Morphology Of Flowering Plants Multiple Choice Questions
Question 1. Root hairs develop from the region of—
- Elongation
- Root cap
- Meristematic activity
- Maturation
Answer: 4. Maturation
Question 2. The morphological nature of the edible part of coconut is—
- Cotyledon
- Endosperm
- Pericarp
- Perisperm
Answer: 2. Endosperm
Question 3. Coconut fruit is a—
- Berry
- Nut
- Capsule
- Drupe
Answer: 4. Drupe
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Question 4. In Bougainvillea thorns are the modifications
- Adventitious root
- Stem
- Leaf
- Stipules
Answer: 2. Stem
Question 5. The term ‘polyadelphous’ is related to—
- Gynoecium
- Androecium
- Corolla
- Calyx
Answer: 2. Androecium
Question 6. Cotyledon of maize grain is called—
- Coleorhiza
- Coleoptile
- Scutellum
- Plumule
Answer: 3. Scutellum
Question 7. Which one of the following statements is not true?
- The exine of pollen grains Is made up of sporopollenin sporopollenin
- Pollen grains of many species cause severe allergies
- Stored pollen in liquid nitrogen can be used in crop breeding programmes
- Tapetum helps in the dehiscence of anther
Answer: 4. Tapetum helps in the dehiscence of anther
Question 8. Which one of the following is not a stem modification?
- Thorns of Citrus
- Tendrils of cucumber
- Flattened structure of Opuntia
- Pitcher of Nepenthes
Answer: 4. Pitcher of Nepenthes
Question 9. The coconut water from tender coconut represents—
- Fleshy mesocarp
- Free-nuclear proembryo
- Free-nuclear endosperm
- Endocarp
Answer: 3. Free-nuclear endosperm
Question 10. Stems modified into flat green organs performing functions of leaves are known as—
- Phyllodes
- Phylloclades
- Scales
- Cladodes
Answer: 2. Phylloclades
Question 11. The standard petal of a papilionaceous corolla is also called
- Pappus
- Vexillum
- Corona
- Carina
Answer: 2. Vexillum
Question 12. How many plants among Indigofera, Sesbania, Salvia, Allium, Aloe, mustard, groundnut, radish, gram, and turnip have stamens with different lengths in their flowers?
- Three
- Four
- Five
- Six
Answer: 2. Four
Question 13. Radial symmetry is found in the flowers of—
- Brassica
- Trifolium
- Pisum
- Cassia
Answer: 1. Brassica
Question 14. Free-central placentation Is found in
- Dianthus
- Argemone
- Brassica
- Citrus
Answer: 1. Dianthus
Question 15. Tricarpellary, syncarpous gynoecium is found in flowers of—
- Solanaceae
- Fabaceae
- Poaceae
- Liliaceae
Answer: 4. Liliaceae
Question 16. The wheat grain has an embryo with one large, shield-shaped cotyledon known as
- Coleoptile
- Epiblast
- Coleorhiza
- Scutellum
Answer: 4. Scutellum
Question 17. Among china rose, mustard, brinjal, potato, guava, cucumber, onion and tulip, how many plants have superior ovaries?
- Four
- Five
- Six
- Three
Answer: 2. Five
Question 18. Flowers are unisexual in—
- Onion
- Pea
- Cucumber
- China Rose
Answer: 3. Cucumber
Question 19. Roots play an insignificant role in the absorption of water in—
- Wheat
- Sunflower
- Pistia
- Pea
Answer: 3. Pistia
Question 20. An example of an edible underground stem is—
- Carrot
- Ground Nut
- Sweet Potato
- Potato
Answer: 4. Potato
Question 21. When the margins of sepals or petals overlap one another without any particular direction the condition is termed as—
- Vexillary
- Imbricate
- Twisted
- Valvate
Answer: 2. Imbricate
Question 22. An aggregate fruit is one that develops from the—
- Multicarpellary syncarpous gynoecium
- Multicarpellary apocarpous gynoecium
- Complete inflorescence
- Multicarpellary superior ovary
Answer: 2. Multicarpellary apocarpous gynoecium
Question 23. Which one of the following statements is correct?
- The seed in grasses is not endospermic
- Mango is a parthenocarpic fruit
- A proteinaceous aleurone layer is present in maize grain
- A sterile pistil is called a staminode
Answer: 3. A proteinaceous aleurone layer is present in maize grain
Question 24. The partial floral formula of a flower is K(5)C5A(∞)G(5) Which of the following set of information is conveyed here?
- Gamosepalous, polypetalous, syncarpous, and superior ovary
- Polysepalous, polypetalous, syncarpous, and inferior ovary
- Gamosepalous, gamopetalous, polycarpous, and superior ovary
- Gamosepalous, polypetalous, syncarpous, and inferior ovary
Answer: 1. Gamosepalous, polypetalous, syncarpous, and superior ovary
Question 25. In one plant adventitious roots are modified for storage and in the other plant a lateral branch with short internodes and each node bearing a rosette of leaves and a tuft of roots is found. They are—
- Sweet potato and pistia
- Eichhornia and jasmine
- Carrot and mint
- Turnip and chrysanthemum
- Sweet potato and mint
Answer: 1. Sweet potato and pistia
Question 26. The types of placentation seen in Argemone and primrose are respectively
- Axile and free-central
- Parietal and free-central
- Parietal and basal
- Marginal and free-central
- Basal and parietal
Answer: 2. Parietal and free-central
Question 27. Consider the following characters with respect to the gynoecium of Fabaceae, and choose the correct options given below.
- Ovary monocarpellary
- Many styles
- Placenta swollen
- Superior ovary
Choose the current answer
- 1,5, and 4
- 2 and4
- 1 and 2
- 1 and 4
- 3 and 5
Answer: 4. 3 and 5
Question 28. Which of the following are the characteristic features of Solanaceae?
- Exstipulate leaves
- Persistent calyx
- Racemose inflorescence
- Unilocular ovary
Fruits are either berries or capsules of these
- 1,2 and 5
- 1,3 and 4
- only 1
- only 2
- 5 and 4
Answer: 1. 1,2 and 5
Question 29. The roots hanging from the branches of the banyan tree—
- Primary Root
- Prop Root
- Fibrous Root
- Pneumatophore
Answer: 3. Fibrous Root
Question 30. The pattern of arrangement of leaves on the stem is known as—
- Heterophylly
- Phyllode
- Phyllotaxy
- Phylloclade
Answer: 3. Phyllotaxy
Question 31. Multicostate divergent reticulate venation is seen in—
- Zizyphus
- Bamboo
- Castor
- Mango
Answer: 3. Castor
Question 32. A capsule is a kind of fruit
- Simple, dry, and dehiscent
- Simple, dry, and indehiscent
- An aggregate
- Simple and fleshy
Answer: 1. Simple, dry, and dehiscent
Question 33. Which of the following pairs is not correct?
- Corymb—Candytuft
- Capitulum—Sunflower
- Catkin—Mulberry
- Raceme—Wheat
Answer: 4. Raceme—Wheat
Question 34. When gynoecium is present above all parts of the flower this condition is called—
- Hypogynous
- Perigynous
- Epigynous
- Inferior
Answer: 1. Hypogynous
Question 35. When ovules develop on the inner wall of the ovary the type of placentation is
- Twisted
- Axile
- Free-Central
- Parietal
Answer: 4. Parietal
Question 36. Which of the following is not correctly paired?
- Fabaceae—Legume family
- Solanaceae—Potato family
- Liliaceae—Sunflower family
- Brassicaceae—Mustard family
Answer: 3. Liliaceae—Sunflower family
Question 37. Endosperm, a product of double fertilization in angiosperms is absent in the seeds of—
- Gram
- Orchids
- Maize
- Castor
Answer: 1. Gram
Question 38. Which one of the following is an endospermic seed?
- Pea
- Bean
- Gram
- Castor
Answer: 4. Castor
Question 39. Scutellum is a part of—
- A leaf bud
- A dicot embryo
- A monocot embryo
- None of these
Answer: 3. A monocot embryo
Question 40. Aril is the edible part of
- Apple
- Litchi
- Banana
- Banana
Answer: 2. Litchi
Question 41. In this diagram showing the ls of an embryo of grass, identify the answer having the correct combination of alphabets with the right part.
- A—Root cap, B—Coleoptile,
C— Scutellum, D—Coleorhiza,
E— Epibiast,F — Shoot apex - A—Shoot apex, B—Epibiast
C—Coleorhiza, D—Scutellum,
E—Coleoptile, F-Radide - A—Epibiast, B—Scutellum
C—Coleoptile, D—Radicle
E—Coleorhiza, F—Shoot apex - A—Epibiast, B—Radicle,
C—Coleoptile, D—Scutellum,
E—Coleorhiza, F—Shoot apex
Answer: 4. A—Epibiast, B—Radicle,
C—Coleoptile, D—Scutellum,
E—Coleorhiza, F—Shoot apex
Question 42. Which option is correct for the region produced from the apical octant A and basal octant B, in the capsella type of embryonic development?
- A—Cotyledon, B—Central region of radicle
- A—Central region of radicle, B—Cotyledon
- A—Hypocotyl, B—Plumule of embryo
- A—Plumule of the embryo, B—Hypocotyl
Answer: 1. A—Cotyledon, B—Central region of radicle
Question 43. Match the columns:
- 1-4,2-5,3-1,4-2
- 1-5,2-3,3-1,4-2
- 1-5,2-3,3-2,4-4
- 1-4,2-2,3-5,4-1
Answer: 1. 1-4,2-5,3-1,4-2
Question 44. Phyllode is present in—
- Asparagus
- Euphorbia
- Australian Acacia
- Opuntia
Answer: 3. Australian Acacia
Question 45. Cyathium inflorescence is found in—
- Morus
- Dorstenia
- Ficus
- Euphorbia
Answer: 4. Euphorbia
Question 46. Inflorescence of Liliaceae is—
- Actinomorphic
- Trimerous
- Pentamerous
- Imperfect
Answer: 2. Trimerous
Question 47. A fruit, developed from a condensed inflorescence is a/an—
- Simple Fruit
- Aggregate Fruit
- Composite Fruit
- Ontario
Answer: 3. Composite Fruit
Question 48. Ginger multiplies vegetatively by—
- Bud
- Tuber
- Stem
- Rhizome
Answer: 4. Rhizome
Question 49. The ruminate endosperm is found in the seeds of the family—
- Compositae
- Cruciferae
- Euphorbiaceae
- Annonaceae
Answer: 4. Annonaceae
Question 50. arts of two plants were observed. Structure-A develops aerially and produces roots when comes in contact with the soil. Structure B develops from the underground part of the stem, grows obliquely, becomes aerial, and produces roots on its lower surface. Identify, respectively the structure of A and B.
- Sucker, stolen
- Stolon, runner
- Stolon, sucker
- Runner, stolen
Answer: 3. Stolon, sucker
Question 51. In which of the following plants, the leaf apex changes into a tendril?
- Gloriosa
- Smilax
- Pisum sativum
- Australian acacia
Answer: 1. Gloriosa
Question 52. Which of the following is a wheat fruit?
- Achene
- Cypsella
- Caryopsis
- Endosperm
Answer: 3. Caryopsis
Question 53. In Nepenthes (pitcher plant), the pitcher is the modification of leaf—
- petiole
- Base
- Lamina
- All Of These
Answer: 3. Lamina
Question 54. Cereals mostly belong to family—
- Cruciferae
- Brassicaceae
- Poaceae
- Asteraceae
Answer: 3. Poaceae
Question 55. In China rose flowers are
- Actinomorphic, hypogynous with twisted aestivation
- Actinomorphic, epigynous with valvate aestivation
- Zygomorphic, hypogynous with valvate aestivation
- Zygomorphic, epigynous with twisted aestivation
Answer: 1. Actinomorphic, hypogynous with twisted aestivation
Question 56. Among bitter gourd, mustard, brinjal, pumpkin, China rose, lupin, cucumber, sunn hemp, gram, guava, bean, chili, plum, Petunia, tomato, rose Withania, potato, onion, aloe, and tulip, how many plants have a hypogynous flower?
- Six
- Ten
- Fifteen
- Eighteen
Answer: 1. Six
Question 57. Match the following columns
- 1-5,2-4,3-2,4-3
- 1-5,2-3,3-1,4-2
- 1-4,2-5,3-2,4-3
- 1-1,2-2,3-3,4-5
Answer: 1. 1-5,2-4,3-2,4-3