Morphology Of Flowering Plants Question And Answers

Biology Class 11 WBCHSE Morphology Of Flowering Plants Some Important Questions And Answers

1. What is the difference between a root cap and a multiple root cap?
Answer: The root cap is single-layered and regenerates again after its disintegration. On the other hand, multiple root caps contain multiple layers of cells but can not be produced again.

Morphology Of Flowering Plants

2. Is it possible for a plant to absorb minerals and water from the soil, if the root hairs of its primary root get degenerated?
Answer: Yes. This is because root hairs are also present in the branched roots (secondary and tertiary roots). So, after the degeneration of the root hairs of the primary root, the plant can absorb water and minerals through the root hairs of the branched roots.

3. Why is the root hair region of the main root temporary?
Answer: The root hair region of the main root has a definite lifespan. After that, the root hairs degenerate and secondary roots grow from that region.

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4. Write about the distribution of roots in a dome-shaped tree.
Answer: The roots of these trees move deep into the soil, Besides these roots, some branch roots are also found near the lower surface of the trunk. The branch roots remain scattered at the base of the trunk to provide mechanical support to the tree.

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5. Name the two functions of the plants that are performed only by the adventitious roots but not by the true roots.
Answer: Reproduction and respiration, are the two functions performed only by the adventitious roots.

6. What type of root is a beetroot? Name the pigment present in this root. Name the substance in which the pigment is soluble.
Answer: Beetroot is a napiform root. The pigment is betacyanin. It is soluble in water.

7. Name the plant, in which photosynthesis occurs through the roots.
Answer: Tinospora sp., and Trapa sp., are the two plants, in which photosynthesis occurs through the roots.

8. Name the plants in which buds are produced by adventitious roots.
Answer: The adventitious roots of Trichosanthes sp., and Dalbergia sp., can produce buds.

9. Write down the characteristics of roots in Orchid-like plants.

Orchid-like plants bear two types of roots. They are—

  1. Clinging root and
  2. Aerial roots. The clinging root helps the plant to remain attached to the support. Aerial roots absorb water vapor from the air. They provide the required amount of water for photosynthesis to the plants.

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10. What kind of root is found in sweet potato? Write down a special feature of this root.
Answer: Tuber-like roots are found in sweet potatoes which are known as tuberous roots. Special feature: These roots do not have any definite shape.

11. What do you mean by vegetative and reproductive organs of plants?
Answer: Vegetative organs perform functions other than reproduction. Whereas, reproductive organs take part in sexual reproduction to form new individuals.

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12. Give two examples of rootless plants.
Answer: Wolffia sp., and Utricularia sp.

13. Why do potatoes store a large amount of starch in them?
Answer: Vegetative reproduction in potatoes occurs by the axillary buds. These buds require glucose for their development. This glucose is provided by the starch stored in the potatoes. So, potatoes store a large amount of starch.

14. Why should plants be described morphologically?
Answer: The description of morphological features helps in identifying and assigning any plant to its proper taxonomical hierarchy and nomenclature.

15. What is the difference between the thorns of an Indian stone apple and a rose?
Answer: The thorns of the Indian stone apple are modified part of the aerial stem and develop endogenously. In the case of a rose, the thorns are outgrowths of the stem epidermis and develop exogenously. They are actually prickles.

16. Write down the mode of reproduction in Amorphophallus paeoniifolius (oal) and Zingiber officinale (ginger).
Answer: These two plants reproduce by axillary buds which help in vegetative reproduction. These axillary buds are produced in favorable conditions and gradually develop into new plants.

17. Why do biennial plants require two seasons to complete their life cycle?
Answer: In the first season, these plants germinate from their seeds and attain maturity gradually. In this stage, they produce roots, shoots, etc., (vegetative growth). In the next season, they complete their life cycle by producing flowers and fruits (reproductive growth).

18. Why do the pine and Himalayan Cedar (deodar) become cone-shaped?
Answer: The main axis of these trees grows indefinitely with a racemose branching pattern. The branches of the lower regions are longer than the branches of the upper region. So, these trees appear cone-shaped.

19. Why is an onion known as a shoot-less plant?
Answer: Usually shoot of this plant is not visible. The disc-shaped shoots do not have any aerial region and thus, they are not visible above the ground. The small shoot is not visible clearly even under the soil. So, this plant is known as the shoot-less plant.

20. Name the edible part of the onion.
Answer: The edible part of the onion is mainly the modified, fleshy scale leaves.

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21. How will you identify that the underground part of a plant is a stem?
Answer: The underground part of the plant should not bear any root hair, root cap, or adventitious roots. But it should have a node, internode, axillary bud, apical bud, and scale leaves.

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22. Give examples of plants with amplexicaul and semi-amplexicaul leaf bases.
Answer: Amplexicaul: Aethusa cynapium. Semi-amplexicaul: Musa paradisiaca.

23. Name the plant parts that are modified to form the following—thorns of Indian stone apple and Argemone sp.
Answer: Thorns of Indian stone apple: Modified axillary buds.

Thorns in Argemone sp. Modified leaves.

24. When you will find rachis in a leaf?
Answer: The leaf rachis is found in a compound leaf.

25. What are sessile flowers? Give example.
Answer: The flowers without pedicel are known as sessile flowers. Example Polianthes tuberosa.

26. Write down the differences between pome and drupe.
Answer: The differences between pome and drupe are
Morphology Of Flowering Plants Questions 26

27. Name the factors responsible for the amount of light absorbed by the leaves.
Answer: The factors are the shape of the leaf, location, and phyllotaxy.

28. Pea plants have foliaceous stipules. Why?
Answer: The leaves of the pea plant are compound pinnate leaves. The upper leaflet of the rachis gets modified into tendrils, hence the number of leaves is reduced. As a result, the rate of photosynthesis as well as the growth rate becomes low. So, in this case, the stipule enlarges and becomes foliaceous. This stipule helps in photosynthesis to overcome the problems.

29. Write about the submerged leaves of this Limnophilla sp.
Answer: The submerged leaves of this plant are linear, narrow, and dissected. These leaves reduce the hydrostatic pressure. They also help in the absorption of oxygen, soluble in water.

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30. What is the basic difference between a simple leaf and a leaflet?
Answer: The axil of the simple leaf bears axillary buds but axillary buds are not found at the axil of leaflets.

31. Write about the modification of the petiole to carry out physiological functions.
Answer: Winged petiole: In some plants such as in Citrus sp., the petioles become broad, like foliar leaves, to carry out the process of photosynthesis. Phyllode: In some plants such as in Acacia sp., the compound leaves shed off in early stages. So, the petioles become broad and flattened to carry out the process of photosynthesis, like the foliage leaves.

32. The flowers of the fig are not visible. Why?
Answer: In Fig, the inner wall of the receptacle contains male, female, and sterile flowers. As the flowers are covered with the receptacle, they are not visible.

33. Identify true fruit and false fruits among the following—paddy, fig, cucumber, lemon, jackfruit.
Answer: True fruits—Cucumber, lemon, and paddy. False fruits—Jackfruit and fig.

34. Mention two points of importance of the floral diagram.

Two points of importance are—

  1. Floral diagrams provide information about a number of flower parts, fusion among them, etc.
  2. It also provides information about the arrangement of floral whorls on the thalamus with respect to the mother axis.

Biology Class 11 WBCHSE Morphology Of Flowering Plants Very Short Answer Type Question

Question 1. What type of roots are present in leguminous plants?
Answer: Nodulated root

Question 2. Write the type of venation in monocotyledonous plants.
Answer: Parallel venation

Question 3. Give an example of tap root, modified to store food.
Answer: Conical root of carrot

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Question 4. Name the special tissue present in the aerial roots of orchids.
Answer: Velamen

Question 5. Give two examples of fruits whose seeds are dispersed by explosive mechanism.
Answer: Atidrographis paniculate (kale), Impatiens balsamina (dopant flower)

Question 6. What type of venation is seen in leaves of dicotyledonous plants?
Answer: Reticulate venation

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Question 7. Which part of the grapevine modifies into a tendril?
Answer: Terminal end of branches

Question 8. Name the edible part of the orange.
Answer: Juicy hairs developed from endocarp

Question 9. What type of fruit is pomegranate?
Answer: Balausta

Question 10. Give an example of heterogamous capitulum inflorescence.
Answer: Sunflower

Question 11. What is the outermost covering of the seed?
Answer: Testa

Question 12. Give an example of a dicot non-endospermic seed.
Answer: Pea

Question 13. Write two examples in which bilateral cyme inflorescence is seen.
Answer: Dyanthus, Silene

Question 14. Name one cultivated plant which does not bear fruit and seed.
Answer: Sugarcane

Question 15. What types of modifications are observed in the roots of carrots, radishes, and dahlia?
Answer: Conical, napiform, and fasciculated roots respectively

Question 16. Write the floral formula of Solanum nigrum.

Morphology Of Flowering Plants formula

Question 17. Name one plant in which chlorophyll is synthesized in its adventitious roots and thus, carry out photosynthesis.
Answer: Trapa, Tinospora

Question 18. Name one flowering insectivorous plant that lacks a root.
Answer: Utricularia

Question 19. What are the different parts of a seed coat?
Answer: Testa and tegmen

Question 20. Which type of leaf possesses stomata mainly on its lower epidermis?
Answer: Generally in the dorsiventral leaf

Question 21. Give two examples of false fruit.
Answer: Apple and pear

Question 22. Write one example of a flowering plant that lacks green leaves.
Answer: Capparis aphylla

Question 23. Which is the edible part of ginger?
Answer: Rhizome of ginger

Question 24. Name the root of Cuscuta sp. that helps the plant to invade the tissue of host plant.
Answer: Haustoria

Question 25. Why do the leaves of Aloe and Agave become fleshy?
Answer: These plants mainly grow in dry and hot places. So, their leaves become fleshy by storing water to resist drought.

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Question 26. Why is the calyx of a pea described as gamosepalous?
Answer: In peas, the calyx is gamosepalous because all the sepals remain united.

Question 27. In swampy areas like the Sunderbans in West Bengal, plants bear special kinds of roots called?
Answer: Pneumatophores

Question 28. In aquatic plants like Pistia and Eichornia, leaves and roots are found near________
Answer: Water surface

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Question 29. Roots obtain oxygen from air in the soil for respiration. In the absence or deficiency of O2, root growth is constricted or completely stopped. How do these plants growing in marshlands or swamps obtain the oxygen required for root respiration?
Answer: They respire through pneumatophores

Question 30. Reticulate and parallel venations are characteristics of _________ and __________ respectively.
Answer: Dicotyledons, monocotyledons

Question 31. Write the floral formula of an actinomorphic, bisexual, hypogynous flower with five united sepals, five free petals, five free stamens, and two united carpels with superior ovary and axile placentation.

Morphology Of Flowering Plants formula

Question 32. An inflorescence is found in a hanging position. Identify and in which plant it is present.
Answer: Catkin, mulberry

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Question 33. Coleoptile and coleorhiza are absent in which seeds?
Answer: In dicotyledonous seeds

Question 34. Nimmi ate dal and potato fry for lunch. Name the families, with which these two plants are associated.
Answer: Fabaceae, Solanaceae respectively

Question 35. Name the main parts of a typical leaf.
Answer: Leaf base, petiole, and leaf lamina

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