NEET Biology Class 9 Chapter 5 Improvement In Food Resources Very Short Answer Questions

Improvement In Food Resources Very Short Answer Questions

Question 1. What do you understand by Culture Fishing ?
Answer: Culture fihing is to multiply fih in controlled conditions and then capture them.

Question 2. Defie crop protection.
Answer: Crop protection is to save crop plants from weeds, insectspests and pathogens like viruses, bacteria and fungi.

Question 3. What attributes of loam soils help make them ideal agricultural soils?
Answer: In loam soils, the proportion of sand, silt, and clay results in good drainage as well as high nutrient retention.

Question 4. Why is cattle husbandary done ?
Answer: Cattle husbandary is done for two purposes-milk production and draught labour for agricultural work such as tilling, irrigation and carting.

Question 5. Give some examples of Kharif crops.
Answer: Paddy, maize, soyabean, pigeon pea, green gram, black gram and cotton are all Kharif crops.

Read And Learn More: NEET Class 9 Biology Very Short Answer Question And Answers

Question 6. Give some examples of Rabi crops.
Answer: Wheat, gram, peas, mustard and linseed are Rabi crops.

Question 7. What are genetically modifid crops ?
Answer: A genetically modifid crop is a variety of crop plant produced by introducing a gene that provides desired characteristics.

NEET Biology Class 9 Chapter 5 Improvement In Food Resources vasqs

Question 8. What is compost ?
Answer: Compost is a manure prepared by controlled biological decomposition of farm waste material like livestock excreta, vegetable waste, domestic waste, sewage waste, straw and eradicated weeds.

Question 9. What is mixed cropping?
Answer: Mixed cropping is the practice of growing two or more crops simultaneously on the same piece of land.

Question 10. What kinds of crops are grown in intercropping?
Answer: Crops having different nutrient requirements are selected for intercropping. For example Soyabean with maize, cowpea (lobia) with figer millet (bajra). Legumes are preferred with cereals.

Question11. How do the weeds affect the crops?
Answer: They complete with the crop plants for available space, light water and nutrients. This leads to low yield and poor quality of the crop.

Question 12. What type of diseases affect cattle ?
Answer: Cattle are affected by parasitic and infectious diseases. Parasitic diseases are caused by external and internal parasites while infectious disease are caused by viruses, bacteria and fungi.

Question 13. What is the main cause of disease in poultry birds?
Answer: Poultry birds suffer from diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites and nutritional deficiencies.

Question14. Defie Beekeeping.
Answer: Beekeeping or apiculture is the rearing, care and management of honey bees for obtaining honey and wax.

Question 15. Why are legumes preferred in mixed cropping and inter cropping ?
Answer: Legumes are preferred in mixed cropping and intercropping because then can fi atmospheric nitrogen in their root nodules with the help of bacteria. They replenish the soil by adding nitrates to the soil and help the other crop.

Question 16. For increasing production, what is common in poultry, fisheries, and beekeeping?
Answer: For increasing production in poultry, fisheries, and beekeeping, scientific management is necessary. It includes scientific methods of offering, breeding and disease control.

Question 17. What is hybridisation?
Answer: Hybridisation is crossing between genetically dissimilar plants.

Question 18. What are draught animals? Give two examples.
Answer: Animals used in agriculture and for transport are called draught animals. Examples, Bullocks and Horses.

Question 19. Defie poultry.
Answer: Poultry is a class of domesticated fowl (birds) used for food and eggs.

Question 20. Name two shell fih.
Answer: Prawns and molluscs

Question 21. What is pasturage?
Answer: It is the availability offlwers to bees for nectar and pollen collection.

Question 22. Name three major activities of crop improvement.

  1. Crop variety improvement
  2. Crop production improvement
  3. Crop protection management

Question 23. What is meant by ‘livestock’?
Answer: Livestock are domesticated animals intentionally reared in an agricultural setting to make produce such as food and fie

Question 24. What do you understand by a period of lactation?
Answer: The period from the time the calf is born until the cow ceases to give milk is called the period of lactation

Question 25. What is vermicompost?
Answer: The compost prepared by using earthworms for decomposition of plant and animal refuse is called vermicompost

Question 26. What are cereals?
Answer: Wheat, barley, rice, and other similar grains belonging to grass family are called cereals

Question 27. What do you mean by ‘Zaid’?
Answer: It is a summer season crop grown from April to June.

Question 28. Name the vitamins found in fihes and other aquatic animals.
Answer: Vitamin A and D

Question 29. What is green revolution?
Answer: It is an enormous increase in food production by using the improved strains of wheat, rice, maize and other cereals

Question 30. What are macronutrients? How many are there in plants?
Answer: The elements required in large amounts are called macronutrients. Six macronutrients are needed by plants

Question 31. What is meant by sustainable agriculture?
Answer: Sustainable agriculture may be defied as the practice of farming and production of maximum agricultural yield or meet the needs of present generation without endangering the resource base of future generation

Question 32. What is white revolution?
Answer: The increase in production of milk and milk products is called white revolution.

Question 33. How many elements are essential for plants?
Answer: 16 elements

Question 34. What is apiculture?
Answer: Apiculture or bee-keeping is domestication of honey bees for production of honey and wax on a commercial basis.

Question 35. What products are obtained from bee-keeeping?
Answer: Honey, Wax, Propolis and Bee-poison.

Question 36. Give any two common diseases of cattle.
Answer: Anthrax Foot and mouth disease

Question 37. What are the different systems of irrigation?
Answer: Some common irrigation systems are dug wells, tube wells, canal systems, river lift systems, and tanks.

Question 38. Name the six species of fih cultivated in composite fih culture systems.
Answer: Rohu, Catla, Mrigal, silver carp, Grass carp and Common carp.

Question 39. What is manure?
Answer: Manure is partially decomposed organic material added to soil to increase its fertility as well as productivity of the crop.

Question 40. What are the two normal components of food of dairy animals?

  1. Roughage
  2. Concentrates.

Question 41. List the different crop patterns usually followed in our country.
Answer: In India, the different patterns of growing crops are : Mixed cropping, intercropping and crop rotation.

Question 42 Defie irrigation.
Answer: The process of supplying water to the crop plants by means of wells, tanks, ponds, lakes, reservoirs, canals etc. is called irrigation.

Question 43. What is intercropping?
Answer: The practice of growing two or more crops simultaneously in the same field in definite row pattern is called intercropping.

Question 44. Define insect pests.
Answer: Insects which destroy or damage crop plants are called insect pests

Question 45. What are weeds? Name two common weeds found in India.
Answer: Weeds are unwanted plants which grow along with the crop plants. The common weeds found in India are: Amaranthus (chaulai) and Chenopodium (bathua).

Question 46. Why should preventive measures and biological control methods be preferred for protecting crops?
Answer: Preventive and biological methods are environmentfriendly, target-specific, do not cause pollution and are harmless to other life forms, they are preferred for protecting crops.

Question 47. For increasing production, what is common in poultry, fiheries , and beekeeping?
Answer: Rearing, housing, improvement of variety, control of diseases are common aspects for increasing poultry, fiheries and bee-keeping production.

Question 48. Defie selection.
Answer: The sorting out of best individual plants or groups of plants from mixed population is known as selection.

Question 49. Mention the crop, whose production has increased by blue revolution and yellow revolution.
Answer: Fish and oil production.

Question 50. Give one example of animal source which provides carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
Answer: Milk.

Question 51. Name the improved varieties of the following crops 

  1. Pigeon Pea
  2. Wheat.
  3. Answer: Manak
  4. PBW 154.

Question 52. Defie autotrophs.
Answer: Autotrophs are those organisms which synthesize their own food with the help of solar energy from inorganic raw materials like CO 2 and water.

Question 53. Name two potassic fertilizers.
Answer: Potassium sulphate and potassium chloride

Question 54. Defie green manure. Give one example.
Answer: A quick growing crop which is cultivated and ploughed under, to incorporate it into the soil for the purpose of improving its physical structure and fertility, is known as green manure. For example, Crotalaria. Cow dung

Question 56. What will happen, when we use sodium nitrate excessively in the soil?
Answer: Soil becomes alkaline

Question 57. Name two nitrogenous fertilizers.
Answer: Urea and ammonium nitrate.

Question 58. Give one disadvantage of fertilizers.
Answer: Fertilizers cause water and soil pollution. Ammonium sulphate.

Question 59. Name one inorganic nitrogenous fertilizer
Answer: Ammonium sulfate

Question 60. Which one is nutrient specifi, fertilizer or manure?
Answer: Fertilizer is nutrient specifi.

Question 61. Defie eutrophication.
Answer: Eutrophication is rapid excessive growth of algae and other plants in nutrient enriched water bodies leading to organic loading and depletion of dissolved oxygen that is harmful to aquatic animals.

Question 62. At what time is irrigation required by all crops?
Answer: At the time of germination of seeds, irrigation is required by all crops.

Question 63. Name two factors on which irrigation requirement of crop depends.
Answer: Nature of crop and nature of soil.

Question 64. Mention one advantage of intercropping.
Answer: Farmers can apply fertilizer and pesticides as per need of the crop.

Question 65. Mention one criterion for selection of the mixed crops.
Answer: Root pattern of both the crops.

Question 66. Give one example of mixed cropping.
Answer: Groundnut and Sunflwer are grown together in mixed cropping.

Question 67. Mention one advantage of mixed cropping.
Answer: No risk of complete crop failure.

Question 68. Give one example of two year rotation.
Answer: Maize-Potato-Sugarcane-Pea.

Question 69. Defie crop rotation.
Answer: The process in which different types of crops are grown alternately in the same fild in a pre-planned succession is called crop rotation.

Question 70. Mention one advantage of crop rotation.
Answer: It helps in weed, pest and disease control.

Question 71. Give one example of natural insecticide.
Answer: Neem leaves

Question 72. Name the following.

  1. Seed borne disease
  2. Airborne disease.


  1. Red rot of sugar cane.
  2. Rust of wheat.

Question 73. Name one common disease of wheat plant.
Answer: Rust.

Question 74. Give example of an insect pest of paddy.
Answer: Stem borer

Question 75. Mention two factors which affect food grains.
Answer: Biotic and abiotic factors

Question 76. What percent of moisture should be present in the food grains at the time of storage?
Answer: Below 15%

Question 77. Which method is most effective for destroying insects in stored food grains, spraying or fumigation?
Answer: Fumigation

Question 78. Name two natural pesticides.
Answer: Pyrethrum and fruit of Black Pepper

Question 79. Give one example of solid and one of liquid fumigant.
Answer: Solid fumigant-Aluminium phosphide Liquid fumigant-Ethylene dichloride, carbon tetrachloride

Question 80. How are oil cakes formed?
Answer: Oil cakes are formed from remains of oil seeds after the extraction of oil

Question 81. Name two breeeds of buffalo.
Answer: Murrah and Surti.

Question 82. How are the following breeds formed?

  1. Karan swiss
  2. Frieswal.


  1. By cross between Brown Swiss and Sahiwal
  2. By cross between Holstein-friesian and Sahiwal

Question 83. Name any one India breed of

  1. Cows and
  2. Buffaloes.

Answer: Cow-Gir; Buffalo-Murrah

Question 84. Name two indigenous breeds of draught cows.
Answer: Nageri and Malvi

Question 85. Who performed fist experiment in artifiial insemination?
Answer: Spallanzani

Question 86. Give two examples of concentrates.
Answer: Grains of maize and oil cakes

Question 87. Write full form of NDRI.
Answer: NDRI- National Dairy Research Institute

Question 88. Name the organism which affects the liver of cattle.
Answer: Liver flke

Question 89. Name the disease in which high fever, excessive salivation and lesions of mouth occurs.
Answer: Rinderpest

Question 90. Name two viral diseases of the cattle.
Answer: Pox and rinderpest

Question 91. Name two diseases against which vaccination is available.
Answer: Rinderpest and foot and mouth disease

Question 92. Defie pisciculture.
Answer: Pisciculture is the rearing and breeding of fihes under controlled conditions

Question 93. Defie broiler.
Answer: Chickens, which are about 7-8 weeks ofage and are raised for meat.

Question 94. Defie inland fihery.
Answer: Inland fihery deals with the fihery aspects of fresh and brackish waters.

Question 95. Name two HYV (High Yield Variety)of poultry.
Answer: ILS-82, B-77

Question 96. What is honey flw?
Answer: The total time period during which honey bees collect nectar and pollen is called honey flw period.

Question 97. Name the species of honey bee, which is used for commercial production of honey.
Answer: Apis mellifera.

Question 98. What is the main function of drone?
Answer: The main function is to fertilize the queen

Question 99. Name the sugars present in honey.
Answer: Fructose and sucrose.

Question 100. Defie polyculture.
Answer: Growing of two or more than two fihes together in the same water body

Question 101. Name one fresh water and one marine water fih ofIndia.

  1. Freshwater fih – Catla
  2. Marine water fih – Carp fih.

Question 102. Name two indigenous breeds of hen.
Answer: Aseel and Busra

Question 103. What is the size of bee-hive?
Answer: 46 × 23 cm

Question 104. Mention two diseases caused by bacteria in poultry.
Answer: Cholera and tuberculosis

Question 105. How many eggs are laid by queen bee in a single day?
Answer: 2000 eggs

Question 106. What is swarming?
Answer: The process by which a queen leaves the old hive alongwith approximately one half of the workers in that colony and takes a new shelter, is called swarming.

Question 107. Name two synthetic agents which are used for inducing spawning.
Answer: Ovaprim and ovatide

Question 108. How is wax moth controlled?
Answer: Wax moth is controlled by exposing bees in hive to sun for increasing temperature

Question 109. Name any two fodder crops.
Answer: Berseem, Oats or sudan grass are raised as food for the livestock, called fodder crops.

Question 110. Name any two storage pests of foodgrains found commonly in India.
Answer: Rice weevil and khapra beetle

Question 111. Name the two eternal factors that have favourable effect on egg laying of hens.
Answer: Light intensity and duration of light affect the egg laying of hens.

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