Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना)
About The Authoress-Nayantara Sehgal
Nayantara Segal is one of the leading female Indian Fiction writers in English. She was born on May 10, 1927, in Allahabad.
Her father Ranjit Sitaram Pandit was a successful barrister from Kathiawad. Her mother was Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit, sister of Jawaharlal Nehru.
She was enrolled in Woodstock Boarding school in the Himalayan hill station of candor. She graduated from Wellesley College, Massachusetts in the United States in 1947.
Her fiction mostly deals with India’s response to the crises brought about by political changes. She won high acclaim for her novels.
Her notable works are – A Time to be Happy (1958), This time of the morning (1968), In the start in Chandigarh (1969), The day is Shadow (1971), and so on. She was a recipient of the Sahitya Akademi Award for her novel ‘Rich Like us’.
Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) हिन्दी अनुवाद
नयनतारा सहगल अंग्रेजी में लिखने भारत की वाली मुख्य महिला कथा साहित्यकारों में से एक है। उनका जन्म 10 मई 1927 को इलाहाबाद में हुआ था।
उनके पिता रंजीत सीताराम पंडित काठियावाड़ के सफल वकील थे। उसकी माँ विजय लक्ष्मी पंडित थी जो जवहार लाल नेहरू की बहन थीं। उन्हें Landour के हिमालय तराई अंचल में स्थित Wood Stock Boarding School में भर्ती किया गया था।
उन्होंने 1947 में अमेरिका के Masschusetts में स्थित Wellesley College से स्नातक किया। उनकी रचनाओं में राजनैतिक परिवर्तन के द्वारा उत्पन्न संकट के प्रति भारत की प्रतिक्रिया का समावेश होता है।
अपने उपन्यासों के माध्यम से उन्होंने ख्याति अर्जित किया। उनकी उल्लेखनीय रचनाएँ इत्यादि हैं-(A time to be Happy (1958), This time of morning (1968), In starm in Chandigarh (1969), and The day in Shadow (1971).
उनकी उपन्यास ‘Rich like us’ के लिए उन्हें साहित्य अकादमी अवार्ड से पुरस्कृत किया गया।
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Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) Introduction Of The Text
The present text is an edited version of Nayantara Sehgal’s Memoir ‘Prison Chocolate Cake’. It records the incidents following the sudden demise of Gandhiji.
It depicts the author’s personal feelings as well as the collective grief of the country at the death of Mahatma Gandhi.
Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) हिन्दी अनुवाद
प्रस्तुत पाठ नयनतारा सहगल की स्मरण कथा ‘Prison Chocolate Cake’ का संपादित संस्करण है। इसमें गाँधीजी की अकस्मात मृत्यु के बाद की घटनाओं का उल्लेख किया गया है। इसमें महात्मा गाँधी के मृत्यु के कारण उत्पन्न लेखिका की निजी भावनाओं के साथ-साथ राष्ट्र के सामूहिक शोक का उल्लेख है।
Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) Summary
It was the evening of 30 January 1948. The Authoress was having tea. She received a telephone call. She learned over the phone that Bapu was shot on his way back from a prayer meeting. She was dumbstruck. She got into a car and left for Birla’s house in a haste. Bapu’s lifeless still body lay in a room.
The corpse was surrounded by his relative and followers. The sad news spread in Delhi like wildfire people with gloomy faces gathered around Birla’s house.
They cried and shouted in grief. All tried to have a last glimpse at the situation could be controlled only when they learned they could see Bapu before the funeral.
People were stunned at the sudden demise of Bapu. To them, it was a great loss. The death news was made public on the radio. It was like a shock wave.
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The funeral procession was held a day after. Unnumbered people joined the procession. Mrs. Naidu’s daughter Padmasi was very interested to walk with Bapu for the last time.
The dead body was in an open truck covered with wreaths, bouquets, and flowers with tearful eyes people mourned the loss. The writer walks with the people.
Everybody was silent and strolled slowly. Bapu liked walking and tried to reach common people through it. The funeral was over. After a few days, the holy ashes of Gandhiji were taken to Allahabad by a specially decorated train.
The last rite of the immersion of the ashes was to be done there. People in the compartment sang bhajAnswer: Every station saw a gathering of people when the train passed.
The ashes were immersed in the water of the Ganges. Everybody prayed for peace in Gandhiji’s soul. After that everyone had come back to Delhi.
To the writer, Bapu’s death was also a personal loss. She felt a lack of inspiration in the absence of Bapu. She strove to realize his dedication to the country and the common people.
Gradually she overcame the sorrow. She thought Bapu would be alive through his words and works.
Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) हिन्दी अनुवाद
30 जनवरी 1948 की शाम थी। लेखिका चाय पी रही थी। उन्हें एक टेलीफोन संदेश प्राप्त हुआ। उन्हें फोन पर जानकारी प्राप्त हुई की प्रार्थना सभा से वापसी के रास्ते में बापू की गोली मारकर हत्या कर दी गई।
वह स्तब्ध हो गई। वह कार में सवार हुई और जल्दबाजी में बिरला भवन के लिए रवाना हो गई। बापू का मृत शरीर कमरे में पड़ा था। शव उनके रिश्तेदारो एवं अनुयायियों से घिरा था।
यह दुःखद संवाद दिल्ली में जंगल की आग की तरह फैल गया। उदास एवं मलिन चेहरे वाले लोग बिरला भवन के चारों ओर एकत्र थे ।
वे शोक संतप्त होकर रो रहे थे एवं क्रंदन कर रहे थे।
सभी बापू के शव का अंतिम दर्शन करना चाहते थे। वे एक दूसरे के साथ धक्का-मुक्की कर रहे थे। जब उन्हें यह सूचना मिली की अंतिम संस्कार के पहले उन्हें बापू का दर्शन करने दिया जाएगा तब वे शांत हुए।
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लोग बापू के अचनाक निधन से स्तब्ध थे। उनके लिए यह बहुत बड़ी क्षति थी। आम जनता को उनकी मृत्यु का समाचार रेडियो के माध्यम से दिया गया। चारों ओर शोक लहर दौड़ गई थी।
अंतिम संस्कार परवर्ती दिन होना था । असंख्य लोग शव यात्रा में शामिल हुए। श्रीमती नायडू की बेटी पद्मसी अंतिम बार बापू के साथ चलने के लिए इच्छुक थी। शव फूलों से सजे हुए खुले ट्रक में रखा गया था।
अश्रुपूर्ण नेत्रों से लोग इस क्षति का शोक मना रहे थे। लेखिका भी लोगों के साथ पद यात्रा कर रही थी। हर कोई खामोश था एवं धीरे-धीरे चल रहा था। बापू भी पदयात्रा पसंद करते थे एवं पदयात्रा के माध्यम से ही साधारण जनमानस तक पहुँचते थे।
अंतिम संस्कार सम्पन्न हो चुका था। कुछ दिन के बाद गाँधी जी की पवित्र अस्थि भस्म को एक विशेष सुसज्जित रेलगाड़ी से इलाहाबाद लाया गया। वहाँ अस्थि विसर्जन होना था। रेलगाड़ी के डिब्बे में लोग भजन गा रहे थे।
रेलगाड़ी जिन स्टेशनों से होकर गुजर रही थी उन स्टेशनों पर बहुत भीड़ लगी थी। गाँधी जी की अस्थि भस्म को गंगा जल में प्रवाहित कर दिया गया। सबों ने गाँधीजी की आत्मा के लिए प्रार्थना किया।
उसके बाद सभी दिल्ली वापस आ गये। लेखिका के लिए बापू की मृत्यु उनकी निजी क्षति थी। बापू की अनुपस्थिति के कारण लेखिका ने प्रेरणा का अभाव महसूस किया।
लेखिका को राष्ट्र एवं साधारण जनमानस के लिए समर्पण का एहसास हुआ। धीरे-धीरे वह दुःख से उभर पाई। उन्होंने विचार किया कि बापू अपने शब्दों एवं कर्मों के माध्यम से जीवित रहेंगे।
Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) हिन्दी अनुवाद Word Notes (शब्दार्थ) Unit – 1
I (pron) The narrator of the story
Having (v)- Taking tea चाय पीना
Called (v)-Summoned बुलाया गया।
Birla House (Nom. cop)- House builtby the Birlas’ a family of the well-known industrialist of India.
Urgent (Adj.)- Highly essential, Important अति आवश्यक ।
Telephone (v)- दूरभाष; Tele (दूर); Phone (शव / वार्ता)
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Shot (v)- Kill with a bullet, Gun down (गोली मारना)
भारत के विख्यात उद्योगपतियो के एक परिवार के द्वारा निर्मित भवन ।
When he was going – जब वे जा रहे थे।
On his way Prayer meeting (N)- Mahatma Gandhi was shot dead by Nathu Ram Godse. नाथूराम गोडसे के द्वारा महात्मा गाँधी की हत्या गोली मारकर की गई थी।)
Prayer (N)- A religious gathering or service during which prayers are offered प्रार्थना सभा ।
A reverent petition made to God, An act of communion with God – प्रार्थना ।
Meeting (N)- Assembly, Gathering, Congregation- सभा
Shock (N) – A sudden upsetting or surprising event or experience – सदमा,
Relatives (N)- People of one’s family kith and kin सम्बन्धी / रिश्तेदार
Followers (N) – Those the follow one, Fans, Suppoters, Admirers – अनुयायीएकत्र हुए, इकट्ठा हुए।
Gathered (v)- Assembled, Flocked, Thronged, Crowded
Round (prep)- on all sides – चारो ओर ।
Body (n)-Dead body शव ।
Silence (n)- Noiselessness, soundlessness निखता, खामोशी, सन्नाटा।
Breathed his last- Passed away, Died – गुजर गये, अंतिम सांस लिया, मर गये।
Words (n)- News, Message, Information समाचार, संदेश, सूचना ।
Death (n)- Passing away – मृत्यु ।
Spread (v)- Extend over a wide area – फैल गया।
Through Delihi- All over Delhi पूरी दिल्ली में ।
Like- के जैसे।
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Flame- The blaze of fire, the tongue of fire अग्निशिखा, आग की लपट ।
Fanned (v)- Kindled by wind – हवा के द्वारा सुलगाया गया।
Sad (Adj)- Unhappy, Sorrowful, Gloomy
Group (n)- समूह |
Women (n)- Ladies स्त्रियाँ ।
Collected (v)- Gathered, Crowded, Thronged-
Around (Prep)- Enclosing – चारों तरफ ।
Out of (Prep)-From-
Could see (v)- देख सकता था।
Brown (Adj)- Brownish colour – बादामी रंग । Here, Depressed-
Blue (n)- Confused impression अस्पष्ट ।
Note – People cried, they were in tears. Being shocked they lost their natural color of faces. They were pale and browned off.
Few minutes (Adj. + n)– Few moments – कुछ क्षण ।
Sound (N)-आवाज ।
Make a sound (v)-ध्वनि उत्पन्न करना।
Unnatural Abnormal – अस्विाभाविक ।
Stood still (v + adv)- was without movement – was motionless-stopped moving थम गया / स्थिर हो गया / ठहर गया था।
As if (Adv. Ph.)- As it were – मानो
The people (n)- The crowd जन समागम ।
To (Adv)- More than enough – अत्यधिक, अत्यन्त ।
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Stunned (V. P. P.) – Wonderstruck, Tongue, tied-,
Speak (v)- Pronounce, Say, Tell-T
In the beginning (Adv. Phr) – intially – शुरू में, प्रारम्भ में।
Later (Adv)- Afterwards, Here in after-a Demanded loudly
Clamoured (v.p.)- loud and persistent outcry from many people गुहार करना ।
made a voilent shout – चीत्कार करना ।
Wildly (Adv)-Violently बेतहाशा
Shouting (V)- Making a loud cry – चीखना ।
Crying (v)- Weeping – रोना ।
Jostled (v)- Forced one’s way by pushing Pushed each other to make a room धक्का मुक्की करना/ठेला ठेली करना।
भौचक्का |
Stampede (n)- A sudden rush of a panic
stricken herd, sudden woreful flight भगदड़, खलबली, हलचल ।
Break into (ph. v)- Enter, forcibly – बलपूर्वक प्रवेश करना ।
Note – लोग बेचैन हो गये थे। वे सब बापू को अंतिम बार देखना चाहते थे।
Calmed (v)- Became quiet शांत हुए।
A little (Phr)- A bit – कुछ / थोड़ा।
Announced (v)- Openly declared-made public
Allowed (v)- Permitted- अनुमति दिया गया।
Before (Prep)- के पहले ।
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Funeral (N)- Exequies, cremation – The act of carrying a dead body for cremation – अंतिम संस्कार, शवयात्रा।
Is faced (v)- is confronted with सामना होना।
Shock (n)- A sudden upsetting and disturbing event सदमा, झटका, आघात ।
Loved- Endeared, Favourite
Death- Demise – मृत्यु |
Whimpers- Sobs/Groan/Make a series of –Thon one
What wil become- What will befall me अब मेरा क्या होगा। वे मुझे छोड़ कर चले गये हैं।
of me now- He as left me
Surely (Adv)- Certainly निश्चित रूप से।-
Question (n)- Asking, Query-
Uppermost Mind (n)- on the top, supreme, highest-, Nouns – मन
Mourning- Lamenting, Grieved, Wailing-, gat
Looked- Seemed, Appeared to be प्रतीत हुआ, दिखते थे।
Like- As Belike – के जैसे ।
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Lost children- The children detached from their guardians अपने अभिभावकों से बिछड़े हुए बच्चे ।
Note- Bapuji was the father of the nation after his death, people became fatherless.
Lost- Missing खोए हुए।
Hearts- हृदय ।
As- While जब, जिस समय ।
Still- Yet, so, far-
Unbelieving-Not taking it to be true – not able to trust
Listened to (v)-Heard with, attention-
Broadcast-The message transmitted on the radio- प्रसारण ।
Telling- Here, informing – सूचित करने वाला ।
Was no more- was dead- मृत ।
Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) हिन्दी अनुवाद हिन्दी अनुवाद
I was having……………………………………….got into the car.
30 जनवरी 1948 की शाम को मैं घर में चाय पी रही थी, जब एक आवश्यक / टेलीफोन संदेश के द्वारा मुझे बिरला भवन बुलाया गया। प्रार्थना सभा जाने के रास्ते में गाँधीजी की गोली मारकर हत्या कर दी गई थी। गाड़ी में चढ़ते समय मैं सदमे से स्तब्ध थी ।
At the Birla House…………………………..those few minutes.
बिरला भवन में गाँधी जी के रिश्तेदार एवं अनुयायी उनके शव के चारों ओर एकत्र हो गये थे। जब गाँधीजी ने अंतिम साँस ली उस समय कमरे में खामोशी थी।
हवा के द्वारा प्रज्ज्वलित आग की लपट की भाँति बापूजी की मृत्यु का सामाचार पूरी दिल्ली में फैल गया। शोकग्रस्त पुरूषो एवं स्त्रियों का समूह बिरला भवन के चारों ओर एकत्र हो चुका था।
प्रत्येक खिड़की से उनके शोकग्रस्त मलिन चेहरे देखे जा सकते थे। वे बिल्कुल खामोश थे। एक अस्वाभाविक सन्नाटा फैला हुआ था। कुछ क्षण के लिए समय मानो ठहर सा गया था।
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The people were …………………………………….before the funeral.
शुरूआत में लोग इतने स्तब्ध थे कि वे कुछ बोल नहीं पा रहे थे। बाद में वे पागलों की तरह चीखते और रोते हुए गाँधीजी के अंतिम दर्शन के लिए गुहार करने लगे। वे भवन में बलपूर्वक प्रवेश करने के लिए आपस में धक्का-मुक्की करने लगे जिससे भगदड़ मच गई। जब यह घोषणा की गई कि अंतिम संस्कार के पहले उन्हें गाँधीजी का अंतिम दर्शन करने दिया जाएगा तब जाकर वे थोड़े शांत हुए।
When one is faced……………………Bapu was no more.
जब कोई अपने किसी आत्मीयजन की मृत्यु के शोक का आघात का सामना करता है तो कुछ फफक-फफक कर रोते हुए कहता है “वे मुझे छोड़ कर चले गये, अब मेरा क्या होगा?”
शोकसंतप्त लोगों के मन में निश्चित रूप से यह सर्वोपरि प्रश्न था । वे (माता पिता से) बिछड़ी हुई संतान की भाँति दिख रहे थे। जब हम व्यथित एवं विश्वास न कर पाने की स्थिति में बैठे थे, तब हम में से अनेकों के मन में यह प्रश्न उभरा।
भारत की जनता को सूचित करने के लिए किए जाने वाले रेडियो प्रसारण को सुन रहे थे कि उनके बापू अब नहीं रहे ।
Class 10 English Text Book Wbbse
Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) हिन्दी अनुवाद Comprehension Exercises
1. Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentences: (निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करने के लिए सही विकल्प चुनें।)
Question 1. Gandhiji had been shot on his way to – (गाँधी जी को गोली मारी गई…. जाने के रास्ते में)
- The Birla house
- The author’s house
- A prayer meeting
- A family gathering
Answer: 4. A prayer meeting.
Question 2. The author came to know of Gandhiji’s death by- (लेखिका को गाँधी जी के मौत की बारे में जानकारी मिली के द्वारा)
- A letter
- A telephone call
- A telegram
- A public broadcast
Answer: 2. A telephone call.
Question 3. When one is faced with the shock of a loved one’s death, one ( जब कोई अपने किसी आत्मीय जन की मौत के आघात का सामना करता है/ के सम्मुख होता है तो वह .
- Whimpers
- Laughs
- Claps
- Shouts
Answer: 1. Whimpers.
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2. Fill In The Chart With Information From The Text:(पाठ में दी गई सूचना के आधार पर निम्नलिखित तालिका को पूरा करें।)
Question 1. Date on which Gandhiji was shot dead (जिस तारीख को गाँधीजी की गोली मारकर हत्या की गई थी )
Answer: 30th January 1948.
Question 2. Place where Gandhiji breathed his last – (जिस स्थान पर गाँधीजी ने अंतिम साँस ली -)
Answer: Birla House in Delhi.
Question 3. Information given by the broadcast – ( प्रसारण के द्वारा दी गई सूचना ………)
Answer: Bapu was no more.
3. State Wheather The Following Statements Are Ture Or False. Provide Sentences / Phrases/Words In Support Of Your Answer. (उल्लेखनीय करो/बताओ कि निम्नलिखित कथन सही है या गलत / अपने उत्तर की पुष्टि के लिए वाक्य / वाक्यांश / शब्द लिखिये / दीजिए।)
Question 1. The author received an urgent telephone call in the morning. (लेखिका ने सुबह- सुबह एक आवश्यक दूरभाष बुलावा (टेलीफोन कॉल) प्राप्त किया।
Supporting statement: The author received an urgent telephone call when she was having tea on the evening of 30th January 1948.
Answer: False
Question 2. People attempted to break into the Birla House. (लोगों ने बिरला हाउस में बलपूर्वक प्रवेश करने का प्रयास किया।)
Supporting statement: People jostled one another in a stampede to break into the house.
Answer: True
Question 3. The news of Gandhiji’s death did not shock the people. (गाँधीजी की मृत्यु के समाचार से लोगों को शोकाघात /सदमा नहीं हुआ/लगा/पहुँचा।)
Supporting statement: The people were too stunned to speak in the beginning.
Answer: False
Wbbse English Solution Class 10
Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) Word Notes (शब्दार्थ) Unit-2
Gandhiji funeral – गाँधीजी का अंतिम संस्कार ।
Take place (P.H.) Occur, Happen ‘Hold’ To be perfomed हिना ।
In advance (Ph.v)- Prior, Before अग्रिम, पहले ।
Lined (V)- Stood in Queue पंक्ति में खड़े हुए।
Route (N)- A fixed pat – निर्दिष्ट रास्ता, पथ
Procession (N)- A huge number of people moving one after another जुलूस, शोभायात्रा
Follow (V)- To go along a route अनुसरण करना
Mrs Naidu (N)- Mrs Sarojini Naidu – श्रीमती सरोजिनी नायडू
Simply (Adv)- in a simple way – सामान्य रूप से
Last- अंतिम
Agonizing (Ad)- Mourning, painful करुण/ कष्टपद्र, दुःखदयी।
Silently (Adv)- Noiselessly शांतिपूर्वक
Watched (v.Pt.)- Noticed देखा।
Lay (V.P.)- पड़े हुए / लेटे हुए।
Open (Adj.)- Uncovered, Unclosed अनाच्छदित, खुला हुआ।
Truck (N)- A large road vehicle
Covered- Provided with a cover आवृत्त, ढका हुआ।
Wept (V.P.)- Wailed रोए ।
Trying (Part) (Try+ing)- Attempting-
Impossible (Ad- Not possible असंभव
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Move- Walk चलना।
Thick (Adj)- Dense – सघन ।
Crowd- A large number of people
Slowly (Adv)- Not rapidly, without haste
Understood (V.Past)- Realized, Grasped
Merely (Adv)- Only – सिर्फ / मात्र ।
In the midst of (ph)- Amidst/Among के बीच ।
Midst- Middle के बीच |
Grieving (Adj)- Agonizing, mourning, Lamenting
Beloved (Adj)-Dear, Adorable
Leader (N)- Guide, one who leads
Special (Adj)- Particular – खास, विशेष ।
Meaning (N)-अर्थ
Rough and smooth (Idiom) – The sour and the sweet
Recent (Adj)- of late, the latest
Accept (v)- Admit स्वीकार करना, ग्रहण करना ।
Fact (N)- Truth, Real, Incident
Led (V.P.)- Guided, नेतृत्व किया।
Difficult (Adj)- Hard, Tough कठिन, जटिल ।
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Path (N)- Way – पथ ।
Slight (Adj)- Lean and thin – दुबला-पतला, क्षीण ।
Figure (N) – Body, Physique – काया, कद-काठी ।
Staff (N)- Walking-stick
Large (Adj)- Major वृहत्त, विस्तृत ।
बापू के साथ चलना एक विशिष्ट अर्थ रखता था। हमलोग भारत के हाल के इतिहास के दुर्गम एवं सुगम मार्ग पर बापू के साथ चले थे।
हमलोग इस यथार्थ को स्वीकार नहीं कर पा रहे थे कि जिस व्यक्ति ने कठिन मार्गों पर हमारा नेतृत्व किया था, वे पुनः हमारे साथ कभी नहीं चलने वाले थे। हाथ में लाठी लिए हुए क्षीण काया वाले बापू ने
भारत के विशाल भू- भाग पर पदयात्रा की थी। पदयात्रा का अर्थ होता है धीरे-धीरे आगे की ओर बढ़ना। इसका (पदयात्रा का ) तात्पर्य है परिष्कृत ढंग से चिंतन करना एवं छोटे-छोटे (क्षुद्र) कीट-पतंगों से लेकर क्षितिज तक की सभी वस्तुओं का अवलोकन करना।
इसके अलावा पदयात्रा साधारण भारतीयों के लिए एकमात्र खुला विकल्प था। इसमें (पदयात्रा) अपने शरीर के अलावा अन्य किसी वाहन की आवश्यकता नहीं होती एवं अपनी उर्जा के सिवा अन्य कोई खर्च भी नहीं है।
गाँधीजी ने इस प्रयोजनीय वस्तु (पदयात्रा) को ग्रहण किया था, चूँकि वे उसी वस्तु को अधिक ग्रहण करते थे जो साधारण होती थी और उसी वस्तु को वे एक आनन्ददायक कार्य (प्रचेष्टा) में परिवर्तित कर देते थे।
Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) Comprehension Exercises
Choose The Correct Alternative To Complete The Following Sentences: (निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करने के लिए सही विकल्प चुनें।)
Question 1. Gandhiji funeral was to take place (गाँधीजी का अंतिम संस्कार होने को था )
- On the day of his death
- Two days after his death
- One day after his death
- A week after his death
Answer: One day after his death.
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Question 2. Padamsi was Mrs. Naidu’s (पद्मसी थी श्रीमती नायडू की……)
- Niece
- Sister
- Friend
- Daughter
Answer: Daughter.
Question 3. While walking, Bapu used to carry in his hand a/an (चहल कदमी करते समय, बापू अपने हाथ में रखते थे ।)
- Flag
- Staff
- Umbrella
- Cane
Answer: Staff.
5. Complete The Following Sentences With Information From The Text: (पाठ में दी गई सूचना के आधार पर निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करें)
Question 1. Thousands of people wept, trying (हजारों लोग रोए, कोशिश करते हुए)
Answer: to touch Bapu’s feet. (बापू के चरण स्पर्श करने की)
Question 2. The author was among people for whopm walking (लेखिका उनलोगों में से थी जिनके लिए टलहना)
Answer: with Bapu had a special meaning (बापू के साथ एक विशिष्ट अर्थ रखता था ।)
Question 3. To walk is to (टहलना / चहलकदमी होता है)
Answer: make slow progress (धीरे-धीरे अग्रसर होना ।)
6. Fill In The Chart With Information From The Text: (पाठ्यांश में दी गई सूचना के आधार पर तालिका को पूर्ण करें)
Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) Word Notes (शब्दार्थ) Unit-3
Special (Adj)- Distinguished, Particular – विशेष ।
Took (v)- Carried ले गया।
Ashes (N)- Remians after burning राख ।
The remains of a human dead body after cremation-अस्थिभस्म, चिताभस्म ।
Decked (Adj)- Decorated, Adorned सुसज्जित ।
Bhajans (N)- The songs of Prayers, Devotional songs – भजन ।
Weep (V)- Wail Anymore Feel (V)- Wail- विलाप करना ।
Presence (N)- The state of being present उपस्थिति ।
Amid (Prep)- In the midst के मध्य ।
Sorrowful (Adj)- Sad, Pensive – दुःखी ।
Filled (V.P.)- Made full, crowded- भर दिया।
Reached (V. Pt.)- Arrived at – पहुँचा।
Immersed- Drowned, Thrown into – विसर्जित कर दिया गया।
Huge (Adj)- Large, immense – विशाल ।
Bank (N)- The coast of the river नदी का तट ।
Went back (V.pt.)- Returned-लौट गए।
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At sea (idiom)- Felt helpless and insecured, In great danger असहाय महसूस करना, घोर संकट में होना ।
Directly (Adv)- प्रत्यक्ष रूप से ।
Prison (N)- Jail, Gao – कारागार, जेल ।
Call (N)-Summan आह्वान
Sacrifice (N)- Dedication बलिदान ।
On looker (N)- Spectator, Watcher दर्शक।
Magic (N)- The power of making one spellbound – जादू, चमत्कार।
Circle (N)- Orbit Ring – चक्र |
Here- Here, Gandhijis strong and magical impact on the author Death, Demise मृत्यु ।
Passing away (Pt.)- Death, Demise
Vanished (V.P.)- Disappeared – विलुप्त हो गया।
Unprotected (Adj)- Insecured, Undefended असुरक्षित।
Effort (N)- Endevour, Attempt प्रयास।
Roushed (V.P.)- Uplifted, Awakened जागृत किया।
Easily (Adv.)-Effortlessly सहजतापूर्वक
Lose (N)- Being not able to find खोना।
Courage (N)- Bravery, Boldness – बहादुरी ।
No longer (Ph)- No more, Not existing और नहीं’ अस्तित्व में नहीं होना।
Values (N)- Worth मूल्यबोध
Weak (Adj.)- Feeble – कमजोर।
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Millions (N)- One millions – Ten lakhs लाखों ।
Ordinary (Adj)- Common, General साधारण ।
Folk (N)- Common people – जनमानस ।
But for (Ph)- Except के सिवा ।
Indifference (N)- Lack of interest, callousness उदासीनता ।
Awaken (V)-Rouse – Bring to senses जागृत करना।
Suffering (N)- Agony, Distress – कष्ट, पीड़ा।
Strong (Adj.)- Powerful, stout बलवान, मजबूत,
Proud (Adj.) -Confident of one’s Power – गर्वित, स्वाभिमानी ।
Bear (V)- Carry – वहन करना ।
Banner (V)- Flag, ध्वजा। Here, unnumbered असंख्य ।Here, the task or duty left to be done by others.
Continue (V)- Go on, proceed जारी रहना ।
Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) हिन्दी अनुवाद
Some days after………… went back to Delhi.
गाँधी जी के अन्तिम संस्कार के कुछ दिनों के बाद एक विशेष ट्रेन के द्वारा, उनकी चिताभस्म (अस्थिभस्म) को इलाहाबाद लाया गया। रेलगाड़ी का डब्बा फूलों से सुसज्जित था।
रेलगाड़ी में सवार लोग भजन गा रहे थे। लोग अब – विलाप नहीं कर रहे थे क्योकि वे फूलों और संगीत में गाँधीजी की उपस्थिति को अनुभव कर सकते थे। हर स्टेशन के प्लेटफॉर्म शोक संतप्त लोगों की भीड़ से भरा हुआ था।
संगीत एवं भजन के मध्य रेलगाड़ी इलाहाबाद पहुँची। भस्म गंगा में विसर्जित किया गया, जिसके तट पर विशाल भीड़ एकत्र थी। तदोपरांत हम सब दिल्ली वापस चले (आ) गए।
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Back in Delhi …………………….. leaving me unprotected.
दिल्ली वापस आकर मैंने स्वयं को बहुत विभ्रांत और असहाय महसूस किया। मैने प्रत्यक्ष रूप से गाँधीजी के साथ कभी पद यात्रा नहीं की थी ना ही उनके आह्वान पर कभी जेल गई थी और ना ही अपने देश के लिए कोई बलिदान किया था।
मेरी बहनें, मैं एवं मेरे जैसा अन्य युवक-युवतियाँ मात्र मूकदर्शक थे। फिर भी मैने स्वयं को विषम परिस्थिति में पाया। मुझे आभास हुआ कि मैं एक चमत्कारिक सुरक्षा चक्र में पली बढ़ी थी।
परन्तु बापू के स्वर्गपास के साथ ही, मुझे एहसास हुआ कि वह चमत्कारिक सुरक्षा चक्र विलुप्त हो गया था, भंग हो गया था और मैं असुरक्षित रह गई थी।
With an effort………………………..live in his children.
प्रयास कर मैनें स्वयं को जागृत किया; स्वयं को जागृत करने के लिए मुझे प्रयत्न करना पड़ा। मैंने स्वयं से पूछा- क्या बापू व्यर्थ में जिये एवं मारे गए ? क्या बापू के जीवन एवं मरण का कोई मोल नहीं है?
अब वे नहीं रहे, मैं इतनी आसानी से कैसे हिम्मत हार सकती हूँ? मेरे मूल्यबोध इतने दुर्बल तो न थे। बापू के सिवा लाखों लोग साधारण जनमानस मात्र थे। उन्होंने उनको उदासीनता से बाहर निकाला एवं हताशा से उबारा, एक दूसरे की पीड़ा के प्रति जागृत किया।
यदि बापू चले भी गए हैं तो क्या हुआ? अब भी हमलोग उनके अधूरे कार्यों को सम्पन्न करने के लिए युवा, बलवान और स्वाभिमानी हैं; उनके अधूरे कार्यों को पूरा करने के लिए अभी भी हमारे देश में सामर्थ्यवान स्वाभिमानी युवक-युवतियाँ मौजूद हैं;
यौवन एवं अदम्य मानसिक बल से परिपूर्ण तरुण युवक-युवतियों को मजबूती के साथ डटना होगा। बापू तो नहीं रहें किन्तु उनका भारत उनकी संतानों में जीता रहेगा।
Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) Comprehension Exercises
7. Choose The Correct Alternative To Complete The Following Sentences: निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करने के लिए सटीक विकल्प चुनें।
Question 1. Gandhiji ashes were taken to – (गाँधीजी को अस्थिभस्म ले जाया गया -)
- Ahmedabad
- Allahabad
- Delhi
- Varanasi
Answer: 2. Allahabad.
Question 2. A huge crowd had gathered by the (विशाल भीड़ के किनारे एकत्र थी)
- Ganges
- Yamuna
- Brahmaputra
- Narmada
Answer: 1. Ganges.
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Question 3. Gandhiji awakened people to one anothers (गाँधीजी ने लोगों को के प्रति एकदूसरे को जागृत किया)
- Indifference
- Jealousy
- Suffering
- Greed
Answer: 3. Suffering.
8. Compelete The Following Sentences With Information From The Text (पाठ्यांश की सूचना के आधार पर निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करें।)
Question 1. People on the special train भजन गा रहे थे ।)
Answer: sang bhajans in the memory of Gandhiji. (विशेष ट्रेन पर सवार लोग गाँधी जी की याद में
Question 2. The author was among people for whom walking बीच थी जिनके लिए पद यात्रा एक विशिष्ट अर्थ रखता था ।)
Answer: had a special meaning. (लेखिका उन लोगों के
Question 3. Babu has passed away but में जीवित रहेगा।) (बापू तो गुजर गए किन्तु उनका भारत उनकी संतानों
Answer: his India would survive in his children.
9. Fill in the chart with information from the text: (पाठ्यांश की सूचना के आधार पर निम्नलिखित तालिका को भरो। )
Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) Grammar In Use
10. Join The Following Pairs Of Sentences Into Single Sentences As Directed:
Question 1. I saw a snake. I ran away. (use participle)
Answer: Seeing a snake, I ran away.
Question 2. He learns music. He listens to the chords. (use a preposition with gerund)
Answer: He learns music by listening to the chords.
Question 3. Gold is a precious metal. It is used to make ornaments. (use the noun in apposition)
Answer: Gold, a precious metal, is used to make ornaments.
Question 4. Ramu has some money. He can buy books. (use infinitive)
Answer: Ramu has some money to buy books.
Question 5. Rima completed her work. She went out. (use nominative absolute)
Answer: Having completed her work, Rima went out.
Question 6. The boy wrote the answer. The answer was incorrect. (use the adverbial phrases)
Answer: The boy wrote the answer incorrectly.
Wbbse Class 10 English Solution
11. Join The Following Pairs Of Sentences Into Single Compound Sentences As Directed:
Question 1. The old man is unwell. He cannot go out. (use Illative conjunction)
Answer: The old man cannot go out because he is unwell.
Question 2. He is honest. He is humble. (use cumulative conjunction)
Answer: He is not only honest but also humble.
Question 3. Sonali cannot write poetry. She keeps on trying. (use adversative conjunction)
Answer: Sonali cannot write poetry still she keeps on trying.
Question 4. Study hard. You will not pass the examination. (use alternative conjunction)
Answer: Study hard or you will not pass the examination.
12. Join The Following Pairs Of Sentences Into Single Complex Sentences As Directed:
Question 1. Rabindranath Tagore is a famous poet. He won the Nobel Prize. (use noun clause)
Answer: Rabindranath Tagore, who won the Nobel Prize is a famous poet.
Question 2. He returned home. Everyone in the family had fallen asleep. (use adverb clause)
Answer: Everyone in the family had fallen asleep when he returned home.
Question 3. The sun rises in the east. Everyone knows it. (use adjective clause)
Answer: It is known to everyone that the sun rises in the east.
13. Join The Following Pairs Of Sentences Into Single Sentences As Directed:
Question 1. It rained hard. The roads were not flooded. (compound sentence)
Answer: It rained hard but the roads were not flooded.
Question 2. He completed his work. He took a rest. (simple sentence)
Answer: Having completed his work, he took a rest.
Question 3. Rahul is a great singer. He can sing different kinds of songs. (complex sentence)
Answer: Rahul, a great singer, can sing different kinds of songs.
Wbbse Class 10 English Solution
Question 4. The time of departure of the train has changed. Alia knew it. (complex sentence)
Answer: Alia knew that the train’s departure time has changed.
14. Split The Following Into Two Sentences:
Question 1. It rained and I could not leave my room.
Answer: It rained. I could not leave my room.
Question 2. He thought that he could win the race.
Answer: He could win the race. He thought so.
Question 3. Having been informed of the trouble, the Principal left for home.
Answer: The Principal left for home. He was informed of the trouble.
Question 4. Nasir, who was the captain of the team, scored a century.
Answer: Nasir was the captain of the team. He scored a century.
Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) Writing Activities
15. Write A Biography Of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad (Within 100 Words) Based On The Hints Given Below:
Born on 11 November 1888-composed poetry in Urdu-worked as a journalist, protested against the British Raj- an enthusiastic supporter of Gandhiji’s ideas-wrote many books-like ‘India wins freedom’, ‘Ghubar-e-Khatir’ etc. – First Education Minister of Independent India -birthday celebrated as National Education Day-died on 22 February 1958.
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad is an unforgettable figure in the history of the Indian Freedom movement. He was born on 11th November 1888 in British India.
He was a versatile genius. He worked as a journalist. He was also a poet. He composed poetry in urdu. He protested against the atrocities of the British Raj.
He took an active part in Indian politics. He was an enthusiastic supporter of Gandhiji’s ideas. He wrote many books like ‘India Wins Free- dom’: ‘Ghubar-e-Khatir’ etc.
After independence, he became the first Education Minister of India. This great leader breathed his last on 22nd February 1958. His birthday is now commemorated as National Education Day.
16. Use the following flow-chart to write a paragraph (Within 100 words) on how a building is constructed
Drawing a plan of the building by the architect getting the plan sanctioned by the corporation or municipal authorities engaging masons and laborers – starting the construction with bricks, cement, and sand-fitting doors and windows-plastering of walls -wiring-electric and water connections-painting-building completed-fit for living.
How a Building is Constructed
The construction of a building follows a number of processes. At first, a plan of the building is drawn by the architect. Then the plan is to be sanctioned by the corporation or municipal authorities.
After that masons and laborers are engaged on a contract basis. The construction started with bricks, cement, and sand. When the structure of the building is completed, doors and windows are fitted.
Next, the plastering of the walls is done. Thereafter electric wiring is made complete. Now electric and water connection are taken. At last, the painting of the building is done. Thus, the house is ready for living.
Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) Additional Textual Question & Answers Unit – 1
1. Choose The Correct Alternative To Complete The Following Sentences: निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करने के लिए सही विकल्प चुने।
Question 1. When the author got the news of the Gandhiji’s death she was-(facht ont गाँधीजी की मृत्यु का समाचार मिला, वह)
- Having meal
- Chatting
- Having bath
- Having tea
Answer: 3. Having tea.
Question 2. The writer got the news of Gandhiji’s death-समाचार मिला – )
- From Newspaper
- On T.V.
- By Phone
- On Radio
Answer: 3. By Phone.
Question 3. Gandhiji’s body was kept in – (गाँधी जी के मृत शरीर (शव) को रखा गया -)
- Parliament House
- Birla House
- Sabarmati Ashram
- Rashtrapati Bhawan
Answer: 2. Birla House.
Question 4. On hearing the news of Gandhiji’s death the writer left for – समाचार सुनकर लेखिका रवाना हुई के लिए)
- Party Meeting
- Birla House
- Prayer Meeting
- Padmasi’s House
Answer: 2. Birla House.
Question 5. Birla House is situated in – (farm)
- Kanpur
- Ahmedabad
- Delhi
- Allahabad
Answer: 3. Delhi.
Question 6. Gandhiji had been shot on his way to- जानेके रास्ते में की गई)
- Prayer Meeting
- Parliament House
- Brila House
- Mrs. Naidu’s House
Answer: 1. Prayer Meeting.
Question 7. Gandhiji had been shot (गाँधीजी की गोली मारकर हत्या की गई -)
- After the prayer
- During the prayer
- Before the prayer
- None of the above
Answer: 3. Before the prayer.
Question 8. As the author got into the car, she was numb with( वह स्तबध थी……से)
- Heat
- Shock
- Joy
- Cold
Answer: 2. Shock.
Question 9. At the Brila House, the person’s who had gathered round Gandhiji’s body were Gandhiji’s – (बिरला भवन में जो लोग गाँधीजी के शव के चारों तरफ एकत्र हुए थे, वे गाँधी जी के……. थे)
- Relatives and followers
- Friends and followers
- Relatives and assistants
- Friends and assistants
Answer: 1. Relatives and followers.
Question 10. Gandhiji’s breathed his last
- Tata Memorial
- Birla Planetarium
- Rashtrapati Bhawan
- Biral House
Answer: 2. Birla House.
Question 11. On hearing the news, people could not speak in the beginning because they were – (समाचार सुनकर लोग शुरूआत में कुछ बोल न सके क्योंकि वे थे – )
- Stunned
- Silent
- Afraid
- Anxious
Answer: 1. Stunned.
Question 12. The mouring people looked like – (शोक संतप्त लोग की भाँति दिख रहे थे )
- Anxious Parents
- Silent mob
- Angry Mob
- Lost children
Answer: 4. Lost Children.
Question 13. The writer was numb with shock when she got into the
- Truck
- Car
- Train
- Plane
Answer: 2. Car.
Question 14. ‘I was numb with shock’ Here ‘numb’ means
- Unable to react
- Senseless
- Dumb
- Paralyzed
Answer: 1. Unable to react.
Question 15. When Gandhiji breathed his last in the room of the Birla House there was – ( गाँधीजी ने बिरला भवन के कक्ष में अंतिम साँस लिया, वहाँ थी….)
- Silence
- A cry of despair
- Hue and Cry
- A cry for help
Answer: 1. Silence.
Question 16. The news of Bapuji’s death had spread through Delhi like (entry and सामाचार ……. भाँति फैल गया ।)
- A wing
- A fire
- A flame
- A spring
Answer: 3. A flame.
Question 17. ‘The passing away of Bapu’ is written by – (बापू का ‘स्वर्गवास’ लिखा गया है-
- R. K. Narayan
- Mulk Raj Anand
- John Masefield
- Nayantara Sehgal
Answer: 4. Nayantara Sehgal
Question 18. Words of Bapuji’s death spread through-
- Delhi
- Kanpur
- India
- Mumbai
Answer: 1. Delhi.
Question 19. People were too stunned to – (लोग इतने स्तब्ध थे कि वे ना सके ।)
- Work
- Play
- Speak
- Feel
Answer: 3. Speak.
Question 20. Gandhiji’s death was broadcast to-को सूचित करने के लिए।)
- The killers of India
- The leaders of India
- The rules of India.
- People of India.
Answer: 4. People of India.
Question 21. People calmed when they learnet that they could see Gandhiji-C जब उन्होंने जाना कि वे गाँधी जी का दर्शन कर सकेंगे ।)
- During the funeral
- Before the funeral
- After the funeral
- Never
Answer: 2. Before the funeral.
Question 22. Gandhiji was shot on (गाँधीजी को गोली मारकर हत्या की गई थी को ।)
- 30th February
- 1st January
- 1st February
- 30th January
Answer: 1. 30th January.
Question 23. People received the news of Gandhiji’s death from/
- Newspaper
- Radio
- Telephone
- Television
Answer: 2. Radio.
2. Complete The Following Sentences With Information From The Text. (पाठ्यांश की सूचना के आधार पर निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करें।)
Question 1. When Gandhiji breathed his last, there was
Answer: Silence in the room. (कमरे में सन्नाटा / खामोशी थी ।)
Question 2. At Brila House, Gandhiji’s relatives –
Answer: had gatherd around Bapu’s body. (बापू के शव के चारों तरफ एकत्र हो गये थे।)
Question 3. Words of Bapuji’s death had spread like –
Answer: A flame fanned by wind. (हवा के द्वारा प्रज्जवलित आग की लपट की भाँति ।)
Question 4. Silence felt at the death of Gandhiji was – (गाँधीजी की मृत्यु पर जो सन्नाटा / खामोशी महसूस की गई, वह धी)
Answer: Unnatural.
Question 5. A radio broadcast informed that-
Answer: Gandhiji had passed away. (of you)…
Question 6. Walking cost an average Indian nothing but खर्च होता है सिर्फ
Answer: his energy.
Question 7. To walk was often only way left (टहलना ही एकमात्र साधन शेष रह गया था)
Answer: For Common people of India. (भारत की साधारण जनता के लिए।)
Question 8. The people of India were told on the broadcast that (प्रसारण के द्वारा भारत की जनता को बताया गया)
Answer: Bapu was no more.
Question 9. One could see a brown blur of faces
Answer: Out of every window.
Question 10. It was impossible for people to move in the funeral procession because – ( यात्रा में लोगों के लिए चलना असंभव था क्योंकि)
Answer: The crowd was thick.
3. State Wheather The Following Statements Are True Or False. Provide Sentences/ Phrases/Words In Support Of Your Answer
Question 1. The writer was called to Birla House by an urgent letter. पत्र के द्वारा बिरला भवन में बुलाया गया था।
Supporting statements: I was called to Birla House by an urgent telephone.
Answer: False
Question 2. Bapu was stabbed to death. (बापू की हत्या चाकू मार की गई थी । )
Supporting statement: “Gandhiji had been shot.”
Answer: False
Question 3. Gandhiji had been shot dead on his way to the party meeting. ( पार्टी की सभा में जाने के रास्ते में की गई थी ।)
Supporting statement: “Gandhiji had been shot on his way to a prayer meeting.”
Answer: False
Question 4. Gandhiji’s death was unnatural.
Supporting statement: “Gandhiji had been shot.
Answer: True
Question 5. There was great agitation in the room as Gandhiji breathed his last. ( ने अंतिम साँस लिया तो कमरे में बहुत अशांति थी।Supporting statement: “There was silence in the room as Gandhiji breathed his last.
Answer: False
Question 6. The news of Bapuji’s death was kept secret.
Supporting statement: Words of Bapuji’s death had spread through Delhi.
Answer: False
Question 7. The poeple looked like rescued children. (लोग बचाये हुए बच्चे की तरह दिख रहे थे ।)
Supporting statement: They looked like lost children.
Answer: True
Question 8. Walking costs energy. (चलने में ऊर्जा खर्च होती है।)
Supporting statement: It……… cost him nothing but his energy.
Answer: False
Question 9. They jostled with one another in a stampede to break out of the house.(à aydan घर से बाहर निकलने के लिए एक दूसरे के साथ धक्का करने लगे ।)
Supporting statement: They jostled with one another in a stampede to break into the house.
Answer: False
Question 10. The writer went to Birla House on foot.
Supporting statement: I was numb with shock as I got into a car.
Answer: False
3. Answer The Following Questions : (निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर दो)
Question 1. Who is referred by ‘I’ ? (‘I’ के द्वारा किसकी ओर संकेत किया गया है।)
Answer: The writer, Nayantara Sehgal is referred to by ‘I’. (‘1’ के द्वारा लेखिका नयनतारा सहगल की ओर संकेत किया गया है।)
Question 2. Who wrote the narrative The passing away of Bapu’ ? (बापू का स्वर्गवास किसने लिखा ।)
Answer: Nayantara Sehgal wrote the narrative The Passing Away of Bapu’. (नयनतारा सहगल ने बापू का स्वर्गवास लिखा ।)
Question 3. What was the author doing on the evening of 30th January, 1948 ? (30 जनवरी 1948 की शाम को लेखिका क्या कर रही थी । )
Answer: The author was having tea at home on the evening of 30th January, 1948. (लेखिका 30 जनवरी 1948 की शाम को अपने घर में चाय पी रही थी। )
Question 4. How did the writer get the news of Bapuji’s death ? (लेखिका को बापू जी की मृत्यु का समाचार कैसे प्राप्त हुआ।)
Answer: The writer got the news of Bapuji’s death from a telephone call. (लेखिका को बापू जी की मृत्यु का समाचार एक टेलीफोन संवाद के माध्यम से प्राप्त हुआ।)
Question 5. Where was the author called by an urgent telephone ? (एक आवश्यक टेलीफोन से लेखिका को कहाँ बुलाया गया।)
Answer: The author was called to Birla House by an urgent telephone. (एक आवश्यक टेलीफोन से लेखिका को बिरला भवन बुलाया गया।)
Question 6. At what time of the day did the writer know the news of Bapu’s death ? (दिन के किस समय बापू के देहान्त का समाचार लेखिका को मिला ? )
Answer: The writer knew the news of Bapu’s death in the evening. (लेखिका को बापू का देहान्त का समाचार शाम को मिला।)
Question 7. What did the writer see at Birla House ? (लेखिका ने बिरला भवन में क्या देखा ? )
Answer: The writer found that the relatives and followers of Bapuji had gathered around his body at Birla House.
(लेखिका ने पाया कि बापूजी के रिश्तेदार और अनुयायी बिरला भवन में उनके चारों ओर एकत्र हो गए थे।)
Question 8. Where was Gandhiji shot ? (गाँधीजी को कहाँ गोली मार कर हत्या की गई ? )
Answer: Gandhiji was shot on his way to a prayer meeting. (प्रार्थना सभा के रास्ते में गाँधीजी को गोली मार कर हत्या की गई थी।)
Question 9. How did the writer go to Birla House ? (लेखिका बिरला भवन कैसे गई ? )
Answer: The writer went to Birla House by a car. (लेखिका कार से बिरला भवन गई।)
Question 10. How was the atmosphere of the room as Gandhiji breathed his last ? (जब गाँधी जी ने अंतिम साँस लिया तो कक्ष का वातावरण कैसा था ? )
Answer: There was silence in the room as Gandhiji breathed his last. (जब गाँधीजी ने अंतिम साँस लिया तब कक्ष में सन्नाटा था।)
Question 11. What was the condition of the writer when she got into a car to leave for Birla House ? (बिरला भवन जाने के लिए कार में सवार होते समय लेखिका की क्या स्थिति थी ? )
Answer: The writer was numb with shock when she got into a car to leave for Birla House. ( बिरला भवन जाने के लिए कार में सवार होते समय लेखिका सदमे से स्तब्ध थी ।)
Question 12. Where did Gandhiji’s deadbody lie ? (गाँधीजी के शव को कहाँ रखा गया था ? )
Answer: Gandhiji’s deadbody lay in a room at Birla House in Delhi. (गाँधी जी का शव दिल्ली में बिरला भवन के कक्ष में रखा गया था।)
Question 13. What was the reason of the ‘Silence’ ? (खामोशी का कारण क्या था ? )
Answer: The shock and sorrow at the assassination of Gandhiji caused the ‘Silence’. (गाँधी जी की हत्या के सदमें एवं दुःख के कारण खामोशी / सन्नाटा उत्पन्न हुआ था।
Question 14. What could one see out of every window ? (प्रत्येक खिड़की से क्या देखा जा सकता था ? )
Answer: Out of every window one could see a brown blur of faces. (प्रत्येक खिड़की से शोक संतप्त मलिन चेहरे देखे जा सकते थे।)
Question 15. Why did the people jostle with each other ? (लोग आपस में क्यों धक्का-मुक्की कर रहे थे?)
Answer: The people jostled with each other to break into the Birla House. (बिरला भवन में (बलपूर्वक) प्रवेश करने के लिए लोग आपस में धक्का-मुक्की करने लगे।)
Question 16. Which question was uppermost in the mind of the mourning people ? (शोक संतप्त लोगों के मन में सर्वोपरि प्रश्न क्या था ? )
Answer: The question that was uppermost in the mind of the mourning people was what would happen to them in absence of Bapu. शोक संतप्त लोगों के मन में सर्वोपरि प्रश्न था कि बापू की अनुपस्थिति में उनका क्या होगा।)
Question 17. What made the mourning people calm ? (शोक संतप्त लोग कैसे शांत हुए? )
Answer: The mourning people calmed when it was annouced that they would be allowed to see Bapuji before his funeral.(जब यह घोषणा की गई कि बापू के अंतिम संस्कार के पहले उन्हें बापू का दर्शन करने दिया जाएगा तब शोक संतप्त लोग शांत हुए।)
Question 18. Why could not people speak Initially ? (शुरूआत में लोग क्यों नहीं बोल सके ? )
Answer: The people were stunned at the shocking murder of Gandhiji. So they could not speak initially.
लोग गाँधीजी की हत्या से स्तब्ध थे। इसलिए शुरूआत में वे कुछ भी बोल न सके ।)
Question 19. How did mourning people looked like ? (शोक संतप्त लोग कैसे दिखते थे? )
Answer: The mourning people looked like the children. (शोक संतप्त लोग बच्चों की भाँति दिखते थे ।)
Question 20. What did the broadcast inform the country men ? (रेडियो प्रसारण ने देशवासियों को क्या सूचित किया ?)
Answer: The broadcast informed the people of India that Gandhiji had breathed his last. (रेडियो प्रसारण ने भारत के लोगों को सूचित किया कि गाँधी जी का देहांत हो गया ।)
Question 21. How did the people react after the initial shock ? (प्रारंभिक शोकाघात के बाद लोगों ने कैसे प्रतिक्रिया की ? )
Answer: After the initial shock was over people started clamouring wildly shouting and cry- ing. मारंभिक शोकापात के बाद लोग पागलों की भाँति) बेतहाशा चीखने एवं रोने लगे।)
Question 22. How did the words of Gandhiji’s death spread through Delhi ? (गाँधी जी की मृत्यु का समाचार पूरी दिल्ली में कैसे फैला ?)
Answer: The shocking news of Gandhiji’s death spread through Delhi like a flame fanned by the wind.
(गाँधी जी की मृत्यु का समाचार पूरी दिल्ली में जंगल की आग की भाँति फैल गया।)
Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) Unit-2
1. Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentences: (निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करने के लिए सही विकल्प चुनें।)
Question 1. Padmasi suggested that they should-
- Shout
- Cry
- Walk
- Stop
Answer: 3. Walk.
Question 2. People waited, lining up the route to (लोग निर्दिष्ट पथ पर पंक्तिबद्ध होकर प्रतीक्षा कर रहे थे।)
- Funeral procession
- Victory rally
- Condolence meeting
- None of these
Answer: 1. Funeral procession.
Question 3. People lined the route of the procession- (लोग शव यात्रा के निर्दिष्ट पथ में पंक्तिबद्ध थे ।)
- Hours in advance
- Minutes in advance
- Year in advance
- Week in advance
Answer: 1. Hours in advance.
Question 4. The last walk with Gandhiji at the funeral procession wast साथ अंतिम बार पद यात्रा करना था।………)
- Funny
- Impossible
- Agonizing
- Disgusting
Answer: 3. Agonising.
Question 5. People watched the funeral procession (लोगों ने शव यात्रा को देखा…….. पूर्वक)
- Calmly
- Silently
- Agitatedly
- Indifferently
Answer: 2. Silently.
Question 6. Gandhiji’s dead body lay in an –
- Rickshaw
- Taxi
- Train
- Truck
Answer: 4. Truck.
Question 7. Gandhiji’s led the Indians over many-
- Zigzag paths
- Difficult paths
- Easy paths
- Last paths
Answer: 2. Difficult paths.
Question 8. Gandhiji’s dead body was covered with –
- Banners
- Twigs
- Flowers
- Clothes
Answer: 3. Flowers.
Question 9. It was impossible for the writer in the thick crowd असंभव था……..कर पाना।)
- Speak
- Cry
- Check tears
- Move
Answer: 4. Move.
Question 10. Thousands of people –
- Shouted
- Cried
- Protested
- Clamored
Answer: 2. Cried.
Question 11. Thousands of people, for the last time, tried to touch Gandhiji’s (हजारों लोगों ने, अंतिम बार गाँधीजी स्पर्श करने का प्रयास किया ।)
- Head
- Hand
- Staff
- Feet
Answer: 4. Feet.
12. To people like the writer walking with Bapu had a special (लेखिका की भाँति लोगों के लिए बापू के साथ पद यात्रा करना एक विशिष्ट रखता था ।)
- Glory
- Skill
- Distinction
- Meaning
Answer: 4. Meaning.
2. Complete The Following Sentences With Information From The Text: (पाठ्यांश की सूचना के आधार पर निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करें)
Question 1. Bapu’s funeral was held (बापू का अंतिम संस्कार आयोजित किया गया…..
Answer: The day after his death (उनकी मृत्यु की परवर्तित दिन ।)
Question 2. People lined the route of the procession- (लोग शव यात्रा के लिए निर्धारित..
Answer: Hours in advance (पथ पर पंक्तिबद्ध थे।)
Question 3. Thousands of mourners silently- (हजारों शोक संतप्त लोगों ने शांतिपूर्वक..
Answer: Witnessed Bapu’s funeral procession (बापू की शव यात्रा को देखा।)
Question 4. The person who spoke for the author and others was – (लेखिका एवं अन्य व्यक्तियों की ओर से जिन्होंने कहा वह थी ……….)
Answer: Padamsi, Mrs. Naidu’s daughter.
Question 5. Bapu lay on an open truck which – (बापू एक खुले ट्रक पर पड़े थे जो ………..)
Answer: was covered with flowers. (फूलों से ढ़का था।)
Question 6. In the funeral procession, it was impossible to (शव यात्रा में अंसभव था)
Answer: move farward in the crowd (भीड़ में आगे बढ़ पाना ।)
Question 7. It was impossible to move in the thick crowd as – ( सघन भीड़ में चल पाना अंसभव था चूँकि )
Answer: thousands of people tried to touch Bapu’s feet. (हजारों लोग बापू के चरण स्पर्श करने की कोशिश कर रहे थे ।)
Question 8. The author realized that it was (लेखिका ने महसूस किया कि यह था )
Answer: More than the funeral (शवयात्रा से कहीं अधिक ।)
Question 9. The author could not accept the fact that – (लेखिका यह सच्चाई स्वीकार नही कर सकी कि)
Answer: Gandhiji was never again going to walk with them. (गाँधीजी पुनः उनके साथ कभी नहीं पदयात्रा करने वाले थे ।)
Question 10. Gandhiji took much that was common place – (गाँधीजी साधारण वस्तुओं को स्वीकार करते थे)
Answer: to transform it into a joyful effort. (उन्हें आनन्दपूर्वक कार्य में परिवर्तित करने के लिए।)
3. State Wheather The Following Statements Are True Or False. Provide Sentences/ Phrases/Words In Support Of Your Answer:बताएँ कि निम्नलिखित वाक्य सत्य हैं या असत्य । अपने ऊपर के समर्थन में वाक्यों / वाक्यांशों / शब्दों का प्रयोग रें ।)
Question 1. To the author there was nothing special about a walk with Bapu. (बापू के साथ पदयात्रा करने के लिए कोई विशिष्ट बात नहीं थी । )
Supporting statements: I was among people for whom walking with Bapu had a special meaning.
Answer: True
Question 2. It was hard to believe that Bapu would never walk again. (बापू पुनः पद यात्रा नहीं कर पायेंगे यह विश्वास कर पाना मुश्किल था ।)
Supporting statement: “We could not now accept the fact. never going to walk with us again.”
Answer: False
Question 3. Gandhiji’s funeral took place a week after his death. (गाँधीजी का अंतिम संस्कार उनके निधन को एक सप्ताह के बाद किया गया । )
Supporting statement: “Gandhiji’s funeral was to take place the day after his death.”
Answer: True
Question 4. Walking in the funeral procession of Bapu was painful. (गाँधी जी की शव यात्रा में चल पाना दुःखदाई था। )
Supporting statement: It was an agonizing walk.
Answer: True
Question 5. Thousands watched Gandhiji’s funeral procession without making sound. (हजारों लोगों ने गाँधी जी की शव यात्रा को खामोसी से देखा ।)
Supporting statement: “Thousands silently watched the procession.”
Answer: True
Question 6. Bapu lay fully covered in the truck. (बापू एक पूर्णत: ढँके हुए ट्रक में लेटे थे ।)
Supporting statement: “Bapu lay on an open truck.”
Answer: False
Question 7. The only way open to the average Indian was walking. (पदयात्रा साधारण भारतीयों के लिए एकमात्रा खुला साधन /विकल्प था ।)
Supporting statement: “Moreover, to walk often is the only way open to the average Indian”.
Answer: True
Question 8. Gandhiji used to walk alone all over India. (गाँधीजी पूरे भारत में पदयात्रा किया करते थे ।)
Supporting statement: We had walked with Bapu over the rough and smooth of India’s recent history.
Answer: True
Question 9. Bapu had a bulky figure. (बापू का शरीश भरी-भरकम/मोटा-ताजा था ।)
Supporting statement: “Bapu’s slight figure”
Answer: False
Question 10. While walking we can watch closely and clearly everthing around us. (पदयात्रा करते समय हम अपने आस-पास की सभी वस्तुओं का परिष्कृत रूप से एवं बारीकी से अवलोकन कर सकते हैं।)
Supporting statement: “It is to think with clarity and closely look at all that is around you.”
Answer: True
3. Answer The Following Questions (निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर दें)
Question 1. When was Gandhiji’s funeral to take place ? (गाँधीजी का अंतिम संस्कार कब होने वाला था ? )
Answer: Gandhiji’s funeral was to take place the day after his death. (गाँधी जी का अतिम संस्कार उनकी मृत्यु के परवर्ती दिन होना था।)
Question 2. Who was Padmasi ? (पद्मसी कौन थी ? )
Answer: Padmasi was Mrs. Sarojini Naidu’s daughter. (पद्मसी श्रीमती सरोजिनी नायडू की पुत्री थी।)
Question 3. When did poeple begin to line the route of the procession was to follow ? (शवयात्रा के लिए निर्धारित पथ पर लोग कब पंक्तिबद्ध होने लगे थे?)
Answer: People began to line the route of the procession was to follow hours in advance. ( शवयात्रा के लिए निर्धारित पथ पर लोग घंटों पहले एकत्र होने लगे।)
Question 4. Who made the announcement about Gandhij’s funeral procession ? (गाँधीजी की शवयात्रा के बारे में किसने घोषणा किया।)
Answer: Padmasi, Mrs. Sarojini Naidu’s daughter made the announcement about Gandhiji’s funeral procession.
(श्रीमती सरोजिनी नायडू की पुत्री पद्मसी ने गाँधीजी की शवयात्रा के बारे में घोषणा किया।)
Question 5. Where did Bapu’s dead body lie ? (बापू का शव कहाँ रखा गया था ? )
Answer: Bapu’s dead body lay in an open truck. (बापू का शव एक खुले ट्रक में रखा गया था ।) \
Question 6. Who was Mrs. Naidu mentioned here ? (यहाँ उल्लेखित श्रीमति नायडू कौन थी ? )
Answer: Here, Mrs. Naidu refers to Mrs. Sarojini Naidu, the eminent leader and poetess. (यहाँ श्रीमति नायडू से श्रीमति सरोजिनी नायडू की ओर संकेत किया गया है, जो विख्यात नेत्री एवं कवयित्री थी।)
Question 7. How was Gandhiji taken to the cremation ground ? (गाँधीजी को श्मशान घाट कैसे ले जाया गया ? )
Answer: Gandhiji’s lifeless body was placed on an open truck covered with flowers and taker to the burning ghat.(गाँधीजी का शव फूलों से ढँके हुए एक ट्रक पर रखकर श्मशान घाट ले जाया गया।)
Question 8. How did Bapu walk ? (बापू कैसे चलते थे ? )
Answer: Bapu walked with a staff in his hand.(बापू अपने हाथ में एक लाठी लेकर चलते थे।)
Question 9. Which fact could not the writer accept ? (लेखिका किस सच्चाई को स्वीकार नहीं कर सकी।)
Answer: The fact that Bapu was no more could not be accepted by the writer.(लेखिका इस सच्चाई को स्वीकार नहीं कर सकी कि बापू अब नहीं रहे।)
Question 10. Why was the walking impossible ? (पदयात्रा / चलना असम्भव सा क्यों था ? )
Answer: The funeral procession of Bapuji was thickly crowded and so moving was impos- sible there.बापू की शवयात्रा में सधन भीड़ थी इसलिए चलना असम्भव सा था।
Question 11. What more did the anuthor realise ? (लेखिका ने और क्या महसूस की ? )
Answer: The author also realised that she was among the people for whom walking with Gandhiji had a special meaning.(लेखिका को एहसास हुआ कि वह उन लागों के बीच थी जिनके लिए गाँधीजी के साथ पदयात्रा करना एक विशिष्ट अर्थ रखता था।)
Question 12. Whats was often the only way open to the average Indian ? (साधारण भारतीयों के लिए क्या एकमात्र खुला विकल्प था ? )
Answer: Walking was often the only way open to the average Indian. (पैदल चलना / पदयात्रा करना साधारण भारतीयों के लिए एकमात्र खुला विकल्प था।)
Question 13. Why was walking very popular to the average people of India ? (भारत की आम जनता के बीच पदयात्रा करना क्यों लोकप्रिय था ? )
Answer: As walking costs nothing and no vehicle except one’s body is required for it, it was very popular to the average IndiAnswer:(चूँकि पदयात्रा में कुछ खर्च नहीं लगता एवं स्वयं के शरीर के अलावा अन्य किसी वाहन की आवश्यकता भी नहीं होती, इसलिए भारत की आम जनता के बीच पदयात्रा बहुत लोकप्रिय था।)
Question 14. Who was refered to as India’s beloved leader ? (भारत के प्रिय नेता के रूप में किनकी ओर संकेत किया है ? )
Answer: Mahatma Gandhi was reffered to as India’s beloved leader. (भारत के प्रिय नेता के रूप में महात्मा गाँधी की ओर संकेत किया गया है। )
Question 15. Where did Gandhiji’s followers walk with him ? (गाँधीजी के अनुयायियों ने उनके साथ कहाँ पदयात्रा की थी।)
Answer: The followers of Gandhiji walked with him over the rough and smooth of India’s recent history.
(गाँधीजी के अनुयायियों ने उनके साथ भारत के इतिहास के सुगम एवं दुर्गम मार्गों पर पदयात्रा को थी।)
Question 16.What was necessity to Gandhiji ? (गाँधीजी की प्रयोजनीयता क्या थी?)
Answer: Walking was a necessity to Gandhiji.(पदयात्रा (करना) गाँधीजी की प्रयोजनीयता थी ।)
Question 17. What did thousands of people watched silently ? (हजारों-हजार लोगों ने खामोशी से क्या देखा? )
Answer: To the author, to walk meant making a slow progress.
(लेखिका के लिए पदयात्रा का तात्पर्य था धीरे-धीरे विकास करना ।)
Question 18. Where and how did Gandhiji walk ? (गाँधीजी कहाँ और कैसे चलते थे ? )
Answer: Gandhiji slight figure always walked with a staff in hand over a large part of India. (क्षीण काया वाले गाँधीजी ने हाथों में लाठी लेकर भारत के विशाल भू-भाग पर पदयात्रा की थी।)
Question 19. Into what the common place was transformed by Gandhiji ? (साधारण वस्तुओं को गाँधीजी के द्वारा किस वस्तु में परिवर्तित कर दिया जाता था ? )
Answer: Gandhiji tansformed every common place into a joyful effort. (गाँधीजी प्रत्येक साधारण वस्तु को आनन्ददायक कार्य (प्रचेष्टा) में परविर्तित कर देते थे ।)
Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) Unit-3
1. Choose The Correct Alternative To Complete The Following Sentences: (निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करने के लिए सटीक विकल्प चुनें।)
Question 1. Gandhiji’s ashes were taken to Allahabad by – (गाँधीजी की अस्थिभस्म को इलाहाबाद ले जाया गया …. के द्वारा)
- A train
- A truck
- A ship
- A helicopter
Answer: 1. A train.
Question 2. Gandhiji’s ashes were taken to Allahabad (गाँधी जी की अस्थिभस्म इलाहाबाद ले जाया गया……)
- A long time after the funeral
- Some hours after the funeral
- Some weeks after the funeral
- A few days after the funeral
Answer: 4. A few days after the funeral.
Question 3. A special train went to Allahabad with- (एक विशेष रेलगाड़ी इलाहाबाद पहुँची …….. के साथ)
- Dead body
- Holy ashes
- Photography
- Tableau
Answer: 2. Holy ashes.
Question 4.Gandhiji’s ashes were taken to Allahabad for – (गाँधीजी की अस्थिभस्म को इलाहाबाद ले जाया गया के लिए)
- Immersion
- Building a temple
- Setting up a tomb
- Preserving is a museum
Answer: 1. Immersion.
Question 5. People on the train –
- Cried with sorrow
- Sang bhajans
- danced with joy
- Recited slokas from the Gita
Answer: 2. Sang bhajAnswer:
Question 6. The train compartment, where Gandhiji’s ashes had been kept was decorated with – (रेलगाड़ी के जिस डिब्बे में गाँधी जी का अस्थिभस्म रखा हुआ था वह सुसज्जित था ……. से)
- Incenses
- Colored papers
- Flowers
- Mango leaves
Answer: 3. Flowers.
Question 7. Every station on the route was filled with – (निर्धारित मार्ग पर के प्रत्येक स्टेशन.से परिपूर्ण भरे पड़े थे।)
- Mournes
- Security force
- Patriots
- Passengers.
Answer: 1. Mournes.
Question 8. The train reached Allahabad amid – (रेलगाड़ी के मध्य इलाहाबाद पहुँची ।)
- Song and flowers
- Influential people
- Sorrowful crowds
- Sang and prayer
Answer: 4. Sang and prayer.
Question 9. To watch the immersion of Gandhiji’s ashes a huge crowd gathered – ( की अस्थिभस्म का विसर्जन देखने के लिए विशाल भीड़ एकत्र थी…..)
- At the bank
- On boats
- Joyful crowds
- On roadside
Answer: 1. At the bank.
Question 10. After the immersion of Gandhiji’s ashes, people went back to अस्थिभस्म के विसर्जन के बाद लोग लौट गये…….)
- Delhi
- Ahmedabad
- Hardware
- Kolkata
Answer: 1. Delhi.
Question 11. The writer roused herself with a/an- (लेखिका ने खुद को जागृत की…….. से)
- Ease
- Effort
- Joy
- Unwillingness
Answer: 2. Effort.
Question 12. The author had not directly-(लेखिका प्रत्यक्ष रूप से कभी नहीं की थी।)
- Gone to prison with Gandhiji
- Played with Gandhiji
- Walked with Gandhiji
- Run with Gandhiji
Answer: 3. Walked with Gandhiji.
Question 13. The writer felt that the death of Gandhiji left her (गाँधीजी की मृत्यु ने उन्हें ……….. कर दिया।)
- Unprotected
- Unquiet
- Unready
- Unrelated
Answer: 1. Unprotected.
Question 14. During the freedom struggle, the writer had been
- An onlooker
- An active participant
- A freedom fighter
- A leader
Answer: 1. An onlooker.
Question 15. The writer wondered how she could (लेखिका विस्मित थी कि वह इतनी आसानी से कैसे …….. कर सकती थी ।)
- Lose courage so easily
- Become so courageous overnight
- So frightened
- Lose courage after Gandhiji’s death
Answer: 4. Lose courage so easily.
Question 16. Bapu’s India would continue to live in his – (बापू का भारत उनके ………. में जीता रहेगा ।)
- Killer
- Relatives
- Friends
- Children
Answer: 4. Children.
Question 17. Coming back to Delhi, the writer felt –
- Sadness
- Helpless
- Surprised
- Exhausted
Answer: 2. Helpless.
Question 18. Bapu awakened ordinary folk to one another –
- Co-operation
- Sympathy
- Suffering
- Work
Answer: 3. Suffering.
2. State Wheather The Following Statements Are True Or False. Provide Sentences/ Phrases/Words In Support Of Your Answer:(बताओ कि निम्नलिखित वाक्य सही हैं या गलत। अपने उत्तर के समर्थन में वाक्य / वाक्यांश / शब्द लिखें
Question 1. Gandhiji’s ashes were taken to Allahabad on the day of his death. (at चिताभस्म उनकी मृत्यु के परवर्ती दिन इलाहाबाद लाया गया । ) Supporting statement: “Some days after the funeral, Gandhiji’s ashed to Allahabad.
Answer: False
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Question 2. The ashes were scattered in the Narmada (चिताभस्म नर्मदा में विसर्जित कर दिया गया ।)
Supporting statement: The ashes were immersed in the Ganges.
Answer: False
Question 3. People cried on the train.
Supporting statement: “People did not weep anymore”.
Answer: False
Question 4. At every station people greeted Gandhiji (प्रत्येक स्टेशन पर लोगों ने गाँधीजी स्वागत किया।)
Supporting statement: “At every station, sorrowful crowds filled the platform.
Answer: False
Question 5. The train reached Allahabad amidst slogan-shouting. (test इलाहाबाद पहुँची ।)
Supporting statement: Amid song and prayer the train reached Allahabad.
Answer: False
Question 6. Back in Delhi, the writer was confused. (fat a Supporting statement: “Back in Delhi, I felt at sea”.
Answer: True
Question 7. The author did not make any sacrifice for her country. (लेखिका ने अपने देश के लिए कुछ भी बलिदान नहीं किया।)
Supporting statement: “I had not directly…… made any sacrifice for my country.”
Answer: True
Question 8. Bapu had made common people aware of one another’s strength. (बापू ने साधारण जनमानस को एक-दूसरे की शक्ति के प्रति जागृत किया ।)
Supporting statement: He……….. awakened them to one another suffering.
Answer: False
Question9. The writer sufferend imprisonment. (लेखिका को कारागार की सजा मिली थी।) [F] Supproting statement : “I had not gone to prison.”
Answer: False
Question 10. With Bapu’s passing away, the writer’s social connections vanished. (बापू के स्वर्गवास के साथ ही लेखिका के सामाजिक सम्पर्क विलुप्त हो गये।
Supporting statement: “with Bapu’s passing away, I felt the magic circle had van- ished……”
Answer: False
3. Complete The Following Sentence With Information From The Text. (पाठ्यांश की सूचना के आधार पर निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूर्ण करें ।)
Question 1. Gandhiji’s ashes were taken to Allahabad by – (गाँधी जी की अस्थिभस्म इलाहाबाद लायी गयी – )
Answer: A special train (एक विशेष ट्रेन के द्वारा)
Question 2. Amid flowers and songs, people could feel (फूलों एवं भजन-संगीत के मध्य लोगों के महसूस किया)
Answer: They presence of Gandhiji (गाँधीजी की उपस्थिति ।)
Question 3. People did not weep anymore because – (लोग अब और नहीं रोये क्योंकि)
Answer: They could feel Gandhiji presence amid the flower and the songs. (वे फूलों एवं भजन- संगीत के मध्य गाँधीजी की उपस्थिति महसूस कर सकते थे।)
Question 4. A huge crowd gathered at the bank of the river Ganga where (विशाल भीड़ गंगा नदी के तट पर एकत्रित थी जहाँ)
Answer: Gandhiji’s ashes were immersed. (गाँधीजी की अस्थिभस्म विसर्जित किया गया।)
Question 5. With Bapu’s passing away, the magic circle around the writer- (बापू के स्वर्गवास के साथ ही लेखिका के चारों ओर का सुरक्षा चक्र)
Answer: Had vanished (विलुप्त हो गया।)
Question 6. The author asked herself (लेखिका ने स्वयं से पूछा )
Answer: If Bapu had lived and died for nothing. (कि क्या बापू के जीने एवं मरने का कोई मोल नहीं था ।)
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Question 7. The writer felt that with Bapu’s passage, the magic circle-
Answer: The writer felt that with Bapu’s passage, the magic circle had vanished.
Question 8. The values of the writer were (लेखिका के मूल्य बोध)
Answer: Not so weak (उतने कमजोर तो नहीं थे ।)
Question 9. Millions of people would have remained ordinary folk if (लाखों लोग साधारण जनमानस ही रह जाते यदि)
Answer: Gandhiji had not brought them out of indifference (गाँधी जी ने उन्हें उदासीनता से उबारा न होता ।)
Question 10. Bapu might have passed away- (बापू तो चल बसे)
Answer: But his India would continue to live in his children. (किन्तु भारत उनकी संतानों में जीता रहेगा।)
4. Answer The Following Questions (निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर दें)
Question 1. When was Gandhiji’s ashes taken to Allahabad ? (गाँधीजी का अस्थिभस्म इलाहाबाद कब लाया गया ? )
Answer: Some days after the funeral was over Gandhiji’s ashes were taken to Allahabad. (अंतिम संस्कार के कुछ दिनों के बाद गाँधी जी की अस्थियाँ इलाहाबाद लायी गई ।)
Question 2. Why were Gandhiji’s ashes taken to Allahabad ? (गाँधी जी का अस्थि भस्म इलाहाबाद क्यों लाया गया ? )
Answer: Gandhiji’s ashes were taken to Allahabad for immersion in the Ganges.(गाँधी जी का अस्थिभस्म गंगा में विसर्जित करने के लिए इलाहाबाद लाया गया।)
Question 3. What took Gandhiji’s ashes to Allabahabad ? (गाँधी जी के अस्थि भस्म को कैसे / किस प्रकार इलाहाबाद लाया गया ? )
Answer: A special train took Gandhiji’s ashes to Allahabad.(एक विशेष रेलगाड़ी से गाँधीजी के अस्थि भस्म को इलाहाबाद लाया गया।)
Question 4. What did the people do in the train ? (लोग रेलगाड़ी में क्या कर रहे थे ? )
Answer: In the train people did not weep anymore but continued to sing bhajAnswer: (रेलगाड़ी में लोग अब और विलाप नहीं कर रहे थे बल्कि वे भजन गा रहे थे ।)
Question 5. Why did people in the train cry no more ? (रेलगाड़ी में लोग क्यों अब और विलाप नहीं कर रहे थे ? )
Answer: People in the train cried no more as they could feel the presence of Gandhiji amid flowers songs and prayers. (रेलगाड़ी में सवार लोग अब और नहीं रो रहे थे चूँकि वे संगीत, भजन और फूलों में गाँधी जी की उपस्थिति महसूस कर सकते थे ।)
Question 6. What happened in the stations during the special trains journey to Allahabad ? (विशेष रेलगाड़ी से इलाहाबाद की यात्रा के दौरान स्टेशन पर क्या हुआ?)
Answer: During the special journey to Allahabad, crowds of sorrowful people filled the platform at every station.
इलाहाबाद की यात्रा के दौरान, शोक संतप्त लोगों के झुण्ड ने हर स्टेशन के प्लेटफार्म पर भीड़ लगा रखी थी।)
Question 7. How was the compartment of the train decorated ? (रेलगाड़ी का डब्बा कैसे सजाया गया ? )
Answer: Compartment of the train was decorated with flowers. (रेलगाड़ी का डब्बा फूलों से सजाया गया।)
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Question 8. Amid what did the train reach Allahabad ? (रेलगाड़ी किनके मध्य इलाहाबाद पहुँची ? )
Answer: The train reached Allahabad amid flowers and songs.(रेलगाड़ी फूलों एवं संगीतों के मध्य इलाहाबाद पहुँची।)
Question 9. Where did a large crowd gather during the immersion of Bapuji’s ashes ? (बापू जी की अस्थि – भस्म को विसर्जित करते समय विशाल भीड़ कहाँ एकत्र थी ? )
Answer: A large crowd gathered at the bank of the Ganga during the immersion of Bapuji’s ashes. (बापू जी अस्थि – भस्म को विसर्जित करते समय गंगा के तट पर विशाल भीड़ एकत्र थी।)
Question 10. What did the writer feel as she came back to Delhi from Allahabad ? (इलाहाबाद से दिल्ली लौटने पर लेखिका ने क्या महसूस की।)
Answer: On coming back from Allahabad to Delhi the Writer felt at sea. (इलाहाबाद से दिल्ली लौटने पर लेखिका ने असहाय महसूस किया ।)
Question 11. What did the author and her sisters do? (लेखिका और उनकी बहनों ने क्या किया?)
Answer: When Gandhiji was walking over many parts of the country the author her sisters did not walk with Gandhiji and were merely on lookers. (जब गाँधी जी देश के विभिन्न भागों में पद यात्रा कर रहे थे तो लेखिका और उनकी बहनों ने गाँधी जी के साथ पद यात्रा नहीं की और मात्र मूक दर्शक बनी रही।)
Question 12. How did the author feel she had grown up? (लेखिका कैसे पली-बढ़ी थी ? )
Answer: The author felt she had grown within a magic circle. (लेखिका ने अनुभव की कि वह एक चमत्कारिक चक्र में पली-बढ़ी थी।)
Question 13. What had vanished for the writer after the death of Gandhiji ? (गाँधी जी की मृत्यु के बाद लेखिका के अनुसार क्या विलुप्त हो गया था ? )
Answer: The magic circle of Bapu had vanished for the writer after his death. (बापू की मृत्यु के बाद उनका चमत्कारिक सुरक्षा चक्र लेखिका के लिए विलुप्त हो गया था।)
Question 14. What did the author ask herself ? (लेखिका ने स्वयं से क्या पूछा?)
Answer: The deeply shocked author asked herself whether Gandhiji lived and died for nothing. (शोक संतप्त लेखिका ने स्वयं से पूछा कि क्या गाँधी जी के जीने एवं मरने का कोई मोल न था ।)
Question 15. What did Gandhiji do to the common people of India ? (गाँधी जी ने भारत के आम जनता के लिए क्या किया था ? )
Answer: Gandhiji got the common Indians out of indifference and made them aware of one another’s sufferings.
((गाँधीजी ने भारत के आम जनता को उदासीनता से उबारा एवं उन्हें एक दूसरे की पीड़ा के प्रति जागृत किया / अवगत कराया।)
Question 16. How were the values of the author ? (लेखिका के मूल्यबोध कैसे थे ? )
Answer: The values of the author were not very weak. (लेखिका के मूल्यबोध दुर्बल नहीं थे।)
Question 17. What was the result of Gandhiji’s effort ? (गाँधीजी के प्रयास का क्या परिणाम हुआ ? )
Answer: As a result of Gandhiji’s efforts the ordinary folk could realize the suffering of one another.
(गाँधी जी के प्रयास के फलस्वरूप साधारण जनमानस एक दूसरे की पीड़ा को समझ सकते थे।)
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Question 18. How did the author decribe the then young generation ? (लेखिका के उस समय की युवा पीढ़ी का वर्णन कैसे किया?)
Answer: The author decribed the then young generation as strong and proud to carry the ideals of Bapuji forward.(लेखिका ने उस समय की युवा पीढ़ी का वर्णन सामर्थ्यवान एवं स्वाभिमानी होने के रूप में किया जो बापूजी के आदर्शों का अनुसरण कर सकते थे।)
Question 19. Who would bear, according to the author, Gandhiji’s banner ? (लेखिका के अनुसार गाँधीजी के अधूरे कार्यों को कौन पूरा करेगा?)
Answer: According to the author, the strong and proud young people would bear Gandhiji’s banner. (लेखिका के अनुसार सामर्थ्यवान एवं स्वाभिमानी युवक-युवतियाँ गांधीजी के अधूरे कार्यों को पूरा करेंगे।)
Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) Additional Textual Grammar Change Of Voice
Question 1. He awakened them to one another’s sufferings.
Answer: They were awakened to one another’s sufferings by him.
Question 2. He brought them out of difference.
Answer: They were brought out of difference by him.
Question 3. They could feel Gandhiji’s presence.
Answer: Gandhiji’s presence could be felt by them.
Question 4. People on the train sang bhaji
Answer: Bhajans were sung by people on the train.
Question 5. The compartment was decked with flowers.
Answer: They decked the compartment with flowers.
Question 6. A special train took Gandhiji’s ashes to Allahabad.
Answer: Gandhiji’s ashes were taken to Allahabad by a special train.
Question 7. Gandhi took this necessity.
Answer: This necessity was taken by Gandhiji.
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Question 8. It requires no vehicle.
Answer: No vehicle was required for it.
Question 9. They did not make a sound.
Answer: Not a sound was made by them.
Question 10. I was called to Birla House.
Answer: They called me to Birla House.
Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) Change Of Narration
Question 1. The narrator said, “As I moved forward slowly I understood I was not merely in the midst of grieving people.”
Answer: The narrator said that as he had moved forward he had understood that he had not merely been in the midst of grieving people.
Question 2. She said simply, “We will walk. It is the last time we shall be walking with Bapu.”
Answer: She simply said, that they would walk. She added that it was the last time they should be walking with Bapu.
Question 3. One whimper, “What will become of me now that he was left me?
Answer: One whimper and asks what will become of him then that he has left him.
Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) Transformation Of Sentence
Question 1. I was called to Birla House by an urgent telephone call. (Turn into a complex sentence)
Answer: I was called to Birla House by a telephone call which was urgent.
Question 2. They did not make a sound. (Tun into an affirmative sentence)
Answer: They remained soundless.
Question 3. They looked like lost children. (Turn into a complex sentence)
Answer: They looked like children who were lost.
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Question 4. Bapu lay on an open truck covered with flowers. (Turn into a complex sentence)
Answer: Bapu lay on an open truck that was covered with flowers.
Question 4. Bapu lay on an open truck covered with flowers. (Turn into a complex sentence)
Answer: We could now refuse the fact.
Question 6. It cost him nothing but his energy. (Turn into an affirmative sentence)
Answer: It cost him only his energy.
Question 7. They could feel Gandhiji’s presence amid the flowers and the songs. (use as an adjective)
Answer: They could feel that Gandhiji was present amid the flowers and the songs.
Question 8. What if now Bapu is gone? (Turn into an assertive sentence)
Answer: It does not matter if now Bapu is gone.
Question 9. Thousands silently watched the procession. (use of the form of ‘silently’)
Answer: Thousands watched the procession with silence.
Question 10. My values were not so weak. (Turn into an interrogative sentence)
Answer: Were my values so weak?