NEET Biology Class 9 Chapter 6 Natural Resources Very Short Answer Questions

Natural Resources Very Short Answer Questions

Directions: Give an answer in one word or one sentence.

Question 1. Which radiations are absorbed by carbon dioxide?
Answer: Infra-red radiations are absorbed by carbon dioxide

Question 2. Name two organisms that play a vital role in the nitrogen cycle.
Answer: Symbiotic nitrogen fixing bacteria like Rhizobium free-living nitrogen-fixing bacteria like Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter

Question 3. What is the majorreservoirforwaterin the hydrological cycle ?
Answer: The oceans of Earth are major water reservoirs for the hydrologic cycle

Read And Learn More: NEET Class 9 Biology Very Short Answer Question And Answers

Question 4. Why are there many fossils of marine organisms in sedimentary rock?
Answer: Marine organisms died and sank to the ocean floor to become fossilized in sedimentary rocks. Some of the these fossils are present in sedimentary rocks that are exposed on continents today

Question 5. Which forms of energy do you see that contribute to acid depositions ?
Answer: Coal-fired electrical power generation is responsible for most acid deposition

Question 6. How might forest declines on a global scale affect the greenhouse effect ?
Answer: Decreases in the amount of forests globally would reduce an important carbon sink, causing an increase in atmospheric CO 2 concentrations. This would lead to increase greenhouse effect

Question 7. Is stratospheric ozone depletion uniform over the Earth’s surface?
Answer: No, Stratospheric ozone depletion is maximal in the polar regions

Question 8. Explain the cause of the thinning of the ozone layer surrounding Earth.
Answer: Chlorofluorocarbons used in refrigeration and aerosol propellants react with the ozone in the upper atmosphere, causing it to slowly disappear.

Question 9. Why is the transfer of energy in an ecosystem referred to as energy flw, not energy cycling ?
Answer: Because energy passes through an ecosystem, entering as sunlight and leaving as heat. It is not recycled within the ecosystem

Question 10. What are the basic requirements ofall life forms?
Answer: The basic requirements of all live forms are ambient temperature, water and food.

Question 11. What is a breath of life?
Answer: Air is called breath of life.

Question 12. Which forms the nuclei for condensaiton of water vapours in the atmosphere?
Answer: Dust and other particles

Question 13. Defie atmosphere.
Answer: The atmosphere is a transparent gaseous envelope that surrounds the earth.

Question 14. What is biosphere?
Answer: The biosphere is the living mantle of the earth where living beings occur

Question 15. Name the physical divisions of the biosphere.
Answer: There are three physical divisions of biosphere-lithosphere (land or soil), hydrosphere (water) and atmosphere (air)

Question 16. What is the major component of atmosphere of Earth and
Answer: The major component of the atmosphere of Earth is nitrogen (78.08%) while that of Mars and Venus is carbon dioxide (95-97%)

Question 17. Name an area in India with very poor vegetation.
Answer: Parts of Rajasthan like Jaiselmer (hot desert) and Dras (cold desert).

Question 18. Name parts of India with maximum biodiversity.
Answer: Western Ghats and North-East India

Question 19. Where is the major part offresh water bound up?
Answer: In the form of ice caps and glaciers (1.9% out of 2.5% of fresh water)

Question 20. Defie eutrophication.
Answer: Eutrophication is nutrient enrichment of water bodies that results in a spurt in the growth of plants, especially algae causing colouration of water known as algal bloom

Question 21. Which one determines the density and richness of biota?
Answer: Availability of water in the form of rainfall.

Question 22. What is soil?
Answer: Soil is the upper humus containing the weathered part of the crust of the earth which supports plant life

Question 23. What is weathering?
Answer: Weathering is the pulverisation of rocks to form fie particles

Question 24. Name the types of weathering.
Answer: There are three types of weathering-physical, chemical and biological

Question 25. Defie paedogenesis.
Answer: Paedogenesis is the process of formation of soil from the upper rocky crust of the earth

Question 26. Defie humiliation.
Answer: Humifiation is addition of partially decomposed organic matter or humus into weathered rock particles to form soil.

Question 27. What is green house?
Answer: Green house is a glass enclosure that is used for growing tropical plants in colder areas even during the winter.

Question 28. What are biogeochemical cycles?
Answer: Biogeochemical cycles are the repeated circulation of biogeochemical between abiotic and biotic components of the environment which result in their repeated withdrawal and replenishment of their pool

Question 29. What is the water cycle? Give its other name.
Answer: Water cycle is repeated circulation of water among various components of biosphere involving evaporation of water more from sea, falling more on land and flwing back into sea by rivers.

Question 30. What are biogeochemicals?
Answer: Biogeochemicals are essential elements or nutrients required by living organisms that are obtained from the earth

Question 31. What are green house gases?
Answer: Green house gases (GHGs) are radiatively active gases which allow the solar radiations to pass through but reflct back long wave heat radiations.

Question 32. What is ODS?
Answer: ODS is ozone depleting substance which causes the breakdown of ozone present in the ozone layer into oxygen

Question 33. How is oxygen replenished in nature?
Answer: Oxygen is replenished through photosynthesis

Question 34. Name a process which causes a long term withdrawal of carbon from carbon cycle.
Answer: Formation of carbonate or limestone rocks.

Question 35. What is the ozone layer?
Answer: It is a layer in the stratosphere which is rich in ozone

Question 36. Defie nitrification.
Answer: Nitrification is the oxidation of ammonia (released during ammonification) into nitrate stat

Question 37. What is the chief source of precipitation?
Answer: The chief source of precipitation is rainfall

Question 38. Name two diseases caused by

  1. Infectious agents in polluted water.
  2. Toxic chemicals in polluted water.


  1. Diseases caused by infectious agents in polluted water are cholera and typhoid.
  2. Diseases caused by toxic chemicals in polluted water are cancer and arsenicosis

Question 39. What is the phenomenon through which certain pollutants get accumulated in tissues in increasing concentration along the food chain, called?
Answer: The phenomenon through which certain pollutants accumulate in tissues in increasing concentration along the food chain is called biological magnification

Question 40. What do you understand by ammonification?
Answer: Ammonifiation is the process of conversion of complex organic compounds like protein into ammonia. It is carried out by the action of decomposers such as the putrefying bacteria and fungi

Question 41. How is the ozone layer useful to us?
Answer: It protects animals, plants and human beings by absorbing harmful UV radiation

Question 42. What is smog?
Answer: It is a dark fog formed by condensation of water vapours, dust and smoke particles, and various gaseous pollutants (oxides of nitrogen and sulphur, hydrogen sulphide etc.) in the troposphere and reduces visibility

Question 43. Name two common types of pollutants of the air.
Answer: Particulate matter and gaseous pollutants

Question 44. What are non-renewable resources? Give one example.
Answer: These are the resources which are lost for ever, after use, as they are not restored. For example, Fossil fuels

Question 45. What is meant by renewable resources? Give one example.
Answer: These are the resources that can maintain themselves or can be replaced if managed wisely. Example. Wildlife

Question 46. Name any two man-made sources of air pollution.
Answer: Deforestation, thermal power plants

Question 47. What is the percentage of oxygen in the air? Name the biological process by which it is mainly returned to the atmosphere.
Answer: 20.94%; Photosynthesis.

Question 48. Name at least one disease that may occur in human beings due to continuos inhalation of gaseous pollutants.
Answer:  Asthma

Question 49. What is an ozone hole? Where was it fist located?
Answer: A decline in the thickness of the ozone layer over a restricted area is called an ozone hole. It was first noticed over Antarctica.

Question 50. In which layer of soil profile one would fid litter and humus?
Answer: Top soil (Horizon A)

Question 51. What do you mean by fossil fuels? Give one example of these.
Answer: These are the materials formed from the organisms that died in the remote past and got buried. Example: Coal

Question 52. What is humus?
Answer: It is dark-coloured partially decayed organic matter rich in nutrients. It makes soil porous thereby increasing its air and water-holding capacity

Question 53. How does the accumulation of solid wastes make human life miserable?
Answer: Accumulated solid wastes on degradation emit a foul smell that spreads with the wind. Moreover, these become breeding places for vectors of many human diseases

Question 54. Give at least two sources of methane formation in nature.
Answer: Decay of vegetation matter in marshes and paddy fields and biogas plants.

Question 55. What is the negative effect of excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides on the soil?
Answer: Excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides pollutes the soil, affects the soil fertility and subsequently reduces crop yield

Question 56. Name the chief ozone-depleting substance which is used in refrigerators and air conditioners as coolant.
Answer: Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)

Question 57. How do solar radiations influence physical weathering?
Answer: Under the influence of solar radiation, the rocks heat up and expand. At night, these cool down and contract. Since all parts of the rocks do not expand and contract at the same rate, cracks appear in rocks and ultimately the large rocks break up into small pieces.

Question 58. What is soil pollution?
Answer: Contamination of soil with solid wastes, chemicals and excess fertilizers and pesticides thus reducing its fertility, is called soil pollution

Question 59. Give one example of each of inexhaustible and exhaustible resources.

Inexhaustible resource – Air

Exhaustible resource – Fossil fuels

Question 60. Give one example of a non-renewable natural resource.
Answer: Fossil fuels.

Question 61. Name two common pathogens in polluted water.
Answer: Bacteria and protozoa.

Question 62. Name the gas which has the highest percentage in the air.
Answer: Nitrogen.

Question 63. What is detritus?
Answer: Dead remains of plants and animals are called detritus.

Question 64. What are detritivores? Name any one of them.
Answer: The organisms that consume detritus are called detritivores. Example: Earthworm

Question 65. Why is the majority of fresh water not available to us for use?
Answer: The majority of fresh water is found frozen in the ice-caps at the poles an on snow-covered mountains. It is not available to us for use

Question 66. Which of the following two gases has more affinity for haemoglobin?

  1. Oxygen
  2. Carbon monoxide.

Answer: Carbon monoxide.

Question 67. In coastal areas, wind moves in which direction during the night?
Answer: Carbon monoxide.

Question 68. Earth has an atmosphere. Name two other planets that also have an atmosphere.
Answer: Venus and Mars.

Question 69. Name any one source of emission of carbon monoxide.
Answer: Venus and Mars.

Question  70. How would you defie air pollution?
Answer: An undesirable change in the physical, chemical or biological characteristics of the air making it harmful for living organisms (including man) is termed air pollution

Question 71. Name any inexhaustible natural resource.
Answer: Solar energy.

Question 72. Name two chemicals that are depleting the ozone layer.
Answer: Chlorofloro carbons and compounds of chlorine fume or halogen gas.

Question 73. Name two gases released by fossil fuels that cause acid rain.
Answer: SO2 and NO2 which forms sulphurous acid and nitric acid

Question 74. Name four factors that lead to soil formations.
Answer: Sun, water wind and living organisms.

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