंड था। कुछ प्रसिद्ध लघुकथाएँ आइरिश भाषा में लिखी गई थी।

उनके प्रथम उपन्यास ‘द नेवर्स वाईफ’ का प्रथम प्रकाशन 1923 ई० में हुआ था। उनके इस उपन्यास को उत्कृष्टता की स्वीकृति मिली थी। 1935 ई० में फ्लेहर्टी की ‘द इन्फार्मर’ उपन्यास की कथा पर आधारित एक चलचित्र का उनके चचेरे भाई, जॉनफोर्ड द्वारा निर्देशन किया जाना एक युगान्तकारी घटना के रूप में प्रसिद्ध हुई।

इसके बाद कई वर्षों तक वे मानसिक रूप से अस्वस्थ होते हुए भी अन्य कई लघु कथाएँ तथा उपन्यासों का प्रकाशन किये । ऐसे एक महान व्यक्ति का 7 सितम्बर, 1984 ई० को 88 वर्ष की आयु में डावलिन में देहांत हो गया। आइरिश संस्कृति के एक शक्तिशाली और कर्मठ लेखक के रूप में उन्हें आज भी याद किया जाता है ।

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson- 8 His First Flight Introduction

One of the most significant Irish novelists and short story writers was Liam O’Flaherty. He joined the Irish Guards under the name ‘Bill Ganly’ in World War I. After coming back from the war front this socialist gradually became passionate about writing novels and short stories. ‘The Informer’, ‘Return of the Brute’. ‘House of Gold’. ‘The Neighbour’s Wife’, ‘The Black Soul’, and ‘His First Flight’ are some of the memorable creations of the author.

‘His First Flight’ is ranked among the best short stories written by Liam O’Flaherty. It is a magnificent story of the need for courage and self-confidence. The story is a true parable about overcoming fears in life. The hungry young seagull in the story being left alone on the rock without food by his parents looked down desperately at the vast expanse of sea that stretched down beneath his ledge.

He had tried his level best several times to run forward to the brink of the ledge and flap his wings but he became afraid. He felt that he was going to starve to death on his ledge. The sight of his mother tearing a piece of fish maddened him. He cried but she just screamed back mockingly.

Suddenly he felt the joy of seeing his mother approaching him with food. Maddened by hunger, he dived at the fish. But his mother flew upward and he started falling. After having a monstrous terror, he realized that he was flying. He was born to fly and he made his first flight.

Liam O’Flaherty was a keen observer of sea life and he believed that man has a lot to learn from nature. He has given a humane touch to the seagull’s flight so as to remind the readers of the possible nervousness before doing something new.

(पाठ) -8 उसका प्रथम उड़ान भूमिका

लियम ओ ‘फ्लेहर्टी एक बहुत ही उल्लेखनीय आइरिश उपन्यासकार तथा लघु कथाकार थे। प्रथम विश्वयुद्ध के दौरान वे ‘बिल गैलनी’ नाम की एक आइरिश सेनावाहिनी में भर्ती हुए। रणक्षेत्र से वापस लौटने के बाद यह समाजवादी व्यक्तित्व क्रमागत उपन्यास तथा लघु कथाएँ लिखने के प्रति आकृष्ठ हुआ।

इनकी कुछ यादगार रचनाओं में से ‘द इन्फार्मर’ ‘रिटर्न ऑफ द ब्रूट’, ‘हाउस ऑफ गोल्ड’, ‘द नेगवर्स वाईफ’, ‘द ब्लैक साउल’ तथा ‘हिज फर्स्ट फ्लाइट’ आदि उल्लेखनीय हैं।

लियम ओ ‘फ्लेहर्टी द्वारा रचित ‘हिज फर्स्ट फ्लाइट’ (उसका प्रथम उड़ान) को लघु कथाओं में एक उत्कृष्ट रचना माना जाता है। साहसिकता तथा आत्म-विश्वास की आवश्यकता पर लिखी गई यह एक भव्य कहानी है। जीवन में भय को जय करने के लिए यह एक नैतिकता का रुपक है।

कहानी में माता-पिता द्वारा पर्वत पर खाद्याभाव की अवस्था में एक भूखे शीगल को छोड़ जाने का वर्णन किया गया है जो अपने संकीर्ण टाँड़ (चट्टान) के नीचे दूर-दूर तक विस्तृत समुद्र को बहुत ही निराशा से देख रहा था। वह चट्टान के एक दिशा से अन्य दिशा तक दौड़ लगाने का बार-बार प्रयास करता है, किन्तु डर जाता है।

उसे अनुभव हुआ कि इस टाँड़ (संकीर्ण चट्टान) पर उसे भूखा ही मरना पड़ेगा। माँ द्वारा मछली के टुकड़े को चबाने का दृश्य उसे उत्तेजित कर दिया। वह चिल्ला उठा किन्तु उसकी माँ तुरंत ही एक मुस्कान बिखेड़ कर मुँह फेर ली।

अकस्मात वह खुशी से उछल पड़ा जब देखा कि खाना लेकर उसकी माँ उसके ओर आ रही है। भूख से व्याकुल दौड़ता हुआ वह मछली की ओर लपका। किन्तु उसकी माँ ऊपर से उड़ गई और वह नीचे गिरने लगा। आतंकित होते हुए भी वह पल भर में ही अनुभव किया कि वह तैर रहा है। उसका जन्म तो उड़ान भरने के लिए ही हुआ है और यह था उसका प्रथम उड़ान ।

लियम सामुद्रिक जीवन के एक गहन पर्यवेक्षक थे और उनका विश्वास था कि प्रकृति से मनुष्य को बहुत कुछ सीखना चाहिए। वे शींगल के एक चमत्कारी उड़ान के मद्देनजर इस कहानी की रचना इसलिए किया कि एक आशंकित और मानसिक दृष्टि से कमजोर पाठक को यह आवश्यक ऊर्जा प्रदान कर सके

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson- 8 His First Flight Summary

This is the story of the first flight of a young seagull. He was alone on his ledge. His two brothers and his sister had already flown away the day before whose wings were far shorter than his. But he did not have the courage to fly like them. He had watched his parents flying with other family members and perfecting them in the art of flying.

He felt hungry and his parents were worried about him. He searched for food but all in vain. Once he found a piece of fish that lay at his feet. His brothers and sister were flying and eating. He too loved to tear food that way. He tried to attract his mother. He kept calling her plaintively.

At last, she picked up a piece of fish and flew to him. He leaned out eagerly. But when she was just opposite him, she halted, her legs hanging and wings motionless. The piece of fish was within his reach. He waited for a moment and then maddened by hunger, he dived at the fish.

He fell downwards. His mother flew upwards. He started flying up and down. He could feel the tips of his wings cutting through the air. He began to flap his wings and soared higher and higher. He uttered a joyous scream. His parents also responded with screams of joy. He was then flying above the surface of the sea. Around him, all his family members were screaming and praising him. Their beaks were offering him scraps of dogfish. Thus he made his first flight.

(पाठ) -8 उसका प्रथम उड़ान सारांश

यह कहानी एक युवा शीगल के प्रथम उड़ान से संबंधित है। वह एक संकीर्ण चट्टान (टाँड़) पर अकेला था। गतकाल ही उसके दो भाई और बहन उड़कर चले गये थे जिनकी परें (पाँखें) उससे भी अधिक छोटे आकार के थे।

किन्तु अपने भाई-बहनों जैसी उड़ने की साहसिकता इस शीगल में नहीं था। वह अपने माता-पिता को परिवार के अन्य सदस्यों के साथ उड़ते देख रहा था और उनके उड़ने की दक्षता को परख रहा था।

वह भूख का अनुभव किया और उसके माता-पिता भी उसके प्रति चिंतित हुए। उसने खाद्य की खोज किया किन्तु अपनी प्रयास में व्यर्थ रहा।

एक बार वह अपने पैर के उपर मछली का एक टुकड़ा पड़ा हुआ पाया। उसके भाई और बहन खाना खाते-खाते उड़ रहे थे। इसी प्रकार वह भी खाने की इच्छा रखता था । वह अत्यन्त विनयी भाव से अपनी माँ का ध्यान आकृष्ट करने की प्रयास किया । अन्त में मछली की एक टुकड़ा लिए उसकी माँ उसके ओर दौड़ी। सआग्रह वह उस ओर लपका। किन्तु जब उसकी माँ ठीक उसके सामने थी, वह रुक गयी और उसकी परें अचल हो गई ।

93 मछली का टुकड़ा उसके पहुँच के करीब ही था । पल भर उसने इन्तजार किया और उसके बाद भूख से व्याकुल हो वह मछली की ओर कूद पड़ा। वह नीचे लुढ़क गया। उसकी माँ उसके उपर से उड़ गई ।

वह उपर-नीचे दोदुल्यमान अवस्था में पड़ा रहा । उसने अनुभव किया कि उसके पाँख का अग्र भाग वायु को काटते हुए आगे बढ़ने में सक्षम हो रहा था । वह अपनी परों को फड़फड़ाने लगा। वह खुशी से चिल्लाने लगा और उसके माता-पिता भी उसके खुशी में शामिल हुए ।

अब वह समुद्र के ऊपरी दिशा की ओर उड़ रहा था। उसके चारों ओर विखड़े उसके परिवार के अन्य सदस्य उसकी ओर देख रहे थे और प्रशंसा कर रहे थे। उनके तीक्ष्ण होंठ उसे मछली का टुकड़ा देना चाह रहे थे। इसी प्रकार उसने अपना प्रथम उड़ान सीखा ।

Lesson- 8 His First Flight Text

The young seagull was alone on his ledge. His two brothers and his sister had already flown away the day before. He had been afraid to fly with them. When he had run forward to the brink of the ledge he became afraid. The great expanse of the sea stretched down beneath, and it was miles down.

He felt certain that his wings would never support him. So he bent his head and ran away back to the little hole where he slept at night. His father and mother had come around calling to him shrilly. But for the life of him, he could not move. That was twenty-four hours ago. Since then nobody had come near him.

The day before, he had watched his parents flying about with his brothers and sister. They were teaching them the art of flight and how to dive for fish. He had seen his older brother catch his first herring, while his parents circled around proudly.

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson- 8 His First Flight Word Notes (शब्दार्थ)


  1. Sea-Gull : सिगाल |
  2. Alone : अकेला।
  3. Already : इतने में ।
  4. Afraid : भयभीत ।
  5. Forward : आगे बढ़ना ।
  6. Expanse : विस्तृत ।
  7. Stretched : फैलाना, प्रसारित करना ।
  8. Beneath : नीचे
  9. Certain:  निश्चित ।
  10. Wings : पंख ।
  11. Support: समर्थन करना, सहायता करना
  12. Bent: उतारना, नीचे आना ।
  13. Hole: गड्ढा ।
  14. Shrilly : तीक्ष्ण रूप से ।
  15. Art: कला, दक्षता ।
  16. Flight: उड़ान, उड़ना ।
  17. Dive: जम्प मारना ।
  18. Herring: एक समुद्री मछली ।
  19. Circled : चक्राकार, गोलाकार |
  20. Proudly : सगौरव ।


(पाठ) -8 उसका प्रथम उड़ान हिन्दी अनुवाद

छोटा सीगल अपने पत्थर की टाँड़ पर अकेला ही था। उसके दोनों भाई और उसकी बहन एक दिन पहले ही उड़ गये थे । वह उनके साथ उड़ने से डर रहा था। जब वह टॉड के किनारे बढ़ कर आया, तो वह डर गया। समुद्र अपनी विशाल विस्तृति लिए हुए फैली हुई थी प्राय: कई मील नीचे।

वह निश्चित था कि उसकी दोनों पाँखें उसका भार वहन नहीं कर सकेगा । इसीलिए उसने अपना सिर झुकाया और दौड़ता हुआ उसी छोटे गड्ढे में चला गया जहाँ उसने रात बिताया था । उसके मम्मी-पप्पा उसे तीक्ष्ण स्वर में बुलाते हुए चारों ओर घूम रहे थें। किन्तु वह अपनी जान के चलते आगे नहीं बढ़ा ।

यह सब प्राय: 24 घंटे पहले की घटना है। तब से और कोई भी नजदीक नहीं आया । गतकाल, उसने देखा था कि उसके माता-पिता उसके भाई-बहन के साथ उड़ रहे थे। वे उन्हें उड़ने की तरीका तथा किस प्रकार मछली की शिकार किया जाता है, सिखा रहे थे। उसने देखा था कि उसका बड़ा भाई अपने जीवन का पहला हेरिंग पकड़ा था उसके माता- पिता सगौरव चक्राकार उड़ रहे थे।


Class 9 English Bliss Lesson- 8 His First Flight Text

The sun was now ascending the sky, blazing warmly on his ledge that faced the south. He felt the heat because he had not eaten since the previous nightfall. Now there was not a single scrap of food left in the straw nest. His little grey body trotted back and forth on the ledge.

He was trying to find some means of reaching his parents without having to fly. But on each side of him, the ledge ended in a sheer fall, with the sea beneath. He could surely reach them without flying if he could only move northwards along the cliff. But then on what could he walk? There was no ledge, and he was not fly.

He stepped slowly out to the brink of the ledge. He stood on one leg with the other leg hidden under his wing. Closing one eye and then the other, he pretended to be falling asleep. Still, his parents took no notice of him. He saw his two brothers and his sister lying on the plateau.

They were dozing, with their heads sunk into their wings. His father was preening the feathers on his white back. Only his mother was looking at him. She was standing on a little high hump on the plateau, eating a piece of fish. The sight of the food maddened him.


Lesson- 8 His First Flight Word Notes (शब्दार्थ)-2

  1. Ascending : ऊपर उठना
  2. Blazing: जल उठना ।
  3. Warmly: उष्णता से ।
  4. Previous : विगत ।
  5. Scrap : छोटा टुकड़ा ।
  6. Straw : भूसा, पुआल ।
  7. Trotted : दौड़ना, कदम बढ़ाना ।
  8. Forth: आगे बढ़ना ।
  9. Sheer : सपूर्ण रूप से ।
  10. Cliff: खड़ी चट्टान ।
  11. Stepped: पाँव फैलाना ।
  12. Hidden: छिपा हुआ ।
  13. Pretended: बहाना बनाया था
  14. Plateau: पठार, समतल भूमि समेत पहाड़ ।
  15. Dozing : झपकना
  16. Feathers : पंख, पर |
  17. Hump : छोटा ऊँचा स्थान, टीला |
  18. Sight: दृश्य |
  19. Maddend : पागल बना देना, उत्तेजित कर देना।


(पाठ) -8 उसका प्रथम उड़ान हिन्दी अनुवाद

सूर्य क्रमागत आकाश के उपर की ओर उठ रहा था, दक्षिणमुखी इस टाँड़ के ऊपर जलते जलते जैसे गर्मी छिड़का रहा था। वह गर्मी का अनुभव कर रहा था क्योंकि उसने शाम से उसने कुछ खाया नहीं था। फूस की घोंसले में अब खाने का एक दाना भी नहीं बचा था। उसका छोटा धूसर शरीर टाँड़ के उपर आगे-पीछे चलने लगा ।

वह एक ऐसे उपाय की तलाश में था जिससे न उड़कर भी वह अपने मम्मी-पप्पा के निकट पहुँच सके । किन्तु टाँड़ की दोनों किनारे एक गहरी खाई में खत्म हुआ है जहाँ नीचे समुद्र था। यदि वह खड़ी चट्टान के सहारे उत्तर की ओर जा सके तो वह न उड़कर भी अपने मम्मी-पप्पा के निकट पहुँच सकता है, किन्तु वह चलेगा किस पर ? वहाँ कोई चट्टान भी नहीं है और वह कोई मक्खी भी नहीं है।

वह धीरे-धीरे टाँड़ के किनारे की ओर कदम बढ़ाया। वह एक पाँव पर खड़े होकर दूसरे पाँव को नीचे छिपाये हुए था। पहले एक और बाद में दूसरे आँख को बन्द कर वह सो जाने जैसी बहाना बनाया।

फिर भी उसके माता-पिता उसे देख नहीं पा रहे थे। पठार पर वह अपने दोनों भाई और अपनी बहन को सोते हुए देख पाया। वे अपने सिर को पाँख के भीतर छिपाये झपकी ले रहे थे। उसके पिता अपने सफेद पीठ पर परों को समेटे हुए था। सिर्फ उसकी माँ उसे देख रही थीं। उसकी माँ पठार के ऊपर एक छोटी जगह पर खड़ी थी और मछली की एक टुकड़ा खा रही थी। खाने का दृश्य उसे पागल कर दिया।


Lesson- 8 His First Flight Text


“Ge, ga, ga,” he cried, begging her to bring him some food. “Gaw-cool-ah,” she screamed back. He kept calling, and after a minute or so, he uttered a joyful scream. His mother had picked up a piece of fish and was flying across to him with it. But when she was just opposite him, she halted, her wings motionless.

The piece of fish in her beak was almost within reach of his beak. He waited a moment in surprise, wondering why she did not come nearer. And then, maddened by hunger, he dived at the fish.

With a loud scream, he fell outwards and downwards into space. Then terror seized him and his heart stood still. But it only lasted a moment. The next moment he felt his wings spread outwards. The wind rushed against his breast feathers, then under the stomach and against his wings.

He could feel the tips of his wings cutting through the air. He was not falling headlong now. He was soaring gradually downwards and outwards. He was no longer afraid. Then he flapped his wings once and he soared upwards. He uttered a joyous scream and flapped them again.

He soared higher. His mother flew past him, her wings making a loud noise. He answered her with another scream. Then his father flew over him, screaming. Then he saw his two brothers and his sister flying around him.


Lesson- 8 His First Flight Word-Notes (शब्दार्थ)


  1. Begging: भिक्षा करना, विनती करना।
  2. Screamed : चिल्लाना ।
  3. Uttered: कहने लगा ।
  4. Halted: रुकना ।
  5. Motionless : गतिहीन ।
  6. Beak: ओठ
  7. Wondering: आश्चर्यचकित होना
  8. Hunger: भूख ।
  9. Outwards: बाहरी दिशा ।
  10. Downwards: नीचे की ओर
  11. Terror: आतंक
  12. Seized :पकड़ा जाना ।
  13. Lasted : स्थायी होना ।
  14. Rushed: दौड़ते हुए आना ।
  15. Breast : छाती
  16. Stomach : पेट |
  17. Headlong: सिर आगे बढ़ाते हुए |
  18. Soaning: उड़ते-उड़ते ऊपर जाना।
  19. Gradually : धीरे-धीरे
  20. Afraid: भयभीत |
  21. Flapped : पंख फड़फड़ा रहा था ।
  22. Joyous: आनन्दित होकर ।
  23. Noise: भारी आवाज ।


(पाठ) -8 उसका प्रथम उड़ान हिन्दी अनुवाद

‘गि, गा, गा’, वह चिल्लाते हुए अपनी माँ से उसके लिए खाना लेकर आने की विनती किया। माँ भी चिल्ला कर ही ‘उत्तर दी ‘ग ऊल-आ’ । वह बुलाता ही रहा तथा एक-दो मिनट में ही वह खुशी से चिल्ला उठा।

उसकी माँ मछली की एक टुकड़ा बढ़ाती है जो उसकी ओर उड़ता हुआ आ रहा है। किन्तु जब वह ठीक दूसरी ओर था, उसकी माँ रुकी और उसकी दोनों पँखें स्थिर हो गई। माँ के होठ की मछली का टुकड़ा प्रायः उसके होंठ के करीब था। अवाक हो वह पल भर प्रतीक्षा किया फिर विस्मित हुआ यह देखकर कि माँ उसके निकट क्यों नहीं आ रही है ।

इसके बाद भूख से व्याकुल हो वह मछली के टुकड़े की ओर कूद पड़ा। एक कर्कश आवाज के साथ वह बाहरी दिशा में शून्य में गिर पड़ा और नीचे लुढ़कता ही गया। वह आतंकित हो गया और उसके दिल की धड़कन जैसे रुक सी गई। किन्तु यह पल भर के लिए ही था।

उसके बाद वह अपनी दोनों परों (पाँखों) को बाहर फैला दिया। वायु उसके सीने की परों पर चला आया, उसके बाद उसके पेट एवं पाँखों पर । उसने अनुभव किया कि उसकी पाँखों का किनारा वायु को काटते हुए निकल रहा है। अब और वह उल्टे सिर लुढ़क नहीं रहा था। धीरे-धीरे उड़ते-उड़ते वह नीचे की ओर उतर रहा था। उसे अब भय नहीं था। उसके बाद एक बार वह अपनी परों को फड़फड़ाने लगा और ऊपर उठने लगा । खुशी से चिल्ला उठा और पुनः परों को फड़फड़ाने लगा। वह और भी

उपर उठने लगा । उसकी माँ उसे पीछे छोड़कर उड़ गई, उसकी परों से और भी जोरों का शब्द हो रहा था। उत्तर देने के लिए उसने एक बार पुन: चिल्लाया। उसके बाद उसके पिता चिल्लाते हुए उसके सिर के उपर उड़ने लगा। इसके बाद उसने देखा कि उसके दोनों भाई और उसकी बहन उसके अगल-बगल में उड़ रहे हैं।


Lesson- 8 His First Flight Text

He saw a vast green sea beneath him, and he turned his beak sideways and crowed amusedly. His parents and his brothers and sister had landed on this green floor in front of him. They were beckoning to him, calling shrilly. He dropped his legs to stand on the green sea.

His feet sank into the sea, and then his belly touched it and he sank no further. He was floating on it. And around him family was screaming, praising him. He had made his first flight.


Lesson- 8 His First Flight Word Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Vast: दूर तक फैला हुआ।
  2. Beneath : नीचे।
  3. Sideways : बगल में ।
  4. Crowed : मुर्गी जैसा पुकार ।
  5. Amusedly : रिझाते हुए / मजाक में ।
  6. Landed : जमीन पर उतर आना ।
  7. Sank : डूब गया |
  8. Belly : पेट।
  9. Floating : भास्यमान |
  10. Praising : प्रशंसा करना।
  11. Flight : उड़ान, शून्य में भास्यमान ।


(पाठ) -8 उसका प्रथम उड़ान हिन्दी अनुवाद

वह अपने नीचे की ओर एक हरियाली लिए समुद्र का विस्तार फैले हुए देखा और होंठ को बगल की ओर घुमा कर एक मजेदार आवाज में बुलाने लगा। उसके मम्मी-पप्पा और उसके भाई-बहन उसके सामने की इस हरी जगह पर उतर गये थे। अपनी तीखी स्वर से चिल्लाते हुए और इशारे से वे उसे बुलाने लगे। वह हरित समुद्र के उपर ढहरने के लिए दोनों पाँव उतार दिया ।

उसके दोनों पाँव समुद्र में डूब गये, उसके बाद उसका पेट समुद्र को स्पर्श किया और फिर वह नहीं डूबा। इसके बाद वह भास्यमान रहा और उसके अगल-बगल में उसके परिवार के सदस्य चिल्ला-चिल्ला कर उसकी प्रशंसा करने लगे । यह उसका प्रथम उड़ान था ।


Class 9 English Bliss Lesson- 8 His First Flight Word Nest (शब्द नीड़)

  1. Ledge : A Flat Rock Surface Sticking Out From A Cliff (एक सपाट पत्थर की धरातल जो एक खड़े पहाड़ से युक्त है) ।
  2. Brink: Edge (किनारा, दिशा)
  3. Herring :A Kind Of Sea Fish (एक प्रकार की समुद्री मछली)
  4. Preening: Smoothening Feathers (पंख को ढीला करना)
  5. Hump: A Raised Portion Of Land (जमीन का एक उभड़ा हुआ भाग)
  6. Soaring: Rising Upward While Flying (उड़ते-उड़ते ऊपर चढ़ना)
  7. Beckoning: Calling By Using Signals ( इशारे से बुलाना)


Class 9 English Bliss Lesson- 8 His First Flight Textual Questions (पाठ्याधारित प्रश्न) Exercise (अभ्यास) – 1

Tick the correct answer from the given alternatives:

Question 1. At night the seagull slept in a little

  1. Nest
  2. Hole
  3. Turret
  4. Burrow

Answer: 2Hole

Question 2. The ledge faced the

  1. North
  2. South
  3. East
  4. West

Answer: 2. South

Question 3. The color of the seagull’s body was

  1. Red
  2. Black
  3. Blue
  4. Grey

Answer: 4. Gray

Question 4. The two brothers and sisters of the seagull were lying on the

  1. Plain
  2. Plateau
  3. Valley
  4. Hill

Answer: 2. Plateau

Question 5. The mother seagull had picked up a piece of

  1. Meat
  2. Insect
  3. Fish
  4. Straw

Answer: 3. Fish


Class 9 English Bliss Lesson- 8 His First Flight Exercise (अभ्यास) – 2

Answer The Following Questions Within Fifteen Words:

Question 1. What was the first catch of the seagull’s older brother?
Answer: A herring was the first catch of the seagull’s older brother.

Question 2. Why did the seagull feel the heat?
Answer: The seagull felt the heat because he had not eaten since the previous nightfall.

Question 3. Why did the seagull dive at the fish?
Answer: The seagull dived at the fish because he was maddened by hunger as he had not eaten anything for a long.

Question 4. What happened when the seagull soared upwards?
Answer: When the seagull soared upwards, his parents, brothers, and sisters started flying around him.


Class 9 English Bliss Lesson- 8 His First Flight Exercise (अभ्यास) – 3

Answer The Following Questions Within Twenty-Five Words:

Question 1. Why was the seagull afraid when he ran forward to the brink of the ledge?
Answer: When the seagull ran forward to the brink of the ledge, he could see the great expanse of the sea stretched down many miles. He was afraid to fly there as he felt his wings would never support him.

Question 2. What were the seagull’s two brothers and sister doing on the plateau?
Answer: The seagull’s two brothers and sister were lying on the plateau. They were dozing. with their heads sunk into their wings.

Question 3. What happened after the seagull’s feet sank into the sea?
Answer: After the seagull’s feet sank into the sea, his belly touched the sea. Then he sank no further and could float on the sea.

Grammar in use:

Read the following sets of sentences:

Set 1:

  1. He uttered a joyful scream. (Adjective)
  2. He screamed with joy. (Noun)
  3. He screamed joyfully. (Adverb)

Set 2:

  1. He pretended to be falling asleep, (Verb)
  2. He made a pretension of falling asleep. (Noun)
  3. He made a pretentious posture of falling asleep. (Adjective)

In Set 1, the adjective ‘joyful’ is changed to its noun form ‘joy’ and to its adverb form ‘joyfully’. In Set 2, the verb ‘pretend’ has been transformed to its noun form ‘pretension’ and to its adjective form ‘pretentious’. We can transform a sentence by interchanging parts of speech without changing its meaning.


Class 9 English Bliss Lesson- 8 His First Flight Exercise (अभ्यास) – 4

Change The Parts Of Speech Of The Given Words In The Chart:

Noun  Verb Adjective  Adverb


Noun  Verb Adjective  Adverb
Beauty Beautify  Beautiful Beautifully
Danger Endager  Dangerous Dangerously
Carefulness  Care  Careful  Carefully
Strength Strengthen  Strong  Strongly

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson- 8 His First Flight Exercise (अभ्यास) – 5


Rewrite The Sentences Changing The Form Of The Underlined Words As Directed:

Question 1. He is known for his honesty. (Change into the adjective form)
Answer: It is known that he is honest.

Question 2. She spoke with kindness. (Change into adverb form)
Answer: She spoke kindly.

Question 3. The sun shone brightly. (Change into noun form)
Answer: The sun shone with brightness.

Question 4. She gave a wise judgment. (Change into verb form)
Answer: She judged wisely.



Class 9 English Bliss Lesson- 8 His First Flight Exercise (अभ्यास) – 6

Question 1. Write a paragraph within 100 words on the water cycle, using the following flow- chart: water evaporates from water bodies-rises as vapor-gets heavier-condenses, forms clouds – falls to earth as rain.

Answer: Water cycle: The water cycle is a cycle of processes by which water circulates between the earth’s oceans, atmosphere, and land. At first, the water from all the water bodies is evaporated by the heat of the sun.

Then it is risen up as vapor. There the vapor is mixed with dust and is become heavier. Next, it is cooled or condensed. Now the clouds are formed. Then it is cooled further and droplets are formed. These droplets are fallen on earth as rain.


Class 9 English Bliss Lesson- 8 His First Flight Exercise (अभ्यास) – 7

Question 1. Write a summary of the following passage within 100 words:

Communication is part of our everyday life. We greet one another, smile or frown, depending on our moods. Animals too, communicate. Just like us, interaction among animals can be both verbal and non-verbal. Singing is one way in which birds can interact with one another.

Male blackbirds often use their melodious songs to catch the attention of other blackbirds. These songs are usually rich in notes, encoding various kinds of messages. Songs are also used to keep off other birds from their territory, usually a place where they dwell.

Large mammals in the oceans sing too, according to adventurous sailors. Enormous whales groan and grunt while smaller dolphins and porpoises whistle and click.

These sounds are surprisingly received by other mates as far as several hundred kilometers away. Besides singing, body language also forms a large part of animals’ communication modes.

Dominant hyenas exhibit their power by raising the fur hackles on their necks and shoulders, while the submissive ones normally surrender to the powerful parties by crouching their head low and curling their lips a little, revealing their teeth in a friendly smile.

Insects such as wasps armed with poisonous bites or stings usually have brightly painted bodies to remind other predators of their power.

Answer: Like humans, animals also communicate in verbal and non-verbal ways. Singing is an interactive medium used by birds to seek others’ attention, send messages to others, and keep other birds away from their own territory.

Among the sea animals whales, dolphins, and porpoises make different sounds that are heard by other members of the species from very far.

Among the land animals, powerful ones show their power, and weak ones show their submission through their body language. Insects also have special features to show their power.


Class 9 English Bliss Lesson- 8 His First Flight Additional Textual Question & Answers

Tick The Correct Answer From The Given Alternatives:

Question 1. Mother was standing on a

  1. Hump
  2. Hill
  3. Hedge
  4. Sea

Answer: 1. Hump

Question 2. The young seagull did not fly because

  1. He was weak
  2. He feared taking venture
  3. His wings had not supported him
  4. He was busy eating something

Answer: 2. He feared taking venture

Question 3. Here ‘this green floor’ refers to

  1. Greenfield
  2. Green surface of the sea
  3. Sea-Beach bordered by green trees
  4. Green plateau beside the sea

Answer: 2. Green surface of the sea

Question 4. The young seagull was soaring gradually

  1. Inwards and outwards
  2. Upwards and down words
  3. Downwards and outwards
  4. Upwards and outwards

Answer: 3. Downwards and outwards

Question 5. The sight of the food made the young seagull

  1. Angry
  2. Wild
  3. Mad
  4. Modest

Answer: 3. Mad

Question 6. Herring is one kind of

  1. Sea bird
  2. Sea plant
  3. Seaweed
  4. Sea fish

Answer: 4. Sea fish

Question 7. The youngest seagull felt his wings

  1. Spread Inwards
  2. Spread outwards
  3. Spread Downwards
  4. flooded

Answer: 2. Spread outwards

Question 8. The wind at first rushed against the

  1. seagull’s
  2. Beak
  3. Breast feathers
  4. Tail

Answer: 3. Breast feathers

Question 9. The young seagull saw the vast green sea while he was

  1. Flying
  2. Sitting on the bank
  3. Sitting on the plateau
  4. lying on the plateau

Answer: 1. Flying

Question 10. His mother’s wings made a noise while flying past him. The sound of the noise was

  1. Feeble
  2. Loud
  3. Melodious
  4. Whistling

Answer: 2. Loud

Question 11. On the ledge the young seagull was

  1. With His Mother
  2. With His Brother
  3. Lonely
  4. With Other Birds

Answer: 3. Lonely

Question 12. His two brothers and sister had flown away

  1. Yesterday
  2. One Hour Ago
  3. Two Days Before
  4. From The Previous Night

Answer: 4. From The Previous Night

Question 13. The young seagull saw the green sea while he was

  1. Flying
  2. Sitting on the bank
  3. Sitting on the plateau
  4. Lying on the plateau

Answer: 1. Flying

Question 14. The young seagull’s older brother caught his fish

  1. Herring
  2. Gold Fish
  3. Quill Fish
  4. Salmon

Answer: 1. Herring

Question 15. The seagull’s father was

  1. Dozing
  2. Breeding
  3. Lying
  4. Standing

Answer: 2. Breeding


Class 9 English Bliss Lesson- 8 His First Flight Answer The Following Questions Within Fifteen Words


Question 1. Describe the sea in a sentence.
Answer: The sea was vast and green with a smooth surface.

Question 2. Who was beckoning to the young seagull?
Answer: The young seagull’s parents and his brothers and sister were beckoning him.

Question 3. What did the young seagull do when his parents called him?
Answer: When his parents called him, the young seagull gave a joyful scream.

Question 4. How was the first success of the young seagull’s older brother appreciated?
Answer: His parents appreciated it by circling around him proudly.


Class 9 English Bliss Lesson- 8 His First Flight Answer The Following Questions Within Twenty-Five Words

Question 1. What did the frightened seagull do, being unable to fly?
Answer: Being unable to fly, the frightened seagull bent his head and ran away back to the little hole where he slept at night.

Question 2. Why was the baby seagull forced to dive?
Answer: The baby seagull was forced to dive finding a piece of fish in his mother’s beak at a small distance. He was mad with hunger.

Question 3. “…he fell outwards and downwards into space.”- Explain the phrase ‘outwards
and downwards’.
Answer: The phrase ‘outwards and downwards’ means that the young seagull dived out of the ledge to move forward, but he fell downwards.

Question 4. How did the baby seagull manage to soar?
Answer: The baby seagull gave a dive out of extreme hunger. But while falling downward he spread his wings and gradually learned to soar.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) -7 Tom Loses A Tooth टॉम का एक दाँत खो गया

 Class 9 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) -7 Tom Loses A Tooth टॉम का एक दाँत खो गया

About The Author-Mark Twain

Samuel Langhorne Clemens, humorist, narrator, and social observer, As one of the towering figures of American literature is better known by his pseudonym, Mark Twain around the world. He was born prematurely in Florida, Missouri on November 30, 1835.

He was the son of John Marshall Clemens and Jane. His father was an attorney and judge. He was the sixth of seven children.

When he was four, his family moved to Hannibal, Missouri, a port town on the Mississippi river that inspired the fictional town of St. Petersburg in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.

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Due to poor health, Samuel had to be confined in the house in childhood. However, by age nine, he seemed to come around from his ailments.

Then he took admitted to a private school in Hannibal. His father died of pneumonia when he was only 12. After his father’s sad demise, he could not continue his studies.

At 13 he gave up his studies and became a printer’s apprentice. He bagged fame for the first time with the comic masterpiece The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras Country, first brought out in 1865 in the New York Saturday Press.

In Hartford, he penned down some of his notable works: The Gilded Age (1873) a satirical novel written with Charles Dudley Warner about materialism and corruption in the 1870s;

The Adventures of Torn Sawyer (1876) and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884), are masterpieces of humor, characterization, and realism.

The Prince and the Pauper (1882) was a novel for children. He also produced travel books: A Tramp Abroad (1880) and A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court (1889).

Mark Twain bade adieu to this materialistic world to become the denizen of the perpetual abode of the Almighty at the age of 74.

 Class 9 English Bliss (पाठ) -7 टॉम का एक दाँत खो गया लेखक परिचय

हास्यकौतुक प्रिय, कथाकार और एक सामाजिक पर्यवेक्षक सैमुअल लांगहर्न क्लिमेंस अमेरिकी साहित्य के एक प्रसिद्ध व्यक्तित्व में से एक थे और मार्क ट्वेन के छद्मनाम से विश्व विख्यात थे। इनका जन्म 30 नवम्बर, 1935 ई० में अपरिपक्व अवस्था में हुआ था। ये जॉन मार्शल क्लिमेंस एवं जेन के पुत्र थे ।

अपने सात भाई-बहनों में ये षष्ठ थे। इनके पिता एक एटर्नी एवं न्यायाधीश थे। जब ये चार वर्ष के थे तब इनका परिवार मिसौरी के हैनीबाल में स्थानांतरित हुआ ।

मिसीसिपी नदी के तट पर अवस्थित मिसौरी एक बन्दरगाह है जो The Adventures of Tom Sawyer एवं The adventures of Huckleberry Finn उपन्यासों में सेंट पिटर्सवर्ग के काल्पनिक शहर को अनुप्राणित किया था । बचपन में शारीरिक अस्वस्थता के कारण सैमुअल को घर के भीतर ही बन्दी बनकर रहना पड़ता था । जो

77 भी हो, जब इनकी उम्र नौ वर्ष की हुई तो ये प्रायः स्वस्थ हो चुके थे। इसके बाद ये हैनीबाल के एक गैर-सरकारी स्कूल भर्ती हुए। जब इनकी उम्र मात्र 13 वर्ष की थी तब इनके पिता का देहांत न्यूमोनिया से पीड़ित होने के कारण हो गया।

पिता की मृत्यु के बाद इनकी पढ़ाई-लिखाई और संभव न हो सकी। अतएव, पढ़ना-लिखना छोड़कर एक प्रशिक्षु मुद्रक के रूप में परिणत हुए ।

अपनी हास्यकौतुक रचना ‘द सेलीब्रेटेड जम्पिंग फ्राग आफ कैलेवर्स कंट्री’ के माध्यम से उन्हें सर्वप्रथम ख्याति मिला । इसका प्रकाशन 1865 ई० में न्यूयार्क सैटरडे प्रेस से हुआ।

हार्टफोर्ड में ये अपनी बहुत-सी पुस्तकों की रचना की। इनमें से ‘द गिल्डेड ऐज (1873 ई०) है जो चार्ल्स डूडल के साथ लिखा गया एक व्यंग्यात्म उपन्यांस है जहाँ 1870 के दौरान का वस्तुवाद तथा भ्रष्टाचार का जिक्र किया गया है।

‘द एडवेंचर ऑफ टॉम सावर’ (1876) ई० और ‘द एडवेंचर ऑफ हक्लवेरी फिन’ (1884 ई०) है एक कौतुक, चरित्रांकन और वास्तवता की एक उत्कर्ष रचना। इसके अतिरिक्त है बच्चों का उपन्यास ‘द प्रिंस एण्ड पॉपर’ (1882 ई०) ।

उन्होंने ‘ए ट्रैम्म एब्रोड’ (1880 ई०) और ‘ए कनेक्टीकट यांकी इन किंग आर्थस् कोर्ट’ (1889 ई०) जैसी यात्रा वृतांत की भी रचना किया है। 74 वर्ष की आयु में मार्क ट्वेन इस पृथ्वी से चल बसे ।

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-7 Tom Loses A Tooth Introduction

Mark Twain, a pseudonym of Samuel Langhorne Clemens, enriched American literature with his memorable works. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is one of the greatest creations of Mark Twain and it was published in 1876. The story. Tom Loses a Tooth is an extract from his novel The Adventures of Tom Sawyer which is acclaimed as a masterpiece.

The story is based on the theme of a boy’s reluctance to attend school and shaming him to be sick to evade going to school. This story emanates a boy named Tom who had the least interest to attend school. He strove every possible way to befool his aunt, Polly to avoid going to school.

He wanted to stay at home. To fulfill his utmost desire he invented several pranks to make others fool but in the end, he got entrapped in his own trap.

Class 9 English Bliss

(पाठ) -7 टॉम का एक दाँत खो गया भूमिका

सैमुअल लोहर्न क्लिमेंस, जो मार्क ट्वेन के छद्मनाम से परिचित थे, अपनी अविस्मरणीय रचनाओं के माध्यम से अमेरिकी साहित्य को समृद्ध किये हैं। मार्क ट्वेन की कई उत्कृष्ट रचनाओं में The Adventures of Tom Sawyer का प्रकाशन 1976 ई० में हुआ था।

उनकी इसी लोकप्रिय उपन्यास से प्रस्तुत कहानी Tom Loses a Tooth लिया गया है। कहानी की विषय-वस्तु एक लड़के की स्कूल जाने की अनिच्छा तथा बीमारी का बहाना बनाकर स्कूल जाने में टाल-मटोल करने से है। इस कहानी में दिखाया गया है कि टॉम नाम का एक लड़का जिसे स्कूल जाने की बिल्कुल इच्छा नहीं है, वह अपनी चाची को बेवकूफ बनाने का हर संभव प्रयास किया करता था ताकि स्कूल जाने से बचे।

वह घर में ही रहना चाहता था। अपनी इच्छा को अन्तिम रूप देने के लिए वह बहुत कुछ मजेदार मनगढंत कहानी का आविष्कार किया करता था ताकि दूसरों को बेवकूफ बनाया जा सके। अंत में वह अपनी ही बिछाए हुए जाल में फँस जाता है।


Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-7 Tom Loses A Tooth Summary

Tom was a young lad who did not desire to go to school at all. Monday mornings always inflicted pain upon him because the first day of the week enforced him to go to compulsory purgatory i.e. school. In the expectation of avoiding punishment, he tried hard to skip school.

To refrain from going to school he started looking for several ways. He pretended to be sick because only sickness would permit him to stay at home. So he searched his entire body to find some ailment. The symptoms of stomach problems were discovered by him. But the symptoms vanished very soon. He became very thoughtful to locate any other ailment.

He discovered that one of his upper front teeth was loose. This found failed to provide him felicity because he browsed his memory and recollected a doctor stating that a certain ailment could lay up a patient for three days but make him lose a finger. He surveyed his toes in fear of losing a finger. He began howling He asked for help from his brother, Sid. Being frightened Sid called his aunt Polly.

She very easily detected Tom’s prank. She asked him to cease groaning and as a docile child, he stopped moaning at once. Tom felt foolish. Tom’s loose tooth was pulled out by their aunt with the help of silk thread creating a gap in his upper row of teeth.


(पाठ) -7 टॉम का एक दाँत खो गया सारांश

टॉम एक अल्पायु बालक है जो स्कूल बिल्कुल ही जाना नहीं चाहता है। सोमवार का प्रातः काल उसके लिए वेदनादायक होकर आता था क्योंकि सप्ताह का प्रथम दिन उसे स्कूल जाने के लिए बाध्य करता था।

सजा को टालने की आशा से वह स्कूल न जाने का भरसक प्रयास किया करता था। स्कूल न जाना पड़े इसके लिए वह विभिन्न प्रकार के उपायों को ढूढ़ने के प्रयत्न में रहता था। वह बीमार हो जाना चाहता था ताकि एकमात्र बीमारी ही उसे घर में रहने दे सकता था ।

इसीलिए वह अपने समूचे शरीर में बीमारी के लक्षणों का तलाश करना आरंभ करता है। उसे पेट के दर्द का कुछ लक्षण दिखाई दिया किन्तु वे शीघ्र ही मिट गई। अन्य किसी और रोग की तलाश में वह चिन्तामग्न हो गया ।

उसने आविष्कार किया कि उसके दाँतों की उपरी पंक्ति में से एक दाँत हिल रहा है। किन्तु यह भी उसे आनन्दित नहीं कर पाया क्योंकि उसे एक डाक्टर की उक्ति याद आयी अर्थात अकस्मात अस्वस्थता किसी रोगी को तीन दिन के लिए बिस्तर पर लिटा दे सकता है और उसे अपनी एक ऊँगली खोनी पड़ सकती है। ऊँगली खोने की भय से वह अपने पाँव की

ऊँगलियों का भलीभांति पर्यवेक्षण करता है। उसने चिल्लाना आरंभ किया। अपने भाई, सीड से मदद चाहा। भयभीत हो सीड ने अपनी चाची, पॉलि को बुलाया। चाची अति सहज ही टॉम की चालाकी समझ गई ।

चाची पलि उससे रोना बन्द करने को बोली और वह भी लाचार शिशु की भांति उसी वक्त रोना बन्द किया। टॉम अपनी बेवकूफी को समझ गया। रेशम की धागे से चाची ने टॉम के हिलते हुए दाँत को उखाड़ दी और इसके फलस्वरूप उसकी दाँत के उपरी पंक्ति में एक गड्ढा हो गया ।

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-7 Tom Loses A Tooth Text

Tom always found Monday mornings to be miserable. Monday began another week’s slow suffering in school.

Tom lay thinking. Presently, he wished that he was sick: then he could stay home from school. He investigated his body with the hope of finding some ailment. He thought that he had found symptoms of stomach trouble. He began to grow hopeful. However, the symptoms soon grew feeble and wholly went away.

Tom thought further. Suddenly he discovered something. One of his upper front teeth was loose. He felt lucky. He was about to groan when it occurred to him that if Aunt Polly was to know she would surely pull it out and that would hurt. Tom thought he would hold the tooth in reserve for the present.

He remembered hearing from a doctor that a certain ailment could lay up a patient for three days and make him lose a finger. He eagerly drew his sore toe from under the sheet and held it up for inspection. He did not know the necessary symptoms. However, it seemed like a good chance. Tom fell to groaning. But his brother Sid slept on.

Tom groaned louder. He fancied that he began to feel pain in the toe. No response came from Sid. Tom then started a succession of groans. However, Sid snored on.

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-7 Tom Loses A Tooth Word-Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Miserable : दुःखी, अभागा
  2. Suffering: कष्ट, वेदना
  3. Lay : लेटे रहना ।
  4. Presently: अभी, फिलहाल ।
  5. Investigated: अनुसंधान करना, छानबीन करना
  6. Ailment : बीमारी| Symptoms लक्षण।
  7. Stomach : पेट, पाकस्थली ।
  8. Trouble: समस्या ।
  9. Hopeful: आशान्वित |
  10. However : जो भी हो।
  11. Feeble : दुर्बल।
  12. Further : इसके आगे ।
  13. Discovered : आविष्कार किया था।
  14. Upper : ऊपर
  15. Occured : घटना, उदय होना ।
  16. Hurt : चोट पहुँचाना।
  17. Reserve : भविष्य के लिए सुरक्षित रखना।
  18. Eagerly : आग्रह के साथ ।
  19. Sore : घाव ।
  20. Sheet: चादर
  21. Inspection : निरीक्षण
  22. Groaning: विलाप करना अनुगमन |
  23. Snored: खर्राटे लेना, सोते समय नाक से आवाज निकलना ।
  24. Succession : टॉम को हमेशा ही सोमवार की सुबह बहुत ही कष्टदायक प्रतीत होता है। स्कूल के लिए सोमवार एक और पीड़ादायक सप्ताह के प्रथम दिन रूप में आरंभ होता है।


(पाठ) -7 टॉम का एक दाँत खो गया हिन्दी अनुवाद

टॉम लेटे-लेटे ही सोच रहा था। अभी वह बीमार होना चाहता है ताकि स्कूल न जाकर घर में ही रहे। उसने अपने शरीर को भलीभांति देखा ताकि किसी बीमारी का लक्षण पा सके।

उसने सोच रखा था कि पेट की समस्या का कोई लक्षण पायेगा । वह इस मामले में बहुत ही आशान्वित हुआ। जो भी हो, पल भर में लक्षणें मलिन होने लगी और पूरी तरह मिट गयी ।

टॉम और कुछ सोचने लगा । अकस्मात उसने कुछ आविष्कार किया। उसके दाँतों की उपरी पंक्ति का एक दाँत हिल रहा था। उसने अपने आपको भाग्यवान समझा ।

वह एक कष्टदायक चिल्लाहट करने जायगा तभी उसके ध्यान में आया कि यदि पलि चाची को मालूम हो गया तो वह निश्चित रूप से इसे उखाड़ फेकेंगी और इससे उसे बहुत दर्द होगा। टॉम ने सोचा, दाँत की विषय को अभी रहने दें। उसे एक डाक्टर से सुनी हुई एक घटना की याद आया कि एक बीमारी एक रोगी को तीन दिनों के लिए बिस्तर पर लिटाये रखा था और इसके लिए एक ऊँगली भी गँवानी पड़ी थी।

उसने सआग्रह चादर के नीचे से अपनी ऊँगली को निकाला और उसकी जाँच के लिए उसे उठाया रखा। वह इसके प्रति आवश्यक लक्षणों को नहीं जानता था। जो भी हो, यह एक अच्छा बहाना उसे प्रतीत हुआ। टॉम कराहना आरंभ किया, किन्तु उसका भाई सीड सोये हुए था।

टॉम और भी जोर से कराहने लगा। उसने बहाना बनाया कि वह अपने पाँव की ऊँगली से दर्द का अनुभव कर रहा है। सीड के ओर से कोई प्रतिक्रिया नहीं हुई। टॉम पुनः कराहना आरंभ किया तथापि सीड खर्राटे लेता रहा।

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-7 Tom Loses A Tooth Text

Tom became excited. He said, “Sid, Sid!” and shook him. This course worked well. Sid yawned, then raising himself on his elbow, stared at Tom. Tom went on groaning. Sid said,
“Tom! Say, Tom !”
No response.
“Here, Tom! Tom! What’s the matter, Tom?”
Sid shook him and looked into his face anxiously.
Tom moaned out: “Oh, don’t, Sid. Don’t shake me.”
“Why, what’s the matter, Tom? I must call auntie.”
“No, never mind. It’ll be over by and by, maybe. Don’t call anybody.”
“But I must! Don’t groan so, Tom, it’s awful. How long have you been this way?” “Hours. Ouch! Oh, don’t stir so, Sid. You’ll kill me.”
“Tom, why didn’t you wake me sooner? Oh, Tom, you aren’t dying, are you? Don’t Tom, oh don’t.”
“I forgive everybody, Sid. Tell them so.”
Sid had rushed to call help.


Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-7 Tom Loses A Tooth Word Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Excited : उत्तेजित ।
  2. Shook : झकझोरना
  3. Yawned: जम्हाई लिया था।
  4. Raising:  उठाना ।
  5. Elbow : कनुई ।
  6. Stared : देखा था।
  7. Anxiously : चिंतित होकर ।
  8. Awful:  भद्दा ।
  9. Stir : हिलना
  10. Wake:  जाग जाना।
  11. Forgive : क्षमा करना ।
  12. Rushed: दौड़ पड़ना ।


(पाठ) -7 टॉम का एक दाँत खो गया हिन्दी अनुवाद

टॉम उत्तेजित हो गया। सीड को उसने हिलाते हुए कहा, “सीड, सीड!” इसने अच्छा कार्य किया। सीड जम्हाई
लिया और उसके बाद घुटने पर बल देते हुए उठा तथा टॉम की ओर देखा। टॉम कराहे जा रहा था।
सीड बोला, “टॉम ! बोलो टॉम !”
कोई उत्तर नहीं मिला।
“ऐ, टॉम! टॉम! क्या बात है टॉम ?”

सीड ने उसे हिलाया डुलाया और उसके मुँह की ओर चिंतित होकर देखा ।
टॉम प्राय: रोते हुए बोला, “ओह सीड ऐसा मत करो। मुझे मत हिलाओ ।”
“क्यों टॉम, क्या बात है ? चाची को बुलाना चाहिए ।”
“नहीं, जाने दो। हो सकता है कुछ देर में यह ठीक हो जाय। किसी को मत बुलाओ ।”

“किन्तु मुझे तो बुलाना ही होगा । इतना मत चिल्लाओ टॉम, यह अच्छा नहीं लगता है। कब से तुम ऐसे हो ?”
“कई घंटे हो गये। आह ! इतना मत हिलाओ मुझे। लगाता है तुम तो मुझे मार ही डालोगे ।”
“टॉम, तुमने मुझे पहले ही क्यों नहीं जगाया ? ओह, टॉम तुम तो मर नहीं रहे हो, है न? ऐसा नहीं होता है, नहीं होता है टॉम ।”
“सीड, मैने सबों को क्षमा किया। सबों से कह देना ।”
सीड सहायता के लिए दौड़ता हुआ बाहर चला गया।

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-7 Tom Loses A Tooth Text

Tom’s imagination was working perfectly by now and his groans had gathered a genuine tone

Meanwhile, Sid flew downstairs and said: “Oh, aunty Polly, come! Tom’s dying!” “Dying?” “Yes. Don’t wait, come quick.”
“What rubbish! I don’t believe it.”

She flew upstairs with Sid and Mary, Tom’s cousin. Her face grew pale and her lips trembled. When she reached the bedside, she gasped out: “Tom! Tom, what’s the matter with you?”

“Oh, auntie, I’m-”
“What is the matter with you child?”
“Oh, auntie, my toe is paining.”

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-7 Tom Loses A Tooth Word-Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Imagination : कल्पना ।
  2. Pale: फीका, धुंधला ।
  3. Trembled : कांपते रहना।
  4. Gasped: हॉफना, श्वाँस ले-लेकर बातें करना ।
  5. Gathered : एकत्रित होना ।
  6. Genuine : वास्तविक ।
  7. Neanwhile:  इतने में, तभी ।
  8. Downstairs : निचली मंजिला ।
  9. Rubbish: फिजूल की बातें
  10. Upstairs: ऊपरी मंजिल, सीढ़ी से उठना।
  11. Cousin : चचेरा भाई या बहन ।
  12. Lips: ओंठ ।


(पाठ) -7 टॉम का एक दाँत खो गया हिन्दी अनुवाद

टॉम का बहाना अभी तक बिल्कुल ठीक-ठाक ही था और उसका चिल्लाना भी प्राकृतिक ही प्रतीत होता था।
इतने में, सीड प्रायः दौड़ता हुआ नीचे जाकर बोला, “ओ, पलि चाची, आओ! टॉम मर रहा है।”
“मर रहा है ?”
“हाँ! विलंब मत करो, शीघ्र आओ ।”
“क्या फिजुल की बातें करता है। मैं विश्वास नहीं करती।”

वह सीड एवं टॉम की चचेरी बहन, मेरी के साथ दौड़ती हुई उपर गई। उनका मुँह मलिन हो गया तथा ओंठ काँपने
लगे। चारपाई के नजदीक आकर हाँफते-हाँफते बोली,
“टॉम, टॉम तुम्हें क्या हुआ है ?”
“बेटा तुम्हें क्या हुआ है ?”
“ओह चाची, मेरे ऊँगली में बहुत दर्द हो रहा है ।”

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-7 Tom Loses A Tooth Text

The old lady sank into a chair. She laughed a little, then cried a little.
Then she said:

“Tom, what a shock you did give me! Now shut up the nonsense and get out of this.” The groans ceased. The toe pain vanished. Tom felt a little foolish and said,

“Aunt Polly, how my toothaches! The pain is more than that in my toe.”
“Your tooth, indeed! What’s the matter with your tooth ?”

“One of them is loose and it aches awfully.”
“There, there, now don’t begin that groaning again. Open your mouth. Your tooth is loose but you’re not going to die for that. Mary, get me a silk thread.”

Tom said: “Oh, please auntie, don’t pull it out. It doesn’t hurt anymore. Please, auntie, I don’t want to stay home from school,”

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-7 Tom Loses A Tooth Word Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Sank: डूब जाना |
  2. Shock: मानसिक सदमा ।
  3. Nonsense: अर्थहीन, निरर्थक ।
  4. Ceased: रुकना, बन्द हो जाना ।
  5. Vanished: अदृश्य होना, अगोचर
  6. Aches : कष्टदायक ।
  7. Awfully: भयानक रूप से।
  8. Thread : धागा।


(पाठ) -7 टॉम का एक दाँत खो गया हिन्दी अनुवाद

बूढ़ी महिला धम्म से कुर्सी पर बैठ गई । वह थोड़ी मुस्कुरायी, फिर कुछ रोयी।

इसके बाद वह बोली, “टॉम, तुम तो एक प्रकार की चोट ही मुझे पहुँचा रहे थे। अब यह सब फिजुल की बातें बन्द करो और यहाँ से निकलो।” कराहना बन्द हुआ।

ऊँगली की चोट अब नहीं रही। टॉम को थोड़ा बेवकूफ जैसा दिख रहा था और उसने कहा, “पलि चाची, मेरे दाँत में बहुत दर्द हो रहा है।” यह दर्द ऊँगली की दर्द से भी अधिक है।” ‘ओ, तुम्हारा दाँत ! तुम्हारे दाँत में क्या हुआ है ?”

“एक दाँत हिल रहा है और बहुत दुखता है ।”
“समझी, अब पुनः चिल्लाना नहीं । मुँह खोलो। तुम्हारा दाँत ही हिल रहा है ना, किन्तु इससे तुम मर नहीं जाओगे । मेरी, मुझे एक रेशम की धागा लाकर दो तो ।” टॉम ने कहा, ओ चाची, कृपया इसे उखाड़ना नहीं। अब यह नहीं दुखता है, चाची, दया करो, मैं स्कूल छोड़ घर में रहना नहीं चाहता हूँ ।

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-7 Tom Loses A Tooth Text

“So all this was because you wanted to stay home from school and go fishing? Tom, Tom, I love you so much and you try to break my heart in every way with your naughtiness!”.

By this time the dental instrument was ready. The old lady fastened one end of the silk thread to Tom’s tooth and the other end to the bedpost. She pulled and the tooth hung dangling by the bedpost. Tom now had a gap in his upper row of teeth. This enabled him to smile in a new and admirable way.

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-7 Tom Loses A Tooth Word Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Naughtiness: दुष्टता ।
  2. Dental: दन्त संबंधित |
  3. Instrument: यत्रांश |
  4. Fastened: बांध कर रखना, रोकना |
  5. Hung : लटका हुआ ।
  6. Row: पंक्ति, कतार
  7. Enabled: सक्षम
  8. Smile: हँसना
  9. Admirable: प्रशंसनीय, लाजबाव ।


(पाठ) -7 टॉम का एक दाँत खो गया हिन्दी अनुवाद

“तो यह सब तुमने इसलिए किया ताकि तुम स्कूल न जाकर घर में रहो और मछली पकड़ने के लिए जाओ? टॉम, टॉम! मैं तुम्हें इतना प्यार करती हूँ और तुम हो कि विभिन्न प्रकार का शैतानी कर मेरे दिल को चोट पहुँचाते हो ।”

इसी बीच दाँत निकालने की औजारें प्रस्तुत हो गई । बूढ़ी महिला रेशम की धागे का एक किनारा टॉम के दाँत से और दूसरा किनारा चारपाई के लंबी काठ से बांधी।

वह उसे खींची और दाँत चारपाई के काठ के निकट झूलने लगा। अब टॉम की दाँत के उपरी पंक्ति में एक गड्ढा बन गया । यह उसे एक नई तथा चमकीला हँसी हँसने में सहायक बन गया ।


Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-7 Tom Loses A Tooth Word Nest (शब्द नीड़)

  1. Groan-to make a long deep sound when in pain (दर्द होने से जो एक लंबी कराहना (आर्तनाद) होती है) ।
  2. Moaned- cried out in a prolonged tone (लगातार एक स्वर में रोते रहना)
  3. Dangling- hanging or swinging freely (मुक्त रूप से झूलना या घूमना) ।


Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-7 Tom Loses A Tooth Textual Questions (पाठ्याधारित प्रश्न) Exercise (अभ्यास)-1

Tick The Correct Answer From The Given Alternatives:

Question 1. Tom felt miserable on the mornings of

  1. Sunday
  2. Monday
  3. Thursday
  4. Saturday

Answer: Monday

Question 2. If Aunt Polly was to know that Tom had a loose tooth, she would

  1. Call A Doctor
  2. Bring Him Some Medicines
  3. Surely Pull It Out
  4. Tell Him To Rest

Answer: 3. Surely Pull It Out

Question 3. Tom drew his sore toe from under the

  1. Sheet
  2. Blanket
  3. Pillow
  4. Mosquito-Net

Answer: 1. Sheet

Question 4. Sid flew down the stairs to call

  1. The Doctor
  2. Mary
  3. The Nurse
  4. Aunt Polly

Answer: 4. Aunt Polly

QuestionThe thread that Mary got aunt Polly was made of

  1. Cotton
  2. Jute
  3. Silk
  4. Wool

Answer: 3. Silk

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-7 Tom Loses A Tooth Exercise (अभ्यास) – 2

Answer The Following Questions Within Fifteen Words:

Question 1. Which one of Tom’s teeth had come loose?
Answer: One of Tom’s upper front teeth had come loose.

Question 2. How are Sid and Mary related to Tom?
Answer: Sid is Tom’s brother and Mary is Tom’s cousin.

Question 3. Why did Tom ask Sid not to stir him?
Answer: Tom asked Sid not to stir him because it could kill him.

Question 4. Why did Tom pretend his toe was paining?
Answer: Tom pretended his toe was painting because he wanted to stay at home evading school.

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-7 Tom Loses A Tooth Exercise (अभ्यास) – 3

Answer The Following Questions Within Twenty-Five Words:

Question 1. What did Tom remember hearing from a doctor?
Answer: Tom remembered hearing from a doctor that a certain ailment could lay up a patient for three days and this would make him lose a finger.

Question 2. How did Aunt Polly react to the news that Tom was dying?
Answer: Aunt Polly heard the news that Tom was in a dying stage but she did not believe it and expressed her disgust at it.

Question 3. How was Tom’s loose tooth taken out?
Answer: Aunt Polly fixed one end of the silk thread to Tom’s tooth and the other end to the bedpost. The tooth was taken out and it hung dangling by the bedpost.

Grammar in use:

Read the following sets of sentences:

Set 1:

  1. Tom is dying.
  2.  Tom groaned louder.

Set 2 :

  1. Is Tom dying?
  2. Did Tom groan louder?

In Set 1, both sentences are Assertive sentences.
In Set 2 both sentences are Interrogative sentences.

Assertive sentences are transformed into Interrogative sentences by placing the auxiliary verb before the subject and the main verb immediately after the subject.

Assertive sentences that do not have an auxiliary verb are transformed into Interrogative sentences by providing an auxiliary according to the sense of the sentences.

Now, read the following sets of sentences:

Set 3:

  1. Tom, what a shock you gave me!
  2. Tom said, please auntie, don’t pull it out.

Set 4 :

  1. Tom, you gave me a great shock.
  2. Tom requested his auntie not to pull it out.

In the sentences of Set 3, the first sentence is Exclamatory and the second sentence is Imperative. In Set 4, both sentences are Assertive.

Exclamatory sentences are transformed into Assertive sentences by decreasing the emotional content of the sentences and removing the Exclamatory mark to give the sentences the form of a statement.

Set 5:

  1. He wished that he was sick.
  2. Tom, you will not die.

Set 6:

  1. He wished that he was not well.
  2. Tom, you will remain alive.

In set 5, the first sentence is an Affirmative sentence and the second sentence is a Negative sentence.

In set 6, the first sentence is Negative and the second sentence is Affirmative sentence.

Affirmative sentences are transformed into Negative sentences with certain modifications, like using words such as ‘not’, ‘no’, ‘never’ etc., without effecting any change in meaning.

Negative sentences are transformed into Affirmative sentences with certain modifications, by removing words such as ‘not’, ‘no’, ‘never’ etc., without effecting any change in meaning.

Do as directed:


Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-7 Tom Loses A Tooth Exercise (अभ्यास) – 4

Question 1. Rafique was running fast. (change into an interrogative sentence)
Answer: Was Rafique running fast?

Question 2. The boy would never forget the exciting incident. (change into an affirmative sentence)
Answer: The boy would always remember the exciting incident.

Question 3. We had a wonderful time last evening. (change into an exclamatory sentence)
Answer: What a time we had last evening.

Question 4. He loves to play football. (change into an interrogative sentence)
Answer: Does he love to play football?

Question 5. Rina tried all her plans. (change into a negative sentence)
Answer: Rina left on plans untried.

Question 6. Shut the door, Robin. (change into an assertive sentence)
Answer: Robin should shut the door.

Read the following sentences:

Set 7:

  1. A certain ailment could lay a patient in bed for three days.
  2. This year in the month of June the monsoon has set in.
  3. Cannot put up with such rude behavior.

Set 8:

  1. A certain ailment could confine a patient to bed for three days.
  2. This year in the month of June the monsoon has begun.
  3. I cannot tolerate such rude behavior.

In set 7, the underlined verbs of each sentence combine with prepositions or adverbs, or in some cases, both. Such combinations are called Phrasal Verbs.

In set 8, we see that the underlined verbs substitute the phrasal verbs mentioned in set 7.


Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-7 Tom Loses A Tooth Exercise (अभ्यास) – 5

Replace the underlined words with suitable phrasal verbs from the list given below. Change the form of verbs where necessary. There is one extra phrasal verb in the list:

Question 1. The enemy surrendered without a fight.
Answer: Gave in.

Question2. The child was cured in a month.
Answer: Come around.

Question 3. The police investigated the case.
Answer: Looked into it.

Question 4. Puja could understand what her sister said.
Answer: Make out.

Question 5. The old man could not remember his childhood experiences.
Answer: Call up.

List of phrasal verbs: look into, make out, look for, come round, give in, call up


Write a report within 100 words for an English daily using the given information:

  1. Incident: Severe cyclone(80km/hr)
  2. Date: 11 June 2013
  3. Time: 6-45 P.M.
  4. Place: Coastal areas of West Bengal
  5. Cause: Depression in the Bay of Bengal
  6. Result: 60 people died, many were homeless, and train services disrupted
  7. Relief: The state government provided immediate relief

Cyclone Hits Coastal West Bengal 1
– By a Staff Reporter (2)

Kolkata, June 12, 2013: (3) A severe cyclone with a speed of 80 km. per hour hit the coastal areas of West Bengal yesterday evening at about 6-45 p.rn. Caused by a deep depression in the Bay of Bengal, the cyclone ripped through the state resulting in huge damage to life and property.

60 persons have died and thousands have been rendered homeless. Train services have been disrupted leaving a number of people stranded. The state government has taken immediate steps to provide relief to the victims. More than 5000 people have been evacuated to temporary relief shelters. The Chief Minister has reviewed the situation and assured the people of all help.

Note that in writing a newspaper report the following points must be kept in mind:

There must be a heading.
Write: ‘By a Staff Reporter’ either at the top right-hand corner below the heading or at the right-hand corner below the report.
The place and date must be mentioned.

In newspaper reporting:

The past and present forms of verbs are generally used According to the sense of the sentences, the use of voice and tense may vary

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-7 Tom Loses A Tooth Exercise (अभ्यास) – 6

Write a newspaper report on a road accident within 100 words. Use the following hints:

brake failure of a bus – collided with a truck-5 injured including a child and a woman – injured sent to hospital – released with first aid – traffic disrupted – police intervened – normalcy restored

Brake Failure Bus Collides With A Truck

By a Staff Reporter
Kolkata, October 13, 2014: Yesterday at around 10:30 am an accident took place at Chittaranjan Avenue and M. G. Road junction when a Howrah-bound bus, route no 78/1, suddenly collided with a truck. The report says the brake failure of the bus was the cause of this mishap.

Fortunately, this accident did not claim life but left five commuters injured including a child and a woman. According to passengers, the ill-fated bus was moving at a great speed but near the C. R. Avenue and M.G. Road junction, the driver lost control over the brake and the bus banged behind a truck.

Local people rushed to the spot. The injured passengers were rushed to the nearest hospital immediately where they were released after first aid.

Due to the collision traffic got disrupted. Cops reached the spot quickly and intervened in the heated situation and normalcy was restored within an hour.


Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-7 Tom Loses A Tooth Additional Textual Questions & Answers

Tick The Correct Answer From The Given Alternatives:

Question 1. Still was Tom’s

  1. Companion
  2. Brother
  3. Servant
  4. Classmate

Answer: 3. Brother

Question 2. The suffering in school that began on Monday for Tom is described as

  1. Painful
  2. Slow
  3. Arduous
  4. Boring

Answer: 3. Slow

Question 3. Sid shook Tom and looked at his face

  1. Anxiously
  2. Happily
  3. Doubtfully
  4. Hastily

Answer: 1. Anxiously

Question 4. Sid rushed to call

  1. Everybody
  2. Help
  3. Doctor
  4. Aunt Polly

Answer: 2. Help

Question 5. The dental instrument refers to

  1. The upper row of teeth
  2. The bed-post
  3. The silk thread
  4. The knife

Answer: 3. The silk thread

Question 6. Tom investigated his body with the hope of finding

  1. An injury
  2. A cut
  3. A pain
  4. An illness

Answer: 4. An illness

Question 7. One of Tom’s upper teeth was

  1. Loose
  2. Aching
  3. Broken
  4. Missing

Answer: 1. Loose

Question 8. Tom heard a doctor say that a certain ailment could lay up a patient for

  1. Two Days
  2. Three Days
  3. Four Days
  4. Five Days

Answer: 2. Three Days

Question 9. Aunt Polly told Mary to get

  1. A knife
  2. A silk thread
  3. forceps
  4. A nylon thread

Answer: 2. A silk thread

Question 10. The name of the story from which the extract has been taken is

  1. Tom Loses a Leg’
  2. Tom Loses a finger’
  3. Tom Loses a Tooth’
  4. Tom Loses an eye’

Answer: 3. Tom Loses a Tooth’

Question 11. Tom wished he was

  1. Happy
  2. Sad
  3. Rich
  4. Un Well

Answer: 3. Unwell

Question 12. Tom’s tooth was taken out

  1. Clinically
  2. Forcibly
  3. Carefully
  4. Tactfully

Answer: 2. Forcibly

Question 13. Monday began another week’s slow suffering in

  1. School
  2. College
  3. Hostel
  4. University

Answer: 1. School

Question 14. He thought he had found the symptoms of

  1. Headache
  2. Stomach Trouble
  3. Toothache

Answer: 2. Stomach trouble

Question 15. Tom heard about the ailment of the finger from

  1. Aunt Polly
  2. A doctor
  3. A friend
  4. His teacher

Answer: 3. A friend

Question 15. Tom’s imagination was working

1. Perfectly
2. Imperfectly
3. Defectly
4. Lightly

Answer: 1. Perfectly

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-7 Tom Loses A Tooth Answer The Following Questions Within Fifteen Words

Question 1. Why did Tom wish to be sick?
Answer: Tom wished to be sick so that he could stay home, avoiding school.

Question 2. What did he hold up for inspection?
Answer: He held up his sore toe for inspection.

Question 3. Who slept on when Tom started to groan?
Answer: When Tom started to groan, Sid snored on.

Question 4. What for did Tom investigate his body?
Answer: Tom investigated his body to find some ailment.

Question 5. What kind of symptoms did he find in himself first?
Answer: At first, Tom found the symptoms of stomach trouble in himself.

Question 6. What did Sid do when Tom started to groan?
Answer: When Tom started to groan, Sid snored on.

Question 7. Did the Aunt come alone upstairs?
Answer: No, Sid and Mary also came with her.

Class 9 English Bliss Lesson-7 Tom Loses A Tooth Answer The Following Questions Within Twenty-Five Words

Question 1. Why did Tom feel lucky?
Answer: On Monday, to avoid school, Tom started to find some ailment. He found that one of his upper front teeth was loose. So, he felt lucky.

Question 2. When did Tom’s groans gather a genuine tone?
Answer: Tom wanted to draw attention of Sid with his groaning. Walking up Sid became anxious and rushed to call help. Then Tom’s groans gathered a genuine tone.

Question 3. When did Tom feel a little foolish?
Answer: Aunt Polly came upstairs. She found that Tom’s groaning was false and she rebuked Tom. Then Tom felt a little foolish.

Question 4. “This course worked well”.- How did this course work?
Answer: Sid did not wake up despite Tom’s repeated groans. So, Tom shook him and called him. Finally, Sid woke up. This is the course that worked well for Tom.

Question 5. Why was a gap created in Tom’s upper row of teeth? How did it help him?
Answer: A gap was created in Tom’s upper row teeth as his Aunt had pulled out a tooth with a silk thread. The gap helped him to smile in a new and admirable way.

Question 6. How did we know that Tom did not like to go to school?
Answer: Tom did not like to go to school as, on Monday morning, he was searching for some illness to stay at home.