WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 English Bliss Dialogue Writing

Dialogue Writing

Question 1. Write a dialogue between two friends planning a picnic.

Paul: Tomorrow is a holiday, Tutul, what do you say about a picnic?
Tutul: Believe me, I was also thinking of such an outing.
Paul: Great men think alike.
Tutul: Quite true. But where shall we have it?
Paul: Why, in our garden.
Tutul: Would your parents allow it?
Paul: Why not? They’ll be rather glad.
Tutul: Very good. Who’ll be the participants?
Paul: Why we seven. Don’t we always say- we are seven?
Tutul: Then I’ll inform Mantu and Subrata and you inform the rest.
Paul: I shall do it immediately.
Tutul: But who will cook the food?
Paul: Why I shall do the cooking. You all assist me. It’ll be a
Tutul: But will that be eatable?
Papul : Well man, I am no bad cook.
Tutul: All right prove it tomorrow.
Paul: Then no use waiting here any longer. Let’s go out and make some purchases right, how.

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Question 2. Write a dialogue between a doctor and his patient.

Patient: May I come in, doctor?
Doctor: Yes, come in and sit down. What’s your trouble?
Patient: I’ve no appetite for food. I often feel lethargic and can’t sleep at night.
Doctor: Any other trouble?
Patient: No.
Doctor: Let me feel your pulse. Do you feel weak?
Patient: No, I don’t.
Doctor: All right, take this medicine. It’s for two weeks- one tablet twice daily. But mere medicine won’t do.
Patient: Then what should I do?
Doctor: Take complete rest at least for seven days, and you must walk for an hour daily either in the morning or in the evening.
Patient: Thank you, doctor, I must follow your advice.

Question 3. A student has come to the Headmaster for monetary help to buy books. Their conversation

Student: May I come in, Sir?
Headmaster: Yes, what do you want?
Student: Sir, I am very poor. I cannot buy my books. So, I am in need of your kind help. Please grant me some money from the poor fund.
Headmaster: But there are many poor students in this school. I cannot help them all with the small poor fund.
Student: But Sir, I am perhaps the poorest of all.
Headmaster: What’s your father?
Student: I lost him when I was only three years old.
Headmaster: Very sad. Have you got any brothers or sisters?
Student: Yes, Sir. I’ve two brothers and one sister.
Headmaster: Are they students?
Student: Yes, Sir. All of them are students.
Headmaster: All right. Submit an application tomorrow. I shall see what I can do for you.

Question 4. A boy is going to school (the first day) with his father. On the way, they are talking.

Father: So, Paresh, you’re at last going to school.
Boy: Yes, I am, but I don’t like to go.
Father: Why not? All of us went to school. Tutu, your next, will be going to school next year
Father: What else have you heard?
Boy: Boys are often confined in lonely rooms. The other day Samir was detained for a long time after school hours.
Father: But this is only for wicked boys. Good boys are not punished. So, try to be a good boy. Prepare your lessons daily and behave yourself. Then all your teachers will love you.

Question 5. Dialogue between a candidate and an officer during an Interview for a job

Candidate: May I come in, Sir?
Officer: Yes, come in. Are you Joydeep Chatterjee?
Candidate: Yes, Sir. Joydeep Chatterjee is my name.
Officer: Please be seated. Why do you want to leave your present job?
Candidate: There is no further prospect in my present service. So, I want a better one.
Officer: Can you join immediately?
Candidate: No, Sir. I must give my present employer at least fifteen days’ notice
Officer: so that he is not put to any difficulty.
Candidate: I am glad to hear it. But I am afraid that you will also leave us if you get
Officer: a better chance elsewhere. Won’t you do it?
Candidate: You will be pleased, Sir, if I say ‘no’. But I shall not tell a lie. If the
Officer: chance you speak of is really better, I shall not hesitate. I hope you’ll also spare me then.
Candidate: All right. You will get your appointment letter within a week. Thank you, Sir.

Question 6. Write a dialogue between two boys witnessing a football match.

Sudip: Look, Hirak. Here comes our school team.
Hirak: Our opponents seem stronger, isn’t it?
Sudip: That’s true. But our team is also strong. I’m sure our players will put up a tough fight.
Hirak: Look, there’s our Dipen. He is the tallest of all.
Sudip: And perhaps the best player.
Hirak: Why perhaps? He’s undoubtedly the best of all our players.
Sudip: Well, there’s the whistle. The play begins. The ball is off. Our forward has got the ball.
Hirak: He is dribbling very nicely.
Sudip: Look, a nice pass to Ramu.
Hirak : Oh, Ramu is no good. He has missed a nice chance.
Sudip: No matter. The ball comes again. Dipu has got it. Look, how fast he is running. Oh, what a nice angular shot!
Hirak: Ah! bad luck. The goalkeeper has saved a sure goal. A wonderful save indeed!
Sudip: Look here, their right out has made a fine center. Off-side! Off-side! The center forward is clearly off-side.
Hirak: Oh! What’s this? The referee declares it a goal! Is he blind?
Sudip: The referee is certainly partial.
Hirak: Only seven minutes left. Very little hope for our team to equalize.
Sudip: No, no; look, our Dipen has got the ball. Open net. Oh, he shoots wide.
Hirak: O luck! we have missed the last chance. Only one minute more.
Sudip: Yes, the referee is looking at the watch. It’s up he whistles. How unlucky

Question 7. Write a conversation between a girl who had been to the zoo and her friend.

Jhinuk: Hallo, Pinki, where had you been last Saturday? I rang you up several times, but there was no response.
Pinki: I had been to the zoo with my mother.
Jhinuk: Then you had a nice time of it. Tell me what you saw there.
Pinki: I saw a lot of strange birds and beasts. But it’ll take a long time to describe them all.
Jhinuk: Then tell me about the big animals only.
Pinki: You mean lions and tigers, I see. But I don’t like to talk about them- they had fierce eyes and big mouths and gave such great roars.
Jhinuk: Then what did you enjoy most in the zoo?
Pinki: The monkey’s varieties of them – monkeys with long tails and monkeys with short tails and some with no tails at all.
Jhinuk: I must tell my parents to take me to the zoo next Sunday. Good-bye.
Pinki: Goodbye.

Question 8. Write a dialogue between two boys on the Annual Sports.

Jatin: Why are you walking so fast, Rabin?
Rabin: Don’t you know we have our annual sports today?
Jatin: Is it so? Let me go with you to see the sports.
Rabin: But you must hurry up. Look there, the school ground is already packed with boys. Our games teacher is running up and down, arranging the boys for the sport.
Jatin: I see a group of boys there.
Rabin: Yes, they are ready for the flat race. The
Jatin: whistle goes and they start running.
Rabin: Who is that boy running neck to neck with Rahim?
Jatin: He is Hari.
Rabin: Who, do you think, will win? Gora.
Jatin: But he is far behind.
Rabin: He is keeping his breath for the final sport. See how fast he is coming up. He has left all behind. He has come first. He has won the race.
Jatin: Look there, Rabin, and see how the boys are having a try at the high jump.
Rabin: Oh, Ram fails narrowly at the height of 5 feet.
Jatin: See how comfortably Subir clears the height. He wins in the high jump.
Rabin: Now we will have the long jump, the pole vault, and throwing the ball. And the last item will be the tug-of-war between the teachers and the students. How very exciting to see the sports!
Jatin: Yes, it’s really very exciting. I thank you for bringing me here to see the

Question 9. Write a dialogue between two or more persons on the harmful effect of smoking on health.

Announcer: Hello and welcome to “Keep yourself Healthy.” Today we are going to look into the dangers of smoking. I have here with me in the studio Dr. S. Pal and Dr. (Ms) Chanda Gupta. Dr. Pal, why should people stop smoking?
Dr. S. Pal: Well, there are many reasons. First of all, if you don’t smoke, you are less likely to die of lung cancer or a heart attack. If you stop smoking, you’ll possibly feel fitter. You’ll breathe more easily and have much more energy. You will also be cured of coughing.
Announcer: Right, Thank you. And Dr. Gupta, have you anything to add?
Dr. Gupta: There is also the danger of passive smoking.
Announcer: Passive Smoking?
Dr. Gupta: When you breathe in the smoke from others who are smoking, you fall a victim to passive smoking.
Announcer: So, non-smokers have a problem too. What can people do to stop it?
Dr. Gupta: First of all, they just want to stop.
Dr. S. Pal: They should realize what harm they are doing to themselves and others.
Announcer: Right! Thank you very much. We hope the smokers among our listeners will give up smoking after listening to this program. So, until next week…… goodbye everybody.

Question 10. Write a short dialogue supposed to be taking place at a Police Station.

Amab: Inspector, I have lost my wallet.
Inspector: What are your name and address?
Amab: I am Amab Das and my address is 201/3 Lake Town, Kolkata-55.
Inspector: When and where did you lose your wallet?
Amab: Around 3 pm. today, when I was riding a bus on route no. 206 on my way to Minto Park.
Inspector: Well, can you describe your wallet?
Amab: It is of brown leather, with a zip. A new one almost. I bought it only a few days ago.
Inspector: Was there any money in it?
Amab: Yes, 500 rupees—three one hundred, three fifty rupee notes and the rest in 10’s and 20’s.
Inspector: What else did you have in it?
Amab: Well, my photograph, a couple of visiting cards, and a receipt for the laundry.
Inspector : (Showing a wallet) Can this be your wallet?
Amab: Good God, yes! where did you find it?
Inspector: I did not find it. Someone else found it and deposited it here. His name and address are here. Don’t forget to write him a letter of thanks.
Amab: I certainly won’t, Thank you too, Inspector.
Inspector: Now sign here the receipt and take back your wallet.
Amab: Thank you, Sir. Thank you very much indeed

Question 11. Write a dialogue between a father and his son who is leaving home for the first time to pursue higher studies.

Father: Have you arranged and packed everything you need?
Son: Yes father, it is almost done.
Father: Your train leaves Howrah Station at 8 pm.
Son: Yes, I have checked the ticket. I should start by 6 p.m.
Father: We’ll miss you, but we are glad to see you go to Delhi for higher studies!
Son: Well, I am anxious too. Have no idea what I am going to face in new surroundings.
Father: That is natural but don’t worry. I am sure you will be able to adjust soon.
Son: Father, you also stayed in the college hostel in your time. Tell me about your experience.
Father: Well, in our time there were not many distractions like today. Life was
simple and I enjoyed staying at the hostel. Hostel life gives you the opportunity to see life yourself, and take decisions on your own.
Son: Yes, I will remember it.
Father: Besides, you will find many bright students from other parts of the country; their company will help you excel.
Son: I am a bit worried about the expenses.
Father: Leave that to me. But don’t spend money unless absolutely necessary

Question 12. Write a dialogue between a landlord and a would-be tenant.

Tenant: I saw your advertisement yesterday. Do you have the flat vacant now?
Landlord: Yes, I have.
Tenant: Can I see it?
Landlord: May I know your name and profession?
Tenant : My name is Atul Sarkar. I am the Manager of the Lake Road branch of the UTI Bank.
Landlord: You see, this flat needs some repairing. It may take three to four weeks’ time. Hope you are not in a hurry.
Tenant: No, but I want to have a look.
Landlord: You may see it now if you like.
Tenant: Thank you.
Landlord: Here it is. There are two bedrooms, a hall, a kitchen, and two bathrooms.
Tenant: What is the rent?
Tenant: Rs. 3500 per month.
Landlord: Yes, you have to pay Rs. 7000 in advance, which is two months’ rent.
Tenant: That’s not unfair, and I think that the flat will not be unsuitable for my needs.
Landlord: You can move in on the first of the next month if you are ready to pay me the advance.

Question 13. Write a dialogue (in about 100 words) between two friends on watching a cricket match in which India won.

Anil: Hi Sankar! You’re looking so excited.
Sankar: Why not? We’ve just won the match and it’s so thrilling!
Anil: What’s the final score?
Sankar: We beat Australia by one wicket, with three balls to spare.
Anil: Oh, really?
Sankar: It’s a heart-throbbing game, you know. Any side could have won the match.
Anil: I see! That’s why the boys in the street are enjoying victory with bursting crackers. Who’s the man of the match?
Sankar: Of course, Sourav.
Anil: I think Sachin, Dravid, Dhoni,
Sankar: Sehbag-everyone played well.
Sankar: Sachin and Dravid both made half-centuries and attacked the Aussies by bowling in a commanding mode. But the knock of Sourav, who made 89 just against 69 balls, leads India to victory.
Anil: What was the chasing target?
Sankar: India had to chase 304 in the stipulated 50 overs.
Anil: Oh! It’s a nail-biting match, then.
Sankar: Yeah! You know, we had to make 12 runs in the last over. Dhoni made three consecutive boundaries to end the match.
Anil: I can’t remember such a thrilling victory in the recent past.
Sankar: Sankar Yeah! It’s a game to remember


Question 14. Write a short dialogue (in about 100 words) between you and your friend exchanging views on the use of mobile phones by the students.

Arita: Hello!
Ronit: May I speak to Arita?
Arita: Yes, Arita speaking.
Ronit: I’m Ronit. I phoned you a few days back on your land phone. But it continued to ring. Nobody responded.
Arita: Our land phone was out of order. Now it is all right.
Ronit: Why don’t you have a mobile phone? You can use it at home and outside as well.
Arita: I’ve asked the father for a mobile phone. But he is hesitating.
Ronit : Hestitating ? Why?
Arita: He thinks of the risks it involves.
Ronit: Why does he think so?
Arita: He points out the news of the fatal accident of a college girl talking over her mobile phone while crossing the railway line.
Ronit: That’s very pathetic.
Arita: Teenagers are very often careless of the outside world when they talk on mobile phones.
Ronit: That’s true. Yet a mobile phone is of great use to get connected with the outside world nowadays.

Question 15. In the past few years, you have noticed that many of the trees in your locality have been cut down but no new trees planted in their place. Write a short dialogue (in about 100 words), exchanging your views on this with your grandfather.

Manish: Good morning, Grandfather, how are you?
Grandfather: Good morning, I am all right. And you?
Manish: I am also quite well, Grandfather. Do you know someone who has cut down the beautiful tree in front of our house?
Grandfather: Is it so? People are often cutting down trees stealthily nowadays.
Manish: You are right. It has been going on regularly for the last few years.
Grandfather: It is the businessman who is making this mischief for the display of their hoardings.
Manish: It is really very pitiful that old trees are being cut down but no new trees are being planted.
Grandfather: What is really a matter of grave concern is the outcome of the reckless felling of trees. It will adversely affect the climate of the entire area.
Manish: Grandfather, won’t you like such people to be punished?
Grandfather: Of course, but what is more important is to make the public aware of the adverse effects of the reckless felling of trees.

Question 16. You are Rahul and your friend is Rohit, write a dialogue in 1 00 words about the usefulness of reading the newspaper with your friend.

Rahul: Do you read the newspaper regularly?
Rohit: No, I don’t get the time regularly to read the newspaper.
Rahul: It’s not good. As a student, it is necessary to read a newspaper regularly.
Rohit: I don’t agree.
Rahul: You are talking like a fool. Newspaper reading makes us pragmatic. It sharpens our intelligence.
Rohit: I don’t like to read the trash news full of falsehood and exaggerated advertisements.
Rahul: Apart from the news, in newspapers, you will get views of educationists and politicians. Students should also read editorials.
Rohit: Well, from now on I must read a newspaper regularly.
Rahul: Good.

Question 17. Write a dialogue (in about 120 words) between two friends who meet after the declaration of Madhyamik results.

One of them is very upset as, having failed to secure the qualifying marks in the Madhyamik Exam, he will not be able to study science in the Higher Secondary classes. The other friend consoles him by pointing out the advantages of joining other streams. Each speaker should speak four times.


Subir: Hello, Abir, why do you look so depressed?
Abir: My performance in the exam has been unsatisfactory. I won’t be able to study science like you. I’ve failed to secure the qualifying marks.
Subir: But you should not be so much upset. You may study either Commerce or Humanities.
Abir: But I can never hope for a bright future studying them.
Subir: This is your wrong idea. You’ll have many examples where men from these streams have shone in life. What you need to do is to put up a brilliant performance.
Abir: So long I had a false idea about it. I’ll take your suggestion and try my best. Congratulations on your bright performance. I wish you a better future.
Subir: Thank you very much.

Question 18. Suppose you and your friend are talking in the tiffin period. You invite your friend to attend the party on the occasion of your birthday. Write the conversation in about 60 words.


Pijush: Hello, Sameek, are you free on Sunday next?
Sameek: Why?
Pijush: My fifteenth birthday falls on that day.
Sameek: Is it so? Yes, I’ll be free then.
Pijush: So, please do come to my house in the morning and spend the day with me.
Sameek: Thank you. I’ll surely come. Are you inviting others?
Pijush: Yes, I’ve already invited Sudipta, Koushik,
Sameek: Amit, Anurag, and Siddhartha.
Pijush: Well, there will be a great deal of fun then. What about the arrangements?
Sameek: A grand party will be given to the guests.
Pijush: There’ll be arrangements for songs and music. The house is being nicely decorated for the same.

Question 19. You went to Puri during the summer vacation with your parents and had a chance of meeting with a classmate of yours on the beach one day. Write in the form of a dialogue about the talk you had with him.


Sagar: Hello, Soumedha, when have you come?
Soumedha: Yesterday. And you?
Sagar: Only this morning. Where are you staying?
Soumedha: At the Puri Hotel.
Sagar: That’s a very good hotel. Isn’t it?
Soumedha: Yes. But where are you staying?
Sagar: At the State Bank’s Holiday Home. Anyway, how do you like the place?
Soumedha: Superb! What’s your impression of the place?
Sagar: It’s really excellent sitting here, especially with the beautiful sea in front of us. Look how beautifully the sun is going down!
Soumedha: I’ll enjoy it next morning. But how long you stay here?
Sagar: For two days more. And you?
Soumedha: Only for tomorrow and then we’ll visit the worth seeing places of the states. See you again the next morning.
Sagar: Thank you. Good-bye

WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 English Bliss Report Writing

Report Writing

Question 1. Write a newspaper report on a street accident in about 100 words on the basis of the following points. Use a heading at the top of your report.

Date and time: 26 April 2014 at 4 p.m.
Place: Barrackpore in 24 Parganas (N)
Cause: a lorry collided with a bus.
Casualties: 8 died on the spot (including the driver of the lorry, three women, and 4 children), 20 were wounded, five seriously
Measures taken:

  1. Removed to b.n. Bose hospital,
  2. Ten let off after first aid,
  3. The rest were hospitalized.

Eight Die In A Road Accident

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Barrackpore, 27 April 2014: Eight persons including the driver of a lorry, three women, and four children were killed on the spot when a lorry collided head-on with a bus on the B.T. Road yesterday at 4 p.m.
In the accident, twenty others were wounded, 5 of them seriously.

As soon as the accident took place, local people rushed to the spot and set the lorry on fire. The injured were removed to the B.N.Bose Hospital where seven of them were released after first aid and the rest were admitted for proper medical treatment.

As usual, Police turned up on the spot at last and dispersed the crowd. The dead bodies were sent to the morgue for postmortem.

Question 2. Using the points mentioned below draft a newspaper report on an Inter-school Football Tournament organized by your school recently.

[points: By whom, where, when, and why was the tournament organized, No. of participating teams-winner and runner up-trophy handed over by Headmaster-en- enthusiasm among students, teachers, and common men]

A Football Tournament

Kankinara 7th May 2014: An Inter-school Football Tournament was held on our school grounds. It was organized by our school ‘Arya Veer Dal’. It was a two days tournament. Totally eight schools along with our school took part in the tournament. Two groups were formed Group-A and Group B, our team was in Group-A.

Four teams were separated into each group. The first and second round match was played on the 5th of May and the final round was played on the 6th of May.

Our school won this competition and the neighboring Kankinara High School was the runner-up. We defeated them by 3-2 goals. Our headmaster handed the trophy to the captain of Arya Veer Dal. The teachers, students, and common men enjoyed it more.

Question 3. Write a newspaper report on a train derailment (in about 120 words) using the following points:

Date: 6th May 2012
Place: Chuliyana Village near Sampla town, Rohtak
Time: 3.45 a.m.
Nature of accident: Eight coaches of Delhi- bound Ferozpur Mumbai Punjab Mail derailed.
Casualties: 4 died, and 26 injured
Rescue operation: The injured passengers including one with a head injury ad- mitted the Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Rohtak.
Compensation: The railways will bear the treatment cost. The seriously in-injured will get Rs. 5,000 each while those with minor injuries will be paid Rs.500 each.


Train Accident, 4 Killed

Rohtak, May 6, 2012: 4 persons were killed and 26 others were injured when eight coaches of Delhi-bound Ferozpur-Mumbai Punjab Mail derailed.

The accident occurred at Chuliyana village near Sampla town at 3.45 a.m. The injured passengers including one with a head injury were admitted to the Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences in Rohtak.

The treatment cost of the patients will be borne by the railways. The seriously injured persons will get Rs. 5,000 each while those with minor injuries will be paid Rs. 500 each.

Question 4. Write a report for a newspaper about a bank robbery with the help of the given points:

Name of the bank: United Bank of India in the Bowbazar area in Kolkata.
Date and time: December 12, in the afternoon around 3-30 p.m.
The way the robbery took place: Guns of the policemen snatched.
Things robbed: Jewellery and cash worth thirty lakh rupees from bank lockers.
Arms used: Rifles and bombs.
Number of robbers: Eight
Persons arrested: Two


A Daring Bank Robbery

Kolkata, December 12: A daring bank robbery occurred in a branch of the United Bank of India in the Bowbazar area in broad daylight this afternoon around 3-30 p.m.

According to the Manager of the bank, eight people armed with rifles and bombs raided the bank. They first snatched the rifles from the two policemen on duty at the gate.

Then they broke open the lockers and escaped with jewelry and cash worth about 30 lakh rupees. The police were immediately informed of the incident. Two persons were arrested in this connection.

Question 5. Use the information given in the following chart to write a report for the newspaper in about 120 words:

Incident: Severe Earthquake
Place: Wide areas in the Garhwal and Kumaon regions of Uttar Pradesh
Date and Time: Early hours of 20th Oct.91
Damage: 2,000 houses damaged, 5,000 houses destroyed
Casualties: 415 people died.
Relief work done: 30 medical teams (doctors + medicines). Air Force Plane (Food + necessary articles), Govt. grants sanctioned, – Rs. 55.50 lakhs-Uttar Kashi, Rs. 13.60 lakhs- Tehri Garhwal.


Severe Earthquake In Garhwal And Kumaon: 415 Dead

Uttar Kashi, 21st October: A devastating earthquake occurred in the early hours in wide areas in the Garhwal and Kumaon regions of Uttar Pradesh yesterday.

As a result of this severe earthquake, 415 persons were killed, 5000 houses were completely destroyed and another 2,000 houses were badly damaged. To tackle this great disaster, relief and rescue operations were started on a war footing.

Thirty medical teams with doctors and medicines rushed to the affected areas. An Air Force Plane dropped food and necessary articles. The Central Government sanctioned grants of Rs. 55.50 lakhs for Uttar Kashi and Rs. 13.60 lakhs for Tehri Garhwal.

Question 6. Write a report for the newspaper with the help of the information given below:

Place: Uzanbazar in Guwahati.
Date and Time: November 1, 1998, in the evening
Cause: A powerful bomb exploded inside a shop.
Result: The bomb-blasted shop completely destroyed, nearby shops were partially damaged, and the whole area plunged into darkness.
Casualties: Five were killed, and nine injured persons were taken to the Guwahati Medical College Hospital; the condition of six persons was serious; human limbs were strewn all over the blast site; a search for more bodies was on (report police).


A Powerful Bomb Blast: 5 Killed

Guwahati, November 2: Five persons were killed and nine injured when a powerful bomb exploded inside a shop in Uzanbazar here yesterday evening.

The bomb blast completely destroyed the shop, nearby shops were partially damaged and the whole area plunged into darkness as a result of the explosion. The injured persons were taken to the Guwahati Medical College Hospital for treatment.

The condition of six persons was stated to be serious. Human limbs were lying strewn all over the blast site. According to police sources, a search for more bodies was going on.

Question 7. Study the information below regarding a building collapse and write a newspaper report on it within 80 words:

Event: Collapse of a five-storeyed building.
Place: On Rajendra Rd., Bhawanipore, Kolkata.
Date: June 19, 1998.
Time: Late at night.
Casualties: 11 were killed including a 75-year-old woman, and 17 were injured.
Probable causes:

  1. Low-quality building materials.
  2. Serious defects in the construction,
  3. Soil testing not done properly

Steps taken: The promoter and the building contractor were arrested, and an Enquiry Committee was set up by Kolkata Corporation.


A Building Collapsed, and 11 Killed

Kolkata, June 20: Eleven persons were killed including a 75-year-old woman and seven- teen injured when a five-storeyed building on Rajendra Road in the Bhawanipore area of the city collapsed late last night.

The probable causes of the collapse were low-quality building materials, serious defects in the construction, and improper soil testing. The police have already arrested the promoter and the building contractor.

The Kolkata Corporation has set up an Enquiry Committee to find out the actual causes of the collapse.

Question 8. Write a report for the newspaper with the help of the following points:

  1. Chinsura, 30th September 2002
  2. Time: 7 pm.
  3. A boat capsized in the Hooghly river
  4. 40 passengers on board
  5. 10 passengers drowned and the rest swam ashore,
  6. A rescue team recovered all the bodies
  7. The police arrested the boatman and started an investigation.


Boat Capsized, 10 Drowned

Chinsura, 30 September: Ten persons are feared drowned when a boat carrying 40 passengers capsized in midstream in the Hooghly river.

This mishap took place at 7’0 clock in the evening. The boat was reported to be overloaded. It was sailing across the river from Chinsura to Naihati and unfortunately tilted and then overturned in midstream.

The passengers including two women and three children were reported to have drowned. The team which was pressed into service could recover all the dead bodies.

The police arrested the boatman later in the evening. An inquiry into the incident was started to know the actual caused of the accident.

Question 9. Use the following points to write a report on a blood donation camp.

Event- Blood donation camp.
Object- To collect 200 bottles of blood.
Organized by The Green Club, Baruipur.
Place- Club Premises.
Date- 20th December 2016
Time-10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Inauguration- Honorable Minister of Health.

Blood Donation Camp In School

Udaychand Academy, Burdwan, 21st July 2015: The Eco-club of our school organized a Blood Donation Camp in the school auditorium yesterday. A medical team from State General Hospital, Burdwan conducted the camp. As many as 50 students volunteered to make the camp a success.

The act of blood donation started right at 9 a.m. The H.M. of the school opened the camp by donating blood himself. Teachers, students of class X and some local people donated blood. The total number of donors was 75. The members of the Eco-club well-managed the whole situation.

Every precaution was taken as to the drawing of blood. The donors were medically tested before the final selection. In anything was found wrong with anybody, he/she was not allowed to donate blood.

However, there was great enthusiasm among the students. Anyway, light refreshment was provided to each participant in the camp.

Question 10. Write a newspaper report (within 100 words) on the incident of a burglary in a flat in Kolkata using the following points:

Date and place time occupants of the house number of robbers- list of articles stolen-police investigation.


Daylight Burglary In Kolkata Flat

Kolkata January, 12: Kolkata is no longer safe for living-this was proved again on Monday. A really daring burglary occurred in a flat at Salt Lake in Kolkata. It is a small flat where an old man lives with his family.

It was about eleven in the morning. The old man was alone in the flat as all the other members had gone either to the office or to school. The doorbell rang.

The old man was expecting the arrival of the gas cylinder. As he opened the main door a gang of robbers entered the flat and made the old man absolutely helpless with their threats.

Then opening the almirah they gathered ornaments and cash not less than of three lakhs. After their departure, the man recovered within half an hour and called the police.

The investigation has been started. According to the police, they have found some vital clues from the robbers, and the stolen money and jewelry are yet to be traced.

Question 11. Write a report in 100 words seeing the following points:

Date 31.03.2016 – Place-near Ganesh Talkies (Burrabazar) – newly constructed flyover collapsed After 7 hrs. concrete work – Vivekananda Flyover was under construction Death Toll-30-Reasons: Low quality of building materials used – Rescue work by locals, Police & Military – Officers of IVRCL arrested – Enquiry Committee set up.


Fly-Over Collapse

A newly constructed flyover collapsed at 12:35 (noon) yesterday. It was near Ganesh Talkies and in the heart of Barrabazar market. Just after seven hours of concrete work, Vivekananda flyover collapsed like a house of cards. More than 100 people got trapped under the debris of the flyover.

The death toll rose by about 30. According to preliminary reports, the flyover collapsed due to low-quality building materials, serious defects in construction, and negligence on the part of the engineers and concerned ministers.

Rescue work was started by local people, police, and the military. Officers of IVRCL were arrested. An Enquiry committee has been set up by the government.

Question 12. Write a report in 100 words seeing the following points:

Place: Moniharighat, Date: 7th Aug; 2016 – at 7 P.M. – Private motor launch capsized in the Ganga river – 400 pilgrims down – launch carrying 500 pilgrims – A storm breaks out in the evening – Army boats press into service – 5 bodies recovered – searching operation going on An Enquiry Committee set up.


Launch Capsizes In Ganga: 400 Drowned

Moniharighat, August 7, 2016: 400 pilgrims were drowned when a private motor launch capsized in the Ganga near Moniharighat yesterday at 7:30 p.m.

The launch was carrying 500 pilgrims from Baidyanath Dham to Sagrigalighat. The river was at high tide and toward the evening a storm broke out.

As a result, the accident occurred. Rescue operations have been started on a war footing. Army boats have been pressed into service to rescue the drowned people.

Till late at night five bodies of the pilgrims were recovered. Late night searching operation is going on. An Enquiry committee has been set up by the government to know the reason.

Question 13. Write a report on Death by Lightning. Points:

Time, date, place-persons killed found identification of how the accident occurred-where bodies -compensation announced by the State Govt.


Lighting Killed 2 Persons

Shibpur, Udaynarayanpur, June 08, 2015: Yesterday at about 8 p.m. 12 persons were struck and killed on the spot and 8 others were severely injured by lightning.

The mishap took place at Shibpur, 2 miles away from Udaynarayanpur police station. It was reported that the victims, after immersing in the image of Goddess Kali in the river Damodar were coming back home.

In order to protect themselves from the torrential rain accompanied by thunder and lightning, they took shelter in a clubhouse.

There being little room in the clubhouse most members of the immersion party stood on the open verandah of the club. But they knew not what awaited them.

Anyway, lightning hit and killed them all of a sudden. Immediately after the incident local police visited the spot. The identification of the dead bodies was complete by that night. Those who survived the shock were at once taken to Udaynarayanpur State General Hospital.

The condition of eight persons was still critical. The State govt. announced compensation of Rs. 50 thousand each to the next of the deceased.

Question 14. Write a newspaper report in about 120 words on the destruction in Digha on account of the high waves. Take the help of the following points:

Date August 20, 1997-cyclonic wind and extreme tidal waves of 8 to 10 ft height flooding the sea-beach-the town of Digha flooded, the main road under 6 feet of water-major hotels under water and the tourists left-electricity and water supplies were disrupted hundreds of boulders (big stones) were washed away by water-a one km wall protecting

The beach was also destroyed-plant to repair the damage on an urgent basis being drawn up by the government though it may take time.


Cyclonic Wind Lashes Digha

Digha, August 20: A cyclonic wind with very high tidal waves lashed the sea town of Digha today causing a large-scale of damage and destruction.

Tidal waves of 8 to 10 feet in height flooded the sea beach. The event flooded the town bringing the main road under 6 feet of water. The lower floors of the major hotels here have gone underwater. As a result, most of the tourists have already left sea-town and some are still leaving.

The natural disaster has left both water and electricity supplies completely disrupted. Hundreds of boulders have been washed away by water. A one-km wall protecting the beach has also been flattened by the impact of the tall waves.

A plan to repair the damage on an urgent basis is being drawn up by the government though the plan may take time to materialize.

Question 15. As a reporter of an English daily writes a newspaper report within 120 words using the following hints:

Date: 3rd Sept. 1999
Incident: Fire broke out
Place: 3rd floor of the Ananda Bazar Patrika building, Prafulla Sarkar Street, Kolkata
Time: Around 3 a.m.
Result: The library, computer system was badly damaged. Two died, seven injured -A departmental investigation ordered.


Fire Broke Out, Patrika Building Gutted
-By a staff reporter

Kolkata, September 3: The third floor of the Ananda Bazar Patrika building on Prafulla Sarkar Street in Central Kolkata was gutted when a devastating fire broke out in the small hours today.

The incident occurred around 3 a.m. when nobody was there in that part of the big building. The Patrika library housed on the floor and the computer system were seriously damaged in the fire which lasted for three hours.

Two persons were killed and seven others were seriously injured in the incident. An electrical fault is suspected to be the possible cause of the fire. The wounded were admitted to S.S.K.M.

The hospital and the condition of two of them were stated to be critical by the hospital sources. The Fire Brigade was informed and it brought the fire under control after three hours of continuous efforts. A departmental investigation was ordered to know the cause of the fire.


WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 English Bliss Story Writing

Story Writing

Question 1. Write a story (within 100 words) using the given hints. Give a title to the story:
Hints: A soldier-prisoner of war for some years-war ends-returns home-sees a bird-seller on the way-buys all the birds and sets them free.


The Caged Birds And An English Soldier

Once a prolonged war between England and France broke out. In the course of the war, an English soldier was taken prisoner in France and was kept in a French prison for many years.

After the war had ended the English prisoner was released and returned to his native land. He was living there happily and peacefully. One day the English soldier noticed a bird seller selling birds.

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The soldier had now felt the pangs of imprisonment. He could identify himself with the birds in bondage and felt how much joy of liberty these poor creatures would enjoy if they were made free.

Then the English soldier bought all the birds from the bird seller and opened the gates of the cages. Now the birds flew away out of extreme joy. They must have felt as much joy as the English prisoner had lived out of bondage.

Moral: The wearer knows where the shoe pinches.

Question 2. Write a story (in about 100 words) with the help of the points given below and add a suitable title:
[An astrologer offended a king by making unpleasant forecasts-the king sentenced him to death the next moment he wanted to know how long the astrologer would live – the astrologer replied that he would die a week before the king’s death – he was let off]



The King And The Astrologer

Everyone on this earth loves himself/herself the best. Life is too precious for everyone. Once there was a king. He was discussing different matters with his courtiers.

All of a sudden an astrologer told the king he might lose his kingdom. The king was very offended. Then and there the king pronounced his death sentence. The astrologer was really stunned.

Before he was taken away by the executioners, the king asked him how long he would live. The astrologer wittily replied that he would die a week before the king’s death. Hearing this, the king remained silent for a moment and then ordered the guards to leave the astrologer. He was let off.

Moral: Everyone loves oneself the best.


Question 3. Write a story (within 100 words) using the given hints. Give a suitable title to the story:
Hints: A farmer’s sons quarrel among themselves – father worried -asks them to bring some sticks – sons break every single stick-cannot break the sticks when tied in a bundle -father explains the reasons.


The Farmer And His Quarrelling Sons

A farmer had four sons. They were always quarreling among themselves, so he was not happy. When he became old, one day he called his sons and asked them to break a bundle of sticks.

The farmer asked each of his sons to break the bundle. But none could do it, however hard they tried to do it. Then the farmer asked his sons to untie the bundle and break a stick each.

They could break it easily. Then the old man told his sons that as the sticks of the bundle were together, they could not break the bundle. But it was so easy to break the sticks individually. The sons realized what their father wanted to say.

Moral: United we stand, divided we fall.

Question 4. Write a story (within 100 words) using the given hints. Give a title to the story.
Hints: On a hot summer day a crow became thirsty – found water nowhere – saw a jar – flew to it could not reach the water-hit upon a plan -dropped pebbles into the jar – water came up drunk.


A Clever Crow

One day a crow felt very thirsty. It did not find any water nearby. It was really a hot day. Flying here and there finally it found a pitcher. Coming close to it, the crow saw some water inside but it was too low.

The crow became disheartened. But after thinking a lot an idea flashed into its mind. It started to collect pebbles. It then dropped them into the pitcher one by one.

After some time the crow found that the water level had risen enough to drink from it. The crow drank and its thirst was quenched. The crow became really satisfied and flew away.

Moral: Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

Question 5. Write a story (100 words) using the following hints. Give a title :
Two women quarreling over a baby – the baby brought before the judge – claims of both strong – ordered to cut the baby-hearing the order one woman fainted – the baby was given to her.


True Motherhood

The bondage of a mother with her child is heavenly. Mother never wishes to be separated from her child. But one day there were two women quarreling over a child. Each of them was claiming the child as her own.

Finding no way, the people brought the women to the judge. Hearing their claim, the judge himself became puzzled. He became quiet and thought deeply.

Then he ordered to cut the baby into two equal halves and give the women equally. Hearing this, one woman wailed loudly and begged the judge not to do this.

Then the judge ordered to hand over the baby to that woman as she was the real mother. A true mother cannot let her child die.

Moral: Truth can never be suppressed.

Question 6. Write a story with a little within 100 words using the given hints:
A cap seller fell tired-sat under a tree-cap seller wakes up-throw his cap on the ground- the cap seller gathered all the caps-left the place happily.


Monkeys And The Cap-Seller

On the way to the fair, a cap seller fell tired and sat under a tree. Soon he was fast asleep with bundles of caps lying behind him.

A few monkeys climbed down the tree and took away all the caps. Each one of them put the cap on his head just as the cap-seller woke up. He was shocked to see that his bundle had no cap.

On looking around, he found that all the monkeys were wearing his caps. He thought of a clever plan to get back all his caps. He took off his cap and threw it on the ground.

As he did so, the monkeys also threw their caps on the ground. The cap-seller quickly gathered all the caps and left for the fair happily.

Question 7. Write a story in 120 words after following the given points:
Robert Bruce – king of Scotland – want to free Scotland from the yoke of the English- fought bravely but was defeated by the enemy – takes shelter in a cave – eyes fall upon the spider -the spider takes nine attempts to reach cobwebs – Robert Bruce draw inspiration – gather force – fought bravely – king Bruce won – Scotland become free.



Robert Bruce And The Spider

Robert Bruce was a great king of Scotland. He wanted to free Scotland from the yoke of the English. He gave many battles to the English but each time he was badly defeated.

His life was in great danger. He took shelter in a cave. He saw a spider weaving a web over the mouth of the cave. King Bruce thought of giving up any further attempts.

Just then his eyes fell upon the spider. It tried to reach its cobweb on the ceiling. It moved up inch by inch but down it came each time. It made nine brave attempts but each time it failed.

The king thought that the foolish creature would try no more. But to his great surprise, it tried again. Inch by inch, with great care and courage, it went higher and higher till it reached its cobweb.

The king took it to heart. He drew inspiration from the spider. He gathered his forces again and led them to fight to the finish. King Bruce won and Scotland became free.

Question 8. Develop the following outline into a story. Give a title and a moral.
A farmer – returning from the field – saw a dying snake lying at the roadside – farmer took pity – brought it home – nursed – fed – farmer’s son tried to touch it out of love – snake rose to bite – farmer realized his mistake – the the the the killed the snake.


The Farmer And The Snake

Once a farmer was returning from his field. On his way, he saw a dying snake lying at the roadside. The farmer took pity on it and brought it home. He nursed and fed it to restore its health.

Out of love, the farmer’s son tried to touch it but the snake rose to bite him. The farmer saw this and realized his mistake. He repented on bringing the snake to his home. He killed the snake.

Moral: Black will take no other hue.

Question 9. Develop the following outline into a story. Give a title and a moral.
A crow lives on a tree-a snake lives in a hole at the foot-it eats up the crow’s young ones- the crow steals a necklace of the princess-drops it into the snake’s hole-the king’s men dig the hole and trace the necklace-snake killed.


The Crow And The Snake

Once there lived a crow in a tree beside a river. A snake also lived in a hole at the feet of the same tree. The snake gradually ate up all the young ones of the crow. Then the poor bird became very unhappy.

She hit upon a plan. The crow one day stole a necklace of a princess when she was bathing in the river keeping it on the bank. It flew up to the tree and dropped the precious necklace into the hole of the snake in the lower part of the tree.

The princess’s maids noticed this and informed the king’s men. They went up to the tree and found the hole there. Then the king’s men dug the hole and, to their surprise, noticed the necklace under a snake. Then the king’s men killed the snake with sticks and recovered the valuable necklace.

Moral: Tit for tat.

Question 10. Develop the following outline into a story. Give a title and a moral.
A woman’s only son is dead-she goes to Lord Buddha-begs him to bring back her son to life-Lord Buddha asks her to bring a handful of mustard seeds from a house where nobody has died-the woman finds no such house-Lord Buddha consoles her.


Lord Buddha And A Grief-Stricken Mother

Once a woman’s only son died. She was overwhelmed with grief and cried hard at the untimely death of her beloved son. The woman had heard about Lord Buddha and went to him to get back the life of her dead son.

She prayed to him, “O Lord, give life to my dead son.” Buddha took great pity on the unfortunate woman and wanted to console her. He then said to her, “Your son will get back his life if you can bring a handful of mustard seeds from a house where nobody has died.”

Then the woman went from door to door in search of the mustard seeds but found no such house anywhere. Then the woman came back to Buddha and told him that she had found no such house. Buddha now said to her, “So, you see, death is common to all and you should not weep.” The woman found great consolation.

Moral: Death is common to everybody.

Question 11. Write a story with the following points:
[A hungry cricket knocked at an ant’s door-ant allowed him to come in-cricket explained his plight to the ant-ant moved with pity-asked the cricket about the way he spent spring and shut the door.]


The Ant And The Cricket

It was winter and terribly cold. There was heavy snowfall all over the place. Cricket was very hungry. He had not saved any food in his happier times for such adverse days.

So he went out in search of food. But he could not find even a morsel of food to satisfy his hunger. At last, he went to an ant’s house and knocked at his door.

As the ant opened the door, the cricket said, “Hey friend, I am hungry and tired. Will you please give me some food?” The ant was moved with sympathy.

He asked, “Didn’t you save anything in the Spring?” The cricket replied, “Not at all. The weather was so good, I sang and played.” The ant became annoyed at hearing this.

He said to the cricket, “Oh you sang and played during the Spring. Now dance the Winter away.” Saying this, he shut the door behind him.

Moral: Those who live without work must learn to live without food.

Question 12. Write a story with the following points:
[A woman a pet mongoose goes to market one day leaving her baby at home- mongoose guards it with a big cobra-mongoose kills it-woman returns-sees blood-soaked mongoose thinks it has killed her baby-kills the mongoose-repents later.]


A Woman And Her Mongoose

A woman had a pet mongoose. It was very faithful. One day while going to the market, she said to the mongoose, “I will come in an hour. Please look after my baby.”

The mongoose nodded his head in agreement. The woman left. After some time a big cobra entered the house. The mongoose killed it after a fierce fight.

The woman came back and saw the mongoose lying at the entrance. She saw its blood-covered body and mouth. She thought that the mongoose had killed her baby.

She killed the mongoose instantly with a club lying nearby. Then she entered the house and saw her baby quietly sleeping on the bed. She also saw the cobra lying dead on the floor.

She cried out, “Alas! What have I done?” The woman could do nothing but shed tears of grief.

Moral: Do not act in haste.

Question 13. Write a story with the following points:
[A lion in a forest old-hits upon a plan-kills one animal each day for his food- rabbit’s turn comes late-rabbit tells about another lion-lion angry-sees his image in a well-jumps and dies.]

A Lion And A Rabbit

Once there lived a lion in a forest. He was old and naturally could not run hither and thither in search of prey. So he hit upon a plan. He called all the animals and said, “I shall not kill anyone else if one of you comes to me as my meal every day.”

All the animals agreed to this proposal. A jackal and a goat were killed in the first two days. Then it was a rabbit’s turn. The clever rabbit deliberately turned up late.

As he reached, the lion asked the reason for his being late. The rabbit said, “Sir, what can I do? A lion stopped me on the way, he was claiming to be the king of the forest and he wants to meet you.”

The furious lion at once 233 agreed to go. The clever rabbit took the lion to a well and showed him his reflection in the water of the well.

The angry lion jumped into the well to kill his rival and drowned. All the animals of the forest were very happy and showered lavish praises on the rabbit.

Moral: Intelligence always pays.

Question 14. Write a story with the following points:
[A man and a lion journeying together-talking-started verbal fight suddenly a statue of a man strangulating a lion-man tried to prove his superiority-the lion replied, “Statue is man-made, so man has shown his prowess and lion is shown defeated”-man could not reply anything]


A Man And A Lion

Once upon a time a man and a lion were journeying together. They were talking to idle away the time. However, one of them suddenly started to boast of his prowess and claimed to be superior in strength to the other.

Their heated conversation almost led to a fight. By that time, they came to a place where stood a beautiful statue. It showed a man strangulating a lion that looked helpless and about to die.

The man said, “Look there, Mr. Lion. Does not that prove my point?” The lion replied, “It’s your point of view. If we lions make statues, we can also show a man under the strong paws of a lion.” The man had no words in reply. So their heated argument stopped and they moved on.

Moral: Every coin has two faces.

Question 15. Write a story with the following points:
[A wolf meets a healthy dog-dog speaks highly of his good luck-good food and rest- guards his master’s house only at night-wolf nearly gets tempted-sees a mark round the dog’s neck-the mark of chain-wolf departs]


A Wolf And A Dog

Once a lean wolf came upon a healthy dog. The wolf said to the dog, “How are you so healthy ?” The dog spoke highly of his good fortune.

He said, “My master is a very good person. He always cares for me. He gives me enough food and rest. Only at night, I watch over his house.” Then the wolf said, “My friend, you are so lucky.

I risk my own life in search of food in the forest. Most of the days I have to go without food.” The dog said, “Come, and work with me.” On the way to the home of the dog’s master, the wolf noticed a mark on his neck.

He asked, “My dear doggy, what caused this mark on your neck?” The dog replied, “During the day, my master keeps me chained up but at night he lets me roam free.

” Then the wolf said, “Sorry friend, I’ll not go with you. I am hungry but free.” Saying this, he trotted away into the forest.

Moral: Freedom is better than comfort.

Question 16. Write a story with the following points:
[A shepherd boy looks after a flock of sheep in a field and cries “Wolf! Wolf!” -for fun- villagers rush there no wolf-one day a wolf really comes the boy shouts for help- none comes the wolf kills the boy at last]


The Wolf And The Shepherd Boy

Once there lived a shepherd boy in a village. He had many sheep to look after. Every day he went to graze his sheep in a field nearby. He was bored with his work.

So he decided to have some fun. One day he shouted, “Wolf! Help! Wolf!” The village people came running immediately to rescue him from the wolf.

The people were angry when they realized that they had been tricked and they left. The boy had a great laugh. One day a wolf really came and pounced upon his sheep.

The boy, who really needed it, called out for help. But the villagers did not come because they thought that he was doing it again for fun. The wolf killed the shepherd boy at last.

Moral: Nobody believes a liar.

Question 17. Write a story with the following points:
[A cap-seller going to market-sits down under a tree for rest-falls asleep-wakes up-finds no cap-looks up-monkeys on the tree wearing caps-tries but fails to recover caps-hits upon a plan-takes off his cap and throws-monkeys imitate-collects his caps]



A Cap-Seller And Monkeys

Once a cap seller was going to the market to sell his caps. Having walked a long distance and feeling tired, he sat under a tree to rest. Soon he fell asleep.

There were many monkeys on the tree. They were attracted by the colorful caps. They came down and climbed up the tree wearing the caps.

When the cap seller woke up, he found his caps missing. He looked up and saw the monkeys having great fun on the tree wearing his caps.

He tried desperately to recover them but in vain. Then he hit upon a plan. He took his cap from his head and threw it on the ground. As monkeys are imitative animals, they imitated his action immediately.

They threw their caps on the ground. The cap-seller collected them and went on his way to market.

Moral: Quick thinking saves the day.

Question 18. Write a story with the following points:
[The organs of the body think they are doing everything-the belly is only eating-to teach the belly a lesson, they went on a strike-soon they themselves become weak- they understand their mistake-call off the strike]


Importance Of Every Organ

One day the parts of the body held a meeting. There every organ blew its own trumpet. The Head said, “A man will survive as long as I work.” The Hands said, “We are indispensable for having food”.

The Legs said, “A man can not move without us.” The Eyes said that a man could not see without them, so they were important. According to the Ears, one could not hear without them.

So they were equally important. They concluded that the Belly only enjoyed food whereas they all had to work hard. This could not be continued any longer.

So they decided to stop working just to teach Belly a lesson. As a result the Belly also stopped working. It was no longer getting any food to eat.

After two or three days all the limbs and organs understood that unless the Belly ate food, they would not survive. So they called off the strike. The body started functioning normally again.

Moral: The worth of water is not valued till the well is dry.

Question 19. Write a story with the following points:
[Lion, old and weak-unable to hunt-pretends to be ill-animals visit-asked to come alone get killed a fox comes one day-finds footprints only entering-leaves the place]


Clever Vs Cleverer

There was a lion in a forest. He was very clever. When he became old, he was too weak to catch prey. So he thought of a plan. His plan was to kill animals without taking the trouble of hunting.

So he pretended to be ill. All the animals came to visit the ailing king. The lion requested them to come one by one. He said he would meet only one visitor every day. And every visitor should come alone to his cave.

Whenever an animal entered his cave, the lion killed him and ate him up. After a few days, a fox came to visit the king. But before entering the cave, the clever fox checked the footprints of other visitors carefully.

Footprints towards the cave were prominent. However, no footprint coming outside could be seen. The fox then clearly understood the play of the lion. He left the place immediately.

Moral: As is evil, so is the remedy.

Question 20. Write a story with the following points:
[One day Newton leaves his study-his pet dog Diamond asleep on the floor-jumps on the table-lighted candle overturns-research papers bum-Newton returns pats Diamond]


Newton And His Pet Dog

Newton had a pet dog called Diamond. One day the great scientist went out of his study for some urgent work leaving Diamond in the room.

The dog was then fast asleep on the floor. No sooner had Newton gone than the dog awoke. It jumped on the table and overturned the lighted candle.

On the table lay a heap of research papers. Those papers immediately caught fire. The papers were burnt to ashes. Soon after, Newton came back.

He saw his years of toil brought to naught. Newton did nothing but patted his Diamond on the head with his usual kindness. He realized that the dog did not know what mischief it had done.

Moral: Kindness is a great virtue.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 English Bliss Non-Textual Grammar

Non-Textual Grammar

Tales Of Bhola Grandpa

Change The Mode Of Narration Of The Following Sentences:

Question 1. Mohan said, “My teacher is writing a letter”.
Answer: Mohan said that his teacher was writing a letter.

Question 2. Dipak said, “My brother is in the drawing room.”
Answer: Dipak said that his brother was in the drawing room.

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Question3. I said to him, “Who wrote this book ?”
Answer: I asked him who wrote the book.

Question 4. I said to her, “Can you hear a noise ?”
Answer: I asked her if she could hear a noise.

Question 5. I said, “Let me go away”.
Answer: I requested that I might be allowed to go away.

Question 6. I said to her, “Can you help me?”
Answer: I asked her if she could help me.

Question 7. He said to me “Give me some money, please”.
Answer: He requested me to give him some money.

Question 8. Father said to me, “Don’t tell a lie”.
Answer: Father advised me not to tell a lie.

Question 9. Mani said to Modhu “Always speak the truth”.
Answer: Mani advised Madhu to always speak the truth.

Question 10. Nira said, “What a big snake!”
Answer: Nira exclaimed that it was indeed a big snake.

Question 11. “Alas! I am undone”. said he.
Answer: He exclaimed with sorrow that he was undone.

Question 12. The patient said, “How painful the wound is !”
Answer: The patient exclaimed that the wound was indeed painful.

All About A Dog

Change The Voice Of The Following Sentences:

Question 1. I do not like music.
Answer: Music is not like me.

Question 2. One should not laugh at a beggar.
Answer: A beggar should not be laughed at.

Question 3. He did not break the jar.
Answer: The jar was not broken by him.

Question 4. I saw her dance.
Answer: She was seen to have danced by her.

Question 5. The mango taste is sweet.
Answer: Mango is sweet when it is tasted.

Question 6. He made us laugh.
Answer: We were made to laugh by him.

Question 7. When did Soma write the story?
Answer: When was the story written by Soma?

Question 8. Which book do you want?
Answer: Which book is wanted by you?

Question 9. She must say this.
Answer: This must be said by her.

Question 10. There is a lot of work to do.
Answer: There is a lot of work to be done.


Change The Voice Of The Following Sentences.

Question 1. Do you know this?
Answer: Is this known to you?

Question 2. Does Nani sing songs?
Answer: Are songs sung by Nani?

Question 3. Is he writing a letter?
Answer: Is a letter being written by him?

Question 4. Has he chosen me?
Answer: Have I been chosen by him?

Question 5. What does he want?
Answer: What is wanted by him?

Change The Mode Of Narration Of The Following Sentences.

Question 1. Sanatan said to me, “I am a cook.”
Answer: Santatan informed me that he was a cook.

Question 2. The old man said, “God is merciful.”
Answer: The old man said that God is merciful.

Question 3. Sujata said to Bhaban, “I have come here this evening”.
Answer: Sujata told Bhaban that she had come there that evening.

Question 4. The boy said to me, “Is the mango sweet ?”
Answer: The boy asked me if the mango was sweet.

Question 5. He said to Sujoy, “Now have a cup of tea.”
Answer: He requested Sujoy to have a cup of tea then.

Mild The Mist Upon The Hill

Change The Following Simple Sentences Into Complex Ones.

Question 1. He will surely come.
Answer: It is sure that he will come.

Question 2. He Is too weak to walk.
Answer: He is so weak that he cannot walk.

Question 3. His silence proves his guilt.
Answer: His silence proves that he is guilty.

Question 4. 1 know his name.
Answer: I know what his name is.

Question 5. 1 have bought a new pen.
Answer: I have bought a pen which is new.

Question 6. We will hear of your success.
Answer: We will hear that you are successful.

Question 7. Do not tell a lie.
Answer: Do not tell what is a lie.

Question 8. I wish you success.
Answer: I wish that you may succeed.

Question 9. I have no money to spare.
Answer: I have no money that I can spare.

Question 10. He will certainly go.
Answer: It is certain that he will go.

Turn The Following Simple Sentences Into Compound Sentences.

Question 1. I was glad to hear of your success.
Answer: I heard of your success and I was glad.

Question 2. In spite of his poverty, he is happy.
Answer: He is poor but he is happy.

Question 3. He is both tall and strong.
Answer: He is not only tall but also strong.

Question 4. Hearing the noise, the thief fled away.
Answer: The thief heard the noise and fled away.

Question 5. We must take food to live.
Answer: We must take food or we cannot live.

Question 6. Besides being a poet, he was also a great thinker.
Answer: He was not only a poet but also a great thinker.

Question 7. In spite of his best effort, he could not finish it.
Answer: He tried his best but could not finish it.

Question 8. Notwithstanding his riches, he worked hard.
Answer: He was rich but he worked hard.

Question 9. In the event of your being late, you will be punished.
Answer: You must not be late or you will be punished.

Question 10. Notwithstanding his failure, he is still hopeful.
Answer: He has failed but he is still hopeful.

Turn The Following Sentences From Complex To Compound Ones.

Question 1. If you speak, you shall die.
Answer: Speak and you die.

Question 2. Unless she weeps she will die.
Answer: She must weep or she will die.

Question 3. When he saw the police coming, he fled away.
Answer: He saw the police coming and he fled away.

Question 4. If you do not go there, I must go.
Answer: Either you or I must go there.

Question 5. As soon as he left home, he found his father.
Answer: He left home and immediately he found his father.

Question 6. If you do not write, I must write.
Answer: Either you or I must write.

Question 7. If you read you will learn.
Answer: Read and you will learn.

Question 8. He has found the book he lost.
Answer: He lost the book but he has found it again.

Question 9. Though he is rich, he is not happy.
Answer: He is rich but he is not happy.

Question 10. If you listen, I will tell you all.
Answer: Listen and I will tell you all.

Tom Loses A Tooth

Do As Directed.

Question 1. Only Koushik is fit for the post. [Negative sentence]
Answer: None but Koushik is fit for the post.

Question 2. He always minds his lessons. [Negative sentence]
Answer: He never neglects his lessons.

Question 3. If I were a king! [Assertive sentence]
Answer: I wish I were a king.

Question 4. This place is very charming. [Exclamatory sentence]
Answer: How charming this place is!

Question 5. No one is happy in this world. [Interrogative sentence]
Answer: Who is happy in this world?

Question 6. He is a great fool. [Interrogative sentence]
Answer: Isn’t he a great fool?

Question 7. She left the house. It started raining. [Use ‘as soon as’]
Answer: As soon as she left the house, it started raining.

Question 8. She is too tired to speak. [Remove ‘too’]
Answer: She is so tired that she cannot speak.

Question 9. Anupam is too proud to beg. [Remove ‘too’]
Answer: Anupam is so proud that he does not beg.

Question 10. The tree is so high that I cannot climb. [Replace ‘so… that’]
Answer: The tree is too high for me to climb.

Question 11. He is sad but hopeful. [Use ‘though’]
Answer: Though he is sad, he is hopeful.

Question 12. She smiled, She laughed also. [not only … but also]
Answer: She not only smiled but also laughed.

Question 13. I cannot but shed tears. [Use ‘help’]
Answer: I cannot help shedding tears.

Question 14. Khudiram cannot but surrender to the British Officer. [Use ‘help’]
Answer: Kshudiram cannot help surrendering to the British officer.

His First Flight

Do As Directed:

Question 1. They went out in silence. [Use adverb form]
Answer: They went out silently.

Question 2. The soldiers fought bravely. [Use Adjective form]
Answer: The soldiers fought with bravery.

Question 3. The children made a loud cry. [Use adverb form]
Answer: The children cried loudly.

Question 4. The man got a wound. [Use verb form]
Answer: The man was wounded.

Question 5. He achieved success in cricket. [Use verb form]
Answer: He succeeded in cricket.

Question 6. By luck, we caught the train. [Use adverb form]
Answer: Luckily, we caught the train.

Question 7. Please, bind the book with care. [Use adverb form]
Answer: Please, bind the book carefully.

Question 8. The two events are different. [Use noun form]
Answer: Two events differ from each other.

Question 9. Columbus discovered America. [Use noun form]
Answer: Columbus made the discovery of America.

Question 10. The book does not interest me. [Use noun form]
Answer: I have no interest in the book.

Question 11. It is full of danger. [Use adjective form]
Answer: It is dangerous.

Question 12. Smoking results in injury to health. [Use adjective form]
Answer: Smoking is injurious to health.

The North Ship

Replace The Underlined Words With Phrasal Verbs.

Question 1. Trisha recovered soon.
Answer: came round

Question 2. The man sells rice.
Answer: deals in

Question 3. A mother rears her child.
Answer: brings up

Question 4. He was born into a noble family.
Answer: came off

Question 5. Save some money for the future.
Answer: lay by

Question 6. I cannot remember your address.
Answer: call up

Question 7. At last, the enemy surrendered.
Answer: gave in

Question 8. Remove your shoes.
Answer: put off

Question 9. The classes of the school ended.
Answer: broke up

Question 10. The secretary distributed the prizes.
Answer: gave away

Replace The Underlined Words With Phrasal Verbs

Question 1. She never hates the poor.
Answer: looks down upon

Question 2. Krishna could not tolerate the insult.
Answer: put up with

Question 3. The fox failed to reach the grapes.
Answer: get at

Question 4. Mou is cared for by her ant.
Answer: looked after

Question 5. Write what I say.
Answer: put down

Question 6. Mrinal began his journey at night.
Answer: set out

Question 7. You should compensate for the loss.
Answer: makeup

Question 8. Kamalbabu has read the Gita.
Answer: gone through

Question 9. Asit never submitted to the evil forces.
Answer: gave in

Question 10. Where did you get this book?
Answer: come by

The Price Of Bananas

Change The Voice Of The Following Sentences.

Question 1. This glass contains milk.
Answer: Milk is contained in this glass.

Question 2. I have made a beautiful ice pudding.
Answer: A beautiful ice pudding has been made by me.

Question 3. We lighted the house with candles.
Answer: The house had been lit with candles by us.

Question 4. Have they invited you to the picnic?
Answer: Have you been invited to the picnic by them?

Question 5. Is Ruby cooking a delicious dish?
Answer: Is a delicious dish being cooked by Ruby?

Change The Mode Of Narration Of The Following Sentences.

Question 1. The teacher said to the students, “To err is human.”
Answer: The teacher taught the students that to err is human.

Question 2. Father said to me, “Who’ll help you?”
Answer: Father asked me who would help me.

Question 3. Avik said to me, “How did you come here ?”
Answer: Avik asked me how I went there.

Question 4. The teacher said to me, “Why are you late ?”
Answer: The teacher asked me why I was late.

Question 5. The commander said to the soldiers, “March on.”
Answer: The commander ordered the soldiers to march on.

Question 6. He said to the boy, “May God grant you a long life.”
Answer: He prayed that God might grant the boy a long life.

Question 7. The man said to his wife, “Let us return home”.
Answer: The man proposed to his wife that they should return home.

Question 8. Jaya said, “Alas! I am ruined.”
Answer: Jaya exclaimed with sorrow that she was ruined.

A Shipwrecked Sailor

State The Kinds Of The Underlined Adverbs.

Question 1. He looked up.
Answer: adverb of place.

Question 2. Rajat went upwards.
Answer: adverb of place.

Question 3. He, therefore, left the job.
Answer: adverb of reason.

Question 4. Undoubtedly, he is a good speaker.
Answer: sentence adverb.

Question 5. There is no cloud in the sky.
Answer: Introductory adverb.

Underline The Clauses In The Following Sentences And State What Kind Of Clauses They Are.

Question 1. The sum is not as easy as I think.
Answer: “as I think” – Adverbial clause of comparison.

Question 2. Palash is a boy of such good conduct that everybody loves.
Answer: “that everybody loves” – Adverbial clause of effect.

Question 3. I could not go to school because I was ill.
Answer: “because I was ill” -Adverbial clause of reason.

Question 4. Though he is poor, he is happy.
Answer: “Though he is poor” – Adverbial clause of contrast.

Question 5. If it rains, I shall be absent.
Answer: “If it rains” – Adverbial clause of condition.

Question 6. The girl to whom I was talking is my sister.
Answer: “of whom I was talking” – Adjective clause.

Question 7. The girl who said it was Sanchari.
Answer: “who said it” – Adjective clause.

Question 8. My belief is that Santosh is innocent.
Answer: “that Santosh is innocent” – Noun clause.

Hunting Snake

Join The Following Into Complex Sentences:

Question 1. Leela flung the ball at Sidda. He flung it back.
Answer: Sidda flung back the ball which Leela flung at him.

Question 2. Sidda clutched the ball. He threw it up.
Answer: Sidda threw the ball that he had clutched.

Question 3. Sidda told Leela stories of magic They could conjure up gold castles.
Answer: Sidda told Leela stories of magicians who could conjure up gold castles.

Question 4. The police know his haunts. They will pick him up very soon.
Answer: The police who know his haunts will pick him up very soon.

Question 5. It seems he is an old criminal. He has been in jail half a dozen times.
Answer: It seems he is an old criminal who has been in jail half a dozen times.

Question 6. I gave the description. The inspector was able to identify him in a moment.
Answer: I gave the description based on which the inspector was able to identify him in a moment.

Question7. These fellows have been in jail once or twice. They lose all fear.
Answer: These fellows who have been in jail once or twice lose all fear.

Question 8. They still have him in the lock-up. He is very stubborn and won’t say anything about the Jewel.
Answer: He who is very stubborn, and won’t say anything about the jewel has still been lock-up by them.

Question 9. Leela’s father and mother, too, joined this. Leela felt disgusted with the whole business.
Answer: Leela felt disgusted with the whole business in which Leela’s father and mother, too, joined.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 English Bliss Biography Writing

Biography Writing

Question 1. Write a biography on Dr. Rajendra Prasad, the 1st President of India. Use the following points:- (In 100 words)

Born in 1884 – village of Bihar – early education from district school – went to Calcutta (Now Kolkata) – stood 1st in all exams – lawyer at Calcutta High Court – joined politics with Gandhiji-elected President of Indian National Congress.


Biography Of Dr. Rajendra Prasad

Dr. Rajendra Prasad was born in 1884 in a small village in Bihar. He received his early education in his own district. Then he went to Calcutta. He always stood first in all examinations.

Dr. Rajendra Prasad started his practice at Calcutta High Court. He came to Patna for his practice. He was a very successful lawyer. He loved his motherland and he decided to devote all his time to its service.

Dr. Rajendra Prasad joined the freedom movement with Gandhiji. He took an active part in the movement. He began to work under the guidance of Gandhiji.

Read and Learn More WBBSE Solutions for Class 9 English Bliss

Dr. Rajendra Prasad was elected President of free India in 1947. Dr. Prasad was elected President of the Indian Union.

Question 2. Study the following points and write a short biographical sketch of ‘William Shakespeare’, the greatest of English dramatists.


Birth: 23rd April 1564 at Startford-on-Avon, England.
Parentage: John Shakespeare and Mary Arden.
Education: Stratford Grammar School.
Wife: Anne Hathaway.
Creations: Sonnets, dramas.
Comedies: ‘As you Like It’, Merchant of Venice’, ‘Twelfth Night’, ‘Much Ado about Nothing’, etc.
Tragedies: ‘Macbeth’, ‘Hamlet’, ‘Othello’, ‘King Lear’.
Death: 23rd April 1616.


William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare was a great poet and the greatest of English dramatists. He may have been born at Startford-on-Avon on 23rd April 1564 which happens also to be the date of his death in 1616. John Shakespeare and Mary Arden were his proud parents.

Little Shakespeare attended the grammar school of the tiny town and according to Ben Johnson, he knew “small Latin and less Greek”. William married a certain Anne Halthway of Stratford. At this time the groom was only eighteen and the bride eight years older.

In 1584 Shakespeare left his native town and wandered through the country for fortunes and in 1592 he finally appeared as a rising actor in the theatres of London.

He was attached to a leading company of actors. He was a good if not a great actor. His chief function was to write dramas for his company and the fruit of such labor was his immortal plays.

He wrote thirty-eight dramas in all. Of his great comedies, ‘As You Like It,’ ‘Merchant of Venice’, ‘Twelfth Night’, ‘Much Ado About Nothing’, etc.

deserve or merit mention. ‘Macbeth’, ‘King Lear’, ‘Hamlet’ and ‘Othello’ are some of the great Shakespearean tragedies. Shakespeare was no mean poet.

He wrote 154 great sonnets and numerous lyrics that are scattered throughout his plays. If Shakespeare had not been the greatest English dramatist, he would still be numbered among the greatest lyrical poets of the language.

This literary giant and genius breathed his last on 23rd April 1616. “He was the man,” said Dryden, “who of all modern and perhaps ancient poets, had the largest and most comprehensive soul”.

Question 3. Write a short biography on Abanindranath Tagore using the following points:

Birth: At Jorasanko, Calcutta in 1871
Father: Gunendranath Tagore
Family background: Rich and cultured Tagore family
Education: Leamt foreign languages and Sanskrit at home under private tutors. Westem Art from Gilardy and Pummer. Japanese art form Taikan.
Famous creations: Krishnalila, Buddha and Sujata, Omar Khaiam’s Pictures, etc.
Books: Kshirer Putul, Shakuntala, Raj Kahini, Nalok, etc.
Death: In 1951


Abanindranath Tagore

Abanindranath was one of the finest painters India has ever produced. He was born in Jorasanko, Calcutta in 1871.

Gunendranath was his father. Abanindranath inherited the 237 rich cultural background of the Tagore family. He learned foreign languages and Sanskrit at home under private tutors.

He learned western art from the great art teachers named Gilardy and Pummer, and Japanese art from Taikan. Abanindranath Tagore made many wonderful artistic creations.

Of these mention must be made of ‘Krishnalila,’ ‘Buddha and Sujata’, Omar Khaiam’s Pictures, and others. Abanindranath not only excelled in painting but also made a great contribution to the field of literature.

He is famous for his literary creations like ‘Kshirer Putul’, ‘Shakuntala,’ ‘Raj Kahini’, ‘Nalok’ etc. This outstanding painter passed away in 1951. But we can never forget his wonderful contribution as a painter.

Question 4. Study the following information about an eminent artist and painter, Nandalal Bose to write a short biographical sketch within 150 words:

Born: 3rd December 1882 at Kharagpur
Parents: Purnachandra Bose and Kshetramoni Devi
1902: Passed Entrance Exam
1905: Admitted to Govt. Art School, Calcutta
1909: Came in close contact with Rabindranath
1919: Teaching at Kala Bhavan, the Art Department of Visva Bharati
1922: Adhyaksha, Kala Bhavan
1951: Retired from Kala Bhavan
Contributions: Paintings like ‘Sati mounting the pyre’, ‘Krishna and Ajuna’, and ‘Veena player’, illustrated ‘Sahaj Path’ of Tagore.
Honors: Degree of D. Litt. from B.H.U., 1950; Desikottam from Visva Bharati 1950; Fellow of Lalit Kala Academy, 1956; Degree of D. Litt. from C.U., 1957
Died: 16th April 1966.


Nandalal Bose

An eminent artist and painter, Nandalal Bose was born on December 3, 1882, in Kharagpur. Purnachandra Bose was his father and Kshetramoni Devi, mother.

Nandalal passed the Entrance Exam in 1902 and was admitted to the Govt. Art School, Calcutta in 1905. Then in 1909, he came in close contact with Rabindranath at Shantiniketan.

He started teaching at the Kala Bhavan, the Art Department of Visva Bharti in 1919, and later in 1922 became its Adhyaksha. He ultimately retired from it in 1951.

His paintings like ‘Sati mounting the pyre’, ‘Krishna and Arjuna’, ‘Veena Player’, and illustrated ‘Sahaj-Path’ of Tagore are some of his outstanding artistic creations.

Honors were showered upon him. He got the Degree of D.Litt. from the Benaras Hindu University in 1950 and from the Calcutta University in 1957.

He was awarded ‘Desikottam’ from the Visva Bharati University in 1950 and elected Fellow of Lalit Kala Academy in 1956. Nandalal breathed his last on 16th April 1966. His death created a vacuum in the world of art and painting in India.

Question 5. Write in about 150 words a biography on Satyajit Ray, the great film-maker on the basis of the points given below:

Date of birth: 2nd May 1921
Place of birth: Garparh in Calcutta
Parentage: Sukumar Ray-Suprabha Ray
Versatility: Painter, writer, filmmaker, musician, etc.
1955: ‘Pather Panchali’
1957: His second film was awarded at the Venice Film Festival
1982: Homage to Satyajit Ray, Cannes Film Festival
1992: Oscar for lifetime achievement Bharat Ratna
Death: April 23, 1992, after a three-month battle with cardiac illness.


Satyajit Ray

Satyajit Ray, one of the finest filmmakers in the world, was born to Sukumar Ray and Suprabha Devi on 2nd May 1921 at Garparh in Calcutta.

Both his father and grandfather were great Bengali litterateurs. Satyajit Ray was a man of versatile genius. He was a writer, musician, painter, director of films, and whatnot.

But it is mainly as a maker of films that Ray is known to us and to the world. He started with ‘Pather Panchali’ in 1955 and it was immediately a great and grand success.

In 1957 his second film was awarded at the Venice Film Festival. He made many more good films that delighted people around the globe.

At the Cannes Film Festival, rich tributes were paid to the genius of Satyajit Ray. He was honored with an Oscar, the highest film award for his wonderful contribution to the world of films in 1992.

And this was followed by Bharat Ratna, the country’s highest civilian award given by the Government of India. This great filmmaker died on April 23, 1992, after a prolonged three-month battle with cardiac illness. His death has created a big vacuum in the field of films.

Question 6. Write a biography (within 100 words) on Mahasweta Devi, the great Bengali litterateur, on basis of the points given below:

Date and place of birth: January 14, 1926, in Dhaka (now in Bangladesh)
Parents: Manish Ghatak and Dharitri Devi
Education: H.S. in Dhaka, B.A. from Visva Bharati, MA from Calcutta University.
First Publication: “Jhansir Rani’, 1956.
Service: As a lecturer of English literature at Bijoygarh College. 1965
First visit to tribal areas:1965
Literary Works: Andhar Manik, Nei Nagarer Sei Raja, Arannayer Adhikar, Hajar Churashir Ma, Rudali, Sidhu Kanuhur Dakey, etc.
Features of her style: Chronicled the life and times of the children of a lesser god: Used her pen to voice the sufferings of the tribals and poor villagers.
Awards: Sahitya Academy Award for Arrannayer Adhikar(1979), Jnanpith Award (1991), Ramon Magsaysay Award (1997),Padma Bibhushan (2006)
Death: 28 July 2016


Mahasweta Devi

Mahasweta Devi is an eminent writer of modern Bengali literature. She was also a social activist. She was born on 14th January 1926 in Dacca, Bangladesh.

Her father was Manish Ghatak and Dharitri Devi was her mother. She graduated from Santiniketan in 1946 with honors in English and had her master’s from Calcutta University in 1963.

She was married to famous actor-director-writer Bijon Bhattacharya. Mahasweta did different kinds of jobs. In 1964 she joined Bijoygarh jyotish Roy college as a professor.

She also worked as a journalist. Her first book in print was ‘Queen of Jhansi’ and her first novel was ‘Nati’. Soon Mahasweta discovered her latent talent in creative art.

And we are fortunate to enjoy some powerful and original works like ‘Andhar Manik’, Hajar Cherisher Ma’, ‘Aranyer Adhikar’, ‘Titumir’ etc. Aranyer Adhikar or the ‘Rights to the Forests’ has been translated into many languages of the world.

All these works reflect Mahasweta’s genuine love for the tribal people and respect for their culture. Mahasweta waged a relentless war to establish the rights of the ‘Sabers’ and other ethnic groups.

She used her ink to acquaint us with their blood and sweat, toil and tears. Mahasweta died on 28th July 2006. The grand old lady of legendary literary stature left us forever. But her voice will never be silent.

Question 7. Write a biography of Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad (within 100 words) based on the hints given below:

Hints: Born on 11 November 1888-composed poetry in Urdu-worked as a journalist, protested against the British Raj – was an enthusiastic supporter of Gandhiji’s ideas-wrote many books like ‘India wins freedom’, ‘Ghubar-e-Khatir’, etc.-first Education Minister of independent India – birthday celebrated as National Education Day – died on 22 February 1958.

Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad

Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad, a versatile genius, is known to us as a great freedom fighter. His contribution to India’s freedom movement is unforgettable.

He was born on 11 November 1888. He worked as a journalist for a long time. He composed poetry in Urdu. In everything, he continued his protest against the British Raj.

He was a great and enthusiastic follower of Gandhiji and his philosophy. He wrote many books voicing his protest against the British. Some of them are ‘India wins freedom’, ‘Ghubar-e-Khatir’ etc.

After independence, he became the first Education Minister of India. Now his birthday is observed as National Education Day. Unfortunately, we lost him forever on 22 February 1958. 8. Write a biography on Surya Sen based on the following points (in 150 words):

Place of Birth: Noyapara, Chittagong
Date of birth: March 22, 1894
Parentage: Rajmoni Sen, Shashibala
Early education: At village primary school and high school
Passed: B.A. from Berhampore college
Joined: High School as Mathematics teacher. Non-Cooperation movement in 1921. A great patriot: Put in jail so many times, founded Indian Republican Army in 1928, attacked the British arsenal at Chittagong in 1930, fought bravely, was caught by the English in 1933, and jailed on 12th January 1934.
Death: Hanged to death.

Surya Sen

Surya Sen was a great patriot of India. He was born at Noyapara of Chittagong, now in Bangladesh on March 22, 1864. Rajmoni Sen was his father and the name of his mother was Shashibala.

Surya Sen received his early education at the village primary school and high school respectively. He passed the B.A. Exam. from Berhampore College.

Then he joined a High School as a Mathematics teacher. ‘Masterda’ as Surya Sen was popularly called, joined in the Non-Cooperation Movement led by Mahatma Gandhi in 1921.

A great patriot as he was, was put in jail on a number of occasions. ‘Masterda’ founded the Indian Republican Army in 1928 and attacked the British arsenal at Chittagong in 1930.

The army fought bravely against the strong British army. Surya Sen was caught by the English in 1933 and jailed. He was sentenced to death on 12th January 1934. The ideals of Surya Sen inspired hundreds of freedom fighters in India.

Question 9. Study the following points and write a paragraph on Sourav Ganguly:

Birth: 8th July
Parents: Chandi Ganguly and Nirupa Ganguly
Education: Schooling and college education from St. Xavier’s School and College in Calcutta.
Coaching: By Debu Mitra, Gopal Bose & others.
Source of inspiration: From his parents and elder brother.
As a Cricketer: Played their first Ranji match against Delhi in 1991, was selected for the Australia tour of the Indian cricket team, and played only One Day Match, in 1992. Double centuries at Lord’s in 1996.
Test Performance: Highest score 173 against Sri Lanka at Mumbai, batting average about 50.

Sourav Ganguly

Sourav Ganguly is the most popular cricketer in Bengal and one of the match-winning cricketers in the present Indian cricket team. Sourav was born on 8th July 1972 to Chandi and Nirupa Ganguly.

He is nick-named ‘Maharaj’. Sourav had his schooling and college education at St. Xavier’s School and College in Calcutta. He was coached by Debu Mitra, Gopal Bose, and others. His elder brother Snehasish Ganguly was a good Ranji Trophy player for Bengal.

Sourav played in the Ranji Trophy for the first time against Delhi in 1991. Ganguly was selected in the Indian team for the tour of Australia in 1992 and played in only one Day International match.

Ganguly made his debut against England at Lord’s on 20th June 1996 and scored a hundred. His highest Test score is 173 against Sri Lanka in Mumbai and his batting average is above 50.

Ganguly is more successful in One Day Cricket. He has played some match-winning innings for his country in Karachi, Dhaka, Sharjah, and Toronto. His highest score is 183 against Sri Lanka.

He is also a very useful bowler and a good fielder. Sourav Ganguly has really made his mark in Indian Cricket and he is likely to serve it for a long time to come.

Question 10. Study the information given and develop a meaningful paragraph from it. Also, suggest a suitable title for the write-up:

Name: Rabindranath Tagore
Date of birth: 1861
Place of birth: Jorasanko, Kolkata
Father’s Name: Maharshi Debendranath Tagore
Family background: Very rich, cultured, landlord family
Early visits abroad: Went to England several times in childhood
First Opera: Bhanu Singher Padabali
Started composing: From early childhood
Nobel Prize: On the Geetanjali in 1913
His greatest creation: Shantiniketan
Name of his wife: Mrinalini Devi
Works: Novels, short stories, dramas, poems
Other fields of activity: A great supporter of nationalist movements, international brotherhood, and equality among mankind
Death: 1941

Rabindranath Tagore

Rabindranath Tagore, one of the greatest sons of India, was born in a very rich, cultured landlord family at Jorasanko, Kolkata in 1861. His father’s name was Maharshi Debendranath Tagore.

He went to England several times in his early childhood. His potential as a great composer and writer was evident from early childhood.

His first opera, Bhanu Singher Padabali, created a sensation. He was married to Mrinalini Devi who inspired him to pursue his work on dramas, novels, short stories, poems, etc.

His most brilliant work was Geetanjali for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize in literature in 1913. However, his greatest creation was Shantiniketan at Bolepur.

He was not only a great writer but also a great supporter of the nationalist movement. He also worked for international understanding and advocated equality among mankind. He died at the age of 80 in 1941.

Question 11. Write a biography of Amartya Sen using the following points:
Points: Birth: 3rd November, 1933-Place: Bangladesh-Parents: Prof. Asutosh Sen and Mrs. Amita Sen-Education: Shantiniketan, Presidency College, Calcutta University, Ph.D.

from Cambridge-Service: Prof. in Jadavpur University from 1956-58, taught at Delhi University, London School of Economics and Oxford University-Awards: Nobel Prize in Economics, 1998-Noted Books: “Growth Economics, 1970”, “On Economic Inequality, 1973”, “Poverty and Famines, 1981”.

Amartya Sen

Our country has produced a lot of great personalities. Amartya Sen is one of them. Amartya Sen, a great economist, was born in present Bangladesh on 30th November 1933.

Prof Asutosh Sen and Mrs. Amita Sen were his parents. He had his early education at Shantiniketan and then at Presidency College and Calcutta University.

He completed his Ph.D. at Cambridge and joined as a Prof. of Economics at Jadavpur University. This great economist has taught at Delhi University, the London School of Economics, Oxford University, Harvard University, and Trinity College, Cambridge.

He is a great scholar and thinker. He is the first Asian Nobel Laureate in Economics (1998). He wrote many books on Welfare Economics.

Some of his notable books are “Growth Economics” (1970), “On Economic Inequality” (1973), “Poverty and Famines” (1981), etc. It is due to him that India is trying to achieve wonderful feats in the field of Welfare Economics.

We are really proud of this renowned personality.

Question 12. Write a biography of APJ Abdul Kalam using the following points:

Points: Date and place of birth: 1931, Rameswaram in Tamil Nadu-Parents: Jainulabdeen, a pious Muslim, and Ashiamma-Education: School of Rameshwaram,

Madras Institute of Technology-service: Trainee in Hindustan Aeronautics, worked in NASA and GSFC, Maryland-Achievements: Played key role in India’s first rocket launching in 1965, the leader in launching satellites SLV-3 in 1980, Director of DRDL in 1982,

Awards: Padma Bhushan, Bharat Ratna-ex-President of India (2003-2008), loved children and education Soul rests in peace: 27th July 2015.

Bharat Ratna, Apj Abdul Kalam

APJ Abdul Kalam, the great scientist and one of the finest men of modern India, was a ‘Ratna’, a jewel of India. He was popularly called the ‘Missile Man’.

As the eleventh president of India, he won the hearts of the people. He was the people’s president. He was born in Rameshwaram, Tamil Nadu on 15th October 1931.

His father Jainulabdeen was a pious person and his mother Ashiamma was a homemaker. His early education started in a school at Rameshwaram.

Then he was admitted to the Madras Institute of Technology. He played a key role in India’s first-ever rocket launching in 1965. He was the leader of the nuclear explosion experiment at Pokhran in 1988.

He guided the launching of the surface-to-surface missiles ‘Trisul’, ‘Akash’, and ‘Agni’. He received the ‘Padma Bhushan’ and the ‘Bharat Ratna’, the highest civilian award in India.

He wrote many books including ‘Wings of Fire’, his autobiography. He left his mortal body on 27 July 2015. But his ideal will surely guide us towards his dream destination-India as a knowledge superpower.

Question 13. Write a biography of Manna Dey using the following points:

Date and place of birth: 1 May 1919, Madanmohan Ghosh Lane, Kolkata- Parents Purna Chandra Dey and Mahamaya Devi-Education: Indubabu’s Pathsala, Scottish Church Collegiate School,

Vidyasagar College-Inspiration: Uncle Krishna Chandra Dey Career: First duet in the film ‘Tamanna’ (1967), ‘Chowringhee’ (1968), etc.-Speciality: Classical and semi-classical songs-

Awards: Padmashree (1971), Filmfare Award (1972), Padmabhusan (2004), Dada Saheb Phalke (2007), and Bangabibhusan (2011)-Breathed his last: 24 Oct 2013, Bengaluru.

Melody King Manna Dey

Thanks to Manna Dey for ‘Manna Dey’ and ‘Melody’ remained synonymous for almost fifty years in our country. This great maestro was born on 1st May 1919 in his ancestral house at 9, Madanmohan Ghosh Lane, Kolkata.

His parents were Purna Chandra Dey and Mahamaya Devi. He got his early education at Indubabu’s Pathsala. After leaving Pathsala he joined Scottish Church Collegiate School.

He completed his graduation from Vidyasagar College. His uncle Krishna Chandra Dey inspired him to take up singing as a profession.

The melodious journey of his life began with a duet song in the film ‘Tamanna’ in the year 1943. After that, he gave us many hits and popular film songs.

His modern Bengali songs were equally popular. People still become mesmerized when they listen to ‘Coffee-Houser Sei Addata Aaj Aar Nei’, ‘Se Aamar Choto Bone’, ‘Aamay Ektu Jayaga Dao’, etc.

He was awarded Padmashree, Filmfare, Padmabhusan, Dadasaheb Phalke, and Bangabibhusan. He left us for his heavenly abode on 24th October 2013.

Question 14. On the basis of the following points write a short biography of R. K. Laxman :

Birth date and place: 24th October 1921 in Mysore, Karnataka;-Name: R.K. Laxaman Brother: R.K. Narayan, one of India’s best-known English language novelists-

Field of work: Cartoonist, illustrator, humanist-Worked in Swarajya, Blitz, The Hindu, 243 Times of India-Famous work: ‘The Common Man’, ‘Gattu’ in the advertisement of Asian Paints;

Awards and Honours: Padmabhushan, Padma Vibhushan, Ramon Magsaysay Award-Autobigraphy: The Tunnel of Time;-Death: 26th January 2015 in Pune.

R. K. Laxman, The Common Man

Rasipuram Krishnaswami Laxman was a cartoonist with a difference. Ordinary Indians could identify themselves with his cartoon character, ‘The Common Man’.

He was born on 24th Oct. 1921 in Mysore, Karnataka. One of his brothers is R.K. Narayan, India’s one of best known English language novelists. Laxman was a cartoonist, illustrator, and humanist as well.

He worked in different magazines and newspapers like the Swarajya, the Blitz, the Hindu, The Times of India, etc. He started a daily cartoon strip titled ‘You Said it’s in the Times of India in 1951.

It made him very popular. His ‘Gattu’, another cartoon character, is seen in the advertisement of Asian Paints even today. Laxman received Padmabhushan, Padma Vibhushan, and Ramon Magsaysay Awards.

He penned his autobiography titled ‘The Tunnel of Time’. On 26th January 2015, he died in Pune at the age of 93. It is significantly coincidental that the creator of ‘The Common Man’ passed away on Republic Day.

Question 15. On the basis of the following points write a short biography of Raja Rammohan Roy. Points:

Birth: 22nd May 1772 at Radhanagar in Hooghly-Parents: Ramakanta Roy and Tarini Devi-Education: Learnt Arabian, French, Sanskrit, and English, read many religious books quite

early-Service: Joined East India Company-Social Reformer: Fought against superstition, abolished ‘satidaha’, the foundation of Brahma Dharma-Honours: Rabindranath titled him

‘Bharat Pathik’ and British Government ‘Raja’ – Death: 27th September 1833 at Bristol.

Raja Rammohan Roy

Raja Rammohan Roy was the pioneer of the Renaissance in Bengal. He is called the First modern man of India’. He was born on 22nd May 1772 at Radhanagar in the district of Hooghly. His parents were Ramakanta Roy and Tarini Devi.

He learned several languages like Arabian, French, Sanskrit, and English at an early age. He also read many religious scriptures quite early.

Rammohan had command over several European languages and literature. He started his service career with the East India Company. Then he came to Calcutta and devoted himself to several welfare activities.

He fought against the existing superstitions and dogmatism and injustices in contemporary Indian society. He tried to abolish many evil social customs like ‘Sati Daha’.

He was the founder of Brahma Dharma. Rabindranath gave him the title ‘Bharat Pathik’ and the British Government ‘Raja’. This great social thinker and reformer passed away in Bristol on 27th September 1833 at an early age.

Question 16. On the basis of the following points write a short biography of Vidyasagar.

Parents-Thakurdas Bandyopadhyay and Bhagabati Devi-born on 26th Septem- ber, 1820 at Birmingham in Midnapore Admitted to Sanskrit College,

Calcutta at the age of nine-stood first all along – passed the Hindu Law Exam., and was awarded the ‘Vidyasagar’ title-Joined Fort William College as a professor, Bengali Deptt. – later Joined

Sanskrit College became Principal- resigned–established Metropolitan Institution – took a leading role in spreading education, especially in rural areas and for

Females wrote “Barna Parichaya “, “Bodhoday”, etc. – Influenced the British Govt. – Act for Hindu Widow Remarriage-prevention of early marriage – Death: July 29, 1891.


Pandit Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar, a great son of Bengal as well as of India, was born to Thakurdas Bandyopadhyay and Bhagabati Devi.

He was born on 26th September 1820 in Birmingham in the district of Midnapore. When he had finished his primary education at the village ‘pathshala’, he was admitted to Sanskrit College, Calcutta at the age of only nine.

Young Iswar Chandra was very talented and intelligent. He secured the first position in the class throughout his academic career. He had the Hindu Law Examination.

Passed with great credit. For his profound knowledge, he was awarded the ‘Vidyasagar’ title. Vidyasagar joined Fort William College as a professor in the Bengali Department.

Then he became a professor and later Principal of Sanskrit College. Vidyasagar resigned from the college and established the Metropolitan Institution.

He took a leading role in spreading education especially in the countryside and among women. He wrote many books like “Bama Parichaya” and “Bodhoday”, to name only a few.

Vidyasagar influenced the British Govt. to introduce the Act for Hindu Widow Remarriage. He also did a lot to prevent child marriage. This great scholar, educationist, and social reformer breathed his last on July 29, 1891.

Question 17. On the basis of the following points write a short biography of Swami Vivekananda.

Birth: January 12, 1863, at Simla in Calcutta.
Parents: Biswanath Dutta and Bhubaneswari Devi
Names: Narendranath; Pet name-Bile
Childhood: Naughty and restless; Courageous At home; Metropolitan School; Presidency College and General Assemblies Institution
Education: Monastic Life: Met Sri Ramakrishna and became his disciple; known as Swami Vivekananda
Achievements: Participation in the Parliament of Religions at Chicago in 1893; Founded Ramakrishna Math and Misson at Belur, in 1898
Death: July 4, 1902.

Swami Vivekananda

Swami Vivekananda, the cyclonic Hindu monk of India, was born on January 12, 1863, at Simla in Calcutta. Biswanath Dutta and Bhubaneswari Devi were his parents.

His real name was Narendranath, while Bile was his pet or nickname. Bile was very naughty and restless but very bold and brave in his childhood.

He had his early education at home and school education at the Metropolitan School. Then he was admitted to the Presidency College and later to the General Assemblies Institution.

At this time, young Narendranath heard about Sri Ramakrishna and met him at Dakshineswar. He was tremendously influenced by him and became his great disciple by renouncing the world.

He was known as Swami Vivekananda. Then after the death of his Master, he went to America to join the Parliament of Religions held in Chicago in 1893.

Swamiji lectured on Vedanta there and gradually captured the hearts of the people of the whole world. He came back to India and founded the Ramakrishna Math and Mission at Belur in 1898 for the service of suffering humanity.

This great prophet and patriot of India died on July 4, 1902. But his great ideas and ideals will never die.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 English Bliss Paragraph Writing

Paragraph Writing

Question 1. Write a paragraph on A visit to a Fair’ with the help of the following points in about 100 words.

  1. The place where the fair was held.
  2. The occasion on which it took place.
  3. Who went with you?
  4. Things you saw, articles you bought, and food you ate at the fair.
  5. Your feelings.
  6. A Visit To A Fair

On the occasion of Rathajatra or Car Festival, last year I visited the famous fair held at Mahesh near Serampore. I went there on the evening of the day along with my parents and younger sister.

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The fair was quite a large one. There were hundreds of shops with things and articles both of necessity and luxury. People crowded all these shops and were buying and bargaining over articles necessary in our daily life.

Children thronged in front of toy shops. An atmosphere of din and bustle always prevailed at the fair. The merry-go-round was the biggest attraction for children. I had a ride on it with my younger sister and we enjoyed the ride greatly.

Flower and fruit plants and saplings were selling like hot cakes from nurseries there. I purchased a few of them and my sister bought balloons and toys. At last, we entered a food stall and had some refreshments there.

Question 2. Write a paragraph within 100 words using the following points: Introduction-a healthy habit-a good start for the whole day’s work greater and closer contact with nature-independent exercise-conclusion.

Advantages Of Morning Walk

In recent years morning walking has become a very popular exercise with people. Men and women of all ages pursue it in all weathers.

People start walking when the day’s first light appears in the atmosphere and continue it sometime after the sun has risen. Morning walking is a very good and healthy habit.

It makes the morning walker get up very early in the morning. The early riser can have a good start for the whole day’s work. As a result, he can easily and effectively finish his quota of work for the day.

Morning walk inevitably brings the walker into greater and closer contact with nature which remains at her best in the early part of the day. It looks so fresh and fine, much to the joy and comfort of the person.

The fresh morning air invigorates his mind and nerves. The morning walker finds it nice to walk on the dew-drenched soft grass. In addition, a morning walk is in itself a fine form of exercise for the entire body.

It also provides good exercise for the lungs and the heart. A morning walk can thus not only keeps a person fit and fine but also helps him achieve success in life.

Question 3. Write a paragraph on Midday meals within 100 words.

Midday Meals In Schools

Midday meal means the meal provided to students at midday in government schools. It aims at creating a situation in which children will have a chance to eat together just as they learn together.

The scheme covers 12 crore children who are in different primary schools and some high schools in the state. It has a positive impact on attendance. Many children go to school regularly in the hope of getting meals there.

It also checks dropout rates in poor rural areas. Children belonging to poor families continue to go to school. However, the scheme is not without criticism. Students going to school are more interested in meals than in their lessons.

Moreover, there are problems with the proper implementation of this great scheme. As a result of this great scheme, a day will come when not a single student will be absent from class and they will enjoy the company of one another during the midday meals.

Question 4. Write a paragraph within 100 words using the following points :

Functions Of Forest:

  1. Used as food, fuel, furniture, spices, medicines, etc.
  2. Purifying air through photosynthesis,
  3. Preventing erosion of soil, flood and
  4. Shade and shelter to animals and men.

Efforts Of The Government :

  1. Preservation of forests,
  2. Plantation of more trees.
  3. Usefulness Of Plants And Trees

The utility and usefulness of plants and trees cannot be exaggerated or overestimated. Forests have many functions. Trees are used as a food both by men and animals. Some herbs and plants are used to prepare medicines and spices. Wood is also used as fuel and is necessary to make furniture.

Another very important function of trees is to purify air through photosynthesis. They supply oxygen and absorb the harmful carbon-di>oxide (CQ>) from the air. Soil erosion which is posing a great threat nowadays can be stopped only by planting and protecting more and more trees.

Forests cause normal rainfall which can control floods and prevent drought. Trees provide shade to tired travelers and animals and shelter to birds. But it is very unfortunate that trees are now being mercilessly felled by unscrupulous people. This should be stopped at any cost. Efforts are, however, being made by the Government for proper preservation and plantation of trees.

Question 5. Write in about 100 words a paragraph on My Aim in Life.

My Aim In Life

Every person should have a definite aim and ambition to succeed in life. A man with no fixed aim is just like a ship with no rudder. He must be a very helpless and hopeless man.

So, I have already fixed my aim in life. I have decided to be an ideal school teacher in the future. My father is a renowned Headmaster at my village school. His life of sincerity and sacrifice for the spread of education in my locality has greatly inspired me.

This is a very noble profession. A teacher can shape young boys and girls well at the formative stage of their lives. What the country badly needs now is a true citizen.

And it is the teacher who can build them by giving them proper education. It is, however, not easy to become a good and great teacher. So it is my noble duty to be very serious and sincere in my studies from now on so that I may prepare myself well.

Question 6. Write a paragraph on a memorable day in your life with the help of the following points: [Time and place- the nature-good or bad-a brief description-what made it memorable-what lesson you learned from it]


A Memorable Day In Your Life

Last summer I had the most memorable experience of my life. I went to visit one of my elder cousins at Diamond Harbour. A working day as it was, my cousin, an officer, went out for his office leaving me alone in his residence

The previous night I expressed to him my intention of visiting Ganga Sagar. An experienced man like my cousin was, advised me not to undertake a trip to that place in view of the storm which was so common by the summer evenings.

But the next day I went out all alone without paying any heed to my cousin’s advice. I reached Sagar Island though the route was unknown to me of course, that evening gave up the idea of visiting Ganga Sagar as it was about thirty kilometers away from Kachuberia.

I was waiting for the next launch to come back to Kakdwip. But then a storm started brewing. Gradually the storm broke out, accompanied by a heavy shower.

The launch services were canceled. I got much worried because I was to come back to my uncle’s residence before my cousin’s return by 6 p.m. In the meantime, the storm and the rain stopped and I reached Kakdwip by 8 p.m.

All the time I went on thinking about what my cousin would think about me.  However, I reached Diamond Harbour by 1 0 p.m. and on the way fortunately met my worried cousin going to lodge a diary complaint with the local police station.

He rebuked me greatly and I bore it silently. The incident taught me that one should listen to the advice of one’s elders.

Question 7. Write a paragraph within 100 words using the following points: Site-well decorated book stalls-opportunity of choice of books- display of books crowd of book lovers-helps to grow interested in books-publishers from foreign countries many rare books- cultural function-it has a special attraction.


Kolkata Book Fair

‘The Kolkata Book Fair’ is held in Maidan every year. It lasts for a fortnight. The fairground is a big enclosure with hundreds of well-decorated book stalls.

This book fair, like every fair of its kind, provides a unique opportunity for readers to buy books according to their choice. The books are displayed in such a way that they easily arrest the attention of thousands of visitors every year.

Book lovers come to visit the fair from far and near. The Kolkata Book Fair has mainly generated Bengali readers’ interest in books of different kinds.

Local publishers with those coming from different Indian cities join this mega book fair. Some foreign publishers also take part in it to make the fair more attractive among book lovers. One important feature of the fair is that some rare books are sold here every year.

Cultural programs are another major attraction of the book fair. Many authors, artists, and other distinguished personalities are the main attraction of these programs.

The book fair is also an important occasion for publishing new books. The book lovers of the city as well as the state eagerly await the arrival of the fair every year.

Question 8. Write a paragraph within 100 words using the following points: Leisure- it’s meaning- Necessity- Leisure as important as work- needed for creative work- Leisure is our freedom- a part of independence.



Leisure means free time at one’s disposal. It also means the absence of work. The necessity and importance of leisure can hardly be exaggerated. It is as useful and important as the work itself.

Work and leisure are co-related. We can not think of one without the other. However heavy our duties may be, we must find some time every day during which we must relax ourselves doing as we, please.

If a machine goes on working all the time, it will get out of order soon. Our body and mind are no exception to this law of nature. After some rest, we can work with renewed vigor and energy. Leisure or spare time is absolutely necessary for creative work.

It is only during leisure hours that one can think freely and properly and create something new. Poets and writers, scientists, and philosophers have made their creations in their leisure hours.

Leisure is correctly called our freedom-a part of independence because now we can do what we like according to our sweet will.

Question 9. Write a paragraph within 100 words using the following points: Traveling increases and supplements our knowledge, broadening our outlook by killing our narrowness, prejudices-contact with various people-helps the cause of national unity-develops resourcefulness-how to tide over unforeseen difficulties-helps in the future to struggling for existence.

Traveling As A Part Of Education

Man’s curiosity to know the unknown and to see the unseen is eternal and inherent. He goes out for travelling to quench this thirst in him. Traveling increases and supplements man’s knowledge about different things. It broadens man’s vision and outlook by killing his narrowness and prejudices.

The traveler’s mental horizon widens and broadens when he comes in contact with various people, their cultures,s and customs. Traveling plays an important role in strengthening the national unity and integrity of a country.

The people of a country come closer to one another through traveling. It also makes travelers very resourceful and practical. Traveling teaches them how to overcome difficult situations which come their way.

Thus traveling prepares him for the future struggles of his life. Travelers get great pleasure when they enjoy the wonderful sights and sounds of nature. Everybody should, therefore, be encouraged to go out for travelling.

Question 10. Write a paragraph on the ‘Value of time’ on the basis of the following points (within 100 words). [Introduction: short life, vast work- the importance of time- time gone never comes back- lost wealth can be regained but not lost time- use of time in student life conclusion.]

Value Of Time

God has given us a very short life but a long list of work to be done. Thus we should utilize time very wisely. There is a very old saying that time and tide wait for none. The time passed and never comes back.

If wealth is lost it can be regained but this is not liable to time. When we are young with all life before us, we are tempted to be careless because we think we have so much of it but as the years slip away,

we discover too late, that we have wasted the greater part in the aimless pursuit. The right use of time results in success while the wastage of the same results in failure. Even during examination time management is very important to finish the paper on time.

A student must give his time to each and every subject. But a certain amount of recreation is also necessary. Finally, the main part of life should be spent on honest, useful work. We can not afford to waste such a precious gift, time.

Question 11. Write a paragraph within 100 words using the following points :Problem: Price rise-Causes: Artificial shortage of foodgrains-black marketers and hoarders-fall in food supply-population growth-Effects: Sufferings of the common

people-daily wage-earners are the worst affected-daily necessaries getting costly cost of living rises>anti-social activities on the increase-Solution: Drive against dishonest businessmen-strict laws-buyers’ resistance- ’grow more food campaign.

Price Rise

The rise in the prices of essential commodities is posing a great problem these days. The main reason behind the price rise is the artificial shortage of food grains created by dishonest hoarders and black marketeers. Fall in food supply and population growth are the other causes.

As a result of this price rise, the common people of our society are suffering greatly. Daily wage earners are the hardest hit in the present situation.

Daily necessities are getting costly and the cost of living is gradually rising. Because of this rise in prices, anti-social activities are increasing.

To check and control price rise, a drive against dishonest traders and businessmen is to be launched, strict laws are to be imposed, and buyers’ resistance is to be put up. And what is more important, we should raise the ‘grow more food’ slogan.

Question 12. Write a short paragraph on our national flag. Use the following points: Points: Colour — green, white, saffron — an occasion to hoist — history — your respectful homage.

Our National Flag

Our national flag is very sacred to us. It has three colored strips of equal width and they are all horizontal. The colors are saffron, white, and green. The saffron is at the top, white in the middle, and green at the bottom.

There is a wheel blue in color in the middle. Each color has its significance. The saffron color stands for sacrifice, the white color indicates truth and purity, and green stands for freshness and energy.

The wheel in the middle represents the Dharma Chakra of King Ashoka. This denotes activity and progress. The national flag is an emblem of national dignity.

Therefore, it has to be treated with honor and respect. It is hoisted daily on all important Government buildings. Only on the days of national festivals like Independence Day, Republic Day, etc. It can be hoisted on private buildings also.

Our national flag has a long history. Many freedom fighters sacrificed their lives for it. It is the duty of every Indian to uphold the honor of our national flag and pay homage to it.

Question 13. Write in about 100 words a paragraph on Pollution.


The damage to the purity of anything is called pollution. And the pollution of air, water, and land around us is called environmental pollution. Environmental pollution affects our health and causes loss to us in different ways.

Air pollution is caused by smoke from vehicles, chimneys of mills and factories, cooking ovens, etc. The bad smell of rotten garbages dumped in the streets, the bad smell of dead or rotten animals, and filthy surface drains pollute the air. If we inhale impure air, it will cause great harm to our lungs. Planting trees prevent air pollution.

Water is polluted when dirty, poisonous refuse matter from mills and factories is discharged into rivers. If we drink this water, it will damage our health.

Shrill sounds of the horns of lorries, buses, and microphones cause sound pollution. Sound pollution affects our power of hearing. Therefore, we shall have to be very careful about pollution if we want to live a healthy life.

Question 14. Write a paragraph within 100 words on “A Book you have recently read.” Points: Introduction – writer of the book- story element- its impact upon your conclusion.

A book Have Recently Read

Recently I read the book ‘Ramer Sumati’ by Sarat Chandra. The story is all about a joint family. The central figure is Ramlal, the boy hero of the story, who lost his mother when he was a child. Since then he had been brought up with all the love and affection of a mother by Narayani, the wife of his stepbrother Shymlal.

Ramlal was an unruly boy, full of mischief. He was almost a terror to everyone, which worried Narayani. But her motherly love and affection gave him constant protection and saved the joint family from breaking. In fact, Narayani was more than a mother to Ramlal.

The author’s portrayal of Ramlal appeals to me the most. Though he was a terror to others, he was like a lamb to his sister-in-law Narayani.

He was a love-hungry boy and Narayani could understand his moods well. She loved him with all affection. These tender feelings have been nicely shown in the novel. I really liked the book.

Question 15. Write a paragraph (within 100 words) about your likes and dislikes with the help of the following points : Points: Likes and dislikes vary from man to man-many factors of heredity and environment for this variety-your choices-role of others behind the making of your choices-your own suggestion for a change, if any.


My Likes And Dislikes

Likes and dislikes vary from man to man. The choice of an individual is guided or rather shaped by his taste and temperament. Now, the likes and dislikes of a person are manifested through his personality. As for myself, I am fond of reading detective stories, listening to music, and gardening.

What I dislike most is gossiping and politicking. Traveling is another thing that fascinates me. I find no interest in reading newspapers. I do not love cricket at all. I am out and out a football fan.

Recently I have started developing the habit of newspaper reading. But cricket does not call my attention. Watching T.V. seems boring to me. But I like riding my motorbike.

I am also fond of gardening and music. Anyway, my parents play a vital role in shaping my choices. My mother, a great lover of music, and father, well-versed in floriculture, inspire me a lot.

Question 16. Write a paragraph on the value of newspaper reading with the help of the following points: Points: Get information on various events—broadens knowledge base—educational values—students must make a habit of reading newspapers—improves outlook on life— great value—a critic of the administration, justice, and the law of any country—advocates liberty, equality, and fraternity.


Value Of Newspaper Reading

The newspaper is the most powerful organ for the expression of the news and views about men and things. The newspaper provides us with a great deal of information about the happenings in sports, politics, industry, agriculture, entertainment, and whatnot.

The newspaper brings the news of events from different corners of the world into the cozy atmosphere of our drawing rooms. The newspaper extends the bounds of our knowledge, it has great educative value.

Here we find the reviews of newly published books and accounts of discoveries and research. Students must read newspapers regularly.

It enhances their reading habit and improves their vocabulary. Reading newspapers improves one’s outlook on life. Newspapers also help to express the grievances of the public and form public opinion.

Question 17. Write a paragraph within 100 words using the following hints: Hints: Introduction – students – duty to himself – to family – to society – first duty to study – for good habits, sound health – disciplined – social work.


Duties Of A Student

Student life is a time of preparation for the future. It lays the foundation of one’s future career. A student has many duties to perform. The first and foremost duty of a student is to study well and seek knowledge.

The pursuit of knowledge demands hard work and total devotion. A student has duties to his parents and relatives, to his country, and to humanity at large. A student should obey and respect his teachers and parents and be guided by their advice.

A student should take interest in all the activities that promote his physical health. A student should form good manners and cultivate good habits.

A student should not be a frog in the well but one with visions and ideals. He must take part in him a
humanitarian outlook. A student should utilize every minute for self-advancement and laying a strong foundation for a happy future.

Question 18. Write a paragraph about ‘Early Rising’ seeing the following points: The mind becomes fresh-Clear environment-Good concentration-Accumulate energy-Late risers deprived of the beauty of the sunrise.


Early Rising

Early to bed and early to rise is a good habit. Early to rise has many advantages. In the early morning, our mind is fresh and the environment is clear. There are fewer distractions and noise.

So one concentrates on studies and does more work. A good amount of work can be completed before others even get out of bed. An early riser is also a healthy person. He has time to go for a walk or to exercise in the fresh air. It enables a person to accumulate energy for the whole day.

It is, therefore, good for the students to study in the morning hours. As compared to early risers late risers have definite disadvantages. They lose their prime time in sleeping and do not have enough time during the day.

This affects their studies, work, and health. They are deprived of the beauty of sunrise and the freshness of nature. If we disregard this principle of nature, we would be working against ourselves and restrict our growth.

Question 19. Seeing the following points write how you intend to spend your Holidays in 100 words: Points – Time for entertainment or to learn something-opportunity to develop new skills-one may join a computer class, Yoga class, write articles for newspaper-time to improve general knowledge for exams through Google.


How Intend To Spend My Holidays

During the holidays one can do what he likes. One has all the time for entertainment or to learn something new. The holidays give an opportunity to develop a new skill.

There is complete choice and freedom. We should make the best use of time by developing new skills, learning many things besides playing and enjoying holidays.

During the holidays wish to spend at least one hour every day writing articles for the newspaper. To improve my health, I would like to spend two hours daily on sports and physical exercise.

Nowadays, computers are becoming very popular and indispensable. I will try to learn some basics about computers. I am also thinking to do gardening and enlarging my coin and stamp collection during the holidays.

I also intend to study several encyclopedias and improve my general knowledge by going through Google.

Question 20. Write a paragraph about the importance of cleanliness in 100 words.


  1. Next to godliness
  2. Great-virtue
  3. To keep clean public places
  4. To check different types of diseases
  5. Keep the environment clean for good health.


Importance Of Cleanliness

There goes a proverb ‘cleanliness is next to godliness’. Cleanliness is a great virtue. But in our society, this great virtue is generally given little importance to public places such as bus stands, railway stations, public toilets, markets, etc.

which are normally kept unclean. People who are entrusted with the job of keeping these places clean are in most cases careless about their duties.

As a result, a bad smell comes out of dirt accumulating in these places all the time, and these become ideal places for spreading germs causing different diseases. Nobody can deny the importance of clean habits.

These only can give us a healthy body and mind. But we cannot ensure good health and the environment unless we have the desire for having them. First, we need to set our minds right, and then only can we have what we want-good healthy and cleaner surroundings.

Question 21. Write a paragraph (within 100 words) on your favorite author using the following points (the author’s name- his/her works- his/her writing style- what works of him/her you have read- why you like him/her)


The Poet You Like Most

William Wordsworth, one of the finest English poets, is my favorite poet. He was born at Cockermouth in England in 1770. His father died when he was only thirteen years old.

He had his schooling at Hawkshead near Lake Windermere. To pursue his studies, William had to depend on the generosity of his two uncles who bore the expenses of his schooling.

William graduated from St. John’s College, Cambridge in 1791. He lived for some time in France and was greatly influenced by the French Revolution.

Publication of the ’Lyrical Ballads’ (1798) was the product and fruit of his friendship with Coleridge.’ The prelude (1805) is the record of Wordsworth’s growth as a poet.

His other great poems include ’The Excursion ’, ’Ode on the Intimations of Immortality, ’yarrow Revisited’ (1835) ’, ’Tintern Abbey, ’The Solitary Reaper’ to mention just a few.

Wordsworth defines poetry in his inimitable way: “the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings,” taking its origin from “emotion recollected in tranquility”, Wordsworth’s unalloyed and unmixed love of nature has endeared him to me.

He was a greater lover and admirer of nature. His dealings with nature are his chief glory as a poet. His treatment is accurate and direct. He wrote with his eyes “steadily fixed on the object”. As he wrote, he observed closely and this is evident in the slightest of his poems.

Question 22. Write a paragraph in about 120 words describing your visit to a fair. Use the following points: [place of the fair — its nature and time — its importance — who accompanied you — how you enjoyed it]

A Visit To A Fair

On the occasion of Rathjatra or Car Festival, last year visited the famous fair held at Mahesh near Serampore. I went there on the evening of the day along with my parents and younger sister.

The fair was quite a large one. There were hundreds of shops with things and articles both of necessity and luxury. People crowded all these shops and were buying and bargaining over articles necessary in our daily life.

Children thronged in front of toy shops. An atmosphere of din and bustle always prevailed at the fair. The merry-go-round was the biggest attraction for children.

I had a ride on it with my younger sister and we enjoyed the ride greatly. Flower and fruit plants and saplings were selling like hot cakes from nurseries there.

I purchased a few of them and my sister bought balloons and toys. At last, we entered a food stall and had some refreshments there. Then we came back home tired and exhausted but very happy and fully contented.

Question 23. Write a paragraph on “The importance of growing more trees” (within 100 words) Using The Following Points : Points: Importance of trees in our everyday life — creating pollution — free atmosphere — preventing soil erosion, floods — steps were taken by the West Bengal Government — its advantages

The Importance Of Growing Trees

Trees are useful and beautiful gifts of nature. They give us flowers, fruits, timber, bamboo, fuels, etc. which are so necessary for us. They are also a great source of paper, rubber, and gums absorb carbon-di-oxide from the atmosphere and release oxygen which we need for our life.

The roots of trees bind loose soil and prevent soil erosion. They cause rainfall and prevent air pollution. They protect us from severe weather. An area without trees soon becomes barren and turns into a desert in the course of time.

Trees thus help in maintaining ecological balance. Indeed they play a great role in civilization. We should therefore avoid random feelings of trees. Trees should be preserved with great care.

Question 24. Write a paragraph on safe driving, and saving a life. Points: Introduction — problems — benefits of safe driving — laws — mass — awareness.

Safe Drive, Save Life

Reckless driving is one of the major causes of road accidents. Car drivers often refuse to obey traffic rules. Bike riders without helmets enjoy riding. The drivers of the four-wheelers hardly use seatbelts. Parking cars here and there is another problem.

The street signals are not also carefully minded. Overtaking occurs often. All this contributes to the alarming rise of accidents. Hence the State Government has launched the’Safe Drive, Save Life’ campaign with all seriousness.

Schools, colleges, and universities are requested to campaign this to make all aware of rash driving. Law alone can’t put an end to the nuisance. Mass awareness is to be roused. We are to keep in mind that the roads are meant for all. We have no right to take away the lives of others as well as of ourselves.

Question 25. Write a paragraph (within 1 00 words) using the given points on “Students and Social Service”: Points: Society gives everything – students should do for society – duty for poor illiterate – night class – help the sick – create fellow feelings.

Students And Social Service

Work done selflessly to society is social service. Students are part and parcel of society. They are the future citizens of the country. In fact, they are the hopes of the country. Society helps them to bloom.

So, they have duties toward society. They have no narrowness. They are also energetic. During their vacations, they may go to the villages.

They can also go to the slums or to the tribal areas to educate poor people and teach those people the rules of health and sanitation. They can take an active part in mass literacy campaigns.

During natural calamities like drought, flood, or earthquake they can help the victims. They can also help to construct or repair roads, clean the locality and help the old and infirm. Social service makes the students honest, sincere
and active.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत

About The Author-Mulk Raj Anand

The author of this lesson, Mulk Raj Anand was a prominent Indian author of novels, short stories, and essays in English, who is known for his writings of the toiling masses of India. He was born in Peshawar in 1905 and was educated at the Universities of Punjab and London.

He received his Ph.D. in Philosophy in 1929. His first two novels ‘Untouchable’ (1935) and ‘Coolie’ (1936) brought him recognition. Some of his famous works are the well-known trilogy ‘The Village (1939), ‘Across the Black Waters’ (1940), and ‘The Sword and the Sickle (1942). When he returned to India in 1946, he was the best-known Indian writer in English abroad. In 1946 he founded the fine-arts magazine ‘Marg’.

Read and Learn More WBBSE Solutions for Class 9 English Bliss

He also became a director of Kutub Publishers. From 1948 to 1966 Anand taught at Indian Universities. Mulk Raj Anand was fine-art chairman at Lalit Kala Akademi from 1965 to 1970. He kept in constant touch with literary figures from across the globe like E.M. Forster.

Mulk Raj Anand received the “International Peace Prize” from World Peace Council, the “Sahitya Academy Award”, “Padma Bhusan” and several other rewards during his long literary career. Mulk Raj Anand died on September 28, 2004.

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत लेखक परिचय

प्रस्तुत पाठ के लेखक, मुल्कराज आनंद एक प्रसिद्ध भारतीय लेखक है जिन्होंने अंग्रेजी भाषा में उपन्यास, लघुकथा तथा निबंधों की रचना किये हैं और मेहनतकश लोगों के प्रति अपनी रचनाओं के लिए जाने जाते हैं। इनका जन्म 1905 ई० में पेशावर में हुआ तथा इनकी शिक्षा-दीक्षा पंजाब और लंदन की विश्वविद्यालय में हुई। 1929 ई० में इन्हें दर्शनशास्त्र में पी०एच०डी० की डिग्री प्राप्त हुई ।

इनकी दो उपन्यासें ‘Untouchable’ (1935) एवं ‘Coolie’ (1936) इन्हें ख्याति दिलाया । उनकी कुछ प्रसिद्ध रचनाओं में ‘The Village’ (1939), ‘Across the Black Waters’ (1940) एवं ‘The Sword and the Sickle’ (1942) ये तीनों बहुत ही परिचित हैं। 1946 ई० में ये जब वापस भारत आये, तब वे विदेश में अंग्रेजी भाषा के लेखकों में एक भारतीय के रूप में बहुत ही प्रसिद्ध थे । 1946 ई० में ये Marg नाम का ललित कला की पत्रिका का प्रकाशन आरंभ किये।

ये कुतुब प्रकाशन का एक निर्देशक • भी रहे। 1948 से 1966 ई० तक ये भारतवर्ष के कई विश्वविद्यालयों में अध्यापन का कार्य भी किये हैं। 1965 से 1970 ई० तक मुल्कराज आनंद ललित कला अकादमी में ललित कला के अध्यक्ष भी रहे हैं। E.M. Forster जैसे विश्व के विभिन्न भागों के साहित्यकारों से उनका सदैव संपर्क बना रहता था।

मुल्कराज आनंद अपनी लंबी साहित्यिक जीवन में World Peace Council से अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय शान्ति पुरस्कार, साहित्य अकादमी पुरस्कार, पद्म भूषण तथा अन्य कई सम्मानीय पुरस्कार प्राप्त किये हैं। 28 सितम्बर, 2004 ई० में मुल्कराज आनंद का देहांत हुआ ।

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत Introduction

“The Price of Bananas” is based on a funny incident where a monkey took away the fancy cap of a businessman which he finally got back with the help of a fruit vendor. But underneath the lighter tone of the story, the author satirizes the unkind behavior of the businessman towards the poor fruit vendor.

While waiting for the train at Faizabad station, the narrator was amused by the lively monkeys who were coming up and down from the trees on the platform. Having boarded the train, the narrator found a monkey snatching away the loincloth of a pious man who was taking a bath.

He along with other passengers was surprised when the monkey returned the cloth from the tree. In the meantime, a businessman entered the compartment, dressed with a nice cap on his head. To their surprise, they found the same monkey taking away the cap of the businessman. Though he shouted, the monkey had no intention of returning the cap.

Suddenly a fruit vendor came to help the businessman. Taking a couple of bananas in one hand, he asked the monkey to return the cap. After a few minutes, the monkey responded to his request and released the cap. The passengers on the platform were all amused.

They praised the vendor. But when he asked two annas for his bananas, the businessman acted very cruelly and threw only an anna at him. The narrator along with the passengers was deeply hurt by the unkind behavior of the businessman. Thus the funny incident turned into a bitter sense of disgust to them.

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत भूमिका

“The Price of Bananas” (केले की कीमत) एक मजेदार घटना पर आधारित रचना है जहाँ एक बन्दर एक व्यवसायी की टोपी लेकर भाग जाता है जिसे वह एक गरीब फल विक्रेता की मदद से वापस पाता है। किन्तु कहानी की इस लघु शैली के नीचे लेखक ने उस गरीब फल विक्रेता के प्रति व्यवसायी के निष्ठुर व्यवहार का उपहास करते हैं। फैजाबाद स्टेशन पर ट्रेन की प्रतीक्षा करते समय, वाचक उन चंचल बन्दरों को देखकर बहुत ही खुश हुए थे जो प्लेटफार्म के उपर के पेड़ों पर उठ बैठ कर रहे थे।

ट्रेन में सवार हो वाचक ने एक बन्दर को एक स्नान करते धार्मिक प्रवृत्ति के व्यक्ति का लंगोटी लेकर भागते देखा । अन्य यात्रियों के साथ वे भी अवाक हुए जब देखा कि बन्दर ने वृक्ष के उपर से वह कपड़ा वापस कर दिया। इतने में सिर पर एक सुन्दर टोपी पहने एक व्यवसायी ट्रेन के कमरे में प्रवेश किया। वे लोग अवाक हो उसी बन्दर को व्यवसायी का टोपी लेकर भागते देखा। यद्यपि वे चिल्लाये किन्तु बन्दर को टोपी वापस करने का कोई इच्छा नहीं था ।

अकस्मात एक फल विक्रेता व्यवसायी की सहायता करने के लिए आगे आया। एक हाथ से एक जोड़ा केले दिखाते हुए उसने बन्दर से टोपी वापस करने का अनुरोध किया। कुछ ही मिनटों में उसका अनुरोध मानते हुए बन्दर ने टोपी छोड़ दिया । प्लेटफार्म के सभी यात्री बहुत खुश हुए। उन्होंने फल विक्रेता की प्रशंसा किया।

किन्तु जब उसने अपने केले की कीमत स्वरूप दो आने की मांग किया, तब व्यवसायी ने उसके साथ बहुत ही निष्ठुर आचरण किया और उसकी ओर सिर्फ एक आना फेंक दिया । व्यवसायी के इस आचरण से वाचक और उनके साथ के यात्रियों को बहुत ही सदमा पहुँचा। इस प्रकार एक मजेदार घटना उनके लिए बहुत ही अरुचिकर बन कर रह गया ।

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत Summary

On his journey from Faizabad to Lucknow, the narrator was amazed by the monkeys who were busy picking up food items from the neem and tamarind tees on the platform. As he took his seat in the compartment, he was surprised to find a monkey snatching away the loincloth of a pious person.

The incident caused a lot of excitement among the passengers. When the man requested the monkey to return his cloth, the generous monkey threw it down from the tree at him.

At this time a businessman heavily dressed, entered the compartment. To their surprise, a monkey leaped down from the top of the compartment and snatched away the cap of the businessman. The more the man shouted, the more the monkey became remoter.

Suddenly a fruit vendor came to the spot and promised to rescue the cap. He took out a couple of bananas in one hand and asked the monkey to return the cap. After a moment of hesitation, the monkey took the bananas with one hand and released the cap with the other.

All the passengers praised the fruit vendor. But when he asked a mere two annas for the price of his bananas, the businessman got very angry. As the train was about to leave the station he only threw an anna towards the vendor on the platform. The businessman then began to justify himself to the other passengers. But all of them felt sympathy for the fruit vendor and mocked the cruel behavior of the businessman.

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत सारांश

फैजाबाद से लखनऊ जाते समय लेखक ने उन बन्दरों को देख कर बहुत खुश हुए जो प्लेटफार्म के उपर नीम तथा इमली के पेड़ पर अपने खाद्य संग्रह में व्यस्त थे। जब वे ट्रेन की कमरे में बैठे तब एक बन्दर को एक धार्मिक प्रवृति के व्यक्ति का लंगोटी लेकर भागते देख अवाक हुए। यह घटना यात्रियों के लिए बहुत ही कौतुहल का कारण बना । जब उस व्यक्ति ने बन्दर से कपड़ा वापस देने का अनुरोध किया तब उसने उस कपड़े को उसकी ओर फेंक दिया ।

इसी समय सुन्दर पोशाक में एक व्यवसायी ट्रेन के कमरे में प्रवेश किया। सबों को आश्चर्यचकित करते हुए एक बन्दर डिब्बे के उपर से उतरा और व्यवसायी का टोपी लेकर भाग गया। व्यवसायी चिल्लाता रहा और बन्दर और भी दूर जाता रहा ।

अकस्मात एक फल विक्रेता वहाँ आया और टोपी वापस ला देने का वादा किया। एक हाथ में दो केले लेकर उसने बन्दर से टोपी वापस करने का अनुरोध किया। पल भर इधर-उधर करने के बाद बन्दर एक हाथ से केले लेकर दूसरे हाथ से टोपी वापस कर दिया।

सभी यात्री फल विक्रेता की प्रशंसा करने लगे। किन्तु जब उसने केले की कीमत के रूप में व्यवसायी से दो आने की मांग किया तब वह बहुत ही क्रोधित हुआ। गाड़ी जब प्लेटफार्म छोड़ रही थी तब उसने मात्र एक आना प्लेटफार्म पर फल विक्रेता की ओर फेंक दिया। उस समय व्यवसायी अन्य यात्रियों के निकट अपने आप को सही प्रमाणित करना चाह रहा था । किन्तु सबों ने गरीब फल विक्रेता के प्रति समवेदना ज्ञापन किया और व्यवसायी के निष्ठुर व्यवहार का उपहास किया।

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत Text

I was on my way from Faizabad railway station to Lucknow. I had arrived at the station half an hour in advance of the time for the train’s departure. I sat on a bench watching the monkeys frolicking in the trees and on the open platform.

The monkeys descended now and then to collect half-sucked mango stones and the remains of food from the platform. The younger monkeys sat on the boughs of neem and tamarind trees, ready to jump after any food that may be visible.

Just then the train was announced by the ringing of the station bell. I concentrated on securing a seat for myself on the train. I got a window seat overlooking the platform. Some other passengers joined me in the compartment. We were all sweating from the rising heat of the summer.

Several passengers were busy filling up their small earthen pitchers from
a water pump. I was struck by the genius of a monkey in snatching away the loincloth of a pious person who was taking a bath under the pump. A great deal of general amusement was caused by this incident.

The bather then requested the monkey to return his loin cloth. The monkey was generous and threw it down from the neem tree at the “man’s feet.

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत Word Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Arrived : पहुँचाया था।
  2. Advance : अग्रिम
  3. Departure: प्रस्थान
  4. Descended : उत्तर आना ।
  5. Collect : संग्रह करना |
  6. Half-Sucked : आधा चूसा हुआ
  7. I Remainders : अवशिष्ट ।
  8. Boughs : पेड़ की डाले ।
  9. Tamarind : इमली ।
  10. Visible : देखनेलायक, दृष्टिगोचर
  11. Announced: घोषणा किया जाना ।
  12. Concentrated: मनोयोग देना
  13. Securing: सुरक्षित
  14. Compartment : ट्रेन का कमरा ।
  15. Sweating: पसीने से तर हो जाना।
  16. Several : कई
  17. Filling : भरना ।
  18. Earthen: मिट्टी का बना हुआ।
  19. Pitchers : कलशी ।
  20. Genius: प्रतिभा ।
  21. Snatching : झपट लेना ।
  22. Loin: कमर, यहाँ आशय है पहनने की कपड़े से
  23. Pious : धर्मपरायण ।
  24. Bath : स्नान
  25. Amusement: मनोरंजन
  26. Incident: घटना
  27. Bather: जिसने स्नान कर लिया है।
  28. Generous: उदार ।

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत हिन्दी अनुवाद

मैं फैजाबाद रेलवे स्टेशन से लखनऊ वापस आ रहा था। गाड़ी छूटने के आधा घंटा पहले ही मैं स्टेशन पर पहुँच गया था। एक बेंच पर बैठ कर मैं प्लेटफार्म के ऊपर के पेड़ों पर बन्दरों का खेल देख रहा था। बन्दरें अब नीचे उतर आये। थे और प्लेटफार्म पर पड़े अर्ध-चुसे हुए आम की गुठलियाँ चाट रहे थे तथा खाद्य सामग्री की अवशिष्टांसों को उठा रहे थे। छोटी बन्दरें किसी खाद्य-पदार्थ को देखते ही झपट पड़ने की तैयारी में नीम तथा इमली के पेड़ों पर बैठे हुए थे ।

तभी स्टेशन की घंटी बजाकर गाड़ी के आने की घोषणा की गई। गाड़ी में मैं अपने लिए एक बैठने की जगह पाने के लिए ध्यान दिया। मुझे खिड़की के किनारे का एक सीट मिल गया जहाँ से प्लेटफार्म को देखा जा रहा था। कमरे में और भी कुछ यात्री सवार हुए। गर्मी की तेज तापमान में हमलोग सभी पसीने से भींगे हुए थे।

कई यात्री नलकूप से मिट्टी की छोटी कलशी भर रहे थे। मैं एक बन्दर की बुद्धि को देखकर अवाक हुआ जो नलकूप के नीचे बैठे स्नानरत एक धार्मिक प्रवृति के व्यक्ति का लंगोटा झपट लिया था। यह घटना हमलोगों में बहुत कौतुहल सृष्टि किया था। व्यक्ति ने बन्दर से अपनी लंगोटी वापस करने का अनुरोध किया। बन्दर बहुत ही दयालु था और नीम के पेड़ से उस व्यक्ति के पाँव के निकट कपड़ा फेंक दिया।

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत Text

While all this was going on, I noticed a gentleman come up to our compartment. He looked like a businessman. He was dressed in a white muslin dhoti, a delicate tunic, and an embroidered cap on his head. A porter was carrying his luggage which included a big steel trunk, several small baskets, and a brass jug.

The man was shouting at the porter to hurry up with the luggage. Suddenly a monkey leaped down from the top of our compartment and snatched away the fine embroidered cap of the businessman. The monkey then climbed up the neem tree. “What have you done, monkey !” The businessman shouted, in utter confusion.

His round and smug face was covered with perspiration. He ran towards the tree over the pump and stood threatening the monkey. However, the more he shouted at the monkey, the remoter the monkey became. It was the same monkey that had snatched the bather’s loin cloth.

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत Word Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. While : जब, जबकि
  2. Noticed: सूचित होना ।
  3. Gentleman : सज्जन व्यक्ति
  4. Businessman : व्यवसायी ।
  5. Dressed : आभूषित, अलंकृत।
  6. Delicate: सुन्दर, महीन |

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत हिन्दी अनुवाद

प्लेटफार्म के लोग व्यवसायी की इस दुर्गति से बहुत ही रोमांचित हुए। वे एक करुण एवं निराश अभिव्यक्ति लिए खड़े थे । इसी समय एक फल विक्रेता अपनी गाड़ी ठेलते हुए आया। उसने सेठ जी से कहा कि वह टोपी वापस ला देगा ।
 व्यवसायी व्यक्ति को कुछ राहत मिला। फलवाला दाहिने हाथ में दो केले रखकर बन्दर को दिखाने लगा और बायाँ हाथ टोपी के लिए आगे बढ़ाया। बन्दर असमंजस में पड़ गया ।
फलवाला बन्दर को प्रलोभित करने लगा, “आओ, आओ, नीचे आओ ।” उसने केले को उपर उठाया। सावधानी से बन्दर फलवाले के नजदीक एक डाल पर उतर आया।

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत Text

The whole platform became silent and waited, with bated breath, for the impossible to happen. The vendor cooed in a soft voice, Ao, ao, to the monkey. The monkey, looking at this side and accepted the bargain. It took over the bananas with its right hand and released the embroidered cap, slightly crumpled, with its left hand.

The spectators shouted in praise. The fruit vendor came and humbly offered Sethji his cap. “They are hungry,” he said, “so they disturb the passengers.” “Acha,” said the Sethji, and turned to go into the compartment. The vendor said, “Sethjl, please give me two annas for the bananas which I had to offer to the monkey.”

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत Word Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Silent: चुपचाप, निःशब्द ।
  2. Bated: घटाकर, कसकर रखना ।
  3. Cooed: कोयल की भांति आवाज करना, मधुर आवाज में बुलाना ।
  4. Accepted: ग्रहण किया था।
  5. Bargain: मोल-भाव करना ।
  6. Released: रिहा कर देना या मुक्त कर देना ।
  7. Crumpled: सिकुड़ना, पिसना |
  8. Spectators: दर्शक |
  9. Praise: प्रशंसा।
  10. Humbly : विनम्रता से ।

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत हिन्दी अनुवाद

समूचा प्लेटफार्म चुपचाप हो, श्वाँस रोके हुए इस असंभव घटना को संभव होते देखने की प्रतीक्षा में था। फलवाला मधुर स्वर में बन्दर से कहने लगा, “आओ, आओ।”
बन्दर इधर-उधर देखा और इस मोल-भाव को मान लिया । वह दाहिने हाथ से केले को उठा लिया और बाँये हाथ से कुछ सिकुड़ गये टोपी को छोड़ दिया ।
देखनेवाले प्रशंसा में चिल्ला उठे । फलवाला नम्रतापूर्वक सेठजी को टोपी वापस कर दिया । उसने कहा, “वे भूखे हैं, इसीलिए यात्रियों को तंग किया करते हैं। सेठ जी ‘अच्छा’ कहकर कमरे में जाने के लिए मुड़े। फलवाले ने कहा, “सेठजी, बन्दर को जो दो केले दिये गये हैं उसके लिए कृपया मुझे दो आने दें । “

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत Text

“Two annas! What impudence!” Sethji shouted each word in disgust at the grimy fruit vendor. “Please give him the money, Sethji”. the rest of the compartment said. “Acha, here are four annas for you, porter, and an anna for you, fruit vendor!” Sethji said. “But I carried two big pieces of luggage,” the porter wailed.
“Go! Go! Crook!” Sethji thundered at the protesting porter. The porter left. The fruit vendor persisted, “Sethji, be just, I saved your honorable cap… “The businessman threw an anna towards him on the platform.
The guard’s whistle blew. The train was about to depart. The vendor looked in through the compartment window.
“Sethji, do not rob the poor!”.
“Ja, ja! Take rest,” Sethji scowled at him.

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत Word-Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Impudence : निर्लज्जता, धृष्टता ।
  2. Disgust: विरक्ति, अरुचिकर
  3. Grimy: मलिन, मैला
  4. Crook : धोखेबाज |
  5. Thundered: बहुत ही गंभीर आवाज में कहा ।
  6. Protesting : प्रतिवाद करना
  7. Persisted: काम में लगे रहना
  8. Just : सत्यनिष्ठ, न्यायी
  9. Honourable: सम्मानीय ।
  10. Whistle: एक प्रकार की सीटी
  11. Depart : प्रस्थान कर जाना
  12. Rob : वंचित करना, लूट करना
  13. Scowled: आँख दिखाना ।

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत हिन्दी अनुवाद

“दो आना कैसा निर्लज्ज हो।” सेठजी उस फलवाले के प्रति बहुत ही अरुचि के साथ चिल्ला-चिल्ला कर प्रत्येक शब्द का उच्चारण कर रहे थे। कमरे के अन्य यात्रियों ने कहा, “सेठजी, अनुग्रहपूर्वक उसका पैसा उसे दे दीजिये ।” सेठजी ने कहा, “अच्छा, ऐ कुली, तुम्हारे लिए चार आना और इस फलवाले के लिए एक आना । “
कुली प्राय: कराहते हुए बोला, “किन्तु मैं तो दो बड़ा सामान उठा कर लाया हूँ ।”
सेठजी प्रतिवादी कुली के उपर वज्रपात होने जैसी आवाज में कहा, “या! या!, धोखेबाज !” कुली चला गया । फलवाला लगा रहा, “सेठजी, अन्याय मत कीजिये, मैने आपके सम्मानित टोपी को बचाया है ।” व्यवसायी ने प्लटफॉर्म पर उसकी ओर एक आना फेंक दिया ।
गार्ड की सीटी बज उठा। गाड़ी खुलने का समय हो गया था। फलवाला खिड़की से कमरे के भीतर देख रहा था। “सेठजी, गरीब को वंचित मत करो। “
“सेठजी ने उसकी ओर तीखी तेवर से देखा और कहा, “जाओ, जाओ, विश्राम करो।”

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत Text

The train had begun to move. The fruit vendor first ran along with it, then got on to the footstep and clung to the window, pleading. But Sethji had turned his head away.
He was looking out of the window at the goods train on the other side. The train had passed the whole length of the platform and the frustrated vendor finally dropped off.
Sethji turned round to all of us and began to justify himself, “If he did not want to help me to get my cap back, he should not have offered the monkey the bananas. I did not ask him to help.
I felt that all the other passengers had sympathy for the poor vendor. The whole amusing episode had ended in a bitter sense of grievance against the rich businessman who had been so hard on the generous-hearted fruit vendor.
I drew a cartoon of Sethji and showed my drawing to all the other passengers except him. Everyone laughed. The more we laughed, Sethji became the more uncomfortable.

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत Word Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Clung : चिपक जाना।
  2. Pleading: विनती करना ।
  3. Frustrated : हताश ।
  4. Justify: उचित प्रमाणित करना।
  5. Sympathy : सहानुभूति ।
  6. Bitter: तिक्त, बुरा।
  7. Grievance: क्षोभ
  8. Cartoon : व्यंग्य चित्र ।
  9. Uncomfortable : आरामदायक नहीं।

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत हिन्दी अनुवाद

इसके बाद गाड़ी चलने लगी। पहले तो फलवाला इसके साथ दौड़ा, बाद में पैदान पकड़ कर झूलता हुआ विनती करने  लगा। किन्तु सेठजी अपना मुँह दूसरी ओर घुमाये रखा। वे दूसरी ओर एक मालगाड़ी को देख रहे थे। गाड़ी प्लेटफार्म छोड़कर चली गई और लाचार फलवाला उतर गया ।
सेठजी हमारी ओर अपने को सही प्रमाण करना आरंभ किये। “जब मुझे सहायता करने की इच्छा नहीं था, तब तो उसे बन्दर को केले देना उचित नहीं हुआ। मैं तो उसे सहायता करने के लिए नहीं कहा था।”
मैं समझ गया कि अन्य सभी यात्री गरीब फलवाले के प्रति सहानुभूति अनुभव कर रहे थे। एक मजेदार घटना उस धनी व्यवसायी के प्रति विक्षोभ की एक तिक्तता के साथ समाप्त हुआ जो एक सरल फलवाले के साथ इतना कठोर हुए थे। मैं सेठजी का एक व्यंग्य चित्र अंकित किया और उसे उन्हें छोड़कर सबों को दिखाया। सभी हँसने लगे। हमलोग जितना हँसते थे, सेठजी उतना ही विरक्ति अनुभव करते थे ।

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत Word Nest (शब्द नीड़)

  1. Frolicking : playing around in a lively, happy way (खुशी एवं आनन्द के साथ खेलना)
  2. Perspiration : sweat (पसीना)
  3. Coaxed :  persuaded somebody earnestly. (हार्दिकता के साथ
  4. Crumpled: crushed (सिकुड़ जाना, पिस जाना)
  5. Anna: an old form of Indian currency (16 annas used to make a rupee) (भारतीय मुद्रा का एक पुराना रूप जहाँ 16 आना एक रुपया माना जाता था)
  6. Impudence: rudeness (कठोरता)
  7. Grimy: covered with dirt (गन्दगियों से ढँका)
  8. crook: a dishonest person (एक बेईमान व्यक्ति)
  9. Scowled: looked at somebody angrily (गुस्से में किसी के ओर देखना)

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत Textual Questions (पाठ्याधारित प्रश्न) Exercise (अभ्यास) – 1

Tick The Correct Answer From The Given Alternatives:
Question 1. The author was on his way from Faizabad railway station to
  1. Delhi
  2. Kolkata
  3. Lucknow
  4. Ahmedabad
Answer: 3. Lucknow
Question 2. From the water pump, the passengers were filling up their
  1. Water bottles
  2. Earthen pitchers
  3. Brass jugs
  4. Steel buckets
Answer: 2. Earthen pitchers
Question 3. The gentleman who came up to the author’s compartment looked like a
  1. Businessman
  2. Doctor
  3. Teacher
  4. Postman
Answer: 2. Businessman
Question 4. The price the vendor asked for the bananas was
  1. Two annas
  2. Four annas
  3. Six annas
  4. Eight annas
Answer: 2. Two annas
Question 5.  The author drew the cartoon of
  1. Fruit vendor
  2. Monkey
  3. Porter
  4. Sethji
Answer: 4. Sethji

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत Exercise (अभ्यास) – 2

Answer The Following Questions Within Fifteen Words:
Question 1. Where did the young monkeys sit?
Answer: The young monkeys sat on the boughs of neem and tamarind trees.
Question 2. What did the monkey do to the loin cloth of the pious person?
Answer: The monkey snatched away the loincloth of the pious person when he was bathing.
Question 3. What did Sethji’s luggage include?
Answer: Sethji’s luggage included a big steel trunk, several small baskets, and a brass jug.
Question 4. Why according to the fruit vendor, were the monkeys disturbing the passengers?

Answer: According to the fruit vendor, the monkeys were disturbing the passengers because they were hungry.

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत Exercise (अभ्यास) – 3

Answer The Following Question Within Twenty-Five Words:
Question 1. What was the businessman wearing?
Answer: The businessman was well-dressed. He was wearing a white muslin dhoti, a delicate tunic, and an embroidered cap on his head.
Question 2. What did the monkey do after accepting the fruit vendor’s bargain?
Answer: After accepting the fruit vendor’s bargain, the monkey took the bananas from his right hand the released the slightly crumpled embroidered cap of the businessman with the left hand.
Question 3. How did the whole amusing episode end?
Answer: The whole amusing episode ended in a bitter sense of grievance against the rich businessman as he had been very rude to the generous fruit vendor.

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत Exercise (अभ्यास) – 4

Fill In The Blanks With Appropriate Articles And Prepositions:

Question 1.  ________ sun rises in the east.
Answer: The sun rises in the east.
Question 2. The dog jumped________ the log.
Answer: The dog jumped over the log.
Question 3. I love to watch________ one-day match.
Answer: I love to watch a one-day match.
Question 4. ________ a pen, Tiya also has an eraser.
Answer: Besides a pen, Tiya also has an eraser.

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत Exercise (अभ्यास)  – 5

Change The Voice Of The Following Sentences:
Question 1. Mr. Khan is known to me.
Answer: I know Mr. Khan.
Question 2. Trina had composed a poem.
Answer: A poem had been composed by Trina.
Question 3. I will always remember you.
Answer: You will be always remembered by me.
Question 4. They have made him the President of the club.

Answer: He has been made the President of the club by them.

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत Exercise (अभ्यास)  – 6

Fill In The Blanks With The Appropriate Form Of The Given Verbs In Brackets :
Question 1. They ____ ____ their puja vacation in the hills, (spend)
Answer: They will spend their puja vacation in the hills.
Question 2. We ____ ____ in this city for over ten years, (live)
Answer: We are living in this city for over ten years.
Question 3. I ____ ____ just reading the book, (finish)
Answer: I have just finished reading the book.
Question 4. The project by June next year, (complete)
Answer: The project will have been completed by June next year.

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत Exercise (अभ्यास)  – 7

Change The Mode Of Narration In The Following Sentences:
Question 1. Rahul said,” Alas! Brazil has lost the match,”
Answer: Rahul exclaimed in grief that Brazil had lost the match.
Question 2. “Let us go for a walk,” said Shabnam to Chandni.
Answer: Shabnam proposed to Chandni that they should go for a walk.
Question 3. “Good morning, madam,” said the students to the teacher.
Answer: The students greeted the teacher good morning.
Question 4. My father said to me, “Do not pluck flowers.”
Answer: My father instructed me not to pluck flowers.

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत Exercise (अभ्यास)- 8

Question 1. Write a story in about 100 words using the given hints. Give a suitable title to the story:
Hints: two cats find a piece of bread-fight over it-monkey arrives – decides to settle the dispute monkey breaks the bread into two- uneven sizes – eats a portion from the larger share – dispute continues – monkey eats both pieces of bread.
Answer:  One day, two cats were searching for food. They noticed a piece of bread at the same time. Each wanted to have it. So fighting started. A clever monkey came to them and said, “Why are you fighting? You both are hungry. So each of you has half of this.” The cats agreed.

So he broke the bread into two and gave each cat a piece. But the pieces were uneven. To make them equal the monkey had a large bite from the larger portion. Then it became smaller than the other. He had another bite from the larger. Thus the dispute continued. Finally, the cats found the monkey ate both pieces of bread in order to make them equal.

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत Exercise (अभ्यास) – 9

Question 1. Using the following points write a paragraph in about 100 words on how your locality looks like at dawn:
your place of stay – early morning sky-description of the nature around-sounds that are heard-reasons for enjoyment-conclusion.
Answer: I live in a metropolitan city, Kolkata. The area where I live is Sovabazar. My house is near the river Ganges. The dawn at our place gives a wonderful view over the river. There is a tinge of red color on the river water. The color of the sky reflects there.

The houses, trees, and fields all gain their original color from the darkness. Boats are found floating on the water. A gentle breeze blows across us. Various sounds like the twittering of birds, the sounds of a few vehicles, and sounds from factories are heard. Many people come on the ghats to take bath. The scene of the river at dawn is really magnificent.

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत Additional Textual Question & Answers

Tick The Correct Answer From The Given Alternatives:
Question 1. A monkey snatched the loincloth of
  1. A vendor
  2. A pious person
  3. A businessman
  4. The narrator
Answer: 2. A pious person
Question 2. By the incident the pious man
  1. Was embarrassed
  2. Had a great deal of amusement
  3. Was angry
  4. Was generous
Answer: 1. Had a great deal of amusement
Question 3. ‘Mango stones’ means
  1. Stones for ornaments
  2. Gems having the shape of mangoes
  3. Hard cases of mango seeds
  4. Stones were thrown at mangoes
Answer: 3. Hard cases of mango seeds
Question 4. The station bell rang
  1. To make the narrator concentrate on securing a seat
  2. To make the passengers busy
  3. To declare the entry of the train
  4. To surprise all just then
Answer: 3. To declare the entry of the train
Question 5. To the sethji fruit vendor’s demand seemed to be
  1. Just
  2. Polite
  3. Rude
  4. Foolish
Answer: 2. Rude
Question 6. For the fruit vendor, all the passengers had
  1. Admiration
  2. Disgust
  3. Anger
  4. Sympathy
Answer: 4. Sympathy
Question 7. The fruit vendor ran up to the
  1. End of the platform
  2. Footsteps of the train
  3. Sethji
  4. Speaker
Answer: 1. End of the platform
Question 8. When the sethji was denied, the fruit vendor was
  1. Happy
  2. Frustrated
  3. Angry
  4. Sad
Answer: 2. Frustrated
Question 9. All the other passengers felt sympathy for the
  1. Sethji
  2. Speaker
  3. Fruit vendor
  4. Graud of the train
Answer: 3. Fruit vendor
Question 10. The rich businessman was
  1. Kind-hearted
  2. Generous
  3. Sympathetic
  4. Cruel
Answer: 3. Cruel.
Question 11. Which one of the following was not among the porter’s luggage?
  1. Buckets
  2. Steel trunk
  3. Baskets
  4. Brass jug
Answer: 1. Buckets
Question 12. The businessman shouted at the porter
  1. To go slow
  2. To go faster
  3. To run
  4. To go at a moderate pace
Answer: 2. To go faster
Question 13. The monkey snatch away the businessman’s
  1. Cap
  2. Luggage
  3. Tunic
  4. Basket
Answer: 1. Cap
Question 14. The vendor cooed in a
  1. Harsh voice
  2. Low voice
  3. Loud voice
  4. Soft voice
Answer: 4. Soft voice
Question 15. While coming down, the monkey was very
  1. Indifferent
  2. Angry
  3. Sad
  4. Cautious
Answer: 4. Cautious
Question 16. The monkey accepted
  1. The mango
  2. The sweets
  3. The grapes
  4. The bananas
Answer: 4. The bananas
Question 17. On the train, the author got a
  1. Window seat
  2. Middle seat
  3. Birth
  4. Broken seat
Answer: 1. Window seat
Question 18. The businessman gave the porter
  1. One anna
  2. Two annas
  3. Three annas
  4. Four annas
Answer: 4. Four annas

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत Answer The Following Questions Within Fifteen Words

Question 1. Where did the monkey go after taking away the cap?
Answer: After taking away the cap the monkey climbed up the neem tree.
Question 2. Why were the people on the platform amused?
Answer: The people of the platform were amused by the plight of the businessman.
Question 3. Why did the vendor ask for the money?
Answer: The vendor asked for the money for the bananas.
Question 4. Why did Sethji shout at the vendor?
Answer: Sethji shouted at the vendor as he asked for the price of his bananas.

Lesson (पाठ) – 10 The Price Of Bananas केले की कीमत Answer The Following Questions Within Twenty-Five Words

Question 1. Why did the monkeys descend now and then on the platform?
Answer: The monkey descended now and then to collect half-sucked mango stones and the remainders of foodstuff from the platform.
Question 2. How did the monkey behave with the pious man after his request?
Answer: The monkey was generous. He threw down the loincloth from the neem tree at the man’s feet responding to his appeal.
Question 3. Why did the passengers sweat?
Answer: Passengers sweated first in the train compartment because of the heat of the summer.
Question 4. What did the vendor do when the train started to move?
Answer: When the train started to move the fruit vendor first ran along with it. Then he got the footstep and clung to the window, pleading.
Question 5. What caused the businessman to perspire?
Answer: A monkey on the platform snatched away Sethji’s embroidered cap. He shouted and became confused. This incident caused Sethji to perspire.
Question 6. How did the businessman do injustice to the fruit seller?
Answer: The fruit seller helped Sethji to recover his cap from the monkey in exchange for a pair of bananas. When the fruit seller asked for the price of bananas, Sethji was reluctant. This was an injustice to the fruit seller.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) – 4 A Day In The Zoo चिडियाखाना में एक दिन

Lesson (पाठ) – 4 A Day In The Zoo चिडियाखाना में एक दिन

About the author- Gerald Durrell

The author of the lesson, Gerald Durrell was born in Jamshedpur, India on 7th January 1925. His parents were Lawrence Samuel and Louisa Florence Durrell.

His father was an engineer. When his father died in 1928, his mother was left to raise four children on her own. In the same year, they came to England. But they were not happy there. So they moved to Corfu in Greece in 1935.

Then Gerald was 10 years old. They stayed there until the outbreak of World War II in 1939 and in the same year his family returned to England.

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Then Gerald took a job in a local pet shop. After the Second World War, he got a job as a student keeper at the Whipsnade Zoological Society Park in Bedfordshire.

In 1947 he began organizing his own animal-collecting expeditions. He made a trip to Cameroon in West Africa with the Zoologist, John Yealland, and collected small to medium-sized animals.

In 1951 Durrell married Jacquie Sonia Rasen. The very next year he made a trip to Paraguay and Argentina. In 1959 Durrell realized his lifelong dream when he set up the Jersey Zoological Park. A few years later the Jersey Wildlife Preservation Trust was set up to run the zoo.

Just after Gerald’s divorce from Jacquie Sonia Rasen in 1979, he met a young American Zoologist by the name of Lee Mc George. Durrell and Lee got married soon afterward.

Durrell remained with Lee until his death. Durrell and Lee starred in a number of television series, including ‘Ark on the Move’, ‘The Amateur Naturalist’ and ‘Durrell in Russia.’

He was awarded the OBE (Order of the British Empire) in 1982. his 60s. He died of cancer of the liver on 30th January 1995. During his lifetime he had written about 37 books.

Most of his books are almost autobiographical. In those books, he describes his life and adventure in remote places of the world. Of the books about animal collecting, one of the best is probably ‘The Bafut Beagles’.

‘My Family and Other Animals’, ‘Birds, Beasts and Relatives’ and ‘The Garden of Gods’ record his upbringing in a highly talented family.

His book, ‘Beasts in my Belfry’ describes his experience at Whipsnade. Some of his well-known books are ‘Look at Zoos’, ‘Island Zoo’, ‘Menagerie Manor’, ‘Two in the Bush’, etc.

(पाठ)- 4 चिडियाखाना में एक दिन लेखक परिचय

इस पाठ के लेखक, जेराल्ड डारेल का जन्म 1925 ई० के 7 जनवरी को भारतवर्ष के जमशेदपुर में हुआ था। इनके माता-पिता यथाक्रम लारेंस सैमुअल एवं लूइसा फ्लोरेंस डारेल थे। इनके पिता इंजीनियर थे। 1928 ई० में जब इनके पिता का देहांत हुआ, तब इनकी माँ अपने बल-बूते पर चार शिशु सन्तानों की परवरिश करने की भार उठायी। इसी वर्ष

39 ये लोग इंगलैण्ड चले आये । किन्तु वहाँ वे खुश नहीं थे । अतएव, 1935 ई० में ये लोग ग्रीक के कर्पू चले गये । उस समय जेराल्ड की उम्र मात्र 10 वर्ष था।
1939 ई० में द्वितीय विश्व युद्ध के आरंभ होने के पहले तक ये लोग वहीं थे और उसी वर्ष सपरिवार इंगलैंड वापस आ गये। उस समय जेराल्ड एक स्थानीय पालतू जन्तुओं के। दुकान में काम करने लगे।

द्वितीय विश्वयुद्ध की समाप्ति के बाद बेडफोर्डशायर के हुइपसनेड जिओलोजिकल सोसाइटी पार्क में एक शिक्षार्थी तत्वावधायक के रूप में कार्य करना आरंभ किये। 1947 ई० में ये जीव-जन्तुओं का संग्रह करना आरंभ किये।

वे एक विख्यात प्राणी विशारद जॉन इयेलैंड के साथ पश्चिम अफ्रीका के कैमरून की यात्रा कर छोटे एवं मझले आकार के कुछ जीव-जन्तुओं का संग्रह किये। 1951 ई० में ये जैकी सोनिया रसेन के साथ विवाह किये और उसी वर्ष पारागुवे एवं अर्जेन्टिना की सफर किये।

1959 ई० में डारेल के लंबे जीवन का स्वप्न सार्थक हुआ जब वे जार्सी जिओलॉजिकल पार्क की स्थापना किये । कुछ वर्षों के बाद चिड़ियाखाने की देखरेख करने के लिए जार्सी वाईल्ड लाईफ प्रिजरवेशन ट्रस्ट की स्थापना हुई ।

1979 ई० में जैकी सोनिया रसेन के साथ इनका विवाह विच्छेद होने के ठीक बाद ही उनकी मुलाकात एक प्राणी विशारद अमेरिकी युवती, ली मैक जॉर्ज से हुई और अति शीघ्र ही ये दोनों वैवाहिक बन्धन में आबद्ध हुए।

जीवन के अन्तिम क्षण तक डाल ली के साथ ही थे। ‘आर्क ऑन द मूव’, ‘द अमेचर नैचरलिस्ट’ एवं ‘डारेल इन रसिया’ समेत और भी कई दूरदर्शन धारावाहिकों में डारेल एवं ली को मुख्य भूमिकाओं में देखा गया था।

1928 ई० में इन्हें ‘ऑर्डर ऑफ दि ब्रिटिश अंम्पायर के सम्मान से विभूषित किया गया । जब उनकी आयु लगभग 60 वर्ष की थी तब उनका स्वास्थ्य गिरना आरंभ हो गया। लिवर कैंसर से आक्रांत डारेल का देहांत 1995 ई० के 15 जनवरी को हो गया ।

अपने जीवन काल के दौरान वे लगभग 37 ग्रंथों की रचना किये। उनमें से अधिकांश आत्मकथात्मक हैं। इन सभी रचनाओं में वे अपने जीवन और विश्व के दूर-दूरान्तर की यात्राओं का वर्णन किये हैं। जीव-जन्तुओं के संग्रह संबंधित रचनाओं में प्रमुख रचना संभवत: ‘द विफाट विगलस’ है।

‘माई फैमिली एण्ड अदर एनिमल्स’, ‘वर्डस्, विस्टस् एण्ड एनिमल्स’ एवं ‘द गार्डेन आफ गॉड्स’ में एक अति मेधावी परवार के बड़ा होने की कहानी लिपिबद्ध है। उनकी रचना ‘विस्टस् इन वेलफ्राई’ में ह्विपसनेडे की उनकी तजुर्बे का वर्णन किया गया है। उनकी अति परिचित पुस्तकों में ‘लूक एट जू’, ‘इजलैंड जू’, ‘मिनेज्यारी मैनर’, ‘टू इन द वुश’ आदि उल्लेखनीय हैं ।

Lesson-4 A Day In The Zoo Introduction

Gerald Durrell was an entertaining writer. He was an English Zoo Keeper. He had a unique knack for story-telling. He has written a number of stories about the animals in the Zoo.

His book, ‘Menagerie Manor’ revealed his dream of setting up his own zoo. He founded his own private zoo on the English Channel island of Jersey.

Durrell made many trips to all parts of the world. He wanted to collect a wide variety of animals for the Zoo. He had always found it difficult to part with the animals he loved. He proved to be a very good caretaker of all the animals.

Durrell spent his time, studying wildlife. He narrated his experience in ‘My Family and Other Animals’, ‘Birds, Beasts, and relatives’ and ‘The Garden of the Gods.

In his story, ‘Beasts in My Belfry’ he gave an account of his experience at Whipsnade Park in England. Unlike most other stories the present story, ‘A Day in the Zoo’ is an excerpt from ‘Menagerie Manor’.

According to Durrell the public always comes second to the animals. They are, according to Durrell, a necessary evil.
He takes the reader through an average day at the zoo. He recounts how he has got good support from the zoo staff. The present extract reveals the experience of the zoo workers and the playful activity of birds and animals.

(पाठ)- 4 चिडियाखाना में एक दिन भूमिका

जेराल्ड डारेल एक बहुत ही मनमोहक लेखक थे। वे एक अंग्रेजी चिड़ियाखाना के रखवाला (देखरेख करने वाले) थे। कहानी की रचना में वे बहुत ही निपुण थे। चिड़ियाखाना के जीव-जन्तुओं के उपर उनकी कई रचनायें हैं। ‘मिनेजरी मैनर’ पुस्तक में उनकी अपनी चिड़ियाखाना की स्थापना का स्वप्न प्रस्फुटित हुआ है।

इंगलिश चैनल की जर्सी द्वीप में वे अपनी चिडियाखाना भी स्थापना किये थे। डारेल ने विश्व के विभिन्न भागों का कई बार भ्रमण किया था । चिडियाखाना के लिए विभिन्न प्रकार के जीव-जन्तुओं का संग्रह करने के लिए उन्होंने अभियान चलाया था।

अपने प्रिय जन्तुओं से पृथक होना उनके लिए बहुत ही कठिन विषय था। सभी प्रकार के जीव-जन्तुओं के सफल तत्वावधायक के रूप में वे अपने आप को प्रमाणित किया था।

जंगली जीवों के प्रति लगाव रखकर ही डारेल ने अपना जीवन व्यतीत किया। ‘माई फैमिली एण्ड अदर एनिमल्स’, ‘वर्डस, वीस्टस् एण्ड रिलेटिव्स’ एवं ‘द गार्डेन ऑफ द गॉडस्’ में उन्हेंने अपने तजुर्बे का वर्णन किया है। अपनी रचना ‘वीस्ट इन वेलफाई’ कहानी में वे इंगलैंड की लिपसनेड पार्क की अपनी तजुर्बे का वर्णन किये हैं।

अन्य अधिकांश कहानियों की भांति न होते हुए भी प्रस्तुत कहानी ‘ए डे इन द जू’, ‘मिनेजरी मैनर’ से लिया गया एक अंश है। डारेल के कथनानुसार आम जनता सदैव ही जीव-जन्तुओं से द्वितीय स्थान पर या निम्न श्रेणी का है। डारेल की धारणा है कि जीवन-यापन में अपरिहार्य होते हुए भी वे अशुभ हैं।

चिड़ियाखाना में एक सामान्य औसत दिन के साथ वे पाठकों का परिचय कराते हैं। चिड़ियाखाना के कर्मचारियों से उन्हें किस प्रकार का समर्थन मिला है उसका वर्णन भी उन्होंने किया है । प्रस्तुत उदधृत अंश में चिड़ियाखाना के कर्मचारियों के तजुर्बे तथा पक्षी एवं जीव-जन्तुओं की क्रियायें आदि हुई हैं।

Lesson-4 A Day In The Zoo Summary

The owner of a zoo freely looks at the animals. But the differs from a visitor. He is always on duty inside the zoo. The zoo day begins with the notes of robin and thrush, followed by the cries of touracos, a blackbird, and the dance of the peacock.

At 8 O’clock the zoo staff arrives with brooms and buckets. The monkeys, mammals, gorillas, and apes are excited at the start of a new day. Stephen, Mike, and Jeremy are all very active in cleaning the cage. The parrots and parakeets, mongooses, and the armadillo are seen in different postures inside the cages. One can hear the shrill Cry of the touracos from the big cage.

In the reptile house, the snakes are quiet. Frogs croak. Lizards lie still. At 10 O’clock visitors pour into the zoo. They behave rudely with the animals. As the evening sets in, the robin stops singing. Shadows thicken over the zoo. The chimpanzees start falling out among themselves. The lions cough. The moon is seen in the sky. Soon the day will break in with the chorus of the birds.

(पाठ)- 4 चिडियाखाना में एक दिन सारांश

चिडियाखाना का मालिक अपनी इच्छानुसार जीव-जन्तुओं को देख सकता है । किन्तु वह एक दार्शनिक व्यक्ति से अलग होता है । चिड़ियाखाने के भीतर वह सर्वदा कर्तव्यपरायण रहता है।

रबिन एवं ग्रास की पतली आवाजों के बाद टूयरकश और काले पक्षियों के कंठस्वर के साथ ही मयूर की नाच से चिड़ियाखाने का दिन आरंभ होता है। 8 बजे के करीब चिड़ियाखाना के कर्मचारीवृन्द बस और बालटी लेकर उपस्थित होते हैं।

बन्दर, स्तनपायी जीव गेरील्ला तथा 41 पूँछहीन बन्दरें नव-दिवस के आरंभ में चंचल हो जाते हैं। स्टीफेन, माईक और जेरे भी सभी मिलकर पिंजरे को साफ- सुथरा करने में लग जाते हैं। तोता तथा लंबी पूँछधारी छोटे-छोटे सूगा पक्षी, नेवला तथा आर्माडिलो को पिंजरे के भीतर विभिन्न भंगिमाओं में देखा जाता है।

बड़े पिंजरे के भीतर से टूयरकश की तेज आवाज किसी के कानों में गूंजती है । सरीसृप जाति के जीव एवं सर्पे अपने पिंजरानुमा घर में शांत पड़े रहते हैं। मेढक पुकारने लगता है । छिपकलियाँ चुपचाप पड़ी रहती हैं। चिड़ियाखाना में 10 बजे के करीब दर्शनार्थियों का भीड़ उमड़ने लगता है। वे जीव-जन्तुओं के साथ अभद्र आचरण किया करते हैं।

शाम होते ही रबिन गीत गाना बन्द कर देती है। चिडियाखाने में अंधकार घनी हो जाती है। शिपंजियाँ अपनों में एक-दूसरे पर उछलने-कूदने लगते हैं। सिंह खाँसता है। आकाश में चाँद चमकने लगता है। पक्षियों के समवेत संगीत (कोरस) के माध्यम से एक और नये दिवस के आगमन की प्रतीक्षा रहती है।

Lesson-4 A Day In The Zoo Text

It is one thing to visit a zoo as an ordinary member of the public. It is quite another thing to own a zoo and live in it. It certainly enables you to rush out at any hour of the day or night to observe the animals. It also means you are on duty twenty-four hours a day.

The average zoo day begins just before dawn. The sky will be slightly tinged with yellow when you are awakened by the birdsong. You can hear a robin singing. You hear the rich, fruity, slightly hoarse cries of the touracos and a joyful blackbird.

As the last of his song dies, the white-headed thrush bursts into an excited cry. Looking out into the courtyard, on the velvet green lawns you can see an earnest group of peahens searching the dewy grass. A male peahen is dancing, his burnished tail raised like a fountain in the sunlight.

At eight o’clock the zoo staff arrives. You can hear them shout greetings to each other. Sounds made by their buckets and brushes are heard. You go out into the cool fresh morning to see if all is right with the zoo.

(पाठ)- 4 चिडियाखाना में एक दिन Word-Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Certainly : निश्चित ।
  2. Enable : सक्षम ।
  3. Rush: दौड़ते हुए जाना ।
  4. Observe : पर्यवेक्षण |
  5. Duty : कर्तव्य I
  6. Average : औसत |
  7. Dawn : उषाकाल, प्रभात ।
  8. Slightly: मामूली ।
  9. Tinged: रंजित ।
  10. Awakened : जाग उठना
  11. Blackbird : कोयल की भांति एक पक्षी ।
  12. Thrush: एक विशेष प्रकार का गायक पक्षी
  13. Bursts: भड़क उठना ।
  14. Courtyard: दहलीज Lawns उद्यान
  15. Earnest: उत्सुक, व्यग्र
  16. Peahens: मयूर ।
  17. Dewy: शिशिर भींजा ।
  18. Burnished: चकचक Tail पूँछ
  19. Raised: उत्तोलित |
  20. Fountain: झर्ना ।
  21. Greetings: अभिवादन ।
  22. Buckets: बाल्टी ।

(पाठ)- 4 चिडियाखाना में एक दिन हिन्दी अनुवाद

आम लोगों की भांति किसी चिड़ियाखाना में घूमने जाना एक अलग बात है, किन्तु अपना एक चिड़ियाखाना होना और वहाँ निवास करना कुछ और ही बात है। ऐसे में दिन हो या रात तुम किसी समय किसी भी जन्तु जानवर को देख सकते हो। इसका अर्थ यही है कि तुम दिन-रात के चौबीस घंटे ही कार्य में हो ।

चिड़ियाखाना में औसतन दिन का आरंभ सुबह होने के पहले ही हो जाता है। आकाश थोड़ा भी पीलापन लेते ही तुम पक्षियों के गाने से जाग जाते हो। तुम रबिन पक्षी की गीत सुन सकोगे। तुम सुन सकोगे टौराकस पक्षी की तेज, नरम, सामान्य कर्कश शब्द और एक आनन्ददायक गायक पक्षी की गीत । जैसे ही उसकी गीत समाप्त होगा, सफेद सिर वाली

गायक पक्षी उत्तेजित हो चिल्लाने लगेगी। बाहर बरामदे की ओर ध्यान लगाकर तुम देखोगे कि भेलवेट जैसी हरी बगीचे में एक चंचल मयूर की झुंड शिशिर से भींगी घासें तलाश रही है। एक मोर सूर्यलोक में अपनी चमकती पूँछ को झरना जैसी उठाये नाच रही है।

आठ बजे के करीब चिड़ियाखाना के कर्मचारीवृन्द उपस्थित होने लगते हैं। तुम सुन सकोगे कि वे एक-दूसरे को स्वागत अभिवादन कर रहे हैं। उनके हाथों की बालटी और झाड़ू के शब्द सुनायी देता है। यह देखने के लिए कि चिड़ियाखाना का सब कुछ ठीक-ठाक है या नहीं तुम सुबह ही बाहर निकलोगे ।

Lesson-4 A Day In The Zoo Text

The monkeys and other mammals live in the long, two-storied granite house. Here you find a lot of activity. The gorillas have been let out of their cages while the cages are cleaned. They gallop about on the floor with the high spirits of children just out of school.

They try to wrench the electric heaters from their sockets or break the fluorescent lights. Stephen, broom in hand, stands guard over the apes.

Inside the gorilla’s cages Mike, plump and ever-smiling, is busy along with Jeremy. They sweep up the mess on the floor and scatter fresh white sawdust.

Everything, they assure you, is all right. All the animals, excited and eager at the start of a new day, bustle about the cages. Etam, the black Celebes ape; clings to the wire, baring his teeth at you in greeting.

Lesson-4 A Day In The Zoo Word-Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Mammals: स्तनपायी
  2. Two-Storied: दो मंजिला
  3. Granite: एक प्रकार काला पत्थर ।
  4. Activity : क्रियाकलाप |
  5. Gallop: उछल उछल कर दौड़ना ।
  6. Heater : गर्म करने का यंत्र |
  7. Socket: जिस गडढे में कुछ दुकाया जाता है, बिजली की तार का संयोग स्थल ।
  8. Apes: वनमानुष ।
  9. Plump : स्थूल, गोलमटोल
  10. Sweep : झाडू देना |
  11. Mess : कूड़ा-कर्कट ।
  12. Scatter: बिखरा ।
  13. Sawdust : काठ की भूसी ।
  14. Assure : निश्चित |
  15. Eager : उत्सुक
  16. Bustel : व्यस्तता ।
  17. Clings : जकड़ा हुआ।
  18. Baring : निकाल कर रखना।

(पाठ)- 4 चिडियाखाना में एक दिन हिन्दी अनुवाद

बन्दर एवं अन्य स्तनपायी जीवें रहते हैं लंबी, दो मंजिला काले पत्थर के घरों में । यहाँ तुम बहुत सारी क्रियाओं को देखोगे । जब पिंजरे साफ किये जाते हैं तब गेरिल्लाओं को पिंजरे से बाहर निकाला जाता है।

स्कूल से अभी-अभी आनेवाले बच्चों की भांति वे जमीन पर उछल-कूद मचाते हैं। वे इलेक्ट्रिक हीटर की तारों को घुमाकर निकालना चाहते हैं या उज्वल रंगीन प्रकाशों को तोड़ने की प्रयास करते हैं।

स्टीफेन हाथ में झाडु लेकर खड़े हो वनमानुषों का पहरा करता है । गेरिल्ला के पिंजरे के अन्दर नस्तानाबूत और सदैव हँसमुख माईक जेरिमा के साथ व्यस्त दिखता है। वे फर्श की कूड़े-कर्कट को साफ कर काठ की नई सादा भूसी छिड़क देते हैं। वही तुम्हें निश्चित करेगा कि सब कुछ ठीक-ठाक है।

नये दिवस के आरंभ में सभी जीव-जन्तुएँ उत्तेजित और उत्फुल्ल रहते हैं और पिंजरे में चंचलता बढ़ जाती है। काला सेलेबेस वनमानुष उसमें अटका हुआ तुम्हें अभिवादन करने के लिए दाँत निकाले रहता है।

Lesson-4 A Day In The Zoo Text

Upstairs in the house, the parrots and parakeets salute you with a cacophony of sounds. Suku, the grey parrot cries, “I’m a very fine bird.” A host of quick-footed, bright-eyed mongooses patter busily around their cages. The hairy armadillo lies on its back, paws, and nose twitching.

You pass slowly down the house to the big cage at the end where the touracos now live. The male, Peety, I had reared while in West Africa. He peers at you from one of the higher perches. Then, if you call him, he will fly down and land on a perch nearest to you. Then he will throw back his head and. give a husky cry,

“Caroo…. Caroo…. caroo…. coo…. coo… coo….”

Lesson-4 A Day In The Zoo Word-Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Parrots: तोता ।
  2. Parakeet : छोटा तोता (सूगा) ।
  3. Salute: अभिवादन करना ।
  4. Mongooses: नेवला ।
  5. Paws: जन्तु के पंजे |
  6. Hairy: रोयेदार
  7. Twitching: निकाल फेंकना ।
  8. Reared: पालन-पोषण करना।
  9. Peers : झाँकना |
  10. Perches: अड्डा |
  11. Husky: फटा हुआ स्वर ।

(पाठ)- 4 चिडियाखाना में एक दिन हिन्दी अनुवाद

घर के ऊपरी तल्ले पर तोता और सूगे मिलकर एक कर्कश शब्द के माध्यम से तुम्हें अभिवादन करेगा। सूकू नाम की धूसर रंग की तोता चिल्लाकर तुमसे कहेगा, “मैं बहुत ही सुन्दर पक्षी हूँ।” एक झुंड सफेद आँखोंवाली नेवले इधर-उधर दौड़ते-फिरते हैं और कुछ अपनी पिंजरे में गुर- गुर करता घूमते हैं।

रोयें से भरपूर आर्माडिलोटा अपनी पंजों एवं नखों को उठाये पीठ के सहारे सोया रहता है। तुम धीरे-धीरे घर से निकलकर अन्तिम बड़े पिंजरे के समीप जाओगे जहाँ अभी टौराकोज रहता है। पीटी नाम के इस नर टौराकोज को मैं पश्चिम अफ्रीका में रहते समय पाला था। वह तुम्हारी ओर झाँकेगा एक ऊँची टिकने से। उसके बाद तुम यदि उसे बुलाते हो तो उड़कर नीचे आयगा और एक दूसरे टिकने पर जाकर बैठेगा और अपना सिर निकाल कर टूटे हुए स्वर में कहेगा, “क्यारू,
कू… कू… कू… ।”

Lesson-4 A Day In The Zoo Text How

You come out of the birdhouse, then walk to the reptile house. Here, in a pleasant temperature of eighty degrees, the reptiles doze. Snakes regard you calmly with lidless eyes. Frogs make gulping sounds; lizards lie draped over rocks and tree trunks.

At ten o’clock the zoo gates open and the first rush of visitors arrives. As they come flooding into the grounds, everyone has to be alert. This is not to ensure that the animals do not hurt the people, but to make sure that the people do not hurt the animals.

If an animal is asleep, they want to throw stones at it or prod it with sticks to make it move. We have found visitors trying to give the chimpanzees lighted cigarettes and razor blades. The uncivilized behavior of some human beings in a zoo has to be seen to be believed.

Lesson-4 A Day In The Zoo Word-Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Reptile : रेंगनेवाला जन्तु / सरीसृप ।
  2. Pleasant : आरामदायक
  3. Doze : झपकी/तंद्रा
  4. Regard : मनयोग देना ।
  5. Calmly : शांति से
  6. Lidless : ढक्कन के बगैर ।
  7. Gulping : निगल जाना।
  8. Lizards : गिरगिट (छिपकली)।
  9. Draped : कपड़े से ढंकना ।
  10. Trunks: पेड़ का छाल।
  11. Alert : सावधान
  12. Ensure : निश्चित करना ।
  13. Hurt : चोट पहुँचाना।
  14. Asleep : नीद में
  15. Sticks: लकड़ी, छोटा लाठी ।
  16. Uncivilized : असभ्य ।

(पाठ)- 4 चिडियाखाना में एक दिन हिन्दी अनुवाद

पक्षियों के पिंजरे से निकल कर तुम सरीसृप (रेंगनेवाले जन्तु) के घरों की ओर आगे बढ़ो। यहाँ अस्सी डिग्री जैसी एक आरामदायक तापमान में सरीसृप लेटे रहते हैं। साँप शांतिपूर्वक अपलक तुम्हें टकटकी लगाये देखेंगे। मेढकें गुरगुराते हैं और छिपकलियाँ पत्थर एवं पेड़ों से चिपककर सोये रहते हैं।

चिड़ियाखाने की द्वार दस बजे खुल जाया करती है तथा दर्शकों के झुंड प्रवेश करने लगते हैं। जब वे सभी अन्दर आ जाते हैं तो देखरेख करनेवाले कर्मचारियों को सतर्क रहना पड़ता है यह देखने के लिए नहीं कि जीव-जन्तुएँ किसी व्यक्ति को चोट पहुँचावे, बल्कि यह देखने के लिए कि कोई व्यक्ति किसी जीव-जन्तु को चोट न पहुँचावे।

जब कोई जन्तु सोया रहता है तो कोई-कोई उस पर पत्थर या रोड़ा फेंकना चाहते हैं अथवा किसी लकड़ी या काठ से उसे तंग करना चाहते हैं।

हमलोग देखते हैं कि कुछ लोग शिपांजियों को जलता हुआ सिगरेट एवं रोयें काटने के लिए ब्लेड देते हैं। चिडियाखाना में कुछ व्यक्तियों का अभद्र आचरण देखा जाता है और विश्वास किया जाता है।

Lesson-4 A Day In The Zoo Text

Towards evening the visiting crowd thins out. The slanting rays of the sunlight are the cage where the crowned pigeons live. As the light fades, the robin ceases to sing and flies off to roost in the mimosa tree.

The white-faced owls that have spent all day pretending to be grey tree stumps, now open large golden eyes. Shadows are creeping over the flower beds and rockery. There is a sudden chorus from the chimpanzee’s bedroom. You know they are quarreling over who should have the straw.

As you lie in bed, you watch through the window the moon separating itself from the shadow of the trees. You hear the lion cough. Soon it will be dawn and the chorus of birds will take over; the cold morning air will ring with song.

Lesson-4 A Day In The Zoo Word Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Thins: पतला, यहाँ घटना
  2. Slanting: तिर्यक |
  3. Rays: रश्मि
  4. Crowned: मुकुटधारी
  5. Fades: धुँधला I
  6. Ceases : रुकना ।
  7. Roost : पक्षियों का बसेरा
  8. Mimosa : लज्जावती ।
  9. Pretending: बहाना बनाना ।
  10. Creeping : सीने के सहारे चलना, यहाँ धीरे-धीरे बढ़ना ।
  11. Chorus: समवेत संगीत ।
  12. Quarrelling: झगड़ा करना
  13. Straw : भूसा, पुआल ।
  14. Seperating: पृथक करना
  15. Cough: खाँसी ।

(पाठ)- 4 चिडियाखाना में एक दिन हिन्दी अनुवाद

शाम होते ही दर्शकों की संख्या घटने लगती है। सूर्य की तिरछी किरणें खंभे पर पड़ी कबूतरों के पिंजरे को प्रकाशित करती हैं। रोशनी घटते ही रबिन पक्षी गीत गाना बन्द कर देती है तथा मिमोसा (लज्जावती) पेड़ के टहनी पर जाकर बैठती है।

सफेद मुँहवाली उल्लू जो दिनभर धूसर पेड़ की डाल जैसी बनी रहती है, अब वह बड़ी-बड़ी दोनों सुनहरी आँखें खोलती है । छाया क्रमशः फूल के बगान और पत्थरों पर फैल जाता है।

अकस्मात शिपंजी के घर से समवेत आवाज सुनाई देता है । तुम्हें समझ लेना होगा कि उनमें से कौन, किस पुआल पर सोयेगा, इसके लिए आपस में झगड़ते हैं । 45 बिस्तर पर लेटे, तुम खिड़की से देखो कि पेड़ की छाया से चाँद अपने आपको अलग कर लेता है। तुम्हें सिंह की खाँसी सुनायी देगा। शीघ्र ही सुबह हो जायगा और पक्षियों के शोरगुल सुनायी देने लगेगा साथ ही सुबह की शीतल वायु में संगीत गुनगुनाने लगेगा।

Lesson-4 A Day In The Zoo Word Nest (शब्द नीड़)

Hoarse – Rough-sounding
Turacos- A species of bird originally from southern Africa (दक्षिण अफ्रीका की एक पक्षी प्रजाति) ।
Wrench – To twist something with force (किसी वस्तु को जोड़ से घुमाना)
Fluorescent- Producing bright light (प्रकाश को चमकीला बनाना) ।
Cacophony- A Mixture of loud, unpleasant sounds (for fir)
Patter-A Repeated, quick and light sound (बारंबार और शीघ्र हल्का शब्द होना) ।
Armadillo- A Mammal with claws found in America (नखयुक्त पंजेवाली एक स्तनपायी जीव जो अमेरिका में पायी जाती है) ।
Prod – to push with a finger or with a pointed object (ऊँगली या किसी तीक्ष्ण वस्तु से धक्का देना)

Lesson-4 A Day In The Zoo Textual Questions (पाठ्याधारित प्रश्न) Exercise (अभ्यास) – 1

Tick The Correct Answer From The Given Alternatives:

Question 1. The average day in a zoo begins just before

  1. Dusk
  2. Dawn
  3. Afternoon
  4. Evening

Answer: 2. Dawn

Question 2. The birds searching the dewy grass on the lawn were

  1. Peahens
  2. Peacocks
  3. Robins
  4. Thrushes

Answer: 1. Peahens

Question 3. Stephen with a broom in his hand was guarding over the

  1. Bears
  2. Gorilla
  3. Apes
  4. Armadillo

Answer: 3. Apes

Question 4. The name of the black Celebes ape was

  1. Etam
  2. Jeremy
  3. Mike
  4. Stephen

Answer: 1. Etam

Question 5. The reptiles dozed in the temperature of

  1. Sixty Degrees.
  2. Seventy degrees
  3. Eighty degrees
  4. Ninety degrees.

Answer: 3. Eighty degrees

Lesson-4 A Day In The Zoo Exercise (अभ्यास) 2

Answer The Following Questions Within Fifteen Words:

Question 1. How does the sky look as one is awakened by the birdsong?
Answer: When one is awakened by the birdsong, the sky is slightly tinged with yellow

Question 2. How do the parrots and parakeets salute the people?
Answer: The parrots and parakeets salute the people with a cacophony of their sounds.

Question 3. What are all the animals do at the start of a new day?
Answer: At the start of a new day all the animals bustle about the cage as they are excited and eager.

Question 4. As the light fades, where does the robin fly off to?
Answer: As the light fades, the robin flies off to the roost in the mimosa tree.

Lesson-4 A Day In The Zoo Exercise (अभ्यास) – 3

Answer The Following Questions Within Twenty-Five Words:

Question 1. Jeremy and Mike work busily in the Gorilla cages.
Answer: They sweep up the mess on the floor and scatter fresh white sawdust. They assure the owner that everything is all right.

Question 2. Describe the state of the frogs and snakes in the reptile house. meta
Answer: The frogs and snakes doze in the reptile house. The snakes watch with lidless eyes. Frogs make gulping sounds.

Question 3. What would one see and hear while lying in bed at night?
Answer: While lying in bed at night one can see the moon separating itself from the shadow of the trees through the window. One can hear lions cough.

Grammar in use:

Lesson-4 A Day In The Zoo Exercise (अभ्यास) 4

Classify The Underlined Adverbs According To Their Functions In The Chart Given Below:

  1. I have already done the job.
  2. Bappa can go anywhere for his work.
  3. Puja often comes to my place.
  4. Nargis sings sweetly.

Functions of adverbs:

Manner Time Place Frequency
Sweetly Already Anywhere Often

Lesson-4 A Day In The Zoo Exercise (अभ्यास) – 5

Underline The Clauses In The Following Sentences And State What Kind Of Clauses

They Are:

  1. As he was not there, I spoke to his brother. – Adverbial clause.
  2. The house where Nazrul was born is in Churulia.– Relative clause.
  3. Soneds – Noun Clause.
  4. She said that she would return soon.– Noun clause
  5. Have you read the book which you borrowed from me? – Relative clause

Read The Following Sentences:

  1. The average zoo day begins just before dawn.
  2. You pass slowly down the house to the big cage at the end where the touracos now live.
  3. Soon it will be dawn and the chorus of birds will take over.

In sentence 1, there is one subject (i.e. ‘The average zoo day’) and one predicate (i.e.” begins just before dawn). It has one finite verb. (‘begins’). A sentence that has one subject, one predicate, and one finite verb is called a simple sentence.

In sentence 2, there is one principal clause (i.e. ‘You pass slowly down the house to the big cage at the end’) and one dependent clause (i.e. ‘where the touracos now live’). A sentence that has one principal clause and one or more dependent clauses is called a complex sentence.

In sentence 3, there are two principal clauses:

Soon it will be dawn the chorus of birds will take over The two clauses are joined by the conjunction ‘and’..
A sentence that has two or more principal clauses and they are joined by a conjunction is called a compound sentence.

Lesson-4 A Day In The Zoo Exercise (अभ्यास) – 6

Identify The Following Sentences As Simple, Complex, Or Compound Sentence:

Question 1. He is too tired to walk alone.
Answer: Simple sentence

Question 2. I have a friend who lives in Mumbai.
Answer: Complex sentence

Question 3. Priyam wrote a letter but he got no reply.
Answer: Compound Sentence

Question 4. Being ill, I could not attend school.
Answer: Simple sentence

Question 5. She told me that she would enter a house that is believed to be haunted.
Answer: complex sentence

Question 6. The sun shines brightly and the flowers bloom.
Answer: compound sentence


Suppose, you live in a school hostel and are under an attack of viral fever. The doctor has prescribed medicines and advised complete bed rest.

Therefore you, need to go home. Write a letter to the Headmaster/Headmistress of your school seeking leave for the same. The Headmaster/Headmistress (1)

XYZ SchoolBF Block, Salt Lake

Sub: Leave of absence (2)

Sir/Madam, (3)

(4) This is to inform you that I, Srijit Das, a student of class IX A of your school have fallen ill with severe viral fever since ‘last Thursday. The doctor has prescribed medicines and advised complete bed rest.

Since I live in the school hostel, it is my earnest request you kindly allow me a week’s leave, beginning tomorrow, so that I may go home. The leave will help me recover soon. I shall be obliged if you kindly grant me permission.

School Hostel (7)
ABC School
BF Block Salt Lake
24th of July, 2014(8)

Thank you, Yours sincerely,(5)
Srijit Das (6)

A letter to a Headmaster/ Headmistress is a formal letter. It generally has eight main parts:

  1. The name, designation, and address of the person to whom you are addressing the letter
  2. The subject of the letter in brief
  3. Greeting/Salutation
  4. Body of the letter
  5. Subscription
  6.  Signature/name of the person writing the letter
  7. The writer’s address
  8. Date of Writing

The name and address of the person to whom the letter is sent in written on the envelope.

Lesson-4 A Day In The Zoo Exercise (अभ्यास) – 7

Question Write a letter to the Headmaster/Headmistress of your school within 100 words seeking leave for three days to visit your ailing grandmother.


The Headmaster
The Raghumal Arya Vidyalaya
16, D. L. Roy Road, Kolkata – 70009.


Sub: Leave of absence

This is to inform you that I, Rahul Singh, a student of class IX B of your school, would like to inform you that I will not be able to come to school for three days. I have to go to my native village with my parents.

My ailing grandmother lives with my uncle. Since her situation has become worse these days, we have to visit her. It is my earnest request to you to kindly allow me three days’ leave beginning the day after tomorrow.

I shall be obliged if you kindly grant the permission to leave.

Thanking you, Yours
Sincerely Rahul Singh

248, D. L. Roy Road,
Kolkata – 70009
16th March 2014

Lesson-4 A Day In The Zoo Exercise (अभ्यास)- 8

Question Write a letter to your friend within 100 words narrating your experience of visiting a Wild Life Sanctuary.

68, Pathuri Ghat
Street Kol-700006
12 January 2015

Dear Arbinda

I have got your letter yesterday. I have come to know that you have enjoyed your x-mass vacation very much. I also enjoy my vacation as I went on a trip with my family. It was a 5-day trip to Kaziranga National Park in Assam. It is famous for conserving one-horned rhinoceros.

The forest was dense. We stayed in a guest house that had many hut-like rooms. The forest was all around. We visited the park in the authorized jeep. We saw one-horned rhinos and many other animals very close. I was so excited. It was a very interesting trip. I suggest you visit any of the sanctuaries. I shall be waiting for your reply.

Yours ever,
Arbinda Tewary 65, M. G. Road,
Chinsura, Hooghly Saurav

Lesson-4 A Day In The Zoo Additional Textual Question & Answers

Tick The Correct Answer From The Given Alternatives:

Question 1. The tail of a male peahen is raised like a

  1. Flag
  2. Pillar
  3. Fountain
  4. Mountain

Answer: 3. Fountain

Question 2. Etam greets people

  1. Itching his palm
  2. Baring his teeth
  3. Showing his teeth
  4. Shutting his eyes

Answer: Baring his teeth

Question 3. The visitors try to give the chimpanzees

  1. Lighted cigarettes
  2. Ripe bananas
  3. Razor blades
  4. Lighted cigarettes and razor blades

Answer: 1. Lighted cigarettes and razor blades

Question 4. The rush of visitors thins out

  1. At Ten O’clock
  2. At Noon
  3. Towards Evening
  4. At Night

Answer: 3. Towards Evening

Question 5. The animal that lies on its back with its nose twitching is

  1. Armadillo
  2. Gorilla
  3. Chimp
  4. Mongooses

Answer: 1. Armadillo

Question 6. The name of the male touracos is

  1. Etam
  2. Pretty
  3. Stephen
  4. Mike

Answer: 2. Peety

Question 7. The rush of visitors begins at

  1. Eight O’Clock
  2. Ten O’Clock
  3. Eleven O’Clock
  4. 10:30 A.M.

Answer: 2. Ten O’Clock

Question 8. In the reptile house, the temperature is

  1. Gruelling
  2. Unbearable
  3. Nice
  4. Unusual

Answer: 3. Nice

Question 9. The touraco is a kind of

  1. Bird
  2. Ape
  3. Frog
  4. Chimpanzee

Answer: 1. Bird

Question 10. Touracos originally hail from

  1. North America
  2. Africa
  3. America
  4. Southern Africa

Answer: 4. Southern Africa

Question 11. Suku is the name of a

  1. Parakeet
  2. Grey Parrot
  3. Mongoose
  4. Gorilla

Answer: 2. Grey Parrot

Question 12. Robin spends the night in the

  1. Nest
  2. Cote
  3. Cage
  4. Mimosa Tree

Answer: 4. Mimosa Tree

Question 13. The owls open their eyes at

  1. The Beginning Of the Day
  2. The Dead Of Night
  3. The Advent Of Darkness
  4. The Time Of Daylight

Answer: 2. The advent of darkness

Question 14. While the cages are cleaned, the gorillas are

  1. Locked In The Cages
  2. Let Out Free
  3. Shifted Elsewhere

Answer: 2. Let out free

Question 15. The zoo staff arrives at

  1. Nine O’Clock
  2. 8 P.M.
  3. 8 A.M.

Answer: 3. 8 a.m

Lesson-4 A Day In The Zoo Answer The Following Questions Within Fifteen Words

Question 1. What does Suku intend to say?
Answer: Suku intends to say that he is a very fine bird.

Question 2. To whom are the elated gorillas compared?
Answer: The elated gorillas are compared to the children just out of school.

Question 3. What do the visitors do to make a sleeping animal move?
Answer: To make a sleeping animal move visitors try to give lighted cigarettes and razor blades to chimpanzees.

Question 4. Why has everyone been alert?
Answer: Everyone has to be alert to make sure that people do not hurt the animals.

Question 5. Name two reptiles mentioned in ‘A Day in the Zoo’.
Answer: The two reptiles mentioned in ‘A Day in the Zoo’ are snakes and lizards.

Question 6. When can one hear the lion cough?
Answer: One can hear the lions cough at the night only.

Lesson-4 A Day In The Zoo Answer The Following Questions Within Twenty-Five Words

Question 1. What is commonly seen in zoos early in the morning?
Answer: In the early morning different types of activities start in the zoo. Birds and animals start to sing and cry. Zoo staff starts their busy activities.

Question 2. How do the gorillas behave when they are let out of their cages?
Answer: Then the gorillas gallop about on the floor with the high spirits of children just out of school.

Question 3. What do some of the visitors try to do in a zoo?
Answer: Some of the visitors try to give the chimpanzees lighted cigarettes and razor blades. Thus they behave in an uncivilized manner.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 10 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना)

Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना)

About The Authoress-Nayantara Sehgal

Nayantara Segal is one of the leading female Indian Fiction writers in English. She was born on May 10, 1927, in Allahabad.

Her father Ranjit Sitaram Pandit was a successful barrister from Kathiawad. Her mother was Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit, sister of Jawaharlal Nehru.

She was enrolled in Woodstock Boarding school in the Himalayan hill station of candor. She graduated from Wellesley College, Massachusetts in the United States in 1947.

Her fiction mostly deals with India’s response to the crises brought about by political changes. She won high acclaim for her novels.

Her notable works are – A Time to be Happy (1958), This time of the morning (1968), In the start in Chandigarh (1969), The day is Shadow (1971), and so on. She was a recipient of the Sahitya Akademi Award for her novel ‘Rich Like us’.

Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) हिन्दी अनुवाद

नयनतारा सहगल अंग्रेजी में लिखने भारत की वाली मुख्य महिला कथा साहित्यकारों में से एक है। उनका जन्म 10 मई 1927 को इलाहाबाद में हुआ था।

उनके पिता रंजीत सीताराम पंडित काठियावाड़ के सफल वकील थे। उसकी माँ विजय लक्ष्मी पंडित थी जो जवहार लाल नेहरू की बहन थीं। उन्हें Landour के हिमालय तराई अंचल में स्थित Wood Stock Boarding School में भर्ती किया गया था।

उन्होंने 1947 में अमेरिका के Masschusetts में स्थित Wellesley College से स्नातक किया। उनकी रचनाओं में राजनैतिक परिवर्तन के द्वारा उत्पन्न संकट के प्रति भारत की प्रतिक्रिया का समावेश होता है।

अपने उपन्यासों के माध्यम से उन्होंने ख्याति अर्जित किया। उनकी उल्लेखनीय रचनाएँ इत्यादि हैं-(A time to be Happy (1958), This time of morning (1968), In starm in Chandigarh (1969), and The day in Shadow (1971).

उनकी उपन्यास ‘Rich like us’ के लिए उन्हें साहित्य अकादमी अवार्ड से पुरस्कृत किया गया।

English Class 10 Wbbse

Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) Introduction Of The Text

The present text is an edited version of Nayantara Sehgal’s Memoir ‘Prison Chocolate Cake’. It records the incidents following the sudden demise of Gandhiji.

It depicts the author’s personal feelings as well as the collective grief of the country at the death of Mahatma Gandhi.

Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) हिन्दी अनुवाद

प्रस्तुत पाठ नयनतारा सहगल की स्मरण कथा ‘Prison Chocolate Cake’ का संपादित संस्करण है। इसमें गाँधीजी की अकस्मात मृत्यु के बाद की घटनाओं का उल्लेख किया गया है। इसमें महात्मा गाँधी के मृत्यु के कारण उत्पन्न लेखिका की निजी भावनाओं के साथ-साथ राष्ट्र के सामूहिक शोक का उल्लेख है।

Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) Summary

It was the evening of 30 January 1948. The Authoress was having tea. She received a telephone call. She learned over the phone that Bapu was shot on his way back from a prayer meeting. She was dumbstruck. She got into a car and left for Birla’s house in a haste. Bapu’s lifeless still body lay in a room.

The corpse was surrounded by his relative and followers. The sad news spread in Delhi like wildfire people with gloomy faces gathered around Birla’s house.

They cried and shouted in grief. All tried to have a last glimpse at the situation could be controlled only when they learned they could see Bapu before the funeral.

People were stunned at the sudden demise of Bapu. To them, it was a great loss. The death news was made public on the radio. It was like a shock wave.

English Class 10 Wbbse

The funeral procession was held a day after. Unnumbered people joined the procession. Mrs. Naidu’s daughter Padmasi was very interested to walk with Bapu for the last time.

The dead body was in an open truck covered with wreaths, bouquets, and flowers with tearful eyes people mourned the loss. The writer walks with the people.

Everybody was silent and strolled slowly. Bapu liked walking and tried to reach common people through it. The funeral was over. After a few days, the holy ashes of Gandhiji were taken to Allahabad by a specially decorated train.

The last rite of the immersion of the ashes was to be done there. People in the compartment sang bhajAnswer: Every station saw a gathering of people when the train passed.

The ashes were immersed in the water of the Ganges. Everybody prayed for peace in Gandhiji’s soul. After that everyone had come back to Delhi.

To the writer, Bapu’s death was also a personal loss. She felt a lack of inspiration in the absence of Bapu. She strove to realize his dedication to the country and the common people.

Gradually she overcame the sorrow. She thought Bapu would be alive through his words and works.

Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) हिन्दी अनुवाद

30 जनवरी 1948 की शाम थी। लेखिका चाय पी रही थी। उन्हें एक टेलीफोन संदेश प्राप्त हुआ। उन्हें फोन पर जानकारी प्राप्त हुई की प्रार्थना सभा से वापसी के रास्ते में बापू की गोली मारकर हत्या कर दी गई।

वह स्तब्ध हो गई। वह कार में सवार हुई और जल्दबाजी में बिरला भवन के लिए रवाना हो गई। बापू का मृत शरीर कमरे में पड़ा था। शव उनके रिश्तेदारो एवं अनुयायियों से घिरा था।

यह दुःखद संवाद दिल्ली में जंगल की आग की तरह फैल गया। उदास एवं मलिन चेहरे वाले लोग बिरला भवन के चारों ओर एकत्र थे ।
वे शोक संतप्त होकर रो रहे थे एवं क्रंदन कर रहे थे।

सभी बापू के शव का अंतिम दर्शन करना चाहते थे। वे एक दूसरे के साथ धक्का-मुक्की कर रहे थे। जब उन्हें यह सूचना मिली की अंतिम संस्कार के पहले उन्हें बापू का दर्शन करने दिया जाएगा तब वे शांत हुए।

English Class 10 Wbbse

लोग बापू के अचनाक निधन से स्तब्ध थे। उनके लिए यह बहुत बड़ी क्षति थी। आम जनता को उनकी मृत्यु का समाचार रेडियो के माध्यम से दिया गया। चारों ओर शोक लहर दौड़ गई थी।

अंतिम संस्कार परवर्ती दिन होना था । असंख्य लोग शव यात्रा में शामिल हुए। श्रीमती नायडू की बेटी पद्मसी अंतिम बार बापू के साथ चलने के लिए इच्छुक थी। शव फूलों से सजे हुए खुले ट्रक में रखा गया था।

अश्रुपूर्ण नेत्रों से लोग इस क्षति का शोक मना रहे थे। लेखिका भी लोगों के साथ पद यात्रा कर रही थी। हर कोई खामोश था एवं धीरे-धीरे चल रहा था। बापू भी पदयात्रा पसंद करते थे एवं पदयात्रा के माध्यम से ही साधारण जनमानस तक पहुँचते थे।

अंतिम संस्कार सम्पन्न हो चुका था। कुछ दिन के बाद गाँधी जी की पवित्र अस्थि भस्म को एक विशेष सुसज्जित रेलगाड़ी से इलाहाबाद लाया गया। वहाँ अस्थि विसर्जन होना था। रेलगाड़ी के डिब्बे में लोग भजन गा रहे थे।

रेलगाड़ी जिन स्टेशनों से होकर गुजर रही थी उन स्टेशनों पर बहुत भीड़ लगी थी। गाँधी जी की अस्थि भस्म को गंगा जल में प्रवाहित कर दिया गया। सबों ने गाँधीजी की आत्मा के लिए प्रार्थना किया।

उसके बाद सभी दिल्ली वापस आ गये। लेखिका के लिए बापू की मृत्यु उनकी निजी क्षति थी। बापू की अनुपस्थिति के कारण लेखिका ने प्रेरणा का अभाव महसूस किया।

लेखिका को राष्ट्र एवं साधारण जनमानस के लिए समर्पण का एहसास हुआ। धीरे-धीरे वह दुःख से उभर पाई। उन्होंने विचार किया कि बापू अपने शब्दों एवं कर्मों के माध्यम से जीवित रहेंगे।

Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) हिन्दी अनुवाद Word Notes (शब्दार्थ) Unit – 1

I (pron) The narrator of the story

Having (v)- Taking tea चाय पीना

Called (v)-Summoned बुलाया गया।

Birla House (Nom. cop)- House builtby the Birlas’ a family of the well-known industrialist of India.

Urgent (Adj.)- Highly essential, Important अति आवश्यक ।

Telephone (v)- दूरभाष; Tele (दूर); Phone (शव / वार्ता)

English Class 10 Wbbse

Shot (v)- Kill with a bullet, Gun down (गोली मारना)

भारत के विख्यात उद्योगपतियो के एक परिवार के द्वारा निर्मित भवन ।

When he was going – जब वे जा रहे थे।

On his way Prayer meeting (N)- Mahatma Gandhi was shot dead by Nathu Ram Godse. नाथूराम गोडसे के द्वारा महात्मा गाँधी की हत्या गोली मारकर की गई थी।)

Prayer (N)- A religious gathering or service during which prayers are offered प्रार्थना सभा ।

A reverent petition made to God, An act of communion with God – प्रार्थना ।

Meeting (N)- Assembly, Gathering, Congregation- सभा

Shock (N) – A sudden upsetting or surprising event or experience – सदमा,

Relatives (N)- People of one’s family kith and kin सम्बन्धी / रिश्तेदार

Followers (N) – Those the follow one, Fans, Suppoters, Admirers – अनुयायीएकत्र हुए, इकट्ठा हुए।

Gathered (v)- Assembled, Flocked, Thronged, Crowded

Round (prep)- on all sides – चारो ओर ।

Body (n)-Dead body शव ।

Silence (n)- Noiselessness, soundlessness निखता, खामोशी, सन्नाटा।

Breathed his last- Passed away, Died – गुजर गये, अंतिम सांस लिया, मर गये।

Words (n)- News, Message, Information समाचार, संदेश, सूचना ।

Death (n)- Passing away – मृत्यु ।

Spread (v)- Extend over a wide area – फैल गया।

Through Delihi- All over Delhi पूरी दिल्ली में ।

Like- के जैसे।

English Class 10 Wbbse

Flame- The blaze of fire, the tongue of fire अग्निशिखा, आग की लपट ।

Fanned (v)- Kindled by wind – हवा के द्वारा सुलगाया गया।

Sad (Adj)- Unhappy, Sorrowful, Gloomy

Group (n)- समूह |

Women (n)- Ladies स्त्रियाँ ।

Collected (v)- Gathered, Crowded, Thronged-

Around (Prep)- Enclosing – चारों तरफ ।

Out of (Prep)-From-

Could see (v)- देख सकता था।

Brown (Adj)- Brownish colour – बादामी रंग । Here, Depressed-

Blue (n)- Confused impression अस्पष्ट ।

Note – People cried, they were in tears. Being shocked they lost their natural color of faces. They were pale and browned off.

Few minutes (Adj. + n)– Few moments – कुछ क्षण ।

Sound (N)-आवाज ।

Make a sound (v)-ध्वनि उत्पन्न करना।

Unnatural Abnormal – अस्विाभाविक ।

Stood still (v + adv)- was without movement – was motionless-stopped moving थम गया / स्थिर हो गया / ठहर गया था।

As if (Adv. Ph.)- As it were – मानो

The people (n)- The crowd जन समागम ।

To (Adv)- More than enough – अत्यधिक, अत्यन्त ।

Class 10 English Text Book Wbbse

Stunned (V. P. P.) – Wonderstruck, Tongue, tied-,

Speak (v)- Pronounce, Say, Tell-T

In the beginning (Adv. Phr) – intially – शुरू में, प्रारम्भ में।

Later (Adv)- Afterwards, Here in after-a Demanded loudly

Clamoured (v.p.)- loud and persistent outcry from many people गुहार करना ।

made a voilent shout – चीत्कार करना ।

Wildly (Adv)-Violently बेतहाशा

Shouting (V)- Making a loud cry – चीखना ।

Crying (v)- Weeping – रोना ।

Jostled (v)- Forced one’s way by pushing Pushed each other to make a room धक्का मुक्की करना/ठेला ठेली करना।
भौचक्का |

Stampede (n)- A sudden rush of a panic

stricken herd, sudden woreful flight भगदड़, खलबली, हलचल ।

Break into (ph. v)- Enter, forcibly – बलपूर्वक प्रवेश करना ।

Note – लोग बेचैन हो गये थे। वे सब बापू को अंतिम बार देखना चाहते थे।

Calmed (v)- Became quiet शांत हुए।

A little (Phr)- A bit – कुछ / थोड़ा।

Announced (v)- Openly declared-made public

Allowed (v)- Permitted- अनुमति दिया गया।

Before (Prep)- के पहले ।

Class 10 English Text Book Wbbse

Funeral (N)- Exequies, cremation – The act of carrying a dead body for cremation – अंतिम संस्कार, शवयात्रा।

Is faced (v)- is confronted with सामना होना।

Shock (n)- A sudden upsetting and disturbing event सदमा, झटका, आघात ।

Loved- Endeared, Favourite

Death- Demise – मृत्यु |

Whimpers- Sobs/Groan/Make a series of –Thon one

What wil become- What will befall me अब मेरा क्या होगा। वे मुझे छोड़ कर चले गये हैं।

of me now- He as left me

Surely (Adv)- Certainly निश्चित रूप से।-

Question (n)- Asking, Query-

Uppermost Mind (n)- on the top, supreme, highest-, Nouns – मन

Mourning- Lamenting, Grieved, Wailing-, gat
Looked- Seemed, Appeared to be प्रतीत हुआ, दिखते थे।

Like- As Belike – के जैसे ।

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Lost children- The children detached from their guardians अपने अभिभावकों से बिछड़े हुए बच्चे ।

Note- Bapuji was the father of the nation after his death, people became fatherless.

Lost- Missing खोए हुए।

Hearts- हृदय ।

As- While जब, जिस समय ।

Still- Yet, so, far-


Unbelieving-Not taking it to be true – not able to trust

Listened to (v)-Heard with, attention-

Broadcast-The message transmitted on the radio- प्रसारण ।

Telling- Here, informing – सूचित करने वाला ।

Was no more- was dead- मृत ।

Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) हिन्दी अनुवाद हिन्दी अनुवाद

I was having……………………………………….got into the car.

30 जनवरी 1948 की शाम को मैं घर में चाय पी रही थी, जब एक आवश्यक / टेलीफोन संदेश के द्वारा मुझे बिरला भवन बुलाया गया। प्रार्थना सभा जाने के रास्ते में गाँधीजी की गोली मारकर हत्या कर दी गई थी। गाड़ी में चढ़ते समय मैं सदमे से स्तब्ध थी ।

At the Birla House…………………………..those few minutes.

बिरला भवन में गाँधी जी के रिश्तेदार एवं अनुयायी उनके शव के चारों ओर एकत्र हो गये थे। जब गाँधीजी ने अंतिम साँस ली उस समय कमरे में खामोशी थी।

हवा के द्वारा प्रज्ज्वलित आग की लपट की भाँति बापूजी की मृत्यु का सामाचार पूरी दिल्ली में फैल गया। शोकग्रस्त पुरूषो एवं स्त्रियों का समूह बिरला भवन के चारों ओर एकत्र हो चुका था।

प्रत्येक खिड़की से उनके शोकग्रस्त मलिन चेहरे देखे जा सकते थे। वे बिल्कुल खामोश थे। एक अस्वाभाविक सन्नाटा फैला हुआ था। कुछ क्षण के लिए समय मानो ठहर सा गया था।

Class 10 English Text Book Wbbse

The people were …………………………………….before the funeral.

शुरूआत में लोग इतने स्तब्ध थे कि वे कुछ बोल नहीं पा रहे थे। बाद में वे पागलों की तरह चीखते और रोते हुए गाँधीजी के अंतिम दर्शन के लिए गुहार करने लगे। वे भवन में बलपूर्वक प्रवेश करने के लिए आपस में धक्का-मुक्की करने लगे जिससे भगदड़ मच गई। जब यह घोषणा की गई कि अंतिम संस्कार के पहले उन्हें गाँधीजी का अंतिम दर्शन करने दिया जाएगा तब जाकर वे थोड़े शांत हुए।

When one is faced……………………Bapu was no more.

जब कोई अपने किसी आत्मीयजन की मृत्यु के शोक का आघात का सामना करता है तो कुछ फफक-फफक कर रोते हुए कहता है “वे मुझे छोड़ कर चले गये, अब मेरा क्या होगा?”

शोकसंतप्त लोगों के मन में निश्चित रूप से यह सर्वोपरि प्रश्न था । वे (माता पिता से) बिछड़ी हुई संतान की भाँति दिख रहे थे। जब हम व्यथित एवं विश्वास न कर पाने की स्थिति में बैठे थे, तब हम में से अनेकों के मन में यह प्रश्न उभरा।

भारत की जनता को सूचित करने के लिए किए जाने वाले रेडियो प्रसारण को सुन रहे थे कि उनके बापू अब नहीं रहे ।

Class 10 English Text Book Wbbse

Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) हिन्दी अनुवाद Comprehension Exercises

1. Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentences: (निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करने के लिए सही विकल्प चुनें।)

Question 1. Gandhiji had been shot on his way to – (गाँधी जी को गोली मारी गई…. जाने के रास्ते में)

  1. The Birla house
  2. The author’s house
  3. A prayer meeting
  4. A family gathering

Answer:  4. A prayer meeting.

Question 2. The author came to know of Gandhiji’s death by- (लेखिका को गाँधी जी के मौत की बारे में जानकारी मिली के द्वारा)

  1. A letter
  2. A telephone call
  3. A telegram
  4. A public broadcast

Answer: 2. A telephone call.

Question 3. When one is faced with the shock of a loved one’s death, one ( जब कोई अपने किसी आत्मीय जन की मौत के आघात का सामना करता है/ के सम्मुख होता है तो वह .

  1. Whimpers
  2. Laughs
  3. Claps
  4. Shouts

Answer: 1. Whimpers.

Wbbse English Solution Class 10

2. Fill In The Chart With Information From The Text:(पाठ में दी गई सूचना के आधार पर निम्नलिखित तालिका को पूरा करें।)

Question 1. Date on which Gandhiji was shot dead (जिस तारीख को गाँधीजी की गोली मारकर हत्या की गई थी )
Answer: 30th January 1948.

Question 2. Place where Gandhiji breathed his last – (जिस स्थान पर गाँधीजी ने अंतिम साँस ली -)
Answer: Birla House in Delhi.

Question 3. Information given by the broadcast – ( प्रसारण के द्वारा दी गई सूचना ………)
Answer: Bapu was no more.

3. State Wheather The Following Statements Are Ture Or False. Provide Sentences / Phrases/Words In Support Of Your Answer. (उल्लेखनीय करो/बताओ कि निम्नलिखित कथन सही है या गलत / अपने उत्तर की पुष्टि के लिए वाक्य / वाक्यांश / शब्द लिखिये / दीजिए।)

Question 1. The author received an urgent telephone call in the morning. (लेखिका ने सुबह- सुबह एक आवश्यक दूरभाष बुलावा (टेलीफोन कॉल) प्राप्त किया।
Supporting statement: The author received an urgent telephone call when she was having tea on the evening of 30th January 1948.
Answer: False

Question 2. People attempted to break into the Birla House. (लोगों ने बिरला हाउस में बलपूर्वक प्रवेश करने का प्रयास किया।)
Supporting statement: People jostled one another in a stampede to break into the house.
Answer: True

Question 3. The news of Gandhiji’s death did not shock the people. (गाँधीजी की मृत्यु के समाचार से लोगों को शोकाघात /सदमा नहीं हुआ/लगा/पहुँचा।)
Supporting statement: The people were too stunned to speak in the beginning.
Answer: False

Wbbse English Solution Class 10

Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) Word Notes (शब्दार्थ) Unit-2

Gandhiji funeral – गाँधीजी का अंतिम संस्कार ।

Take place (P.H.) Occur, Happen ‘Hold’ To be perfomed हिना ।

In advance (Ph.v)- Prior, Before अग्रिम, पहले ।

Lined (V)- Stood in Queue पंक्ति में खड़े हुए।

Route (N)- A fixed pat – निर्दिष्ट रास्ता, पथ

Procession (N)- A huge number of people moving one after another जुलूस, शोभायात्रा

Follow (V)- To go along a route अनुसरण करना

Mrs Naidu (N)- Mrs Sarojini Naidu – श्रीमती सरोजिनी नायडू

Simply (Adv)- in a simple way – सामान्य रूप से

Last- अंतिम

Agonizing (Ad)- Mourning, painful करुण/ कष्टपद्र, दुःखदयी।

Silently (Adv)- Noiselessly शांतिपूर्वक

Watched (v.Pt.)- Noticed देखा।

Lay (V.P.)- पड़े हुए / लेटे हुए।

Open (Adj.)- Uncovered, Unclosed अनाच्छदित, खुला हुआ।

Truck (N)- A large road vehicle

Covered- Provided with a cover आवृत्त, ढका हुआ।

Wept (V.P.)- Wailed रोए ।

Trying (Part) (Try+ing)- Attempting-

Impossible (Ad- Not possible असंभव

Wbbse English Solution Class 10

Move- Walk चलना।

Thick (Adj)- Dense – सघन ।

Crowd- A large number of people

Slowly (Adv)- Not rapidly, without haste

Understood (V.Past)- Realized, Grasped

Merely (Adv)- Only – सिर्फ / मात्र ।

In the midst of (ph)- Amidst/Among के बीच ।

Midst- Middle के बीच |

Grieving (Adj)- Agonizing, mourning, Lamenting


Beloved (Adj)-Dear, Adorable

Leader (N)- Guide, one who leads

Special (Adj)- Particular – खास, विशेष ।

Meaning (N)-अर्थ

Rough and smooth (Idiom) – The sour and the sweet

Recent (Adj)- of late, the latest

Accept (v)- Admit स्वीकार करना, ग्रहण करना ।

Fact (N)- Truth, Real, Incident

Led (V.P.)- Guided, नेतृत्व किया।

Difficult (Adj)- Hard, Tough कठिन, जटिल ।

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Path (N)- Way – पथ ।

Slight (Adj)- Lean and thin – दुबला-पतला, क्षीण ।

Figure (N) – Body, Physique – काया, कद-काठी ।

Staff (N)- Walking-stick

Large (Adj)- Major वृहत्त, विस्तृत ।

बापू के साथ चलना एक विशिष्ट अर्थ रखता था। हमलोग भारत के हाल के इतिहास के दुर्गम एवं सुगम मार्ग पर बापू के साथ चले थे।

हमलोग इस यथार्थ को स्वीकार नहीं कर पा रहे थे कि जिस व्यक्ति ने कठिन मार्गों पर हमारा नेतृत्व किया था, वे पुनः हमारे साथ कभी नहीं चलने वाले थे। हाथ में लाठी लिए हुए क्षीण काया वाले बापू ने

भारत के विशाल भू- भाग पर पदयात्रा की थी। पदयात्रा का अर्थ होता है धीरे-धीरे आगे की ओर बढ़ना। इसका (पदयात्रा का ) तात्पर्य है परिष्कृत ढंग से चिंतन करना एवं छोटे-छोटे (क्षुद्र) कीट-पतंगों से लेकर क्षितिज तक की सभी वस्तुओं का अवलोकन करना।

इसके अलावा पदयात्रा साधारण भारतीयों के लिए एकमात्र खुला विकल्प था। इसमें (पदयात्रा) अपने शरीर के अलावा अन्य किसी वाहन की आवश्यकता नहीं होती एवं अपनी उर्जा के सिवा अन्य कोई खर्च भी नहीं है।

गाँधीजी ने इस प्रयोजनीय वस्तु (पदयात्रा) को ग्रहण किया था, चूँकि वे उसी वस्तु को अधिक ग्रहण करते थे जो साधारण होती थी और उसी वस्तु को वे एक आनन्ददायक कार्य (प्रचेष्टा) में परिवर्तित कर देते थे।

Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) Comprehension Exercises

Choose The Correct Alternative To Complete The Following Sentences: (निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करने के लिए सही विकल्प चुनें।)

Question 1. Gandhiji funeral was to take place (गाँधीजी का अंतिम संस्कार होने को था )

  1. On the day of his death
  2. Two days after his death
  3. One day after his death
  4. A week after his death

Answer: One day after his death.

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Question 2. Padamsi was Mrs. Naidu’s (पद्मसी थी श्रीमती नायडू की……)

  1. Niece
  2. Sister
  3. Friend
  4. Daughter

Answer: Daughter.

Question 3. While walking, Bapu used to carry in his hand a/an (चहल कदमी करते समय, बापू अपने हाथ में रखते थे ।)

  1. Flag
  2. Staff
  3. Umbrella
  4. Cane

Answer: Staff.

5. Complete The Following Sentences With Information From The Text: (पाठ में दी गई सूचना के आधार पर निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करें)

Question 1. Thousands of people wept, trying (हजारों लोग रोए, कोशिश करते हुए)
Answer: to touch Bapu’s feet. (बापू के चरण स्पर्श करने की)

Question 2. The author was among people for whopm walking (लेखिका उनलोगों में से थी जिनके लिए टलहना)
Answer: with Bapu had a special meaning (बापू के साथ एक विशिष्ट अर्थ रखता था ।)

Question 3. To walk is to (टहलना / चहलकदमी होता है)
Answer: make slow progress (धीरे-धीरे अग्रसर होना ।)

6. Fill In The Chart With Information From The Text: (पाठ्यांश में दी गई सूचना के आधार पर तालिका को पूर्ण करें)

Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) Word Notes (शब्दार्थ) Unit-3

Special (Adj)- Distinguished, Particular – विशेष ।

Took (v)- Carried ले गया।

Ashes (N)- Remians after burning राख ।

The remains of a human dead body after cremation-अस्थिभस्म, चिताभस्म ।

Decked (Adj)- Decorated, Adorned सुसज्जित ।

Bhajans (N)- The songs of Prayers, Devotional songs – भजन ।

Weep (V)- Wail Anymore Feel (V)- Wail- विलाप करना ।

Presence (N)- The state of being present उपस्थिति ।

Amid (Prep)- In the midst के मध्य ।

Sorrowful (Adj)- Sad, Pensive – दुःखी ।

Filled (V.P.)- Made full, crowded- भर दिया।

Reached (V. Pt.)- Arrived at – पहुँचा।

Immersed- Drowned, Thrown into – विसर्जित कर दिया गया।

Huge (Adj)- Large, immense – विशाल ।

Bank (N)- The coast of the river नदी का तट ।

Went back (V.pt.)- Returned-लौट गए।

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At sea (idiom)- Felt helpless and insecured, In great danger असहाय महसूस करना, घोर संकट में होना ।

Directly (Adv)- प्रत्यक्ष रूप से ।

Prison (N)- Jail, Gao – कारागार, जेल ।

Call (N)-Summan आह्वान

Sacrifice (N)- Dedication बलिदान ।

On looker (N)- Spectator, Watcher दर्शक।

Magic (N)- The power of making one spellbound – जादू, चमत्कार।

Circle (N)- Orbit Ring – चक्र |

Here- Here, Gandhijis strong and magical impact on the author Death, Demise मृत्यु ।

Passing away (Pt.)- Death, Demise

Vanished (V.P.)- Disappeared – विलुप्त हो गया।

Unprotected (Adj)- Insecured, Undefended असुरक्षित।

Effort (N)- Endevour, Attempt प्रयास।

Roushed (V.P.)- Uplifted, Awakened जागृत किया।

Easily (Adv.)-Effortlessly सहजतापूर्वक

Lose (N)- Being not able to find खोना।

Courage (N)- Bravery, Boldness – बहादुरी ।

No longer (Ph)- No more, Not existing और नहीं’ अस्तित्व में नहीं होना।

Values (N)- Worth मूल्यबोध

Weak (Adj.)- Feeble – कमजोर।

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Millions (N)- One millions – Ten lakhs लाखों ।

Ordinary (Adj)- Common, General साधारण ।

Folk (N)- Common people – जनमानस ।

But for (Ph)- Except के सिवा ।

Indifference (N)- Lack of interest, callousness उदासीनता ।

Awaken (V)-Rouse – Bring to senses जागृत करना।

Suffering (N)- Agony, Distress – कष्ट, पीड़ा।

Strong (Adj.)- Powerful, stout बलवान, मजबूत,

Proud (Adj.) -Confident of one’s Power – गर्वित, स्वाभिमानी ।

Bear (V)- Carry – वहन करना ।

Banner (V)- Flag, ध्वजा। Here, unnumbered असंख्य ।Here, the task or duty left to be done by others.

Continue (V)- Go on, proceed जारी रहना ।

Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) हिन्दी अनुवाद

Some days after………… went back to Delhi.

गाँधी जी के अन्तिम संस्कार के कुछ दिनों के बाद एक विशेष ट्रेन के द्वारा, उनकी चिताभस्म (अस्थिभस्म) को इलाहाबाद लाया गया। रेलगाड़ी का डब्बा फूलों से सुसज्जित था।

रेलगाड़ी में सवार लोग भजन गा रहे थे। लोग अब – विलाप नहीं कर रहे थे क्योकि वे फूलों और संगीत में गाँधीजी की उपस्थिति को अनुभव कर सकते थे। हर स्टेशन के प्लेटफॉर्म शोक संतप्त लोगों की भीड़ से भरा हुआ था।

संगीत एवं भजन के मध्य रेलगाड़ी इलाहाबाद पहुँची। भस्म गंगा में विसर्जित किया गया, जिसके तट पर विशाल भीड़ एकत्र थी। तदोपरांत हम सब दिल्ली वापस चले (आ) गए।

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Back in Delhi …………………….. leaving me unprotected.

दिल्ली वापस आकर मैंने स्वयं को बहुत विभ्रांत और असहाय महसूस किया। मैने प्रत्यक्ष रूप से गाँधीजी के साथ कभी पद यात्रा नहीं की थी ना ही उनके आह्वान पर कभी जेल गई थी और ना ही अपने देश के लिए कोई बलिदान किया था।

मेरी बहनें, मैं एवं मेरे जैसा अन्य युवक-युवतियाँ मात्र मूकदर्शक थे। फिर भी मैने स्वयं को विषम परिस्थिति में पाया। मुझे आभास हुआ कि मैं एक चमत्कारिक सुरक्षा चक्र में पली बढ़ी थी।

परन्तु बापू के स्वर्गपास के साथ ही, मुझे एहसास हुआ कि वह चमत्कारिक सुरक्षा चक्र विलुप्त हो गया था, भंग हो गया था और मैं असुरक्षित रह गई थी।

With an effort………………………..live in his children.

प्रयास कर मैनें स्वयं को जागृत किया; स्वयं को जागृत करने के लिए मुझे प्रयत्न करना पड़ा। मैंने स्वयं से पूछा- क्या बापू व्यर्थ में जिये एवं मारे गए ? क्या बापू के जीवन एवं मरण का कोई मोल नहीं है?

अब वे नहीं रहे, मैं इतनी आसानी से कैसे हिम्मत हार सकती हूँ? मेरे मूल्यबोध इतने दुर्बल तो न थे। बापू के सिवा लाखों लोग साधारण जनमानस मात्र थे। उन्होंने उनको उदासीनता से बाहर निकाला एवं हताशा से उबारा, एक दूसरे की पीड़ा के प्रति जागृत किया।

यदि बापू चले भी गए हैं तो क्या हुआ? अब भी हमलोग उनके अधूरे कार्यों को सम्पन्न करने के लिए युवा, बलवान और स्वाभिमानी हैं; उनके अधूरे कार्यों को पूरा करने के लिए अभी भी हमारे देश में सामर्थ्यवान स्वाभिमानी युवक-युवतियाँ मौजूद हैं;

यौवन एवं अदम्य मानसिक बल से परिपूर्ण तरुण युवक-युवतियों को मजबूती के साथ डटना होगा। बापू तो नहीं रहें किन्तु उनका भारत उनकी संतानों में जीता रहेगा।

Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) Comprehension Exercises

7. Choose The Correct Alternative To Complete The Following Sentences: निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करने के लिए सटीक विकल्प चुनें।

Question 1. Gandhiji ashes were taken to – (गाँधीजी को अस्थिभस्म ले जाया गया -)

  1. Ahmedabad
  2. Allahabad
  3. Delhi
  4. Varanasi

Answer: 2. Allahabad.

Question 2. A huge crowd had gathered by the (विशाल भीड़ के किनारे एकत्र थी)

  1. Ganges
  2. Yamuna
  3. Brahmaputra
  4. Narmada

Answer: 1. Ganges.

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Question 3. Gandhiji awakened people to one anothers (गाँधीजी ने लोगों को के प्रति एकदूसरे को जागृत किया)

  1. Indifference
  2. Jealousy
  3. Suffering
  4. Greed

Answer: 3. Suffering.

8. Compelete The Following Sentences With Information From The Text (पाठ्यांश की सूचना के आधार पर निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करें।)

Question 1. People on the special train भजन गा रहे थे ।)
Answer: sang bhajans in the memory of Gandhiji. (विशेष ट्रेन पर सवार लोग गाँधी जी की याद में

Question 2. The author was among people for whom walking बीच थी जिनके लिए पद यात्रा एक विशिष्ट अर्थ रखता था ।)
Answer: had a special meaning. (लेखिका उन लोगों के

Question 3. Babu has passed away but में जीवित रहेगा।) (बापू तो गुजर गए किन्तु उनका भारत उनकी संतानों
Answer: his India would survive in his children.

9. Fill in the chart with information from the text: (पाठ्यांश की सूचना के आधार पर निम्नलिखित तालिका को भरो। )

Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) Grammar In Use

10. Join The Following Pairs Of Sentences Into Single Sentences As Directed:

Question 1. I saw a snake. I ran away. (use participle)
Answer: Seeing a snake, I ran away.

Question 2. He learns music. He listens to the chords. (use a preposition with gerund)
Answer: He learns music by listening to the chords.

Question 3. Gold is a precious metal. It is used to make ornaments. (use the noun in apposition)
Answer: Gold, a precious metal, is used to make ornaments.

Question 4. Ramu has some money. He can buy books. (use infinitive)
Answer: Ramu has some money to buy books.

Question 5. Rima completed her work. She went out. (use nominative absolute)
Answer: Having completed her work, Rima went out.

Question 6. The boy wrote the answer. The answer was incorrect. (use the adverbial phrases)
Answer: The boy wrote the answer incorrectly.

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11. Join The Following Pairs Of Sentences Into Single Compound Sentences As Directed:

Question 1. The old man is unwell. He cannot go out. (use Illative conjunction)
Answer: The old man cannot go out because he is unwell.

Question 2. He is honest. He is humble. (use cumulative conjunction)
Answer: He is not only honest but also humble.

Question 3. Sonali cannot write poetry. She keeps on trying. (use adversative conjunction)
Answer: Sonali cannot write poetry still she keeps on trying.

Question 4. Study hard. You will not pass the examination. (use alternative conjunction)
Answer: Study hard or you will not pass the examination.

12. Join The Following Pairs Of Sentences Into Single Complex Sentences As Directed:

Question 1. Rabindranath Tagore is a famous poet. He won the Nobel Prize. (use noun clause)
Answer: Rabindranath Tagore, who won the Nobel Prize is a famous poet.

Question 2. He returned home. Everyone in the family had fallen asleep. (use adverb clause)
Answer: Everyone in the family had fallen asleep when he returned home.

Question 3. The sun rises in the east. Everyone knows it. (use adjective clause)
Answer: It is known to everyone that the sun rises in the east.

13. Join The Following Pairs Of Sentences Into Single Sentences As Directed:

Question 1. It rained hard. The roads were not flooded. (compound sentence)
Answer: It rained hard but the roads were not flooded.

Question 2. He completed his work. He took a rest. (simple sentence)
Answer: Having completed his work, he took a rest.

Question 3. Rahul is a great singer. He can sing different kinds of songs. (complex sentence)
Answer: Rahul, a great singer, can sing different kinds of songs.

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Question 4. The time of departure of the train has changed. Alia knew it. (complex sentence)
Answer: Alia knew that the train’s departure time has changed.

14. Split The Following Into Two Sentences:

Question 1. It rained and I could not leave my room.
Answer: It rained. I could not leave my room.

Question 2. He thought that he could win the race.
Answer: He could win the race. He thought so.

Question 3. Having been informed of the trouble, the Principal left for home.
Answer: The Principal left for home. He was informed of the trouble.

Question 4. Nasir, who was the captain of the team, scored a century.
Answer: Nasir was the captain of the team. He scored a century.

Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) Writing Activities

15. Write A Biography Of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad (Within 100 Words) Based On The Hints Given Below:

Born on 11 November 1888-composed poetry in Urdu-worked as a journalist, protested against the British Raj- an enthusiastic supporter of Gandhiji’s ideas-wrote many books-like ‘India wins freedom’, ‘Ghubar-e-Khatir’ etc. – First Education Minister of Independent India -birthday celebrated as National Education Day-died on 22 February 1958.


Maulana Abul Kalam Azad

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad is an unforgettable figure in the history of the Indian Freedom movement. He was born on 11th November 1888 in British India.

He was a versatile genius. He worked as a journalist. He was also a poet. He composed poetry in urdu. He protested against the atrocities of the British Raj.

He took an active part in Indian politics. He was an enthusiastic supporter of Gandhiji’s ideas. He wrote many books like ‘India Wins Free- dom’: ‘Ghubar-e-Khatir’ etc.

After independence, he became the first Education Minister of India. This great leader breathed his last on 22nd February 1958. His birthday is now commemorated as National Education Day.

16. Use the following flow-chart to write a paragraph (Within 100 words) on how a building is constructed 

Drawing a plan of the building by the architect getting the plan sanctioned by the corporation or municipal authorities engaging masons and laborers – starting the construction with bricks, cement, and sand-fitting doors and windows-plastering of walls -wiring-electric and water connections-painting-building completed-fit for living.


How a Building is Constructed

The construction of a building follows a number of processes. At first, a plan of the building is drawn by the architect. Then the plan is to be sanctioned by the corporation or municipal authorities.

After that masons and laborers are engaged on a contract basis. The construction started with bricks, cement, and sand. When the structure of the building is completed, doors and windows are fitted.

Next, the plastering of the walls is done. Thereafter electric wiring is made complete. Now electric and water connection are taken. At last, the painting of the building is done. Thus, the house is ready for living.

Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) Additional Textual Question & Answers Unit – 1

1. Choose The Correct Alternative To Complete The Following Sentences: निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करने के लिए सही विकल्प चुने।

Question 1. When the author got the news of the Gandhiji’s death she was-(facht ont गाँधीजी की मृत्यु का समाचार मिला, वह)

  1. Having meal
  2. Chatting
  3. Having bath
  4. Having tea

Answer: 3. Having tea.

Question 2. The writer got the news of Gandhiji’s death-समाचार मिला – )

  1. From Newspaper
  2. On T.V.
  3. By Phone
  4. On Radio

Answer: 3. By Phone.

Question 3. Gandhiji’s body was kept in – (गाँधी जी के मृत शरीर (शव) को रखा गया -)

  1. Parliament House
  2. Birla House
  3. Sabarmati Ashram
  4. Rashtrapati Bhawan

Answer: 2. Birla House.

Question 4. On hearing the news of Gandhiji’s death the writer left for – समाचार सुनकर लेखिका रवाना हुई के लिए)

  1. Party Meeting
  2. Birla House
  3. Prayer Meeting
  4. Padmasi’s House

Answer: 2. Birla House.

Question 5. Birla House is situated in – (farm)

  1. Kanpur
  2. Ahmedabad
  3. Delhi
  4. Allahabad

Answer: 3. Delhi.

Question 6. Gandhiji had been shot on his way to- जानेके रास्ते में की गई)

  1. Prayer Meeting
  2. Parliament House
  3. Brila House
  4. Mrs. Naidu’s House

Answer: 1. Prayer Meeting.

Question 7. Gandhiji had been shot (गाँधीजी की गोली मारकर हत्या की गई -)

  1. After the prayer
  2. During the prayer
  3. Before the prayer
  4. None of the above

Answer: 3. Before the prayer.

Question 8. As the author got into the car, she was numb with( वह स्तबध थी……से)

  1. Heat
  2. Shock
  3. Joy
  4. Cold

Answer: 2. Shock.

Question 9. At the Brila House, the person’s who had gathered round Gandhiji’s body were Gandhiji’s – (बिरला भवन में जो लोग गाँधीजी के शव के चारों तरफ एकत्र हुए थे, वे गाँधी जी के……. थे)

  1. Relatives and followers
  2. Friends and followers
  3. Relatives and assistants
  4. Friends and assistants

Answer: 1. Relatives and followers.

Question 10. Gandhiji’s breathed his last

  1. Tata Memorial
  2. Birla Planetarium
  3. Rashtrapati Bhawan
  4. Biral House

Answer: 2. Birla House.

Question 11. On hearing the news, people could not speak in the beginning because they were – (समाचार सुनकर लोग शुरूआत में कुछ बोल न सके क्योंकि वे थे – )

  1. Stunned
  2. Silent
  3. Afraid
  4. Anxious

Answer: 1. Stunned.

Question 12. The mouring people looked like – (शोक संतप्त लोग की भाँति दिख रहे थे )

  1. Anxious Parents
  2. Silent mob
  3. Angry Mob
  4. Lost children

Answer: 4. Lost Children.

Question 13. The writer was numb with shock when she got into the

  1. Truck
  2. Car
  3. Train
  4. Plane

Answer: 2. Car.

Question 14. ‘I was numb with shock’ Here ‘numb’ means

  1. Unable to react
  2. Senseless
  3. Dumb
  4. Paralyzed

Answer: 1. Unable to react.

Question 15. When Gandhiji breathed his last in the room of the Birla House there was – ( गाँधीजी ने बिरला भवन के कक्ष में अंतिम साँस लिया, वहाँ थी….)

  1. Silence
  2. A cry of despair
  3. Hue and Cry
  4. A cry for help

Answer: 1. Silence.

Question 16. The news of Bapuji’s death had spread through Delhi like (entry and सामाचार ……. भाँति फैल गया ।)

  1. A wing
  2. A fire
  3. A flame
  4. A spring

Answer: 3. A flame.

Question 17. ‘The passing away of Bapu’ is written by – (बापू का ‘स्वर्गवास’ लिखा गया है-

  1. R. K. Narayan
  2. Mulk Raj Anand
  3. John Masefield
  4. Nayantara Sehgal

Answer: 4. Nayantara Sehgal

Question 18. Words of Bapuji’s death spread through-

  1. Delhi
  2. Kanpur
  3. India
  4. Mumbai

Answer: 1. Delhi.

Question 19. People were too stunned to – (लोग इतने स्तब्ध थे कि वे ना सके ।)

  1. Work
  2. Play
  3. Speak
  4. Feel

Answer: 3. Speak.

Question 20. Gandhiji’s death was broadcast to-को सूचित करने के लिए।)

  1. The killers of India
  2. The leaders of India
  3. The rules of India.
  4. People of India.

Answer: 4. People of India.

Question 21. People calmed when they learnet that they could see Gandhiji-C जब उन्होंने जाना कि वे गाँधी जी का दर्शन कर सकेंगे ।)

  1. During the funeral
  2. Before the funeral
  3. After the funeral
  4. Never

Answer: 2. Before the funeral.

Question 22. Gandhiji was shot on (गाँधीजी को गोली मारकर हत्या की गई थी को ।)

  1. 30th February
  2. 1st January
  3. 1st February
  4. 30th January

Answer: 1. 30th January.

Question 23. People received the news of Gandhiji’s death from/

  1. Newspaper
  2. Radio
  3. Telephone
  4. Television

Answer: 2. Radio.

2. Complete The Following Sentences With Information From The Text. (पाठ्यांश की सूचना के आधार पर निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करें।)

Question 1. When Gandhiji breathed his last, there was
Answer: Silence in the room. (कमरे में सन्नाटा / खामोशी थी ।)

Question 2. At Brila House, Gandhiji’s relatives –
Answer: had gatherd around Bapu’s body. (बापू के शव के चारों तरफ एकत्र हो गये थे।)

Question 3. Words of Bapuji’s death had spread like –
Answer: A flame fanned by wind. (हवा के द्वारा प्रज्जवलित आग की लपट की भाँति ।)

Question 4. Silence felt at the death of Gandhiji was – (गाँधीजी की मृत्यु पर जो सन्नाटा / खामोशी महसूस की गई, वह धी)
Answer: Unnatural.

Question 5. A radio broadcast informed that-
Answer: Gandhiji had passed away. (of you)…

Question 6. Walking cost an average Indian nothing but खर्च होता है सिर्फ
Answer: his energy.

Question 7. To walk was often only way left (टहलना ही एकमात्र साधन शेष रह गया था)
Answer: For Common people of India. (भारत की साधारण जनता के लिए।)

Question 8. The people of India were told on the broadcast that (प्रसारण के द्वारा भारत की जनता को बताया गया)
Answer: Bapu was no more.

Question 9. One could see a brown blur of faces
Answer: Out of every window.

Question 10. It was impossible for people to move in the funeral procession because – ( यात्रा में लोगों के लिए चलना असंभव था क्योंकि)
Answer: The crowd was thick.

3. State Wheather The Following Statements Are True Or False. Provide Sentences/ Phrases/Words In Support Of Your Answer

Question 1. The writer was called to Birla House by an urgent letter. पत्र के द्वारा बिरला भवन में बुलाया गया था।
Supporting statements: I was called to Birla House by an urgent telephone.
Answer: False

Question 2. Bapu was stabbed to death. (बापू की हत्या चाकू मार की गई थी । )
Supporting statement: “Gandhiji had been shot.”
Answer: False

Question 3. Gandhiji had been shot dead on his way to the party meeting. ( पार्टी की सभा में जाने के रास्ते में की गई थी ।)
Supporting statement: “Gandhiji had been shot on his way to a prayer meeting.”
Answer: False

Question 4. Gandhiji’s death was unnatural.
Supporting statement: “Gandhiji had been shot.
Answer: True

Question 5. There was great agitation in the room as Gandhiji breathed his last. ( ने अंतिम साँस लिया तो कमरे में बहुत अशांति थी।Supporting statement: “There was silence in the room as Gandhiji breathed his last.
Answer: False

Question 6. The news of Bapuji’s death was kept secret.
Supporting statement: Words of Bapuji’s death had spread through Delhi.
Answer: False

Question 7. The poeple looked like rescued children. (लोग बचाये हुए बच्चे की तरह दिख रहे थे ।)
Supporting statement: They looked like lost children.
Answer: True

Question 8. Walking costs energy. (चलने में ऊर्जा खर्च होती है।)
Supporting statement: It……… cost him nothing but his energy.
Answer: False

Question 9. They jostled with one another in a stampede to break out of the house.(à aydan घर से बाहर निकलने के लिए एक दूसरे के साथ धक्का करने लगे ।)
Supporting statement: They jostled with one another in a stampede to break into the house.
Answer: False

Question 10. The writer went to Birla House on foot.
Supporting statement: I was numb with shock as I got into a car.
Answer: False

3. Answer The Following Questions : (निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर दो)

Question 1. Who is referred by ‘I’ ? (‘I’ के द्वारा किसकी ओर संकेत किया गया है।)
Answer: The writer, Nayantara Sehgal is referred to by ‘I’. (‘1’ के द्वारा लेखिका नयनतारा सहगल की ओर संकेत किया गया है।)

Question 2. Who wrote the narrative The passing away of Bapu’ ? (बापू का स्वर्गवास किसने लिखा ।)
Answer: Nayantara Sehgal wrote the narrative The Passing Away of Bapu’. (नयनतारा सहगल ने बापू का स्वर्गवास लिखा ।)

Question 3. What was the author doing on the evening of 30th January, 1948 ? (30 जनवरी 1948 की शाम को लेखिका क्या कर रही थी । )
Answer: The author was having tea at home on the evening of 30th January, 1948. (लेखिका 30 जनवरी 1948 की शाम को अपने घर में चाय पी रही थी। )

Question 4. How did the writer get the news of Bapuji’s death ? (लेखिका को बापू जी की मृत्यु का समाचार कैसे प्राप्त हुआ।)
Answer: The writer got the news of Bapuji’s death from a telephone call. (लेखिका को बापू जी की मृत्यु का समाचार एक टेलीफोन संवाद के माध्यम से प्राप्त हुआ।)

Question 5. Where was the author called by an urgent telephone ? (एक आवश्यक टेलीफोन से लेखिका को कहाँ बुलाया गया।)
Answer: The author was called to Birla House by an urgent telephone. (एक आवश्यक टेलीफोन से लेखिका को बिरला भवन बुलाया गया।)

Question 6. At what time of the day did the writer know the news of Bapu’s death ? (दिन के किस समय बापू के देहान्त का समाचार लेखिका को मिला ? )
Answer: The writer knew the news of Bapu’s death in the evening. (लेखिका को बापू का देहान्त का समाचार शाम को मिला।)

Question 7. What did the writer see at Birla House ? (लेखिका ने बिरला भवन में क्या देखा ? )
Answer: The writer found that the relatives and followers of Bapuji had gathered around his body at Birla House.
(लेखिका ने पाया कि बापूजी के रिश्तेदार और अनुयायी बिरला भवन में उनके चारों ओर एकत्र हो गए थे।)

Question 8. Where was Gandhiji shot ? (गाँधीजी को कहाँ गोली मार कर हत्या की गई ? )
Answer: Gandhiji was shot on his way to a prayer meeting. (प्रार्थना सभा के रास्ते में गाँधीजी को गोली मार कर हत्या की गई थी।)

Question 9. How did the writer go to Birla House ? (लेखिका बिरला भवन कैसे गई ? )
Answer: The writer went to Birla House by a car. (लेखिका कार से बिरला भवन गई।)

Question 10. How was the atmosphere of the room as Gandhiji breathed his last ? (जब गाँधी जी ने अंतिम साँस लिया तो कक्ष का वातावरण कैसा था ? )
Answer: There was silence in the room as Gandhiji breathed his last. (जब गाँधीजी ने अंतिम साँस लिया तब कक्ष में सन्नाटा था।)

Question 11. What was the condition of the writer when she got into a car to leave for Birla House ? (बिरला भवन जाने के लिए कार में सवार होते समय लेखिका की क्या स्थिति थी ? )
Answer: The writer was numb with shock when she got into a car to leave for Birla House. ( बिरला भवन जाने के लिए कार में सवार होते समय लेखिका सदमे से स्तब्ध थी ।)

Question 12. Where did Gandhiji’s deadbody lie ? (गाँधीजी के शव को कहाँ रखा गया था ? )
Answer: Gandhiji’s deadbody lay in a room at Birla House in Delhi. (गाँधी जी का शव दिल्ली में बिरला भवन के कक्ष में रखा गया था।)

Question 13. What was the reason of the ‘Silence’ ? (खामोशी का कारण क्या था ? )
Answer: The shock and sorrow at the assassination of Gandhiji caused the ‘Silence’. (गाँधी जी की हत्या के सदमें एवं दुःख के कारण खामोशी / सन्नाटा उत्पन्न हुआ था।

Question 14. What could one see out of every window ? (प्रत्येक खिड़की से क्या देखा जा सकता था ? )
Answer: Out of every window one could see a brown blur of faces. (प्रत्येक खिड़की से शोक संतप्त मलिन चेहरे देखे जा सकते थे।)

Question 15. Why did the people jostle with each other ? (लोग आपस में क्यों धक्का-मुक्की कर रहे थे?)
Answer: The people jostled with each other to break into the Birla House. (बिरला भवन में (बलपूर्वक) प्रवेश करने के लिए लोग आपस में धक्का-मुक्की करने लगे।)

Question 16. Which question was uppermost in the mind of the mourning people ? (शोक संतप्त लोगों के मन में सर्वोपरि प्रश्न क्या था ? )
Answer: The question that was uppermost in the mind of the mourning people was what would happen to them in absence of Bapu. शोक संतप्त लोगों के मन में सर्वोपरि प्रश्न था कि बापू की अनुपस्थिति में उनका क्या होगा।)

Question 17. What made the mourning people calm ? (शोक संतप्त लोग कैसे शांत हुए? )
Answer: The mourning people calmed when it was annouced that they would be allowed to see Bapuji before his funeral.(जब यह घोषणा की गई कि बापू के अंतिम संस्कार के पहले उन्हें बापू का दर्शन करने दिया जाएगा तब शोक संतप्त लोग शांत हुए।)

Question 18. Why could not people speak Initially ? (शुरूआत में लोग क्यों नहीं बोल सके ? )
Answer: The people were stunned at the shocking murder of Gandhiji. So they could not speak initially.
लोग गाँधीजी की हत्या से स्तब्ध थे। इसलिए शुरूआत में वे कुछ भी बोल न सके ।)

Question 19. How did mourning people looked like ? (शोक संतप्त लोग कैसे दिखते थे? )
Answer: The mourning people looked like the children. (शोक संतप्त लोग बच्चों की भाँति दिखते थे ।)

Question 20. What did the broadcast inform the country men ? (रेडियो प्रसारण ने देशवासियों को क्या सूचित किया ?)
Answer: The broadcast informed the people of India that Gandhiji had breathed his last. (रेडियो प्रसारण ने भारत के लोगों को सूचित किया कि गाँधी जी का देहांत हो गया ।)

Question 21. How did the people react after the initial shock ? (प्रारंभिक शोकाघात के बाद लोगों ने कैसे प्रतिक्रिया की ? )
Answer: After the initial shock was over people started clamouring wildly shouting and cry- ing. मारंभिक शोकापात के बाद लोग पागलों की भाँति) बेतहाशा चीखने एवं रोने लगे।)

Question 22. How did the words of Gandhiji’s death spread through Delhi ? (गाँधी जी की मृत्यु का समाचार पूरी दिल्ली में कैसे फैला ?)
Answer: The shocking news of Gandhiji’s death spread through Delhi like a flame fanned by the wind.
(गाँधी जी की मृत्यु का समाचार पूरी दिल्ली में जंगल की आग की भाँति फैल गया।)

Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) Unit-2

1. Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentences: (निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करने के लिए सही विकल्प चुनें।)

Question 1. Padmasi suggested that they should-

  1. Shout
  2. Cry
  3. Walk
  4. Stop

Answer: 3. Walk.

Question 2. People waited, lining up the route to (लोग निर्दिष्ट पथ पर पंक्तिबद्ध होकर प्रतीक्षा कर रहे थे।)

  1. Funeral procession
  2. Victory rally
  3. Condolence meeting
  4. None of these

Answer: 1. Funeral procession.

Question 3. People lined the route of the procession- (लोग शव यात्रा के निर्दिष्ट पथ में पंक्तिबद्ध थे ।)

  1. Hours in advance
  2. Minutes in advance
  3. Year in advance
  4. Week in advance

Answer: 1. Hours in advance.

Question 4. The last walk with Gandhiji at the funeral procession wast साथ अंतिम बार पद यात्रा करना था।………)

  1. Funny
  2. Impossible
  3. Agonizing
  4. Disgusting

Answer: 3. Agonising.

Question 5. People watched the funeral procession (लोगों ने शव यात्रा को देखा…….. पूर्वक)

  1. Calmly
  2. Silently
  3. Agitatedly
  4. Indifferently

Answer: 2. Silently.

Question 6. Gandhiji’s dead body lay in an –

  1. Rickshaw
  2. Taxi
  3. Train
  4. Truck

Answer: 4. Truck.

Question 7. Gandhiji’s led the Indians over many-

  1. Zigzag paths
  2. Difficult paths
  3. Easy paths
  4. Last paths

Answer: 2. Difficult paths.

Question 8. Gandhiji’s dead body was covered with –

  1. Banners
  2. Twigs
  3. Flowers
  4. Clothes

Answer: 3. Flowers.

Question 9. It was impossible for the writer in the thick crowd असंभव था……..कर पाना।)

  1. Speak
  2. Cry
  3. Check tears
  4. Move

Answer: 4. Move.

Question 10. Thousands of people –

  1. Shouted
  2. Cried
  3. Protested
  4. Clamored

Answer: 2. Cried.

Question 11. Thousands of people, for the last time, tried to touch Gandhiji’s (हजारों लोगों ने, अंतिम बार गाँधीजी स्पर्श करने का प्रयास किया ।)

  1. Head
  2. Hand
  3. Staff
  4. Feet

Answer: 4. Feet.

12. To people like the writer walking with Bapu had a special (लेखिका की भाँति लोगों के लिए बापू के साथ पद यात्रा करना एक विशिष्ट रखता था ।)

  1. Glory
  2. Skill
  3. Distinction
  4. Meaning

Answer: 4. Meaning.

2. Complete The Following Sentences With Information From The Text: (पाठ्यांश की सूचना के आधार पर निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करें)

Question 1. Bapu’s funeral was held (बापू का अंतिम संस्कार आयोजित किया गया…..
Answer: The day after his death (उनकी मृत्यु की परवर्तित दिन ।)

Question 2. People lined the route of the procession- (लोग शव यात्रा के लिए निर्धारित..
Answer: Hours in advance (पथ पर पंक्तिबद्ध थे।)

Question 3. Thousands of mourners silently- (हजारों शोक संतप्त लोगों ने शांतिपूर्वक..
Answer: Witnessed Bapu’s funeral procession (बापू की शव यात्रा को देखा।)

Question 4. The person who spoke for the author and others was – (लेखिका एवं अन्य व्यक्तियों की ओर से जिन्होंने कहा वह थी ……….)
Answer: Padamsi, Mrs. Naidu’s daughter.

Question 5. Bapu lay on an open truck which – (बापू एक खुले ट्रक पर पड़े थे जो ………..)
Answer: was covered with flowers. (फूलों से ढ़का था।)

Question 6. In the funeral procession, it was impossible to (शव यात्रा में अंसभव था)
Answer: move farward in the crowd (भीड़ में आगे बढ़ पाना ।)

Question 7. It was impossible to move in the thick crowd as – ( सघन भीड़ में चल पाना अंसभव था चूँकि )
Answer: thousands of people tried to touch Bapu’s feet. (हजारों लोग बापू के चरण स्पर्श करने की कोशिश कर रहे थे ।)

Question 8. The author realized that it was (लेखिका ने महसूस किया कि यह था )
Answer: More than the funeral (शवयात्रा से कहीं अधिक ।)

Question 9. The author could not accept the fact that – (लेखिका यह सच्चाई स्वीकार नही कर सकी कि)
Answer: Gandhiji was never again going to walk with them. (गाँधीजी पुनः उनके साथ कभी नहीं पदयात्रा करने वाले थे ।)

Question 10. Gandhiji took much that was common place – (गाँधीजी साधारण वस्तुओं को स्वीकार करते थे)
Answer: to transform it into a joyful effort. (उन्हें आनन्दपूर्वक कार्य में परिवर्तित करने के लिए।)

3. State Wheather The Following Statements Are True Or False. Provide Sentences/ Phrases/Words In Support Of Your Answer:बताएँ कि निम्नलिखित वाक्य सत्य हैं या असत्य । अपने ऊपर के समर्थन में वाक्यों / वाक्यांशों / शब्दों का प्रयोग रें ।)

Question 1. To the author there was nothing special about a walk with Bapu. (बापू के साथ पदयात्रा करने के लिए कोई विशिष्ट बात नहीं थी । )
Supporting statements: I was among people for whom walking with Bapu had a special meaning.
Answer: True

Question 2. It was hard to believe that Bapu would never walk again. (बापू पुनः पद यात्रा नहीं कर पायेंगे यह विश्वास कर पाना मुश्किल था ।)
Supporting statement: “We could not now accept the fact. never going to walk with us again.”
Answer: False

Question 3. Gandhiji’s funeral took place a week after his death. (गाँधीजी का अंतिम संस्कार उनके निधन को एक सप्ताह के बाद किया गया । )
Supporting statement: “Gandhiji’s funeral was to take place the day after his death.”
Answer: True

Question 4. Walking in the funeral procession of Bapu was painful. (गाँधी जी की शव यात्रा में चल पाना दुःखदाई था। )
Supporting statement: It was an agonizing walk.
Answer: True

Question 5. Thousands watched Gandhiji’s funeral procession without making sound. (हजारों लोगों ने गाँधी जी की शव यात्रा को खामोसी से देखा ।)
Supporting statement: “Thousands silently watched the procession.”
Answer: True

Question 6. Bapu lay fully covered in the truck. (बापू एक पूर्णत: ढँके हुए ट्रक में लेटे थे ।)
Supporting statement: “Bapu lay on an open truck.”
Answer: False

Question 7. The only way open to the average Indian was walking. (पदयात्रा साधारण भारतीयों के लिए एकमात्रा खुला साधन /विकल्प था ।)
Supporting statement: “Moreover, to walk often is the only way open to the average Indian”.
Answer: True

Question 8. Gandhiji used to walk alone all over India. (गाँधीजी पूरे भारत में पदयात्रा किया करते थे ।)
Supporting statement: We had walked with Bapu over the rough and smooth of India’s recent history.
Answer: True

Question 9. Bapu had a bulky figure. (बापू का शरीश भरी-भरकम/मोटा-ताजा था ।)
Supporting statement: “Bapu’s slight figure”
Answer: False

Question 10. While walking we can watch closely and clearly everthing around us. (पदयात्रा करते समय हम अपने आस-पास की सभी वस्तुओं का परिष्कृत रूप से एवं बारीकी से अवलोकन कर सकते हैं।)
Supporting statement: “It is to think with clarity and closely look at all that is around you.”
Answer: True

3. Answer The Following Questions (निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर दें)

Question 1. When was Gandhiji’s funeral to take place ? (गाँधीजी का अंतिम संस्कार कब होने वाला था ? )
Answer: Gandhiji’s funeral was to take place the day after his death. (गाँधी जी का अतिम संस्कार उनकी मृत्यु के परवर्ती दिन होना था।)

Question 2. Who was Padmasi ? (पद्मसी कौन थी ? )
Answer: Padmasi was Mrs. Sarojini Naidu’s daughter. (पद्मसी श्रीमती सरोजिनी नायडू की पुत्री थी।)

Question 3. When did poeple begin to line the route of the procession was to follow ? (शवयात्रा के लिए निर्धारित पथ पर लोग कब पंक्तिबद्ध होने लगे थे?)
Answer: People began to line the route of the procession was to follow hours in advance. ( शवयात्रा के लिए निर्धारित पथ पर लोग घंटों पहले एकत्र होने लगे।)

Question 4. Who made the announcement about Gandhij’s funeral procession ? (गाँधीजी की शवयात्रा के बारे में किसने घोषणा किया।)
Answer: Padmasi, Mrs. Sarojini Naidu’s daughter made the announcement about Gandhiji’s funeral procession.
(श्रीमती सरोजिनी नायडू की पुत्री पद्मसी ने गाँधीजी की शवयात्रा के बारे में घोषणा किया।)

Question 5. Where did Bapu’s dead body lie ? (बापू का शव कहाँ रखा गया था ? )
Answer: Bapu’s dead body lay in an open truck. (बापू का शव एक खुले ट्रक में रखा गया था ।) \

Question 6. Who was Mrs. Naidu mentioned here ? (यहाँ उल्लेखित श्रीमति नायडू कौन थी ? )
Answer: Here, Mrs. Naidu refers to Mrs. Sarojini Naidu, the eminent leader and poetess. (यहाँ श्रीमति नायडू से श्रीमति सरोजिनी नायडू की ओर संकेत किया गया है, जो विख्यात नेत्री एवं कवयित्री थी।)

Question 7. How was Gandhiji taken to the cremation ground ? (गाँधीजी को श्मशान घाट कैसे ले जाया गया ? )
Answer: Gandhiji’s lifeless body was placed on an open truck covered with flowers and taker to the burning ghat.(गाँधीजी का शव फूलों से ढँके हुए एक ट्रक पर रखकर श्मशान घाट ले जाया गया।)

Question 8. How did Bapu walk ? (बापू कैसे चलते थे ? )
Answer: Bapu walked with a staff in his hand.(बापू अपने हाथ में एक लाठी लेकर चलते थे।)

Question 9. Which fact could not the writer accept ? (लेखिका किस सच्चाई को स्वीकार नहीं कर सकी।)
Answer: The fact that Bapu was no more could not be accepted by the writer.(लेखिका इस सच्चाई को स्वीकार नहीं कर सकी कि बापू अब नहीं रहे।)

Question 10. Why was the walking impossible ? (पदयात्रा / चलना असम्भव सा क्यों था ? )
Answer: The funeral procession of Bapuji was thickly crowded and so moving was impos- sible there.बापू की शवयात्रा में सधन भीड़ थी इसलिए चलना असम्भव सा था।

Question 11. What more did the anuthor realise ? (लेखिका ने और क्या महसूस की ? )
Answer: The author also realised that she was among the people for whom walking with Gandhiji had a special meaning.(लेखिका को एहसास हुआ कि वह उन लागों के बीच थी जिनके लिए गाँधीजी के साथ पदयात्रा करना एक विशिष्ट अर्थ रखता था।)

Question 12. Whats was often the only way open to the average Indian ? (साधारण भारतीयों के लिए क्या एकमात्र खुला विकल्प था ? )
Answer: Walking was often the only way open to the average Indian. (पैदल चलना / पदयात्रा करना साधारण भारतीयों के लिए एकमात्र खुला विकल्प था।)

Question 13. Why was walking very popular to the average people of India ? (भारत की आम जनता के बीच पदयात्रा करना क्यों लोकप्रिय था ? )
Answer: As walking costs nothing and no vehicle except one’s body is required for it, it was very popular to the average IndiAnswer:(चूँकि पदयात्रा में कुछ खर्च नहीं लगता एवं स्वयं के शरीर के अलावा अन्य किसी वाहन की आवश्यकता भी नहीं होती, इसलिए भारत की आम जनता के बीच पदयात्रा बहुत लोकप्रिय था।)

Question 14. Who was refered to as India’s beloved leader ? (भारत के प्रिय नेता के रूप में किनकी ओर संकेत किया है ? )
Answer: Mahatma Gandhi was reffered to as India’s beloved leader. (भारत के प्रिय नेता के रूप में महात्मा गाँधी की ओर संकेत किया गया है। )

Question 15. Where did Gandhiji’s followers walk with him ? (गाँधीजी के अनुयायियों ने उनके साथ कहाँ पदयात्रा की थी।)
Answer: The followers of Gandhiji walked with him over the rough and smooth of India’s recent history.
(गाँधीजी के अनुयायियों ने उनके साथ भारत के इतिहास के सुगम एवं दुर्गम मार्गों पर पदयात्रा को थी।)

Question 16.What was necessity to Gandhiji ? (गाँधीजी की प्रयोजनीयता क्या थी?)
Answer: Walking was a necessity to Gandhiji.(पदयात्रा (करना) गाँधीजी की प्रयोजनीयता थी ।)

Question 17. What did thousands of people watched silently ? (हजारों-हजार लोगों ने खामोशी से क्या देखा? )
Answer: To the author, to walk meant making a slow progress.
(लेखिका के लिए पदयात्रा का तात्पर्य था धीरे-धीरे विकास करना ।)

Question 18. Where and how did Gandhiji walk ? (गाँधीजी कहाँ और कैसे चलते थे ? )
Answer: Gandhiji slight figure always walked with a staff in hand over a large part of India. (क्षीण काया वाले गाँधीजी ने हाथों में लाठी लेकर भारत के विशाल भू-भाग पर पदयात्रा की थी।)

Question 19. Into what the common place was transformed by Gandhiji ? (साधारण वस्तुओं को गाँधीजी के द्वारा किस वस्तु में परिवर्तित कर दिया जाता था ? )
Answer: Gandhiji tansformed every common place into a joyful effort. (गाँधीजी प्रत्येक साधारण वस्तु को आनन्ददायक कार्य (प्रचेष्टा) में परविर्तित कर देते थे ।)

Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) Unit-3

1. Choose The Correct Alternative To Complete The Following Sentences: (निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करने के लिए सटीक विकल्प चुनें।)

Question 1. Gandhiji’s ashes were taken to Allahabad by – (गाँधीजी की अस्थिभस्म को इलाहाबाद ले जाया गया …. के द्वारा)

  1. A train
  2. A truck
  3. A ship
  4. A helicopter

Answer: 1. A train.

Question 2. Gandhiji’s ashes were taken to Allahabad (गाँधी जी की अस्थिभस्म इलाहाबाद ले जाया गया……)

  1. A long time after the funeral
  2. Some hours after the funeral
  3. Some weeks after the funeral
  4. A few days after the funeral

Answer: 4. A few days after the funeral.

Question 3. A special train went to Allahabad with- (एक विशेष रेलगाड़ी इलाहाबाद पहुँची …….. के साथ)

  1. Dead body
  2. Holy ashes
  3. Photography
  4. Tableau

Answer: 2. Holy ashes.

Question 4.Gandhiji’s ashes were taken to Allahabad for – (गाँधीजी की अस्थिभस्म को इलाहाबाद ले जाया गया के लिए)

  1. Immersion
  2. Building a temple
  3. Setting up a tomb
  4. Preserving is a museum

Answer: 1. Immersion.

Question 5. People on the train –

  1. Cried with sorrow
  2. Sang bhajans
  3. danced with joy
  4. Recited slokas from the Gita

Answer: 2. Sang bhajAnswer:

Question 6. The train compartment, where Gandhiji’s ashes had been kept was decorated with – (रेलगाड़ी के जिस डिब्बे में गाँधी जी का अस्थिभस्म रखा हुआ था वह सुसज्जित था ……. से)

  1. Incenses
  2. Colored papers
  3. Flowers
  4. Mango leaves

Answer: 3. Flowers.

Question 7. Every station on the route was filled with – (निर्धारित मार्ग पर के प्रत्येक स्टेशन.से परिपूर्ण भरे पड़े थे।)

  1. Mournes
  2. Security force
  3. Patriots
  4. Passengers.

Answer: 1. Mournes.

Question 8. The train reached Allahabad amid – (रेलगाड़ी के मध्य इलाहाबाद पहुँची ।)

  1. Song and flowers
  2. Influential people
  3. Sorrowful crowds
  4. Sang and prayer

Answer: 4. Sang and prayer.

Question 9. To watch the immersion of Gandhiji’s ashes a huge crowd gathered – ( की अस्थिभस्म का विसर्जन देखने के लिए विशाल भीड़ एकत्र थी…..)

  1. At the bank
  2. On boats
  3. Joyful crowds
  4. On roadside

Answer: 1. At the bank.

Question 10. After the immersion of Gandhiji’s ashes, people went back to अस्थिभस्म के विसर्जन के बाद लोग लौट गये…….)

  1. Delhi
  2. Ahmedabad
  3. Hardware
  4. Kolkata

Answer: 1. Delhi.

Question 11. The writer roused herself with a/an- (लेखिका ने खुद को जागृत की…….. से)

  1. Ease
  2. Effort
  3. Joy
  4. Unwillingness

Answer: 2. Effort.

Question 12. The author had not directly-(लेखिका प्रत्यक्ष रूप से कभी नहीं की थी।)

  1. Gone to prison with Gandhiji
  2. Played with Gandhiji
  3. Walked with Gandhiji
  4. Run with Gandhiji

Answer: 3. Walked with Gandhiji.

Question 13. The writer felt that the death of Gandhiji left her (गाँधीजी की मृत्यु ने उन्हें ……….. कर दिया।)

  1. Unprotected
  2. Unquiet
  3. Unready
  4. Unrelated

Answer: 1. Unprotected.

Question 14. During the freedom struggle, the writer had been

  1. An onlooker
  2. An active participant
  3. A freedom fighter
  4. A leader

Answer: 1. An onlooker.

Question 15. The writer wondered how she could (लेखिका विस्मित थी कि वह इतनी आसानी से कैसे …….. कर सकती थी ।)

  1. Lose courage so easily
  2. Become so courageous overnight
  3. So frightened
  4. Lose courage after Gandhiji’s death

Answer: 4. Lose courage so easily.

Question 16. Bapu’s India would continue to live in his – (बापू का भारत उनके ………. में जीता रहेगा ।)

  1. Killer
  2. Relatives
  3. Friends
  4. Children

Answer: 4. Children.

Question 17. Coming back to Delhi, the writer felt –

  1. Sadness
  2. Helpless
  3. Surprised
  4. Exhausted

Answer: 2. Helpless.

Question 18. Bapu awakened ordinary folk to one another –

  1. Co-operation
  2. Sympathy
  3. Suffering
  4. Work

Answer: 3. Suffering.

2. State Wheather The Following Statements Are True Or False. Provide Sentences/ Phrases/Words In Support Of Your Answer:(बताओ कि निम्नलिखित वाक्य सही हैं या गलत। अपने उत्तर के समर्थन में वाक्य / वाक्यांश / शब्द लिखें

Question 1. Gandhiji’s ashes were taken to Allahabad on the day of his death. (at चिताभस्म उनकी मृत्यु के परवर्ती दिन इलाहाबाद लाया गया । ) Supporting statement: “Some days after the funeral, Gandhiji’s ashed to Allahabad.
Answer: False

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Question 2. The ashes were scattered in the Narmada (चिताभस्म नर्मदा में विसर्जित कर दिया गया ।)
Supporting statement: The ashes were immersed in the Ganges.
Answer: False

Question 3. People cried on the train. 
Supporting statement: “People did not weep anymore”.
Answer: False

Question 4. At every station people greeted Gandhiji (प्रत्येक स्टेशन पर लोगों ने गाँधीजी स्वागत किया।)
Supporting statement: “At every station, sorrowful crowds filled the platform.
Answer: False

Question 5. The train reached Allahabad amidst slogan-shouting. (test इलाहाबाद पहुँची ।)
Supporting statement: Amid song and prayer the train reached Allahabad.
Answer: False

Question 6. Back in Delhi, the writer was confused. (fat a Supporting statement: “Back in Delhi, I felt at sea”.
Answer: True

Question 7. The author did not make any sacrifice for her country. (लेखिका ने अपने देश के लिए कुछ भी बलिदान नहीं किया।)
Supporting statement: “I had not directly…… made any sacrifice for my country.”
Answer: True

Question 8. Bapu had made common people aware of one another’s strength. (बापू ने साधारण जनमानस को एक-दूसरे की शक्ति के प्रति जागृत किया ।)
Supporting statement: He……….. awakened them to one another suffering.
Answer: False

Question9. The writer sufferend imprisonment. (लेखिका को कारागार की सजा मिली थी।) [F] Supproting statement : “I had not gone to prison.”
Answer: False

Question 10. With Bapu’s passing away, the writer’s social connections vanished. (बापू के स्वर्गवास के साथ ही लेखिका के सामाजिक सम्पर्क विलुप्त हो गये।
Supporting statement: “with Bapu’s passing away, I felt the magic circle had van- ished……”
Answer: False

3. Complete The Following Sentence With Information From The Text. (पाठ्यांश की सूचना के आधार पर निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूर्ण करें ।)

Question 1. Gandhiji’s ashes were taken to Allahabad by – (गाँधी जी की अस्थिभस्म इलाहाबाद लायी गयी – )
Answer: A special train (एक विशेष ट्रेन के द्वारा)

Question 2. Amid flowers and songs, people could feel (फूलों एवं भजन-संगीत के मध्य लोगों के महसूस किया)
Answer: They presence of Gandhiji (गाँधीजी की उपस्थिति ।)

Question 3. People did not weep anymore because – (लोग अब और नहीं रोये क्योंकि)
Answer: They could feel Gandhiji presence amid the flower and the songs. (वे फूलों एवं भजन- संगीत के मध्य गाँधीजी की उपस्थिति महसूस कर सकते थे।)

Question 4. A huge crowd gathered at the bank of the river Ganga where (विशाल भीड़ गंगा नदी के तट पर एकत्रित थी जहाँ)
Answer: Gandhiji’s ashes were immersed. (गाँधीजी की अस्थिभस्म विसर्जित किया गया।)

Question 5. With Bapu’s passing away, the magic circle around the writer- (बापू के स्वर्गवास के साथ ही लेखिका के चारों ओर का सुरक्षा चक्र)
Answer: Had vanished (विलुप्त हो गया।)

Question 6. The author asked herself (लेखिका ने स्वयं से पूछा )
Answer: If Bapu had lived and died for nothing. (कि क्या बापू के जीने एवं मरने का कोई मोल नहीं था ।)

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Question 7. The writer felt that with Bapu’s passage, the magic circle-
Answer: The writer felt that with Bapu’s passage, the magic circle had vanished.

Question 8. The values of the writer were (लेखिका के मूल्य बोध)
Answer: Not so weak (उतने कमजोर तो नहीं थे ।)

Question 9. Millions of people would have remained ordinary folk if (लाखों लोग साधारण जनमानस ही रह जाते यदि)
Answer: Gandhiji had not brought them out of indifference (गाँधी जी ने उन्हें उदासीनता से उबारा न होता ।)

Question 10. Bapu might have passed away- (बापू तो चल बसे)
Answer: But his India would continue to live in his children. (किन्तु भारत उनकी संतानों में जीता रहेगा।)

4. Answer The Following Questions (निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर दें)

Question 1. When was Gandhiji’s ashes taken to Allahabad ? (गाँधीजी का अस्थिभस्म इलाहाबाद कब लाया गया ? )
Answer: Some days after the funeral was over Gandhiji’s ashes were taken to Allahabad. (अंतिम संस्कार के कुछ दिनों के बाद गाँधी जी की अस्थियाँ इलाहाबाद लायी गई ।)

Question 2. Why were Gandhiji’s ashes taken to Allahabad ? (गाँधी जी का अस्थि भस्म इलाहाबाद क्यों लाया गया ? )
Answer: Gandhiji’s ashes were taken to Allahabad for immersion in the Ganges.(गाँधी जी का अस्थिभस्म गंगा में विसर्जित करने के लिए इलाहाबाद लाया गया।)

Question 3. What took Gandhiji’s ashes to Allabahabad ? (गाँधी जी के अस्थि भस्म को कैसे / किस प्रकार इलाहाबाद लाया गया ? )
Answer: A special train took Gandhiji’s ashes to Allahabad.(एक विशेष रेलगाड़ी से गाँधीजी के अस्थि भस्म को इलाहाबाद लाया गया।)

Question 4. What did the people do in the train ? (लोग रेलगाड़ी में क्या कर रहे थे ? )
Answer: In the train people did not weep anymore but continued to sing bhajAnswer: (रेलगाड़ी में लोग अब और विलाप नहीं कर रहे थे बल्कि वे भजन गा रहे थे ।)

Question 5. Why did people in the train cry no more ? (रेलगाड़ी में लोग क्यों अब और विलाप नहीं कर रहे थे ? )
Answer: People in the train cried no more as they could feel the presence of Gandhiji amid flowers songs and prayers. (रेलगाड़ी में सवार लोग अब और नहीं रो रहे थे चूँकि वे संगीत, भजन और फूलों में गाँधी जी की उपस्थिति महसूस कर सकते थे ।)

Question 6. What happened in the stations during the special trains journey to Allahabad ? (विशेष रेलगाड़ी से इलाहाबाद की यात्रा के दौरान स्टेशन पर क्या हुआ?)
Answer: During the special journey to Allahabad, crowds of sorrowful people filled the platform at every station.
इलाहाबाद की यात्रा के दौरान, शोक संतप्त लोगों के झुण्ड ने हर स्टेशन के प्लेटफार्म पर भीड़ लगा रखी थी।)

Question 7. How was the compartment of the train decorated ? (रेलगाड़ी का डब्बा कैसे सजाया गया ? )
Answer: Compartment of the train was decorated with flowers. (रेलगाड़ी का डब्बा फूलों से सजाया गया।)

Wb Class 10 English Solutions

Question 8. Amid what did the train reach Allahabad ? (रेलगाड़ी किनके मध्य इलाहाबाद पहुँची ? )
Answer: The train reached Allahabad amid flowers and songs.(रेलगाड़ी फूलों एवं संगीतों के मध्य इलाहाबाद पहुँची।)

Question 9. Where did a large crowd gather during the immersion of Bapuji’s ashes ? (बापू जी की अस्थि – भस्म को विसर्जित करते समय विशाल भीड़ कहाँ एकत्र थी ? )
Answer: A large crowd gathered at the bank of the Ganga during the immersion of Bapuji’s ashes. (बापू जी अस्थि – भस्म को विसर्जित करते समय गंगा के तट पर विशाल भीड़ एकत्र थी।)

Question 10. What did the writer feel as she came back to Delhi from Allahabad ? (इलाहाबाद से दिल्ली लौटने पर लेखिका ने क्या महसूस की।)
Answer: On coming back from Allahabad to Delhi the Writer felt at sea. (इलाहाबाद से दिल्ली लौटने पर लेखिका ने असहाय महसूस किया ।)

Question 11. What did the author and her sisters do? (लेखिका और उनकी बहनों ने क्या किया?)
Answer: When Gandhiji was walking over many parts of the country the author her sisters did not walk with Gandhiji and were merely on lookers. (जब गाँधी जी देश के विभिन्न भागों में पद यात्रा कर रहे थे तो लेखिका और उनकी बहनों ने गाँधी जी के साथ पद यात्रा नहीं की और मात्र मूक दर्शक बनी रही।)

Question 12. How did the author feel she had grown up? (लेखिका कैसे पली-बढ़ी थी ? )
Answer: The author felt she had grown within a magic circle. (लेखिका ने अनुभव की कि वह एक चमत्कारिक चक्र में पली-बढ़ी थी।)

Question 13. What had vanished for the writer after the death of Gandhiji ? (गाँधी जी की मृत्यु के बाद लेखिका के अनुसार क्या विलुप्त हो गया था ? )
Answer: The magic circle of Bapu had vanished for the writer after his death. (बापू की मृत्यु के बाद उनका चमत्कारिक सुरक्षा चक्र लेखिका के लिए विलुप्त हो गया था।)

Question 14. What did the author ask herself ? (लेखिका ने स्वयं से क्या पूछा?)
Answer: The deeply shocked author asked herself whether Gandhiji lived and died for nothing. (शोक संतप्त लेखिका ने स्वयं से पूछा कि क्या गाँधी जी के जीने एवं मरने का कोई मोल न था ।)

Question 15. What did Gandhiji do to the common people of India ? (गाँधी जी ने भारत के आम जनता के लिए क्या किया था ? )
Answer: Gandhiji got the common Indians out of indifference and made them aware of one another’s sufferings.
((गाँधीजी ने भारत के आम जनता को उदासीनता से उबारा एवं उन्हें एक दूसरे की पीड़ा के प्रति जागृत किया / अवगत कराया।)

Question 16. How were the values of the author ? (लेखिका के मूल्यबोध कैसे थे ? )
Answer: The values of the author were not very weak. (लेखिका के मूल्यबोध दुर्बल नहीं थे।)

Question 17. What was the result of Gandhiji’s effort ? (गाँधीजी के प्रयास का क्या परिणाम हुआ ? )
Answer: As a result of Gandhiji’s efforts the ordinary folk could realize the suffering of one another.
(गाँधी जी के प्रयास के फलस्वरूप साधारण जनमानस एक दूसरे की पीड़ा को समझ सकते थे।)

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Question 18. How did the author decribe the then young generation ? (लेखिका के उस समय की युवा पीढ़ी का वर्णन कैसे किया?)
Answer: The author decribed the then young generation as strong and proud to carry the ideals of Bapuji forward.(लेखिका ने उस समय की युवा पीढ़ी का वर्णन सामर्थ्यवान एवं स्वाभिमानी होने के रूप में किया जो बापूजी के आदर्शों का अनुसरण कर सकते थे।)

Question 19. Who would bear, according to the author, Gandhiji’s banner ? (लेखिका के अनुसार गाँधीजी के अधूरे कार्यों को कौन पूरा करेगा?)
Answer: According to the author, the strong and proud young people would bear Gandhiji’s banner. (लेखिका के अनुसार सामर्थ्यवान एवं स्वाभिमानी युवक-युवतियाँ गांधीजी के अधूरे कार्यों को पूरा करेंगे।)

Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) Additional Textual Grammar Change Of Voice

Question 1. He awakened them to one another’s sufferings.
Answer: They were awakened to one another’s sufferings by him.

Question 2. He brought them out of difference.
Answer: They were brought out of difference by him.

Question 3. They could feel Gandhiji’s presence.
Answer: Gandhiji’s presence could be felt by them.

Question 4. People on the train sang bhaji
Answer: Bhajans were sung by people on the train.

Question 5. The compartment was decked with flowers.
Answer: They decked the compartment with flowers.

Question 6. A special train took Gandhiji’s ashes to Allahabad.
Answer: Gandhiji’s ashes were taken to Allahabad by a special train.

Question 7. Gandhi took this necessity.
Answer: This necessity was taken by Gandhiji.

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Question 8. It requires no vehicle.
Answer: No vehicle was required for it.

Question 9. They did not make a sound.
Answer: Not a sound was made by them.

Question 10. I was called to Birla House.
Answer: They called me to Birla House.

Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) Change Of Narration

Question 1. The narrator said, “As I moved forward slowly I understood I was not merely in the midst of grieving people.”
Answer: The narrator said that as he had moved forward he had understood that he had not merely been in the midst of grieving people.

Question 2. She said simply, “We will walk. It is the last time we shall be walking with Bapu.”
Answer: She simply said, that they would walk. She added that it was the last time they should be walking with Bapu.

Question 3. One whimper, “What will become of me now that he was left me?
Answer: One whimper and asks what will become of him then that he has left him.

Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) Transformation Of Sentence

Question 1. I was called to Birla House by an urgent telephone call. (Turn into a complex sentence)
Answer: I was called to Birla House by a telephone call which was urgent.

Question 2. They did not make a sound. (Tun into an affirmative sentence)
Answer: They remained soundless.

Question 3. They looked like lost children. (Turn into a complex sentence)
Answer: They looked like children who were lost.

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Question 4. Bapu lay on an open truck covered with flowers. (Turn into a complex sentence)
Answer: Bapu lay on an open truck that was covered with flowers.

Question 4. Bapu lay on an open truck covered with flowers. (Turn into a complex sentence)
Answer: We could now refuse the fact.

Question 6. It cost him nothing but his energy. (Turn into an affirmative sentence)
Answer: It cost him only his energy.

Question 7. They could feel Gandhiji’s presence amid the flowers and the songs. (use as an adjective)
Answer: They could feel that Gandhiji was present amid the flowers and the songs.

Question 8. What if now Bapu is gone? (Turn into an assertive sentence)
Answer: It does not matter if now Bapu is gone.

Question 9. Thousands silently watched the procession. (use of the form of ‘silently’)
Answer: Thousands watched the procession with silence.

Question 10. My values were not so weak. (Turn into an interrogative sentence)
Answer: Were my values so weak?

WBBSE Solutions For Class 10 English Bliss Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार)

Class 10 English Bliss Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार)

About The Poet-Ted Hughes

Edward James Hughes widely known as Ted Hughes was a prolific writer. He was also a playwright and won high acclaim as a children’s writer.

He was born on 17th August 1930 in Mytholmroyd, England. His father, William Henry was a carpenter. He graduated from Pembroke College Cambridge.

His early fascination for animals found expression in his poems. His major works are: The Hawk in is the Rain, Lupercal, Wodwo, Crow, Gaudete, Cave Birds, Remians of Elmet, Moortown, The River, and Book for Childen.

Critics often ranked him as one of the best children poets of his generation. In 1984, he was made the poet Laureate of England. Ted Hughes breathed his last on October 28, 1998.

English Class 10 Wbbse

Class 10 English Bliss Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) हिन्दी अनुवाद

Ted Hughes के नाम से विख्यात Edward James Huges एक प्रतिभावान लेखक थे। वे एक नाटककार थे और उन्होंने बाल साहित्यकार के रूप में ख्याति प्राप्त किया।

उनका जन्म England के Mythalmroyd में 17 अगस्त 1930 को हुआ। उनके पिता, विलियम हेनरी, एक बढ़ई थे। उन्होंने Pembroke College, Cambridge से स्नातक किया। उनका पशुप्रेम उनकी कविताओं में परिलक्षित होता है। उनकी मुख्य रचनाएँ हैं।

The Hawk in the Rain, Lupercal, Wodwo, Crow, Gaudete, Cave Birds, Remains of Elmet, Moortown The River and Book for children. आलोचक उन्हें अपनी पीढ़ी के सर्वश्रेष्ठ बाल कवियों में से एक के रूप में मानते थे। 1984 में उन्हें England के राजकवि की उपाधि दी गई। Ted Hughes 28 October, 1998 को चल बसे।

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) Introduction Of The Poem

“My own true family” is a descriptive poem by Ted Hughes. The poem is a development. of a letter entitled “Children Plant Trees for Tomorrow” in which Hughes encouraged schools to involve pupils in growing projects.

The poem upholds the importance of the tree in our natural environment through a young child’s magical experience in an oakwood. It indicates that human beings and trees are part of a family called Nature.

English Class 10 Wbbse

Class 10 English BlissLesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) हिन्दी अनुवाद

‘मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार’ Ted Hughes’ के द्वारा रचित एक वर्णननात्मक कविता है। यह कविता “Children Plant Trees for Tommorrow” शीर्षक वाले एक पत्र का विकसित रूप है, जिसमें Hughes ने विद्यालयों को प्रोत्साहित किया था कि वे विद्यार्थियों को परियोजनाओं को विकसित करने के काम में शामिल करें।

इस कविता में ओक के वन में एक तरुण बालक के जादुई/चमत्कारिक अनुभव के माध्यम से हमारे कृ वातावरण में वृक्षों के महत्व का समर्थन समावेश किया गया है। यह संकेत करती है कि मनुष्य एवं वृक्ष प्रकृति नामक एक ही परिवार के अंश हैं।

English Class 10 Wbbse

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) Summary

In the poem the poet imagines himself to be a child. Once he crept into an Oakwood in search of a deer. There he encountered an old woman.

She was staggering with the help of a stick. She told the poet that her bag contained his secret. Then she cackled. The poet trembled in fear.

She cast a spell on the poet. As soon as the bag was opened, he awoke twice magically.
He dreamt that he was surrounded by oak trees and tied to a stake. He came to know from the trees that they were his true family.

They told the poet about their untimely death. They were chopped at random. The trees warned him and made him to promise to save them.

They asked him to swear to plant two oak trees if he would find one felled.
If he refused he would have to die.

After his dream, the poet left wood and returned to human society. But he was fully changed. He felt that he had the body of a human but his heart was a tree.

English Class 10 Wbbse

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) हिन्दी अनुवाद

इस कविता में कवि स्वयं को एक बालक के रूप में कल्पना करते हैं। एक बार वह एक हिरण की खोज में ओक के एक वन में चुपके से गया। वहाँ उसका सामना एक वृद्ध महिला से हुआ। वह एक छड़ी के सहारे लड़खड़ाती हुई चल रही थी।

उसने कवि को कहा कि उसके थैले में उसकी (कवि की) गोपनीय वस्तु/बात है। तब वह अट्टहास करने लगी। कवि भय काँप गया। उसने कवि को सम्मोहित कर दिया। ज्योंहि थैला खोला गया, कवि चमत्कारिक ढंग से दुबारा जागृत हुआ ।

उसने स्वप्न देखा कि वह ओक के वृक्षों से घिरा हुआ एवं एक खूँटे से बँधा हुआ था। पेड़ों से उसे जानकारी मिली कि वे उसके वास्तविक परिवार थे। उनलोगों ने कवि को अपने असमय मृत्यु के बारे में बताया। उन्हें बिना सोचे-समझे बेतहाशा काटा जा रहा था।

वृक्षों ने उन्हें चेतावनी दी एवं उनसे अपनी रक्षा करने का वचन लिया। उन्होंने कवि को शपथ लेने को कहा कि वे ओक के दो वृक्ष लगाएँ यदि वे एक भी वृक्ष कटा हुआ पाएँगे।

यदि वे इन्कार करते तो मारे जाते। स्वप्न के बाद कवि जंगल से खाना हुए एवं मानवों के समाज में वापस चले गये। परन्तु वे पूर्णतः परिवर्तित हो चुके थे। उन्होंने महसूस किया कि उनका शरीर तो मानव का था परन्तु उनका हृदय वृक्ष हो चुका था।

English Class 10 Wbbse

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) Stanza – 1

Read The Following Poem:

Once I crept in an oakwood – I was looking for a stag. I met an old woman there – all knobbly stick and rag. She said: ‘I have your secret here inside my little bag.’

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) हिन्दी अनुवाद

एक बार मैं एक ओक वृक्ष के जंगल में चुपके से गया- मुझे एक हिरण की तलाश थी। वहाँ मुझे एक बूढ़ी औरत मिली जो चिथड़े में अस्थिर रूप से चिपकी थी। उसने कहा : तुम्हारे सभी रहस्य, यहाँ, मेरे इस छोटे बैग में हैं पड़े हुए ।

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) Word-Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Once (Adv)- Once upon a time- एक समय / दिन की बात है।
  2. I (pron) Crept (V.P)- The poet – कवि ।
  3. An area where a number of oak trees grow ओक के वृक्षों का वन
  4. Oakwood (comp. n)- Moved slowly, Entered slowly- चुपके से प्रवेश किया।
  5. Looking for (Ph.v)- A wood made of oak trees.
  6. Stage (N)-A male dear हिरण |
  7. Searching for in search of की खोज में।

Note – कविता में हिरण को खोजने का उद्देश्य स्पष्ट नहीं हैं। संभवतः कवि हिरण की सुन्दरता से आकृष्ट हुए हों ।

Ted Hughes अपने पशु-प्रेम के लिए विख्यात हैं। उन्हें जानवरों को देखना एवं उनके स्वभाव का पर्यवेक्षण करना अच्छा लगता था। उन्हें उनका साथ भाता था एवं वे उनकी पशुता में भी मानवता का विश्लेषण करते थे।

  1. Met (V.P.)- Came Across, chanced to see – मिला।
  2. An old woman (Ph.)- एक वृद्ध महिला ।
  3. Note – वृद्ध महिला का परिचय स्पष्ट नहीं कि किन्तु यह स्पष्ट है कि वह ओक के वन में रहती है। सम्भवत: वह प्रकृति अथवा पृथ्वी का काल्पनिक मानवीय स्वरूप हो। उसकी वृद्ध अवस्था प्रकृति या पृथ्वी की प्रौढ़ता दर्शाती है।
  4. There (Adv)- In the oakwood- ओक के वन में।
  5. All (Adj)- Whole समस्त / सम्पूर्ण ।
  6. Knobbly (Adj)- Unsteadily – लड़खड़ाते हुए, दुर्बलतापूर्वक, अस्थिरतापूर्वक ।
  7. Stick (N)- A wooden rod- लाठी |
  8. Rag (N)- Worn out clothes – फटे वस्त्र ।
  9. She (Pron)- The old woman – वृद्ध महिला ।
  10. Said (V.P)- Told-कहा।
  11. Secret (N)- Hidden fact राज, गोपनीय बात ।
  12. Inside (Prep)-Within अंदर, in the inner part
  13. Little (Adj)-Small छोटा ।
  14. Bag (N)- थैली ।
  15. I have your secret here inside my little bag : तुम्हारे राजा गोपनीय बात मेरे छोटे थैले में हैं।

Note – कवि की गोपनीय बात क्या थी? इस प्रश्न का उत्तर कविता में नहीं है। कवि मानव जाति के प्रतीक हैं। सभ्यता के विकास के नाम पर मनुष्य प्रकृति का विनाश करने में लिप्त है। जंगल विनाश की कगार पर हैं।

Class 10 English Text Book Wbbse

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) हिन्दी अनुवाद

एक बार मैं चुपके से ओक वृक्ष के जंगल में गया। मैं एक हिरण की खोज में था। वहाँ एक वृद्ध महिला से मेरी भेंट हुई। वह जीर्ण-शीर्ण वस्त्र धारण किए हुए हाथों में एक छड़ी लेकर लड़खड़ाते हुए चल रही थी। उसने कहा तुम्हारी गोपनीयता मेरी छोटी थैली के अंदर है।

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) Stanza – 2

Then she began to cackle and I began to quake.
She opened up her little bag and I came twice awake –
Surrounded by a staring tribe and tied to a stake.

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) हिन्दी अनुवाद

फिर वह बड़बड़ाने लगी और मैं लगा काँपने ।
खोली वह अपना छोटी बैग और मुझमें आया पुनः होश,
जनजातियों द्वारा घिरा, एकटक निहारता हुआ, मैं खूँटे से बँधा पाया ।

Class 10 English Text Book Wbbse

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) Word-Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. She (Pron)-The old woman वृद्ध महिला ।
  2. Began (V.P.)- Started शुरू किया।
  3. Cackle (V)- Laugh in hash voice – कर्कश स्वर में हँसना, अट्टहास करना।
  4. To make a sound of hen or goose. मुर्गी या हंस की आवाज निकालना ।
  5. I (Pron)- The poet – कवि ।
  6. Quake (v)-Tremble in fear – भय से काँपना ।
  7. Twice (Adv)- For the second time – द्वितीय बार।
  8. Awake (Adj)-Gain consciousness Rise up from sleep – जागृत होना। चेतना प्राप्त करना ।

I came twice awake का अनुभव प्राप्त किया स्वप्न में । कवि ने स्वप्न अवस्था में ओक के वन में प्रवेश किया। जब वे अपने वास्तविक परिवार (वृक्ष) के साथ थे तो यह उनकी प्रथम जागृत अवस्था थी। परन्तु जागृत अवस्था में होने

पर भी वह वृक्षों की पीड़ा के प्रति अनभिज्ञ रहता है। बल्कि वह तो उन्हें और प्रताड़ित करता है। ऐसा जागरण तो निद्रा समान ही है। परन्तु जब कवि नींद में भी अपने स्वजनों (वृक्ष) को पहचान पाते हैं, तभी वे वास्तव में जागृत हैं।

बाद में कवि एक वृद्ध महिला से मिला, तब उस महिला ने उसके राज खोले। उसने कवि को पेड़ों के दुःख-दर्द का एहसास करवाया। कवि यह भी समझ पाये कि जंगलों के विनाश के कारण मानवता पर घोर संकट आने वाला है। इसलिए यह द्वितीय जगारण की अवस्था हो सकती है।

  1. Surrounded (Adj)- Circumscribed Enclosed घिरा हुआ।
    Staring (P. Adj)- Cluster, Group
  2. Staring Tribe- A group of uncivilized people जनजाति, दल । ऐसा प्रतीत हुआ कि ओक के वृक्ष कवि को एक टक देख रहे थे। वृक्षों ने उन्हें चारों ओर से घेर कर मानों बंदी बना लिया था।
  3. Note – Tribe शब्द से ओक वृक्ष की डाल की ओर संकेत किया गया है।
  4. Tied (V.P.P.)- Fastened / Bound बाँधा ।
  5. Stake (N)- Strong past / pillar मजबूत थम्भ ।
  6. Note- यहाँ Stake का तात्पर्य ओक के वृक्ष के मजबूत तने से है।

Note – जागृत होने पर कवि ने स्वयं को ओक के वृक्षों से घिरा हुआ एवं एक ओक वृक्ष से बंधा हुआ पाया।

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) हिन्दी अनुवाद

तब वह अट्टहास करने लगी और मैं भय से काँपने लगा / उसने अपनी छोटी थैली खोली और मैं दूसरी बार जागा । मैने स्वयं को टकटकी लगाकर देखने वाले जनजाति (ओक के वृक्ष) के द्वारा घिरा हुआ एवं एक मजबूत थम्भ से बँधा हुआ पाया।

Class 10 English Text Book Wbbse

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) Stanza – 3

They said: ‘We are the oak trees and your own true family.
We are chopped down, we are torn up, and you do not blink an eye.
unless you make a promise now – now you are going to die.’

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) हिन्दी अनुवाद

उन्होंने कहा हमलोग हैं ओक के वृक्ष और तुम्हारा सच्चा परिवार।
काटा जा रहा है हमें, नष्ट किया जा रहा है हमें और तुम हो कि देखते भी नहीं,
जब तक तुम कसम नहीं खाते, मरने के लिए तैयार रहो।

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) Word-Notes (शब्दार्थ)

They (pron)- The oak tees ओक वृक्ष ।

Class 10 English Text Book Wbbse

We are the oak trees -Here, the poet imagines the oak trees to have human voice यहाँ, कवि कल्पना करते हैं कि ओक के वृक्षों को मानवीय स्वर हैं।

Your own true family -Here, the poet personifies the oak trees. यहाँ, कवि ओक के वृक्षों का मानवीकरण करते हैं। वृक्ष मनुष्य के आत्मीय जनों में से हैं और यही वृक्षों की वास्तविक पहचान है।

पृथ्वी मनुष्यों एवं वृक्षों के मिलन से एक परिवार की सृष्टि होती है। परन्तु दुर्भाग्यवश मनुष्य यह सम्बन्ध भूल गया है। वे पेड़ों पर आघात करते हैं एवं उनकी हत्या करते हैं। ओक के वृक्ष जब कवि को पाते हैं तो वे उसे यह सम्बन्ध याद दिलाने के लिए बाँध देते हैं।

  1. We are chopped down- we are torn up ( हमें काटा जाता है)
  2. Torn up (Ph. v)- Broken to peices – क्षत-विक्षत करना -टुकड़े-टुकड़े करना ।
  3. Note- यहाँ वृक्ष अपनी पीड़ा/व्यथा/यंत्रणा व्यक्त करते हैं। यहाँ मानवों की क्रूरता भी इंगित की जा रही है।
  4. Blink- Close the eyes repeatedly for a moment पलक झपकाना।
  5. You don’t blink an eye – तुम एक नजर देखते भी नहीं,
  6. Note – मनुष्य जंगल के विनाश के प्रति पूर्णतः उदासीन हैं। उसे वृक्षों की पीड़ा की कोई परवाह नहीं है।
  7. Unless- If not यदि नहीं
  8. Make a promise- Take an oath – वचन देना ।
  9. Die- Expire (मरना)

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) हिन्दी अनुवाद

उनलोगों ने कहा : हमलोग Oak (ओक) के वृक्ष हैं और हम तुम्हारे वास्तविक स्वजन हैं। हमें काटा जाता है एवं छिन्न-भिन्न किया जाता है और तुम हमें एक नज़र देखते भी नहीं हो। यदि तुम अभी शपथ नहीं लेते हो तो तुम्हें मरना पड़ेगा।

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) Stanza – 4

‘Whenever you see an oak tree felled, swear now you will plant two.
Unless you swear the black oak bark will wrinkle over you
And root you among the oaks where you were born but never grew’.

Wbbse English Solution Class 10

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) हिन्दी अनुवाद

जब कभी तुम ओक के एक वृक्ष गिरते देखो, कसम खाओ कि दो वृक्ष लगाओगे । जब तक तुम खाते नहीं कसम, काले ओक के वृक्ष सिकुड़ेंगे तुम पर, और ओक वृक्षों के बीच जड़ हो जहाँ तुमलोग पैदा हुए लेकिन बढ़े नहीं ।

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) Word-Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Whenever (Adv)-At any time जब कभी
  2. You (Pron)- The poet/man – कवि / मानव
  3. See (V)- Witness – देखना ।
  4. Felled (V.P.P)-Cut down काटना ।
  5. Swear (V)- Make promise Take an oath शपथ लेना ।
  6. Now (Adv)- At this very moment – इसी क्षण।
  7. Plant (V)- Place a seed/put the root into the soil- बोना।
  8. Two (Adj)- Two oak trees.

Note – ओक के वृक्षों ने कवि को शपथ लेने को कहा कि एक ओक वृक्ष कटने पर वह दो ओक वृक्ष लगाएगा। क्योंकि वास्तव में यही एकमात्र तरीका है जिसके माध्यम से प्रकृति/पृथ्वी को हुई क्षति को कम किया जा सकता है।

  1. Bark (N)-The outer bark of a tree पेड़ की छाल ।
  2. Wrinkle (V)- Crease, fold, furrow, मोड़ देना, सिकोड़ना ।
  3. Note- यदि कवि वचन देने से इन्कार करता है तो ओक के वृक्ष उसे दंडित करेंगे।
  4. Root (V)- To fix by the root, plant firmly जड़बद्ध करना।
    Among- के मध्य ।

Where you were born but never grow – You came of but never developed जहाँ तुमने जन्म तो लिया किन्तु विकास नहीं कर पाये। ओक के वृक्षों की भाँति कवि का विकास नहीं होगा।

Wbbse English Solution Class 10

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) हिन्दी अनुवाद

जब कभी तुम किसी ओक के वृक्ष को कटा हुआ पाओगे/देखोगे तो तुम अभी वचन दो कि तुम उसी समय दो पौधे लगाओगे।

यदि तुम शपथ नहीं लोगे तो ओक वृक्ष के काले छाल तुम्हें जकड़ लेंगे और तुम्हें ओक के वृक्षों के मध्य ही जड़बद्ध कर देंगे। जहाँ तुम्हारा जन्म तो हुआ परन्तु तुम बढ़ न पाये।

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) Stanza – 5

This was my dream beneath the boughs, the dream that altered me. When I came out of the oakwood, back to human company, My walk was the walk of a human child, but my heart was a tree.

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) हिन्दी अनुवाद

टहनियों को मेरा यह स्वप्न था, बदल दिया जो स्वप्न मुझे।
मैं जब ओक-वृक्ष के जंगल से बाहर आया, वापस लोगों के साथ,
चाल मेरी थी मानव के बच्चे का लेकिन मेरा हृदय था पेड़ का ।

Wbbse English Solution Class 10

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) Word-Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Dream (N)- An imaginary thought, Fantasy Reverie – स्वप्न ।
  2. Beneath (Prep) – Under के नीचे।
  3. Boughs (N)- Braches (of the oak tree) टहनियाँ ।
  4. Altered (V)- Changed परिवर्तित कर दिया।
  5. The dream that attered me

स्वप्न ने कवि के मन को परिवर्तित कर दिया। इससे पूर्व कवि को मनुष्य एवं वृक्षों के सम्बन्ध का आभास नहीं था। परन्तु जब वह ओक के वृक्षों के घनिष्ठ सम्पर्क में आए तब वे इस सम्पर्क के बारे में जान पाए जिससे उनके जीवन में महान परिवर्तन आया।

  1. Came out (V)- Got out of – से बाहर निकला। Here, left रवाना हुए।
  2. When I came out of the oakwood जब मैं ओक के जंगल से बाहर निकला ।
  3. Note – कवि का जंगल से बाहर निकलना इस बात का स्पष्ट संकेत है कि ओक के वृक्षों से स्वाधीनता प्राप्त करने के पहले उन्हें वृक्षों के सामने शपथ लेना पड़ा।
  4. Back Return- वापस
  5. Back to human company- कवि मनुष्यों के समाज में वापस आ गए। अब तक वे ओक वृक्षों के बीच थे। ओक के वन से बाहर निकल कर वे मनुष्यों के समाज में वापस आ गए।
  6. Company- Association – साथ / संगति ।
  7. My walk was the walk of a human child- But my heart was a tree- मैं एक मानव शिशु की तरह चल रहा था। किन्तु मेरा हृदय तो वृक्ष बन गया था।

Note – ओक के वन में कवि के साथ हुए चमत्कारिक अनुभव ने कवि का हृदय परिवर्तन कर दिया था। उन्हें वृक्षों की मूल पीड़ा का आभास हुआ। वे मनुष्य एवं वृक्षों के दीर्घकालीन किन्तु विस्मृत सम्पर्क को समझ पाये और उनका हृदय वृक्षों के प्रति समर्पित हो गया।

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) हिन्दी अनुवाद

ओक वृक्ष के शाखाओं के नीचे यही मेरा स्वप्न था जिसने मुझे परिवर्तित कर दिया। जब मैं ओक के वृक्ष के वन से बाहर निकला, तो मैं मानवों के समाज में पहुँच गया। मैं चल तो रहा था एक मानव शिशु की भाँति, परन्तु मेरा हृदय तो एक वृक्ष हो चुका था।

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Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) Comprehension Exercises

1. Choose The Correct Alternative To Complete The Following Sentences: (निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करने के लिए सही विकल्प चुनें।)

Question 1. Creeping in an oakwood, the poet was looking for a (ओक वृक्ष के वन में चुपके से प्रवेश कर कवि खोज रहे थे ।)

  1. Goat
  2. Rhinoceros
  3. Stag
  4. Buffalo

Answer: 3. Stag.

Question 2. Whenever an oak trees is felled, the number of trees the poet must plant is – (जब कभी कोई ओक का वृक्ष काटा जाता है, तो कवि को अवश्य रोपने होंगे वृक्ष पौधे)

  1. Two
  2. Three
  3. Four
  4. Five

Answer: 1. Two.

Question 3. When the poet came out of the oakwood, his heart was that of a (जब कवि ओक के वन से बाहर आए, तो उनका हृदय का बन गया था ।)

  1. Stage
  2. Tree
  3. Human child
  4. Old woman

Answer: 2. Tree.

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2. State Wheather The Following Statements Are True Or False. Provide Sentences/ Phrases/Words In Support Of Your Answer:(बताओ कि निम्नलिखित वाक्य सही हैं या गलत। अपने उत्तर के समर्थन में वाक्य / वाक्यांश / शब्द लिखो )

Question 1. The old woman held the poet’s secrets in her little bag. (वृद्ध महिला ने अपने छोटे थैले में कवि की गोपनीयता रखी हुई थी
Supporting statements: I have your secret here inside my little bag.
Answer: True

Quetion 2. The tree tribe said that the poet is bothered to see the chopping down of oak trees (वृक्ष के समूह ने कहा कि कवि ओक के वृक्षों को काटते हुए देखकर परेशान होते हैं।)
Supporting statement: “We are chopped down we are torn up, we do not bunk an eye. ”
Answer: False

Question 3. The poet never came out of the oakwood. (कवि ओक के वन से कभी बाहर नहीं आए।)
Supporting statement: When I came out of oakwood.
Answer: False

3. Answer The Following Questions (निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर दो)

Question 1. When did the poet come twice awake ? ( कवि कब दुबारा जागृत हुए ?)
Answer: The poet came twice awake when the old woman he met in the oakwood let his secret out of her little bag.(जब ओक के वन में कवि से मिली महिला ने अपने छोटे थैले से उसकी गोपनीयता बाहर निकाली तो कवि दुबारा जागृत हुए।)

Question 2. What would happen to the poet if he failed to make the promise ? (यदि कवि वादा नहीं करते तो उनके साथ क्या होता?)
Answer: If the poet failed to make the promise, he would definitely be dead.(यदि कवि वादा नहीं करते तो वे निश्चित रूप से मारे जाते ।)

Question 3. What was it that altered the poet ? (किस चीज ने कवि को परिवर्तित कर दिया?)
Answer: It was the dream about deforestation and afforestation that altered the poet. (वनोन्मूलन एवं वनरोपण के स्वप्न ने कवि को परिवर्तित कर दिया।)

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Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) Grammar In Use

4. Change The Following Into Indirect Speech.

Question 1. Rahul asked Dipa, “Will you go to school today ?” (राहुल ने दीपा से कहा, “क्या आज तुम स्कूल जाओगी ” ?)
Answer: Rahul asked Dipa if she (Dipa) would go to school that day. राहुल ने दीपा से पूछा कि क्या वह स्कूल जाएगी।)

Question 2. Rita siad to Ayesha, “please give me a glass of water”. (रीता ने आईसा से कहा, “कृप्या मुझे एक ग्लास पानी दो ।)
Answer: Ria requested Ayesha to give her a glass of water. रीता ने आईसा से उसे एक ग्लास पानी देने का अनुरोध किया।)

Question 3. The old man told the little girl, “may you be happy !” (वृद्ध व्यक्ति ने छोटी लड़की से कहाँ, “खुश रहो !’)
Answer: The old man wished that the little girl might be happy. वृद्ध व्यक्ति ने शुभकामना दिया कि छोटी लड़की खुश रहे।)

5. Do As Directed

Question 1. Ranjan said, “who does not know the name of Rabindranath ?” (Change into affirmative sentence). (रंजन ने कहा, “रवीन्द्रनाथ का नाम कौन नहीं जानता ? )
Answer: Rajan said, “Everybody knows the name of Rabindranath. (रंजन ने कहा कि हर कोई रवीन्द्रनाथ का नाम जानता है।)

Question 2. Sangeeta runs faster than any other girl in her class. (Rewrite using the positive degree of faster.) (संगीता अपने वर्ग की किसी भी अन्य की तुलना में ज्यादा तेज दौड़ती है।)
Answer: No other girl in her class runs so fast as Sangeeta. (उसके वर्ग की अन्य लड़की रीता के जितना तेज नहीं दौड़ती ।)

Question 3. Kaushiki blamed her friend for the trouble. (Rewrite using the noun form of ‘blamed’) (कौशिकी ने कष्ट के लिए अपने मित्र को दोषी ठहराया। )
Answer: Kaushiki put a blmae for the trouble on her friend. ( कौशिकी ने कष्ट का आरोप अने मित्र पर लगाया।)

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Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) Writing Activities

7. Your school is going to host the inter-school District sports competition. Suppose you are the secretary of the Sports Club of your school.

Write a notice (Within 100 words) calling students to participate in the competition. Mention the time, date, and venue of the competition. Your notice should be counter-signed by the Headmistress / Headmaster of your school.


A B C High School
Inter School District sport competition

Date 10.1.2016

All the students are hereby informed that our school is going to host the Inter School District Sports Competition on 20.1.2016. The events will start at 10 A.M. and continue till 4 P.M.

There will be various events for the students of classes (V) to (X). A student can participate in a maximum of three events without any entry fee.

So, the willing students are requested to register their names with their respective class teachers on or before 18.1.2016. The presence of all the students is compulsory. They requested to maintain discipline during the sports.

For any further details, the undersigned may be contacted. Cooperation from all is highly solicited.

By Headmaster

Sd/- Secretary Sports Club
ABC School


Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) Additional Textual Questions & Answers

1. Choose The Correct Alternative To Complete The Following Sentences: (निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करने के लिए सही विकल्प चुनें।)

Question 1. ‘My own True family’ is written by- (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार लिखा गया है — के द्वारा)

  1. R.W. Emerson
  2. Ted Hughes
  3. William Cowper
  4. John Masefield.

Answer: 1. Ted Hughes.

Question 2. The woods into which the poet crept was made of (कवि ने जिस जंगल में प्रवेश

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  1. Oak trees
  2. Pine trees
  3. Deodar trees
  4. Sat trees

Answer: 1. Oak trees.

Question 3. The poet once entered an oak wood- (एकबार कवि ने एक ओक वन में प्रवेश किया।)

  1. Stealthily
  2. Quickly
  3. Secretly
  4. Slowly

Answer: 4. Slowly.

4. The poet met. –

  1. An old woman
  2. A young girl
  3. A woodcutter
  4. A shepherd

Answer: 1. An old woman.

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Question 5. The poet once crept in an oakwood to look for a (एक बार कवि ने ओक वन में चुपके से प्रवेश किया- खोजने के लिए)

  1. Male hare
  2. Male deer
  3. Female deer
  4. Female hare

Answer: 2. Male deer.

Question 6. The old woman had a stick which was – (वृद्ध महिला के पास एक छड़ी थी जो — थी ।)

  1. Long
  2. Knobbly
  3. Oily
  4. Small

Answer: 2. Knobbly.

Question 7. The old woman whom the poet met in the forest was – में मिले थे वह थी – )

  1. Fat
  2. Knobbly
  3. Thin
  4. Strong

Answer 2. Knobbly.

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Question 8. The Oak bark is (ओक वृक्ष का छाल होता है -)

  1. Green
  2. Gray
  3. White
  4. Black

Answer: 4. Black.

Question 9. ‘All Knobbly stick and rag’ – The above line describes a-

  1. Weak man
  2. Woman
  3. Girl
  4. Oaktree

Answer: 2. Woman.

Question 10. When the old woman began to cackle the poet began to
अट्टहास किया तो कवि ने वर्णन करती है।)

  1. Quake
  2. Cry
  3. Laugh
  4. Run

Answer: 1. Quake.

Question 11. The old whom woman the poet met in the forest had – करना शुरू किया। जंगल में मिला उस महिला के पास था – )

  1. Rag
  2. Stick
  3. None of the above
  4. Stick and rag.

Answer: 4. Stick and rag.

Question 12. The poet was tied to a –

  1. Pine tree
  2. Light post
  3. oka tree
  4. Post

Answer: 4. Post.

Question 13. “I have your secret here.” -the speaker is –

  1. An old woman
  2. Ted Hughes
  3. The narrator
  4. An oak tree

Answer: 1. An old woman.

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Question 14. The poet was surrounded by a –

  1. Cave tribe
  2. Tree tribe
  3. Wild tribe
  4. Hill tribe

Answer: 2. Tree tribe.

Question 15. The old woman said that she had kept in her little bag the poet’s – (कहा कि उसके छोटे थैले में रखा हुआ के द्वारा)

  1. Gold ring
  2. Birth certificate
  3. Secret
  4. Horoscope

Answer: 3. Secret.

Question 16. The poet had a dream –

  1. Beside a lake
  2. In a park
  3. In a garden
  4. Under the branches

Answer: 4. Under the branches.

Question 17. ‘All knobbly stick and rag. Here ‘knobbly’ means-

  1. Compassionate
  2. Steady
  3. Unsteady
  4. Cruel

Answer: 3. Unsteady.

Question 18. When the oak trees are chopped down, the poet-

  1. Is up to his eyes
  2. Does not blink an eye
  3. Feels uneasiness in eyes
  4. Keeps his eyes open

Answer: 2. Do not blink an eye.

Question 19. The poet’s heart changed following a -के तदोपरांत परिवर्तित हो गया।)

  1. Walk
  2. Tour
  3. Lecture
  4. Dream

Answer: 4. Dream.

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Question 20. When the old woman opened up her little bag the poet came twice – ( महिला ने अपना छोटा थैला खोला तो कवि दो बार हुए।)

  1. Alive
  2. Awake
  3. Ahead
  4. Asleep

Answer: 2. Awake.

Question 21. The oak trees want the poet to make a- करें)

  1. Short speech
  2. Promise
  3. Trip
  4. Hole

Answer: 2. Promise.

Question 23. Those who are chopped down are –

  1. Oak trees
  2. Bamboo trees
  3. Banyan trees
  4. Pine trees

Answer: 1. Oak trees.

Question 24. The poet was surrounded by a tribe of – के झुंड के द्वारा)

  1. Forest-dwellers
  2. Aborigines
  3. Oak trees
  4. Witches

Answer: 3. Oak trees.

Question 25. The ‘staring tribe’ refers to a group of – (‘Staring Tribe’ – at a करता है।)

  1. Monsters
  2. Women
  3. Men
  4. Oak-trees

Answer: 4. Oak trees.

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Question 26. If the poet does not keep his promise the oak-tress will निभाएँगे तो ओक के वृक्ष उन्हें )

  1. Help him
  2. Kill him
  3. Throw him
  4. Love him

Answer: 2. Kill him.

Question 27. In the expression “You do not blink an eye” the word ‘you’ refers to – वाक्यांश में ‘you’ शब्द संकेत करता है -)

  1. The old woman
  2. The poet
  3. The reader
  4. The leader of the tribe

Answer: 2. The poet.

Question 28. If the poet refuses to make a promise he will – (यदि कवि वादा करने से इन्कार करेंगे तो वे…….)

  1. Pass away
  2. Proper
  3. Faint
  4. Fail

Answer: Pass away.

29. ‘You do not blink an eye’ – This suggests that men are – (उपरोक्त वाक्यांश संकेत करता है कि मनुष्य – )

  1. Sick
  2. Blind
  3. Callous
  4. Happy

Answer: Callous.

30. The dream abou the oaks (ओक के वृक्ष के स्वप्न ने कर दिया ।)

  1. Surprised the poet
  2. Changed the poet
  3. Pleased the poet
  4. Annoyed the poet

Answer: Changed the poet.

2. Complete The Following Sentences With Information From The Poem. ( कविता की सूचना के आधार पर निम्नलिखत वाक्यों को पूरा करें।)

Question 1. Once the poet crept – (एक बार कवि ने चुपके से प्रवेश किया)
Answer: In an oakwood. (ओक वृक्षों के वन में।)

Question 2. The old woman had – (वृद्ध महिला के पास था -)
Answer: A knobby stick and a little bag. (एक गाँठदार छड़ी / लाठी और एक छोटा थैला ।)

Question 3. The poet was looking for – (कवि ढूंढ रहा था -)
Answer: a stage. (एक हिरण ।)

Question 4. The trees are the poet’s – (पेड़ है कवि का)
Answer: own family. ( अपना परिवार ।)

Question 5. In the oakwood the poet met (ओक के वन में कवि मिला – )
Answer: An old woman. (एक वृद्ध महिला से ।)

Question 6. When the trees are felled, the poet (जब पेड़ काटे जाते हैं तो कवि – )
Answer: is not bothered.

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Question 7. The old woman was – ( वृद्ध महिला)
Answer: Knobbly. (लड़खड़ा कर चल रही थी ।)

Question 8. The old woman had (वृद्ध महिल के पास था )
Answer: A stick. (एक लाठी)

Question 9. The old woman was wearing – ( वृद्ध महिला ने पहला हुआ था – )
Answer: arag. (जीर्ण-शीर्ण वस्त्र)

Question 10. The poet had a dream which (कवि ने एक स्वप्न देखा जिसने – )
Answer: Changed him. (उसे परिवर्तित कर दिया।)

Question 11. The old woman had the poet’s secret in – ( वृद्ध महिला के पास कवि की गोपनीय बातें थीं -)
Answer: her little bag. (उसके थैले में)

Question 12. The poet found himself surrounded by (कवि ने स्वयं को घिरा हुआ पाया -)
Answer: a staring tribe. (टकटकी लगाकर देखने वाले ओक वृक्षों (की जनजाति) के द्वारा)

Question 13. According to the oak trees, they are – (ओक के वृक्षों के अनुसार उन्हें -)
Answer: Chopped down and torn up. (काटा जाता है एवं टुकड़े-टुकड़े कर दिया जाता है।)

Question 14. As the poet came out of the woods, he again had ( जब कवि जंगल से बाहर निकले वे पुन:-)
Answer: The company of men. (मनुष्यों के समाज / संगति में आ गये।)

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Question 15. When the oak trees are chopped down and torn up the poet does- ज है एवं टुकड़े-टुकड़े कर दिया जाता है तो
(जब ओक के वृक्षों की नहीं उन पर ध्यान नहीं देता उनकी तर एक नजर देखता ही
Answer: not blink an eye.

3. State whether the following statements are True or False. Provide sentences/ Phrases/words in support of your answer:
(बताओ निम्नलिखित वाक्य सही हैं या गलत। अपने उत्तर के समर्थन पक्ष में वाक्य वाक्यांश शब्द लिखो।)

Question 1. The poet was in search of a rabbit (कवि एक खरगोश खोज रहा था।)
Supporting statements: ‘I was looking for a stag.
Answer: False

Question 2. In the oakwood the poet met a young woman. (ओक के वन में कवि एक युवा महिला से मिला।)
Supporting statement: ‘I met an old woman there’.
Answer: False

Question 3. The poet met an old woman in a pine wood (कवि वृद्ध महिला से पाईन के जंगल मिला।)
Supporting statement: “Once I crept in an oakwood………. an old woman there.”
Answer: False

Question 4. The poet remained unmoved to the cackle of the old woman. (कवि वृद्ध महिला के अट्टहास से विचलित नहीं हुआ।)
Supporting statement: Then she began to cackle and I began to quake.
Answer: False

Question 5. The old woman put on an expensive dress. (वृद्ध महिला एक कीमती वस्त्र पहने हुई थी।)
Supporting statement: ………. all knobby stick and rag.”
Answer: False

Question 6. The old woman in then oakwood cried. (ओक वन में वृद्ध महिला रोई रोई रही थी।)
Supporting statement: “The she began to cackel”.
Answer: False

Question 7. The old woman had a stake in her hand. (वृद्ध महिला के हाथ में एक खूँटा था।)
Supporting statement: “………all knobbly stick.”
Answer: True

Question 8. The tree tribe chained the poet. (वृक्षों के समूह ने कवि को जकड़ लिया।)
Supporting statement: ‘Surrounded by a staring tribe and tied me to a stake.
Answer: True

Question 9. The poet imagined himself to be a child. (कवि ने स्वयं की कल्पना एक बच्चे के रूप में किया ।)
Supporting statement: “My walk was the walk of a human child.”
Answer: True

Question 10. The woman began to speak as children did. (महिला ने बच्चों की भाँति बोलना शुरू किया ।)
Supporting statement: “Then she began to cackle.”
Answer: True

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Question 11. When the old woman opened up her little bag, the poet simply became awake for the first time. (जब वृद्ध महिला ने अपना छोटा थैला खोला, कवि पहली बार जागृत हुए।)
Supporting statement: “I came twice awake”.
Answer: False

Question 12. If an oak tree is cut down two saplings should be planted. (यदि ओक का एक वृक्ष काटा जाए तो दो पौधे रोपे जाने चाहिए।)
Supporting statement: Whenever you see an oak tree felled, swear now you will plant two.
Answer: False

Question 13. The old woman was strong and stout. (वृद्ध महिला शारीरिक रूप से मजबूत थी ।
Supporting statement: “All knobbly stick and rag.”
Answer: False

Question 14. Hearing the cackling round of the old .voman, the poet began to shake. (कवि वृद्ध महिला का अट्टहास सुनकर काँपने लगा ।)
Supporting statement: “………I began to quake.”
Answer: True

Question 15. The oak trees were of the true family of the old woman. (ओक के वृक्ष वृद्ध महिला के सच्चे परिवार थे।)
Supporting statement: We are……….. your own true family.
Answer: False

Question 16. The poet had a dream during a nap at his bedroom. (कवि ने अपने शयन कक्ष में झपकी लेते समय स्वप्न देखा ।)
Supporting statement: ‘This was my dream beneath the boughs’.
Answer: False

Question 17. The poet was threatened by the oak trees. (कवि को ओक के वृक्षों के द्वारा धमकाया गया ।)
Supporting statement: now you are going to die.
Answer: True

Question 18. The poet dreamt a dream in an oak wood.” (कवि ने ओक के वन में स्वप्न देखा ।)
Supporting statement: “This was my dream beneath the boughs”.
Answer: True

Question 19. The pine trees are chopped down. (पाईन के वृक्षों को काटा जाता है।)
Supporting statement: “We (the oak trees) are chopped down.
Answer: False

Question 20. The magical experience had no effect on the poet. ( इस चमत्कारिक / जादुई अनुभव का कवि पर कोई प्रभाव नहीं पड़ा ।)
Supporting statement: ‘The dream that altered me’.
Answer: False

4. Answer the following questions :

Question 1. Who wrote the poem ‘My Own True Family. (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार कविता किसने लिखा ?)
Answer: Ted Hughes wrote the poem ‘My Own True Family’.(Ted Hughes ने मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार कविता लिखा।)

Question 2. What is the full name of the poet ? (कवि का पूरा नाम क्या है ? )
Answer: The full name of the poet Edward James Hughes. (कवि का पूरा नाम एडवर्ड जेम्स हगेज है)

Question 3. Where did the poet once creep in ? (एक बार कवि चुपके से कहाँ गये ? )
Answer: Once the poet creep in an oakwood. (एक बार कवि ओक के वन में चुपके से गये।)

Question 4. What was poet of ‘My Own True Family’ looking for in the oakwood? (‘मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार’ कविता के कवि जंगल में क्या खोज रहे थे ? )
Answer: The poet of ‘My Own True Family’ was looking for a stage in the oakwood. (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार के कवि ओक के वन में हिरण खोज रहे थे।)

Question 5. Where has the poem been taken from ?(यह कविता कहाँ से ली गई है?)
Answer: The poem has been taken from the book, “Meet My Folks”(यह कविता “Meet My Folks” पुस्तक से ली गई है ।)

Question 6. Whom did the poet meet in the oakwood ? (ओक वृक्ष के वन में कवि किससे मिले?)
Answer: The poet meet an old woman in the oakwood. (कवि ओक वृक्ष के वन में एक वृद्ध महिला से मिले।)

Question 7. What did the old woman have in her little bag ? (वृद्ध महिला के छोटे थैले में क्या था ? )
Answer: The old woman had the poet’s secret in her little bag. (वृद्ध महिला के छोटे थैले में कवि की गोपनीय/रहस्यमय वस्तु थी ।)

Question 8. How did the poet go inside the oakwood ? (कवि ओक वृक्ष के वन में कैसे गये ? )
Answer: The poet crept into the oakwood. (कवि ओक वृक्ष के वन में चुपके से गये)

Wb Class 10 English Solutions

Question 9. What did the old woman have ? (वृद्ध महिला के पास क्या था ? )
Answer: The old woman had a stick and a little bag.(वृद्ध महिला के पास छड़ी / लाठी एवं एक छोटा थैला था।)

Question 10. How did the oldwoman appear ? (वृद्ध महिला देखने में कैसी थी ? )
Answer: The old woman was in ragged cloths and she had a lumpy stick in hand. (वृद्ध महिला फटे-पुराने वस्त्रों में थी और उसने अपने हाथ में एक गाँउदार छड़ी लिये हुए थी ।)

Question 11. What was the first activity of the old woman ?(वृद्ध महिला ने सबसे पहले क्या किया? अथवा, वृद्ध महिला का सबसे पहला कार्य क्या था ? )
Answer: The first activity of the old woman was that she began to cackle.(वृद्ध महिला का सबसे पहला कार्य यह था कि वह अट्टहास करने लगी ।)

Question 12. How did the old woman behave with poet ? (वृद्ध महिला ने कवि के साथ कैसा व्यवहार किया?)
Answer: The woman put the poet under a spell. So, she behaved with the poet strangely. (वृद्ध महिला ने कवि को सम्मोहित कर लिया। इस प्रकार उसने कवि के साथ विचित्र ढंग से व्यवहार किया।)

Question 13. When did the poet begin to quake? (कवि कब काँपने लगे ? )
Answer: The poet began to quake when the old woman began to cackle.(जब वृद्ध महिला ने अट्टहास करना शुरू की, तब कवि काँपने लगे।)

Question 14. What did the old woman tell the poet ? (वृद्ध महिला ने कवि को क्या बताया ? )
Answer: The old woman told the poet that she had the poet’s secret in her little bag. (वृद्ध महिला ने कने को बताया कि उसके छोटे थैले में कवि की गोपनीय चीज है।)

Question 15. By whom was the poet surrounded ? (कवि किनके द्वारा घिर हुए थे ? )
Answer: The poet surrounded by a staring tribe. (कवि एकटक देखने वाले ओक वृक्षों से घिरे थे ।)

Question 16. What happened when the old woman opened up her little bag ? (जब वृद्ध महिला ने अपना थैला खोला तो क्या हुआ ?)
Answer: When the old woman opened up her little bag, the poet came twice awake. (जब वृद्ध महिला ने अपना थैला खोला, कवि दूसरी बार जागे ।)

Question 17. Who cackled and who quaked ? (किसने अट्टहास किया एवं कौन कंपित हुआ ? )
Answer: The old woman cackled and the poet quaked in fear. (वृद्ध महिला ने अट्टहास किया एवं कवि कंपित हुए।)

Question 18. What was the tribe of ? (झुंड / समूह किसका था ? )
Answer: The tribe was of oaktrees. (समूह ओक के वृक्षों का था।)

Question 19. To what did the poet find himself tied ? (कवि ने स्वयं को किससे बँधा हुआ पाया ?
Answer: The poet found himself tied to a stake. (कवि ने स्वयं को ओक के मजबूत तने से बँधा हुआ पाया।)

Question 20. What did the tree tribe say to the poet ? (ओक के वृक्षों के समूह ने कवि से क्या कहा ?
Answer: The tree tribe said to the poet tha they were the oak trees. They added that they were his own true family.(ओक के वृक्षों के समूह ने कवि से कहा कि वे ओक के वृक्ष थे। उनलोगों ने आगे बताया कि वे उनके अपने सच्चे परिवार थे।)

Question 21. What did the poet mean when he said, I came twice awake ? (जब कवि ने कहा ‘मैं दुबारा जागृत हुआ’ तो उसका क्या तात्पर्य था ? )
Answer: When the poet said ‘I came twcie awake he meant to say that he became consious of the company he had in the oak-wood.(कवि ने कहा, ‘मैं दुबारा जागृत हुआ’ तो उनके का तात्पर्य था कि वे ओक के वन के साहचर्य अवगत हुए।)

Question 22. What according to the trees, is the reaction of the poet when a tree in cut down (वृक्षों के अनुसार जब कोई पेड़ काटा जाता है तो कवि की प्रतिक्रिया क्या होती है ? )
Answer: According to the trees, the poet is not bothered, when a tree is cut down. (वृक्षों के अनुसार जब कोई पेड़ काटा है तो कवि को कोई परेशानी नहीं होती है।)

Question 23. Who are the own true family of the poet ? (कवि के अपने सच्चे परिवार कौन हैं? )
Answer: The oak trees are the own true family of the poet.(ओक के वृक्ष कवि के अपने सच्चे परिवार हैं।)

Question 24. What does not the poet try blinking an eye ? (कवि किसे एक नजर नहीं देखने की कोशिश करते हैं?)
Answer: The poet does not try blinking an eye that the oak trees are chopped down and torn up. (कवि एक नजर नहीं देखने की कोशिश करते हैं जब ओक के वृक्ष काटे जाते हैं एवं टुकड़े-टुकड़े किए जाते हैं ।)

Question 25. What did the tree tribe ask the poet to swear ? (वृक्षों के समूह ने कवि को क्या शपथ लेने को कहा?)
Answer: The tree tribe asked the poet to swear that whenever a tree was cut down, he would plant two trees.
(वृक्षों के समूह ने कवि से शपथ लेने को कहा कि जब कभी कोई एक पेड़ काटा जाए, तब वह दो पेड़ लगाएगा।)

Question 26. Who are torn up ? (किन्हें टुकड़े-टुकड़े / क्षत-विक्षत कर दिया जाता है ? )
Answer: The oak trees are torn up.(ओक के वृक्षों को टुकड़े-टुकड़े कर दिया जाता है।)

Question 27. When will the black oak bark wrinkle over the poet ? (ओक के वृक्षों की काली छाल कब कवि को मोड़कर /सिकोड़कर दण्डित करेगी ? )
Answer: The black oak bark will wrinkle over the poet if he does not swear to plant two oak trees when they are cut.(ओक के वृक्ष की काली छाल कवि को मोड़ सिकोड़कर दण्डित करेगी यदि वे दो पौधे लगाने का वादा नहीं करेंगे, जब कोई ओक का वृक्ष काटा जाएगा।)

Question 28. Where according to the tree-tribe, the poet born ? (वृक्षो के समूह के अनुसार कवि का जन्म कहाँ हुआ था ? )
Answer: According to the tree-tribe, the poet was born among the oaktrees. (वृक्षो के झुण्ड के अनुसार कवि का जन्म ओक के वृक्षों के मध्य हुआ था।)

Question 29. Where did the poet have his dream ? (कवि ने कहाँ स्वप्न देखा ? )
Answer: The poet had his dream beneath the bough.(कवि ने वृक्ष के डालियों के बीच स्वप्न देखा ।)

Question 30. What did the poet’s heart become ? (कवि का हृदय एक वृक्ष बन गया ।)
Answer: The poet’s heart became a tree. (कवि का हृदय एक वृक्ष बन गया ।)

Question 31. What was the effect of the dream on the poet ? (स्वप्न का कवि पर क्या प्रभाव पड़ा ? )
Answer: The dream, the poet had made him a changed person. (कवि ने जो स्वप्न देखा उसने उन्हें एक परिवर्तित व्यक्ति बना दिया ।)

Question 32. Where did the poet come back to? (कवि कहाँ वापस आए ? )
Answer: The poet came back to human company. (कवि मानवों के समाज में वापस आ गए।)

Question 33. Who changed the mind of the poet ? (कवि के मन को किसने परवर्तित कर दिया ? )
Answer: The tribe of oak-trees changed the mind of the poet.(ओक के वृक्षों के समूह ने कवि के मन को परिवर्तित कर दिया।)

Question 34. When did the poet get the company of human beings again? (कवि कब मानवों के (माज में वापस आए ?)
Answer: When did poem came out of the woods he again had the company of human beings. (जब कवि जंगल से बाहर निकले तो वे पुनः मानवों के समाज में वापस आए।)

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) Additional Textual Grammar Change Of Voice

Question 1. The dream altered me.
Answer: I was altered by the dream.

Question 2. The black oak bark will wrinkle over you.
Answer: You will be wrinkled over by the black oak bark.

Question 3. Swear now you will plant two.
Answer: It is to be sworn now that two will be planted by you.

Question 4. You do not blink an eye.
Answer: An eye is not blinked by you.

Question 5. We are torn up.
Answer: You tear us up.

Question 6. We are chopped down.
Answer: Men chop us down.

Question 7. She opened up her little bag.
Answer: Her little bag was opened by her.

Question 8. I met an old woman there.
Answer: An old woman met me there.

Question 9. I was looking for a stage.
Answer: A stage was being looked for me.

Question 10. And me tied to a stake.
Answer: And I was tied to a stake.

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) Change Of Narration

Question 1. The trees said, “We are chopped, we are torn up, you don’t blink an eye.”
Answer: The trees said that they were chopped and they were tom up. They forbade him to blink an eye.

Question 2. The poet said, “Once I crept in an oakwood I was looking for a stag.”
Answer: The poet said that once he had crept in an oakwood and had been looking for a stag.

Question 3. They said, “Unless you swear the black oak bark will wrinkle over you.”
Answer: They said that unless he swore the black oak would wrinkle over him.

Question 4. They said, “we are the oak trees and your own true family.”
Answer: They said that they were the oak trees and his own true family.

Question 5. She said, “I have your secret here inside my little bag.”
Answer: She said that she had his secret there inside her little bag.

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) Transformation Of Sentence

Question 1. Then she began to cackle and I began to quake. (Turn into a complex sentence)
Answer: Then as she began to cackle, I began to quake.

Question 2. My walk was the walk of a human child, but my heart was a tree. (Turn into a complex sentence)
Answer: Through my walk was the walk of a human child, my heart was a tree.

Question 3. I was surrounded by a staring tribe. (Turn into a complex sentence)
Answer: I was surrounded by a tribe that stared at me.

Question 4. Once I crept into an oakwood. I was looking for a stag. (Join into a simple sentence)
Answer: Once I crept into an oakwood to look for a stag.

Question 5. This was my dream beneath the boughs. (Turn into a complex sentence)
Answer: This was the dream that I dreamt beneath the boughs.

Question 6. I met an old woman there. (Turn into a complex sentence)
Answer: I met a woman there who was old.

Question 7. The opened up her little bag and I came twice awake. (Turn into a simple sentence)
Answer: With the opening up of her little bag, I came twice awake.