WBBSE Solutions For Class 10 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) -7 The Cat (बिल्ली)

Lesson (पाठ) -7 The Cat (बिल्ली)

About The Author-Andrew Berton Paterson

Andrew Barton Paterson was an Australian talk poet popularly known as “Banjo” Pater- son. Andrew Paterson was a poet, journalist, and author.

He was born on Feb. 17, 1864, in Narrambla, New South Wales. His parents were Andrew Bogle Paterson (a grazier) and Rose Isabella Barton.

He went to Sydney Grammar School to complete his schooling. During schooling, his grandmother inspired him to read and write verses.

At 16 he entered Sydney University; when he graduated, he practiced law in Sydney. Adopting the name “The Banjo” from a racehorse, Paterson, started contributing a verse to the Bulletin of Sydney. In 1899 Paterson left law practice for journalism. In 1903 he married Alice W. Walker who survived him with a son and a daughter.

His notable works are ‘Waltzing Matilda’, ‘The man from Snowy River’, ‘An Outback Marriage, and Old Bush Songs’. ‘In Defence of the Bush’, ‘A Bush lawyer’, ‘We are all Australians Now’, ‘Clancy of the overflow’ He died in Sydney on Feb. 5, 1941.

Lesson (पाठ) -7 The Cat (बिल्ली) हिन्दी अनुवाद

‘Banjo’ Paterson के नाम से विख्यात Andrew Barton Paterson एक आस्ट्रेलियाई लोक कवि थे। Ansdrew Paterson एक कवि, पत्रकार एवं लेखक थे। उनका जन्म New South Wales के Narrambla में 17 Feb.

1864 को हुआ था। उनके माता-पिता Bogle Paterson (चरवाहा) एवं Rose Isabella Barton थे। अपनी स्कूली शिक्षा पूरी करने के लिए वे Sydney Grammar School गये। स्कूली शिक्षा के दौरान उनकी दादी ने उन्हें कविता पढ़ने एवं लिखने को प्रेरित किया। 16 वर्ष की उम्र में उन्होंने Sydney University में दाखिला करवाया।

जब उन्होंने स्नातक कर लिया, तो उन्होंने Sydney में वकालत किया। एक Racehorse से ‘The Banjo’ नाम ग्रहण कर Bulletin of Sydney पत्रिका में काव्य का योगदान शुरू किया। 1899 में Paterson ने पत्रकारिता करने के लिए वकालत छोड़ दिया।

1903 में उन्होंने Alice W. Walker से विवाह किया जिनसे उन्हें एक पुत्र और एक पुत्री की प्रापि हुई। उनकी मुख्य कृतियाँ हैं ‘Waltzing Matilda’, ‘The Man from Snowy River’,

‘An outback Marriage, Old Bush Songs’, ‘In Defence of the Bush’, ‘A Bush lawyer’, ‘We’re all Austrations Now’, ‘Clancy of the overflow’ इत्यादि । उनका देहान्त 5 Feb. 1941 को हो गया।

Lesson (पाठ) -7 The Cat (बिल्ली) Introduction Of The Text

‘The Cat’ by Andrew Barton Paterson is a funny story about the activities of a cat. Paterson’s way of presenting the daily life of the feline species is interesting.

He here has broken our general notion about the cats being gentle and timid.

Lesson (पाठ) -7 The Cat (बिल्ली) हिन्दी अनुवाद

Andrew Barton Paterson के द्वारा रचित पाठ ‘The Cat’ बिल्ली के क्रियाकलापों के बारे में एक मजेदार कहानी है। बिल्ली प्रजाति के दैनिक जीवन को प्रस्तुत करने की Paterson की शैली रोचक है। यहाँ उन्होंने बिल्लियों के बारे में हमारी आम धारणा कि वे विनीत एवं कातर (डरपोक) होती हैं को भंग किया है।

Lesson (पाठ) -7 The Cat (बिल्ली) Summary

In general, the cat appears to be an unintelligent animal. They are mostly concerned with mice and milk. They possess more characteristics and live with sufficient satisfaction.

Fighting is an evident feline character. He roams in the house throughout the day. He leisurely watches a mouse hole to avoid the monotony of life.

But this alone does not make his life. His real nature is revealed in the evening. He seeks his share during the evening tea time. He expresses his desire by making soft familiar sounds and rubbing his hairy body against family members’ legs.

He behaves well with the guest expecting a share of food. He even scratches the log of the guest to get his share.

Thus he manages a morsel and enjoys it at a safe distance. After having tea the family gathers around the fireplace but the cat slips out of the room.

Now he lives his natural life. He strolls, jumps over the fence, and went to the roof. He remains alert to keep himself safe from dogs and unkind boys.

On the roof, he arches his back and stretches his body to exercise his muscles. He makes a call for his companions who respond and make the presentation.

They shake off their meekness and rule the backyard. They are now indomitable fighters. Their life is more adventurous and sportive. The dull backyard becomes their gallantry surpasses that of king Arthur’s knights. He loves to live among his friends and never quits them.

Only banishment can make him learn adjustment to a new family in the old house. But he goes with his natural life without any change.

Lesson (पाठ) -7 The Cat (बिल्ली) हिन्दी अनुवाद

सामान्यतः बिल्ली एक बुद्धिहीन जन्तु प्रतीत होती है। यह आमतौर पर चूहे एवं दूध के लिए ही चिंताशील रहती है। वह बहुचारीत्रिक होती है एवं संतोषपूर्ण जीवन जीती है। लड़ना बिल्लियों का एक स्वाभाविक चरित्र होता है। वह दिनभर घर में विचरण करती रहती है।

जीवन की उबन से बचने के लिए चूहे के बिल को ध्यानपूर्वक देखती रहती है किन्तु सिर्फ यहीं उसका जीवन नहीं है। उसका वास्तविक जीवन शाम में उजागर होता है। शाम की चाय के समय वह अपना हिस्सा चाहती है।

जानी-पहचानी आवाज निकाल कर एवं अपने रोएदार शरीर को परिवार के सदस्य के पैरों में रगड़कर वह अपनी इच्छा व्यक्त करती है। उनके भोजन में अपने अंश की आशा रखकर वह अतिथि के साथ अच्छा बर्ताव करती है।

अपना अंश प्राप्त करने के लिए उनके पैर को खरोंच देती है। इस प्रकार वह भोजन में अपना हिस्सा पाती है और सुरक्षित दूरी पर इसका आनंद लेती है। चाय पीकर परिवार अंगीठी के चारों ओर एकत्र होता है लेकिन बिल्ली कमरे से बाहर चली जाती है। अब वह अपना स्वाभाविक जीवन जीती है। वह दुलकी चाल से चलती है, बेड़े के ऊपर से छलांग

लगाती है एवं छत पर चढ़ जाती है। वह कुत्ते एवं निष्ठुर लड़कों से स्वयं को सुरक्षित रखने के लिए सतर्क रहती है। वह छत पर व्यायाम करने के लिए अपनी पीठ को (धनुषाकार) मोड़ती है एवं अपने शरीरको खिंचती है। वह अपने साथियों को पुकारती है जो प्रत्युत्तर देती है एवं उपस्थित हो जाती है।

तत्पश्चात वे अपनी विनम्रता को त्याग देते है एवं पीछे आंगन पर शासन करते हैं अब वे अदम्य योद्धा हैं। उनका जीवन काफी साहसिक करनामों से परिपूर्ण एवं क्रीड़ा शील होता है। नीरस पिछला आंगन उनके लिए शिकार क्षेत्र बन जाता है जहाँ उनका साहस राजा आर्थर के योद्धाओं को मात दे देता है।

वह अपने साथियों के बीच रहना पसंद करती है एवं उन्हें कभी नहीं छोड़ती है। सिर्फ निष्कासित होने पर ही उन्हें पुराने मकान में नये परिवार के साथ सामंजस्य करना सीखना पड़ता है। परन्तु वह अपना स्वाभाविक जीवन बिना किसी बदलाव के जीती है।

Note : प्रस्तुत पाठ में Cat शब्द का प्रयोग पुल्लिंग में हुआ है जैसे Cat के लिए He, him आदि शब्दों का प्रयोग हुआ है । पर हिन्दी अनुवाद करते समय ‘बिल्ली’ शब्द स्त्रीलिंग होने के कारण क्रिया का रूप भी स्त्रीलिंग रखा गया है।

जैसे जाती है, खाती है आदि ताकि हिन्दी वाक्य रचना अपनी भाषा की गरिमा को बनाए रखे। Cat का हिन्दी अनुवाद ‘नर बिल्ली’ या ‘बिलाड़’ लिखना भी अप्रासंगिक लगा।

Lesson (पाठ) -7 The Cat (बिल्ली) Word-Notes (शब्दार्थ) Unit – 1

Most people- अधिकांश लोग ।

Think- Here, Have an idea / opinion सोचना, विचार करना ।

The cat- बिल्ली ।

Unintelligent- Dull / Fool / Stupid बुद्धिहीन / मूर्ख |

Animal- Creature – जन्तु ।

Fond of- Having strong preferene का शौकीन, अनुरक्त ।

Ease- Comfort आराम ।

Caring- A loving feeling, loving, Interested आग्रही ।

Little- Almost not नहीं के बराबर ।

Mice- Plural of Mouse

Really- In fact, Actually वास्तव में।

More- अधिक ।

Character- Personality – व्यक्तित्व, चरित्र ।

Human begins- मनुष्य ।

Gets- Gains, Obtains – प्राप्त करना ।

A great deal- Much, Sufficient बहुत, प्रचुर ।

Satisfaction- Fulfilment The state of being contented Contentment – संतुष्टि ।

Out of- From से।

Life- जीवन ।

Rats – चूहे ।

Note – बिल्ली का अपना चरित्र (व्यक्तित्व) है जो मनुष्यों से ज्यादा दृढ़ हैं। ये जीवन का भरपूर आनन्द लेते हैं।

He- Male Cat नर बिल्ली।

She- Female Cat मादा बिल्ली।

Athlete- Sportsman – खिलाड़ी, व्यायामी । Here, Active-फुर्तीला, सक्रिय ।

Acrobat- कलाबाज ।

Grim- Here, Energetic – ऊर्जावान ।

Fighter- One who fights – योद्धा ।

All day long- Serious, Fierce, Merciless- गम्भीर, भयंकर, निष्ठुर ।

Loafs- Moves, Wanders – भटकता रहता है।

Takes- Accepts स्वीकार करना, ग्रहण करना।

Easy- सहजतापूर्वक

Throughout the day – दिनभर ।

Permits – अनुमति देना।

Allows- Troubled, Persistently परेशान।

Pestered- Annoyed, Disturbed

Attentions-Notices – मनोयोग, ध्यान चौकसी, परवाह।

Note – वस्तुत: बिल्ली लोगों का ध्यान अपनी ओर आकर्षित करने का प्रयास करती है, वह कुछ ऐसा व्यवहार करती है कि लोग उसे देखने के लिए बाध्य हों।

Pass the time away-Kill the time समय नष्ट करना ।

Sometimes- Ocassionally – कभी-कभी ।

Watches- Notices – ध्यानपूर्वक देखना ।

Mouse hole- A hole where mouse lives in चूहे का बिल ।

For an hour or two- एक दो घंटे के लिए ।

Just- Only सिर्फ

Keep himself from- To be free from से मुक्त रहने के लिए।

Baredom- Annoyance due to Monotony Tedium विरक्ति, उचाट उद

Idea- Opinion- विचार, राय ।

This- यहाँ, ‘This’ से तात्पर्य है बिल्ली के द्वारा चूहे के बिल को धैर्य पूर्वक देखना

Sort- Type प्रकार।

Thing-Here, Activity – क्रिया-कलाप ।

Holds life for a cat- यही, ‘बिल्ली’ का जीवन है।

Note- चूहे के बिल को धैर्यपूर्वक देर तक देखते रहना ही बिल्ली के जीवन का एकमात्र सत्य नहीं है। किन्तु लोग बिल्ली के बारे में और अधिक सोचना ही नहीं चाहते। उनकी धारणा उचित नहीं है।

As- When जब ।

Shades- Shadow-छाया ।

Evening falls- शाम होती है।

You- Here, The reader, पाठक।

You can see the cat as he really is- आप देख पाएँगे कि वास्तविक बिल्ली कैसी होती है। आप देख पाएँगे कि वास्तव में बिल्ली क्या होती है।

Lesson (पाठ) -7 The Cat (बिल्ली) हिन्दी अनुवाद छै

अधिकांश लोग सोचते हैं कि बिल्ली एक बुद्धिहीन एवं विश्रामप्रिय / आरामप्रिय / आरामपसंद प्राणी या जीव है जिसे चूहे एवं दूध के सिवाय अन्य कुछ अधिक प्रिय नहीं है किन्तु वास्तव में अधिकांश मनुष्यों की अपेक्षा बिल्ली का एकाधिक चारित्रिक पक्ष होता है, अर्थात् अधिकांश मनुष्यों की तुलना में बिल्ली बहुचारित्रिक होती है एवं जीवन से बहुत संतुष्टि प्राप्त करती है। अर्थात् जीवन का भरपूर आनन्द लेती है।

नर या मादा जो भी हों – बिल्ली एक व्यायामी, कलाबाज एवं एक भयंकर योद्धा होती है। बिल्ली दिनभर घर के आसपास विचरण करती रहती है। सबकुछ सहजतापूर्वक ग्रहण करती है। वह घर के लोगों का ध्यान अपनी ओर आकर्षित करने के उद्देश्य में स्वयं को परेशान होने देती है।

(वह घर के लोगों का ध्यान अपनी ओर आकर्षित करना चाहती है लेकिन जब लोग उस पर अधिक ध्यान देते हैं, तो वह परेशान भी हो जाती है।) समय व्यतीत करने के लिए वह कभी-कभी चूहे के बिल को एक-दो घंटों तक निहारती रहती है। वह ऐसा सिर्फ खुद को बोरियत ऊबन से बचाने के लिए करती है।

लोगों की यही धारणा होती है कि इसी प्रकार का काम ही बिल्ली का जीवन है। परन्तु जब शाम होती है, तब उसे देखिये । आप देख पाएँगे कि वास्तव में बिल्ली क्या होती है।

Lesson (पाठ) -7 The Cat (बिल्ली) Comprehension Exercises

1. Choose The Correct Alternative To Complete The Following Sentences: निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करने के लिए सही विकल्प चुनें।

Question 1. Most people think that the cat is (अधिकांश लोग सोचते हैं कि बिल्ली होती है -)

  1. Wise
  2. Unintelligent
  3. Clever
  4. Intelligent

Answer: 2. Unintelligent.

Question 2. The cat cares little for anything but mice and –

  1. Soup
  2. Juice
  3. Water
  4. Milk

Answer: 4. Milk.

Question 3. One can see the cat as he really is in the (कोई भी बिल्ली का वास्तविक रूप देख सकता है …. में ।)

  1. Morning
  2. Night
  3. Afternoon
  4. Evening

Answer: 4. Evening.

2. Complete The Following Sentences With Infromation From The Text पाठ्यांश की सूचना के आधार पर निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करें

Question 1. The cat really has more character than (वास्तव में बिल्ली चारित्रिक होती है।
Answer: Most human beings. ( अधिकांश मनुष्यों)

Question 2. The cat sometimes watches (बिल्ली कभी कभी निहारती है -)
Answer: A mouse hole for an hour or two (चूहे के बिल को एक दो घंटे तक ।)

Question 3. All day long the cat allows himself to be
Answer: Pestered by the attentions of the people in the house. (घर के लोगों का ध्यान अपनी ओर आकर्षित करने के उद्देश्य में स्वयं को परेशान होने देती है।)

3. State Wheather The Following Statements Are True Or False. Provide Sentences/ Phrases/Words In Support Of Your Answer:

Question 1. The cat is not fond of ease. (बिल्ली आराम पसंद नहीं है ।)
Supporting statements: Most people think that the cat is an unintelligent animal, fond of ease.
Answer: False

Question 2. The cat has no athletic skills. (बिल्ली के पास व्यायामी कौशल नहीं होती है।)
Supporting statement: He or she is athletic.
Answer: False

Question 3. The cat takes things very easily. (बिल्ली सबकुछ सहजतापूर्वक ग्रहण करती है ।)
Supporting statement: All day long the cat loafs about the house, the things easily.
Answer: True

Lesson (पाठ) -7 The Cat (बिल्ली) Word-Notes (शब्दार्थ) Unit – 2

When- जब ।

Family- The members of a family-परिवार के सदस्यगण ।

Sits down- बैठते हैं।

To tea- To take tea – चाय पीने के लिए।

Puts in an appearance- Appears- उपस्थित हो जाती है।

Appearance- Presence – उपस्थिति ।

To get – Arrival, Coming To have, To obtain-

Share- Quota – अंश, हिस्सा, भाग ।

Purrs- Makes rough sound – (Expressing pleasure or comfort or satisfaction or anger) म्याऊँ म्याऊँ करना।

Noisily – By making a noise – शोर करते हुए ।

Rubs-Polishes – घिसना, रगड़ना।

Against- Here – के ऊपर से स्पर्श करते हुए।

Guest- अतिथि।

At the table- At the tea table- चाय की मेज पर ।

Particularly – Specially – विशेष रूप से।

Civil- Polite, Gentle

Likely – Perhaps, Possibly शायद, सम्भवतः

Have- Get, Collect-सबसे अच्छा।

Offered-Provided, Served – देना, प्रदान करना ।

What is offered- जो दिया जायगा ।

Note – बिल्ली का व्यवहार दिखाता है कि वह बहुत बुद्धिमान है।

Sometimes- कभी-कभी ।

Instead of- In lieu of, In place of – के बदले, की बजाय ।

Something to eat- Here, some food

Stoops down- Bends down – झुकता है।

Note – बिल्ली टेबल के नीचे है। वह अपने शरीर को अतिथि के पैर पर रगड़ती है। वह म्याऊँ म्याऊँ करती है। अतिथि यह देखते हैं। वे झुककर बिल्ली को स्नेहपूर्वक शान्त करने का प्रयास करते हैं।

Strokes- Taps with the hand gently हाथ से धीरे-धीरे थपथपाते हैं।

Pussy- बिल्ली को ही स्नेहपूर्वक ‘Pussy’ कहा जाता है।

Soon- Without delay शीघ्र

Tires- Feels tired / Bored – थक/ ऊब जाती है।

The cat soon tires of that: बिल्ली शीघ्र ही अतिथि के इस व्यवहार से ऊब जाती है। वह उनका प्यार नहीं

Puts up- Takes up, Holds up उठाना, ऊँचा करना ।

Claws- The sharp nail of a beast- पंजा।

Quietly- Calmly – चुपचाप / शांतिपूर्वक ।

Firmly- Strongly दृढतापूर्वक

Rakes- Scratches – खरोंचना ।

बल्कि कुछ भोजन चाहती है। उनका स्नेह/दुलार उसका पेंट नहीं भर सकता है। बिल्ली गुरीकर अतिथि को अपनी मांग से अवगत कराना चाहती है। लेकिन मूर्ख अतिथि यह समझ नहीं पाता है।

Note – बिल्ली अपने पंजे से अतिथि के पैर को खरोंच देती है अर्थात् वह अतिथि के पैर में पंजा मारती है। वह अपनी प्रवृत्ति के अनुसार ऐसा करती है। वह अपनी माँग को पूरा करवाने के लिए व्यग्र हो जाती है।

वह अबतक तो अतिथि के प्रति विनम्र बनी हुई थी परन्तु अतिथि उसकी विनम्रता के बदले उसे कुछ नहीं देता है। इसलिए, वह अपना तरीका अपनाती है।

Ow- A cry of pain/suffering दर्द होने पर / उत्पन्न होने वाली आवाज।

Stuck- Pierced – चुभाया, भोंका।

Delighted- Glad प्रसन्न ।

Remark- टिप्पणी करना ।

Intelligent- Clever – बुद्धिमान ।

Note – परिवार बिल्ली के इस व्यवहार पर प्रसन्न हो जाता है। उसे बिल्ली बहुत प्यारी एवं चतुर प्रतीत होती है। परिवार अतिथि को बिल्ली के भोजन की माँग पूरा करवाने की कला से अवगत करवाता है।

Dares- Ventures – साहस करना ।

What he would like to do –

Kick- जो वह करना चाहता था ।

Out of the window – Blow with the foot लात मारना । खिड़की से बाहर।

Note – अतिथि बिल्ली को लात मारकर खिड़की से बाहर फेंक देना चाहता है; लेकिन वह जानता है कि इससे मेजबान परिवार आहत हो जाएगा। इसलिए वह अपनी इच्छा (क्रोध) को दबा लेता है।

Tears- Eye water – आँसू ।

Rage- Anger क्रोध ।

Pain- Agony – कष्ट, पीड़ा।

Note – बिल्ली के पंजा मारने के कारण अतिथि को दर्द होता है। उसके (अतिथि के) आँखों में आँसू उसके दर्द एवं क्रोध का संकेत है किन्तु वह अपनी वास्तविक भावनाओं को व्यक्त नहीं कर पाता है।

Affects- Here, Pretends – बहाना करता है / दिखावा करता है।

Amused- Happy, Glad, Please, Cheerful प्रसन्न ।

Sort out- चुनकर निकालता है।

Plate- थाली, तस्तरी ।

A bit of- A little piece of – छोटा टुकड़ा।

Hands it down- इसे नीचे रख/फेंक देता है।

Gingerly- Carefully without making noise – बिना आवाज किये, सावधानीपूर्वक

Receives- Accepts लेना ।

Slow- Here, late देर ।

Understand- Make out Comprehend समझना ।

Goes away – चली जाती है।

Secured – सुरक्षित।

Retires- Goes away

Safe- Secured

Distance- दूरी ।

Boot- Shoe जूता ।

Lesson (पाठ) -7 The Cat (बिल्ली) हिन्दी अनुवाद

जब (पूरा) परिवार चाय पीने बैठता है, तो बिल्ली अपना हिस्सा/अंश/ भाग लेने के लिये उपस्थित हो जाती है। वह म्याऊँ म्याऊ का शोर करती है एवं परिवार के लोगों के पैर में स्वयं को रगड़ती है।

यदि टेबल पर कोई अतिथि हो, तो बिल्ली उनके प्रति विशेषरूप से सभ्य हो जाती है, क्योंकि जो भी परोसा गया हो सम्भवतः उसमें से सबसे अच्छा अंश अतिथि को ही प्राप्त होगा।

कभी-कभी, उसे कुछ खाने को देने के बजाय अतिथि नीचे झुकते हैं, बिल्ली को थपथपाते हैं एवं कहते हैं, “बेचारी बिल्ली ! बेचारी बिल्ली !” बिल्ली शीघ्र ही इससे ऊब जाती है, थक जाती है। बिल्ली अपना पंजा उठाती है और चुपचाप (शांतिपूर्वक) किन्तु दृढ़तापूर्वक अतिथि के पैर को खरोंच देती है “ओ” अतिथि बोल पड़ते हैं, “बिल्ली ने मेरे पैरों में पंजा मारा।

” आनन्दित परिवार टिप्पणी करता है, वह कितनी प्यारी है न ? कितनी बुद्धिमान है न? वह चाहती है कि आप उसे कुछ खाने को दें। ” अतिथि जो दुःसाहस करना चाहते थे, वे वह कर सके बिल्ली को लात मारकर खिड़की से बाहर फेंक देना ।

इसलिए अपनी आँखो में क्रोध एवं दर्द के आँसू लिए हुए किन्तु प्रसन्न होने का दिखावा करते हैं एवं अपनी प्लेट में से मछली का एक टुकड़ा चुनते हैं एवं इसे नीचे गिरा देते हैं।

बिल्ली सावधानी से उसे ले लेती हैं, अपनी आँखों में एक विशेष भाव के साथ जो कहती है “अगली बार, मेरे मित्र, तुम्हें समझने में देर लगेगी। “वह भोजन करने के पूर्व अतिथि के जूते से सुरक्षित दूरी पर म्याऊँ म्याऊँ करती हुई चली जाती है।

Lesson (पाठ) -7 The Cat (बिल्ली) Comprehension Exercises

4. Choose The Correct Alternative To Complete The Following Sentences: निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करने के लिए सही विकल्प चुनें।

Question 1. The cat rubs himself against the legs of the family members and noisily ….. (बिल्ली परिवार के लोगों के पैर में स्वयं को रगड़ती है एवं शोर करती हुई (ऊँची आवाज में )…….. करती है ।)

  1. Purrs
  2. Howls
  3. Barks
  4. News

Answer: Purrs.

Question 2. With tears of rage and pain in his eyes, the guest affects to be very much – (अपनी आँखों में क्रोध एवं दर्द के आँसू लिए हुए अतिथि प्रसन्न होने का दिखावा करते हैं।

  1. Amused
  2. Annoyed
  3. Unhappy
  4. Upset

Answer: Amused.

Question 3. The guest hands down the cat a bit of (अतिथि बिल्ली के लिए नीचे फेंक देता है।)

  1. Meat
  2. Fruit
  3. Fish
  4. Vegetable

Answer: Fish.

5. Fill In The Chart Wih Information From The Text : पाठ्यांश की सूचना के आधार पर निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करें।

The guest calls the cat. (अतिथि बिल्ली को संबोंधित करते हैं।) Poor pussy (बेचारी बिल्ली।)
 Part of the guest’s body that the cat rakes. (अतिथि के शरीर का वह अंग जो बिल्ली खरोंच देती।) Leg (पैर) का टुकड़ा
The thing from which the cat stays at a safe distance. (बिल्ली जिस चीज से सुरक्षित दूरी पर रहती है।) The guest’s boot (अतिथि का जूता )


6. Answer The Following Questions : निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर दो ।

Question 1. When does the cat make an appearance to get his share of food ? (बिल्ली भोजन में अपना अंश प्राप्त करने के लिए कब उपस्थित होती है।)
Answer: When the family sits down to tea the cat makes an appearance to get his share of food. (जब परिवार चाय पीने बैठता है, बिल्ली भोजन में अपना अंश प्राप्त करने के लिए पहुँचती है।)

Question 2. Who is the cat particularly civil to? (बिल्ली विशेषत: किनके प्रति विनम्र होती है ?)
Answer: The cat is particularly civil to the guest present at the tea table.(बिल्ली चाय की टेबल पर उपस्थित अतिथि के प्रति सभ्य / विनम्र रहती है।)

Question 3. How does the cat receive the bit of fish handed down by the guests?
Answer: The cat gingerly receives the bit of fish handed down by the guest. (अतिथि के द्वारा फेंके गये मछली के टुकड़े को बिल्ली सावधानीपूर्वक प्राप्त करती है ।)

Lesson (पाठ) -7 The Cat (बिल्ली) Word-Notes (शब्दार्थ) Unit-3

Finished- Ended, Completed समाप्त किया।

Gathers- Collects, Assembles इकट्ठा करना, एकत्र करना।

Round the fire- आग के चारों तरफ

Causally- Accidently, without any seriousness अकस्मात् अचानक ।

Goes out of the room- कमरे से बाहर चली जाती है।

True life – Exact life, His own life वास्तविक जीवन ।

Begins- Starts- शुरु होती है, प्रारम्भ होती है।

Saunters down- Strolls, walk in a slow and relaxed way- आराम से चलना ; चहलकदमी करना ।

Backyard- The back part of a house पिछला आंगन

Spring- Jumps, leap कूदना ।

Top- Peak शीर्ष ।

Fence- Border, Cordon, Barricade- बेड़ा।

Drop- Come down नीचे उतरना ।

Lightly- Mildly, Softly – धीरे से ।

On the other side- दूसरी तरफ ।

Trots- A jogging gait that falls between a walk and a run दुलकी चाल से चलना ।

Skips- Jump – कूदना, फाँदना ।-

The ground at the back of the house.

Roof – छत ।

Empty-Uncovered – खुला हुआ।

Shed- Shedding, Porch, Garage छावनी, ओसारा, गैराज ।

Movement- गति ।

Lithe- Smooth, Springy – लचकदार ।

Panther like- Like a big leopard – चीते के जैसा।

Looks- Watches देखना ।

Keenly- Sharply तीक्ष्णतापूर्वक

Noiselessly- Silently, Quietly – चुपचाप, शांतिपूर्वक ।

Enemies- Foes – शत्रु ।

Arches- Bends – मोड़ता है।

Back- पीठ ।

Rakes- Rules, Scraches – खरोंचता है।

Claws- नाखून, पंजा ।

Once or twice-एक-दो बार।

Soft- Tender, Decayed, Not hard-नर्म ।

Bark- The upper layer of the roof छत का ऊपरी स्तर / सतह ।

Old- पुराना।

Note – घर बहुत पुराना है, इसलिए इसके छत का ऊपरी स्तर नर्म पड़ गया है।

Stretches- Spreads, Expands फैलाता है, विस्तृत करता है।

A few times- Many/several times – कई बार।

To see-Here, To be sure – आश्वस्त होने के लिए। To examine – जाँच करना ।

Muscle- माँसपेशी ।

Full working order- Fully active – पूर्णत: सक्रिय ।

Drooping- Hanging, Bending – झुकाकर ।

Nearly- Almost – प्राय:

Paws- पंजा।

Sends across- Gives – देता है, भेजता है।

Call- Summon- बुलावा ।

Kindered- Near and dear ones, fellows

Before long- Very soon – शीघ्र ।

Come- Arrive – आना, पहुँचना |

Gliding- धीरे-धीरे अग्रसर होते हुए।

Graceful- Beautiful सुन्दर ।

Shadow- Shades छाया।

No longer- No more – अब और नहीं

Meek- Mild, Gentle, Harmless विनम्र, निरीह ।

Creature- Animal प्राणी।

Mewing- म्याऊँ म्याऊँ करना ।

An hour ago- एक घंटा पहले।

Grim- Terrible – भयंकर ।

Fighters- Warriors – योद्धा ।

Just think- जरा सोचिये ।

Out of- From से।

Get older- Grow older

Go in for- प्रौढ़ होते हैं, उम्र बढ़ती है।

Suburban backyards – शहर से संलग्न परित्यक्त पश्चभूमि ।

Dull- Uninteresting नीरस, अरुचिपूर्ण

Hunting grounds- शिकार क्षेत्र ।

Gallant- Brave – बहादुर साहसी ।

Adventure- साहसिक कार्य ।

King Arthur- राजा आर्थर मध्यकालीन इंग्लैण्ड के लोकप्रिय नायक थे। वे अपने वीर योद्धाओं के कारण विख्यात थे।

Knights- अपने साहसिक कारनामों के लिए विख्यात मध्यकालीन वीर योद्धागण ।

Spoken- Said – कहा जाता है।

Reproach – Blame आरोप, दोष ।

Fond of – Stuck on, Having affection- अनुरागी ।

Naturally- स्वाभाविक रूप से।

Leave- Give up, Abandon- त्याग करना, छोड़ देना ।

Landmark- भूमि चिन्ह ।

Exited- Banished निर्वासित ।

New- Not familiar नया अनजान।

Learn- सीखना ।

Moves- Migrates- एक स्थान को छोड़कर अन्य स्थान पर चले जाना।

Allowed- Permitted – अनुमति दिया।

Stay- Live, Dwell रहना ।

Follow, Ensue अनुसरण करना।

Attach- Stay closely with – घनिष्ठ बन जाना।

Tenants – Renter किरायेदार ।

Privilege – Benefit सुविधा ।

Boarding – Living रहना ।

Enjoy – आनन्द लेना ।

Own away- अपना तरीका ।

Way- Manner- ढंग, तरीका।

Lesson (पाठ) -7 The Cat (बिल्ली) हिन्दी अनुवाद

जब परिवार चाय पीना समाप्त करता है और आग के चारों तरफ एकत्र होता है तब बिल्ली उदासीन होकर कमरे से बाहर चली जाती है। अब उसके लिए वास्तविक जीवन प्रारम्भ होता है।

वह विचरण करती हुई घर के पीछे के आँगन में अपने स्थान पर चली जाती है, उछलकर बेड़ा के ऊपर चढ़ जाती है एवं धीरे से दूसरी तरफ उतर जाती है। वह दुलकी चाल में चलती है और एक खाली छावनी की छत पर फाँद जाती है।

उसकी चाल लोचदार, सुन्दर एवं चीते के समान हो जाती है। वह तीक्ष्ण दृष्टि से इधर-उधर देखती है एवं शांतिपूर्वक चलती है, क्योंकि उसके अनेकों शत्रु होते हैं – कुत्ते और ढेला – पत्थर लिए हुए छोटे लड़के।

छावनी गोदाम घर के ऊपर (चढ़कर) बिल्ली अपनी पीठ को चापाकर (धनुष के आकार) में फैलाती है एवं पुरानी छत के ऊपरी नर्म स्तर को अपने पंजों से एक-दो बार खुरचती है।

वह अपने शरीर को बार-बार खींच कर देखती है कि क्या उसकी प्रत्येक मांसपेशी ठीक-ठाक कार्य करने की अवस्था में है या नहीं। तब अपने सिर को लगभग अपने पंजों तक झुका कर अपने साथियों / बन्धु बान्धवों को पुकारती है।

वे शीघ्र ही मृदु छाया की तरह धीरे-धीरे अग्रसर होते (आगे बढ़ते हुए आ जाते हैं। अब वे मछली और दूध के लिए एक घंटे पहले म्याऊँ म्याऊँ करने वाले निरीह जीव नहीं रहे। अब वे भयंकर योद्धा हैं।

जरा सोचिए कि आप अपने जीवन का जितना आनन्द लेते हैं, उसकी तुलना में वह अपने जीवन का कितना अधिक आनन्द लेती हैं और उनका खेल भी तो है। जब उनकी उम्र बढ़ जाती है तो वे खेलने के लिए शहर से संलग्न परित्यक्त पश्चभूमि पर चले जाते हैं।

ये परित्यक्त पश्चभूमि जो हमलोगों के लिए नीरस / अनाकर्षक होते हैं, उनके लिए शिकार क्षेत्र होता है; जहाँ वे राजा आर्थर के योद्धाओं से भी ज्यादा साहसिक कारनामें करते हैं। बिल्लियों के विरुद्ध हमेशा यह आरोप लगाया जाता है कि बिल्लियाँ जिस घर में रहती हैं, उस घर में रहनेवाले लोगों की तुलना में घर को अधिक पंसद करती है।

स्वाभाविक रूप से, बिल्ली अपने देश अर्थात अपने वास स्थान को, जहाँ उसके मित्रगण रहते हैं एवं जहाँ के सभी भूमि चिन्ह को वह जानती है, को छोड़ना नहीं चाहती है। एक नये स्थान पर निर्वासित होने पर उसे (उस नये स्थान को) भूगोल जानना होगा।

इसलिए जब परिवार स्थान परिवर्तन करता है तो बिल्ली, यदि उसे छूट मिले अर्थात यदि उसे रहने दिया जाए, तो वह पुराने घर में ही रहना चाहेगी एवं नये किरायेदारों के साथ घुलमिल जाएगी।

वह उन्हें (नये किरायेदारों, उसे (बिल्ली) घर में रहने देने की विशेषाधिकार देती है। जबकि वह स्वयं अपनी जीवन का आनन्द अपने तरीके से लेती है।

Lesson (पाठ) -7 The Cat (बिल्ली) Comprehension Exercises

7. Choose The Correct Alternative To Complete The Following Sentences: निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करने के लिए सही विकल्प चुनें।

Question 1. The cat saunters down his own – (बिल्ली टहलते हुए चली जाती है – )

  1. Courtyard
  2. Front yard
  3. Backyard
  4. Shipyard

Answer: Backyard.

Question 2. The cat skips to the roof of an empty – (बिल्ली एक खाली जाती है।)

  1. Room
  2. Shade
  3. Floor
  4. Corridor

Answer: Shade.

Question 3. Exiled in a new land, the cat would have to learn new (नये स्थान पर जाने से बिल्ली को सीखना पड़ेगा नया ……)

  1. History
  2. Manners
  3. Culture
  4. Geography

Answer: Geography.

8. Complete The Following Sentences With Information From The Text: – पाठ्यांश की सूचना के आधार पर निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करें

Question 1. When the family gathers round the fire the cat (जब परिवार आग के चारों तरफ एकत्र होता है तो बिल्ली………)
Answer: Casually goes out of the room. (अकस्मात् कमरे से बाहर निकल जाती है।)

Question 2. The cat drops his head nearly to his paws and………… (बिल्ली अपने सिर को अपने पंजों तक झुकाती है एवं )
Answer: Sends across a call to his kindred. ( अपने प्रियजनों को बुलाती है।)

Question 3. Cats go for sports to the suburban backyards as……… . (बिल्लियाँ Suburban Back- yards में खेलने चली जाती है जब वे प्रौढ़ / वृद्ध हो जाती हैं ।)
Answer: They get older.

9. Fill In The Chart With Information From The Text: पाठ्यांश की सूचना के आधार पर निम्नलिखित तालिका को भरें।

Cause Effect 
The cat has many enemies. (बिल्लियों के अनेक शत्रु होते हैं।) He looks keenly from side to side and moves noiselessly (वह तीक्ष्णतापूर्वक शांतिपूर्वक इधर-उधर देखती है ।)
The cat wants to check if his every muscle is in full working order. (बिल्ली जाँचना चाहती है कि उसकी प्रत्येक माँसपेशी पूर्णत: कार्य करने की स्थिति में है या नहीं।) The cat streches himself a few times. (बिल्ली कई बार स्वयं को खींचती है।)
The cat knows his friends and every land mark. (बिल्ली अपने मित्रों एवं प्रत्येक भू चिन्ह जानती है।) He doesn’t like to leave his country. ( वह स्वदेश नहीं छोड़ना चाहती है।)


Grammar In Use

10. Split The Following Sentences : निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को विभाजित करें (तोड़ें) :

Question 1. They postponed their visit as the programme was called off (उनलोगों ने अपनी यात्रा स्थगित कर दी क्योंकि कार्यक्रम रद्द हो गया था ।)
Answer: The programme was called off. They postponed their visit. (कार्यक्रम रद्द हो गया था। उनलोगों ने अपनी यात्रा स्थगित कर दी।)

Question 2. Having fought the battle, he returned vicotrious. (युद्ध लड़कर, वह विजयी होकर लौटा।)
Answer: He had fought the battle. He returned victorious. (वह युद्ध लड़ा। वह विजेता होकर लौटा।)

Question 3. He poured some water into the glass and drank it. (उसने ग्लास में थोड़ा पानी डाला और उसे (पानी) पी गया।
Answer: He poured some water into the glass. He drank the water.(उसने ग्लास में थोड़ा पानी डाला। वह पानी पी गया।)

Question 4. He was afraid lest he be proved guilty. (वह भयभीत था कि कहीं उसे दोषी न सिद्ध कर दिया जाए।)
Answer: He might be proved guilty. He was afraid of it. (उसे दोषी सिद्ध किया जा सकता था। वह इससे भयभीत था ।)

11. Join The Following Pairs Of Sentences Into A Single Sentence: निम्नलिखित युगल वाक्यों को जोड़कर एक वाक्य बनाओ :-

Question 1. He is wise. He is brave. (वह बुद्धिमान है वह बहादुर साहसी है।)
Answer: He is not only wise but also brave(वह न केवल बुद्धिमान है बल्कि साहसी भी है।)

Question 2. My grandfather lives in a big house. The house is by the river. (मेरे दादाजी एक बड़े मकान / घर में रहते हैं । घर/मकान नदी के किनारे है ।)
Answer: My grandfather lives in a big house by the river.(मेरे दादाजी नदी के किनारे वाले बड़े मकान में रहते हैं ।)

Question 3. I got a new book. I felt happy. (मैंने एक नई पुस्तक पाई। मैं खुश हुआ।)
Answer: I felt happy to get a new book. (नई पुस्तक पाकर मैं खुश था।)

Question 4. Muskan is sick. She could not attend the function. (मुस्कान बीमार है। वह समारोह में उपस्थित नहीं हो सकी ।)
Answer: Muskan could not attend the function because she is sick. ( मुस्कान समारोह में उपस्थित नहीं हो सकी क्योंकि वह बीमार है।)

Lesson (पाठ) -7 The Cat (बिल्ली) Writing Activities

12. Suppose you are the secretary of a club, which has decided to open a library. Write a notice (within 100 words) to the members of your club inviting them to actively join this program by donating books to the library.


Bharti Club Notice Opening a Library

Date – 6.1.2016

All the members are hereby informed that our club has unanimously decided to open a library on 26 January 2016 on the foundation day of the club.

The club will be open to all, especially to the students of our area. It will be a storehouse of different types of books. There will be a reading room as well.

So the members are requested to donate books according to their capacity.
Willing Cooperation from all concerned is highly solicited. For any further details, the undersigned may be contacted.

(Seal of the Club)


Bharti Club

Lesson (पाठ) -7 The Cat (बिल्ली) Additional Textual Questions & Answers Unit – 1

Question 1. Choose The Correct Alternative To Complete The Following Sentences: निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करने के लिए सही विकल्प चुनें।

1. ‘The Cat’ is an

  1. Story
  2. Poem
  3. Narrative
  4. Essay

Answer: 3. Narrative.

Question 2. The Cat is written by- (The Cat की रचना की गई है के द्वारा ।)

  1. Andrew Barton Paterson
  2. R. K. Narayan
  3. Lucy Mand Montgomery
  4. Nayantara Sehgal

Answer: 1. Andrew Barton Paterson.

Question 3. Paterson was the author of –

  1. England
  2. Australia
  3. America
  4. Canada

Answer: 2. Australia.

Question 4. The Cat is (बिल्ली होती है -)

  1. Agrim fighter
  2. An athlete
  3. An acrobat
  4. All of the above

Answer: 4. All of the above.

Question 5. The Cat has (बिल्ली के पास होता है – )

  1. Week Personality
  2. Strong Personality
  3. Natural Personality
  4. No Personality

Answer: 2. Strong Personality.

Question 6. A Cat gets more satisfaction from life than

  1. Birds
  2. Mice
  3. Human Beings
  4. Dog

Answer: 3. Human beings.

Question 7. Generally people are led to think that the Cat is (सामान्यत: लोग सोचते हैं कि बिल्ली होती है।)

  1. Clever
  2. Sly
  3. Quarrelsome
  4. Unintelligent

Answer: 4. Unintelligent.

Question 8. The Cat is fond of (बिल्ली पसंद करती है – )

  1. Comfort
  2. Ease
  3. Discomfort
  4. Unease

Answer: 2. Ease.

Question 9. All day long the Cat loafs about – (दिन भर बिल्ली विचरण करती रहती है.

  1. The field
  2. The garden
  3. The house
  4. The backyard

Answer: 3. The house.

Question 10. All day long the Cat….. (दिन भर बिल्ली करती है।)

  1. Moves about
  2. Chases mise
  3. Eats fish
  4. Sleeps

Answer: 1. Moves about.

Question 11. A Cat gets more satisfaction out of – (बिल्ली का भरपूर आनंद लेती है )

  1. Ease
  2. Life
  3. Food
  4. Game

Answer: 2. Life.

Question 12. The Cat watches at a mouse hole for an hour or two to –

  1. Both of these
  2. Cat mice
  3. To pass away the time
  4. None of the above

Answer: 3. To pass away time.

Question 13. In the house of the people, the cat bears their

  1. Torture
  2. Pestering
  3. Fighting
  4. Talks.

Answer: 2. Pestering.

Question 14. The Cat observes the mouse-hole for

  1. Few minutes
  2. A moment
  3. All the day
  4. An hour or two

Answer: 4. An hour or two.

Question 15. A Cat is a grim – (बिल्ली एक भयंकर होती है।)

  1. Fighter
  2. Climber
  3. Teacher
  4. Lover

Answer: 1. Fighter.

Question 16. He-or-she is an athlete, an acrobat, and a grim fighter’. Here ‘grim’ me

  1. Glorious
  2. Gloomy
  3. Serious
  4. Casual

Answer: 3. Serious.

Question 17. The author advises us to watch a Cat in the ( लेखक हमें बिल्ली को देखने की सलाह देते हैं……. में ।)

  1. Morning
  2. Evening
  3. Afternoon
  4. Night time

Answer: 2. Evening.

2. Answer the following question. निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों का उत्तर दें 

Question 1. What does Paterson say about the nature of a Cat? (Paterson faceta बारे में क्या कहते हैं? )
Answer: According to Paterson, most people think that the cat is an unitelligent animal. (Paterson के अनुसार, अधिकांश लोग सोचते है कि बिल्ली एक बुद्धिहीन जन्त है।)

Question 2. What is the cat said to be fond of ? (बिल्ली किस चीज की शौकीन होती है?
Answer: The cat is said to be fond of ease. (बिल्ली को आरामपसंद कहा जाता है।)

Question 3. What is the cat thought to be caring for ? (बिल्ली को किस वस्तु को अधिक पसंद करने
वाला समझा जाता है?)
Answer: The cat is thought to be caring for only mice and milk.(बिल्ली को चूहे एवं दूध को अधिक पसंद करने वाला समझा जाता है।)

Question 4. What type of a fighter is the cat ? (बिल्ली किस प्रकार की योद्धा होती है ? )
Answer: The cat is a serious fighter. (बिल्ली एक भयंकर योद्धा होती है।)

Question 5. How is the character of the cat ? (बिल्ली का चरित्र कैसा होता है? )
Answer: The cat has really a strong character. (वास्तव में बिल्ली को प्रबल चरित्र होता है।)

Question 6. More than whom does a cat have really more character ? (वास्तव में किनकी तुलना में बिल्ली बहु चारित्रिक होती है?)
Answer: A cat has more character than most human beings. ( बिल्ली अधिकांश मानवों की तुलना में बहु चारित्रिक होती है।)

Question 7. What does the cat do all day long ? (बिल्ली दिन भर क्या करती है ? )
Answer: The cat loafs about the house all day long. (बिल्ली दिन भर घर में विचरण करती रहती है।)

Question 8. When does the cat loiters in the house ? (बिल्ली कब घर में विचरण करती रहती है ? )
Answer: The cat loiters in the house all the day.(बिल्ली दिन भर पर में विचरण करती रहती है।

Question 9. What does a cat get out of life ? (बिल्ली जीवन से क्या प्राप्त करती है ?)
Answer: A cat gets a great deal of statisfaction out of life.(बिल्ली जीवन से बहुत संतुष्टि प्राप्त करती है।)

Question 10. What type of a fighter is a cat ? (बिल्ली किस प्रकार की योद्धा होती है ? )
Answer: A cat is a grim fighter. (बिल्ली एक भयंकर योद्धा होती है।)

Question 11. Why does the cat sometimes watch a mouse-hole ? (बिल्ली क्यों कभी-कभी चूहे के बिल को ध्यानपूर्वक देखती है ?)
Answer: The cat sometimes watches a mouse-hole to pass the time away. (समय व्यतीत करने के लिए बिल्ली कभी-कभी चूहे के बिल को ध्यानपूर्वक देखती है।)

Question 12. Why does the cat watch a mouse-hole ?
Answer: The cat watches a mouse-hole in order to pass the time and avoid boredom.

Question 13. What pesters the cat ? (बिल्ली किस चीज से परेशान हो जाती है ? )
Answer: The cat is pestered by the attention of the people. (बिल्ली लोगों के ध्यानाकर्षण से परेशान हो जाती है।)

Question 14. When does a cat loaf about the house ? (बिल्ली घर के आस-पास कब विचरण करती है ? )
Answer: A cat loafs about the house all day long. (बिल्ली दिनभर घर के आस-पास विचरण करती रहती है।)

Question 15. Why does the cat put in an appearance at tea ? (बिल्ली चाय के समय क्यों उपस्थित होती है?)
Answer: The cat puts in an appearance at tea to get his share. (बिल्ली अपना अंश प्राप्त करने के लिए चाय के समय उपस्थित होती है।)

Question 16. How does a cat pass the time ? (बिल्ली कैसे अपना समय व्यतीत करती है ?)
Answer: A cat watches a mouse-hole for an hour or two in order to pass the time. ( बिल्ली समय व्यतीत करने के लिए चूहे के बिल को एक-दो घंटे तक देखती रहती है)

Question 17. When does the author advise us to watch the cat ? (लेखक हमें बिल्ली को कब देखने
की सलाह देते हैं ? )
Answer: The author advises us to watch the cat as the shades of evening fall. (जब शाम होती है तब लेखक हमें बिल्ली को देखने की सलाह देते हैं ।)

Question 18. Where does the cat rub himself ? (बिल्ली स्वयं को कहाँ रगड़ती है ? )
Answer: The cat rubs himself against the legs of the family members. (बिल्ली स्वयं को परिवार के सदस्यों के पैरों में रगड़ती है ।)

Question 19. What happens to the cat when evening descends ? (जब शाम होती है, तो बिल्ली को क्या होता है ? )
Answer: When evening descends, the cat is seen in its true self. (जब शाम होती है, तो बिल्ली को उसके वास्तविक रूप में देखा जा सकता है।)

Question 20. What does the author tell us to do as the shades of evening fall ? (जब शाम होती है तो लेखक हमें क्या करने को कहते हैं? )
Answer: The author tells us to watch the cat as the shades of the evening fall.
(जब शाम होती है, तो लेखक हमें बिल्ली को देखने की सलाह देते हैं।)

3. Complete The Following Sentences With Information From The Text. पाठ्यांश की सूचना के आधार पर निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करें।

Question 1. Most people think that the cat is – (अधिकांश लोग सोचते हैं कि बिल्ली होती है -)
Answer: Unintelligent, fond of ease, and cares little for only mice and milk.
(बुद्धिहीन, आरामपसंद एवं इसे चूहे और दूध के सिवा कुछ अधिक प्रिय नहीं है।)

Question 2. The cat is an – (बिल्ली होती है एक – )
Answer: Athlete and acrobat. (व्यायामी एवं कलाबाज)

Question 3. To avoid boredom, the cat (ऊबन से बचने के लिए बिल्ली – )
Answer: Watches a mouse-hole for an hour or two. (चूहे के बिल को एक-दो घंटे तक ध्यानपूर्वक देखती है।)

Question 4. The cat gets a great deal of satisfaction out of-
Answer: life. (जीवन)

Question 5. The real nature of the cat is seen when- (बिल्ली का वास्तविक स्वभाव देखा जा सकता है जब )
Answer: the shades of evening fall. (शाम होती है।)

Question 6. The cat moves about (बिल्ली विचरण करती रहती है – )
Answer: in the house all the day. (दिनभर घर में)

Question 7. The cat takes things- (बिल्ली सबकुछ ग्रहण करती है – )
Answer: Easy – (सहजतापूर्वक)

Question 8. The cat watches a mouse-hole just to keep himself from – (बिल्ली चूहे के बिल को ध्यानपूर्वक देखती रहती है केवल स्वयं को से दूर रखने के लिए।)
Answer: Dying of boredom. (ऊबन)

4. State Whether The Following Statements Are True Or False. Provide Sentences/ Phrases/Words In Support Of Your Answer:

Question It is generally believed that the cat only loves mice and milk. (सामान्यत: यह विश्वास किया जाता है कि बिल्ली सिर्फ चूहे एवं दूध ही पसंद करती है ।)
Supporting statements: Most people think that the cat is caring little for anything but mice and milk.
Answer: True

Question 2. The cat cares only for rice and milk. (बिल्ली सिर्फ दूध-भात पसंद करती है ।)
Supporting statement: Most people think that the cat is caring little for anything but mice and milk.
Answer: False

Question 3. The cat is a serious fighter. (बिल्ली एक गंभीर / भयंकर योद्धा होती है।)
Supporting statement: “He or she is a grim fighter”.
Answer: True

Question 4. The cat has less personality than men. (बिल्ली मनुष्यों की तुलना में कम चारित्रिक होती है।
Supporting statement: But a cat has really more character than most human beings.
Answer: False

Question 5. People in the house are pestered by the cat. (घर के लोग बिल्ली से परेशान हो जाते हैं।
Supporting statement: Allows himself to be pestered by the………… in the house.
Answer: False

Question 6. The cat is not an intelligent animal. (बिल्ली एक बुद्धिमान जन्तु नहीं है।)
Supporting statement: “Most people……… human beings”.
Answer: False

Question 7. A cat watches a mouse hole only to pass the time.
Supporting statement: To pass the time away he sometimes watches a mouse-hole.
Answer: False

Question 8. The cat watches a mouse for an hour or two. (बिल्ली चूहे को एक दो घंटे तक ध्यानपूर्वक देखती है।)
Supporting statement: “He sometimes watches a mouse-hole for an hour or two.”

Question 9. The cat likes to be disturbed by the attentions of the people of the house. (facit घर के लोगों के मनोयोग के द्वारा परेशान होना पसंद करती है ।)
Supporting statement: The cat allows himself…………..people in the house.
Answer: True

Question 10. The cat is in his real form in the evening. (बिल्ली शाम में अपने वास्तविक रूप में होती है।
Supporting statement: But watch him…………. you can see………….
Answer: True

Lesson (पाठ) -7 The Cat (बिल्ली) Unit-2

1. Choose The Correct Alternative To Complete The Following Sentences: निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करने के लिए सही विकल्प चुनें।

Question 1. The cat wants to have his share when the family sits down to really be.

  1. Dinner
  2. Lunch
  3. Tea
  4. Talk

Answer: Tea.

Question 2. The cat is particularly civil to – (बिल्ली विशेषरूप से सभ्य होती है के प्रति)

  1. The guests
  2. The head of the family
  3. The oldmen
  4. The children

Answer: The guests.

Question 3. To get his share at tea the cat rubs himself against the family members-( समय अपना अंश प्राप्त करने के लिए बिल्ली स्वयं को परिवार के सदस्यों के से रगड़ती है ।)

  1. Hands
  2. Legs
  3. Heads
  4. Kness

Answer: Legs.

Question 4. The cat scratches the guests (बिल्ली अतिथियों को खरोंच देती है )

  1. Noisily and firmly
  2. Quietly and firmly
  3. Quietly and affectionately
  4. Silently and violently

Answer: Quietly and affectionately.

Question 5. The guest stoops down to –

  1. Take the cat in his lap
  2. Drive the cat away
  3. Stroke the cat
  4. Call the cat

Answer: Stroke the cat.

Question 6. Poor pussy! Poor Pussy! is said by –

  1. The guest
  2. The women
  3. The children
  4. The owner of the cat

Answer: The guest.

Question 7. The stroke of the guest makes the cat (अतिथि के द्वारा बिल्ली को थपथपाये जाने पर बिल्ली ….. हो जाती है।)

  1. Displeased
  2. Pleased
  3. Elated
  4. Angry

Answer: Displeased.

Question 8. When the cat scratches the guest, the host family becomes -को खरोंच देती है तो मेजबान परिवार हो जाता है – )

  1. Delighted
  2. Annoyed
  3. Sorry
  4. Indifferent

Answer: Delighted.

Question 9. The guest dares not to – ( अतिथि करने का साहस नहीं कर पाता है ।)

  1. Kill the cat
  2. Give food to the cat
  3. Kick the cat
  4. Touch the cat

Answer: Kick the cat.

10. The words without food make the cat-

  1. Tired
  2. Amused
  3. Angry
  4. Glad

Answer: Tired.

Question 11. The cat rakes the guest in the leg to

  1. Angry the guest
  2. Injure the guest
  3. Get his food
  4. None of these

Answer: Get his food.

Question 12. Actually what the guest wants but cannot do is to-

  1. Kiss the cat
  2. Feed the cat
  3. Punch the cat
  4. Kick the cat

Answer: Kick the cat.

Question 13. The cat receives the bit of fish from the guest – ( बिल्ली अतिथि से मछली का टुकड़ा प्राप्त करती है ………पूर्वक)

  1. Impolitely
  2. Arrogantly
  3. Carefully
  4. Politely

Answer: Carefully.

Question 14. From the guest the cat gingerly receives – (अतिथि से बिल्ली सावधानीपूर्वक प्राप्त करती है – )

  1. Beating
  2. Milk
  3. Caress
  4. Fish

Answer: Fish.

Question 15. The cat rakes the guest in his leg with his (बिल्ली अतिथि के पैर को खरोंच देती है अपने….. से)

  1. Teeth
  2. Claws
  3. Mustache
  4. Paws

Answer: Claws.

Question 16. To the guest the incident becomes

  1. A learning lesson
  2. A tragic experience
  3. An experience
  4. A pathetic experience

Answer: A learning lesson.

Question 17. The cat moves away to a safe distance from the guest’s (facet arfafer an से सुरक्षित दूरी पर चली जाती है।)

  1. Rebuke
  2. Stick
  3. Boot
  4. Eye

Answer: Boot.

Question 18. The guest pretends to be very much –

  1. Ashamed
  2. Delighted
  3. Frightened
  4. Amused.

Answer: Amused.

2. State Whether The Following Statements Are True Or False. Provide Sentences/ Phrases/Words In Support Of Your Answer:

Question 1. The cat comes to the – table in order to meet the guest.
Supporting statements: When the family sits down to tea, the cat puts in an appearance to get his share.
Answer: False

Question 2. The cats purrs noiselessly. (बिल्ली शांतिपूर्वक प्याऊँ म्याऊँ करती है।)
Supporting statement: He purrs noisily.
Answer: False

Question 3. The cat is courteous to a guest – (बिल्ली अतिथि के प्रति विनम्र होती है ।)
Supporting statement: “If there is a guest at the table cat is particularly civil to him. 0
Answer: True

Question 4. The cat rubs the legs of the guest. (बिल्ली अतिथि के पैरों को रगड़ती है ।)
Supporting statement: He purrs noisily and rubs himself against the legs of the family members.
Answer: False

Question 5. The cat pays special attention to the guest at the table.
Supporting statement: “If it is civil to him”.
Answer: True

Question 6. The cat rakes the guest in the hand. (बिल्ली अतिथि के हाथ को खरोंच देती है | )
Supporting statement: rakes the guest in the leg.
Answer: False

Question 7. The cat is particularly civil to the guest. (बिल्ली अतिथि के प्रति विशेश रूप से सभ्य होती है।
Supporting statement: If there is a guest at the table the cat is particularly civil to him.
Answer: True

Question 8. The guest out of anger wants to kick the cat out of the window.
Supporting statement: The guest dares not………….. of the window.
Answer: True

Question 9. The guest is much amused at the activities of the cat. (अतिथि बिल्ली के क्रियाकलापों से अति प्रसन्न होता है ।)
Supporting statement: He affects to be very much amused.
Answer: False

Question 10. When the cat scratches the guest’s leg, the family feels very ashamed. ( बिल्ली अतिथि के पैर को खरोंच देती है, तो परिवार बहुत शर्मिन्दा होता है।)
Supporting statement: The delighted family remarks
Answer: False

Question 11. The cat becomes friendly with the guest at last. (अंतत: बिल्ली अतिथि के साथ मित्रवत हो जाती है। )
Supporting statement: “He purrs…………. his food”.
Answer: False

Question 12. The cat receives nothing from the guest.
Supporting statement: “sorts out a bit of fish from his plate and hands it down.”
Answer: False

Question 13. The guest sorts out a bit of meat for the cat. (अतिथि बिल्ली के लिए माँस का एक टुकड़ा चुनकर निकलता है।)
Supporting statement: “and sorts out a bit of fish from his plate”.
Answer: False

Question 14. The cat firmly rakes the guest in the knee (बिल्ली अतिथि के घुटने को दृढ़तापूर्वक खरोच देती है।)
Supporting statement: “Firmly rakes the guest in the leg.
Answer: False

3. Complete The Following Sentences With Information From The Text. पाठ्यांश की सूचना के आधार पर निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करें

Question 1. The cat demands his share when (बिल्ली अपने अंश की माँग करती है – )
Answer: the family sits down to take tea. (जब परिवार चाय पीने बैठता है।)

Question 2. Actually, the guest wanted to (वास्तव में अतिथि चाहता है – )
Answer: kick the cat out of window. (बिल्ली को लात मारकर खिड़की से बाहर फेंक देना।)

Question 3. To get his share, the cat purrs (अपना अंश प्राप्त करने के लिए बिल्ली म्याऊँ म्याऊँ करती है)
Answer: Noisily. (ऊँची आवाज में / शोर करती हुई ।)

Question 4. To get his share from the food offered to the guest the cat initially-(afferant दिये गये भोजन में से अपना अंश प्राप्त करने के लिए शुरू में ही बिल्ली – )
Answer: pays special attention to him. (उस पर विशेष ध्यान देती है।)

Question 5. The guest gives the cat apiece of fish out of (अतिथि बिल्ली को मछली का एक टुकड़ा देता है)
Answer: rage and pain. (क्रोध एवं दर्द से।)

Question 6. The guest pretends that (अतिथि बहाना करता है / दिखावा करता है कि – )
Answer: He has been much amused. (वह अति प्रसन्न है।)

Question 7. The cat is supposed to be civil to –
Answer: particularly the guest.

Question 8. To get his share of food from the guest the cat –
Answer: scratches at his leg.

Question 9. The cat behaves most politely with – (बिल्ली अति विनम्रतापूर्वक व्यवहार करती है – )
Answer: the guest at the table. (टेबल पर के अतिथि के साथ)

Question 10. The cat wants the guest to give him (बिल्ली चाहती है कि अतिथि उसे दे -)
Answer: something to eat. (कुछ खाने को)

4. Answer The Following Questions :

Question 1. When does the cat appear before the family ? (बिल्ली परिवार के सामने कब उपस्थित होती है? )
Answer: The cat appears before the family when it sits down to tea. (जब परिवार चाय पीने के लिए बैठता है तो बिल्ली उनके सामने उपस्थित होती है।)

Question 2. Where is the cat civil to the guest ? (बिल्ली अतिथि के प्रति कहाँ सभ्य / विनम्र होती है।)
Answer: The cat is civil to the guest at the table. (चाय की टेबल के निकट बिल्ली अतिथि के प्रति सभ्य / विनम्र होती है।)

Question 3. How does the cat behave with family members present at the tea-table ? (चाय की टेबल के निकट उपस्थित परिवार के सदस्यों के साथ बिल्ली कैसा बर्ताव करती है ?)
Answer: The cat purrs loudly and rubs his body with the legs of family members. (बिल्ली उच्चस्वर में म्याऊँ म्याऊँ करती है एवं परिवार के सदस्यों के पैरों में अपने शरीर को रगड़ती है ।)

Question 4. Why does the cat purr nosily ? (बिल्ली क्यों उच्च स्वर में म्याऊँ म्याऊँ करती है ?)
Answer: The cat purrs noisily to draw the attention of the family members and thereby claims his share.
( बिल्ली परिवार के सदस्यों का ध्यान अपनी ओर आकर्षित करने एवं अपना हिस्सा / अंश पर दावा करने के लिए उच्च स्वर में म्याऊँ म्याऊँ करती है।)

Question 5. Why does the guest sometimes stoop down ? (अतिथि क्यों कभी-कभी झुकता है?)
Answer: The guest sometimes stoops down to storke the cat. (बिल्ली को पाने के लिए अतिथि कभी-कभी झुकता है।)

Question 6. How does the cat scratch in the leg of the guest? (facit het afferant
खरोंच देती है ? )
Answer: The cat quietly but firmly scratches the guest in the leg.

Question 7. What does the cat get tired of soon?
Answer: The cat soon gets tired of the guest’s gentle strokes and affectionate words.

Question 8. What is the guest offered at the tea table?
Answer: The guest is offered the best of the food at the tea table.

Question 9. How does the cat put up his claw?
Answer: The cat puts up his claws quietly.

Question 10. When does the family express its delight?
Answer: When the family learns from the guest that the cat has scratched him the family expresses delight.

Question 11. With what does the cat rake the guest in the leg?
Answer: The cat rakes the guest with his claws on the guest’s leg.

Question 12. What does the guest dare not do?
Answer: The guest dares not to kick the cat out of the window.

Question 13. How does the guest want to treat the cat actually?
Answer: The guest actually wants to kick the cat out of the window.

Question 14. Who does the cat rake?
Answer: The cat rakes the guest of the family at the tea table.

Question 15. What does the guest sort out from his plate?
Answer: The guest sorts out a bit of fish from his plate.

Question 16. When does the true life of the cat begin?
Answer: When the cat casually slips out of the room, his true life begins.

Question 17. ‘Oh’- Who cries out in this way?
Answer: The guest cries out in this way.

Question 18. For whom does the guest sort out a bit of fish?
Answer: The guest sorts out a bit of fish for the cat.

Question 19. ‘Isn’t’ it sweet of him? – Who is he?
Answer: Here ‘him’ refers to the cat.

Question 20. What is sweet of the cat to the family?
Answer: By way of demanding food from the guest the cat scratches the guest’s leg which is a sweet gesture of the cat to the family.

Question 21. Why does the family consider the cat intelligent?
Answer: The family considers the cat intelligent as it scratches the guest’s leg to manage food from him.

Question 22. Why does the cat retire to a safe distance?
Answer: The cat retires to a safe distance to avoid the guest’s boot and also to relish his food.

Lesson (पाठ) -7 The Cat (बिल्ली) Unit – 3

1. Choose The Correct Alternative To Complete The Following Sentences: निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करने के लिए सही विकल्प चुनें।

Question 1. On having finished tea the family gathers (चाय समाप्त कर परिवार इकट्ठा होता है के चारो ओर)

  1. Round the dining table
  2. Around the fire
  3. Round the table
  4. Round the table

Answer: 1. Around the fire

Question 2. After tea the cat casually goes out of (चाय के बाद बिल्ली अकस्मात् चली जाती से बाहर)

  1. Bed
  2. The guest
  3. The drawing room
  4. The room

Answer: 4. The room.

Question 3. When the family has finished tea, the cat jumps to the top of –

  1. Kitchen
  2. Wall
  3. Fence
  4. Stair

Answer: Fence.

Question 4. The cat casually goes out of the room in the – (बिल्ली अकस्मात् कमरे से बाहर चली जाती है …….. में)

  1. Evening
  2. Morning
  3. Night
  4. Day

Answer: Evening.

Question 5. The movement of the cat becomes – (बिल्ली की चाल हो / बन जाती है.)

  1. Lithe and pantherlike
  2. Lithe
  3. Pantherlike
  4. None of the above

Answer: Lithe and pantherlike.

Question 6. In his own backyard the cat (बिल्ली अपने पिछले आंगन में करती है ।)

  1. Searches of mice
  2. Saunters down
  3. Sleeps
  4. Loafs about

Answer: Saunters down.

Question 7. The enemies of the cat are –

  1. Cats
  2. Little boys
  3. Dogs and Little boys
  4. Dogs

Answer: Dogs and Little boys.

Question 8. The cat has – (बिल्ली को होते हैं …….

  1. Some enemies
  2. Many enemies
  3. Few enemies
  4. No Enemies

Answer: Many enemies.

Question 9. On the top of the shed the cat arches his –

  1. Leg
  2. Back
  3. Hand
  4. None of the above

Answer: Back.

Question 10. The cat rakes his claws (बिल्ली अपने पंजों से खरोंचती है ……. बार)

  1. Never
  2. Twice
  3. Once
  4. Once or twice

Answer: Once or twice.

Question 11. Dogs are the cats-

  1. Play-mates
  2. Friends
  3. Guides
  4. Enemies

Answer: Enemies.

Question 12. Small boys attack the cat with (छोटे लड़के बिल्ली पर आघात करते हैं …….. से)

  1. Stones
  2. Bats
  3. Toys
  4. Sticks

Answer: Stones.

Question 13. The cat stretches himself a few time to see if (बिल्ली स्वयं को खींचती है कई बार यह देखने के लिए कि ………….)

  1. Every lime is fully working together
  2. Very hand is fully working together
  3. Every muscle is fully working together
  4. Every leg is fully working together

Answer: Every muscle is fully working together.

Question 14. The cat stretches himself a few times to see if his every muscle is in full- (बिल्ली स्वयं (अपने शरीर) को कई बार खींचती है यह देखने के लिए कि क्या उसकी प्रत्येक माँसपेशी पूर्णत:

  1. Power
  2. Strength
  3. Working order
  4. Symmetry

Answer: Working order.

Question 15. The cat calls in –

  1. Rats
  2. Dogs
  3. Cats
  4. Little boys with stones

Answer: Cats.

Question 16. The cat sends across a call to his kindred by droping his head nearly to ……….. (अपने सिर को अपने ..के निकट लेजा कर अपने प्रियजनों को बुलाती है।)

  1. His tail
  2. The ground
  3. His prey
  4. His paws

Answer: His paws.

Question 17. The kind of cat comes –

  1. After a very long time
  2. After a short while
  3. After a long time
  4. None of the above

Answer: After a short while.

Question 18. By stretching himself the cat शरीर को खींचकर बिल्ली अपने प्रत्येक

  1. Part
  2. Organ
  3. Eye
  4. Muscle

Answer: Muscle.

Question 19. The cats who arrive collectively are –

  1. Fighters
  2. Friends
  3. Players
  4. Enemies

Answer: Fighters.

Question 20. The kindred of the cat come to him-

  1. Gliding
  2. Crying
  3. Quarreling
  4. Dancing

Answer: Gliding.

Question 21. An hour ago the cats were mewing (एक घंटा पहले बिल्लियाँ म्याऊँ म्याऊँ कर रही थी के लिए)

  1. For fish or milk
  2. For fish
  3. For fish and milk
  4. For milk

Answer: For fish and milk.

Question 22. The older cats go in for sport to the – (वृद्ध (प्रौढ़) बिल्लियाँ खेलने जाती हैं ………)

  1. Sea-coast
  2. Forest
  3. Old buildings
  4. Suburban backyards

Answer: Suburban backyards.

Question 23. The cat does not like –

  1. The home
  2. His friends
  3. The sports
  4. To leave his friends

Answer: To leave his friends.

Question 24. King Arthur belonged to

  1. German
  2. England
  3. Scotland
  4. France

Answer: England.


2. State Whether The Following Statements Are True Or False. Provide Sentences/ Phrases/Words In Support Of Your Answer:

Question 1. The cat does not want to go out of the room in the evening.
Supporting statements: “The cat casually goes out of the room”.
Answer: False

Question 2. The cat stays in the room where the family gathers round the fire. (faceft t कमरे में ठहरती है जहाँ परिवार आग के चारों तरफ एकत्र होता है।)
Supporting statement: The cat casually goes out of the room.
Answer: False

Question 3. After taking tea the family members go outside. (चाय पीने के बाद परिवार के सदस्य बाहर चले जाते हैं।)
Supporting statement: “When the family has finished tea and gathers round the fire…..
Answer: False

Question 4. True life of the cat begins out of the room. (बिल्ली का वास्तविक जीवन कमरे के बाहर शुरू होता है।)
Supporting statement:…… The cat usually goes out of the room. True life now begins for him.
Answer: True

Question 5. The cat has more than one enemies. (बिल्ली को एक से अधिक शत्रु होते हैं ।)
Supporting statement: “…….. he has so many enemies.
Answer: True

Question 6. The cat enjoys his life once he goes out of the room. (जब बिल्ली एक बार कमरे से बाहर चली जाती है तो वह अपने जीवन का आनंद लेती है ।) Supporting statement: True life now beings for him.
Answer: True

Question 7. The cat jumps on the roof of an empty shed. (बिल्ली खाली छावनी की छत पर कूद कर चढ़ जाती है।)
Supporting statement: He trots across and skips to the roof of an empty shed.
Answer: True

Question 8. The suburban backyards are places of adventure for cats.
Supporting statement: These backyards……. are to them hunting grounds where they have a more gallant adventure.
Answer: True

Question 9. On the top of the shed, the cat arches his body.
Supporting statement: “On the top of the shed, the cat arches his back.”
Answer: True

Question 10. The friends of the cat take much time to meet him.
Supporting statement: Before long they come.
Answer: False

Question 11. The cat plays with dogs and small boys with stones. (बिल्ली कुत्तों एवं हाथ में ढेला- पत्थर लिए हुए लड़कों के साथ खेलती है।)
Supporting statement: “His movement becomes lithe and pantherlike.”
Answer: False

Question 12. The cat likes the people more than their homes. (बिल्ली लोगों के घरों की तुलना में लोगों को अधिक पसंद करती है।)
Supporting statement: They are more fond of their home than of the people in it.
Answer: False

Question 13. When the cat sends across a call to his kindred, they appear soon. अपने प्रियजनों को बुलाती है, तो वे शीघ्र आ जाते हैं।)
Supporting statement: “Before long they come, gliding,……….”
Answer: True

Question 14. The cat can’t adjust himself to the newcomers. व्यवस्थित नहीं कर पाती है।)
Supporting statement: “…….. attach himself to the new tenants”.
Answer: False

Question 15. The cats do not take part in sports.
Supporting statement: “And, the sports they have, too”.
Answer: False

3. Complete The Following Sentences :

Question 1. The cat saunters down – (बिल्ली विचरण करती हुई चली जाती है अपने -)
Answer: his own backyard. (घर के पिछले आँगन में)

Question 2. For sports the cats go- (खेलने के लिए बिल्लियाँ चली जाती हैं -)
Answer: to the suburban backyard. (शहर से संलग्न परित्यक्त पश्चभूमि की ओर)

Question 3. On the top of the shed, the cat arches (छावनी ( के छत) के ऊपर बिल्ली -)
Answer: arches his back. (अपनी पीठ को (धनुषाकार) मोड़ती है।

Question 4. The common complaint against cats is that (बिल्लियों के विरुद्ध सामान्य शिकायत यह होती है कि)
Answer: they are more fond of the house than its residents. (वे घर में रहने वाले लोगों की तुलना में घर को अधिक पसंद करती है ।)

Question 5. The cat sends across a call to his (बिल्ली अपने . को पुकारती है ।)
Answer: kindred (प्रियजनों)

Question 6. The enemies of the cats are (बिल्लियों के शत्रुगण हैं -)
Answer: dogs and small boys with stones. (कुत्ते एवं हाथ में ढेला-पत्थर लिये हुए लड़के ।)

Question 7. A cat has to learn the geography a new – (बिल्ली को नया भूगोल सीखना पड़ता है – )
Answer: when he is sent to new land. (जब उसे नये स्थान पर भेज दिया जाता है।)

Question 8. In the evening, the cats are grim (शाम में बिल्लियाँ हो जाती है – )
Answer: fighters. (भयंकर योद्धा ।)

Question 9 The Cats have more gallant adventure than-
Answer: the knights of King Arthur.

Question 10. The cat has food and lodging from the residents while –
Answer: he enjoys life in his own way.

Question 11. The cats go in for sport when –
Answer: The Cats go in for sport when they get older.

4. Answer The Following Questions निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर दो

Question 1. What do the family members do after having finished tea ? (चाय समाप्त करने के बाद परिवार के सदस्य क्या करते हैं? )
Answer: After having finished tea the family members gather round the fire. (चाय समाप्त करने के बाद परिवार के लोग आग के चारों तरफ एकत्र हो जाते हैं।)

Question 2. What does the cat do when the family gathers round the fire after tea ? (चाय के बाद जब परिवार आग के चारों तरफ एकत्र होता है तो बिल्ली क्या करती है ?)
Answer: The cat casually goes out of the room when the family gathers round the fire after tea. (चाय के बाद जब परिवार आग के चारों तरफ एकत्र होता है तो बिल्ली अकस्मात् कमरे से बाहर चली जाती है।)

Question 3. At what time does the cat go out of the room? (बिल्ली कब कमरे से बाहर जाती है ? )
Answer: The cat goes out of the room when shades of the evening fall. (बिल्ली कमरे से बाहर चली जाती है जब शाम होती है।)

Question 4. Where does the cat saunter down ? (बिल्ली कहाँ धीरे से चलती है ? )
Answer: The cat saunter down his own backyard. (बिल्ली अपने घर के पीछे के आंगन में धीरे से चलती है।)

Question 5. How does the cat move on his way ? (बिल्ली अपने रास्ते पर कैसे चलती है ? )
Answer: The cat moves gracefully, like a panther. He keenly watches the sourrounding and walks noiselessly. (बिल्ली एक चीते की तरह भव्यतापूर्वक चलती है। वह तीक्ष्णतापूर्वक अपने आस-पास देखती है और शांतिपूर्वक चलती है।)

Question 6. When does true life begin for the cat ? (बिल्ली का / के लिए वास्तविक जीवन कब शुरू होता है ? )
Answer: True life begins for the cat in the evening. (बिल्ली का वास्तविक जीवन शाम में शुरू होता है।)

Question 7. True life now begins for him. “Who is referred to here by ‘him’ ?
Answer: Here ‘him’ refers to the cat. (यहाँ ‘Him’ शब्द बिल्ली की ओर संकेत करता है ।)

Question 8. Why does the cat move noiselessly, looking keenly from side to side?
Answer: The cat has so many enemies like dogs and little boys with stones. So he has to move vigilantly and noiselessly.
(बिल्ली के अनेक शत्रु होते हैं जैसे कि कुत्ते और हाथ में ढेला / पत्थर लिए हुए छोटे लड़के। इसलिए उसे सतर्कतापूर्वक एवं शांतिपूर्वक चलना होता है।)

Question 9. Where does the cat spring to? (बिल्ली कहाँ छलांग लगाती है ? )
Answer: The cat springs to the top of the fence. (बिल्ली बेड़ा के ऊपर छलाँग लगाती है।)

Question 10. Where does the cat reach by skipping ? (बिल्ली कूद कर (फाँद कर) कहाँ पहुँच जाती है ? )
Answer: The cat reaches the roof of an empty shed by skipping. (बिल्ली कूदकर एक खाली छावनी की छत पर पहुँच जाती है।)

Question 11. Where does the cat skip ? (बिल्ली कहाँ कूदती है ? )
Answer: The cat skips to the roof of an empty shade. (बिल्ली खाली छावनी की छत पर कूद कर पहुँच जाती है।)

Question 12. Why does the cat stretch himself ? (बिल्ली क्यों स्वयं को (अपने शरीर को) क्यों खींचती है ? )
Answer: The cat stretches himself a few times in order to check if his muscles are in full working condition.
(बिल्ली स्वयं को कई बार खींचकर देखती है, जाँचती है कि उसकी माँसपेशियाँ पूर्णत: कार्य करने की स्थिति में हैं या नहीं।)

Question 13. How does the Cat give a call to other cats ? (बिल्ली दूसरी (अन्य) बिल्लियों को कैसे बुलाती हैं ? )
Answer: Bowing his head close to the paws, the cat gives a call to other cats. (अपना सिर पंजों तक झुकाकर बिल्ली अन्य बिल्लियों को बुलाती है।)

Question 14. How do the cat’s kindred come ? (बिल्ली के प्रियजन कैसे आते हैं ? )
Answer: The cat’s kindred come, gliding graceful shadows. (बिल्ली के प्रियजन मृदु परछाई की तरह अग्रसर होते हुए आते हैं।

Question 15. Where does the cat arch his back ? (बिल्ली अपनी पीठ कहाँ (धनुषाकार) मोड़ती है?
Answer: The cat arches his back on the top of the shed. (छावनी की छत पर बिल्ली अपनी पीठ को (धनुषाकार) मोड़ती है।

Question 16. Where does the give a call from ? (बिल्ली कहाँ से पुकारती है ? )
Answer: The cat gives a call from the top of a shed. (बिल्ली छावनी की छत पर से पुकारती है।)

Question 17. Who were mewing and for what ? (कौन और क्यों म्याऊँ म्याऊँ कर रहे थे ? )
Answer: The cats were mewing for fish and milk. (बिल्लियाँ मछली एवं दूध के लिए म्याऊँ म्याऊं कर रहे थे।)

Question 18. When do the cats go in for sport ? (बिल्लियाँ कब खेलने जाती हैं ? )
Answer: When the cats get older, they go in for sport. (जब बिल्लियाँ प्रौढ़ (वृद्ध) हो जाती हैं, तो वे खेलने जाती हैं।)

Question 19. Where do the Cats go for sports ? (बिल्लियाँ कहाँ खेलने जाती हैं ? )
Answer: The cats go to the suburban backyard for sport. (बिल्लियाँ खेलने के लिए शहर से संलग्न परित्यक्त पश्चभूमि में जाती हैं।)

Question 20. Who are the Cats compared to ? (बिल्लियों की तुलना किन से की जाती है ? )
Answer: The cats are compared to the gallant knights of king Aurthur. (बिल्लियों की तुलना राजा आर्थर के साहसी योद्धओं से की जाती है।)

Question 21. Who was king Arthur ? (राजा आर्थर कौन थे ? )
Answer: King Arthur was supposed to be the most heroic king of medieval England. (राजा आर्थर को मध्यकालीन इंगलैंड के सबसे साहसी राजा के रूप में माना जाता है ।)

Question 22. What doesn’t the cat like to leave ? (बिल्ली क्या नहीं छोड़ना चाहती है ? )
Answer: The cat doesn’t like to leave his country and his friends. (बिल्ली अपना देश एवं अपने मित्रों को नहीं छोड़ना चाहती है।)

Question 23. What happens to the cat when he is sent to a new land ? (जब बिल्ली को नये भू- भाग पर भेजा जाता है तो उसका क्या होता है ? )
Answer: When the cat is sent to a new land, he has to learn the geography of the new place. (जब बिल्ली को नये भू-भाग पर भेजा जाता है तो उसे उस नये स्थान का भूगोल सीखना होता है।)

Question 24. Why are king Arthur’s knights famous ? (राजा आर्थर के योद्धा क्यों विख्यात हैं ?)
Answer: The knights of king Arthur are famous for their gallanty and adventure. (राजा आर्थर के योद्धा अपने साहस एवं साहसिक कारनामों के लिए विख्यात हैं।)

Question 25. What does the cat know very well ? (बिल्ली बहुत अच्छी तरह क्या जानती है ? )
Answer: The cat knows every landmark of his land very well. (बिल्ली अपने स्वदेश के भू-भाग चिन्हों को बहुत अच्छी तरह जानती है।)

Question 26. What is given to the new tenants of the house by the cat ? (घर के नये किरायेदारों को बिल्ली के द्वारा क्या दिया जाता है ?)
Answer: The cat gives the new tenants the privilege of boarding him. (बिल्ली नये किरायेदारों को उसे) बिल्ली को रखने की सुविधा प्रदान करती है।)

Lesson (पाठ) -7 The Cat (बिल्ली) Additional Textual Grammar Change Of Voice

Question 1. Most people think that the Cat is an unintelligent animal.
Answer: That the Cat is an unintelligent animal is thought by most people.

Question 2. On the top of the shed the Cat arches his back.
Answer: On the top of the shed his back is arched by the Cat.

Question 3. He rakes his claws once or twice.
Answer: His claws are raked by him once or twice.

Question 4. You can see the Cat as he really is.
Answer: The Cat can be seen by you as he really is.

Question 5. He would have to learn a new geography.
Answer: A new geography would have to be learned by him.

Question 6. He wants you to give him something to eat.
Answer: You wanted something to be given to him to eat.

Question 7. The Cat rakes the guest in the leg.
Answer: The guest is raked by the Cat in the leg.

Question 8. The guest strokes the Cat.
Answer: The Cat is stroked by the guest.

Question 9. Watch him.
Answer: Let him be watched.

Lesson (पाठ) -7 The Cat (बिल्ली) Change Of Narration

Question 1. The Cat stuck his claws into me, “Says the guest.
Answer: The guest says that the Cat stuck his claws into him.

Question 2. The Cat says to the guest, “You won’t be so slow to understand.”
Answer: The Cat tells the guest that he would not be so slow to understand.

Question 3. The delighted family remarks, “Isn’t he intelligent?”
Answer: The delighted family wants to confirm if he is intelligent.

Question 4. Oh! says the guest, “The Cat stuck his claws into me!”
Answer: The guest cries out in pain that the Cat stuck his claws into him.

Question 5. The delighted family remarks. “Isn’t it sweet of him?
Answer: The delighted family asks if it is not sweet of him.

Lesson (पाठ) -7 The Cat (बिल्ली) Transformation Of Sentence

Question 1. He knows every landmark. (Turn into a negative sentence)
Answer: No landmark is unknown to him.

Question 2. Before long they come. (Turn into a negative sentence)
Answer: They are not late to come.

Question 3. He moves noiselessly (use the underline word as a noun)
Answer: He moves without a noise.

Question 4. He has many enemies. (Turn into a negative sentence)
Answer: He is not without many enemies.

Question 5. His movement becomes lithe and pantherlike. (Use the underline word as a verb)
Answer: He moves lithely and in a pantherlike way.

Question 6. He affects to be very much amused. (Turn into a complex sentence)
Answer: He affects that he is very much amused.

Question 7. Isn’t he intelligent? (Turn into an assertive sentence)
Answer: He is intelligent.

Question 8. He or she is an athlete, an acrobat, and a grim fighter. (use not only but also)
Answer: He or she is not only an athlete, and an acrobat but also a grim fighter.

Question 9. But a cat has really more character than most human beings (change the degree)
Answer: But really most human beings do have not as much character as a Cat has.

Question 10. They are not as fond of their home as of the people in it (Change the degree)
Answer: They are not as fond of the people of the home as the home itself.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 10 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना)

Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना)

About The Authoress-Nayantara Sehgal

Nayantara Segal is one of the leading female Indian Fiction writers in English. She was born on May 10, 1927, in Allahabad.

Her father Ranjit Sitaram Pandit was a successful barrister from Kathiawad. Her mother was Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit, sister of Jawaharlal Nehru.

She was enrolled in Woodstock Boarding school in the Himalayan hill station of candor. She graduated from Wellesley College, Massachusetts in the United States in 1947.

Her fiction mostly deals with India’s response to the crises brought about by political changes. She won high acclaim for her novels.

Her notable works are – A Time to be Happy (1958), This time of the morning (1968), In the start in Chandigarh (1969), The day is Shadow (1971), and so on. She was a recipient of the Sahitya Akademi Award for her novel ‘Rich Like us’.

Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) हिन्दी अनुवाद

नयनतारा सहगल अंग्रेजी में लिखने भारत की वाली मुख्य महिला कथा साहित्यकारों में से एक है। उनका जन्म 10 मई 1927 को इलाहाबाद में हुआ था।

उनके पिता रंजीत सीताराम पंडित काठियावाड़ के सफल वकील थे। उसकी माँ विजय लक्ष्मी पंडित थी जो जवहार लाल नेहरू की बहन थीं। उन्हें Landour के हिमालय तराई अंचल में स्थित Wood Stock Boarding School में भर्ती किया गया था।

उन्होंने 1947 में अमेरिका के Masschusetts में स्थित Wellesley College से स्नातक किया। उनकी रचनाओं में राजनैतिक परिवर्तन के द्वारा उत्पन्न संकट के प्रति भारत की प्रतिक्रिया का समावेश होता है।

अपने उपन्यासों के माध्यम से उन्होंने ख्याति अर्जित किया। उनकी उल्लेखनीय रचनाएँ इत्यादि हैं-(A time to be Happy (1958), This time of morning (1968), In starm in Chandigarh (1969), and The day in Shadow (1971).

उनकी उपन्यास ‘Rich like us’ के लिए उन्हें साहित्य अकादमी अवार्ड से पुरस्कृत किया गया।

English Class 10 Wbbse

Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) Introduction Of The Text

The present text is an edited version of Nayantara Sehgal’s Memoir ‘Prison Chocolate Cake’. It records the incidents following the sudden demise of Gandhiji.

It depicts the author’s personal feelings as well as the collective grief of the country at the death of Mahatma Gandhi.

Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) हिन्दी अनुवाद

प्रस्तुत पाठ नयनतारा सहगल की स्मरण कथा ‘Prison Chocolate Cake’ का संपादित संस्करण है। इसमें गाँधीजी की अकस्मात मृत्यु के बाद की घटनाओं का उल्लेख किया गया है। इसमें महात्मा गाँधी के मृत्यु के कारण उत्पन्न लेखिका की निजी भावनाओं के साथ-साथ राष्ट्र के सामूहिक शोक का उल्लेख है।

Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) Summary

It was the evening of 30 January 1948. The Authoress was having tea. She received a telephone call. She learned over the phone that Bapu was shot on his way back from a prayer meeting. She was dumbstruck. She got into a car and left for Birla’s house in a haste. Bapu’s lifeless still body lay in a room.

The corpse was surrounded by his relative and followers. The sad news spread in Delhi like wildfire people with gloomy faces gathered around Birla’s house.

They cried and shouted in grief. All tried to have a last glimpse at the situation could be controlled only when they learned they could see Bapu before the funeral.

People were stunned at the sudden demise of Bapu. To them, it was a great loss. The death news was made public on the radio. It was like a shock wave.

English Class 10 Wbbse

The funeral procession was held a day after. Unnumbered people joined the procession. Mrs. Naidu’s daughter Padmasi was very interested to walk with Bapu for the last time.

The dead body was in an open truck covered with wreaths, bouquets, and flowers with tearful eyes people mourned the loss. The writer walks with the people.

Everybody was silent and strolled slowly. Bapu liked walking and tried to reach common people through it. The funeral was over. After a few days, the holy ashes of Gandhiji were taken to Allahabad by a specially decorated train.

The last rite of the immersion of the ashes was to be done there. People in the compartment sang bhajAnswer: Every station saw a gathering of people when the train passed.

The ashes were immersed in the water of the Ganges. Everybody prayed for peace in Gandhiji’s soul. After that everyone had come back to Delhi.

To the writer, Bapu’s death was also a personal loss. She felt a lack of inspiration in the absence of Bapu. She strove to realize his dedication to the country and the common people.

Gradually she overcame the sorrow. She thought Bapu would be alive through his words and works.

Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) हिन्दी अनुवाद

30 जनवरी 1948 की शाम थी। लेखिका चाय पी रही थी। उन्हें एक टेलीफोन संदेश प्राप्त हुआ। उन्हें फोन पर जानकारी प्राप्त हुई की प्रार्थना सभा से वापसी के रास्ते में बापू की गोली मारकर हत्या कर दी गई।

वह स्तब्ध हो गई। वह कार में सवार हुई और जल्दबाजी में बिरला भवन के लिए रवाना हो गई। बापू का मृत शरीर कमरे में पड़ा था। शव उनके रिश्तेदारो एवं अनुयायियों से घिरा था।

यह दुःखद संवाद दिल्ली में जंगल की आग की तरह फैल गया। उदास एवं मलिन चेहरे वाले लोग बिरला भवन के चारों ओर एकत्र थे ।
वे शोक संतप्त होकर रो रहे थे एवं क्रंदन कर रहे थे।

सभी बापू के शव का अंतिम दर्शन करना चाहते थे। वे एक दूसरे के साथ धक्का-मुक्की कर रहे थे। जब उन्हें यह सूचना मिली की अंतिम संस्कार के पहले उन्हें बापू का दर्शन करने दिया जाएगा तब वे शांत हुए।

English Class 10 Wbbse

लोग बापू के अचनाक निधन से स्तब्ध थे। उनके लिए यह बहुत बड़ी क्षति थी। आम जनता को उनकी मृत्यु का समाचार रेडियो के माध्यम से दिया गया। चारों ओर शोक लहर दौड़ गई थी।

अंतिम संस्कार परवर्ती दिन होना था । असंख्य लोग शव यात्रा में शामिल हुए। श्रीमती नायडू की बेटी पद्मसी अंतिम बार बापू के साथ चलने के लिए इच्छुक थी। शव फूलों से सजे हुए खुले ट्रक में रखा गया था।

अश्रुपूर्ण नेत्रों से लोग इस क्षति का शोक मना रहे थे। लेखिका भी लोगों के साथ पद यात्रा कर रही थी। हर कोई खामोश था एवं धीरे-धीरे चल रहा था। बापू भी पदयात्रा पसंद करते थे एवं पदयात्रा के माध्यम से ही साधारण जनमानस तक पहुँचते थे।

अंतिम संस्कार सम्पन्न हो चुका था। कुछ दिन के बाद गाँधी जी की पवित्र अस्थि भस्म को एक विशेष सुसज्जित रेलगाड़ी से इलाहाबाद लाया गया। वहाँ अस्थि विसर्जन होना था। रेलगाड़ी के डिब्बे में लोग भजन गा रहे थे।

रेलगाड़ी जिन स्टेशनों से होकर गुजर रही थी उन स्टेशनों पर बहुत भीड़ लगी थी। गाँधी जी की अस्थि भस्म को गंगा जल में प्रवाहित कर दिया गया। सबों ने गाँधीजी की आत्मा के लिए प्रार्थना किया।

उसके बाद सभी दिल्ली वापस आ गये। लेखिका के लिए बापू की मृत्यु उनकी निजी क्षति थी। बापू की अनुपस्थिति के कारण लेखिका ने प्रेरणा का अभाव महसूस किया।

लेखिका को राष्ट्र एवं साधारण जनमानस के लिए समर्पण का एहसास हुआ। धीरे-धीरे वह दुःख से उभर पाई। उन्होंने विचार किया कि बापू अपने शब्दों एवं कर्मों के माध्यम से जीवित रहेंगे।

Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) हिन्दी अनुवाद Word Notes (शब्दार्थ) Unit – 1

I (pron) The narrator of the story

Having (v)- Taking tea चाय पीना

Called (v)-Summoned बुलाया गया।

Birla House (Nom. cop)- House builtby the Birlas’ a family of the well-known industrialist of India.

Urgent (Adj.)- Highly essential, Important अति आवश्यक ।

Telephone (v)- दूरभाष; Tele (दूर); Phone (शव / वार्ता)

English Class 10 Wbbse

Shot (v)- Kill with a bullet, Gun down (गोली मारना)

भारत के विख्यात उद्योगपतियो के एक परिवार के द्वारा निर्मित भवन ।

When he was going – जब वे जा रहे थे।

On his way Prayer meeting (N)- Mahatma Gandhi was shot dead by Nathu Ram Godse. नाथूराम गोडसे के द्वारा महात्मा गाँधी की हत्या गोली मारकर की गई थी।)

Prayer (N)- A religious gathering or service during which prayers are offered प्रार्थना सभा ।

A reverent petition made to God, An act of communion with God – प्रार्थना ।

Meeting (N)- Assembly, Gathering, Congregation- सभा

Shock (N) – A sudden upsetting or surprising event or experience – सदमा,

Relatives (N)- People of one’s family kith and kin सम्बन्धी / रिश्तेदार

Followers (N) – Those the follow one, Fans, Suppoters, Admirers – अनुयायीएकत्र हुए, इकट्ठा हुए।

Gathered (v)- Assembled, Flocked, Thronged, Crowded

Round (prep)- on all sides – चारो ओर ।

Body (n)-Dead body शव ।

Silence (n)- Noiselessness, soundlessness निखता, खामोशी, सन्नाटा।

Breathed his last- Passed away, Died – गुजर गये, अंतिम सांस लिया, मर गये।

Words (n)- News, Message, Information समाचार, संदेश, सूचना ।

Death (n)- Passing away – मृत्यु ।

Spread (v)- Extend over a wide area – फैल गया।

Through Delihi- All over Delhi पूरी दिल्ली में ।

Like- के जैसे।

English Class 10 Wbbse

Flame- The blaze of fire, the tongue of fire अग्निशिखा, आग की लपट ।

Fanned (v)- Kindled by wind – हवा के द्वारा सुलगाया गया।

Sad (Adj)- Unhappy, Sorrowful, Gloomy

Group (n)- समूह |

Women (n)- Ladies स्त्रियाँ ।

Collected (v)- Gathered, Crowded, Thronged-

Around (Prep)- Enclosing – चारों तरफ ।

Out of (Prep)-From-

Could see (v)- देख सकता था।

Brown (Adj)- Brownish colour – बादामी रंग । Here, Depressed-

Blue (n)- Confused impression अस्पष्ट ।

Note – People cried, they were in tears. Being shocked they lost their natural color of faces. They were pale and browned off.

Few minutes (Adj. + n)– Few moments – कुछ क्षण ।

Sound (N)-आवाज ।

Make a sound (v)-ध्वनि उत्पन्न करना।

Unnatural Abnormal – अस्विाभाविक ।

Stood still (v + adv)- was without movement – was motionless-stopped moving थम गया / स्थिर हो गया / ठहर गया था।

As if (Adv. Ph.)- As it were – मानो

The people (n)- The crowd जन समागम ।

To (Adv)- More than enough – अत्यधिक, अत्यन्त ।

Class 10 English Text Book Wbbse

Stunned (V. P. P.) – Wonderstruck, Tongue, tied-,

Speak (v)- Pronounce, Say, Tell-T

In the beginning (Adv. Phr) – intially – शुरू में, प्रारम्भ में।

Later (Adv)- Afterwards, Here in after-a Demanded loudly

Clamoured (v.p.)- loud and persistent outcry from many people गुहार करना ।

made a voilent shout – चीत्कार करना ।

Wildly (Adv)-Violently बेतहाशा

Shouting (V)- Making a loud cry – चीखना ।

Crying (v)- Weeping – रोना ।

Jostled (v)- Forced one’s way by pushing Pushed each other to make a room धक्का मुक्की करना/ठेला ठेली करना।
भौचक्का |

Stampede (n)- A sudden rush of a panic

stricken herd, sudden woreful flight भगदड़, खलबली, हलचल ।

Break into (ph. v)- Enter, forcibly – बलपूर्वक प्रवेश करना ।

Note – लोग बेचैन हो गये थे। वे सब बापू को अंतिम बार देखना चाहते थे।

Calmed (v)- Became quiet शांत हुए।

A little (Phr)- A bit – कुछ / थोड़ा।

Announced (v)- Openly declared-made public

Allowed (v)- Permitted- अनुमति दिया गया।

Before (Prep)- के पहले ।

Class 10 English Text Book Wbbse

Funeral (N)- Exequies, cremation – The act of carrying a dead body for cremation – अंतिम संस्कार, शवयात्रा।

Is faced (v)- is confronted with सामना होना।

Shock (n)- A sudden upsetting and disturbing event सदमा, झटका, आघात ।

Loved- Endeared, Favourite

Death- Demise – मृत्यु |

Whimpers- Sobs/Groan/Make a series of –Thon one

What wil become- What will befall me अब मेरा क्या होगा। वे मुझे छोड़ कर चले गये हैं।

of me now- He as left me

Surely (Adv)- Certainly निश्चित रूप से।-

Question (n)- Asking, Query-

Uppermost Mind (n)- on the top, supreme, highest-, Nouns – मन

Mourning- Lamenting, Grieved, Wailing-, gat
Looked- Seemed, Appeared to be प्रतीत हुआ, दिखते थे।

Like- As Belike – के जैसे ।

Class 10 English Text Book Wbbse

Lost children- The children detached from their guardians अपने अभिभावकों से बिछड़े हुए बच्चे ।

Note- Bapuji was the father of the nation after his death, people became fatherless.

Lost- Missing खोए हुए।

Hearts- हृदय ।

As- While जब, जिस समय ।

Still- Yet, so, far-


Unbelieving-Not taking it to be true – not able to trust

Listened to (v)-Heard with, attention-

Broadcast-The message transmitted on the radio- प्रसारण ।

Telling- Here, informing – सूचित करने वाला ।

Was no more- was dead- मृत ।

Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) हिन्दी अनुवाद हिन्दी अनुवाद

I was having……………………………………….got into the car.

30 जनवरी 1948 की शाम को मैं घर में चाय पी रही थी, जब एक आवश्यक / टेलीफोन संदेश के द्वारा मुझे बिरला भवन बुलाया गया। प्रार्थना सभा जाने के रास्ते में गाँधीजी की गोली मारकर हत्या कर दी गई थी। गाड़ी में चढ़ते समय मैं सदमे से स्तब्ध थी ।

At the Birla House…………………………..those few minutes.

बिरला भवन में गाँधी जी के रिश्तेदार एवं अनुयायी उनके शव के चारों ओर एकत्र हो गये थे। जब गाँधीजी ने अंतिम साँस ली उस समय कमरे में खामोशी थी।

हवा के द्वारा प्रज्ज्वलित आग की लपट की भाँति बापूजी की मृत्यु का सामाचार पूरी दिल्ली में फैल गया। शोकग्रस्त पुरूषो एवं स्त्रियों का समूह बिरला भवन के चारों ओर एकत्र हो चुका था।

प्रत्येक खिड़की से उनके शोकग्रस्त मलिन चेहरे देखे जा सकते थे। वे बिल्कुल खामोश थे। एक अस्वाभाविक सन्नाटा फैला हुआ था। कुछ क्षण के लिए समय मानो ठहर सा गया था।

Class 10 English Text Book Wbbse

The people were …………………………………….before the funeral.

शुरूआत में लोग इतने स्तब्ध थे कि वे कुछ बोल नहीं पा रहे थे। बाद में वे पागलों की तरह चीखते और रोते हुए गाँधीजी के अंतिम दर्शन के लिए गुहार करने लगे। वे भवन में बलपूर्वक प्रवेश करने के लिए आपस में धक्का-मुक्की करने लगे जिससे भगदड़ मच गई। जब यह घोषणा की गई कि अंतिम संस्कार के पहले उन्हें गाँधीजी का अंतिम दर्शन करने दिया जाएगा तब जाकर वे थोड़े शांत हुए।

When one is faced……………………Bapu was no more.

जब कोई अपने किसी आत्मीयजन की मृत्यु के शोक का आघात का सामना करता है तो कुछ फफक-फफक कर रोते हुए कहता है “वे मुझे छोड़ कर चले गये, अब मेरा क्या होगा?”

शोकसंतप्त लोगों के मन में निश्चित रूप से यह सर्वोपरि प्रश्न था । वे (माता पिता से) बिछड़ी हुई संतान की भाँति दिख रहे थे। जब हम व्यथित एवं विश्वास न कर पाने की स्थिति में बैठे थे, तब हम में से अनेकों के मन में यह प्रश्न उभरा।

भारत की जनता को सूचित करने के लिए किए जाने वाले रेडियो प्रसारण को सुन रहे थे कि उनके बापू अब नहीं रहे ।

Class 10 English Text Book Wbbse

Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) हिन्दी अनुवाद Comprehension Exercises

1. Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentences: (निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करने के लिए सही विकल्प चुनें।)

Question 1. Gandhiji had been shot on his way to – (गाँधी जी को गोली मारी गई…. जाने के रास्ते में)

  1. The Birla house
  2. The author’s house
  3. A prayer meeting
  4. A family gathering

Answer:  4. A prayer meeting.

Question 2. The author came to know of Gandhiji’s death by- (लेखिका को गाँधी जी के मौत की बारे में जानकारी मिली के द्वारा)

  1. A letter
  2. A telephone call
  3. A telegram
  4. A public broadcast

Answer: 2. A telephone call.

Question 3. When one is faced with the shock of a loved one’s death, one ( जब कोई अपने किसी आत्मीय जन की मौत के आघात का सामना करता है/ के सम्मुख होता है तो वह .

  1. Whimpers
  2. Laughs
  3. Claps
  4. Shouts

Answer: 1. Whimpers.

Wbbse English Solution Class 10

2. Fill In The Chart With Information From The Text:(पाठ में दी गई सूचना के आधार पर निम्नलिखित तालिका को पूरा करें।)

Question 1. Date on which Gandhiji was shot dead (जिस तारीख को गाँधीजी की गोली मारकर हत्या की गई थी )
Answer: 30th January 1948.

Question 2. Place where Gandhiji breathed his last – (जिस स्थान पर गाँधीजी ने अंतिम साँस ली -)
Answer: Birla House in Delhi.

Question 3. Information given by the broadcast – ( प्रसारण के द्वारा दी गई सूचना ………)
Answer: Bapu was no more.

3. State Wheather The Following Statements Are Ture Or False. Provide Sentences / Phrases/Words In Support Of Your Answer. (उल्लेखनीय करो/बताओ कि निम्नलिखित कथन सही है या गलत / अपने उत्तर की पुष्टि के लिए वाक्य / वाक्यांश / शब्द लिखिये / दीजिए।)

Question 1. The author received an urgent telephone call in the morning. (लेखिका ने सुबह- सुबह एक आवश्यक दूरभाष बुलावा (टेलीफोन कॉल) प्राप्त किया।
Supporting statement: The author received an urgent telephone call when she was having tea on the evening of 30th January 1948.
Answer: False

Question 2. People attempted to break into the Birla House. (लोगों ने बिरला हाउस में बलपूर्वक प्रवेश करने का प्रयास किया।)
Supporting statement: People jostled one another in a stampede to break into the house.
Answer: True

Question 3. The news of Gandhiji’s death did not shock the people. (गाँधीजी की मृत्यु के समाचार से लोगों को शोकाघात /सदमा नहीं हुआ/लगा/पहुँचा।)
Supporting statement: The people were too stunned to speak in the beginning.
Answer: False

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Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) Word Notes (शब्दार्थ) Unit-2

Gandhiji funeral – गाँधीजी का अंतिम संस्कार ।

Take place (P.H.) Occur, Happen ‘Hold’ To be perfomed हिना ।

In advance (Ph.v)- Prior, Before अग्रिम, पहले ।

Lined (V)- Stood in Queue पंक्ति में खड़े हुए।

Route (N)- A fixed pat – निर्दिष्ट रास्ता, पथ

Procession (N)- A huge number of people moving one after another जुलूस, शोभायात्रा

Follow (V)- To go along a route अनुसरण करना

Mrs Naidu (N)- Mrs Sarojini Naidu – श्रीमती सरोजिनी नायडू

Simply (Adv)- in a simple way – सामान्य रूप से

Last- अंतिम

Agonizing (Ad)- Mourning, painful करुण/ कष्टपद्र, दुःखदयी।

Silently (Adv)- Noiselessly शांतिपूर्वक

Watched (v.Pt.)- Noticed देखा।

Lay (V.P.)- पड़े हुए / लेटे हुए।

Open (Adj.)- Uncovered, Unclosed अनाच्छदित, खुला हुआ।

Truck (N)- A large road vehicle

Covered- Provided with a cover आवृत्त, ढका हुआ।

Wept (V.P.)- Wailed रोए ।

Trying (Part) (Try+ing)- Attempting-

Impossible (Ad- Not possible असंभव

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Move- Walk चलना।

Thick (Adj)- Dense – सघन ।

Crowd- A large number of people

Slowly (Adv)- Not rapidly, without haste

Understood (V.Past)- Realized, Grasped

Merely (Adv)- Only – सिर्फ / मात्र ।

In the midst of (ph)- Amidst/Among के बीच ।

Midst- Middle के बीच |

Grieving (Adj)- Agonizing, mourning, Lamenting


Beloved (Adj)-Dear, Adorable

Leader (N)- Guide, one who leads

Special (Adj)- Particular – खास, विशेष ।

Meaning (N)-अर्थ

Rough and smooth (Idiom) – The sour and the sweet

Recent (Adj)- of late, the latest

Accept (v)- Admit स्वीकार करना, ग्रहण करना ।

Fact (N)- Truth, Real, Incident

Led (V.P.)- Guided, नेतृत्व किया।

Difficult (Adj)- Hard, Tough कठिन, जटिल ।

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Path (N)- Way – पथ ।

Slight (Adj)- Lean and thin – दुबला-पतला, क्षीण ।

Figure (N) – Body, Physique – काया, कद-काठी ।

Staff (N)- Walking-stick

Large (Adj)- Major वृहत्त, विस्तृत ।

बापू के साथ चलना एक विशिष्ट अर्थ रखता था। हमलोग भारत के हाल के इतिहास के दुर्गम एवं सुगम मार्ग पर बापू के साथ चले थे।

हमलोग इस यथार्थ को स्वीकार नहीं कर पा रहे थे कि जिस व्यक्ति ने कठिन मार्गों पर हमारा नेतृत्व किया था, वे पुनः हमारे साथ कभी नहीं चलने वाले थे। हाथ में लाठी लिए हुए क्षीण काया वाले बापू ने

भारत के विशाल भू- भाग पर पदयात्रा की थी। पदयात्रा का अर्थ होता है धीरे-धीरे आगे की ओर बढ़ना। इसका (पदयात्रा का ) तात्पर्य है परिष्कृत ढंग से चिंतन करना एवं छोटे-छोटे (क्षुद्र) कीट-पतंगों से लेकर क्षितिज तक की सभी वस्तुओं का अवलोकन करना।

इसके अलावा पदयात्रा साधारण भारतीयों के लिए एकमात्र खुला विकल्प था। इसमें (पदयात्रा) अपने शरीर के अलावा अन्य किसी वाहन की आवश्यकता नहीं होती एवं अपनी उर्जा के सिवा अन्य कोई खर्च भी नहीं है।

गाँधीजी ने इस प्रयोजनीय वस्तु (पदयात्रा) को ग्रहण किया था, चूँकि वे उसी वस्तु को अधिक ग्रहण करते थे जो साधारण होती थी और उसी वस्तु को वे एक आनन्ददायक कार्य (प्रचेष्टा) में परिवर्तित कर देते थे।

Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) Comprehension Exercises

Choose The Correct Alternative To Complete The Following Sentences: (निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करने के लिए सही विकल्प चुनें।)

Question 1. Gandhiji funeral was to take place (गाँधीजी का अंतिम संस्कार होने को था )

  1. On the day of his death
  2. Two days after his death
  3. One day after his death
  4. A week after his death

Answer: One day after his death.

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Question 2. Padamsi was Mrs. Naidu’s (पद्मसी थी श्रीमती नायडू की……)

  1. Niece
  2. Sister
  3. Friend
  4. Daughter

Answer: Daughter.

Question 3. While walking, Bapu used to carry in his hand a/an (चहल कदमी करते समय, बापू अपने हाथ में रखते थे ।)

  1. Flag
  2. Staff
  3. Umbrella
  4. Cane

Answer: Staff.

5. Complete The Following Sentences With Information From The Text: (पाठ में दी गई सूचना के आधार पर निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करें)

Question 1. Thousands of people wept, trying (हजारों लोग रोए, कोशिश करते हुए)
Answer: to touch Bapu’s feet. (बापू के चरण स्पर्श करने की)

Question 2. The author was among people for whopm walking (लेखिका उनलोगों में से थी जिनके लिए टलहना)
Answer: with Bapu had a special meaning (बापू के साथ एक विशिष्ट अर्थ रखता था ।)

Question 3. To walk is to (टहलना / चहलकदमी होता है)
Answer: make slow progress (धीरे-धीरे अग्रसर होना ।)

6. Fill In The Chart With Information From The Text: (पाठ्यांश में दी गई सूचना के आधार पर तालिका को पूर्ण करें)

Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) Word Notes (शब्दार्थ) Unit-3

Special (Adj)- Distinguished, Particular – विशेष ।

Took (v)- Carried ले गया।

Ashes (N)- Remians after burning राख ।

The remains of a human dead body after cremation-अस्थिभस्म, चिताभस्म ।

Decked (Adj)- Decorated, Adorned सुसज्जित ।

Bhajans (N)- The songs of Prayers, Devotional songs – भजन ।

Weep (V)- Wail Anymore Feel (V)- Wail- विलाप करना ।

Presence (N)- The state of being present उपस्थिति ।

Amid (Prep)- In the midst के मध्य ।

Sorrowful (Adj)- Sad, Pensive – दुःखी ।

Filled (V.P.)- Made full, crowded- भर दिया।

Reached (V. Pt.)- Arrived at – पहुँचा।

Immersed- Drowned, Thrown into – विसर्जित कर दिया गया।

Huge (Adj)- Large, immense – विशाल ।

Bank (N)- The coast of the river नदी का तट ।

Went back (V.pt.)- Returned-लौट गए।

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At sea (idiom)- Felt helpless and insecured, In great danger असहाय महसूस करना, घोर संकट में होना ।

Directly (Adv)- प्रत्यक्ष रूप से ।

Prison (N)- Jail, Gao – कारागार, जेल ।

Call (N)-Summan आह्वान

Sacrifice (N)- Dedication बलिदान ।

On looker (N)- Spectator, Watcher दर्शक।

Magic (N)- The power of making one spellbound – जादू, चमत्कार।

Circle (N)- Orbit Ring – चक्र |

Here- Here, Gandhijis strong and magical impact on the author Death, Demise मृत्यु ।

Passing away (Pt.)- Death, Demise

Vanished (V.P.)- Disappeared – विलुप्त हो गया।

Unprotected (Adj)- Insecured, Undefended असुरक्षित।

Effort (N)- Endevour, Attempt प्रयास।

Roushed (V.P.)- Uplifted, Awakened जागृत किया।

Easily (Adv.)-Effortlessly सहजतापूर्वक

Lose (N)- Being not able to find खोना।

Courage (N)- Bravery, Boldness – बहादुरी ।

No longer (Ph)- No more, Not existing और नहीं’ अस्तित्व में नहीं होना।

Values (N)- Worth मूल्यबोध

Weak (Adj.)- Feeble – कमजोर।

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Millions (N)- One millions – Ten lakhs लाखों ।

Ordinary (Adj)- Common, General साधारण ।

Folk (N)- Common people – जनमानस ।

But for (Ph)- Except के सिवा ।

Indifference (N)- Lack of interest, callousness उदासीनता ।

Awaken (V)-Rouse – Bring to senses जागृत करना।

Suffering (N)- Agony, Distress – कष्ट, पीड़ा।

Strong (Adj.)- Powerful, stout बलवान, मजबूत,

Proud (Adj.) -Confident of one’s Power – गर्वित, स्वाभिमानी ।

Bear (V)- Carry – वहन करना ।

Banner (V)- Flag, ध्वजा। Here, unnumbered असंख्य ।Here, the task or duty left to be done by others.

Continue (V)- Go on, proceed जारी रहना ।

Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) हिन्दी अनुवाद

Some days after………… went back to Delhi.

गाँधी जी के अन्तिम संस्कार के कुछ दिनों के बाद एक विशेष ट्रेन के द्वारा, उनकी चिताभस्म (अस्थिभस्म) को इलाहाबाद लाया गया। रेलगाड़ी का डब्बा फूलों से सुसज्जित था।

रेलगाड़ी में सवार लोग भजन गा रहे थे। लोग अब – विलाप नहीं कर रहे थे क्योकि वे फूलों और संगीत में गाँधीजी की उपस्थिति को अनुभव कर सकते थे। हर स्टेशन के प्लेटफॉर्म शोक संतप्त लोगों की भीड़ से भरा हुआ था।

संगीत एवं भजन के मध्य रेलगाड़ी इलाहाबाद पहुँची। भस्म गंगा में विसर्जित किया गया, जिसके तट पर विशाल भीड़ एकत्र थी। तदोपरांत हम सब दिल्ली वापस चले (आ) गए।

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Back in Delhi …………………….. leaving me unprotected.

दिल्ली वापस आकर मैंने स्वयं को बहुत विभ्रांत और असहाय महसूस किया। मैने प्रत्यक्ष रूप से गाँधीजी के साथ कभी पद यात्रा नहीं की थी ना ही उनके आह्वान पर कभी जेल गई थी और ना ही अपने देश के लिए कोई बलिदान किया था।

मेरी बहनें, मैं एवं मेरे जैसा अन्य युवक-युवतियाँ मात्र मूकदर्शक थे। फिर भी मैने स्वयं को विषम परिस्थिति में पाया। मुझे आभास हुआ कि मैं एक चमत्कारिक सुरक्षा चक्र में पली बढ़ी थी।

परन्तु बापू के स्वर्गपास के साथ ही, मुझे एहसास हुआ कि वह चमत्कारिक सुरक्षा चक्र विलुप्त हो गया था, भंग हो गया था और मैं असुरक्षित रह गई थी।

With an effort………………………..live in his children.

प्रयास कर मैनें स्वयं को जागृत किया; स्वयं को जागृत करने के लिए मुझे प्रयत्न करना पड़ा। मैंने स्वयं से पूछा- क्या बापू व्यर्थ में जिये एवं मारे गए ? क्या बापू के जीवन एवं मरण का कोई मोल नहीं है?

अब वे नहीं रहे, मैं इतनी आसानी से कैसे हिम्मत हार सकती हूँ? मेरे मूल्यबोध इतने दुर्बल तो न थे। बापू के सिवा लाखों लोग साधारण जनमानस मात्र थे। उन्होंने उनको उदासीनता से बाहर निकाला एवं हताशा से उबारा, एक दूसरे की पीड़ा के प्रति जागृत किया।

यदि बापू चले भी गए हैं तो क्या हुआ? अब भी हमलोग उनके अधूरे कार्यों को सम्पन्न करने के लिए युवा, बलवान और स्वाभिमानी हैं; उनके अधूरे कार्यों को पूरा करने के लिए अभी भी हमारे देश में सामर्थ्यवान स्वाभिमानी युवक-युवतियाँ मौजूद हैं;

यौवन एवं अदम्य मानसिक बल से परिपूर्ण तरुण युवक-युवतियों को मजबूती के साथ डटना होगा। बापू तो नहीं रहें किन्तु उनका भारत उनकी संतानों में जीता रहेगा।

Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) Comprehension Exercises

7. Choose The Correct Alternative To Complete The Following Sentences: निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करने के लिए सटीक विकल्प चुनें।

Question 1. Gandhiji ashes were taken to – (गाँधीजी को अस्थिभस्म ले जाया गया -)

  1. Ahmedabad
  2. Allahabad
  3. Delhi
  4. Varanasi

Answer: 2. Allahabad.

Question 2. A huge crowd had gathered by the (विशाल भीड़ के किनारे एकत्र थी)

  1. Ganges
  2. Yamuna
  3. Brahmaputra
  4. Narmada

Answer: 1. Ganges.

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Question 3. Gandhiji awakened people to one anothers (गाँधीजी ने लोगों को के प्रति एकदूसरे को जागृत किया)

  1. Indifference
  2. Jealousy
  3. Suffering
  4. Greed

Answer: 3. Suffering.

8. Compelete The Following Sentences With Information From The Text (पाठ्यांश की सूचना के आधार पर निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करें।)

Question 1. People on the special train भजन गा रहे थे ।)
Answer: sang bhajans in the memory of Gandhiji. (विशेष ट्रेन पर सवार लोग गाँधी जी की याद में

Question 2. The author was among people for whom walking बीच थी जिनके लिए पद यात्रा एक विशिष्ट अर्थ रखता था ।)
Answer: had a special meaning. (लेखिका उन लोगों के

Question 3. Babu has passed away but में जीवित रहेगा।) (बापू तो गुजर गए किन्तु उनका भारत उनकी संतानों
Answer: his India would survive in his children.

9. Fill in the chart with information from the text: (पाठ्यांश की सूचना के आधार पर निम्नलिखित तालिका को भरो। )

Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) Grammar In Use

10. Join The Following Pairs Of Sentences Into Single Sentences As Directed:

Question 1. I saw a snake. I ran away. (use participle)
Answer: Seeing a snake, I ran away.

Question 2. He learns music. He listens to the chords. (use a preposition with gerund)
Answer: He learns music by listening to the chords.

Question 3. Gold is a precious metal. It is used to make ornaments. (use the noun in apposition)
Answer: Gold, a precious metal, is used to make ornaments.

Question 4. Ramu has some money. He can buy books. (use infinitive)
Answer: Ramu has some money to buy books.

Question 5. Rima completed her work. She went out. (use nominative absolute)
Answer: Having completed her work, Rima went out.

Question 6. The boy wrote the answer. The answer was incorrect. (use the adverbial phrases)
Answer: The boy wrote the answer incorrectly.

Wbbse Class 10 English Solution

11. Join The Following Pairs Of Sentences Into Single Compound Sentences As Directed:

Question 1. The old man is unwell. He cannot go out. (use Illative conjunction)
Answer: The old man cannot go out because he is unwell.

Question 2. He is honest. He is humble. (use cumulative conjunction)
Answer: He is not only honest but also humble.

Question 3. Sonali cannot write poetry. She keeps on trying. (use adversative conjunction)
Answer: Sonali cannot write poetry still she keeps on trying.

Question 4. Study hard. You will not pass the examination. (use alternative conjunction)
Answer: Study hard or you will not pass the examination.

12. Join The Following Pairs Of Sentences Into Single Complex Sentences As Directed:

Question 1. Rabindranath Tagore is a famous poet. He won the Nobel Prize. (use noun clause)
Answer: Rabindranath Tagore, who won the Nobel Prize is a famous poet.

Question 2. He returned home. Everyone in the family had fallen asleep. (use adverb clause)
Answer: Everyone in the family had fallen asleep when he returned home.

Question 3. The sun rises in the east. Everyone knows it. (use adjective clause)
Answer: It is known to everyone that the sun rises in the east.

13. Join The Following Pairs Of Sentences Into Single Sentences As Directed:

Question 1. It rained hard. The roads were not flooded. (compound sentence)
Answer: It rained hard but the roads were not flooded.

Question 2. He completed his work. He took a rest. (simple sentence)
Answer: Having completed his work, he took a rest.

Question 3. Rahul is a great singer. He can sing different kinds of songs. (complex sentence)
Answer: Rahul, a great singer, can sing different kinds of songs.

Wbbse Class 10 English Solution

Question 4. The time of departure of the train has changed. Alia knew it. (complex sentence)
Answer: Alia knew that the train’s departure time has changed.

14. Split The Following Into Two Sentences:

Question 1. It rained and I could not leave my room.
Answer: It rained. I could not leave my room.

Question 2. He thought that he could win the race.
Answer: He could win the race. He thought so.

Question 3. Having been informed of the trouble, the Principal left for home.
Answer: The Principal left for home. He was informed of the trouble.

Question 4. Nasir, who was the captain of the team, scored a century.
Answer: Nasir was the captain of the team. He scored a century.

Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) Writing Activities

15. Write A Biography Of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad (Within 100 Words) Based On The Hints Given Below:

Born on 11 November 1888-composed poetry in Urdu-worked as a journalist, protested against the British Raj- an enthusiastic supporter of Gandhiji’s ideas-wrote many books-like ‘India wins freedom’, ‘Ghubar-e-Khatir’ etc. – First Education Minister of Independent India -birthday celebrated as National Education Day-died on 22 February 1958.


Maulana Abul Kalam Azad

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad is an unforgettable figure in the history of the Indian Freedom movement. He was born on 11th November 1888 in British India.

He was a versatile genius. He worked as a journalist. He was also a poet. He composed poetry in urdu. He protested against the atrocities of the British Raj.

He took an active part in Indian politics. He was an enthusiastic supporter of Gandhiji’s ideas. He wrote many books like ‘India Wins Free- dom’: ‘Ghubar-e-Khatir’ etc.

After independence, he became the first Education Minister of India. This great leader breathed his last on 22nd February 1958. His birthday is now commemorated as National Education Day.

16. Use the following flow-chart to write a paragraph (Within 100 words) on how a building is constructed 

Drawing a plan of the building by the architect getting the plan sanctioned by the corporation or municipal authorities engaging masons and laborers – starting the construction with bricks, cement, and sand-fitting doors and windows-plastering of walls -wiring-electric and water connections-painting-building completed-fit for living.


How a Building is Constructed

The construction of a building follows a number of processes. At first, a plan of the building is drawn by the architect. Then the plan is to be sanctioned by the corporation or municipal authorities.

After that masons and laborers are engaged on a contract basis. The construction started with bricks, cement, and sand. When the structure of the building is completed, doors and windows are fitted.

Next, the plastering of the walls is done. Thereafter electric wiring is made complete. Now electric and water connection are taken. At last, the painting of the building is done. Thus, the house is ready for living.

Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) Additional Textual Question & Answers Unit – 1

1. Choose The Correct Alternative To Complete The Following Sentences: निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करने के लिए सही विकल्प चुने।

Question 1. When the author got the news of the Gandhiji’s death she was-(facht ont गाँधीजी की मृत्यु का समाचार मिला, वह)

  1. Having meal
  2. Chatting
  3. Having bath
  4. Having tea

Answer: 3. Having tea.

Question 2. The writer got the news of Gandhiji’s death-समाचार मिला – )

  1. From Newspaper
  2. On T.V.
  3. By Phone
  4. On Radio

Answer: 3. By Phone.

Question 3. Gandhiji’s body was kept in – (गाँधी जी के मृत शरीर (शव) को रखा गया -)

  1. Parliament House
  2. Birla House
  3. Sabarmati Ashram
  4. Rashtrapati Bhawan

Answer: 2. Birla House.

Question 4. On hearing the news of Gandhiji’s death the writer left for – समाचार सुनकर लेखिका रवाना हुई के लिए)

  1. Party Meeting
  2. Birla House
  3. Prayer Meeting
  4. Padmasi’s House

Answer: 2. Birla House.

Question 5. Birla House is situated in – (farm)

  1. Kanpur
  2. Ahmedabad
  3. Delhi
  4. Allahabad

Answer: 3. Delhi.

Question 6. Gandhiji had been shot on his way to- जानेके रास्ते में की गई)

  1. Prayer Meeting
  2. Parliament House
  3. Brila House
  4. Mrs. Naidu’s House

Answer: 1. Prayer Meeting.

Question 7. Gandhiji had been shot (गाँधीजी की गोली मारकर हत्या की गई -)

  1. After the prayer
  2. During the prayer
  3. Before the prayer
  4. None of the above

Answer: 3. Before the prayer.

Question 8. As the author got into the car, she was numb with( वह स्तबध थी……से)

  1. Heat
  2. Shock
  3. Joy
  4. Cold

Answer: 2. Shock.

Question 9. At the Brila House, the person’s who had gathered round Gandhiji’s body were Gandhiji’s – (बिरला भवन में जो लोग गाँधीजी के शव के चारों तरफ एकत्र हुए थे, वे गाँधी जी के……. थे)

  1. Relatives and followers
  2. Friends and followers
  3. Relatives and assistants
  4. Friends and assistants

Answer: 1. Relatives and followers.

Question 10. Gandhiji’s breathed his last

  1. Tata Memorial
  2. Birla Planetarium
  3. Rashtrapati Bhawan
  4. Biral House

Answer: 2. Birla House.

Question 11. On hearing the news, people could not speak in the beginning because they were – (समाचार सुनकर लोग शुरूआत में कुछ बोल न सके क्योंकि वे थे – )

  1. Stunned
  2. Silent
  3. Afraid
  4. Anxious

Answer: 1. Stunned.

Question 12. The mouring people looked like – (शोक संतप्त लोग की भाँति दिख रहे थे )

  1. Anxious Parents
  2. Silent mob
  3. Angry Mob
  4. Lost children

Answer: 4. Lost Children.

Question 13. The writer was numb with shock when she got into the

  1. Truck
  2. Car
  3. Train
  4. Plane

Answer: 2. Car.

Question 14. ‘I was numb with shock’ Here ‘numb’ means

  1. Unable to react
  2. Senseless
  3. Dumb
  4. Paralyzed

Answer: 1. Unable to react.

Question 15. When Gandhiji breathed his last in the room of the Birla House there was – ( गाँधीजी ने बिरला भवन के कक्ष में अंतिम साँस लिया, वहाँ थी….)

  1. Silence
  2. A cry of despair
  3. Hue and Cry
  4. A cry for help

Answer: 1. Silence.

Question 16. The news of Bapuji’s death had spread through Delhi like (entry and सामाचार ……. भाँति फैल गया ।)

  1. A wing
  2. A fire
  3. A flame
  4. A spring

Answer: 3. A flame.

Question 17. ‘The passing away of Bapu’ is written by – (बापू का ‘स्वर्गवास’ लिखा गया है-

  1. R. K. Narayan
  2. Mulk Raj Anand
  3. John Masefield
  4. Nayantara Sehgal

Answer: 4. Nayantara Sehgal

Question 18. Words of Bapuji’s death spread through-

  1. Delhi
  2. Kanpur
  3. India
  4. Mumbai

Answer: 1. Delhi.

Question 19. People were too stunned to – (लोग इतने स्तब्ध थे कि वे ना सके ।)

  1. Work
  2. Play
  3. Speak
  4. Feel

Answer: 3. Speak.

Question 20. Gandhiji’s death was broadcast to-को सूचित करने के लिए।)

  1. The killers of India
  2. The leaders of India
  3. The rules of India.
  4. People of India.

Answer: 4. People of India.

Question 21. People calmed when they learnet that they could see Gandhiji-C जब उन्होंने जाना कि वे गाँधी जी का दर्शन कर सकेंगे ।)

  1. During the funeral
  2. Before the funeral
  3. After the funeral
  4. Never

Answer: 2. Before the funeral.

Question 22. Gandhiji was shot on (गाँधीजी को गोली मारकर हत्या की गई थी को ।)

  1. 30th February
  2. 1st January
  3. 1st February
  4. 30th January

Answer: 1. 30th January.

Question 23. People received the news of Gandhiji’s death from/

  1. Newspaper
  2. Radio
  3. Telephone
  4. Television

Answer: 2. Radio.

2. Complete The Following Sentences With Information From The Text. (पाठ्यांश की सूचना के आधार पर निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करें।)

Question 1. When Gandhiji breathed his last, there was
Answer: Silence in the room. (कमरे में सन्नाटा / खामोशी थी ।)

Question 2. At Brila House, Gandhiji’s relatives –
Answer: had gatherd around Bapu’s body. (बापू के शव के चारों तरफ एकत्र हो गये थे।)

Question 3. Words of Bapuji’s death had spread like –
Answer: A flame fanned by wind. (हवा के द्वारा प्रज्जवलित आग की लपट की भाँति ।)

Question 4. Silence felt at the death of Gandhiji was – (गाँधीजी की मृत्यु पर जो सन्नाटा / खामोशी महसूस की गई, वह धी)
Answer: Unnatural.

Question 5. A radio broadcast informed that-
Answer: Gandhiji had passed away. (of you)…

Question 6. Walking cost an average Indian nothing but खर्च होता है सिर्फ
Answer: his energy.

Question 7. To walk was often only way left (टहलना ही एकमात्र साधन शेष रह गया था)
Answer: For Common people of India. (भारत की साधारण जनता के लिए।)

Question 8. The people of India were told on the broadcast that (प्रसारण के द्वारा भारत की जनता को बताया गया)
Answer: Bapu was no more.

Question 9. One could see a brown blur of faces
Answer: Out of every window.

Question 10. It was impossible for people to move in the funeral procession because – ( यात्रा में लोगों के लिए चलना असंभव था क्योंकि)
Answer: The crowd was thick.

3. State Wheather The Following Statements Are True Or False. Provide Sentences/ Phrases/Words In Support Of Your Answer

Question 1. The writer was called to Birla House by an urgent letter. पत्र के द्वारा बिरला भवन में बुलाया गया था।
Supporting statements: I was called to Birla House by an urgent telephone.
Answer: False

Question 2. Bapu was stabbed to death. (बापू की हत्या चाकू मार की गई थी । )
Supporting statement: “Gandhiji had been shot.”
Answer: False

Question 3. Gandhiji had been shot dead on his way to the party meeting. ( पार्टी की सभा में जाने के रास्ते में की गई थी ।)
Supporting statement: “Gandhiji had been shot on his way to a prayer meeting.”
Answer: False

Question 4. Gandhiji’s death was unnatural.
Supporting statement: “Gandhiji had been shot.
Answer: True

Question 5. There was great agitation in the room as Gandhiji breathed his last. ( ने अंतिम साँस लिया तो कमरे में बहुत अशांति थी।Supporting statement: “There was silence in the room as Gandhiji breathed his last.
Answer: False

Question 6. The news of Bapuji’s death was kept secret.
Supporting statement: Words of Bapuji’s death had spread through Delhi.
Answer: False

Question 7. The poeple looked like rescued children. (लोग बचाये हुए बच्चे की तरह दिख रहे थे ।)
Supporting statement: They looked like lost children.
Answer: True

Question 8. Walking costs energy. (चलने में ऊर्जा खर्च होती है।)
Supporting statement: It……… cost him nothing but his energy.
Answer: False

Question 9. They jostled with one another in a stampede to break out of the house.(à aydan घर से बाहर निकलने के लिए एक दूसरे के साथ धक्का करने लगे ।)
Supporting statement: They jostled with one another in a stampede to break into the house.
Answer: False

Question 10. The writer went to Birla House on foot.
Supporting statement: I was numb with shock as I got into a car.
Answer: False

3. Answer The Following Questions : (निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर दो)

Question 1. Who is referred by ‘I’ ? (‘I’ के द्वारा किसकी ओर संकेत किया गया है।)
Answer: The writer, Nayantara Sehgal is referred to by ‘I’. (‘1’ के द्वारा लेखिका नयनतारा सहगल की ओर संकेत किया गया है।)

Question 2. Who wrote the narrative The passing away of Bapu’ ? (बापू का स्वर्गवास किसने लिखा ।)
Answer: Nayantara Sehgal wrote the narrative The Passing Away of Bapu’. (नयनतारा सहगल ने बापू का स्वर्गवास लिखा ।)

Question 3. What was the author doing on the evening of 30th January, 1948 ? (30 जनवरी 1948 की शाम को लेखिका क्या कर रही थी । )
Answer: The author was having tea at home on the evening of 30th January, 1948. (लेखिका 30 जनवरी 1948 की शाम को अपने घर में चाय पी रही थी। )

Question 4. How did the writer get the news of Bapuji’s death ? (लेखिका को बापू जी की मृत्यु का समाचार कैसे प्राप्त हुआ।)
Answer: The writer got the news of Bapuji’s death from a telephone call. (लेखिका को बापू जी की मृत्यु का समाचार एक टेलीफोन संवाद के माध्यम से प्राप्त हुआ।)

Question 5. Where was the author called by an urgent telephone ? (एक आवश्यक टेलीफोन से लेखिका को कहाँ बुलाया गया।)
Answer: The author was called to Birla House by an urgent telephone. (एक आवश्यक टेलीफोन से लेखिका को बिरला भवन बुलाया गया।)

Question 6. At what time of the day did the writer know the news of Bapu’s death ? (दिन के किस समय बापू के देहान्त का समाचार लेखिका को मिला ? )
Answer: The writer knew the news of Bapu’s death in the evening. (लेखिका को बापू का देहान्त का समाचार शाम को मिला।)

Question 7. What did the writer see at Birla House ? (लेखिका ने बिरला भवन में क्या देखा ? )
Answer: The writer found that the relatives and followers of Bapuji had gathered around his body at Birla House.
(लेखिका ने पाया कि बापूजी के रिश्तेदार और अनुयायी बिरला भवन में उनके चारों ओर एकत्र हो गए थे।)

Question 8. Where was Gandhiji shot ? (गाँधीजी को कहाँ गोली मार कर हत्या की गई ? )
Answer: Gandhiji was shot on his way to a prayer meeting. (प्रार्थना सभा के रास्ते में गाँधीजी को गोली मार कर हत्या की गई थी।)

Question 9. How did the writer go to Birla House ? (लेखिका बिरला भवन कैसे गई ? )
Answer: The writer went to Birla House by a car. (लेखिका कार से बिरला भवन गई।)

Question 10. How was the atmosphere of the room as Gandhiji breathed his last ? (जब गाँधी जी ने अंतिम साँस लिया तो कक्ष का वातावरण कैसा था ? )
Answer: There was silence in the room as Gandhiji breathed his last. (जब गाँधीजी ने अंतिम साँस लिया तब कक्ष में सन्नाटा था।)

Question 11. What was the condition of the writer when she got into a car to leave for Birla House ? (बिरला भवन जाने के लिए कार में सवार होते समय लेखिका की क्या स्थिति थी ? )
Answer: The writer was numb with shock when she got into a car to leave for Birla House. ( बिरला भवन जाने के लिए कार में सवार होते समय लेखिका सदमे से स्तब्ध थी ।)

Question 12. Where did Gandhiji’s deadbody lie ? (गाँधीजी के शव को कहाँ रखा गया था ? )
Answer: Gandhiji’s deadbody lay in a room at Birla House in Delhi. (गाँधी जी का शव दिल्ली में बिरला भवन के कक्ष में रखा गया था।)

Question 13. What was the reason of the ‘Silence’ ? (खामोशी का कारण क्या था ? )
Answer: The shock and sorrow at the assassination of Gandhiji caused the ‘Silence’. (गाँधी जी की हत्या के सदमें एवं दुःख के कारण खामोशी / सन्नाटा उत्पन्न हुआ था।

Question 14. What could one see out of every window ? (प्रत्येक खिड़की से क्या देखा जा सकता था ? )
Answer: Out of every window one could see a brown blur of faces. (प्रत्येक खिड़की से शोक संतप्त मलिन चेहरे देखे जा सकते थे।)

Question 15. Why did the people jostle with each other ? (लोग आपस में क्यों धक्का-मुक्की कर रहे थे?)
Answer: The people jostled with each other to break into the Birla House. (बिरला भवन में (बलपूर्वक) प्रवेश करने के लिए लोग आपस में धक्का-मुक्की करने लगे।)

Question 16. Which question was uppermost in the mind of the mourning people ? (शोक संतप्त लोगों के मन में सर्वोपरि प्रश्न क्या था ? )
Answer: The question that was uppermost in the mind of the mourning people was what would happen to them in absence of Bapu. शोक संतप्त लोगों के मन में सर्वोपरि प्रश्न था कि बापू की अनुपस्थिति में उनका क्या होगा।)

Question 17. What made the mourning people calm ? (शोक संतप्त लोग कैसे शांत हुए? )
Answer: The mourning people calmed when it was annouced that they would be allowed to see Bapuji before his funeral.(जब यह घोषणा की गई कि बापू के अंतिम संस्कार के पहले उन्हें बापू का दर्शन करने दिया जाएगा तब शोक संतप्त लोग शांत हुए।)

Question 18. Why could not people speak Initially ? (शुरूआत में लोग क्यों नहीं बोल सके ? )
Answer: The people were stunned at the shocking murder of Gandhiji. So they could not speak initially.
लोग गाँधीजी की हत्या से स्तब्ध थे। इसलिए शुरूआत में वे कुछ भी बोल न सके ।)

Question 19. How did mourning people looked like ? (शोक संतप्त लोग कैसे दिखते थे? )
Answer: The mourning people looked like the children. (शोक संतप्त लोग बच्चों की भाँति दिखते थे ।)

Question 20. What did the broadcast inform the country men ? (रेडियो प्रसारण ने देशवासियों को क्या सूचित किया ?)
Answer: The broadcast informed the people of India that Gandhiji had breathed his last. (रेडियो प्रसारण ने भारत के लोगों को सूचित किया कि गाँधी जी का देहांत हो गया ।)

Question 21. How did the people react after the initial shock ? (प्रारंभिक शोकाघात के बाद लोगों ने कैसे प्रतिक्रिया की ? )
Answer: After the initial shock was over people started clamouring wildly shouting and cry- ing. मारंभिक शोकापात के बाद लोग पागलों की भाँति) बेतहाशा चीखने एवं रोने लगे।)

Question 22. How did the words of Gandhiji’s death spread through Delhi ? (गाँधी जी की मृत्यु का समाचार पूरी दिल्ली में कैसे फैला ?)
Answer: The shocking news of Gandhiji’s death spread through Delhi like a flame fanned by the wind.
(गाँधी जी की मृत्यु का समाचार पूरी दिल्ली में जंगल की आग की भाँति फैल गया।)

Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) Unit-2

1. Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentences: (निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करने के लिए सही विकल्प चुनें।)

Question 1. Padmasi suggested that they should-

  1. Shout
  2. Cry
  3. Walk
  4. Stop

Answer: 3. Walk.

Question 2. People waited, lining up the route to (लोग निर्दिष्ट पथ पर पंक्तिबद्ध होकर प्रतीक्षा कर रहे थे।)

  1. Funeral procession
  2. Victory rally
  3. Condolence meeting
  4. None of these

Answer: 1. Funeral procession.

Question 3. People lined the route of the procession- (लोग शव यात्रा के निर्दिष्ट पथ में पंक्तिबद्ध थे ।)

  1. Hours in advance
  2. Minutes in advance
  3. Year in advance
  4. Week in advance

Answer: 1. Hours in advance.

Question 4. The last walk with Gandhiji at the funeral procession wast साथ अंतिम बार पद यात्रा करना था।………)

  1. Funny
  2. Impossible
  3. Agonizing
  4. Disgusting

Answer: 3. Agonising.

Question 5. People watched the funeral procession (लोगों ने शव यात्रा को देखा…….. पूर्वक)

  1. Calmly
  2. Silently
  3. Agitatedly
  4. Indifferently

Answer: 2. Silently.

Question 6. Gandhiji’s dead body lay in an –

  1. Rickshaw
  2. Taxi
  3. Train
  4. Truck

Answer: 4. Truck.

Question 7. Gandhiji’s led the Indians over many-

  1. Zigzag paths
  2. Difficult paths
  3. Easy paths
  4. Last paths

Answer: 2. Difficult paths.

Question 8. Gandhiji’s dead body was covered with –

  1. Banners
  2. Twigs
  3. Flowers
  4. Clothes

Answer: 3. Flowers.

Question 9. It was impossible for the writer in the thick crowd असंभव था……..कर पाना।)

  1. Speak
  2. Cry
  3. Check tears
  4. Move

Answer: 4. Move.

Question 10. Thousands of people –

  1. Shouted
  2. Cried
  3. Protested
  4. Clamored

Answer: 2. Cried.

Question 11. Thousands of people, for the last time, tried to touch Gandhiji’s (हजारों लोगों ने, अंतिम बार गाँधीजी स्पर्श करने का प्रयास किया ।)

  1. Head
  2. Hand
  3. Staff
  4. Feet

Answer: 4. Feet.

12. To people like the writer walking with Bapu had a special (लेखिका की भाँति लोगों के लिए बापू के साथ पद यात्रा करना एक विशिष्ट रखता था ।)

  1. Glory
  2. Skill
  3. Distinction
  4. Meaning

Answer: 4. Meaning.

2. Complete The Following Sentences With Information From The Text: (पाठ्यांश की सूचना के आधार पर निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करें)

Question 1. Bapu’s funeral was held (बापू का अंतिम संस्कार आयोजित किया गया…..
Answer: The day after his death (उनकी मृत्यु की परवर्तित दिन ।)

Question 2. People lined the route of the procession- (लोग शव यात्रा के लिए निर्धारित..
Answer: Hours in advance (पथ पर पंक्तिबद्ध थे।)

Question 3. Thousands of mourners silently- (हजारों शोक संतप्त लोगों ने शांतिपूर्वक..
Answer: Witnessed Bapu’s funeral procession (बापू की शव यात्रा को देखा।)

Question 4. The person who spoke for the author and others was – (लेखिका एवं अन्य व्यक्तियों की ओर से जिन्होंने कहा वह थी ……….)
Answer: Padamsi, Mrs. Naidu’s daughter.

Question 5. Bapu lay on an open truck which – (बापू एक खुले ट्रक पर पड़े थे जो ………..)
Answer: was covered with flowers. (फूलों से ढ़का था।)

Question 6. In the funeral procession, it was impossible to (शव यात्रा में अंसभव था)
Answer: move farward in the crowd (भीड़ में आगे बढ़ पाना ।)

Question 7. It was impossible to move in the thick crowd as – ( सघन भीड़ में चल पाना अंसभव था चूँकि )
Answer: thousands of people tried to touch Bapu’s feet. (हजारों लोग बापू के चरण स्पर्श करने की कोशिश कर रहे थे ।)

Question 8. The author realized that it was (लेखिका ने महसूस किया कि यह था )
Answer: More than the funeral (शवयात्रा से कहीं अधिक ।)

Question 9. The author could not accept the fact that – (लेखिका यह सच्चाई स्वीकार नही कर सकी कि)
Answer: Gandhiji was never again going to walk with them. (गाँधीजी पुनः उनके साथ कभी नहीं पदयात्रा करने वाले थे ।)

Question 10. Gandhiji took much that was common place – (गाँधीजी साधारण वस्तुओं को स्वीकार करते थे)
Answer: to transform it into a joyful effort. (उन्हें आनन्दपूर्वक कार्य में परिवर्तित करने के लिए।)

3. State Wheather The Following Statements Are True Or False. Provide Sentences/ Phrases/Words In Support Of Your Answer:बताएँ कि निम्नलिखित वाक्य सत्य हैं या असत्य । अपने ऊपर के समर्थन में वाक्यों / वाक्यांशों / शब्दों का प्रयोग रें ।)

Question 1. To the author there was nothing special about a walk with Bapu. (बापू के साथ पदयात्रा करने के लिए कोई विशिष्ट बात नहीं थी । )
Supporting statements: I was among people for whom walking with Bapu had a special meaning.
Answer: True

Question 2. It was hard to believe that Bapu would never walk again. (बापू पुनः पद यात्रा नहीं कर पायेंगे यह विश्वास कर पाना मुश्किल था ।)
Supporting statement: “We could not now accept the fact. never going to walk with us again.”
Answer: False

Question 3. Gandhiji’s funeral took place a week after his death. (गाँधीजी का अंतिम संस्कार उनके निधन को एक सप्ताह के बाद किया गया । )
Supporting statement: “Gandhiji’s funeral was to take place the day after his death.”
Answer: True

Question 4. Walking in the funeral procession of Bapu was painful. (गाँधी जी की शव यात्रा में चल पाना दुःखदाई था। )
Supporting statement: It was an agonizing walk.
Answer: True

Question 5. Thousands watched Gandhiji’s funeral procession without making sound. (हजारों लोगों ने गाँधी जी की शव यात्रा को खामोसी से देखा ।)
Supporting statement: “Thousands silently watched the procession.”
Answer: True

Question 6. Bapu lay fully covered in the truck. (बापू एक पूर्णत: ढँके हुए ट्रक में लेटे थे ।)
Supporting statement: “Bapu lay on an open truck.”
Answer: False

Question 7. The only way open to the average Indian was walking. (पदयात्रा साधारण भारतीयों के लिए एकमात्रा खुला साधन /विकल्प था ।)
Supporting statement: “Moreover, to walk often is the only way open to the average Indian”.
Answer: True

Question 8. Gandhiji used to walk alone all over India. (गाँधीजी पूरे भारत में पदयात्रा किया करते थे ।)
Supporting statement: We had walked with Bapu over the rough and smooth of India’s recent history.
Answer: True

Question 9. Bapu had a bulky figure. (बापू का शरीश भरी-भरकम/मोटा-ताजा था ।)
Supporting statement: “Bapu’s slight figure”
Answer: False

Question 10. While walking we can watch closely and clearly everthing around us. (पदयात्रा करते समय हम अपने आस-पास की सभी वस्तुओं का परिष्कृत रूप से एवं बारीकी से अवलोकन कर सकते हैं।)
Supporting statement: “It is to think with clarity and closely look at all that is around you.”
Answer: True

3. Answer The Following Questions (निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर दें)

Question 1. When was Gandhiji’s funeral to take place ? (गाँधीजी का अंतिम संस्कार कब होने वाला था ? )
Answer: Gandhiji’s funeral was to take place the day after his death. (गाँधी जी का अतिम संस्कार उनकी मृत्यु के परवर्ती दिन होना था।)

Question 2. Who was Padmasi ? (पद्मसी कौन थी ? )
Answer: Padmasi was Mrs. Sarojini Naidu’s daughter. (पद्मसी श्रीमती सरोजिनी नायडू की पुत्री थी।)

Question 3. When did poeple begin to line the route of the procession was to follow ? (शवयात्रा के लिए निर्धारित पथ पर लोग कब पंक्तिबद्ध होने लगे थे?)
Answer: People began to line the route of the procession was to follow hours in advance. ( शवयात्रा के लिए निर्धारित पथ पर लोग घंटों पहले एकत्र होने लगे।)

Question 4. Who made the announcement about Gandhij’s funeral procession ? (गाँधीजी की शवयात्रा के बारे में किसने घोषणा किया।)
Answer: Padmasi, Mrs. Sarojini Naidu’s daughter made the announcement about Gandhiji’s funeral procession.
(श्रीमती सरोजिनी नायडू की पुत्री पद्मसी ने गाँधीजी की शवयात्रा के बारे में घोषणा किया।)

Question 5. Where did Bapu’s dead body lie ? (बापू का शव कहाँ रखा गया था ? )
Answer: Bapu’s dead body lay in an open truck. (बापू का शव एक खुले ट्रक में रखा गया था ।) \

Question 6. Who was Mrs. Naidu mentioned here ? (यहाँ उल्लेखित श्रीमति नायडू कौन थी ? )
Answer: Here, Mrs. Naidu refers to Mrs. Sarojini Naidu, the eminent leader and poetess. (यहाँ श्रीमति नायडू से श्रीमति सरोजिनी नायडू की ओर संकेत किया गया है, जो विख्यात नेत्री एवं कवयित्री थी।)

Question 7. How was Gandhiji taken to the cremation ground ? (गाँधीजी को श्मशान घाट कैसे ले जाया गया ? )
Answer: Gandhiji’s lifeless body was placed on an open truck covered with flowers and taker to the burning ghat.(गाँधीजी का शव फूलों से ढँके हुए एक ट्रक पर रखकर श्मशान घाट ले जाया गया।)

Question 8. How did Bapu walk ? (बापू कैसे चलते थे ? )
Answer: Bapu walked with a staff in his hand.(बापू अपने हाथ में एक लाठी लेकर चलते थे।)

Question 9. Which fact could not the writer accept ? (लेखिका किस सच्चाई को स्वीकार नहीं कर सकी।)
Answer: The fact that Bapu was no more could not be accepted by the writer.(लेखिका इस सच्चाई को स्वीकार नहीं कर सकी कि बापू अब नहीं रहे।)

Question 10. Why was the walking impossible ? (पदयात्रा / चलना असम्भव सा क्यों था ? )
Answer: The funeral procession of Bapuji was thickly crowded and so moving was impos- sible there.बापू की शवयात्रा में सधन भीड़ थी इसलिए चलना असम्भव सा था।

Question 11. What more did the anuthor realise ? (लेखिका ने और क्या महसूस की ? )
Answer: The author also realised that she was among the people for whom walking with Gandhiji had a special meaning.(लेखिका को एहसास हुआ कि वह उन लागों के बीच थी जिनके लिए गाँधीजी के साथ पदयात्रा करना एक विशिष्ट अर्थ रखता था।)

Question 12. Whats was often the only way open to the average Indian ? (साधारण भारतीयों के लिए क्या एकमात्र खुला विकल्प था ? )
Answer: Walking was often the only way open to the average Indian. (पैदल चलना / पदयात्रा करना साधारण भारतीयों के लिए एकमात्र खुला विकल्प था।)

Question 13. Why was walking very popular to the average people of India ? (भारत की आम जनता के बीच पदयात्रा करना क्यों लोकप्रिय था ? )
Answer: As walking costs nothing and no vehicle except one’s body is required for it, it was very popular to the average IndiAnswer:(चूँकि पदयात्रा में कुछ खर्च नहीं लगता एवं स्वयं के शरीर के अलावा अन्य किसी वाहन की आवश्यकता भी नहीं होती, इसलिए भारत की आम जनता के बीच पदयात्रा बहुत लोकप्रिय था।)

Question 14. Who was refered to as India’s beloved leader ? (भारत के प्रिय नेता के रूप में किनकी ओर संकेत किया है ? )
Answer: Mahatma Gandhi was reffered to as India’s beloved leader. (भारत के प्रिय नेता के रूप में महात्मा गाँधी की ओर संकेत किया गया है। )

Question 15. Where did Gandhiji’s followers walk with him ? (गाँधीजी के अनुयायियों ने उनके साथ कहाँ पदयात्रा की थी।)
Answer: The followers of Gandhiji walked with him over the rough and smooth of India’s recent history.
(गाँधीजी के अनुयायियों ने उनके साथ भारत के इतिहास के सुगम एवं दुर्गम मार्गों पर पदयात्रा को थी।)

Question 16.What was necessity to Gandhiji ? (गाँधीजी की प्रयोजनीयता क्या थी?)
Answer: Walking was a necessity to Gandhiji.(पदयात्रा (करना) गाँधीजी की प्रयोजनीयता थी ।)

Question 17. What did thousands of people watched silently ? (हजारों-हजार लोगों ने खामोशी से क्या देखा? )
Answer: To the author, to walk meant making a slow progress.
(लेखिका के लिए पदयात्रा का तात्पर्य था धीरे-धीरे विकास करना ।)

Question 18. Where and how did Gandhiji walk ? (गाँधीजी कहाँ और कैसे चलते थे ? )
Answer: Gandhiji slight figure always walked with a staff in hand over a large part of India. (क्षीण काया वाले गाँधीजी ने हाथों में लाठी लेकर भारत के विशाल भू-भाग पर पदयात्रा की थी।)

Question 19. Into what the common place was transformed by Gandhiji ? (साधारण वस्तुओं को गाँधीजी के द्वारा किस वस्तु में परिवर्तित कर दिया जाता था ? )
Answer: Gandhiji tansformed every common place into a joyful effort. (गाँधीजी प्रत्येक साधारण वस्तु को आनन्ददायक कार्य (प्रचेष्टा) में परविर्तित कर देते थे ।)

Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) Unit-3

1. Choose The Correct Alternative To Complete The Following Sentences: (निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करने के लिए सटीक विकल्प चुनें।)

Question 1. Gandhiji’s ashes were taken to Allahabad by – (गाँधीजी की अस्थिभस्म को इलाहाबाद ले जाया गया …. के द्वारा)

  1. A train
  2. A truck
  3. A ship
  4. A helicopter

Answer: 1. A train.

Question 2. Gandhiji’s ashes were taken to Allahabad (गाँधी जी की अस्थिभस्म इलाहाबाद ले जाया गया……)

  1. A long time after the funeral
  2. Some hours after the funeral
  3. Some weeks after the funeral
  4. A few days after the funeral

Answer: 4. A few days after the funeral.

Question 3. A special train went to Allahabad with- (एक विशेष रेलगाड़ी इलाहाबाद पहुँची …….. के साथ)

  1. Dead body
  2. Holy ashes
  3. Photography
  4. Tableau

Answer: 2. Holy ashes.

Question 4.Gandhiji’s ashes were taken to Allahabad for – (गाँधीजी की अस्थिभस्म को इलाहाबाद ले जाया गया के लिए)

  1. Immersion
  2. Building a temple
  3. Setting up a tomb
  4. Preserving is a museum

Answer: 1. Immersion.

Question 5. People on the train –

  1. Cried with sorrow
  2. Sang bhajans
  3. danced with joy
  4. Recited slokas from the Gita

Answer: 2. Sang bhajAnswer:

Question 6. The train compartment, where Gandhiji’s ashes had been kept was decorated with – (रेलगाड़ी के जिस डिब्बे में गाँधी जी का अस्थिभस्म रखा हुआ था वह सुसज्जित था ……. से)

  1. Incenses
  2. Colored papers
  3. Flowers
  4. Mango leaves

Answer: 3. Flowers.

Question 7. Every station on the route was filled with – (निर्धारित मार्ग पर के प्रत्येक स्टेशन.से परिपूर्ण भरे पड़े थे।)

  1. Mournes
  2. Security force
  3. Patriots
  4. Passengers.

Answer: 1. Mournes.

Question 8. The train reached Allahabad amid – (रेलगाड़ी के मध्य इलाहाबाद पहुँची ।)

  1. Song and flowers
  2. Influential people
  3. Sorrowful crowds
  4. Sang and prayer

Answer: 4. Sang and prayer.

Question 9. To watch the immersion of Gandhiji’s ashes a huge crowd gathered – ( की अस्थिभस्म का विसर्जन देखने के लिए विशाल भीड़ एकत्र थी…..)

  1. At the bank
  2. On boats
  3. Joyful crowds
  4. On roadside

Answer: 1. At the bank.

Question 10. After the immersion of Gandhiji’s ashes, people went back to अस्थिभस्म के विसर्जन के बाद लोग लौट गये…….)

  1. Delhi
  2. Ahmedabad
  3. Hardware
  4. Kolkata

Answer: 1. Delhi.

Question 11. The writer roused herself with a/an- (लेखिका ने खुद को जागृत की…….. से)

  1. Ease
  2. Effort
  3. Joy
  4. Unwillingness

Answer: 2. Effort.

Question 12. The author had not directly-(लेखिका प्रत्यक्ष रूप से कभी नहीं की थी।)

  1. Gone to prison with Gandhiji
  2. Played with Gandhiji
  3. Walked with Gandhiji
  4. Run with Gandhiji

Answer: 3. Walked with Gandhiji.

Question 13. The writer felt that the death of Gandhiji left her (गाँधीजी की मृत्यु ने उन्हें ……….. कर दिया।)

  1. Unprotected
  2. Unquiet
  3. Unready
  4. Unrelated

Answer: 1. Unprotected.

Question 14. During the freedom struggle, the writer had been

  1. An onlooker
  2. An active participant
  3. A freedom fighter
  4. A leader

Answer: 1. An onlooker.

Question 15. The writer wondered how she could (लेखिका विस्मित थी कि वह इतनी आसानी से कैसे …….. कर सकती थी ।)

  1. Lose courage so easily
  2. Become so courageous overnight
  3. So frightened
  4. Lose courage after Gandhiji’s death

Answer: 4. Lose courage so easily.

Question 16. Bapu’s India would continue to live in his – (बापू का भारत उनके ………. में जीता रहेगा ।)

  1. Killer
  2. Relatives
  3. Friends
  4. Children

Answer: 4. Children.

Question 17. Coming back to Delhi, the writer felt –

  1. Sadness
  2. Helpless
  3. Surprised
  4. Exhausted

Answer: 2. Helpless.

Question 18. Bapu awakened ordinary folk to one another –

  1. Co-operation
  2. Sympathy
  3. Suffering
  4. Work

Answer: 3. Suffering.

2. State Wheather The Following Statements Are True Or False. Provide Sentences/ Phrases/Words In Support Of Your Answer:(बताओ कि निम्नलिखित वाक्य सही हैं या गलत। अपने उत्तर के समर्थन में वाक्य / वाक्यांश / शब्द लिखें

Question 1. Gandhiji’s ashes were taken to Allahabad on the day of his death. (at चिताभस्म उनकी मृत्यु के परवर्ती दिन इलाहाबाद लाया गया । ) Supporting statement: “Some days after the funeral, Gandhiji’s ashed to Allahabad.
Answer: False

Wb Class 10 English Solutions

Question 2. The ashes were scattered in the Narmada (चिताभस्म नर्मदा में विसर्जित कर दिया गया ।)
Supporting statement: The ashes were immersed in the Ganges.
Answer: False

Question 3. People cried on the train. 
Supporting statement: “People did not weep anymore”.
Answer: False

Question 4. At every station people greeted Gandhiji (प्रत्येक स्टेशन पर लोगों ने गाँधीजी स्वागत किया।)
Supporting statement: “At every station, sorrowful crowds filled the platform.
Answer: False

Question 5. The train reached Allahabad amidst slogan-shouting. (test इलाहाबाद पहुँची ।)
Supporting statement: Amid song and prayer the train reached Allahabad.
Answer: False

Question 6. Back in Delhi, the writer was confused. (fat a Supporting statement: “Back in Delhi, I felt at sea”.
Answer: True

Question 7. The author did not make any sacrifice for her country. (लेखिका ने अपने देश के लिए कुछ भी बलिदान नहीं किया।)
Supporting statement: “I had not directly…… made any sacrifice for my country.”
Answer: True

Question 8. Bapu had made common people aware of one another’s strength. (बापू ने साधारण जनमानस को एक-दूसरे की शक्ति के प्रति जागृत किया ।)
Supporting statement: He……….. awakened them to one another suffering.
Answer: False

Question9. The writer sufferend imprisonment. (लेखिका को कारागार की सजा मिली थी।) [F] Supproting statement : “I had not gone to prison.”
Answer: False

Question 10. With Bapu’s passing away, the writer’s social connections vanished. (बापू के स्वर्गवास के साथ ही लेखिका के सामाजिक सम्पर्क विलुप्त हो गये।
Supporting statement: “with Bapu’s passing away, I felt the magic circle had van- ished……”
Answer: False

3. Complete The Following Sentence With Information From The Text. (पाठ्यांश की सूचना के आधार पर निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूर्ण करें ।)

Question 1. Gandhiji’s ashes were taken to Allahabad by – (गाँधी जी की अस्थिभस्म इलाहाबाद लायी गयी – )
Answer: A special train (एक विशेष ट्रेन के द्वारा)

Question 2. Amid flowers and songs, people could feel (फूलों एवं भजन-संगीत के मध्य लोगों के महसूस किया)
Answer: They presence of Gandhiji (गाँधीजी की उपस्थिति ।)

Question 3. People did not weep anymore because – (लोग अब और नहीं रोये क्योंकि)
Answer: They could feel Gandhiji presence amid the flower and the songs. (वे फूलों एवं भजन- संगीत के मध्य गाँधीजी की उपस्थिति महसूस कर सकते थे।)

Question 4. A huge crowd gathered at the bank of the river Ganga where (विशाल भीड़ गंगा नदी के तट पर एकत्रित थी जहाँ)
Answer: Gandhiji’s ashes were immersed. (गाँधीजी की अस्थिभस्म विसर्जित किया गया।)

Question 5. With Bapu’s passing away, the magic circle around the writer- (बापू के स्वर्गवास के साथ ही लेखिका के चारों ओर का सुरक्षा चक्र)
Answer: Had vanished (विलुप्त हो गया।)

Question 6. The author asked herself (लेखिका ने स्वयं से पूछा )
Answer: If Bapu had lived and died for nothing. (कि क्या बापू के जीने एवं मरने का कोई मोल नहीं था ।)

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Question 7. The writer felt that with Bapu’s passage, the magic circle-
Answer: The writer felt that with Bapu’s passage, the magic circle had vanished.

Question 8. The values of the writer were (लेखिका के मूल्य बोध)
Answer: Not so weak (उतने कमजोर तो नहीं थे ।)

Question 9. Millions of people would have remained ordinary folk if (लाखों लोग साधारण जनमानस ही रह जाते यदि)
Answer: Gandhiji had not brought them out of indifference (गाँधी जी ने उन्हें उदासीनता से उबारा न होता ।)

Question 10. Bapu might have passed away- (बापू तो चल बसे)
Answer: But his India would continue to live in his children. (किन्तु भारत उनकी संतानों में जीता रहेगा।)

4. Answer The Following Questions (निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर दें)

Question 1. When was Gandhiji’s ashes taken to Allahabad ? (गाँधीजी का अस्थिभस्म इलाहाबाद कब लाया गया ? )
Answer: Some days after the funeral was over Gandhiji’s ashes were taken to Allahabad. (अंतिम संस्कार के कुछ दिनों के बाद गाँधी जी की अस्थियाँ इलाहाबाद लायी गई ।)

Question 2. Why were Gandhiji’s ashes taken to Allahabad ? (गाँधी जी का अस्थि भस्म इलाहाबाद क्यों लाया गया ? )
Answer: Gandhiji’s ashes were taken to Allahabad for immersion in the Ganges.(गाँधी जी का अस्थिभस्म गंगा में विसर्जित करने के लिए इलाहाबाद लाया गया।)

Question 3. What took Gandhiji’s ashes to Allabahabad ? (गाँधी जी के अस्थि भस्म को कैसे / किस प्रकार इलाहाबाद लाया गया ? )
Answer: A special train took Gandhiji’s ashes to Allahabad.(एक विशेष रेलगाड़ी से गाँधीजी के अस्थि भस्म को इलाहाबाद लाया गया।)

Question 4. What did the people do in the train ? (लोग रेलगाड़ी में क्या कर रहे थे ? )
Answer: In the train people did not weep anymore but continued to sing bhajAnswer: (रेलगाड़ी में लोग अब और विलाप नहीं कर रहे थे बल्कि वे भजन गा रहे थे ।)

Question 5. Why did people in the train cry no more ? (रेलगाड़ी में लोग क्यों अब और विलाप नहीं कर रहे थे ? )
Answer: People in the train cried no more as they could feel the presence of Gandhiji amid flowers songs and prayers. (रेलगाड़ी में सवार लोग अब और नहीं रो रहे थे चूँकि वे संगीत, भजन और फूलों में गाँधी जी की उपस्थिति महसूस कर सकते थे ।)

Question 6. What happened in the stations during the special trains journey to Allahabad ? (विशेष रेलगाड़ी से इलाहाबाद की यात्रा के दौरान स्टेशन पर क्या हुआ?)
Answer: During the special journey to Allahabad, crowds of sorrowful people filled the platform at every station.
इलाहाबाद की यात्रा के दौरान, शोक संतप्त लोगों के झुण्ड ने हर स्टेशन के प्लेटफार्म पर भीड़ लगा रखी थी।)

Question 7. How was the compartment of the train decorated ? (रेलगाड़ी का डब्बा कैसे सजाया गया ? )
Answer: Compartment of the train was decorated with flowers. (रेलगाड़ी का डब्बा फूलों से सजाया गया।)

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Question 8. Amid what did the train reach Allahabad ? (रेलगाड़ी किनके मध्य इलाहाबाद पहुँची ? )
Answer: The train reached Allahabad amid flowers and songs.(रेलगाड़ी फूलों एवं संगीतों के मध्य इलाहाबाद पहुँची।)

Question 9. Where did a large crowd gather during the immersion of Bapuji’s ashes ? (बापू जी की अस्थि – भस्म को विसर्जित करते समय विशाल भीड़ कहाँ एकत्र थी ? )
Answer: A large crowd gathered at the bank of the Ganga during the immersion of Bapuji’s ashes. (बापू जी अस्थि – भस्म को विसर्जित करते समय गंगा के तट पर विशाल भीड़ एकत्र थी।)

Question 10. What did the writer feel as she came back to Delhi from Allahabad ? (इलाहाबाद से दिल्ली लौटने पर लेखिका ने क्या महसूस की।)
Answer: On coming back from Allahabad to Delhi the Writer felt at sea. (इलाहाबाद से दिल्ली लौटने पर लेखिका ने असहाय महसूस किया ।)

Question 11. What did the author and her sisters do? (लेखिका और उनकी बहनों ने क्या किया?)
Answer: When Gandhiji was walking over many parts of the country the author her sisters did not walk with Gandhiji and were merely on lookers. (जब गाँधी जी देश के विभिन्न भागों में पद यात्रा कर रहे थे तो लेखिका और उनकी बहनों ने गाँधी जी के साथ पद यात्रा नहीं की और मात्र मूक दर्शक बनी रही।)

Question 12. How did the author feel she had grown up? (लेखिका कैसे पली-बढ़ी थी ? )
Answer: The author felt she had grown within a magic circle. (लेखिका ने अनुभव की कि वह एक चमत्कारिक चक्र में पली-बढ़ी थी।)

Question 13. What had vanished for the writer after the death of Gandhiji ? (गाँधी जी की मृत्यु के बाद लेखिका के अनुसार क्या विलुप्त हो गया था ? )
Answer: The magic circle of Bapu had vanished for the writer after his death. (बापू की मृत्यु के बाद उनका चमत्कारिक सुरक्षा चक्र लेखिका के लिए विलुप्त हो गया था।)

Question 14. What did the author ask herself ? (लेखिका ने स्वयं से क्या पूछा?)
Answer: The deeply shocked author asked herself whether Gandhiji lived and died for nothing. (शोक संतप्त लेखिका ने स्वयं से पूछा कि क्या गाँधी जी के जीने एवं मरने का कोई मोल न था ।)

Question 15. What did Gandhiji do to the common people of India ? (गाँधी जी ने भारत के आम जनता के लिए क्या किया था ? )
Answer: Gandhiji got the common Indians out of indifference and made them aware of one another’s sufferings.
((गाँधीजी ने भारत के आम जनता को उदासीनता से उबारा एवं उन्हें एक दूसरे की पीड़ा के प्रति जागृत किया / अवगत कराया।)

Question 16. How were the values of the author ? (लेखिका के मूल्यबोध कैसे थे ? )
Answer: The values of the author were not very weak. (लेखिका के मूल्यबोध दुर्बल नहीं थे।)

Question 17. What was the result of Gandhiji’s effort ? (गाँधीजी के प्रयास का क्या परिणाम हुआ ? )
Answer: As a result of Gandhiji’s efforts the ordinary folk could realize the suffering of one another.
(गाँधी जी के प्रयास के फलस्वरूप साधारण जनमानस एक दूसरे की पीड़ा को समझ सकते थे।)

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Question 18. How did the author decribe the then young generation ? (लेखिका के उस समय की युवा पीढ़ी का वर्णन कैसे किया?)
Answer: The author decribed the then young generation as strong and proud to carry the ideals of Bapuji forward.(लेखिका ने उस समय की युवा पीढ़ी का वर्णन सामर्थ्यवान एवं स्वाभिमानी होने के रूप में किया जो बापूजी के आदर्शों का अनुसरण कर सकते थे।)

Question 19. Who would bear, according to the author, Gandhiji’s banner ? (लेखिका के अनुसार गाँधीजी के अधूरे कार्यों को कौन पूरा करेगा?)
Answer: According to the author, the strong and proud young people would bear Gandhiji’s banner. (लेखिका के अनुसार सामर्थ्यवान एवं स्वाभिमानी युवक-युवतियाँ गांधीजी के अधूरे कार्यों को पूरा करेंगे।)

Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) Additional Textual Grammar Change Of Voice

Question 1. He awakened them to one another’s sufferings.
Answer: They were awakened to one another’s sufferings by him.

Question 2. He brought them out of difference.
Answer: They were brought out of difference by him.

Question 3. They could feel Gandhiji’s presence.
Answer: Gandhiji’s presence could be felt by them.

Question 4. People on the train sang bhaji
Answer: Bhajans were sung by people on the train.

Question 5. The compartment was decked with flowers.
Answer: They decked the compartment with flowers.

Question 6. A special train took Gandhiji’s ashes to Allahabad.
Answer: Gandhiji’s ashes were taken to Allahabad by a special train.

Question 7. Gandhi took this necessity.
Answer: This necessity was taken by Gandhiji.

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Question 8. It requires no vehicle.
Answer: No vehicle was required for it.

Question 9. They did not make a sound.
Answer: Not a sound was made by them.

Question 10. I was called to Birla House.
Answer: They called me to Birla House.

Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) Change Of Narration

Question 1. The narrator said, “As I moved forward slowly I understood I was not merely in the midst of grieving people.”
Answer: The narrator said that as he had moved forward he had understood that he had not merely been in the midst of grieving people.

Question 2. She said simply, “We will walk. It is the last time we shall be walking with Bapu.”
Answer: She simply said, that they would walk. She added that it was the last time they should be walking with Bapu.

Question 3. One whimper, “What will become of me now that he was left me?
Answer: One whimper and asks what will become of him then that he has left him.

Lesson (पाठ) – 3 The Passing Away Of Bapu (बापूजी का गुजरना) Transformation Of Sentence

Question 1. I was called to Birla House by an urgent telephone call. (Turn into a complex sentence)
Answer: I was called to Birla House by a telephone call which was urgent.

Question 2. They did not make a sound. (Tun into an affirmative sentence)
Answer: They remained soundless.

Question 3. They looked like lost children. (Turn into a complex sentence)
Answer: They looked like children who were lost.

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Question 4. Bapu lay on an open truck covered with flowers. (Turn into a complex sentence)
Answer: Bapu lay on an open truck that was covered with flowers.

Question 4. Bapu lay on an open truck covered with flowers. (Turn into a complex sentence)
Answer: We could now refuse the fact.

Question 6. It cost him nothing but his energy. (Turn into an affirmative sentence)
Answer: It cost him only his energy.

Question 7. They could feel Gandhiji’s presence amid the flowers and the songs. (use as an adjective)
Answer: They could feel that Gandhiji was present amid the flowers and the songs.

Question 8. What if now Bapu is gone? (Turn into an assertive sentence)
Answer: It does not matter if now Bapu is gone.

Question 9. Thousands silently watched the procession. (use of the form of ‘silently’)
Answer: Thousands watched the procession with silence.

Question 10. My values were not so weak. (Turn into an interrogative sentence)
Answer: Were my values so weak?

WBBSE Solutions For Class 10 English Bliss Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार)

Class 10 English Bliss Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार)

About The Poet-Ted Hughes

Edward James Hughes widely known as Ted Hughes was a prolific writer. He was also a playwright and won high acclaim as a children’s writer.

He was born on 17th August 1930 in Mytholmroyd, England. His father, William Henry was a carpenter. He graduated from Pembroke College Cambridge.

His early fascination for animals found expression in his poems. His major works are: The Hawk in is the Rain, Lupercal, Wodwo, Crow, Gaudete, Cave Birds, Remians of Elmet, Moortown, The River, and Book for Childen.

Critics often ranked him as one of the best children poets of his generation. In 1984, he was made the poet Laureate of England. Ted Hughes breathed his last on October 28, 1998.

English Class 10 Wbbse

Class 10 English Bliss Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) हिन्दी अनुवाद

Ted Hughes के नाम से विख्यात Edward James Huges एक प्रतिभावान लेखक थे। वे एक नाटककार थे और उन्होंने बाल साहित्यकार के रूप में ख्याति प्राप्त किया।

उनका जन्म England के Mythalmroyd में 17 अगस्त 1930 को हुआ। उनके पिता, विलियम हेनरी, एक बढ़ई थे। उन्होंने Pembroke College, Cambridge से स्नातक किया। उनका पशुप्रेम उनकी कविताओं में परिलक्षित होता है। उनकी मुख्य रचनाएँ हैं।

The Hawk in the Rain, Lupercal, Wodwo, Crow, Gaudete, Cave Birds, Remains of Elmet, Moortown The River and Book for children. आलोचक उन्हें अपनी पीढ़ी के सर्वश्रेष्ठ बाल कवियों में से एक के रूप में मानते थे। 1984 में उन्हें England के राजकवि की उपाधि दी गई। Ted Hughes 28 October, 1998 को चल बसे।

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) Introduction Of The Poem

“My own true family” is a descriptive poem by Ted Hughes. The poem is a development. of a letter entitled “Children Plant Trees for Tomorrow” in which Hughes encouraged schools to involve pupils in growing projects.

The poem upholds the importance of the tree in our natural environment through a young child’s magical experience in an oakwood. It indicates that human beings and trees are part of a family called Nature.

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Class 10 English BlissLesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) हिन्दी अनुवाद

‘मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार’ Ted Hughes’ के द्वारा रचित एक वर्णननात्मक कविता है। यह कविता “Children Plant Trees for Tommorrow” शीर्षक वाले एक पत्र का विकसित रूप है, जिसमें Hughes ने विद्यालयों को प्रोत्साहित किया था कि वे विद्यार्थियों को परियोजनाओं को विकसित करने के काम में शामिल करें।

इस कविता में ओक के वन में एक तरुण बालक के जादुई/चमत्कारिक अनुभव के माध्यम से हमारे कृ वातावरण में वृक्षों के महत्व का समर्थन समावेश किया गया है। यह संकेत करती है कि मनुष्य एवं वृक्ष प्रकृति नामक एक ही परिवार के अंश हैं।

English Class 10 Wbbse

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) Summary

In the poem the poet imagines himself to be a child. Once he crept into an Oakwood in search of a deer. There he encountered an old woman.

She was staggering with the help of a stick. She told the poet that her bag contained his secret. Then she cackled. The poet trembled in fear.

She cast a spell on the poet. As soon as the bag was opened, he awoke twice magically.
He dreamt that he was surrounded by oak trees and tied to a stake. He came to know from the trees that they were his true family.

They told the poet about their untimely death. They were chopped at random. The trees warned him and made him to promise to save them.

They asked him to swear to plant two oak trees if he would find one felled.
If he refused he would have to die.

After his dream, the poet left wood and returned to human society. But he was fully changed. He felt that he had the body of a human but his heart was a tree.

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Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) हिन्दी अनुवाद

इस कविता में कवि स्वयं को एक बालक के रूप में कल्पना करते हैं। एक बार वह एक हिरण की खोज में ओक के एक वन में चुपके से गया। वहाँ उसका सामना एक वृद्ध महिला से हुआ। वह एक छड़ी के सहारे लड़खड़ाती हुई चल रही थी।

उसने कवि को कहा कि उसके थैले में उसकी (कवि की) गोपनीय वस्तु/बात है। तब वह अट्टहास करने लगी। कवि भय काँप गया। उसने कवि को सम्मोहित कर दिया। ज्योंहि थैला खोला गया, कवि चमत्कारिक ढंग से दुबारा जागृत हुआ ।

उसने स्वप्न देखा कि वह ओक के वृक्षों से घिरा हुआ एवं एक खूँटे से बँधा हुआ था। पेड़ों से उसे जानकारी मिली कि वे उसके वास्तविक परिवार थे। उनलोगों ने कवि को अपने असमय मृत्यु के बारे में बताया। उन्हें बिना सोचे-समझे बेतहाशा काटा जा रहा था।

वृक्षों ने उन्हें चेतावनी दी एवं उनसे अपनी रक्षा करने का वचन लिया। उन्होंने कवि को शपथ लेने को कहा कि वे ओक के दो वृक्ष लगाएँ यदि वे एक भी वृक्ष कटा हुआ पाएँगे।

यदि वे इन्कार करते तो मारे जाते। स्वप्न के बाद कवि जंगल से खाना हुए एवं मानवों के समाज में वापस चले गये। परन्तु वे पूर्णतः परिवर्तित हो चुके थे। उन्होंने महसूस किया कि उनका शरीर तो मानव का था परन्तु उनका हृदय वृक्ष हो चुका था।

English Class 10 Wbbse

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) Stanza – 1

Read The Following Poem:

Once I crept in an oakwood – I was looking for a stag. I met an old woman there – all knobbly stick and rag. She said: ‘I have your secret here inside my little bag.’

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) हिन्दी अनुवाद

एक बार मैं एक ओक वृक्ष के जंगल में चुपके से गया- मुझे एक हिरण की तलाश थी। वहाँ मुझे एक बूढ़ी औरत मिली जो चिथड़े में अस्थिर रूप से चिपकी थी। उसने कहा : तुम्हारे सभी रहस्य, यहाँ, मेरे इस छोटे बैग में हैं पड़े हुए ।

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) Word-Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Once (Adv)- Once upon a time- एक समय / दिन की बात है।
  2. I (pron) Crept (V.P)- The poet – कवि ।
  3. An area where a number of oak trees grow ओक के वृक्षों का वन
  4. Oakwood (comp. n)- Moved slowly, Entered slowly- चुपके से प्रवेश किया।
  5. Looking for (Ph.v)- A wood made of oak trees.
  6. Stage (N)-A male dear हिरण |
  7. Searching for in search of की खोज में।

Note – कविता में हिरण को खोजने का उद्देश्य स्पष्ट नहीं हैं। संभवतः कवि हिरण की सुन्दरता से आकृष्ट हुए हों ।

Ted Hughes अपने पशु-प्रेम के लिए विख्यात हैं। उन्हें जानवरों को देखना एवं उनके स्वभाव का पर्यवेक्षण करना अच्छा लगता था। उन्हें उनका साथ भाता था एवं वे उनकी पशुता में भी मानवता का विश्लेषण करते थे।

  1. Met (V.P.)- Came Across, chanced to see – मिला।
  2. An old woman (Ph.)- एक वृद्ध महिला ।
  3. Note – वृद्ध महिला का परिचय स्पष्ट नहीं कि किन्तु यह स्पष्ट है कि वह ओक के वन में रहती है। सम्भवत: वह प्रकृति अथवा पृथ्वी का काल्पनिक मानवीय स्वरूप हो। उसकी वृद्ध अवस्था प्रकृति या पृथ्वी की प्रौढ़ता दर्शाती है।
  4. There (Adv)- In the oakwood- ओक के वन में।
  5. All (Adj)- Whole समस्त / सम्पूर्ण ।
  6. Knobbly (Adj)- Unsteadily – लड़खड़ाते हुए, दुर्बलतापूर्वक, अस्थिरतापूर्वक ।
  7. Stick (N)- A wooden rod- लाठी |
  8. Rag (N)- Worn out clothes – फटे वस्त्र ।
  9. She (Pron)- The old woman – वृद्ध महिला ।
  10. Said (V.P)- Told-कहा।
  11. Secret (N)- Hidden fact राज, गोपनीय बात ।
  12. Inside (Prep)-Within अंदर, in the inner part
  13. Little (Adj)-Small छोटा ।
  14. Bag (N)- थैली ।
  15. I have your secret here inside my little bag : तुम्हारे राजा गोपनीय बात मेरे छोटे थैले में हैं।

Note – कवि की गोपनीय बात क्या थी? इस प्रश्न का उत्तर कविता में नहीं है। कवि मानव जाति के प्रतीक हैं। सभ्यता के विकास के नाम पर मनुष्य प्रकृति का विनाश करने में लिप्त है। जंगल विनाश की कगार पर हैं।

Class 10 English Text Book Wbbse

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) हिन्दी अनुवाद

एक बार मैं चुपके से ओक वृक्ष के जंगल में गया। मैं एक हिरण की खोज में था। वहाँ एक वृद्ध महिला से मेरी भेंट हुई। वह जीर्ण-शीर्ण वस्त्र धारण किए हुए हाथों में एक छड़ी लेकर लड़खड़ाते हुए चल रही थी। उसने कहा तुम्हारी गोपनीयता मेरी छोटी थैली के अंदर है।

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) Stanza – 2

Then she began to cackle and I began to quake.
She opened up her little bag and I came twice awake –
Surrounded by a staring tribe and tied to a stake.

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) हिन्दी अनुवाद

फिर वह बड़बड़ाने लगी और मैं लगा काँपने ।
खोली वह अपना छोटी बैग और मुझमें आया पुनः होश,
जनजातियों द्वारा घिरा, एकटक निहारता हुआ, मैं खूँटे से बँधा पाया ।

Class 10 English Text Book Wbbse

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) Word-Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. She (Pron)-The old woman वृद्ध महिला ।
  2. Began (V.P.)- Started शुरू किया।
  3. Cackle (V)- Laugh in hash voice – कर्कश स्वर में हँसना, अट्टहास करना।
  4. To make a sound of hen or goose. मुर्गी या हंस की आवाज निकालना ।
  5. I (Pron)- The poet – कवि ।
  6. Quake (v)-Tremble in fear – भय से काँपना ।
  7. Twice (Adv)- For the second time – द्वितीय बार।
  8. Awake (Adj)-Gain consciousness Rise up from sleep – जागृत होना। चेतना प्राप्त करना ।

I came twice awake का अनुभव प्राप्त किया स्वप्न में । कवि ने स्वप्न अवस्था में ओक के वन में प्रवेश किया। जब वे अपने वास्तविक परिवार (वृक्ष) के साथ थे तो यह उनकी प्रथम जागृत अवस्था थी। परन्तु जागृत अवस्था में होने

पर भी वह वृक्षों की पीड़ा के प्रति अनभिज्ञ रहता है। बल्कि वह तो उन्हें और प्रताड़ित करता है। ऐसा जागरण तो निद्रा समान ही है। परन्तु जब कवि नींद में भी अपने स्वजनों (वृक्ष) को पहचान पाते हैं, तभी वे वास्तव में जागृत हैं।

बाद में कवि एक वृद्ध महिला से मिला, तब उस महिला ने उसके राज खोले। उसने कवि को पेड़ों के दुःख-दर्द का एहसास करवाया। कवि यह भी समझ पाये कि जंगलों के विनाश के कारण मानवता पर घोर संकट आने वाला है। इसलिए यह द्वितीय जगारण की अवस्था हो सकती है।

  1. Surrounded (Adj)- Circumscribed Enclosed घिरा हुआ।
    Staring (P. Adj)- Cluster, Group
  2. Staring Tribe- A group of uncivilized people जनजाति, दल । ऐसा प्रतीत हुआ कि ओक के वृक्ष कवि को एक टक देख रहे थे। वृक्षों ने उन्हें चारों ओर से घेर कर मानों बंदी बना लिया था।
  3. Note – Tribe शब्द से ओक वृक्ष की डाल की ओर संकेत किया गया है।
  4. Tied (V.P.P.)- Fastened / Bound बाँधा ।
  5. Stake (N)- Strong past / pillar मजबूत थम्भ ।
  6. Note- यहाँ Stake का तात्पर्य ओक के वृक्ष के मजबूत तने से है।

Note – जागृत होने पर कवि ने स्वयं को ओक के वृक्षों से घिरा हुआ एवं एक ओक वृक्ष से बंधा हुआ पाया।

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) हिन्दी अनुवाद

तब वह अट्टहास करने लगी और मैं भय से काँपने लगा / उसने अपनी छोटी थैली खोली और मैं दूसरी बार जागा । मैने स्वयं को टकटकी लगाकर देखने वाले जनजाति (ओक के वृक्ष) के द्वारा घिरा हुआ एवं एक मजबूत थम्भ से बँधा हुआ पाया।

Class 10 English Text Book Wbbse

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) Stanza – 3

They said: ‘We are the oak trees and your own true family.
We are chopped down, we are torn up, and you do not blink an eye.
unless you make a promise now – now you are going to die.’

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) हिन्दी अनुवाद

उन्होंने कहा हमलोग हैं ओक के वृक्ष और तुम्हारा सच्चा परिवार।
काटा जा रहा है हमें, नष्ट किया जा रहा है हमें और तुम हो कि देखते भी नहीं,
जब तक तुम कसम नहीं खाते, मरने के लिए तैयार रहो।

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) Word-Notes (शब्दार्थ)

They (pron)- The oak tees ओक वृक्ष ।

Class 10 English Text Book Wbbse

We are the oak trees -Here, the poet imagines the oak trees to have human voice यहाँ, कवि कल्पना करते हैं कि ओक के वृक्षों को मानवीय स्वर हैं।

Your own true family -Here, the poet personifies the oak trees. यहाँ, कवि ओक के वृक्षों का मानवीकरण करते हैं। वृक्ष मनुष्य के आत्मीय जनों में से हैं और यही वृक्षों की वास्तविक पहचान है।

पृथ्वी मनुष्यों एवं वृक्षों के मिलन से एक परिवार की सृष्टि होती है। परन्तु दुर्भाग्यवश मनुष्य यह सम्बन्ध भूल गया है। वे पेड़ों पर आघात करते हैं एवं उनकी हत्या करते हैं। ओक के वृक्ष जब कवि को पाते हैं तो वे उसे यह सम्बन्ध याद दिलाने के लिए बाँध देते हैं।

  1. We are chopped down- we are torn up ( हमें काटा जाता है)
  2. Torn up (Ph. v)- Broken to peices – क्षत-विक्षत करना -टुकड़े-टुकड़े करना ।
  3. Note- यहाँ वृक्ष अपनी पीड़ा/व्यथा/यंत्रणा व्यक्त करते हैं। यहाँ मानवों की क्रूरता भी इंगित की जा रही है।
  4. Blink- Close the eyes repeatedly for a moment पलक झपकाना।
  5. You don’t blink an eye – तुम एक नजर देखते भी नहीं,
  6. Note – मनुष्य जंगल के विनाश के प्रति पूर्णतः उदासीन हैं। उसे वृक्षों की पीड़ा की कोई परवाह नहीं है।
  7. Unless- If not यदि नहीं
  8. Make a promise- Take an oath – वचन देना ।
  9. Die- Expire (मरना)

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) हिन्दी अनुवाद

उनलोगों ने कहा : हमलोग Oak (ओक) के वृक्ष हैं और हम तुम्हारे वास्तविक स्वजन हैं। हमें काटा जाता है एवं छिन्न-भिन्न किया जाता है और तुम हमें एक नज़र देखते भी नहीं हो। यदि तुम अभी शपथ नहीं लेते हो तो तुम्हें मरना पड़ेगा।

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) Stanza – 4

‘Whenever you see an oak tree felled, swear now you will plant two.
Unless you swear the black oak bark will wrinkle over you
And root you among the oaks where you were born but never grew’.

Wbbse English Solution Class 10

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) हिन्दी अनुवाद

जब कभी तुम ओक के एक वृक्ष गिरते देखो, कसम खाओ कि दो वृक्ष लगाओगे । जब तक तुम खाते नहीं कसम, काले ओक के वृक्ष सिकुड़ेंगे तुम पर, और ओक वृक्षों के बीच जड़ हो जहाँ तुमलोग पैदा हुए लेकिन बढ़े नहीं ।

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) Word-Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Whenever (Adv)-At any time जब कभी
  2. You (Pron)- The poet/man – कवि / मानव
  3. See (V)- Witness – देखना ।
  4. Felled (V.P.P)-Cut down काटना ।
  5. Swear (V)- Make promise Take an oath शपथ लेना ।
  6. Now (Adv)- At this very moment – इसी क्षण।
  7. Plant (V)- Place a seed/put the root into the soil- बोना।
  8. Two (Adj)- Two oak trees.

Note – ओक के वृक्षों ने कवि को शपथ लेने को कहा कि एक ओक वृक्ष कटने पर वह दो ओक वृक्ष लगाएगा। क्योंकि वास्तव में यही एकमात्र तरीका है जिसके माध्यम से प्रकृति/पृथ्वी को हुई क्षति को कम किया जा सकता है।

  1. Bark (N)-The outer bark of a tree पेड़ की छाल ।
  2. Wrinkle (V)- Crease, fold, furrow, मोड़ देना, सिकोड़ना ।
  3. Note- यदि कवि वचन देने से इन्कार करता है तो ओक के वृक्ष उसे दंडित करेंगे।
  4. Root (V)- To fix by the root, plant firmly जड़बद्ध करना।
    Among- के मध्य ।

Where you were born but never grow – You came of but never developed जहाँ तुमने जन्म तो लिया किन्तु विकास नहीं कर पाये। ओक के वृक्षों की भाँति कवि का विकास नहीं होगा।

Wbbse English Solution Class 10

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) हिन्दी अनुवाद

जब कभी तुम किसी ओक के वृक्ष को कटा हुआ पाओगे/देखोगे तो तुम अभी वचन दो कि तुम उसी समय दो पौधे लगाओगे।

यदि तुम शपथ नहीं लोगे तो ओक वृक्ष के काले छाल तुम्हें जकड़ लेंगे और तुम्हें ओक के वृक्षों के मध्य ही जड़बद्ध कर देंगे। जहाँ तुम्हारा जन्म तो हुआ परन्तु तुम बढ़ न पाये।

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) Stanza – 5

This was my dream beneath the boughs, the dream that altered me. When I came out of the oakwood, back to human company, My walk was the walk of a human child, but my heart was a tree.

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) हिन्दी अनुवाद

टहनियों को मेरा यह स्वप्न था, बदल दिया जो स्वप्न मुझे।
मैं जब ओक-वृक्ष के जंगल से बाहर आया, वापस लोगों के साथ,
चाल मेरी थी मानव के बच्चे का लेकिन मेरा हृदय था पेड़ का ।

Wbbse English Solution Class 10

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) Word-Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Dream (N)- An imaginary thought, Fantasy Reverie – स्वप्न ।
  2. Beneath (Prep) – Under के नीचे।
  3. Boughs (N)- Braches (of the oak tree) टहनियाँ ।
  4. Altered (V)- Changed परिवर्तित कर दिया।
  5. The dream that attered me

स्वप्न ने कवि के मन को परिवर्तित कर दिया। इससे पूर्व कवि को मनुष्य एवं वृक्षों के सम्बन्ध का आभास नहीं था। परन्तु जब वह ओक के वृक्षों के घनिष्ठ सम्पर्क में आए तब वे इस सम्पर्क के बारे में जान पाए जिससे उनके जीवन में महान परिवर्तन आया।

  1. Came out (V)- Got out of – से बाहर निकला। Here, left रवाना हुए।
  2. When I came out of the oakwood जब मैं ओक के जंगल से बाहर निकला ।
  3. Note – कवि का जंगल से बाहर निकलना इस बात का स्पष्ट संकेत है कि ओक के वृक्षों से स्वाधीनता प्राप्त करने के पहले उन्हें वृक्षों के सामने शपथ लेना पड़ा।
  4. Back Return- वापस
  5. Back to human company- कवि मनुष्यों के समाज में वापस आ गए। अब तक वे ओक वृक्षों के बीच थे। ओक के वन से बाहर निकल कर वे मनुष्यों के समाज में वापस आ गए।
  6. Company- Association – साथ / संगति ।
  7. My walk was the walk of a human child- But my heart was a tree- मैं एक मानव शिशु की तरह चल रहा था। किन्तु मेरा हृदय तो वृक्ष बन गया था।

Note – ओक के वन में कवि के साथ हुए चमत्कारिक अनुभव ने कवि का हृदय परिवर्तन कर दिया था। उन्हें वृक्षों की मूल पीड़ा का आभास हुआ। वे मनुष्य एवं वृक्षों के दीर्घकालीन किन्तु विस्मृत सम्पर्क को समझ पाये और उनका हृदय वृक्षों के प्रति समर्पित हो गया।

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) हिन्दी अनुवाद

ओक वृक्ष के शाखाओं के नीचे यही मेरा स्वप्न था जिसने मुझे परिवर्तित कर दिया। जब मैं ओक के वृक्ष के वन से बाहर निकला, तो मैं मानवों के समाज में पहुँच गया। मैं चल तो रहा था एक मानव शिशु की भाँति, परन्तु मेरा हृदय तो एक वृक्ष हो चुका था।

Wbbse English Solution Class 10

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) Comprehension Exercises

1. Choose The Correct Alternative To Complete The Following Sentences: (निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करने के लिए सही विकल्प चुनें।)

Question 1. Creeping in an oakwood, the poet was looking for a (ओक वृक्ष के वन में चुपके से प्रवेश कर कवि खोज रहे थे ।)

  1. Goat
  2. Rhinoceros
  3. Stag
  4. Buffalo

Answer: 3. Stag.

Question 2. Whenever an oak trees is felled, the number of trees the poet must plant is – (जब कभी कोई ओक का वृक्ष काटा जाता है, तो कवि को अवश्य रोपने होंगे वृक्ष पौधे)

  1. Two
  2. Three
  3. Four
  4. Five

Answer: 1. Two.

Question 3. When the poet came out of the oakwood, his heart was that of a (जब कवि ओक के वन से बाहर आए, तो उनका हृदय का बन गया था ।)

  1. Stage
  2. Tree
  3. Human child
  4. Old woman

Answer: 2. Tree.

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2. State Wheather The Following Statements Are True Or False. Provide Sentences/ Phrases/Words In Support Of Your Answer:(बताओ कि निम्नलिखित वाक्य सही हैं या गलत। अपने उत्तर के समर्थन में वाक्य / वाक्यांश / शब्द लिखो )

Question 1. The old woman held the poet’s secrets in her little bag. (वृद्ध महिला ने अपने छोटे थैले में कवि की गोपनीयता रखी हुई थी
Supporting statements: I have your secret here inside my little bag.
Answer: True

Quetion 2. The tree tribe said that the poet is bothered to see the chopping down of oak trees (वृक्ष के समूह ने कहा कि कवि ओक के वृक्षों को काटते हुए देखकर परेशान होते हैं।)
Supporting statement: “We are chopped down we are torn up, we do not bunk an eye. ”
Answer: False

Question 3. The poet never came out of the oakwood. (कवि ओक के वन से कभी बाहर नहीं आए।)
Supporting statement: When I came out of oakwood.
Answer: False

3. Answer The Following Questions (निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर दो)

Question 1. When did the poet come twice awake ? ( कवि कब दुबारा जागृत हुए ?)
Answer: The poet came twice awake when the old woman he met in the oakwood let his secret out of her little bag.(जब ओक के वन में कवि से मिली महिला ने अपने छोटे थैले से उसकी गोपनीयता बाहर निकाली तो कवि दुबारा जागृत हुए।)

Question 2. What would happen to the poet if he failed to make the promise ? (यदि कवि वादा नहीं करते तो उनके साथ क्या होता?)
Answer: If the poet failed to make the promise, he would definitely be dead.(यदि कवि वादा नहीं करते तो वे निश्चित रूप से मारे जाते ।)

Question 3. What was it that altered the poet ? (किस चीज ने कवि को परिवर्तित कर दिया?)
Answer: It was the dream about deforestation and afforestation that altered the poet. (वनोन्मूलन एवं वनरोपण के स्वप्न ने कवि को परिवर्तित कर दिया।)

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Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) Grammar In Use

4. Change The Following Into Indirect Speech.

Question 1. Rahul asked Dipa, “Will you go to school today ?” (राहुल ने दीपा से कहा, “क्या आज तुम स्कूल जाओगी ” ?)
Answer: Rahul asked Dipa if she (Dipa) would go to school that day. राहुल ने दीपा से पूछा कि क्या वह स्कूल जाएगी।)

Question 2. Rita siad to Ayesha, “please give me a glass of water”. (रीता ने आईसा से कहा, “कृप्या मुझे एक ग्लास पानी दो ।)
Answer: Ria requested Ayesha to give her a glass of water. रीता ने आईसा से उसे एक ग्लास पानी देने का अनुरोध किया।)

Question 3. The old man told the little girl, “may you be happy !” (वृद्ध व्यक्ति ने छोटी लड़की से कहाँ, “खुश रहो !’)
Answer: The old man wished that the little girl might be happy. वृद्ध व्यक्ति ने शुभकामना दिया कि छोटी लड़की खुश रहे।)

5. Do As Directed

Question 1. Ranjan said, “who does not know the name of Rabindranath ?” (Change into affirmative sentence). (रंजन ने कहा, “रवीन्द्रनाथ का नाम कौन नहीं जानता ? )
Answer: Rajan said, “Everybody knows the name of Rabindranath. (रंजन ने कहा कि हर कोई रवीन्द्रनाथ का नाम जानता है।)

Question 2. Sangeeta runs faster than any other girl in her class. (Rewrite using the positive degree of faster.) (संगीता अपने वर्ग की किसी भी अन्य की तुलना में ज्यादा तेज दौड़ती है।)
Answer: No other girl in her class runs so fast as Sangeeta. (उसके वर्ग की अन्य लड़की रीता के जितना तेज नहीं दौड़ती ।)

Question 3. Kaushiki blamed her friend for the trouble. (Rewrite using the noun form of ‘blamed’) (कौशिकी ने कष्ट के लिए अपने मित्र को दोषी ठहराया। )
Answer: Kaushiki put a blmae for the trouble on her friend. ( कौशिकी ने कष्ट का आरोप अने मित्र पर लगाया।)

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Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) Writing Activities

7. Your school is going to host the inter-school District sports competition. Suppose you are the secretary of the Sports Club of your school.

Write a notice (Within 100 words) calling students to participate in the competition. Mention the time, date, and venue of the competition. Your notice should be counter-signed by the Headmistress / Headmaster of your school.


A B C High School
Inter School District sport competition

Date 10.1.2016

All the students are hereby informed that our school is going to host the Inter School District Sports Competition on 20.1.2016. The events will start at 10 A.M. and continue till 4 P.M.

There will be various events for the students of classes (V) to (X). A student can participate in a maximum of three events without any entry fee.

So, the willing students are requested to register their names with their respective class teachers on or before 18.1.2016. The presence of all the students is compulsory. They requested to maintain discipline during the sports.

For any further details, the undersigned may be contacted. Cooperation from all is highly solicited.

By Headmaster

Sd/- Secretary Sports Club
ABC School


Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) Additional Textual Questions & Answers

1. Choose The Correct Alternative To Complete The Following Sentences: (निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करने के लिए सही विकल्प चुनें।)

Question 1. ‘My own True family’ is written by- (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार लिखा गया है — के द्वारा)

  1. R.W. Emerson
  2. Ted Hughes
  3. William Cowper
  4. John Masefield.

Answer: 1. Ted Hughes.

Question 2. The woods into which the poet crept was made of (कवि ने जिस जंगल में प्रवेश

Wbbse Class 10 English Solution

  1. Oak trees
  2. Pine trees
  3. Deodar trees
  4. Sat trees

Answer: 1. Oak trees.

Question 3. The poet once entered an oak wood- (एकबार कवि ने एक ओक वन में प्रवेश किया।)

  1. Stealthily
  2. Quickly
  3. Secretly
  4. Slowly

Answer: 4. Slowly.

4. The poet met. –

  1. An old woman
  2. A young girl
  3. A woodcutter
  4. A shepherd

Answer: 1. An old woman.

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Question 5. The poet once crept in an oakwood to look for a (एक बार कवि ने ओक वन में चुपके से प्रवेश किया- खोजने के लिए)

  1. Male hare
  2. Male deer
  3. Female deer
  4. Female hare

Answer: 2. Male deer.

Question 6. The old woman had a stick which was – (वृद्ध महिला के पास एक छड़ी थी जो — थी ।)

  1. Long
  2. Knobbly
  3. Oily
  4. Small

Answer: 2. Knobbly.

Question 7. The old woman whom the poet met in the forest was – में मिले थे वह थी – )

  1. Fat
  2. Knobbly
  3. Thin
  4. Strong

Answer 2. Knobbly.

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Question 8. The Oak bark is (ओक वृक्ष का छाल होता है -)

  1. Green
  2. Gray
  3. White
  4. Black

Answer: 4. Black.

Question 9. ‘All Knobbly stick and rag’ – The above line describes a-

  1. Weak man
  2. Woman
  3. Girl
  4. Oaktree

Answer: 2. Woman.

Question 10. When the old woman began to cackle the poet began to
अट्टहास किया तो कवि ने वर्णन करती है।)

  1. Quake
  2. Cry
  3. Laugh
  4. Run

Answer: 1. Quake.

Question 11. The old whom woman the poet met in the forest had – करना शुरू किया। जंगल में मिला उस महिला के पास था – )

  1. Rag
  2. Stick
  3. None of the above
  4. Stick and rag.

Answer: 4. Stick and rag.

Question 12. The poet was tied to a –

  1. Pine tree
  2. Light post
  3. oka tree
  4. Post

Answer: 4. Post.

Question 13. “I have your secret here.” -the speaker is –

  1. An old woman
  2. Ted Hughes
  3. The narrator
  4. An oak tree

Answer: 1. An old woman.

Wb Class 10 English Solutions

Question 14. The poet was surrounded by a –

  1. Cave tribe
  2. Tree tribe
  3. Wild tribe
  4. Hill tribe

Answer: 2. Tree tribe.

Question 15. The old woman said that she had kept in her little bag the poet’s – (कहा कि उसके छोटे थैले में रखा हुआ के द्वारा)

  1. Gold ring
  2. Birth certificate
  3. Secret
  4. Horoscope

Answer: 3. Secret.

Question 16. The poet had a dream –

  1. Beside a lake
  2. In a park
  3. In a garden
  4. Under the branches

Answer: 4. Under the branches.

Question 17. ‘All knobbly stick and rag. Here ‘knobbly’ means-

  1. Compassionate
  2. Steady
  3. Unsteady
  4. Cruel

Answer: 3. Unsteady.

Question 18. When the oak trees are chopped down, the poet-

  1. Is up to his eyes
  2. Does not blink an eye
  3. Feels uneasiness in eyes
  4. Keeps his eyes open

Answer: 2. Do not blink an eye.

Question 19. The poet’s heart changed following a -के तदोपरांत परिवर्तित हो गया।)

  1. Walk
  2. Tour
  3. Lecture
  4. Dream

Answer: 4. Dream.

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Question 20. When the old woman opened up her little bag the poet came twice – ( महिला ने अपना छोटा थैला खोला तो कवि दो बार हुए।)

  1. Alive
  2. Awake
  3. Ahead
  4. Asleep

Answer: 2. Awake.

Question 21. The oak trees want the poet to make a- करें)

  1. Short speech
  2. Promise
  3. Trip
  4. Hole

Answer: 2. Promise.

Question 23. Those who are chopped down are –

  1. Oak trees
  2. Bamboo trees
  3. Banyan trees
  4. Pine trees

Answer: 1. Oak trees.

Question 24. The poet was surrounded by a tribe of – के झुंड के द्वारा)

  1. Forest-dwellers
  2. Aborigines
  3. Oak trees
  4. Witches

Answer: 3. Oak trees.

Question 25. The ‘staring tribe’ refers to a group of – (‘Staring Tribe’ – at a करता है।)

  1. Monsters
  2. Women
  3. Men
  4. Oak-trees

Answer: 4. Oak trees.

Wb Class 10 English Solutions

Question 26. If the poet does not keep his promise the oak-tress will निभाएँगे तो ओक के वृक्ष उन्हें )

  1. Help him
  2. Kill him
  3. Throw him
  4. Love him

Answer: 2. Kill him.

Question 27. In the expression “You do not blink an eye” the word ‘you’ refers to – वाक्यांश में ‘you’ शब्द संकेत करता है -)

  1. The old woman
  2. The poet
  3. The reader
  4. The leader of the tribe

Answer: 2. The poet.

Question 28. If the poet refuses to make a promise he will – (यदि कवि वादा करने से इन्कार करेंगे तो वे…….)

  1. Pass away
  2. Proper
  3. Faint
  4. Fail

Answer: Pass away.

29. ‘You do not blink an eye’ – This suggests that men are – (उपरोक्त वाक्यांश संकेत करता है कि मनुष्य – )

  1. Sick
  2. Blind
  3. Callous
  4. Happy

Answer: Callous.

30. The dream abou the oaks (ओक के वृक्ष के स्वप्न ने कर दिया ।)

  1. Surprised the poet
  2. Changed the poet
  3. Pleased the poet
  4. Annoyed the poet

Answer: Changed the poet.

2. Complete The Following Sentences With Information From The Poem. ( कविता की सूचना के आधार पर निम्नलिखत वाक्यों को पूरा करें।)

Question 1. Once the poet crept – (एक बार कवि ने चुपके से प्रवेश किया)
Answer: In an oakwood. (ओक वृक्षों के वन में।)

Question 2. The old woman had – (वृद्ध महिला के पास था -)
Answer: A knobby stick and a little bag. (एक गाँठदार छड़ी / लाठी और एक छोटा थैला ।)

Question 3. The poet was looking for – (कवि ढूंढ रहा था -)
Answer: a stage. (एक हिरण ।)

Question 4. The trees are the poet’s – (पेड़ है कवि का)
Answer: own family. ( अपना परिवार ।)

Question 5. In the oakwood the poet met (ओक के वन में कवि मिला – )
Answer: An old woman. (एक वृद्ध महिला से ।)

Question 6. When the trees are felled, the poet (जब पेड़ काटे जाते हैं तो कवि – )
Answer: is not bothered.

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Question 7. The old woman was – ( वृद्ध महिला)
Answer: Knobbly. (लड़खड़ा कर चल रही थी ।)

Question 8. The old woman had (वृद्ध महिल के पास था )
Answer: A stick. (एक लाठी)

Question 9. The old woman was wearing – ( वृद्ध महिला ने पहला हुआ था – )
Answer: arag. (जीर्ण-शीर्ण वस्त्र)

Question 10. The poet had a dream which (कवि ने एक स्वप्न देखा जिसने – )
Answer: Changed him. (उसे परिवर्तित कर दिया।)

Question 11. The old woman had the poet’s secret in – ( वृद्ध महिला के पास कवि की गोपनीय बातें थीं -)
Answer: her little bag. (उसके थैले में)

Question 12. The poet found himself surrounded by (कवि ने स्वयं को घिरा हुआ पाया -)
Answer: a staring tribe. (टकटकी लगाकर देखने वाले ओक वृक्षों (की जनजाति) के द्वारा)

Question 13. According to the oak trees, they are – (ओक के वृक्षों के अनुसार उन्हें -)
Answer: Chopped down and torn up. (काटा जाता है एवं टुकड़े-टुकड़े कर दिया जाता है।)

Question 14. As the poet came out of the woods, he again had ( जब कवि जंगल से बाहर निकले वे पुन:-)
Answer: The company of men. (मनुष्यों के समाज / संगति में आ गये।)

Wb Class 10 English Solutions

Question 15. When the oak trees are chopped down and torn up the poet does- ज है एवं टुकड़े-टुकड़े कर दिया जाता है तो
(जब ओक के वृक्षों की नहीं उन पर ध्यान नहीं देता उनकी तर एक नजर देखता ही
Answer: not blink an eye.

3. State whether the following statements are True or False. Provide sentences/ Phrases/words in support of your answer:
(बताओ निम्नलिखित वाक्य सही हैं या गलत। अपने उत्तर के समर्थन पक्ष में वाक्य वाक्यांश शब्द लिखो।)

Question 1. The poet was in search of a rabbit (कवि एक खरगोश खोज रहा था।)
Supporting statements: ‘I was looking for a stag.
Answer: False

Question 2. In the oakwood the poet met a young woman. (ओक के वन में कवि एक युवा महिला से मिला।)
Supporting statement: ‘I met an old woman there’.
Answer: False

Question 3. The poet met an old woman in a pine wood (कवि वृद्ध महिला से पाईन के जंगल मिला।)
Supporting statement: “Once I crept in an oakwood………. an old woman there.”
Answer: False

Question 4. The poet remained unmoved to the cackle of the old woman. (कवि वृद्ध महिला के अट्टहास से विचलित नहीं हुआ।)
Supporting statement: Then she began to cackle and I began to quake.
Answer: False

Question 5. The old woman put on an expensive dress. (वृद्ध महिला एक कीमती वस्त्र पहने हुई थी।)
Supporting statement: ………. all knobby stick and rag.”
Answer: False

Question 6. The old woman in then oakwood cried. (ओक वन में वृद्ध महिला रोई रोई रही थी।)
Supporting statement: “The she began to cackel”.
Answer: False

Question 7. The old woman had a stake in her hand. (वृद्ध महिला के हाथ में एक खूँटा था।)
Supporting statement: “………all knobbly stick.”
Answer: True

Question 8. The tree tribe chained the poet. (वृक्षों के समूह ने कवि को जकड़ लिया।)
Supporting statement: ‘Surrounded by a staring tribe and tied me to a stake.
Answer: True

Question 9. The poet imagined himself to be a child. (कवि ने स्वयं की कल्पना एक बच्चे के रूप में किया ।)
Supporting statement: “My walk was the walk of a human child.”
Answer: True

Question 10. The woman began to speak as children did. (महिला ने बच्चों की भाँति बोलना शुरू किया ।)
Supporting statement: “Then she began to cackle.”
Answer: True

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Question 11. When the old woman opened up her little bag, the poet simply became awake for the first time. (जब वृद्ध महिला ने अपना छोटा थैला खोला, कवि पहली बार जागृत हुए।)
Supporting statement: “I came twice awake”.
Answer: False

Question 12. If an oak tree is cut down two saplings should be planted. (यदि ओक का एक वृक्ष काटा जाए तो दो पौधे रोपे जाने चाहिए।)
Supporting statement: Whenever you see an oak tree felled, swear now you will plant two.
Answer: False

Question 13. The old woman was strong and stout. (वृद्ध महिला शारीरिक रूप से मजबूत थी ।
Supporting statement: “All knobbly stick and rag.”
Answer: False

Question 14. Hearing the cackling round of the old .voman, the poet began to shake. (कवि वृद्ध महिला का अट्टहास सुनकर काँपने लगा ।)
Supporting statement: “………I began to quake.”
Answer: True

Question 15. The oak trees were of the true family of the old woman. (ओक के वृक्ष वृद्ध महिला के सच्चे परिवार थे।)
Supporting statement: We are……….. your own true family.
Answer: False

Question 16. The poet had a dream during a nap at his bedroom. (कवि ने अपने शयन कक्ष में झपकी लेते समय स्वप्न देखा ।)
Supporting statement: ‘This was my dream beneath the boughs’.
Answer: False

Question 17. The poet was threatened by the oak trees. (कवि को ओक के वृक्षों के द्वारा धमकाया गया ।)
Supporting statement: now you are going to die.
Answer: True

Question 18. The poet dreamt a dream in an oak wood.” (कवि ने ओक के वन में स्वप्न देखा ।)
Supporting statement: “This was my dream beneath the boughs”.
Answer: True

Question 19. The pine trees are chopped down. (पाईन के वृक्षों को काटा जाता है।)
Supporting statement: “We (the oak trees) are chopped down.
Answer: False

Question 20. The magical experience had no effect on the poet. ( इस चमत्कारिक / जादुई अनुभव का कवि पर कोई प्रभाव नहीं पड़ा ।)
Supporting statement: ‘The dream that altered me’.
Answer: False

4. Answer the following questions :

Question 1. Who wrote the poem ‘My Own True Family. (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार कविता किसने लिखा ?)
Answer: Ted Hughes wrote the poem ‘My Own True Family’.(Ted Hughes ने मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार कविता लिखा।)

Question 2. What is the full name of the poet ? (कवि का पूरा नाम क्या है ? )
Answer: The full name of the poet Edward James Hughes. (कवि का पूरा नाम एडवर्ड जेम्स हगेज है)

Question 3. Where did the poet once creep in ? (एक बार कवि चुपके से कहाँ गये ? )
Answer: Once the poet creep in an oakwood. (एक बार कवि ओक के वन में चुपके से गये।)

Question 4. What was poet of ‘My Own True Family’ looking for in the oakwood? (‘मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार’ कविता के कवि जंगल में क्या खोज रहे थे ? )
Answer: The poet of ‘My Own True Family’ was looking for a stage in the oakwood. (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार के कवि ओक के वन में हिरण खोज रहे थे।)

Question 5. Where has the poem been taken from ?(यह कविता कहाँ से ली गई है?)
Answer: The poem has been taken from the book, “Meet My Folks”(यह कविता “Meet My Folks” पुस्तक से ली गई है ।)

Question 6. Whom did the poet meet in the oakwood ? (ओक वृक्ष के वन में कवि किससे मिले?)
Answer: The poet meet an old woman in the oakwood. (कवि ओक वृक्ष के वन में एक वृद्ध महिला से मिले।)

Question 7. What did the old woman have in her little bag ? (वृद्ध महिला के छोटे थैले में क्या था ? )
Answer: The old woman had the poet’s secret in her little bag. (वृद्ध महिला के छोटे थैले में कवि की गोपनीय/रहस्यमय वस्तु थी ।)

Question 8. How did the poet go inside the oakwood ? (कवि ओक वृक्ष के वन में कैसे गये ? )
Answer: The poet crept into the oakwood. (कवि ओक वृक्ष के वन में चुपके से गये)

Wb Class 10 English Solutions

Question 9. What did the old woman have ? (वृद्ध महिला के पास क्या था ? )
Answer: The old woman had a stick and a little bag.(वृद्ध महिला के पास छड़ी / लाठी एवं एक छोटा थैला था।)

Question 10. How did the oldwoman appear ? (वृद्ध महिला देखने में कैसी थी ? )
Answer: The old woman was in ragged cloths and she had a lumpy stick in hand. (वृद्ध महिला फटे-पुराने वस्त्रों में थी और उसने अपने हाथ में एक गाँउदार छड़ी लिये हुए थी ।)

Question 11. What was the first activity of the old woman ?(वृद्ध महिला ने सबसे पहले क्या किया? अथवा, वृद्ध महिला का सबसे पहला कार्य क्या था ? )
Answer: The first activity of the old woman was that she began to cackle.(वृद्ध महिला का सबसे पहला कार्य यह था कि वह अट्टहास करने लगी ।)

Question 12. How did the old woman behave with poet ? (वृद्ध महिला ने कवि के साथ कैसा व्यवहार किया?)
Answer: The woman put the poet under a spell. So, she behaved with the poet strangely. (वृद्ध महिला ने कवि को सम्मोहित कर लिया। इस प्रकार उसने कवि के साथ विचित्र ढंग से व्यवहार किया।)

Question 13. When did the poet begin to quake? (कवि कब काँपने लगे ? )
Answer: The poet began to quake when the old woman began to cackle.(जब वृद्ध महिला ने अट्टहास करना शुरू की, तब कवि काँपने लगे।)

Question 14. What did the old woman tell the poet ? (वृद्ध महिला ने कवि को क्या बताया ? )
Answer: The old woman told the poet that she had the poet’s secret in her little bag. (वृद्ध महिला ने कने को बताया कि उसके छोटे थैले में कवि की गोपनीय चीज है।)

Question 15. By whom was the poet surrounded ? (कवि किनके द्वारा घिर हुए थे ? )
Answer: The poet surrounded by a staring tribe. (कवि एकटक देखने वाले ओक वृक्षों से घिरे थे ।)

Question 16. What happened when the old woman opened up her little bag ? (जब वृद्ध महिला ने अपना थैला खोला तो क्या हुआ ?)
Answer: When the old woman opened up her little bag, the poet came twice awake. (जब वृद्ध महिला ने अपना थैला खोला, कवि दूसरी बार जागे ।)

Question 17. Who cackled and who quaked ? (किसने अट्टहास किया एवं कौन कंपित हुआ ? )
Answer: The old woman cackled and the poet quaked in fear. (वृद्ध महिला ने अट्टहास किया एवं कवि कंपित हुए।)

Question 18. What was the tribe of ? (झुंड / समूह किसका था ? )
Answer: The tribe was of oaktrees. (समूह ओक के वृक्षों का था।)

Question 19. To what did the poet find himself tied ? (कवि ने स्वयं को किससे बँधा हुआ पाया ?
Answer: The poet found himself tied to a stake. (कवि ने स्वयं को ओक के मजबूत तने से बँधा हुआ पाया।)

Question 20. What did the tree tribe say to the poet ? (ओक के वृक्षों के समूह ने कवि से क्या कहा ?
Answer: The tree tribe said to the poet tha they were the oak trees. They added that they were his own true family.(ओक के वृक्षों के समूह ने कवि से कहा कि वे ओक के वृक्ष थे। उनलोगों ने आगे बताया कि वे उनके अपने सच्चे परिवार थे।)

Question 21. What did the poet mean when he said, I came twice awake ? (जब कवि ने कहा ‘मैं दुबारा जागृत हुआ’ तो उसका क्या तात्पर्य था ? )
Answer: When the poet said ‘I came twcie awake he meant to say that he became consious of the company he had in the oak-wood.(कवि ने कहा, ‘मैं दुबारा जागृत हुआ’ तो उनके का तात्पर्य था कि वे ओक के वन के साहचर्य अवगत हुए।)

Question 22. What according to the trees, is the reaction of the poet when a tree in cut down (वृक्षों के अनुसार जब कोई पेड़ काटा जाता है तो कवि की प्रतिक्रिया क्या होती है ? )
Answer: According to the trees, the poet is not bothered, when a tree is cut down. (वृक्षों के अनुसार जब कोई पेड़ काटा है तो कवि को कोई परेशानी नहीं होती है।)

Question 23. Who are the own true family of the poet ? (कवि के अपने सच्चे परिवार कौन हैं? )
Answer: The oak trees are the own true family of the poet.(ओक के वृक्ष कवि के अपने सच्चे परिवार हैं।)

Question 24. What does not the poet try blinking an eye ? (कवि किसे एक नजर नहीं देखने की कोशिश करते हैं?)
Answer: The poet does not try blinking an eye that the oak trees are chopped down and torn up. (कवि एक नजर नहीं देखने की कोशिश करते हैं जब ओक के वृक्ष काटे जाते हैं एवं टुकड़े-टुकड़े किए जाते हैं ।)

Question 25. What did the tree tribe ask the poet to swear ? (वृक्षों के समूह ने कवि को क्या शपथ लेने को कहा?)
Answer: The tree tribe asked the poet to swear that whenever a tree was cut down, he would plant two trees.
(वृक्षों के समूह ने कवि से शपथ लेने को कहा कि जब कभी कोई एक पेड़ काटा जाए, तब वह दो पेड़ लगाएगा।)

Question 26. Who are torn up ? (किन्हें टुकड़े-टुकड़े / क्षत-विक्षत कर दिया जाता है ? )
Answer: The oak trees are torn up.(ओक के वृक्षों को टुकड़े-टुकड़े कर दिया जाता है।)

Question 27. When will the black oak bark wrinkle over the poet ? (ओक के वृक्षों की काली छाल कब कवि को मोड़कर /सिकोड़कर दण्डित करेगी ? )
Answer: The black oak bark will wrinkle over the poet if he does not swear to plant two oak trees when they are cut.(ओक के वृक्ष की काली छाल कवि को मोड़ सिकोड़कर दण्डित करेगी यदि वे दो पौधे लगाने का वादा नहीं करेंगे, जब कोई ओक का वृक्ष काटा जाएगा।)

Question 28. Where according to the tree-tribe, the poet born ? (वृक्षो के समूह के अनुसार कवि का जन्म कहाँ हुआ था ? )
Answer: According to the tree-tribe, the poet was born among the oaktrees. (वृक्षो के झुण्ड के अनुसार कवि का जन्म ओक के वृक्षों के मध्य हुआ था।)

Question 29. Where did the poet have his dream ? (कवि ने कहाँ स्वप्न देखा ? )
Answer: The poet had his dream beneath the bough.(कवि ने वृक्ष के डालियों के बीच स्वप्न देखा ।)

Question 30. What did the poet’s heart become ? (कवि का हृदय एक वृक्ष बन गया ।)
Answer: The poet’s heart became a tree. (कवि का हृदय एक वृक्ष बन गया ।)

Question 31. What was the effect of the dream on the poet ? (स्वप्न का कवि पर क्या प्रभाव पड़ा ? )
Answer: The dream, the poet had made him a changed person. (कवि ने जो स्वप्न देखा उसने उन्हें एक परिवर्तित व्यक्ति बना दिया ।)

Question 32. Where did the poet come back to? (कवि कहाँ वापस आए ? )
Answer: The poet came back to human company. (कवि मानवों के समाज में वापस आ गए।)

Question 33. Who changed the mind of the poet ? (कवि के मन को किसने परवर्तित कर दिया ? )
Answer: The tribe of oak-trees changed the mind of the poet.(ओक के वृक्षों के समूह ने कवि के मन को परिवर्तित कर दिया।)

Question 34. When did the poet get the company of human beings again? (कवि कब मानवों के (माज में वापस आए ?)
Answer: When did poem came out of the woods he again had the company of human beings. (जब कवि जंगल से बाहर निकले तो वे पुनः मानवों के समाज में वापस आए।)

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) Additional Textual Grammar Change Of Voice

Question 1. The dream altered me.
Answer: I was altered by the dream.

Question 2. The black oak bark will wrinkle over you.
Answer: You will be wrinkled over by the black oak bark.

Question 3. Swear now you will plant two.
Answer: It is to be sworn now that two will be planted by you.

Question 4. You do not blink an eye.
Answer: An eye is not blinked by you.

Question 5. We are torn up.
Answer: You tear us up.

Question 6. We are chopped down.
Answer: Men chop us down.

Question 7. She opened up her little bag.
Answer: Her little bag was opened by her.

Question 8. I met an old woman there.
Answer: An old woman met me there.

Question 9. I was looking for a stage.
Answer: A stage was being looked for me.

Question 10. And me tied to a stake.
Answer: And I was tied to a stake.

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) Change Of Narration

Question 1. The trees said, “We are chopped, we are torn up, you don’t blink an eye.”
Answer: The trees said that they were chopped and they were tom up. They forbade him to blink an eye.

Question 2. The poet said, “Once I crept in an oakwood I was looking for a stag.”
Answer: The poet said that once he had crept in an oakwood and had been looking for a stag.

Question 3. They said, “Unless you swear the black oak bark will wrinkle over you.”
Answer: They said that unless he swore the black oak would wrinkle over him.

Question 4. They said, “we are the oak trees and your own true family.”
Answer: They said that they were the oak trees and his own true family.

Question 5. She said, “I have your secret here inside my little bag.”
Answer: She said that she had his secret there inside her little bag.

Lesson पाठ)- 4 My Own True Family (मेरा अपना सच्चा परिवार) Transformation Of Sentence

Question 1. Then she began to cackle and I began to quake. (Turn into a complex sentence)
Answer: Then as she began to cackle, I began to quake.

Question 2. My walk was the walk of a human child, but my heart was a tree. (Turn into a complex sentence)
Answer: Through my walk was the walk of a human child, my heart was a tree.

Question 3. I was surrounded by a staring tribe. (Turn into a complex sentence)
Answer: I was surrounded by a tribe that stared at me.

Question 4. Once I crept into an oakwood. I was looking for a stag. (Join into a simple sentence)
Answer: Once I crept into an oakwood to look for a stag.

Question 5. This was my dream beneath the boughs. (Turn into a complex sentence)
Answer: This was the dream that I dreamt beneath the boughs.

Question 6. I met an old woman there. (Turn into a complex sentence)
Answer: I met a woman there who was old.

Question 7. The opened up her little bag and I came twice awake. (Turn into a simple sentence)
Answer: With the opening up of her little bag, I came twice awake.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 10 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) – 2 Fable (नीति कथा)

Lesson (पाठ) – 2 Fable (नीति कथा)

About The Poet-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Ralph Waldo Emerson was born on 25th May 1803 in Boston in USA. He was the second son of Ruth Haskins and William Empson’s five sons.

He was a versatile literary figure of America. He was a great essayist poet and lecturer. He was a lecturer at Harvard University. His collection of Essays includes ‘Essays First Series’ and ‘Essays Second Series’.

His notable poems include The Rhodora, Uriel, The Snowstorm, Concord Hymn and Brahma. Emerson breathed his last on April 27, 1882, at Concord in America.

(पाठ) – 2 (नीति कथा) हिन्दी अनुवाद

Ralph Waldo Emerson का जन्म 25 मई 1803 को संयुक्त राष्ट्र अमेरिका के बॉस्टन शहर में हुआ था। वे Ruth Haskins और William Empson के पाँच पुत्रों में से दूसरे पुत्र थे।

वे अमेरिका के बहुमुखी प्रतिभा के धनीद साहित्यकार थे। वे महान निबन्धकार, कवि और व्याख्याता थे। वे Harvard University के व्याख्याता थे। उनके निबन्ध संग्रह ‘Essays First Series’ और Essays Second Series हैं।

उनकी उल्लेखनीय कविताएँ The Rhodora, Uriel, The Snow storm, Concord Hymn और Brahma हैं। Emerson अमेरिका के Concord शहर में 27 April, 1882 को चल बसे ।

Bliss Class 10 Solutions

Lesson – 2 Fable Introduction Of The Poem

The Present ‘Fable’ has been taken from ‘Early Poem of Ralph Waldo Emerson’. It pre- sents a conversation between the squirrel and the mountain. This poem propagates the message that there is a co-existence of all kinds of objects in nature.

(पाठ) – 2 (नीति कथा) हिन्दी अनुवाद

प्रस्तुत कविता ‘Fable’ ‘Early Peoms of Ralph Waldo Emerson’ से ली गई है। यह गिलहरी और पर्वत के बीच वार्त्तालाप प्रस्तुत करती है। यह कविता संदेश देती है कि प्रकृति में सभी वस्तुओं का सह-अस्तित्व है।

Lesson – 2 Fable Summary

In the poem ‘fable’ a dispute takes place between the mountain and the squirrel. The mountain criticizes the squirrel for his miniature size and priggish nature.

At this, the squirrel, first admits that the mountain is undoubtedly huge. But every being of the earth along with weather has its respective existence.

He points out that countless moments make up a year and likewise numerous small and big things form a sphere. The squirrel is not ashamed of this littleness and enjoys in own place and position.

He happily declares that if he is not as high as the mountain, the mountain also can’t be as small and playful as he is. The humble squirrel is grateful to the mountain that he has made a nice path for the squirrel.

He further tells the mountain that skills and talents differ. In this world, all exist with their own mission to fulfil. Finally, the squirrel says straight that as he cannot carry the forest on his back so the mountain cannot crack a nut.

(पाठ) – 2 (नीति कथा) हिन्दी अनुवाद

Fable कविता में पर्वत और गिलहरी के बीच एक विवाद छिड़ जाता है। गिलहरी के छोटे आकार एवं आत्माभिमानी स्वभाव के लिए पर्वत उसकी आलोचना करता है। इस पर गिलहरी सबसे पहले तो स्वीकार करता है कि पर्वत निःसंदेह विशाल है।

किन्तु मौसम के साथ-साथ पृथ्वी पर सबका अपना निजी अस्तित्व है। गिलहरी संकेत करता है कि जिस तरह असंख्य क्षण एक वर्ष का निर्माण करते हैं वैसे ही अनगिनत छोटी एवं बड़ी वस्तुओं से पृथ्वी की सृष्टि होती हैं।

गिलहरी अपनी छोटी आकृति पर लज्जित नहीं है एवं अपने स्थान व स्थिति का आनन्द लेता है। वह सहर्ष स्पष्ट रूप से कहता है कि यदि वह पर्वत के समान ऊंचा नहीं है तो पर्वत भी उसके जैसा छोटा और चंचल नहीं हो सकता है।

विनम गिलहरी पर्वत के प्रति आभारी है कि उसने गिलहरी के लिए एक सुन्दर रास्ता बनाया है। वह पर्वत से आगे कहता है कि कौशल एवं प्रतिभा भिन्न-भिन्न होती हैं। इस संसार में सभी अपने विशिष्ट प्रतिभा के साथ अस्तित्व में हैं।

अंततः गिलहरी स्पष्ट शब्दों में कहती है कि जिस तरह वह अपनी पीठ पर जंगल नहीं ढो सकता है उसी तरह पर्वत भी अखरोट / बादाम इत्यादि नहीं तोड़ सकता है।

Bliss Class 10 Solutions

Lesson – 2 Fable Read The Following Poem:

The mountain and the squirrel
Had a quarrel:
And the former called the latter ‘Little Prig’.
Bun replied,
You are doubtless very big;
But all sorts of things and weather
Must be taken in together,
To make up a year
And a sphere.

(पाठ) – 2 (नीति कथा) Word-Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Fable (Noun) – A short tale used to teach a moral, often with animals as characters.
  2. Mountain (Noun) – A short tale (Usually about animals) that teaches a lesson about human behaviour. नीतिकथा, दंतकथा, पौराणिकता । It is a symbol of vastness.पर्वत, पहाड़ ।
  3. Had (Verb)- Became involved लिप्त शामिल ।
  4. Squirrel (Noun)- A small animal with a bushy tail that lives on trees. It is a symbol of smallness. गिलहरी |
  5. Quarrel (Noun)- Feud, verbal Dispute, Altercation, Difference of opinion झगड़ा, विवाद ।
  6. Former (Adj.)- The first of two Persons or things mentioned दो में से पहला ।
  7. Called (Verb)- Addressed, Named सम्बोधित किया।
  8. Little (Adj.)- Small, Small in size छोटा ।
  9. Prig (Noun)- A person who considers himself/herself morally correct जो स्वंय को नीतिपरायण मानता है।
  10. Bun (Noun)- A small roll made of bread रोटी से बना हुआ छोटा रोल।Hair gathered into a round coil Here, Squirrel गिलहरी।
  11. Replied (Verb)- Answered, Told in reply उत्तर दिया।
  12. Doubtless (Adv.)- Undoubtedly निःसंदेह |
  13. Very (Adv.)- To a great extent बहुत ।
  14. Big (Adj.)- Large, Vast,बड़ा विशाल The squirrel accepts the vastness and height of the mountain. The mountain is proud of his hugeness. The squirrel is polite and humble.
    – गिलहरी पर्वत की विशालता एवं ऊँचाई को स्वीकार करता है। पर्वत को अपनी विशालता पर गर्व है। गिलहरी विनम्र है।
  15. But (Conj.)- Still, Yet तो भी, लेकिन
  16. All (Adj.)- The whole quantity or extent of a particular group or thing.Every सब
  17. Sorts (Noun)- Kinds, Types प्रकार, किस्म All sorts of things सभी प्रकार की वस्तुएँ
  18. Things (Noun)- Matters, Articles वस्तुएँ
  19. Weather (Noun)- Climatic condition – मौसम
  20. Taken in (Ph. V.)- to be thought about, to be contemplated – विचार करना होगा।
  21. Together (Adv.)- Collectively सम्मिलित रूप से / सामूहिक रूप से समग्र रूप से
  22. Makeup (Ph. V.)- Form बनाना ।
  23. Year (Noun)- A collection of twelve months or 365 days, A year is made up of numerous moments. बर्ष, एक वर्ष असंख्य क्षणों से बनता है।
  24. Sphere (Noun)- Globe पृथ्वी
  25. Note – Here it refers to the universe which has the shape of a sphere यहाँ संपूर्ण जगत् की ओर संकेत किया जा रहा है जो गोलाकार है।
  26. A sphere is made up of countless small and big things. पृथ्वी भी असंख्य छोटी एवं बड़ी वस्तुओं से निर्मित होता है।

(पाठ) – 2 (नीति कथा) हिन्दी अनुवाद

पर्वत और गिलहरी
आपस में झगड़ पड़े :
और पहले ने दूसरे को ‘छोटा दंभी’ कहा
गिलहरी ने भी उत्तर दिया;
संदेह नहीं कि तुम बड़े हो
किन्तु सभी प्रकार की वस्तुएँ और मौसम
अवश्य ही एक साथ लेना होगा
एक वर्ष बनाने के लिए
और एक ग्रह

Bliss Class 10 Solutions

Lesson – 2 Fable Read The Following Poem

And I think it is no disgrace
To occupy my place.
If I’m not so large as you,
You are not so small as I,
And not half so spry.
I’ll not deny you make
A very pretty squirrel track;
Talents differ: all is well and wisely put;
If I cannot carry forests on my back,
Neither can you crack a nut.’

(पाठ) – 2 (नीति कथा) Word-Notes (शब्दार्थ)

  1. Think (Verb)- Look upon विचार करना
  2. Disgrace (Noun)- Humiliation, Disrespect, cause of shame अपमान
  3. Note- The squirrel does not feel ashamed of his little power. गिलहरी अपनी सामान्य शक्ति पर लज्जित नहीं है। It is his self esteem. यह उसका आत्मसम्मान है।
  4. Occupy (Verb) – Posses, Hold, Capture अधिकार रखना
  5. Place (Noun)- Position on the earth, Here, Size स्थान, आकृति
  6. To occupy my place- The squirrel is proud of his existance on the earth. गिलहरी को पृथ्वी पर अपने अस्तित्व पर गर्व है ।
  7. Large (Adv.)- Huge, Vast, Enormous विशाल
  8. You (Pronoun) I (Pronoun) – Here the word ‘you’ refers to the mountain. Here the word ‘I’ refers to the squirrel.
  9. As (Adv.)-Likewise के जैसा
  10. Spry (Adj.) – Active and lively चंचल एवं सक्रिय
  11. Small (Adj.)-Little, Tiny छोटा
  12. Note-The mountain is huge but cannot locomote (move) from place to place. This is his lack of capacity. The squirrel is small but free to move about. This is his advantage. A tiny squirrel can’t be as huge as a mountain. Similarly, a high and mighty mountain cannot be as – tiny and active as the squirrel.
  13. पर्वत विशाल है किन्तु वह एक स्थान से अन्य स्थान पर नहीं जा सकता है। यह उसकी सीमाबद्धता हैं। गिलहरी छोटी हैं परन्तु वह विचरण कर सकती है। यह उसकी सुविधा (क्षमता) है। एक नन्हीं सी गिलहरी पर्वत के समान विशाल नहीं हो सकती है। बिल्कुल उसी प्रकार ऊँचा पर्वत भी गिलहरी के समान छोटा एवं चंचल नहीं हो सकता है।
  14. Deny (Verb)-Refuse अस्वीकार करना
  15. Pretty (Adj.)- Good Looking, Beautiful सुन्दर
  16. Track (Noun)- A narrow road or Path पथ, रास्ता
  17. Talents (Noun)- Natural abilities/aptitude/skill स्वाभाविक प्रतिभा / सामर्थ्य |
  18. Differ (Noun)- Vary, be dissimilar भिन्न होना ।
  19. Talents differ- This is the key sentence of the poem. According to the squirrel, everyone on the earth has his/her proficiency and skill.
  20. Everyone is talented in his/her own way. But talents differ from man to man and creature to creature. If we accept this, we find life worth living.
  21. यह इस कविता की मूल पंक्ति है। गिलहरी के अनुसार पृथ्वी पर प्रत्येक के पास उसकी अपनी प्रतिभा एवं दक्षता होती है। हर कोई अपने विशिष्ट ढंग से प्रतिभावान होता हैं । किन्तु प्रतिभा अलग-अलग मनुष्य एवं अलग-अलग जीव में भिन्न-भिन्न होती हैं। यदि हम यह स्वीकार करते हैं, तो हम जीवन को जीने योग्य पाते हैं।
  22. Well (Adv.)- Properly Nicely सटीक रूप से
  23. Wisely (Adv.)- Thoughtfully/Sensibly/Prudently बुद्धिमतापूर्वक / सोच-विचार कर
  24. Put (Verb)- Arranged/Placed व्यवस्थित किया गया / रखा गया
  25. Carry (Verb)- Bear/Haul/Tote ढोना
  26. Forests (Noun)- goods, Jungle, a large area of trees जंगल
  27. Back (Noun)- The rear part of the body पीठ
  28. Neither (Conj.)- A word suggesting negation एक नकारात्मक शब्द
  29. Crack (Verb)- Break/Smashm तोड़ना
  30. Nut (Noun)- A fruit with hard shell अखरोट / बादाम कठोर कवच वाला फल

(पाठ) – 2 (नीति कथा) हिन्दी अनुवाद

और इसमें मैं अपमान नहीं समझता
मेरे स्थान पर अधिकार जमाने के लिए,
यद्यपि मैं उतना विशाल नहीं जितना कि तुम,
और न ही मुझसे आधे फुर्तीले हो ।
मैं इंकार नहीं करता कि तुम बना लेते हो
बहुत ही सुन्दर एक मार्ग गिलहरी का;
भिन्न हैं प्रतिभाएँ, सब ठीक है और रखा भी गया है बुद्धिमानी से ;
मैं जंगलों को नहीं ढो सकता अपनी पीठ पर तो तुम भी तोड़ नहीं सकते अखरोट ।

Bliss Class 10 Solutions

Lesson – 2 Fable Comprehension Exercises

1. Choose The Correct Alternative To Complete The Following Sentences: (निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करने के लिए सही विकल्प चुनें

Question 1. The quarrel was between the mountain and the (झगड़ा/ विवाद / लड़ाई हुई थी पर्वत और )

  1. Rabbit (खरगोश के बीच)
  2. Rat (चूहे के बीच)
  3. Cat (बिल्ली के बीच )
  4. Squirrel (गिलहरी के बीच)

Answer: 4. Squirrel (गिलहरी के बीच)

Question 2. Bun has no doubt that the mountain is (गिलहरी को कोई संदेह नहीं है कि पर्वत हैं)

  1. Small (छोटा)
  2. Big (बड़ा)
  3. Noble (कुलीन / महान
  4. Kind (दयालु)

Answer: 2. Big (बड़ा)

Question 3. Unlike the mountain, a squirrel can crack a (पर्वत के असदृश्य गिलहरी तोड़ सकता है – अथवा, पर्वत नहीं कर सकता, किन्तु गिलहरी तोड़ सकता है – )

  1. Nut (अखरोट / बादाम)
  2. Joke (परिहास / मजाक करना)
  3. Stone (पत्थर)
  4. Lock (ताला)

Answer: 1. Nut (अखरोट / बादाम)

Bliss Class 10 Solutions

2. State Whether The Following Statements Are True Or False. Provide Sentences/ Phrases/Words In Support Of Your Answer: बताएँ निम्नलिखित वाक्य सही हैं या गलत। अपने उत्तर के समर्थन में वाक्य / वाक्यांश / शब्द लिखें

Question 1. The mountain called the squirrel “Lillte Bun” (पर्वत नें गिलहरी को ” Little Bun” कहा)
Supporting statements: “And the former called the Latter little prig”.
Answer: False

Question 2. The squirrel is more spry than the mountain. (गिलहरी पर्वत से अधिक चंचल है)
Supporting Statements: ‘You are not so small as I And not half so spry’.
Answer: True

Question 3. The mountain can carry forests on its back. (पर्वत अपनी पीठ पर जंगल को वहन कर सकता है)
Supporting Statement: ‘If I cannot carry forests on my back,
Answer: True

6. Answer The Following Questions (निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर दें) :-

Question 1. Who had a quarrel with the squarrel ? (गिलहरी के साथ किसने झगड़ा किया?)
Answer: The mountain had a quarrel with the squarrel (पर्वत ने गिलहरी के साथ झगड़ा किया।)

Question 2. What is not a disgrace to the squirrel ? (गिलहरी के लिए कौन-सी बात अपमानजनक नहीं है?)
Answer: To have his own palce in the sphere is not a disgrace to the squirrel. (पृथ्वी पर अपना अस्तित्व रखना गिलहरी के लिए अपनमानजक नहीं है।)

Question 3. What is it that the squirrel doesn’t deny ? (गिलहरी किस बात से इन्कार नहीं करता?)
Answer: The squirrle does not deny that the mountain makes a very nice track for him. (गिलहरी इन्कार नहीं करता है कि पर्वत उसके लिए एक बहुत सुन्दर रास्ता बनाता है ।)

Wb Class 10 English Solutions

Grammar In Use

7. Replace The Underlined Words With Suitable Phrasal Verbs From The List Given Below. Change The Form Of Verbs Where Ncessary. There Is One Extra Phrasal Verb In The List: (निम्नलिखित तालिका में दिए गए उपयुक्त Phrasal Verbs का प्रयोग कर रेखांकित शब्दों को प्रतिस्थापित करो।)

अथवा, निम्नलिखित रेखांकित शब्दों के बदले नीचे दी गई तालिका में से उपयुक्त Phrasal Verb का प्रयोग करें। आवश्यकतानुसार Verb के रूप परिवर्तित करें। तालिका में एक अतिरिक्त Phrasal verb दिया हुआ है।

Question 1. Rabi met his friend in the park. (रवि पार्क में अपने मित्र से मिला।)
Answer: Came Across.

Question 2. Tanushree cannot tolerate cruel behaviour to animals. (तनुश्री जानवरों के प्रति क्रूर व्यवहार सहन नहीं कर सकती है।)
Answer: Put up with it.

Question 3. His proposal was rejected. (उसका प्रस्ताव ठुकरा दिया गया।)
Answer: Turned down.

8. Change The Voice Of The Following Sentences (निम्नलिखित वाक्यों के वाच्य परिवर्तन करें) :-

Question 1. Lock the door.
Answer: Let the door be locked.

Question 2. Ashim knows the solution to this problem.
Answer: The solution to this problem is known to Ashim.

Question 3. I had written a letter.
Answer: A letter had been written by me.

Lesson – 2 Fable Writing Activities

9. Write a letter to your friend advising her/him to visit the public library in her/his locality as frequently as possible.



Jumuria Burdwan-713373
1st January 2016

My dear Vinayak,

I have just received my uncle’s letter after a long silence. Having gone through the contents of his letter, I am surprised to know that you are not at all interested in visiting the public library in your locality.

Perhaps you think that your textbooks are sufficient enough for your learning. But it is not true. I would like to suggest that you should be a member of the public library.

Visiting a public library has lots of benefits. It helps to be equipped with different kinds of knowledge and your knowledge increases by reading them.

It also helps your development as a social being. A regular visit to the library really develops your reading habit and promotes your hunger for knowledge

More when we meet
With love and best wishes,

Yours ever,

10. Write A Paragraph (Within 100 Words) On The Benefits Of Early Morning Exercises Using The Following Points.

good for health fresh air – keeps one active throughout the day


Benefits of Early Morning Exercises

Healthy living is considered to be a boon. It depends on some things. Early morning exercises are one of them. In the early morning nature remains smokeless and fresh.

A light breeze blows. We can take in fresh oxygen. Some free-hand exercises will be greatly fruitful. This will make our muscles flexible and keep the limbs fit. Our energy level gets a boost.

We can perform our activities with healthy minds and fit bodies. This proves helpful to avoid mistakes. Early morning exercises are greatly beneficial to students. They can do meditation which will increase their level of concentration.

Wb Class 10 English Solutions

Lesson – 2 Fable Additional Textual Questions & Answers

1. Choose The Correct Alternative To Complete The Following Sentences: (सही विकल्प चुनकर निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करें )

Question 1. Once the mountain and the squirrel had a (एक बार पर्वत और गिलहरी के बीच हुआ)

  1. Quarrel
  2. Quel
  3. Fight
  4. Competition

Answer: 1. Quarrel

Question 2. The squirrel had a quarrel with –

  1. The Forest
  2. The Mountain
  3. The sun
  4. The nut

Answer: 2. The mountain.

Question 3. “And the former called the latter………farmer’ संकेत करता है की ओर)

  1. The Mountain
  2. The poet
  3. The squirrel
  4. The tree

Answer: 1. The mountain.

Wb Class 10 English Solutions

Question 4. In the expression “And the former called the latter “Little prig” the word ‘Latter’ refers to – (इस वाक्य में ‘Latter’ शब्द संकेत करता है

  1. The Mountain
  2. The crow
  3. The squirrel
  4. The rabbit

Answer: The squirrel.

Question 5. Who gave the name “Little prig” to the squirrel ( at ‘Little Prig’कहकर पुकारा)

  1. The Mountain
  2. The crow
  3. The rabbit
  4. The hill

Answer: 1. The mountain.

Question 6. ‘Little prig’ was the name given to ‘Little Prig’ (……. ‘Little Prig’ )

  1. Squirrel
  2. Nut
  3. Insect
  4. Mountain

Answer: 1. Squirrel.

Question 7. Most part of the poem contains the speech of ……. का कथन / बात है ।)

  1. The Mountain
  2. The poet
  3. The squirrel
  4. The tree

Answer: 3. The squirrel.

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Question 8. “Bun replied.” – Here ‘Bun’ refers a- की ओर)

  1. Tuft of hair
  2. Squirrel
  3. Small cake
  4. Mountain

Answer: 2. Squirrel.

Question 9. The Mountain

  1. Insulted the squirrel
  2. Chased the squirrel
  3. Shook the forest
  4. Welcomed the squirrel

Answer: 1. Insulted the squirrel.

Question 10. Bun admits that the mountain is-

  1. Small
  2. Wise
  3. Powerless
  4. Big

Answer: 4. Big.

Question 11. In the phrase “Little Prig” The adjective ‘Little’ means- विशेषण ‘Little’ का अर्थ है ……….)

  1. Short in weight
  2. Short in Power
  3. Short in size
  4. Short in reflex

Answer: 3. Short in size.

Wb Class 10 English Solutions

Question 12. In the phrase “Little prig” the noun ‘prig’ means – (‘Little prig ‘Little Prig’ ‘prig’ का अर्थ है)

  1. An apparently morally correct person
  2. An apparently morally corrupt person
  3. A morally correct person
  4. A morally corrupt person

Answer: 1. An apparently morally correct person.

Question 13. To occupy his place by the squirrel is not a करना……. नहीं है)

  1. Fact
  2. Joke
  3. Disgrace
  4. Respect

Answer: 3. Disgrace.

Question 14. In the expression “But all sorts of things and weather…….” the ‘things’ are – (इस वाक्यांश में ‘things’ हैं ….)

  1. Both living and non-living things
  2. Non-living things
  3. Living things
  4. Neither living nor non-living things
  5. Answer: 1. Both living and non-living things.

Question 15. The squirrel compares his place to the part of  के अंश के साथ करता है ।)

  1. Week
  2. The Mountain
  3. Year
  4. Month

Answer: 3. Year.

Question 16. All sorts of things and weather form (सभी प्रकार की वस्तुएँ एवं मौसम बनाती हैं)

  1. A month
  2. A year
  3. A year and a sphere
  4. A sphere

Answer: 3. A year and a sphere.

Question 17. According to the squirrel, it is not a disgrace to occupy his – ( ग्रहण / धारण करना अपमानजनक नहीं है ।)अपना)

  1. Place
  2. Den
  3. Nest
  4. Hole

Answer: 1. Place.

Class 10 English Text Book Wbbse

Question 18. According to the squirrel all sorts of things and weather must be taken together to make up a – (गिलहरी के अनुसार सभी प्रकार की वस्तुएँ एवं मौसम समग्र रूप से गठन करते)

  1. World
  2. Sphere
  3. Universe
  4. Globe

Answer: 2. Sphere.

Question 19. The squirrel thinks if he occupies his place, it is a matter of no- करता है कि पृथ्वी पर उसका अस्तित्व की बात नहीं है ।)

  1. Dishonour
  2. Choice
  3. Happiness
  4. Honour

Answer: 1. Dishonour.

Question 20. For his existence in the world, the squirrel is गिलहरी को …… है ।)

  1. Proud
  2. Shameless
  3. Ashamed
  4. Helpless

Answer: 1. Proud.

Question 21. In the expression “And I think it no disgrace……….” Here ‘I’ refers to करता है – )

  1. The rabbit
  2. The Mountain
  3. The crows
  4. The squirrel

Answer: 4. The squirrel.

Question 22. The mountain is not so small as…

  1. Bun
  2. A tiger
  3. A monkey
  4. A nut

Answer: 1. Bun.

Question 23. The mountain is –

  1. Not spry
  2. Spry
  3. Not different
  4. Weak

Answer: 1. Not spry.

Question 24. According to the squirrel what differs are-

  1. Mentalities
  2. Talents
  3. Attitudes
  4. Powers

Answer: 2. Talents.

Question 25. The expression “Talents differ” The squirrel गिलहरी………)

  1. Justifies his less power
  2. Justifies his difference from the mountain
  3. Justifies short size
  4. Justifies the supremacy of the mountain over him

Answer: 2. Justifies his difference from the mountain.

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Question 26. According to the squirrel all is well and wisely – (गिलहरी के अनुसार सब कुछ सही तरीके से एवं बुद्धिमत्तापूर्वक………)

  1. Put
  2. Allotted
  3. Set
  4. Ordered

Answer: 1. Put.

Question 27. The squirrel-(freight)

  1. Can move around the mountain
  2. Cannot move around the mountain
  3. Can push the mountain
  4. Can pull the mountain

Answer: 1. Can move around the mountain.

Question 28. In the expression “Neither can you crack a nut” the word ‘You’ refers to -वाक्यांश में शब्द ‘You’ संकेत करता है की ओर)

  1. The hill
  2. The Mountain
  3. The rabbit
  4. The squirrel

Answer: 2. The mountain.

Question 29. The mountain can carry forests on its

  1. Hand
  2. Leg
  3. Back
  4. Head

Answer: Back.

Question 30. …………all is well and wisely put”. – Here ‘all’ refers to (‘all’करता है…. की ओर)

  1. All the living beings
  2. All the big beings
  3. All the beings
  4. None of these

Answer: 3. All the beings.

Question 31. Who cannot crack a nut ? (कौन अखरोट / बादाम नहीं तोड़ सकता है ? )

  1. Cat
  2. Squirrel
  3. Human beings
  4. Mountain

Answer: 4. Mountain.

Question 32. On his back, the squirrel

  1. Can carry the mountain
  2. Cannot carry forests
  3. Cannot crack a nut
  4. Can carry Forests

Answer: 2. Cannot carry forests.

Class 10 English Text Book Wbbse

2. State Whether The Following Statements Are True Or False. Provide Sentences/ Phrases/Words In Support Of Your Answer:

Question 1. The mountain and the squirrel had a friendly conversation.
Supporting statement: The mountain and the squirrel had a quarrel.
Answer: False

Question 2. The mountain was not at all big.
Supporting statements: You are doubtless very big.”
Answer: False

Question 3. The mountain called the squirrel “Little Prig”
Supporting statement: And the farmer called the latter little Prig.”
Answer: True

Question 4. The mountain called the squirrel “Smal Bun”
Supporting statements: And, the farmer called the latter “Little Prig”
Answer: False

Question 5. All sorts of things and weather must be taken in separately.
Supporting statement: All sorts of things and weather must be taken in together.
Answer: False

Question 6. The mountain must not consider all sorts of things.
Supporting statement: But all sorts of taken in together.
Answer: False

Question 7. The name of the mountain was Bun.
Supporting statement: “Bun (the squirrel replied)
Answer: False

Question 8. It is not disgraceful for the squirrel to have his own place on the earth.
Supporting statement:.…… I think it is no disgrace to occupy my place.
Answer: True

Class 10 English Text Book Wbbse

Question 9. The mountain called the squirrel ‘prig’.
Supporting statement: The farmer called the latter ‘Little Prig’
Answer: True

Question 10. It requires all sorts of weather to make a year.
Supporting statement: ‘But all sorts of things to make up a year.”
Answer: True

Question 11. The squirrel and not the mountain is doubtless very big.
Supporting statement: Bun replied/”You are (The mountain is)/ doubtless very big.\
Answer: False

Question 12. The credit for the squirrel track goes to the forest.
Supporting statement: ‘I’ll not deny you make / A very pretty squirrel track”
Answer: False

Question 13. The mountain can be as small as a squirrel.
Supporting statement: You are not so small as I.
Answer: False

Question 14. All sorts of weather must be taken in together to make up a sphere.
Supporting statement: “But all sorts of things and weather/must be taken in together To make up a year / And a sphere.”
Answer: False

Question 15. Talents in this world are dissimilar.
Supporting statement: ‘Talents differ”
Answer: True

Question 16. The squirrel is not proud to occupy his place.
Supporting statement: “And I think it no disgrace / To occupy my place.”
Answer: False

Class 10 English Text Book Wbbse

Question 17. The squirrel is not energetic and mobile like the mountain.
Supporting statement: “And not half so spry.
Answer: False

Question 18. The squirrel is not as small as the mountain.
Supporting statement : (Squirrel says), “You are not so small as I.”
Answer: False

Question 19. The mountain can crack a nut with ease.
Supporting statement: Neither can you crack a nut.”
Answer: False

Question 20. What the squirrel does can’t be done by the mountain.
Supporting statement: “If I cannot carry forests on my back/Neitther can you crack a nut.
Answer: True

Question 21. The squirrel is bigger than the mountain.
Supporting statement: I’m not as large as you.
Answer: False

3. Very Short Answer The Question (अति लघुउत्तरीय प्रश्न) :

Question 1. From where is the poem ‘Fable’ taken ? (‘Fable’ कविता कहाँ से ली गई है ? )
Answer: The poem ‘Fable’ is taken from “Early Poems” by Ralph Waldo Emerson. (‘Fable’ कविता Ralph Waldo Emerson द्वारा रचित ‘Early Poems’ से ली गई है।)

Question 2. What is a fable ? (नीतिकथा किसे कहते हैं? )
Answer: A fable is a short story that teaches a moral lesson. Generally there are animal characters in such stories. ( नीतिकथा एक संक्षिप्त कहानी होती है, जो नैतिक शिक्षा देती है। सामान्यतः ऐसी कथाओं में मुख्य पात्र जानवर होते हैं।)\

Question 3. Who wrote the poem ‘Fable’ ? (‘Fable’ कविता की रचना किसने की ? )
Answer: Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote the poem, ‘Fable’. (Ralph Waldo Emerson ने ‘Fable’ कविता की रचना की ।)

Question 4. Who are the two characters in the poem ‘Fable’ ? (‘Fable’ कविता में दो मुख्य पात्र कौन-कौन हैं?)
Answer: The mountain and the squirrel are the two characters in the poem ‘Fable’. ‘Fable’ कविता में पर्वत और गिलहरी दो पात्र हैं ।)

Question 5. Who gave the name “Little prig” to the squirrel ? (किसने गिलहरी को ‘Little Prig’ नाम दिया? Or, किसने गिलहरी का नामकरण ‘Little Prig’ किया ? )
Answer: The mountain gave the name ‘Little Prig’ to the squirrel. (पर्वत ने गिलहरी का नामकरण ‘Little Prig’ किया।)

Question 6. Between whom did the quarrel take palce ? (झगड़ा किनके बीच हुआ?)
Answer: The quarrel took place between the mountain and the squirrel. (पर्वत और गिलहरी के बीच झगड़ा हुआ।)

Question 7. What did the mountain call the squirrel ? (पर्वत ने गिलहरी को क्या कह कर सम्बोधित किया ? )
Answer: The mountain called the squirrel ‘Little Prig’. (पर्वत ने गिलहरी को ‘Little Prig’ कहकर सम्बोधित किया।)

Class 10 English Text Book Wbbse

Question 8. What was the quarrel about ? (झगड़ा किस विषय को लेकर था ? )
Answer: The quarrel was about the supremacy of the mountain over the squirrel. (झगड़ा गिलहरी की तुलना में पर्वत की श्रेष्ठता के विषय में था ।)

Question 9. ‘Little Prig” – Who said this and to whom? (किसने, किससे यह कहा ? )
Answer: The mountain said this to the squirrel. (पर्वत ने गिलहरी से यह कहा।)

Question 10. What is view of the squirrel about talent ? (प्रतिभा के बारे में गिलहरी का क्या विचार है? )
Answer: According to the squirrel talent differs from person to person. (गिलहरी के अनुसार प्रतिभा भिन्न-भिन्न व्यक्तियों में भिन्न-भिन्न होती है।)

Question 11. Who first started the quarrel ? (किसने झगड़ा पहले शुरू किया ? )
Answer: The mountain first started the quarrel (पर्वत ने झगड़ा पहले शुरू किया।)

Question 12. ‘Bun replied’. – Who was ‘Bun’ ? (Bun कौन था ? )
Answer: The squirrel was ‘Bun’ (गिलहरी Bun था।)

Question 13. What is the opinion of Bun about the mountain ? (पर्वत के बार बारे में Bun का विचार क्या है ? )
Answer: The opinion of Bun about the mountain is that the mountain is undoubtedly very big. (पर्वत के बारे में Bun का विचार है कि पर्वत निःसंदेह बहुत विशाल है।)

Question 14. What, according to the squirrel, must be taken in together ? (गिलहरी के अनुसार किनकी समग्र रूप से विवचेना की जानी चाहिए ? )
Answer: According to the squirrel all sorts of things and weather must be taken in together. ( गिलहरी के अनुसार सभी प्रकार की वस्तुएँ एवं मौसम की समग्र रूप से विवेचना की जानी चाहिए।)

Question 15. “But all sorts of things. ..”What does the phrase ‘all sorts of things’ mean here ? (इस वाक्यांश का यहाँ क्या अर्थ है ?)
Answer: Here, the phrase ‘all sorts of things’ means every being, living and non-living big and small. (यहाँ इस वाक्यांश का तात्पर्य सब कुछ सजीव एवं निर्जीव, बड़े एवं छोटे से है।)

Question16. How is a year as well as sphere made up ? (एक वर्ष एवं पृथ्वी का सृजन कैसे होता है ? अथवा एक वर्ष एवं पृथ्वी कैसे बनते हैं? )
Answer: A year as a well as sphere is made up of all sorts of things and weather. (एक वर्ष एवं पृथ्वी सभी प्रकार की वस्तुएं एवं मौसम से बनते हैं।

Question 17. Which figure of speech has the poet used to describe the activity of the moun- tain and the squirrel ? (पर्वत एवं गिलहरी के क्रियाकलापों का वर्णन करने के लिए कवि किस अलंकार का प्रयोग करते हैं।)
Answer: The poet has used personification to describe the activity of the mountain and the squirrel. (पर्वत एवं गिलहरी का वर्णन करने के लिए कवि ने Personification (मानवीकरण) का प्रयोग किया है।)

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Question 18. Who is more spry in the poem “Fable” ? (Fable कविता में कौन अधिक फुर्तीला/ चंचल है?)
Answer: Squarrel is more spry in the peom “Fable”. (Fable कविता में गिलहरी अधिक चचंल / फुर्तीला है।)

Question 19. “To occupy my place” – Who is the speaker? What does ‘my place’ refer to? (वक्ता कौन है ? ‘My place’ क्या संकेत करता है ? )
Answer: Here ‘Bun’ is the speaker. Here ‘my place’ refers to the place occupied by Bun in this world. (यहाँ ‘Bun’ वक्ता है। यहाँ ‘My place’ इस संसार में ‘Bun’ के द्वारा अधिकृत अस्तित्व की ओर संकेत करता है ।)

Question 20. What is not a disgrace to the squirrel ? (गिलहरी के लिए क्या अपमानजनक नहीं है ? )
Answer: It is not a disgrace to occupy his place, however little it may be for squirrel. ( अपना अस्तित्व भले ही छोटा हो, ग्रहण करना गिलहरी के लिए अपमानजनक नहीं है।)

Question 21. What is the squirrel’s claim ? (गिलहरी का दावा क्या है? )
Answer: The squirrel claims that the big mountain cannot be as small and lively as he. (गिलहरी का दावा है कि विशाल पर्वत उतना छोटा और फुर्तीला नहीं हो सकता है जितना गिलहरी है।)

Question 22. In which aspect do the mountain and the squirrel differ ? (किस मामले में पर्वत और गिलहरी मित्र हैं?)
Answer: The mountain and the squirrel differ in talents. (पर्वत और गिलहरी प्रतिभा के मामले में भिन्न हैं ।)

Question 23. What does a year and a sphere consist of ? (वर्ष एवं पृथ्वी किनसे बनते हैं? अथवा, वर्ष एवं पृथ्वी क्या समाहित करते हैं ?)
Answer: A year and a sphere consist of all sorts of things and weather. (वर्ष एवं पृथ्वी सभी प्रका की वस्तुएँ एवं मौसम से बनते हैं।)

Question 24. Why is not the mountain spry? (पर्वत फुर्तीला / चंचल क्यों नहीं है ? )
Answer: The mountain always stands still in the same place. That’s why he is not spry. (чd हमेशा एक ही स्थान पर स्थिर रहता है। यही कारण है कि वह चंचल/ फुर्तीला नहीं है।

Question 25. What does the squirrel say about all the things of the world ? (गिलहरी संसार की सभी वस्तुओं के बारे में क्या कहता है ?)
Answer: According to the squirrel all the things of the world are well and wisely put. (गिलहरी अनुसार संसार की सभी वस्तुएँ भली-भाँति एवं बुद्धिमत्तापूर्वक व्यवस्थित हैं।)

Question 26. Where is the track for the squirrel made ? (गिलहरी के लिए मार्ग कहाँ बना हुआ है ? )
Answer: The track for the squirrel is made in the forests of the mountain. (पर्वत के जंगलों में गिलहरी के लिए मार्ग बना हुआ है।)\

Question 27. What is not denied by the squirrel ? (गिलहरी किस बात से इन्कार नहीं करता है ? )
Answer: The squirrel does not deny the fact that the mountain makes a very pretty squirrel track. (गिलहरी इस बात (तथ्य) से इन्कार नहीं करता है कि पर्वत एक बहुत सुन्दर गिलहरी के लिए मार्ग बनाता है।)

Question 28. How is the track made for the squirrel ? (गिलहरी के लिए बनाया हुआ मार्ग कैसा है ? )
Answer: The track for the squirrel is made in the forests of the mountain. (पर्वत के जंगलों में गिलहरी के लिए मार्ग बना हुआ है।)

Question 29. What is the opinion of the squirrel about talent ? (प्रतिभा के बारे में गिलहरी का विचार क्या है ? )
Answer: According to the squirrel there, are different talents which are well and wisely kept in the world. (गिलहरी के अनुसार, संसार में भिन्न-भिन्न प्रतिभाएँ हैं जो भली-भाँति एवं बुद्धिमत्तापूर्वक व्यवस्थित हैं ।)

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Question 30. “Talents differ” – What do you mean by talents. (‘Talents’ से आप क्या समझते हैं? )
Answer: Here, talents means natural abilities. (यहाँ ‘ Talents’ का अर्थ है प्राकृतिक / नैसर्गिक योग्यता ।)

Question 31. Who can crack a nut ? (कौन अखरोट/बादाम तोड़ सकता है? )
Answer: The squirrel can crack a nut (गिलहरी अखरोट / बादाम तोड़ सकता है।)

Question 32. What according to the squirrel can he not do? (गिलहरी के अनुसार वह क्या नहीं कर सकता है?)
Answer: According to the squirrel he cannot carry Forests on his back. (गिलहरी के अनुसार वह अपनी पीठ पर जंगल (वहन नहीं कर सकता है) नहीं ढो सकता है।

Question 33. What is the limitation of the mountain ? (पर्वत की अक्षमता / असमर्थता क्या है?)
Answer: The limitation of the mountation is that he cannot move from place to place. (da अक्षमता है कि वह स्थानान्तरण नहीं कर सकता है।)

Question 34. What is the moral lesson of the poem ‘Fable’ ? (‘Fable’ कविता की नैतिक शिक्षा क्या है ?)
Answer: The poem ‘Fable’ tells us that every object and creature on earth has its own talents to justify its existance. (Fable’, कविता हमें शिक्षा देती है कि पृथ्वी पर की प्रत्येक वस्तु एवं जन्तु के पास अपनी प्रतिभा होती है।

or, ‘Fable’ कविता हमें शिक्षा देती है कि अपने अस्तित्व को सार्थक सिद्ध करने के लिए पृथ्वी पर के प्रत्येक वस्तु एवं – जन्तु के पास अपनी प्रतिभा होती है।


Lesson – 2 Fable Additional Textual Grammar Change Of Voice

Question 1. The former called the latter “Little Prig”.
Answer: The latter was called ‘Little Prig’ by the former.

Question 2. All sorts of things and weather must be taken in together to make up a year and a sphere.
Answer: One must take in together all sorts of things and weather to make up a year and a sphere.

Question 3. You make a very pretty squirrel track.
Answer: A very pretty squirrel track is made by you.

Question 4. I cannot carry forests on my back.
Answer: Forests cannot be carried on my back.

Question 5. You cannot crack a nut.
Answer: A nut cannot be cracked by you.

Question 6. The squirrel can crack a nut.
Answer: A nut can be cracked by a squirrel.

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Question 7. The mountain carries forests on his back.
Answer: Forests are carried on his back by the mountain.

Question 8. All is well and wisely put.
Answer: Nature puts all well and wisely.

Question 9. But (we) must take all sorts of things and weather in together.
Answer: But all sorts of things and weather must be taken in together (by us)


Lesson – 2 Fable  Change Of Degree

Question 1. I’m not as large as you. [Make it comparative]
Answer: You are larger than I am.

Question 2. You are not so small as I. [Make it comparative]
Answer: I am smaller than you.

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Lesson – 2 Fable Change Into Indirect Speech

Question 1. Bun replied, “You are doubtless very big”.
Answer: Bun replied that he was doubtless very big.

Question 2. Bun said, “And I think it no disgrace to occupy my place.
Answer: Bun replied that he thought it no disgrace to occupy his place.

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Lesson – 2 Fable Change Of Narration

Question 1. The squirrel said to the mountain, “you are doubtless very big, But all sorts of things and weather must be taken in together/To make up a year/ and a sphere.”
Answer: The squirrel told the mountain that he was doubtless very big but all sorts of things and weather must be taken in together to make up a year and sphere.

Question 2. Burn replied, “you are doubtless very big.”
Answer: Burn replied that he was doubtless very big.

Question 3. Burn replied, “And I think it no disgrace to occupy my place.”
Answer: Burn replied that he thought it no disgrace to occupy his place.

Question 4. The squirrel said, “Talents differ, all is well and wisely put.
Answer: The squirrel said that talents differ and all is well and wisely put.

Question 5. The squirrel said, “I will deny you make a very pretty squirrel track.”
Answer: The squirrel said that he would not deny he make a very pretty squirrel track.

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Lesson – 2 Fable Joining Of Sentence

1. There was a quarrel.
The mountain and the squirrel got engaged in it.
Simple: The mountain and the squirrel got engaged in a quarrel.
Compound: There was a quarrel and the mountain and the squirrel got engaged in it.
Complex: There was a quarrel in which the mountain and the squirrel got engaged.

2. You are very big. There is no doubt about it.
Simple: You are undoubtedly very big.
Compound: You are very big and there is no doubt about it.
Complex: There is no doubt that you are very big.

3. I am not as large as you.
You are not so small as I am.
Simple: In spite of my not being so large as you, you are not so small as I am.
Compound: I am not so large as you and you are not so small as I.
Complex: If I am not so large as you, you are not so small as I am.

4. I shall not deny it. You make a very pretty squirrel track.
Compound: You make a very pretty squirrel track and I shall not deny it.
Complex: I shall not deny that you make a pretty squirrel track.

5. I occupy my place. There is no disgrace in it.
Simple: Occupying my place is no disgrace.
Compound: I occupy my place and there is no disgrace in it.
Complex: There is no disgrace in that I occupy my place.

6. All is well. All is wisely put.
Simple: Besides being well all is wisely put.
Compound: All is well and wisely put.

Lesson – 2 Fable Transformation Of Sentence

Question 1. Talents differ. (use the noun and adjective forms of differ’)
Answer: There is a difference in talents. Talents are different.

Question 2. All is well and wisely put. (use the noun form of ‘wisely’)
Answer: All is well and put with wisdom.

Question 3. You are doubtless very big. (Turn into a negative sentence)
Answer: You are no doubt very big.

Question 4. I am not as large as you. (Change the degree)
Answer: You are larger than I:

Question 5. You make a very pretty squirrel track. (Turn into a complex sentence)
Answer: You make a squirrel track which is very pretty.


WBBSE Solutions For Class 10 English Bliss Lesson (पाठ) – 1 Father’s Help (पिता की सहायता )

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Lesson (पाठ) – 1 Father’s Help (पिता की सहायता )

About The Author-R.K. Narayan

Rasipuram Krishnaswami Narayan was born in the year 1906. He was an Indian Novelist and a short story writer. He wrote all these in English.

He published his first novel ‘Swami and Friends in 1935. In this novel, Narayan created for the first time, the imaginary small town of Malgudi and peopled it with ordinary men and women.

In this fictional world, he unfolds the drama of these ordinary little nobodies in a realistic manner. The underlying suffering and tragic-comic tone of his works touch the readers.

Some of Narayan’s more popular works are “The Guide’, ‘the Man Eater of Malgudi’, ‘The Talkative Man’, Lawley Road’, ‘My Days’, ‘And Dateless Diary. He was awarded the Sahitya Academy in 1960.

Besides short stories and novels R.K. Narayan also wrote travel literature, memories, essays, and adapted versions of the great Indian epics, “The Mahabharata’ and ‘The Ramayana.’ The above piece has been taken from the collection of short stories, ‘Malgudi Days’ He died in 2001.

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(पाठ) – 1 (पिता की सहायता )  हिन्दी अनुवाद

रासिपुरम कृष्णस्वामी नारायण का जन्म 1906 ई० में हुआ था। वे एक उपन्यासकार तथा लघु कथाकार थे। वे अंग्रेजी भाषा में ही लिखा करते थे। उनका प्रथम उपन्यास, Swami And Friends का प्रकाशन 1935 ई० में हुआ।

इस उपन्यास में ही इन्होंने सर्वप्रथम मालगुड़ी नाम के एक काल्पनिक शहर का सृजन किया और सामान्य नर-नारी को यहाँ की आबादी व्यक्त किया। इस उपन्यास में ही इन्होंने उन अज्ञात काल्पनिक लोगों को वास्तविक रूप दिया।

उनकी लेखनी में अति गंभीर वेदनादायक भावनायें भी हास्य रस मिश्रित अभिव्यक्ति पाठकों का हृदय स्पर्श किया है। नारायण की लोकप्रिय रचनाओं में The Guide, The Man Eater of Malgudi, The Talkactive Man, Lawley Road, My Days एवं Dateless Diary आदि विशेष रूप से उल्लेखनीय हैं।

आर० के० नारायण ने उपन्यास तथा लघुकथाओं के अलावा भी भ्रमण कथा, स्मृति कथा एवं निबंध की रचना किया है, साथ ही रामायण एवं महभारत जैसी भारतीय महाकाव्यों का अनुवाद भी किया है। प्रस्तुत कहानी उनकी लोकप्रिय लघुकथा Malgudi Days से उद्धृत है। 2001 ई० में इनका देहांत हुआ।


Lesson – 1 Father’s Help Introduction Of The Text

‘Father’s Help’ is a simple and funny story. It is taken from ‘Malgudi Days’, written by R. K. Narayan. Here, the writer presents the character of a young boy named Swaminathan.

He is uninterested in going to school. But his clever father makes him turn up at school, ultimately.

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(पाठ) – 1 (पिता की सहायता ) हिन्दी अनुवाद

‘Father’s Help’एक सरल एवं मजेदार कहानी है। यह R. K. Narayan के द्वारा लिखित Malgudi Days से गई है । यहाँ लेखक स्वामीनाथन नाम के एक लड़के का चरित्र प्रस्तुत करते हैं। उसे विद्यालय जाने में बिल्कुल रुचि नहीं है। किन्तु उसके चतुर पिता अंततः उसे विद्यालय जाने पर बाध्य करते हैं ।


Lesson – 1 Father’s Help Summary

The idea of going to school has not always been a happy one for children. Swami, a schoolboy despises school and makes some pleas so that he may be away from school.

On Monday morning he pretends to have a bad headache and he managed his mother to permit him to stay at home without going to school. But his father insisted on his going to school even if he was late for school.

Then Swami pleaded that their teacher Samuel would inflict severe punishment on him for his being late at school. He told his father that Samuel was a very violent and cruel teacher.

The Headmaster was also afraid of him. At this Swami’s father decided to step in and help his son when he makes excuses for not wanting to go to school.

He then wrote a letter of complaint against Samuel to the Headmaster. He sent this letter through his son. He asked Swaminathan to enter the class after submitting the letter to the Headmaster who might take a serious step against Samuel.

Swaminathan was in a fix as he was going to punish an innocent and kind-hearted teacher for his false statements to his father. He then made up his mind not to submit the letter before entering his class.

He resolved that he would submit it after school was over and in the meantime, he would be able to create a situation in favor of the contents of the letter to his father.

But he failed to create such a situation. However, he tried to submit the letter after school was over but in vain as the Headmaster was on leave for a week. But his father did not believe.

He took the letter back from his son and tore it up. He also forbade his son to go to him for help if Samuel scolded him again.

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(पाठ) – 1 (पिता की सहायता ) हिन्दी अनुवाद

लड़कों के लिए विद्यालय जाना सब समय आनन्ददायक नहीं होता है। विद्यालय नहीं जाने के लिए वे कई प्रकार के बहाना बनाया करते हैं। विद्यालय का ही एक छात्र, स्वामीनाथन विद्यालय जाना पसंद नहीं करता है और उसे विद्यालय जाना न पड़े इसलिए वह कई बहाने बनाया करता है।

एक सोमवार की सुबह वह भारी सिर दर्द का बहाना बनाता है और विद्यालय न जाकर घर पर ही रहने की अनुमति अपनी माँ से प्राप्त कर लेता है। किन्तु उसके पिता विलंब होने पर विद्यालय जाने के लिए उस पर दबाव डालते हैं, जिद्द करते हैं।

तब स्वामी कहता है कि बिलंब से विद्यालय जाने पर उसके शिक्षक, सैम्युएल उसे भारी दंड देंगे। उसने अपने पिता से कहा कि सैम्युएल बहुत ही कठोर एवं निर्दयी शिक्षक हैं। प्रधानाध्यापक महोदय भी उनसे डरते हैं।

ऐसे में स्वामी के पिता आवश्यक पदक्षेप ग्रहण करने का निर्णय किया और अपने पुत्र को सहायता करना चाहा जब वह विद्यालय नहीं जाने का बहाना बना रहा था।

उन्होंने प्रधानाध्यापक महादेय के प्रति सैम्युएल के खिलाफ एक अभियोग- पत्र लिखा। उन्होनें वह पत्र स्वामी के मार्फत ही भेजा और स्वामी से कहा कि वह इस पत्र को अपने कक्षा में प्रवेश करने के पूर्व ही प्रधानाध्यापक महोदय को दे दे ताकि प्रधानाध्यापक महोदय सैम्युएल के प्रति आवश्यक पदक्षेप ग्रहण कर सकें।

स्वामीनाथन मुश्किल में पड़ गया कि एक निरपराध दयालु शिक्षक उसी के द्वारा व्यक्त तथ्यों के आधार पर दंड भोगनेवाले हैं। तब उसने तय किया कि पत्र को वह पहले नहीं देगा।

छुट्टी होने के बाद वह उस पत्र को प्रधानाध्यापक को देगा और इस बीच वह पत्र की सच्चाई के समर्थन में कुछ परिस्थिति तैयार करेगा। किन्तु वह इस प्रकार की परिस्थिति बनाने में व्यर्थ हुआ।

जो भी हो, प्रधानाध्यापक महोदय को उसने वह पत्र देने का प्रयास किया किन्तु इसमें भी वह विफल रहा क्योंकि प्रधानाध्यापक महादेय उस समय एक सप्ताह की छुट्टी में थे। परन्तु, उसके पिता उसकी बातों पर विश्वास नहीं किये।

वे पत्र वापस ले लिये और फाड़कर फेंकते हुए स्वामी से भविष्य में और कोई सहायता लेने के लिए उनके निकट आने से निषेध किया।

Bliss Class 10 Solutions

(पाठ) – 1 (पिता की सहायता ) Word-Notes (शब्दार्थ) Unit – 1


  1. (Lying in bed:………………………is afraid of him)
  2. Lying (Participle): Spreading one’s body on bed in a restful posture. Lie (v)लेटा हुआ।; Lie + ing = Lying
  3. Swami (Noun): The protogonist of the story कहानी का मुख्य पात्र ।
  4. Realized (verb. Past): Understood, समझा Felt, महसूस किया।
  5. Shudder (Noun): Shaking of body from fear भय के कारण शारीरिक कम्पन ।
  6. It was Monday morning: For Swami the weeklong slow sufferings of the school on Monday. He is unwilling to go to school. So a Monday means a sad day for him. सोमवार को स्वामी के लिए विद्यालय की सप्ताहव्यापी धीमी पीड़ा की शुरूआत होती है। वह विद्यालय जाने के लिए अनिच्छुक रहता है। इसलिए उसके लिए सोमवार का अर्थ ही होता है उदास दिन ।
  7. Looked (verb. Past): Appeared/seemed प्रतीत हुआ।
  8. As though (Conj): As if मानो ।
  9. A minute ago (Adv. Phrase): A minute before एक क्षण / मिनट पहले।
  10. Already (Adv): By that time पहले ही।
  11. Hoped (verb. Past): Expected आशा किया।
  12. Wailed (verb. Past): Complained, शिकायत किया Screamed, चिल्लाया
  13. Headache (Noun): Pain in head सिरदर्द ।
  14. Generously (Adv.): Kindly / Liberally उदारतापूर्वक
  15. Suggested (Verb. Past): Recommended / Proposed सुझाव दिया।
  16. Ought to (Modal verb): Should, चाहिये ।
  17. Prayer (Noun): Invocation प्रार्थना ।
  18. Have you no school today? : Are you not going to school today ? क्या आज तुम स्कूल नहीं जा रहे हो ?
  19. Replied (verb. past): Answered, उत्तर दिया
  20. Nonsense (Noun): Absurd talk, बकवास ।
  21. Dress up (verb): Put on your school uniform ; अपने विद्यालय की पोशाक पहनो ।
  22. Loaf (verb): Move about in an idle manner निरूद्देश्य भटकना
  23. Less (Adv.): कम
  24. Strict (Adj.): Stern, Firm
  25. Tactics (Noun): Policy/ApproachyStrategy युक्ति/ पाल / कौशल।
  26. You’ll have to: You must go to school तुम्हें विद्यालय अवश्य जाना होगा।
  27. Note: Swami’s father is a tough/strict man. स्वामी के पिता एक सख्त व्यक्ति हैं।
  28. Fault (Noun): Mistake /Flaw/Lapse भूल/ त्रुटी/ गलती / दोष ।
  29. It is your own fault: यह तुम्हारी अपनी गलती है।

Note: Swami is responsible for his headache. He ought to take a rest at home on Sunday. But he wanders here and there all day long. He gets tired and on Monday he develops a headache so he himself is to blame.

स्वामी अपने सिरदर्द के लिए स्वयं जिम्मेवार है। उसे रविवार को घर में विश्राम करना चाहिये। किन्तु वह दिन भर इधर-उधर भटकता रहता है। वह थक जाता है एवं सोमवार को उसे सिरदर्द होता है। इसलिये वह स्वयं दोषी है।

  1. Scold (verb): Rebuke / Chide डाँटना / फटकारना ।
  2. Will he ?: Will he scold ? क्या वे डाँटेंगे ?
  3. Let us see: Let us see what I can do for you. देखा जाये मैं तुम्हारे लिए क्या कर सकता हूँ ।
  4. Always (Adv): All the time हमेशा।
  5. Angry (Adj): Bad-tempered / Resentful क्रोधित / नाराज ।
  6. Especially (Adv): Most particularly / Specially विशेष रूप से / खास कर |
  7. Afraid (Adv): Fearful भयभीत ।
  8. Even the headmaster is afraid of him: प्रधानाध्यापक भी उनसे / सैम्युअल से भयभीत रहते हैं ।

Note: Just to justify his case Swami exaggerates. He will not go late to school for fear of Samuel. By way of justifying his stand, he presents Samuel as more than he really is.

सिर्फ अपनी बात की पुष्टि करने के लिए स्वामी अतिशयोक्ति करता है। वह सैम्युअल के डर से विद्यालय देर से नहीं जाएगा। अपने बात की पुष्टि करते समय वह सैम्युअल को, जो वे नहीं हैं, उससे अधिक प्रदर्शित कर देता है।


(पाठ) – 1 (पिता की सहायता ) हिन्दी अनुवाद

बिस्तर पर लेटा हुआ स्वामी डर से कांपते हुए अनुभव किया कि यह सोमवार की सुबह थी। ऐसा प्रतीत हुआ कि कुछ क्षण पहले ही तो शुक्रवार था। इतने में ही सोमवार आ गया। उसने उम्मीद किया था कि उसे विद्यालय नहीं जाना पड़ेगा। सुबह 9 बजे स्वामी रोकर कहने लगा कि “मेरे सिर में बहुत दर्द है । ”

आत्मीयतापूर्वक परामर्श दिया कि स्वामी घर पर ठहर जाए। ममतामयी माँ ने निर्णय किया कि स्वामी का घर पर रहना ही उचित होगा। सुबह 9 : 30 बजे, जब उसे विद्यालय के प्रार्थना कक्ष में होना चाहिए था, तब स्वामी अपनी माँ के कमरे में बेंच पर लेटा हुआ था।

पिताजी ने उससे पूछा, “क्या आज तुम्हारा स्कूल नहीं है?”

“सिर में दर्द है”, स्वामी ने उत्तर दिया।
“बेवकूफ ! पोशाक पहनो और विद्यालय जाओ।”
“सिर में दर्द है !”

” रविवार को घूमना-फिरना कम करो तो सोमवार को तुम्हें सिर में किसी प्रकार का दर्द नहीं रहेगा। ” स्वामी को मालूम था कि उसके पिता कितने सख्त हैं।

अतः उसने अपनी युक्ति बदलते हुए कहा कि “इतनी देर से जाने पर मैं कक्षा में प्रवेश नहीं कर पाऊँगा।” “तुम्हें अवश्य ही जाना होगा। यह तुम्हारी अपनी त्रुटि है।”

“यदि मैं इतने विलंब से जाऊँगा तो शिक्षक महोदय क्या सोचेंगे?’
“उनसे कहना कि तुम्हारे सिर में दर्द था, इसीलिए आने में विलंब हुआ।”
“यदि मैं ऐसा कहूँगा तो वे मुझे डांटेंगे ।”

“वे डाँटेंगे ? देखा जाय । उनका नाम क्या है?”
“सैम्युएल ।”
“क्या वे छात्रों को हमेशा डाँटा करते हैं?”

” वे बहुत ही क्रोधी व्यक्ति हैं। विशेष कर जो छात्र विलंब से कक्षा में प्रवेश करते हैंउन पर वे बहुत गुस्सा करते हैं। मैं
सैम्युएल की कक्षा में देर से नहीं जाना चाहता हूँ ।”
“यदि वे इतना ही क्रोधी हैं तो इस विषय में अपने प्रधानाध्यापक को क्यों नहीं बताते ?”
” वे लोग (विद्यार्थीगण ) बताते हैं कि प्रधानाध्यापक महोदय भी उनसे डरते हैं।”

Wb Class 10 English Solutions

Lesson – 1 Father’s Help Comprehension Exercises

1. Choose The Correct Alternative To Complete The Following Sentences:

Question 1. With a shudder Swami realized that it was (भय से काँपते हुए स्वामी ने समझा-)

  1. Friday
  2. Thursday
  3. Wednesday
  4. Monday

Answer: 4. Monday

Question 2. When Swami ought to have been in the school prayer hall, he was lying on the (जब स्वामी को विद्यालय के प्रार्थना कक्ष में होना चाहिये था, वह लेटा हुआ था,……. पर)

  1. Bench
  2. Table
  3. Bed
  4. Desk

Answer: 3. Bed

Question 3. According to Swami, Samuel is especially angry with boys who are ((स्वामी के अनुसार सैम्युएल उन लड़कों पर विशेष रूप से नाराज होते हैं जो होते हैं -)

  1. Absent
  2. Late
  3. Inattentive
  4. Undisciplined

Answer: 2. Late

2. Fill In The Chart With Information From The Text: (पाठ की सूचना के आधार पर निम्नलिखित तालिका को भरें )

Time when Swami complained of
a headache
(वह समय जब स्वामी ने सिरदर्द की शिकायत की)
 nine o’clock in the morning
Person who ordered Swami to dress up and go to school (जिस व्यक्ति ने स्वामी को पोशाक पहनने एवं विद्यालय जाने को कहा) Swami’s father
name of the teacher mentioned by Swami (स्वामी के द्वारा उल्लेख किये गये शिक्षक का नाम) Samuel


3. State whether the following statements are True or False. Provide sentences/ phrases/words in support of your Answer:

Question 1. Swami said that he had a headache.  (स्वामी ने कहा कि उसे सिरदर्द था ।)
Supporting statement: At nine o’clock Swami wailed, “I have a headache.”
Answer: True

Question  2. Swami was lying in his father’s room. (स्वामी अपने पिता के कक्ष में लेटा हुआ था ।)
Supporting statement: Swami was lying on the bench in his mother’s room.
Answer: False

Question 3. According to Swami, the headmaster was not afraid of Samuel.
(स्वामी के अनुसार, प्रधानाध्यापक सैम्युएल से भयभीत नहीं थे ।) 
Supporting statement: They say the headmaster was afraid of him.
Answer: False

(पाठ) – 1 (पिता की सहायता ) Word Notes (शब्दार्थ) Unit-2

(Swami hoped………………………… with sorrow)

  1. Hoped (Verb. Past ): Expected, आशा किया।
  2. Be made to see: Realize समझेंगे।
  3. Avoid (verb): Fight shy of/Evade
  4. Behavior (Noun ): Conduct / Dealings व्यवहार ।
  5. Unexpected (Adj): Undesirable, अप्रत्याशित ।
  6. Turn (Noun): Change of action / परिवर्तन ।

Note: Swami’s father took a completely different stand Swami couldn’t imagine that his father would deal with the matter so seriously.

स्वामी के पिता ने बिल्कुल भिन्न दृष्टिकोण अपनाया। स्वामी कल्पना भी नहीं कर पाया कि उसके पिता इस मामले को इतनी गम्भीरता से निपटाएँगे ।

  1. Proposed (verb Past): Suggested, प्रस्ताव रखा।
  2. With Swami: Through Swami स्वामी के माध्यम से।
  3. Amount (Noun): Quantily परिमाण ।
  4. Protest (Noun): Objection प्रतिवाद ।
  5. Change his mind (Phrase): Alter his decision, फैसला बदलना ।
  6. Leave for (Phrasal verb): Set out for रवाना होना।
  7. Composed (verb. Past): Wrote लिखा।
  8. Envelope (Noun): Covering for a letter लिफाफा / खाम
  9. Sealed (verb. Past): Closed securely बंद किया।
  10. Apprehensively (Adv.): Worriedly / Fearfully डरते हुए।
  11. Plenty (Noun): Abundance प्रचुरता ।
  12. Worst (Adjective): Most bad सबसे खराब ।
  13. Conscience (Noun): Moral sense/sense of right and wrong जमीर/विवेक ।
  14. Bothered (verb Past): Vexed / Troubled / Pestered परेशान किया।
  15. At all (Adv. Ph): Altogether
  16. Sure (Adj): Certain निश्चित ।
  17. Description (Noun): Account, वर्णन ।
  18. Accurate (Adj): Correct/Perfect, सटीक / यथार्थ ।
  19. Mixed up (Ph.V.): Jumble / Confuse उलझा देना / असमंजस में पड़ना ।
  20. Real (Adj): Exact वास्तविक ।
  21. Imagined: Fanciful / Imaginary काल्पनिक ।
  22. Make up his mind (Phrase): Decide/Resolve फैसला किया।
  23. After all (Adv.ph.): आखिरकार ।
  24. Personally (Adv.): व्यक्तिगत रूप से।
  25. Friendly (Adj): Amicable/Co-Operative
  26. Special (Adj): Especial/Particular/Exceptional/fast/
  27. Regard (Noun): Favour/Affection/attention/Loving case//
  28. Dizzy (Adj): Unsteady / Undecided / Giddy मतिशून्य / संभ्रमित ।
  29. Confusion (Noun): Perplexity/Bewilderment fifth
  30. Decide (Verb): Determine, फैसला करना ।
  31. Deserved (Verb. Past): was merited for योग्य थे।
  32. Allegation (Noun): Accusation/Complaint अभियोग ।
  33. Grieved (verb. Past): Felt sorry for दु:खी हुआ।
  34. Recall (verb): Call up / Remember याद करना / स्मरण करना ।
  35. Dark (Adj): Black / काला ।
  36. Thin (Adj): Not thick / पतला
  37. Moustache (Noun): मूंछ
  38. Unshaven (Adj): Not shaved दाढ़ी नहीं बनाया हुआ ।
  39. Sorrow (Noun): Grief/sadness/

Wb Class 10 English Solutions

(पाठ) – 1 (पिता की सहायता ) हिन्दी अनुवाद

स्वामी को उम्मीद थी कि उसके पिता विचार करेंगे कि उस दिन वह विद्यालय क्यों नहीं जाना चाहता था। किन्तु पिता के आचरण में अप्रत्याशित परिवर्तन हुआ। उन्होंने स्वामी के मार्फत ही प्रधानाध्यापक को एक पत्र भेजने का निर्णय लिया। स्वामी का कोई भी प्रतिवाद उनके मन में परिवर्तन नहीं ला सका।

इसी बीच स्वामी विद्यालय जाने के लिए तैयार हो गया था। पिता ने एक लंबा पत्र लिखा था। उन्होंने उसे एक लिफाफे में रखा एवं उसे बंद कर दिया।
“पिताजी, आपने क्या लिखा है?” स्वामी संदेहातीत मन से प्रश्न किया।

“तुम्हारे खिलाफ कुछ भी नहीं। इसे तुम अपने प्रधानाध्यापक महोदय को देना और फिर अपनी कक्षा में जाना।”
“क्या आपने हमारे शिक्षक सैम्युएल के संबंध में कुछ लिखा है?”

“हाँ, बहुत कुछ।”
“पिताजी, उन्होंने क्या किया है?”
“पत्र में सब कुछ है। इसे तुम अपने प्रधानाध्यापक को दे देना।”

अपने आपको इस धरती का सबसे बुरा लड़का सोचते-सोचते स्वामी विद्यालय गया। उसका विवेक उसे झिंझोड़ रहा था। वह अभी भी पूरी तरह निश्चित नहीं था कि सैम्यूएल से संबंधित उसका वर्णन सही था या नहीं। उसने अनुभव किया कि उसने वास्तविक एवं काल्पनिक तथ्यों का मिलावट किया था।

सम्युएल के संबंध में मन में कुछ तय करने के लिए वह सड़क के किनारे खड़ा हो गया। सामान्यतः सैम्युएल कोई बुरे व्यक्ति नहीं थे। व्यक्तिगत रूप से वे अन्य शिक्षकों की तुलना में कुछ अधिक ही मिलनसार व्यक्ति थे।

स्वामी ने और भी अनुभव किया कि उनके प्रति वह विशेष श्रद्धा रखता था । स्वामी मानिसक रूप से दुबिधा महसूस कर रहा था। वह तय नहीं कर पाया कि सैम्युएल के प्रति पत्र में वर्णित आ आवश्यक थे या नहीं।

वह जितना ही सोचा उतना ही उनके लिए स्वामी ने दुःख का अनुभव किया। सैम्युएल का काला मुँह, पतली मूँछ एवं दाढ़ी सहित गाल के साथ ही पीले रंग की कोट की बातें सोचकर स्वामीनाथन का मन दुःखी हो उठा।

Wb Class 10 English Solutions

Lesson – 1 Father’s Help Comprehension Exercises

4. Choose The Correct Alternative To Complete The Following Sentences:

Question 1. Father decided to send the headmaster a………( पिताजी ने प्रधानाध्यापक को.. भेजने का निर्णय किया ।)

  1. Telegram
  2. Notice
  3. Letter
  4. Report

Answer: 3. Letter

Question 2. While going to school Swami was bothered by (विद्यालय जाते समय स्वामी………से परेशान था ।)

  1. Conscience
  2. Headache
  3. Toothache
  4. Fever

Answer: 1. Conscience

Question 3. The colour of Samuel’s coat was (सैम्युएल के कोट का रंग था………..)

  1. Black
  2. Blue
  3. White
  4. Yellow

Answer: 4. Yellow

5. Complete The Following Sentences With Information From The Text:

1. Father’s behavior took an unexpected turn. (पिताजी के व्यवहार में………)

2. Swami went to school feeling that he was the worst boy on earth.
(स्वामी विद्यालय गया….. ……….. महसूस करते हुए ।

3. Swami stopped on the roadside to make up his mind about Samuel.
(स्वामी सड़क के किनारे रुक गया……..)

6. Answer The Following Questions:

Question 1. Where did Father put the letter?
Answer: Father put the letter in an envelope.

Question 2. What did Swami fail to decide about Samuel ? (स्वामी सैम्युएल के बारे में क्या निर्णय नहीं कर पाया ? )
Answer: Swami failed to decide if Samuel really deserved the allegation made against him in the letter by his father.

Question 3. How did Samuel look ? (सैम्युएल कैसे दिखते थे ? )
Answer: Samuel had dark face and an unshaven cheek. He used to wear yellow coat. (सैम्युएल का चेहरा काला था एवं उनके गाल (बिना हजामत किए हुए) दाढ़ी सहित था । वे पीला कोट पहना करते थे । )

Wb Class 10 English Solutions

(पाठ) – 1 (पिता की सहायता )  Word-Notes (शब्दार्थ) Unit-3

(As he entered……………..he said)

  1. Entered (verb. past): Got into प्रवेश किया।
  2. Idea (Noun): Notion / Plan धारणा / विचार ।
  3. Occurred (verb. Past): Came into mind मन में आया।
  4. Deliver (verb): Hand over, सौंपना/ देना/पहुँचाना।
  5. At the end (Adv ph): At the close; अंत में।
  6. Chance (Noun): Opportunity / Privilege अवसर ।
  7. Justify (verb): Defend / support उचित सिद्ध करना ।
  8. Entrance (Noun): Entry way, प्रवेश द्वार ।
  9. Arithmetic (Noun): अंकगणित ।
  10. Severely (Avd.): Harshly – (Harshly)/ Bitterly/violently an
  11. Miss (verb): Lose, खो देना / चूक जाना ।
  12. Impressed (Adj): moved / Influenced प्रभावित किया।
  13. Poor (Adj): Unfortunate / बेचारा ।
  14. Seat (Noun): Place for sitting on बैठने की जगह ।
  15. Sad (Adj): Sorrowful/Pensive/34
  16. Inspect (verb): Look over/Examine जाँच करना ।
  17. Appeared (verb. past): Seemed / Looked प्रतीत हुआ।
  18. Gentle (Adj): Amiable/kind/Loving
  19. Home work (Noun): Hometask – गृहकार्य
  20. Rang (v.past): Mode a sound of the bell बजा ।
  21. Picked up (v.past): Collected / Gathered उठाया।
  22. Locked (Adj): Fastened with a lock ताला बन्द ।
  23. Leave (Noun): छुट्टी।
  24. Ran away (Phrasal verb): Fled, भाग गया।
  25. Snatched (verb. past): Took away forcefully. छीन लिया / झपट लिया।
  26. Tore up (Phrasal v): Pulled apart to pieces टुकड़ा टुकड़ा कर दिया।
  27. Deserve (verb): Be good enough for योग्य होना


Class 10 English Text Book Wbbse

(पाठ) – 1 (पिता की सहायता ) हिन्दी अनुवाद

विद्यालय के मुख्य द्वार पर पहुँचते ही उसे एक विचार सूझा। पत्र को वह छुट्टी के बाद प्रधानाध्यापक महोदय को देगा। एक मौका है, इस बीच पत्र की यथार्थता प्रमाण करने जैसी वह कुछ कर सकता है।

अपनी कक्षा के दरवाजे पर स्वामी खड़ा था। सैम्युएल अंकगणित पढ़ा रहे थे। उन्होंने स्वामी की ओर देखा। स्वामी को उम्मीद थी कि सैम्युएल उसे बुरी तरह फटकारेंगे।

सैम्युएल बोले, “तुम्हारे आने में आधा घंटा विलंब हुआ है।”
स्वामी बोला, “सर, मेरे सिर में दर्द था । ”
“तो, फिर आये क्यों?”
सैम्युएल की ओर से यह एक अप्रत्याशित प्रश्न था ।

स्वामी बोला, “मेरे पिताजी का कहना है कि, विद्यालय में अनुपस्थित होना मेरे लिए उचित नहीं है, सर ।”
सैम्युएल प्रसन्न दिखाई दिये। “तुम्हारे पिताजी ने ठीक ही कहा है। हमें उन जैसे और भी अनेक माता-पिता (अभिभावक ) चाहिए। ”
“ओह बेचारा !” स्वामी सोचने लगा “आप नहीं जानते हैं कि मेरे पिताजी ने आपके प्रति क्या किया है?”

“ठीक है, तुम अपने स्थान पर जाकर बैठो।”
स्वामी दुःखी मन से बैठ गया। उसने सैम्युएल जैसा सज्जन व्यक्ति कभी नहीं देखा था।
शिक्षक महोदय, गृह-कार्य की जांच कर रहे थे। स्वामी सोच रहा था कि यही एक समय है जब सैम्युएल को क्रुद्ध किया जा सकता है। किन्तु आज वह बहुत ही शान्त दिख रहे है।

“स्वामीनाथन, तुम्हारा घर का काम (गृह-कार्य) कहाँ है?” “सर मैं अपना घर का काम नहीं कर पाया”, स्वामी ने कहा । “क्यों-सिर में दर्द ?” सैम्युएल में पूछा।
“हाँ, सर ।’
“ठीक है, बैठो’, सैम्युएल बोले ।

शाम 4.30 बजे जब छुट्टी की घंटी बजी तब स्वामी ने अपनी किताब-कापियाँ उठायी और प्रधानाध्यापक महोदय के कमरे की ओर दौड़ा। कमरे में ताला लगा देखा। चपरासी ने उसे बताया कि प्रधानाध्यापक महोदय एक सप्ताह की छुट्टी पर हैं। पत्र लिये हुए घर में प्रवेश करते ही पिताजी ने उससे कहा कि, “मैं जानता था तुम इसे जमा नहीं करोगे।’ स्वामी बोला, “प्रधानाध्यापक महोदय तो छुट्टी पर हैं।”

पिता ने स्वामी से वह पत्र छीन लिया और उसे फाड़ डाला।
“सैम्युएल यदि पुनः फटकारें भी तो तुम कभी मुझसें सहायता मांगने के लिए मत आना, तुम सैम्युएल के ही योग्य हो, उन्होंने कहा ।

Class 10 English Text Book Wbbse

Lesson – 1 Father’s Help Comprehension Exercises

7. Choose The Correct Alternative To Complete The Following Sentences:

Question 1. When Swami entered the class, Samuel was teaching (जब स्वामी ने कक्षा में प्रवेश किया, तो सैम्युएल पढ़ा रहे थे……….)

  1. History
  2. Arithmetic
  3. Science
  4. Geography

Answer: 2. Arithmetic

Question 2. Swami was late to school by (स्वामी को विद्यालय आने में देर हुई ………..)

  1. Half an hour
  2. An hour
  3. Two hours
  4. Three hours

Answer: 1. Half an hour

Question 3. The headmaster was on a leave for one (प्रधानाध्यापक छुट्टी पर थे एक के लिए)

  1. Day
  2. Month
  3. Year
  4. Week

Answer: 4. Week

8. Complete The Following Sentences With Information From The Text:

1. As Swami entered the school gate, an idea occurred to him.
( ज्योंही स्वामी ने विद्यालय प्रवेश किया उसके मन में एक विचार आया)

2. Swami stood at the entrance to his class.
(स्वामी खरा था अपनी कक्षा के प्रवेश द्वार पर)

3. Father snatched the letter away from Swami and tore it up.
(पिताजी ने स्वामी से पत्र छीना एवं इसे फाड़ दिया ।)

9. Fill In The Chart With Information From The Text:

Class 10 English Text Book Wbbse

Cause Effect
He had a headache  (उसे सरदर्द था ।) Swami did not do his homework. (स्वामी ने अपना गृहकार्य नहीं किया ।)
Swami never met anyone as good as Samuel. (स्वामी सैम्युएल के जितने अच्छे अन्य किसी से नहीं मिला था ।) Swami satdown feeling sad. (स्वामी उदास बैठा था ।)
Headmaster had gone on a week’s leave. (प्रधानाध्यापक एक सप्ताह की छुट्टी पर गये थे ।) Swami could not deliver the letter. (स्वामी पत्र नहीं दे पाया।)


Grammar In Use

10. Choose The Correct Alternative To Complete The Following Sentences:

Question 1. Rina (take/takes/took) the bus to school every day.
Answer: Takes

Question 2. Last Monday, while we (was watching/have been watching/were watching) the television, the electricity went off.
Answer: we’re watching

Question 3. By this time tomorrow they (will have left/will have left/will have left).
Answer: Will have left.


11. Fill In The Blanks With Appropriate Articles And Prepositions :

Question Arifa, the younger_____the two girls, has cracked IIT, while____ older one is____engineer a multinational company.
Answer: of, the, an, in.

Class 10 English Text Book Wbbse

Lesson – 1 Father’s Help Writing Activities

12. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper (within 100 words) about the problems faced by commuters due to the reckless driving of vehicles.

The Editor
The Telegraph.

Subject: Reckless driving of vehicles


I shall be highly obliged if you allow me some space in your popular daily to ventilate my grave concern about the danger caused by reckless driving.

Nowadays traveling by buses and minibusses has become a matter of great concern. The drivers of public vehicles very often indulge in reckless driving. Overtak- ing has become a passion with them. They care a hang about the traffic rules.

There are traffic police on road but they utterly fail to control the ill-spirited drivers. This suggests that there is an unholy alliance between the traffic police and the erring drivers.

As a result of all these the number of road accidents has increased alarmingly. Under this circumstance, I would like to draw the attention of competent authorities, so that they take stringent steps to put a stop to this menace.

Lower Chelidanga
Feb 04, 2016

Yours faithfully
Rahul Gupta

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Lesson – 1 Father’s Help Additional Textual Questions& Answers: Unit-1

1. Choose The Correct Alternative To Complete The Following Sentences: (निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करने के लिए सही विकल्प चुनें।)

Question 1. The person who forced swami to go to school was :- (जिस व्यक्ति ने स्वामी को विद्यालय जाने को बाध्य किया….. थे ।)

  1. His father
  2. Samuel
  3. His mother
  4. He himself

Answer: 1. His father

Question 2. Swami was suffering from :-(स्वामी………से पीड़ित था ।)

  1. Stomach pain
  2. Fever
  3. Cold
  4. Headache

Answer: 4. Headache

Question 3. Swami wailed that he had a headache at- (स्वामी ने शोक व्यक्त किया कि उसे सिरदर्द था………बजे ।)

  1. 9:30
  2. 9:00
  3. 8:00
  4. 8:30

Answer: 2. 9:00

Question 4. It seemed to swami that only a moment ago it was – (स्वामी को ऐसा प्रतीत हुआ मानो एक क्षण पहले ही तो …….. था । )

  1. Sunday
  2. Saturday
  3. Friday
  4. Wednesday

Answer: 3. Friday

Question 5. That swami might stay at home was suggested by :- (स्वामी घर में ठहर सकता था यह सुझाव के द्वारा दिया गया था ।)

  1. Mother
  2. Father
  3. Uncle
  4. Aunt

Answer: 1. Mother

Question 6. Swami found his father’s behaviour – (स्वामी ने अपने पिता के व्यवहार को पाया।)

  1. As much as normal
  2. Funny
  3. Painful
  4. Beyond expectation

Answer: 4. Beyond expectation

Question 7. Swaminathan gave the excuse of headache: – (स्वामीनाथन ने सिरदर्द का बहाना किया…………बार) ।

  1. Once
  2. Never
  3. Thrice
  4. Twice

Answer: 3. Thrice.

Question 8. Immediately after he woke up, swami:-

  1. Claimed that he had a headache
  2. Realized that it was Monday
  3. Met his father
  4. Was scolded by his father

Answer: 2. Realised that it was Monday

Question 9. Swami’s mother-

  1. Was angry
  2. Was very strict
  3. Asked him to go to school
  4. Asked him to stay back home

Answer: 4. Asked him to stay back home

Question 10. On hearing that swami had a headache his father was – (स्वामी को सिरदर्द था यह सुनकर उस के पिता 1)

  1. Sad
  2. Worried
  3. Angry
  4. Indifferent

Answer: 3. Angry

Question 11. After hearing that swami could not go to school so late his father- (स्वामी इतनी देर से विद्यालय नहीं जा सकता था यह सुनकर उसके पिताजी …….) ।

  1. Decided to meet his teacher
  2. Appeared to be worried
  3. Still insisted he goes to school
  4. Stopped insisting he goes to school

Answer: 3. Still insisted him to go to school (फिर भी उसके विद्यालय जाने पर जोर दिया)।

Question 12. What swami emphasized about samuel was his – (सैम्युअल के बारे में स्वामी ने जिस बात पर जोर दिया वह बात थी..)।

  1. Love
  2. Hatred
  3. Indifference
  4. Anger

Answer: 4. Anger

Question 13. The story was written by- (कहानी लिखी गयी है के द्वारा )

  1. R. K. Narayan
  2. O. Henry
  3. K. M. Munshi
  4. M. K. Narayanan

Answer: 2. R. K. Narayan.

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Question 14. The name of the story is –

  1. Teacher’s help
  2. Mother’s help
  3. Father’s help
  4. Sister’s help

Answer: 3. Father’s help.

Question 15. At 9:30 am, swami should have been in the

  1. Market
  2. School
  3. House
  4. Playground

Answer: 3. School.

Question 16. Swaminathan-

  1. Liked to lie in bed
  2. Liked to go to school
  3. Did not like to lie in bed at all
  4. Did not like to go to school

Answer: 2. Did not like to go to school.

Question 17. Swami remembered – it was Monday. ….. सोमवार था ।)

  1. With a shudder
  2. With a cry
  3. With joy
  4. With sorrow

Answer: 1. With a shudder.

Question 18. While lying in bed swami thought that only a moment ago it was-(हुए स्वामी ने एक क्षण पहले विचार किया कि था । )

  1. Sunday
  2. Monday
  3. Friday
  4. Saturday

Answer: 3. Friday.

Question 19. Swaminathan complained of headache at (स्वामीनाथन ने सर दर्द की शिकायत की….. बजे)

  1. 9 Am
  2. 9 Pm
  3. 10 Am
  4. 9:30 Am

Answer: 1. 9 Am.

Question 20. Swami hoped he didn’t have to go to

  1. Hospital
  2. The doctor
  3. Police station
  4. To school

Answer: 4. To school.

Question 21. Swaminathan first complained of headaches to his

  1. Headmaster
  2. Father
  3. Teacher
  4. Mother

Answer: 4. Mother

Question 22. Swaminathan’s mother was –

  1. Strict
  2. Unkind
  3. Generous
  4. Quarrelsome

Answer: 3. Generous.

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Question 23. At nine o’clock swami –

  1. Wailed
  2. Laughed
  3. Snifled
  4. Smiled

Answer: 1. Wailed.

Question 24. That swami might stay at home was suggested by his – था; यह सुझाव उसकी …….. के द्वारा दिया गया ।)

  1. Teacher
  2. Father
  3. Private tutor
  4. Mother

Answer: 4. Mother.

Question 25. The students joined the prayer at swami’s school at (at face विद्यार्थीगण प्रार्थना में सम्मिलित होते थेबजे)

  1. 10.00 a.m.
  2. 9.00 am.
  3. 10.30 a.m.
  4. 9.30 a.m.

Answer: 4. 9.30 a.m.

Question 26. Swami was lying at 9.30 in – (स्वामी 9.30 बजे लेटा हुआ था………)

  1. Servant’s room
  2. Mother’s room
  3. The drawing room
  4. Father’s room

Answer: 3. Mother’s room.

Question 27. Swaminathan last went to school on (स्वामीनाथन अंतिम बार (पिछली बार ) विद्यालय गया था ……….. को)

  1. Saturday
  2. Sunday
  3. Monday
  4. Friday

Answer: 4. Friday.

Question 28. Swaminathan’s father advised swami to loaf about less on ने स्वामी को को कम घूमने-फिरने की सलाह दी )

  1. Fridays
  2. Mondays
  3. Sundays
  4. Tuesdays

Answer: 3. Sundays.

Question 29. Father commented it was (पिताजी ने मंतव्य (टिप्पणी) किया कि यह….. था । )

  1. Nonsense
  2. Reasonable
  3. Possible
  4. Expected

Answer: 1. Nonsense.

Question 30. Swami knew that his father was very-

  1. Strict
  2. Indulgent
  3. Clever
  4. Angry

Answer: 1. Strict.

Question 31. Samuel was – (सैम्युएल थे…….)

  1. A student
  2. A teacher
  3. A principal
  4. A headmaster

Answer: 2. A teacher.

Question 32. Swami’s father said swami must-चाहिए।)

  1. Study at home
  2. Stay at home
  3. Have to go to school
  4. Loaf about.

Answer: 3. Have to go to school.

Question 33. Here ‘loaf about’ signifies-(‘loaf about’……….)

  1. Wasting time
  2. Buy a loaf of bread
  3. Going to bed
  4. A ruffian

Answer: 1. Wasting time.

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Question 34. Swami told his father that if he was late in the class his teacher would— ने अपने पिता से कहा कि यदि वह अपनी कक्षा में विलम्ब से जाएगा तो उसके शिक्षक उसे .. करेंगे।)

  1. Scold him
  2. Drive him out
  3. Make him stand on the bench
  4. Beat him

Answer: 1. Scold him.

Question 35. According to the swami, even the headmaster feared – भी………… से डरते थे ।)

  1. Students
  2. Samuel
  3. Swami’s father
  4. None of them

Answer: 2. Samuel

Question 36. Swami’s father wanted to know from swami the name of – से…… का नाम जानना चाहा ।)

  1. The teacher
  2. The peon
  3. The Secretary
  4. The headmaster

Answer: 1. The teacher.

Question 37. Father ordered swami to go to school because it was – विद्यालय जाने की आज्ञा दी क्योंकि यह थी

  1. Mother’s fault
  2. Swami’s fault
  3. Father’s fault
  4. Teacher’s fault

Answer: 2. Swami’s fault.

Question 38. According to swami samuel was especially angry with those students who were – (स्वामी के अनुसार सैम्युएल उन विद्यार्थियों पर विशेष रूप से क्रोधित होते थे जो ………. थे ।)

  1. Unhealthy
  2. Attentive
  3. Late-comers
  4. Inattentive

Answer: 3. Late-comers.

Question 39. In Swami’s words, the ‘very angry man’ refers to -(and pret it aft व्यक्ति’ संकेत करता है ……….. की ओर )

  1. The teacher
  2. His father
  3. The headmaster
  4. Samuel

Answer: 4. Samuel.

2. State Wheather The Following Statements Are True Or False. Provide Sentences/ Phrases/Words In Support Of Your Answer:

Question 1. Swami was confident that samuel would behave well with him. (स्वामी को विश्वास था कि सैम्युअल उसके साथ अच्छा व्यवहार करेंगे।)
Supporting statement: “He will scold me if I say so.”
Answer: False

Question 2. Mother ordered swami to go to school. माँ ने स्वामी को विद्यालय जाने की आज्ञा दी ।)
Supporting statement: Mother generously suggested that Swami might stay at home.
Answer: False

Question 3. Swami was lying in his father’s room. (स्वामी अपने पित्ता के कमरे में लेटा हुआ था । )
Supporting statement: Swami was lying on the bench in Mother’s room.
Answer: False

Question 4. According to swami’s father, swami was himself to be blamed for being late.(स्वामी के पिता के अनुसार, देर होने के लिए स्वामी स्वयं जिम्मेवार था । )
Supporting statement: It is your fault.
Answer: True

Question 5. Swami was delighted to realize that it was Monday morning. (करके प्रसन्न था कि यह सोमवार की सुबह थी । )
Supporting statements: “Swami realized with a shudder that it was Monday morning.”
Answer: False

Question 6. Swami was disappointed that he would have to go to school. (उसे विद्यालय जाना पड़ेगा।)
Supporting statement: Swami hoped he didn’t have to go to school.
Answer: False

Question 7. On Monday morning, Swaminathan was lying on a bench. (at y स्वामीनाथन बेंच पर लेटा हुआ था ।)
Supporting statement: “Lying in bed, Swami………….it was Monday morning.
Answer: False

Question 8. Swami’s mother did not allow Swami to stay at home. पर ठहरने की अनुमति नहीं दी।)
Supporting statement: Mother generously suggested that Swami might stay at home.
Answer: False

Question 9. At 9.30 Swami should have been in the school prayer hall. (9:30 को विद्यालय के प्रार्थना कक्ष में होना चाहिए था । )
Supporting statement: At 9.30 he ought to have been in the school prayer hall.
Answer: True

Question 10. Swami told his father that he had a toothace. (स्वामी ने अपने पिता जी से कहा कि उसे दाँत में दर्द है ।)
Supporting statement: “Father asked him……………… Headache, Swami replied”
Answer: False

Question 11. Mother was soft-hearted. (माँ कोमल हृदय की थी।)
Supporting statement: Mother generously suggested that Swami might stay at home.
Answer: True

Question 12. Swami’s father rebuked Swami and ordered him to be ready to leave for school. (स्वामी के पिता जी ने स्वामी को डाँटा और विद्यालय जाने की आज्ञा दिया ।)
Supporting statement: “Nonsense! Dress up and go. ”
Answer: True

Question 13. Father said, “Sensible boy ! Dress up and go.” (पिताजी ने कहा, “समझदार लड़के ! पोशाक पहनो और जाओ ।)
Supporting statement: “Nonsense! Dress up and go. ”
Answer: False

Question 14. Swami’s father told Swami to loaf about less on Mondays. (स्वामी के पिता जी ने स्वामी को सोमवार को कम घूमने-फिरने को कहा )
Supporting statement: “Loaf about less on Sundays.”
Answer: False

Question 15. Father changed his mind on Swami’s insistence. (स्वामी की जिद पर पिताजी ने अपना विचार बदल लिया ।)
Supporting statement: No amount of protest from Swami would make him change his mind.
Answer: False

Question 16. Swami’s first tactics came of no use – (स्वामी की पहली युक्ति विफल हो गई ।)
Supporting statement: “So he changed his tactics.”
Answer: True

Question 17. Swarni knew how lenient his father could be. (स्वामी जानता था कि उसके पिता कितने दयालु हो सकते थे ।)
Supporting statement: “Swamis knew how strict his father could be.”
Answer: False

Question 18. Swami would be late to school for his own fault. (स्वामी को अपनी गलती के कारणस्कूल जाने में विलम्ब हुई ।)
Supporting statement: “It is your own fault.”
Answer: True

Question 19. According to Swami Samuel was a very gentle man. (स्वामी के अनुसार सैम्युएल बहुत ही विनम्र थे ।)
Supporting statement: “He is a very angry man.”
Answer: False

Question 20. He is especially angry with the boys who do not come in time. (वे विशेष कर उन लड़कों पर क्रुद्ध होते हैं जो समय पर नहीं आते हैं।)
Supporting statement: He is especially angry with boys who come in late.
Answer: True

Question 21. Swami didn’t want to go late to Samuel’s class. (स्वामी सैम्युएल की कक्षा में विलम्ब
से नहीं जाना चाहता था । )
Supporting statement: “I wouldn’t like to go late to Samuel’s class.”
Answer: True

Question 22. Samuel was afraid of headmaster. (सैम्युएल प्रधानाध्यापक से डरते थे ।)
Supporting statement: They say that even the headmaster is afraid of him.
Answer: False

3. Complete The Following Sentences With Information From The Text. (निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करें 

Question 1. With a shudder from bed Swami realized that (विस्तर पर स्वामीनाथन ने काँपते हुए अनुभव किया कि)
Answer: It was Monday morning. (यह सोमवार की सुबह थी ।)

Question 2. It seemed to Swami as if – (स्वामी को प्रतीत हुआ कि मानो – )
Answer: It was Friday a moment ago. (एक पल पहले शुक्रवार था ।)

Question 3. Swami hoped – (स्वामी ने आशा किया – )
Answer: that he didn’t have to go to school. (कि उसे विद्यालय नहीं जाना पड़ेगा।)

Question 4. Swaminathan wailed by saying. (स्वामीनाथन ने विलाप करते हुए कहा )
Answer: “I have an headache”. (“मेरे सिर में दर्द है। “)

Question 5. It was mother’s generous suggestions (माँ का उदारतापूर्ण सुझाव था )
Answer: that Swami might stay at home. (कि स्वामी घर पर ही ठहर जाए।)

Question 6. Swami was lying on the bench – (स्वामी बेंच पर लेटा था )
Answer: in Mother’s room. (माँ के कमरे में।)

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Question 7. Swami would be without a headache on Monday – (स्वामी को सोमवार को सर दर्द नहीं होता)
Answer: If he loafed about less on Sundays. (यदि वह रविवार को कम घूमता-फिरता ।)

Question 8. The questions of Swami’s father to Swami was (स्वामी से स्वामी के पिता का प्रश्न था)
Answer: “Have you no school today.” (“क्या आज तुम्हारा स्कूल नहीं है ? ” )

Question 9. Father advised Swami to tell his teacher (पिताजी ने स्वामी को सलाह दिया कि वह अपने शिक्षक को बताए
Answer: that he had a headache and so he was late. (कि उसे सर दर्द था इसलिए उसे विलम्ब हुआ ।)

Question 10. The headmaster is afraid of Samuel because (प्रधानाध्यापक सैम्युएल से डरते हैं क्योंकि)
Answer: he is very angry. (वे बहुत क्रोधी हैं।)

Question 11. According to swami, he had (स्वामी के अनुसार उसे था ।)
Answer: a headache (सिरदर्द) । )

Question 12. Swami came to school because his father (स्वामी विद्यालय आया क्योंकि उसके पित्ता ने)
Answer: Forced him (उसे बाध्य किया।)

Question 13. Mother suggested that(माँ ने सुझाव दिया कि ………… )
Answer: Swami might stay at home. (स्वामी घर में ठहर सकता था ।)

Question 14. Father asked swami if (पिताजी ने स्वामी से पूछा कि ……….)
Answer: He had no school that day. (क्या उस दिन उसे विद्यालय नहीं जाना था।)

Question 15. By nature samuel was(सैम्युअल स्वभाव से ……. थे ।)
Answer: Very angry (बहुत क्रोधी)।

Question 16. Swami knew that his father (स्वामी जानता था कि उसके पिता)
Answer: was a strict man (एक सख्त व्यक्ति थे ।)

Question 17. Swami’s father asked him whether samuel (स्वामी के पिता ने उससे पूछा कि क्या सैम्यूअल -)
Answer: always scolded the students (हमेशा विद्यार्थियों को डाँटते थे।)

Question 18. He is especially angry …… boys who come………. late. He is a very angry man.
Answer: with, in, a.

Question 19. It looked as though only………… moment ago it was Friday. Already Monday was here, he hoped he didn’t have………… go……. school.
Answer: a, to, too.

Question 20. Lying…………. bed, swami realized, shuddering that it was Monday morning.
Answer: on, with, a.

3. Answer The Following Questions.

Question 1. What is the full name of the writer ? (लेखक का पूरा नाम क्या है? )
Answer: The full name of the writer is Rasipuram Krishnaswamy Narayan. (लेखक का पूरा नाम राशिपुरम कृष्णास्वामी नारायण है ।)

Question 2. Where has the story been taken from? (कहानी कहाँ से उद्धत है ?)
Answer: The story has been taken from ‘Malgudi Days’. (कहानी ‘मालगुडी डेज’ से उद्धत है।)

Question 3. Where was Swaminathan lying ? (स्वामीनाथन कहाँ लेटा हुआ था ? )
Answer: Swaminathan was lying in bed. (स्वामीनाथन बिस्तर पर लेटा हुआ था।)

Question 4. What did Swami realize lying in bed ? (बिस्तर पर लेटे हुए स्वामी ने क्या अनुभव किया?)
Answer: Lying in bed Swami realized that it was Monday Morning. (बिस्तर पर लेटे हुए स्वामी ने अनुभव किया कि यह सोमवार की सुबह थी ।)

Question 5. What did it seem to him while he was lying in bed ? (जब वह बिस्तर पर लेटा हुआ था तो उसे क्या प्रतीत हुआ ?)
Answer: While he was lying in bed, it seemed to Swami that a moment ago it was Friday. (जब वह बिस्तर पर पड़ा हुआ था तो उसे प्रतीत हुआ कि एक क्षण पहले तो शुक्रवार था ।)

Question 6. What did Swami hope ? (स्वामी ने क्या आशा किया ? )
Answer: Swami hoped that he did not have to go to shcool that day.(स्वामी ने आशा किया कि उसे उस दिन विद्यालय नहीं जाना पड़ेगा।)

Question 7. When did Swaminathan give a wail ? (स्वामीनाथन कब रो पड़ा ? )
Answer: Swaminathan gave a wail at 9 O’Clock in the morning. (सुबह 9 बजे स्वामीनाथन रो पड़ा ।)

Question 8. To whom did Swaminathan first complain of his headache ? (स्वामीनाथन ने सर्वप्रथम किसे अपने सरदर्द का दुःखड़ा सुनाचा?)
Answer: Swaminathan first complained of his headache to his mother. (स्वामीनाथन ने सर्वप्रथम अपनी माँ को अपने सरदर्द का दुःखड़ा सुनाया।)

Wbbse English Solution Class 10

Question 9. What did mother do when Swami complained of headache ? (जब स्वामी ने सरदर्द का दुःखड़ा सुनाया तो उसकी माँ ने क्या किया?)
Answer: Hearing of Swami’s headache, Mother suggested generously that he might stay back home. स्वामी के सरदर्द के बारे में सुनकर माँ ने उदारतापूर्वक सुझाव दिया कि वह घर पर ठहर सकता था।)

Question 10. What sort of a woman was Swaminathan’s mother? (स्वामीनाथन की माँ किस प्रकार की महिला थी ? )
Answer: Swaminathan’s mother was a generous woman by nature. (स्वामीनाथन की माँ स्वभाव से एक उदार महिलां थी ।)

Question 11. What did Swami do when it was time to be in the school prayer hall ? (विद्यालय के प्रार्थना में होने के समय स्वामी ने क्या किया ?)
Answer: At 9.30 Swami was lying on a bench in Mother’s room when it was time to be in the
school prayer hall. (सुबह 9.30 बजे स्वामी अपनी माँ के कमरे में एक बेन्च पर लेटा था जब उसे विद्यालय के प्रार्थना में होने का समय था ।

Question 12. What sort of a man was Swaminathan’s father ? (स्वामीनाथन के पिता कैसे व्यक्ति थे ? )
Answer: Swaminathan’s father was very strict. (स्वामीनाथन के पिता बहुत सख्त व्यक्ति थे ।)

Question 13. What did father ask Swami ? (पिताजी ने स्वामी से क्या पूछा ? )
Answer: Father asked Swami if he had no school that day. ( पिताजी ने स्वामी से पूछा कि क्या आज उसका स्कूल नही था।)

Question 14. What was the order of Swami’s father ? (स्वामी के पिताजी की क्या आज्ञा थी ? )
Answer: Swami’s father ordered Swami to dress up and go to school. (स्वामी के पिताजी ने स्वामी को पोशाक पहनने एवं विद्यालय जाने की आज्ञा दी।)

Question 15. How would Swami be without a headache on Monday according to his father? ( उसके पिता के अनुसार स्वामी सोमवार को सरदर्द से कैसे बच सकता था ? )
Answer: Swami’s father thought that Swami could be without a headache on Monday if he only loafed about less on Sundays. (स्वामी के पिताजी ने विचार किया कि स्वामी सोमवार को सरदर्द से बच सकता था यदि वह रविवार को घूमना-फिरना कम करे ।)

Question 16. Who changed his tactics ? (किसने अपनी युक्ति बदली ? )
Answer: Swaminathan changed his tactics. (स्वामीनाथन ने अपनी युक्ति बदली ।)

Question 17. What was father’s suggestion ? (पिताजी का सुझाव क्या था ? )
Answer: Father suggested that he should go to school and tell his teacher that he was late for his headache. ( पिताजी ने सुझाव दिया कि वह विद्यालय जाए एवं अपने शिक्षक को बताए कि उसके सरदर्द के कारण उसे विलम्ब हुआ।)

Question 18. When did Swami change his tactics ? (स्वामी ने अपनी युक्ति (चालबाजी) कब बदला?)
Answer: Swami changed his tactics when his father told him to dress up and go to school. स्वामी ने अपनी युक्ति / चालबाजी तब बदली जब उसके पिताजी ने उसे पोशाक पहनने एवं विद्यालय जाने को कहा।)

Question 19. What would the teacher do if Swami was late for school ? (यदि स्वामी को विद्यालय के लिए विलम्ब हो जाता तो शिक्षक क्या करते ? )
Answer: The teacher would scold Swami if he was late for school. (शिक्षक स्वामी को डाँटते यदि वह विद्यालय के लिए विलम्ब होता ।)

Question 20. What did father want to know about Swami’s teacher? (पिताजी ने स्वामी के शिक्षक के बारे में क्या जानना चाहा ? )
Answer: Father wanted to know from Swami if his teacher, Samuel, always scolded the students. (पिताजी ने स्वामी से जानना चाहा कि क्या उसके शिक्षक, सैम्युएल, विद्यार्थियों को हमेशा डाँटा करते थे।)

Question 21. How did Swami represent Samuel before his father? (स्वामी ने अपने पिताजी के सामने सैम्युएल को कैसे चित्रित किया?)
Answer: Swami represented Samuel as an angry teacher before his father. (स्वामी ने अपने पिताजी के सामने सैम्युएल को एक क्रोधी शिक्षक के रूप में चित्रित किया।)

Question 22. Which teacher was afraid of Samuel?
Answer: The headmaster was afraid of Samuel.(प्रधानाध्यापक सैम्युएल से भयभीत थे।)

Question 23. Whom was Samuel especially angry with? (सैम्युएल किनसे विशेष रूप से नाराज होते थे?)
Answer: Samuel was especially angry with the boy who would come late to school. (सैम्युए उस लड़के से विशेष रूप से नाराज होते थे जो विद्यालय देर से आते थे।)

Class 10 English Text Book Wbbse

Lesson – 1 Father’s Help Unit-2

1. Choose The Correct Alternative To Complete The Following Sentences: निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करने के लिए सही विकल्प चुनें।

Question 1. As a man samuel was (एक मनुष्य के रूप में सैम्युअल थे । )

  1. Vindictive
  2. Cruel
  3. Friendly
  4. Quarrel-some

Answer: 3. Friendly.

Question 2. Swami was bothered by:-के द्वारा ।

  1. Bad weather
  2. His father
  3. Samuel
  4. His conscience

Answer: 4. His conscience.

Question 3. While going to school swami felt –

  1. Delighted
  2. Morose
  3. Guilty
  4. Angry

Answer: 2. Morose

Question 4. Samuel used to wear –

  1. Yellow shirt
  2. Yellow coat
  3. Yellow kurta
  4. Dark colored coat

Answer: 2. Yellow coal

Question 5. Swami had to deliver: –

  1. Paper
  2. Letter
  3. Book
  4. Dairy

Answer: 2. Letter

Question 6. Swami asked his father about the letter स्वामी ने अपने पिताजी से पत्र के बारे में …. पूर्वक पूछा ।

  1. Cautiously
  2. Casually
  3. With fear in mind
  4. Smartly

Answer: 3. With fear in mind

Question 7. Swami’s father wrote in the letter plenty of things about बहुत सी बातें लिखी के बारे में।

  1. Swami
  2. Himself
  3. Headmaster
  4. Samuel

Answer: 4. Samuel

Question 8. Swami stopped on the roadside (स्वामी सड़क के किनारे खड़ा हो गया। ….)

  1. To make his mind up
  2. To take rest a while
  3. To avoid reaching school on time
  4. To waste time

Answer: 1. To make his mind up

Question 9. Swami went to – …… गया।

  1. School
  2. Cinema hall
  3. House
  4. Toilet

Answer: 1. School

Question 10. While talking about samuel swami felt that he had mixed up the art art में बात करते समय स्वामी ने महसूस किया कि उसनेको मिश्रित कर दिया था।

  1. Blue and white
  2. Emotion and truth
  3. The real and the imagined
  4. None of the above

Answer: 3. The real and the imagined

Question 11. Swami is the name of

  1. A student
  2. Girl
  3. A boy
  4. An imaginary character

Answer: 4. An imaginary character

Question 12. Swami stopped on the स्वामी का नाम है।

  1. Roadside
  2. By the riverside
  3. By the window
  4. None of the above

Answer: 1. Roadside

Question 13. Father decided to send a letter to the fun. ….. के पास पत्र भेजने का फैसला किया।

  1. Class teacher
  2. Games teacher
  3. Headmaster
  4. Samuel

Answer: 3. Headmaster

Question 14. Samuel was quiet:

  1. Rough
  2. Rude
  3. Friendly
  4. Always angry

Answer: 3. Friendly

Question 15. Father put the letter in a / an – पिताजी ने पत्र को में डाल दिया।

  1. Bag
  2. Envelope
  3. Inside a book
  4. Inside an exercise book

Answer: 2. Envelope

Question 16. Swami felt he was the………. Boy on earth-

  1. Worst
  2. Good
  3. Best
  4. Naughty

Answer: 1. Worst

Question 17. Swami’s father wrote a letter to (स्वामी के पिताजी ने पत्र लिखा …….. को ।)

  1. The staff of the school
  2. The president of the school
  3. Samuel
  4. The headmaster

Answer: 4. The headmaster.

Question 18. The letter that Swami’s father had composed was लिखा वह था । )

  1. Slip-like
  2. Short
  3. Long
  4. None of these

Answer: 3. Long.

Question 19. The letter was-

  1. Enveloped and sealed
  2. Unenveloped and unsealed
  3. Enveloped but unsealed
  4. Unenveloped but sealed

Answer: 3. Enveloped and sealed.

Question 20. Father’s behavior took………..

  1. An unexpected turn
  2. An imaginary turn
  3. An expected turn
  4. A dangerous turn

Answer: 3. An unexpected turn.

Question 21. Personally, among teachers, Samuel was not – रूप से नहीं थे ।)

  1. Friendly
  2. Noble
  3. Punctual
  4. Violent

Answer: 1. Friendly.

Question 22. Swami suspected that his father has written something objectionable about- (स्वामी को शंका हुई कि उसके पिताजी ने के बारे में कुछ आपत्तिजनक लिखा था ।)

  1. All the teachers
  2. Samuel
  3. Him
  4. The headmasters

Answer: 2. Samuel.

Question 23. While going to school, Swami felt he was the अनुभव हुआ कि वह था । )

  1. Worst boy
  2. Most talented boy
  3. Best boy
  4. Cleverest boy

Answer: 1. Worst boy.

Question 24. Samuel wore a yellow –

  1. Uniform
  2. Coat
  3. Shirt
  4. Apron

Answer: 2. Coat.

Question 25. Swami asked father about the content of the letter with: के बारे में पूछा……. के साथ ।)

  1. Apprehension
  2. Joy
  3. Timidity
  4. Courage

Answer: 1. Apprehension.

Question 26. Swami felt that Samuel had a special – (स्वामी ने महसूस किया कि सैम्युएल के मन में ……..)

  1. Weakness towards him
  2. Grudge against him
  3. Regard for him
  4. Indifference to him

Answer: 3. Regard for him.

Question 27. To make up his mind for Samuel, Swami stopped on the – निर्णय करने के लिए स्वामी रूका

  1. School gate side
  2. Riverside
  3. Bankside
  4. Roadside

Answer: 4. Roadside.

Question 28. Swami’s description of Samuel was a

  1. Exact
  2. Absurd
  3. Inaccurate
  4. Accurate

Answer: 3. Inaccurate.

Question 29. Personally Samuel was (व्यक्तिगत रूप से सैम्युएल

  1. Friendly
  2. Helpful
  3. Jealous
  4. Inimical

Answer: 1. Friendly.

Question 30. That day Samuel seemed very.

  1. Hopeless
  2. Gentle
  3. Absent-minded
  4. Angry

Answer: 2. Gentle.

Question 31. Swami’s head was dizzy with –

  1. Concern
  2. Confusion
  3. Headache
  4. Fear

Answer: 2. Confusion.

Question 32. Samuel’s mustache was-(at)

  1. Thin
  2. Medium
  3. Very thick
  4. Thick

Answer: 4. Thick.

Question 33. Swami was unsure if Samuel deserve it.

  1. The phrase
  2. The award
  3. The hatred
  4. The allegation.

Answer: 4. The allegation.

Question 34. Samuel’s face was-

  1. Fair
  2. Awesome
  3. Pretty
  4. Dark.

Answer: 4. Dark.

Question 35. Recalling Samuel’s dark, thin face Swami. ( याद कर के स्वामी……….)

  1. Felt Ashamed
  2. Was drowned in sorrow
  3. Felt victorious
  4. Was overjoyed

Answer: 2. Was drowned in sorrow.


2. Complete The Following Sentences With Information From The Text: (पाठ्यांश की सूचना के आधार पर निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करें)

Question 1. Swami was not sure about his description of samuel because(स्वामी सैम्युअल के वर्णन के बारे में आश्वस्त नहीं था क्योंकि………)
Answer: He had mixed up the real and the imagined. (उसने वास्तविकता एवं कल्पना को मिश्रित कर दिया था।)

Question 2. The boy for whom samuel had a special regard was लिए सैम्युअल के मन में विशेष स्थान था
Answer: Swami (स्वामी) ।

Question 3. Swami’s conscience made him feel that. …. (जिस लड़के के स्वामी के विवेक ने उसे महसूस)
Answer: His description of samuel had not been accurate. (सैम्युअल के बारे में उसका वर्णन सही नहीं था ।)

Question 4. Swami mixed up the real and imagined in(स्वामी ने वास्तकवता एवं कल्पना को मिश्रित कर दिया था में । ) (सैम्युअल के वर्णन) ।
Answer: His description of Samuel

Question 5. Swami was hopeful that……………(स्वामी को आशा थी कि ……….)
Answer: With this, his father would be made to see why he must avoid school for the day.

Question 6. Father wrote a … (पित्ताजी ने ……..)
Answer: Letter (पत्र) ।

Question 7. Swami felt samuel was ……… (स्वामी ने महसूस कि सैम्युअल ……….)
Answer: Not such a bad man after all. (आखिरकार उतने बुरे व्यक्ति भी नहीं थे।)

Question 8. Swami was disturbed by…………….
Answer: His conscience (अपने विवेक से) ।

Question 9. Swami was too confused to decide if—— (स्वामी यह फैसला कर पाने में बहुत भ्रमित था कि क्या ………..)
Answer: Samuel really deserved the allegations made against him in the letter. (सैम्युअल पत्र में अपने विरुद्ध लगाये गये आरोपों के योग्य थे ।)

Question 10. Apprehensively Swami asked his father (स्वामी ने डरते हुए अपने पिता से पूछा
Answer: “What have you written”. (‘आप ने क्या लिखा है।)

Question 11. Stopping on the roadside Swami wanted to (सड़क के किनारे खड़ा होकर स्वामी चाहता था कि ……….)
Answer: make up his mind about Samuel. (सैम्युअल के बारे में फैसला करना ।)

Question 12. Swami went……….. school feeling that he was………….. worst boy…………earth.
Answer: to, the, on.

Question 13. The more he thought …. Samuel, ….. him………… more swami grieved
Answer: of, the, of.

Question 14. Swami protested but he (स्वामी ने विरोध किया किन्तु वह – )
Answer: Could not change his father’s mind (अपने पिता के मन को परिवर्तित नहीं कर सका।)

Question 15. Putting the letter in an envelope (पत्र को एक लिफाफे में रखकर -)
Answer: Father sealed it and gave it to Swami. (पिताजी ने इसे बन्द कर दिया एवं इसे स्वामी को दे दिया।)

Question 16. Swami’s father proposed to (स्वामी के पिताजी ने चाहा – )
Answer: Send a letter with Swami to the headmaster. (प्रधानाध्यापक महोदय को स्वामी के माध्यम से एक पत्र भेजना।)

Question 17. Swami was ready to leave ( स्वामी तैयार था रवाना होने को -)
Answer: For school – (विद्यालय के लिए।)

Question 18. While going to school, Swami’s conscience(विद्यालय जाते समय स्वामी की आत्मचेतना……….1)
Answer: Bothered him. (ने उसे परेशान किया।)

Question 19. To make up his mind about samuel, Swami stopped. (सैम्युएल के बारे में फैसला करने के लिए स्वामी ठहरा)
Answer: On the roadside. (सड़क के किनारे)

Question 20. Samuel was, according to Swami, was not after all – (स्वामी के अनुसार, सैम्युएल अंततः नहीं थे)
Answer: a bad man. (एक बुरे व्यक्ति)

Question 21. Swami grieved for Samuel (स्वामी को सैम्युएल के लिए उतनी अधिक तकलीफ हुई)
Answer: the more he thought about him. (जितना अधिक उसने उनके बारे में सोचा।)

Question 22. Swami was reluctant to go (स्वामी अनिच्छुक था – )
Answer: late to Samuel’s class. (सैम्युएल की कक्षा में देर से जाने को ।)

3. State Whether The Following Statements Are True Or False. Provide Sentences/ Phrases/Words In Support Of Your Answer:

Question 1. Swami has felt that he is a very good boy. (स्वामी ने महसूस किया कि वह एक बहुत अच्छा लड़का है।)
Supporting statement: Swami went to school feeling that he was the worst boy on earth.
Answer: False

Question 2. Personally samuel was not much more amiable than the other teachers (व्यक्तिगत रूप से स्वामी अन्य शिक्षकों की तुलना में अधिक मित्रवत् नहीं थे।)
Supporting statement: Personally, he was much more friendly than the other teachers.
Answer: False

Question 3. It was for samuel that swami did not want to go to school late. (सैम्युअल के कारण स्वामी देर से विद्यालय नहीं जाना चाहता था ।)
Supporting statement: By the time swami was ready to leave for school, Father had composed a long letter to the headmaster.
Answer: True

Question 4. Swami was very happy on his way to school. (विद्यालय जाते समय स्वामी बहुत प्रसन्न था ।)
Supporting statement: Swami went to school feeling that he was the worst boy on earth.
Answer: False

Question 5. Swami felt that his view about samuel was a product of his imagination. (स्वामी ने महसूस किया कि सैम्युअल के बारे में उसके विचार उसकी कल्पना मात्र थी।)
Supporting statement: He felt he had mixed up the real and the imagined.
Answer: True

Question 6. Swami was not without a little fear while making queries about his father’s letter.
Answer: True

Question 7. Swami was in two minds about Samuel.
Answer: True

Question 8. Swami’s father proposed to go with Swami to the head master. (स्वामी के पिताजी , ने स्वामी के साथ प्रधानाध्यापक के पास जाने का विचार किया ।)
Supporting statements: “He proposed to send a letter with Swami to the headmaster.”
Answer: False

Question 9. Swami thought he would be able to change his father’s mind. (स्वामी ने विचार किया कि वह अपने पिता के मन/विचार को बदल देगा ।)
Supporting statement: “No amount of protest from Swami would make him change his mind.”
Answer: False

Question 10. Father’s behaviour astonished Swami. (पिताजी के व्यवहार ने स्वामी को आश्चर्यचकितकर दिया।)
Supporting statement: But the father’s behavior took an unexpected turn.
Answer: True

Question 11. Swami’s father sent an open letter to the headmaster. (स्वामी के पिताजी ने प्रधानाध्यापक को एक खुला पत्र भेजा )
Supporting statement: “He put it in an envelope and sealed it.”
Answer: False

Question 12. Samuel was afraid of headmaster. (सैम्युएल प्रधानाध्यापक से डरते थे ।)
Supporting statement: They say that even the headmaster is afraid of him.
Answer: False

Question 13. Swami was sure his description of Samuel had been exact. (स्वामी आश्वस्त था कि सैम्युएल के बारे में किया हुआ उसका वर्णन सटीक था ।)
Supporting statement: “He wasn’t at all sure if his description of Samuel had been accurate.
Answer: False

Question 14. Swami was sorry for Samuel. (स्वामी सैम्युएल के लिए दुःखी था ।)
Supporting statement: Swami grieved for him.
Answer: True

Question 15. Swami read the letter on his way to school. (स्वामी ने विद्यालय जाने के रास्ते में पत्रपढ़ा।)
Supporting statement: He put it in an envelope and sealed it.
Answer: False

Question 16. Swami was confident to decribing Samuel as an angry teacher. (स्वामी ने आत्मविश्वास के साथ सैम्युएल को एक क्रोधी शिक्षक के रूप में वर्णन किया ।)
Supporting statement: “He wasn’t at all sure if his description of Samuel had been accurate.
Answer: False

Question 17. Swami felt Samuel had no regard for him. (स्वामी ने महसूस किया कि सैम्युएल के मन में उसकी कोई परवाह नहीं थी ।)
Supporting statement: Swami also felt Samuel had a special regard for him.
Answer: False

Question 18. According to Swami, Samuel was a friendly sort of a man. (स्वामी के अनुसार सैम्युएल एक मित्रवत व्यक्ति थे।)
Supporting statement: “Personally he was much more Friendly”
Answer: False

Question 19. Samuel was a fair, clean-shaven person. (सैम्युएल एक गोरे एवं अच्छी तरह हजामत किये हुए व्यक्ति थे ।)
Supporting statement: Samuel’s dark face, his thin mustache, and his unshaven cheek.
Answer: False

Question 20. Father wrote about Swami in the letter. (पिताजी ने पत्र में स्वामी के बारे में लिखा ।)
Supporting statement: Nothing for you.
Answer: False

Question 21. Samuel had special affection towards Swami. (सैम्युएल के मन में स्वामी के लिए विशेष स्नेह था ।)
Supporting statement: “Samuel had a special regard for him.
Answer: True

Question 22. Swami’s head was dizzy with headache. (सरदर्द से स्वामी का सिर चकरा रहा था।
Supporting statement: “Swami’s head was dizzy with confusion.
Answer: True

4. Answer The Following Questions :

Question 1. What did Swami hope ? (स्वामीनाथन ने क्या आशा की ? )
Answer: Swami hoped that he would be able to convince his father why it was necessary for him to avoid going to school that day. स्वामीनाथन ने आशा किया कि वह अपने पिता को मना लेगा कि उस दिन विद्यालय नहीं जाना उसके लिए क्यों आवश्यक था।

Question 2. What did Swami’s father propose ? (स्वामी के पिताजी ने क्या प्रस्ताव रखा ?)
Answer: Swami’s father proposed to send a letter with Swami. स्वामी के पिताजी ने स्वामी के साथ (के माध्यम से) एक पत्र भेजने का प्रस्ताव रखा।

Question 3. How did father behave ? (पिताजी ने कैसा व्यवहार किया ? )
Answer: To Swami’s surprise father’s behaviour took an unexpected turn. (पिताजी के व्यवहार में अप्रत्याशित परिवतर्न से स्वामी आश्चर्यचकित हो गया।)

Question 4. What did father ask Swami to do with the letter ? (पिताजी ने स्वामी को पत्र का क्या करने को कहा?)
Answer: Father asked Swami to give the letter to the headmaster first and then go to his class.
(पिताजी ने स्वामी को सर्वप्रथम प्रधानाध्यापक महोदय को पत्र देने तत्पश्चात् अपनी कक्षा में जाने हो कहा ।

Question 5. Who was thought to be alleged in the letter written by Swami’s father ? (स्वामी के पिता के द्वारा लिखे गये पत्र में किस पर आरोप लगाया गया था ।)
Answer: Samuel, Swami’s teacher, was thought to be alleged in his father’s letter. (उसके पिता के पत्र में स्वामी के शिक्षक, सैम्युएल पर आरोप लगाया गया था।)

Question 6. To whom did Swami’s father propose to send the letter ? (स्वामी के पिताजी ने किसे पत्र भेजने का प्रस्ताव रखा? )
Answer: Swami’s father proposed to send the letter to the headmaster of Swami’s school. (स्वामी के पिता ने स्वामी के विद्यालय के प्रधानाध्यापक को पत्र देने का प्रस्ताव रखा।)

Question 7. When did father finish composing the letter ? (पिताजी ने पत्र लिखना कब समाप्त किया?)
Answer: By the time Swami was supposed to leave for school, father had finished composing the letter to the headmaster. (स्वामी के विद्यालय के लिए रवाना होने के समय तक पिताजी ने प्रधानाध्यापक को पत्र लिखना समाप्त कर चुके थे ।)

Question 8. What did Swami’s father write in the letter ? (स्वामी के पिताजी ने पत्र में क्या लिखा ? )
Answer: Swami’s father wrote in the letter about Swami’s teacher, Samuel. (स्वामी के पिताजी ने पत्र में स्वामी के शिक्षक, सैम्युयल के बारे में लिखा )

Question 9. What did Swami feel when he went to shcool ? (स्वामी ने क्या महसूस किया जब वह विद्यालय गया ? )
Answer: Swami felt sad when he went to school.(स्वामी ने उदास महसूस किया जब वह विद्यालय गया ।)

Question 10. How was the size of the letter composed by Swami’s father ? (स्वामी के पिता के द्वारा लिखे गये पत्र का आकार कैसा था ? )
Answer: The size of the letter composed by Swami’s father was long. (स्वामी के पिता के द्वारा लिखे गये पत्र का आकार लम्बा था।)

Question 11. Whom did swami’s father tell Swami to deliver the letter to ? (स्वामी के पिता ने स्वामी को पत्र किसे देने को कहा ? )
Answer: Swami’s father told Swami to deliver the letter to the headmaster. (स्वामी के पिता ने स्वामी को पत्र प्रधानाध्यापक को देने को कहा।)

Question 12. What did Swami ask his father and how? (स्वामी ने अपने पिता से क्या एवं कैसे पूछा? )
Answer: Swami asked his father apprehensively what he had written in the letter. (स्वामी ने अपने पिता से डरते हुए पूछा कि उन्होंने पत्र में क्या लिखा था ।)

Question 13. What wrong, according to himself, did Swami do regarding Samuel ? (स्वामी के अनुसार उसने सैम्युएल के सम्बन्ध में क्या गलती की ?)
Answer: Swami had cooked up a story about Samuel by mixing up the real and the imagined. (स्वामी ने वास्तविकता एवं कल्पना को मिश्रित कर सैम्युएल के बारे में एक कहानी गढ़ ली।)

Question 14. What bothered Swami when he went to school ? (जब स्वामी विद्यालय गया तो उसे क्या चिंता खाये जा रही थी ? )
Answer: Consience bothered Swami when he went to school. (जब स्वामी विद्यालय गया तो उसका अंतःकरण उसे कष्ट दे रहा था।)

Question 15. Why did Swami’s father put the letter ? (स्वामी के पिता ने पत्र कहाँ रखा ? )
Answer: Swami’s father put the letter in an envelope. (स्वामी के पिता ने पत्र को एक लिफाफे में रखा।)

Question 16. Why did swami stop on the way for ? (स्वामी रास्ते में क्यों रूका ? )
Answer: Swami stopped on the way to make up his mind about Samuel. सैम्युएल के बारे में निर्णय करने के लिए स्वामी रास्ते में रूका।)

Question 17. What did father tell Swami about the content of the letter ? (पिताजी ने पत्र के विषय- वस्तु के बारे में स्वामी को क्या बताया ? )
Answer: Instead of telling what he had written, father said everything was there in the letter. (उन्होंने जो पत्र में लिखा था यह बताने की बजाय पिताजी ने कहा कि पत्र में सब लिखा था।)

Question 18. What did Swami feel about himself ? (स्वामी ने स्वयं के बारे में क्या महसूस किया ? )
Answer: Swami felt himself the worst boy in the world while he went to school.(स्वामी ने स्वयं को संसार का सबसे बुरा लड़का माना जब वह विद्यालय गया ।)

Question 19. Who had a special regard for Swaminathan in the school ? (विद्यालय में किनके मन में स्वामीनाथन के लिए विशेष स्नेह था?)
Answer: Samuel had a special regard for Swaminathan in the class. (वर्ग में स्वामीनाथन के लिए सैम्युएल के मन में विशेष स्नेह था ।)

Question 20. What sort of a man was Samuel according to Swami?
Answer: According to Swami, Samuel was not such a bad man.

Question 21. How was swami’s relationship with Samuel?
Answer: Samuel was more friendly than the other teachers to swami.

Question 22. When did Swami feel sorry for Samuel?
Answer: Swami felt sorry for Samuel when he recalled his appearance.

Question 23. What would Samuel put on?
Answer: Samuel would put on a yellow coat.

Question 24. Whose head was dizzy with confusion?
Answer: Swami’s head was dizzy with confusion.

Question 25. What filled Swaminathan with sorrow?
Answer: To recall Samuel’s dark face his thin mustache unshaven check and his yellow coat filled Swaminathan with sorrow.


Lesson – 1 Father’s Help Unit-3

1. Choose The Correct Alternative To Complete The Following Sentences: (निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करने के लिए सही विकल्प चुनें।)

Question 1. Swami was late for school by स्वामी विद्यालय के लिए….. देर था।

  1. An hour
  2. Thirty minutes
  3. No means
  4. More than hour

Answer: 2. Thirty minutes

Question 2. As per the text parents should- पाठ के अनुसार माता-पिता को

  1. Compel their wards to do homework
  2. Not send their wards to school if the home task is not done
  3. Never scold their wards
  4. Insist on regularity in attendance

Answer: 4. Insist on regularity in attendance.

Question 3. Samuel was impressed with……. से प्रभावित हुए।

  1. Swami’s mother
  2. Swami’s brother
  3. Swami’s father
  4. Swami’s teacher

Answer: 3. Swami’s father.

Question 4. Swami believed that samuel got most angry सैम्युअल सबसे अधिक नाराज होते थे जब होना चाहिये।

  1. Teaching arithmetic
  2. Talking with swami
  3. Inspecting examination papers
  4. Inspecting home lessons

Answer: 4. Inspecting home lessons.

Question 5. That he should not miss school was heard by swami नहीं चूकना चाहिये यह स्वामी द्वारा कब सुना गया।

  1. He was at the field
  2. He was loafing on a Sunday
  3. He faced Samuel
  4. He was at home

Answer: 4. He was at home

Question 6. For not having done his home-work, swaminathan made an excuse of: – गृह कार्य नहीं करने का स्वामीनाथन के … का बहाना बनाया।

  1. Fever
  2. Headache
  3. Cousin’s marriage
  4. Stomach pain

Answer: 2. Headache

Question 7. Swami thought Samuel a: –

  1. Cruel man
  2. Vagabond
  3. Rich man
  4. Poor man

Answer: 4. Poor man

Question 8. The school bell rang fast

  1. 3:30
  2. 4:00
  3. 4:30
  4. 4:20

Answer: 3. 4:30

Question 9. Samuel gets angry most while he :- सैम्युअल…………. सर्वाधिक क्रोधित होते है जब वह

  1. Teaches the class
  2. Conducts the prayer
  3. Checks the homework

Answer: 4. Checks the homework

Question 10. Swami could not do the homework as at tight artisan…..i

  1. He had toothache
  2. He had a headache
  3. He had a fever
  4. His mother suddenly fell ill

Answer: 2. He had a headache

Question 11. Swami went to the headmaster’s room to deliver the letter at के कमरे में……… बजे पत्र देने गया ।

  1. 4:00 P.m.
  2. 4:30 P.m.
  3. 3:30 P.m.
  4. 11:30 P.m.

Answer: 2. 4:30 P.m.

Question 12. That day Samuel appeared very –

  1. Rough
  2. Gentle
  3. Angry
  4. Jolly

Answer: 2. Gentle

Question 13. When swami stood before his classroom, his teacher was teaching जब स्वामी अपनी कक्षा के सामने खड़ा था, उसके शिक्षक ….. पढ़ा रहे थे।

  1. English
  2. History
  3. Geography
  4. Mathematics

Answer: 4. Mathematics

Question 14. Swami showed an excuse to this teacher that he had a pain in his – स्वामी ने अपने शिक्षक के सामने बहाना किया कि उसे में दर्द था ।

  1. Knee
  2. Tooth
  3. Head
  4. Ear

Answer: 3. Head

Question 15. When samuel told swami to take his seat, swami to take his seat, swami was felling जब सैम्युअल ने स्वामी को उसके स्थान पर बैठने को कहा तो स्वामी महसूस कर रहा था ।

  1. Unhappy
  2. Cheerful
  3. Angry
  4. Tired

Answer: 1. Unhappy

Question 16. Swami decided to deliver the letter to the headmaster (an महोदय को पत्र देने का निर्णय किया….)

  1. During the prayer
  2. During the tiffin
  3. After school hours
  4. After Samuel’s period

Answer: 3. After school hours.

Question 17. Swaminathan hoped Samuel would

  1. Beat him
  2. Chase him
  3. Rebuke him
  4. Look at him sternly

Answer: 3. Rebuke him.

Question 18. When swami entered the class, samuel was teaching-किया, सैम्युएल पढ़ा रहे थे – )

  1. Geography
  2. Science
  3. History
  4. Arithmetic

Answer: 4. Arithmetic.

Question 19. Samuel might do something to justify – (सैम्युएल कुछ कर सकते थे ……… को)

  1. The letter
  2. His father’s attitude
  3. Swami’s expulsion
  4. Swami’s punishment

Answer: 1. The letter.

Question 20. An idea occurred to swami when he entered the जब उसने प्रवेश किया में ।)

  1. Classroom
  2. Headmaster’s room
  3. School gate
  4. School ground

Answer: 3. School gate.

Question 21. When swami told samuel that his father wanted him not to miss school, he looked – (जब स्वामी ने सैम्युएल को कहा कि उसके पिता नहीं चाहते थे कि वह विद्यालय जाने से चूके तो वे दिखे……..1)

  1. Ashamed
  2. Angry
  3. Mortified
  4. Impressed

Answer: 4. Impressed.

Question 22. Swaminathan told Samuel that he had

  1. A headache
  2. A backache
  3. A toothache
  4. A stomachache

Answer: 1. A headache.

Question 23. Swami was late to school by- (स्वामी को विद्यालय जाने में विलम्ब हुआ था .)

  1. Three hours
  2. Two hours
  3. Half an hour
  4. An hours

Answer: 3. Half an hour.

Question 24. Swami’s father told him –

  1. Not to miss school
  2. To be regular at school
  3. Not to attend mathematics class
  4. To bunk school sometimes

Answer: 1. Not to miss school.

Question 25. The teacher was inspecting the –

  1. Homework
  2. School uniform
  3. Exam copies
  4. Classroom

Answer: 1. Homework.

Question 26. Swami’s school broke up at (स्वामी के विद्यालय में छुट्टी हुई बजे ।)

  1. 5.30 pm
  2. 4 Pm
  3. 4.30 pm
  4. 3.30 pm

Answer: 3. 4.30 pm

Wbbse Class 10 English Solution

Question 27. According to swami, while examining home lessons, samuel got most-( के अनुसार गृह कार्य जाँचते समय सैम्युएल सर्वाधिक होते थे ।)

  1. Cool
  2. Impressed
  3. Angry
  4. Patient

Answer: 3. Angry.

Question 28. The headmaster was on a leave for one-

  1. Week
  2. Year
  3. Month
  4. Day

Answer: 1. Week.

Question 29. Samuel said that he wanted –

  1. More father’s like him
  2. More girls like him
  3. More boys like him
  4. More parents like him.

Answer: 4. More parents like him

Question 30. The headmaster’s room was

  1. Locked
  2. Filled with visitors
  3. Being cleaned
  4. Open

Answer: 1. Locked.

Question 31. Swami came to know that the headmaster had gone on a week’s leave from – (स्वामी ने ……… से जाना कि प्रधानाध्यापक एक सप्ताह की छुट्टी पर गये थे ।)

  1. The night guard
  2. Other students
  3. Samuel
  4. The peon

Answer: 4. The peon.

Question 32. Swaminathan went to school with his homework. गृहकार्य के साथ।)

  1. Half-done
  2. Undone
  3. Done
  4. Lost

Answer: 2. Undone.

Question 33. “Oh, you poor man !” – Here poor man meAnswer: ( poor man..

  1. A wretched man
  2. An unfortunate man
  3. An unintelligent man
  4. A beggar

Answer: 2. An unfortunate man.

34. That swami could not deliver the letter was known to

  1. Samuel
  2. His father
  3. His mother
  4. The headmaster

Answer: 2. His father.

Question 35. Swaminathan’s father snatched away from swami –

  1. The letter
  2. His water bottle
  3. His school bag
  4. His pen

Answer: 1. The letter.

Question 36. Swami picked up his books and ran

  1. Ran to his mother
  2. To the playground
  3. Ran straight to his home
  4. To the headmaster’s room

Answer: 4. To the headmaster’s room.

Question 37. Swami’s father told swami not to come to him again if – (aft को कहा कि वह दोबारा उनके पास नहीं आए यदि ……..)

  1. Samuel appeared gentle
  2. The headmaster comes back
  3. Swami has a headache
  4. Samuel scolds again

Answer: 4. Samuel scolds again.

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Question 38. According to swami’s father, swami deserved –

  1. His Samuel
  2. Punishment
  3. Samuel
  4. Scolding from Samuel

Answer: 1. His Samuel.

Question 39. Father finally –

  1. Talked to Samuel
  2. Wrote the letter again
  3. Tore up the letter
  4. Went to the headmaster himself

Answer: 3. Tore up the letter.

2. State Whether The Following Statements Are True Or False. Provide Sentences/ Phrases/Words In Support Of Your Answer:

Question 1. Swami was in time in his school. (स्वामी अपने विद्यालय में सही समय पर पहुँच गया ।)
Supporting statement: “you are half an hour late,” Samuel said.
Answer: False

Question 2. Samuel praised swami’s parents.
Supporting statement: “Your father is quite right. We want more parents like him.”
Answer: True

Question 3. Samuel was never angry checking the homework of his students. (अपने विद्यार्थियों का गृहकार्य जाँचते समय सैम्युअल कभी क्रोधित नहीं होते थे।)(सैम्युअल ने स्वामी के माता-पिता की प्रशंसा की।)
Supporting statement: To Swami’s thinking, this was the time when Samuel got most angry.
Answer: False

Question 4. Swaminathan informed the teacher that he had done his homework (स्वामीनाथन ने शिक्षक को बताया कि उसने गृहकार्य कर लिया था । )
Supporting statement: “I have not done my homework, sir”, Swami said.
Answer: False

Question 5. Swaminathan’s father kept the letter in his custody.(स्वामीनाथन के पिता ने पत्र को अपने सरंक्षण में रखा।)
Supporting statement: Father snatched the letter away from Swami and tore it up.
Answer: True

Question 6. Swami thought that he would deliver the letter at the end of samuel’s class. (स्वामी ने सोचा कि वह सैम्युअल की कक्षा के अंत में पत्र दे देगा।)
Supporting statement: He would deliver the letter to the headmaster at the end of the day.
Answer: False

Question 7. Samuel wanted more parents like that of swami’s (सैम्युअल स्वामी के पिता की तरह और भी माता-पिता चाहते थे।)
Supporting statement: We want more parents like him.
Answer: True

Question 8. Swami decided to deliver the letter at the start of the class. (शुरूआत में ही पत्र देने का फैसला किया।)
Supporting statements: “He would deliver the letter to the headmaster at the end of day.”
Answer: False

Question 9. Samuel was teaching English in class. (सैम्युएल वर्ग में अंग्रेजी पढ़ा रहे थे ।)
Supporting statement: “Samuel was teaching arithmetic.”
Answer: False

Question 10. As he entered his classroom an idea occurred to him. (3 प्रवेश किया, उसके मन में एक विचार आया।)
Supporting statement: “As he entered the school gate, an idea occurred to him”.
Answer: False

Question 11. To justify the letter Swami might do something.
Supporting statement: To justify the letter Samuel might do something.

Question 12. Swami entered the class on time.
Supporting statement: “You are half an hour late.”
Answer: False

Question 13. Swami expected that Samuel would scold him.उसे डाँटेंगे।)
Supporting statement: Swami hoped Samuel would scold him severely.
Answer: True

Question 14. Samuel wanted parents like Swami’s father. चाहते थे ।)
Supporting statement: “We want more parents like him.”
Answer: False

Question 15. Samuel’s question was not an unexpected one.
Supporting statement: “This was an unexpected question from Samuel.
Answer: False

Question 16. Samuel held Swami’s father in high आदर / सम्मान दिया । )
Supporting statement: “Your father is quite right. We want more parents like him.”
Answer: True

Question 17. Samuel used to get angry the most while inspecting home work. जाँचते समय बहुत क्रुद्ध होते थे ।)
Supporting statement: “This was the time when Samuel got most angry.”
Answer: True

Question 18. Swaminathan found the headmaster’s room open. (कक्ष खुला पाया ।)
Supporting statement: “He found the room locked.”
Answer: False

Question 19. The teacher was checking homework.
Supporting statement: The teacher was inspecting home lessons.
Answer: True

Question 20. Swaminathan had done his homework well. (स्वामीनाथन ने अपना कार्य अच्छी तरह कर लिया था ।)
Supporting statement: “I have not done my homework, Sir”.
Answer: False

Question 21. The bell for the last period rang at 4 pm. (अंतिम पीरियड की घंटी 4 बजे बजी ।)
Supporting statement: 4.30 pm.
Answer: False

Question 22. Swaminathan’s father tore the letter up in anger.
Supporting statement: “father snatched the letter away from Swami and tore it up.”
Answer: True

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3. Complete The Following Sentences With Information From The Text: पाठ्यांश की सूचना के आधार पर निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करें:-

Question 1. Swami was late to school by- (स्वामी को विद्यालय के लिए देर हुई थी – )
Answer: Half an hour.

Question 2. “Then why did you come at all? The speaker is – (“तब तुम आए ही क्यों ? ” वक्ता हैं -)
Answer: Samuel

Question 3. Standing at the entrance to his class swami saw samuel (अपनी कक्षा के प्रवेश द्वार पर खड़े होकर स्वामी ने देखा कि सैम्युअल)
Answer: Was teaching arithmetic. (अंकगणित पढ़ा रहे थे।)

Question 4. Swami said he had not done his homework. because – (स्वामी ने कहा कि उसने अपना गृहकार्य नहीं किया था क्योंकि – )
Answer: he had a headache (उसे सिरदर्द था)।

Question 5. Samuel was teaching- (सैम्युअल ……….. पढ़ा रहे थे ।)
Answer: arithmetic (अंकगणित)।

Question 6. An idea occurred to swami, – (स्वामी के मन में विचार आया – )
Answer: As he entered the school gate. ( ज्योंहि उसने विद्यालय के फाटक से प्रवेश किया।)

Question 7. The teacher was examining. (शिक्षक जाँच कर रहे थे । )
Answer: Homework (गृहकार्य ) ।

Question 8. The teacher was inspecting the ( शिक्षक
Answer: Homework (गृहकार्य ) ।

Question 9. The peon told swami that the headmaster had- (चपरासी ने स्वामी को बताया कि प्रधानाध्यापक महोदय – )
Answer: gone on a week’s leave. (एक सप्ताह की छुट्टी पर गये थे ।)

Question 10. The father ……….. from swami and tore it up. (पिताजी ने स्वामी से एवं इसे फाड़ दिया।)
Answer: Snatched the letter away (पत्र छीन लिया)।

Question 11. The unexpected question from samuel was – (सैम्युअल की ओर से पूछा गया अप्रत्याशित प्रश्न था – ). जाँच रहे थे ।)
Answer: “Then why did you come at all”. (‘तब तुम आए ही क्यों?” )

Question 12. As he entered the gate…….. idea occurred to him. He would deliver the letter to the headmaster…..the end ……the day.
Answer: an, at, of.

Question 13. There was chance Samuel might do something – (यह सम्भावना थी कि सैम्युएल कुछ कर सकते थे – )
Answer: during the course of the day to justify the letter. (दिनभर में पत्र को समायोजित करने के लिए)

Question 14. Swami expected that (स्वामी ने आशा किया कि – )
Answer: Samuel would scold him severly. (सैम्युएल उसे बहुत डाँटेगे।)

Question 15. To his class Swami stood (अपनी कक्षा के सामने स्वामी खरा था – )
Answer: at the entrance. (प्रवेशद्वार पर ।)

Question 16. Swami told Samuel that his (Swami’s) father said – ( स्वामी ने सैम्युएल को बताया कि उसके पिताजी ने कहा कि -)
Answer: Swami should not miss

Question 17. Samuel did not know that (सैम्युएल नहीं जानता था कि – )
Answer: Swami’s father had done to school. (स्वामी को विद्यालय जाने से नहीं चूकना चाहिए।)him. (स्वामी के पिता ने उनका क्या किया था।)

Question 18. Samuel was inspecting – (सैम्युएल जाँच रहे थे – )
Answer: Home lesson- (गृह कार्य )

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Question 19. Swami had never met (स्वामी कभी नहीं मिला था – )
Answer: Anyone as good as Samuel

Question 20. On that day Samuel looked (उस दिन सैम्युएल प्रतीत हुए -)
Answer: very gentle. (बहुत भद्र (विनम्र) (सैम्युल के जैसे अच्छे किसी व्यक्ति से।)

Question 21. Swami picked up his books when (स्वामी ने अपनी पुस्तकें उठायी)
Answer: for the last period at 4.30 (जब 4.30 बजे अंतिम पीरियड की घंटी बजी।)

Question 22. The peon told Swami (चपरासी ने स्वामी को बताया – )
Answer: the headmaster was on leave. (कि प्रधानाध्यापक महोदय छुट्टी पर थे ।)

Question 23. Samuel wanted – (सैम्युएल …….. चाहते थे ।)
Answer: more parents like Swami’s father- (स्वामी के पिता के जैसे और अधिक अभिभावक )

Question 24. Taking away the letter father- (पिताजी ने पत्र लेकर)
Answer: tore it up. (फाड़ दिया।)

4. Answer The Following Questions :

Question 1. When did an idea occur to Swami ? (स्वामी के मन में कब एक विचार आया? )
Answer: An idea occured to Swami when he entered the school gate.(स्वामी के मन में एक विचार तब आया, जब उसने विद्यालय में प्रवेश किया।)

Question 2. When did Swami decide to deliver the letter to the headmaster ? (स्वामी ने प्रधानाध्यापक को कब पत्र देने का निर्णय लिया?
Answer: Swami decided to deliver the letter to the headmaster at the end of the last period. (स्वामी ने अंतिम पीरियड की समाप्ति पर प्रधानाध्यापक को पत्र देने का निर्णय लिया।)

Question 3. What subject did Samuel teach in school ? (सैम्युएल विद्यालय में कौन-सा विषय पढ़ाते थे ? )
Answer: Samuel taught arithmatic in school. (सैम्युएल विद्यालय में अंकगणित पढ़ाते थे।)

Question 4. Standing before the class, what did Swami hope ? (वर्गकक्ष के सामने खड़े होकर स्वामी ने क्या आशा किया।)
Answer: Swami hoped that he would be severely rebuked by the teacher, Samuel. (स्वामी ने आशा किया कि उसे उसके शिक्षक, सैम्युएल के द्वारा बहुत डाँटा जाएगा।)

Question 5. What did Samuel say looking at Swami ? (स्वामी को देखकर सैम्युएल ने क्या कहा ? )
Answer: Looking at Swami, Samuel said he was half an hour late. (स्वामी को देखकर सैम्युएल ने कहा कि वह आधा घंटा विलम्ब था ।)

Question 6. What did Swaminathan hope for ? (स्वामीनाथन ने क्या आशा किया?)
Answer: Swaminathan hoped that Samuel would scold him severely.स्वामीनाथन ने आशा किया कि सैम्युएल उसे बहुत डाँटेंगे।)

Question 7. What reason did Swami give for being late ? (स्वामी ने विलम्ब होने का क्या कारण बताया ? )
Answer: Swami showed headache as the reason for being late. (स्वामी ने विलम्ब होने का कारण सर दर्द बताया।)

Question 8. How did Swami sit down in his class ? (स्वामी अपनी कक्षा में कैसे बैठा था ? )
Answer: Swami sat down his class feeling sad. (स्वामी अपनी कक्षा में उदास बैठा था।)

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Question 9. What did the teacher want ? (शिक्षक क्या चाहते थे?)
Answer: The teacher, Samuel, told Swami that he wanted more parents like his father. (शिक्षक, सैम्युएल ने स्वामी को कहा कि वे उसके पिता के जैसे और अभिभावक चाहते थे।)

Question 10. Who wished Swami not to miss school ? (कौन चाहते थे कि स्वामी विद्यालय जाने से ना चूके ?)
Answer: Swami’s father wished Swami not to miss school. (स्वामी के पिताजी चाहते थे कि वह विद्यालय जाने से ना चूके।)

Question 11. When would Samuel get angry the most ? (सैम्युएल कब सर्वाधिक क्रोधित होते थे ? )
Answer: Samuel would get angry the most at the time of checking home lessons. (सैम्युएल गृह कार्य की जाँच करते समय सर्वाधिक क्रोधित होते थे ।)

Question 12. How did Samuel appear on Monday ? (सैम्युएल सोमवार को कैसा प्रतीक होते थे ? )
Answer: On Monday Samuel appeared very gentle. (सैम्युएल सोमवार को बहुत विनम्र प्रतीत हुए थे ।)

Question 13. Why had not Swaminathan done his home work ? (स्वामीनाथन ने अपना गृह कार्य क्यों नहीं किया था ? )
Answer: Swaminathan had not done his home work because he had a headache. (स्वामीनाथन ने अपना गृह कार्य नहीं किया था क्योंकि उसके सर में दर्द था ।)

Question 14. What did Swami do when the bell rang for the last period ? (जब अंतिम पीरियड की घंटी बजी तो स्वामी ने क्या किया?)
Answer: When the bell rang for the last period Swami picked up his books and ran to the headmaster’s room.(जब अंतिम पीरियड की घंटी बजी तो स्वामी ने अपनी पुस्तकें उठाई और प्रधानाध्यापक के कक्ष की ओर दौड़ पड़ा।)

Question 15. In what condition did Swami find the headmaster’s room ? (स्वामी ने प्रधानाध्यापक के कक्ष को किस अवस्था में पाया ।
Answer: Swami found the headmaster’s room locked. (स्वामी ने प्रधानाध्यापक के कक्ष को ताला लगा हुआ पाया।)

Question 16. When was the last period over ? (अंतिम पीरियड कब समाप्त हुई ?)
Answer: The last period was over at 4.30 p.m.. (अंतिम पीरियड 4.30 बजे समाप्त हुआ।)

Question 17. What did the peon tell Swami ? (चपरासी ने स्वामी को क्या बताया ?)
Answer: The peon told Swami that the headmaster had gone on a week’s leave. (चपरासी ने स्वामी को कहा कि प्रधानाध्यापक एक सप्ताह की छुट्टी पर गए हैं।)

Question 18. How did Swami enter home in the afternoon ? (अपराह्न काल में स्वामी ने घर में कैसे प्रवेश किया ? )
Answer: In the afternoon, Swami entered home with the letter. (अपराह्न काल में स्वामी ने पत्र के साथ घर में प्रवेश किया।)

Question 19. Who snatched away the letter from swami?
Answer: Swami’s father snatched away the letter from Swami.

Question 20. What did father do with the letter?
Answer: Father snatched the letter away from Swami and tore it up.

Lesson – 1 Father’s Help Additional Textual Grammar Change Of Voice

Question 1. Mother generously suggested that Swami might stay at home.
Answer: It was generously suggested by their mother that Swami might stay at home.

Question 2. Have you written anything about our teacher Samuel?
Answer: Has anything been written about our teacher Samuel by you?

Question 3. Samuel was teaching arithmetic.
Answer: Arithmatic was being taught by Samuel.

Question 4. Give it to your headmaster.
Answer: Let it be given to your headmaster.

Question 5. Does he always scold the students?
Answer: Are the students always scolded by him?

Question 6. Swami picked up his books.
Answer: His books were picked by Swami.

Question 7. He found the room locked.
Answer: The room was found locked by him.

Question 8. Father snatched the letter away from swami.
Answer: The letter was snatched away from swami by their father.

Lesson – 1 Father’s Help Change Of Narration

Question 1. Mother generously said, “May Swami stay at home”.
Answer: Mother generously suggested that Swami might stay at home.

Question 2. Father asked him, “Have you no school today?”
Answer: Father asked him if he had no school that day.

Question 3. He said, “What is his name?”
Answer: He asked what his name was.

Question 4. Swami said, “What has he done, father?”
Answer: Swami asked their father what he had done.

Question 5. “I have not done my homework, Sir,” Swami said.
Answer: Swami said that he had not done his homework.

Question 6. Swami said, “I cannot go so late to the class.”
Answer: Swami said that he could not go so late to the class.

Question 7. “You are half an hour late,” Samuel said.
Answer: Samuel said that he was half an hour late.

Question 8. Father said, “Does he always scold the students?”
Answer: Father asked if he always scolded the students.

Question 9. “All right, Sit down”, Samuel said.
Answer: Samuel accepted it and told him to sit down.

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Question10. Father said, “I knew you wouldn’t deliver it.”
Answer: Father said that he had known wouldn’t deliver it.

Question 11. Father said to the swami, “Have you no school today?”
Answer: Father asked swami if he had no school today.

Question 12. Father said, “Why were you so late? Give me the reason.”
Answer: Father asked swami why he had been so late and told him to give him the reason.

Question 13. “What have you written, Father ?” Swami asked apprehensively.
Answer: Swami asked his father apprehensively what he had written.

Question 14. You are half an hour late, ‘Samuel said.
Answer: Samuel told him that he was half an hour late.

Lesson – 1 Father’s Help Transformation Of Sentence

Question 1. He hoped he didn’t have to go to school. (Use ‘hoped’ as a Noun)
Answer: It was his hope that he didn’t have to go to school.

Question 2. Samuel appeared very gentle. (Use Adverb of ‘appeared’)
Answer: Samuel was apparently very gentle.

Question 3. He could not decide. (Use Noun form of deciding)
Answer: He could not come to a decision.

Question 4. As soon as he entered home. (Use the Noun form of ‘entered’)
Answer: As soon as he made his entrance into the home.

Question 5. The headmaster is not leaving. (Turn into a Negative sentence)
Answer: The headmaster is not on duty.

Question 6. He had never met as good as Samuel. (Change the degree)
Answer: He had never met anyone better than Samuel.

Question 7. You are half an hour late. (Turn into a compound sentence)
Answer: You are late and it is for half an hour.

Question 8. He was the worthy boy on earth. (Change the degree)
Answer: No other boy on earth was as bad as he.

Question 9. Give it to your headmaster. (Turn into an assertive sentence)
Answer: You are told to give it to your headmaster.

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Question 10. He is a very angry man. (Turn into an Exclamatory sentence)
Answer: What an angry man he is!

Question 11. He was the worst boy on earth (turn into positive degree)
Answer: No other boy on earth was as bad as he.

Choose The Correct Alternative To Complete The Following Sentences:

Question Swami went to school…………….. (feeling/felt/was feeling) that he was the worst boy on earth. His conscience……………….. (brother/bothered/had bothered) him. He was not all sure if his description of Samuel…………….. (was/had been/has been) accurate.
Answer: feeling, bothered, had been.