NEET Biology Class 9 Chapter 4 Why Do We Fall Ill Very Short Answer Questions

Why Do We Fall Ill Very Short Answer Questions

Directions: Give an answer in one word or one sentence.

Question 1. Mention when the following days are celebrated in India:

  1. Leprosy Day
  2. World AIDS Day
  3. World Tuberculosis Day
  4. World Health Day


  1. Leprosy Day – 30 January
  2. World AIDS Day – 1 December
  3. World Tuberculosis Day – 24 March
  4. World Health Day – 7 April

Question 2. Why do babies develop AIDS?
Answer: They are infected by their infected mothers during pregnancy, though placenta or birth, or nursing.

Question 3. What are congenital diseases? Give one example.
Answer: There are anatomical or physiological abnormalities present since birth. Example: Haemophilia.

Read And Learn More: NEET Class 9 Biology Very Short Answer Question And Answers

Question 4. Name atleast two diseases caused by viruses.
Answer: Common cold, measles.

Question 5. Name the bacterium responsible for causing peptic ulcers.
Answer: Helicobacter pylori.

Question 6. Name the disease that occurs due to deficiency of vitamin B1.
Answer: Beriberi

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Question 7. Name the insect vector who transmits dengue in human beings.
Answer: Aedes mosquito.

Question 8. Name the scientist who first discovered antibiotics.
Answer: Sir Alexander Flemming.

Question 9. Expand the term ‘ORS’.
Answer: Oral Rehydration Solution

Question 10. Female Anopheles mosquito feeds on human blood. What is the food of male Anopheles mosquito?
Answer: Male Anopheles mosquito feed on plant juices.

Question 11. What is the safety level of the polio vaccine in infants?
Answer: Nearly 100%.

Question 12. Who first conceived the idea of vaccination?
Answer: Edward Jenner

NEET Biology Class 9 Chapter 4 Why Do We Fall Ill vasqs

Question 13. Which vaccine is commonly given to children to induce immunity in them against tuberculosis?
Answer: BCG.

Question 14. When was the Pulse Polio Immunisation Programme launched in India?
Answer: 1995-1996.

Question 15. Name the disease that occurs due to deficiency of vitamin C.
Answer: Scurvy.

Question 16. Name any one disease that spreads through sexual contact.
Answer: AIDS

Question 17. Knowledge of which disease helped Dr. Edward Jenner to develop idea of vaccination to prevent small pox?
Answer: Cowpox disease.

Question 18. Name the diseases showing respective symptoms:

  1. Yellowness in the sclera of eyes and skin.
  2. Patient fears from water.


  1. Hepatitis
  2. Rabies.

Question 19. Define health.
Answer: According to WHO, health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well being, and not merely an absence ofdisease, or infimity.

Question 20. What is meant by ‘symptoms’ of a disease? What do they indicate?
Answer: These are the manifestations or evidence of the presence of disease(s). These indicate that there is some abnormality in the body.

Question 21. Name the scientist who first discovered penicillin antibiotic. Can you name any other known antibiotic?
Answer: Sir Alexander Flemming. Other known antibiotic is streptomycin.

Question 22. What are pathogens? Give examples.
Answer: Disease causing microorganisms are called pathogens. These include viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoans and worms.

Question 23. Name any one general way of prevention of infectious diseases.
Answer: Eradication of vectors.

Question 24. What is the mode of transmission of diarrhoeal diseases?
Answer: Generally through contaminated food, water, drinks etc.

Question 25. Name any one larvivorous fish which is a natural predator of mosquito larvae.
Answer: Gambusia fish.

Question 26. Name the toxin released by bacterium which causes tuberculosis.
Answer: Tuberculin

“why do we fall ill question answers “

Question 27. Name the causative organism and vector of malaria
Answer: Causative organism is Plasmodium and vector is female Anopheles mosquito

Question 28. What are the first-level causes of the disease?
Answer: These are immediate or primary cause of the disease. For infectious diseases, pathogens are the first level causes of the disease.

Question 29. Name any one causative organism of diarrhoeal diseases.
Answer: Staphylococcus.

Question 30. What is good health?
Answer: Good health is disease free energetic state of body, free from anxiety, psychological and social tensions with happy cheerful and purposeful living.

Question 31. How has WHO Defined health?
Answer: “A state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence ofdisease or infimity that enables one to lead a socially and economically productive life”.

Question 32. What is poor health?
Answer: Poor health is a condition of inability to perform physically, mentally or socially of what is required from a person.

Question 33. Whom will you call disease-free?
Answer: A person is called “disease free” if there is no discomfort or derangement in the functioning of the body.

Question 34. Who were awarded Nobel Prize for discovery of treatment for peptic ulcers?
Answer: Marshall and Warren (Nobel Prize for physiology and medicine, 2005)

Question 35. Highlight the way through which infectious disease generally spread in human communities.
Answer: Infectious diseases may spread through air (e.g. , tuberculosis), contaminated food and water (e.g., cholera, Hepatitis A), vectors (e.g. , trypanosomiasis, rabies) or through direct contact with the patient (e.g., chickenpox).

Question 36. Define acquired diseases.
Answer: Acquired diseases are those diseases which one pick up after birth.

Question 37. Define chronic diseases.
Answer: Chronic disease is a long duration, slow developing, disabling disease.

Question 38. What are contributing causes of disease?
Answer: Contributing causes are factors which make an individual prone to catch a disease, e.g. , undernourishment, poor heredity, poor public health services.

Question 39. Expand HIV.
Answer: Human immunodeficiency virus.

Question 40. Name two diseases transmitted by contaminated food and water.
Answer: Cholera and Hepatitis A.

Question 41. Name the target organ of Japanese encephalitis and AIDS virus respectively.
Answer: Brain and lymph nodes respectively.

Question 42. Name any two habits, which should be avoided to keep good health.
Answer: Drinking alcohol and smoking.

Question 43. Why we should not eat uncovered food?
Answer: It may contain microbes and other harmful substances.

Question 44. Name the target organ of Plasmodium.
Answer: Red blood cells.

Question 45. Name the causal organism of measles and anthrax respectively.
Answer: Virus and bacterium respectively.

Question 46. Name any two sources of diseases caused to an individual by his negligence.

  1. Contaminated water
  2. Uncovered food


The two main sources of diseases caused to an individual by his negligence:

  1. Contaminated water
  2. Uncovered food

Question 47. What may be the symptoms of a disease if brain is infected?
Answer: Severe headache and vomiting.

Question 48. Name two barriers, which prevent the entry of microbes in the body?
Answer: Intact skin and sweat

Question 49. Mention the two principles of treatment.
Answer: By reducing the effect of the disease and by killing microbes.

“why do we fall ill question answers “

Question 50. Expand DPT.
Answer: DPT – Diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough) and tetanus.

Question 51. How does proper nourishment help us to prevent infection?
Answer: It helps to develop a strong immunity.

Question 52. Name the microbe against which antibiotics are nearly ineffective.
Answer: Viruses

Question 53. Name the disease in which

  1. Patient fears from water
  2. Yellowing of skin takes place


  1. Rabies
  2. Hepatitis.

Question 54. Name two animals, which transmit rabies to human beings.
Answer: Rabid dog and cat.

Question 55. Name the causal organism of diarrhoea.
Answer: Bacteria like Salmonella, Shigella.

Question 56. Name the disease in which legs become paralysed.
Answer: Polio.

Question 57. Mention two preventive measures against rabies.
Answer: Rabid animal should be killed and compulsory immunisation of cats and dogs.

Question 58. Give the full forms of these abbreviations:

  1. ATS
  2. ARS
  3. ADS


  1. ATS – Anti-Tetanus Serum
  2. ARS – Anti-Rabies Serum
  3. ADS – Anti-Diphtheria Serum

Question 59. What kills bacteria in our food in the mouth and stomach?
Answer: The acidic pH of the oral cavity (mouth) and stomach kills the bacteria present and brought in through food.

Question 60. Who discovered that Anopheles mosquito is the vector of malaria, and how was he awarded?
Answer: Sir Ronald Ross, in 1897, discovered Anopheles as the vector of malaria. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1902 for his discovery.

Question 61. “Health is wealth”. What does this proverb mean?
Answer: This proverb means that health is the greatest asset for a human being and as such, it is not worth-living without good health.

Question 62. Differentiate between etiology and epidemiology.
Answer: Etiology is the study of the cause of disease while epidemiology deals with the cause as well as the spread of disease.

Question 63. Name the vaccine which saves that life of babies from three diseases.
Answer: DPT (Diphtheria-Pertussis-Tetanus) vaccine is used to prevent three diseases, namely diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus in babies.

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