NEET Biology Class 9 Chapter 3 Diversity in Living Organism Multiple Choice Question And Answers

Diversity in Living Organism Multiple Choice Questions

Directions: This section contains multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices , , and out of which Only One is correct.

Question 1. Species is

  1. Not Related To Evolution
  2. Specific Class Ofevolution
  3. Specific Unit Ofevolution
  4. Fertile specific unit in the evolutionary history ofa race

Answer: 4. Fertile specific unit in the evolutionary history ofa race

Read And Learn More: NEET Biology Class 9 Multiple Choice Question And Answers

Question 2. Binomial system refers to

  1. One Name
  2. One International Name
  3. One Generic And One Specific Name
  4. None above

Answer: 3. One Generic And One Specific Name

Question 3. Two words comprising binomial nomenclature are

  1. Family And Genus
  2. Order And Family
  3. Genus And Species
  4. Species And Variety

Answer: 3. Genus And Species

Question 4. Maximum diversity is seen amongst

  1. Monera
  2. Animalia
  3. Plantae
  4. Protista

Answer: 2. Animalia

Question 5. System of classification used by Linnaeus was

  1. Natural System
  2. Artifiial System
  3. Phylogeneric System
  4. Asexual system

Answer: 2. Artifiial System

Question 6. The book ‘Origin of Species’ was written by

  1. Lamarck
  2. Darwin
  3. Wallace
  4. Oparin

Answer: 2. Darwin

Question 7.Which one of the following phyla has maximum species?

  1. Annelida
  2. Mollusca
  3. Arthropoda
  4. Echinodermata

Answer: 3. Arthropoda

Question 8. The latest classification of biological kingdom has been contributed by

  1. Whittaker
  2. Darwin
  3. Haeckel
  4. Linnaeus

Answer: 1. Whittaker

Question 9. Which of the followings are correct order of hierarchy?

  1. Kingdom, division, phylum, genus and species
  2. Phylum, division, genus, and class
  3. Kingdom, genus, class, phylum, and division
  4. Phylum, kingdom, genus, species and class

Answer: 1. Kingdom, division, phylum, genus, and species

Question 10. The five kingdom classification was given by

  1. Whittaker (1969)
  2. Linnaeus (1758)
  3. Copeland (1966)
  4. Haeckel (1866)

Answer: 1. Whittaker (1969)

Question 11. Who was the first to describe that species is the unit of classification?

  1. John Ray
  2. Huxley
  3. Linnaeus
  4. Candolle

Answer: 1. John Ray

Question 12. Species are considered as

  1. Real Basic Units Of classification
  2. The Lowest Units Of classification
  3. Artifiial Concept Of Human Mind Which Cannot Be Defined In Absolute Terms
  4. Real units of classification devised by taxonomists

Answer: 1. Real Basic Units Of classification

Question 13. Mitochondria are absent in

  1. Green Algae
  2. Brown Algae
  3. Cynobacteria And Bacteria
  4. All above

Answer: 3. Cynobacteria And Bacteria

Question 14. Spirogyra is found in

  1. Stagnant Fresh Water
  2. Fresh Running Water
  3. Salty Water
  4. Sea

Answer: 1. Stagnant Fresh Water

Question 15. Pteridophytes differ from bryophytes in having

  1. Archegonia
  2. Motile Sperms
  3. Vascular Tissues
  4. Antheridia

Answer: 3. Vascular Tissues

Question 16. Bryopytes differ from algae in having

  1. Archegonium
  2. Thalloid Body
  3. Chlorophyll A
  4. Carotenoids

Answer: 1. Archegonium

Question 17. Bryophytes are dependent on water because

  1. Archegonium Has To Remain Filled With Water For Fertilization.
  2. Water Is Essential For Fertilization For Their Homosporous Nature.
  3. Water Is Essential For Their Vegetative Progagation.
  4. The sperms can easily reach upto egg in the archegonium.

Answer: 4. The sperms can easily reach upto egg in the archegonium.

Question 18. Bryophytes are characterized by

  1. Multicellular Jacketed Archegonia.
  2. Thalloid Body.
  3. Dominant Gametophyte And Partial Parasitic Sporophytic.
  4. All above

Answer: 4. All above

Question 19. Chlorenchyma is known to develop in the

  1. Cytoplasm Of Chlorella
  2. Mycelium Of A Green Mould Such As Aspergillus
  3. Spore Capsule Of A Moss
  4. Pollen tube of pinus

Answer: 3. Spore Capsule Of A Moss

Question 20. ‘Sanjeevani booti’ is

  1. Selaginella kraussiana
  2. Selaginella chrysocaulos
  3. Selaginella bryopteris
  4. None above

Answer: 3. Selaginella bryopteris

Question 21. Which of the following are absent in gymnosperms?

  1. Xylem vessels
  2. Xylem fires
  3. Tracheids and fires
  4. All of these

Answer: 1. Xylem vessels

Question 22. Angiosperms have

  1. Tracheids And Vessels
  2. Tracheids Only
  3. Vessels Only
  4. Tracheids and albuminous cells

Answer: 1. Tracheids And Vessels

Question 23. Botanical name of tea is

  1. Piper nigrum
  2. Thea/Camellia sinensis
  3. Coffea arabica
  4. Tectona grandis

Answer: 2. Thea/Camellia sinensis

Question 24. Venus flower basket belongs to

  1. Arthropoda
  2. Cnidaria
  3. Porifera
  4. Archelminthes

Answer: 3. Porifera

Question 25. Sponges have originated from

  1. Ciliate Protozoans
  2. Sporozoan Protozoans
  3. Sarcodine Protozoans
  4. Choanoflagellates protozoans

Answer: 4. Choanoflgellate protozoans

Question 26. Porifers are

  1. Generally Marine, But Few Are Found In Fresh Water.
  2. Generally Found In Fresh Water, But Few Are Marine
  3. All Are Marine
  4. All Are Found In Fresh Water

Answer: 1. Generally Marine, But Few Are Found In Fresh Water.

Question 27. Cavity that helps circulation and digestion is found in

  1. Sponges
  2. Cnidarians
  3. Annelida
  4. Round-worms

Answer: 2. Cnidarians

Question 28. Chenopodium oil is most successfully used for the expulsion of

  1. Tape Worm
  2. Live Flkes
  3. Flt Worms
  4. Round-worms

Answer: 4. Round-worms

Question 29. Which of the following pairs is correctly matched?

  1. Water-vascular system – sponge
  2. Flame cell – flt worm
  3. Bludder – kangroo
  4. Marsupium – platypus

Answer: 2. Flame cell – flt worm

Question 30. Which is not a feature of Annelida?

  1. Metameric segmentation
  2. Nephridia
  3. Pseudocoelom
  4. Clitellum

Answer: 3. Pseudocoelom

Question 31. Bacteria flgella is made up of

  1. Protein
  2. Amines
  3. Lipids
  4. Carbohydrates

Answer: 1. Protein

Question 32.Which of the following is an edible ‘Fungi’?

  1. Mucor
  2. Penicellium
  3. Agaricus
  4. Rhizopus

Answer: 3. Agaricus

Question 33. Symmetry in Cnidaria is

  1. Radial
  2. Bilateral
  3. Pentamerous
  4. Spherical

Answer: 1. Radial

Question 34. The group of animals belonging to phylum protozoa is

  1. Paramaecium and Leucosolenia
  2. Hydra and Amoeba
  3. Euglena and Ascaris
  4. Paramaecium and Plasmodium

Answer: 4. Paramaecium and Plasmodium

Question 35. Plants that grow in the desert are called

  1. Hydrophytes
  2. Mesophytes
  3. Xerophytes
  4. Epiphytes

Answer: 3. Xerophytes

Question 36. Which one of the following is a basic unit of classification?

  1. Genus
  2. Species
  3. Both Genus And Species
  4. None Of The Above

Answer: 2. Species

Question 37. The generic name of mango is

  1. Magnifera indica
  2. Helminthosporium oryzae
  3. Solanum tuberosum
  4. Lycopersicon esculentum

Answer: 1. Magnifera indica

Question 38. The main plant body of pteridophytes is

  1. Sporophyte
  2. Epiphyte
  3. Saprophyte
  4. Gametophyte

Answer: 1. Sporophyte

Question 39. Which of the following groups of plants produce seeds but lacks fruits?

  1. Fungi
  2. Bryophytes
  3. Pteridophytes
  4. Gymnosperms

Answer: 4. Gymnosperms

Question 40. Contractile vacuole in Amoeba is analogous to the

  1. Gastro Vascular Cavity Of Hydra
  2. Sweal Glands Of Mammals
  3. Uriniferous Tubules Of Frog
  4. Typosole of earthworm

Answer: 3. Uriniferous Tubules Of Frog

Question 41. Which one of the following statements is true about sponges?

  1. One mouth and innumerable exits
  2. Innumerable mouths and one exit
  3. A large spacious stomach
  4. None of the above

Answer: 2. Innumerable mouths and one exit

Question 42. The First Segment Of Earthworm, In Which The Mouth Is Situated, Is Called

  1. Stomium
  2. Peistomeum
  3. Protostomium
  4. Periosteum

Answer: 2. Peistomeum

Question 43. The body cavity of cockroach is a

  1. Paragastric Cavity
  2. Pseudocoelom
  3. Coelom
  4. Haemocoel

Answer: 4. Haemocoel

Question 44. Most primitive vascular plants are

  1. Bacteria
  2. Mosses
  3. Ferns
  4. Pines

Answer: 3. Ferns

Question 45. Radial symmetry is best seen in

  1. Fishes
  2. Starfish
  3. Jellyfish
  4. Sponges

Answer: 2. Starfish

Question 46. Presence of chitinous exoskeleton is an identifying feature of

  1. Corals
  2. Molluscs
  3. Coelenterates
  4. Arthropods

Answer: 4. Arthropods

Question 47. Which of the following categories includes all others in the list?

  1. Arthropod
  2. Insect
  3. Invertebrate
  4. Arachnid

Answer: 3. Invertebrate

Question 48. It is possible to imagine the various levels of taxonomic classification as a kind of “family tree” for an organism. If the kingdom is analogous to the trunk of the tree, which taxonomic category would be analogous to the large limbs coming off that trunk?

  1. Class
  2. Family
  3. Order
  4. Phylum

Answer: 4. Phylum

Question 49. An organism is described to you as having many nuclei containing cells, each surrounded by a cell wall of chitin and absorbing its food. In which kingdom or domain would you place it?

  1. Plantae
  2. Protista
  3. Animalia
  4. Fungi

Answer: 4. Fungi

Question 50. Classification places emphasis on

  1. Similarities
  2. Differences
  3. Similarities And Differences
  4. Color

Answer: 3. Similarities And Differences

Question 51. The kingdom Protista is primarily made up of organisms that are

  1. Eukaryotic And Multicellular
  2. Prokaryotic And Multicellular
  3. Prokaryotic And Single-Celled
  4. Eukaryotic and single-celled

Answer: 4. Eukaryotic and single-celled

Question 52. While collecting animals in a tidepool, you find an animal that looks like a cnidarian medusa; however, it lacks stinging cells. In all probability, the animal belongs to the phylum or is a(n)


Planula larvae



Answer: 1. Ctenophora

Question 53. The two major evolutionary lines of animals, the protostomes and deuterostomes, are classified on the basis of

  1. Nature Of Embryonic Development
  2. Formation Of The Mouth And Anus
  3. Cleavage Patterns
  4. All Of the above

Answer: 4. All Of the above

Question 54. The arthropods are the most successful animal group on earth, and they share all the following characteristics except

  1. Endoskeleton
  2. Exoskeleton
  3. Jointed Appendages
  4. Complex nervous system

Answer: 1. Endoskeleton

Question 55. Generally speaking, fungi are

  1. Saprophytes
  2. Autotrophs
  3. Prokaryotic
  4. All of these are correct

Answer: 1. Saprophytes

Question 56. Compared to bryophytes, ferns are more advanced from an evolutionary perspective because they

  1. A Produce Spores
  2. Produce Windborne Pollen
  3. Have Vascular Tissue
  4. Do Not Require Water For Reproduction

Answer: 3. Have Vascular Tissue

Question 57. Which of the following groups contains organisms that represent early stages in the evolution of the eukaryotic cell?

  1. Archaea
  2. Protista
  3. Fungi
  4. Animalia

Answer: 2. Protista

Question 58. Fungi grow using

  1. Hyphae
  2. Chloroplasts
  3. Angiosperms
  4. Prokaryotes

Answer: 1. Hyphae

Question 59. Which of the following is the largest phylum?

  1. Arthropoda
  2. Annelida
  3. Mollusca
  4. Coelenterata.

Answer: 1. Arthropoda

Question 60. Basic taxonomic category is

  1. Population
  2. Species
  3. Variety
  4. Breed

Answer: 2. Species

Question 61. Male Ascaris can be distinguished from female Ascaris by

  1. Curved Posterior End
  2. Round Shape
  3. Presence Of Penial Setae
  4. Both (1) and (2)

Answer: 4. Both (1) and (2)

Question 62. Natural system of classification employs

  1. Complexity Of Cell Structure
  2. Complexity Of Body Structure
  3. Organization
  4. All The Above

Answer: 4. All The Above

Question 63. Mammals

  1. Lay Eggs
  2. Possess Body Hair
  3. Have A Skin With Scales
  4. All the above

Answer: 2. Possess Body Hair

Question 64. Sex organs are unicellular and non-jacked in

  1. Algae
  2. Bryophyta
  3. Pteridophyta
  4. Gymnosperms

Answer: 1. Algae

Question 65. Canal system is present in phylum

  1. Protozoa
  2. Porifera
  3. Coelenterata
  4. Echinodermata

Answer: 2. Porifera

Question 66. Placoid scales are present in

  1. Lizard
  2. Scoliodon
  3. Anabas
  4. Crocodile

Answer: 2. Scoliodon

Question 67. Which of the following has a chambered heart?

  1. Toad
  2. Lizard
  3. Ostrich
  4. Rohu

Answer: 4. Rohu

Question 68. Which one is a true fish?

  1. Jellyfish
  2. Starfish
  3. Dogfish
  4. Silverfish

Answer: 3. Dogfish

Question 69. Elephantiasis is caused by

  1. Wuchereria
  2. Pinworm
  3. Planarians
  4. Liver flukes

Answer: 1. Wuchereria

Question 70. Pteridophytes do not have

  1. Root
  2. System
  3. Flowers
  4. Leaves

Answer: 3. Flowers

Question 71. Corals are

  1. Poriferans attached to some solid support
  2. Cnidarians that are solitary living
  3. Poriferans present at the sea bed
  4. Cnidarians that live in colonies

Answer: 4. Cnidarians that live in colonies

Question 72. The skeleton is made entirely of cartilage in

  1. Sharks
  2. Tuna
  3. Rohu
  4. None of these

Answer: 1. Sharks

Question 73. Spirogyra is also called

  1. Pond scum
  2. Pond silk
  3. Fairy ring
  4. Both (1) and (2)

Answer: 4. Both (1) and (2)

Question 74. Nutritionally Agaricus is

  1. Parasitic
  2. Autotroph
  3. Saprophytic
  4. Detrivores

Answer: 3. Saprophytic

Question 75. Funaria has

  1. Two Shoots, Male And Female
  2. Many Shoots
  3. One Shoot
  4. Flt thallus

Answer: 1. Two Shoots, Male And Female

Question 76. In moss, the sporophyte is

  1. Small And Independent
  2. Large And Independent
  3. Small And Dependent Upon Gametophyte
  4. Stalked and dependent upon gametophyte.

Answer: 4. Stalked and dependent upon gametophyte.

Question 77. Fronds are

  1. Fern Leaves
  2. Fern Sporangia
  3. Fern Scales
  4. Fern Rhizomes

Answer: 1. Fern Leaves

Question 78. Fern differs from moss in having

  1. Independent Gemetophyte
  2. Parasitic Gametophyte
  3. Independent Sporophyte
  4. Dependent sporophyte

Answer: 3. Independent Sporophyte

Question 79. Fern leaves bearing spores are called

  1. Sporangia
  2. Sori
  3. Sporophylls
  4. Fronds

Answer: 3. Sporophylls

Question 80. Male cones of Pinus occur

  1. Single On Top Branches
  2. In Whorls Over Top Branches
  3. In Clusters Subapically Over Lower Branches
  4. In clusters over top branches.

Answer: 3. In Clusters Subapically Over Lower Branches

Question 81. In angiosperms, megasporophyll is specialized to form

  1. Stamen
  2. Petal
  3. Carpel
  4. Sepal

Answer: 3. Carpel

Question 82. Earthworm has an unsegmented band called

  1. Clitellum
  2. Cephalothorax
  3. Thorax
  4. Metathorax

Answer: 1. Clitellum

Question 83. Clitellum occurs in segments

  1. 8-10
  2. 10-12
  3. 14-15
  4. 16-18

Answer: 3. 14-15

Question 84. Mouth parts of Cockroach are of type

  1. Biting And Chewing
  2. Piercing And Sucking
  3. Siphoning
  4. Sponging

Answer: 1. Biting And Chewing

Question 85. An important character of chordata is presence of

  1. Dorsal Notochord
  2. Dorsal Hollow Nerve Cord
  3. Post-Anal Tail
  4. All the above

Answer: 4. All the above

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